#damn fucking concidencies
hl-obsessed · 4 months
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 2 years
Not A Coincidence
Bradley Bradshaw x Penny’s niece!reader 3k words
summary: It’s not a coincidence that you turn up at the Hard Deck for a beach day. It’s not a coincidence either that you end up inside the bar all alone with Rooster. And after what happened on Tuesday, well...  
fair warning: allusions to smut. no smut in itself. 
a/n: this is my first bradley oneshot and i am so fucking scared imma fuck up but yknow. we’re vibing. also the jake slander in this is all fun and games. i love him. 
main piece to “Tuesday Night”, “ Rooster At 5, Bradley At Night" and “Take Me On A Joyride”, can be read seperately tho
top gun masterlist
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You were early. Too early. Much too early, considering it was currently 10am and your shift began at 5pm. But here you were, sunglasses high on your nose, bikini on under a loose shirt, straw hat on your head, towel and sunscreen in your bag on the passenger seat. 
It wasn’t a concidence that you’d decided on coming early for a beach day. It was far from that, actually. And you hoped, prayed, begged that Penny wouldn’t let it slip, that she wouldn’t rat you out. Because if she did that, you were not sure you’d be able to handle the teasing that would follow. Of course she wouldn’t want anything bad for you - just a little push in the right direction, she’d call it, and smile that smile of hers that had you and Amelia giving each other the side-eye every time.
But you’d have to take that risk. 
Because you sure as hell weren’t missing out on this shit. 
And it was all Penny’s fault in the end anyway. Penny’s fault because she was here on a Thursday morning, Penny’s fault because she was sitting outside, Penny’s fault because she just had to send you a picture, didn’t she? God damn her. God damn her for being your aunt. God damn her for not sending you that picture earlier. 
You grabbed your keys a little too tightly as you turned off the ignition and pushed the door open and close again with a bit too much force. One deep breath. Then another. You needed to calm down. 
You didn’t bother with the front door - if you could save the time it’d take to find the keys in your bag, you absolutely would - instead walked around to the tables at the back. This side of the Hard Deck was hardly ten metres away from the beach, so the second you rounded the corner, you stood, frozen in spot, and watched the picture Penny had sent half an hour ago become reality. 
And reality was much better than the crappy photo in any and all ways imaginable. 
The squad was all shirtless, all greased up, running after two balls, tackling each other, sand sticking to every inch of exposed skin, sunglasses on and drenched in golden light. It was like a scene straight out of some summer rom-com - actually, no, it was pretty much like a scene coming straight out of some soft porn. Unfurling right in front of you. 
Oh, you were in trouble. 
Especially the moment anyone spotted you. And they would. They fucking would if you didn’t move it right about now. 
As quietly as you could - and as invisible as possible, which was harder - you walked up to Penny, keeping your eyes firmly planted on the aviators rolling around in the sand. You were pretty fucking sure nothing would ever top this moment right now. Thirteen of what had to be the most attractive people on the planet tan, sweaty and half-naked? Yeah, there was no way in hell it would ever be any better than this right here.
You only glanced away for a second to sit down next to Penny, to take a look at the blank Sudoku in front of her. You snorted. 
“Looks like I’m not the only one who dropped everything to get here”, you said, eyebrows raised, put your bag down next to you and looked back at the beach where Phoenix was just throwing her arms into the air to celebrate something you guessed was a good thing for her team. Hangman looked livid. 
“What can I say?”, she chuckled. “Even an old woman can enjoy some eye-candy sometimes.” 
“You’re saying ‘old’ like you actually are.” 
She was going to argue, like she always did (you’d had this conversation a ton of times already), but before she could, Maverick came jogging up from the beach to a little chair he must’ve brought for himself. He waved in your general direction. You knew better than to think it was actually meant for the both of you - you were aware enough of the history of his ‘relationship’ with Penny to not be that arrogant. It always went the same: the two of them stumbling across each other every few years, with the exception of the half decade when she’d been married, they hooked up, they had a great time for some weeks, maybe even some months, then Maverick got himself into some kind of trouble and had to move across the country, leaving behind Penny and her broken heart. 
As he sat down to keep watching the game, you realised that you’d been spotted. Someone had noticed Mav’s wave, had seen not only Penny, but you too, and well, you were fucked now. You were fucked because it was Rooster who’d spotted you. Rooster who had a shit-eating grin on his face as he peeled his sunglasses off and made eye contact with you. Rooster who you knew was smart enough to connect the dots, to figure out that you being here wasn’t some coincidence. Rooster who probably realised you were checking his team out - checking him out - even all the way down the beach and through your sunglasses. 
But who could blame you? 
Hell, he looked gorgeous in his dumb Hawaiian shirts and jeans already, you weren’t particularly shocked that he looked even better without them. 
