wheeinxxx · 4 years
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Know we on the same page We can keep it grindin’ on a slow pace
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wheeinxxx · 4 years
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wheeinxxx · 4 years
wheein vlives
Bored Wheein
Bored Wheein 2
부담이돼 일위기념♥
갑작스레 찾아온 심휘방송~😂
1위기념 심휘방송 😂 🎉🎊
나랑 놀아줄 무무구함😅 
심휘랑 놀자 (feat.즉흥변신)
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wheeinxxx · 5 years
MMMTV Season 6 [ENG SUB]
English Subs by MOOMOO SUBS and Mamamoo TV
SEASON 1 || SEASON 2  || SEASON 3  || SEASON 4  || SEASON 5 
191122 MMMTV6 EP1 - 2nd Universe MAMAMOO?
191129 MMMTV6 EP2 - 3rd Universe MAMAMOO?
191203 MMMTV6 EP3 - 4th Universe MAMAMOO?
191206 MMMTV6 EP4 - 1st Universe MAMAMOO!
191213 MMMTV6 EP5 - reality in BLACK D-DAY
191115 [Special] 'HIP' Choreography Practice Film #1
191116 [Special] 'HIP' Choreography Practice Film #2
191117 [Special] 'HIP' Choreography Practice Film #3
191203 [Special] 'HIP' Casual Outfit Choreography Video Singalong Ver.
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wheeinxxx · 5 years
MMMTV Season 5 [ENG SUB]
English Subs by MOOMOO SUBS and Mamamoo TV
190627 MMMTV5 Episode 1 - Hello Singapore
190703 MMMTV5 Episode 2 - Moomoojeon: Come here~ Chapter 1
190713 MMMTV5 Episode 3 - Moomoojeon: Come here~ Chapter 2
190719 MMMTV5 Episode 4 - 4season F/W in TAIWAN D-1
190726 MMMTV5 Episode 5 - 4season F/W in TAIWAN D-DAY 1
190802 MMMTV5 Episode 6 - 4season F/W in TAIWAN D-DAY 2
190823 MMMTV5 Episode 7 - Moomoojeon: Come here~I Chapter 3
190828 MMMTV5 Episode 8 - LET'S GO DAEGU part.1
190902 MMMTV5 Episode 8.1 - LET'S GO DAEGU part.2
190909 MMMTV5 Episode 9 - LET'S GO DAEGU part.3
190925 MMMTV5 Episode 10 - LET'S GO DAEGU part.4
191009 MMMTV5 Episode 11 - Last Four Seasons in Hong Kong [Part 1]
191018 MMMTV5 Episode 12 - Last Four Seasons in Hong Kong [Part 2]
191025 MMMTV5 Episode 13 - Last Four Seasons in Hong Kong [Part 3]
190716 [Special] 2019 MAMAMOO FAN MEETING VCR - QUIZ
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wheeinxxx · 5 years
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Wheein: 3rd Universe
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wheeinxxx · 5 years
“And we stand at the opposite ends of the stage, pretending we never shared love on those autumn nights.“
best wheetae fic :((((
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wheeinxxx · 5 years
wheein ang harot
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today’s wheetae for spacetaes
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wheeinxxx · 5 years
A Night With The Boys
word count: 2.3k
warnings: implied smut, pervy!jungkook
pairings: wheetae, hwamin
“Who are you texting?” Wheein asked, coming out from the bathroom. This was how Hyejin knew she was bored out of her mind since this was about the tenth time she’d asked in the last four minutes.
Hyejin looked up from her phone and smiled. “Huh? It’s just Jimin. He keeps whining about how bored he is.” Her acrylics tapped on her phone screen quickly, creating a clicking sound that she had fallen accustomed to.
“That makes two of us,” Wheein sighed, hopping into the couch with Hyejin, laying her head onto her best friend’s lap. “Please let us do something today.” She pulled out her phone then suddenly gasped as an idea popped into her head. “We should have a sleepover!”
“Moonbyul and Yongsun already planned to go out with the others already. I’m sure they wouldn’t like to switch up their plans just now,” Hyejin replied, looking down at Wheein whose eyes were still excited despite what she just said.
