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"Not that she will," my mother tells her as she and my father walks towards me. They are divorced, but they try hard to be civil when around me.
My jaw clenches at her statement. Being cordial with me is clearly not a priority for her tonight. "We are not doing this today, mom."
"There is never a right time to talk to you about it. These boys have you wrapped around their fingers." I walk closer to her, smelling the alcohol on her breath.
Not once in my life have I been around her when she is drunk, but I guess being at the clubhouse was too much for her. Part of the reason her and dad broke up is due to her disapproval of the club. Mom is not the old lady type. Still, that isn't a good reason to be spiteful towards her daughter.
"Mom, please not now." I put my hand on her arm, but she smacks it away.
"Then when? When are you going to see this club is beneath you? All you do is waste your time here, and cause trouble with them! You could have been bigger than this." Her voice is loud enough that she is attracting stares. My father clamps his hand on her shoulder, letting her know she has said enough. My mother thinks I am a disappointment.
Two strong arm wraps themselves around the front of me, leaning in to whisper in my ear. "C'mon beautiful, let's take a picture like you wanted." Jax pulls me away from her and towards the Harleys. He lets me walk forward, and he intertwines his hand with mine. My body tingles as he does this.
Gemma has her camera out and ready, the SOA guys are all lined up in their cuts, looking handsome as ever. Looking at all of them dressed up nicely just for my graduation party makes me happy. They are badass bikers; they didn't have to do any of this for me, but they did. My mom is wrong; these men are my life. None of them are inferior to me. We take a huge group picture first and then Gemma insists on getting one of only Op, JJ, Jax, and I.
"On the count of three. Let's make it a good one boys."
We were are supposed to be taking a serious picture, but when Gemma says three Opie puts his arms around the front my shoulders, probably making a funny face, JJ kisses one side of my cheeks and Jax the other.
"Alright, now get inside. I worked hard on this party and Casey wasn't even allowed to help me since the party is for her. All of you better thank me tonight," Gemma yells.
Everyone starts to walk in, but Jax holds me back for a second. "Hold on, there is something I want to tell you." He grabs the side of my face, looking deep into my eyes. "Whatever happens in life darlin, I want you to know, you being in my life is the best thing that could have ever happened to me." Jax leans his forehead against mine.
The feeling of sparks going off in my stomach returns, and I realize that the schoolgirl crush I had on him is no longer there.
No, it's more than that now. I am in love with Jax Teller.
"You are right Gemma." I give her a small grin, spotting Jax working on a car not too far away. "Jax and I have been through too much not to work this out."
"Sweetheart, I am always right. Now go make my baby happy." Gemma pushes me towards the garage. Some of the guys are still staring from my dramatic arrival, but most have gone back to what they were doing.
"Jax Teller, can I get a word?" I ask, pretending to be cross with him.
However, I am not mad at him. I am jealous, jealous that someone else swooped in and took what I had thought was mine. But the truth is, he isn't mine. Jax Teller is the love of my life, the best friend I have ever had, and the only person who knows me more than I know myself. However, he isn't mine; I gave up that chance four years ago. What happened between us happened, and it's my fault that things worked out this way. But, I won't lose Jax over my stupidity. If I have to hide my jealousy for the rest of my life, just to be around him, I will do it.
Jax turns towards me, his mouth forming into a small grin. When he sees my stature, his smile falls a little, but regardless he walks up to me. "I am glad you came by the garage. Listen, I am sorry about yesterday-"
"No, don't apologize. Jax if you are happy, I am happy. It's that simple; it's all I ever wanted for you." I surge towards him, wrapping him in a hug.
It takes a second for him to return the hug. "I missed you, darlin'."
Tears well in my eyes, knowing what I was going to say next would probably kill me inside, but I wanted to know if he remembered the feelings that I did.
I turn my head to his ear; my breath hot against it. "Whatever happens in life Jax, I want you to know, you being in my life is the best thing that could have ever happened to me." With the words out of my mouth, I let him out of the hug.
Jax's face is pale, and his mouth is hanging open. He doesn't budge or say anything, even when I start walking backward away from him. Those words had once begun my love story, with Jax Teller being my prince charming. And now, it may or may not have ended it.
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"Darlin, you can't be late to your graduation party. We were supposed to stop by the house for a second, not almost a half hour," Jax yells at me from outside my bedroom door.
"I need to put clothes on," I shout laughingly while slipping into my graduation dress. I had practically drooled over my black lace, long sleeve, backless chiffon dress when I spotted it in the store. I am not normally someone who wears dresses, but this one caught my eye.
"Weren't you wearing your dress under your gown thing," Jax asks me, very confused.
I open the door with a mischievous smirk. "Of course not! I went to graduation completely naked under my gown."
"Cas, tell me you're kidding!"
"Someone bet me 500 dollars I wouldn't do it. I had to prove them wrong!"
I walk into the living room, checking my half up-half down curls while passing a mirror. Thankfully the heat hadn't gotten to them. My parents better take a hundred pictures, because I will never look this made up and beautiful again.
Jax is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. Obviously, he is not pleased that I was naked during graduation. Who cares? No one even noticed. Except for the girl I flashed to prove I was naked. She thought I hilarious, and I was pretty proud of myself when the guy who made the bet forked over five hundred big ones in twenties.
"Living up to your nickname, Crazy Casey," he says, forcing a laugh.
"Just be glad I didn't take the other 500 and flash the crowd while grabbing my diploma." Jax's hands ball into fists when I say that. Good thing I didn't mention the guy's name; Jax might have gone after him for just suggesting the idea.
I walk over to the liquor cabinet my dad has; it's always stocked. Jax's arms grasp my waist and whirl me around. The corners of his mouth tug into a charming smile, his bright blue eyes piercing into mine, and his one hand moves to the small of my back. "Darlin', we are already running late. You can drink plenty when we get to the club."
A feeling explodes in my stomach; something I have never felt this intensely before. I almost buckle at the knee. Jax Teller is single-handedly the most attractive guy I know. Growing up with him I had a silly school girl crush on him, but this feeling is much deeper than that. My cheeks deepen into a crimson color.
Jax leans in, whispering in my ear. "You are beautiful when you blush."
I put my hands on his torso, leaning the top of my head against his chest. What is happening right now; my emotions are making me dizzy.
"C'mon sweetheart, we have a graduation party to attend."
Jax drove my Jeep Wrangler to the clubhouse because I didn't want to drive with heels on. And I know if I take them off there will be no one able to convince me to put them back on.
I step out of the car with my gown over my dress and my grad cap on my head. Opie is standing outside with his wife, Donna. The smile on Opie's face is the biggest I have ever seen. I run up to him and jump into his arms. "Whoa there little girl, wouldn't want to break a heel."
"I did it Op; I graduated in the top five percent!"
"I never doubted you for a second little sis."
When he puts me down, I am stupefied that Donna pulls me into a hug. We have a great friendship, but she is not the hugging type.
Donna pulls back, taking grip of my hands. "I am beyond proud of you. Casey, you can go anywhere, and do anything." Her and my mother have always pushed me to leave Charming. They consistently say there is better out there for me. Donna is kind and subtle about it, but not so much my mom.
"Not that she will," my mother tells her as she and my father walks towards me. They are divorced, but they try hard to be civil when around me.