He waved at you. Waved at you to come over. To come join them. 
Within a few seconds, the rest of the aviators were catching onto his idea, were looking at you sitting there watching them, were following his example and waving at you to come down. You bit the inside of your cheek. 
You’d thought that if you were sneaky, careful enough, that you’d be able to just sit here and stare at them, watch them play, admire them for a while. Maybe pretend to read a book if they were to spot you after all. But, no, of course not. Of course Rooster had to demolish your little plan, crumble it up into nothing. Curse him. 
You sighed, but you knew the squad well enough by now to understand that you had lost. You had no choice but to do what they wanted you to do - they’d find a way to force you anyway if you didn’t do it willingly. 
Penny’s laughter in your ears, you got up and made your way down to the beach, arriving to a chorus of cheers that had you grinning and bowing. You could very well just play this off as some funny coincidence as long as Rooster kept his mouth shut. But with the way he was grinning at you, you were doubting he would for long. 
“I gotta admit I feel a little insulted that I wasn’t invited to your private beach-party”, you said, letting your eyes rake over Rooster with no concern whatsoever for being caught. You had sunglasses on. Nobody could prove you were doing a damn thing. And he was just too attractive for his own good, too attractive to ignore, too attractive not to look.  
“In our defense”, Phoenix said, still a little breathless from the game, and held both her hands up. “We didn’t know we were even having a beach-party.” 
“You didn’t even know?”, you asked. 
“Mav took us by surprise. Only told us this morning.” 
You snorted, interrupted before you could reply by a ball landing at your feet. 
“You playing, Junior?”, Jake shouted, making sure to flex his arms just short of ridiculously. If he weren’t Jake and you weren’t you, you’d probably be super into him, more turned on and less annoyed, but this way you just rolled your eyes and flipped him off. 
“First of all, Texas boy”, you yelled. “Quit calling me that or I’ll cut your fucking dick off. With some elementary school scissors as well because that’s all I’d need. And also, you know I hate sports, the mere fact that you’re suggesting I move any more than necessary is laughable.” 
You heard Phoenix and Rooster snicker as Jake laughed and threw you a sloppy salute. 
“Whatever ya say, Junior.” 
Junior. How you despised that goddamn nickname. Mainly because it didn’t make sense anyway - you weren’t even Penny’s daughter, you were her niece. They’d make more sense calling Amelia Junior. But no, it had caught on, and now you were just short of slapping people every time you heard it.
You turned back to Rooster, swallowing hard as you forced yourself to keep your eyes on his face this time. 
“I’ll get you guys some drinks”, you said, smile tugging at your lips. “If, that is, you’re allowed to drink.” 
“A drink won’t kill us”, Phoenix winked, and then hauled the ball from where it still lay at your feet and charged at Jake. 
You chuckled. There was a heavy silence hanging over you and Rooster even after half a second, your sunglasses protecting you from too much eye contact and him holding it effortlessly anyways.
“You look good”, he muttered, his voice low enough that you knew none of the others heard it. A shiver ran down your spine. Your throat went dry. God, why had you got yourself into this? You should’ve saved the pic, thanked Penny and stayed home. None of this complicated shit. But well, seemed as though you liked it complicated. 
“Do I?”, you asked quietly, barely suppressing a grin. He made an acknowledging sound that almost had you throwing caution into the fucking wind and pulling him in for a kiss just like that. 
“I think I could use a helping hand”, you said instead, voice sounding more breathless than it probably should. “You know, with the drinks.” 
His lip quirked up at that, the indication of a smile that you were much too familiar with already. You swallowed. This man should not have this effect on you. But he did, and well, who were you to argue with god’s gifts? 
“I’ve always got a free hand for you, sweetheart”, he chuckled, his fingertips dancing across your upper arm. You sucked in a breath. 
He’d flirted with you before, yes. But ever since Tuesday, he’d taken it up a notch. You’d have expected something like this from Hangman, surely, but not from Rooster. Sweet Rooster. 
Not so sweet after all. 
“You’re unbelievable”, you muttered, shaking your head and looking down (a mistake, in hindsight, because that meant you were staring right down at his abs) to escape his eyes on yours.
“What, you don’t like these hands?”, he asked with a grin, his finger snaking just below the hem of your sleeve before he pulled back, holding his hands up in front of you and turning them around - palm facing you, back facing you, palm facing you. You could’ve slapped him. 
The thing was that he had really fucking nice hands. And you didn’t usually notice that. But his were big, his fingers long, so goddamn perfect on your waist, your jaw - useful too, you could imagine. 
“I like those hands carrying the drinks out”, you quipped. “Think the guys can make do without you for a few minutes?” 
He didn’t even take a look at the squad before raising his eyebrows. 
“Sure they can.”
