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444namesplus · 24 days ago
Aco-petodi Adi-nongtung Adi-tetombi Adidide-hotjedididu Adidide-pupin Afi-pafigh Afo-jehombu Afu-quiget Aga-fobadididu Aga-ganlon Age-pofet Agh-jidinen Agh-netambi Agh-tangpidididu Aka-kongbat Aki-chumbutemba Aki-tadinambu Ali-vekimbi Amba-songdugh Ambe-fenvut Ambe-vombomet Ambi-dombujeng Ambo-cangnigh Ambo-feragh Ambo-gedididejodi Ami-quennat An-cenung An-fejigh An-geghvomba An-katmigh Ana-duquidi Ana-giket Ang-falogh Ang-fididemba Ang-godinon Ang-kicogh Ang-naleng Ang-nungugh Ang-quanglembi Ang-tejidi Ang-tukagh Anu-nimbilembu Ari-ximbodung At-kimbilegh At-kiteng At-roditat Ate-rengtung Axa-mungpimbi Baa-jokat Bae-tafegh Bea-cafidididu Boa-quubugh Bua-molimbo Bue-kongcedididu Bue-lalot Buo-kefan Cee-nujut Ceu-conwong Chaa-kumbidugh Chai-gembobomba Chei-kunjagh Chii-kijegh Chio-laten Chuu-feghfidididu Coe-zetrung Cue-fighnun Daa-peghkugh Dao-coghcidi Dee-nidipegh Dii-lukung Dio-judididijogh Doa-foghtedi Doe-hongbin Doo-dilang Dua-modididacimbi Dui-daghfombu Ebu-quingbon Eche-gutan Eci-setun Edi-tambosugh Edidide-gaghding Efa-lasidididu Efe-kufut Ega-sembagon Ege-lengun Egh-chumbikung Egh-dighdin Egh-facun Egh-quoghtembo Egh-sungwugh Egu-lunzigh Ejo-codididupumbo Eka-piquomba Eke-quatladi Eki-lombikegh Eki-suching Ela-fiqueng Ela-gambacagh Ele-gugun Eli-ladiging Emba-quutet Embi-dengximbu Embi-nambadegh Embu-lilombi En-koghxong En-rukimbu Ene-jodididinong Eng-cadididenimbe Eng-fachot Eng-fanxagh Eng-kidididaledididi Eng-sumen Eng-vogit Equi-bebeng Equu-ludot Eru-quonledi Esa-nogegh Ese-denggimbu Et-jibing Et-longting Et-quudididoton Et-tovet Et-tugen Eti-fimbitigh Etu-gilang Evu-gowot Exa-tijudi Eze-tacon
Fae-dasing Fai-cangget Fai-tochogh Fao-notpogh Fau-bewumbo Fea-chukogh Fea-ningcot Fei-finxogh Feo-bingfot Feo-nofet Feu-ditjedidide Feu-nutfombu Fia-mibagh Fie-mokan Fii-nadadi Foe-titjet Foi-dighkagh Fou-sadeng Gaa-jughpumbo Gau-fancit Gau-vembefen Gee-dimbifedi Gee-fughgut Gia-sumbocong Gii-sumbejidi Gue-dukembo Gue-fumbutudi Gue-pidididezot Guu-fangnogh Hao-lekombo Ichi-daghwumba Idi-dijen Idi-nanchin Idi-nunombo Idi-zatjidididi Ididida-jedichon Ididido-cakit Ididido-quadididikombe Ididido-sambosodi Idididu-cinan Ifa-tucan Ifo-tefadi Ifu-wudit Igh-fetwambi Igh-fintang Igh-nuxombu Igh-tangvong Igh-wacegh Igo-cuquot Igu-jimboquedidido Igu-pighwong Iho-xitsembi Ija-chetchedididi Iji-tentang Iju-nimbafididide Ika-dengquang Ika-kuzut Ike-kukit Ike-tetwodi Imba-pentombe Imba-quaxang Imbe-lumbekedididi Imbi-bongcogh Imbi-sicut Imbo-gegan Imbo-saghquedi Imbu-coghkodi In-cedididuking In-fecagh In-kunjun In-mebugh In-quadikot In-rupeng In-sunjudi In-wotvegh In-xopeng Ina-hughdit Ing-jezit Ing-ledididikin Ing-rigeng Ing-singdodi Ing-wonggin Ino-dottung Ipa-cinedidida Ipa-fengfit Ipa-gutchidi Ipa-jecumbe Iqua-tedin Iso-dalut It-kinot It-noquegh It-wendeng Ita-cutong Ita-kifeng Ita-lutcodi Ita-todifedidida Ite-tenzogh Itu-gamberomba Iva-logambi Iwa-netit Iwi-kogegh Ixa-tedijet Ixu-mandeng Izi-cifadidido Jai-quanombo Jai-songpeng Jao-pobudididi Jao-quigimbe Jee-dotumba Jee-namboquung Jeu-quughpumbi Joe-fijut Joe-paladi Joi-kiledidida Jou-tufigh Jui-nidididirit Kaa-didilodidida Kao-gatpomba Kao-heghkugh Kau-dogang Kea-bafeng Kiu-tongjit Koo-wojambe Kue-novet Kuu-quetedididu Kuu-tachamba Lao-roxambi Lau-setteng Lia-dangjet Liu-choghkang Lua-lembukimbi Miu-kojigh Naa-jesun