#dal defenders rise up
event-horizon06 · 1 month
Hi friends! I made a story today, celebrating the crews birthday today! It’s mostly Gwyn x Dal, but there’s also some Zero/Maj’el in there.
I hope you all enjoy it!
Happy birthday Prodigy Crew! (And you too Mr. Waltke)
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metamatar · 5 months
As the 19th century gave way to the 20th, the caricature of the enemy shifted more decisively from the West to the Muslim. As the desire to homogenise the Hindu community took hold, Hindu Right organisations began engaging with Bengal’s marginalised castes in a way the Left did not even contemplate doing till the late-20th century. The slow incorporation of lower castes within the Hindu fold went hand-in-hand with the steady expulsion of Muslims from the national body.
Organisations like the Bharat Sevashram Sangha and Hindu Mahasabha played a crucial role in both processes, often providing what we can call intellectual justifications for such strategies. If Mukherji propagated demographic fears, the Mahasabha and the Sangha worked on the ideological mission of keeping the Hindu community together. This required preventing restless and assertive lower caste communities from breaking away from the dominance of the upper caste bhadralok.
Founded by Swami Pranabananda in 1917, one of the Sangha’s primary missions was urging Hindus to fortify themselves as an unbreachable, unified community. Such a mission called for an end to caste discrimination and the practice of untouchability. To achieve its ideological ends, Hindu organisations identified tribals and Dalits as their primary target groups. [...] The campaigns, aimed at reorganising the village economy, carried out social work in backward areas. [...]
By 1926, the Sangha ran more than a dozen ashrams in areas of eastern and southern Bengal dominated by marginalised caste communities. The organisation founded Hindu Milan Mandirs, conceptualised on the lines of mosque gatherings, apart from launching Rakshi Dals comprising armed volunteers to defend Hindus against enemies. This movement for the assimilation of Hindus (Hindu Samanvyay Andolan) worked on multiple registers. The Hindu Milan Mandir provided spaces to hold prayers, conduct rituals and festivals, and deliberate on issues related to Hindu society. The young were taught history, the elderly given an education in the Shastras. There were libraries with books on Hinduism and the Hindu way of life. Schools of martial arts training were set up for self-defence.
Through the 1930s and 1940s, both the Mahasabha and the Sangha worked in tandem to fortify the Hindu community as one. Even as the BSS urged upper castes to end untouchability, it also asked lower castes to integrate themselves with the larger Hindu community by giving up their “hatred” of upper castes. These organisations wanted to direct Dalit anger at Muslims, representing them as the primary other and threat to Hindus. The Sangha’s spaces of Hindu congregation, Pranabananda believed, would facilitate organising as a homogenous, non-porous community. They served, or at least attempted to serve, the purpose of subsuming smaller oppositional caste-based identities into a sweeping fold of Hindu identity. Such a ubiquitous Hindu identity, proponents hoped, would steer groups away from caste antagonism and towards building a Hindu Dharma Rashtra. In some ways, the scale and operations of this intricate organisational network resembled the structure of the RSS, founded in 1925. During riots and famines, Hindu Milan Mandir volunteers would rush to the aid of Hindus, collecting monthly subscriptions and food from each member.
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tinybibmpreg · 3 years
Prompt 2/80, #36 - Did you honestly think that was going to impress me? ft. two of my S/tar T/rek ocs, Captain Cipher Nine and Li Ilik Dari’Oza
USS Sifr: Unimpressed
“Did you honestly think that was going to impress me?” Li Ilik drawled, leaning back against a workstation. He crossed his arms across his chest the best he could with two infants strapped there, tilted his head, and leveled Cipher with a glare so unimpressed Cipher slouched. He'd felt like quite the hero when he first turned around to see what his partner thought of his success in a firefight. Now that feeling of victory was rapidly fading away.
Even their daughters looked sorely disinterested in him, and they were just babies.
Foolishly, Cipher answered, “Kind of?”
Li Ilik’s scathing retort was instantaneous, “You wasted resources, time, took damage that could have been avoided, used tactics that were juvenile and utterly predictable, not at all suited to the situation at hand, and you were woefully unprepared. You spent far too much time trying to negotiate as well when we were immediately attacked.”
“I wasn't unprepared.”
“Oh, you were. If I'd been the captain-”
Cipher barely suppressed a grin, perking up. Li Ilik only pulled out that hypothetical in their debates when he was faltering in coming up with arguments, flustered and trying to rile him up fast. He wasn’t really unimpressed, despite the glare. “This is a Starfleet ship, Li. I'm far more suited.”
Li Ilik scoffed. “It doesn't matter. I have far more military experience than you. Don't forget, I was once the second in command of the flagship of the Cardassian military. Second only to-”
He was interrupted by a sharp, “I thought Captain Cipher did really well, Dari’Oza. It's been a while since you were even Dal, right? I bet you'd be rather rusty. You don't know what you're talking about.”
Cipher rolled his eyes and sighed in exasperation as his first officer spoke. Even after so much time, the man didn't seem to realize Cipher didn't need his reputation or orders defended, especially not from Li Ilik, who criticized everything he did as Captain, according to traditional Cardassian courtship. It was the easiest and most passionate argument they could have. Li Ilik straightened immediately, tail lashing. His grey protofeathers ruffled, and he growled before storming off of the bridge. Well, not really storming, exactly, Cipher thought. With two babies always strapped to his chest or tucked in his arms, and a heavily pregnant belly hanging off of his slim figure, Li Ilik waddled off a bit more than he stalked off, lately.
It was very funny to watch, even though Cipher knew Li Ilik only took off like that instead of verbally ripping into whoever he felt insulted him when he was upset. Being pregnant again had made the Cardassian rather emotional. Cipher wanted to go after him, but he had work to do as Captain. He couldn't just run off right after a battle. He needed to review damage reports, assign repair teams, be there in case another ship showed up. Get the ship back in top shape before they could continue on their mission course. Then he could go see if Li Ilik was still offended.
“Okay. Do we have an update on the hull and shield status?”
“Yes, Captain. There was a hull breach near engineering, but no casualties. They're already fixing it. The shield is on its way back to 100%.”
“Excellent.” Cipher sat down in his chair and settled into his role as Captain.
For all of three minutes. Then his second officer walked in, looking a bit confused. Cipher greeted her, “Ah. Lieutenant Commander Rian. You have a report?”
“Um, yes. Though, uh, is Dari’Oza alright? I passed him on my way up. I thought he would be on the bridge- it looked like he was crying, almost…”
Li Ilik rarely cried, even when hormonal and overemotional in his pregnancy. Work would have to wait. Cipher stood up. “Commander, can you man the bridge for me? I’ll be back later.”
“Sure, Captain. I'll take that report then, Rian.” 
Cipher walked out of the bridge and onto the elevator. Once the doors closed, he asked for the lift to bring him to deck 8, where the Captain’s quarters were. He tapped his foot as it descended. He tried not to think about how slow the turbolift was when he was impatient, as it’d only make it seem even longer.
When the lift finally stopped on his deck, he practically leaped off of it, heading towards his quarters. He kept his pace quick in case he passed anyone. His crew tended to leave him be if he looked like he was in a hurry to get somewhere. Rian always told him he could be quite intense when he was determined, whether that be when he was having a conversation, fighting a battle, or simply making his way through the ship corridors.
As soon as he was in front of his quarters, he slapped the entrance panel and stepped in, calling, “Li? Girls?”
No sign of Li Ilik or the twins in the living room or dining area. Cipher reached out to give his cat, Fox, a pat on the head as he went for the master bedroom, which was currently shut. A rarity, since Cipher insisted it be kept open at all times so his cat could go in and out of the bedroom as she pleased. Li Ilik had grown fond of the animal the past few years, sometimes preferring her company over Cipher’s. He never closed the door unless he was very upset, too upset for even Fox to comfort.
He clicked for the door to open, but it stayed shut. Now very worried, he input his override code. The door slid open and he headed into the dimly lit room. Li Ilik was curled up on the bed, his face buried into a pillow to muffle his crying. His shoulders were wracked with sobs. The girls were sound asleep on the bed, each on their nursing pillows, with their father’s tail wrapped around them. Cipher rushed to his side, climbing onto the bed but being careful not to disturb the girls. “Li!”
“Go away.”
“No, you’re upset. I want you to talk to me.” He rubbed Li Ilik’s back. “Please?”
Li Ilik lifted his tear-stained face a bit. “Why bother? You know what’s wrong.”
“The thing with Commander Gaines?” 
Li Ilik nodded. Cipher pulled him up so he could hold him. Li Ilik kept a firm hold on the pillow but leaned against him. Cipher exhaled with relief. At least Li Ilik wasn’t angry with him, or else he would have fought the hold or pulled away. He reached over and pulled the girls closer, so Li Ilik could keep his tail around them. When he tried to kiss his temple, Li Ilik turned his head. So he was definitely upset with him, and not so much the first officer.
Cipher kissed the top of his head anyway. Normally he loved feeling the soft grey protofeathers that made up his husband’s hair, but now he couldn’t focus on that. “He’s a bit temperamental. Still, he shouldn’t have said that to you.”
Li Ilik shook his head, more tears welling up in his eyes. Cipher felt a bit helpless. It’d never bothered Li Ilik before when the first officer argued with him. Sure, he’d get offended, but he’d always get over it fairly quickly. But now it seemed like it was something a bit more than Gaines making a needless retort, something he’d missed.
“If the Commander didn’t upset you, what did? Did something happen on your way here?”
“You didn’t defend me!” Li Ilik cried. “You let him speak to me like that!”
“But you’ve never gotten upset about him before?”
“I don’t care what he says! He’s just some sycophant Federaji lackey-” Cipher filed that phrase away to laugh at later when all of this was over with and he was allowed to find it funny. “But you never defend me!”
“I- I didn’t know I needed to do that. You always defend yourself so well. You never seem to need my help.”
“How could you think that?” Li Ilik sobbed. “Do you find it okay that your subordinates flirt or offend me in front of you?”
“I don’t think Gaines was flirting with you,” Cipher said, then immediately wished he hadn’t. That wasn’t what he should have focused on.
“It doesn’t matter whether he was flirting or arguing with me!” Li Ilik hissed at him, voice rising. One of the girls mumbled and Li Ilik glanced down at her. He touched her with the tip of his tail, and she settled down. He crumpled, burying his face into the pillow again and sobbing miserably.
Cipher hugged him tightly, but Li Ilik squirmed out of his grip. “I don’t like when Gaines or the others upset you.”
“Then why do you let them do that? You’re the Captain, your subordinates shouldn’t be talking to your mate like that, especially not in front of you, in front of everyone, in front of our daughters, when I’m carrying your children-”
Man, Cipher thought, it really was bad that he was letting those things slide. He should have realized that his husband wanted him to speak up for him like a proper Cardassian mate would have. Or like a proper mate at all would have. Being human wasn’t even an excuse.
“I’ll talk to Gaines about it, I promise.” That seemed to soothe Li Ilik. Cipher kissed his hunter-eye, and Li Ilik took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself. “I’m sorry I let things get this bad, Li. Shouldn’t have let you get into this state.”
“If you were Cardassian, this never would have happened. You would have kept all your men in line from the start,” Li Ilik told him, and Cipher knew he’d been forgiven.
“Oh, if I were Cardassian, you wouldn’t like me nearly as much.”
Li Ilik gave him an unimpressed glare, somehow just as effective even with his face wet with tears and his hair all ruffled.
Cipher grinned and kissed him, then pecked extra kisses on his cheek for good measure. Li Ilik pulled away to wipe off his face and try to fix his hair. “Enough, enough.”
“Oh, man, it freaks me out when you’re upset.”
“Then you should endeavor to be the best husband possible, so I’m not upset again,” Li Ilik told him, jabbing at his chest. “I don’t expect to cry again until you die and leave me a widower with four children to look after.”
Cipher rolled his eyes. “I won’t be dying that soon, geez.”
“Good.” Li Ilik thought for a moment and then added, “Unless of course, you die in an idiotic way. Then I won’t be crying over you.”
“I’ll die as a hero and you and the girls will weep over my body or what’s left of it in front of everyone, or in such a ridiculous way that you’ll be crying tears of frustration over how I could be such a fool. Deal?”
Li Ilik scoffed. Then, he asked, “Do you have to go back to the bridge?”
“Nah, I think Gaines and Rian have it handled. I’ll stay here with you and the girls until they need me.”
