#damaged beffica
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sugary-spider · 8 months ago
Plot twist axel fucking ACTUALLY redesgins their damaged au snaxcast 💔💔
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illusion133 · 1 year ago
Grumpus Headcanon: Claws
Some Headcanons about the different types of claws I gave them
Filbo - Normal painted claws that are easy to damage but are quite sharp. These claws retract under the skin of the grumpus.
Wambus - Long claws that are good for digging dirt. It may seem helpful but it can be an annoyance from time to time since he can accidentally scratch himself or other grumpuses. These claws retract halfway and can grow fast if left unchecked. ( he hates cutting his nails)
Beffica - Sharp and thin claws that can easily slice through hard materials like metal. these claws can also be an annoyance if she wants to scratch her fur. these claws cannot retract.
Gramble - Small and round claws that may not look harmful but they are enough to break through the skin underneath the fur. these claws can be seen through Gramble's fur since he plucked his fur out due to stress.
Triffany - slightly curled Claws are actually the bones that can break out from underneath the tip of her paws. these claws will retract once the skin heals and it slightly hurts.
Wiggle - Very short claws that are only visible due to them being painted green. These claws are harmless and will not hurt any Grump.
Chandlo - Long Like claws that are like wambus but he actually cuts them down or trims them so he doesn't hurt Snorpy. these claws however are not retractable.
Snorpy - Broken Sharp claws from biting them off due to stress. these claws hurt to retract due to the sharp edges around them.
Cromdo - Thick and curly like claws that are used for gripping onto walls or surfaces he can reach. These claws are hard to break but hard to retract back in.
Shelda - Very thin and easy fragile claws. They take a while to retract and She allows them to grow healthy.
Floofty - Long and very sharp painted claws that can dig through someones entire body. Floofty usually scratches at the table when working on something and they cant retract these claws.
Eggabell - short pink painted claws that can lightly scratch a grumpus. these claws can be retracted and she keeps them trimmed everyday.
Lizbert - Damaged and sharp claws from all the adventures and hunting she would do. She has broken a few nails or more but she is proud of it because it shows all her hard work.
Clumby - Sharp, thin, and thick claws that are enough to dig through her desk and everytime she wants the journalist to pay attention she grabs her chalkboard and scratches it a lot. She does not retract them.
Bronica - She doesn't use her claws often but her claws can break out from her paws. though since her claws are longer and more sharper than dull. it makes her bleed a bit.
Alegander - He doesn't have time to cut his claws and they have grown all the way down to his sides along with his messy fur. somebody give this man nail clippers.
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caramel-poptick · 1 year ago
can't believe this is the first thing i've using this blog for again in actual years. that's probably in the spirit of the game but damn.
it's very convenient that i just watched Yellowjackets a while back which means my brain is already in this mindset a little bit and i am doing 4D math. i am so sorry, Beffica, you're terrible and i love you, but you're probably the smartest decision for now that i could actually maybe possibly live with myself after killing
thing is, i don't necessarily need to kill everyone i'm going to eat. this scenario assumes that nobody else has been killed, but not that nobody else can be killed after, so the smartest move would be to take out somebody that is generally not well-liked by the group, and is somewhere in the medium weight range, so that we have a decent amount of food, minimal collateral damage from the fight (combat is not her expertise), and there is still enough scarcity that somebody else might look at the rapidly dwindling food supply and take matters into their own hands.
that way, i don't have to start the second fight, i can either just be an "innocent" bystander or, if they both survive, pick off whichever one suffers heavier wounds. this is probably the only way, realistically, anyone could reasonably take down either Wambus or Chandlo, who represent a much greater source of food; let someone else weaken them first, then go in for the killing blow. hell, maybe they DID succeed in killing the other person (who they either attacked first or were attacked by; in this case, it doesn't matter), which means we not only have one good food source, but a second, albeit probably much smaller one as well.
i can say it was a freak accident and a tragedy if they both fall, and if one of them survived, then i'll just pretend i was rooting for them the whole time and i came to help. i don't assume most people would just trust that, but if i killed Beffica first, then that may instill some trust in those who disliked her, and between these two or three murders, i won't have to do any MORE murders to "pull my weight". i'll have already proven my worth, and potentially how hard i am to kill, to the group, so they won't immediately try to kill me next. and if that does happen down the line, the food i've already "gathered" will be enough to buy me time to plan.
so yeah. i think about fucked up survival scenarios a normal amount probably
I recently ran a poll asking everyone what they would eat on Snaktooth Island if Bugsnax weren't an option. The second most chosen option aside from the obvious (Sauce) was Cannibalism. So that begs the question.