Nae-fambamet Nea-ketun Nee-ledididanedi Nee-xegong Neu-suquodi Nii-dudididutembi Noa-xedididajamba Noo-xumit Nou-datcut Nou-quilodididu Nue-kunet Nui-kidilang Nuu-funtogh Nuu-kudididunot Odi-chenfang Odi-dukogh Odi-fambomung Odi-kajin Odidida-gapogh Odididi-wikut Odididu-sodididutimbi Odo-nifeng Ofi-pikot Ofi-sefin Ogh-kungong Ogh-locudidida Ogh-wonjeng Ogi-fedison Ogo-tujang Ogu-casimbe Oha-rengtombo Ohe-ciming Oja-longgagh Oji-pambigon Oka-gequudidida Oke-zilong Oki-kadinut Oko-noligh Olo-cudodidide Ombu-ceghnun Ombu-lorumbi Ombu-pangdigh On-dembopat On-tejen Ona-lingkadidida Ong-fechen Ong-poghjimbi Ong-vidon Ong-wulodidido Ope-danigh Opi-zekimbi Opu-fodifugh Oquu-tanat Osa-logegh Ose-fotadi Oso-judididenudi Otu-rofing Owe-filet Oxa-nitxen Oza-kambigagh Ozo-tekidi Pao-bisegh Pau-jequegh Pei-kurumbu Pua-jochigh Puo-kingtong Puu-denmat Puu-jodin Quia-dufumbe Quie-fatken Quii-kotlodi Quio-pombowon Quuo-pedilegh Rao-cotkogh Rea-zangtemba Ria-fodididuquan Rio-pughkot Roa-batan Rui-quedijeng Ruo-wajedididu Sau-tumbibon Sia-celagh Sie-fuket Sio-hambugung Sio-tedichut Sou-jembeken Suo-docung Suu-kinjidididu Tae-dembabot Tae-nembadombi Tei-pengkong Tiu-defun Tiu-kighkembu Tiu-nujegh Toa-tidagh Toe-fequagh Tue-jakung Tuu-capegh Tuu-fuxin Ubu-kongquembo Ucha-totfon Uchi-totzugh Uda-dotkogh Ude-kambijogh Udi-jucang Udidida-ronpigh Udidide-ginong Udidido-fufun Udididu-kembitudidido Udo-wigung Ufe-bukin Ufe-fughnat Uga-tunfen Ugh-jichong Ugh-kulen Ugh-lutong Ugh-modididuting Ugh-paghdedi Ugh-pinxet Ugu-sitjimba Uja-fembenagh Ujo-hijot Uka-teghrun Uko-guntong Ule-kenhadi Ulo-dudididaret Ulo-roditidi Ulu-fandudi Ulu-kunjong Ulu-lajat Uma-jondan Uma-sutping Umba-kexat Umbe-gutkin Umbe-kelagh Umbi-deghhembi Umbo-gotquimbo Umbo-jennin Umbu-tibong Un-danggen Un-facidididu Un-felin Un-fughhong Un-janget Un-jutpudi Un-latcadi Un-xudipot Ung-dejigh Ung-dumbidong Ung-hughkembo Ung-kughtugh Ung-latfambo Ung-licung Ung-wolodidido Ung-zurudi Upu-radididefeng Uri-lateng Uru-zonpimbu Ut-changtang Ut-diking Ut-goghving Ut-kombufung Ut-konembu Ut-tequombi Ute-quagidididi Uwu-riwagh Uxi-kekeng Veu-limbenang Voi-naghnat Vui-ludigh Wae-tanin Wee-wofimbe Wei-nitlimbo Wia-joding Wie-kunfidi Xai-dopet Xeo-revegh Xeo-tughcombi Xuo-kogut Xuo-taghgegh Zaa-mumbuzugh Zaa-tanquedi Zai-kozing
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rollercoaster59 · 1 year ago
i didn't know you can dalute 24 million shares of stock... 10
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trifeboss · 5 years ago
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#Shots from #BillyOcean #Video #Dalute to my team from #NYC down to #Florida for putting this together. #Salute @hornblowerny For allowing a King to #UseTheCruise to shoot some of this video. #YouAreAppreciated. #THCNewYork #THCOrlando #Daytona #DaytonaBeach #Miami #Manhatten #HornblowerCruises #SouthStreetSeaport #ThatHotCommodity🔥 https://www.instagram.com/p/CADWqWbFSZ4/?igshid=1cdtmxc51ifjd
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redsandtemple · 5 years ago
I'm not sure why I keep confusing scutes ( the group), for scutes (the turtle shell thingy), and in my head I'm just like. What do you people have against turtle shells?
Turtle shells invented racism sorry anon
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carlaerosie · 3 years ago
