#damn writer's block lol
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19spicykitty93 · 6 months ago
At last, chapter 18/the epilogue is up! 🙌 I got hit with a really bad case of writer's block after the last chapter, I got through it. lol Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy! 🫶
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ioniansunsets · 1 year ago
Alright but hear me out (hello btw how are you ?) kayn heartsteel have canonically been kicked out of his previous band ; imagine fem!reader (successful idol herself or civilian) comforting him and trying to help him push through it and get back on his feet to continue his music !
✖ Pre Heartsteel!Kayn Being Kicked Out ✖
✖ Word Count: 1.3k
✖ Tags: Established R/S, Idol!Reader
✖ A/N: You were a performer too and met him at a gig before either of you got famous! You two live together in this one, you’re a solo idol that practices at home so you can spend your days with him. These are headcanons! Whee!
-  It wrecked him. You two got together while he was in his old band, so it was an important memory to you both. As a solo artist, you understood the intricacies of being in the public eye but still, being kicked out? That was rough…something you personally could never experience. You did your best to comfort him.
- The first few days was the worst. Kayn was the perfect definition of bi-polar. Either his Rhaast ego was full blown, wild, and uninhibited. Man straight up was about to do crimes and was only stopped by you begging him not to make things worse for himself. (You caught him with a bag full of spray paint about to go wreck his old studio.) Or he was the trained Idol, Kayn. Rhaast entirely held back, the perfect definition of an average idol, obedient and reserved. Joining you in your dance and vocal practices in your home studio.
- Don’t even talk about the things he tweeted during that era, you had to run into his room and tell him to delete them minutes after posting. It was a bad time. If you were to ask Kayn now about those old tweets? He was on the very fence of, cocky pride on how he was a “badass” that “didn’t follow rules back then” or just overwhelming embarrassment for being young and dumb.
- There was a lot of work to be done over those first few days, you got the help of your own PR guys to try and get Kayn’s media presence looking better. You yourself doing your best to give him advice on performing, it wasn’t even that he was a bad artist, it was just…he had some strong ideals and just didn’t work well with his old band. It took months honestly but as always, drama died down and Kayn slowly got to live his life again.
- The saddest part of all this drama was that because you were an idol too it was hard to bring him out to comfort him. Paparazzi were hounding you both, media wanting to know what went down with Kayn and if you were seen beside him…gods who knew what the media would say about your career. You two barely left your house because you just couldn’t.
- So, all you could do was your best. Dragging him to game with you on the PC, buying new consoles to try new games with him (murdering things in game really helped him unsurprisingly), watching movies together at home (feel good films that actually make him cry), getting him to do weird shit like painting your shared room (you have a messy signature of his by the door), crocheting weird little animals (he made Rhaast!), hells you managed to get him to read a book (banned in various nations). It was…different. But it helped keep his mind off doing anything that would ruin his career more while satisfying his need to just be a creative.
- On one of those uneventful days, Kayn ordered a nice little delivery package and excitedly ran into your room. Holding the plastic bag up proud. “ Y/N. I’m going to change my image. Entirely. Can you help me. Like…Right. Fucking. Now.” You stare at him in confusion until he walked up to your table, and pulled 7 boxes of bleach and dye, dumping them on your table. “ I’m going to go hot pink.” You laugh, but oblige anyway. If it would cheer him up then you would spend the day helping him out.
- There was a lot of angry snuggling on boring evenings. Kayn would lie in bed in your arms ranting about his ideals, how he was meant for bigger, greater things, things no one else in the industry or his old band could comprehend. And you would hug him tight, supporting him as he complained, listening, agreeing where you can, giving him bigger and better ideals of grandeur. The both of you knew it wasn’t anything serious, but it really did help lighten his mood. “ I’ll really set the stage on fire next time just watch me.” “ I’ll bring the gasoline then.” “ For real! I will fucking bring fireworks and shit too. It’ll be sick as hell! Never seen before! I’ll wreck the stage!!!! Livestream that shit!!!” Such evenings would end with the both of you laughing. It was nice to see him happier again in those small moments. Sometimes you could even see a sneak of a soft smile creeping onto his face, his appreciation for you playing along and not stopping him.
- It took about a week before you felt it was right to get him to pick his guitar back up. Convincing him that the best way to get over the bad memories was to form new ones, the two of you sitting down to write a song. He really went HARD with the lyrics, it was a damn god rap at that but it was honestly a diss track at his old band and shall stay hidden in the files of your computer forever. You do secretly listen to it sometimes, it was raw as fuck, personally it helped YOU when you were angry and frustrated. Not that you would admit to him. It would only stroke his ego more.
- He only admitted it once. Once when you two were soaking in a hot bath together. Only Once did he tell you how much your support meant to him. Nice smells and colors from a bath bomb floating around you two. It was a slow morning, a few weeks after getting kicked out, right before he joined Heartsteel. You sat there, back against his chest as he rests his head on your shoulder. Relaxing in the tub. It was peaceful silence before he spoke up. “ Y/N…I’m going to join a new band.” You actually had to pause and turn to stare at him. Shocked. Asking him if he was sure, if he was ready, if he was comfortable to be performing with people again. You held his face, asking once more if this is what he wanted to do in his career, if he was going to give up on going solo like you. His hand rose to hold yours against his face as he spoke. “ Yeah, I talked to them a lot the past week and…they genuinely accept me and all my crazy ideas. They love Rhaast for who he is and I think I can work with this. I’m sure about this.” He laughs, putting your arm down as his hands wrap around you in a tight hug. Kayn moving his face down to your neck as he gives you a soft kiss, gentle, barely there as he whispers, not looking at you. “ I have to thank you for this by the way. For letting me Be Rhaast. For telling me time and time again to just be the Rockstar that I was meant to be. That my unique brand of rock was fine. I’ll remember this forever. Every time you see Rhaast on stage it’ll be thanks to you. Remember that.” And that was it. He never really showed his vulnerability about his old band ever again. The next day he joined Heartsteel, and it was great for him. Your own heart feeling warm and fuzzy seeing him laugh and have fun with new bandmates. And when you stand in the audience, seeing Rhaast rap some sick bars, you can’t help but smile. He was Your Rockstar.
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animelover20 · 8 months ago
Y'all why the fuck was I going back through my doffy wips after ages and realised that 4 months ago I blacked the fuck out one night at like 3am and wrote 5-6 paragraphs of the most descriptive, heart wrenching thing I've ever read.
genuinely reading the dialogue pulls at my heart strings(hehe strings anyway-) it's from doffys pov(atleast so far)which makes it a bit strange but holy shit you just get to peak into this man's thoughts in the best way.(It's so sweet too🥲)
I'd describe the story but I don't wanna spoil it. However I may not even post it because I doubt the rest of the story could compare to how poetic the beginning is.
I suck at writing beginnings(it holds me back a lot cause I know what's gonna happen but I can't get there.) but this is the most poetic shit and it actually makes sense,aside from a few very moments where I use the wrong word.
Btw I also have question regarding the end of that. I can't tell whether sleepy brain was correct or I'm correct. Sleepy me said a window was projecting light but shouldn't it be reflecting? Listen I know that's really dumb but google sucks.
I'm sorry for this big ol ramble out of nowhere lmao I just went back and reread my masterpiece and god it's great.
I'm really proud of it,even if I'm the only person to ever see it.
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revasserium · 2 years ago
Sorry to ask all of a sudden, but I've been having this thing where whenever I'd go to write, like I'd open the Google docs page and I'd get ready to write I freeze. I get this fear. Have you ever had that before?
don’t be sorry!!! i can’t stress enough how much i love talking to you guys <3 on anon and off!
hmmm i guess it depends on what you mean by “fear”? are you afraid of like the physical act of writing itself or afraid that you won’t write anything “good” or??? bc i’ve def had times (actually today is a p good example; i haven’t written in like 2 days ish, and i was scrolling thru all my fragments of writing and trying to figure out what to write cause i knew i WANTED to write, but i didn’t feel anything “grab” me) where i feel vaguely uninspired and like i know that if i do start writing, it’ll kinda be a slog and i prob won’t be happy w what i write that day anyways.
but those r the days that i really force myself to write. bc i know that i gotta push thru it, and that just the act of making myself write on the days i don’t want to or feel really “blocked” or uninspired will make me a better writer. and obviously, it doesn’t gotta be that srs for you haha. u don’t have to be good at something to enjoy doing it ! :) and never let anyone tell you otherwise.
but for me, i love writing and i like being able to look back and see my own progress as as writer.
so yeah, it can be scary sometimes, but what’s the worse than can happen? you write something and you don’t like it? so what? u write something that you like and someone else doesn’t? you could be the most delicious apple in the entire world and there’s gonna be some fucker out there being like ‘kay but i like oranges better’ lasldfkjsd
and literally some of my favorite one-liners come from pieces that i really wasn’t feeling in the beginning. and MOST of the time, even with the fics i post here, i’ll write the entire thing, and feel like i got in ONE good line. maybe two. u__u but i had to get through the entire rest of the fic to get to that one or two good lines.
in the immortal words of azumane asahi “just one point, i think we can get that” — so think of it like this, you just gotta put one word down, and then another one. one sentence, and then another one. and if you don’t like it, don’t worry about it right now. run with it. see where it goes. and if you really don’t like it at the end, don’t post it, delete it, print it out and burn it and scatter the ashes into the wind. but don’t let the fear of not being able to make something “good” stop you from just doing the thing. <;3
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spookymystery67 · 1 year ago
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Ew. I didn't even bother reading the whole thing but fuck these bots. Also, side note, the amount of emojis in that sentence between words was very irritating to get through. Blank accounts will be blocked! And any other account trying to be gross. Don't bother. Not chancing it. I wouldn't even know why anyone would start following me. I haven't written or done anything yet besides reblog.
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beast-of-bray-road · 1 month ago
How the hell did I forget Kremy canonically has a foot fetish-
The funniest joke in the whole of Witchlight is Richie deciding that Kremy had a foot fetish, single-handedly turning every single explicit fic for the most popular ship in the fandom into a lottery.
Literally if you click on any Kremy/Gideon fic there’s like a 40% chance it’s untagged foot stuff and you just have to sit there and be like. Well, it is canon, guess I should have expected this.
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nutelloona · 1 year ago
all the sketches I did tonight were cigarette themed, I guess the late night air really calls for some smoke huh
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anisespice · 3 months ago
Hey girl got a request,so like let’s say bonten is having a meeting with a new criminal organization gang that came in to come up with a deal,and while we are just sitting in the back looking at our new sparkly items Koko bought us,and the new criminal organization gang calls us out saying it’s disrespectful and rude calling us names..And bonten doesn’t like that one bit..So yeah I want them to react to that
hope it makes sense 😔😍🤺🤺
SAVE ME FROM MY WRITER'S BLOCK, ANON - HERE WE GO, NO MARIO. Hope you enjoy and thank you for requesting~!
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pairing: bonten x fem!reader
warnings: mature language, misogynistic undertones (from another gang), implied violence, guns mentioned, reader is criminally oblivious (love that for her), guard-dog!bonten supremacy, sanzu gets his own warning lol and i think that's it.
notes: yall. can you believe i actually wrote this in one sitting? without stopping?? wild concept for me, haven't been able to do that in a good minute *knock on wood*, but i hope you enjoy! more stuff coming soon ♡
tagged: @fantasycantasy , @spacegirl05, @neverlandlostchild , @darks-pet-shadow, @captaincyberqueen
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Upon the arrival of the recently developed organization, officially known as Kaiju, things already weren’t off to a great start. They were late, clocked at about twenty minutes past schedule. Excuses poured from them like a broken faucet, blaming their tardiness on traffic, which the members were willing to give the benefit of the doubt, some more than others. Then, they were unprepared. Scrambling about with their half-assed introduction mixed with a sloppily thrown together presentation, it was insulting at worst. 
Here they were, biggest in the game, offering an opportunity to help underground operatives make a name for themselves..and this is how they want to showcase their potential? Mikey waved it off when his number three voiced this flaw, merely chalking it up with inexperience–Everyone has to start somewhere, right? 
But. Finally came strike three. The one thing, the most damning thing they could’ve ever done to have mercy jump right out the window and straight to hell, was when one of their foolish members spoke ill of you. 
It was supposed to be taken as a joke, something controversial in a room amongst men, locker room talk if you would. Unfortunately for him and the rest of his team, Bonten didn’t see it that way. What was said wasn’t important, but the intent behind it was enough to make them hostile. And Kaiju would soon realize it too late despite no one laughing on that side of the room. If anything, the room grew colder. No matter who you looked at, venom consumed their gazes, a deathly aura building from their leader all the way to the advisors. The only reason no one reached for their gun, mowing them down in an array of bullets, was because you didn’t hear the disrespectful comment. 
All gazes shifted over to you briefly, sitting pretty in your little area they set up just for you. They liked having you close by, even during something so mundane as a meeting, watching you happily paint your nails or open up all the shiny new trinkets they bought you. Kaiju should count themselves lucky that you had headphones on, blissfully listening to music, not a care in the world.