“Help me hold the children.” Li Ilik reached to gently pick up one of their daughters, careful not to wake her up. Cipher reached around Li Ilik to pick up the other twin and placed her in Li Ilik’s arm. Once he had them comfortably laying against his chest, the both of them nuzzling against the base of his throat, Li Ilik leaned back against Cipher. Smiling, Cipher wrapped his arms around Li Ilik, resting his hands on his belly.
It was nice to have his whole family in his arms. Cipher made sure to cherish it. The girls were going to get bigger and it’d be impossible for Li Ilik to try to hold two almost-toddlers and two newborns, though Cipher was certain that he’d try. And then as all the kids grew it’d be more and more difficult to fit them.
“Hello there, Fox.” Meowing, Cipher’s cat hopped up onto the bed and plodded around before sitting next to her owner and kneading the blankets. He scratched behind her ears and was glad when she started purring. Then she stood, stretched, and flopped down against him.
Now he had his whole family, he realized.
But before he could settle in again and maybe try giving Li Ilik some more kisses, his commbadge chimed. “Rian to Captain Cipher.”
Cipher sighed and hit his badge. “Cipher here.”
“Captain, we’re receiving a long-distance message from a ship similar to the one that attacked us. We need you on the bridge.”
“Put the ship on yellow alert and increase sensors, make sure to keep an eye on that ship, try to get a visual. I’m on my way. Cipher out.”
Grumbling, Li Ilik looked disappointed. Cipher detached himself from them, guiding his husband to lean against a pile of pillows.
“Duty calls,” Cipher said apologetically, giving Li Ilik another kiss. He pressed a kiss to the top of his daughter’s heads, and then one to Fox’s. She gave a small ‘mew’ in response. Finally, he dipped his head to press two kisses to Li Ilik’s belly, pulling up his shirt to kiss against his skin.
“Stay safe and get some rest. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He headed out of the bedroom, but then stopped and dipped his head back in. Smirking, he said, “And by the way, I think I made excellent decisions in battle as Captain today.”
Completely flustered, Li Ilik hissed back, “No, you didn’t!”
“Love you too, Li. Love you, girls!” Grinning like a fool, he left his quarters and went to the bridge.
As it turned out, the ship that had attacked them was a stolen ship commandeered by criminals, and the ship contacting them, a military ship in pursuit of the theives, was very grateful for the sensor readings they could provide and the course heading of where the damaged ship had run away after being overpowered. They were given permission to head to the ship’s system of origin, an invitation of first contact.
It would take three days to get there, and once things were underway and all repairs were sorted out and started, Cipher stood up, beamed down at his first officer, and said, “Commander, can I see you in my ready room?”
“Of course, Captain.”
Cipher led Gaines into his ready room. He sat down behind his desk and flicked at a stray marble that had escaped its display container. It rolled towards the edge of the desk but bumped into the little siding he’d had installed to prevent his collection from falling.
Gaines sat down in front of the desk, watching him flick the marble. “Did you want to go over first contact procedures, sir?”
“Oh, no. We won’t be able to do that until tomorrow anyway when we get that information packet from their capital they promised.”
“Then what is it, sir? I thought you’d be headed straight down to your quarters once things were quiet, to be with your family.”
“Once this is done with, I will.” Cipher plucked up the marble and set it back where it belonged. “And funny that you bring up my family, actually-”
“Yeah, Rian already ripped into me about earlier. I didn’t mean to make Dari’Oza cry, sir. He’s just… very insulting.”
Cipher shrugged. “I know you don’t like my husband. Cardassians can be an acquired taste.”
“I don’t think it’s a taste I’ll get used to.”
Cipher appreciated that Gaines was so honest, and he liked him. He hoped that Gaines wouldn’t be too upset. Li Ilik’s feelings mattered more, though.
“I hope you’re not aware that Cardassians flirt by arguing, Drew. I know Li and I probably shouldn’t be so brazen on the bridge, but in a proper Cardassian romance, the couple argues all the time. It’s very fun, getting riled up.”
“I… I didn’t know that, Captain.”
“I tried to give you time to figure it out so I didn’t embarrass you, but then I realized enough is enough. Even if Li Ilik wasn’t just doing a Cardassian courting tradition, I don’t like how you speak to him. You shouldn’t be purposefully trying to argue with or offending your captain’s spouse, especially not when he’s pregnant. And you absolutely shouldn’t be so disrespectful in front of the bridge crew, in front of me, and in front of our daughters.”
Gaines looked thoroughly ashamed. “I’m sorry, Captain. I shouldn’t have been unprofessional.”
“Great! I look forward to things being better from now on. Also, I think Li Ilik is, hm… a bit pettier now that he’s so pregnant, so he’ll probably try to rile you up to upset you. Not in the good way that he does to me, either. Use all of your training and Starfleet determination to resist, okay?”
“I’d tell him not to, but it would not go over well. Imagine telling an almost full-term pregnant human not to do something. That would be a disaster. Now imagine telling a Cardassian. Yeah, that won’t happen.” Cipher laughed. “Dismissed, Commander. You have the bridge. Now I’m going to go to my quarters and spend time with my family. I’m sure Li Ilik’s been prepping on how to criticize any first contact ideas I might have, and I’m looking forward to it.”
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filmmakersvision · 5 years
Top 5 Hindi Film Scenes of 2019
January 1, 2019
by Inakshi Chandra-Mohanty
1. The Sky is Pink - Ishaan at the Train Station
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Ishaan Chaudhary gets a call from his sister, Aisha, when she is at her most helpless. Not much older than her, Ishaan is at a young age where his understanding of death may not be as mature as that of his parents. Till now, we have not seen how he is dealing with his younger sister’s illness and imminent death. In this scene, when Aisha calls up in tears, Ishaan’s first instinct as an elder brother is to be supportive. To reassure her, he tells that in their next life, through reincarnation they will all be reunited once again. He wants to be there for her, but inside, he is falling apart. As soon as she hangs up, he breaks down. All the pain, anger, sadness bursts out in the moment as he smashes his bag on the ground. In front of his parents and sister, he has to project himself as a strong individual. But in reality he is suffering as much as they are. The frustration builds inside him as he maintains composure in front of his family. And finally, in this scene, he lets it all out. The love between two siblings is rarely explored in films. This scene is so fresh and unique that it ultimately becomes the most emotional scene in the film. And without Rohit Saraf’s brilliant acting as the loving brother, this scene would have not been as passionate and impactful as it became.
2. Gully Boy - Doori Poem
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While Gully Boy is at its core a film about a rapper’s rise to fame, it is also a commentary on the politics of modern society. The scene in which the Doori poem is recited in the background as Murad drives the car is the most socially relevant scene in the film. It brings out the brutal class divide omnipresent in Indian society. Murad and his passenger are both around the same age, in the same car, with a physical distance of a few feet, yet they are distant from each other. Her tears moved Murad, but his position as a driver prevented him from providing her with any comfort. He doesn’t have the aukaat (status) to help her and thus he continues to drive in silence. This strikes a chord with audience, some who are either of Murad’s status, or those who identify with the young woman. As passengers, people barely take notice of those in the driver’s seat, because there is an unspeakable divide that is difficult to bridge. And that’s what Murad uses as inspiration for the lyrics of his next song. The lines of the poem resonate well with the context. Kahne ko hum paas hai par, kitni doori hai, yeh bhi kaisi majboori hai….main yeh behte aasun pochun, itni meri aukaat nahin hai. They are close, yet they are far. And the barrier between them renders them helpless.
3. Soni - Conversation about Soni’s Misconduct
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Soni is a film about women empowerment. But it isn’t just about women going up against men who knowingly discriminate against them. It is also about women facing small instances of prejudice even from somewhat progressive men. In this scene, Kalpana is having dinner with her family, as her husband and brother-in-law discuss Soni’s misconduct. It is clear from their casual tone that they find her aggressive behavior hilarious. According to them, women who behave in this manner come from violent homes. To them, it’s just a simple case of a woman who has faced violence at home leading to her relieving her frustrations at work. These two new-age men, sitting at a table with a female police officer, talk about women in such a stereotypical, mildly sexist manner. Even though Kalpana believes Soni’s actions crossed the line, she also attempts to understand the frustration that leads her to behave in a certain manner, which is why she remains silent at the table, neither agreeing nor disagreeing with her husband and brother-in-law. This scene shows the inherent sexism that seeps into modern families as well. There is blatant sexism everywhere, and that is easily recognizable. But, this hypocrisy and subtle patriarchy, exists in many homes, and is much more difficult to notice. And this scene makes us aware of it.
4. Section 375 - Food as a Metaphor for Justice
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In this scene from Section 375, lawyer Tarun Saluja uses food as an analogy for the legal system, while explaining the intricacies of law to his former student, now opposing lawyer, Hiral Gandhi. This film, which deals with the twisted ways of the law, is summed up in this one scene. Tarun equates the different parts of the legal system, with different food items on the table. The dal is the prosecutor, trying to win in order to gain a promotion or a pay hike. The rice is the defense, trying to win for the fame, leading to a rise in fees. The next container is the judge, trying to win to reach a higher position in the court system, and get the opportunity to present landmark judgments. And the dahi is justice, which is forgotten in everyone else’s race for victory. The message that he attempts to convey is that everyone is in it for his/her own personal benefit. The courtroom is a battlefield for ambition, where the ideal is left far behind. That is core theme of the film. The absolute law, and ambitious professionals in the field, can lead to justice being left behind.
5. Article 15 - Asking about Caste
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Ayan, a police officer from the city, is appalled by the caste discrimination in the small town where he is posted. He doesn’t have much knowledge of the intricacies of the caste system, as he has been living in an environment where caste barely has any bearing. In this scene, he is finally fed up of the constant references to caste by other members of the force working under him. His incredulity becomes apparent when he gathers all his subordinates, asking them about each of their castes and how they are related to the case on hand. It is quite a humorous scene as it is clear that he doesn’t actually have any interest in the caste system. He just wants to see to what extent these people will go to defend this discrimination, ultimately losing his cool at the end of it. The setup is meant to be hilarious, especially for those in the audience who are in the same boat as Ayan. But the comedic nature of the scene is just a means to show the grim reality. In many places across India, caste discrimination is such a common way of life, that even supposedly sensible people don’t protest against it. To Ayan, it is ridiculous. But for many others, it is their life, and that is the reality of society today.
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asfeedin · 4 years
2020 NFL draft analysis updated live for every pick
The 2020 NFL draft is underway, with the first three rounds in the books. While some teams have found their new franchise quarterback in the draft — including Joe Burrow, Tua Tagovailoa and Justin Herbert — others used their picks on elite playmakers on both sides of the ball. And how about all of those trades?
If you missed any of it — or just want to catch up on deeper analysis — read on for insights on every team from our crew of reporters.
Jump to: ARI | ATL | BAL | BUF | CAR | CHI | CIN CLE | DAL | DEN | DET | GB | HOU | IND JAC | KC | LV | LAC | LAR | MIA | MIN NE | NO | NYG | NYJ | PHI | PIT | SF SEA | TB | TEN | WSH
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With this pick, the receiver-needy Raiders had all of the consensus top-three wideouts at their disposal, and they had an Al Davis moment — they went with the fastest guy in the draft, Henry Ruggs III. And to help slow down all the elite receivers in the AFC West, they also snagged CB Damon Arnette at No. 19. Analysis of every Raiders pick from Paul Gutierrez.
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The Chargers’ decision to select Justin Herbert sets the course of the franchise for the foreseeable future as they attempt to move on from veteran quarterback Philip Rivers, who departed in free agency after 16 seasons. Then, after trading up to No. 23, they landed three-down linebacker Kenneth Murray. Analysis of every Chargers pick from Lindsey Thiry.
Lindsey Thiry breaks down whether the Chargers made the right decision to move up and select Kenneth Murray with the 23rd pick in the 2020 NFL draft.
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The Dolphins were faced with the choice of taking a chance on Tua Tagovailoa and his injury/durability risks or “settling” for a lesser quarterback prospect in Justin Herbert. They chose Tagovailoa, the most efficient QB in college football history, who can rise to become the face of Miami’s rebuild and the franchise QB that this team desperately needs. At No. 18, they got their new QB some protection by drafting offensive tackle Austin Jackson. Analysis of every Dolphins pick from Cameron Wolfe.
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Jenna Laine believes the Buccaneers made the right decision in trading up to select Tristan Wirfs with the 13th pick in the 2020 NFL draft.
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The Redskins made a no-brainer choice by selecting Chase Young second overall. Coach Ron Rivera and defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio, between them, have coached Von Miller, Khalil Mack and Julius Peppers. They know what an elite edge rusher can do for a defense, and that’s what they’re expecting from Young. Analysis of every Redskins pick from John Keim.