My jaw clenches at her statement. Being cordial with me is clearly not a priority for her tonight. "We are not doing this today, mom."
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Shortly after breakfast, Gemma texted me saying my father showed up. Juice and JJ told me to run my errands and then we could set up my room. I left them the keys to my storage space and car. JJ let me borrow his Harley-Davidson VRSC V-Rod Muscle. It sits in the garage most of the time. He prefers a different kind of bike now.
I loved the adrenaline of speeding down the road and swerving in between slow cars; which happens to be the reason I got into trouble with the cops a lot after JJ taught me how to ride this thing. Back then I wasn't allowed to take it on highways or outside of the small town of Charming, but when I first learned how to drive it, I thought I would never leave Charming. So, that never bothered me.
I speed into the Teller-Morrow lot causing every guy in the garage to look up at me. I park the bike by all the other Harley's. Gemma steps out of her office, wondering what all the noise is. My father walks out of the office with her. A smile reaches across my face. The helmet comes off, and I take down my hair, letting my natural curls come down. Gemma whistles at me when she see's me all blacked out in my black jeans, black boots, black tank top, and black leather jacket. I shoot her a wink.
"Hi, Daddy!" I smile, practically knocking him over when I run into his arms.
At first, he is too taken by surprise to hug me, but then he gives me a tight squeeze.
"Casey. What are you doing back? I thought you were helping run a bar on the Vegas Strip?" I step back, giving my dad a kiss on the cheek.
That is not a story I want to get into right now. "Well, I decided to leave. Jason owns seventy-five percent of it, and I own twenty-five now. He will just be sending me checks." Gemma's eyes burn into me when I say Jason's name. Dad doesn't share my personal info, meaning the club is pretty clueless about my actions while I was gone.
"It's good to have you home. I need to go sit." He starts tugging his oxygen tank towards the clubhouse, and I tell him I will join him in a second.
"You should talk to Jax. He asked if you were coming by today." I groan when Gemma tells me this. She gives me a swift slap to the back of the head. "You two grew up together. Both of you need to get over this shit."
Gemma has a point, like usual.
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"Live here with you two? No way! The last thing I need is to run into either of your guys' one-night stands. Or worse, like if one of you starts dating some crazy ass girl and she tries to take me out." I take a sip of my coffee, imagine some batshit, insane girl think I want to steal JJ or Juice from her.
JJ looks at me with an angry glare, crossing his arms across his bare chest. I have only ever thought one of JJ's girls were sane, and I don't even know Juice well enough to know the kind of girl he dates.
"Juice, no more one night stands and stop bringing home crazy girlfriends," he says.
Juice, who is sitting on the other side of the table almost chokes on his cereal. "What?... I have never had a girl over before."
"Good. See Cas, now you don't have to worry about running into our one-night stands or psychotic girlfriends. Don't worry about me I don't bring those kinds of girls home." It appears JJ isn't taking no for an answer; not that I should be surprised by that. "You can even have the master suite."
"Really? JJ, you don't have to do this!"
The master suite is where JJ sleeps. It isn't just a bedroom, which is why it is shocking that he would just give it up this easily. Attached to the bedroom is it's own little living room, with a mini bar, and a shower-and-tub bathroom on top of that. The previous owners had built it that way so when their kids went to bed, they didn't have to be as quiet. Apparently, the room is the closest you could get to being sound proof without actually being considered sound proof.
"I can't keep an eye on you if you live anywhere else. You were out of my sight for four years, and when I finally see you again, you are in the hospital. With Opie unable to be in Charming, I believe it's the best option. Unless you think you could live with your dad again." JJ joins us at the table with a bowl of cereal.
I bring my empty mug down to the table with a bang; not hard enough to break it. "It settled! We are all roommates now. No take-backs, because I am sure in about two weeks you will want to." I jump up and clean my mug off in the sink. Now there are only two things on my list to do.
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The smell of coffee wakes me from my slumber, and when I open my eyes to see there is barely any sunlight streaming through the blinds, I internally groan. I had wanted to sleep in, but it looks like my body has other plans for me. It's for the best; there is a lot to be done today. I am going to finally tell my dad I am in town and look for a permanent place to live. I roll over and grab my phone off the table next to JJ's guest bed.
Me: Tell me when Papa Winston comes in today!
Gemma is always at the club bright and early since she is the only one running the office. No reason to head over there before I have to. She can just text me when he comes around. If I go hang out at the club I might run into Jax or Wendy; that is not on my days to-do-list.
The smell of coffee gets stronger as I walk towards the kitchen. JJ's sweat pants he lent me drag on the floor, but they are comfy as hell, so I don't care. He won't be getting these back.
When I walk into the kitchen, I am a little retaken to see Juice is the one making coffee.
"Did you and JJ have a little sleepover?" I crack a smile when he turns to me with wide eyes. It looks like neither of us knew the other was here.
"No! No, I live here. Did you and JJ have a little sleepover," he mocks.
My eyes roll at the thought that JJ and I would ever be anything more than friends. JJ has always been like another brother to me. If I wore shorts too short, he sent me inside to change. He chased boys out of my life the second they looked at me too long. And to top it all off, he told people every chance he could that I was his little sister. No one wanted to mess with JJ, and once they heard we were related, even though we aren't, no one wanted to mess with me.
"Eww no, JJ is my older brother from another mother. There is no attraction there." I rummage through the cabinets to find myself a mug. Things aren't in the same place from the last time I was here.
Juice hands me one from a different part of the kitchen. "Things got rearranged when I moved here." Four years is all it takes for everything to change, I guess. "What are your plans for the day?"
Once I poured myself coffee, I went to the pantry. It looks like JJ still keeps a box of my favorite cereal in there. I pray it isn't old.
"List of thing Casey needs to get done: Finally see her dad, find a place to live, and then get all her shit from storage." I put up a finger as I name each errand.
"Don't worry about Piney he will get over the fact you didn't tell him you weren't coming home. He knows how spontaneous his daughter is. Live here; I have two open rooms. And fuck everything else. Now all you have to do, babydoll is stop talking in third person," JJ cuts in while walking into the room.
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Out of my peripherals, I can see Jax. His face has concern written all over it, and guilt brims in his eyes. I choose to ignore all that. If he had wanted to lessen the blow of the news he could have at least had the balls to tell me himself.
"Being married to a Son doesn't automatically make you an old lady. And to be perfectly honest, I am not so sure you make the cut," a venomous smile creeps across my face, "good luck fitting in here, hun. They don't take kindly to strangers."
Wendy's face goes blank, not expecting me to say anything after she said she was Jax's wife. Stupid girl, I grew up here up in this clubhouse, hell I practically lived here after I turned sixteen. This is my home, not hers.
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"I am sure my dad would have loved that," I reply sarcastically. Sliding off my barstool, I plant a kiss on Tiggs' cheek. "I missed you, you perv." I mess with his black, curly hair before walking over to JJ, who is playing pool with Chibs, my favorite man with an accent.
"You forgot your next shot," Juice calls after me.
"Don't worry; I will be back for that." I look over my shoulder and give Juice a wink. He blushes a little, and I can't help but snicker. You have to love the new ones, still untouched by the club. They can be so innocent.
"Tell me baby girl, was Vegas crazy?" JJ slings his arm around my shoulder, and I lean my head against him.
