#damn I forgot his middle name was Winston
billygoat26 · 24 days
Y’all listen
The first two Deadpool movies weren’t good enough
I need more Vanessa and Wade content
Sure, Spideypool is great and there’s also Poolverine, but…
Which sounds SUPER wrong if you have as dirty a mind as me but whatever
Also please don’t think I’m homophobic for some reason… I support
But come on- 😭😭😭
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geekkatsblog · 4 years
Grey's Anatomy season 17×06 Review
(How the f**k they just gonna leave me on read like this till March 4th)
The episode was a rollercoaster but something tells me the real ride is going to happen from the next episode.
I knew Winston was gonna show up in person at some point or the other. When he dropped the long distance wasn't working line and put the phone down in her ear so he could get some 'eggs' I knew he was in Seattle, good for her she's going to need him to lean on seeing that Mer freaking crashed again. At least she'll have somebody there for her because all her other support is personally attached to Meredith as well.
Besides Winston turning up, treating Tom and her being understandably giddy at Mer being awake there was also a scene where she educated Amelia on some things now I won't get into the details again but I'm just in love with the fact that Grey's isn't afraid to touch on controversial topics, they use their large platform to raise awareness and their speeches are always on point.
(She needed the time off more than Bailey did tbh)
My God was it satisfying when Richard literally just tore into her. She put herself in the situation and is now taking her anger out on others which is really in poor taste. Poor Helm, I hope she didn't take it personally. At this point it's her time to annoy me, I miss the season 6 Teddy, hopefully she redeems herself soon. After being torn apart by Webber's words she then proceeds to make things worst by revealing yet another big secret to Owen at work. (At least this time it was on purpose.) She just needs to take some time away and think on what she really wants and needs to reflect before spontaneously starting potentially life changing conversations. First it was telling Tom they had a chance then it was telling Owen that she still loves him and the kids while also revealing that she named their daughter after not only her best friend but also the woman that she was very much in love with. Pick a struggle Teddy at this point she's seeming confused more than anything else.
For the past few seasons Owen was one of the characters getting on my nerves but lately he's been fine. He hasn't redeemed himself yet but his probation is going fine. Watching this show really shows how good of a person a doctor has to be in order to follow the ethical guidelines. If I had that scum bag for a patient I would have literally just pretended to fail at saving him and let the guy die, (guess that's why the Lord made me suck at Chemistry and Physics) his response to Bob about him being at the devils barbecue was badass, gave me serious season 5 Owen vibes or vibes like when he punched that guy out for disrupting the ER when he was chief, Major Hunt reporting for duty.
As for him and Teddy I can get why he was upset, her he was about to attempt to make amends at probably rekindling a friendship or maybe their relationship and she revels that your daughter is named after her lover, she could have atleast told him that when they were in the naming process, he deserved to know exactly who his child was being named after. I'm kinda a bitch but there was no way I'd feel comfortable having my child named after my partner's lover. On the other hand he should hear her out he has literally cheated twice and both times he sat and was able to share his side of the story and the woman he was with listened to his explanations. Teddy deserves as much, it might hurt but he did the same and Karma unfortunately is still a bitch.
(I just wanted to give her a hug the whole night.)
She has a really unhealthy habit of working through her grief, first her miscarriage and now through the death of her mom. I'm honestly sad that Ben had to be the one to comfort Tuck and tell him his grandmother had even died (she's always so busy, Ben is pratically the one raising him at this point.) And I'm also upset that I haven't gotten to see Ben being there for her either. I'm assuming it might be a protocol on the sets.
At least she took time off of the cases, I understand why she didn't want to go home as a doctor she has the highest risk of transporting the virus, but her mind understandably wasn't going to be in the doctoring game. I really thought they were gonna make her freeze up and accidentally kill a patient or something, but at least they didn't go down that line. And what even happened to her dad? did he take the Covid test? Wheres he staying now? Is he safe?
The conversations between her and Deluca were sweet, it's another unexpected friendship, before the only one she really disclosed any details of her life with was Richard but now they're opening her support group which is fine. I'm also glad that Deluca was able to look past the whole fiasco last season and hold no grudges. She has now fully redeemed herself completely, she's still my all time favorite character but from season 13 to probably mid season 16 she really had some storylines and scenes that irked me to watch and made me question some things, but now she's back on track at least to me.
Also I know that Richard is the chief of chiefs but how are they just gonna let him take back over the surgery unit like that again? I mean I did miss him as chief but now Bailey just basically seems like a regular old surgeon with a fancy office, idk it just seems kinda weird to me.
Not only carrying on the work and teachings of Mark Sloan but also using his boatload of cash to rescue a patient's mother from racist police who should have been the ones actually in prison. That was basically it for him though.
Oml I honestly almost forgot she was even really in the episode. She had so little screen time. She's still in the middle of transitioning to OB. I have no issue with that because OB's still can do surgery, so we'll still get to see her and she'll be happy again plus it's about time that Grey's cashes in that Regulars card on Carina. We see her on Station 19 as an accessory I want to see the Jo and Carina tag team.
Not really much in this episode. No content with Link she just did surgery to save the scum with Owen. They may have made a mediocre couple but they work good as friends. Also I'm assuming she's off of maternity leave now? Did they mention that I'm not sure but she's back now.
Not much of a storyline, he made the decision to put Meredith on the Vent and is busy running the hospital as the chief of the hospital again I guess. And also spitting the much needed facts that Teddy needed to hear.
They're finally showing more of Tom's good side, I mean I always liked him and saw the potential in his character but they never really showed his soft side for a prolonged period like they did today. May I just say I enjoyed his and Meredith's friendly banter they have the same lowkey dark humor and at least it would have taken their minds off of being sick especially for him because he basically has no one else. Hearing him open up about his son and expressing how he'd do anything to hear him say dad again was sad I can only imagine his pain. Meredith was his reason for holding on especially after he had to witness his roommate die from Covid, the same thing he's suffering from right before his eyes and now Mer back unconscious this time with a tube down her throat I'm just really hoping that he keeps the faith, the last thing we need is a death right now.
(God damn it Mer all you had to do was stay awake.)
For a few brief moments all was right with the world Meredith was awake and everyone was happy and then she just had to go be Wonder Woman and over exert herself, but that's the thing they would have probably needed armed guards at the doors to keep her from putting someone else's life above her own, its one of her best qualities and at times one of her worst. I knew it was too good to be true when she was awake and laughing. It was giving me Mark Sloan final episode vibes. They better not kill her off that would be the worst ending for me, what about the kids? Step off the damn beach Mer you've gone through too much to let Covid take you out. On the other hand this gives us more beach scenes. It's more unlikely to have a live character return but there's still lots of dead ones to choose from, her mother is always a likely suspect, Denny loved being on the show and I think Breaking bad had its final season, Mark is a toss up based on how he cut ties with the show and Lexie is also a toss up because she is filming Supergirl in another country, however anything is possible with Grey's. I thought the beach scenes were over because she was waking up but look how wrong I was. All I hope is that they don't kill her off its unlikely because she's the main character but still its Grey's they like to go out with a bang.
I left him for last because to me he really did have the biggest storyline of the night.
Firstly I'm glad to see that at least part of the earliers season's Deluca has returned. I loved him as the passionate, badass and almost cocky guy as well but I always missed his more compassionate and softer side more. I'm glad to see it back and I'm also glad to see that he's taking his meds and resting, and I can confirm that having support is a needed factor in treating mental health. As strange as it was seeing the Bailey and Deluca chat it's good that they both have each other. They both suffer from mental illnesses and can relate to each other on a different level. They have me wondering now if they're going to use his mental health issues as a way to separate him and Mer, or use it as the reason why he pursued her, kinda like how they tried to blame Amelia's tumor for her bad decisions and then used it to break her and Owen up. I guess we'll just have to see where Merluca will go from here or if it will manifest Merhaynes instead.
Now onto the big stuff, the whole sex trafficking thing the whole episode I was literally yelling at the tv for either Deluca, Bailey or Carina to see that bitch, the moment it was connected that the kidnapper was involved in trafficking and she showed up I knew shit was about to go down. My heart was racing when I saw her with Schmitt. I really thought she was going to attack him with how sus she was being, luckily she had to go to avoid further suspicion. They need to put security on those girls' door. They've been through enough. If she goes to finish off Bob then no one cares but the girls don't deserve to go through anything else and Deluca after seeing her decided to go after him himself instead of calling the police, granted the police wasn't doing anything helpful but the last thing we need is for him to go after her himself like Superman and trying to save the day. At least Carina went with him so she can help talk him down if necessary but there's only so much she can do.
There are too many damn superheroes in that hospital.
My questions are:
• Will both Tom and Meredith make it out of the Covid sickness or will one or even both of them die?
• Will Teddy finally make her mind up so that the Teddy, Tom and Owen love triangle can finally have an ending?
• Who the hell is coming to the beach next? And can they tell Meredith to get her ass off of the beach and never return until she's like 80?
• Will Superman, I mean Deluca save the day without needing medical attention afterwards? Or worst yet needing a casket?
• Is Jo actually switching specialties?
• Are they going to go after the girls or kill Bob instead?
• How is it going to go with Maggie and Winston now that he has arrived in person?
• And lastly and most importantly what am I supposed to do with my Thursday nights until March 4th.
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bountybossier · 4 years
That Path We Tread | bea, blanche, luce, nell, nic, & winston
TIMING: Right after this. LOCATION: Bea’s necromancy clearing. PARTIES: @nelllraiser @beatrice-blaze @divineluce @danetobelieve @harlowhaunted SUMMARY: Help. They're dying. I need help. Warnings: Vomit tw, body horror tw
Like a jacked mother possum with all the children on the back.
Exhausted, Winston wrapped their arm more tightly around Bea. Watching Nell and Luce and Blanche. Everything had gone wrong. They’d got her back. Bea was alive. But everyone was fucked up. Winston could barely stand. Fuck they could barely feel like they could breath. They were so hot. Their phone would work to call an ambulance. Sweat poured down their back soaking their shirt. Whenever Winston tried to operate their phone it just refused to work, the screen crackling and it overheating whenever they went near it. So right now it was lying on top of their bag. They spotted someone coming and tried to scramble to their feet before spotting the biggest, burliest man they’d ever seen. The type of man you definitely wouldn’t want to see on a dark night in the forest. Winston had never been more overjoyed to see Nic in their life. Heart swelling with relief, Winston basically choked back a sob of emotion before gaining their composure. “Nic, Nic!” Winston shouted at him, “Fuck, please you need to help, we need to get Luce to a fucking hospital and I can’t get my phone to work and I’m too tired to move Bea and Nell and, fuck, please, help us.” They looked at him pleadingly. Why the fuck was it like one hundred degrees at midnight?
Help. They’re dying. I need help. Nicodemus hadn’t expected anything good to come from what it was they were doing. It was out of his area of expertise, sure, but what was asked of him wasn’t. His expression grew bitter and he moved as soon as his eyes passed over help. Follow the smell of blood and burnt flesh. His empty stomach roiled as he neared the clearing and broke through brush. The smell was thick in his nose and throat. Jesus fucking Christ, what had they all done? Everyone was damn near injured and briefly, he wondered if an attack of some sort happened. There sure as shit was a body. He didn’t know shit all about magic. Had it gone the way they wanted? As he processed, his eyes shot over to Winston. “Fuckin’ shit, Winston,” he said as he walked over in long strides. Put a hand on their shoulder as if it might steady. “It’s alright.” He wasn’t sure about it even as he said it but he understood what they asked of him well enough. “Gonna get y’all outta here.” He sought out Nell and tried to keep the worry from spilling out. She was alive. Luce was alive. Blanche was too. Where the smell of blood came thickest, he saw Bea. ...Maybe alive? “...Well alright,” he said carefully. He didn’t feel the need to reach for his knife but he eyed her warily. He took in a heavy breath before he looked at Blanche. “You got your car?”