“I meant with the boys! It’s been a while since we’ve had them over. And the last time we did it was supposed to be a dinner but then…” Wheein trailed off pointedly.
Hyejin immediately caught on, her face blushing at the comment. “It was an accident! We just…wanted to…get to know each other better.”
“I don’t think Jimin putting his tongue—”
“So a sleepover!” Hyejin interjected, slapping a hand over Wheein’s mouth. “Who are the invitees?”
“Your man, Tae, and just invite Jungkook since he’d tag along anyways.” Wheein sat up and tucked her legs under her body. “We have enough snacks right?”
“For me and you, yes. Not for those three grown men coming over. Those appetites are monstrous.” Hyejin reminisced the dinner party, shuddering at the thought.
“Okay so I’ll get snacks and drinks and you make sure to get the times settled and stuff.” Wheein jumped up from the couch, zipping up her jacket and slipping on her sneakers. “This is going to be so much fun,” she giggles before grabbing her keys and rushing out the apartment.
“Yeah right,” Hyejin mumbled, adding the three boys into a groupchat on her phone, “she’s only saying that because she gets to see her little boyfriend again.” Yet Hyejin couldn’t help but feel a little joyful herself.
About two hours later, Wheein came back to Hyejin’s apartment with her arms full of groceries. She set them on the countertop with a huff unzipping her jacket and throwing it on a chair. Hyejin had moved the table from the middle of the living room to the side and set out a bundle of blankets and pillows.
Right after Wheein set out the snacks and drinks, Hyejin came out of her room with a full set of pajamas on, throwing another set at Wheein.
“They’ll be here in like five minutes. Taehyung said he’s bringing his laptop so we can hook it up and watch some movies,” Hyejin said while tying her hair into a high ponytail.
“It’s not like you’ll be watching away,” Wheein teased, setting down another bottle of juice. A stinging pain lingered on her butt where Hyejin’s angry hand had just been.
“Ouch!” Wheein turned to Hyejin and glared at her heatedly. “I’m just telling the truth!”
“You watch yourself tonight before I embarrass you in front of Taehyung.”
Wheein rolled her eyes, stealing a chip from the bowl. “We’re only friends unlike you and Jimin who—if I remember correctly—had you half naked in your room not too long.” She purposely munched on a chip right in front of Hyejin’s face before marching off and changing.
Hyejin crossed her arms and looked down at the floor. “Stop bringing that up or I swear!” She huffed and sat crisscross on the floor unfolding each of the thick blankets.
There were three rhythmic knocks on the door when Wheein finally had changed into her sleepwear. Hyejin stood up from the floor and sauntered over to the door, checking the peephole before unlocking the door and opening it slowly.
“Noona!” Jungkook came crashing into Hyejin’s arms, embracing her with all his might. He smelled moderately of cologne and had a simple grey t-shirt accompanying his black shorts. Hyejin choked a laugh, patting his muscly back just as he let go. “It’s been a while huh. Ya know every since the dinner party and stuff.”
“Nice to see you too kid.” Hyejin messed his hair knocking him to the side to greet to older men behind him.
“Jinnie!” Tae exclaimed, enveloping her into a hug just as Jungkook had done before.
Hyejin laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck, hugging him back. “I’ve missed my shopping buddy.”
“Well we have a few days off. If you do too, we can take a little trip down to the District,” Taehyung smiled happily once Hyejin nodded, agreeing to his plans.
Noticing Wheein behind, struggling with Jungkook, he walked over to her and pulled Jungkook away, circling his arms around her petite waist and bringing her close enough for her to feel his body warmth, as well as every dip and curve under the flimsy shirt he wore.
“I’ve missed you,” Taehyung whispered into Wheein’s neck, his lips brushing lightly along with each word he spoke. Wheein ducked away, giggling, her hands on his biceps trying to push him away.
“Stop Tae, they’ll see.” Wheein barely got him to budge as he pouted, bringing her closer.
“What? You don’t miss me?” Taehyung whispered jokingly, his hands slipping dangerously down Wheein’s back.