You couldn’t help the grin on your lips as you turned and walked up to the Hard Deck, passing by Penny (with that annoying smile that told you She knew, she knew, she knew), only leaning down to tell her you were getting the squad some drinks before you were pushing open the door, stepping behind the bar and getting out a tray. You set it down on the wooden bar top, put a bunch of shot glasses onto it and got out a bottle of vodka, only looking up when you heard Rooster laugh.
“And here I thought I was getting my hands dirty after all.” 
You snorted, resting your palms against the edge of the bar and leaning closer over to him. It was dark, light barely flooding in through the windows with the shades down, especially with your sunglasses on, and you really should have taken them off, but the sweet advantage of Rooster not knowing where you were looking was a bit too sweet to give up just yet. 
He looked good even in this dim light. One arm on the bar top, his face turned to you, his sunglasses still up high in his hair. Usually he’d hook them into his shirt, but - well, he wasn’t wearing one. A layer of sweat was covering his entire torso, droplets dripping down his neck. 
“You” - you pointed a finger at him - “are a cruel, cruel man.” 
He leaned just a bit closer, grin playing on his lips, and your breath caught in your throat as he raised a hand, prying your own sunglasses off of your face. Carefully, slowly, paying close attention to not hurting you. 
“Now is that good or bad?” 
He folded the glasses, put them down next to the tray and caught your gaze. For the first time today, you were actually looking at him. Your teeth dug into your bottom lip all on their own. If he knew about even half of the power he had over you, you were fucked. 
“Well for me”, you grinned, not daring to do anything but stare right back at him. “For me, that could be very good. Depending on what you define as good, Bradshaw.” 
“Would be beneficial if our definitions matched.” 
You let out a laugh and shook your head, finally breaking eye contact to turn around and get out another tray, another few glasses (bigger ones, this time) and a bottle of water. Drinks were well and all but the squad needed actual fluids in their systems that weren’t alcohol and as far as you knew them, they had not brought enough to even last them much more than a few hours.
“You’re a menace, Bradshaw, is what you are. And now help me get these drinks out.” 
You grabbed one tray, grabbed the bottle of vodka and maneuvered everything out from behind the bar, towards the door. Your pulse was a bit too quick, your breathing a bit too shallow, but you were fine considering what had just gone down. Considering you’d been in here alone with Bradley goddamn Bradshaw, the literal finest man on the whole planet, and had managed not to throw yourself at him. Even after what had happened Tuesday. Even after knowing just how heavenly he felt close to you. Even with how horribly obviously he’d been flirting today. 
You had hardly taken two steps away from the bar top when you were tugged back - an arm around your waist, the tray wobbling dangerously. You put the bottle of vodka down on the bar, hard, much too forcefully, to keep everything from clattering to the ground. You were good at your job, yes, but not even you could keep a tray of close to fifteen shot glasses safely on your arm when someone was purposefully tripping you up.
“Shit, you can’t just do that!”, you cursed, carefully steadying the tray and putting it down as well before you looked up at Rooster. He’d let go of you, but he didn’t seem guilty or regretful in the slightest, that grin still on his lips. 
“You really want to leave me here without making use of these hands?”, he muttered, so close to you now that you had to tilt your head back to look at him. You wanted to be mad at him. You so, so badly wanted to be. But he was making it way too hard. 
“With what those hands did already”, you hissed, poking a finger into his chest. “I don’t know if I want to find out whether the rest of what they can do is just as destructive.” 
He laughed, his hands back on your waist again suddenly, fingers splayed across your skin (the shirt was really, really thin after all and you felt like you were on fire wherever he touched you), pulling you flush against his front. Your palms came up to his chest to steady yourself and you sucked in a breath - sweaty skin beneath your fingertips, well-defined abs against your stomach. Most definitely god’s gift. Shit. 
“Changed your mind that quickly?”, he hummed, thumb tracing the hem of your bikini bottoms over your shirt. “Think I can recall you being very eager to find out two days ago.” 
“You kept track?”, you asked breathlessly, the question sarcastic but your tone - sadly - outing just how affected you were by all this. By his closeness, his touch, his words. Oh, you were down bad. He chuckled. 
“For such a pretty girl like you? Always.” 
He held you just a little tighter, pulled you just a little closer. You hadn’t thought it was possible. 
“Bradley”, you whispered, and something in his expression changed like a switch had been flicked in his mind. His fingertips dug into your hips. 
“Say that again.” 
You didn’t think your mind had ever been this absolutely blank as you looked at him, rolled his words around in your head, your lips parted and your eyes wide. 
“Bradley”, you repeated - had you ever said his name before? On Tuesday you’d kissed him, sure, but you’d both been tipsy and it had been 1am and you were pretty sure you’d called him ‘Roos’, even with his hands pinning you to his Bronco and your arms crossed behind his neck. “Kiss me again.” 
