#dallas pikachu
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7ndcvils · 11 months ago
His impatience was understandable. However, in this situation, a little slack was needed. The crime enacted wasn't some simple breaking and entering or small aggravated assault. It was murder.
Crossing a leg over the other, Hazel let out a soft breath, listening to her client's worries. "The hold up is the fact that Mr. Finnegan committed murder in front of two witnesses," Hazel spoke, giving Dallas a pointed look. "His already hefty criminal record didn't help him during arraignment, nor did not having the arraigning Judge on your payroll." Red-painted nails flipped through a case file, landing on her designated page. Once it was on top, Hazel pushed the file toward Dallas. "Luckily we have court tomorrow to see if we can get him ROR'd since I petitioned the court."
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Perhaps, he should've been more considerate of the important woman's time. Should've, could've, but he wasn't. Here's what Dallas did consider, he paid the pretty woman a very pretty penny to keep her on retainer. The way ole Dally saw it, when he called, she should be happy to answer. If he were to drop by unannounced, she should be ready to serve, without such harshness in her eyes.
One of his top guys was still locked up. It'd been months now, and Dallas needed him out. What the hell was taking so long? "You got Wells Finnegan rotting in a jail cell... he was suppose to be out weeks ago. It'd sure help me a whole lot if you'd do your job." His eyes narrowed. "What's the hold up?"
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myberrylove · 11 months ago
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Ash si appoggiò pesantemente sulla spalla di Misty.
Ti preeeego!
La ragazza fece una smorfia poco contenta, guardando l’amico Ash con quell’espressione disperata, tipica di un bambino capriccioso.
Ash, avevamo fatto un patto…- disse lei per l’ennesima volta, cercando di nascondere l’imbarazzo di avere il suo viso così vicino. Anche dopo anni, quel ragazzo non smetteva di farla sentire come una bambina alla sua prima cotta.
Ok, ok… ma perché proprio uno spettacolo di Rudy?- brontolò lui, comodamente appoggiato sulla spalla di lei, quasi a cercare rifugio in quella stretta intima, come se fosse la cosa più naturale al mondo.
Perché sua sorella ci ha regalato i biglietti.
Ma lo sai che è così noooioso!
Solo perché non ti piace ballare, non vuol dire che il ballo sia noioso.
D’accordo, allora è Rudy a essere noooioso! E borioso!- la guardò con un’espressione tanto tragica da essere buffa- Dai, anche tu alzi gli occhi al cielo quando inizia a parlare di sé.
Misty cercò di rimanere seria, ma pensando alle parole di Ash non poté evitare di farsi sfuggire un sorriso complice.
Hai ragione, a volte Rudy è così… pieno di sé…
Visto?- disse trionfante Ash guardando l’amica che con difficoltà cercava di non ridere.
… Ma ho promesso a sua sorella che ci saremo andati.
Ash fece uno sbuffo indispettito e si staccò dalla spalla di Misty.
Va bene, ma non sorprenderti se dormirò durante tutto lo spettacolo- incrociò le braccia dietro la testa.
Non sarebbe una novità- commentò lei e salì per prima le scale per entrare nel teatro. Ash le fu subito dietro.
I due ragazzi si avvicinarono ai loro posti riservati, quando una ragazzina li notò e andò incontro a loro.
Misty! Sei venuta!- disse la ragazzina raggiante, per poi notare anche il ragazzo dai capelli nero corvino dietro di lei- … E Ash- aggiunse con un tono meno entusiasta.
Te l’avevo promesso- disse gentilmente Misty con un sorriso.
Ti ringrazio, mio fratello sarà felice di sapere che sei… siete qui- si corresse all’ultimo- Godetevi lo spettacolo- li salutò e andò a sedersi da un’altra parte.
Sempre felice di vedermi, eh?- commentò sarcastico Ash, mentre entrambi si sedevano nelle poltroncine vicino al palco.
Ancora con questa storia?- disse Misty stancamente, ignorando che la ragazzina stava guardando da lontano il ragazzo con uno sguardo poco amichevole- Non ha niente contro di te, non hai visto che era contenta di vederti?
Oh sì… era contenta di vedere te… - precisò lui- Immagino di aver rovinato i suoi piani…- borbottò con un susurro che Misty non sentì, perché in quel momento le luci si spensero e il tendone si aprì, facendo entrare gli artisti con un sottofondo di musica.
Misty osservò i ballerini muoversi con grazia sul palco, ma non poté evitare di notare che il ragazzo accanto a lei ridacchiava di nascosto. Lei gli diede una gomitata per farlo smettere. Erano così vicini al palco che avrebbero potuto vederlo.
Ash, ti sentiranno- sussurrò lei indispettita.
Ehi, non è colpa mia se è vestito in quel modo ridicolo- si giustificò lui con voce bassa.
Misty si limitò a sospirare, anche se non poteva dare torto a Ash… Rudy sembrava davvero buffo con quella calzamaglia. Ma non poteva certo ammetterlo davanti a Ash… era stata lei a insistere che ogni tanto dovevano provare dei passatempi più culturali.
Notò però che Ash la stava guardando con un’espressione gongolante.
… cosa?
Stai ridendo.
No, non è vero- si difese lei, cercando nuovamente di sembrare seria. Era dura cercare di essere la persona più matura nel gruppo- Ora fa silenzio.
Come vuoi…- lui si limitò ad alzare le spalle, sussurrando mentre si sistemava nella poltroncina- Quasi invidio Pikachu che è rimasto con Brock.
Misty evitò di commentare per concentrarsi sul balletto. Nel giro di qualche minuto però, avvertì un delicato peso sulla sua spalla. Girò la testa lentamente, e il suo sguardo si scontrò con la dolcezza di Ash che aveva posato la testa sulla sua spalla, cedendo al sonno.
Per un istante sentì un brivido leggero, una sensazione di intimità familiare, che cercò ovviamente di scacciare velocemente.
Ecco, lo sapeva… Ash e il teatro erano due cose incompatibili.
Avrebbe volentieri svegliato Ash con una forte gomitata, ma un mormorio assonnato simile al suo nome uscì dalle sue labbra mentre si sistemava meglio sulla spalla di lei. La mano di lui sfiorò le dita di Misty, quasi intrecciandosi in un legame invisibile.