Luce started breathing again soon after she began CPR, but not after Blanche heard the crack of Luce’s ribs. She was bent awkwardly over Luce, whispering to her not to move and that she was going to be okay. At some point, she had shrugged off her white jacket and handed it to Nell. “Arms. Wrap them as best you can. Please.” Before going back to make sure Luce was alright. Bea was fine - or, well, as fine as she could be, if a little disoriented. “Luce, it’s okay don’t worry. Don’t move. You can’t move yet.” Blanche whispered again, brushing her hair out of her face just as Winston began shouting Nic’s name. She almost forgot she texted him, but relief and hope hit her as she practically sprang to her feet. “Nic!” Blanche cried. “We need to get them to the - oh. My car? Yes. That way.” Blanche pointed down the slight path. “Not even 10 minutes, I pulled up as close as I could. But I can’t carry them myself. I think Nell can walk. Winston can, maybe. But Luce - I think she had a heart attack? And Bea - she’s confused. And - I need help. We need help. Please.” Blanche rushed through the facts as fast as possible, looking at the others in concern.
“Nic?” Nell’s confused voice pervaded the air, unable to make sense of where the hell he’d come from in the middle of all this chaos. Nevertheless, a way of utter relief slammed into her as he arrived, knowing that if Nic was here- everything would be okay. He’d proven more than once just how capable his hands were, and by now he had a way of making Nell fell calm, like everything was in control when he was around. The jacket that Blanche had given her to cover her arms was already soaked through only a few moments after she put it on, and everytime she so much as moved- the way the fabric brushed against her skinless arms just made the excruciating pain start anew. Thankfully, the peeling had finally stopped near the tops of her arms. “She’s okay?” Nell asked tentatively, scared of the answer that she might get. Which sister was she even talking about? Bea or Luce? Both. She needed to know that both were alright. Now that the initial panic amongst them had subsided, she looked to Bea, her heart stopping in her chest as her sister sat there, staring back with open eyes that were alive. “Bea?” she asked nervously. Had she come back right? Bea had said her name, hadn’t she? Both Nell’s and Luce’s. She knew them. That was a good sign, right? What was left of Nell’s magic began to try and stitch her arms back together, but instead of growing new skin, the tips of her hands simply scabbed, nothing more.
The world was swimming. It felt like Bea had just spun around in an office chair so many times she could count. It was enough to make her nauseous. Listing away from Winston, she heaved, nothing more than bile left her. She looked up to see Nic standing over her and Winston and squinted her eyes. “Brownies?” She slurred at the hunter, unable to think of anything meaningful to say to him. She had no idea why he or Winston was here, but she was very grateful to see them. She knew her and her sisters weren’t capable of taking care of themselves at this point. Her head lolled over to look at Nell, reaching a shaking hand out to her youngest sister. “Nellie,” She rasped again, trying to focus on the younger woman. “You’re… hurt.” It took more strength than Bea realized to be speaking. Her chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath. “We…” She took a deep breath before speaking again, eyes slipping closed as she tried to force words from her mouth. “... Need to go.” It wasn’t good for them to spend any more time in this circle. She could feel the grass around her already withering. They had to get somewhere less shrouded in death if they wanted to have any time to breathe.
Struggling to their feet, Winston turned to assess the situation. Honestly, everything hurt. Their head was swimming and they couldn’t think clearly. Everything was so hot. It hadn’t been this hot earlier and Winston pulled their jacket off and staggered over to their bag. Stuffing everything inside, they couldn’t help but notice that their phone was still being weird. But that was a problem for later and Winston had to make sure that everyone got out okay. Even if they felt terrible. Sweat had already drenched their clothes. Staggering back to Nell, Winston helped her to her feet without touching her skin. It looked, well it looked painful and Winston was pretty sure that was the second or third white jacket that Blanche was going to have to replace now. “I agree,” Winston pulled their inhaler out of their jeans and sucked down several puffs, “we need to get Luce and Nell to a hospital and Bea too really.” Winston wasn’t sure how they were going to explain this. “Nic, I don’t think Luce can walk, I don’t know about Bea either… do you think you could,” Winston gestured awkwardly at them before miming at lifting motion, “y’know?”
The hardened edge that had settled over Nicodemus’s face softened by a fraction when Nell spoke to him. “It’s me, kid. I gotcha,” he said as he looked at the red jacket that covered her arms. At her question, he glanced over to her sisters. Far as he could tell, they were, but he had a sneaking suspicion that would fade the longer they lingered. He swallowed down the feeling in his throat and nodded at Winston. “Yup, gonna get y’all there.” How he had come to be the safety net and wrangler of a bunch of magical younglings, he didn’t know. It didn’t bother him in the slightest. With apprehension, he looked at Bea and for a moment didn’t breathe. Brownies. Well, at least it wasn’t a knife. Slowly, he nodded at her. “Didn’t have time to put the fuckin’ oven on,” he muttered dryly as he shrugged off his top layer and threw it around her. “Gonna need you to get on my back here in a second, Bea. Gonna get Luce and then we’re goin’.” The middle sister’s breath was faint but her heart was still in it. The hunter could feel it as he looped an arm under her shoulder and the other under her legs. He walked back over to Bea, Luce in arms, and crouched. “Ain’t gonna drop you. Just hold on as best you can, alright?” As soon as she was on and secured, they could get gone from whatever the fuck had transpired.
“Be careful. Her ribs,” Blanche said quietly to Nic has he scooped Luce up in his arms. “Please. I - she - CPR.” It was the only explanation she could manage to get out. At least she was breathing. At least it didn’t take her long to start breathing again. At least Luce was alive. She looked between Bea and Nell, almost guiltily as he Nic crouched to Bea could climb on. God, Bea was confused, but lucid enough to know that they had to get out of here and that Nell was hurt. That was a good sign. Or, she hoped it was a good sign. She didn’t actually know.  Blanche looked at her one stark white jacket now stained red from Nell’s arms. Bile rose in her throat and she coughed once - twice - no. Not now. Blanche swallowed it back, shaking her head as she inched closer to Nell and Winston. “Do either of you need help?” Blanche asked quietly. She could help the both of them, if they needed it. Nic would take care of Bea and Luce and they would all get to the care and it would be fine. They just needed to get to her fucking Jeep.
The hospital? Even now Nell’s stomach turned nervously at the word, that place always making her anxious. But Nisa wasn’t here, and even if their mother had been- she wouldn’t be able to see them all at once. And something was very wrong with Luce. Why had she just collapsed like that? As Bea touched her, Nell half expected that same, clammy touch she’d felt when she’d picked up Bea’s body from the god forsaken death site in the woods to take her to Nic. When she’d first died. But there it was thrumming away underneath Bea’s skin, and though her sister’s jostling hurt, she wouldn’t have traded the feeling of Bea’s hand for anything in that moment. “You’re- you’re here.” Again, it seemed that everything she’d been keeping carefully locked up these last few weeks were surging forwards, and something about Bea caring that Nell was hurt caused more tears to fall down her cheeks. Her sister was alive, breathing, and could care again. A true reunion would have to wait when everyone needed medical attention, but Nell was already yearning for it. “Thank you,” she said to Winston as she tested her feet, somewhat unsteady, but able to walk despite the burning of her injuries. “I can walk. Let’s go.” They needed to get Luce and Bea to the hospital, to actual help. Ever so slowly, her arms were beginning to magically scab over, leaving a rough trail up to the middle of her forearms. Still no new flesh to be told of, though.
Her eyes were finally beginning to adjust and Bea recognized that she was meant to do something now. She didn’t want to stop looking over Nell, but Luce was dying and the littlest Vural was bleeding so much Bea wasn’t sure how she could be standing. She pulled herself onto Nic, grimacing as she realized she was still covered in blood. “Thank you,” She told him softly. Fragments of memories were starting to flow through her. Find someone willing to take care of me. She didn’t know who she said those words to, but something told her that Nic was this person. Her eyes trailed back to Luce, fierce now, she was not allowed to die. She wasn’t even allowed to think about dying. Bea would personally bring her back to scream at her for dying. Even if it would have been Bea’s fault for asking for this. She wanted to lay her head down and fall asleep, but the necromancer forced her eyes to stay open. She could not fall asleep when her sister was on death’s doorway.
Winston’s head was swimming. A dull throb rang over and over and over and over again. But they kept plodding onwards. Sweat pouring down their back. It was so goddamn hot. They took another step. The grass golding beneath the soles of their shoes. Then another step. Then another. They could feel the energy surging within them and Winston knew that something was wrong. They stopped dead in their tracks. The group continued around them. Their breath quickened. Their heart was racing. Their blood pulsed. It felt like it was boiling within them. Why were they so hot? Everyone was a few feet away. It struck them, a groan in their stomach, a bead of sweat trickled down their face and suddenly they couldn’t help themselves. A moan of pain erupted from their stomach and as Winston opened their mouth to make a sound, a roiling wave of fire exploded from their mouth. They did their best to point it towards the sky, and avoid burning anyone. It lasted for a few seconds maybe, but it left Winston doubled over and curled up in the grass. “Oh, fuck, I don’t feel so good,” they groaned.
The hunter was careful not to jostle the two Vural sisters as he walked. They needed to get away from the clearing. Away from the body and the blood and whatever else. Nicodemus paused as Winston groaned and immediately, his eyes shot over to them. Shit. It wasn’t likely that he could bundle them up on top of the two he already carried. And then Winston spat fire. He blinked. Alright. What the fuck was happening to all of them? “...Get ‘em up,” he said to Blanche, not too unkindly. Each minute they lingered, the worry kicked up in his pulse. What good would it be if they all died out in the fucking field? Nah, he was tired of people dying and he reckoned the lot of them were too. “Please. We gotta get. We gotta get ‘em all--” He didn’t finish as he started up again, quicker but no less careful, towards Blanche’s jeep. His eyes narrowed as a storm of thoughts clouded his head. He could sort it out later. As the rest grew closer to the jeep, he spoke up again. Something told him it was necessary. Especially after whatever the hell she might’ve seen and he carried the aftermath of. “Blanche, when we get ‘em all in, let me have your keys. You ain’t drivin’.”
Fuck, Winston just breathed fire. Blanche sprang back from them with a low shriek, staring at them, aghast. “What - “ But there was no time. Nic told her to grab them, pull them up, and she listened. Blanche hadn’t liked the feeling of this place since Bea had shown it to them weeks before, but now the feeling of death and despair clung to the air, making it thick and suffocating. She pulled Winston to their feet, careful to help them walk.  The walk to the Jeep wasn’t terrible. Blanche was hyper focused on it: Get everyone there, get everyone to the hospital, make sure everyone was okay. “Luce and Bea - lay them in the trunk. Nell and Winston can have the back. By the windows.” As the black jeep came into sight, she almost started crying in relief, and she almost missed what Nic said. The car unlocked and she was already shuffling Winston into the back seat and rounding the body of the car to open the door for Nell. “What?” She stared at Nic. “I -” She what? Blanche realized how sick she felt right then. She silently held out her pink lanyard once Luce and Bea were settled, before going to sit in the passenger side. They were going to be okay. They were going to get to the hospital, and then everything would be all better.
The sound of a steady electrical beeping. Repetitive, droning. Over and over. That was what first filtered in through the darkness. Then, pain. Sharp surface level pain, stinging and fierce. And underneath it, there was a dull, heavy weight that pressed down upon her chest. With a low groan, Luce forced her tired eyes to open. A sterile white room greeted her, bright fluorescents blinding and she shut her eyes immediately. Pillows, she could feel them behind her head, and sheets oddly warm against her skin. Her chest, her chest ached. Gritting her teeth, Luce willed herself to power through the fatigue that pressed down upon her body. She opened her eyes once more, glancing around the room. She wasn’t alone-- there was another bed next to hers. Someone else lay in it. Her eyes struggled to focus, the image a blur. Finally, she realized it was Nell-- her arms wrapped up in bandages, the edges stained pink. Letting out a shaky sigh, she shifted her gaze to the chairs around the room. Four people. One small, blonde hair streaked with bits of pink. Blanche. And another, a burly man. Who was he..? The thought was pushed from her mind as she saw Winston, their face slick and shining under the bright lights.