Dalut, Thank you very much for your blog and all your posts on Encanto, I understand better the different details of Encanto on Colombia :) You really make me want to discover your country! I look forward to reading more of your posts. Gros betches de Belgique! 😚 ("big kisses from Belgium!") PS:(Sorry in advance for my horrible English)
Holaaa, thank you so much for reading my blog I’m really really glad you like it! besos desde Columbia!!! PS I think your english is good
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alyuhauuhatheesteembreath · 4 years ago
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forgottenghosty · 5 years ago
A deep good horror romance book series to read, Warm Bodies.
Been a while since I’ve spoke of it l, so time to change that.
With the series finished what better time for someone to bing?
The series is made up of four books.
Warm Bodies
The New Hunger
The Burning World
The Living
The book that started it all and became a movie, Warm Bodies, is where to start.
The film is surprisingly close with a bit of change from the original plot. Much info in the book is lost and daluted to make one movie, but still gets across.
A zombie that calls himself R roams an airport that he calls home questioning his existence and how the world came to an end.
Then as if by fate he goes out with a group of fellow zombies to find food and stumbles upon a young woman that will help change everything.
Based very lightly on Romeo and Juliet, the two main characters fall in love and fight to cure the world of zombies. But not everyone is pleased with this wish.
Humans want R dead and ‘Boneys’, What is left of a zombie once they go beyond hope, want to both of them dead.
The second book in the series, New Hunger, is a short novel following the main character from their pasts and how their journies all lead to each other.
Who were they before they came together.
R wakes with no memory of how he came to find himself in the midst of the dead.
Julie is but twelve and on her way with her parents to find a safe home in the world of the living dead.
Nora has yet to meet and befriend Julie as she travels alone on her own path and what tragedies led to her present.
A young mysterious zombie boy wanders and follows Nora. A pull to follow and see where it all leads.
Third in the series, The Burning World, can the world truly be cured and who are theses new villains rising to replace them?
R is slowly becoming human once more, with him the rest of the zombie race.
It’s a slow process and a constant struggle for R as his blank past suddenly begins to tear its ugly head.
Now he wishes he never remembered in the first place.
As he struggles with his demons the world he knows and loves in his new home of the stadium comes crashing down around him as a new threat... or perhaps a very old one, appears and attacks and takes.
Who are they and what do they want?
How shall R and the others stop them before the world they know ends.
The fourth and finale book in the series, The Living, R remembers his past and must use it to help stop what is happening to the world and right what he started.
I’m finally getting to reading this one so I don’t have much to say.
With the first three books I found them quite deep and a new way to tell a zombie apocalypse.
Big Spoilers
You don’t get the answer to the zombie pleague in the movie. A detail along with alteration of the ending that you can only know from the books.
