#its the sweetest wip too
animelover20 · 2 months
Y'all why the fuck was I going back through my doffy wips after ages and realised that 4 months ago I blacked the fuck out one night at like 3am and wrote 5-6 paragraphs of the most descriptive, heart wrenching thing I've ever read.
genuinely reading the dialogue pulls at my heart strings(hehe strings anyway-) it's from doffys pov(atleast so far)which makes it a bit strange but holy shit you just get to peak into this man's thoughts in the best way.(It's so sweet too🥲)
I'd describe the story but I don't wanna spoil it. However I may not even post it because I doubt the rest of the story could compare to how poetic the beginning is.
I suck at writing beginnings(it holds me back a lot cause I know what's gonna happen but I can't get there.) but this is the most poetic shit and it actually makes sense,aside from a few very moments where I use the wrong word.
Btw I also have question regarding the end of that. I can't tell whether sleepy brain was correct or I'm correct. Sleepy me said a window was projecting light but shouldn't it be reflecting? Listen I know that's really dumb but google sucks.
I'm sorry for this big ol ramble out of nowhere lmao I just went back and reread my masterpiece and god it's great.
I'm really proud of it,even if I'm the only person to ever see it.
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dduane · 10 months
WIP Wednesday: "Why The Wren is Queen of Birds"
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From the upcoming Tales of the Five #3: The Librarian: a fairy tale* of southern Arlen.
In the south of our land, in the mountain-wall’s shadow near Dhiil, they tell this tale of the ancient days after the Great Dark was downthrown and destroyed at last.
In that time the Goddess first began to send humankind royal rulers to mediate between the folk of those first realms and the land on which they depended for their lives. And in those days the birds of the world came together in a great parliament and decided they too should have a King or Queen. "For we’re a far older people than the humans are," said some among the birds, "and far more numerous and varied in our kinds. So by rights we ought to have a ruler over us such as the Mistress of the World has given these new young creatures, to show forth our age in the world and our importance in it."
And no sooner had this been agreed than the birds began to squabble over who should be their new King or Queen.
"It should be the strongest of birds," said the great mountain vulture. "It should be the most beautiful of birds," said the rainbow-feathered lyretail. "It should be the bird that sings best, the sweetest-voiced," said the melodious nightingale. "It should be the sharpest-eyed of birds," said the passager-falcon.
A long time the quarrel went on, but no decision could be reached. Finally a hedge-sparrow said, "The owl is said to be wise, and has not spoken. Let us ask the owl." And that seemed a good enough idea that the birds went straight to the great crested owl, who sat in a tree hard by where the parliament had been taking place, dozing the day away.
The birds woke the owl and said, "Wise one, how shall we choose what bird among us shall be our Queen or King?"
And the owl looked south and north, and west and east, and over its own shoulder, seeking the answer. Finally it said, "The deepest truth of being a bird is that one flies. Therefore let the Monarch of Birds be the one who flies the highest."
And this advice seemed good to all the birds gathered there in parliament. So it was agreed and then sung and cried far and wide for every bird to hear, both great and small; from the great dragon-eagle to the tiny wren.
The wren in her holly-bush, when she heard this news, smiled to herself. "There are more truths to being a bird than flight," she said, "and more kinds of wisdom than are owned by owls. I have an idea which bird may yet fly highest!"
So the day came when all the birds of the world assembled, and all flew to see which one might fly the highest. Up and up they went in great waves of flight, so that the sky grew dark with them, and in their dwellings humans looked up in alarm, saying "What devilry is the Shadow planning now?" For the Dark was only a few lives of mankind gone, and humans’ fear of Its malice was greater than their wisdom.
However, the birds cared nothing for the fears of human beings, and only strove to see who would rise highest. The birds of field and hedge dropped away first, and then the birds of the treetops and the tall forests. A while longer the birds of the upper sky rose up together, the hawks and eagles and the mightiest seabirds. But one by one they all fell back and could fly no more through air that was too thin and cold for them; and at last the only one who remained was the greatest of eagles, a Darthene dragon-eagle, grey-pinioned and golden-eyed with a spiky crown of feathers.**
And that dragon-eagle beat his way up and up until it seemed the blue of the sky was starting to go darker and the horizon might to a keen eye be starting to show the shadow of a curve, and even for a bird who was so often neighbor to the great heights, breathing had become hard. And looking around and seeing no other bird had kept pace, the dragon-eagle cried out in triumph and folded his wings to fall back toward the world and his waiting kingship. But as his wings folded down, a tiny grey shape started up from between them and flew, and kept flying upwards. It was the wren, who had hidden herself among the dragon-eagle’s feathers, and now flew higher than he—a tall tree’s worth of higher; two trees’ worth; five.
The dragon-eagle was nigh spent, and could not follow her. He let himself fall back to earth until he knew there would be enough air under his wings for them to bite into. Then he made his way swiftly to the place that had been set aside for the crowning of the ruler of birds. But not too far behind him came the wren, falling as fast as he into the upper airs, and finally to the grove and glade where the representatives of the bird-parliament awaited the winner.
Great was their confusion when the wren came down to perch on a tree-branch in the center of the glade and cry, "I am your ruler, for I flew the highest!" And down in his turn came the dragon-eagle, full of wrath, though he kept his dignity about him. "She flew higher than I," he said. "That much is true. But I flew all the way on my own wings from a treetop perch right up into the great heights where the sky grows dark and the air grows thin. And all that long way the wren hid amidst the down of my back, so that I carried both myself and her all that way. The feat of the highest flight is therefore far more mine than hers, and I am your king by right!"
And hearing these two claims, the birds in parliament began to squabble and argue the merits of each side, until the whole place sounded like a great noisy rookery at sunset. Yet they could find neither answer nor decision; so at last they turned to the Goddess.
As always, where many call upon Her together, there She is, whether She be seen or no. And here, since there was need, swiftly She was seen. To them She looked of course like a bird, mighty and radiant: and all bowed in awe before Her. But the awe lasted only a short while, and in little time the birds began to quarrel before Her over the issue they had begged Her to resolve.
Quite soon, "Peace, my dears, have pity! You’ll deafen me with your noise," the Goddess said, when the commotion had swollen to the point where even a deity might not hear Herself think. "Set out your case, now, so that I may judge."
So they laid it all out before Her, glossing nothing over and leaving nothing out. Then all waited in breathless stillness for Her verdict.
Due consideration She gave their issue; and then spoke and said, "The agreement you all made was that the bird who flew highest should be set as ruler above you. No one said that the bird who flew highest must also fly all the way."
"But that should have been understood!" the dragon-eagle cried in his wrath.
"It may often seem after the fact that many things should have been understood from the start," the Goddess said. "But that is not how it goes. When a game is to be rightly played, all the rules must be agreed first. When the game is begun, and won, it must be judged by what rules were decided before it began: not ones thought of after it’s done." And She looked sorrowful. "I was first to learn that rule. Now, it seems, comes your turn."
And She rose up in Her majesty before them and said, "By the rules of the contest you set for yourselves, the Wren is now your ruler." And as the Wren bowed down before Her, the Goddess reached out a pinion and with one primary-feather brushed the top of the wren’s head, which to this day bears the little gold mark She put there—the sign of its new-made royalty, and the Kingdoms’ first crown.
“Here then behold your Queen,’ said the Goddess to the parliament assembled. And some birds bowed to their new-made ruler, and some did not, grumbling among themselves and glaring at the Wren—as they dared not glare at the Goddess, preferring to think of Her as blameless, and as one who had been befooled, even as the Shadow had befooled Her when the world first began.