Un leggero rossore colorò le guance di Misty, ma non era dovuto alle luci del palco.
Ash, beatamente immerso nel sonno, era così vicino a lei che, nonostante la leggera frustrazione, Misty si lasciò andare a un sospiro rassegnato.
Un piccolo sorriso affiorò sulle labbra di Misty e decise di accomodarsi anch’essa vicino ad Ash.
Solo per quella volta avrebbe lasciato correre. In fondo, erano poche le occasioni di stare così vicini senza che sembrasse imbarazzante per entrambi… senza che i sentimenti incasinassero la loro complicata amicizia.
E in quel buio avvolgente del teatro, i loro cuori battevano all'unisono, forgiando un legame che andava oltre le parole.
Ok, dovevo scrivere due righe per accompagnare il disegno, ma io noooo... devo sempre esagerare 🙄
E per chi se lo chiedesse... ho fatto prima il disegno e poi mi sono fatta ispirare per scrivere, non viceversa 😅 Mi viene più difficile disegnare in base alla storia.
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dramasetter · 2 years ago
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Vorrei andare anche oggi in giro con la maglietta di Pikachu (dalla coda sospetta) e la scritta Federica
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restaurant-in · 5 months ago
Famous Celebrities Born in Scorpio: A Celebration of Power and Passion
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Scorpio, known for its intensity and depth, is a zodiac sign that has birthed some of the most famous and influential celebrities in the world. People born under this sign, from October 23 to November 21, are often characterized by their passion, determination, and magnetic personalities. Let's take a look at some of the most famous celebrities born in Scorpio, who embody these traits and have made a significant impact in their respective fields.
1. Leonardo DiCaprio
Leonardo DiCaprio, born on November 11, is a quintessential Scorpio. Known for his intense acting roles and dedication to his craft, DiCaprio has become one of the most respected actors in Hollywood. His performances in films like "Titanic," "Inception," and "The Revenant" showcase his Scorpio intensity and commitment.
2. Ryan Gosling
Ryan Gosling, born on November 12, is another famous Scorpio. With his brooding good looks and talent, Gosling has captivated audiences in films such as "The Notebook," "La La Land," and "Drive." His ability to portray complex characters with depth and emotion is a testament to his Scorpio nature.
3. Julia Roberts
America's sweetheart, Julia Roberts, was born on October 28. This Scorpio has charmed the world with her performances in "Pretty Woman," "Erin Brockovich," and "My Best Friend's Wedding." Her charismatic presence and powerful performances have earned her a place among the top actresses in Hollywood.
4. Katy Perry
Born on October 25, pop sensation Katy Perry is a Scorpio who has taken the music industry by storm. Known for her bold and vibrant personality, Perry's hit songs like "Firework," "Roar," and "Dark Horse" have topped charts worldwide. Her fearless and dynamic nature is a true reflection of her Scorpio sign.
5. Drake
Drake, born on October 24, is a Scorpio who has revolutionized the music scene. With his unique style and emotional lyrics, Drake has become one of the most influential rappers and artists of his generation. His Scorpio traits of intensity and emotional depth are evident in his music and persona.
6. Emma Stone
Academy Award-winning actress Emma Stone, born on November 6, is a Scorpio whose talent and charm have made her a beloved figure in Hollywood. Known for her roles in "La La Land," "Easy A," and "The Help," Stone's magnetic personality and acting prowess are classic Scorpio qualities.
7. Ryan Reynolds
Ryan Reynolds, born on October 23, kicks off the Scorpio season with his wit and charisma. Famous for his roles in "Deadpool," "The Proposal," and "Detective Pikachu," Reynolds' quick humor and magnetic screen presence make him a standout Scorpio.
8. Anne Hathaway
Anne Hathaway, born on November 12, is a Scorpio whose versatility and talent have earned her critical acclaim. From her roles in "The Princess Diaries" to "Les Misérables," Hathaway's dedication and passion for her craft are unmistakable Scorpio traits.
9. Matthew McConaughey
Matthew McConaughey, born on November 4, is a Scorpio who has made a significant mark in the film industry. Known for his roles in "Dallas Buyers Club," "Interstellar," and "True Detective," McConaughey's intense and transformative performances are a testament to his Scorpio energy.
10. Whoopi Goldberg
Whoopi Goldberg, born on November 13, is a Scorpio who has excelled as an actress, comedian, and television host. With her unique style and powerful presence, Goldberg has become a beloved figure in entertainment, showcasing the resilience and passion of a true Scorpio.
These famous celebrities born in Scorpio exemplify the power, passion, and intensity that are hallmarks of this zodiac sign. Their contributions to their respective fields continue to inspire and captivate audiences worldwide. For more fascinating insights into the lives of your favorite celebrities, visit Stardom Bios.
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s-gobetti · 8 months ago
“Preparatevi a passare dei guai!” così inizia il motto del Team Rocket collettivo antagonista del anime giapponese Poketto Monsutā (1997) apparso nella televisione italiana nel 2000 con il nome di Pokémon che se non ha condizionato la cultura di tutto il mondo sicuramente l’ha fatto per chi scrive in questo momento “e dei guai molto grossi” risponde James.
Questo trio dai capelli magenta e lilla appare in tutte le puntate ripetendo sistematicamente il loro motto
proteggeremo il mondo della devastazione, uniremo tutti i popoli della nostra nazione, denunceremo i mali della verità e del amore,estenderemo il nostro potere fino alle stelle…
utilizzando dei travestimenti nel tentativo di rubare Pikachu per poter entrare nelle grazie del loro Boss Giovanni, fallendo miseramente ogni volta. Giovanni è un uomo dai capelli corti, in completo e camicia dalla doppia vita: nella penombra è il Capo del Team Rocket mentre alla luce del sole è il Capopalestra di Smeraldopoli. Insomma rappresenta a pieno titolo un uomo di successo, un collezionista il quale piano è quello di impossessarsi di tutti i Pokémon rari.