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dapper-lil-arts · 6 months
Do you have any top tier horse yuri fic recs?
Hmm, i got a couple, lemme think
This one is a very sweet slice of life EG Sunset x Scitwi one, its got a lovely interpretation of the characters; With the expected but very welcome pairing of cool punk girl and adorable nerd. and i plan on doing fanart of it! The writer knows her stuff nyeheh =v= This is the best "Rarity and Applejack get drunk together and mushy stuff happens" Fic i seen out there, a trope that is surprisingly recurring, ive seen others like this! But this one is the best, hands down. A mutual of mine wrote it and its just a wonderful time! This one is a super fun horror esque rarijack fic where rarity is haunted and applejack tries to help her. its got fantastic prose and its just damn lovely! I've done fanart of it before, its a sweet one, and its also just a really interesting direction to take Rarity's character that i'm almost sad to not see more of. Overpowered rarity whennnn Although i don't ship twilight and trixie, this fic of this pairing, that is still ongoing, is fucking hilarious. The comedy has wonderful timing, and the takes on the characters are endlessly entertaining
Stay tuned to this wonderful fic of Rarijack anthros (Inspired by the ones i designed, too!!) 'cause its gonna have a sex sequel that i've already gotten a sneak peek or two of, and i'm frotthing at the mouth about it. biting things even (i sketched the cover btw!)
This fic isn't rly horse yuri but its 1000 words of Sunset Shimmer being the utter insane badass i always wished she was; and I will continue writing her like so. I'm glad to see another writer also concidered the same
If you're like me, and think that sex is funny, this fic and it's two sequels are for you. Sunset Shimmer throws a party of deranged proportions that ends in debauchery and indulgence that nearly destroys the fabric of equestria; and it's consequences are hilarious. This is a rly cute short trans rarity fic, and it has a delightful amount of rarijack within. utterly adorbs. Almost sad to see it so short! Finaly, i'd be amiss to not recommend the fics i've written myself; Here are my two biggest and most awesomest i've done: The Return of Midnight Sparkle Is a take on MLP where there is no EG universe, and rather, Sunset Shimmer is brought to the mane 6 per twilight's request, and she absolutely does not feel like she belongs, and its a narrative about her desperate attempts of fitting in; and dealing with the fallout of her failings. I put an inordinate amount of effort on this one, even drawing covers for each chapter. I went DERRANGED with the idea of "what if sunset shimmer was on FIM and also it was gay as fuck." i basicaly wrote an entire season of the show and its finale. If you're a fan of Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle as a pairing, cannot recommend enough. Here's some of the art i made for it. Insanely sick chapter covers im super proud of The Princess and the Peasant is an all you can eat buffet for Rarijack enjoyers, I've taken the baseline of the story of "shrek 1" and i made it about Applejack and Rarity; And also expanded upon it and fixed some of the annoyances with the og story (No third act misunderstanding! On the contrary. Third act understanding. SEX.) The humble farmer Applejack has to rescue fair Princess Rarity from a dragon keep, and escort her across Equestria to ensure that her farm and family are safe. Of course, on the journey, those two grow a bit close... Too close. VEry very very veyr close. Here's a comic i've made of one of my fave scenes of it lmaooo Cannot express enough; If you're a fan of rarijack? This fic is EVERYTHING for you.
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rdr2stories · 5 months
"Those fucking hairs." A rdr2 fanfiction.
A fanfiction about young Arthur and John.
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John’s hair was itchy, or more like his entire back and shoulders itched from the many small hairs Susan had cut off and although tried to keep away from his neck, had still managed to drive him crazy. He was about a second from jumping up and running into the lake by the small camp, at that point he didn’t care if he would drown, it would be way better than the annoying itching.
Hosea, Arthur and Dutch were out doing… Something, he didn’t really know, something criminal, something that he wasn’t allowed to help with because he was ‘just a kid,’ yeah just a kid who had already murdered someone! Sure it wasn’t his fault but he could handle himself! Instead he was stuck with Susan as she yapped about his bad hygiene which was the reason he had needed his hair chopped in the first place, lice she said. Well it wasn’t like he had had the time or resources for hygiene when he lived on the street, or that he had cared.
He groaned, the small hairs prickling on his back. He hated it, hated it, hated Arthur too, god he hated that man. He was nine years older than him and then he was just allowed to do everything? John was stuck in camp like a kid and that Arthur was out, and he was never even happy about it! He was rarely happy about anything, always annoyed, always frustrated, Hosea said that he never outgrew his delinquent stage and that was why he was always angry. John hated it, mostly because it always went out on him, never Hosea, never Susan, certainly never Dutch, Arthur was after all Dutch’s golden child and John was some random kid they picked up because why not.