And soon enough the Wren began to issue commands to her subjects, telling the ravens, "Your harsh voices were better not lifted in song," and saying to the nightingales, "Your voices are fair but you should be still after dark so that others can sleep," and to the sparrowhawks, "You must cease your preying on small birds and confine yourselves to rats and conies and other such vermin." In short, she put forth many edicts that either seemed to favor her own tribe of birds, or were made to show that she by her fledgling royalty might command what she liked whether there was much sense in it or not.
It was not long before the birds began to chafe at this. And one day the Wren saw a carrion-crow swoop down on a pond, where it snapped up a duckling and swallowed it whole; and the Wren became wroth and cried out, "I pronounce you cast out from among your kind for devouring the living instead of the dead!" And no sooner had the scaldcrow gobbled the duckling down than he stared at the Wren on the willow-branch where she sat, and cawed, "Pronounce what you like, cheating little hedge-peeper; you have no power to make me pay you any mind!"
“I am your Queen, made so by the Goddess, and you must obey me!" the Wren shouted in a fury. But the carrion-crow laughed at her and said, "The only thing I need obey is my stomach, which says you will make a good end to my nunch!" And he flew at the Wren, so that only hardly did she escape from him by diving into a hole in a nearby hedge-bank.
Soon word got about that the Wren had no power to enforce her decrees, and that they only had force when the will of those she commanded allowed it. And quickly she found herself being mocked or ignored, and sometimes attacked and pursued by other birds who hated her and tried to kill her. Some of these said "What fools thought a ruler over us would be a good idea? Let’s have no more of this nonsense, but be free!", and others, "Once this monarch is gone, who knows, the next one may be better."
In no long time the Wren wearied of this strife. At last she took her grievance to the Goddess. "Great Mistress and Queen of the World," the Wren cried to Her, "the birds will not acknowledge me to be their ruler! They hate me because I was cleverer than they."
“It is a hard thing to learn," said the Goddess, “that sometimes cleverness is not enough… or too much.” And She looked sorrowful. “I grieve that you have had to learn it so.”
“All this could be put right,” said the Wren, “if only You would simply give me the power to make them do what I command.”
“That would be a change to the agreement that, unchanged, made you Queen in the first place,” the Goddess said. “My sorrow that your change cannot be made so after the fact any more than the Dragon-eagle’s could be. You’ve built yourself this nest, dear one. Now you must lodge in it and hatch out what chicks you can.” And She vanished away.
And so it is that the Wren is yet held to be Queen of Birds, for though she was never deposed, no other bird was afterward ever found wise (or foolish) enough to hold the office, not even the owl. The only court the Wren Queen holds is hidden away in holes and hedges, to avoid her enemies’ sight, and there she raises her chicks on worms and bugs in a nest no bigger than a child’s goblet. Her only state is the flash of gold on her crest, and in all other ways she goes as quietly as she may—in all ways the smallest and plainest of all birds. Whether she ever came to understand that royalty rightly exercised needs far more than mere cleverness, and needs the heart at as much as the mind, if not more, no one can say. For in this making of the world, even the Goddess who made all things has no power to make even the smallest creature wise against its will. In Her next making, may all things run more smoothly!
So they tell the tale in the high South; and in the low North, where folly resides, who knows what tale they tell? But now this one is done.
*Using the class-name here as the closest match to this kind of story in the Kingdoms, which lacks beings corresponding to fairies.
**On our Earth, Harpia harpyja, the harpy eagle.
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chiharuhashibira · 1 year
Are you taking nsfw request? Because i wanted to request nsfw and sfw headcanons of genya and kaigaku with a shy chubby s/o,but if u dont make nsfw request keep it sfw,its okay if you dont do this request
Hewooo Anon!
Sowwy it took me too long to write this! There are just lotsa WIPS. Yep! I'm taking NSFW requests but, I'm just not comfy writing for minor Genya XD I mean, I love him, yes haha!
And you haven't specified if you want him aged up so, Imma keep his part completely SFW. With Kaigaku, hmm maybe a bit NSFW~
𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑪𝒖𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑨𝒍𝒍
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐲𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚, 𝐊𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐤𝐮, & 𝐂𝐡𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐲!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Content Warnings: Curse Words/NSFW/18+ on Kaigaku's Part
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🌸𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒚𝒂 𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒛𝒖𝒈𝒂𝒘𝒂🌸
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❥ Genya would never tease you. He would rather die than do that to you, as he knows what it's like to be degraded.
❥ Genya loves kissing your chubby cheeks and telling you that you look so cute with them. He also likes to kiss your tummy as much as he wants to lay on your thighs. He says it is comfortable. He loves your curvy body. You will often blush when he does this, as he is very touchy. Sometimes, when he is feeling playful, Genya will pinch your cheeks and tickle your side. He likes seeing you smile while blushing madly for him.
❥ The sweetest thing Genya will do is surprise you with chocolates, and after tasting them, he will steal a kiss from your lips. You would blush at this gesture, as Genya would tell you the taste of the chocolate, saying it's sweeter now.
❥ There are times that you will feel insecure, so Genya will make sure to assure you that you are the most beautiful lady in his eyes. He kisses your forehead and gives you a warm embrace, comforting you. He would never want you to feel bad, especially when it's about your body, as you are beautiful as you are.
❥ Your bonding moment with him is cuddling. Genya doesn't really like to eat, so he just makes sure to give you cuddles. As you can see, he is touch-starved, so you can't blame him for his clinginess. He would often whisper lots of I love you in your ear and would also be the first one to fall asleep in your arms.
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❥ Kaigaku will sometimes tease you, but not to the point where you'll feel sad. He would often pinch your sides and tell you that he wanted to lay on you. But then, if ever his jokes got to you, the man would soften up and give you all the positive words that you never thought you'd hear from him.
❥ He loves pinching your cheeks while kissing your lips playfully. He also loves caressing your curves and kissing the stretchmarks on your tummy and thighs. Kaigaku always says you look beautiful with them, and he loves them.
❥ The sweetest thing he'll do is join you at the bath and steal kisses from you. Yes, he likes seeing you without clothes, as he finds all your curves so beautiful. He would often wash your hair, sometimes even your body. He loves touching you so much.
❥ When you are feeling insecure, he will immediately drop his crazy facade and embrace you tightly. He would tell you not to listen to others and would always remind you not to compare yourself with other people, as you are definitely more beautiful for him. "You're a goddess." He will always say this and then kiss you, causing you to blush so badly.
❥ Bonding would be memorable as he really likes joining you on showers...
❥ After washing you, his touches would turn lewd. Kaigaku loves sliding his hand to touch you more. He enjoys playing with your nipples while pressing his hard cock on your back. He would tell you how he wants to kiss them, and yes, he would go in front of you and suck on your nipples, making you moan out loud. Kaigaku is the type of guy who will mark you. He'll leave a trail of love bites as he goes down on you to eat you out. He will bend you over and fuck you so hard that you will shout in pleasure. 
❥ As noisy as you are, Kaigaku loves to moan out loud, not caring if someone hears your lovemaking. "Fuck yes!" He loves to say this as he pegs your brains out.
❥ He loves cumming inside of you. He would still not pull out after that and ask you for rounds two and three. Yes, his stamina at sex really astounds you, but of course, you have no complaints as you love it so bad.
❥ After you showered with him, he would carry you to the bed and wipe your body with his towel. Kaigaku will dress you up after he's done fixing himself and will lay beside you, caressing your curves while kissing your lips. Sometimes, a round four happens, but why now? You want him so bad.
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𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈!
Did my best to make it GN~ Hope you like it!
See you on my other fics~ UwU
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐥𝐥 - 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐈
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hairmetal666 · 3 months
Happy WIP Wednesday 😏
“What aren’t you getting, Munson?” Steve whispers, but even his real name said quietly makes Eddie flinch. “If I want to hang out with Carver, all I have to do is send a text. That’s it. I don’t need to get in good and earn his trust. I’m in.”
Eddie snorts. “You think that makes you special? Jason isn’t the kind of guy I’d brag about being friends with.”