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nightblink · 7 years
Blink Reads Oathbringer - Chapters 58-63
In which I stare Branderson straight in the eye as I crank up the volume on Paleblood Moon.
I know you play this game. I see what you’re doing here.
Part Three – Defying Truth, Love Truth
[squints] I'm not sure how I feel about this Part title. That fashion folio picture on the back page though! EXCELLENT YES GIVE US MORE
Chapter Fifty-Eight – Burdens
Oh niiiiiice, we're getting transcriptions of the information crystals left in the drawers in the Urithiru library! Definitely a good type of chapter-header.
How high up is Urithiru, if even without clouds below they can't see the ground from the cliffs?
Dalinar, you're only mid-fifty-something, and you still have a tight butt. You're not that old.
Probably good to put a pause on vision-walking while you don't know how much Odium can affect them. One time alone was nearly enough to give you (and the readers) a heart attack.
Uniform design note - “right leg pocket” and it has buttons
Good, they're figuring out how to use their Fast Travel at decreased Stormlight cost; that'll definitely help with resource allocation. And they're finally going to Thaylenah!
...wait what. Kaladin is l a n d e d now, wHAT
(that land is in Sebarial's princedom, Dalinar, did you get permission form him to give that away) (...oh. part of the Crownlands, all right. fair.)
Time/event note – 'Midpeace', which is obviously the low-flow season when all the intermittent and ephemeral streams go dry, possibly the halfway mark of the year from Lightday
Kaladin, you adopt practically everyone you come across who needs it. This is just the logical extension at this point.
You'll move your family if they agree to it. Lirin might have some objections.
The Fused advance is originating from the south, likely close to the Shattered Plains since that's where the changed Listeners would have begun from. Good to know.
….why do I feel like this delay of you becoming Highking is going to have Bad Consequences.
Oooh, shit, Thaylen City is basically avalanching down upon itself from the exposure to the Everstorm. And on top of that, what must have been nearly a tsunami wiped out the docks as the Everstorm hurtled across the sea.
(Culture note – Queen of Thaylenah has a Prince Consort and not a king.)
It's just one more reason that Queen Fen didn't want the Alethi coming through – there's no real way to defend themselves at this point. It's practically all in ruins.
Chapter Fifty-Nine – Bondsmith
[gasps at the chapter title and does a screeching circuit of the room] Okay I'm good
...maybe. A Dustbringer entry this time, one of a woman who wishes to leave memory of her family. Aaaaaahhhhhh-
[cackles] You're bored, Dalinar. You just want to move on and get to the point of the visit, admit it. Keep calling him out on it, Navani.
“I am a diplomat.” Not yet, not really, Dal, but you're trying. You're trying very hard and with great honesty, you're just not used to it yet. Practice. You still need diplomatic experience, in whatever form you can get.
[screeches and rolls at the reinforcement of trust he shows in taking her hands. plural. both of them.]
Huh. So the Everstorm can have rain, or ash and embers, all sorts of variation. Good to know it's intentional and not an inconsistency on Sanderson's part.
Ah. They're using the temples as makeshift hospitals. Perhaps you can offer to send Renarin through to do what he can, Dalinar? It'd be good experience, if nothi-
Goddamn it Taravangian. As generous an offer as that is, I don't think I trust your surgeons. There's bound to be at least a few or more of the Diagram among them.
Taravangian's already written these people and this place off as Unnecessary. He just wants the Death Rattles.
Ehhhhh, letting you come here relatively alone is one thing, but letting Alethi armies come through the Oathgate? Even if she starts believing that you really want to help, I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon, Dalinar.
The throne of Thaylenah isn't hereditary, but they still call their leader 'Queen'. Do they run as a monarchy even? Interesting. We need information on how the Thaylens choose their leader(s).
OH and then we get a bit of the answer right there. Council-elected.
Ooo, that triggered something – something buried deep. Was it what broke you, that memory?
[CACKLES] Just let your emotions reach your expression, Dalinar. Even Navani thinks it'll work.
'Dalinar, instead, decided to pick a fight.' Well, that is the thing that Kholins are best at. Show 'em how it's done, Dal.
Oh my god. Dalinar. Dalinar. You're just. (SNUG UNDERSHIRT I'M DYING)
This is almost as much Drama as Jasnah
You're just going to go out there unarmed? Huh. Okay, okay, you're skilled enough that I can see you lasting the three minutes, probably disarming him at some point in the process.
He's here to make treaty with you and your people, not accuse people of assassination in a fight (that he set up). Besides, he's a Radiant with Stormlight. You're not winning this, kid.
Oop, ooop, lots of dodging, this is another part where it's very plain to see that Sando plays Dark Souls and Bloodborne
Dalinar. Dalinar what are you planning, why are you just standing there at the end of the time-
And you're just. Going to go on and compliment him on his form as you take his hand and shove the sword further in. Casually standing there. No big deal. Just Kholin-ing your way through the scene.
Well. You've convinced them that you're a Radiant. That much is completely indisputable. I'm just not sure that you've convinced them of much else. And that's why you're disappointed in yourself, isn't it? You're thinking it yourself – other than the Stormlight healing, this sort of display is something you've done many times over. So. What do do next? What can you do?
!!!! And… you're hearing the spren of the Temple? Oh oh oh are we going to get to see you Surgebind-
Yes. Along with imbuing yourself with so much stormlight that you're lifting boulders, and I'm not sure that that's part of a Surge – you're just enhancing your strength that much, probably halfway to Plate-strength. H e r ald s.
[gasps] Are you sending for Renarin for his healing, please tell me that you are.
….and look at that, you're still going around shirtless. Fen's son seems to be in a state of confused but productive awe, though. Heh.
!!!! And you're somehow getting a sense of another language through your unique Bondsmith power? Oh man, you're basically going to be able to forge Connection once you get used to this, aren't you? Oh that is too cool.
'Renarin kept blaming the healings on him.' Renariiiiiiin, that's… you need to be able to accept the thanks for what you yourself have done. This is your power, something good, and even with no negative connotations like that carried by foresight! (…..[insert Midoriya vs Todoroki “it's YOUR power!” shout here]) What's holding you back in this instance? I… worry about you; this doesn't seem to be the same sort of reluctance that you discussed with Rock.
Culture note, Alethi military saying - “Shardbearers can't hold ground.”
Yessss, good on you admitting (aloud! And to another, independent ruler!) that you need different perspectives, that the world needs them. And then you even go for her advice, even 'unsavory' advice, with “Try me. I'm starting to appreciate that the way I usually do things has severe limitations.”
You're much changed from the man you once were.
Chapter Sixty – Winds and Oaths
….that foreword does not bode well.
Okay, so nine total, not a bad size since their infiltration is for an entire city. The 'maidservant' though, I wonder… is that Ishnah. Did Shallan bring Ishnah along. Ishnah doesn't know that Shallan is Veil, though. Hmmmm.
Kaladin: “how does she achieve such heedless joy?” Shallan: [suppresses all Bad Feeling so hard that they start leaking out in Multiple Personalities]
Really, though, he's idolizing her for her coping mechanisms, not her for herself, which is Not Good. I feel like Sanderson knows this, but I'll bet that this rising dread within signals the start of a Love Triangle Plot (which I hate. if you're going to do this, Sanderson, get it over with quickly and decisively, please.)
I'm snorting with laughter at Adolin, though. It doesn't seem like he's afraid of the height like Dalinar was; rather, he's too used to being in control of his own motion and is trying to correct this even though he can't. I get it, man, it happened to me the first time I went skydiving, too.
[screeches delightedly over the growing empathy/telepathy evidence we're getting from the Nahel bond]
[drags hands down face] SYL please understand that your human is demi and does not need to get laid to be happy, and let him choose any romantic entanglements he wishes for himself. If he  starts actually getting to know Shallan rather than idealizing her, that's one thing, but shoving him towards her? Especially right now? I love you dear but you are not helping in this regard.
Bless Sigzil for trying his best to quantify Kaladin's Surges so the rest of us have some idea of what's going on
([snorts] Team OT3 stopping to wisecrack at each other in midair is a lovely scene, though. Adolin self-deprecating to lighten the mood, Kaladin snarking, and Shallan going on a tangent with a punchline.)
Huh. Amazingly enough, it looks like Kholinar isn't under occupation yet, even if it is under threat of such. I'd've thought they would've launched the attack by this point.
[whoops and punches the air] Kholinar does have the colouring of the Zhangye Danxia, I was right, headcanon CONFIRMED g o d that must be utterly gorgeous with the windblades
...but of course there's a marring darkness. Odium-influence of some sort, even if the Voidbringers haven't punched through yet.
Oh, Kaladin.
[winces] Kaladin makes a very good (silent) point about Elhokar not appearing to care about his wife and son – he didn't even refer to them by name right then, and we never heard him mention them himself back in the other two books. It could be many things – an aftereffect of Gavilar's tendency to apparently ignore his own wife and probably his kids as well, I'd bet, though there is also the possibility that it was a political marriage alone and Elhokar just never came to care for his wife (and maybe even his son, when there's a good chance that he's barely even seen the kid while he's playing the war-king).
Ouch. Trying to sound decisive but then trailing off. It's good that he looks to others for their opinion, but the way he does it doesn't inspire confidence. The way Adolin automatically responds – measured and strategic without appearing to override Elhokar's authority – makes me think that this is the way it's always been. Elhokar recovers, bolstered by the given advice, but still.
Chapter Sixty-One – Nightmare Made Manifest
...well that's an inspiring chapter title. We do get a map of Kholinar, though, for which I am thankful.
The chapter quote is from a very snappish Skybreaker, but doesn't reveal much, alas.
The Fused, at the very least, aren’t afraid of unarmed, untrained humans (and why would they be?) so they see letting the refugees go into the city not as giving the enemy possible soldiers, but overwhelming their supplies and space and weakening their ability to hold a siege. Smart, really. Kaladin’s not picking up on it; the Kholins might.
Shallan’s been making damn good use of her practicing. All night is a long time to hold a single illusion, especially using only little light.
Hah – Elhokar definitely didn’t go through the army training that Adolin did, and Shallan hasn’t really had to sleep without shelter save for one night after the shipwreck. The bridgemen, of course, handle a little weathering like it’s nothing.
Oop, yeah, there it is, Adolin understands the Fused’s strategy there.
I am really worried about what might be in the Palace complex. All in shadow? Shallan’s sketch of it warped and twisted? If it’s another one of the Unmade…? The Midnight Mother was bad enough, I worry that in an urban area Branderson’s going to pull something full Bloodborne on us.
Elhokar is doing so much better than he was in the past. Giving him a goal and responsibility that he can work with that a) doesn’t require him to make public/crowd, social decisions and b) he can bounce ideas and opinions off of his crush and his cousin without feeling like they’re going to undermine him.
You can still pretty much see the bridgemen rolling their eyes in the background as he’s speaking, though.
I need a description of what Kaladin looks like, stat, because Adolin gleefuly calling the illusion “wretched” does not suffice, even more so when Drehy winces.
[CACKLING OVER ADOLIN’S ILLUSION THOUGH] “Oh, now that’s unfair.” “If I stretch a lie too far, people are more likely to be suspicious.” B l e s s. I can only imagine what poor Kaladin's wearing if that's what you're going with.
That line/excuse on Shallan’s part makes it even more interesting that she Lightweaves Elhokar into a woman, even with the explanation she gives. And he is immediately, perfectly fine with it. Huh. Interesting. Could be just distracted, though; he’s definitely focused and raring to go.
PFFFFFT, even Syl- Shallan what did you weave for him
Not ‘dignified’? Syl, you can totally be a mirror, come on. Wyndle made an excellent, elegant Shardfork, after all.
Elhokar, your crush is showing.
Yeaaaaah, Elhokar is cracked right through, Kal, and if the cryptics he’d seen in the mirror all the way back in TWoK was any indication… Well. At least you’re starting to see it now.
Elhokar, don’t go all fatalistic on us like this, or you might make us think it’s foreshadowing. [side-eyes Sanderson] Also, once again you say “my wife and child” without using their names; it makes you sound very… detached from them.
It’s the arrogance, Kaladin – it’s a Kholin fault for all of them save Renarin and you know it.
‘Stormblessed’ is the mask you made for yourself, even if other people gave it a name. Also mention of Tarah who we still know pretty much nothing about. That needs to change, and hopefully within this book.