And it was going to stay that way. 
By now, the dumbasses before them caught on to their grave error. Especially when Sanzu made a show of santuring over to you upon Mikey’s silent request, swiftly gathering you in his arms and carrying you to the head of the table. You squealed slightly in surprise, headphones slipping off your ears in the process as you held on to the pink-haired gangster, confused smile on your face. “Haru! You scared me!~” 
“Sorry, doll. Boss wants ya to sit right here.” Sanzu gently sets you down on your awaited throne, Mikey having made room by scooting his chair back, welcoming you with open arms. 
Still confused though not complaining, you merely shrugged before making yourself comfortable, snuggling more into the leader before putting your headphones back on. Mikey held you possessively, arms locked around you like a shield, placing a small kiss to your forehead. Message was sent; message soon received. 
Kaiju’s leader began blubbering out more excuses, reprimanding his subordinate in the same breath for saying such a thing about Bonten’s trophy wife–
Guns are drawn instantly and zeroed in on every last one of them. Stunned to horrified silence, as were his underlings, they all stood frozen in fear as they stared down multiple barrels in every angle. Koko scoffed, “You must got a death wish, huh?” 
“She’s no trophy, have some goddamn respect,” Mochi added, earning a sardonic chuckle from Ran. 
“Big ask from idiots who have none. Couldn’t even bother to show up on time, now they wanna make jabs at our [_____]. I say we’ve been more than courteous, wouldn’t you agree, otouto?” 
“Tsk. Let’s just waste ‘em. We’d be doing the streets a favor.” 
“Great idea,” Sanzu and Takeomi answered in unison, the former sounding twice as eager. 
The only ones placid were Kakucho and Mikey, one quietly observing whilst the other made sure you remained ignorant to the situation, angling you in his lap to where you were practically straddling him, phone still in hand as you watched a music video your favorite k-pop group dropped recently. The only sounds in the room were the panicked breathing of Kaiju and your melodic humming to the song. Mikey patted your head, satisfied that you were still your happy self. If any of those bastards made your smile drop even a centimeter, he would have their bodies fed to the dogs. With a small sigh, he and Kakucho eventually made eye contact. Then, he gave a small nod. “You were right. Should’ve killed them after that shitty presentation. Handle it.” 
Kakucho gave a curt nod, then signaled for Kaiju to be apprehended. With guns still aimed at them, leaving them no choice but to grovel for mercy, the Haitanis along with Mochi and Takeomi forced them to march out of the room, and to their inevitable deaths, not wanting to startle you with the sight of bloodshed so early in the morning.
Sanzu was already dialing up reinforcements to help with cleanup and disposal, face beaming as he practically skipped out of the room. Kakucho gave one last look to you, then Mikey, then politely bowed before closing the door behind him on his way out. You jumped slightly, the song ending right when the door slammed shut, making you lift one of your headphones and look around in shock.
“Oh, is the meeting over already?” 
Mikey reached up to thumb your lower lip, then reached up to playfully pinch your cheek. You grinned, gently swatting him away, so oblivious to the men you inadvertently sent to their demise all to protect that very smile. The former blonde shook his head, leaning on the armrest to rest his chin atop his knuckles. “No. Ended up being a waste of time. Don’t think you would’ve liked them.” 
You chortled. ��Doesn’t matter if I like them. It’s your business, silly.” 
“Mm, you are our business, angel. And we like you more.”
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© 2024-2025 anisespice ッ all rights reserved. likes, comments & reblogs much appreciated!
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g4rvez-r3id · 15 days ago
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Anything For Ellie : Part Three
Spencer Reid x Single Mom!Reader
Summary: Spencer is finally taking you out on a date and you discover just how lovely he can be with you — in public and behind closed doors.
Category: Fluff, Smut
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, themes of spencer taking reader out on a date, spencer being down bad for reader, in a world of boys he’s a gentleman, reader being shy, takes place after the prison arc, mentions of season 12, kissing smut warnings: she’s a dirty girl- cunnilingus, minor dirty talk, slight nipple play, protected sex, p in v, fingering, spencer’s hung, praise kink go brrr, lowkey rough fucking, possession kink if you squint, spencer calls reader ‘angel’
Author’s Note: here is the longgggggggggggg awaited part three to anything for ellie!! i’m so sorry it’s taken me this long ahhhh but here it is and i hope it was worth the wait!! i lowkey got writers block with this so that’s why it took so long but i hope never to take so long again but yk life be getting in the way lol anyways please enjoy this! and ofc i had to post this on matthew’s birthday hehehe
part one / part two
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It was official, you were going on a date with Spencer Reid. You’d sat with Ellie in front of your mirror as she applied your lip gloss on your face. Surprisingly, she was pretty good at makeup. That probably had to do with her favorite auntie’s doing.
You’d told Ellie she’d be staying with Penelope for a few hours while you and Spencer were hanging out. You didn’t exactly want Ellie to know about your date for good reason. You didn’t want her getting her hopes up about Spencer being more involved in their lives but it seemed as if he already was — getting her hopes up, that was.
“All done!” Ellie announces and you take a look in the mirror. “Great job, El! Where’s you learn to do makeup?” Ellie smiles to herself, “Auntie Penelope taught me.” Knew it.
You shake your head at your daughter and look into the mirror. Spencer told you to dress as nice as you wanted because he wanted to take you to a fancy Thai restaurant. So, you dressed in red, your best color — according to Penelope, she’d helped you with shopping for your date since you haven’t been on a date in years.
You’d pulled out all the stops, getting your hair done, doing your makeup, even dressing in expensively ridiculously high heels. It’d been a while since you were asked on a date, damn it, might as well look as good as you wanted. There is a knock on the doorframe and both you and Ellie turn around and see that it’s Penelope.
“He’s here!” Penelope beams and Ellie cheers as she jumps around. You stand up from your seat and look over at Penelope as you flatten out your dress with your palms. “How do I look?”
“Oh, you look amazing, pretty girl!” Penelope compliments and you smile at the woman as she grabs Ellie’s hand. “Now, Ellie, let’s go say hi to Spencer so your mom can make a grand entrance!”
Penelope and Ellie leave you, shutting your door behind them and you take a deep breath, staring at yourself in the full length mirror in your bedroom.
You’re completely stunned this is happening. You’re going on a date with Spencer freaking Reid. This has been something you thought about since you met him. You never thought it’d come true. Back then, these were just hopes and dreams. But now, this was reality. You wanted to pinch yourself because you had to have been dreaming, right?
You hear the chattering out in the living room and Penelope’s signal for you to come out. You nearly break your ankle as you walk down the hallway and Spencer is standing there, suit and all with a bouquet of roses in hand. When he sees you, it’s like time stops. You are his only focus of attention. And his breath is completely taken away as his eyes subtly rake over your figure in that dress.
“Wow…” He exhaled. “You look…” Spencer pauses, blinking a few times like he needs a moment. Was he really that focused on you, you wonder. “You look beautiful.”
You take in his suit, that sexy suit he looks oh, so good in. He’d matched your dress with a red cardigan underneath his blazer. How does he not sweat in that? Guess he was cold-blooded. “You don’t look too bad yourself, doc.” You smile.
You begin to walk over to him, your heel almost taking your ankle out again and you shake your head. “Okay, you know what?” You shake your ankles out of the heels and find your chucks near the couch and sit on the couch to quickly slip those on. “Now, I feel like I can walk without breaking something.”
Spencer chuckles as you make your way towards him without anything in your way, this time. “Hi.” You breathe, staring into his eyes and he stares into yours with a crooked smile — “Hi.” He says softly and you look at his hands, causing him to look down to see what you were looking at and then exclaimed — “Oh! These—These are for you. I remembered you said you liked roses, as cliché as they are.”
You’d remember the conversation as well, he’d been over for a movie night since Ellie practically begged him to come and she’d also chosen the movie. She’d chosen Beauty and the Beast and the topic of flowers had come up. Spencer had given Ellie a cool fact about wilted roses and that was where you chimed in and said that roses had been your favorite flower, even if they were a cliché.
You grab the flowers and smile at him, “Thank you, Spencer. These are lovely.” You take a whiff of them and he watches as you do so. He loves that you can be enraptured by the smell of roses.
“Well, we better get going. Our reservations are at 7:30. And if we get there in—” Spencer checks his watch. “Approximately nine minutes and twelve seconds, we can dodge traffic.”
You kneel down to your daughter’s level, “Be good for Penelope, okay, sweet pea?” You ask and Ellie beams, “Okay, Mommy!”
“Don’t worry about anything here,” Penelope chimes in, grabbing Ellie by the shoulders. “I’ve got it all taken care of. You guys just go and have all the fun in the world!”
Penelope grabs your arm gently as she pulls you closer to her — “And I am very available to stay the night if you need me to.” She grins with a wink and you flush at that sentence alone at the insinuation.
You bid your goodbyes to Penelope and Ellie and head on out with Spencer. He’d been a gentleman, getting you flowers, opening the car door for you, pulling out your seat at the table once you got there.
“I-I don’t drink, but I’d be happy to buy you a glass of wine if you’d like.” Spencer offered and you immediately shook your head. “Oh, I’m okay, thank you.”
You sat there and every so often made small talk with him, discussing anything and everything since he’d always had a fun fact in his back pocket. You’d enjoy those fun facts every time, never interrupted him, never disregarded him, just listened and asked questions every so often.
He’d talked about the origins of the restaurant you two were currently at when you wondered something in the back of your mind. And you felt the need to share it with him, because you wondered if maybe he’d thought about it as well.
“Spencer?” You run the rim of your glass with a finger.
“I-I guess I’m just… a little curious,” You began, with a hitch in your breath. “How long did you feel—?” You pause, looking at his intriguing eyes and they’re burning into your soul, listening intently and you’re quick to shy away once you realize the attention’s all on you. “Never mind.”
“No, no, carry on. What were you gonna say?” Spencer sits forward and you shake your head, dismissing the topic. “No, no, it’s silly.” You say. Spencer grabs your hand across the table as he looks into your eyes and says — “Nothing you say is silly.”
You take a sharp breath and you break out of your shell, staring down into your lap as you think what you were about to say before you shied away. “How long… did you like me before you… asked me on a date? I guess I’m just curious.”
Spencer thinks on it for a moment before quickly responding. “It was the first time we met, and you had come to my door to ask if I had any juice.” You nod as you remember, “Oh, yes! Juice is the only thing Ellie will drink when she’s sick.”
“And you’d run, so you asked me. And I remembered your hair, sticking out, wearing a pastel pink robe and mismatched socks. And from that moment forward, I guess, I was hooked, so to speak.” You smile at the memory and lean forward, “Can I let you know on a secret?”
Spencer leans forward to you and you smile at the closeness between you two — “That was the day I knew, too.” Spencer smiles as he looks down and he too has grown shy and somehow you’ve grown more confident.
After you two have ate, Spencer pays for the check — you’d tried to split it but found out he prepaid for the meal before you two even got to the restaurant— and you two get back into the car, him opening the car door for you again had you weak in the knees.
“I do have one more question, Spencer.” You suddenly speak, turning your body towards him in the car. “What’s up?” Spencer asks, as he keeps his hands steady on the wheel and his eyes on the road.
“What made you finally ask me out? I mean, you had to have thought about it before you asked me, right?” You’d asked and for a brief moment, he turns to you before keeping his eyes back on the road. He doesn’t want to, but of course, safety first, he guesses.
Spencer bites the inside of his cheek, he’d debated on telling you right then and there. But he didn’t know how you’d take him being framed for a crime he didn’t even commit and how the reason he was gone for a few months wasn’t because of his job but because he was at the Milburn Correctional Facility because he was wrongfully convicted of murdering Nadie Ramos in Mexico. He couldn’t tell you that. What if you didn’t trust him anymore? What if you wanted to call the whole thing off? What if you didn’t trust him around Ellie anymore? There were so many reasons why he didn’t — why he couldn’t — tell you. He couldn’t risk losing you when he just got you back.
“Something told me it was finally time,” Spencer opts, which wasn’t exactly far from the truth. After being in prison for as long he was, he thought about you everyday. He wondered how you were, how Ellie was doing, if you’d thought about him, too. You were the only thing that kept him going in that godforsaken place. “I was, uh, gone for a little bit, as you well know.” He says and you nod at that. “I guess I just realized it was now or never.”
“Right,” You nod. “Now or never.” You look outside the window and Spencer thinks to himself. If he could keep this secret forever, he would. It’s best if he does. He can’t screw up what you two already have going on.
After it’s all said and done, you two walk back into your shared unit, stopping in front of your door— but walking slowly so as to keep prolonging your time with each other. Eventually, you stop short and sigh, “Well, this is me.”
Spencer nods as he bites his lip and scrunches up his nose and his eyes gleam at you as you smile at him — “I had a really great time tonight. It’s been a while since I had a date.”
“Same here,” Spencer nods. “But good, I’m glad.” You both stare at each other for the longest of times and just as you’re about to put a hand on the door, he speaks.
“Y/n,” He begins.
