#damian priest series
buckysdolls · 1 year
Your Archer of Infamy (Priest x You) Series
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Chapter 1
The windscreen wipers were frantically leaping left to right fighting off the rain that was lashing against your windshield screen. Twelve years of driving and you’re a hundred percent sure this was the worst weather you’d ever driven in, not to mention you felt the pressures of being even more cautious than usual as Rhea was in the car with you. You and Rhea had been friends since 2017 when Rhea joined the company. You were older than her by three years and as soon as you were introduced to each other your personalities clicked. That’s why you made such a great tag team, best friends in the ring, best friends out the ring. You and Rhea tried to drown the sound out of the rain with your singing.
“Out the curtain, lights go up, I'm home..”
“WHOA!” Both you and Rhea belted out Downstrait’s ‘Kingdom’, Cody Rhodes’ entrance song. Your phone chimed, it was a photo message from Damian. As you were driving, Rhea opened it up for you, the photo was of Damian, Finn and Dom waiting in the hotel. 
“When are you two going to stop messing about and just do it?” Rhea blurted out, questioning the chemistry that lingered between you and Damian.
“Straight to the point as ever Rhea” Your exhale turning to laughter.
“We’re all just waiting for it to happen.”
“So am I” Your honesty had Rhea in stitches. She turned the music down that was on full blast to answer a video call she was receiving.
“Who is it?” You asked, wanting to look over but you knew you had to keep your eyes on the road. A chorus of ‘Hi’s’ told you it was Balor, Dom and Priest. 
“ETA?” Balor asked, Rhea looked over at your phone’s navigation app.
“Two minutes, we’re just round the corner.” Rhea replied. 
“Has she crashed yet?” Dom liked to pick on you, he was like a little brother to you. You constantly had playful back and forth spats with each other. 
“Fuck you Dom” keeping your eyes on the road you gave him the middle finger which Rhea pointed the camera at so Dom could see. As Rhea hung up you pulled into the parking lot of the hotel, you both looked at each other and nodded as if you knew what each other was thinking. You both threw open the car doors, slamming them shut. Both of you hastily ran to the boot and grabbed whatever bags there were in an attempt to get as little wet as possible from the rain. Heads down to avoid the rain slapping into your faces as the heavy wind pushed it in your direction you both legged it over to the entrance, dropping the bags as soon as you were in the clear from the rain.
“That’s disgusting” You turned to Rhea gesturing to the rain.
“You got us here safely though” Rhea emphasised the word ‘safely’ loudly in an attempt to grab Dom’s attention as the three of them sat on comfortable leather chairs, their backs to the pair of you. They were waiting for you and Rhea to check in and change so you could all head to the gym together.
You and Rhea headed over to the front desk, as Rhea checked in Grayson Waller had approached you. He’d been trying for a while now, vying for your attention and you wondered how long he would keep up with it. You raised your eyebrows at him as if to question what he wanted, to which he just responded with a smirk, licking his lower lip and continuing to chew his gum. 
From afar, Priest watched the interaction. He wasn’t a fan of it, his knuckles were turning white from the hard grip he had on the arm of the chair. He knew you were well liked and often the desires of many lads in the locker room when the topic of conversation was the female roster. He couldn’t blame them though. You were genuinely one of the sweetest girls but for everyone else the talk was superficial, it was always your looks, to him he cared more about how you reflected the same rockstar lifestyle he lived. Thankful for all your opportunities. Trying to be the best version of yourself. Being happy. The look was just a bonus in the neatly wrapped up package. Balor and Dom noticed where Priest’s attention was currently drawn too, Waller rubbing his hand up and down your arm.
“Tell her bro!” Dom yelled into a whisper. Within an instant Dom’s attention was on Balor and Dom.
“Nah. I’m eleven years older than her, I’ll just be holding her back” Priest slumped back in his chair trying not to look over.
“Sounds like some bullshit excuse to me” Balor coughed in between each word. 
As Waller touched your arm you looked at it, as you did you tried to steal a glance over at Priest using your peripheral vision, you were hoping he was looking in your direction and to your pleasure he was. You adored Priest, you wanted him badly. He always gave you signals like touches and comments that told you it was reciprocated but he never acted up on it. You knew it was an ignorant thing to be doing but you tried to use the attention from other guys to get some sort of reaction out of him. 