“Makes my job much easier,” Steve says. 
The distance between them narrows further and that should be impossible because they’re so close. 
“Yeah, yeah, Harrington, you’re one of them. Thanks for reminding me.” Their lips brush, the faintest touch of skin-on-skin. 
“I am not one of them. Not even close.” 
“Could’ve fooled me.”
“You know nothing about me.”
He’s hard again, painfully erect, and if Steve looks down or brings their hips in closer proximity there’s no hiding it. Not when Eddie is only in a towel and not when his boner is at its full glory.
“I know everything,” Eddie laughs. “Too much money, too much privilege, never known a moment of real pain.”
Steve smirks. “Wild to me you’ve been in the game for so long and are so bad at it. How are you not in prison?”
“Prove me wrong,” 
“I don’t have to prove shit to you.”  
“Or you’re just scared.” His cock throbs at the look Harrington gives him.
“You think I’m scared of you, Munson? You think I’m scared of anything?”They’re both breathing hard, Harrington’s cheeks flushed red, a matching blush spreading up from his chest to his neck.
Next chapter of Forever is the Sweetest Con out on Saturday!
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;;;;;;;;;;;; (atla)
I have questions 😂
ABSOLUTELY. this is one of the first fic ideas i ever wrote, so...it might be bad XD. i think it was intended to be a longfic, but i never got around to writing it (not that i've actually published i've written yet lmao), so it's just a bunch of weird, half-formed ideas smushed together in a semblance of plot at this point.
fair warning, i have a weird writing style in my wips, so it might be hard to read/understand. sorry in advance.
It’s Jinko bitch
So Zuko and Jin are doing the cool dating thing
And he realizes that he like
Really likes her?
And thinks she’s beautiful?
And is the sweetest person alive and he would really like to give her the moon?
So he’s trying to figure that out
Meanwhile she’s just waiting for him to stop trying to convince her that he’s not a fire bender
Cause like
She’s not blind or stupid
She saw that shit at the light fountain or whatever it was called
So finally he tells her he’s a fire bender
And then the rest of it slowly starts to come out
He starts with his real name
And then his uncle’s name
And then the fact that he’s banished
Next that he has a sister
Then how the Fire Lord gave him his scar
And that he was raised in a …noble family
Aaaaaaand eventually she just figures it out
So then she knows about him
He’s hopelessly in love with this sweet, ridiculous, funny, and completely untamed girl that’s completely different from anything he’s ever known
And makes him feel like he can forget about his honor and his shame
And just relax into his body without remembering its blemishes
And she’s starting to realize that he’s adorable
He’ll give her the strangest things
Like a rock that’s shaped like a sheep-pig
Or a spiky plant that she can loop around her ear like a piece of jewelry when she looks at earrings neither of them can afford
Or a piece of scrap paper that matches the shade of her eyes
And so she’s reconciling the fact that this earnest, painfully awkward sweetheart is the Prince of the Fire Nation
And then she finds out how he got his scar and things start making a lot more sense
And so then she falls in love too
And they’re both ridiculously sweet and adorable and there’s lots of fluff for a while
And then
Of course
The Earth King invites the Jasmine Dragon to serve him tea
And whoopdidoo, Azula’s here
So everybody does the normal escape thing
But instead of going after Azula he thinks about Jin
And how she’s going to get caught in the crossfire of whatever shit is going down here
So he runs home and packs up his shit and starts banging on her door
And is like, yo Jin we gotta go my little sister’s here
And she rips open the door and says something like, the psychopathic one who’s been trained to bring down governments for years and pushed you off a roof when she was six?
And he’s like, that’s the one
And she’s just goes, shit, gimme a sec and grabs her essentials and gets ready to skedaddle
She’s alone in Ba Sing Se by the way
Haven’t decided if she just left her family behind or if they’re dead
But we don’t have to worry about them for now
So Zuko runs back to the palace with Jin in tow
And tries to get Uncle to leave with him
But he’s like, no, my dear nephew
You have made the choice on this crossroads
I could not be more proud of you
But I must stay to right the wrongs my brother has inflicted on the world
But with 100% more proverbs
So they say a tearful goodbye
Zuko tells Uncle to give Azula a chance, because she’s fourteen
And Uncle runs off into the catacombs and Zuko and Jin book it the fuck out of there
So they’re on the road for a bit
And do all sorts of Blue Spirit-y stuff
He teaches her how to fight
And she teaches him how to survive in the wilderness, something that he definitely couldn’t do beforehand
Like, she knows how to hunt
And fish
And skin kills
And he’s like, how do you know this with stars in his eyes
And she just looks at him and says, I was raised in a village on the outskirts of a forest, not sheltered in royal life like you sweetie
Now cut the loose skin over the shoulder blades, there’s a dear
So they survive like that
As it turns out, having a royal fire bender as a heat pack on cold nights beats curling up under a blanket and shivering
Cool, cool
Zuko: Do I get a say in this?
Jin, attached like Velcro to his back: No, now shut up and be my blanket
Eventually they find a town on the outskirts of the Earth Kingdom where people don’t blink at kids with golden eyes
And start to relax
They become artisans
Or something
Because the fandom has decided that Jin is an artist and I’m on board with that
So they sell her art
And Zuko does odd jobs around everywhere
Considering that he has like, the biggest skill set in the history of the world
Food service? Check
Rock climbing? Check
Manual labor? Check
Experience on ships?
Experience with ostrich horses?
Experience with murder?
Check, check, check
So they’re doing fineeeee
And like
We get through all their awkward stages
Zuko realizes he likes this life a lot better than anything he got in a royal palace
They receive word the war has ended, and Fire Lord Iroh has named Azula his heir after getting her the help she needed
They get married
A healthy dosage of marital bliss and domestic life
They have kids
After a long time don’t freak out
And then we get a little Gaang interlude where Katara asks Uncle whatever happened to his nephew
And Uncle just smiles and says something along the lines of, well, the girls in Ba Sing Se were always so pretty
And everyone is just like "wut"
But he provides no more context
They get it out of him eventually
Zuko decides he needs to see his old home again
Just to give himself closure
Jin agrees and tells him to come back soon, because we have two young children and I cannot be responsible for them more than pushing them out of my body
You’re the kid person here
Zuko: yes dear
So Iroh’s taking a break from all the Fire Lord-ness and playing Pai Sho with some old buddies
And a shadow falls over the board in between games
And this man, who holds himself so loosely and confidently
With smile-lined eyes and shaggy black hair hanging around his face and green clothes and work torn hands
And a faded burn scar over one eye
Asks him to a game of Pai Sho
And Iroh smiles wide enough to split his face
And accepts
...so please keep in mind that i only write wips for my eyes XD. it's not pretty or particularly eloquent, but i PROMISE i can write better than this lmao.