“Yes?” You ask, eagerly hoping he’s about to ask the one thing you’ve been wanting to hear for most of the night.
“Can I… Can I kiss you?” Spencer asks and you smile at him as you look him up and down, gazing at his perfect bodice in front of you. He’s bulked up since the last you saw him, you notice. You look back up at him and his gaze is solely on you. It never moved from you. “I never thought you’d ask.” You say.
And Spencer leans forward, hands placed to your cheeks as he pulls you forward and kisses you, so gently, so lovingly. Holding you like you’re gonna break apart in his hands, soft like your sand weaving between his palms, waiting to wilt away in a summer breeze.
You hold him close to you, not wanting to waste a moment of this, with his lips on yours— kissing him like you mean it and you’re holding him like you’re gonna lose him. Finally, you both back up and you look at each other, lips swollen and parted.
It’s as if you can read the other’s mind because in that moment, you have no idea if it’s you or him, but you find yourself straying towards his apartment door and finding refuge there as he quickly inserts his key into the lock and opens the door and he’s just as quick to shut it as he pushes you against it, hand under your head to make sure you weren’t bumping into the door too hard as you rake your lips from his to his neck and his collarbone as you even trying to unbutton his shirt.
He hikes your leg up over his hip, hand trailing up your thigh as he pulls you toward him and hikes you up as you lay your lips everywhere. He carries you to his bedroom, where he gently lays you down and cowers over you with a smirk and kisses you so lovingly.
“Unzip me?” You ask, sitting up a bit and Spencer shakes his head— “Not yet.”
You furrow your brows and Spencer pushes you back down softly and he bows his head down to your thighs, fingers lacing towards the waistband of your tights and pulling them down slowly. “I want to at least get a chance to taste you while you’re wearing this dress for me. God, I wanted to ravage you in this the minute I saw you.” He confessed and your heat throbbed as his sultry tone and you wiggle the rest of the way out of your tights so they’re easier for him to take off.
Spencer flings them somewhere in the room as you bunch your dress up higher and spread your legs for him. He traces his tongue down your thigh and you clench around nothing as the warmth of his tongue sends shivers down your spine.
He blows a hot breath into your core before moving closer and laying a kissing on your pussy and that’s when you pull him closer to your wet heat and he dives between your folds. You feel his tongue circle on your clit, slurping everything you had for him and his moans vibrating in your walls as he sucks on your clit, making you grip onto the sheets and his hair as you arch your back off the mattress as he gets you to the brink of your orgasm.
The coil breaks and your clit throbs under his touch and he looks at you, eyes blown with a mix of lust and love. You wove your fingers through his hair to get a clear look at him and he smiles warmly at you and you return.
Your hand grazes down to the collar of his shirt and you pull him up to you, placing a soft kiss on his lips. You taste your essence as he glides his tongue through the crevice of your mouth and it’s dizzying, heart beating faster than normal. He’s quick to take notice of that.
“If you want to stop here, that’s okay.” He tells you and you smile at him endearingly. He’d always want you to feel safe, no matter what. And he’d always make sure you’d have total control of the situation. You were sure of it.
“Not a chance I want to stop.” You smirk, pulling him back to your mouth as you move your knee towards his crotch, nudging his bulge aching in his slacks and he takes to moaning in your mouth.
His moaning nearly turns into a whine until he grabs your hands, holding both of them above your head and you swear you’re on the verge of a heart attack with how delicious he looks above you.
Spencer leans down, leaving kisses on your neck and most likely hickeys as you feel his tongue trace the column of your neck. He stops, looking at you. You think he’s looking just because he wants to but he’s looking to make sure you’re enjoying this just as much as he is.
You place a hand on his face, stubble scratching the palm of your hand. Your thumb traces his bottom lip as you stare into his eyes, full of wonder and what you were thinking at that very moment. You never noticed just how golden his eyes were on the inside.
He was so ethereal. He was infinite. One of a kind. The one man you held dear to your heart. You just wanted to bottle up this emotion you had for him and keep it locked away for you and yourself only.
Spencer is the first one to move as he sits up on his knees and begins to unbutton his dress shirt and you take this moment to try and help him unbutton his shirt, starting from the bottom as he starts from the tops and meeting halfway as you finally get the shirt off of him, revealing a white tank, that you weren’t sure you’d ever seen him rock before but you could get used to the sight anyhow.
You go to take the shirt off but he grabs your hands to stop you. “If you don’t mind, I’d… I’d like to keep it on. If that’s okay?” Spencer’s eyes are practically pleading with you and of course, you’d never want him to do anything he didn’t want to do. “Of course.” You nod.
You wonder what his big secret is. A third nipple? A weird birthmark in the shape of a foot you might make fun of? No belly button? The possibilities were endless. But you didn’t have much time to dwell on it when he pulled you close to him and began to unzip your dress with your body flush against his.
He pulls the sleeves of the dress, revealing the fact that you decided not to wear a bra underneath your dress. Spencer looks up at you with an amused smirk on his face. “A bra would’ve just ruined the dress.” You shrug and Spencer shrugs right along with you, “Oh, I’m not complaining.” He leans forward, kissing your nipple before fully suctioning on it like it’s his lifeline.
It seemed that the man you went out with had some kind of oral fixation. Spencer lets go with a pop as he looks up at you, “Did you know that it’s possible for women to experience an orgasm solely from nipple stimulation? It’s not as common as achieving orgasm through direct genital stimulation but some women may find that focused nipple play can lead to a full-blown climax.” You look at him with a surprised look but somehow even more aroused at the fact that he just knows that? You knew he was smart but damn, using his facts while having sex with you? A whole type of rush in itself.
You stop yourself from rocking against him and pull him back to face you. “Maybe we can test that theory another time,” You tell him. “I need you inside of me.”
Spencer nods and stands up, reaching into the desk next to his bed and pulls out a box of condoms and you furrow your brows at him with amusement. Spencer takes notice of this. “Luke-Luke said I should… be prepared.” He admits, shyly and you smile at this.
Spencer removes his slacks, as well as his boxers and sits down on the bed as you remove the rest of the dress off your body and toss it on the ground as Spencer rolls the condom onto his cock.
He turns towards you, staring at you hungrily and hovers over your body, like you’re prey, ready to be slaughtered. And by God, you’d let him eat you any day. Spencer probes a finger towards your entrance and you gasp at the feeling. “God, you’re so wet.” He comments, moving his finger deeper inside of you, gently moving it back and forth. You grab onto his taut bicep and relish in the feeling of this. He’s not even in you yet and he’s making you feel things you never thought you’d feel again.
This continues for a minute more but you’re tired of the teasing. “Spencer…” You pout and he chuckles, “Alright, angel girl. I’ll give you what you want.” Spencer steadies himself on top of you and that’s when you get a good look at him.
Spencer’s… huge, to say the least. Thick in girth and in length, you’d say he had to have been at least eight inches. You’d always imagined he was packing, but Jesus. Needless to say, you’d been intimidated by Spencer’s dick. You’d had big before, but never big like Spencer.
You gulp and Spencer, like he has been all night, noticed your behavior once more. “What’s wrong?” He asks and you look up at him with wide eyes. “Nothing, it’s just… will it fit?” You wonder and Spencer looks back down in between you two and says — “I’ll go slow. Tell me if you need me to stop at all and I will, okay?” You nod at his words.
With that, Spencer’s tip captures your hole and he plugs the tip in. He sticks a few inches in and you moan, grabbing Spencer’s bicep again as he does everything he can not to cum here and now. “God… you’re so tight.” He groans and you reveal, “It’s been a while.”
“I’m gonna try to move, okay?” Spencer moves a piece of hair away from your face as he leans close to your face. “You let me know at all if you need me to stop.” You nod at him and he sticks more of himself inside of you, peppering your face with kisses and words of affirmation.
“You’re so perfect.”
“So good for me.”
“God, you’re so beautiful.”
Those are just the few testaments he showers you with. It’s a thin line between pain and pleasure but pleasure overtakes pain and he moves within you, hips grinding against yours as you two fit together like a piece of a puzzle.
“Can you… Can you go faster?” You ask him and he looks down at you, “You want me to go faster?” He repeats and you nod, “Please, please.” You beg.
He’s animalistic in his next movements and holds your hands above your head and drives his hips harder into you and you nearly shriek at how good it feels. The bed creaks as he whispers in your ear about how good you’re doing for him, how he’s waited so long for this, how beautiful you are. You’re too far gone to hear any of it because he’s absolutely railing you right now.
You rock your own body against his and he places kisses on your collarbone and mutters against your skin — “Do you want to cum, angel?” He asks and you gasp, “Please, please!” You don’t know what you’re begging for, at this point. He’s willing to give you everything.
“Then say you’re mine. Say you’re mine and you can cum. Can you do that, angel, please?”
His own tone makes it sounds like he’s begging, which he is. He’d worried he’d regret it later, damaging you was the last thing he wanted to do.
“I’m— I’m yours. Forever yours.” You breathe.
“Then, cum. You can do it, angel.”
And you see white as your pussy shudders against his cock and he gasps and even lets out a low whimper at the feeling of you clenching tightly around him. You soon feel the warmth of him cumming inside of the condom inside of you. He even has to cover your mouth with his hand so your moans and shouts don’t reverberate in the walls.
Eventually, he collapses against your body, and you both pant and take breaths to calm down after your sexual encounter. Spencer lifts his head up and then looks at you, with the same love and adoration he held so dearly at the beginning of your date. You wonder how lucky you are, how much love he truly has for you, if this is all a dream. You’ve fallen for him. And you’ve fallen for him, hard.
“Hi.” You find that your voice is hoarse as you speak to him. “Hi.” He says back, lifting himself off of you and landing next to you on the bed so as not to smother any further.
Spencer pulls your body close to his and holds you against him and you hold him tightly, not wanting to let go, if it was the last thing you did. He holds you and you feel a kiss on the top of your head and mutters against your head — “Are you okay?” He asks.
You smile, moving your head to look up at him — “I’m perfect.” He grazes his eyes from your eyes to your lips and before you know it, you both lean in for a kiss.
You stay there like that, for the rest of the night. At least, after he cleans the both of you off and he discards the condom. And he later readjusts his body to lay against yours, head resting on your chest as you play with his hair and you smile to yourself. You still can’t believe it. You’ve fallen so hard for him. If he breaks your heart, you’d be done for. He’s everything you want and more.
As you stay there, you lean over to grab your phone and find a text message from Penelope.
Penelope💘: I take it by his late it is, you’re staying over? 😉🥰🫣
You shake your head as you send a reply back.
You: Tell Ellie I love her and that I’ll be home tomorrow morning.
Penelope💘: What? No details????
You: I don’t kiss and tell, Penelope 🙈
Penelope💘: So kissing was involved!!!
You roll your eyes as you set your phone back down and ruffle Spencer’s hair softly. This was the most peaceful you’ve seen him. You were sure he was asleep by now.
And in this moment in time, you prayed for more nights like this. In his bed, with his love and with his heart in your hands. He’d make you the happiest person in the world if you’d let him.
And maybe you might just let him.
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whateverloomis · 4 months ago
Hiiii :3
This just came to me, and it's based on something I own. Imagine kissing Stu all over his face while wearing a super glittery clear lip gloss, and he forgets he has it on until Billy says something lol :3
Have a good day/night, ~Spade♧ :3
Hi! Thank you for your request Spade <33 Here's a little drabble and some inspo pics ✨
Note: I have a bunch of other requests that I'll slowly get to as my writers block starts to diminish ☝🏼
Warnings: GN reader, making out, flirting, they want a threesome lol, unedited
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You're on Stus couch straddling his lap. Your glossed lips on his. It's watermelon flavored and he absolutely loves it when you wear it.
It's a playful makeout session, your hands are playing with his hair as he grabs your hips and follows your lip movements.
You're giggly and pull back occasionally to kiss his cheeks and nose before capturing his lips once again, brushing your tongue against his.
"You're so fucking cute," Stu says, releasing a little grunt of cuteness aggression.
"Ugh no, you are," you answer and kiss him again, both of you giggling and grabbing each other everywhere.
Billy walked in the kitchen to pour himself a glass of water when he heard you and your boyfriend abnoxiously making out. He couldn't help but take a peek and when he saw the position you were in he unconsciously bit his lip.
Billy wanted to join in the fun but wouldn't give you the satisfaction of knowing it. Instead, he displays annoyance when he walks in the living room, very obviously interrupting.
Stu and you stopped playing around with each other and looked at Billy standing not far from the couch.
"Well look who woke up from his naaap," Stu teased and Billy rolled his eyes before sitting down next to you.
His eyes automatically scanned your body, lingering on Stus hands on your lips before he looked at his best friend. He chuckled in mock and ran his finger along Stus cheek, collecting some of your lipgloss that nearly covered his entire face.
"Jeez, did you pour that damn lipgloss all over his face?" Billy said and you blushed. You had forgotten that you were wearing the makeup half way into your makeout session.
Stus face was glittery and glossy, the outline of your lips was visible in certain areas and your boyfriend couldn't help but laugh at the realization.