You read how the world was ending before the zombies even appeared. The rot and corruption of humanity is destroying themselves along with the world they live in. The earth is taking back what it can and the humans are rotting from the inside out. This is how it starts.
The rot pulls to the surface and becomes a man eating pleague. Spreading as a virus over the world.
The truly corrupt and lost rot the fastest. They become the Boneys. A shell of Skelton and barely meat that walks and kills.
The zombies that barely look touched by death have hope and wish to be human once more.
But hope can’t last for all. Those begin to rot. Hours, days, weeks, months, years, seconds. As soon as you lose it you become like them, the Boneys.
Rarest, a human that is so rotted it combusts. Rotting instantly and becoming nothing but dust once the last of their human soul is gone.
What starts the cure?
Being Human.
Caring for others and loving. Going beyond the rot and healing.
Slowly this is the cure.
R relearns what it is to be human with not only Julie’s help, but Perry as well. Her ex boyfriend R is secretly sneaking and eating his brains to feel what being alive is.
The movie doesn’t make it clear, but in the book as R eats Perry’s brains he starts to have conversations with the now dead human.
Closest that is shown in the movie is his dreaming of the group together.
Perry was ready for death, given up hope in life and becoming one of the dead before dying. He let himself die and in the end helps R learn to be human again.
They have one last conversation before Perry leaves R alone, upon its end R no longer craves brains. He is more alive then dead.
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asksassyjackfrost · 4 years ago
Sora daluted ryu "mh!!" then walked over to get his shoes.
Jack walked to take ryus hand "guess i have to wear shoes too huh? Gotta set a good example"
💍 (Cuz it be funny xD)
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
Jack opened his eyes slowly. Ugh.. His head felt like it was about to burst, his stomach felt sore and his mouth was as dry as could be.
The boy curled up and groaned slightly to himself, he could not remember a thing.. All he knew was that this was the last time he would challange north to a shot competition.
Something didn't feel right tho, he could feel there was someone else in the bed... Hold on? Whos bed was this? He rolled over, staring into an unfamiliar face. The white haired boy sat up quickly, only to fall out of bed, noticing that he was naked, instead of one thing, a ring on his left hand.
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phgq · 4 years ago
3 dead after eating poisonous fish in Leyte
#PHnews: 3 dead after eating poisonous fish in Leyte
TACLOBAN CITY  – Three persons died while four others were hospitalized after eating pufferfish in Tabango, Leyte, the Philippine National Police (PNP) reported on Tuesday.
The incident happened Monday night after Corazon Yaon, 60, offered the fish -- locally known as "botete" -- to Restituto Sumalinog, 63, a construction worker.
Sumalinog cooked the poisonous fish at their barbecue stand in Tabing village and shared it with his friends during a drinking spree.
Aside from Sumalinog, others who died were Lucricia Anislagon, 49, a housewife; and Ramil Catam-isan, 40, farmer.
They were declared dead on arrival at the Tabango Community Hospital.
Admitted at the local hospital were Jolito Dalut, 25, construction worker; Rodulfo Hiki, 26, farmer; Lucina Hiki, 24, housewife; and Beinvinida Sumalinog, 53, housewife.
The victims were later transferred to the Leyte Provincial Hospital in Palo, Leyte.
"Those who died ate the liver of the pufferfish and suffered extreme vomiting and lose consciousness," the police report said.
A National Geographic article reported that almost all pufferfish contain tetrodotoxin which is 1,200 times more poisonous than cyanide.
There is enough toxin in one pufferfish to kill 30 adult humans, and there is no known antidote. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. " 3 dead after eating poisonous fish in Leyte." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1125953 (accessed December 30, 2020 at 04:27AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. " 3 dead after eating poisonous fish in Leyte." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1125953 (archived).