"Oh, you have no idea," I mutter.
"Jason this place is shit. No way you are going to flip. We live in Vegas, a town filled with clubs and bars. Is another one needed?" I don't want to hurt Jason's feelings, but he shouldn't blow his money on something that is going to tank. Not that Jason has a shortage of cash. He is standing in front of me in a suit that probably costs over one grand.
The place he brought me to is covered in old, dusty white sheets. I don't think there have been people here in at least ten to fifteen years. According to the locals, before it ultimately went under, the place went through owner after owner. It apparently has some bad mojo attached to it.
"This bar will have two things all the others don't, you and me," Jason smirks, his pearly white smile almost evil.
"You and me? I didn't put any money into this place!" I walk closer to him narrowing my eyes. I am not sure I like where this was going. "And don't be fooled, you aren't getting a cent out of me."
Jason is a regular of mine at the bar I work out. He tips great, is attractive, brilliant, and has an alluring British accent. Every time he comes into the bar he tells me he sees me in his future, and if I weren't madly in love with someone else, maybe I would think the same.
"I had the idea when I first set my eyes on you," he admits.
"When you first saw me? Quit being a flirt and tell me what you plan to do with this place."
Jason walks up to me grabbing my shoulders. "I am serious, love. We are going to flip this place and make it the best damn bar in this town. I may have already started." His hands cover my eyes. "I have always wanted to open a bar I could call my own. Do you remember what you told me the first night we met?"
"It's been a year; I barely remember how you convinced me to come here with you tonight," I laugh.
"I asked you what brought you to Vegas and you said, "I was running away, but now that I am here I think this place will be my future. I just have to figure out how I am going to it happen." With one hand still over my eyes, he starts guiding me somewhere.
"Jason! Where are we going?!"
"Hush, my story isn't over. In saying that, you made me remember what caused me to come here. I have always wanted to open a bar that imports the best beer from all around the globe right here in Vegas. Then I got here, and I got caught up in the gambling, the shows, and everything else this place has to offer." Jason uncovers my eyes.
We are standing in what looks to be an office. The office has a black and white theme to it, with a splash of red, my favorite color. Sitting on the desk is a picture frame, and the picture happens to be of me with my SOA boys.
In the picture, we are standing in front of all their motorcycles, and none of us have on a serious face. I can't remember what we were laughing at, but I am in a graduation gown, and they are all in their cuts.
"Be my partner, in owning this bar. This place will be profitable, and when you have earned enough to do what you want, you can leave. No strings attached. Though, I highly doubt you will want to leave," Jason leans against the desk, "To convince you I stole that picture you kept in the console of your car and gave it a proper home. On the desk of your new job."
Why would he do this for me? We have been friends for about a year, which isn't long, and before that, I was just his favorite bartender. I refuse to believe his proposition has to do with his feelings for me. Jason and I have hooked up a few times, and he's mentioned wanting commitment. I have run from all of those conversations. So, doing all of this for me would be irrational.
"If you can flip this bar like you have this office, I am in. One condition though, I want the truth. Why are you doing this?" I put my hands on my hips, wanting an honest answer. This is one of these too good to be true moments. Where is the catch?
"I love you Cas, I do. And despite you avoiding being my girlfriend, I think you should give us, and this life we could have a chance. You are wild and free spirited; no one can stop you. I have been living vicariously through you, with all of your crazy stories that you tell. You are the reason I took this leap. Why should I let life stop me? You don't let it stop you!" Jason's green eyes look at me, wondering what my answer will be. His hand brushes over his facial hair; something he does when he is nervous.
I am not in love with Jason. When he hugs me butterflies don't burst through my stomach. If our hands accidentally touch I don't yearn to grab his hand. Don't get me wrong I think Jason is one of the most attractive people I know and there is something there. But, wouldn't it be a mistake for me to date Jason if I still love Jax?
But, Jax isn't here. I left Charming for a reason, and an offer like this will never come around again. Owning a bar would be the perfect job for me.
"Jason, what happens if we date and it doesn't work out?" I contemplate.
"Love, I am never letting you go."
"Cas, earth to my baby girl." JJ is waving his hand in front of my eyes. I snap out of it and look around to see Jax, Juice, and JJ staring at me. Chibs no longer in sight.
"Oh, sorry. I lost my train of thought," I laugh, brushing off the memory; if only I had known what getting into business with Jason would end up like.
"I brought you that shot," Juice smiles, handing me the small glass. I take it, throwing it back like a pro. This prospect better get patched in. He is my favorite one, and I have met a ton of them in my twenty-four years of life.
"How many of those have you had?" Jax asks.
"I don't know, pretty boy. There is no reason to count. When I feel like I am drunk enough, I will stop." I snap at him. His current attitude is killing the mood.
JJ chuckles, thinking our bickering is humorous.
"Juice, don't give her any more," Jax commands, glaring at the prospect. Juice mouths 'sorry' and walks back to the bar.
Jax has no right to be controlling. I am fully capable of taking care of myself. Hell, I lived in the craziest city in the nation for four years, and I got out alive. Barely, but I still did it.
"Okay, you two that's enough-" JJ starts to say.
"What's going on here?"
Not recognizing the voice, I spin around to see who's interrupted me having fun. A woman wearing dark lipstick is walking towards us. She has brown hair, highlighted with blonde, and heavy frown lines. This woman is not someone I have met before. The boys told me there would be no croweaters here tonight. So, why is she?
"Wendy, I didn't know you were stopping by." Jax shifts almost uncomfortably, next to me. I don't want to consider the idea, but this might be a girl Jax is sleeping around with. The thought makes me feel a little bit nauseous.
"You must be new around here. I am Wendy," she says, in a tone that says stay-away-from-my-man. Clearly, no one has informed her of me. Or she wouldn't be taking that tone.
"You would be the new one. I am Casey Winston, old and just returning." I give her a smirk as she frowns when I say my name.
A hand lands on my shoulder, and the rings on it tell me it's Gemma. "Wendy? What are you doing here?"
I grab her hand, giving it a squeeze. Something tells me she intentionally left this girl out when she told me what has been going on in Charming while I was away. Gemma is up to something, and I have a feeling this something is trying to get rid of Wendy.
"I am Jax's wife. Why wouldn't I come?" she sneers, her lips in a frown as if the sight of Gemma and I disgusts her.
I used to laugh at the people who told me words had caused them physical pain. What can someone possibly say to cause another a person physical pain? Well, apparently 'I am Jax's wife' can do just that. My hand immediately goes to my stomach, though my chest received most of the blow. The pain starts in my heart and spreads through my body like wildfire.
"Gemma, I think I am ready to go," I whisper, gazing over my shoulder.
Gemma's eyes are soft, and for the first time in a long time, I see sadness in her eyes. A part of her had always wished Jax, and I would end up married. We would have mini Teller's, and they too would become Son's. Wendy seems to have taken that role from me.
"No, I got her. Why don't you stay at my place? Piney doesn't even know you are back. You will give him a heart attack if you show up in the middle of the night."
JJ puts his hand on the small of my back, guiding me away. I couldn't leave just yet. This, Wendy chick may have my guy, but she isn't going to chase me away from my club.