"It's watermelon flavored," is all he said and a thick tension developed at the mention.
You and Stu had talked about letting Billy join you guys during sex multiple times, but this caught you off guard. Even if it did you didn't hesitate to follow Stus obvious intentions though.
"You wanna taste?"
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 1 year ago
hiii i love ur fics idk if ur requests are on rn but can u do a short drabble of the tiktok trend where the guy hasn't ask his gf to be his valentines day so she "put him on sale" as a joke ofc but she's like
BF FOR SALE ($3.50)
- amazing cook
-crusty feet
- will buy anything u want
any character is fine but i would love katsuki or shoto!!
LMFAOOOO this is for sure the funniest ask ive gotten yet😭😭😭 this is so cute !! and very long overdue I apologize writer block devil was rlly kickin my ass😞 valentines been over but yk i had to write this ! i was rlly hesitating between writing for shoto or katsuki and then i realized i could write for BOTH OF THEM!! and so i did ! i tried honoring your request as best i could, hope you like it <3 !
no pronouns mentioned, pure tooth rotting nasty fluff, use of petnames (my love for shoto and sweets, babe and idiot (lol) for katsuki), katsuki is an asshat but when isn’t he, shy katsuki, shoto is a bit of an airhead, kissing, biting, reader is petty asl lol, lemme know if i missed something else !
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todoroki shoto ♥︎
“yn, my love.”
“yes, shoto ?”
the corners of shoto’s mouth pull into a tiny frown at the usage of his first name. no baby, no hun, not even sho. just shoto.
“did i do something to upset you ?” he asks carefully from his spot at the foot of your dorm bed he seems to be stuck at, he can’t bring himself to move until he knows if you’re actually mad at him, and he has an inkling you are.
you look up at him for no longer than a second then look back down at your phone screen “what makes you think that ?” you question back nonchalantly.
“you posted something on your tiktok account..” shoto doesn’t have a clue how to have this conversation with you and it makes him a little nervous, he regrets not going to izuku for advice after all.
“mhmmmm~” you hum, urging him to continue knowing damn well you know what he’s going to say. you wanted to hear him say it himself.
you know shoto’s had no previous relationships before you so these type of things probably don’t mean as much to him as they do to you, but doesn’t everyone want their boyfriends to ask them to be their valentine ? you sure do, and your boyfriend hadn’t asked you to be his yet, so as petty as you know you were being at the time you posted the tiktok he’s no doubt here for right now.
shoto feels like a criminal on trial desperately trying to plead his case with you being the judge. tentatively, he asks “ you said you were..putting me up for sale ?”
immediately it’s like a switch had been flipped. you place your phone down onto your bed next to you, shoto wishes he could take your phone’s place. you cross your leg over the other and bring your hands together like a super villain revealing their master plan “yes. yes i did.”
silence. nothing.
shoto tried—he’s trying. he’s trying so insanely hard to make sense of everything that is you but he simply can’t. he breaks eye contact to think of more to ask but his attention is quickly pulled back to you when he hears you whine.
“uuuuughhh shotoooo~” you moan, throwing your head back against the headboard. “you’re not supposed to say ‘oh’ !” you’re face changes from grumpy to deadpan as you lower your voice slightly to try and mimic him. on any other day this would’ve made him laugh but he’s beyond lost at this point. he clears his throat before speaking again.
“ i don’t know what i’m supposed to say—or what i did for you to want to sell me.” he thinks “and for 3 dollars at that.”
you let out a laugh when you process his words and shoto’s shoulders magically feel lighter at the sound. carefully, he slides a little closer to the side of your bed so he can stand at your bedside. little by little. you pretend you don't notice.
"it's what you deserve for not askin' me to be your valentine."
the secret’s finally out and you get to see how the cog wheels in his head are starting to turn in real time, it has you holding back a giggle when he looks up at you like a deer in headlights.
“is that..why you were mad ?” you nod, humming out a playful mhmm
“ya really hurt my feelings you know ? to think my own boyfriend wouldn’t ask me” you clench your fist over your heart and fake sob dramatically.
shoto huffs out a laugh, relieved to see you’re not actually mad, and goes to sit down on your bed. he tentatively reaches for your hand and squeezes it twice when you let him hold it. before bringing it up to his lips and placing a sweet little kiss to it. it feels as if pop rocks are going off inside of you.
“ i’m sorry for not asking you to be my valentine.” he apologizes, his thumb absentmindedly rubbing your hand “ i was thinking i should’ve, but i didn’t want you to think it was weird since we’re already dating.” his thumb goes to run over your fingers “ i was worried me being too intense would scare you off.” he mumbles.
your eyebrows furrow, you lean towards him to make him look at you “ you wouldn’t scare me off, who told you that ?”
“kaminari. he said ‘coming on too strong scares away the babes.’ ” shoto quotes
you sigh. of course it was that bigmouth portable charger filling his head with this stuff.
you pull your hand out of his grasp and he looks up to protest but you grab his face in your hands before he can say anything, you can practically see him start melting at the contact as he blinks at you slowly, he reminds you of a cat.
“sho” you purr, rubbing his cheeks “ rule number one is never ever listening to kaminari’s dating advice. most of the time it is very wrong.” you explain.
shoto presses his mouth to the palm of your hand “yeah, i’m starting to regret that now.” he speaks into it, you snort. he leans in closer to press a sweet kiss to your lips and you reciprocate, pressing a few more kisses on his lips for good measure “ i’m really sorry for not asking you.” he says in between pecks. you hum in response to him placing even more kisses all around your face. “s’okay. i’m also kinda sorry for putting you up for sale.” you say, running your fingers through his hair while he places kisses on your shoulder.
he lifts his head up to look at you then, an eyebrow raised with an amused expression on his face “kinda sorry ?” he asks.
you nod “mhm. kinda sorry.”
he chuckles to himself, then gets up so he can climb into bed next to you. when he’s positioned how he likes it, with his head in your lap while you comb through his hair with your fingers, he sighs peacefully “well, it wasn’t all bad. i’m glad you think i’m a good cook.”
“what about the crusty feet ?”
“i’m choosing to ignore that part.” shoto smirks lightly to himself when he hears you laugh at his joke, clearly proud of himself for it. “and i will buy you anything you want, to make it up to you.”
“i don’t need you to buy me anything, sho” you roll your eyes with a lovesick smile “ all you gotta do is ask.”
he blinks up at you, looks off the the side as if he’s deep in thought, and suddenly gets off your lap to sit right in front of you. you never think you’ll get over how pretty your boyfriend is and being reminded of it with how close he is to you makes you flustered. he leans in to kiss you passionately and you don’t know if it’s the love he pours into it or the lack of air that has you so dizzy, you don’t dwell on it.
when he pulls away he’s looking at you like you hung up the stars in the sky and he simply, almost shyly smiles at you and asks.
“ will you be my valentine ?”
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bakugou katsuki ♥︎
you did not expect katsuki to come barging into your dorm room five minutes after you’d posted your tiktok. the loud sound of someone banging on your door and proceeding to let themselves in seconds later causes you to let out a squeak.
in comes katsuki, phone tightly clutched in his hand and the moment his eyes zeroed on you he’s like a bull charging at a red flag. he stands right in front of you, angry frown on display before he shoves his phone in your face.
“explain this. now.” he growls, you have to hold back a laugh, keeping your face as calm as possible you look between him, his screen then back at your phone.
“what’s confusing about it ? i thought i was being pretty straight forward.”
his eye twitches. “why the hell did you put me up for sale ?! and for three dollars and fifty fuckin’ cents ?!” he exclaims, you can’t help the snort that bursts out of you, though katsuki doesn’t look as amused as you are.
“explain.” he deadpans.
“i think you can figure it out.” you shrug back.
he mutters insults to himself that you can’t catch “well obviously fuckin’ not, cus I wouldn’t be askin’ you if i did.” you simply shrug and look back at your phone. “i wrote it in the caption.”
it takes him a second to process then he’s tapping his password and opening the clock app at super sonic speed. his eyebrows furrow and you see him tapping away at his phone. his eyes widen when he reads your caption and he looks down at you with a mix of desperation and disbelief.
“you’re mad cus I didn’t ask you to be my valentine ?” your bratty huff and turn to the side as you shrug again is all the answer he needs. he looks at you for about 5 seconds longer then sighs.
he sits down on your bed and keeps staring. katsuki bakugou hates a lot of things and one of those things is you ignoring him. a warm hand on your ankle startles you and you can’t even ask him what he’s doing before your being yanked towards him. you squeal, almost missing the smirk on his face or the huff of laughter at your reaction. almost though, so you glare at him. katsuki looms over you until your noses almost touch, then you turn away with a huff. he chuckles, pressing his lips to your neck.
“ yer such a baby, y’know that ?” he mumbles, smirking against you neck. you huff but make no effort to shrug him off “ no i’m not, jerk. is it so wrong for me to want my boyfriend to ask me to be his valentine’s ?” you grumble, trying to ignore the feel of his warm lips against your skin, it’s not working so well for you.
“s’not what i’m sayin, sweets” he nips at your earlobe “‘m sayin’ ya coulda just told me ‘stead of bein’ a baby about it.” you can’t tell if this is his way of trying to apologize. either way, you don’t want to give in just yet.
“i’m not supposed to tell you to ask me to be your valentine’s katsuki, that’s not the point~ !” you huff petulantly. you feel a but childish but, c’mon ! it’s a given to have your boyfriend as your valentine and it wouldn’t hurt your demon spawn of a boyfriend to be a little but romantic once in a while.
he playfully rolls his eyes at you “see, what’d i tell you? big baby.” leaning forward he nips at your nose making you groan and trying to push him away with your palm. katsuki being the powerhouse that he is, doesn’t budge. “ i didn’t think to ask ya cus you’re already mine. so why should i need to ask something that’s a given ?”
your heart beats faster at his words and katsuki takes his chance when he feels you loosing up more and more. suddenly he’s got your wrists in his grip, holding them above you and looking down at you with that sickeningly handsome smirk. you’re almost there, he can practically feel it.
“i—i’m..still mad at you” you stutter out weakly, your defenses are down.
“yeah ?” he taunts.
“yeah. apologize.”
he scoffs, rolling his eyes lightheartedly “why should i apologize ? you said my fuckin’ feet stink.”
“ ah, ah, ah.” you tut “don’t put words in my mouth, i said your feet were crusty.”
“yeah, thanks babe. that makes it so much better.” he sasses, you laugh “and i complimented you ! i said you were an amazing cook !”
“yeah but that ain’t a compliment, ‘ts a fact.” he says matter of factly, you’re eyes threaten to get stuck at the back of your skull with how hard you roll them and he snickers.
he dives in and steals a kiss, and then another one when you don’t stop him. when he pulls away to catch his breath, ready to steal another kiss you stop him by placing your hand on his chest. he looks down at you questioningly and you give him a raised brow in response. he groans.
“fine. m’sorry” he concedes quietly
“foooorrr ?” you urge.
he narrows his eyes at you as if saying “don’t push it” but swallows his words down “ for not askin’ you to be my valentine’s or whatever the fuck” he shoves his now hot face into your neck and mumbles “now quit bein’ all pissed at me.”
you’re happy enough with that, so you wrap your arms around his neck, one of your hands creeping up his nape and into his hair. he sighs contentedly, clearly enjoying the attention you’re giving him.
“thank you. i’m also sorry for saying you have crusty feet.” hearing him scoff at the accusation makes you giggle “and for putting you up for sale.” he hums, happy with your apology.
“oi.” he warns. you giggle in response continuing your ministrations in his hair.
“you still haven’t asked me so..” you trail off. he lifts his head up to look at you with a blond eyebrow raised.
“ does this valentine shit really matter that much to you ?” he asks.
you respond immediately “yes.” nodding aggressively to make your point.
he sighs, shaking his head. he looks at you, then looks off to the side in embarrassment, he can be so cute when he wants to be. steeling his nerves he looks you straight in the eyes. fearless with fierce red cheeks and all.
“b-be my valentine, idiot..”
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jjslvt · 1 month ago
COPS CAN’T STOP US ── .✦ nsfw, mdni, 18+ .ᐟ.ᐟ 
⤷ bf!jj maybank x bratty gf!reader // ❝ cops be damned. ❞
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➤ wc: 3.6k (🙂) // masterlist
(includes some arguing, public sex, unprotected, piv, size kink, rough, dirty talk, almost(?) getting caught) — be safe y’all!
notes: i’m feeling a writer’s block forming already with my wips. this was not written how i originally planned. i wanted a short lil thing like my “ayo technology” fic, not this monster length! & bratty was not the way i wanted to go lol but it happened!
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you and jj maybank were literally hiding in the woods right now — on the run from cops as you both heard the sirens blaring and a small search team shouting somewhere not too far away.