«Il Louvre è nato da un atto di aggressione. Fu attaccato nel 1972, durante la Rivoluzione francese, e da deposito di collezioni fatte con bottini di guerre feudali (una versione d’epoca dello stoccaggio in porto franco) fu trasformato in un museo di arte pubblico, probabilmente il primo al mondo, inaugurando un modello di cultura nazionale. In seguito divenne la nave ammiraglia culturale di un impero coloniale dedito a seminare cultura in altri mondi con metodi autoritari»
Hito Steyerl, Duty Free Art, L’arte nell’epoca della guerra civile planetaria, Johan & Levi Editore 2018
chissà perché per legittimarsi in un discorso si dice sempre “da sempre”, “da quando sono nat*”, come per dare più importanza alle cose che si sta dicendo, come se la coerenza fosse un valore aggiunto o come se la tradizione o l’autoctonia fossero ancora delle parole che non ricordano soltanto tristi monumenti negli angoli delle strade da dover pulire dagli escrementi dei piccioni e visitare ogni tanto quando non si va a scuola. In ogni caso da che ho memoria, quando veniva raccontata una storia c’erano i buoni e poi c’erano i cattivi e nella pausa pranzo nel giardino delle elementari con lə amichə giocavamo al Team Rocket, in breve facevamo guai, alle volte i guai erano semplici come rubare la palla a chi faceva il gioco del calcio, altre più complessi come colorare le pareti bianche dei muri bianchi con il verde del prato, insomma alla fine si risolveva tutto con una nota sul registro e tutto tornava come prima: le pareti pulite, l’erba nelle aiuole -non calpestabili- ed il gioco del calcio indisturbato che tutto sommato mi ricorda molto il motto della quarantena “ritorneremo alla normalità” ed eccoci qua, dopo tutto ciò che ci dice la storia a parlare di tradizione, storia e normalità. Ebbene ecco cosa hanno in comune queste cose le si ritrova nei musei, le pensano le persone che hanno il potere, le organizzano secondo la loro logica che spesso, per non dire sempre è autoritaria, gerarchica e cronologica. Si segue una linea dunque dritta e retta che va a finire nel giusto e che nega tutto ciò che considera sbagliato. Non c’è tempo Momo smettila di cercare Cassiopea! È una cosa seria, ne va del nostro onore. Come tutte le parole che abbiamo elencato prima le cose peggiorano quando si parla di Nazione allora li è immediato aggiungere ferrovia e guerra, insomma confine per finire in burocrazia, documenti e decoro.
«Abbiamo recitato per tanto tempo. Siamo attori consumati. Adesso possiamo cominciare a vivere. E sarà un gran bello spettacolo».
Dal manifesto del Gay Liberation Front inglese (1970)
Come si fa quindi a parlare di autonomia del linguaggio nel arte contemporanea da parte della cultura queer? Ma sopratutto può esistere una storia della cultura queer? e chi è a farla, soltanto le persone queer?
«Così abbiamo deciso di chiamarci queer. Usare “queer” è un modo di ricordarci di come veniamo percepiti dal resto del mondo. È un modo di dirci che non dobbiamo essere persone spiritose e piacevoli che devono condurre vite discrete al margine del mondo eterosessuale. Usiamo queer come uomini gay che amano lesbiche che amano essere queer. Queer, a differenza di gay, non significa maschio»
«Essere queer significa condurre vite diverse: niente a che vedere con il mainstream, il profitto, il patriottismo, il patriarcato, o l’essere assimilat*. Niente a che vedere con direttori esecutivi, privilegio ed elitarismo»
Dal Queer nation manifesto, diffuso durante la marcia del New York Gay Pride Day del (1990)
Di certo ci sono solo i dubbi e sicuramente abbiamo capito che la certezza appartiene a quella visione del mondo straight che poi è il contrario di queer. Che poi è quella mentalità per la quale si fanno le torri ed il punto di una torre è averci la più alta della città, lo so bene io che vengo da Lucca e che il signor Guinigi -per superare il limite di altezza che poi bruciava tutta la città- ci ha messo un albero sopra, adesso gli alberi li mettono sui balconi così abbiamo anche risolto il problema del verde e delle pareti che si lavano bene. Oggi non si chiamano più grattacieli ma il concetto è sempre il solito, deve stare in centro, deve occupare spazio e deve essere la più grossa e noi dobbiamo passare il nostro tempo a lavorarci dentro oppure fuori a guardarlo dicendo “che bravo”. Ma siccome poi succede che le cose non durano bisogna farle ricordare ed ecco perché sono importanti i musei, gli archivi e la storia. Un pò come nelle case quando le cose vanno a male bisogna metterle nel frigorifero perchè è poi tutto un problema di conservazione quindi poi c’è la questione del restauro, ma soprattuto del cosa ricordare.
Picasso, oh no, otra vaz tú! Oh no, otra vez Warhol! Cecilia Gimenez lo sa bene non si tocca Hecce Homo, altrimenti lo si rovina.
Dórica, dórica, jónica, jónica
Corintia, corintia, corintia, corintia
Historia del arte, penes con pincel
Famosos, pintaje, sin píxel, con papel
Quindi si sa che andando al contrario si finisce fuori dai binari e per niente confuse diciamo addio a confini, norma e patriarcato. È un pò come quando ti spiegano la storia del arte nella quale ti spiegano a cosa dare importanza allora è importante l’autore e che poi si finisce per entrare alla Tate e se ne esce che si è letto solo un sacco di didascalie, per non parlare che se poi si va davvero nei musei si finisce per accorgersi di cosa sono, da dove vengono le opere e chi non finisce ne nei musei, ne negli archivi e neanche nella storia. Della serie Amal Clooney sta ancora lavorando per riportare i fregi del Partenone ad Atene, in Virginia rimuovono la statua del generale Robert Lee e nelle americhe vengono abbattute le statue di Cristoforo Colombo.
Ma quindi dove si va a cercare la cultura queer se non la si può trovare nei musei? nelle istituzioni? nelle scuole -grazie provita- o negli archivi?