I turn around staring right at her. Out of my peripherals, I can see Jax. His face has concern written all over it, and guilt brims in his eyes. I choose to ignore all that. If he had wanted to lessen the blow
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"I am sure my dad would have loved that," I reply sarcastically. Sliding off my barstool, I plant a kiss on Tiggs' cheek. "I missed you, you perv." I mess with his black, curly hair before walking over to JJ, who is playing pool with Chibs, my favorite man with an accent.
"You forgot your next shot," Juice calls after me.
"Don't worry; I will be back for that." I look over my shoulder and give Juice a wink. He blushes a little, and I can't help but snicker. You have to love the new ones, still untouched by the club. They can be so innocent.
"Tell me baby girl, was Vegas crazy?" JJ slings his arm around my shoulder, and I lean my head against him.
"Oh, you have no idea," I mutter.
"Jason this place is shit. No way you are going to flip. We live in Vegas, a town filled with clubs and bars. Is another one needed?" I don't want to hurt Jason's feelings, but he shouldn't blow his money on something that is going to tank. Not that Jason has a shortage of cash. He is standing in front of me in a suit that probably costs over one grand.
The place he brought me to is covered in old, dusty white sheets. I don't think there have been people here in at least ten to fifteen years. According to the locals, before it ultimately went under, the place went through owner after owner. It apparently has some bad mojo attached to it.
"This bar will have two things all the others don't, you and me," Jason smirks, his pearly white smile almost evil.
"You and me? I didn't put any money into this place!" I walk closer to him narrowing my eyes. I am not sure I like where this was going. "And don't be fooled, you aren't getting a cent out of me."
Jason is a regular of mine at the bar I work out. He tips great, is attractive, brilliant, and has an alluring British accent. Every time he comes into the bar he tells me he sees me in his future, and if I weren't madly in love with someone else, maybe I would think the same.
"I had the idea when I first set my eyes on you," he admits.
"When you first saw me? Quit being a flirt and tell me what you plan to do with this place."
Jason walks up to me grabbing my shoulders. "I am serious, love. We are going to flip this place and make it the best damn bar in this town. I may have already started." His hands cover my eyes. "I have always wanted to open a bar I could call my own. Do you remember what you told me the first night we met?"
"It's been a year; I barely remember how you convinced me to come here with you tonight," I laugh.
"I asked you what brought you to Vegas and you said, "I was running away, but now that I am here I think this place will be my future. I just have to figure out how I am going to it happen." With one hand still over my eyes, he starts guiding me somewhere.
"Jason! Where are we going?!"
"Hush, my story isn't over. In saying that, you made me remember what caused me to come here. I have always wanted to open a bar that imports the best beer from all around the globe right here in Vegas. Then I got here, and I got caught up in the gambling, the shows, and everything else this place has to offer." Jason uncovers my eyes.
We are standing in what looks to be an office. The office has a black and white theme to it, with a splash of red, my favorite color. Sitting on the desk is a picture frame, and the picture happens to be of me with my SOA boys.
In the picture, we are standing in front of all their motorcycles, and none of us have on a serious face. I can't remember what we were laughing at, but I am in a graduation gown, and they are all in their cuts.
"Be my partner, in owning this bar. This place will be profitable, and when you have earned enough to do what you want, you can leave. No strings attached. Though, I highly doubt you will want to leave," Jason leans against the desk, "To convince you I stole that picture you kept in the console of your car and gave it a proper home. On the desk of your new job."
Why would he do this for me? We have been friends for about a year, which isn't long, and before that, I was just his favorite bartender. I refuse to believe his proposition has to do with his feelings for me. Jason and I have hooked up a few times, and he's mentioned wanting commitment. I have run from all of those conversations. So, doing all of this for me would be irrational.
"If you can flip this bar like you have this office, I am in. One condition though, I want the truth. Why are you doing this?" I put my hands on my hips, wanting an honest answer. This is one of these too good to be true moments. Where is the catch?
"I love you Cas, I do. And despite you avoiding being my girlfriend, I think you should give us, and this life we could have a chance. You are wild and free spirited; no one can stop you. I have been living vicariously through you, with all of your crazy stories that you tell. You are the reason I took this leap. Why should I let life stop me? You don't let it stop you!" Jason's green eyes look at me, wondering what my answer will be. His hand brushes over his facial hair; something he does when he is nervous.
I am not in love with Jason. When he hugs me butterflies don't burst through my stomach. If our hands accidentally touch I don't yearn to grab his hand. Don't get me wrong I think Jason is one of the most attractive people I know and there is something there. But, wouldn't it be a mistake for me to date Jason if I still love Jax?
But, Jax isn't here. I left Charming for a reason, and an offer like this will never come around again. Owning a bar would be the perfect job for me.
"Jason, what happens if we date and it doesn't work out?" I contemplate.
"Love, I am never letting you go."
"Cas, earth to my baby girl." JJ is waving his hand in front of my eyes. I snap out of it and look around to see Jax, Juice, and JJ staring at me. Chibs no longer in sight.
"Oh, sorry. I lost my train of thought," I laugh, brushing off the memory; if only I had known what getting into business with Jason would end up like.
"I brought you that shot," Juice smiles, handing me the small glass. I take it, throwing it back like a pro. This prospect better get patched in. He is my favorite one, and I have met a ton of them in my twenty-four years of life.
"How many of those have you had?" Jax asks.
"I don't know, pretty boy. There is no reason to count. When I feel like I am drunk enough, I will stop." I snap at him. His current attitude is killing the mood.
JJ chuckles, thinking our bickering is humorous.
"Juice, don't give her any more," Jax commands, glaring at the prospect. Juice mouths 'sorry' and walks back to the bar.
Jax has no right to be controlling. I am fully capable of taking care of myself. Hell, I lived in the craziest city in the nation for four years, and I got out alive. Barely, but I still did it.
"Okay, you two that's enough-" JJ starts to say.
"What's going on here?"
Not recognizing the voice, I spin around to see who's interrupted me having fun. A woman wearing dark lipstick is walking towards us. She has brown hair, highlighted with blonde, and heavy frown lines. This woman is not someone I have met before. The boys told me there would be no croweaters here tonight. So, why is she?
"Wendy, I didn't know you were stopping by." Jax shifts almost uncomfortably, next to me. I don't want to consider the idea, but this might be a girl Jax is sleeping around with. The thought makes me feel a little bit nauseous.
"You must be new around here. I am Wendy," she says, in a tone that says stay-away-from-my-man. Clearly, no one has informed her of me. Or she wouldn't be taking that tone.
"You would be the new one. I am Casey Winston, old and just returning." I give her a smirk as she frowns when I say my name.
A hand lands on my shoulder, and the rings on it tell me it's Gemma. "Wendy? What are you doing here?"
I grab her hand, giving it a squeeze. Something tells me she intentionally left this girl out when she told me what has been going on in Charming while I was away. Gemma is up to something, and I have a feeling this something is trying to get rid of Wendy.
"I am Jax's wife. Why wouldn't I come?" she sneers, her lips in a frown as if the sight of Gemma and I disgusts her.
I used to laugh at the people who told me words had caused them physical pain. What can someone possibly say to cause another a person physical pain? Well, apparently 'I am Jax's wife' can do just that. My hand immediately goes to my stomach, though my chest received most of the blow. The pain starts in my heart and spreads through my body like wildfire.