This question has layers to it. Because not only do you have to successfully kill them (we're talking physical toll here, not emotional. Gramble would be easier to kill than Wambus, for example) but you also have to consider how much food they would actually get you.
Who are you eating. There is no show results. Answer for yourselves.
(Please describe how you would go about killing them in the tags. I need to know)
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lynnesgalaxy · 3 years ago
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Time to continue this! Their arrival to mainland is a bit of a messy one, hiding from everyone, trying to get their lives back on track... Emilette is no different, trying to adjust to the changes she knows she has to make.
Going Home
Previous - First - Next
Everyone was hopeful. Despite what they had all gone through, now that the airship had safely arrived at the mainland, everyone was wearing big—although tired—smiles. And understandably so, since despite what her head had told her during those terrifying moments just barely hours ago, everyone had managed to stay in one piece.
While she had been participating here and there with the group, adding in her own commentaries as everyone did their best to conceal their snakified bodies, her eyes were heavy, and soon after everyone was ready she found herself simply listening in silence. When the journalist handed her a piece of the balloon's remains, all she could do was grunt in response as she covered herself with the cloth. The battle from before had taken a toll on her, not being used to moving around so much, but she knew she still had to keep herself awake. At least, until everyone was home…
Her eyes shifted from grumpus to grumpus. Everyone had a place to call home, right? Wambus and Triffany had mentioned the old house they used to live in and how it should still be in good condition; Filbo mentioned something about staying with the journalist; Shelda mentioned her family waiting for her; Snorpy and Chandlo still had enough to afford rent; Floofty, Creetus…
While Wiggle had offered to the few that didn’t have a place of their own to stay for a while at her mansion, Emilette had shied away from the opportunity. It wasn’t as if she didn’t want to accept, especially considering how luxurious it sounded, but… she couldn’t bring herself to. After all she had done to hurt everyone, she couldn’t make them put up with her on a daily basis until who-knew-when.
So, as the gentle sound of the waves faded away and the chattering of the other excited grumpuses filling her ears threatened to lull her to sleep as they walked together, she let her own mind drift away. She never had plans to come back to the mainland; the prospect of leaving everything behind forever had been far too tempting to put too much thought into it at the time. Of course she regretted it now, but what else could she do? The damage was already done, and now reality had once again come back to hit her where it hurt the most: in the end, she was all by herself. Alone.
It took her a moment to realize the group had stopped moving, and goodbyes and see-you-soons were being exchanged. She shook her head in an attempt to keep herself awake enough to respond, and watched the first members of the group leave. Then a few others. Then others.
By the time the limousine arrived, only Wiggle’s group was left. The tall, orange grumpus approached her with a concerned frown, “Darling, are you sure you don’t want to come with us? There’s plenty of space to share.”
Beffica was barely a few steps behind, catching up to the conversation with ease, "Yeah, you're missing out. Wiggle said she has this huge pool and I'm dying to chill there till I'm all wrinkly. You should totes come with."
Emilette waved a paw dismissively, her smile betraying the sick feeling in her chest, “I’ll be fine. You guys have fun, I’m sure Gramble’ll love the ducks or whatever you said you have. And Cromdo’ll be thrilled living the rich life. I'll just…" she gestured to the cloth she was holding around her, "I'll raid that pool once I'm all done dealing with this.”
Wiggle smiled back at her, amused, “Swans, dear, not ducks. But alright, suit yourself. You know where to find me if you need where to go.”
Beffica didn't seem as convinced, frowning instead. "Hey. Keep in touch."
"Y-Yeah…" Emilette replied, unsure on how to react to her concerned expression. Whatever jumped inside her stomach in that moment, she made sure to bury it as deep and quickly as she could. Grump, they had to leave soon before she couldn’t hold herself back anymore.