“Can’t wait to see you in action tonight.” Waller’s attempt to flirt with you was cringeworthy but you smiled to play along.
“We can take the action back to my room later if you wanted?”
Internally you were gagging and trying not to let your face screw up into a ball in reaction to the cringe comments leaving his mouth. Overhearing the comments Rhea stepped in trying to save you from any more painful Waller interaction.
“Beat it Waller” Rhea rolled her eyes.
“Charming as always Rhea” Waller brought his hand up to his chest as if her words wounded him.
“I’m serious, we’ve got better things to do Grayson” Rhea turned you around so your back was to Waller and although you were finding it hilarious because of Rhea’s bluntness you mouthed ‘thank you’ to her. 
“Check-in” She whispered in your ear before grabbing her bags and walking away to the boys. 
“Think about my offer, yeah?” Waller said as he backed away.
You breathed deeply to regain your composure.
“Hi, I’d like to check in please?”
“Welcome, absolutely, what is the name on the reference?”
You gave the lady behind the counter your name and booking reference, her lips rolled thinly and her eyebrows furrowed as if she was confused. You observed her closely as she kept tapping and scrolling. She’d occasionally look up with apprehension on her face, as she looked at your smile. 
“I’m sorry Miss, it seems there has been a mix up with your booking. The room has been double booked.” 
“How does that even happen?” You huffed in disbelief.
“I’m not sure…” The lady was dumbfounded, as she looked up at you with regret. You weren’t one to yell, it wasn't her fault. 
“Any more rooms available?” You questioned hopefully.
The lady shook her head and pursed her lips outwards “ I’m afraid not, we’re fully booked because of the show. Neighbouring hotels are fully booked too. I could explain your situation to the current occupants and ask if they would mind vacating the room offering them a free stay another time?.”
You shook your head smiling kindly at the lady. 
“That won't be necessary. Could you just make sure you refund me the room please?” You could tell the lady really appreciated your level of calmness, you were almost certain she was used to being yelled at in situations like this.
“Of course, miss. Once again our apologies for this mix up and thank you for being so kind about it”
Turning your back to the counter, you huffed and rubbed your eyes in frustration before making your way over to the group.
“What’s with the long face?” Dom asked. 
“ I don’t have a room, they gave my room to someone else” You flopped over the arms of the chair Damian was sitting on so you were laid across him, letting your body go limp. 
“Shit. I’ve got Buddy staying tonight…” Rhea replied implying she couldn’t offer you space as her boyfriend would need the room. You pulled yourself up like a sit up  then dropped yourself onto the lap of Damian.
“It’s fine, I'll sleep out here. We only ever get five hours of sleep on the road anyway. Zero hours tonight won't hurt. Beside its comfortable”
“It’s only comfortable because you’re sitting on Damian” Dom pointed at the pair of you, You turned to look at Priest who was smirking at you which in turn made the corners of your lips curl upwards. Your eyes darted quickly between his dark eyes and lips, likewise he copied you. You could both sense the tension between you as you’d both forgotten where you were as silence filled the air. 
“I aint complaining” Priest broke first and spoke up, his hands in the air. You refocused, turning back to face everyone else.
“Thanks for stating the obvious Dom” your sarcasm causing everyone to snicker. Priest put one arm round the back of you to lean on your waist.
“Take my bed, I can take the floor for a night” Priest said. You turned to look at Priest, you couldn’t help but look at him lovingly. 
“I can’t do that” 
“I’m not letting you sleep out here on your own” Damian’s other hand gravitated to your leg, settling in between your thighs. 
“This makes me sick” Dom joked as you looked down at the hand. Damian followed your gaze and instantly removed his hand and pushed up to make you both stand up. 
“C’mon let's go.” Priest ignored you as he walked past as if to pretend he didn’t just have you sat on him, his hand grazing your inner thigh..
“Meet here in ten yeah?” Rhea asked and everyone nodded in agreement. You followed behind Damian up to his room. 
The day had dashed by, you were now alone with Priest in the hotel room. You opened the bathroom door to see him in his boxers and you in the only bedtime clothes you had, your lingerie, you weren’t expecting having to share a room with anyone okay! Sometimes pyjamas aren’t needed! You sighed quietly, trying to maintain your composure seeing Damian this way. 