"Gemma, I think I am ready to go," I whisper, gazing over my shoulder.
Gemma's eyes are soft, and for the first time in a long time, I see sadness in her eyes. A part of her had always wished Jax, and I would end up married. We would have mini Teller's, and they too would become Son's. Wendy seems to have taken that role from me.
"No, I got her. Why don't you stay at my place? Piney doesn't even know you are back. You will give him a heart attack if you show up in the middle of the night."
JJ puts his hand on the small of my back, guiding me away. I couldn't leave just yet. This, Wendy chick may have my guy, but she isn't going to chase me away from my club.
I turn around staring right at her.
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"I am sure my dad would have loved that," I reply sarcastically. Sliding off my barstool, I plant a kiss on Tiggs' cheek. "I missed you, you perv." I mess with his black, curly hair before walking over to JJ, who is playing pool with Chibs, my favorite man with an accent.
"You forgot your next shot," Juice calls after me.
"Don't worry; I will be back for that." I look over my shoulder and give Juice a wink. He blushes a little, and I can't help but snicker. You have to love the new ones, still untouched by the club. They can be so innocent.
"Tell me baby girl, was Vegas crazy?" JJ slings his arm around my shoulder, and I lean my head against him.
"Oh, you have no idea," I mutter.
"Jason this place is shit. No way you are going to flip. We live in Vegas, a town filled with clubs and bars. Is another one needed?" I don't want to hurt Jason's feelings, but he shouldn't blow his money on something that is going to tank. Not that Jason has a shortage of cash. He is standing in front of me in a suit that probably costs over one grand.
The place he brought me to is covered in old, dusty white sheets. I don't think there have been people here in at least ten to fifteen years. According to the locals, before it ultimately went under, the place went through owner after owner. It apparently has some bad mojo attached to it.
"This bar will have two things all the others don't, you and me," Jason smirks, his pearly white smile almost evil.
"You and me? I didn't put any money into this place!" I walk closer to him narrowing my eyes. I am not sure I like where this was going. "And don't be fooled, you aren't getting a cent out of me."
Jason is a regular of mine at the bar I work out. He tips great, is attractive, brilliant, and has an alluring British accent. Every time he comes into the bar he tells me he sees me in his future, and if I weren't madly in love with someone else, maybe I would think the same.
"I had the idea when I first set my eyes on you," he admits.
"When you first saw me? Quit being a flirt and tell me what you plan to do with this place."
Jason walks up to me grabbing my shoulders. "I am serious, love. We are going to flip this place and make it the best damn bar in this town. I may have already started." His hands cover my eyes. "I have always wanted to open a bar I could call my own. Do you remember what you told me the first night we met?"
"It's been a year; I barely remember how you convinced me to come here with you tonight," I laugh.
"I asked you what brought you to Vegas and you said, "I was running away, but now that I am here I think this place will be my future. I just have to figure out how I am going to it happen." With one hand still over my eyes, he starts guiding me somewhere.
"Jason! Where are we going?!"
"Hush, my story isn't over. In saying that, you made me remember what caused me to come here. I have always wanted to open a bar that imports the best beer from all around the globe right here in Vegas. Then I got here, and I got caught up in the gambling, the shows, and everything else this place has to offer." Jason uncovers my eyes.
We are standing in what looks to be an office. The office has a black and white theme to it, with a splash of red, my favorite color. Sitting on the desk is a picture frame, and the picture happens to be of me with my SOA boys.
In the picture, we are standing in front of all their motorcycles, and none of us have on a serious face. I can't remember what we were laughing at, but I am in a graduation gown, and they are all in their cuts.
"Be my partner, in owning this bar. This place will be profitable, and when you have earned enough to do what you want, you can leave. No strings attached. Though, I highly doubt you will want to leave," Jason leans against the desk, "To convince you I stole that picture you kept in the console of your car and gave it a proper home. On the desk of your new job."
Why would he do this for me? We have been friends for about a year, which isn't long, and before that, I was just his favorite bartender. I refuse to believe his proposition has to do with his feelings for me. Jason and I have hooked up a few times, and he's mentioned wanting commitment. I have run from all of those conversations. So, doing all of this for me would be irrational.
"If you can flip this bar like you have this office, I am in. One condition though, I want the truth. Why are you doing this?" I put my hands on my hips, wanting an honest answer. This is one of these too good to be true moments. Where is the catch?
"I love you Cas, I do. And despite you avoiding being my girlfriend, I think you should give us, and this life we could have a chance. You are wild and free spirited; no one can stop you. I have been living vicariously through you, with all of your crazy stories that you tell. You are the reason I took this leap. Why should I let life stop me? You don't let it stop you!" Jason's green eyes look at me, wondering what my answer will be. His hand brushes over his facial hair; something he does when he is nervous.
I am not in love with Jason. When he hugs me butterflies don't burst through my stomach. If our hands accidentally touch I don't yearn to grab his hand. Don't get me wrong I think Jason is one of the most attractive people I know and there is something there. But, wouldn't it be a mistake for me to date Jason if I still love Jax?
But, Jax isn't here. I left Charming for a reason, and an offer like this will never come around again. Owning a bar would be the perfect job for me.
"Jason, what happens if we date and it doesn't work out?" I contemplate.
"Love, I am never letting you go."
"Cas, earth to my baby girl." JJ is waving his hand in front of my eyes. I snap out of it and look around to see Jax, Juice, and JJ staring at me. Chibs no longer in sight.
"Oh, sorry. I lost my train of thought," I laugh, brushing off the memory; if only I had known what getting into business with Jason would end up like.
"I brought you that shot," Juice smiles, handing me the small glass. I take it, throwing it back like a pro. This prospect better get patched in. He is my favorite one, and I have met a ton of them in my twenty-four years of life.
"How many of those have you had?" Jax asks.
"I don't know, pretty boy. There is no reason to count. When I feel like I am drunk enough, I will stop." I snap at him. His current attitude is killing the mood.
JJ chuckles, thinking our bickering is humorous.
"Juice, don't give her any more," Jax commands, glaring at the prospect. Juice mouths 'sorry' and walks back to the bar.
Jax has no right to be controlling. I am fully capable of taking care of myself. Hell, I lived in the craziest city in the nation for four years, and I got out alive. Barely, but I still did it.
"Okay, you two that's enough-" JJ starts to say.
"What's going on here?"
Not recognizing the voice, I spin around to see who's interrupted me having fun. A woman wearing dark lipstick is walking towards us. She has brown hair, highlighted with blonde, and heavy frown lines. This woman is not someone I have met before. The boys told me there would be no croweaters here tonight. So, why is she?
"Wendy, I didn't know you were stopping by." Jax shifts almost uncomfortably, next to me. I don't want to consider the idea, but this might be a girl Jax is sleeping around with. The thought makes me feel a little bit nauseous.
"You must be new around here. I am Wendy," she says, in a tone that says stay-away-from-my-man. Clearly, no one has informed her of me. Or she wouldn't be taking that tone.
"You would be the new one. I am Casey Winston, old and just returning." I give her a smirk as she frowns when I say my name.
A hand lands on my shoulder, and the rings on it tell me it's Gemma. "Wendy? What are you doing here?"