With all the energy she could muster, Luce tilted her head to look at the last person. Familiar long tresses of dark hair, dark eyes staring back at her… “Bea.” She managed, a hint of a smile on her face. That was all the strength she could muster, her body still aching and exhausted. Her head fell back on the pillows, her eyes closing once more. A comforting blanket of weariness pressed down upon her, dragging her once more into the darkness. A sense of relief washed over her, more soothing than the promise of sleep. Bea. She was back. Nell was safe. Winston was here, Blanche as well. Her family was whole.
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yaachtynoboat711 · 5 years
Fonder 5.2
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A/N: So this is obvi a follow-up of Ch.5 as well as its conclusion. Hopefully, the plot won’t be as shook up as it was in 5.1 or will it? I hope y’all enjoy.
Word Count: little over 3K
Warning(s): Plot progression, fluff, specks of angst(?)
NEW YEARS DAY 2015, 11:47 A.M, Malibu, California NEW YEARS DAY 2015, 11:47 A.M, Malibu, California
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Peace and serenity—the most fitting way to transition into the New Year. The overlapping sounds of seagulls and crashing ocean waves outside would usually pull Yaa out of her deep slumbers. If it wasn’t the beach sounds, then it was her actual alarm. But let’s be honest: no one really has an alarm go off on New Year’s day, especially if you had the night that Yaa had had. Yaa’s snoring went in sync with the crashing waves and her wavy, honey blonde locs scattered at every which way across the silk taupe pillow case. Boom boom boom. The heavy knocking on her bedroom had startled her out of her post-sex slumber. Who was banging on her door like the feds before noon? The trio of knocks continued until she reluctantly got out of bed and searched for anything to put on.
“I’m comin’...damn!”, she tried to yell, but her hoarseness wouldn’t allow her. She winced in pain as she hopped into a pair of shorts and a tank top and began limping towards the door. She opened the door to see that it was her best friend, Tanisha. “Bitch...somebody better be dead, hurt, or dying.”
Tanisha chuckled. “Well, Happy New Year to you, too. Lover Boy is down there making brunch.”
Yaa looked at her friend in total confusion. “Is that what I’m smelling? Tanisha nodded. “Well, I’m surprised you aren’t somewhere fighting a hangover.”
Tanisha rolled her eyes. “I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night. Between you gettin’ your cervix tickled, and trust me, it sounded like he was giving’ you the BUSINESS, and me throwing my night up, I was going through it. Started the new year off on the wrong foot.”
Yaa felt herself turning red and her eyes bugging out. “Were we really that loud?”
“Sis, he might’ve worn you out, but you must have that voodoo pussy. Wanna know why? You got Michael B. Jordan in your kitchen cooking yo magical pussy having ass a 5-star brunch on New Year’s day. If that ain’t power, then I don’t know what the hell is. Done turned this nigga into a damn domestic overnight. Speaking of, text me when breakfast is ready. I deserve whatever he’s whippin’ up.”
Tanisha went back into room, presumably to catch up on her missed Z’s. Yaa went downstairs to see Michael for herself. The further she got down the stairs, the louder the “All About the Benjamins” got. She carefully hopped off the stair landing and Diddy bopped her way through the den, making a slight left to go through the back way into the kitchen.
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She pursed her lips to keep from laughing as she watched Michael also Diddy bop back to the stove to finish cooking whatever he had cooking on the stove. Wearing only a pair of heather grey cut-off sweats and Nike slides with socks, his shoulders and upper body bounced to the beginning of Total’s “Can’t You See”. He placed a kitchen towel over his shoulder before plating his brunch creation.
“So what’s on the menu, Mr. Jordan?”, she spooked.
He seized, clenching the small saucepan he had in his grasp. “Shit!”
Yaa chuckled, “I’m sorry I couldn’t help it.”, she stopped to look over his shoulder, “you still haven’t answered my question.”
“Cajun catfish and cheese grits, fruit, and peach bellinis.”
“Oooh shit! Lemme find out the B in your name stands for ‘Brunch Daddy’! I’ll get Tanisha up.”
Yaa called Tanisha from the bottom of the stairs. Tanisha came down moments later. The three sat at the table passing bowls, skillets, and pans to each other. The room was filled with the sounds of clacking plates and satisfied stomachs.
“Who would’ve known Michael B. Jordan was a whole ass chef? I learned something new today.”, remarked Yaa as she sipped her Powerade.
Michael chuckled at Yaa’s comment, “Word? Well, to be honest, if this acting thing didn’t work out, Plan B was being a chef. My mom taught me how to cook and I haven’t looked back since. Now from what I hear, you know how to get down yourself.”
It was hard for Yaa to be humble, but she managed to keep her cool. “I mean, I’m a country girl. Carrie, my maternal grandmother, taught me most of what I know. She and my Rainey raised me and my siblings when my parents were working pretty much around the clock for a few years.”
“How many siblings?”
“2. I have a twin sister, Farrah, that’s fraternal as hell, and a brother, Jahlil, that’s 5 years younger.”
He laughed at her statement about her sister Farrah. “I also have two other siblings--I’m a middle child. An older sister and a younger brother.” Tanisha, the oldest of four, and Yaa both cringed at him being the middle child. “I couldn’t imagine having two sisters though.”
Yaa shot him a look. “Watch it, son.”
He placed his fist in front of his mouth as he chewed. “So, I heard you say you were a country girl, so how country are we talkin’?”
“I was born in Alabama and graduated high school and college in Alabama, but I was raised in a massive mansion in rural Louisiana, so I’m a Louisi-Bama. You’re a Jersey-Cali boy from my understanding?”
He shook his head in the affirmative, impressed with her knowledge about him. “Ok! President of the fan club is showing herself worthy of the title.”
“Boy, don’t get cussed out.”
Missed Call: Maybe: Winny the Pooh
Yaa tapped on the missed call notification without hesitation. She almost forgot they weren’t talking. Immediately after their last exchange, Winston’s number went to the good ole Block List. Something told her to unblock his number the day before leaving for California. So she did and now here she was, returning her ex’s ca—
“Hello?”, Winston answered.
“He-heyyyy you! Happy New Year! I saw you called and I’m just seeing your text.”, Yaa replied. Silence. You could hear a rat piss on carpet.
“Ummm…”, he cleared his throat, “...so you down for lunch?”
“Oof. I just had brunch. How does coffee or tea sound? Bean in Beverly Hills?”
“That’s even better. Meet me at 4ish?”
“Make it 4:30 and we’ve got a deal. See you then!” Click.
Yaa walked out of the bathroom from her shower feeling renewed. Skin washed away of the little makeup that remained on her face from her...celebration from the previous night. Skin glowing thanks to the best shea butter Ghana had to offer. Locs looking healthy as always. Her glow increased when she saw Michael laying in her bed reading his phone but looking up when he sensed her presence. He stopped looking down at his phone to admire the beauty that was Khalida Abdullah.
Even in such a simple task as putting on clothes, Michael could see why her exes were head over heels with her. Every move she made was graceful. From the little twerk she did to get her chub into her light gray yoga capri pants, to the overhead jig to get into her oversized black monogrammed tank top with a gold fleur-de-lis. She walked to his side of the bed to retrieve her new Apple Watch from its charger. Before she could walk towards the door, he snatched her up onto the bed with him, playfully gnawing at her neck.
“Where you goin’ looking all good and delicious for, hmm?”, he implored.
“Well, Kari, I’m meeting someone for coffee. It ain’t your business who gon’ be there, either.”, she answered with sass.
“I see. Secondly, who gave you this trash ass Saints shirt? I need to get you at least two Falcons shirts.”
She escaped from his grip and returned a sour look. A record scratched in her head. “I-I-I’m sorry. I SLEPT WITH A FUCKING FALCONS FAN?! MY FAMILY RAISED ME BETTER THAN THIS!”
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“Oh, you some super fan or something?”, he questioned.
“I’m surprised Tanisha didn’t tell you. Have you know, one, my family holds minority stake in the organization, making us minority owners, and two, my first boyfriend and best friend to this day is a proud SUPER BOWL-WINNING Saint. Now if you excuse me, I have to rush to my meeting and go reclaim my dignity.”,she bragged as she walked out of the door. But before she could walk out of door, she poked her head through the door and flipped him off.
“You so fucking CHILDISH, Khalida!”
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Yaa had accomplished many things in her life, from graduating college at 18 to receiving 4 degrees before turning 25, but nothing was as nerve-wrecking as meeting up with Winston. Let’s face it: their last meeting left such a distaste in her mouth.
Her left Chaco tapped softly yet persistently against the dark hardwood floors, while the right rested underneath her bottom.With one hand rested against her warm cup of honey-sweetened hibiscus tea and the other texting Tanisha for guidance into this awaited meeting, she attempted to clear her mind of the past and concern herself with the future. Would he be on that bullshit again? Will I have to smack a bitch? Has he decided to grow up? Does he look dusty? She looked out of the window and zoned out as she watched Beverly Hills slowly wake up after the wild night everyone had.
“Khalida?”, Winston called loud enough to pull his ex-girlfriend out of her daze. She shook her head and looked up to lock eyes with her former lover.
“Hey, hey!”, she greeted. She slowly got up and limped two steps to hug him. It was almost like they’d never skipped a beat. For a moment in time, it felt like they were the only people in the coffee shop, which if you exclude the employees and maybe three other people scattered around the shop, they were. Bitch, get offa him. He spazzed on you, remember?
Immediately upon having the thought, she separated from him and she gestured for him to sit. “So, I might’ve ordered a blueberry scone or two for you. I’m pretty sure you’ve put yourself on some depressing ass diet, but treat yourself.” Almost if on cue, the barista placed a small pink box in front of Winston, along with a caramel latte.
“You didn’t have to do that, but I appreciate it.”, Winston acknowledged. The two shared a nervous laugh and got themselves comfortable in their seats. The tension between could have been cut with a cleaver; so much could’ve been said, after all. The two looked at each in an attempt to find their words.
“I wanna apol-”
“You firs-
“No, you fir-”
“Gotdammit! Somebody finna fuckin talk out of sync.”, Yaa finally said by herself. “Guess I’ll start. Lemme cut to the chase—why are we here?” She sipped on her tea as she waited for his answer.
He pondered before speaking, “Well, first, I just want to apologize for acting like...being an ass a few months back. I wasn’t in my right mind in that relationship. Michelle was a nightmare after that night and we broke it off not even a week after our last meeting. I tried to call you, but I’m more than you confident you blocked my number. Hell, I don’t blame you. Now, I called you on a fluke last night and after analyzing what I said and even getting some choice words from my mom, I was wondering if your offer for friendship was still on the table? I messed up twice, and I don’t want to do lose you anymore.”
Yaa looked around the coffee shop and firmly gripped his chin to get a better look at him. “Is this the same Winston that I saw a few months ago? I’m almost afraid to hear the answer.”
WInston grimaced from the pain shooting to his jaw. Though small, Yaa’s hands had strength, or “country strength”, as she called it from years of herding large animals and even people. “Woman, I need to resize your strength.” Winston moved his jaw from her grip and moved it from side to side to alleviate the pain. “If we’re being transparent, I cried just about every night thinking about how I treated you when we broke up. I’m pretty sure I’m the biggest idiot for allowing a woman such as yourself to walk out twice. At this point, I just want us to be back on good terms.”
“Don’t fucking play with me, Winston. Are you sure? Is this what you truly want?”
“Yes. I just miss you. Aside from the romantic aspect, I just miss the little things, like your random calls in the middle of the day about some tea you just got, your spirit, and even getting cursed out by you.” Poor Winston. Though she knew his sincerity, Yaa found it hard to believe his sap story. If he could help it, he would’ve been on his knees pleading for a second chance.
Yaa’s face was unreadable—stoic, yet unreadable. It was a face that was over apologies and all for corrected behavior. A face that was finding itself conflicted with two men. Deep down, she wanted to be back with Winston. After all, he was her true love. But true love is tested. The plane needed to be taken apart, diagnosed, and rebuilt in order for it to be cleared for service. Everything was sounding good, too good to be believed without doubt. Yet, she still felt the urge to suplex Winston for crumbling her heart and her feelings back in June.