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rollercoaster59 · 4 years ago
What were his merket daluted to, what was his market diluted to,... the word is,
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encikdalut · 7 years ago
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tramatlantico · 8 years ago
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Squadrismo M5s per nascondere il successo PD nel taglio Vitalizi http://dlvr.it/Nj9Bgt
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ryudgreat-blog · 6 years ago
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Before anything else please allow us to have our blog that incorporates our experiences as we travel the two different places outside the General Santos City📷����🏞. Hello guys!👋we are the members of Anak Tayoto Squad,Ryu D. Tabucon and Carlo Magno Dalut. "Life for us aint been no crystal clear" according to Langston Hughes,an author of the poem entitled Mother to Son. Life is too short and as we grow older,we will be facing different obstacles and ordeals along our different journeys. Further,there are things in life that we need to do in order for us to enjoy and live life to the fullest and that is to sacrifice. As a millenial,we must always focus on the positive and try to explore new things,places and travelling must be one of those things.👆😊 "Travelling" hindi naming inaasahang magagawa namin ito kasama ang aming mga classmates HAHAHAHA😂.Nangyari ito after ng midterm examinatiom namin. Our examinatiom was divided into two days and that first set of exam was masasabi naming medyo madali😁Wow ang talino namin hahahaha😂.Pero the next set or the second day ng exam ay medyo mahirap kasi ang mga subject ay General Mathematics,EAPP, at OralCom. After the last day of exam is very busy kami noon kasi may speech choir kami tapos exam naman pagkabukas kaya ang ginawa namin is tumambay muna sa room kasama mga classmates ko then while staying there, we were talking about life😂and pagkatapos umabot ang usapan namin na mag-aadventure daw kami like swimming because the weather that time was very init. We were very excited at that time and we checked our money if we could sama to maasim where we are planning to make ligo😂yung iba kasi kulang yung money and yung isa sa amin ay magpahiram muna para makasama sila kaya after that naglakad kami papuntang highway tsaka sumakay kami sa tricycle. Nang nakarating na kami sa Phil Florencia Resort in Maasim we had captured photos and videos with the wonderful sites😁tapos yung feeling na hindi namin inaakalang mangyayari yun kaya nagpakasaya kami,naligo tapos and masaya pa dun is we don't have extra clothes and umuwing kami mga basa ang brief at ang iba naman ay walang suot na brief Hahahahaha😂. Ayan na marami ang mga pictures namin then Carlo uploaded the photos in the Facebook and our classmates were reacting on it because the couldn't believe that we've been on that place🏝☺. Natakot kami nung nag comment yung adviser namin na mag-uusap daw kami kinabukasan😅and we faced him with our courageous hearts hahaha because we know that our adviser will understand us. Kinabukasan kinausap kami by our Sir. HAHAHAHAHA he told us na gumawa ng letter why we did yung bagay na yun kaya gumawa kami ng letter where it incorporate a lot of quotes and bible verses😁and we also stated our apology for him because I know he was just worried about us. Presently, sa may Polomolok naman kami pumunta😂sinulit namin yung time dahil half day lang yung klase namin dahil mag LAC Session. We've been in Nature's Bounty Resorr in Polomolok and we did the same thing but we have some new recruits from the section😂nandamay pa talaga kami hahahahaha😂. Hindi naman namin pinagsisihan na pumunta kami sa iba't ibang lugar sa labas ng Gensan dahil masaya kami and we treasured memories with each other💪❤. Kaya kung nabasa mo ito huwag kang matakot na magtravel and explore different places because memories will remain forever and the things no kne could get. THANK YOU GUYS FOR READING❤WE HOPE YOU LIKE IT🙂AGAIN WE ARE RYU D. TABUCON AND CARLO MAGNO DALUT.
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tempcatfoster · 8 years ago
Temp Foster a go
So, with the last cat I spoke of was a no-go, but apparently, I will be doing a temperary foster with another cat, but just for the week. She is what they call "A Daluted Torti", but she was farel with some other kittens. There are 8 (including her) in a cage. All of them except her have come around and love to be around people, and to be petted. With her, she is very standoffish, and will run away from you if given half the chance. However, last night when I went over to clean out the litter boxes, she actually purred in my arms and tried to snuggle with me as much as possible. She would even rub up against my hand when I would place my hand infront of her. I will be picking her up later today, and I hope this will work out well for her. Wish me luck.
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nadiyaulfa · 8 years ago
Setiap jiwa tak sama, ada yang kuat dititik ini, tapi lemah di titik lain. Begitu juga aku, kamu dan mungkin mereka. Tanpa sadar, ternyata kita sedang saling dalut Tak sadar, sebenarnya kita saling bantu Semoga do'a kita saling berpeluk dan malaikat ikut memeluk dan membawanya ke langit
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