God those hairs, John was seriously about to jump in that lake, fuck they were annoying. He twisted his arm, reaching underneath his shirt to try to brush off the hairs on his back, it wasn’t working, they were still there, those fucking hairs were still there. Seriously he needed them off, he needed them gone. For fuck sake! He concidered just taking off his shirt and rolling on the ground but then Susan would go at him with a knife, for a moment the knife seemed better.
Nope he needed to stay alive, to outlive that damn Arthur, to grow up and become better than him- Arthur, horses, Arthur always had another brush laying in his side of the tent that they unfortunately shared. He could use that!
John had never been on his feet so fast, storming by Susan who shouted at him to slow down. He ran into the tent, crossing over the clear line that they had made down the middle and searched Arthur’s bag laying in the corner, clothing, Revolver- Uuu revolver- Wait brush, he could look at the gun later. Did Arthur even have the brush in that bag or was it the other? Damn that man had a lot of bullets. No the brush was definitely in this bag. Is that knife even sharp? Why did he keep it? BRUSH!
He pulled the brush out of Arthur’s bag, immediately pulling off his shirt and starting to remove the annoyingly small hairs with the rough brush. He hadn’t even heard the sound of Arthur and the others returning home until the flap to the tent was drawn back and Arthur’s eyes widened in utter anger at the sight of his stuff spread all over the tent, John sitting on his bed, using his brush on his on bare back.
“What the fuck do you think you are doing?!” Arthur exclaimed as he grabbed John by the back of his neck and hurled him out of the tent to the ground, for a second seeming annoyed that he didn’t have anything to grab onto as John had neither shirt nor hair.
“I just needed to use the brush!” John spat back at him, trying to sit up but being kicked back down by Arthur’s hard boot, and almost as if a button had been hit, John’s head got loud, really loud. Alarms were going off, screaming and shouting at him to get up and run, but his body wasn’t allowing it, he was frozen in place, stuck, stuck back on the street, curled in on himself as he tried to protect his head as the older boys kicked and punched him black and blue for whatever silly excuse they could find.
He could feel all the boots, five, ten, twenty, a punch to the head, a kick on his back, the brushing on his side, his lungs heaving, blood running out of his ear, he knew it wasn’t there, he hoped it wasn’t, he at least knew that it was just Arthur’s boot kicking him and not twenty more, yet, it was there, the blood was there.
“John! John!”
Someone was screaming his name, it wasn’t like they used to scream it, mockingly, angrily, oh poor little John who can’t steal an apple without getting caught, oh John who had cigarette burns on his arm because his dad thought he was stupid, oh little John who couldn’t even see a hanging without crying. This voice, it was confused, worried, panicked.
A hand touched his head and he screamed, frantically hitting out at the gentle hand that now laid around his wrists, trying to calm him.
No, no, his head screamed as arms wrapped around his, making it completely impossible for him to move. Let me go! He was stuck, he was caught, they were going to place the noose around his neck again, Dutch wouldn't be there this time, he would be hanged, hanged like his father had been hanged.
“I got you kid.”
… Was it mocking? The lawman had said the same thing… But this voice… It was calm, it was… Comforting. Hosea?
John blinked, arms were wrapped around him in a tight embrace as Hosea held him close, breathing heavily. Dutch was standing behind Hosea, his eyes narrow with pity as he looked at John. Arthur was standing way back, his eyes wide in confusion and… Was it regret? John had never been good at reading people.
“I got you son, you are okay.” Hosea said as John melted into the embrace, his body slowly starting to shake as sobs tore through his body. “You are safe.”