“I’m sorry I dont have pyjamas otherwise I’d wear them” You became nervous as you walked towards Priest, you weren’t sure if you were nervous because you were suddenly overcome with anxiety with how you looked or if it was because Priest made you nervously giddy.
“No need to apologise 
“Like what you see?” Priest’s low gruff voice asked you. Priest was astounded by you, only asking you that question because he liked what he saw.  You rolled your eyes in amusement.
“It’s alright I suppose” You shrugged your shoulders
You watched as Priest laid down on the floor and grabbed the blanket off the bed, his actions confusing you. 
“You’re not actually sleeping there are you?” Priest folded his arms behind his head to lean on, his muscles tensing making your self control even weaker as he just gazed up at you.
“I dunno? Am I?” Reverse psychology… good one you thought. You dropped on to the bed telling Damian to get in. You didn’t need to tell him twice and he was up onto the bed and settled next to you. You turned over to face him, your faces inches apart, all Priest wanted to do was pull you into him and on top of him, his hands grabbing at your ass as you kissed intensely over and over again, him manoeuvring your body to grind against him.
“What do you think of Waller?” His thoughts shattered instantly. Why were you asking him about Waller? Not wanting to let you know he was confused or disappointed, he shrugged his shoulders. 
“Seems fine” Damian’s reply was blunt. 
“I think he wants to go on a date..”
“Enjoy it” Damian smiled and quickly turned over like he was giving you the cold shoulder. He was… he didn’t want to hear about your feelings towards Waller, not that you actually had any. Your reasoning in bringing Waller up had the intention of making Damian jealous and maybe get him to admit his feeling so you could too but his responses had you feeling that your desired outcome had failed.
During the night Damian was woken by your slow movement of turning over and placing your arm over his midsection, curling up to him and resting your forehead on his back. He didn’t want to wake you so he let you cuddle up to him. Was he really going to let someone like Waller get to you before he could?
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rheasbrvtality · 10 months
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and stole the man’s glasses
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rawsmackdownnxtdivas · 10 months
The Judgment Day
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r-truth · 10 months
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Dominik gasped into his pillow. He wouldn’t cry, he wouldn’t cry because of this. It would be so stupid to cry, when he asked for this. He sniffled, and wrapped his blanket tighter around him.
The room was dark and quiet, a stark contrast from earlier when the stadium was filled with hundreds of people screaming at him that he fucked up. He didn’t realize how much worse the boos and the chants could get.
He wasn’t going to cry. He wasn’t going to cry.
“Hey Dom, did you bring…” the light of the hallway hurt a little as Damian barged into the room. “Dawg, you good?”
“Yeah.” Dom said, voice a little shaky and definitely scratchy. “What do you need?”
He should’ve booked another place to stay for the night. After the night they had, he had no desire to look at anyone especially Damian.
“Doesn’t matter.” Damian replied. “I told you it wasn’t a good idea man.”
Dominik nodded his head slightly into the pillow, “I know.”
He heard Damian tsk under his breathe and mutter, “Why doesn’t anyone listen to me.” Then he was walking away down the hallway of their rental.
“Close the door at least.” Dominik hissed. It was bad enough Priest saw him like this, he couldn’t bear it if…
“Domdom?” Mami’s accent was think with sleep. “Whats going on?”
“Nothing Mami.” Dom couldn’t even look at her.
The bed creaked as she sat down next to him. Her hand ran through his hair. “We don’t have to do this.”
Dominik sighed, “I know.”
Rhea tugged his hair a little, enough to signal that he should lift his head up, which he did. “I’m serious. I don’t need any more proof and I don’t need to know the rest of what they’re planning to do. I believe you, and I believe in us. We can just beat Finn and JD’s asses, and I can take down Liv during a title match.” She makes him look into her eyes, “You don’t need to let her harass you, and you don’t need to cause yourself more pain to get them to trust you.”
“They hurt you once Mami.” Dominik protested, “I won’t let them get to you again.”
Rhea sighed, “But I don’t want to hurt you baby. And even though you knew it was gonna happen, what happened tonight hurt you. I can’t imagine how you’re going to feel, next week or the week after or however long it takes. Especially if we have to fake breaking up, I don’t want you to deal with this on your own.”
Dominik grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips for a peck. “I know I’m not alone. Carlito will be around, and while I don’t think he realizes the civil war he walked into he wouldn’t let anything happen to me.”