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icyminghao · 9 months
2023 with icyminghao!
to start off, to say i’m massively grateful would be an understatement. i honestly didn’t expect to start writing again after quitting like 5 years ago 💀 and just decided to write for boynextdoor on a whim bc they haven’t debuted yet and would probably need some writers on the blr 😎
i was really excited to try out writing again having been a ghost reader for so long HELP (i’m not proud) and fate just led me back to my ult seventeen!
when i wrote, i just wanted to get my work out there and published on the cloud, and the reception and friends i made along the way were certainly not on my bingo card but a welcome surprise nonetheless. i’m really, really grateful that people like reading my work and i’m sorry that i can’t push out fics regularly! i write on random spurts of inspiration and i have so many wips rn PLS i’ll do my best to publish them all soon!!!
and now to the friends i made along the way! i may not have been talking to y’all much lately but i’m still so grateful to have met each and everyone of you in my writing journey, y’all have been some of the sweetest, funniest, and most genuine people i have met ever and i love all of you guys:
zanna @slytherinshua my first friend on the blr!! so so in awe at how you’re in so many fandoms like it’s genuinely mind blowing to me (in a good way!) and i also like some of hoppipolla’s music and you’re the first person i’ve seen to like them too!! but anyways you’ve been so so sweet and kind and i love how you always strive to interact with everyone (hence the movie night and trying to accommodate to everyone’s schedules was so sweet btw)!! i hope 2024 treats you so well and i love you so much
yena @fairyhaos my butterfly :( you are genuinely the sweetest and cutest person i’ve ever met like i always have a smile on my face when i talk to you!! there is really never a dull moment in our conversations bc you’re just so so genuine and kind!!! i love your works too even though i may not have been interacting much (i try my best!!!) and i hope 2024 treats you well!! all the best for your upcoming exams too :)
skye @etherealyoungk skye!!! omg i always love talking to you :) you always feel like the older sister i never had and everytime i talk to you i just feel so warm all around like you’re just so sweet and kind and i hate how you’re always swarmed with exams but i know you’ll always just ace it anyway like the star student you are 😎 anyway if its possible i really hope 2024 brings you less academic stress and more fun!!!!!! i’m always rooting for you skye i love you sm :(
axe @blue-jisungs axie my honey pumpkin cupcake with buttercream frosting and 2 marshmallows and a cherry on top i love you sm :( you’re so so sweet and funny and i always love interacting with you and reading all the silly nicknames we come up with for each other i love you sm!! i hope 2024 will be the best year for you yet and it’ll only go up from here :) college is going to be so great for you too you’re gonna have so much fun!!!! and ace all your exams bc you’re just that smart 😎😎 love you!!
jada @kyeomyun jada :( i always love talking with you bc we always use all caps and it’s just so funny to me HELP but anyways you haven’t been active much and i hope life has been good to you and will be better in 2024 bc you deserve it sm!! i miss you sm and you’re literally so sweet and kind and i hope we get to talk more in 2024!
hana @wqnwoos quite literally my favourite writer i can’t believe i’m actually friends with you!! so starstruck HAHA but aaaa hana i love you sm your works literally bring light to my day like how do you write like that. and you’re so nice too like fr a whole package!! i hope 2024 brings you nothing but joy bc you really deserve it hehe
mellow @haowrld my fellow 8star!! i love you sm and i’m so sad we haven’t been able to talk lately (100% my fault i am absolutely horrible at replying) but you’re such a fun person to talk to and i hope 2024 will be a great year for you!!
rania @wheeboo rania!! i love your writing sm and you’re so so sweet too and quite literally the queen of reaction stickers i still love them so much HAHAHA we haven’t been able to talk much lately but i still love you with my whole heart and hope that 2024 is the best year for you!!
jem @pepperonidk jem!! i loved our conversations on movies and camp with the kids and i hope you’re having the time of your life in korea :) you’re so so kind and sweet and i always love talking with you, it really never fails to bring a smile to my face hehe i hope 2024 brings you all the joy!!
sky @weird-bookworm sky! omg i really need to get better at replying bc i love talking with you and would really really love to get closer AAA but you’ve been so sweet to me and i’m really grateful to have met you :( you’re always encouraging me to continue writing and i’m really thankful and i hope 2024 is your best year yet!
and to my other moots @woozvc @mirxzii @jeonride @trblsvt @hannyoontify @frenshushutoast @haecien @rubywonu we haven’t been able to interact much but i love you all sm nonetheless!! i’ll be interacting with you all much more in 2024 so be ready hehe 🤭🤭
and to my followers!!! i love you all sm and i’m so grateful that y’all like my work like genuinely ☹️☹️ i don’t deserve y’all!! i always love looking at your reblogs and it motivates me to continue writing!! and to the ghost readers (i’ve been there 💀) i appreciate y’all too hehe i’ll try my best to publish more quality work this 2024 that i hope y’all would like!!!! thank you sm 🩷
to 2024 😋
ps also wna thank some of my favourite writers out there i love your work sm literally my comfort: @leejungchans @wooahaes @thepixelelf @viastro @toruro @lovelyhan @97-liners @wqnwoos (😚) @wonwoonlight @twogyuu
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orfeoarte · 11 months
WIP Whenever!
I've been SICK, and SCARED, and working on my thesis. My country is falling apart and so is my body. Let's party!
Tagged by @mareenavee @boethiahspillowbook @throughtrialbyfire and many more over the weeks. sorry, i love you!
tagging @drowsy-fantasy @changelingsandothernonsense @paraparadigm @polypolymorph @kookaburra1701 @elfinismsarts @thequeenofthewinter @tallmatcha @thana-topsy @saltymaplesyrup @archangelsunited @inquisition-dragonborn @gilgamish @snippetsrus @rainpebble3 @rhiannon1199 @skyrim-forever @caliblorn @sephirajo @thalwhore @dunmer @gortrash @dirty-bosmer @thescrolls-haveforetold @marimomoth @elavoria and the girl (gender neutral) reading this! feel free not to do your own, feel free to tag me when you do your own!
Have some Saathel being a little shit
Silence embraced the pair like a foggy blanket in the cold air, dew coalescing minimally into suspended crystals stinging their faces with an adder's mettle.
Faendal flinched, sinking into himself. Unlike Saathel, he wasn't all too dressed for the weather.
"C'mere, fur is large enough."
He was unlikely to accept the kindness she had decided to extend, unlikelier to even look past her ill-fitting furs and decide he could nest in their warmth; but he did.
"They don't like our sort 'round here," Saathel started, moving to a side so he could cover himself with her cloak.
"You don't say," Faendal snorted, blowing warm air into his hands and rubbing them together.
"Mmh-hmm, and I wanna make them hate me."
His amber eyes went dark, almost lifeless for a second. It scared Saathel how eerily similar he looked to that mare she had killed earlier. Like an open flame, it spread; she knew the name of the emotion that tangled with her thoughts when death and the waking world mingled in such a way. The bruise on his face was already an angry red.
He shook his head. "Not a good idea. If they hate you, they'll do anything to make you feel unwelcome. Trust me."
If she looked at it enough, there was a thread begging to be pulled there. One of history, ready to see the light. Just a question was required, and Saathel was drunk enough to pry: "Sounds like experience."
His expression continued on its darkened course. Anything to see it lighten, anything but the touch of a mage.
"Well, I made myself an enemy. Sven, the bard in there—" Saathel interrupted him with a too-tardy smirk, gesturing her hands along.
"Nord plucking the strings like he's fingerin' a lass?"
A loud snort, more giggles shared under that pelt. Sometimes beating up a stranger was a good conversation starter.
"Y— Hah! Don't say it like that. I'd rather not have to picture that." Once Faendal could calm his breathing down, he sighed, shook his head, and continued. "We fancy the same woman, Camilla. He's made my life here miserable ever since I started courting her."
An owl passed soundlessly over their heads, the night hunter casting a shadow on them when its wings hid the moon. Saathel grinned. Inspired by its flight, she too could be silent and deadly.
"Court her harder and better. Or set him up for failure."
She didn't even need to suggest that, apparently. Faendal's eyes glittered, alight with energy and scheming once more. To be in pursuit of one's desires… always, the sweetest part of the hunt is the chase itself. She knew that to be true even when dealing with heart-hunts. For his part, Faendal looked to agree.
He wet his lips, cast a glance towards the dying lights of the tavern, and smirked.
"Think you could help me with that?"
If there was something Saathel loved, it was sticking her nose in matters that were firmly none of her business.