I accidently posted this on my spam🧍
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eshtaresht · 2 years
holy. fuckin'. DAMN. I was pretty good at predicting the plot so far, but this episode proved that stampede is going in a whole new direction for real. spoilers for ep 9!!! (and manga a bit)
first of all, we still haven't got a full story of the great fall, but I think it's something they'll reveal in this season, probably during confrontation with knives. and still no scar reveal!! I'm angy but it's something that could be relevant to the standoff with knives, hope we'll get it
the piano scene... oh we're eating GOOD, it's just so wholesome but goes to confirm my theory that twins weren't completely fine on the ship. vash feeling useless because he can't do cool plant shit, knives envying vash for being good at human shit.... oh it's great
so glad knives is getting proper characterization and not just "he evil because he evil"! the fear, the hurt, the genuine care for vash, but then frustration with him – it's right there and I'm eating it up so yummy
the way they recontextualized vash's arm loss is GORGEOUS! I've seen ppl reading this scene differently, but to me it was an act of care from naï. he looks really scared for a reason: we see that the gate consumed all matter, including the hand. vash couldn't control it, so it would only grow bigger and destroy him. NAÏ REALIZED THIS AND SAVED VASH THE ONLY WAY HE COULD
he didn't want to fight him, this was not an act of anger, like in previous versions. all he cared about in that moment was saving his twin..... and what did he get in return? a gun pointed to his face. a gun he gave vash to kill human scum. oh, the DRAMA
ahem, now to the less intense stuff
homeboy has so much trauma, like, damn... how is he gonna fit any more from his impending epic brother fight...... I'm quite curious on how they're gonna characterize him in the next season. concidering that we're taking off earlier than previous versions, he might end up with the same unhinged vibe 98' vash had, as a coping mechanism (if depression didn't work, try dissociation and silliness). but then it would be even more interesting to see meryl's and wolfwood's reactions: they knew him before the accident and saw the big sad
vash has sense in the prosthetic arm, so it must've hurt when he damaged it... probably it hurts less than the real one, and it's clearly painless to take off. but the hand seems to be rather sensitive and fic writers are gonna go crazy for this
age reveal! also brad and luida being in cryosleep makes sense, I was racking my brain on how they're still alive. seems like they're using much more plant power tho... both for cryo and the vegetation, while in manga they tried to keep it as low as possible and send signals to earth
saw someone say that they're probably not doing that here because the earth is destroyed... could be that they decided to go the hard way. but in the manga the earth was still fucked, and it wasn't clear if they communicated with the ppl left on the planet or the fleet that was in some new place. what I'm saying is, there is a possibility that they are looking for help in stampede, we just don't know it yet
meryl was so cute! go off, comedy relief goofy girl, while you can, there is more trauma coming your way :3 yeah, enjoy roberto calling you by your first name... oh it would be such a shame if he gave you his derringer before his untimely death..........
pretty weird that nobody knows why they fell on no man's land, but ppl probably were too ashamed of their past and 150 years later the new generation is oblivious. also so funny that luida has to explain what vegies are..... they have so many plants but haven't see any plants
tbh I wasn't expecting the zazie twist at all, but I'm excited! they are SO gender in stampede, might be the best redesign in the series, love me a genderless bug creature with bold fashion choices. really cool to see that storyline adapted, it was barely touched upon in the last volumes of trimax
btw the multiple bullets story about a plant, worm and human who went around figuring out if their species could coexist and just.... creating this foud family and then building a town there all were equal...... that's my favorite mb story for sure
wolfwood saying "I'm not your friend"... I know what you are. and we got a "you'll have to decide one day"... oh oh the misery, but the context was lacking. it just doesn't hit the same when he isn't daring vash to shoot him in the most homoerotic way possible. on and he looks so goofy trying to ride with his cross
in the last ep's rant I assumed that luida lied about rem saving everybody for some reason?? but no, she actually saved them, I just got a bit confused
so, as I predicted, the gang separated (tho not because of vash) and by the end of the next episode vash'll be in july and meet naï. the poster, man.... that gorgeous futuristic city is getting obliterated for sure
btw vash's gate being opposite to knives and sort of a black hole is nothing new. but there are new layers to this, like vash willingly giving away energy, but destroying things against his will, and knives with the opposite of this. ying yan twins go brrrr
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novaazurite · 6 months
TPOT 10 was awesome! (Rambling time!)
me talking about spoilers!! So be warned!
Book redemption arc? I noticed Ice Cube looked at her with Price Tag, is she gonna give Book another chance? I kind of hope so, they were always next to each other in BFDIA, close even, I kind want to see them interact again ngl, idk just a me thing I thought their interactions in bfdia were nice I suppose.
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Other than that, id love to see more Book and Price Tag interactions in the future!!! I have a good feeling they would get along with Book more and I hope to see more!
The Winner/Clock arc finally has some closure, and im glad they are both on better terms with one another again! Honestly I kind of think Loser was insensitive for what he did to Winner, they didnt really want to be apart of that movie thing but Loser did it anyways, they didnt want to be forgotten and Loser was their closest friend. Clock kind of felt the same way when he didnt want to be forgotten but nobody recovered him in BFB for a good while.
Also Four and X concidered Clock as their friend that is so cute,,,
Pillow development real too, I dont like her that much because of TPOT 9, but TPOT 10 made me like her a little bit, at least its SOME progress despite not being much.
I did not even know Black Hole could dream, felt weird since he doesnt sleep, but damn Fanny was genuinely scared of him because of that, waiter waiter! More Fanny development please!! Also nice to see Tree again as well, himself, even despite it being in a dream. Black Hole was crazy as fuck in this episode.
I wonder if TSTOE is gonna actually fix Robot Flower....
Theres so much I can go on and on about TPOT 10 in this post but im gonna end it here.