Rhea nodded, “He better not. Or I’ll be his worst nightmare.”
“And I’ll punish him.” Dom and Rhea turned to see Damian with ice cream and spoons, “I figure this week might be the last time we can hang like this for a while. Who wants to have a slumber party?”
Rhea smiled and pulled Dominik tighter to her so Damian could get in on the other side of him, “Movie?”
Damian handed her a spoon, “Only if we watch something other than horror.”
“Oh come on.” Rhea complained.
Dominik snickered, “We should watch a rom com.”
Rhea poked him in the side, “You’re trying to kill me.”
Damian snorted, “A rom com won’t kill you.”
“It might.” Rhea argued.
Dominik reached around for the remote to the tv in the room. “Yeah, it might. Disney?”
Damian groaned, “No. If we watch one more musical I might explode.”
“Not every Disney movie is a musical.” Dom argued.
“I don’t care. I don’t trust you… to not pick a musical.” Damian trailed for a second when he noticed the minuscule flinch Dom had at a lack of trust. “You know what, of course I trust you. You’re my boy, and I will ALWAYS trust you.” He emphasized his point, just like he did during the weekend to sell growing tension to Finn and JD. “No musicals, but just pick.”
Rhea nodded digging into the ice cream. “Pick Domdom.”
Dom pursed his lips, “You know what. Not Disney. I have a better idea…”
He found the movie in Netflix.
“Aww yeah man.” Damian laughed.
Rhea smiled.
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mrawkweird · 10 months
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The 3rd Street Judgment Day in this bitch.
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call-me-a-simp · 1 year
Heal My Wounds Series
Tw: physical and sexual abuse, toxic relationship, selfharm, eating disorder
Summary: You are in a toxic relationship with an abusive man but manage to run away. A tall, black haired woman picks you up from the streets just in time so your ex doesn't get you. But who is she and why does she seem so familiar to you? As you get to know each other you start to notice weird feelings you never had before whenever she's around.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Finished Story! Total Word count: 27.270
Except if you have more ideas 😉🤭
387 notes · View notes
dynamitekansai · 10 months
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133 notes · View notes
420jimmyuso · 10 months
literally WHAT was the reason for this other than wanting to touch him ???😭 .. running his hand down to the back of his neck oh ur shameless
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fallenstarwitch · 10 months
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Judgement Day - Survivor Series 2023
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itsrheasgirl · 1 year
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Chapter 2 for Forbidden Love series. The Forbidden Love series follows a relationship between Rhea x Reader.
The Reader has a strong friendship with Liv Morgan.
Liv is in love with The Reader but hasn’t told them.
rhea x reader
rhea x liv x reader.
mentions of damian x reader.
TW: coarse language, aggressive actions and mild violence, mionors read at own risk.
(The song rhea and reader dance to)
@rheasbaee @riverscyberwife @you-got-me-star-lost-16 @innagnv @bittersweetastoria @chillinbri @call-me-a-simp @sithfar @rooskaya-yelena @half-of-a-gay @teenagedramaqueenlisa @gabrielleskyelar @hit-the-dirt-and-get-back-on @bl0w-m3 @l0v3e1i
She retains!
You were already on your feet, bouncing up and down at Raquel’s side as the referee held up Rhea’s arm to solidify her win. The smackdown women’s championship clasped tightly in her other palm as she acknowledged the roaring crowd.
“Aaaand stiiiiill!”
You screamed into Raquel’s face, a small laugh parting your lips as she took a small step back with a chuckle of her own. She could see the pride in your eyes and the excitement on your face, witnessing Rhea’s win brought out such a warm glow in you that Raquel couldn’t help the large grin that claimed her lips as she realized just how much Rhea actually meant to you.
Your gaze scanned quickly around the room before returning your attention to Raquel, your brow furrowing slightly when you realized what was missing.
“Wait.. Where’s Liv?”
Had she not come back?
Raquel’s palms rest down on your shoulders as your gaze flit around the room in panic, her voice quietly sounding in your eardrums as she pulled your focus to her.
“Y/N, hey.. I’ll find Liv..”
Raquel glanced over your shoulders, her lips twitching into a soft grin as she watched the small crowd form to greet Rhea. You should be greeting the woman you loved, showing her the congratulations she deserved and not worrying about Liv. She shouldn’t be your focus right now.