“Tae!” Wheein accidentally squeaked a little too loudly, making the other three turn to them. She hurriedly slipped from his hold and chuckled nervously. “Have some snacks!” She gestured towards the food on the counter. There, Taehyung had come up behind her, trapping her between the granite and his body.
“What if I have something else in mind?” Taehyung asked, strategically placing his face near Wheein’s. “Something much more to my liking.” The innuendo seeped through Wheein’s mind quickly, heat rushing to her cheeks.
Jungkook popped up next to them, grabbing a bowl of chips and a bottle of juice. “Are you guys done flirting? I have this scary movie I’ve been dying to watch with my girls.”
Wheein removed Taehyung’s arms from around her and followed Jungkook to the couch.
“We weren’t flirting and I don’t like scary movies that much. You know that Jungkook.” Wheein frowned, sitting down on the fluffy blankets that were laid out.
“Ah me neither Jungkook,” Hyejin pointed out. After an awkward greeting with Jimin, they both had sat down a respectful distant from each other though Jimin was trying his best to get closer without making it obvious.
Ever since the dinner party there had been some kind of unspoken tension between the two. Jimin had tried his best to bring it up in their conversations, but Hyejin dodged them with quickness, changing the topic abruptly.
“Well that’s too bad,” Jungkook mocked Hyejin’s voice, “my laptop, my choice.”
“I brought my laptop though, didn’t I?” Taehyung said, walking to where the bundles of blankets were.
“Then why did I just log in with my password?” Jungkook rose an eyebrow waiting for the rebuttal, but all Taehyung did was shrug and cuddle up to Wheein.
Hyejin leaned closer to Wheein and jokingly whispered, “Just friends huh?”
“Fuck off,” Wheein sneered, “I hope you can actually keep your clothes on the whole night this time.”
“Okay! I found it!” Jungkook kneeled next to the television and connected the cord to the laptop, clicking play when it showed up on the flat screen.
The dark ominous music already had Wheein pulling the covers up to her face. Taehyung chuckled and pulled her closer until she was laying on his chest comfortably.
Jimin watched the two with envy, looking at the distance between him and Hyejin with distaste. She had her knees up against her chest, her feet laying on top of the other for warmth. Jimin noticed and grabbed a blanket, covering both of them.
“Thank you,” Hyejin mumbled, her eyes glancing briefly at Jimin then back at the movie.
“No problem.” Jimin gulped and dragged his body closer bit by bit.
Hyejin noticed but didn’t object, accepting that she would jump next to him in the long run. She felt his arm creep around her shoulder and his body move, his thigh touching hers.
The sudden loudness of the music form the movie made the two women cringe, burrowing themselves closer to the mean beside them, leaving Jungkook cold and lonely in the middle, chomping down on the chips.
“What is actually wrong with you Jungkook? This is what you watch on your free time?” Wheein asked, covering her face with the blanket.
“Well this and watching—”
“I’m gonna have to stop you there buddy,” Wheein laughed smacking his arm.
By the end of the movie, Taehyung found himself nearly cradling Wheein, Jungkook—surprisingly—had Hyejin huddled up against him while Jimin had eyes the two jealously throughout the whole movie.
“Ah my hair is bothering me,” Wheein announced as the credits rolled in. “Excuse me while I go get a hair tie.”
“I’ll go get one, I need to grab my phone charger anyways.” Hyejin removed herself from the covers, stepping carefully over them. She entered her room, not bothering to turn on the lights since she already knew how easily she could find the two objects. She grabbed the hair tie, sliding it onto her wrists, shuffling to the side to unplug the charger.
“Hyejin.” A voice sounded out gruffly from behind her, her body straightening out immediately at the noise.
“Jimin what are you doing?” Hyejin heaved, turning around to face him. He towers only a few inches above her, his aura dominating the space around them. “Did you need anything.”
His piercing stare had Hyejin backing up, her back meeting the wall at an unfortunate circumstance.
“Yes and no,” Jimin’s voice had dropped an octave, shocking Hyejin completely. “That night at the dinner party, if Wheein hadn’t found us…” he trailed off, his body standing right in front of hers. “…would you have let me continue?”