Khalida sipped the rest of her tea before breaking the painful silence built between her and her pitiful ex, “Do you want me?”
“What? Of course, Khalida! What are you talking about?”, Winston replied confused and taken aback from the question. Khalida chuckled—shoulders and all—as she nodded her head.
“No,no, no, baby boy. Do you want me? As in a your lifelong partner, forever and always? Not just in the physical or in lust, but as your better half, trusted confidant, your No Limit Soldier, ya yeah wit da yeah? How we should be instead of how we used to be?”
Winston paused to word his answer, “...Yes. You shouldn’t even have to ask me that question.”
“Well, if you want me, then you have to earn me.”
“Obviously, Olivia Pope, but you make it seem easier said than done. How do I earn you back?”
“Stick with me for a moment. You remember that plane analogy I used in Louisiana?” He nodded. “Aight, so boom: right now, the plane is completely outta service, y’eardme? The best way to have it back in service is to completely dismember the plane—start from scratch. Next, we gotta find the parts of the plane that caused the malfunction. We get better parts and rebuild, bit by bit. Soon, we’ll have an improved plane that’s better than the old plane. The crew’s gotten more experience, been with other pilots and co-pilots, and next inspection, the plane will be ready for service. It’s not an overnight process, but we’ll get through it. So...are you in?”
Winston offer his hand to shake on the new agreement, an offer in which Yaa accepted, along with a hug. “To new beginnings. A clean slate. Let’s start: I’m Winston. You are?”
Yaa snorted, “Khalida,but you can call me Yaa.” They shook hands once more, sharing a laugh. The laugh led to two genuine smiles. Their hearts skipped beats as they saw each other’s smiles.
“So...I’ve been meaning to ask, what or who’s got you glowing like this? There’s only so much Shea butter in the world…”, Winston inquired as he stirred the remainder of his caramel latte.
Yaa’s mind flashed back to nearly 12 hours ago when she was calling God’s name more than Kirk Franklin and the Family. Mental vignettes of Yaa and Michael moaning and the sound of skin slapping flashed throughout her mind, causing her to re-adjust her sitting position in her seat.
“I...I...uh…met someone last night. Everything happened so fast. Once the smoke clears and we establish something or the lack thereof, I’ll tell you more about him.”, Yaa stopped herself from turning flush.
While he smiled, Winston felt a small part of him die, but he realized that it was only fair that she get her shot of a relationship. But he knew her and the person she was—she was the prototype. Any man or woman would be stupid to not fall for her in some way. His smile widened as he locked eyes with her. Oh, how he’d missed that look.
The two began catching up about life beyond the romantic aspect. The basic “how ya momma nem?” conversations. After that, they walked about of the coffee shop, but not before he helped her out of her stiffened position from the seat. They hugged once more before going their separate ways. Not even 10 feet away, he turned to speak again. “I’m sorry.”
“You just apologized like 20 minutes ago, moe.”, Yaa yelled.
“No.”, he closed the distance between them, “I’m sorry for not knowing how to be a decent boyfriend to you. You’re a special woman with who needs a special man in her life. I know I’m that man, but just not right now. Whoever he or she is that you met last night, I hope they understood that the moment they laid eyes on you and plan accordingly. I wish I did when I met you. Sorry...I just needed to get that off of my chest.” By this time, his large hands enrobed her small hands and he hadn’t realized it. When he did, he promptly removed them.
“It’s ok, love. Today was fun. I gotta bounce, but be safe and have a happy new year.” She walked to her rental Prius and honked at him as she passed him.
He chuckled to himself as he walked to his car, “Oh, I will, Dr. Duke, I will.”
@muse-of-mbaku @kumkaniudaku @eriknutinthispoosy @whoramilaje @mbakusthrone @mbakuwife @crushed-pink-petals @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @jackburtonsays @randomwordprompts @bartierbakarimobisson @wakandan-flowerz @blackpantherreblogs @babygirlofwakanda @eerythingisshaka @washyourlinens @turn-thy-paige @doublesidedscoobysnacks @wakandas-vibranium @oceanscorazon @oshasimone @destinio1 @sonofnjobu @teheeboo @sarahboseman @iamrheaspeaks @chaneajoyyy @lovelynervouschaos @cay-cah @coonflix @katasstrophey @mareethequeen @jozigrrl @great-neckpectations @thememoireeofme @forgottenthoughtsandmemories @ljstraightnochaser @jellybean531 @yofavcocoa @storibambino @maya-leche @blackgirloneshots @royallyprincesslilly @texasbama @certifiednatural @abeautifulmindexposed
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overwatch-fanfics · 7 years
It Was High Noon -  Overwatch Pre-recall AU!
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I laid on the rock hard mattress they called a bed in the corner of my cell, staring at the ceiling. Slow day. Then again, when was it ever not? My schedule for the past 47 days mainly consisted of pacing around my cell, laying in bed, or stalking whatever or whoever I could see from a crack in the wall. At least they let me keep the belt.
This isn’t my first time in jail, but it certainly was my last. I wonder how the others are doing? Is Reinhardt still pursuing glory? Is Dr. Ziegler still helping the sick and needy? Is Winston still trying to recall Overwatch? I wouldn’t know. None of us were the same ever since the shutdown.
None of us.
My train of thought was interrupted by the jingling of the keys and the creaking of my cell door. A guard walked in. Johnny Sanders. Good fella. Wife and two kids at home. I know it ain’t usual for a prisoner to get along with the guard, but he’s a fan of mine. Well... he used to be.
After Overwatch shut down, I went into hiding and waited for things to cool off. It took almost 6 years, but now no one seemed to remember who we are, who we were, or what we did. Peace. Or so I thought. Six years weren't long enough to erase my name off of the Deadlock Gang’s most wanted list.
During what was our biggest heist back in the day, Overwatch showed up and took most of us down. Some were lucky and escaped with their lives. Me? Not so much. I was interrogated at Overwatch HQ and before they could sentence me to a lifetime in prison, one of them saw potential in me.
Someone by the name of Agent Gabriel Reyes.
He made me join the Blackwatch Team in exchange of my freedom. Blackwatch was the off-the-books unit which did the dirty work - including shutting down more Deadlock operations, something apparently they haven't forgiven me for yet.
When Deadlock found me they offered me to either join them again, or die on the spot. Wasn’t much of a choice to be honest. Besides, with Overwatch in the history books, my schedule was open, so I joined.
I almost forgot that the Deadlock Gang was as hasty as ever, and we got ambushed robbing a bank in Oregon. Once again, I was in chains. Apparently the police didn’t have a memory as weak as other people did. Jesse McCree - Wanted for Illegal Blackwatch and Deadlock activity - Sentence: Death.
Sanders looked at me, a gun in his right hand, the keys in the other. “Mr. McCree?“ He inched closer. “I uh... I am sorry to inform you about this but... it is time. You have the right to request one last meal before you...” he closed his eyes and sighed. “You know.”
I got up and stretched. “Guess this is it huh? End of the line...” I grabbed my belt from onto the table next to me and wiped the dust off. BAMF. I smiled. “I’ll be honest with ya, Sanders. I never thought this would be the way I’d die. Then again, I never thought I’d last this long.”
“I- Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”
I chuckled. “Well, I’m wanted in more than 9 countries and hunted by a bit over 17 organizations and gangs. I’ve lost most of my friends and my left arm. I’ve a gambling addiction and a drinking problem to the point where my wallet and my liver themselves turned against me. I should’ve been dead ages ago.” I put the belt down. “Yet here we are.. It’s about time, actually.”
“Jeez, I'm so sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, kid.” I paused. “Huh... funny. That’s what Reyes used to say before he... changed.” I licked my dry lips. “You know what? I want my last meal to be a bottle of whiskey. The shittiest strongest whiskey you could afford in this damn town.”
“I uhh... I’ll try.” and he left the cell, locking the cell door behind him.
I got up and washed my face before taking a look in the mirror. These gray hairs just don't wanna quit now, do they? I wiped my face in my tattered shirt and sat by the crack in the wall.
The weather was hot, and the tattered prison outfit wasn’t helping. I stood there, barefoot, with what seemed to be thousands of people staring me down as I stood up there on the wooden stage next to the executioner. Town wasn't that big, more of a settlement in the middle of the desert. The news must’ve attracted people from all over the country. The Execution of Jesse McCree, ex-Overwatch agent. That’s one for the headlines. It was almost high noon, too. How ironic.
It was almost high noon when I went down on my knees, hands tied behind my back, eyes closed, hair falling over my face, shading me from the scorching sun. The executioner aimed his revolver at my head and whispered “A pity...” and readied his gun.
It was almost high noon when the executioner dropped dead to the floor with a bullet hole in his head. From the way the bullet whizzed by me, from the sound it made as it traveled, I could tell it was shot from a distance. I could tell a lot of other things from that bullet... I didn’t open my eyes. Of course, I thought. He wouldn’t have liked it any other way. I could feel the people run around panicking. I could hear the screams of the terrified women and the shouts of the guards around me.
It was almost high noon when the shouts turned to screams. I still did not open my eyes. There was no need. It was like reading a script or watching a movie you already know the ending to. The air reeked of death and blood, and the weather seemed to grow cooler. What little wind was there had stopped. And the screams of the public seemed to grow muffled. The world seemed to be growing smaller and smaller.
It was almost high noon when his footsteps grew louder. I felt the wooden floor of the stage underneath me shake. Unmistakable. I was still on my knees. My hair still shading me, my hands still tied, and my eyes still closed. For the second time in the span of 2 minutes, I felt another gun push against my head.
It was almost high noon when the atmosphere went silent. The air now carried the unmistakable stench of death and sorrow - his signature aura. The guns pressed against my head was not like the revolver that was in its place before. This was a shotgun. I remember feeling its front before. Funny how the shotguns were the only thing that haven't changed about him. My eyes were still closed. Now this was how I expected I would die.
I smiled.
It was high noon...
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xluckytheninjax · 7 years
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Tumblr’s messing with quality,and since I scanned ‘em,seems like some of the parts are too light to show up.
Anyway,here’s what I’ve been drawing for the past two weeks between studying and writing exams.Because of the new South Park games {The Fractured but Whole and Phone Destroyer} I got obsessed with South Park again.So,have two pages of stuff I drew of my New kid in the games.His name is Max Chaos.One of my OCs with the most backstory.Decided on playing as him in Stick of Truth,and yep.I can’t draw humans to save my ass,but they don’t look as bad.Because I can’t really draw humans,I can’t draw kids,so,you’ll see they look older...whatever.I used some pose references for basically all of these.Without references,I’d be lost.
I decided I’m gonna post his bio with the drawings,because why not?
A short ramble behind every scribble and Max’s bio is under the cut {Otherwise this is gonna get too long}
If you’re still reading,howdy!
Here’s a description or whatever of each scribble.
1 {First page,left at the top} - This is what Max looked like when he and his family first moved to South Park.He has quite a bunch of scars,the most noticible being the slash through his eye,the ones on his hands {Thanks printer for making that unseeable} and the one that looks like an ‘x’ on the back of his neck {Can’t be seen at this angle}.
2 {The one next to the first one,one with the hoodie} - Max is known for liking oversized hoodies and shirts.The one he likes most being the one he’s wearing in the drawing.Black and grey,with a white ‘13′ on the front,and on the back ,’Chaos’ and another big ‘13′.
3 {The two side views.One is half drawn} - Originally,his costume for FBW/playing superheroes had a little mask thing {The right side-view}.Then I drew him with skeleton facepaint with shorter hair...and it looked cooler.So,the story is that,with his parents fighting,his dad commented that his hair is getting too long,and he got a haircut.It was all fien and dandy.Then during counselling with Craig ‘n Tweek during FBW,where they had to fight the therapy kids,one of the kids took the mask.He says that the skeleton facepaint fits his costume and the shorter hair better anyway.
4 {The one at the top right corner} - This is what Max looked like at the end of Stick of Truth.As King Douchebag,he wears a crown,and a poncho with the crab chestplate underneath,and his weapons? Crossbow,katana and Greataxe of the Warrior,even if he was a mage. During the events of SoT,he got some more scars and stuff from messing with fire and fireworks,and ended up with a black eye.