I grab her hand, giving it a squeeze. Something tells me she intentionally left this girl out when she told me what has been going on in Charming while I was away. Gemma is up to something, and I have a feeling this something is trying to get rid of Wendy.
"I am Jax's wife. Why wouldn't I come?" she sneers, her lips in a frown as if the sight of Gemma and I disgusts her.
I used to laugh at the people who told me words had caused them physical pain. What can someone possibly say to cause another a person physical pain? Well, apparently 'I am Jax's wife' can do just that. My hand immediately goes to my stomach, though my chest received most of the blow. The pain starts in my heart and spreads through my body like wildfire.
"Gemma, I think I am ready to go," I whisper, gazing over my shoulder.
Gemma's eyes are soft, and for the first time in a long time, I see sadness in her eyes. A part of her had always wished Jax, and I would end up married. We would have mini Teller's, and they too would become Son's. Wendy seems to have taken that role from me.
"No, I got her. Why don't you stay at my place? Piney doesn't even know you are back. You will give him a heart attack if you show up in the middle of the night."
JJ puts his hand on the small of my back, guiding me away. I couldn't leave just yet. This, Wendy chick may have my guy, but she isn't going to chase me away from my club.
I turn around staring right at her.
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"That shirt may be ruined?" I say, my voice in an unusual high tone.
Jax drops the shirt and jerks forwards, grabbing the end of my v-neck. I grab hold of his wrists tightly.
"Let go," he growls. That is not happening.
"NO," I hiss through my teeth. The tension between us builds, increasing by the second. Jax is looking down at me, his blue eyes cutting into me and I return his glare, looking up at him. The opening of the door makes us jerk apart.
"I said fifteen minutes, and I was serious. Let's go girly," Gemma cuts in. She looks at us with a satisfied expression on her face. I may be looking at Gemma, but I can still feel Jax's eyes on me.
"I am ready," I smile, walking towards the door.
Jax's clutches my wrist, tugging me beside him so that his mouth is by my ear. Shivers crawl up my spine as he talks. "This conversation isn't over."
I shake him off and trail after Gemma. "I am going to need a shot," I tell her as we walk down the hallway.
"JJ, get my little girl a shot," Gemma yells as we round the corner. Gemma's shouting caused all eyes to be on us as we walk in the room. All my favorite men are in one room, except my father and Opie. A feeling of warmth runs through me. I missed my biker family.
"Did you miss me?" A smile breaks across my face. This feeling is why I came home.
Another shot flows down my throat, and the glass gets slammed against the counter. The new prospect, Juice, grabs the glass to fill it back up. This one knows how to keep a girl happy; keep the alcohol coming.
"I bet the women there were sexy. Long legs, big breasts, and asses that need to be touched," Tiggs tells me. I roll my eyes playfully at him. "I should have visited you, doll."
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"I take it you aren't taking me to my car?" I cross my arms against my chest as we pass the storage place I am keeping all my belongings. Gemma does what she believes is best for the ones she loves, despite what they want. It's frustrating and amiable.
"Sweetheart if you are back for good as you say, then you might as well rip the bandaid off now. You gotta let the boys know you are back," she tells me as she turns on the street the Teller-Morrow garage is on. Gemma is right, there is no reason to prolong the inevitable. Why does she have to be right?
"Fine," I groan, "At least let me go through the back door to the apartment so that I can change. No one needs to see me in a blood covered shirt. The last thing I want is for the boys to worry about me."
Even though Gemma is wearing sunglasses, the way she scoffs tells me she is rolling her eyes. "Honey, you are SOA's little girl. They never stop worrying about you."
We drive into the lot of the Teller-Morrow garage. There are motorcycles everywhere, meaning the boys are here and not out on some job. As soon as we park I am out the door and walking toward the side of the clubhouse, where the back door is, praying it's unlocked.
"You have fifteen minutes to change, and then I am dragging your ass to see everyone," Gemma shouts after me.
I open the back door and see no one is in the hallway. Sneakily, I tip toe to the apartment's door. When I get in there, I hear the shower going. A hot shower sounds perfect right now, but I am on a time crunch.
I try not to make too much noise while I cross the room and rummage through my bag. I pull out a cream v-neck and a pair of black, frayed shorts. The shower water turns off, and I know I don't have much time left to get out of here. I slide out of my short Soffes, put on fresh underwear, a bra, and my shorts.
The bloody SAMCRO t-shirt hits the floor just as the bathroom door opens. Shit. Thankfully my back is to the door, so he can't see my bandage.
"Casey?" Jax chuckles. "What are you doing?"
There he goes using my full name again.
Without having to look at him, I can tell you Jax has one of his charming smirks on his face. Thankfully, the bandaging on my stomach doesn't reach around to my back. No nagging questions if he can't see how bad my injury is. Pulling the v-neck over my head, I turn to him when it is completely covering my wound.
"I slept here last night. I came in too late to go anywhere else," I answer as I turn around seeing him in a towel. His hair is wet, and there are beads of water on his chest. Why couldn't he be fully clothed when I walked in or not here at all?
"Don't you have an extra key to JJ's house? He sleeps like a rock, and he wouldn't have cared if you stayed there," he lets me know, bending over to pick up his shirt I had thrown on the ground. I have an extra key to JJ's and Gemma's, but I wanted last night alone.
"Jax, it's not clean!" I try to grab it from him, but Jax is too quick. When he sees the amount of blood on his t-shirt, his blue eye widen in worry.
Gemma said she told her boys that the doctors were checking my stitches, from a small dog bite, to make sure they weren't infected. That story is now shown to be a complete lie.
"Something you want to tell me darlin'?" Jax looks at me, his jaw clenched out of anger. Oh, so that is what it takes for him to break out of our awkwardness, me getting injured.
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"So you can lock me out and sneak out of one of the windows? Uh-huh, I don't think so. You aren't as clever as you think. I would be a fool to fall for one of your old tricks." With a roll of my eyes, I give in, because if there is one person who doesn't put up with my shit, it's Momma Gemma.
My legs are dangling off the hospital bed; I am anxious to be discharged. However, the doctor won't stop asking me questions. Gemma has left me to fend for myself, in search of more coffee. Or so she said, her phone in her hand when she left makes me think otherwise.
"What hospital did these stitches?" Doctor Carter asks, giving me a look that tells me he isn't pleased with my dodgy answers thus far. Doctor Carter looks fresh out of medical school, untainted by awful, and stressful patients such as myself. If he were on Grey's Anatomy, no doubt he would have earned a nickname for how good looking he is.
"I never said they were done at a hospital, but a doctor did do them," I reply hastily, "Can I, please go now. You already sewed me back up, given me drugs, and lectured me on taking better care of my injuries. I am starting to think you are keeping me around is some strange form of flirting."
Doctor Carter chuckles at my response, which I am surprised by. The point of saying what I did was so he would get annoyed at me and leave the room for my discharge papers. "I take it you don't like hospitals."
"I don't dislike hospitals; I just know there is no reason for me to stay. Additionally, Charming isn't the biggest town; staying any longer would mean word getting around that I am here, and I don't want that."
"She has a point doc. Can we get her out of here?" Gemma questions, walking into the room with two cups of coffee in her hands. Greedily, I grab one from her hand as she sits next to me one the bed. After Gemma saw the blood on my shirt, I hadn't gotten a sip of my coffee she had given me at the club house. Running on four hours of sleep without coffee is torture.