‘Those strata remind me of the tunnels in Urithiru.’ In colouration? Layering? How? Sanderson plz elaborate on your geology for me.
H e r alds but Kaladin's illusion-face must be awful.
Yeaaaah, what with the situation both inside the walls and especially at the palace in severe question and no information on what's currently going on, they'll need a base of operations. This is not likely to go quickly or smoothly, and if there is an Unmade there…. oof. I wonder what kind of place Adolin's talking about though? It would be brilliant if we could meet some of his old friends – actual friends, not cordial-political friends like Jakamav and the like used to be.
Aaaaand there goes Kaladin with the needing to feel things to understand them. He needs that emotional tie to really get something.
BOYS. BOYS BEING NERDS AND SHARING SMILES. I am so glad that you two grew so believably into actual friends – from that day all the way back in Sadeas' warcamp to now, it's been a journey.
Uh oh, has the city reached capacity for the refugees it can support, or are they worried about taxing their supplies with an army on their doorstep (like the Fused planned/hoped)?
Oh goddamn it Elhokar they told you all to stay back. If nothing else, the imperious manner and demands might get them answers though (or kicked out entirely. That's also an option.)
….'Azure' does not sound like an Alethi name. It's also a colour. Do I sense a Nalthian woroldhopper…? But then how would they have made it to the rank of Highmarshal, especially since Elhokar's apparently never heard of them? I'm suspicious.
“The highmarshal has no commander.” EVEN MORE SUSPICION, AND WORSE
Look Elhokar I'm sorry but from what we've seen Aesudan is not the most competent of Queens, and it's entirely possible that the city just defaulted to martial law by this point
Weeeeeell, shit. Is this the start of the full assault, or just a harrying force?
Oh, Kaladin. You want to follow that binding urge to protect, but that's not what you're here for. Mm, thankfully, Adolin's already assessed the situation and is managing to get through to you.
There's that saying again, the second time from a Kholin - “Shardbearers can't hold ground.”
The city is stuffed to capacity. The Fused's strategy of herding the humans here to overwhelm the defenders looks to be working.
Yeah – Kaladin may have a good grasp of small-unit tactics, but overall strategy not so much. Nice to have that saying explained out, though, confirming what I thought it meant.
….is that performer basically wearing a bastardized Mistcloak
Behaviour out of the normal, and spren out of the normal too? Affected by Odium? I'm starting to wonder if I wasn't far off in thinking Branderson'd go for a touch of Bloodborne…
Oh my god, Shallan, you made him look memorably hideous. [CACKLES] Well, you're right in saying that people will remember something entirely different from how he actually looks.
“We'd need to stay with someone I'd trust with my life, or more. ”
Adolin please
(please help me I love this dumb, brilliant, vain man so much)
(so much)
Chapter Sixty-Two – Research
A Skybreaker at the beginning of the chapter does not fancy the idea of giving up Urithiru, but there's still no mention of why they abandoned it in the first place.
…Shallan, I know it’s for research, but can you try to attract something other than painspren. How about creationspren instead, that seems to happen around you often enough. And please, please don’t ask Adolin to do it for you, he’d probably recoil in horror at the thought.
Finally getting information on the riots! GOOD, the cliffhanger with the ardent and Aesudan was not comforting in the least.
What is comforting is, apparently, Adolin. I need more info and backstory about him and Yokska, because he feels very familiar with her, waaay beyond just an artisan-customer relationship, even though fashion is one of his Interests. We’ve seen before that he doesn’t trust his life and that of others to someone easily.
Speaking of fashion, examples of civilian fancywear, yesgood. The design seems very early-19th century English or French, which makes sense when Sanderson’s said the military ones are similar to Napoleonic ones.
[winces] Aesudan essentially provides that match for the flames of the riots, then disappears. That doesn’t bode well for her possible survival.
….Elhokar, referring to the probable-Unmade in the palace as ‘the dark spren’ without the person you’re talking to having any context isn’t exactly going to instill confidence – it just makes you sound possibly unhinged and definitely in denial.
Fucking hell, don’t do that, stormlight healing or no! Listen to Pattern. Effective it may be, but that’s a bad idea
….and the painspren that come to her are basically zombified versions. With claws. Lovely. That’s not good. Unmade influence, or that of Odium directly, it has to be.
Kaladin’s getting more used to being called ‘brightlord’. Not even a twitch.
Ooop, the shadow appeared after the first Pass of the Everstorm. Hmmm.
So the Royal Guard and the Watch are both AWOL – possibly dead, possibly insane, who knows with this different Unmade? Either way, no wonder the wall-guard are listening to this Azure person over anyone else. Their chain of command was thrown into chaos.
I wonder where Aesudan came to the knowledge that the Parshmen were/are Voidbringers. This was after Kholinar lost contact with the rest of the world, and Jasnah didn’t mention anything, so that information must have come from somewhere else.
Huh. Not all of the spren in Kholinar are affected by whatever it is that’s happening to them. It’s not a blanket, immediate AoE, though it could be corruption over time.
Shallan is going to give me some terrible secondhand embarrassment here, I know it.
L o r d
I was right. 'Mortifying' is definitely the correct word for that.
….the highmarshal 'appeared'. Oh, that's not suspicious at all. My money's definitely on Azure being a Nalthian worldhopper at this point, high Alethi rank or no.
So the parade wasn't just a parade, but part of a cult showing and/or ritual – the 'Cult of Moments'. And people might be having scattered visions, or might just be interpreting the changing spren as a sign.
Cultural Note: Alethi addresses for royalty at least follow the English 'your Majesty' → 'your Highness' pattern. Unknown as to others, though I might have missed a 'your Grace' at some point.
Holy shit. No wonder they couldn't call into or out of the city via spanreed, if the voidspren and Fused react to their mere activation like that.
Thank you for your support of Yokska, Shallan. She definitely needed that, and Adolin was apparently too focused to notice (he does have a tendency to tunnel-vision) though he did immediately react.
Haaaaahahahaha Kaladin knows you did that on purpose omg
Elhokar is actimg more like the king he is now that he's not under the accidental crush of Dalinar casually steamrolling his way into power. Between his social anxiety and getting shoved out of the way in major decision-making, it was easy to misjudge said decision-making skills. (Not that his paranoia helped.)
Ooof. You may be the only one that directly faced an Unmade, Shallan, but still. Please, please skedaddle rather than face an Unmade without backup.
...also you don't want people to know about your Personality Problem. Kaladin's observant enough that he'd probably pick up on how Veil even thinks differently, though he'd already expect a disguise to act in a different manner.
HAH IT IS ISHNAH SHE BROUGHT AS A 'HANDMAIDEN'. Oh man, I wonder how Veil explained that 'their Brightlady' wanted to bring her along on this mission. That skyeel's out of the bag now, though.
And you're casually jumping out of windows now, I see. Well then.
Chapter Sixty-Three – Within the Mirror
ANOTHER MENTION OF AKINAH IN AIMIA, and this time by a Willshaper! Interesting. The mention of maps just makes me sob over Eshonai and my (now reluctantly abandoned) theory that she'd make a good Willshaper.
It's likely the trapped spren that power the fabrials somehow drawing the voidspren when they activate, so yeah, Surges wouldn't grab their attention in the same way.
Huh. Veil automatically thinks of Kaladin as 'the bridgeboy'. That's…. hmm. Adolin and Kaladin have become close enough that those nicknames they use don't feel derogatory anymore, but when Veil uses it it still feels… Not Good.
[winces] Looks like even proximity to the palace complex is having an adverse effect on those nearby, if the guards in the city manses are anything to go by. How close does the area of effect extend, I wonder…?
'She left the park as Veil playing a part. … She was still Veil. Merely in disguise.” Every chapter we get with Shallan fading to the back of her own mind, the other personalities seem to grow more… solid.
The cultists are putting a sort of guard on the Oathgate? Or are they basically doing so for the palace entire? If the Unmade has a hand in the whole spren-cult, then they're much more dangerous than any of the Strike Team first assumed. Considering that there's screams coming from the direction of a fire on the platform they guard? I wouldn't put it past them to be burning “prayers” in the form of people.
[winces again] Shallan. Bringing up the Boots Incident is not the way to endear yourself to Kaladin – quite the opposite, in fact.
…really, Veil? Really? You're eyeing up Kaladin during a mission? Not that he isn't Canonically Gorgeous, but I'm rolling with laughter here over 'dangerous eyes'. She's seeing the stone shell and nothing of the marshmallow insides. (And you think Adolin is bland? H e r alds, Veil, for all your powers of observation, they seem remarkably restrained to the superficial.) Also, Kaladin glaring at you? Not a good reaction. That's reminding me of the satisfaction you felt at the resolution of the Boots Scene, as opposed to his takeway from that same scene of 'Lighteyes take what they want from people without care or consideration.'
Ooo, shit, the Unmade-spren might have some sort of reality-warping influence, or at least some way to twist anything visual.
Veil is absolutely as foolhardy as Shallan, you're just deluding yourself.
WELL THEN. So much for not killing the messenger?
Are the guards inside all being mind-controlled? Or are they dead and reanimated? I wouldn't put it past Odium to zombify people. And what was that figure in the mirror, white-eyed and surprised? A spren, a human?
She's getting better all the time at her infiltration and distraction skills, but her coping mechanisms just keep bottling emotions and reality away deeper and deeper.  Sooner or later, this is going to explode, and it's going to be messy.
The pun duo strikes again.
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isayeed-blog · 5 years
The Hired Guns In My Living Room
I have personally known the state of nature: I know what it’s like to want to kill your neighbor to defend those you love. I have once wanted to kill a man - a young boy, barely eighteen. I gathered eight professional murderers in my living room who waited for my command. But my father’s superior wisdom prevailed, and I do not have blood on my hands. 
The Hobbes​ian​ state of nature is oft ridiculed as an extreme situation that pardons an over-mighty state. 
Living in a “hard state” like the one in America or Europe, thinkers and even philosophers regard extreme situations as freak occurrences that never happen to them. Living in a “soft state”, these freak, extreme situations are all too common. 
​(The notion of the "soft" state was presented by Gunnar Myrdal: the soft state is plagued by "social indiscipline", and describes the states of South Asia [Gunnar Myrdal, The Challenge of World Poverty: A World Anti-Poverty Programme in Outline, Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1970, pp 211-212.)​
Even the sober Alasdair McIntyre has a view of the state as potentially oppressive and tyrannical - a Leviathan to be dreaded rather than ​cultivated​. This is understandable when you are ensconced in a snug, hard state, and your neighbor doesn’t come round to​ collect from​ you or rape your wife. But the McIntyres should show some empathy for us here, embattled in a flaccid state, criminalized to the core.
​"There are of course situations where the disappearance of the state's power of repression may lead to the rise of anarchic violence," concedes McIntyre. "But there are and have been plenty of situations where an orderly social life continues without such a power being present. Indeed if one contrasts eighteenth-, nineteenth- and twentieth-century urban life, where the state's repressive power is close at hand, with the moral life of those other periods where it is often absent or or far away, one might draw the conclusion that the state's presence is a demoralising factor [A Short History of Ethics, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1967, p 134]."
In a soft state like Bangladesh, there are multiple sources of violence - the two political parties have their private armies, the Chatra League and Jubo League, and the Chatra Dal and Jubo Dal, the student and youth fronts respectively of the Awami league and the Bangladesh Nationalist Party. They are the Untouchables.
What follows is an excerpt from my essay “Bangladesh, and the Lucifer Effect: The Allure of Toxicity - A Situationist Explanation of the Evil in Bangladesh”. 
Our situation and McIntyre’s situation are diametrically opposed. Before the democratic transition, the people of Bangladesh didn’t use to be evil. That changed. 
It was in the year 1991, the year following our annus horribilis, that I made my first contact with a student thug. His name was Nanno (I never cared to learn his last name). He was a leader of the Chatra League, the student front of the Awami League, then in opposition. His elder brother, Liaquat, was in jail, and Nanno had logically inherited leadership of the local mafiosi. of Eskaton, where my parents lived.
He rang the bell, and our servant opened the gate, and received a slap. Nanno swaggered into the driveway, sidekick in train, and was met by my father at the door. My mother stood behind him, rooted. They noticed the butt of a gun protruding from his pocket.
“They’re going to kill you,” he said.
My father had been chairman of the Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation and had brought militant trade union leaders to heel. He knew how to negotiate.
“Then let them kill me.”
“No, no, why should they kill you?”
Abba had just sold the property, and Nanno knew of the transaction, and demanded his share, Takas 200,000 ($5,000 at the time).
