#danbert if you squint like really hard
mushyfart · 14 days
I still don't know how to do those reblog post things properly but we up I think
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@zombie-hip-hop thank you on my life heart and soul for this idea (and for getting rid of my art block temporarily)
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godlizzza · 2 years
prompt: teen danbert, herbert attending one of dan's baseball games, maybe celebrating a win for his team
It was a hard game to balance for Dan. On one hand, he was poised and ready, the solid wood of the bat gripped in his hands. He squinted against the glaring sun streaming directly into his eyes at the shape of the pitcher, equally poised, before him. Dan kept his eyes trained on the ball gripped in the Fansville player's hand, knowing that if he lost focus even for a second the guy would pelt a fast ball right by his ear.
However, Dan was finding it hard to focus because, on the other hand, he knew Herbert was in the crowd.
For a while Dan had been casually dropping it into conversation that he was sure Herbert would enjoy Baseball if he ever actually sat down and watched a game. He said how all the other guys' girlfriends had been lukewarm to the sport too, but still found the will to sit in the bleachers and cheer. He tried to keep his tone nonchalant as he said it, but keenly watched for Herbert's reaction out of the corner of his eye.
"Sounds tedious," was all Herbert had said around a mouthful of celery as he read his book.
The words deflated Dan and by the sharp look Herbert turned on him it must've shown.
"It's really not," Dan mumbled, crossing his arms and feeling suddenly self-conscious.
Herbert snapped his book shut and narrowed his eyes at Dan. "You're doing that thing again."
Dan sat up straighter, mind racing. "What thing?"
"That thing where you want me to do something without just coming out and telling me," Herbert huffed. "It's really annoying. Some might even say vexing."
"Vexing," Dan echoed, trying in vain to fight back a smile. He couldn't help that Herbert's particular brand of talking always had him grinning. "Well, we can't have you getting vexed."
Herbert pursed his lips and raised an eyebrow. "We're halfway there, so why don't you just tell me what you want?"
"Fine," Dan said with a sigh. "I want you to come to one of my games."
Herbert blinked, looking genuinely perplexed. "Why?"
"Because," Dan said with an incredulous laugh, "I want you to watch me. It'd just be nice, knowing you're there. Having an audience always makes you try harder at something."
"You'll already have an audience," Herbert reasoned. "Aren't there always crowds at those games?"
Dan rolled his eyes and shuffled over until their knees touched. He reached for Herbert's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Yeah, but I'm saying I want you there, not just random people from school and their families. I wanna be able to look over to the crowd and see you."
"As if you don't see me enough," Herbert grumbled. He glanced away but his cheeks were dusted with pink.
Dan grinned and threw an arm around Herbert. He drew him close until their cheeks were squished together, and Herbert was weakly pushing at him but Dan didn't budge.
"I could never see enough of you," Dan said in a simpering voice, then pressed a long, loud kiss to Herbert's cheek.
So, Herbert had come, and it was taking everything for Dan to concentrate on the pitcher in front of him. The pitcher reared his arm back and Dan gripped the bat tighter, digging his feet into the dirt. The ball came hard at Dan, soaring straight for the mitt behind him. Dan's arms tensed and then he was swinging, connecting with the ball with a crack like a clap of thunder. The ball soared across the pitch, Fansville players racing to catch it as Dan ran.
He pelted from the home plate, his heels kicking up clouds of dirt as he flew past first base. He could hear the roar of the crowd over the blood pounding in his ears, the cheers surging him on, making him pump his legs faster. He rounded second base, keeping his ears open for the voices of his teammates and the opposition. The ball was out on the grass somewhere, making its way from the glove of an opponent, back to home, and Dan had to beat it.
The toe of his shoe hit third base and he briefly pondered if he should go for it and try for a home run, but he hesitated. He knew his hit had been good, but he wasn't sure if it had been that good. But still, he was tempted. Tempted to put on a show and do something dazzling while Herbert was watching. It might have been childish, but he wanted to impress him.
It was the thought of Herbert however, that made him stop and stay at third base. If he didn't make it, Herbert would roll his eyes and make some comment about Dan being over-eager or something. A moment later, the ball flew past him, and would've definitely hit the home plate before him, had he chosen to keep running. He breathed a sigh of relief and looked to the crowd.
Herbert stared back at him, shoulders bunched up around his ears as he sat, squished between two people cheering loudly. Herbert squirmed in his seat, aiming a dirty look at either side of him at the two jostling figures, but then he was staring back at Dan. He held his hand up, lifting the foam finger Dan had given him and bouncing it slightly. Dan laughed at this display of 'enthusiasm', but grinned happily anyway.
He wanted desperately to jog over to the bleachers, lean over the rail, and kiss Herbert the same way all the other guys kissed their girlfriends at the end of the game. But he couldn't exactly do that, so instead he settled on blowing him a kiss. Herbert rolled his eyes but held up his free hand and mimed catching it.
Dan couldn't wait to see him after the game, even if they couldn't kiss over the fence.
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