“they can’t be far! you see those brats and cuff ‘em with force, i don’t give a shit! bring them in!” shoupe yelled, his voice most recognizable to the two; the man sounded like he was using a megaphone on top of it.
you and jj decided to pull a little heist before the evening rolled in. you had a bad habit of indulging your boyfriend’s schemes and even enjoying the thrill of it (jj was doing well to corrupt his girlfriend). you loved it though; you wouldn’t change it because he brought adventure into your world, even if some of it was illegal. it made for good memories. plus stealing from rich assholes like the kooks was just worth it.
however, this time it was a little different as the two of you had argued the moment it all went wrong and the cops started their chase — couples bicker, it happens but sometimes the two of you got extra fiery. you could have the same amount of intensity as jj himself which made for a few explosive moments.
right now, he was getting ready to plop his large hand over your mouth because you wouldn’t stop running it, even in this situation.
“babe, i swear to god if you don’t shut up right now-”
“oh, that’s cute. my boyfriend’s threatening me? yeah, jj?! if i don’t shut up THEN WHA-”
his moved quick once your volume got louder — he didn’t want to risk the cops hearing it. he pinned you to the tree nearby because you were smaller than him (which he enjoyed too much sometimes) and slapped his hand over your mouth (and cheeks because of how big his hand was compared to your face), muffling your sounds & protests.
to which you glared and started squirmed — a steady tension was beginning to rise between the couple. one that wasn’t just stress from the situation and having been arguing, another type was filling the air.
his hand still pressed firmly over your lips, feeling you try to move your mouth to no avail.
his height towered you as he pressed closely against your body to stop you from squirming, looking down at your face — seeing that glare and giving you one of his own, “shit didn’t go as planned but we don’t got time to keep arguin’ right now!“ he whisper-shouted, breath fanning close to you.
but oh, you could struggle keeping the brattiness at bay at times — you outmatched jj in some moments with the chaotic energy. neither of you ever liked admitting things or backing down, no matter what.
your hands had instinctively grabbed onto his biceps for some hold though, just a natural reaction… having known his body. your hands would always grab onto him, as if they needed to touch even during all this (plus it didn’t help that he was wearing that red muscle tee and his blond hair was even more of a sexy mess).
though the way his body had engulfed yours sent a secret jolt of electricity through both of you and your movements causing a small friction didn’t help. it was amazing how frustration and being angry could create sexual tension to form but you both stubbornly ignored those feelings right now.
you started to thrash and his blue eyes grew piercing. he pushed himself against you more to stop you and leaned his mouth to your ear, voice a little hoarse from everything, “stop being a lil brat!”
you stilled at the word, a muffled sound of annoyance (and slight arousal at how he sounded) unable to fully escape your lips as his hand never left. he felt you still and some smugness was overcoming him.
he leaned his face away to look at you. he could almost picture the minor pout that his hand was hiding, “you gonna be good now? so we don’t get fuckin’ caught, yeah?”
you rolled your eyes slightly and he was reminded of all the times your eyes rolled back even more than that because of his dick buried inside of you — he faltered for a split second, mentally scolding himself because all the tension was not helping. he could already feel himself get half-hard, if he wasn’t before.
‘… why do i always wanna fuck you after you piss me off.’
his thoughts pouring out in his mind.
‘god, my girlfriend just had to be this hot little menace… worse than me sometimes. damn, focus jj.’
the sound of cops searching was still lingering closely by and he was summoned back to reality. he slowly lifted his hand off of you mouth as you panted to breathe. you still had that pissy look on your face as you stared up at him. you were pouting a bit, which he knew.
it also revealed the flush on your cheeks and…
‘… you look cute after being riled up. and fuckable, way too fuckable. this girl…’
his mind was at war it seems; battling every perverted thought that was whirling around as he kept control of himself. he was still half-irked from the arguments, your defiance but he was mildly turned on too.
and he knew his girlfriend well. you were feeling it too, no matter how much you’d act just pissed off.
“you’re annoying,” you finally whispered out, taking your gaze away but neither of you made a move to change the positions. you let him keep you pinned to the tree. at some point his other hand snaked around your waist lightly and your hands that had held his biceps never let go; your bodies spoke to each other.
he scoffed out a dry chuckle, “yeah… yet you still date me and follow me into every one of my schemes, princess.”
you sighed quietly, your previous anger subsiding just a smidge, “well obviously… jay. love makes you do stupid things.”
your gaze was still anywhere but at his face.
he smirked a little at that and used his hand that covered your mouth previously to grab your chin, making you look at him, “love makes you do stupid things?”
“don’t make me repeat myself, jj. you’re not deaf,” your little attitude came back out but this time he enjoyed it as his smirk widened.
his whisper went husky and he swiped his thumb over your bottom lip while he held your chin, “sometimes i think you get bratty with me during our arguments on purpose because you know exactly what i’m gonna do to you afterwards.”
that declaration got your full attention as a shiver went down your spine, feeling caught that he was speaking out the obvious that happened in your relationship.
‘… he’s not wrong.’
the tension was thick enough to cut through with a knife. he pushed his hips onto yours, feeling himself react to your shiver and the way your blush just got deeper. your pupils dilating… your heart starting to pound. although it was racing before from adrenaline but now it was racing for a different reason.
“what, pookie? don’t get silent on me now.“ his lips hovered over yours, breaths starting to intermingle.
“i’m right, aren’t i? i think it’s a way for you to beg me to fuck that attitude out of you.”
‘fuck me, that stupidly sexy and cocky tone of his…’ your mind went haywire.
“you wouldn’t…” you managed to mumble out as the arousal between you both grew.
those ocean colored orbs now twinkled with a mischievous glint you knew all too well.
“did you forget who your boyfriend is?”
he cut you off before you could say any more, “yeah. me. jj… the one who definitely would.”
by now, he was fully hard and making sure you knew as you were still trapped behind the tree and his larger stature. he pressed up harder against you and you groaned, feeling that clothed erection through your thin-fabric pants. that little groan of yours did him in but he heard the cops still out there.
however, when did he give a shit? he ran with impulse and right now, every bone in his body wanted you. especially after frustrating him.
“fuck it,” he muttered, lifting you up which made your legs wrap instantly around his waist as you held onto him. your eyes going wide.
“shh! just hang on…” he grunted, starting to move fast. getting deeper into the forest and making sure he had a good distance away from the cops so he could do what you both wanted.
he loved that he could just carry you on the go, he was thankful for being much bigger & stronger especially right now as he whisked you away. but damn if that didn’t make his cock throb more with need.
then you, being the minx you are, latched your lips onto his neck as he ran with you in his arms. he groaned softly, “you’re enjoying this, huh?”
“yeah, i actually am…” you smirked against his neck then licked up his flesh in a straight, short line.
“baby… i’m not gonna get far enough if you keep-”
you bit gently onto his neck, right where the pulse point was & started to suck on it erotically and he practically let out a helpless whine. he felt so tense now and there was a thrill in trying to escape the cops just to find a more secluded spot to fuck your brain out.
you were giving him a hickey… the sensations were hitting him and he gave up. he didn’t get as far as he would like at all but that was okay. you two could speed up the filthy, erotic dance that was coming, right?
he pushed you against another tree, still carrying you and your lips left his neck as you gasped (there was a bruising hickey) — there had luckily been a lot bushes around in this area, it was a little secluded at least. the cops were in the farther distance for now.
he was panting harshly and leaning his forehead against yours, “i can’t wait.”
your eyes widened, “wait, here? but that’s not far enough. the cops-”
“cops be damned,” he brushed up his lips against yours slightly, “ain’t nothing in this world gonna stop me now.”
that sent a spark of desire up your body as your legs trembled around him. he sounded desperate and it wasn’t like the risk of getting caught didn’t turn you on too.
plus the way he worded it made you whimper.
his eyes bore into yours, a small plea to them — he wasn’t a complete barbarian. he was checking if you were okay with it too and you bit your lip, nodding.
“cops can’t stop us…” you murmured and he grinned.
“that’s right baby, they can’t.”
and so, jj let you to the ground for a moment while you both fumbled fast with yours bottoms. your hands moving nervously & with excitement to pull your pants down enough. he helped you, covering your hands with his as you pulled them down together but he almost came on the spot from the sight.
“you’re not wearing any underwear?! this whole time… fuck- what, did you plan this!” he groaned, feeling his heart rate kick up and the tip of his dick leaked with precum at it, making a wet spot on his boxers. the wetness of yours was dribbling down your thighs on top of it — he subconsciously licked his lips.
“n-no… i just…”
“just tryin’ to drive me insane, i see.”
he knew you both were running on not so much time.
he quickly moved to undo the belt of his cargo shorts, unzipping & tugging those shorts & boxers with haste — his thick and long cock fiercely sprang out, every vein on it throbbing and aching. you squeezed your thighs at the view… the tip was so leaking and so angry with red.
he was well endowed — no matter how many times you two had sex and he stretched you, you remained tight.
but you loved it and so did he. he loved plunging into that pretty tiny cunt, watching a bulge form in your tummy from his massive length. it felt powerful and your reactions to him fueled the fire blazing in him every single time.
did he have a major size kink? probably. he enjoyed thoroughly dominating you and making you see stars. the way those warm, silken walls would wrap around his shaft, trying to milk him for everything he’s worth.
he lifted you back up and instantly sank you onto his cock as he kept you pinned against the tree for more hold. you moaned out immediately, feeling yourself get stretched again. his gaze went down, watching the way every inch of his length disappeared inside of you. he let out a low groan of pleasure while your eyes rolled back a little, lashes fluttering.
“fuuuuck… always so tight, god, fuckin’ perfect.”
he couldn’t help but harshly thrust up once, feeling the way he already hit the spot you loved. your back arching against the tree and your chest arching into him — his tip kissing your cervix and your walls clenching around him.
“mnn, j- jay…!”
he guided your hips with his strength, bouncing you up and down his dick in rough movements. he pressed his lips against yours, breathing harshly… speaking between sloppy kisses, “all good for me now, huh? no more attitude or anything…”
you mewled out and he shuddered at how sweet you were sounding.
“my good fuckin’ girl… letting me fuck you in the woods while cops look for us…”
your cunt tightened more at the praise, feeling all the frustration vanish and get replaced with nothing but pure lust.
“oh you like that? you like that i’m takin’ you right in the open?“
you called out softly, “y-yes… jj.”
you were just as dirty as he was and it couldn’t have been a more perfect match.
at this point, your walls had him in a vice-like grip — he almost threw his head back as he slammed you down more harshly, in a frenzy.
you whined against his lips and he spoke over it, “god, b-baby. if that tight little pussy keeps squeezin’ me so much… i’m gonna lose it…”
he was already on edge but he didn’t want to be done so soon. no way, he needed to prolong it as long as he could.
every vein on his cock was vibrating inside of you… he pressed you more against the tree so it could help hold you up while he started rutting up into you with a fast and hard rhythm, making sure to keep hitting that sweet spot. he made sure to rub into every part of your velvet walls, make you feel him completely.
“nghh!! ah, ah… jj…” your voice sounded so wrecked and he shoved his tongue into your mouth to swallow every delicious moan that came out. delving into every crevice as he tasted you.
he kept pounding into you, coaxing out every pretty and wanton sound from you. he broke the kiss to grab your bottom lip with his teeth and drag it out.
‘you feel so goddamn good, so tight… i wanna make you scream… let everyone know you’re getting fucked by me…’
but he knew, making you scream out in pleasure would be a bad move. that would be a dead give away to the cops that were still looking for you both!
his body was moving on autopilot though; thrusting up faster, harder and deeper — the wave of desire and the risk of getting caught (as he heard the cops started to find their path from afar, heading into their direction) made him keep losing control. the way your legs kept hold of him. everything was tight… outside of you, inside of you. you had him locked in.
he was in a daze of debauchery; wanting to oblige it all but he somehow forced himself back to actuality. you two couldn’t get caught, he promised to always keep you safe.
he let go of your lip, “we need to hurry… i gotta make you cum mama, now…”
“jay…” you breathed out, “but…”
he let out a noise as he kept moving, “we can’t stay here long… haa, i hear them. they’re moving this way. c’mon...”
he let go of chasing his own release to focus entirely on yours — moving a bit in circular motions and grinding against your walls in sensual movements along with keeping a roughness.
you squirmed, tensing up and jj could feel your walls start to flutter around him. “that’s it, let go… i need to feel you spill on me, beautiful.”
jj could easily get you to climax with that; you shuddered and leaned into him again, arms around his neck as you released. muffling your soft cry by biting onto his neck which gave him a feeling of pleasant goosebumps.
he let out a grave groan, slowing his pace as he felt your warm fluids surround his dick. the sensation almost brought him right there with you. but before more could happen, shoupe’s voice finally sounded somewhat close and he froze up. the worst part was the aching he felt in his balls because he was not too far from his own release.
‘please, not now…’
a chill ran down his spine and you noticed. he couldn’t let them actually catch you both. he couldn’t let you get locked up with him, he hated that. he let out a rough huff, forcing himself to start pulling out.
“at least, i made you cum… most important.”
those words reminded you of one of the reasons why you loved jj — despite your arguments sometimes and the way you two could bicker like an old married couple; you both had so many wonderful moments. he really treated you well and would put you first in a lot of situations. like right now and there was no way in hell, you would let him pull out and not get his release too.