«Se davvero vogliamo salvare il museo, dovremmo scegliere la rovina pubblica rispetto alla redditività privata. E se non è possibile, si vede che è arrivato il momento di occupare collettivamente il museo, di svuotarlo dai debiti e di alzare le barricate del buon senso, di spegnere le luci affinché, senza alcuna possibilità di spettacolo, possa funzionare come il parlamento di un’altra sensibilità»
New York, 14 marzo 2015
Paul B. Preciado, Un appartamento su Urano. Cronache del transito, Fandango Libri, 2020
La si incontra per strada, alle volte nel letto, altre a cena? forse come ipotizza José Esteban Munoz non la si incontra mai o come consiglia Jack Halberstam bisogna fallire al momento guardando alla storia si può osservare soltanto che i tentativi di farla durare l’hanno poi ingabbiata, fissata e cristallizzata. Quindi la si trova in cose che non durano, in arti minori, non è arte da museo e non è arte Classica, nè bianca, nè occidentale. È un estetica fatta di spari, lanci, ricami. Spillette, scritte sui muri, slogan urlati. Toppe serigrafate, volantini distribuiti, pelle tatuata. Attività ludiche in locali notturni, bagni pubblici, parchi, pinete, parcheggi come case private, strade e spazi abbandonati.
«IL QUEER NON È QUI. Il queer è un’aspirazione. Detto in altre parole, non siamo ancora queer. Potremmo non raggiungere mai il queer, ma possiamo percepirlo, come la calda luce di un orizzonte infuso di possibilità. Non siamo mai stat* queer, eppure il queer esiste per noi come un’aspirazione che può essere distillata dal passato e usata per immaginare un futuro.»
José Esteban Munoz, Cruising Utopia, NERO 2022
È un gesto irripetibile come Silvia Spolato con un cartello con scritto “sono lesbica”, come Sylvia Rivera che lancia -la seconda- bottiglia molotov o la dragqueen che getta il caffè in faccia al poliziotto. Sono gesti di rottura e pratiche transfemministe di cura e mutoaiuto come quelle delle STAR (Sreet Transvestite Action Revolutionary) o delle Queen o delle Madri delle Black Ball. Sex worker, razzializzate, senza casa che per poter esprimere la propria cultura organizzavano TAZ! È un arte che non si posiziona prima del museo, non può trovare una forma perchè non può avere definizione o profilo.
«Già da prima, da sempre, l’attivismo, non solo transfemminista e queer, produce saperi “indisciplinati” che hanno lo stesso valore della produzione accademica: servono infrastrutture che se ne prendano cura dal basso e si preoccupino della loro libera circolazione, senza privatizzare (anche in senso economico) questa ricchezza comune.
Servono luoghi per organizzare collettivamente il rifiuto della “promessa di riconoscimento” sulla quale si basa tanta parte dello sfruttamento del lavoro intellettuale dentro e fuori l’accademia. Perché l’accademia, in questo senso, è solo un esempio nemmeno il più importante.
Fallire sempre meglio, postfazione a cura di CRAAAZI di Jack Halberstam, L’arte queer del fallimento, minimum fax 2022
È uno spazio liberato dal patriarcato, dal consumismo e dal colonialismo. È uno luogo dissedente dal sistema ciseteronormativo che può essere il palco di un locale, una casa come una pineta. Ma chissà come mai è sempre un atto considerato illegale, illecito o criminale. È uno scandalo, è perverso, è storto. Ed è uno spazio che va occupato, perchè altrimenti visti i rapporti di potere si finisce per essere sussunte, canonizzate e sfruttate perchè i processi di istituzzionalizazione riconoscono certo la legittimità ma comportano allo stesso tempo la rinuncia di autonomia nel percorso di ricerca e sfruttamento e normalizzazione per chi porta avanti le stesse lotte sociali fuori, dentro o contro le istituzioni.
Un arte dal basso che non può entrare in un museo se non che ricodificata, resa accettabile, sbiancata.
è solo dopo che vengono rese innocue al ordine stabilito che le persone queer entrano nei musei, nella moda, nelle belle arti. Non è queer aderire al sistema che l’opprime, lo impedisce e lo combatte: Sgombero di Atlantide 9 ottobre 2015 #AtlantideResiste!
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peppermintbuttlemon · 10 months ago
If someone has only met JQ, I implore you to meet another celebrity at a con. The difference between the way JQ and Jamie Bower treat their fans is night and day.
People said JQ was just “out of it” in Philly because of the work visa thing and cramming 3 days into 1. Fine, totally fair and understandable.
But he was still miserable in Dallas the next weekend, not smiling or showing any appreciation for fans.
And MONTHS LATER, Portland con attendees reported the same kind of apathetic, couldn’t-care-less attitude.
I’m cackling imagining JQ’s surprised Pikachu face when barely anyone bothers to see him at cons. His attitude shift before and after booking bigger projects is jarring, and he’s definitely heading towards getting a reputation for being a douche.
What always gets me is the videos of him seen walking through areas where there are fans around and he pretends he doesn’t see them. A quick little nod and a smile in their direction would go a long way. Some of those people couldn’t afford to buy the pics or autographs and just wanted to see you. Acknowledging their existence is bottom of the barrel kinda shit.
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brawlcentral · 1 year ago
Character Viability in Brawl
This article was written by the Brawl Central community, check us out over on: https://brawlcentral.carrd.co/
Brawl is not exactly seen as a very balanced game. Its best character is commonly considered the best character in Smash history, and its worst character is commonly considered the worst in Smash history. However, Brawl actually has numerous viable characters (characters who are able to win a major solo). But who are these characters, and how many of its 37 characters are viable? If we go down the tier list, we can get a good idea of who these characters are. This was inspired by Asumsaus’ video on Melee’s viable characters, make sure to check that out as well. How Many Characters Are Viable in Melee?
Generally, as you go down the tier list, characters generally become less viable. Some characters have already won a major, and in this case they are proven as viable. Any other characters may be viable in theory, but they haven’t proven themselves just yet. We’ll start with the characters who have been proven as viable.
Note that this is going off of SSBWiki’s list of majors.
The characters who have won more than one major:
Meta Knight
Ice Climbers
No explanation needed for these two characters
Diddy Kong
Diddy Kong has won numerous majors. ADHD has won 4 different majors, dating all the way back to S.N.E.S. in 2009, and Gnes also won MLG Dallas 2010. These have all shown that Diddy has what it takes to win. Having decent matchups vs both Meta Knight and Ice Climbers, Diddy is easily the 3rd most viable character on our list. While this isn’t considered a major by SmashWiki, Player-1 did win CEO Dreamland 2020, which is only not considered a major by them due to its lower entrant count. Diddy Kong is a very strong character who has shown he can win and in my opinion is the most viable character after Meta Knight and Ice Climbers.