Raquel gave your shoulders a soft pat before jerking her head in the direction of the curtains where the champion was set to emerge from, swiftly turning you round to face the right way and gently pushing you forward.
“Go to her.”
You utter, digging the soles of your shoes into the ground.
“I’ll find Liv, just go.”
Gently trapping at your back, Raquel whispered go go go as she encouraged you forward, remaining in place until she was sure you wouldn’t turn around.
As you got closer to the collection of people you paused in your tracks, glancing back over your shoulder in Raquel’s direction. Her lips curving into a soft smile as she shook her head, a gentle jerk of her chin causing you to turn back round just as the curtains parted.
You’d been in this situation before, having to stand by and watch as Rhea disappeared into a sea of people. Meeting her gaze as she tossed her hair back out of her face, you offer the warmest of smiles in Rhea’s direction— everything seeming all too familiar. Your gaze dropped, only for a few seconds but as you looked back up you’re met with an unexpected sight.
Rhea had already made her way through half the people waiting to congratulate her, showing all acknowledgment but not stopping to talk. Her sapphire hues hadn’t left you once as her lips twitched into a playful smirk. She was getting her moment with you and she didn’t care who saw.
“Hey superstar.”
Rhea’s tongue licked at her teeth as an eat shit grin claimed her lips, the last time you’d called her that and how that night transpired playing over in her head as her muscular forearms wrapped around your waist. The weight of her title cascading your spine as she lifted you up off the ground, your legs instinctively wrapping around her waist as she held onto you.
“You’re a winner, baby.”
You whisper into Rhea’s neck, her throat vibrating as she laughed softly against your cheek. The delicate flutter of her lashes tickling against your skin as you relished in the few moments you had together.
“It’s all because of you.”
She uttered as she pulled back to look at you— her make up was half missing and her features red from exhaustion, but she still found the energy to be sickeningly sweet. Your brow arched as you cupped one of her cheeks, your legs dropping back down to the ground.
“Oh really?”
Your palm fell from Rhea’s cheek quickly— remembering where you were, who was watching. Poking a singular finger into the centre of Rhea’s chest, a coy smirk claimed your lips as you stare up at her through thick full lashes.
“Thinking of you...”
Rhea hummed, wrapping the fingers of her free palm slowly around your own.
“It makes me….”
Her lips parting to allow her tongue room to coax over her upper lip, her crystal gaze shimmering with dominance.
Playfully snapping her teeth in your direction, you pull your finger free from her hold to slap your palm down against her shoulder. She couldn’t be flirting with you like this around so many people. Suppressing your laugh as Rhea reacts in faux shock to your gentle slap, you reach up on to your tiptoes and lean in enough for your whisper to be heard.
“We can play later, Mami.”
- - - - - - - - - - -
Leaning against the hotel bar you waited patiently for the rest of your group to arrive, under Bianca’s instruction you’d reluctantly agreed to join the champions on their night out. Everyone flew home tomorrow and it was your last chance to spend time with the girls for god knows how long, but part of you wanted something different.
Slender fingers wrapping around the stem of a champagne flute, you gently twirl the sparkling liquid round and round the glass as the sound of heavy footsteps approached behind you.
“Hey, kiddo.”
There was only one person in the world that called you kiddo— and as much as it bugged you, you still let him. Your lips twitching into a playful smile, you span round on your heels to face the gigantic male. Damian towered over you. Just like he did most of the people around the bar, his muscular arms wrapping around your waist as you beamed up at him.
“Hey, big guy.”
Catching the attention of the bartender, Damian ordered himself a drink before releasing you from his hold and taking a seat on an open barstool.
“So, I didn’t expect to see you again so soon.”
A small laugh vibrates in your chest as you lean back against the bar top, craning your neck over to meet Damian’s gaze. The broad smile that claimed his lips had your brow arching slightly— bringing the champagne to your lips, you take a small sip.
“Did she tell you I was here?”
Your tongue swiped over your lower lip to catch a small bead of liquor as Damian chuckled, bringing his own glass up to his lips in order to knock back the amber liquid.
“It was Dom, actually.”
Of course it was.
“So you came all this way. Just to see her?”
Taking another sip from your glass, you flash Damian a weary look. You had no doubt in your mind he already knew all about you and Rhea— she’d told Dom enough for him to put the pieces together so why would he be any different.
“Something like that.”