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wordsarelife · 22 days
hiii !!! i really love your writing style, and i'm just obsessed with your account in general, i'm just wondering how you started writing?? any tips for beginners? i'm trying to start writing more, but i can't think of a scenario, or i get stuck at some point. any help is appreciated 😭 thank you !!! mwah !! 🫶🏻
hello my love, please excuse my late answer. first, thank you so much for the compliments, you're the sweetest!!! i've been writing basically all my life and i think whats most important for writing is inspiration. i spent so many years reading fanfiction and thinking about topics i would like to read about, just to notice that no one had written them yet so i tried to fill that space myself, with a lot of failing lmao.. but at some point i realized that it's just as fun to write as it is to read other people's stuff.
when i start to write something, i always make sure i'm passionate about the project. i start by imagining scenes that i would love to read about myself, decide on a taylor song i want to use, which does generate even more inspiration and search pinterest for aesthetics and more insparation.
i know what it's like getting stuck while writing (ask the thousand unfinished wips of books i tried to write), but sometimes i try to just write anything, even if its rubbish at first, at least you wrote a few more words.
or just think about the least expectable answer to a simple question and keep in mind that every answer reflect your characters personality. if you let your character answer something unexpectably it might turn the conversation into a different direction. and different is good, it's fun and sometimes you just feel what could be right for the story, without knowing it before. but if you need help to come up with a concept, try to look at blogs on here, who provide prompts or funny quotes to start your story off on.
one of my favorite creators is @creativepromptsforwriting (she also has great tips for writing, far better than any i could give you)
and just to emphasize what i said before, i'm going to show you what i mean by wiriting a little scene between theo and pixie from my series don't blame me:
example quote: you look good
so, to accurately write this scene, you should think about your characters personality, but also the relationship between them.
so it could be like this:
theo: you look good
pixie: thank you
and that would be it. but this conversation doesn't fit either their personality nor their relationship, and a great plus is also that it would be a longer interaction if you let them react differently:
theo: you look good
pixie: what are you trying to do right now?
theo: i don't know, genius, maybe compliment you?
pixie: well, don't expect to get one back, i wouldn't want to inflate your ego any further
theo: aren't you just a ray of sunshine...
pixie: complementing me again huh?
theo: sure...
so this is what i would come up with on the spot and i hope i could help you a bit, but this is mostly what i do when i write and then i just keep writing honestly. what i can tell you is that it will be easier the more you write, you get a feeling for it eventually. so in simpler terms: don't stress too much for perfection (had to learn that the hard way) just write and see what happens and just keep in mind that any word you write will help you to get better at writing, so nothing has to be perfect from the get go. i mean, has anyone ever sat down at a piano and just started playing?
good luck on your journey, i wish you all the fun at writing!!! ❤️
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mikichko · 3 months
that almost derailed me from posting on WIP WEDNESDAY
writing up a lovely soft romantic piece for the sweetest @buttdumplin 💕 enjoy this little treat querido!!!!
inside, there are years' worth of keepsakes. letters, receipts, polaroid photos, tickets, souvenirs, journal entries, postcards, and even a copy of your marriage certificate.
he’s never seen any of it, not in its current state. but he always wondered what you’d done with the letters he poured himself into. the ones that held words he was too afraid to share with anyone else but you. ones filled with doubt, shame, even anger. but also with joy, hope, and love. it’d lingered in the back of his mind. a wayward thought he pondered for a second before releasing it back into the choppy sea of thoughts.
it never truly bothered him, not knowing. after all, even if the words were his the moment the letter was addressed, it solely belonged to you. he relinquished all ownership. but here they are, all bound together with frayed string. separated not only by years but also by your own unique identifiers.
hey you! did you drink water today? cool, share some of your writing if you want too!
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ricekirspies · 1 year
*This is what I think they would be like, don't get cranky if you don't agree*
Seating arrangement!
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You, Tsireya and Kiri were talking about the mickey ears you would buy, while the boys fought about who would be the most scared ( it was really just Ao'nung and Lo'ak at eachothers throat with the other two holding them back). Tuk is just blasting cookie swirl c in her unicorn headphones.
Jake and Tonowari are also arguing about how Jake missed a turn, and Neytiri and Ronal are actually getting along and gossiping.
Then, Tsireya wips out UNO from nowhere and everyone is alert. Even Tuk who has shockingly turned off her iPad ( she's deffo an iPad kid). Now everyone is glaring at eachother with anger, apart from Rotxo. Ao'nung has to pick up 4 cards, Lo'ak blocks Tuk so she chucks her headphones at him, Neteyam and Kiri sit in silence concentrating, Rotxo is just saying well done at everything (You almost chuck Tuks headphones at him because of it) and you and Tsireya are teaming up against everyone.
Surprisingly enough, Rotxo wins and that causes everyone to start arguing. Eventually the mums come in and break it up, Neytiri stealing Tuk from you, so now you can actually swear and proper fight. But that's quickly dissolved when the caravan stops and you all turn your heads out the window to see a gas stop. And where there's a gas stop there is sweets. Trampling over eachother, everyone runs into the small shop and strips the shelves ( the parents are Dumbfounded with Neteyam forcing everyone to only pick up two things and saying 'we can share').
After your snack break, Ronal announces that you still have about 6 hours left. So everyone except Neteyam and Tsireya use this time as a nap break. Kiri decides to move over to the chair that Tuk was in You rest your head on her shoulder, which soon enough falls down to her lap but she doesn't mind. So she softly strokes your hair while you sleep. 30 minutes later, you wake up to see everyone but Tsireya asleep so you make a devious (😈😈) plan. Grabbing a two pens, you give one to Tsireya and starting on different ends you decorate everybody's face with artistic pieces ( the mums see you doing this but don't care). Ao'nung wakes up first, and startles everyone else awake with his annoying laughter. But he quickly shuts up when Lo'ak tells him to look at himself, stealing Kiris mirror and sliding it down the table to him.
Then you all decide to go into the back bedroom to watch a movie. Neteyam sits on the floor, as do rotxo and Ao'nung (who isn't very happy about that and told everyone on the bed to fuck themselves). Everyone agrees to watch Frozen, although lo'ak and Ao'nung don't look too pleased. Now everyone is screaming at the tv singing 'Let it go'.
Then you guys stop at a hotel bc its gotten too late. So Neteyam,Ao'nung,Rotxo andlo'ak share a room, you, Kiri, Tsireya Tuk share, and the married couples all share a room with their partner.
You and the girls decide to have a girls night, with facemasks and gossiping and everything. So that's what you do. Tuk tells you all the tea from her primary, while you guys tell her all the gossip and shit going on at your school. Then soon enough a knock comes, Tsireya opens it and Rotxo asks if he can come in ( the boys are constantly arguing) so you all look at eachother and nod, because he's just the sweetest ever. Then Neteyam wants to come in, then Lo'ak and finally, Ao'nung. Luckily, you brought extra face masks so you do all the boys.
Afterwards, Ao'nung says something stupid, so you throw a pillow at him, he throws it back, so you grab it and aggressively attack him. And thus starts, the pillow fight. Boys vs Girls. Even though Tuk is dead asleep on a bed, you manage to win a three against 4.
As for sleeping arrangements, you and Tsireya are all cuddled up, Kiri and Tuk sleeping on a different bed, and all the boys on the floor with pillows and blankets. You were woken up 5 times bc Ao'nung wouldn't stop kicking lo'ak in the face.
Before you know it, you've tidied up the room and are back on your way, only 4 hours left now. And you decide that is the perfect amount of time to take insta photos. So you spend the next 30 minutes getting a good lighting and angle, and force everyone to get in.
You stop at McDonald's 2 hours before, and Jake is rushing everyone in and out saying 'we're on a schedule here, Jesus people' and Lo'ak makes things worse by ordering the wrong meal and Neteyam says he somehow takes full responsibility. Now Jake's shoved everyone into the car all moody after sorting it out, so you guys have to literally look everywhere but eachother because if anyone makes eye contact you will all set all laughing.