Like Diddy Kong, Snake has won numerous majors. Ally won 7 majors, 5 of them using only Snake, and the other two using Snake and other characters. DSF also won a major using Meta Knight and Snake. The most recent major Ally won was GOML 2016, using Snake. Snake has been a staple character of Brawl since the very beginning, and has certainly been proven as viable.
The characters who have won only one major
Despite being a consensus top 4 character, Olimar has only ever won a single major solo, which is very surprising. This was Numabura 7; a 110 entrant Japanese major, which was won by Nietono with players such as Otori, Kakera, Brood, Shogun, Mikeneko, and El. There are other times that Olimar has been close, such as when Brood got 2nd at Apex 2010, or Nietono got 2nd at Apex 2012 and Sumabato X6. However, this tournament is the only time that an Olimar main has actually managed to finish in 1st.
Falco is a very proficient character in Brawl…except when he isn’t. The bird has two problem matchups, these being Ice Climbers and Pikachu. While these aren’t completely unwinnable, they make it very hard for Falco to win a major if you can’t avoid them (and in today’s day and age, you’re probably not avoiding Ice Climbers to win a major). However, Falco has won, once, Thanks to the one and only Does Everyone Hate Falco, also known as DEHF or Larry Lurr. Larry won Apex 2010, a huge tournament with players such as Brood, Mew2King, Ally, lain, and RAIN in attendance. Is it possible for Falco to win a major solo? Yes, and Larry proves it. However I feel that in modern majors it will be very hard due to the prevalence of Ice Climbers at the top level (assuming 686M and Hoenn return to the game), and not to mention Gunnermaniac’s Pikachu.
Zero Suit Samus
One of the most iconic moments in Brawl’s history was Salem’s run at Apex 2013. He was a wifi-warrior who emerged out of nowhere. He defeated Mr. R, Otori, Mikeneko, and Mew2King, using a character that not only had never won a major before, but was considered C tier at the time. However, this is the only time that ZSS has won a major solo. The next closest thing is Cody’s run at Return to Subspace 2, where he used ZSS in Winners Quarters and Winners Semis. However, he switched off ZSS for Winners Finals and Grand Finals, meaning he did not win with solo ZSS. V115 also got 2nd place at a long string of tournaments from 2016–2019, including Super Smash Con 2016 and CEO Dreamland 2017, but was unable to pull out a victory. However, with Salem’s run, ZSS has been proven as viable.
Edit: Choco also won KVO 2014, over Edge, 9B, and more. This tournament had over 100 entrants, and could arguably be considered a major as well. It was a single elimination bracket, not double elimination. If this is considered a major, then ZSS would have 2 majors wins, not just one. However being single elimination makes it harder to count as one.
Wario is the last character to have won a major solo. In 2010, Glutonny won Bushido Brawl Impact, the only European major so far, with players such as Ally, Mr. R, and Leon in attendance. Wario is on the low end of high tier, and can often struggle in certain matchups such as vs King Dedede, who can chaingrab Wario, and Marth and Meta Knight. However, Glutonny has proven that it is possible, but it may take a good bracket for a Wario to win again. Fiction also won Winter Game Fest IV, which was a very large tournament but does not have the top-level talent to be considered a major, which means Glutonny is left as the only Wario major winner.
The Weird Case: Marth
Marth is a top 6 character in Brawl. So why isn’t he on this list? Well, there are two events that are close, but in different ways, and both of them end up in a way that leaves Marth in a weird situation. At Return to Subspace 2, Cody defeated Pelca in Grand Finals with a 3–0 as Marth. He also used Marth against Mikeray4 in Winners Finals. However, during his run of the tournament, he also used Zero Suit Samus, and pulled out Meta Knight vs Mikeray4. This means we can’t really classify it as a solo major win for Marth. Mikeneko also won Piosuma, a 2012 Japanese tournament, with players like Otori, Kakera, Shu, Brood, Abadango, RAIN, and Nietono in attendance. However, the details about this tournament, including the entrant numbers and results beyond 13th, are not very well known. Based on calculations I did going off of VOD titles, there could have been 17–32 players present. However, if the round names in those titles did not include pools, things are a lot more complicated and the number of people that attended may be lost to time. The later tournaments in the series are considered regionals, however, so it could be fair to assume this one is as well.
However, despite all my blabbering, the real question here is “Can Marth win a major?”. And yes, I think he absolutely can. With Cody’s run at RTS 2, and Mikeneko at Piosuma, I think it has definitely been shown that it is possible for Marth to win a major solo. Marth is a hard character to pilot at the top level, with spacing being very important, but with the right player, Marth could certainly take a major without any help.
The Final Top 10 Character: Pikachu
No, Pikachu has never won a major, and depending on how you consider Marth might be the only one. ESAM has been close before, with 2nd place finishes at both SKTAR and Super Smash Con 2015, and a 3rd place at MLG Dallas 2010, Apex 2014, and SKTAR 3. He also won WHOBO 4, but this tournament was not stacked enough to be considered a major, and it had Meta Knight banned, although players like Ally and Gnes were in attendance. I think with results like this it is certainly possible for Pikachu to win a major, it just hasn’t been proven yet. Pikachu is one of, if not the most technical characters in Brawl, and very hard to play at the top level. However, I think with results like this it is definitely possible for Pikachu to win a major. It will take a very skilled player who can consistently utilize Pikachu’s advanced tech and movement, and may also necessitate avoiding Ice Climbers and Olimar, Pikachu’s two worst matchups. Pikachu clearly has the potential to win a major.
The Mid-Tiers
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The B and B- tiers are in a similar boat. I think it is possible for the characters in these tiers to win. However, it would take a player who is far ahead of the rest of the field and maybe a good bracket path as well. Each of these characters have some troubling matchups, which are very hard to win especially at the top level. Notably, Pit’s matchup spread is not very bad, with his toughest matchup being Meta Knight. Earth, the best Pit main, beat Mew2King at Sumabato X15, showing that the matchup is winnable. Toon Link also struggles with Meta Knight, but notably has a good matchup vs Ice Climbers. At Apex 2022, Cody won the last game of Grand Finals with Toon Link against Hoenn’s Meta Knight. These two characters probably would have the best chance of actually winning a major, among the B and B- tier characters. Fox and Sheik both have terrible matchups vs Ice Climbers, and they along with Wolf struggle heavily against Pikachu as well. Wolf also struggles with Wario and King Dedede, and Fox also struggles against Sheik. Despite doing well against Ice Climbers, R.O.B., Peach, and (as mentioned) Toon Link have hard matchups vs Meta Knight. There are more matchups as well. These make it hard for characters from these tiers. However, if they could avoid their worst matchups, and outskill the other top players, it could be possible.