You shot Damian a cheeky wink before downing the remainder of the sparkling liquid in your glass, placing the empty vessel down onto the bar top before pushing off the wood to stand upright. It couldn’t be much longer before the rest of your night out crew arrived right?
Damian chuckled. Motioning to the bartender with the wave of his finger, her ordered two shots of tequila before shifting his gaze back to you.
“Just try and keep it down this time.”
Your eyes widen in shock at the words that fell from Damian’s lips, the color of your cheeks flushing to a soft magenta as you collided your palms with your face.
“No.. nooo no no.. noo.”
You uttered into your palms, the embarrassment washing over you like a tidal wave.
A throat chuckle echoed from Damian’s direction as his broad palm moved to pat gently against your shoulder, to embarrassed to look up you remain hidden in the safety of your hands.
“Don’t worry kiddo, I’ve seen the way she looks at you. It was only a matter of time.”
Peeking through your fingers at the comforting smile that claimed Damian’s lips, you gently lower your palms and try so desperately to act as nonchalant as possible.
You scoffed a laugh, shaking your head gently as Damian continued to chuckle under his breath. It made your heart flutter at the idea of just how Rhea looked at you, if Damian had seen it then this had been happening for a while.
“But listen..”
Damian stated. His tone slightly more firm.
“Rhea is hard as nails, but Demi..”
You can see the passion flair behind Damian’s eyes as he spoke, the care he had for Rhea dominant in his voice as he spoke.
“Demi falls. So if this is just some fun for you and you hurt her.”
Your palms are immediately on Damian’s chest, your feet arching up on your tiptoes so you can gain some height in order for you to lower your voice.
He cuts you off, his tone authoritative and stern.
“She’s like a sister to me, Y/N. I care about her and I won’t let you break her.”
You thump your fist gently against his chest.
“Will you let me finish.”
Damian chuckles, raising both his palms into the air in surrender. Inhaling a long breath, you nip at your lower lip. Your friends were finding out more about your relationship with Rhea this weekend than she knew herself. Flattening out your palm against Damian’s chest once more, you look straight up to meet his gaze.
“Damian, I love her.”
It was the first time you’d said it out loud. Actually heard the words in your own ears. You love her.
Damian’s features relaxed, his demeanor softening as he reached out to take the shot glass within his lengthy fingers, motioning for you to take the other.
“We’ll then, this one’s too Bennett.”
Your lips twitch into a coy smirk before joining him in this toast, clinking the glasses together before knocking down the fiery liquid. Holding back the cough you so desperately wished to expel, you place the glass back down onto the counter before placing your palm down on top of Damian’s upon the bar.
“I will never hurt her. I will never let anyone else hurt her. I promise.”
- - - - - - - - - -
“Make it three.”
You shouted to the bartender as you bounced up behind Rhea and Damian, a polite smile claiming your lips as you beamed up at the god like male before wrapping your arms around Rhea’s waist from behind, reaching up on your toes to rest your chin on her shoulder.
“How many has she had.”
Damian chortled as he stepped aside to allow you into the line, Rhea’s forearm instinctively wrapping around your hip to pull you closer to her.
“Surprisingly not that many.”
You chimed in, shifting your hip outward to bump against Damian’s before spinning on your nude pumps to face Rhea head on.
“Will you come dance with me now?”
The last time you’d been in this situation Rhea had to watch as a man drooled over you like a puppy, clinging to you as you’d rewarded him with a dance.
“Are we sure that’s a smart idea?”
You knew Rhea was right. Raquel had arrived at the bar alone and when you’d asked her about Liv she’d changed the subject, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t make an appearance. It was stupid, but you weren’t going to let her get in the way of yet another moment, just because she had a problem with you and Rhea having a connection outside of her knowledge.
“Bianca and Iyo are out there, she can’t stop us from having fun. Just come dance.”
Resting your palm down against the exposed flesh of her hipbone, you lean into Rhea and whisper sensually against the shell of her ear.
“Please, Mami.”
A soft groan vibrated in Rhea’s chest as she gripped her fingers around your wrist, spinning you round in one swift motion before tugging you into her chest.
“I will go with you, I do not dance.”
Winding your fingers with Rhea’s, you flash her an impish grin. Your free palm grasping the small glass of clear liquid the bartender had placed in front of you and knocking back the shot in one.
“We’ll see about that.”