Cromdo was already in the limousine, admiring the details on the inside, while Gramble stood quietly, waiting for Wiggle. After a quick nod at her, Wiggle turned away and got into the car with him. Beffica took one last glance at her before waving a paw and getting inside with the group.
Emilette watched in silence as the vehicle left, letting her tired smile finally drop to her usual frown. The weight on her chest only increased. Was she truly doing the right thing? She didn’t know the first thing about being a good person, but this was for the others’ sake, right? Even if that ended up putting her directly on the streets.
Maybe she could get in contact with her parents. She could try to find a phone… although remembering their number was another story, not to mention if it was still working at all, or if they cared to pick up. But the situation was desperate enough to try-
Emilette nearly jumped out of her skin. “Grump- Dude!” She put a paw on her chest, glaring at the source of that trembling voice she recognized well, “You gotta stop doing that.”
Frankley scratched their chin with an apologetic smile, “Sorry. It’s just...” They looked away for a moment, looking for the right words, “Do you... really have somewhere to stay?”
She blinked at them. “Yes- No- I mean-” she clicked her teeth together. “I’ll figure it out.”
Frankley frowned, letting a few moments pass. After realizing Emilette wasn’t going to say anything else, they spoke again. “Why did you tell Wiggle no if you have nowhere to go?”
Emilette huffed, then stopped herself. Instead, she took a deep breath. She had to control her temper, wasn’t that part of the issue? “I… don’t know. I don’t want to be a bother, I guess.”
“But she… offered. And she didn't seem to mind.”
"Please," she rolled her eyes, "she didn't mind because she was already inviting the others in. She had to invite me out of courtesy, too. Or pity, at least."
Frankley looked down the road where the car had gone, pondering, "She and Beffica... really seemed concerned for you-"
“Shit- Listen,” she gestured around her, “I’ve hurt you all enough already, okay? They don’t have to put up with me just because I’m homeless now. That's why I said no, get it now?"
Frankley opened their mouth to reply, but quickly closed it when she continued, now glaring at them. "Why are you here anyway? Why didn’t you take her offer either?”
This time, however, Frankley didn’t miss a beat to reply, “I have a place to rent.”
Emilette's glare dropped, instead now simply replaced by disbelief, “...You do?”
They shrugged, “I always had it just in case, as a backup if I ever had to leave the island. I mentioned it earlier, remember?”
“Oh- Right. Sure, yeah, I remember.” The small grumpus mumbled. She vaguely recalled the conversations from earlier, but could only remember the details of a few in her groggy state. She had no idea Frankley had even spoken at the time, so it came as news for her. From seeing them desperately clinging onto that snak back at the island or following every single word anyone said, they had always seemed the more impulsive kind in her mind, so them having a plan in case of something unexpected was… surprising. Then again, she had never truly bothered to get to know them before.
They noted how she had once again fallen silent. Her eye bags were understandably heavier than usual, but they couldn't help but feel the deepness in which they truly went. It wasn't just the trip that had her this exhausted.
"What if…" Frankley mulled over their words, "What if you stay at my place for a few days?"
"What?!" Emilette snapped out of her thoughts almost immediately.
"I-I mean- just for a bit, until you can get back up on your feet!" They waved their paws, taking a step back at her outburst.
"No- No, no, no, no." She pointed at them. "You of all grumpuses don't get to be nice to me after all the shit I put you through. No."
"But you apologized to me..." Frankley replied.
"That- That still doesn't make it okay! Dude! I just-" she gritted her teeth, "That was exactly my point! You can't just act like nothing happened after what I did! You think I would've been able to say that if I hadn't been drunk?! Don't pretend you like me because I said sorry once. I'm garbage, you can't just let that go for one weakass apology."
"I-" Frankley gulped, "I never said I liked you." they replied.
That was enough to shut her right back up. She stared at them. After everything they'd told her back at the island, she expected as much, but hearing them say that outloud still made something awful stir inside. 
"But just because I don't like you doesn't mean I'll leave you to die out there." The yellow grumpus continued. While their voice still trembled, they looked at her with conviction.
Emilette looked away from them, grumbling under her breath. 
"I-It's my choice, okay?" Frankley continued once again. "I know how it is to have almost nothing, and I don't want someone I know going through it too. A-and you already rejected your only other option, so…"
Curse them and their kindness. Curse her prickling eyes, threatening to blur her gaze. "Ugh, I should've taken it."