Jimin snuck his hand around Hyejin’s waist, pulling her lower body into his, a gasp escaping from her lips, knowing he remembered that night very well.
“What,” he tightened his clutch on her waist, his head lowered to her neck, his lips planting small kisses, “would you have done?”
Hyejin let out a small whine, her hands clutching the collar of his shirt. “Jimin, the others—”
“Can hear us I don’t care. Tonight I’m finishing what we started.” Jimin gripped the back of Hyejin’s thigh, hooking it around his as he pushed her against the wall, a small thud emitting.
“Jimin! Be quiet,” Hyejin said in a hushed voice.
Outside the door, three ears were pressed up against it, listening intently.
“They’re totally going to fuck,” Jungkook said a little too loudly.
Wheein smacked his back, walking towards the snacks. Just as she was about to grab a drink, Taehyung walked up next to her with a mischievous smile.
“Wheein didn’t you say you had something  wrong with your desk? You can show it to me now if you want,” Taehyung hummed, grabbing Wheein’s free hand in his giant ones.
“Nope.” Wheein slipped her hand from Taehyung’s, a pout forming on his face. “If you’re just going to try and get my pants off, I’m sitting next to Jungkook for this movie.”
“I like the sound of that,” Jungkook drawled from the couch.
“Hands to yourself,” Wheein warned. She sat back down on the floor, bunching up the blanket between her and Taehyung. Jungkook mindlessly browsed the movie section on his laptop clicking through the movie title until he heard Wheein scream out frantically pointing at the movie Jungkook had the mouse on.
“That one!” she exclaimed.
Jungkook’s face scrunched in disgust. “A romantic comedy? How typical for—”
The bedroom door suddenly opened, Hyejin strolling out, her black hair down and mussed. She had a small smile on her face even though the tips of her ears were reddening with embarrassment. Slowly sipping on a cup of juice, she settled down next to Wheein, as silent as could be.
As if she hadn’t just finished fucking a close friend in her bedroom just five minutes ago.
“Um where’s Jimin?” Taehyung questioned, searching behind Hyejin for his best friend.
“Sleeping,” Hyejin answered, licking her lips to rid them of the sticky juice.
“Wow noona, I didn’t know you had it like that. That pussy—”
“Don’t finish that sentence or I will hurt you,” Hyejin threatened, throwing a pillow at Jungkook. “Just put on the movie already.”
Jungkook followed orders, clicking the movie Wheein had suggested earlier, falling his way into Hyejin’s lap on his way back to the blankets. He grabbed her hand, settling it into his ruffled hair, gesturing for her to run her hands through.  Almost two minutes later, the boy’s eyes began to flutter, urging to put himself to sleep.
Taehyung was heavily immersed in the movie, following the actor’s every action with a small gasp here and there.
“You are totally going to tell me everything later,” Wheein whispered into Hyejin’s ear harshly.
“You just covered my ear with your spit and of course I will, just wait until the boys leave.” Hyejin nudged Wheein lightly, leaning over Jungkook’s face to see if he was still asleep. There was a 99.9% chance he wasn’t and wanted to just listen in on any potential conversation, but she wanted to believe with that .1% that he was. Hyejin blew out a big breath, bringing her attention to the big screen.
So much for a peaceful sleepover.
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wheeinxxx · 5 years
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how can anyone be straight when jung wheein exists
205 notes · View notes
wheeinxxx · 5 years
(ig) daesun_moomoo: daesun x mamamoo cf 2 making bts
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wheeinxxx · 5 years
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korea polytechnic university festival ♡ 190925 © viento (no rules stated)
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wheeinxxx · 5 years
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wheein :: gogobebe (190316)
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wheeinxxx · 5 years
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mamamoo - four season four color
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wheeinxxx · 5 years
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twit 2nd win / gogobebe 1st win
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wheeinxxx · 5 years
[Tutorial] How to Join Mamamoo Official Fancafe 2019
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wheeinxxx · 5 years
SECRET UNNIE - Hyoyeon and Wheein [Eng Sub]
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4 
Episode 5 
Episode 6
Unaired Cut
Episode 8
Episode 9 
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