“no.” you whispered firmly, out of breath still but you bounced gently, moving your body with all the strength you could muster and his eyes widened.
a low, quiet moan escaping his lips as his cock twitched inside of you, “b-babe… what are you-“
“i want you to cum… jj.” you sounded so determined even when you were in this state.
his body couldn’t help but move at your movements, following along slowly.
“but… they’re near…” he whispered so ragged, words opposite to his actions.
“and you need to also. please jj, i know you wanna fill me up…”
“fuck, you’re playin’ dirty!” he whispered in a needy whine because you were so right. he definitely wanted to pump his cum into you.
“you want to. come on, love. i’m right here…”
the sounds of the others were getting louder but your movements and words made him cave in; he wanted this originally anyways, he did say ‘cops be damned.’
his cock desperately seeking release as he resumed his fast, sharp slams. both of your lips crashing together to drown out any noises you two made — you were tightening around him again and he felt tense. the adrenaline kicking high from the thought of getting caught… everything making his world spin now.
but he finally came, flooding your walls with his hot cum as his body shook and you swallowed his low, guttural moan of relief — keeping your lips attached to his. he squeezed his eyes shut as every spurt of cum exploded out of him as he stayed balls deep inside. it was beyond satisfying and he almost wanted to sink to the dirty ground as his legs wobbled for a moment.
it was a powerful climax for him.
he couldn’t help but move one hand down to press against your tummy during it — feeling the slight bulge of how deep he had been in you. if he wasn’t spent now, that would have made him hard all over again.
how he still held you up (one arm now) and kept himself standing? he had no idea. though he mentally thanked the tree for being so sturdy and alleviating some of the pressure.
“sir, did you hear something?!” a cop yelled out to shoupe.
“not sure. where?” shoupe grimaced to himself, ‘tell me, that isn’t what i think it was…’
“think i heard some type of noise, hm. this way!”
the reality check came swooping back on you botj; he swiftly pulled out of you. catching sight of his cum leaking out of you and he bit the inside of his cheek, looking away as his heart hammered. he gently placed you on the ground as he whispered so quietly.
“can you move?”
“barely …but my fight-or-flight instinct is about to kick on. we’re not gonna let them catch us.”
“that’s my girl.”
though you both were a hot mess… in times like this, people surprisingly found strength to push on. you two were hot, sweaty and sticky as fuck but didn’t care as you both pulled your bottoms back on… he grabbed your hand and made a run for it — alerting the cops.
“that way!!” yelled a younger one but shoupe held up his hand, silently stopping them.
“i’m callin’ it off.”
“sir? but why!”
‘because those two idiots can think we’re chasing them… especially if they were doing what i think they were. need a damn vacation. let them tire themselves out more, good enough punishment!’
“because i don’t get paid enough for this shit.”
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(i had originally written this using she/her for reader but changed it; so if ya see typos, pls lmk, ty!)
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stave-writes · 10 months ago
hello!! may i request mitrun and thistle(separately) x artist!reader who is very interested in their appearance, but hides it very well. most of the time they did not notice the reader's interest in their appearance(and they don't really notice the reader either lol), but one day, approaching the reader from behind to discuss something, they make some very high-quality sketches with them?? I hope this is not a very long request and don't forget to drink water!! :)
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Mithrun & Thistle (Seperately) x Artist!GN!Reader
Word Count: 555
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So sorry about how long this took to come out! Been fighting writer's block but the power of Mithrun debut (!!!!!) is forcing me to make sure I'm up to date with requests ^^
Also in terms of writing Thistle, I view them as mentally still underage so this will be platonic for them, sorry to disappoint at all ^^'
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Mithrun could never understand why you look at him like you do, with a gaze full of curiosity and hiding behind your sketchbook when he catches you. Was there something in his hair? Did he do something to upset you? He tended not to pay you any mind, after all, he didn't care about much anymore. So, when asked by a mutual friend to go talk to you, he wasn't exactly against it.
He'd chosen to approach you from behind, simply to see how you'd react. It was funny seeing people jump or flinch when he teleported behind them, even if he didn't have a desire to play around like a child. So, he'd appeared behind you, face leaning right over your shoulder and opening his mouth to speak before he saw it. A...sketch of him?
It made more sense now, that you'd been watching him so often, that you were always face first in your sketchbook when he was around. You'd been drawing him, and he wasn't against it. In fact, the amount of detail was impressive, even if the visible bags under his eyes and the gauntness of his face did make him recoil just a bit.
"Good job." Was his quiet mutter, turning to look you in the face while you were visibly dying with a mix of surprise and embarrassment that you'd been caught by the very man who filled pages and pages of your sketchbook. A smile couldn't help but rise on his face, chuckling softly as he moved away from your personal space. It seemed he mulled his words for a second before shrugging, speaking plainly, "Someone sent me to come get you, said they have a message for you."
And with that deadpan speech, he was gone. Although, anyone who ran into the Captain that day did seem to think he was a little...sunnier than usual. Odd.
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Thistle on the other hand is used to posing for portraits with his family, sitting politely still for the painters or being urged to smile brightly to not distract from Delgal or Yaad. He quite enjoyed not being the focus of the paintings, especially with his ears not paid much attention to.
So it was a little confusing when, as he draped himself to look over your shoulder, he saw a sketch of him. With his white hair tied up into the bun, it'd been in for the last 1000 years, and his ears were floppy slightly with youth but still pointed due to his elf heritage. It was a little flattering, being the subject of someone's art!
Smiling brighter than he had for a while, Thistle leant his head on your shoulder, peering up at you with those curious purple eyes and waiting for your reaction. It was a little confusing when you seemed almost upset he'd found your work. Was...he not supposed to see it?
"It looks good! Why didn't you show me it?" Thistle queried, leaning his elbows on your shoulder with a head tipped to the side, as if tilting his head would just knock understanding right into place. Even when you explained they were just personal sketches, Thistle let out a huff. "I like them. Can you make me one to have?" Eventually, you agreed with a sigh. He was lucky he was so damn cute.
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slut4sugu · 4 months ago
𝐈𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐀 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄..𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐀 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄! — piercer & tattoo artist kiribaku! x black fem!reader
A/N: here is the long awaited PART THREE Sorry for not coming back to this one sooner it’s just I had writers block for this one for a while and I never got around to doing it. Here it is!! (Sorry if it’s not good good wrote on this one diff days + watched arcane while wrapping up lol.) vi CMERE bae I’ll treat you right istg
genre + including: fluff, kiri being a flirt, kiribaku, reader has a pet bunny, black!femreader, cuteness lol.
part one . part two . current . part four
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after katsuki revealed to you the truth about his relationship with ejirou, you had an lightbulb moment before realizing the situation you were in. “Wait you both want to go out with..me?” You pointed your manicured finger at yourself in slight shock, still trying to wrap your head around it all. While katsuki sat up with his toned arms folded across his chest, “what are you the picky type?” He teased, yet still looking at you with that same unreadable expression. Yet his gaze still managing to make you feel small as fluttering began to stir in your stomach. “No no, that’s not what I’m saying, it’s just I’ve never..” you sighed in embarrassment, “I’m not one who gets asked out a lot. Especially not by two guys at once.” You rambled with an anxious laugh.
“Well nothing is set in stone yet, if you’re not comfortable with all of this we’ll understand. It’d be a shame though since you’re such a cutie.” Kiri explained, his voice easing your nerves and still making the situation you were in all the more nerve wracking. You smiled softly at the two, “I know, it’s just an adjustment is all…yknow, I would love to join you both for dinner. I do have to get home and tend to my bunny though.”
Katsuki scoffed playfully, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "A bunny? Don’t they die hella easy?" Eijirou chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "It's probably adorable, just like its owner." He winked, causing a heat to creep up your neck. You giggled nervously, pulling out your phone. "His name is thumper, little rascal but I love him. You said fondly, the sweetness in your words reaching both the men infront of you. Causing a glance to be shared between the both of them. “Actually I have a picture..." You scrolled through your photos, finally landing on a picture of a fluffy creature with long bunny ears. Both men leaned in, intrigued.
The smell of cologne and slight smoke filled your nose, causing your heart to race as you tried your best to not lose it infront them. Ejirous eyes flickering to your glossed brown lips momentarily with a flash of desire before looking back down at the bunny on your phone. "He looks like a damn turd," Katsuki muttered, a flicker of amusement in his eyes. You gasped in slight offense, “Thumper is not a turd blondie, he’s a stinker at best. A sweetheart all round.” Eijirou laughed heartily at your defense of Thumper, his infectious energy easing the tension building in the air. “You’ve got to admit, it’s a fitting nickname. He looks ready to cause a little trouble,” he teased, nudging Katsuki lightly, who wore an expression caught between mock seriousness and playful mischief. You couldn’t help but blush at how readily they engaged with your little world, their closeness giving you a sense of belonging you hadn’t expected when you’d first walked into this overwhelming situation.
Kiri leaned forward, his curiosity piqued as he asked, “What kind of trouble does Thumper get into? I can totally envision him planning an escape mission from his cage.” You then seeming found yourself animatedly rambling tales of Thumper’s little escapades—how he once managed to dig his way under the couch and steal a sock, or the time he chewed on the corner of the carpet while you weren’t looking. The laughter that erupted was genuine, and you felt a rush of warmth flood over you, slowly dissipating the earlier nerves.
Suddenly, Katsuki’s teasing demeanor softened as he watched you speak, the way your eyes sparkled with passion mesmerizing him. “Honestly I couldn’t picture my life without him and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” A thrill of excitement mixing with the realization that you might soon be sharing more than just an evening with these intriguing guys. Anxiety from moments before slowly dissipating, replaced by a warm, fuzzy feeling.
"So, about dinner..."
"How about tomorrow night?" Eijirou suggested, glancing at Katsuki for confirmation. Katsuki nodded, tossing the keys to the shop to ejirou after locking up. His gaze now fixed on you as you look up from your phone. "Seven o'clock. We'll pick you up, and I’m cooking.” His tone was assertive, yet there was an underlying gentleness that you found surprisingly reassuring. You agreed, a sense of anticipation bubbling in your chest. This was definitely uncharted territory, but for some reason, you felt a strange sense of excitement about it. After taking a few pictures of your new tattoo you thanked katsuki and kiri again for their time and the 25 dollars off your service for reasons of “your appointment not taking too long”
You beamed happily as you all agreed for you to come over to dinner the following night, the anticipation bubbling inside you like a fizzy drink ready to overflow. The cool night air nipped gently at your skin, but it was a mere distraction compared to the warmth radiating from the two of them walking with you on either side. Their presence wrapped around you like a cozy blanket, heightening the fluttering sensation in your heart and the twist of excitement in your stomach. "Thumper's prolly shittin' all over your place right now 'cause yer taking too damn long," Katsuki quipped, breaking through your revelry with his signature blend of humor and mischief. You glanced at him, unable to suppress your laughter as you flipped him off playfully, feeling a delightful spark igniting between you.
"Really? You want me to go that badly that you're dragging Thumper into this?" you teased back, shooting him a mock-serious glare as you fished your keys out of your pocket. The mention of your mischievous little rabbit brought back fond memories, but you couldn't help but feel the warmth of friendship—and perhaps something more—blossoming amid the playful banter. Ignoring the chilly breeze, you found comfort in the casual ease of the moment, the laughter echoing softly in the night while the thrill of what was to come wrapped around you like the stars above. Each step toward your car was a stride toward an evening filled with warmth, excitement, and a sense of belonging that made your heart race just a little faster. “Look at you two gettin along, don’t forget about me cutie.” The redheads voice suddenly in your right ear making you nearly drop your keys as you unlocked your car. “Never! I look forward to hanging out with you both tomorrow night. However I’d be very disappointed if I got food poisoning from katsuki here.”
Katsuki sucked his teeth in retort. “Food poisoning? You should count yerself lucky you have an opportunity to taste my dishes, tiny” His smirk was infuriatingly charming, and you couldn’t help but chuckle as you slid into the driver’s seat. The way the moonlight caught his messy blonde hair made him look almost ethereal, a stark contrast to his tough exterior. Kiri’s flirty smile as he teased katsukis boldness was also ridiculously attractive. Ejirou’s strong and broad shoulders paired with a few healed scars on his forearms made you wonder what he’d look like without that black fitted tee on. Being around these two would definitely be an adjustment for your poor heart.
As you locked your car doors and rolled down the window to continue the banter, you could see the spark of mischief in his crimson eyes. “Please, you could burn water if you’re drunk enough, remember that time I-” “Shut up dumbass.” Seeing the tips of katsukis ears go pink made you giggle. Focusing back to you ejirou shot you that handsome smile once more, “take care okay cutie, we look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Right Kats?” Ejirous relentless teasing with katsuki was almost adorable the way he could shut up the fiesty blonde with just a nickname was honestly admirable. “Tch, ignore spiky’s dumbass and.. don’t take too long tiny.”