He left, and the talks went on for a few days. Fortunately, my wife and I were not living with my parents at the time; otherwise, he might have slapped us around to impress them.
It didn’t even occur to us to go to the police. My parents had connections in the Awami League, but they were told they had to pay up; the money would go to the top.
When I learned what had happened, I made a phone call, and summoned eight professional murderers in my living room, most of them bleary-eyed with booze. They came pillion-riding noisily on four motorcycles, and made quite an impression on the guards.
“Tell us what we have to do,” barked the boss.
My father smiled and shook his head. I was young, and he was old. I had only one concern, their safety, and I didn’t care what I had to do to get it. There was no state to protect us.
I don’t know how much he paid Nanno, but they soon moved out and into an apartment building secured 24 hours by guards.
The military took over in a coup in January 2007. Reading the Bangladesh Observer (March 24, 2007, p 3) one day, I came across the news of Nanno's arrest by the Detective Branch. He was described as "younger brother of Liaquat Hossain, one of the listed 'top terrors (sic)'....Shawkat Hossain Nanno was wanted by Ramna Police in seven cases, including murder."
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andrewuttaro · 6 years
New Look Sabres: GM 50 - DAL - Bullshit Rodeo
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Every time the Buffalo Sabres face the Dallas Stars it’s like the NHL needs to show off its hottest new bullshit. 1999’s No Goal Stanley Cup Final is the frosting but let me tell you: there are a lot of calories in this cake. Last season’s matchup in Dallas saw a no goal call that I think most casual observers would probably call a goal, this time against the Sabres. For this go around I don’t feel compelled to pour it on a Stars team in the throes of the worst place you can be in Hockey: no man’s land. No, it’s not the basement that’s the worst because most clubs that find themselves there have hope and or a plan around being there. Obviously winning Stanley Cups can’t suck too bad so it’s the no-man’s land in the middle that’s the worst: if the Stars do make the playoffs whose picking them to survive the Central Division’s three headed monster of Nashville, Winnipeg and Colorado? When a club has the weapons to make the playoffs but not go deep, for several seasons on end, that is the worst kind of no-man’s land in the NHL. To make it worse the slow stretch the Stars went through apparently warranted a public roast of their two top talents by club President Jim Lights. Not only is that not how you talk about your team’s best players, it’s a real bad look when the circumstances point to an owner who agrees with the bullshit comments. Our owner Terry Pegula keeps his mouth shut most of the time… like a good owner. That’s all distraction at the end of the day anyway. What’s real is both these teams entered this game 4-5-0 in January. Another fact: the Sabres 0-6-0 record in Dallas going back a decade to January 2009. Buffalo hasn’t won in Dallas since the Ryan Miller Era… well excluding the 2018 Draft. What occurred last night in Dallas was a continuation of the bullshit rodeo we have come to expect with this matchup.
The first period of this game went over like a group of edgy cats getting spooked silly by an air horn. Both teams had axes to grind but neither looked all that cunning at the task of actually scoring goals. The Stars made a tactical choice early: check the big boys and keep them out of plays. Whether it was hits, manned coverage or just disrupting plays the Stars played desperate like a team chasing a two goal deficit. They weren’t, in fact, they scored first when Jamie Benn snuck the puck 5-hole on Linus Ullmark. Benn had gotten the puck from former Sabre Taylor Fedun whom Zach Bogosian threw a no-look back pass to in the high slot. That’s an unforced error and in this game those were going to be the only things leading to scoring plays. Speaking of Fedun, the guy who came to Buffalo in exchange for him, Remi Elie, played in this game. He had four shots in the first which is pretty good for Remi Elie. Nonetheless the visitors got pushed around in the first and it was 1-0 Stars to start the second period. The second period saw the Sabres calm down the game but not shoot enough and not score the equalizer. Captain Jack set up Reinhart for a positively wicked chance in front of Ben Bishop (who has not lost to the Sabres in regulation in his career) but it did not go. I want to complain about all the non-calls we saw through two period of play but this is the Sabres in Dallas we’re talking about after all: it’s the bullshit rodeo down there. One thing worth complaining about is the continued rise of the drop pass in the game plan. If 50% of these drop passes haven’t ended up in a turnover I’d be shocked. The positive balance to that: the Sabres are crashing the net again. Keep that up and a goal must be coming! Ugh.
The third period hurt in a few ways. No one scored. Yes, the Sabres got twice the shots the Stars did in this final frame and pushed real damn hard in the back ten but the bullshit rodeo just bucked on. I am certainly not going to defend the shot differential in a game that had so few shots but this game felt like a goalie duel as it went on. This bullshit is deeper than shots anyway: its voodoo! Marco Scandella got the puck behind Ben Bishop! MARCO SCANDELLA, you know the guy we’re all trying to run Housley out of town over? He got it past Bishop and the goal was immediately called back. Phil challenged it and lost because IT’S A BULLSHIT RODEO! The non-calls were mounting and reached a head in the third. Jamie Benn boarded Jack Eichel in the corner in a Captain-on-Captain crime that gets called in two thirds of the games this NHL season. The refs had their whistles away all game so I suppose they were consistent on that at least. Those last two or three minutes had my heart racing and my feet pacing but the comeback machine didn’t wake up and the Sabres lose their first 1-0 loss of the season. The Sabres ended up getting narrowly bucked off this bull in this edition of the bullshit rodeo. One night they score five, the next night they scored 0. The will to win was there if not the shots to prove it. It sucks because the Sabres don’t need this bullshit rodeo right now; they got to string some W’s together at some point here.
The Good News is that the next seven games are all at home back in snowy Buffalo where the Sabres are 14-6-3 this season. It’s a vital stretch you need ten points out of if not more. There is a separation in the standings growing with Pittsburgh’s win last night between the wildcards and the first team out (Buffalo). The Columbus win made up some ground but the wins got to start coming together here. Tomorrow at home against Chicago is a fun matchup to get something started with. I look forward to ignoring all the “Trade for Kane” takes during my anniversary dinner with my wife. Another take I’ll be gleefully ignoring after this Stars game: “the Sabres need an enforcer.” No, you Neanderthal they need to get a little bit tougher against teams like the Stars who will box them out of games defensively. The tactical problem with last night’s loss isn’t that no one punched Jamie Benn in the face, although it sure looked like Jeff Skinner was ready to, it was that this team’s scorers didn’t convert on their chances. One total goal games are weird, I don’t like them. Let’s not do this again, ok, Sabres?
I have something more important to dedicate the P.S. to today so I’m going to just let you know here that there is a positively awful clip from Pierre McGuire from the NBCSN broadcast of the Penguins game last night. In it he belittles American Gold Medalist Kendall Coyne Schofield before her first broadcast appearance between the benches. It’s real bad and it’s everywhere now. If it materializes a campaign to get Pierre off the NBCSN team than hop on that bandwagon, he’s one of a couple embarrassing guys us Americans need to hear from during most National broadcasts in this country. I know we have better options out there somewhere… say Kendall Coyne Schofield for one. I know I am not your best option for a Sabres fan blog but share this with your internet friends anyway. Drop me a like and a comment if you feel so compelled, I’d love to hear from you. Stay safe out there if you’re reading from the 40% of the country under blizzard and extreme cold conditions. Let’s Go Sabres!
Thanks for reading.
P.S. Bell Let’s Talk is circulating hockey twitter right now and I want to pass the message along that no matter what it is: you can talk to someone about it. If you need to talk to someone about a mental health issue or anything roughing you up right now, talk to me if nothing else.  
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event-horizon06 · 2 months
I was at the beach today and I attempted to draw this
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The attempt
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lindafrancois · 4 years
Guidelines To Improve your Immunity If You have Obesity
Obesity is a condition that results from fat accumulation, which leads to many chronic autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.
Recent studies reported that humans affected by obesity and obese animal models have shown an impaired immune response leading to increased chances for various infections.[1]
When your BMI is greater than 30, you belong to obese category and it is recommended to lose weight so your immunity is enhanced. Studies reported that maintaining a healthy weight is beneficial to the immune system. The first step here is to lose weight in a healthy way. [4]
One of our primary mottos is to get you into a journey of healthy lifestyle which helps you lose weight and stay away from obesity, and immunity building.
Have you checked your immunity levels?
Check Your Immunity Level Now
There are measures that will help you deal with bringing down obesity and build immune system, below are a few.
The immune system relies on white blood cells that produce antibodies to combat disease causing bacteria, viruses, and other invaders like COVID-19.
Research shows that excessive intake of fat impairs white blood cell function and that high-fat diets may alter the gut microbiota which helps in immunity.[2]
People belonging to obese category are to be consuming high fiber, adequate protein and complex carbohydrates along with other micronutrients rich diet.
For carbs, do not just rely on wheat & rice, but also have a variety of whole grains and millets.
Studies have shown that fruits and vegetables provide nutrients like beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E that can boost immune function. Because many vegetables, fruits, and other plant-based foods are rich in antioxidants, they help reduce oxidative stress. A plant-based diet with low fat helps to boost the immune system.
Add two servings of whole fruits (100 to 150 gm) per day and at least three cups of vegetables per day.
Vitamin D: Research shows vitamin D supplements may reduce the risk for viral infections, including respiratory tract infections, by reducing production of proinflammatory compounds in the body.[3]
Zinc is a mineral that can help boost white blood cells, which defend against invaders. Sources of zinc include nuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, beans, and lentils. 
​Include the Immune Booster foods such as bright coloured whole fruits, fresh garlic, ginger, onion, tomato juice / tomato-based soups, non-starchy vegetables such as spinach, carrots, cauliflower and also you can have green tea/ black tea.
Make sure to consume protein foods such as sprouts/dal/legume preparation/curries/ egg whites in the diet. Limit non-veg for weekly twice and can opt for fish or skinless chicken breast etc.
 Prebiotics and probiotics play a major role in improving gut health, so include naturally fermented foods like Idli, Dosa, Dhokla, fermented kanji, germinated moong sprouts, pickled vegetables etc.
Include curds and buttermilk regularly in mid meals or along with major meals to improve gut health.
Include combinations of nuts and seeds which are sources of good fats. Seeds such as sunflower seeds, watermelon seeds, muskmelon seeds and nuts such as almonds, walnuts are health friendly. These seeds and nuts can be taken as a snack in the mid-morning or evenings.
Cut down on oil, it should not be more than 2 to 3 tsp every day if you are trying to lose weight. Use cold pressed oil instead of refined oils.
Eat your first meal within 30-60 minutes of getting up. And it should not be tea/coffee. Ideally, it should be a fruit/seeds/nuts/veg juice.
Eat in a distraction free environment. Eat slowly and mindfully until you are 75% full. You should be satisfied but not stuffed.
Try to have a light dinner if possible. And maintain a gap of 2 to 3 hrs between dinner and sleep.
Stay Hydrated
Drink 2.5 to 3 litres of water daily. Preferably boiled water.
Have liquids such as a combination of unstrained vegetable juice, buttermilk, lime water, tender coconut water and green tea daily.
Avoid cold drinks and excessive intake of teas and coffees
Sleep: Inadequate sleep is linked to suppress immune function. It is a strong regulator of immunological processes, especially adaptive immunity. Also, Inadequate sleep results in obesity. Maintain a routine into which 7 to 8 hrs is given for sleep.
Quit Smoking: Smoking has an effect on both the innate and adaptive immunity. It suppresses the normal development and functions of the cells that are responsible for driving immunity in the body.
Alcohol: If you have a habit of drinking alcohol, drink alcohol in moderation. Alcohol is also known to impair immunity.
Stress: When you are stressed, the body releases excessive inflammatory promoting cytokines in the blood, and this will affect the normal function of immune cells.  Practice de-stressing activities like gardening, yoga, engaging favourite in hobbies like chess, Ludo, painting etc.
Exercise : Studies have proved that regular physical activity may enhance the immune system and provide protection against infection. Regular exercise is an important detoxing tool as well as beneficial for weight loss.  Exercise helps to relieve stress and increases the flow of oxygen to the brain. It stimulates our bodies to shed toxins and strengthen bones and muscles. Try to incorporate 30 minutes of physical exercise 5 times a week. 
.shakeClass { animation: shake 0.82s cubic-bezier(.36, .07, .19, .97) both; } @keyframes shake { 10%, 90% { transform: translate3d(-1px, 0, 0); } 20%, 80% { transform: translate3d(2px, 0, 0); } 30%, 50%, 70% { transform: translate3d(-4px, 0, 0); } 40%, 60% { transform: translate3d(4px, 0, 0); } }
Take back your Immunity with our Immune Booster Diet plan
Download Now
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Supplements and Medications
Nutritional deficiencies are one of the reasons for weight gain. Hence, you need to take the supplements rightly. You can discuss the same with your nutrition coach too and take their guidance.  