Frankley scratched their chin, "...Yeah."
She didn't look at them again, instead nodding with a small hum, but that was enough response for them. They gave her a small smile. "It's this way," they began walking down the street.
Emilette looked at them for a moment, moving further away with each light step. They were still too naive. Too sweet. Too trusting. Too nice. They were an idiot to offer her a chance when she hadn't done anything to deserve it. But the first signs of a headache were forming due to her exhaustion, and the weight of her own sleepy body was threatening to throw her against the floor at any moment… she wasn't in condition to say no again.
She caught up with them, her gaze refusing to leave the ground. She rubbed her arm, noticing its shape was almost back to normal under her clothing. After a few moments walking side by side in complete silence, she mumbled in the lowest voice she could muster, "Thank you."
Frankley looked down at her, tilting their head. "What was that?"
"Fuck you." Emilette corrected herself out loud, not bothering to look up.
The tall grumpus frowned, disappointed, but stayed silent. The next few days with her around were definitely going to be a challenge.
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poliel · 3 years ago
Head Games Chapter 4/4: Truth
The party was a flop. No one wanted to dance or even mingle in a group, instead pairing off with their usual people or hanging out alone. If Buddy tried, they could perhaps convince at least some of the group to join Filbo in his attempt to ‘cheer everyone up’ as he’d put it. But… they didn’t feel up to trying to pretend everything was mostly okay any longer.
Beffica was right, they were a coward. Keeping Floofty’s death a secret was wrong and their reasoning for doing so was selfish. Everyone, especially Snorpy, had a right to know. But… but… after all the lies how could Buddy possibly bring it up and tell the truth now? … Well, Beffica’s note hadn’t placed a time frame on when they needed to tell, just said before they left Snaktooth, right? So, they could wait until right before they…
“Hey Bestie.” Beffica put ever so slightly more strain on the word, subtle enough that anyone else listening to it might not pick up on the fact that something was wrong. She sat down on the log bench next to them as they averted their gaze back to staring at the ground. “This party’s a real flop, huh? Not as bad as the first one but still.”
“Everyone is gathered though, even Snorpy showed up. So it might be a good time to like make an announcement and tell everyone something they should know. Or like, I don’t know, tell one person privately and then everyone else or whatever. However, you might theoretically want to do it. Assuming, you know, you had anything like that that you needed to say.”
“You’re not be very subtle.” And if someone over heard and asked what they were talking about Buddy might have no choice but to come clean lest Beffica do so for them which would be worse.
“You know, I overheard Snorpy whispering to Chandlo earlier about a kidnapping and possible rescue mission. They’re thinking about grabbing you and sneaking off during this party to investigate or something. They might decide to go off on their own though if they can’t get you to come with them. What do you think they might find?”
Buddy couldn’t pretend that that wasn’t a problem, could they? Nor could they pretend that continuing to let Snorpy have false hope, especially to the point of letting him waste his time like that, wouldn’t be wrong. They never should’ve lied. … Well really, they never should’ve pressed that button or let Floofty set up the machine or lie down on it. It was their fault and… they needed to come clean. But…
“I can’t yet. There’s, uh… a door up on Frosted Peak. I’m trying to figure out how to open it because I think Lizbert might be on the other side. I might need help doing that so… I can’t have everyone mad at me yet… you know?” Another excuse, any three grumps could open the door once Eggabell figured it out, they just wanted to be part of it. But the damage of lying and delaying had already been done, a little bit longer wouldn’t add any extra hurt or wrongness to it, right?
Beffica groaned. Before she could say anything, degrading them or in threat of coming clean for them, Buddy continued. “I will go do something about Snorpy’s plans though.” Still avoiding looking at her, they stood up. Before they could take more than a single hurried step away though, the ground rumbled and shook mightily, knocking them off their feet. Seems the world didn’t want them to tell the truth right now anyway. Luck was on their side for once, they had an actual valid excuse to put it off a bit longer.
*Later, during the escape sequence*
In the surprisingly competent paws of Filbo, the airship steadied as it rose higher in the air away from Snaktooth. Despite seemingly everything being stacked against them they’d all gotten safely on the ship and were basically home free. Everyone had made it aboard too. Now all they had to do was...