You waved goodbye to the two men, feeling an undeniable thrill buzzing through your veins as you watched the two of them retreat into the night. The laughter shared among you lingered in the air, wrapping around your heart like a warm embrace. Driving away, thoughts of tomorrow’s dinner filled your mind. You could almost envision Katsuki’s culinary chaos, interspersed with Kiri’s soft laughter and teasing jabs. The anticipation heightened with each passing moment, and your heart fluttered at the thought of the night ahead—a night where friendship might evolve into something deeper, something intoxicating.
As you pulled into your driveway, your mind drifted back to moments shared with the two of them—their playful banter, the camaraderie that felt different from any connection you had experienced before. The way Katsuki challenged you, his sharp tongue often softened by the kindness in his gaze. And Kiri, ever the gentle spirit, whose presence felt like a warm glow beside the fire. It was all too easy to imagine the three of you laughing together, the kind of laughter that echoed in your chest long after it ended. You could almost see the way their eyes would light up at something ridiculous, those shared glances brimming with understanding and ease.
Setting foot inside your home, a sense of longing washed over you, intertwining with thoughts of the warmth that awaited you the following night. You sighed, a small smile creeping onto your face as you thought of Thumper, who would no doubt be causing delightful havoc. “Don’t destroy everything, okay?” you whispered to the air, half-expecting the mischievous bunny to hear You couldn't help but chuckle at the thought. Whatever nightmares the poor rabbit had in store for you, they paled in comparison to the excitement brewing in your heart.
As you settled into bed, the moonlight seeping through your window painted a gentle glow across your room. You couldn’t shake the feeling that tomorrow night would somehow change everything. It was a moment of significant potential—a space where laughter could lead to new feelings and connections. The thought ignited a spark of hope, an exhilaration that sent shivers down your spine. Tomorrow was not just another dinner; it was an invitation, a promise of something wonderful waiting to unfold.
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lostinlovingrevery · 16 days ago
Hey Van! 💙 So glad you’re feeling better ☺️ I saw you’re doing blurb request for Logan and wanted to help your writers block, how about a jealous Logan?! (I just love when he’s all about his girl and a tinsy jealous lol) of course the reader only has eyes for Logan and thinks it’s funny/cute he gets this way. Any Logan you want to choose 😘 (sorry I don’t have more details but anywhere your mind goes for this!)
DAMI!!! Thank you <3 <3 <3
I used 70s Logan for this because I thought it would be neat considering he's looked at as such a Casanova, a carefree spirit who won't be tied down, etc etc, but if he's got someone he really likes, he's gonna be holding onto them for dear life.
also i just like to look at him <3
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"Baby." You giggled as you put your arm around his waist. "Take it easy."
He stared down the asshole that had the nerve to talk to you, look at you, even breathe in your direction. As if the whole damn bar didn't see you walk in with him, his arm wrapped protectively around you.
As if you haven't spent the whole night laughing at his jokes, fluttering your lashes at him, giving him the sweetest kisses- enough to give him a toothache, whispering in his ear about things you wanted him to do to you, later.
No, he had to go to the bathroom, only to come back to this fucker by your side. Thinking he can woo you, make you his. You, held an unimpressed expression as you listened to him talk, protectively holding both yours and Logan's drinks. He heard the asshole make a joke about you drinking both of them and you told him that one was your boyfriends drink.
Instead of taking the message, the guy laughs and asks where this boyfriend was. To his credit, when Logan put a hand on his shoulder, and told him "right here", the man went pale as a ghost upon seeing Logan's tall and bulky figure, scampered out of his seat and back to his hole.
You smiled up at Logan, leaning up to kiss his cheek and saying thank you. Logan couldn't let himself drop it though. His fists clenching as he stared at the man who was now doing everything he could to avoid his gaze.
"Lo." You say firmly, finally catching his attention. "Are you going to stare at some stranger all night, or you going to take care of me?" You cooed.
A smile grew on his face, as he put an arm around you and pulled you against him. "Sorry doll, just didn't like that sight I came back to." He mumble as he leaned in to nuzzle his nose over yours. You giggled, tracing your hand up his shirt, pushing underneath the collar of his button-up and brushing over his collarbone. He leaned forward and pecked your lips.
"You don't have anything to worry about Lo." You say, looking up at him dreamily. "Although...It's cute seeing you so jealous."
"Mm." He mumbles. "Yeah...Maybe we should call it a night, I gotta make sure you know how good I can take care of you."
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avifaunaa · 27 days ago
i tasted ash and knew [ it was you ] [ r.v ] [ pt. 5 ]
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Authors Note: i just went through a nasty breakup so. um, the last part of this may be emotional idk🧍🏻‍♀️so in writing this i had to do some digging. rio and wanda were never meant to be pitted against one another in the comics and stan lee had a really firm rule that any character can be stronger than another if the writer needs them to be. in my useless opinion, i believe that rio may have more power and knowledge than wanda, but wanda's abilities and her exposure to the Darkhold leave her incredibly formidable [ see her almost KOing Thanos BEFORE she touches the damn book ]. i do not think it wise to try and make these two enemies on a battlefield or else everyone else around them pays the price. lmao.
More Useless History Facts:
• Quaff-Aid, or brewer's yeast, was a "hang-over fix" that would be passed around at parties to try and prevent hangovers before they happened. It contained a mixture of vitamins and minerals -- and spoiler alert: it was not always successful lmfao
so like, parties were kinda funky in the fifties. they were a mix of formal and fun. i say this with confidence because on one end they had a "drop by and leave whenever" sort of feel and then on the other they were like, "oh here's a dress code and seating arrangements," type deal. not all parties were the same ofc, but it was interesting how people held parties like they were very important events lol even in their own home. it was apart of life and keeping appearances with peers.
Chex Mix was first created as a party recipe to be made in the home! It became a hit and used more broadly with various recipes in the fifties and did not become a pre-bagged snack until much later.
Pairing: Rio Vidal x Fem!Reader
Summary: Rio is at a loss when one of Agatha’s old enemies comes knocking at her door, and now both of you are on guard as she plays neighbor until you can figure out what she wants.
Content Warnings: Still dark so ensure you take care of yourselves — period-typical views on gender norms and homophobia, misuse of magic [ Rio ], reader has a severe mental breakdown in one of her flashbacks, manipulation, possessive behavior, territorial bastard Rio, Stockholm Syndrome, Pregnancy and symptoms that come with it,
Word Count: ~4.3k
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Rio was very agitated.
You were still cozied up on the couch in the living room, television paused on the Tell All episode of your reality show while Tommy’s stiff form slowly moved over to drape across your body, staring hard at the entry way where Rio had disappeared.
The invisible magic that caressed your neck at all times was thrumming with an uncomfortable buzz — burning and restless like a caged panther pacing back and forth.
Whatever who rang the bell was not a Girl Scout, obviously.
You debated leaving it alone for once and letting the witch handle it like you knew she could. Rio was adept and likely had the place warded with an ancient type of magic that most things sensitive to it would steer from or be wary of.
Ah, but would there be any fun in that? You may have decided to wave a white flag and ceased fighting with her, but what was her life [ or yours ] if you didn’t add to her plate once in a while?
“Off,” you told your new companion, nudging your knee gently upwards until the dog reluctantly moved off of the couch and stalked behind you like a shadow.
“Rio?” you called softly, wrapping your sweater-clad arms around one another as you shuffled down the hall to the entry way. The sunlight outlined her form in the entry way.
You knew Rio in the same way she claimed to know you — it was a mirrored understanding of each other and years of memorizing the very molecules of both of yourselves.
She was extremely agitated. She had one hand stretched out against the corner of the doorway, blocking the view and entrance to the visitor of her home. Her stance wasn’t aggressive, but it was deceptively polite — almost friendly.
She stiffed slightly at your call, fingers pressing deep into the fixture that decorated the door to your home as she sent you a brief glance.
Her eyes swirled with a dark green and brown flame.
Normally, the bluer the flame the hotter it is and the more damage it does. But you weren’t sure those rules applied to Rio — most of them didn’t anyway.
Her eyes were quickly off of you and returned to whoever stood at the edge of the doorway, responding to a question asked by a curious, friendly voice.
A head full of fiery red hair popped into your line of view before Rio could block it. “Oh — is this your sister?”
You almost laughed if the recognition of who exactly the fuck this was wasn’t hitting you like a tone of bricks. All in a bag and dropped straight down from a high point of distance.
“No,” Rio replied tightly as you edged forward, Tommy on your heels. You brushed your fingers along his leather collar. The tags jingled with contact. “She’s —“
“I’m her wife,” you announced, releasing Tommy and quickly stepping the rest of the way over. You rest your chin on Rio’s outstretched arm, remaining behind her but making yourself appear in easier view. You tell her your name.
“Wanda, it’s nice to meet you,” she introduces, a smile dimpling her cheeks.
“We know who you are,” Rio responded lowly. Formalities dropped, and an uptick in the breeze outside had you shivering slightly. “You’re supposed to be dead.”
“Am I?” Wanda interlaces her fingers together. “I suppose so, yes. I made it seem like that.”
She seemed rather whole and put together for a woman who magicked an entire mountain down on top of herself after a fierce battle and using a lot of her powers.
You decided to not comment, instead focusing on burying your nose into Rio’s arm and inhaling her scent.
“What do you want?” the words vibrated against your cheek as you eyed the details of the area around Wanda. The garden needed a better upkeeping in the front.
“I made mistakes,” the once-Avenger confessed, “and I regret them terribly. I’m seeking to make them right.”
You moved your face so that you could see Rio’s expression. You found it to be as blank as a fresh sheet of snow. “This has nothing to do with me. I was not involved nor do I have any care to. The Darkhold is yours, no?”
Wanda tapped her fingers together. “I don’t. Not anymore. I destroyed it when I took out Wundagore. But I went to Westview and looked for Agatha — turns out she was swept away by a detective called Rio Vidal.”
Rio tilted her chin downward dangerously. “Was she, now. I’m surprised they let you back in and didn’t call the government.”
“I used magic to cover my basis.”
A mean smile crossed Rio’s lips. “You didn’t learn the first time?” she asked, condescending. You winced — and oh you were pleased to not be on the end of the time she used for once.
Wanda swallowed. “I regret using it — and I wish I hadn’t been so careless in my grief. But I do need to find Agatha Harkness. She’s . . .”
“I know what she is.” A flash in Rio’s eyes silenced Wanda Maximoff. “You’re not going to find her here. She’s dead.”
Wanda’s face dropped and she slumped visibly. “I see.”
“And even if she wasn’t,” Rio continued, ice starting to creep through her tone like a blade, “I wouldn’t so much as give you a hint. You left her at the mercy of those people with her mind in shambles until I could fix her.”
Wanda curled her lip, a mixture of shame, guilt, and anger rising in her, “She tried to steal from me. I don’t have much of an appreciation for that — especially with my track record. I wasn’t going to let her take what I had.”
“You had won your battle,” Rio rebutted, though she didn’t outright disagree with Wanda’s defense. She was right in that regard — Agatha had played a stupid game against a witch more powerful than her at that time. “What you did to her after was not a fit punishment. She was stuck inside of her own mind and could not escape — she was a slave to the magic that you put upon her just like you did to everyone else in Westview.”
There was a part of you that wishes you could call Rio out at this moment — she was scolding Wanda about breaking some rules of magic and being morally incorrect while at the same time breaking multiple rules of her own nature.
You dug your chin into her arm instead of speaking out, and when she glanced at you, you hoped whatever she saw in your eyes was enough to get to her.
The three of you remained in an awkward, tense silence. Wanda had turned red from her shame and Rio was still posturing in the doorway.
“I made mistakes,” Wanda started, “after Thanos. Big ones that can never be forgiven. But I lost so much to this world and was never given anything in return. How is that fair? Who gets to decide how much loss someone experiences before they break?”
Your heart broke for this woman, who the world sought to fear — the woman from rubble and war and death who never seemed to achieve the peace she seemed to desire the most.
“Death,” Rio said simply. “Death gets to decide. It is not your responsibility to work around Her to try and cheat.”
“I just wanted a family.”
Rio found herself trying not to look at you at all. “I know. But I cannot help you with that. Agatha is gone, Wanda Maximoff, and I am in no position nor have any desire to make an attempt to seek her out in whatever afterlife Death has stolen her to."
The way those words leaked from her . . . the disdain within them was not directed at Wanda in their delivery, but rather like a sharpened dagger aiming for herself.
You ran your chin along her arm in hope she would take some form of comfort in you being close to her, but if she did it went unacknowledged and her muscles stayed stony beneath you.
The unfamiliar weight of a gaze had your attention returning to the Scarlet Witch, who looked at you with a seemingly more tired stance that she did not carry moments before.
"I understand," she finally relented softly, nodding. "Thank you. I am sorry . . . about Agatha."
Rio locked up and regarded the fellow witch coolly, but kept a leash on whatever threatened to rise to surface. "You knew nothing of her," she said shortly, "and her death had nothing to do with you in the end. Agatha's life was lost at her own hand and another's -- not yours."