And finally you've made it into disney, getting out of the caravan everyone is overjoyed and you just rush over to the entrance, Tuk has out down cookie swirlc yet again to join you (Jumping on your back, forcing you to carry her).
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Fun facts
Kiri never got her mirror back.
It was actually Neteyams fault that Lo'aks order was messed up
Tsireya is going to ask you to date her a Disneyland (if I make a pt.2)
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xomakara · 9 months
The Highlights of Romance
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Chapter length - 2,060 words A/N - Ya'll thought I forgot about this, huh? I didn't lolol. I was in the process of writing this and then I had other WIPs going as well lol. I should have another chapter coming up soon.
I'm still wondering my series chapters are shorter lolol.
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Chapter 006 - Teasing
"So Y/N..." Johnny muttered one day as you met up for breakfast with him, Renjun and Yangyang in the apartment's cafeteria. Mark declined on breakfast, saying that he was too busy with this new project that he was working on. "Mark?"
"Uh huh..." You nodded, looking down at your breakfast. "What about him?"
"Are you dating Mark?" Renjun asked curiously. "Have you-"
"We're just going on dates." You shook your head. "And no, we have not fucked yet."
"Why not?" Yangyang gasped. "You guys seem like a perfect match!"
"Uh…I don't know." You shrugged. "Maybe I'm afraid to lose myself in him."
"Do you really think you could fall in love with Mark?" Johnny asked cautiously.
"No, not at all." You scoffed. "Just taking things slow."
"Wait, wait…" Yangyang interrupted you. "Hold on. Slow? How do you define 'slow'? One date every week?"
"Well, actually..." You chuckled lightly. "Two dates per week."
"Come on Y/N!" Renjun sighed, waving his hand. "This is ridiculous. Two dates a week? Seriously?"
"Shut up Renjun." You rolled your eyes. "Anyway, it's only been a few weeks. I mean, that's nothing considering how long I've been single."
"And yet you're happy?" Yangyang raised an eyebrow.
"Yup. Happy as a clam." You replied.
Yangyang looked over at Renjun who was nodding his head in agreement.
"I see." Renjun said slowly. "Then I hope that this doesn't change between you and Mark. Ever since you decided on Mark, the three of us has decided its probably better to be friends and help cheer you and Mark on."
The other men clearly complained that you were playing favorites when you told them that you and Mark would be going on dates. Johnny had heaved a heavy sighed, running a hand through his hair before giving you a hug and saying that he wished you all the best since Mark definitely needed to get laid. Both Renjun and Yangyang, slightly disappointed that they were booted off the running list, was cheering you on. You had established a comradery with the three men, the three allying themselves to beat up Mark if he ever hurt you.
You doubt it would happen since Mark was the sweetest guy. But you were happy to have new friends like them.
"Thank you." You nodded gratefully. "We haven't known each other that long but you guys are great. I wish everyone were like you guys."
"Now enough about that." Johnny waved his hand. "How's your novel coming along? You getting any inspirations from your dates with Mark?"
"Err…yeah." You shook your head. "A lot actually."
"What kind of inspirations?" Yangyang asked curiously.
"Well…" You chewed on your lip nervously. "He makes me feel different."
"Different how?" Yangyang raised an eyebrow.
"Good different." You shrugged. "Everything feels different when I'm with him. Like everything else falls away and all I focus on is him."
"That sounds great." Johnny grinned widely. "Is he good in bed too?"
"Did you forget the part where I said we haven't fucked yet?" You rolled your eyes. Renjun and Yangyang burst out laughing while Johnny simply held up his hands in defense. "Mark’s playing hard to get."
"Look at the bright side, Y/N." Renjun chuckled. "Once you two fuck, everything is gonna become clear. Because right now you're lost."
"Thanks." You gave him a weak smile. "Now back to the subject at hand."
"Alrighty then." Yangyang smiled happily. "Well I suggest you continue writing. Write as much as you can whenever you can. Maybe Mark would give you more ideas on how to spice up your book."
"True." You nodded. "Thank you."
"Hey guys." Mark called out, startling you.
You jumped slightly, catching a glimpse of Mark holding two cups of coffee and a plate of waffles. He glanced at you with a sheepish grin.
"Sorry." He chuckled lightly. "Didn't mean to scare you. I actually had some time to get breakfast."
"No problem." You smiled warmly. "Hey, do you mind if I ask you a question?"
"Go ahead." Mark took a seat next to you.
"Well…" You fidgeted with your fingers. "Since we’ve been going on these dates, my inspiration seems to be flowing in abundance. What do you think is causing it?"
"My charm." Mark shrugged casually.
You narrowed your eyes. "No way."
"Of course." Mark laughed. "I have plenty of charms that would bring forth ideas. You have been writing a lot lately. My charm has definitely played a part in that."
"I'm starting to notice." You nodded slowly.
"And then there's my voice." He continued. "The deep sexy tone that sends shivers down your spine."
"Okay." You mumbled.
"There's also my personality." He added. "The way I smile when I'm happy, the smirk on my lips when I'm in deep thought…"
"Just hurry up and fuck already, you two." Johnny chortled. "Your flirting is hurting my eyes."
"You jealous bro?" Mark teased. "Don't worry, your turn will come too."
"Hahaha." Johnny laughed. "Fuck you, Mark. Fuck you real hard."
"Ooh! Now that is the mark of true friendship." You chuckled.
"Oh, yeah." Mark suddenly clapped his hands together, causing everyone to look at him. "What are you doing tomorrow night? Writing or being a lazy fart?"
"Uhm…" You bit your lip. "Writing actually."
"Excellent!" Mark declared. "Come over to my place around eight o'clock. I'm sure I can come up with a few story ideas that will make your fingers bleed from writing so fast."
"Great." You nodded, raising an eyebrow. "So what kind of story ideas?"
"A sexy superhero tale of romance." He smiled wickedly. "You in a black leather catsuit with spiky armor?"
"You wish." You snorted. “Although that does sound pretty sexy…”
"Ha ha." He rolled his eyes playfully. "I'll be waiting for you then."
"Sounds great." You smiled.
"See ya then." Mark waved as he stood up, placing his cup of coffee and the plate of waffles on the table. "Bye Y/N."
"Bye Mark." You waved back.
“Y’all gonna fuck.” Johnny laughed from his seat once Mark was out of earshot. You nearly forgot he was there.
“Mmmhmmm.” Renjun agreed. “They’re going to fuck. Mark’s gonna fuck.”
“They won’t stay friends after this.” Yangyang predicted.
“Nope.” Johnny nodded his head. “Not after Mark fucks her. There’s nothing more for him than to stick his dick in her and send her back home so she can go back to writing porn.”
“Lord. Why am I friends with you guys?” You muttered, burying your face in your hands.
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You groaned inwardly. For the past hour you sat in front of your laptop screen, trying to write but having absolutely zero luck whatsoever. The spark of inspiration was completely gone. The idea of having sex with Mark made your imagination run wild but once you tried to write down your thoughts into sentences, the words failed to flow. All you ended up with were meaningless nonsense. You kept re-reading your last paragraph, trying to see if there was anything wrong with it. But for the life of you, you couldn't understand why you couldn't write anything decent. This wasn't the first time you found yourself in this situation but it was becoming increasingly frustrating. Your excitement for writing seemed to disappear as you stared blankly at your screen. You didn't even know where to start anymore. So you closed your laptop and went to take a shower. Maybe you should try again later when you were feeling less distracted. Or maybe sleep. That always helped.
With that, you walked to the bedroom, stripping off your clothes as you headed to the bathroom. After you shut the door behind you, you started up the shower, letting the water flow over your body. Once you felt clean, you turned the water off, wrapping a towel around yourself before walking towards the closet. Your mind wandered aimlessly as you picked out your clothes for the day. Black pants and a red shirt that made you look a bit more feminine than usual. A white undershirt completed the outfit and a pair of flats finished off your ensemble.