5 {Under the two side views} - “This here town ain’t big enough for the two of us.”
I play Phone Destroyer,made Max again.Now with the cowboy outfit that everyone starts out with,just with feathers.
6 {Under the first picture on the left} - I just drew Max’s eyes and mouth.This would be after SoT and during FBW.That’s it....
7 {Bottom left corner} - The last of the real ones/Capes
The reason for the first name comes from something Kenny says as Mysterion while walking to the police station at the beginning of ‘The thin white line’.Listening FOB after watching the episode lead to me naming the sketch after the song.The reason for the other name ‘Capes’,is because both of them are facing away,showing off their capes.I altered the Mysterion costume a liiiitle bit and gave Max a costume that isn’t in the game,more a personal design. Here we can see the ‘x’ scar on his neck.
8 {At the bottom,middle} - I have no explanation for this.Just a space filler I guess.
9 {Bottom right corner} - Counselling
“After this,I think Max is gonna need counselling”
One of my favorite missions in FBW,is fixing Craig and Tweek’s relationship.I screwed up with the mask thing,as you can tell.This would be an anguement before fighting the therapy kids.Altered Craig’s costume because I can.I could’ve drawn better,but eh,whatever.
The next page!
10 {Bottom left corner} - “Just a crazy,patched up Matryoshka”
I found a Matryoshka music video with the South Park characters,then this happened.I tried writing Matryoshka in Japanese in the speech bubble,but I feel like I screwed that up.I took Max in SP,and gave him the facepaint I gave him in a picture of him I drew a long time ago.Changed his jacket from the original.He also wears a snapback,flipped backwards....forgot to add that.
11 {Top right corner} - “I don’t see how this saves us time m’lord.”
I already posted about this one here
12 {Bottom right corner} - It was then that he started questioning a lot of things.
“Let’s get that blood cleaned up..”
“We’re gonna clean those damn wounds.”
“Do these eyes look like they’re gonna take no for an answer.”
“Y’know,being taller than me makes it more intimidating…”
“…That’s some real Twenty one pilots bs you got going on there,New kid.”
“… That was what I was going for.”
Probably my favorite drawing so far.You can guess who’s my favorite superhero.It’s Mysterion.I could’ve said Professor Chaos,but he isn’t a hero.It’s between them and Toolshed.
Wanted to draw a bigger version of Max with the facepaint to show off some detail...then this happened.He decided to not paint over his eye scar,nor his lip scar.He did paint over his black eye though.One can see the ‘x’ scar,and a little part of a scar on his hand.
Now forrr his bio,because I can.I am evil enough to make this post even longer.I’m bored too,so yeah.
A profile on the New Kid --------
Full name:
Maximus Winston Chaos
Max,Chaos,and the names given to him by the others - New kid, Douchebag, Dovahkiin,Buttlord,Butthole,etc
Gamer tag:
Born male,identifies as male
10 {although that's not the case in my art but shh}
Parents: Although the names of the parents in the games are Kelly and Chris {I think?} ,I changed it for the sake of originality I guess?
Sebastian Thomas Chaos
Cierra Chaos
He has a husky mix named Hunter
Sexual orientation:
At first glance,Max looks like your typical tough,I-have-no-feelings-or-emotions guy,but is actually a big clumsy teddy bear.He's extremely quiet,even if he doesn't mean to be. Because of his gift,his family moves around a lot.Every time he gets brainwashed,leaving him without any memories of past friends,or making them.He gets forced to keep quiet,and that lead to him to be almost completely mute.Slowly he's talking again.But he only talks to certain people.His friends,but not his parents.He can be stubborn and sarcastic,but he can also be sweet and witty. He's innocent,that's how it seems at first,but trust me,he's not so innocent.A charmer.Very protective,cares a lot for all his friends,not afraid to start a fight. If he sees one of his buds are colder than usual,he will literally give them the hoodie he's wearing,then he trusts that they'll return it.Except Cartman.He dislikes him.Likes puns.
An undercover emo.
"I don't have a crush on anyone in paticular."
"That's a lie.You told me in the bathroom during the superhe- "
"Not now Wendy."
He doesn't have memory of previous relationships.He is banned from having romantic relationships.Doesn't keep him from having a crush though.
Star sign:
3rd of July
Hair color:
His hair is so light,it looks white
He dyes it for special occasions.As an example,he has dyed his hair candy corn colors for Halloween,and pastel pink for Valentines day.
Eye color:
One would think his eye color is red.
He's pretty tall in comparison to the others
Both his ears are pierced,no tattoos
When he first moved to South Park,he had only a slash going through his left eye and some other random scars from different things.After the events of Stick of Truth,he's stuck with a black eye he got during the attack on Clyde and a few more scratches and burns.During the events of the Fractured but Whole,he's got a slash through the right side of his mouth and a few more.Almost broke his arm.
More random facts:
-He has insomnia because of horrible nightmares.If he can't sleep,he climbs out the window onto the roof,where he built himself a little platform.He usually sits there watching the drunkasses below with a hoodie and a blanket.
-His favorite animal is a grizzly bear
-He talks in his sleep,if he gets sleep
-He has a fear of clowns,thunder and lightning.While he enjoys a nice calm day with rain and a little thunder,if the thunder gets worse he gets scared.He will never admit that though.
-Has a thing for facepaint
-He loves drinking ice tea,and Fanta
-He sleeps in a too big t-shirt,it's white with some purple,and a giant 13 on the front and back,and plaid pants
-He doesn't swear out loud,unless you anger him or if he's in costume {More specifically,Mutt}
-He has little drawings all over his journal
-The smell of alcohol disgusts him
-Not a bad singer
-Likes camping
-Has gotten stitches on his back after playing rugby.This was before they moved to South Park.
-Loves to climb trees
-He is right handed,but,has the ability to write with his left hand too
-Has never been to the beach
-Still has a probe up his ass
-Still has some gnome dust hidden in his drawer in case of emergency
-Very clumsy {gets him in lots of amusi- I mean embarrassing situations}
-He's very protective over the ones he loves,so,if he fights a guy,takes hits for you or if he gives you his hoodie,know he cares
-Likes spooky scary skeletons
-Has fallen off the back of a truck (don't worry,it wasn't moving)
-Has gotten lost in a corn field (don't ask how or why)
-Favorite food is tacos
-Not a bad shot with a bow and crossbow,but prefers melee weapons like swords,spears and such
-His class during the wizard and humans vs elves thing (Stick of Truth) was mage.He likes messing with fire and fireworks.
-He ditched Cartman the moment Kyle asked him to join the elves instead.While he likes Butters and Kenny,Cartman's too bossy for his liking.Kyle is much cooler and he likes hanging with Stan and Jimmy.
-His classes before Doctor Timothy allowed him to have every class during the superhero thing (Fractured but whole) were Blaster - Elementalist - Assassin - Plantmancer
-When they played pirates,he was a navigator and scout
-While they were acting out a zombie apocalypse,he was a group leader
-He has two superhero personalities During missions with the others,he is Chaos Destroyer.He based it off his gamer tag,which is ChaoticDestroyer.He wears skeleton facepaint,a dark red cloak,black shirt underneath with a blood red skull n crossbones,a tool belt (with daggers,fireworks,the works),and dark grey pants,with black combat boots.
One night he took on a wolf like persona because there wasn't time to get into normal costume {It was on a special mission,with literally only one of the guys}.While this one doesn't have an official name,he was called quite a few...some obviously worse than others.He refers to the persona as Mutt.He wears his PJs,his wolf hat,a dark hoodie,claw like slippers,fingerless gloves and his dog's spiked collar.He then uses his apocalypse ready baseball bat,and his flip knife as weapons.He's a little more open to express his opinion as this persona. "I'm gonna break your fcking skull and snap your neck." "I got called a furry.Like bitch,do I look like Cartman to you?"
-His kryptonite is math.Math scares him {and me}
-If he was a companion,his SoT moves would consist mostly of fire related attacks.He would have the ability to heal too.His FbW moves depend on persona.As CD,his normal moves would consist of one heal/protection move,one ranged move and one close combat move...all which I'm unsure about.Ultimate would have a similarity to Kyle's one move from SoT.An army of skeletons firing arrows on command at a big part of the board. As Mutt,his moves consist of melee based attacks and one protection/heal.One with his baseball bat {knockback},one with his knife {causes bleeding}.His heal/protection would make him switch places with another player.His ultimate....I don't know.Will probably only have an effect on one enemy.
-Both personas have comments on everything.Because of skeleton like appearance,CD likes using skeleton related puns.As an example. "I've got a bone to pick with you assholes." "You don't even have the guts to take me on." {Winning a battle} "Looks like these freaks didn't have the spine/backbone to take us on." {Going down in battle} "Tibia honest,I was getting bone tired anyway."
Mutt on the other hand...has no puns,only sarcasm,and normal commentary...If his pals go down,he'll have a nicer choice of words to say to them...and still some angry words to the enemies,'specially the ones hitting his pals.Maybe a threat or two and growling. "I'm ready to kick some ass and take names." "You okay there? No? ALRIGHT WHICH ONE OF YOU ASSHOLES DID IT?!" "Who wants me to knock their ass out with my bat?!"
I’ll probably add more stuff as it comes to mind.
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"I am sure my dad would have loved that," I reply sarcastically. Sliding off my barstool, I plant a kiss on Tiggs' cheek. "I missed you, you perv." I mess with his black, curly hair before walking over to JJ, who is playing pool with Chibs, my favorite man with an accent.
"You forgot your next shot," Juice calls after me.
"Don't worry; I will be back for that." I look over my shoulder and give Juice a wink. He blushes a little, and I can't help but snicker. You have to love the new ones, still untouched by the club. They can be so innocent.
"Tell me baby girl, was Vegas crazy?" JJ slings his arm around my shoulder, and I lean my head against him.
"Oh, you have no idea," I mutter.
"Jason this place is shit. No way you are going to flip. We live in Vegas, a town filled with clubs and bars. Is another one needed?" I don't want to hurt Jason's feelings, but he shouldn't blow his money on something that is going to tank. Not that Jason has a shortage of cash. He is standing in front of me in a suit that probably costs over one grand.
The place he brought me to is covered in old, dusty white sheets. I don't think there have been people here in at least ten to fifteen years. According to the locals, before it ultimately went under, the place went through owner after owner. It apparently has some bad mojo attached to it.
"This bar will have two things all the others don't, you and me," Jason smirks, his pearly white smile almost evil.
"You and me? I didn't put any money into this place!" I walk closer to him narrowing my eyes. I am not sure I like where this was going. "And don't be fooled, you aren't getting a cent out of me."
Jason is a regular of mine at the bar I work out. He tips great, is attractive, brilliant, and has an alluring British accent. Every time he comes into the bar he tells me he sees me in his future, and if I weren't madly in love with someone else, maybe I would think the same.
"I had the idea when I first set my eyes on you," he admits.
"When you first saw me? Quit being a flirt and tell me what you plan to do with this place."
Jason walks up to me grabbing my shoulders. "I am serious, love. We are going to flip this place and make it the best damn bar in this town. I may have already started." His hands cover my eyes. "I have always wanted to open a bar I could call my own. Do you remember what you told me the first night we met?"
"It's been a year; I barely remember how you convinced me to come here with you tonight," I laugh.
"I asked you what brought you to Vegas and you said, "I was running away, but now that I am here I think this place will be my future. I just have to figure out how I am going to it happen." With one hand still over my eyes, he starts guiding me somewhere.
"Jason! Where are we going?!"
"Hush, my story isn't over. In saying that, you made me remember what caused me to come here. I have always wanted to open a bar that imports the best beer from all around the globe right here in Vegas. Then I got here, and I got caught up in the gambling, the shows, and everything else this place has to offer." Jason uncovers my eyes.
We are standing in what looks to be an office. The office has a black and white theme to it, with a splash of red, my favorite color. Sitting on the desk is a picture frame, and the picture happens to be of me with my SOA boys.
In the picture, we are standing in front of all their motorcycles, and none of us have on a serious face. I can't remember what we were laughing at, but I am in a graduation gown, and they are all in their cuts.