“Wait, wait,” Snorpy shouted from his spot at the railing, breaking the stunned silence following their rescue at Lizbert and Eggabell’s paws. “Pull her back down, Filbo. Floofty’s still down there somewhere… perhaps… hopefully.”
“Oh, uh, I don’t know how likely it is that they’re still…” Despite the doubt in his voice as he trialed off, Filbo changed course back towards the island.
“We gotta look though,” Chandlo said from his usual spot next to Snorpy. “Egg and what looked an awful lot like Liz turned out to be all right so Floofty might be too, right? So we gotta at least…”
Buddy couldn’t allow this to continue, not with how dangerous bugsnax had just proven themselves to be. “They’re dead! Don’t go back. It’d be just… putting ourselves into danger for no reason.”
“We can’t know that for sure,” Triffany said. “I feel we owe it to them to at least try to…”
“No! I… I…” They were getting closer to Snaktooth. How close before the Mothra Supreme came back to harass them again? Possibly knock them out of the sky, dooming them all. Was Filbo a good enough pilot to avoid that fate? “I was there when they died. I killed them.”
The airship lurched as Filbo jerked the wheel, not a big lurch but enough to surprise Buddy into losing their balance and fall as their spot in the middle of the ship didn’t provide them with anything to grasp onto. As they righted themself it was under the shocked looks everyone had turned towards them with. They all looked at them with various expression of shock and surprise. Except for Beffica of course who gave them a nod, it’s meaning hard to guess.
Snorpy broke the silence again, stepping towards them. “What do you mean you killed them?”
Buddy flinched but resisted the urge to take a step back. “It was an accident! Or uh… an experiment. They were testing to see if bugsnax could grow their head back if they had a machine cut it off. They asked me to help and I… I pressed the button. … Their head didn’t grow back. And then I hid all the evidence and lied about it because I’m a coward.” They wanted to say more, explain just how sure Floofty had seemed about it working. How they’d trusted Floofty to be right in their hypothesis. How if it had worked, that’d be a great scientific discovery, opening the door to many things that could help a lot of people. None of that really mattered though, did it? Especially since part of the reason they’d gone along with it was the selfish desire for a good story. And so instead they stood in silence, watching Snorpy’s expression change as he processed the news.
“They’re… they’re… really dead?” he eventually asked in a horrified whisper.
Buddy nodded. “I’m sorry.”
“And you didn’t grumping tell us?!” Chandlo was almost yelling. “All this time that’s Floofty’s been missing and we were worrying about them and looking for them but they’ve been dead this whole time. And not only did you know you helped cause it and then you didn’t tell anyone. What the grump is wrong with you? I thought you were cool, dawg.”
Buddy could explain how they were worried that the news would cause strife that would make it harder to find Lizbert or possibly result in the town breaking up again but it didn’t matter. So they just stood there in silence instead, staring at their feet. If they weren’t on an airship flying high above the ocean, they’d have run away. Technically they still could but… even if they probably deserved it, they couldn’t bring themselves to do that kind of running away.
“You’ve been one of them this whole time, haven’t you?” Snorpy was mad now too. It was probably an easier emotion to handle than grief and was well warranted. “I should’ve trusted my instinct about you when you first showed up at our cabin. This never would’ve happened if I had. How dare you…”
“Snorpy,” Chandlo interrupted, his voice softer, “let’s go. They’re not worth our time.”
Snorpy made a wordless sound of distress and anger, intense to enough to pull Buddy’s gaze off the deck and to his face. He was visually struggling not to cry and failing. Chandlo took his arm. He looked for a second like he was going to resist but instead, let Chandlo lead him away to the ship’s cabin. Presumably for privacy but definitely to get away from Buddy. A good idea; being around Buddy even to yell at them some more wasn’t likely to do him any real good even if they deserved it.
With the two of them gone, closing the cabin door behind themselves, a heavy silence settled over the deck once more. Everyone was still staring at Buddy. Seemingly no one else knew what to say next, neither did Buddy. What more even could be said other than how stupid they were for going with Floofty’s plan and how cowardly and awful they were for hiding the truth for so long?
Cromdo finally let out a low whistle. “Wow, this is gonna be an awkward flight back to the mainland, huh?”