Once you were dressed, you grabbed your phone and wallet, leaving your unit and making your way to Mark's unit across the hall.
You arrived a little earlier than you planned. Luckily, Mark hadn't locked the door yet so you easily slipped inside without difficulty. Your eyes swept across the room until they rested on the man sitting on the couch. You didn't need to see him close up to recognize him as Mark. It was written all over his handsome face.
You smiled softly, tiptoeing towards the couch.
He was engrossed in a game, completely oblivious to your presence. With a simple gesture, you placed your hands gently on either side of his face, bringing his gaze up to meet yours. Mark blinked rapidly, blushing furiously when he finally realized that you were standing inches away from him.
"Hi Mark." You whispered quietly.
"Hey Y/N." Mark grinned shyly, rubbing his neck awkwardly. "Thought you almost forgot our meet-up."
"Mmhmm." You nodded, biting your lower lip. You let out a laugh. "I almost did forget."
"What am I going to do with you?" Mark hummed as you sat next to him on the couch. "How's the writing sesh?"
"Horrible." You answered immediately. "None of the words want to come out. It's just I'm having trouble thinking straight right now."
"Maybe you should take a break." Mark suggested. "Take a breather, gather your thoughts and try again."
"Hmm…maybe." You tilted your head to the side. "Why don't you distract me instead? Just say something to get my attention. Something really sexy that'll make me lose my train of thought."
Mark bit his bottom lip, contemplating whether or not he could pull it off. The problem was that he didn't want to disappoint you. You were older than him by four years and way more experienced when it came to sex. You practically knew all the tricks.
It took a moment for Mark to summon up the courage to speak up.
"I don't think-"
"Say it." You cut him off, cutting his sentence short. "Or else I might find myself using my evil plan B."
"B, what?" Mark stammered.
"B. Bedroom." You leaned forward, pressing your chest against his.
"I thought we agreed on no sex." Mark frowned. "Just dates."
"Then hurry up and say it. Now." You insisted. "I need you to distract me."
Mark sighed, giving in. He closed his eyes and opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. Instead, he simply pressed his lips firmly against yours, drawing a sharp gasp from your lungs. His lips tasted faintly of coffee and it made you wonder what he was drinking. Then again, it could be just a natural taste that existed due to proximity. You ran your fingers through his hair, enjoying the feel of its silky strands brushing against your skin. Mark slowly parted his lips, allowing you to deepen the kiss further. He moaned lightly as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You melted against him, opening your legs to allow him better access.
"Damn it." Mark grunted. "This is way harder than I expected."
"Are you done?" You asked teasingly. "Because if you keep kissing me like that I'm going to have great stories to tell the guys. Trust me. They'll love it."
"God damn it." Mark cursed, pressing his forehead against yours. "Wasn't this distracting enough?"
"Yes." You laughed, leaning your head against his shoulder. "If you promise to kiss me like that again, then I'll refrain from banging you right here and now."
"Deal." Mark smiled cheekily. "But only if you promise to write one of those sexy superhero stories about us."
"Deal." You chuckled.
"Now come on, get off me." Mark laughed, trying to push you off his lap.
You allowed yourself to be pushed off and got up from the couch, giggling as you placed your hands on his cheeks, bringing them up to press a kiss on his lips. "I'm still going to tell the guys that you kissed me. And it'll be a hell of a story."
"Alright." Mark chuckled. "Let's just hope that you can write something worth reading. No cheating, okay?"
"No cheating." You giggled. "Promise."
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rwrbficrecs · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Happy Wednesday! 🎉
The Marriage Law by @tedddylupin (book-verse)
@gwiazdziarka: Some weird, old law (don't think about it too much) results in The Crown setting up royal version of The Bachelor for Henry. Alex of course is not interested in dating Henry, but we all know him and by chapter 10 it's all already turning into big mess. Daily updates! (so far)
Deep Blue by @myheartalivewrites (book-verse)
@daisymae-12: Summer vibes and angst, the absolute perfect combo. Following along this fic has been a joy and every chapter has had me screaming either from the angst or the wonderfully written smut!! I'm slowly perishing from the pining and the slow burn and often need long periods of lying down on the couch to process after reading the updates. Seriously go read this gem!
All Our Sweetest Hours Fly Fastest by AHistoricDistraction (book-verse)
@inexplicablymine: This is a no holds barred angsty plane disaster fic that clutches my heart between its little fists. If you want emotional, if you want devastating (with a happy ending of course), if you want to be sitting at the edge of your seat this is really the fic for you.
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camillathe6th · 6 months
Fanfic Writer Questions
@askweisswolf tagged me, thank youuuuu for thinking of me ♡
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Huh, 12 apparently? A lot of them are shorts and gifts, though.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
66,495???? When did THAT happen (I have never opened the statistics tab before can you tell)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly and forever Fallen Hero my beloved, but I have one (1) foray into Baldur's Gate 3.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Hmmm, my "main" fics really: 1. Splinters (Fallen Hero, Una and Ortega's relationship's turning points) 2. Dialogue Box (Fallen Hero, people having conversations) 3. Hopefully, No Biting (I can't believe this is in the top three JKLHGLKHGLH. Probably the oral sex helped.) 4. Hauntings (Fallen Hero, little mindfucks and experimental chapters) 5. The Heist, a three-part gift about Hollow Ground and @kittlesandbugs Sidestep, Riley. This one was a passion project, very happy to find it (surprisingly) in the top 5.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Usually, yes, if I can't reply directly to the commenter on another platform! If people are lovely enough to take the time to write, you know... Right back at them.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
No endings to my fics, really, but the angstiest as a rule is Hauntings.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
No endings to my fics, really, but I think my happiest / sweetest / peacefullest might be one of my recent ones--Shipname: Burnt to the Ground (it's sex, but not sad babygirl sex, you get me?)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No.......... But if you want to go and hate on Hollow Ground when they appear in my fic please be my guest lads I'm right there with you.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not sure my sex scenes count as smut considering I'm firmly rooted in the suggestive rather than explicit territory. I write metaphors for fucking, more like.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not really! I'm such a one-trick pony man, all my money's on Los Diablos.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not! I do like to fuck around with language and I have translated part of my fics once or twice and then back again just to throw a punch into the English and its pacing though. And I used to translate fics out loud for my friends who couldn't read English when I was, like, a teen.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Started to, didn't finish, but the idea's there somewhere—co-writing with @astarien is the heights of existence obviously.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
... Chargestep. I guess. I guess they're alright. Whatever.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
If I want to finish a work I do—but there's nothing I'm gunning to end yet, except for shorts, which I finish in one-go.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hm, I don't really know... I enjoy dialogue, action scenes, and fucking up pace, musicality, analogy, words and format so that language says more than it usually does, or shows more than it usually does—goes further than it wants to go if you don't give it a shake—and makes you FEEL. That's what's in my brain when I write.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Fucking... plot. Logical pathways. Lore. I do not have a brain.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Love it! I gesture at it but keep it in English when I don't know the language (too scared of fucking it up, and not enough control over tone / nuances / connotations), but if I do know the language then absolutely.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
In my little notebooks when I was 8? A French Child Fantasy book I loved. But the only fandom I've written seriously for is FHR.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
My darling, though not my easiest, is Splinters. The hard-hitting writing moments are compiled there, I usually break out of a chapter a little brain-weird and all rabbit-hearted, it's always a blast to get to work on it.
Annnnd I'll tag @astarien, @kittlesandbugs, @ejunkiet, @impossible-rat-babies, @rab-bitly, @witchfall, @silvery-bluish, @ladyshivs, and anyone who feels like it!