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draco-dormiens · 1 year
omg damn it, i haven't checked the #draco malfoy x reader tag for quite a few months and therefore i never saw your series (the last time i looked the content under the tag nothing really caught my interest lmao cuz of my damn high standards </3) but your "the strangest of places" looks sooo fucking promising and exactly what i like (slowburn + enemies to lovers are the top tier tropes for me) <3 i'm looking forward for when all the chapters are posted to read it (because c'mon we all know whatta pain it is to go mad while waiting for the next one) </3 i also want to say thank you for sharing, it's really rare to find good multi-chapter fics that can hold the reader's interest till the end of the story and you seem to be doing it quite effortlessly concidering people always asking about when the next update is coming.
so yeah, that's basically i wanted to say and it's obvious you know what you're doing while writing this. good luck with the chapters and keep up the good work <3
thank you for this ♡
I haven’t written a multi chapter in such a long time as I had a rather long break from writing, but I do feel a connection with this one and I’m so happy it’s being reflected.
I honestly can’t thank people enough for continually backing this fic & being so supportive in comments, likes and reblogs. I was super nervous to start posting again but the community has absolutely blew me away.
and waiting for the next chapter… I know exactly what you mean 😩 I try to keep as up to date as possible cos we all know that feeling!
thank you for your kind words and I hope you enjoy it when you read 🫶🏻
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bagrovyystrazh · 2 years
Let's put one of my weird intrests to good use: Let's go through Alexei's prison tattoos and why Marvel probably didn't realize what they did here.
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The face of a woman do have a meaning but in this case i strongly suspect they just wanted a tattoo that looked like Melina. Else it's the sign someone has been initiated into the Vory v zakone when on the chest which concidering his other tattoos can be the case.
The "thiefs" stars on the clavicles (they change meaning depending on place feet being the lowest) are a indicator for a highly ranked (captain most likely) member of the vory v zakone (thiefs in law) which is a prison gang spawned from the Soviet gulag system that later split into the Bratva (what's normally refered to as the russian mafia)
The cathedral or sometimes kremlins indicate the amount of prison sentences. the one Alexei got on his chest got three towers meaning three different prison sentences. (not really a hard feat considering it was USSR times)
The double headded eagle is a symbol used in Russia since tsarist times and during the soviet union it was replaced with the hammer and sickle. The eagle is during soviet times used to show mockery or rage against the USSR (tbh a lot of the tattoos are fuck the state especially when vory v zakone related since they do not work with the state what so ever, even being civil with prison guards is punishable)
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The "bracelet" around Alexei's wrist is normally are used to show the amount of years in prison, normally start with 5 years then just ad onto it for every year. The thicker it is the more years in prison, Alexei i would guess is about 10 years.
Flowers/Roses mean two things either that you'll have flowers on your funeral even if you die in a damn ditch or that the person got convicted for the first time before the age of 18. In this case i suspect it just looked good with the banderol spelling "Natalia" and "Yelena"
The eyes normally is a type of "i'm watching you" meaning watching other inmates.
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In other words you have a career criminal in Russian organized crime, even with just three prison stays (the chest indicate this) it's hard to end up looking like this..... Keeping in mind he's ex KGB on top of that meaning he would never have survived in that system realistically. Police, KGB and similar would have been practically marked for death. He's already a part of the goverment and that's not gonna fly here or anywhere inside the "vorovskiy mir" (theifs world) where the Vory is in controll. The vory is insanely picky with not having anything to do with the goverment and it even go for close ones to members. People who fail to do this? They're killed for betraying their brothers. In other words: The one who picked out the tattoos picked what looked cool and went YOLO because that's how nonsensical it is that a ex-KGB and propaganda tool for the state would get these tattoos. If you can't account for your tattoos, they are taken off.
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blacknoiseabyss · 2 years
Mmmh.. one of my closest friends told me they're moving the other day. Like pretty damn far away.
Oh, how I am not handling people leaving.
Right in my attachment issues.. Fucking ouch
I need more booze.
Couldn't even let them know how much I'm gonna miss them. God knows that would make me feel vonerable, weak and exposed. Can't have that.. Moron.
So all I said was "Well, that sucks.."
Pretty sure they could guess how hard I took it tho, concidering I started drinking as if my life depended on it. They were already sad about moving so they joined.. and like.. three days later [?] here we are.. Probably gonna continue tomorrow and saturday too. We're gonna go to some party, fuck knows where. After that well see how I feel..
[I really don't know what's a normal and appropriate reaction to these things.. it's not like they're dead or anything. Although it kinda feels like it right now tbh. Shit like this always me feel like it's not worth keeping people around cause it's just way too painful when they leave. Think this was just the final straw of the shit I was trying to handle rn. Sure I'll feel more at peace with it when I've processed it been drinking some more tho..]
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pistolxbaby · 2 years
damn you are one sexy ASF woman!! He you ever met and fucked any mutual s from tumblr? Would you ever consider it?