Yep so hopefully it would be fast. Then Buddy could flee from all this and never think of it again. Not that they could ever escape the guilt of being a killer or how they’d lied about it for so long to people who they considered to be friends. At least they’d finally come clean and maybe, just maybe, they felt a bit better for it. No longer weighed down by the knowledge that they should tell, that everyone had a right to know the truth. It wasn’t much but they’d take what little comfort they could get.
And at least everyone else was safe. Buddy had helped get everyone else on board the ship. Not that their heroism made up for their crimes but it was something at least, right? They hadn’t caused the death of anyone else. But yeah, this was gonna be a long, uncomfortable ride back to the mainland no matter the length of time it actually lasted. Nothing else to do but settle in and do their best to give the people their actions had hurt the most as much space as possible.
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artistgem · 3 years ago
O, P, T, U for the ask!
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of? Ultralife by Oh Wonder is Renathal and Molly. Heck, I see quite a few songs from Oh Wonder with those two. P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa fuckin' aaa...fuck it road trip au for bugsnax where everyone meets up post-game to go on a fun roadtrip to Somewhere TM, just to catch up and make fond memories. Within the first few miles it is already chaos. T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
Venthyr purr and can make big cat noises, and are (usually) very highly social creatures. Being left alone long term is emotionally and mentally damaging.
Spending prolonged periods of time in a specific afterlife realm as a mortal can physically alter their appearance, especially for magic users. Has never been observed before since the link between the living and death worlds was closed...until recently of course.
Grumps purr as well among making other noises, and also partake in more primal behaviors like social cleaning and grooming, huddling in sleep piles and even courtship displays. Levels of these behaviors depend on the individual though.
Renathal, Theotar and Snorpy are autistic. They are my comfort character and as an autistic person I am claiming them for the autistic community. U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
World of Warcraft- 1. Renathal, himbo vampire prince who is trying his best with his empty head, he is so scrunkly my favourite blorbo. A comfort character. 2. Theotar, another comfort character and I see myself in him quite a bit. Chaotic vampire crechur I found him drinking water out of a muddy puddle in a parking lot. 3. Vol'jin, that's my troll dad Bugsnax- 1. Snorpy, holy fuck I see myself in him too much this is wild. I am just staring into a mirror and staring back at me is just a tall yellow trash can mouth muppet. Okay but in all seriousness, Snorpy is an amazing character and I really vibe with him. 2. Beffica, I am fu c k ing gay and I love her bitchy attitude I love snarky and sassy characters with a softer side they try to hide to not be vulnerable. 3. Filbo, how can you not love Filbo?? he is a dumbass but he is my dumbass baby boi
Owl House- 1. Eda, please fucking just fucking step on me my queen holy shit I love you. Harpy Eda got me acting up, she is just too gorgeous and sassy and powerful, so powerful. 2. Darius, dadrius dadrius dadrius. Sassy, bitchy man who has such good vibes and style, absolute fucking king I wish/hope to see him punch Belos in the face 3. Raine, an absolute dork and a sweetheart and can also kick ass and take names, they are too powerful and they have every right to be.
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iolitemoth · 4 years ago
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“Buddy” is a journalist from GNN on a mission to Snaktooth Island to uncover the secrets and mysteries there, and maybe learn a few things about themself!
(sorry if the text is hard to read, I’ll put it below!)
Name: [REDACTED] Nickname(s): Buddy, Bestie, Bro, That Journalist (derogatory?)
Age: 20’s
Occupation: Journalist
Gender: none
Pronouns: none, allows they/them
Fun Facts:
-Buddy’s hat, journal, + Sprout are comfort items!
-will get attached to people whether they (Buddy) like it or not
-allergic to bugsnax
-doesn’t speak much
-didn’t come to Snaktooth for the drama but stays for it
-what’s a sleep schedule
-what’s fall damage
-amateur cryptozoologist
-might prefer to live on Snaktooth if it wasn’t actively trying to eat people
-Will Grab Things
-eventually forms a queerplatonic polycule with Filbo, Beffica, and Gramble after Snaktooth
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shwoo · 3 years ago
I've actually spent an unreasonable amount of time thinking about this, though more about preferred type or gimmick than signature team, so!