"Alright ladies, I will get those papers to you here in a second." Dr. Carter closes file he has on me in front of him and leaves us be. Finally, he stops asking questions. If Gemma hadn't of come in, I think he would have held me, hostage, here even longer.
"You took a long time to get coffee." I look over at Gemma giving her an I-know-you-are-up-to-something look.
Before Gemma can answer, I hear a nurse yell. "No running!" And in that second I knew just what she had done.
"You didn't!" I protest, standing up. I slam my coffee down on the tray next to me, sprinkles of it landing on my arm.
"One of us had to." Gemma smiles, not a trace of guilt in her voice.
Within seconds Jax and JJ Teller are standing in the doorway, almost out of breath. I take a deep breath before looking their way.
"Mom are you...Casey?" JJ's face breaks out into the biggest smile. JJ was the second older brother I never asked for but was grateful to have. He comes towards me, about to engulf me in a bear hug.
"Ah no! I just got restitched!" I shout, protectively placing my hands over my stomach.
JJ grabs the sides of my face and plants a kiss on my forehead. "How long have you been home? Why didn't you call and tell me? Are you okay?" he asks, his blue eyes boring into me.
Looking away from him, I glare down at Gemma. "I can't believe you told them I was in the hospital."
"She didn't." Jax interrupts, still standing in the doorway. His arms cross over his chest; I can't tell if he is angry or upset, but he is one of the two.
I take a big gulp at the sound of his voice. Hard to believe it's been four years since I have set eyes on Jax. Saying goodbye to him was one of the hardest things I have ever done. Didn't help that it was a spur of the moment decision, that no one saw coming.
"They asked why I wasn't at work. I just told the boys I was at the hospital and gave them a room number," she explained with a smirk.
Typical Gemma, never giving me a choice when it came to her sons. She was well aware I didn't want to be reunited with anyone right away. I had told her to drop me off at my car once we left, and to clean up my stuff in the back apartment. I had decided there were some things I wanted to do before seeing my father and the rest of them again.
"Then she didn't answer our calls after that," JJ says, letting go of my face and looking over at his mother.
"JJ, will you help me track Dr. Carter down? Casey is just itching to get out of here." Gemma stands up, grabbing her big leather purse.
If I didn't love her, I would have some not very nice things to say about her right now. She is just trying to get Jax and me alone. JJ, oblivious to the whole thing, agreed to help. "Don't go running on us again Crazy," he calls out, leaving me alone with the one man I was not prepared to see.
When they were gone, I sat back down on the bedding, knowing there was no way out of this situation. "Guess I don't get a hug." I joke.
Jax squats down in front of me, bringing his fingers to my chin. He pulls my face, up to look at him directly in the eyes. "How long are you staying, Casey?"
I bit my bottom lip. Jax doesn't call me by my full first name, maybe a nickname or 'darlin', but never my full name. The seriousness in his voice makes me cringe. All of this was my fault, our now strange relationship. Things had happened, and I just left. Instead of working my problems out, I fled.
"I am back Jax, for good," I tell him. Jax looks deeply into my blue-gray eyes, giving me chills.
His fingers fall from my chin, he stands up, never taking his eyes off of me. "Okay."
That is all he says before leaving the room. I watch him go and wonder what the hell I was thinking when I left him behind.
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I groan, rolling over to see what time it is. A loud noise had woken me up, and I was finding it hard to believe I had slept more than an hour.
My stomach surges in pain; the hydros I took last night, before the drive here, have completely worn off. Sitting up, I lift the SAMCRO shirt up to see my bandages are still in place and there are no blood stains. That's a good sign; my stitches held.
Six in the morning already? Already, how? Throwing the warm covers off of me, I force myself out of bed. Four hours of sleep will have to do. I quickly throw my long, ash-brown hair in a messy bun, put a pair of tiny black Soffe shorts on, and walk out of the back apartment. The smell of coffee hovers in the air as I make my way towards the bar. There, fiddling with the coffee machine is a woman I have missed dearly.
"Wanna make me a cup while you're at it, Gem?" I ask, the corners of my lips turning into a smile.
Gemma jumps at the sound of my voice, dropping the coffee mug she has in her hand. "Son of a bitch," she shouts, the glass mug breaking against the floor.
I bit my bottom lip, to keep from laughing at her. She turns around and looks at me like she has seen a ghost.
"Don't tell me you have forgotten me? It has only been four years," I tease. I walk over to her, with my arms open. I expect a hug from the woman I am closer to than my mother.
"With all the stunts you have pulled over the years, I don't think it would be possible to forget you. Get over here baby girl." Gemma commands, with her hands on her hips.
She steps over the glass and walks toward me. There's the Gemma I know. The woman who comes to work in a leather jacket, nice jeans, and black boots every day; despite the fact she works behind the desk at an auto repair shop. She doesn't take anyone's shit, and all the men here respect her. Gemma is the ideal image of an old lady.
I wrap my arms around her tightly, ignoring the stabbing pain in my abdomen. "How long are you here for?" Gemma pulls away and bends down to start picking up the shards of glass.
"I am thinking forever," I tell her, helping to scoop up the last few pieces of glass. At this point, searing pain is cutting through me. Considering I had just gotten stitched up hours before driving here, bending down wasn't something I should probably be doing.
"Forever huh? I am sure my boys were happy to hear that." Gemma stands up throwing the glass pieces in the trash behind the bar. She turns back to me and sticks out her hands for the glass I am holding.
"Yeah... they don't know yet. No one knows I am here, well except you." I mumble, taking a seat on one of the bar stools. Gemma laughs under her breath while pouring coffee into two mugs she took out from a cabinet behind the bar.
"You, sweetheart, have not changed one bit. Coming and going without saying a word to anyone, doing whatever that pretty little head of yours wants to do." She slides a steaming hot cup of coffee my way, with a smile on her face.
I can't say I have changed, that would be a big fat lie. To me, life is all about living right then and thinking it over later. Sure that motto has gotten me in trouble more times than I can count, but no one can ever say Casey Winston led a boring life.
"You know me, Gemma, living for the now and not regretting it later," I wink, "I am going to grab some creamer from the fridge in the back, want any?"
I jump to the floor and start heading to the kitchen. "Honey, you need to learn to drink it black. That is how coffee is supposed to be."
I turn to face her, cocking one eyebrow. "Just because that's-"
"Casey your bleeding!" Gemma exclaims, rushing over to me, instantly turning into a concerned mother.
Oh shit. I guess that explains the excruciating pain when I was bending over. I had tried my hardest to ignore the discomfort, not wanting Gemma to get suspicious. But, it never occurred to me that the pain could be from my wound reopening.
As Gemma tries to pull my shirt up, to inspect where the blood is coming from, I grab her arms. "Gemma, it's nothing. Really-"
She slaps my hands away. Gemma gasps at the sight of the white gauze, now stained with blood, wrapped around the front of my lower body. "Nothing? If I pull this thing off am I going to find stitches underneath. And don't you lie to me Cas."
Now that I have officially caught, maybe telling the semi-truth would be a good idea. "Yes MOM, you will, but it's okay. I am okay! Let me just clean the blood up." As I try to move away from her, she grabs my shoulder tightly.