I haven’t, but I have concidered one or two…
It would need to be an incredibly special situation for me to hookup with any of my crazy fucking mutuals 🖤
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severias · 2 years
I was watching YouTube in peace and this fucking ad thing came on and I was like
"funny thumbnail what if it was Richelieu and Louis"
And now I'm concidering drawing them as the damn thumbnail pic but more, 17th century obviously
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Can I also just say, I didn't even watch the vid, it looked so American that I just, couldn't
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you know what. its may. its hot. so fuck it. everybody will misgenser me and perceive as a girl no matter how masc are my tshirt and jeans bc of my body shape and its too damn hot to hide it with hoodies and jackets. i have a lot of jewerlies concidered as feminine and i wear them. i just cut myself a fringe. i will wear lighter and shorter clothes if my dysmorphia and random desires allow me. if i cant have my gender perceived correct no matter how i try i better dont try anyway. at least ill have some fun, draw some attention and be more gnc
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wa9tu4hu5ci64 · 2 years
I have no means to kill myself. I don't really want to. I'm not seriously concidering it. I'm breathing and thinking on. I just want to aimlessly think about suicide, is all. And sometimes, it's like noone will care as long as I'm not actually trying to kill myself. As long as he's not driving me to suicide, it's "not that bad." "It can't be that bad if I'm not actively concidering suicide as an out." Don't reply to this with "Please don't kill yourself." I am not concidering it. No preventing to be done here.
I am the breaking point. I slipped through the cracks, went unnoticed. I became neglected and un-looked-after. I don't care that everyone else would be comfortable otherwise if that really were the case. I won't accept a reality in which everything would've been "just fine", had I never existed. "It's not fine. Yall r not fine!" Everyone on this earth is abused! We're all fucked up! It's just that everyone except me doesn't wanna admit it! You would rather live in your constructed perfect dream world than stop the circle of abuse. They get offspring and continue it just like my birthers did. But once in a while, someone like me comes around, breaks the circle of abuse ,and suffers so damn much, becomes happier than anyone else. Cause I had no choice but to look at my demons. I have to look at reality, I have to suffer more than anyone. none of this just came naturally to me. I am not simply like this. It's the pain I chose. I am uncomfort-able as I am. It's worth it. I look at my past with raw-teethed, fist-clenched, couragious love.
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pleasant-boi · 4 years
Me: I'm not horny 😇 😊
Friend: Omega Akechi on suppressants going into heat suddenly and ending up being Alpha Phantom Thieves little toy
Me: 👀👀👀👀👀
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blasphamoustraitors · 5 years
Wanna,,, weave. Wanna,,, spin. Wanna,, grow fibers
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miraculousalt · 2 years
Kuro Neko really out here getting unbearably worse and worse each passing day when u keep thinking about other things that happened in the season. Other make up talks they had
The Ladynoir ending is such a respectless toxic garbage fire, I can't believe Marinette got away with pullin all THAT and was rewarded with a perfect therapy cat partner now. Just straight up ignored his existence when he met her up in the end til he took ALL the blame
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SHE ordered him to come back after Cat Walker failed the mission and she missed Chat. Chat quit and she just made him come back by telling CW the old chats to return n when he returns she's unwilling to take an ounce of the blame she had in this. How much can one abuse their guardian status to get away with everything? Chats beside her insulting himself and comparing his valid emotions to a tantrum of a damn BABY and LB is just here like "yes you are awful, everything is your fault and I was inconvenienced by ur selfish hissy fit. I'm the poor victim. But I'm so nice to want you back anyway :))"
Charming gurl, real charming right there...
I wished Adrien never returned in that episode. How little respect can u have for your partner since the beginning u KNOW and admitted you didn't notice how much he's hurtin?
He's forgiving her because he thinks she's treating everyone equally bc he doesn't know about Rena. Marinette is taking full advantage of him not knowing so HE takes the blame and she doesn't have to. Dnt know about u but I concider that nothing but selfish. Nice, thanks Miraculous for showing me how o take advantage of people and get away with it I guess??
And oc Adrien still doesn't know about Ladybug having a 2nd partner behind his back n he stays all alone. Of course not what does that matteeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr
This episode killed Ladynoir for me The following 3 episodes held the funeral and said goodbye for good. There is "letting your main character fuck up in a season of high stress" and whatever tf these 4 episodes where. From KN onwards Adrien wnnt back into a toxic dynamic under undignified terms and Marinette gets CELEBRATED for it because she's la gardienne and at least stopped yelling so what more is there to be asked for?
Maybe I çan ship them again in season 5. I really liked the LS once. But only if Marinette's finally not made to benefit so grossly from Adrien being abused to 7 hells n back. That's a shitty ass look for the ship while oc he's still left at Gabriels mercy. But good to know Marinettes fine!
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