Cromdo - Fire (He likes spicy food. Not Dark type because being a con artist isn't something he's actually interested in)
Beffica - Psychic (She likes finding out people's secrets, and also likes cuteness and the colour pink)
Chandlo - Fighting (Heavily physical strength themed)
Eggabell - Egg-themed Pokemon (Anything that can learn Soft-Boiled or Egg Bomb in at least one generation) (Wasn't sure about this, but I think there's four Pokemon that fit that criteria other than Mew, and for a gimmick, that's just enough)
Filbo - Normal (He has an average design, claims to not really have any particular skills, and you find him in the first proper area in the game)
Floofty - They are interested in Pokemon that display extreme phenotypic plasticity, particularly when this plasticity is induced by quantifiable environmental factors (Pokemon with lots of forms, but not so much the stuff that just involves using a certain item or move) (They're a biologist who seems particularly focused on body modification and shapeshifting)
Gramble - Bug (Already treats Bugsnax more like Pokemon than the other characters do. Bug trainers are also seen as kind of weird in-universe, like he's seen for trying to train Bugsnax at all)
Journalist - Flying (This is kind of a stretch, but they do have a flying boat, and better reach with their tools than most of the cast. Otherwise I'm not sure.)
Lizbert - Dragon (She seems like the type to use something rare, strong, and difficult)
Shelda - Fairy (Went back and forth on this, because religion is more associated with Ghost than Fairy in the Pokemon games, but her specific religion is more like Fairy's natural world focus than Ghost's spirits focus)
Snorpy - Steel (He's defensive, and likes metallurgy)
Triffany - Ground (Also considered Ghost for her, but Ground is also death themed, and Ghost is at least as much about living objects than dead things. Also this way she can have a Cubone and fit the theme still)
Wambus - Grass (Likes plants)
Wiggle - Pokemon associated with sound or dancing (She's a celebrity singer who's constantly dancing)
I haven't settled on a signature Pokemon idea for every villager, but here's about two thirds of them:
Cromdo: Volcarona, almost entirely because of Mothza Supreme. Eggabell: Would Chansey be too on the nose? Filbo: Herdier fits him well I think. Floofty: Something artificial, probably Porygon-Z or Type: Null. Gramble: Ribombee, a Bug type that stays small and cute even after it evolves. Shelda: Comfey. There's no flower crown Pokemon that I know of, but a lei Pokemon is close. Triffany: Runerigus, because it's a living ruin that needs to be damaged to evolve, or Cubone, because it's death themed, and very sad about its dead mother. Wambus: Gogoat. Goats are associated with farms and stubbornness, although I'm not sure about Gogoat itself. Wiggle: Primarina, because of its whole fashionable famous singer aesthetic. Or maybe Meloetta, since Meloetta seems to be an actual muse themed after song and dance, and if anyone had a legendary, it'd be the rich celebrity.
I guess Snorpy could have a Gigantamax Alcremie for the same reason as Cromdo and Volcarona, but Alcremie is extremely not a Steel type.
I don't think Triffany would necessarily have a fossil Pokemon, since that's more of a paleontology thing than an archaeology thing. Restoring fossils to life does sound like the kind of thing she'd be into, though.
Hey what would the Bugsnax’s crew’s signature pokemon be?
I feel Chandlo would have a Machamp
Floofty probably has a Porygon-Z
Triffany would definitely have a fossil pokemon
Idk I want your options
May or may not be asking cuz I wanna do a thing *Wink wink nudge nudge*
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sugary-spider · 8 months ago
Been workin on the damaged snax-cast desgins before I answer asks but here's an full body desgin of beffica since I finally finnished my first ask :3
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sugary-spider · 11 months ago
Ouhhhh pleeeeaaaae draw Beffica she is my bestie my old pal my hombre my buddy my pal my friendy friend
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I love her..Also take damaged beffica cause I've been workin and reworkin on her design <3
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sugary-spider · 1 year ago
(Lovely mentions of @sugar-on-fries @doomedpuppetyuri @greeb-theartist @astronomergrump in alll these cause even if they didn't draw in some of these I screenshotted don't mean they weren't there..Silly lil guys ykyk)
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sugary-spider · 1 year ago
The others!!
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*trips over my foot all dramatically and drops my bugsnax icons*
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