Probiotic Supplement – For gut health, include a probiotic supplement like Velgut or Darolac, one tab daily after lunch, continued for a month. After 3 months it should be repeated again for a month.
Multivitamin Supplement – Any multivitamin can be included daily after breakfast and can be continued for 2 weeks to 1 month.
Vitamin-D Supplement – One Vitamin D tab like D rise or Tayo 60K can be taken weekly once for 6-8 weeks any time after meals. Studies shown that obese person have low levels of Vitamin D in their plasma and hence supplements should be provided to them. 
Vitamin-B12 Supplement – B12 deficiency is seen mostly among vegetarians and who are diabetic. Met-Neurobion is a vitamin B12 supplement containing MECOBALAMIN and that can be had 1 Tab daily after lunch and continued for a month.
General Hygiene
Wash hands properly for 20 secs with a liquid soap and use Hand Sanitizer frequently.
Wear masks and gloves while going out and maintain 1-meter distance with others.
Avoid touching face specially eyes, nose and mouth
Diet Plan for Obesity and Immune System
 Plan - 1Plan - 2Plan - 3Plan - 4Early MorningWarm water with lemon (1 glass) + Walnuts (3 nos.)Lemon ginger water(1 glass) + flaxseed (1 tsp)Apple cider vinegar (1 tsp) + Almonds (5 nos.)Warm water with lemon (1 glass) + Walnuts (3 nos.)BreakfastWhole moong chilla / pesarattu -2 with vegetable chutneyOats with milk- 150 ml + 2 egg whites / Steamed sproutsBroken wheat upma with vegetables or Poha with vegetablesIdly-2 with vegetable chutney and sambar/ Whole wheat vegetable paratha with curdMid MorningOrange/Guava-1 noWatermelon or Papaya-1 cupSweet lime/ Kiwi-1 no.Guava/Papaya - 1 cupLunchRice (1 bowl) + Sambar (1 bowl) + Any dry Veg (1 Katori) Salad - 1 cupPeas pulao / Moong dal brown rice khichdi with RaitaMillets-1 cup/ whole wheat roti-2 + 1cup green leafy dal + salad + ButtermilkWheat rotis 2+dal with vegetable/Rajma- 1 cup + veg curry - 1 cup + ButtermilkEveningGreen tea + Boiled Chana (1 Bowl)Ginger Tea + Bhel (1 Bowl)Green Tea +Roasted Makhana with peanuts (1 Bowl)Black Coffee +Boiled sprouts with lime (1 Bowl)DinnerSteamed or Sauteed vegetables + Any millet or Broken wheat upma + RaitaRoti (2 nos) +Any beans curry + Salad + Buttermilk Veg soup + Sauteed vegetables with paneer or chicken salad with vegetables2 Phulkas with Dal +Any seasonal veg + saladBedtimeTurmeric MilkTurmeric Pepper milkTurmeric MilkCinnamon Milk
Disclaimer: Truweight does not claim to cure any diseases. Results may vary. Diet supervision is not a substitute for medical treatment. You can prefer food/recipes as per local availability. 
Obesity is one of the biggest concerns especially among children, globally. Unhealthy lifestyle is the major cause for obesity and this intern affects the immune system of the body. It is not widely known that obesity and immune system are dependent, and both worsen if your daily routine is upside down.
The measures that we have come up with, has been most effective for a lot of individuals. Have you ever faced health problems after a day of healthy eating? Almost never! That is what keeps an individual away from anything hazardous. Eating clean, hygiene practices, adequate sleep and keeping your body hydrated, the list is long yet most important to all humans today.
There is a lot going on currently with the COVID-19 and the worldwide lockdown. All of us are stranded inside our homes and today we are more concerned about our health and lifestyle. With these situations around we have bought up obesity and immune system and how are they dependent and also how to deal with obesity.
We have several programs that will help you with your weightloss journey and more importantly gain that extra immunity to yourself to fight off these viruses. Join us today, Right now! Let us get healthy and happy together and forever!
The post Guidelines To Improve your Immunity If You have Obesity appeared first on Truweight Blog.
Guidelines To Improve your Immunity If You have Obesity published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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preciousmetals0 · 4 years
Market FOMO Rising; Disney Plus Ultra
Market FOMO Rising; Disney Plus Ultra:
Mr. FOMO Risin’
If you ever needed clear proof that the stock market does not represent the U.S. economy, today provided it.
The U.S. Department of Labor announced that 6.6 million Americans filed for first-time unemployment benefits last week. The latest data bring the total of new claims to more than 16 million for the past three weeks.
That’s 10% of the U.S. workforce gone. Poof. Vanished into the novel coronavirus tainted air.
How did Wall Street react to this economic travesty? With a rally, of course.
But, in Wall Street’s defense, it was distracted by shiny objects — $2.3 trillion worth of shiny objects, to be precise.
To keep investors from looking behind the curtain, the Federal Reserve announced a $2.3 trillion lending package to support the economy. Fed Chairman Oz — er, Jerome Powell declared that the central bank will “provide as much relief and stability as we can.”
You can read all the nitty-gritty details here — including the Fed’s plan to buy junk corporate bonds. (This literally can’t go belly up, right?)
But Powell wasn’t alone in defending the U.S. economy. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told CNBC’s Squawk on the Street that the U.S. could open back up in May. Mnuchin noted that the Trump administration was doing “everything necessary that American companies and American workers can be open for business and that they have the liquidity that they need to operate their business in the interim.”
The Takeaway: 
I want to believe, dear readers. I truly do.
I want to believe that, once the COVID-19 threat passes, everything will magically return to normal … that businesses will quickly rehire 16 million Americans and get us all back to work.
I want to believe that the Fed’s $2.3 trillion announcement, the Treasury Secretary’s appearance on a major financial TV show and the revelation of 6.6 million new jobless claims happening on the same day is just a coincidence. (Hint: It’s not.)
I also want to believe that the recent market rally is the start of a new bull market … that there’s no more risk left in the system … and that rainbows and monkeys will fly out of my … well, you get the picture.
Right now, if you’re following Great Stuff’s recommendations, you’re likely experiencing a heavy dose of “fear of missing out,” or FOMO. You’ve got that FOMO risin’. And it’s gonna keep on risin’.
But you and I, we didn’t just get into town about an hour ago. We know which way the wind blows.
We know that the economic bill for the COVID-19 shutdown has to come due sooner or later. Wall Street can ignore weekly jobless claims. It can ignore a trickle of economic data here and there — especially when the Fed chair and the Treasury Secretary are giving stump speeches.
What Wall Street can’t ignore is the flood of bad economic data that’s coming … or the wave of horrendous corporate earnings reports that will follow.
It will be interesting to see how much ammunition the Fed has left when the inevitable comes.
Editor’s Note: With the whole biotech sector screaming “pandemic!” there’s never been a better time to find undiscovered biotech diamonds. Today, expert Jeff Yastine has his eye on one biotech stock that he believes is set to soar. Click here now to learn more!
The Good: Disney Plus Ultra
My wife jokingly refers to The Walt Disney Co. (NYSE: DIS) as a “people trap built by a mouse.” Judging by how crowded the company’s theme parks were before the COVID-19 shutdown, she’s not wrong.
With the launch of Disney+ last year, the mouse now has a digital trap as well. And boy, is it effective. According to Disney, its new streaming service now has 50 million paid subscribers, up from just 28.6 million in February. That’s a 75% jump in roughly two months!
The surprising growth even put the most bullish of analyst projections to shame. JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM) predicted 40 million subs by the end of 2020. The end of 2020.
Disney is now on pace to easily top its original estimate of 60 million to 90 million Disney+ subscribers by 2024.
What’s more, the service just launched in India in February, and it expanded heavily across Europe in late March. That means more subscriber growth will come this year — especially with launches in Japan, Western Europe and Latin America coming later in 2020.
While Disney+ revenue won’t replace lost park revenue due to COVID-19, it puts the company in a leading position in the streaming market heading into a post-quarantine world.
DIS is high on Great Stuff’s list for a potential buy once things settle down.
The Bad: Not Enough Panic-Buying?
The COVID-19 outbreak was initially illustrated with images of shopping carts filled to the breaking point — mostly with toilet paper. Retailers clearly stood to benefit from the panic-buying, and today, we got a glimpse at one of panic-buyers’ biggest targets: Costco Wholesale Corp. (Nasdaq: COST).
Sales skyrocketed for Costco in March, with same-store sales spiking 12.1% on the month.
But analysts had their hopes set higher … much higher. The average consensus estimate for Costco’s March sales growth sits at 24.1%. So, despite seriously impressive sales growth, Costco still missed expectations.
Furthermore, Costco said that sales of non-essential products, such as electronics and apparel, hurt overall sales figures. Store hours and store closures due to COVID-19 also negatively impacted sales.
Now, if COST stock was down just because it missed some overinflated analyst figures, I’d say the shares are a bargain on today’s sell-off. However, we all know that 12.1% sales growth isn’t sustainable.
This is doubly true when you consider that 16 million Americans have now filed for unemployment. Costco will likely see sales growth decline — slowly due to stimulus efforts, but they will still decline.
In fact, we may have seen the peak for consumer spending this year, and that doesn’t bode well for COST.
The Ugly: Grounded
Airline stocks soared today. Investors likely banked on hopes that the U.S. will be open for business by next month — thanks Mnuchin!
But, if investors think that there won’t be plenty of turbulence ahead, they’re sorely mistaken.
Right now, airlines such as Delta Air Lines Inc. (NYSE: DAL), American Airlines Group Inc. (Nasdaq: AAL) and United Airlines Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: UAL) are all counting on a government bailout. They’re losing tens of millions of dollars a day due to COVID-19 quarantines and travel bans.
Roughly $29 billion was earmarked for the airline bailout, but none of that cash is flowing. According to reports, the Department of the Treasury is asking for more financial information before letting the spice flow.
In fact, the data requested appear more akin to a loan process than a cash grant application, according to sources.
There are two takeaways here: First, bailout cash for airlines isn’t flowing out right now, and it probably won’t for a while longer. Second, that cash will come with more strings attached than airlines and investors expect.
This isn’t a carte blanche bailout. And with traffic expected to remain low even after the all-clear sounds, airline stocks will certainly get hammered once again.
It’s that time again! Today, we dive headfirst into the Great Stuff inbox and see what you and your fellow readers are pondering this week.
Are you pondering what I’m pondering?
I think so, Mr. Great Stuff, but if they called them “sad meals” no one would buy them.
Let’s get right to it:
Quick Climbs for Fast Times
Just a quick thought- If it’s the fastest time to reach a bear market, what is stopping it from turning into the fastest time to reach a bull market? After the virus issues subside of course. Everything appears to be happening at such a faster pace these days.
— Bill M.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Bill! Now, as time has lost all meaning and distinction since my kids started staying home from school, everything’s passing faster and slower at the same time.
Anyway, here’s the one thing that can prevent an even faster leap back into a bull market: uncertainty. It’s a day trader’s delight but an investor’s kryptonite. We just hit 10% unemployment at the end of a supposed “relief rally” that included a 50% Dow retracement.
If that doesn’t scream “uncertainty” ahead, nothing does.
On Idiots and Followers
We have alot of idiots fallowing the leader of the idiots.
— Tom D.
The best part is that I can’t tell which political, economic or health figure you’re talking about … and yet, I’m still strangely inclined to agree with you, Tom.
Crown Castles Made of Sand
Hello. Some of my most recession resistant stocks: AMT and CCI are holding steady … at least so far. Both also pay dividends.
— Brent J.
I want to hark back to an older email, dated March 17. Back in the thick of March madness, we were talking about crash-proof stocks and how to weather the storm.
Don’t worry, I won’t spoil the rest of your ultra secret picks, Brent! (They’re good dogs, Brent! It’s an old meme, sir, but it checks out.) Though, I see you have the 5G trend covered from the cell tower side of things. And I sure hope you held on — if not added to your position!
Both American Tower Corp. (NYSE: AMT) and Crown Castle International Corp. (NYSE: CCI) have already bounced back to February’s pre-devastation levels. If any of you readers out there timed that rebound, nicely done! If not, you might want to wait for more volatility (and oh, it’s a-comin’) to find a better entry price.
(Not sure where to start with investing in 5G? Click here now!)