"Be my partner, in owning this bar. This place will be profitable, and when you have earned enough to do what you want, you can leave. No strings attached. Though, I highly doubt you will want to leave," Jason leans against the desk, "To convince you I stole that picture you kept in the console of your car and gave it a proper home. On the desk of your new job."
Why would he do this for me? We have been friends for about a year, which isn't long, and before that, I was just his favorite bartender. I refuse to believe his proposition has to do with his feelings for me. Jason and I have hooked up a few times, and he's mentioned wanting commitment. I have run from all of those conversations. So, doing all of this for me would be irrational.
"If you can flip this bar like you have this office, I am in. One condition though, I want the truth. Why are you doing this?" I put my hands on my hips, wanting an honest answer. This is one of these too good to be true moments. Where is the catch?
"I love you Cas, I do. And despite you avoiding being my girlfriend, I think you should give us, and this life we could have a chance. You are wild and free spirited; no one can stop you. I have been living vicariously through you, with all of your crazy stories that you tell. You are the reason I took this leap. Why should I let life stop me? You don't let it stop you!" Jason's green eyes look at me, wondering what my answer will be. His hand brushes over his facial hair; something he does when he is nervous.
I am not in love with Jason. When he hugs me butterflies don't burst through my stomach. If our hands accidentally touch I don't yearn to grab his hand. Don't get me wrong I think Jason is one of the most attractive people I know and there is something there. But, wouldn't it be a mistake for me to date Jason if I still love Jax?
But, Jax isn't here. I left Charming for a reason, and an offer like this will never come around again. Owning a bar would be the perfect job for me.
"Jason, what happens if we date and it doesn't work out?" I contemplate.
"Love, I am never letting you go."
"Cas, earth to my baby girl." JJ is waving his hand in front of my eyes. I snap out of it and look around to see Jax, Juice, and JJ staring at me. Chibs no longer in sight.
"Oh, sorry. I lost my train of thought," I laugh, brushing off the memory; if only I had known what getting into business with Jason would end up like.
"I brought you that shot," Juice smiles, handing me the small glass. I take it, throwing it back like a pro. This prospect better get patched in. He is my favorite one, and I have met a ton of them in my twenty-four years of life.
"How many of those have you had?" Jax asks.
"I don't know, pretty boy. There is no reason to count. When I feel like I am drunk enough, I will stop." I snap at him. His current attitude is killing the mood.
JJ chuckles, thinking our bickering is humorous.
"Juice, don't give her any more," Jax commands, glaring at the prospect. Juice mouths 'sorry' and walks back to the bar.
Jax has no right to be controlling. I am fully capable of taking care of myself. Hell, I lived in the craziest city in the nation for four years, and I got out alive. Barely, but I still did it.
"Okay, you two that's enough-" JJ starts to say.
"What's going on here?"
Not recognizing the voice, I spin around to see who's interrupted me having fun. A woman wearing dark lipstick is walking towards us. She has brown hair, highlighted with blonde, and heavy frown lines. This woman is not someone I have met before. The boys told me there would be no croweaters here tonight. So, why is she?
"Wendy, I didn't know you were stopping by." Jax shifts almost uncomfortably, next to me. I don't want to consider the idea, but this might be a girl Jax is sleeping around with. The thought makes me feel a little bit nauseous.
"You must be new around here. I am Wendy," she says, in a tone that says stay-away-from-my-man. Clearly, no one has informed her of me. Or she wouldn't be taking that tone.
"You would be the new one. I am Casey Winston, old and just returning." I give her a smirk as she frowns when I say my name.
A hand lands on my shoulder, and the rings on it tell me it's Gemma. "Wendy? What are you doing here?"
I grab her hand, giving it a squeeze. Something tells me she intentionally left this girl out when she told me what has been going on in Charming while I was away. Gemma is up to something, and I have a feeling this something is trying to get rid of Wendy.
"I am Jax's wife. Why wouldn't I come?" she sneers, her lips in a frown as if the sight of Gemma and I disgusts her.
I used to laugh at the people who told me words had caused them physical pain. What can someone possibly say to cause another a person physical pain? Well, apparently 'I am Jax's wife' can do just that. My hand immediately goes to my stomach, though my chest received most of the blow. The pain starts in my heart and spreads through my body like wildfire.
"Gemma, I think I am ready to go," I whisper, gazing over my shoulder.
Gemma's eyes are soft, and for the first time in a long time, I see sadness in her eyes. A part of her had always wished Jax, and I would end up married. We would have mini Teller's, and they too would become Son's. Wendy seems to have taken that role from me.
"No, I got her. Why don't you stay at my place? Piney doesn't even know you are back. You will give him a heart attack if you show up in the middle of the night."
JJ puts his hand on the small of my back, guiding me away. I couldn't leave just yet. This, Wendy chick may have my guy, but she isn't going to chase me away from my club.
I turn around staring right at her. Out of my peripherals, I can see Jax. His face has concern written all over it, and guilt brims in his eyes. I choose to ignore all that. If he had wanted to lessen the blow
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wishingfornever · 6 years
10/21/17 – No Contact: Concrete Box
I had a dream about eggs.  I was trying to cook four fried eggs at the same time.  A lot of problems I was having.  Wouldn’t call it a nightmare, but it wasn’t the best case scenario.  That’s what I’m needing right now.
That said, Shane told me he was deleting his Facebook.  I asked why but I already knew why.  The drama between me, Esther, and Dennis.  Let’s just call it SED, though it should probably be DES or EDS because I should be last because grammar has laws, apparently.
However, SED is appropriate because it’s all he SED she SED bullshit.  See what I mean?
Been talking to Ariel a lot more.  Which is nice.  As I write this, know it is almost 5 in the afternoon.  Basically spent the whole day talking to her and I woke up before 11am.  Short post today, it seems like.  Maybe in a week, I’ll start missing days.
It’s a good thing.  Today, I was thinking how everything could have been settled had Dennis or Esther just spoken to me sooner.  Both were afraid of me for separate reasons.  I find it insulting, really.  Like… I’m responsible for my own words, but this misunderstanding shouldn’t go unnoticed. Dennis and Esther refused to speak with me.  My only view into their world was what Shane told me.
So, yeah.  It was skewed.  It’s why I panicked.
Had they just joined me and Daniel for dinner, then they’d have seen I was ready to forgive and forget.  Of course, I still harbored some agitation towards Dennis but I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.  When he said, “I don’t know what to say” he should have said something more.  He should have confronted me saying, “Listen… the thing with Esther.”  Even if he wasn’t going to apologize, he should have tried to clear the air.
But they didn’t.  Esther and Dennis were too afraid of me.  Why?  Esther has a reason.  I get angry, but I never yelled at her since this all started.  Dennis said he was afraid of me with my guns but Daniel could have confirmed that I’m not armed.  Honestly, I’m pro-gun.  However, I’m not sure I like guns.  Supposed to wear ear protection but they’re still incredibly loud.
No.  If I were to murder Dennis, I’d use a knife.  It’s quick, it’s easier, and it would prove the point that I’m angry and this is personal.
That’s if I were to murder him.  Obviously he is still alive as of the time of writing this. I’d have a lot more problems if he had died.
Anyways… I promised I’d talk about Ariel, didn’t I?  Well, fuck.  I’m… really tired.  Like, I need to do the dishes for tomorrow.  Also… cut some spinach, too. Might do that first.  Then dishes.  As for Ariel… I’ll talk about her tomorrow.
I know, I know.  I’m a piece of shit.  I swear, I’ll tell you more about her tomorrow.  I’m just so tired.  But I’ll go to bed early tonight.  I’ll get my sleeping schedule up to par and then I’ll be more available to do EVERYTHING because life is ran by the fucking daywalkers.  >:C
I’m more nocturnal than anything else.  I know this because that’s when I get my best ideas.  Or maybe that’s when I’m the most crazy.
Doesn’t matter.  I need to do dishes.  I’ll be back later.
Before I go, know I had to go out to get avocados.  When I came back, the garage door was locked. I was basically stuck in the garage, texting my cousin and trying to get her to open the door and let me in.  Thing is, she was asleep.  I had to call her.
Not sure if you realize this, but it can get quite hot.  Being stuck in that garage, I realized that heat.  It sucked.  I didn’t lose my temperature, I was just miserable for a little while.  It wasn’t that bad but Adela said I’d have a code. Unfortunately, I don’t have a code yet. Whatever.  I’ll be fine.  I’m just tired.  Not that grumpy, surprisingly.  Possibly good thing?
Finished with the spinach and dishes.  I had several cops of water.  Strangely, that seemed to have woken me up.  Almost like I had a cup of coffee instead of three cups of water.  It’s a weird concept.  Maybe I wasn’t tired, just dehydrated.  I’m tired now but I found the energy to get my chores done.  Energy well spent, maybe.
I have a confession to make. Being vegetarian… I actually had a burger today.  I could make a bunch of dumb excuses like how the night before I saw the video where Arin from Game Grumps goes to the main hub of Wendy’s and tries all these really delicious burgers or how I was feeling super depressed and used it as a comfort food.  But, I have no excuse.
I ate meat.  I consciously ate meat and felt bad as I ate it.  Didn’t even taste that good. Ironic because it was Whataburger and they’re great normally.
I’m feeling depressed now. Can’t eat anything now because I basically had my calories for the day/week.  I want pizza.  I’ll order a pizza sometime this week. That’ll make me happy.  Fatty foods… then hating myself as I spend too much food getting fat.  Fuck.
Whatever.  Watching more GG (Game Grumps) and they’re playing Funhaus in Overwatch.  Never heard of them.  There is this character I really like named, “Winston.”  Mercy I really like her design but Winston… I find his entire character interesting.  He’s a gorilla with a prescription.  He wears these little glasses, is an intellectual.  I find it very charming.
I remember… when Overwatch (or BlizzFortress 2) was announced.  I saw all the trailers because Blizz was complaining about porn (porn is great free advertisement, tell someone not to make a porn of a character and they’ll do it twice as fast).  The only really interesting trailer I thought was with Winston.  There were the two Japanese gentlemen, Soldier 82, and Tracer trying to save Robo-Gandh1.
I’ve got to say, Winston was the best.  Like… it was charming.  He was a cute monkey pup, too. Well… ape.  The action part was okay.  But I absolutely adore Winston’s character.  It was touching.  I love how he had tires and ate bananas and peanut butter.  Like, he is super smart but he’s still an animal.
I actually googled the trailers right now, just to recap.  APPARENTLY, it’s not 82 but 76.  Soldier 76.  I hate numbers.  -,-
Anyways, rewatching the trailer. I love how fatherly that scientist is.
Oh, shit!  I didn’t realize skullface guy was there.  All I remember of the action part was that he said, “I’m not a monkey… I’m an APE!!!”  Hasn’t happened yet.  The dude who lets go of his gun as Winston swings everything around was pretty smart.  He’s going to go places.  :3
God damn, that is a cute mother fucking monkey.
Oh, he says he’s a scientist. I was wrong.  And then Tracer opens who fucking mouth.  Low point of the trailer.
Anyways, yeah.  Really like Winston.  I’d watch a full length movie about him.  And because he’s a gorilla, I’d fucking cry in the middle.  Idgaf.
Now that I got that out of the way, I doubt I’ll actually ever PLAY Overwatch.  Like ever.  If I do, it’ll be because someone asked me to.  And if I do play, I’ll probably play as Winston.  I think I heard he was pretty underpowered which was weird but I think they patched him if he was too underpowered.  It’s been a couple years.
Oh, I forgot!  There was another trailer I liked with the robot dude.  Bastion.  I liked his story, too.  I guess I really like non-human characters AS WELL as blondes. :/
Hrm…  Esther came onto NationStates.  Didn’t do anything.  Weird.  Maybe she messaged NSRF.  Going to see if my story checks out.  That’s if I had to guess.  I don’t blame her.  After what happened, she’s checking sources.  I told her to do this with Dennis when he told her that his mother didn’t like her hanging out with me and thought she was using Dennis.  If I’m right, she’s checking on me.