"We are going to the hospital. I should have an extra pair of shoes in the car, let's go." Gemma points at the club house's front door with her best don't-mess-with-me look.
"I am not wearing a bra or underwear. Can I please change?" I suggest, not budging.
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I groan, rolling over to see what time it is. A loud noise had woken me up, and I was finding it hard to believe I had slept more than an hour.
My stomach surges in pain; the hydros I took last night, before the drive here, have completely worn off. Sitting up, I lift the SAMCRO shirt up to see my bandages are still in place and there are no blood stains. That's a good sign; my stitches held.
Six in the morning already? Already, how? Throwing the warm covers off of me, I force myself out of bed. Four hours of sleep will have to do. I quickly throw my long, ash-brown hair in a messy bun, put a pair of tiny black Soffe shorts on, and walk out of the back apartment. The smell of coffee hovers in the air as I make my way towards the bar. There, fiddling with the coffee machine is a woman I have missed dearly.
"Wanna make me a cup while you're at it, Gem?" I ask, the corners of my lips turning into a smile.
Gemma jumps at the sound of my voice, dropping the coffee mug she has in her hand. "Son of a bitch," she shouts, the glass mug breaking against the floor.
I bit my bottom lip, to keep from laughing at her. She turns around and looks at me like she has seen a ghost.
"Don't tell me you have forgotten me? It has only been four years," I tease. I walk over to her, with my arms open. I expect a hug from the woman I am closer to than my mother.
"With all the stunts you have pulled over the years, I don't think it would be possible to forget you. Get over here baby girl." Gemma commands, with her hands on her hips.
She steps over the glass and walks toward me. There's the Gemma I know. The woman who comes to work in a leather jacket, nice jeans, and black boots every day; despite the fact she works behind the desk at an auto repair shop. She doesn't take anyone's shit, and all the men here respect her. Gemma is the ideal image of an old lady.
I wrap my arms around her tightly, ignoring the stabbing pain in my abdomen. "How long are you here for?" Gemma pulls away and bends down to start picking up the shards of glass.
"I am thinking forever," I tell her, helping to scoop up the last few pieces of glass. At this point, searing pain is cutting through me. Considering I had just gotten stitched up hours before driving here, bending down wasn't something I should probably be doing.
"Forever huh? I am sure my boys were happy to hear that." Gemma stands up throwing the glass pieces in the trash behind the bar. She turns back to me and sticks out her hands for the glass I am holding.
"Yeah... they don't know yet. No one knows I am here, well except you." I mumble, taking a seat on one of the bar stools. Gemma laughs under her breath while pouring coffee into two mugs she took out from a cabinet behind the bar.
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I open the creaky fence door that I thankfully still had a key to, to see the Teller-Morrow Body Shop. The auto repair shop seems dull at two in the morning, but during the day there isn't a second of silence. Between The Son's motorcycles coming and going, the body shop workers hollering at the crow eaters as they are walking by shaking their hips, and of course Gemma always running about keeping the place in order, the clubhouse is an orchestra of loud noises. Damn, I have truly missed this place.
My knee-high, black boots squeak against the slightly dampened concrete. It had been off and on raining the whole drive, from Las Vegas to Charming. I may love the rain, but people drive like idiots in it. There is a difference in driving cautiously and driving like a dumbass, but the people on the highway around didn't seem to know that.
There wasn't a motorcycle in sight, meaning tonight I will have the whole back apartment part of the clubhouse to myself. Unlocking the clubhouse door, I let out a yawn. I am about to crash real hard after I strip out of these clothes.
The familiar smell of cigarettes and booze linger the air, and looking around I notice the place hasn't changed. Without a second thought, I pass by the bar/pool table area and make my way to the back hallway.
Gemma and I used to help spruce the place up after parties, and come the next day it would be a dirty mess again. We cleaned up after every event as if one day those boys would keep it that way, never happened.
I laugh at the memories while swinging the door to the back apartment open. This place was more of a home to me my senior year of high school than my actual home. Jax and I would get drunk and pass out back here because I knew if I went home my mom would be pissed. Then she would yell at my dad for raising shut a 'terrible daughter'.
"Darlin', Piney is not going to be happy if I don't get you home," Jax says to me as he pulls me toward his bike.
I take a sip of the beer in my free hand, I burst out in laughter. Jax could attempt to take me home all he wants, but there is no way I am going home. "I think he would rather me cause trouble here than cause issues at home. Don't be a mood killer Jax. I've only had a couple of beers."
Jax stops walking, giving up on trying to get me on the back of his motorcycle. He runs his fingers through his long blonde hair, shaking his head at me. We both know he can't say no to me, almost no one can. They could certainly try, but I end up doing what I want in the end, regardless of what other people tell me to do. Giving him my famous smirk, the one I give most people before I cause trouble, I start walking back to the clubhouse.
"No problems tonight, Cas," He warns with a chuckle. Silly Jax, trouble is my middle name.
"Alright, darlin' you have had enough," Jax insists, taking the shot Chibs had poured me.
"Ughhh why do you always have to get in the way of my funnnn? Chibs and I was...I mean were talking about...what were we talking about?" I ask, signaling for my favorite Irish man to get me another drink.
Jax rolls his eyes at me and picks me up off the stool I am sitting on. Throwing me over his shoulder, the Teller boy walks me away from the bar.
Chibs laughs at me as I pound my fists on Jax's back. "Jackie boy, ya take care of my crazy little gurl, ya hear!" He shouts after us. I blow Chibs a kiss before we enter the back hallway, out of sight.
"Here we are darlin'." Jax sets me on the bed gently and starts pulling my shoes off.
"Jax don't leave tonight. Okay?" I whisper to him. When my last shoe is off, I crawl to the top of the bed and get under the covers.
Jax pulls his SAMCRO t-shirt off and throws it my way. I love sleeping in his shirts, they smell amazing and are comfier than any pj's I have ever owned. I pull my black tank top off and replace it with his t-shirt. My jean shorts come off next, not even caring that Jax is standing right next to the bed.
"Really Cas?" Jax turns his back to me, sliding his jeans off.
"Calmmm down, it's not like I don't have panties on." I giggle, slightly blushing at him when he turns to look at me. The fact he is shirtless, and in immaculate shape doesn't help the deepening color of my cheeks.
I snuggle into the covers, laying my head on the nearest pillow. My blue eyes never leave him as he takes the spot in bed next to me.
Jax Teller is my best friend. When I do stupid things, he somehow gets me out of them. Every time I need saving from the police or my drunk self he is there in a heartbeat
"Nighty night, pretty boy." Jax rolls his eyes at my nickname for him. It's hard not to call him that when every girl drools over him. He is like Prince Charming of this town.
"Goodnight, darlin."
I fall asleep with a smile on my face.
I open the top drawerto the dresser next to the bed and see it is full of worn SAMCRO t-shirts. I bring one up to my nose, inhaling the familiar scent of Jax Teller. The guys have rooms of their own, and this back apartment is typically left open for me, or another female guest who isn't sleeping with one of the boys. But, it seems Jax made himself at home after I left for college.
Quickly I slither out of my clothes and into the t-shirt. The exhaustion from the journey has worn me down. I am ready to sleep until tomorrow. Watch out Charming, Crazy Casey is back.
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