Tugging Rhea forward, you blow Damian a chaste kiss before leading her off towards the dance floor. Your arrival with Rhea caused a loud cheer from her fellow wrestlers, a harmonious laugh parting your lips as you turned to face Rhea head on. Stretching up on your tiptoes to reach her ear you spoke loud enough for her to hear you over the music.
“You just need to loosen up, Dems. Relax..”
Nipping at the angle of her jaw playfully— you spin on your heels to press your back against her form, a soft hum parting your lips as Rhea leant down to press her lips against your temple.
“Dance with me.”
You called up to her, an eat shit grin claiming her kiss as you snaked you arm back around her neck to hold her lips against your skin.
“You’re going to get us in trouble.”
Rhea hummed against your temple as the DJ switched tracks— one of your favorite songs echoing throughout the nightclub, causing you to slowly move your hips back against her.
She wasn’t wrong. Every second you spent even remotely touching gave wondering eyes something to look at.
Keeping your hold secure around the back of Rhea’s neck, you roll your hips gently as they welcome the soft touch of her palms. Her fingers gripping at your exposed hipbones causing your head to press back against her chest. Her touch tingled at your skin, sending tremors up your spine as the two of you moved effortlessly with each other.
The dimly lit bar area was emptier than you’d expected for a Saturday night— most of the patrons packed onto the dance floor as the heavy bass echoed off the walls. You could barely see the table where Dom, Damian and Raquel sat, blissfully unaware of the conversation they shared.
“She said she wasn’t coming.”
Raquel called over the music, bringing her drink up to her lips as she refused to meet Damian’s gaze. The muscular male placed a singular digit on the edge of her glass, pushing it back down to the table before she could get a sip.
“Saying she’s not coming and actually not coming are two different things, Raquel. Where is she?”
No one had seen or heard from Liv since she’d disappeared earlier that day, no one except Raquel. Exhaling a long breath she finally lifted her gaze, clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth a few times before she spoke.
“I don’t know. The hotel… maybe?”
A gust of air parted Damian’s lips as he ran his palms through long tendrils, his gaze lowering to the table only briefly until the sound of Dominik’s voice called out in distress.
“Dude. Tenemos un problema.”
As Damian’s gaze rose, the three turned towards the door to witness it close behind a very aggravated Liv Morgan. The tiny blondes jaw was clenched as she scanned the dance floor. She knew you were here and she knew who you’d be with.
Damian was on his feet before the others could even react. Crossing the bar in just a few strides, he gripped his palm around Liv’s shoulder just as she’d found her prey.
“Wouldn’t recommend it kid.”
Liv’s gaze snaps up towards Damian as she slaps his arm away from her shoulder, the words falling from her lips like a vipers venom.
“This doesn’t fucking concern you, Damian. So back off, yeah?”
Liv’s head cocks as a snarky scoff parts her lips, her gaze remaining fixed on him as she takes a step past and out of his way. She came here to make you see sense and that’s what she intended to do.
You hadn’t noticed Liv’s arrival, nor did you witness her confrontation with Damian— too lost in the fire Rhea’s touch sent through your veins. It wasn’t until the crowd of people around you started to part like the Red Sea that you spotted her. You couldn’t hide, avoid being seen. Her shimmering hues already fixed on your location as she shoved past the bar patrons before you.
“Get behind me.”
Rhea’s voice was in your ear as her arm pushed you out of Liv’s path and behind her back, her muscular frame shielding you from the fiery blonde as she approached.
Liv screamed as she squared up to Rhea with fire in her eyes, her palms slamming against Rhea’s chest with enough force that the taller female stumbled slightly.
She shoved at Rhea’s chest again. The commotion catching the attention of everyone around as Liv continued to scream.
You couldn’t see what was going on, every time you moved to try and catch Liv’s gaze Rhea moved with you. She was determined to keep the two of you apart, unsure of just what Liv might do.
“What are you talking about.”
Rhea chortled, her gaze shifted to Bianca who had made her way to Liv’s side, exchanging a glance without words to the taller female Bianca grasped at Liv’s hand as she went in for another jab at Rhea’s chest.
Rhea scoffed, glancing over the top of the feisty female to witness Damian and Dom enter the crowd. Liv couldn’t be serious, she wasn’t going to fight her in such a public space was she.
“Fight… please! A little munchkin like you, you don’t stand a chance.”