She’s doing what I told her to do.  Clever girl.
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sleepymarmot · 7 years
Notes I’ve taken during the Double XP weekend and forgot to publish, as usual
self care is staying in Mystery Heroes all day and never worrying about team comp
I love how you learn this game by watching and copying the enemies. I steal all positioning ideas for snipers and turrets from the read team. And reading about counters on the internet is one thing, but personal experience is more memorable. Today I played D.Va a lot and Symmetra (unsurprisingly) always wrecked me, so later when my D.Va met her red team double I switched to Symmetra and we won. I even got a POTG, though it looked unimpressive; I  also learned that the shield generator is awesome on a control map. (Earlier in the day I tried the same with Roadhog, but for some reason it didn’t work. I wonder if it’s just a general lack of skill or there’s some specific mechanic I’m not getting.)
I want to start recording the kill cams when the enemies take advantage of my mistakes in a cool way. Like when my Mei tried to chase after enemy Sombra who lured me right into Bastion’s line of sight. Or when my healer (Zenyatta, maybe Mercy, don’t remember) went through a choke ahead of the team for some reason and an enemy Mei walled me off of them.
After a couple of hours with Symmetra I now learn her teleporter is limited to six people. Whoops... 
We got absolutely demolished by a group of six on Gibraltar. They didn’t even let us out of spawn. I’d never experienced a game like this, it was like playing against aliens from Mars. When our team tried to mimic them next turn, of course someone sneaked out and they won again.
Over the weekend, my playstyle shifted from always “contest the objective!!” to “well let’s hold back and group up. okay it didn’t work. let’s group up? nope again. oh, the timer ran out”. Neither are productive. 
It’s actually one of the reasons I’m getting sick of playing healers. I want to initiate! I want to contest! I want to be! on! the! damn! objective! But how am I suposed to do it with no communication? When I’m a tank there’s at least a hope that when I rush in, the others would follow. (Which can be painful as Rein, because you can’t even turn around to check if they’re really backing you or have scattered elsewhere.) As a healer? Well, maybe Lucio, but I haven’t played him much because I can’t get the hang of wallriding and I need to be near my teammates which is not always possible. It’s so pointless to jump on the payload alone as Mercy. Or for a moment yesterday I pushed the payload as Ana, though it was in Mystery Heroes. Look, as a healer and a sniper, I don’t think I should be alone up here...
Also if I’m the only healer I can’t just switch to try and counter a particularly troublesome enemy. When I’m the only tank it applies too, but to a lesser extent.
Satisfying games I had in the same night:
Riding the payload as Bastion on Dorado attack. Never tried it before. The red team was not prepared. I don’t think the payload was ever deserted.
Tank-to-tank standoff on King’s Row, both attack and defense. I was Orisa, the enemies had Orisa too both times, and D.Va at least once. Stand your ground and spray bullets to your heart’s content. Shout out to the awesome Mercy who made this possible and rezzed me immediately, I think it was a multi rez too.
I got sick of the teams on defense standing too far from the pont, and then letting someone through and trying to rush back before they can capture it but being too late. So I went to Hollywood as Bastion, parked in a corner with my back to the gate and my barrel parallel to the wall with the chokepoint, and could shoot at anyone coming through without even aiming. The other teammates stayed on the point too. Everything went well -- until the enemy D.Va sent her mech over the wall and wiped everyone off the point at once. We couldn’t recover and they won. Now that was a POTG. I really should have expected that, though...
Speaking of D.Va -- I face so many strong ones but my own skills are still garbage :( I can’t even ult properly, like sometimes I try to use boosters but instead explode it immediately with nobody around. And I always get ejected from the mech so soon. I dunno what dark magic Defense Matrix management skills other people have.
Symmetra out-DPSed my Bastion several times and it was bullshit. She jumped around me faster than I could turn. Of course, when I play Symmetra, half of the time the enemies run away too fast and I run after them in a straight line providing an easy target, or they don’t even bother and overpower me without moving.
Me: It’s just cosmetics My obsessive brain: Makes me grind until the last hour of the event in late morning
Seriously it was kind of a hell... I waited for the new week in Arcade to unlock and couldn’t leave until my nine victories. And that night, the final night of the event, I discovered that 3v3 is the most efficient mode. No waiting/setup time, no stupid skirmish. We moved there at the suggestion of a teammate of a particularly torturous game in Total Mayhem that lasted 20 minutes. Zaryas on both sides, ults going off all the time but not killing anyone... 
And when I got all the lootboxes, they didn’t even give me anything but dupes. I had 3245 gold and was faced with a terrible choice: one skin or four dances. I’d wanted Zen and Rein’s dances all this time, Tracer and Sombra and some others are super cute too. But the skins are more prominent, while emotes can only be used occasionally and I might want to replace them on the wheel. Thankfully, I got Symmetra’s skin as loot, so the choice was between Pharah, D.Va and Lucio. I’m so terrible at Pharah I’ve stopped trying, so that skin might have been wasted on me. I looked up D.Va’s voice lines in the new skin and didn’t particularly like them. I like D.Va’s default skin, and theoretically I’d love to get my hands on the Lunar one if it’s ever available again, but I’m indifferent to Lucio’s default and the purchaseable skins are worse. So I was left with the choice between Lucio and four dances. I watched the video with this skin’s alternate songs and spent some time trying to figure out whether I like them or not.
I wasted so much time torturing myself over this I realized it could take less to earn some more gold. So I bought Lucio’s skin and went grinding again. At this point I didn’t particularly care about winning, just getting through the matches for the xp. The first lootbox was kind to me and dropped 50 gold... so I was only 5 gold away from an emote. In sleep-deprived desperation I sat down to grind another level. By the time it was over, I think it was a bit past 10am aka the official ending time. But I got my gold. I bought Zen’s dance, and I was finally free to log off and try to get rid of the adrenaline and finally get some sleep. I’m so sorry, Sweethardt... I wish we could be together :(
I’m still not sure if the Lucio skin was the right decision. The songs are indeed kind of distracting, and the speed one is badly mixed: starts with a new jazzy melody and then for some reason fades into the default beats (of a totally different style). And it bugs me that the hat completely covers his eyes. Ah, well. Any decision would have resulted in buyer’s remorse in this situation.
Highlight of the 3v3 grind session: sleepymarmot gets POTG for sleeping. My Lucio boops Ana, she shoots him with a sleepdart, and that’s all that happens. Entire chat went “wtf lol”. Clearly the game was sending us a message. It’s 7am, you know what’s the best thing to do right now? Going to fucking bed.
I pocketed Pharah a lot in those matches. I feel guilty about letting the third person die... But when my healer instincts got the better of me and I dropped down to feed a red cross, it didn’t end well. Fall off of Pharah once, and without communication, good luck trying to attach yourself to her again... Tbh I wouldn’t like to play this regularly -- it’s not very interesting to literally spend all the time literally riding on one person’s coattails. Though I guess in a normal game the fun is in the jumping back and forth between Pharah and the team -- like in a normal Mercy game but with more flying.
I also played Pharah myself in this duo a couple of times and actually didn’t do badly. I guess it’s easier on these smaller maps
After I wrote this entire post, I discovered that this event, like the free weekend, is still mysteriously active for me hours after the end date. So I went to grind again. Got Tracer’s dance (good), I think McCree’s too (don’t care). And you know what was in the final lootbox, which I opened after the event finally ended? Lucio’s goddamn skin! Of. Course.
I feel seriously burned out after playing so much in a short amount of time, especially because in the final hours I’ve stopped caring about winning at all. I lost concentration so badly -- I didn’t think about my abilities or teamwork or countering enemies, constantly attacked them head on even with characters not meant for that... What if this attitude stays and I won’t be able to play the game normally? What if I just ruined it for myself? Ugh. Why do I always have to be like this.
The best thing about this session was when I accidentally clicked on 1v1 and managed to win 5-1. It was pretty stressful so I went back to 3v3 immediately. But it was really fun to think strategically about hero selection, trying to quickly compute which of the three available characters is not only easiest for me to play, but the strongest against any of them.
Another good moment was in Mystery Heroes, when I got Reaper and on my way to the point was lamenting my inability to play him and the aforemetioned lack of concentration. The point is under attack, I teleport in, kill Zen and two others who were about to get onto it, help kill Winston in the middle of it, overtime runs out, I get POTG. Wat?
One night after playing a lot I had a dream that the Roadhog nerf came through and also changed his name (don’t remember to what) and portrait to an unmasked, civil-looking, clean-shaven 30-40 year old blond white man, and just as I went to see what his skins look like now I woke up
I finished the event at level 89. Considering that I only played during the free weekends and bought the game after the second one, that’s pretty fast leveling up.
I started recording a lot during the weekend, and have several videos in the drafts, but on second thought I don’t think anyone would be interested, there’s nothing remarkable going on in them.
0 notes
"I am sure my dad would have loved that," I reply sarcastically. Sliding off my barstool, I plant a kiss on Tiggs' cheek. "I missed you, you perv." I mess with his black, curly hair before walking over to JJ, who is playing pool with Chibs, my favorite man with an accent.
"You forgot your next shot," Juice calls after me.
"Don't worry; I will be back for that." I look over my shoulder and give Juice a wink. He blushes a little, and I can't help but snicker. You have to love the new ones, still untouched by the club. They can be so innocent.
"Tell me baby girl, was Vegas crazy?" JJ slings his arm around my shoulder, and I lean my head against him.
"Oh, you have no idea," I mutter.
"Jason this place is shit. No way you are going to flip. We live in Vegas, a town filled with clubs and bars. Is another one needed?" I don't want to hurt Jason's feelings, but he shouldn't blow his money on something that is going to tank. Not that Jason has a shortage of cash. He is standing in front of me in a suit that probably costs over one grand.
The place he brought me to is covered in old, dusty white sheets. I don't think there have been people here in at least ten to fifteen years. According to the locals, before it ultimately went under, the place went through owner after owner. It apparently has some bad mojo attached to it.
"This bar will have two things all the others don't, you and me," Jason smirks, his pearly white smile almost evil.
"You and me? I didn't put any money into this place!" I walk closer to him narrowing my eyes. I am not sure I like where this was going. "And don't be fooled, you aren't getting a cent out of me."
Jason is a regular of mine at the bar I work out. He tips great, is attractive, brilliant, and has an alluring British accent. Every time he comes into the bar he tells me he sees me in his future, and if I weren't madly in love with someone else, maybe I would think the same.
"I had the idea when I first set my eyes on you," he admits.
"When you first saw me? Quit being a flirt and tell me what you plan to do with this place."
Jason walks up to me grabbing my shoulders. "I am serious, love. We are going to flip this place and make it the best damn bar in this town. I may have already started." His hands cover my eyes. "I have always wanted to open a bar I could call my own. Do you remember what you told me the first night we met?"
"It's been a year; I barely remember how you convinced me to come here with you tonight," I laugh.
"I asked you what brought you to Vegas and you said, "I was running away, but now that I am here I think this place will be my future. I just have to figure out how I am going to it happen." With one hand still over my eyes, he starts guiding me somewhere.
"Jason! Where are we going?!"
"Hush, my story isn't over. In saying that, you made me remember what caused me to come here. I have always wanted to open a bar that imports the best beer from all around the globe right here in Vegas. Then I got here, and I got caught up in the gambling, the shows, and everything else this place has to offer." Jason uncovers my eyes.
We are standing in what looks to be an office. The office has a black and white theme to it, with a splash of red, my favorite color. Sitting on the desk is a picture frame, and the picture happens to be of me with my SOA boys.
In the picture, we are standing in front of all their motorcycles, and none of us have on a serious face. I can't remember what we were laughing at, but I am in a graduation gown, and they are all in their cuts.
"Be my partner, in owning this bar. This place will be profitable, and when you have earned enough to do what you want, you can leave. No strings attached. Though, I highly doubt you will want to leave," Jason leans against the desk, "To convince you I stole that picture you kept in the console of your car and gave it a proper home. On the desk of your new job."