Thank you to Bill, Tom, Brent and everyone else who wrote in!
Have you written to us yet? If not, what’s stopping you?! We always look forward to hearing your market takes, stock ideas, rants, raves, recipes, conspiracy theories and whatever else you’ve been cooking up while quarantined.
Drop us a line at [email protected] and feel free to speak your mind.
As always, remember that the Great Stuff action never ends. You can also find us on social media: Facebook and Twitter.
Until next time, be Great!
Joseph Hargett
Editor, Great Stuff
0 notes
goldira01 · 4 years
Mr. FOMO Risin’
If you ever needed clear proof that the stock market does not represent the U.S. economy, today provided it.
The U.S. Department of Labor announced that 6.6 million Americans filed for first-time unemployment benefits last week. The latest data bring the total of new claims to more than 16 million for the past three weeks.
That’s 10% of the U.S. workforce gone. Poof. Vanished into the novel coronavirus tainted air.
How did Wall Street react to this economic travesty? With a rally, of course.
But, in Wall Street’s defense, it was distracted by shiny objects — $2.3 trillion worth of shiny objects, to be precise.
To keep investors from looking behind the curtain, the Federal Reserve announced a $2.3 trillion lending package to support the economy. Fed Chairman Oz — er, Jerome Powell declared that the central bank will “provide as much relief and stability as we can.”
You can read all the nitty-gritty details here — including the Fed’s plan to buy junk corporate bonds. (This literally can’t go belly up, right?)
But Powell wasn’t alone in defending the U.S. economy. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told CNBC’s Squawk on the Street that the U.S. could open back up in May. Mnuchin noted that the Trump administration was doing “everything necessary that American companies and American workers can be open for business and that they have the liquidity that they need to operate their business in the interim.”
The Takeaway: 
I want to believe, dear readers. I truly do.
I want to believe that, once the COVID-19 threat passes, everything will magically return to normal … that businesses will quickly rehire 16 million Americans and get us all back to work.
I want to believe that the Fed’s $2.3 trillion announcement, the Treasury Secretary’s appearance on a major financial TV show and the revelation of 6.6 million new jobless claims happening on the same day is just a coincidence. (Hint: It’s not.)
I also want to believe that the recent market rally is the start of a new bull market … that there’s no more risk left in the system … and that rainbows and monkeys will fly out of my … well, you get the picture.
Right now, if you’re following Great Stuff’s recommendations, you’re likely experiencing a heavy dose of “fear of missing out,” or FOMO. You’ve got that FOMO risin’. And it’s gonna keep on risin’.
But you and I, we didn’t just get into town about an hour ago. We know which way the wind blows.
We know that the economic bill for the COVID-19 shutdown has to come due sooner or later. Wall Street can ignore weekly jobless claims. It can ignore a trickle of economic data here and there — especially when the Fed chair and the Treasury Secretary are giving stump speeches.
What Wall Street can’t ignore is the flood of bad economic data that’s coming … or the wave of horrendous corporate earnings reports that will follow.
It will be interesting to see how much ammunition the Fed has left when the inevitable comes.
Editor’s Note: With the whole biotech sector screaming “pandemic!” there’s never been a better time to find undiscovered biotech diamonds. Today, expert Jeff Yastine has his eye on one biotech stock that he believes is set to soar. Click here now to learn more!
The Good: Disney Plus Ultra
My wife jokingly refers to The Walt Disney Co. (NYSE: DIS) as a “people trap built by a mouse.” Judging by how crowded the company’s theme parks were before the COVID-19 shutdown, she’s not wrong.
With the launch of Disney+ last year, the mouse now has a digital trap as well. And boy, is it effective. According to Disney, its new streaming service now has 50 million paid subscribers, up from just 28.6 million in February. That’s a 75% jump in roughly two months!
The surprising growth even put the most bullish of analyst projections to shame. JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM) predicted 40 million subs by the end of 2020. The end of 2020.
Disney is now on pace to easily top its original estimate of 60 million to 90 million Disney+ subscribers by 2024.
What’s more, the service just launched in India in February, and it expanded heavily across Europe in late March. That means more subscriber growth will come this year — especially with launches in Japan, Western Europe and Latin America coming later in 2020.
While Disney+ revenue won’t replace lost park revenue due to COVID-19, it puts the company in a leading position in the streaming market heading into a post-quarantine world.
DIS is high on Great Stuff’s list for a potential buy once things settle down.
The Bad: Not Enough Panic-Buying?
The COVID-19 outbreak was initially illustrated with images of shopping carts filled to the breaking point — mostly with toilet paper. Retailers clearly stood to benefit from the panic-buying, and today, we got a glimpse at one of panic-buyers’ biggest targets: Costco Wholesale Corp. (Nasdaq: COST).
Sales skyrocketed for Costco in March, with same-store sales spiking 12.1% on the month.
But analysts had their hopes set higher … much higher. The average consensus estimate for Costco’s March sales growth sits at 24.1%. So, despite seriously impressive sales growth, Costco still missed expectations.
Furthermore, Costco said that sales of non-essential products, such as electronics and apparel, hurt overall sales figures. Store hours and store closures due to COVID-19 also negatively impacted sales.
Now, if COST stock was down just because it missed some overinflated analyst figures, I’d say the shares are a bargain on today’s sell-off. However, we all know that 12.1% sales growth isn’t sustainable.
This is doubly true when you consider that 16 million Americans have now filed for unemployment. Costco will likely see sales growth decline — slowly due to stimulus efforts, but they will still decline.
In fact, we may have seen the peak for consumer spending this year, and that doesn’t bode well for COST.
The Ugly: Grounded
Airline stocks soared today. Investors likely banked on hopes that the U.S. will be open for business by next month — thanks Mnuchin!
But, if investors think that there won’t be plenty of turbulence ahead, they’re sorely mistaken.
Right now, airlines such as Delta Air Lines Inc. (NYSE: DAL), American Airlines Group Inc. (Nasdaq: AAL) and United Airlines Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: UAL) are all counting on a government bailout. They’re losing tens of millions of dollars a day due to COVID-19 quarantines and travel bans.
Roughly $29 billion was earmarked for the airline bailout, but none of that cash is flowing. According to reports, the Department of the Treasury is asking for more financial information before letting the spice flow.
In fact, the data requested appear more akin to a loan process than a cash grant application, according to sources.
There are two takeaways here: First, bailout cash for airlines isn’t flowing out right now, and it probably won’t for a while longer. Second, that cash will come with more strings attached than airlines and investors expect.
This isn’t a carte blanche bailout. And with traffic expected to remain low even after the all-clear sounds, airline stocks will certainly get hammered once again.
It’s that time again! Today, we dive headfirst into the Great Stuff inbox and see what you and your fellow readers are pondering this week.
Are you pondering what I’m pondering?
I think so, Mr. Great Stuff, but if they called them “sad meals” no one would buy them.
Let’s get right to it:
Quick Climbs for Fast Times
Just a quick thought- If it’s the fastest time to reach a bear market, what is stopping it from turning into the fastest time to reach a bull market? After the virus issues subside of course. Everything appears to be happening at such a faster pace these days.
— Bill M.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Bill! Now, as time has lost all meaning and distinction since my kids started staying home from school, everything’s passing faster and slower at the same time.
Anyway, here’s the one thing that can prevent an even faster leap back into a bull market: uncertainty. It’s a day trader’s delight but an investor’s kryptonite. We just hit 10% unemployment at the end of a supposed “relief rally” that included a 50% Dow retracement.
If that doesn’t scream “uncertainty” ahead, nothing does.
On Idiots and Followers
We have alot of idiots fallowing the leader of the idiots.
— Tom D.
The best part is that I can’t tell which political, economic or health figure you’re talking about … and yet, I’m still strangely inclined to agree with you, Tom.
Crown Castles Made of Sand
Hello. Some of my most recession resistant stocks: AMT and CCI are holding steady … at least so far. Both also pay dividends.
— Brent J.
I want to hark back to an older email, dated March 17. Back in the thick of March madness, we were talking about crash-proof stocks and how to weather the storm.
Don’t worry, I won’t spoil the rest of your ultra secret picks, Brent! (They’re good dogs, Brent! It’s an old meme, sir, but it checks out.) Though, I see you have the 5G trend covered from the cell tower side of things. And I sure hope you held on — if not added to your position!
Both American Tower Corp. (NYSE: AMT) and Crown Castle International Corp. (NYSE: CCI) have already bounced back to February’s pre-devastation levels. If any of you readers out there timed that rebound, nicely done! If not, you might want to wait for more volatility (and oh, it’s a-comin’) to find a better entry price.
(Not sure where to start with investing in 5G? Click here now!)
Thank you to Bill, Tom, Brent and everyone else who wrote in!
Have you written to us yet? If not, what’s stopping you?! We always look forward to hearing your market takes, stock ideas, rants, raves, recipes, conspiracy theories and whatever else you’ve been cooking up while quarantined.
Drop us a line at [email protected] and feel free to speak your mind.
As always, remember that the Great Stuff action never ends. You can also find us on social media: Facebook and Twitter.
Until next time, be Great!
Joseph Hargett
Editor, Great Stuff
0 notes
iasshikshalove · 4 years
Daily News Articles/Editorials 28th March 2020
Expanded rations will not only bring relief in this pandemic but also help sustain a nourished and healthy population.
Two days ago, the Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced a ₹1.7-lakh crore package of social security measures to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic in the period of the 21-day lockdown.
In respect of food security, the package falls far short of what is needed. I argue that we need to immediately ensure universal rationing with an expanded food basket, and special measures for cooked food in urban areas for the vulnerable population.
The burden of the current lockdown is borne disproportionately by the large unorganised workforce, comprising hundreds of millions of casual daily wage-workers and self-employed workers.
India already holds the record for the largest number of malnourished persons in the world. As their ability to purchase food diminishes, a growing population of working people and their families will soon enter a phase of hunger and undernourishment.
The answer to this looming and very real scenario of food insecurity lies in a massive programme of food rationing, far greater than what the Finance Minister has promised.
Lessons from history:
To ensure that all people have access to adequate food in the midst of this unprecedented health and economic crisis with potentially high levels of mortality, we must immediately expand our food security system.
Before I come to the components of such an expanded programme, let us briefly look at the lessons provided by the experience of other countries in using rationing in times of scarcity.
In the United Kingdom in the 1940s, rationing or a policy of “fair shares” was introduced in a period of war and scarcity. Starting in 1939, each and every person was issued a ration book, with a weekly entitlement that could be collected at a local grocery store.
Rationing encompassed many commodities, starting with butter, bacon and sugar, and later augmented by eggs, biscuits, tinned food, meat, cereals, etc.
A remarkable outcome of the war years was, as Amartya Sen has demonstrated, a significant improvement in vital statistics including a rise in life expectancy and a decline in the mortality rate.
Despite heavy war casualties and a decline in consumer expenditure per capita, life expectancy actually improved. In the first six decades of the 20th century, the decade from 1941 to 1950 saw the largest increase in life expectancy in England and Wales.
India’s Timeline:
In India, the British introduced rationing in six cities in 1942, mainly to supply industrial workers with adequate food.
Following demands from a strong political movement, Malabar became the first rural area to implement rationing in 1943.
In the mid-1960s, the system of rationing or the Public Distribution System (PDS) was made a national universal programme, which steadily expanded till 1991.
In the 1990s, the policies of liberalisation led to the withdrawal of universal rationing and its replacement by a policy of narrow targeting. Differential entitlements were provided for BPL (Below Poverty Line) and APL (Above Poverty Line) households.
In 2013, the landmark National Food Security Act (NFSA), ensured legal entitlement to rations and other food-based schemes (such as mid-day meals in schools).
Around 75% of rural households, and 50% of urban households, that is, a total of two-thirds of all households, were eligible for inclusion (now termed priority households) in the NFSA.
The implementation of the NFSA — notably the PDS, the Mid-day Meal Scheme, and the Integrated Child Development Services scheme — varies significantly across States; nevertheless, the infrastructure for distribution of food is in place in all parts of the country.
China’s Strategy:
In China, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), a planning body, was the key coordinator along with the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) in ensuring supplies of basic foods and price stability to the poor, especially in Wuhan province, the epicentre of the current pandemic, which was under lockdown since January 23, 2020.
The Chinese strategy had multiple components, which included public corporations and ministries, 300 large private companies, 200,000 private stores, and local government institutions.
