#damn i'm on the roll
cyath · 9 months
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bite-the-bloody-hand · 2 months
Setting aside the knee-jerk 'eeeeew you're in love with your cousin' reaction to Daeran's illusion in Areelu's Lab, I need to talk a second about what a profoundly telling character moment that is for both Daeran and Galfrey.
Daeran refers to Galfrey as the 'Queen of his dreams' and mentions it being twisted by demon logic when questioned. It makes sense that demons would immediately latch on to a psychosexual implication, but it's not about having a crush on her.
The desire to have Galfrey 'out of her armor' is the desire to reconnect with the last member of his family.
He mentions when you ask about his Mother that she was a 'real' mother as opposed to a 'Countess' mother, implying that she was less interested in raising him to be a Proper Noble and more interested in just being present as his only parent. This is indicated in the glimpses we see of his younger self at the party, and in his often-stated resentment towards the necessities of 'proper comportment.'
Galfrey also mentions how close she was to Silaena, referring to her as a 'real' family member, the only person she was truly close to. From the way both of them speak about her, Silaena Arendae was a central, stabilizing part of both of their lives. Galfrey also mentions what a sweet boy Daeran was as a small child, implying a much closer relationship than the current mutual polite revulsion. @thedosianexplorer surmised to me that it's likely Galfrey was once a beloved, comforting figure in young Daeran's life, and I agree. How could she be anything else to the son of someone she so loved? And how awful must it have been to both of them to have that taken away?
Losing the rest of their noble family was certainly a blow, but neither of them even mention their names. The moment Silaena died, however, that was when they were both orphaned. What makes it all the more tragic is the grief that could have brought them closer only served to completely sever their familial connection.
Galfrey has no clue about the true reason Daeran clings so desperately to enjoying life; all she knows is that he may have physically survived but the child she loved was very much dead with the rest of them - in its place an irresponsible, flippant, spoiled brat unwilling to fill the space Silaena left behind. Daeran has no way of communicating the truth to Galfrey, and acts resentfully towards who or whatever else she puts her attention towards, while flaunting his lifestyle at every opportunity.
His lifestyle, as such, is an Emperor's Wardrobe of red flags, but it's hard to see those flags through tunnel vision stained with demon blood. Neither of them are allowed to mourn, but at least Daeran can try to be happy. But as for Galfrey, thedosianexplorer put it best in this hypothetical line:
'How dare you let yourself be happy, I haven't let myself be happy since your mother died.'
The tragedy is that Daeran's need for secrecy and Galfrey's state- and self- imposed martyrdom has created an impenetrable armor between them, and I think is at the heart of the loneliness they both feel. The cruelty of that moment, where the dream of connection is twisted into a mean joke, still sits with me.
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ryuki-draws · 21 days
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Gundam Soundwave, I mean, Gundam Indra. More WfM fan AU ramblings under the cut! (it's 2:35 am, lord help me)
FP/A-67 Gundam Indra is a GUND format prototype MS developed by Peil Technologies and a step between company's Zowort and its later GUND MS, Pharact.
Built for testing the limits of the format and its enhanced pilots alike, it was developed with the Corax GUND Bit system. After Indra's development was discontinued, many of its parts - including the Corax - were implemented into its successor.
During its operation, it was piloted by all five EPs as a testing/training unit, but the permet link was optimized with N°3's brain implants in mind, who's its most frequent test pilot. It is, however, not 100% combat-ready.
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blackkatdraws · 1 year
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Love Plague AU Narrator (Black) draw in Magma.
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kanteryuuzen · 8 months
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Happy Lunar New Year 2024!! 🐲✨
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Topher teaching Abe how to feed his pet possum maybe?
Possum bonding time !!
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secret-citrus · 8 months
Hickory is my favorite Trolls character, not because of his canon (all he did was flirt with Poppy, have a scene with the Smooth Jazz troll, and then have a liar revealed moment. Every other second he was vibing) but because of the grip he has on fans. I think I've seen about a dozen characters shipped with him, and I can see every single one of them as being canon.