Why would he do this for me? We have been friends for about a year, which isn't long, and before that, I was just his favorite bartender. I refuse to believe his proposition has to do with his feelings for me. Jason and I have hooked up a few times, and he's mentioned wanting commitment. I have run from all of those conversations. So, doing all of this for me would be irrational.
"If you can flip this bar like you have this office, I am in. One condition though, I want the truth. Why are you doing this?" I put my hands on my hips, wanting an honest answer. This is one of these too good to be true moments. Where is the catch?
"I love you Cas, I do. And despite you avoiding being my girlfriend, I think you should give us, and this life we could have a chance. You are wild and free spirited; no one can stop you. I have been living vicariously through you, with all of your crazy stories that you tell. You are the reason I took this leap. Why should I let life stop me? You don't let it stop you!" Jason's green eyes look at me, wondering what my answer will be. His hand brushes over his facial hair; something he does when he is nervous.
I am not in love with Jason. When he hugs me butterflies don't burst through my stomach. If our hands accidentally touch I don't yearn to grab his hand. Don't get me wrong I think Jason is one of the most attractive people I know and there is something there. But, wouldn't it be a mistake for me to date Jason if I still love Jax?
But, Jax isn't here. I left Charming for a reason, and an offer like this will never come around again. Owning a bar would be the perfect job for me.
"Jason, what happens if we date and it doesn't work out?" I contemplate.
"Love, I am never letting you go."
"Cas, earth to my baby girl." JJ is waving his hand in front of my eyes. I snap out of it and look around to see Jax, Juice, and JJ staring at me. Chibs no longer in sight.
"Oh, sorry. I lost my train of thought," I laugh, brushing off the memory; if only I had known what getting into business with Jason would end up like.
"I brought you that shot," Juice smiles, handing me the small glass. I take it, throwing it back like a pro. This prospect better get patched in. He is my favorite one, and I have met a ton of them in my twenty-four years of life.
"How many of those have you had?" Jax asks.
"I don't know, pretty boy. There is no reason to count. When I feel like I am drunk enough, I will stop." I snap at him. His current attitude is killing the mood.
JJ chuckles, thinking our bickering is humorous.
"Juice, don't give her any more," Jax commands, glaring at the prospect. Juice mouths 'sorry' and walks back to the bar.
Jax has no right to be controlling. I am fully capable of taking care of myself. Hell, I lived in the craziest city in the nation for four years, and I got out alive. Barely, but I still did it.
"Okay, you two that's enough-" JJ starts to say.
"What's going on here?"
Not recognizing the voice, I spin around to see who's interrupted me having fun. A woman wearing dark lipstick is walking towards us. She has brown hair, highlighted with blonde, and heavy frown lines. This woman is not someone I have met before. The boys told me there would be no croweaters here tonight. So, why is she?
"Wendy, I didn't know you were stopping by." Jax shifts almost uncomfortably, next to me. I don't want to consider the idea, but this might be a girl Jax is sleeping around with. The thought makes me feel a little bit nauseous.
"You must be new around here. I am Wendy," she says, in a tone that says stay-away-from-my-man. Clearly, no one has informed her of me. Or she wouldn't be taking that tone.
"You would be the new one. I am Casey Winston, old and just returning." I give her a smirk as she frowns when I say my name.
A hand lands on my shoulder, and the rings on it tell me it's Gemma. "Wendy? What are you doing here?"
I grab her hand, giving it a squeeze. Something tells me she intentionally left this girl out when she told me what has been going on in Charming while I was away. Gemma is up to something, and I have a feeling this something is trying to get rid of Wendy.
"I am Jax's wife. Why wouldn't I come?" she sneers, her lips in a frown as if the sight of Gemma and I disgusts her.
I used to laugh at the people who told me words had caused them physical pain. What can someone possibly say to cause another a person physical pain? Well, apparently 'I am Jax's wife' can do just that. My hand immediately goes to my stomach, though my chest received most of the blow. The pain starts in my heart and spreads through my body like wildfire.
"Gemma, I think I am ready to go," I whisper, gazing over my shoulder.
Gemma's eyes are soft, and for the first time in a long time, I see sadness in her eyes. A part of her had always wished Jax, and I would end up married. We would have mini Teller's, and they too would become Son's. Wendy seems to have taken that role from me.
"No, I got her. Why don't you stay at my place? Piney doesn't even know you are back. You will give him a heart attack if you show up in the middle of the night."
JJ puts his hand on the small of my back, guiding me away. I couldn't leave just yet. This, Wendy chick may have my guy, but she isn't going to chase me away from my club.
I turn around staring right at her.
0 notes
"I am sure my dad would have loved that," I reply sarcastically. Sliding off my barstool, I plant a kiss on Tiggs' cheek. "I missed you, you perv." I mess with his black, curly hair before walking over to JJ, who is playing pool with Chibs, my favorite man with an accent.
"You forgot your next shot," Juice calls after me.
"Don't worry; I will be back for that." I look over my shoulder and give Juice a wink. He blushes a little, and I can't help but snicker. You have to love the new ones, still untouched by the club. They can be so innocent.
"Tell me baby girl, was Vegas crazy?" JJ slings his arm around my shoulder, and I lean my head against him.
"Oh, you have no idea," I mutter.
"Jason this place is shit. No way you are going to flip. We live in Vegas, a town filled with clubs and bars. Is another one needed?" I don't want to hurt Jason's feelings, but he shouldn't blow his money on something that is going to tank. Not that Jason has a shortage of cash. He is standing in front of me in a suit that probably costs over one grand.
The place he brought me to is covered in old, dusty white sheets. I don't think there have been people here in at least ten to fifteen years. According to the locals, before it ultimately went under, the place went through owner after owner. It apparently has some bad mojo attached to it.
"This bar will have two things all the others don't, you and me," Jason smirks, his pearly white smile almost evil.
"You and me? I didn't put any money into this place!" I walk closer to him narrowing my eyes. I am not sure I like where this was going. "And don't be fooled, you aren't getting a cent out of me."
Jason is a regular of mine at the bar I work out. He tips great, is attractive, brilliant, and has an alluring British accent. Every time he comes into the bar he tells me he sees me in his future, and if I weren't madly in love with someone else, maybe I would think the same.
"I had the idea when I first set my eyes on you," he admits.
"When you first saw me? Quit being a flirt and tell me what you plan to do with this place."
Jason walks up to me grabbing my shoulders. "I am serious, love. We are going to flip this place and make it the best damn bar in this town. I may have already started." His hands cover my eyes. "I have always wanted to open a bar I could call my own. Do you remember what you told me the first night we met?"
"It's been a year; I barely remember how you convinced me to come here with you tonight," I laugh.
"I asked you what brought you to Vegas and you said, "I was running away, but now that I am here I think this place will be my future. I just have to figure out how I am going to it happen." With one hand still over my eyes, he starts guiding me somewhere.
"Jason! Where are we going?!"
"Hush, my story isn't over. In saying that, you made me remember what caused me to come here. I have always wanted to open a bar that imports the best beer from all around the globe right here in Vegas. Then I got here, and I got caught up in the gambling, the shows, and everything else this place has to offer." Jason uncovers my eyes.
We are standing in what looks to be an office. The office has a black and white theme to it, with a splash of red, my favorite color. Sitting on the desk is a picture frame, and the picture happens to be of me with my SOA boys.
In the picture, we are standing in front of all their motorcycles, and none of us have on a serious face. I can't remember what we were laughing at, but I am in a graduation gown, and they are all in their cuts.
"Be my partner, in owning this bar. This place will be profitable, and when you have earned enough to do what you want, you can leave. No strings attached. Though, I highly doubt you will want to leave," Jason leans against the desk, "To convince you I stole that picture you kept in the console of your car and gave it a proper home. On the desk of your new job."
Why would he do this for me? We have been friends for about a year, which isn't long, and before that, I was just his favorite bartender. I refuse to believe his proposition has to do with his feelings for me. Jason and I have hooked up a few times, and he's mentioned wanting commitment. I have run from all of those conversations. So, doing all of this for me would be irrational.
"If you can flip this bar like you have this office, I am in. One condition though, I want the truth. Why are you doing this?" I put my hands on my hips, wanting an honest answer. This is one of these too good to be true moments. Where is the catch?
"I love you Cas, I do. And despite you avoiding being my girlfriend, I think you should give us, and this life we could have a chance. You are wild and free spirited; no one can stop you. I have been living vicariously through you, with all of your crazy stories that you tell. You are the reason I took this leap. Why should I let life stop me? You don't let it stop you!" Jason's green eyes look at me, wondering what my answer will be. His hand brushes over his facial hair; something he does when he is nervous.
I am not in love with Jason. When he hugs me butterflies don't burst through my stomach. If our hands accidentally touch I don't yearn to grab his hand. Don't get me wrong I think Jason is one of the most attractive people I know and there is something there. But, wouldn't it be a mistake for me to date Jason if I still love Jax?
But, Jax isn't here. I left Charming for a reason, and an offer like this will never come around again. Owning a bar would be the perfect job for me.
"Jason, what happens if we date and it doesn't work out?" I contemplate.
"Love, I am never letting you go."
"Cas, earth to my baby girl." JJ is waving his hand in front of my eyes. I snap out of it and look around to see Jax, Juice, and JJ staring at me. Chibs no longer in sight.
"Oh, sorry. I lost my train of thought," I laugh, brushing off the memory; if only I had known what getting into business with Jason would end up like.
"I brought you that shot," Juice smiles, handing me the small glass. I take it, throwing it back like a pro. This prospect better get patched in. He is my favorite one, and I have met a ton of them in my twenty-four years of life.
"How many of those have you had?" Jax asks.
"I don't know, pretty boy. There is no reason to count. When I feel like I am drunk enough, I will stop." I snap at him. His current attitude is killing the mood.
JJ chuckles, thinking our bickering is humorous.
"Juice, don't give her any more," Jax commands, glaring at the prospect. Juice mouths 'sorry' and walks back to the bar.
Jax has no right to be controlling. I am fully capable of taking care of myself. Hell, I lived in the craziest city in the nation for four years, and I got out alive. Barely, but I still did it.
"Okay, you two that's enough-" JJ starts to say.
"What's going on here?"
Not recognizing the voice, I spin around to see who's interrupted me having fun. A woman wearing dark lipstick is walking towards us. She has brown hair, highlighted with blonde, and heavy frown lines. This woman is not someone I have met before. The boys told me there would be no croweaters here tonight. So, why is she?
"Wendy, I didn't know you were stopping by." Jax shifts almost uncomfortably, next to me. I don't want to consider the idea, but this might be a girl Jax is sleeping around with. The thought makes me feel a little bit nauseous.
"You must be new around here. I am Wendy," she says, in a tone that says stay-away-from-my-man. Clearly, no one has informed her of me. Or she wouldn't be taking that tone.
"You would be the new one. I am Casey Winston, old and just returning." I give her a smirk as she frowns when I say my name.
A hand lands on my shoulder, and the rings on it tell me it's Gemma. "Wendy? What are you doing here?"
I grab her hand, giving it a squeeze. Something tells me she intentionally left this girl out when she told me what has been going on in Charming while I was away. Gemma is up to something, and I have a feeling this something is trying to get rid of Wendy.
"I am Jax's wife. Why wouldn't I come?" she sneers, her lips in a frown as if the sight of Gemma and I disgusts her.
I used to laugh at the people who told me words had caused them physical pain. What can someone possibly say to cause another a person physical pain? Well, apparently 'I am Jax's wife' can do just that. My hand immediately goes to my stomach, though my chest received most of the blow. The pain starts in my heart and spreads through my body like wildfire.
"Gemma, I think I am ready to go," I whisper, gazing over my shoulder.
Gemma's eyes are soft, and for the first time in a long time, I see sadness in her eyes. A part of her had always wished Jax, and I would end up married. We would have mini Teller's, and they too would become Son's. Wendy seems to have taken that role from me.
"No, I got her. Why don't you stay at my place? Piney doesn't even know you are back. You will give him a heart attack if you show up in the middle of the night."
JJ puts his hand on the small of my back, guiding me away. I couldn't leave just yet. This, Wendy chick may have my guy, but she isn't going to chase me away from my club.
I turn around staring right at her.
0 notes