Finally, I think some of the characters in C tier are the last characters who reasonably have a greater than miniscule chance of winning a major. Sonic struggles vs Meta Knight, Lucario, Falco, and Olimar, but a very good Sonic player could feasibly win these matchups at the top level, as long as they are very optimized and utilize Sonic’s speed to play very defensively. Kirby also could have a chance. He has a strong punish game at low percents, but it would take out-skilling Meta Knight and out-maneuvering Ice Climbers, which is hard with Kirby’s low range and low speed. The only other character in this tier is Donkey Kong, and honestly, despite being the highest character in the tier, might have the hardest time winning a major. He has incredibly difficult matchups vs King Dedede and Olimar, and has a hard time vs Falco, Meta Knight, Ice Climbers, basically all of the top ten except Marth (and to a lesser extent Snake), and some mid tiers as well. I think it would be nigh impossible for DK to win a major at the current top level. He has so many matchups that are very hard to win, and so defeating players of these characters at the top level to place 1st at a major would be virtually impossible to do.
Overall, it seems like there are 10 characters who likely can or have won a major, these being the top 10 characters on the tier list. Beyond this, it becomes significantly harder. I think it is possible for 12 more characters to win a major, these being Lucario, King Dedede, Fox, Pit, Toon Link, Peach, R.O.B., Wolf, Mr. Game and Watch, Sheik, Kirby, and Sonic. I think for any character lower than Sonic, while it could happen, is extremely unlikely to win a major. This gives us 22 possibly viable characters, and 10 likely or proven viable characters, which seems to be a pretty fair number. Now is the best era for mid tiers in Brawl, with a solo R.O.B. in the top 10 and a Pit and King Dedede in the top 15, but only the top 2 players, 686M and Cody, have been able to win majors recently. It seems unlikely that a mid tier would win in the current meta unless piloted by one of these two players, but it’s definitely possible someone could rise up to that level with a mid tier. Will this happen? Only time will tell.
If you’re interested in more Brawl, make sure to check out Brawl Central at https://discord.gg/brawlcentral
Written by ninja1167 Proofread by Four Sword
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enkeynetwork · 1 year ago
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storecowboys · 1 year ago
Pikachu Wearing A Hat Dallas Cowboys Baseball Jersey
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Pikachu Wearing A Hat Dallas Cowboys Baseball Jersey
Wear a T-shirt or hawaiian shirt, Hoodie, Sweatshirt….Jacket from  Shirt custom for fan to show pride in your football fans! You will be the best dressed fan at any store. Why not wear it around town and fulfill your needs? They are of good quality, lots of seasonally appropriate products. 
Pikachu Wearing A Hat Dallas Cowboys Baseball Jersey
- Products are available in a variety of sizes and colors. We are dedicated to bring you products with the best quality graphic prints! We carry the most up-to-date graphics inspired by the latest trends in media, television, fashion, pop culture and urban streetwear. We offer designs for every occasion and occasion for you to show your love for the team or player you admire. - Machine wash cold in similar colors, tumble dry on low heat Perfect to wear at home or out on the town. Lightweight, classic fit, double-needle sleeves and bottom hem. Perfect for gifts, or buy for yourself. - Depending on the type of product, there are 2 ways to buy products with us: - Fill out the order information and proceed with payment. - You can only change the order information within 4 hours of placing an order successfully. - It takes us about 3-5 business days to deliver the product to the US address and it may take longer for international orders. - If you have any questions, please chat with us or contact us via [email protected] . Thank you for trusting and shopping with us. - Each product is constructed from a premium polyester blend that is ultra-soft and incredibly comfortable. - Features a specialty high definition heat-dye application that ensures long lasting color vibrancy even after machine washing. - Fabric is durable and resistant to wrinkles, shrinking and mildew. - Each product is custom printed, cut and sewn just for you when you place your order ? there may be small differences in the design on the seams and / or arms due to the custom nature of the production process. - Standard Worldwide Shipping Time: 5 –7 days by USPS or FedEx.v..v.. - Tracking Number: When your order is completed, we will send you the tracking number with the confirmation email so that you can track the package online. - Our factories are located in many country - FOOTBALL: MIAMI DOLPHINS OFFICIAL STORE - Miami Dolphins Fan Store - buffalobillsfanstore.com - hothawaiianshirt.com - artaitee.comThank You. Read the full article
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wonderkat11 · 1 year ago
SSBU Characters and Their GoAnimate Voices
So, today that I wanna talk about the Smash Ultimate characters and their GoAnimate Voices, so here they are.
So, today that I wanna talk about the Smash Ultimate characters and their GoAnimate Voices, so here they are.