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hotgirlstiles · 11 months
trick or treat 🧡🧡
HAI ❤️ couldnt decide what wip to post so i decided to go with the trusty ballerina au xD
Stiles wears those leg warmers because he gets cold too easily, and it helps with cramps that he gets while dancing. He once overheard Lydia explain it to Cora once. It keeps him warm while dancing. And helps prevent cramps or something. Human things that Derek never experiences and will always wonder about. He wears those all-too-big sweaters and shirts because they’re all hand-me-downs from his parents. From Claudia. From the sheriff. The shirts, too, the ones that are a little too tight yet somehow fit him perfectly. It had made the housewives chortle with laughter when they realized he was wearing old clothes that belonged to Claudia.
It all felt a little (no, not a little—a whole lot, a whole, whole lot) awful.
Derek learns all of these slowly—piece by piece.
From Cora. From Lydia. From Scott. From everyone.
It’s…difficult. To try. To try and listen and not have his mind instantly go into this place where it only seems to judge and hate Stiles. It’s—appalling. Almost like some—
It doesn’t matter.
Stiles used to almost always get the leading role at Juilliard. It’s a mix of being Claudia’s prodigy and pure talent.
Derek runs around the perimeter. He calls old contacts and tries not to let the additional guilt weigh him down too much. He cooks dinner and tries to remember what Cora’s favorite dessert used to be.
(everything has always been so hazy.)
Stiles loves dancing to Giselle. Watches old ballet videos on his old iPod and sometimes, he spends the last thirty minutes of his training sitting down, knees hugged to his chest and watching his iPod with a face twisted up with grief. Derek thinks it’s an old video of Claudia’s. Derek thinks that Stiles sitting down is an indicator of his training coming to an end.
Derek thinks that talking to Cora would help this situation.
Stiles has gotten around to wearing an old BHPD jacket that used to belong to his dad over long, tight sweaters that seem to belong to Claudia. He’s one big amalgamation of the Sheriff and Claudia. Derek thinks the only thing he ever wears that’s truly his own is the giant pair of headphones always resting around his neck.
Derek can’t seem to talk to Cora. Why can’t talking with your siblings be easy?
Derek once saw Stiles at the park—sitting lonesomely on the park bench, headphones on and staring down at his lap where a carton of strawberries lay. His lips were flushed red and his fingers were stained red and glossy. Derek had watched, like some creep, as Stiles picked a tart, juicy strawberry and brought it to his mouth, biting gently and letting some of its juice dribble down his mouth. Derek had left before any housewives could see and their high voices spurt out nonsense on who and what Stiles is.
Derek had passed by a street vendor, selling fresh strawberries with a smile on her face. The loveliest boy just bought from me, she’d said softly to Derek as he was looking. The sweetest face and an even sweeter personality, just had to give him a discount. It was jarring—to hear such kindness about Stiles.
Derek had come home with five packs of strawberries.
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so-scarlett-maroon · 3 months
AO3 tag game
Thank you for tagging me @anna-h-ofeliya
How many works do you have on AO3? 30
What's your total AO3 word count? 379,317
What fandoms do you write for? Harry Potter mostly Dramione but rare pairs (and triads!) too.
Top five fics by kudos:
Unity Pairing and Bed Sharing- 8th year Dramione Fic with a mystery and fluff and smut- Complete
Doubts and Presumptions - Dramioneville Triad Fic with more vibes than plot and lots of fun smut- WIP 27/35
Watching Waiting Anticipating- Dramione, Porn with a tiny bit of plot- One shot
The House That Black Built- Dramione Fic with forced proximity and a sentient house- Complete
Invisible Desires - Dramione with pining, sex pollen and breeding kink- One shot
Do you respond to comments? I do! I reply to every single one.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably my George/Hermione Fic: I Don't Wanna Keep Secrets Just To Keep You I put those two through the ringer, but they came out alright in the end.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest endings? I really don't write anything that's not happy. But I think the funniest and most joyful epilogue I have ever written was in my fic Breaking Draco written for the Deflower Draco Fest 2024.
Do you get hate on fics? No, I am really lucky to have mostly lovely kind readers.
Do you write smut? I adore writing smut. It's what I like to read and certainly what I like to write. I actually just wrote my smuttiest fic yet called Six Ways to Sunday that is Hermione x Bill, Hermion x Charlie, Hermione x Fred, Hermione x George, Hermione x Harry, Hermione x Draco.
Craziest crossover? Well I have only written one and it was not very crazy but it one of the sweetest things I have written. It's called Practically Perfect in Every Way, and it has Hermione as the Governess in Marry Poppins.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? No, but I did find and report a fic that was stolen from one of my favorite fic writers!
Have you ever had a fic translated? I am told a Russian translation is going to be done for one of my fics but they don't plan to post it on AO3
Have you ever co-written a fic? No, it sounds hard but I bet it would also be a ton of fun.
All time favorite ships? Dramione, Dramioneville, Panville, Fredmione, Honestly, I like reading pretty much anyone with Hermione. Hence Six Ways to Sunday lol.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you will? I have an almost totally written Dramione co-workers fic and I want to finish it but its been languishing and I am not sure it will ever see the light of day.
What are my writing strengths? Dialogue and smut
What are your writing weakness? Imagery and poetic language. I get so focused on the plot and moving things forward that I forget to add in more of the sensory details.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? Meh. It's fine but it's hard to do on AO3 with the need to scroll the bottom.
First Fandom that you wrote in? Harry Potter
Favorite fic(s) you've written? Ahhh its so hard to pick. I guess my first ever fic Unity Pairing and Bed Sharing and my current WIP Doubts and Presumptions? IDK! Maybe my Panville fic, How Pansy Got Neville?
If you read this far thanks so much for checking this out!!
Tagging: @eastwindmlk @zeebee3 @vannminner @charingfae @pia-bartolini
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imsiriuslyreading · 10 months
Black Mass and AtYD are two of fav Remu stories, also. Tbf, nothing really beats Black Mass for me, though. I haven’t read the other ones you mentioned but I’ve added them to my TBR! (Just now realizing I haven’t read very many fics solely from Remus’ POV, which is a real tragedy.)
Here’s a couple others I really enjoyed:
Sweater Weather: I love this Remus so much. I haven’t read another fic where he’s physically the smaller one. His personality is just so sweet and very different from some of the other fics I’ve read.
Wading in Waist-High Water: baking Remus? Yes, please. He’s so completely oblivious and I can’t get over it. This fic had me giggling and kicking my feet the whole way through. I related a lot to some of the stuff Remus experienced and it was just a really cozy story.
FULL AGREE on all of these, immediately yes. absolutely.
Black Mass really was something very special, I think. boy oh boy did i learn things about myself reading that! ANYWAY. as for ATYD? there are no words.
Wading in waist-high water is truly truly one of my favourite things on the planet. i ADORE REMUS in that, he's utterly delicious. (everytime i talk about this fic ((often)) i start talking in food terms by accident). everything from his growing confidence to his bread-making hands just has my heart in its grip. in the nicest, most admiring way possible, never did i think an AU about British bloody bake off would make me cry, scream, giggle and shout out loud BUT HERE WE ARE! put a fork in me, I'm done. (see? ffs) I'll re-read this one forever. the sweetest. I'm really looking forward to this writer's WIP too, my friends @industrations and @assclaptherapy have been violently and aggressively threatening @solmussa and i to read it on a regular basis.
Sweater Weather is genuinely my ultimate comfort fic. found family vibes to the extreme, everytime i read it i feel like I'm there, in the kitchen with them all or supporting them with a tub of ice cream in the living room watching a game, y'know? and honestly, there's nothing that i love more than feeling safe and happy when I'm reading something. so its perfection.
have you read Not another band au by thelovelyzee? that's a good one for a Remus POV - i cant remember if i mentioned that one before but there are some fantastic moments in that, plus the playlist is top top top tier.
happy reading! <3 have the best day!
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