It was dangerous of Rhea to egg Liv on when she was this wound up, the tiny female never turned down a fight and Rhea’s cockiness more often than not got her in trouble.
“Demi don’t.”
Your hand grasped at the back of Rhea’s shirt, desperate for her to turn around and look at you. If you could just talk one of them down maybe you could solve this without any more shouting. Turning her head back to look at your petite frame over her shoulder, Rhea sighed as she caught a sight of your doe like hues begging her to stop.
“It’s okay, pretty girl. I can handle her.”
Rhea would soon come to regret those words. As she turned her features back to meet the angry little human, the air is knocked from her lungs as the hard surface of Liv’s balled fist collides with her jaw, causing Rhea to keel over in pain.
Your reaction time was faster than most, your slender figure sliding in between Liv and Rhea as Liv went in for another strike.
Keeping your gaze locked with Liv’s for a few moments— your lids not once blinking, eventually you turn to Rhea’s aid. Your palms cupping her cheeks to gently make her to look at you, your gaze searching her features for any sign of blood or bruising.
“Demi… hey, look at me.”
You could see the shock and rage that burn simultaneously behind Rhea’s eyes, her palm wiggling her jaw slightly as she began to stand up straight. You couldn’t let this continue, no one deserved to get hurt over you. Relieved to see Damian as he began to help Rhea to her feet, you spun on your heels with the intention to end this.
“What the fuck is wrong with you!”
You snapped.
“She knows what she’s done, stupid bitch.”
Liv spat, glaring over your shoulder as Dom held Rhea back. Her lips twisting into a malicious grin as she jerked herself in the direction of the judgement day.
“What’s a matter tough guy, worried I might hurt your precious Mami.”
You could feel the anger boil in your chest, the disrespect Liv was showing towards not only Rhea but her friends was more than you were willing to take.
“You know what Ginny, fuck you. Fuck your temper tantrums, fuck your mood swings, fuck your jealousy. You are not a child, if you’ve got a problem with Rhea and I being friends then just fucking tell me. I’m sick of this!”
You could sense Damian as he moves to stand behind you, Liv’s gaze flitting back and forth between the two of you as she scoffed a laugh.
“Friends… please. You’re still trying to convince me that your just FRIENDS.”
Your arm darted out to stop Damian as he attempts to intervene.
“It doesn’t matter Ginny, non of it fucking matters. My relationship is non of your god damn business, so believe whatever the fuck you want. I can’t deal with this anymore, I’m DONE!”
Taking a step back toward Rhea and Dom, you inhale a shallow breath— who knew this is how it would end.
Wrapping your forearm around Rhea’s waist, you curl into her chest as she envelopes you in her hold. Damian and Dom parting the crowd to allow the two of you space to leave the dance floor, you glance back at Liv for only a second before leaving her alone in a sea of judging eyes.
“I’m sorry, Dems. I’m so sorry.”
You whispered to Rhea as you remained curled into her side, crossing the nightclub towards the exit with Dom and Damian leading the way. You just wanted to go back to the hotel, to take care of Rhea and forget all about Liv’s actions.
But Liv had other plans.
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rheasbrvtality · 10 months
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rawsmackdownnxtdivas · 10 months
Randy Orton returns
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r-truth · 10 months
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jasvvy · 10 months
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mexxs-blog · 10 months
Soft Headcannons 🫶
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{ pairings } — rhea x roman, rhea x roman x raquel, rhea x raquel, rhea x randy x roman x raquel
{ genre } — fluff
- Sub!Rhea absolutely LOVES making forts, no matter how childish people say it is. Raquel and Roman, maybe even Randy would build them with her and watch movies, cuddled up in the fort.
- Sub!Rhea loves going for walks, so Raquel/Roman/Randy will take her to a really big place and walk for hours with her.
- Sub!Rhea has really warm hands all the time, no matter the weather, so Roman/Raquel will just grab onto her hands and hold them when they’re cold.
- After their promo on Monday night Raw, Rhea and Randy start a joke, calling eachother mommy or daddy everytime they see the other, trying to not to laugh as they do so.
- sub!Rhea, all though soft, has the meanest death stare that anyone could ever have, that can scare even the meanest of men.
- Sub!Rhea randomly playing hide and seek with her Doms, but she always loses, her little giggles giving her hiding spot away.
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