Mario = Brian
Donkey Kong = Dallas
Link = Paul
Samus & Dark Samus = Callie
Yoshi = Kidaroo
Kirby = Shy Girl
Fox = Young Guy
Pikachu = Young Guy (Unfortunately, I don't have any choice)
Luigi = David
Ness = Young Guy
Captain Falcon = Brian
Jigglypuff = Ivy
Peach = Julie
Daisy = Ivy
Bowser = Scary Voice
Ice Climbers = Justin & Emma
Sheik = Kayla
Zelda = Emma
Dr. Mario = Brian
Pichu = Ivy
Falco = Kidaroo
Marth = Joey
Lucina = Salli
Young Link = Young Guy
Ganondorf = Alan
Mewtwo = David
Roy = Young Guy
Chrom = Paul
Mr. Game & Watch = David
Meta Knight = Steven
Pit = David
Dark Pit = Young Guy
Zero Suit Samus = Grace
Wario = Wiseguy
Snake = David
Ike = James
Pokemon Trainer = Paul & Kayla
Squirtle = Young Guy
Ivysaur = Steven
Charizard = Scary Voice
Diddy Kong = Justin
Lucas = Ivy
Sonic = Young Guy
King Dedede = Dave
Olimar = Justin
Alph = Young Guy
Lucario = Alan
R.O.B. = Wiseguy
Toon Link = Justin
Wolf = Alan
Villager = Young Guy & Emma
Megaman = Young Guy
Wii Fit Trainer = Susan & Joey
Rosalina = Kayla
Little Mac = Joey
Greninja = Kidaroo
Mii Fighters = Young Guy, Joey, & Princess
Palutena = Princess
Pac-Man = Justin
Robin = David & Princess
Shulk = Young Guy
Bowser Jr. = Brian
Larry = Young Guy
Roy = Steven
Wendy = Princess
Iggy = Kidaroo
Morton = Alan
Lemmy = Tween Girl
Ludwig = Joey
Duck Hunt = Brian
Ryu = Eric
Ken = Brian
Cloud = David
Corrin = Kidaroo & Kayla
Bayonetta = Amy
Inkling = Kayla & Kidaroo (Similar to Corrin for one)
Ridley = Kidaroo
Simon = Himself
Richter = Joey
King K. Rool = Scary Voice
Isabelle = Ivy
Incineroar = Wiseguy
Piranha Plant = Fiona
Joker = Young Guy
Luminary = Paul
Erdrick = David
Solo = Young Guy
Eight = Justin
Banjo = Brian
Kazooie = Salli
Terry = Steven
Byleth = David & Kayla
Min-Min = Justin
Steve = David
Alex = Salli
Zombie = Young Guy
Enderman = Alan
Sephiroth = Alan
Pyra = Salli
Mythra = Ivy
Kazuya = Alan
Sora = Young Guy (Not David)
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rohhit · 2 years ago
Hi bailbudhi, today i miss you a little more...today is something special also...like not today's special...its the first anniversary of that...exactly a year ago...out of blue you video called me first time to me honestly meri gaand fat gyii thiii....but that special interview was taken by you is something unusual....but yours and i rescue mission of jashnn is beyond anything i ever experienced...yrr mai nahi likh paungaa....yrr tum sara time mere sath call pe rahii jitni der bhi mai bahr rha....you do everything to save a person who fucking didnt respect you.... Although maine samjhaya pr kya kru gadhe ke aage kya fayda....you know i learnt kaafi kuch from you from cicada to butterfly effect to pikachu ki punch black nhi hai...ghosh kya ho tum, kon ho tum... Pta nhi i never thought to love you vaise bhi yeh pyaar vgerah sabh lauda lassan hota, bt i admit i want to close to you...like i feel alive safe with you ...what mai mard hu tum gundi ho..... Stop!
I just fuckin miss you, dont know why maybe im fuckin dickhead..... Tum bs khush raho aur tanvi se duur rehna and hope jashn ne fr tumhe kisi problem main na dalla ho...
Bailbuddhi, i hope in another life i would have really liked to drink coffee and walking with you
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gaydisasterhockeynerd · 2 years ago
My friend and I came up with a list of NHL teams as Pokémon.
Anaheim Ducks: Psyduck
Arizona Coyotes: Theivul
Boston Bruins: Ursaring
Buffalo Sabres: Bouffalant
Calgary Flames: Rapidash
Carolina Hurricanes: Poliwhirl
Chicago Blackhawks: Jynx
Colorado Avanalche: Arcanine
Columbus Blue Jackets: Gastly
Dallas Stars: Staryu
Detroit Red Wings: Octillery
Edmonton Oilers: Onix
Florida Panthers: Rattata
Los Angeles Kings: Aegislash
Minnesota Wild: Lycanroc
Montreal Candiens: Bulbasaur
Nashville Predators: Raikou
New Jersey Devils: Giratina
New York Islanders: Metapod
New York Rangers: Persian
Ottawa Senators: Magikarp
Philadelphia Flyers: Zapados
Pittsburgh Penguins: Empoleon
San Jose Sharks: Sharpedo
Seattle Kraken: Gyarados
St Louis Blues: Machamp
Tampa Bay Lightning: Pikachu
Toronto Maple Leafs: Leafeon
Vancouver Canucks: Wailord
Vegas Golden Knights: Ceruledge
Washington Capitals: Wishiwashi
Winnipeg Jets: Corvisque
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years ago
445 of 2022
Created by joybucket
Do you regularly....
drink coffee?
drink tea?
curl your hair?
straighten your hair?
read the Bible?
play online games?
watch movies?
watch television?
read books?
Would you ever....
dye your hair a wild color?
get a tattoo?
get a piercing?
bungee jump?
dance in public?
sing a solo?
travel to Africa?
ride an elephant?
travel to Europe? (lol)
travel to Asia?
travel solo?
travel to New York City?
ask out your crush? (too shy for that, sadly)
Can you....
play an instrument?
touch your nose to your tongue?
lick the tip of your nose?
do the splits?
do a cartwheel?
write neatly?
write in cursive?
speak another language?
pop your fingers out of joint?
read minds?
Are you....
double jointed?
mentally ill?
Do you like....
writing in cursive?
creative writing?
to dance?
to sing?
to pray?
playing Truth or Dare?
Have you ever....
tried to redo your room to make it look like a room you saw on Pinterest?
tried to give yourself a hairstyle you found online?
set up a prayer corner in your room?
had an imaginary friend?
written on the side of a bathroom stall?
fallen asleep with your clothes on?
fallen in a pool fully clothed?
gotten sick from inhaling nail polish remover?
realized that life is amazing?
thought about ending your life?
cried in public?
sat on a rooftop with a friend?
written a letter to a celebrity? (when I was 10 or so)
wished on a shooting star?
Do you remember....
Pokemon cards?
the show Taina?
the show Caitlin's Way?
when the Spice Girls performed on All That?
when the very first episode of Spongebob aired?
what you were doing on Sept. 11, 2001?
Aaron Carter?
N Sync?
choker necklaces?
"LiveStrong" wristbands?
Did you ever....
play with Barbies?
own an American Girl doll?
watch Nickelodeon?
obsess over a celebrity?
crush on a celebrity?
have imaginary friends?
play tag?
take swimming lessons?
take ballet?
take piano lessons?
have the flu?
have to go to the hospital?
dream of running away as a teenager?
get picked first in gym class?
Do you/have you listened to...