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solaestial · 2 months
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little red riding hood and the big bad wolf 😲💦
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autiacorart · 9 months
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chaos0pikachu · 2 months
some of y'all taking this Viu thing hella personally lmao, as if BOC rolled up to your house and threw eggs on the door while laughing like the joker as they skedaddle away gleefully
when in reality they probably went with Viu cause it's a big streaming platform in Asia and helped foot the big fat price tag of the production since it's a "Viu Original"
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askmarcille · 29 days
Is the fact you’re half-elf why your ears are rounded at the end, rather than points?
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It's because I'm Italian ;)
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Real answer though, it's because I'm a half elf. My dad was a tall-man and my mom is an elf!
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airyairyaucontraire · 2 months
you know what I think would have been interesting?
Episode where someone is gravely wounded and only primitive (e.g. 20th Century Earth level) surgical supplies are available. Garak and Julian have to collaborate to save the patient because while Julian knows what's in there and what needs to come out, Garak's the one who actually knows how to stitch.
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tourettesdog · 2 years
An important detail you must remember while drawing Frostbite: his totino’s pizza roll
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quartzslab · 4 months
(this is a little long of a ramble SORRY i have a lot of thoughts and can talk about ghostknife forever)
i finished listening to all of the pd s2 rolleds and i need the boys to know that if they're afraid of changing vyncent and williams dynamic by making them date, it would change their dynamic MORE if vyncent rejected will because they've had romantic tension for TWO. SEASONS.
this is not me saying it needs to be canon or anything like that but charlie did bring up how it would be realistic for vyncent to reject william because they're both so young and like yeah??? they are??? which is kinda the point?? idk maybe it's cause i'm aroace but dating is NOT that serious- let them date and let it be awkward and messy and cringefail because they're young and have crushes! (the same way william tries to flirt and it's awful but vyncent doesn't mind!)
what makes ghostknife so compelling is yes they're best friends and family and also a little something else that separates them from being JUST best friends. like "yeah we're best friends that make each other jealous and hold hands and sometimes use pet names and watch movies together and stare into each others eyes and yea i'd die and kill for you if you asked me to bro haha i got you!" do i need to introduce them to the best friends to lovers trope because...
the thing about ghostknife is if they dated nothing would change except they would be allowed to be more romantic and flirty and obnoxious and gross and that would be it. like they are already the worst...so them putting a label on it is like okay??? they were doing that already????
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kagooleo · 2 years
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only have time for some quick doodles but I’ve been doodling some of the king ohger fellers while i'm at work!
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Persona 5/ Persona 5 royal spoilers ahead!
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Okay so I did this WIP a while back that I discontinued but I'm still going insane about the meaning of it and also the symbolism of masks in this game and also akeshu parrallels so I need to Yap abt them
Yap session under the cut!
The symbolism of masks in this game drives my so batshit insane actually. Like. So often we see in media that people are finally free when they take their mask off (both metaphorically and literally) but in this game we see people's true forms when they put one ON.
Like the palaces are where we see people's true faces and desires. It's the place where no one can hide who they are. And yet it's one one place where you wear a physical mask and disguise and have to conceal who you are.
I could (and will at some point) write an entire essay about that but rn it's akeshu hours
Because Joker is arguably the best example of that, he becomes alive in the palaces, where his face his hidden. It's his freedom
Versus Akechi
The first time we see Akechi show his true form to Joker (and the player) is in what is percieved at the time as the real world. The entire time we work together in the palace, the place that shows who you are despite the mask you wear he hides who he is. It's only in the gritty real world that he reveals himself.
Joker in the real world is perceived (at least by people outside of his circle) as closed off and someone to be cautious around, he has a criminal record so he could be dangerous. The exact opposite of how he is in palaces, the centre of the team and a flame people are drawn towards
In the real world he is a celebrity, he is loved, people are drawn to him. But in palaces he's cold and heartless, his words are cutting and he cares for no one, not hesitating to kill to achieve his goal
Opposites in every sense
They were both ruined by the same man. They both ended up in their current predicament because of said man. They both had the potential to weild multiple personas. They both have the capability to lead. They are the exact same and yet the exact opposite
They don't need to lie awake at night and wonder what would they be like if their life had turned out slightly differently. They don't need to because they have each other. EVERYTIME THEY GO INTO A PALACE THEY SEE WHO THEY COULD'VE BEEN, THEY FIGHT WITH THAT PERSON SIDE BY SIDE EVERY NIGHT I'M GOING MAD
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