Wanda tilted her head to the side, just slightly, and you wondered if she had the urge to use her abilities on Rio. If they would even work against her -- and you wondered just how evenly matched they would be should they have to end up on opposite sides of a battle.
"I plan on sticking around for a while," Wanda started as she gestured toward the street with her body. "I will . . . I need to learn how to be human again."
"Think you can handle that without warping everyone around you? Because you will not like what my answer to your actions will be should you decide that course," Rio told her shortly, lips thinning. The dark swirled in her eyes again and a chill swept across your skin despite the warm clothes you were bundled in.
The redhead hesitated, too, it seemed. "No magic," she vowed quietly. "Just living."
Rio glanced at you. No magic, seemed to echo a lot around her head these days.
"I cannot control you," your keeper said slowly as she began to inch the door closed in a way that would end the conversation, "but I will be keeping an eye on you. This is my territory, Maximoff. Tread lightly."
Wanda opened her mouth but Rio slammed the door in her face.
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"Go away," you moaned from under the sheets as a chilly hand crept up your naked spine. You were hiding from the shame of last night's events and no amount of seduction would rip you out of hiding.
The New Year's party Rio and you had hosted had been successful. There had not been very many people at all, only around fifteen in total. Her coworkers and their wives or sweethearts. When questioned about your status, you were easily able to lay on the widowed wife tale.
While most parties had a tendency to be formal and therefor fancy, Rio had no such taste and simply passed out invitations at the drugstore and gave a time in which the party would start and that there was no requirement to stay for a certain period.
You had decided on a different spread for the food after Rio had left for work that day. You went with your mother's Swedish meatball recipe and made life simpler on yourself by making finger sandwiches.
Shrimp cocktails were easy to procure -- all you had to do was make those just before the party guests would arrive and have them ready on the coffee table in the living room.
By the time Rio had returned from work with two hours before the party, the house was cleaned obsessively and you had showered and changed twice.
She paused in the kitchen where you were pulling out the Party Mix from the oven and pouring it into the large serving bowl for snacking on later.
"Angel." Rio watched you with hawk-like eye movements as you adjusted the placement of your creation on the table where the shrimp cocktails would be going later. "You are outdoing yourself."
"It's a party you are hosting," you said as you turned to her. She quirked her lips up at you in amusement as she strode toward you. "I decided to do something a little different than what we talked about yesterday."
"Hmm," she murmured as she wrapped her arms around your waist and drew you in for a soft kiss. One, two, three. Then a warm smile when she saw your sparkling eyes. "Whatever my girl wants."
You groaned when the hand ran up your back again. "Rio, please. My skin hurts and if I am forced out from under these covers I may simply vomit everywhere."
The hand paused movement and pressed directly into the middle of your back. "Awe, my poor Angel," the raspy voice responds from above you. Usually a comforting, welcoming sound brought pounding to your head in the moment.
"I shouldn't have had more than the cocktail."
A soft laugh that reverberated through Rio's body down to the hand still glued to your back. You closed your eyes tight and breathed out when the vibration threatened to upheave the uneasy calm in your stomach.
"You had fun," she murmured. You heard the rustle of sheets and covers over your head and you readied yourself for their removal. Cold air overtook the warmth that you once were cocooned in. Soft lips on your temple. "Do you want me to get you some ginger ale and perhaps a painkiller?"
"Please," you moaned, burying your face into the pillow. The lights were off but the light from early morning was piercing.
Rio scritched nails down your tender skin before padding into the master bathroom. You heard her moving around and searching for the painkillers and not long after, the bed dipped.
“Ale?” you slurred, eyes opening to a foggy Rio, still naked and smiling sweetly down at you when you turned over.
“Right here, Angel.” She briefly turned her back to wrap her hand around the neck of the bottle, newly opened and still cold as she helped you sit against the headboard. “Open.”
Your mind wandered to how quickly she gathered everything as she deposited the medicine and washed it down with the ginger ale. You didn’t hear her go downstairs, the loud humming of the fridge being opened and closed. You didn’t so much as hear the stairs creak.
But the drink was ice cold, and the bottle cap still lay atop your side table. Had you drifted back to sleep and lost time? Had she gotten the ginger ale before coming to wake you?
“You’re fading on me again, my sweet,” Rio commented as she pressed the cool glass against your temple. The effect was immediate — it pulled you straight from your own thoughts and you moaned. “That feel good?”
“Mhmm. Everything hurts. I am not a woman of the drink.”
Rio laughed, obviously amused by your lightweight approach to your own hangover as she sat the bottle back down and rubbed the back of your neck. “I suppose not. You enjoyed yourself, though.”
“Did I? I cannot seem to remember.”
And with a crushing reality, you couldn’t. You were sure Rio spoke honestly in that regard — but the last thing you can recall is greeting the last of the guests and enjoying the Swedish meatballs before pouring yourself wine after you finished your shrimp cocktail.
Did two drinks truly do you in?
Your teenage self would be ashamed.
“Hmm, maybe we keep you away from the wine. Or the cocktail mix?” Rio teases, leaning down with pressure keeping the ache at bay to kiss you sweetly.
“I feel as though I must go back to sleep, but I can’t even come to think about how many dishes I must do.” You raised the heels of your palms and rubbed your eyes. “Oh, the vacuuming, too.”
“I will do it, Angel,” Rio, your beloved gentle Rio, announced as though she were taking on a difficult quest in one of those fantasy films you’d seen grow popular lately. “You get some more sleep. Take a bath. But do not touch a dish in that sink or breath near any vacuum in the house.”
Your cheeks turned red as you watched her dress into some slacks from the previous night and a barely buttoned white shirt, hair messy and undone as she smirked at your expression.
“If you feel better, I wouldn’t mind an audience,” she added offhandedly, then broke into laughter when you dove back under the sheets, still in love with your shy nature.
You don’t remember falling back asleep, nor do you remember waking up. What awakens you isn’t a noise or a hand along your back so comforting, this time it’s a taste so foul in the air that you nearly choked on it.
Your head throbbed and the time was barely past noon when you sluggishly peeled away the covers and got into a sitting position. Why was the air so . . . Angry? Sad?
You forced the bedroom windows open on the other side of the bed, letting winter air rush across your skin and into the house.
It only allowed for little more breathing room, but you took whatever you could get. You swiped the bathrobe off of the door and tied it on as you snuck out into the quiet hall.
This was not the quiet you so adored with Rio. The quiet you two had built like a new home that you could fall back on when you needed it.
This was a quiet that was so familiar, with bitter reminders and tension stringing tight.
It lured you down the stairs as you called out for your lover, wondering why such an air filled your home that not even hours ago was happy.
“. . . me to leave you alone. Couldn’t find you, so I gave you what you wanted. Now you seek me out?” Rio, sounding much unlike herself.
You paused at the end of the stairs, hidden from the living room and kitchen both. Waiting.
“Gave me what I wanted,” an angrier [ angry like the air ] reply chortled back, a hard clank of something landing on a surface. “You took whatever you wanted, you mean.”
“I had no choice,” oh how you twitched in place at the pain in your Rio’s tone. How it echoed so freely within her in a way you’ve never heard her speak of before — not about her husband. Not like this. “I do not know how long you wish to punish me for my nature. For what I am.”
You placed a hand smooth on the wall, words spoken sinking into you and only filling you with a spiral of confusion. Nature? What she is?
“For the rest of time,” the other female promised darkly, deep and almost like some sort of contract signed with words rather than pen and paper.
“Why are you here, Agatha?” Rio finally asks after the two of them — her and this Agatha — fall into a pit of tense silence again. Rio sounded more exhausted right now than she ever had since you had met her.
“I need to have the Road brought back. To be used. I think I’ve been able to master myself again and I want more.”
The Road? Your head was spinning again, and you lowered yourself on the steps before a fall overtook you. Black spots invaded your vision.
“No.” A firm answer, unmoving and stony.
“Excuse me?”
“I said no, Agatha. I have given you everything and anything I could. Your last and final request of me was to leave you alone and never come to you again — I am fulfilling that request.”
You startled when a shatter and hard creaks groaned across your tiled kitchen floors from the chairs, no doubt. You hoped Rio cleaned the glass.
“Control yourself,” said woman snarled.
“You owe me,” Agatha announced, sounding suddenly closer to the archway of the kitchen that lead to the hall. “You owe me this after — after —“
“He was my son, too,” Rio spoke so lowly that you almost missed what she said at all. Even then, in your foggy state, you were unsure you heard right. “You don’t get to claim what you’re owed when I tried my best even when I prevented it for as long as I could. Because I loved you both, so very much.”
A son. A son. He was my son, too.
Who was this woman to Rio? How deep did her lies go?
“Your claim on him is null,” Agatha spat and hurried footsteps sent you careening upstairs as quietly as you could but it was too late. You heard a disbelieving scoff behind you, and you could not force yourself to keep from looking.
She was wild, and fury, and everything a feminine beauty demanded. She broke all laws of nature and she was dressed in flaring purple robes with a broach on her chest. Her hair was purposefully untamed, her eyes dark with a merciless glare.
Agatha — apparently.
“She found another one, did she?” Purple began to dance around her fingertips and you blinked multiple times.
“I think I may need a hospital,” you said in response, once again collapsing on whatever stair you had been stopped at. You would be sent off to the hospital and never released if Rio decided you weren’t fit anymore.
But the woman you loved so was hovering behind Agatha and suddenly shot forward. “Enough. She’s not like us.”
The glow flickered with Agatha’s arching brow, surprise sprouting on her features with a smirk. But then it ebbed, and her hands dropped. “You’re shacking up with a human woman?”
“Leave, now.” Rio put her body between you and Agatha as though it would help your hallucinations from taunting you. “I gave you an answer, and we have nothing else to say to one another.”
Agatha’s eyes were stormy, but she slammed the door shut behind her as she left.
Rio stared out the window for a moment, eyes flicking back and forth wildly for a brief period of time before she slowly turned to you and narrowed her eyes to study you closely.
But you . . . Were stuck in a motionless state, staring back at her, throat dry and sandpapery as you swallowed.
She went to climb the stairs and you flinched, forcing her to stop.
“Angel,” she said, crooning soft. “It’s okay. You’re okay.”
“Am I having a terrible dream?” you asked her as she drifted closer slowly, inch by inch, eyes beginning to have a glow around the edges.
“Yes, yes it’s all but a brutal nightmare, my sweet,” she murmured as her fingers trailed up your jawline as she stood over you. “It will all be fine when you awaken. I’ll be there to ease the panic.”
“You never married a man . . . Did you, Rio?” you asked, distantly and blinking at the beautiful woman you had trusted so.
“No, Angel, and you’re incredibly intelligent to come to that conclusion and confront me about it.” A pause as you nodded dreamily. “But I’m afraid you won’t be privy to that when you wake up. I can’t . . . I can’t lose you.”
“Where would I go?”
“Away from me. Something I simply cannot allow.”
“I don’t understand. Why would I leave you?”
“Why indeed?” Rio agrees gently, crouching down on one knee and pressing her lips to your forehead. “That is why I am going to go inside and fix this little tidbit. You never have to worry about being scared around me, or feeling lost.”
You leaned into the woman’s warmth even as her skin gave off a warning chill. You buried your nose into her soft shirt and inhaled this scent that you had come to know as yours.
“So pretty,” Rio murmured as a heaviness threw you into knowing no more.
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“Rio my feet hurt,” you called, laying on a thick tone of pleading as you watched her pace like a caged beast near the windows.
Two more episodes of your show and she was less eased after Maximoff had left.
She still donned her robes as if they were armor, but now that cursed dagger was back to being belted on her hip, catching the light whenever she moved into the light and nearly blinding you.
A pause, glancing at you with darkened eyes as she let them roam you. She hesitated for a few seconds and decided against ignoring your calls again, striding over like a pissed off cat.
She sat down gingerly next to you, the robes fluttering gracefully around her as she took one of your ankles in hand and lifted it into her lap. They felt swollen already and you were barely pregnant.
“You’re in a foul mood.”
“Did you not see the Scarlet Witch parade herself up to our doorstep?”
“What’s she going to do, exactly? Magic some sugar from our cabinets?”
Fingers dug into the fleshy part of your ankle, the only warning you’d receive for the attitude you just gave her. “You’re a smartass.”
“You knocked me up, so you’ll deal with whatever comes with that.” You waved her off and let your neck angle backwards and groaned
As thumbs dug circles into the sole of your foot. “Jesus Christ, Rio.”
“I don’t trust what she’s doing here,” your captor said, eyes watching couples yell at one another on the television screen. “My instincts are telling me something about this is off.”
“Your instinct always tells you that everything is off,” you muttered, cheek resting against the body of the sofa. “Part of being Death, having Deathly duties.”
“You’re mouthy.”
“Why are you so worried? Aren’t you like — I don’t know. Death?” You smirked, lifting your head.
“Yes.” She wouldn’t meet your gaze. “But she is the Scarlet Witch — and that has always been a match against Death.”
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Rio and reader will return in part six.
my often forgetful taglist: @dandelions4us , @flow33didontsmoke , @girlsgotissues
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