Avril Lavigne?
Carrie Underwood?
Taylor Swift?
Black Eyed Peas?
Aaron Carter?
The Backstreet Boys?
The Spice Girls?
S Club 7?
Casting Crowns?
The Jonas Brothers?
Have you ever played...
Truth or Dare?
Heads Up 7 Up?
Red Rover?
Tic Tac Toe?
Four Square?
Apples to Apples?
Chutes and Ladders?
Go Fish?
Never Have I Ever?
Two Truths and a Lie?
If You Really Knew Me?
Roller Coaster Tycoon?
American Girls Premiere?
Candy Crush Saga?
Mahjong Titans?
Mario Party?
Mario Kart?
The Sims?
Pac Man?
Ski ball?
beer pong?
Do you like these names (for a girl)?...
Do you like these names (for a boy)?....
Would you ever dye your hair...
dark brown?
light brown?
red (the natural hair color red)?
red (as in, bright red)?
Would you ever get a tattoo of...
a cross?
a peace sign?
a quote?
someone's name?
a heart?
something insignificant?
a skull?
a flower?
a Japanese symbol?
a continent?
an elephant?
an awareness ribbon?
a fish?
What are you allergic to?
pet dander
bees (if so, how do you react to them?) // just swelling
tree nuts
another food
a medication
a type of glue or paint?
something else (if so, what?)
Have you ever been...
yelled at?
discriminated against? (yeah xenophobia)
close to being homeless?
isolated for a long and unhealthy period of time? (yeah 2020 lol)
Do you believe in...
the supernatural?
The Holy Spirit?
Do you consider yourself...
0 notes
hostile-heros · 3 years ago
CONNOR: "Hero?"
MAMA: "Yes, the Hero. Every few centuries a human hero from another time and world gets transferred to our world to help save it from terrible fates. All of them so far have died during the process sadly but it's a noble cause and they are praised and respected even after their passing."
CONNOR: "Oh... That's... A hell of a way to go. Glad I'm not one of those. I'm just a kid with a whole life ahead've me."
' F U C K. '
PAPA: "Certainly is."
A brief silence follows. Though it's not really silent when Pumpkin is wolfing down xeir food and Connor is eating his at a much more casual pace as he tries to mentally process the information he just learnt.
He's part of a rare group of people who essentially get sent here to deal with problems that aren't theirs and end up dying... But the more he thinks about his life before... Is this really much better than what he was dealing with... After all it's better to die helping people than... Yeah he. He shouldn't think about that. Not right now. Instead just. Focus on the tasty meal in front of you dude.
Pumpkin finishes before he does and takes their plate to the sink before talking again.
PUMPKIN: "Oh! Connor do you want to have a shower?"
CONNOR: "Oh. Yeah in a bit if that's okay with you?"
PUMPKIN: "I'll go have one first while you finish!"
CONNOR: "Aight. Have a good one dude."
PUMPKIN: "I will!"
As the Shinx leaves their mother begins to speak with Connor again.
MAMA: "You mentioned having most likely fallen off a cliff earlier. Are you sure you're okay? Did you go get medical attention by any chance?"
CONNOR: "Oh... Uh... No I. Didn't actually do that. I kinda. Got distracted by the fact that. I didn't know where I was and that I had most of my stuff missing."
MAMA: "Oh sweetie you really need to see the nurse or something to see that you're okay. Hey. How about we take you and Pumpkin to the guild tomorrow to get looked over by the medical team. I know pumpkin gets a lot of injuries from adventuring on their own and never tells us and probably needs it as well. Is that okay?"
CONNOR: "That's... Really kind you don't have to do that-"
PAPA: "Of course we do kid. We're adults, we're meant ta' look after kids like you."
CONNOR: "Oh... Uh... Thank you that. That would be good."
MAMA: "Good. How about you finish your dinner and have a nice shower and rest then tomorrow we'll take you there after the sun's come up for a while we'll take you there okay sweetie?"
CONNOR: "Okay. Thank you."
He continues to eat his food as the two adults speak to each other. Not really paying attention to what they're saying as they're talking about stuff that he doesn't really understand the context of and eavesdropping on that kind of stuff is weird. So he just. Doesn't focus as he eats the rest of his meal.
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sherlock-is-ace · 4 years ago
Day 36 of my Italian course in Duolingo and I keep making the same damn mistake...
Everytime, everytime they give me sentence in italian to translate to spanish, I readit, I understand it perfectly, and because I understand it perfectly my idiot brain thinks I just read it in spanish so I write it in italian!!
And the funniest thing is, that I’m not even copying the phrase, I am thinking and translating it... I’m so stupid! XD
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nomadjones · 17 days ago
"It's not horrible," Dallas assures, though it lacks the kind of conviction that would be found when he was telling a whole truth. The effort behind the cake was unmistakable, yet the tongue-out spikey haired minion that was supposed to be strumming a guitar was unnerving in its own right.
"It's better than anything I could have done, I can tell ya that."
Baking hadn't entered the sphere of his pursuit of hobbies and he had doubts that if it did he would find himself discovering an unbeknownst talent for it.
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"I think if we just--" He does what he's intending rather than explains it, moving the guitar minion ever so slightly so he was less focally prominent than his unbothered yellow friend, giving a nod like he had just done something, "--There. See? Better."
He could see when he turned his head briefly that Colton and his friends were still crowded around the grabber machine, burning through the change that he had given to try and ensnare a Pikachu that didn't want to be grabbed.
"Do ya wanna do cake and candles now or give 'em another little while?"
who: @nomadjones
where: pinball wizard arcade
Christina shifts around the table to adjust the plates slightly as she glances over her shoulder every once in a while to check in on how Colton was doing. Every time she did, he was laughing and always had a smile on his face so that was good, right? Her eyes shift to the cake as she walks around the table to fix anything she notices that's slightly off. Ever since he was born, she always promised she'd be the kind of mom that made him birthday cakes and this year was no different. With Despicable Me 4 being out this year, he wanted a minion cake which she attempted about four times ironically. "This is almost as horrible as the Bowser cake last year." She murmurs when she feels his presence near her. It's been easy to be in touch with when he's there and when he's not with how much time they've been trying to spend together all three of them. "It could be worse, right? I could be one of those moms on Nailed It."
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