To illustrate, State-owned companies such as COFCO or the China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corporation, and Sinograin (China Grain Reserves Corporation) supplied key commodities to Wuhan. This included 200 tonnes of rice, 50 tonnes of flour and noodles, and 300 tonnes of edible oils each day during the peak of the pandemic in February 2020.
The National Grain Trade Centre has to date supplied 155,000 tonnes of corn and 154,000 tonnes of soyabean to Wuhan. Special delivery trucks for transport of vegetables were arranged, and the local government organised open-air markets.
Kerala was the first State in India to announce a package with income support measures and in-kind measures including free rations of 15 kg (grain) and provision of cheap meals.
The government of Tamil Nadu announced free rations of rice, sugar, cooking oil and dal to all ration card holders. The supply of rations for unorganised workers is to be through Amma canteens.
The Delhi government will give 1.5 times existing entitlements at no cost to all ration card holders.
Key points of a plan:
In India a system of expanded rations must have the following components. First, for all rural households, free rations of rice and wheat at double the normal entitlement must be distributed.
The current entitlement is about half the quantity of daily cereal intake recommended by the Indian Council of Medical Research: the new quantities should be the actual minimum requirement per person per day.
The government of India has now doubled rations (rice or wheat) to all priority households, from 5 kg to 10 kg per person per month. However, this falls short, as the rations are not to all households but only priority households; the rations are not free (only the additional 5 kg is free).
The provision of rations must be universal: this is not the time to demarcate households by type of ration card or whether they have a ration card or by any form of biometrics.
The system of identification of priority households is not error-proof, and no household wrongly excluded should be outside the ambit of rationing today.
This upscaling is feasible as the country has stocks of 58 million tonnes of rice and wheat; and the wheat harvest is currently underway in north India.
Second, for all rural households, additional rations of cooking oil, sugar, salt and lentils should be provided on a regular basis. Soap must also be included in this list.
As supplies have to be arranged, the distribution could be weekly or fortnightly in order to ensure smooth availability. It is good to see that the government of India has announced one kg of dal per household, but it needs to provide more commodities quickly.
Third, if milk, eggs and vegetables (or one or more of them) can be supplied, we can not only ensure basic food security at the time of a major health crisis, but actually address our burden of malnutrition.
For urban areas, we need a combination of provision of dry goods and of cooked food. All households with ration cards can be given the same entitlements as proposed for rural households.
For the vast numbers of workers and migrants in towns and cities, however, we must set up arrangements for preparation and delivery of cooked food. The large numbers of closed community kitchens (schools and colleges, company and office canteens, for example) and restaurant workers now sitting idle or laid off can be brought together to undertake a massive programme of provision of cooked meals at subsidised rates. Kerala has taken the lead here.
This will require careful planning and technology to distribute food while ensuring physical distancing. The answer is not to simply close the Indira Canteens (serving low-cost meals) as Karnataka has done.
All the measures proposed must continue for at least three months, and be reviewed afterwards.
An imaginative massive exercise of expanded rations could not only provide succour in this pandemic but also bring in a policy shift that will help sustain a nourished and healthy population.
The requirement of massive resources following the pandemic may be an occasion to lift global economic sanctions.
A global pandemic demands game-changing actions by all nations in order to halt its global spread, provide relief in terms of medical supplies and to rebuild shattered lives.
The global community has the responsibility to rise to the occasion. Any global cataclysm affects poor countries more than the rich ones as the former do not have the resources to meet the unexpected economic challenge.
While the developed countries and their groups provide economic packages to themselves and their partners, developing countries stare into the distance with hope of handouts from the international financial institutions or some generous rich allies.
One way of dealing with the emergency in an emergency mode is to consider lifting of economic sanctions imposed by the United Nations and individual countries on developing countries.
Many international sanctions imposed on the basis of political and economic decisions and taken as a part of diplomatic efforts by countries, multilateral or regional organisations against states or organisations exist around the world.
These were meant either to ‘protect national security interests, or to protect international law, and defend against threats to international peace and security.
These measures include the temporary imposition on a target of economic, trade, diplomatic, cultural or other restrictions’ and can be lifted only through a long process of ascertaining whether their objectives were met.
The UN Security Council has a ‘mandate by the international community to apply sanctions that are binding on all UN member states. They serve as the international community’s most powerful peaceful means to prevent threats to international peace and security or to settle them’.
Peace enforcement is possible if the sanctions fail, but that is only in the rarest of rare cases. The sanctions often lie dormant for technical reasons even if their original intent and purpose have lost their relevance. The victims of these sanctions suffer in silence or engage in negotiations to get relief.
When America struck:
Apart from UN sanctions, there are ‘unilateral sanctions that are imposed by individual countries in furtherance of their strategic objectives.
Typically intended as strong economic coercion, measures applied under unilateral sanctions can range between coercive diplomatic efforts, economic warfare, or a threat of war’. These take the form of economic, diplomatic, military and sport sanctions.
The unilateral sanctions are naturally not mandatory to any other state, but the United States has often stipulated, like in the case of Iran, that those countries which do not apply sanctions to Iran would be debarred from doing business with the U.S., a Hobson’s choice in many cases.
After the initial invasion of Kuwait by Iraq, the UN ‘placed an embargo on the nation in an attempt to prevent an armed conflict. A naval and air blockade was added. The purpose of the initial sanctions was to coerce Iraq into following international law, which included the recognised sovereignty of Kuwait’.
But even after the liberation of Kuwait, a series of sanctions were created to weaken the country.
A UN plan to purchase food and medicines by selling Iraqi oil to the world became one of the most serious scandals to hit the UN and its Secretary General.
S. sanctions against Iran over the years broke the back of the country and forced it to reach an agreement to limit its nuclear activities.
The U.S.’s withdrawal from the Iran deal has now resulted in Iran facing crippling sanctions. Perhaps, the impact of COVID-19 was severe in Iran on account of the sanctions and the resultant economic crisis in the country.
There are many more cases of sanctions against many countries still in existence. Temporary sanctions in protest against the policies of countries often result in expulsion or withdrawal of diplomatic personnel.
The politics of sanctions entered a new era when U.S. President Donald Trump signed into law the “Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act” (CAATSA) that grouped together sanctions against Russia, Iran and North Korea.
Currently, the U.S. alone, or together with other countries has sanctions against Belarus, Myanmar, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, Iraq, Liberia, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, and Zimbabwe and other countries.
The wide network of sanctions is comprehensively monitored by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the US Department of the Treasury which enforces economic and trade sanctions based on U.S. foreign policy and national security goals against targeted foreign countries and regimes and related entities and individuals.
0 notes
365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Fantasy: Week 13 positional rankings
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May 23, 20182:46PM EDT
Reid, Mike and Blayne sit down just hours after the end of Round 12 to review the unexpected results and meh DGW performances. A random question from Mike leads to a surprise conversation about Columbus before the guys touch on the fantasy impact of the upcoming U.S. Open Cup Round 4 and the World Cup. Everything wraps up with their preview of Round 13 which includes Blayne asking the fantasy community to change his nind about a player selection.
Week 13 of MLS Fantasy features several matchups worth targeting for fantasy points. Let’s take a look at the top players at each position.
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Ryan Meara filled in admirably for usual New York Red Bulls starter Luis Robles in Week 12, coming up with some highlight-reel saves against Atlanta’s high-octane attack and picking up six fantasy points in the process. If Robles remains out through injury, Meara is one of the best values at the position in a home game on Saturday vs. a Philadelphia attack (7 pm ET; TV & streaming info) that has been shut out in four of five road games this season.
Rank Player Team Opponent Price 1  Ryan Meara RBNY vs. PHI $ 4.9 2  Tim Melia SKC vs. CLB $ 8.3 3 Clint Irwin TOR vs. DAL $ 5.0 4  Tyler Miller LAFC vs. DC $ 8.1 5  Stefan Frei SEA vs. RSL $ 7.2 6 David Bingham LA vs. SJ $ 6.5 7 Joe Bendik ORL vs. CHI $ 5.4 8 Tim Howard COL vs. POR $ 5.6 9  Bobby Shuttleworth MIN vs. MTL $ 6.5 10 Brian Rowe VAN vs. NE $ 4.2
Ike Opara has scored at least five points in each of his last seven games | USA Today Sports Images
Graham Zusi’s price continues to rise, but considering only Miguel Almiron, Carlos Vela and Maxi Moralez have more points than Zusi, his $ 5 million increase since the start of the season is justified.
Rank Playe Team Opponent Price 1 Graham Zusi SKC vs. CLB $ 11.0 2 Ike Opara SKC vs. CLB $ 8.6 3 Laurent Ciman LAFC vs. DC $ 10.3 4 Michael Murillo RBNY vs. PHI $ 7.7 5 Auro TOR vs. DAL $ 5.5 6 Steven Beitashour LAFC vs. DC $ 9.0 7 Aaron Long RBNY vs. PHI $ 7.9 8 Eriq Zavaleta TOR vs. DAL $ 6.2 9 Francisco Calvo MIN vs. MTL $ 7.3 10 Kendall Waston VAN vs. NE $ 5.6 11 Matt Besler SKC vs. CLB $ 9.2 12 Gregory van der Wiel TOR vs. DAL $ 6.6 13 Tim Parker RBNY vs. PHI $ 6.9 14 Chad Marshall SEA vs. RSL $ 5.7 15 Mohamed El-Munir ORL vs. CHI $ 6.8 16 Kelvin Leerdam SEA vs. RSL $ 4.8 17 Lamine Sane ORL vs. CHI $ 6.7 18 Ronald Matarrita NYC at HOU $ 5.1 19 Harrison Afful CLB at SKC $ 7.3 20 Edgar Castillo COL vs. POR $ 5.6
Kaku has come alive with two goals and seven assists over his last four games, averaging 12.5 fantasy points per game in that span. Last year he was an MLS Fantasy darling, but Romain Alessandrini’s production has seen a significant dropoff this season. He did deliver 13 fantasy points in his last home outing and at $ 8.2 million he’ll be hard to pass on in the Cali Clasico on Friday (11 pm ET; UniMás — Full TV & streaming info).
Rank Player Team Opponent Price 1 Kaku RBNY vs. PHI $ 10.8 2 Romain Alessandrini LA vs. SJ $ 8.2 3 Johnny Russell SKC vs. CLB $ 10.4 4 Sacha Kljestan ORL vs. CHI $ 10.5 5 Ignacio Piatti MTL at MIN $ 12.8 6 Victor Vazquez TOR vs. DAL $ 9.4 7 Diego Valeri POR at COL $ 11.5 8 Daniel Royer RBNY vs. PHI $ 7.9 9 Justin Meram ORL vs. CHI $ 5.9 10 Federico Higuain CLB at SKC $ 10.2 11 Maxi Moralez NYC at HOU $ 10.6 12 Daniel Salloi SKC vs. CLB $ 9.5 13 Magnus Wolff Eikrem SEA vs. RSL $ 4.2 14 Jonathan Osorio TOR vs. DAL $ 8.4 15 Albert Rusnak RSL at SEA $ 11.0 16 Mauro Diaz DAL at TOR $ 10.9 17 Felipe VAN vs. NE $ 7.7 18 Saphir Taider MTL at MIN $ 7.8 19 Yordy Reyna VAN vs. NE $ 5.0 20 Benny Feilhaber LAFC vs. DC $ 9.3 21 Sean Davis RBNY vs. PHI $ 8.4 22 Alexander Ring NYC at HOU $ 10.2 23 Jonathan dos Santos LA vs. SJ $ 7.5 24 Cristian Roldan SEA vs. RSL $ 8.6 25 Danny Hoesen SJ at LA $ 8.4 26 Josue Colman ORL vs. CHI $ 5.5 27 Sebastian Blanco POR at COL $ 9.0 28 Tomas Martinez HOU vs. NYC $ 8.6 29 Chris Mueller ORL vs. CHI $ 7.0 30 Florian Valot RBNY vs. PHI $ 8.5
Only Miguel Almiron has scored more fantasy points than Carlos Vela in 2018 | USA Today Sports Images
Carlos Vela continues to deliver the fantasy goods, with seven or more points in four straight weeks. A home game vs. D.C. United on Saturday (10 pm ET; TV & streaming info) presents another good chance to collect points before Vela departs for the World Cup.
Rank Player Team Opponent Price 1 Carlos Vela LAFC vs. DC $ 13.2 2 Sebastian Giovinco TOR vs. DAL $ 10.0 3 Bradley Wright-Phillips RBNY vs. PHI $ 12.4 4 David Villa NYC at HOU $ 10.8 5 Ola Kamara LA vs. SJ $ 8.3 6 Alberth Elis HOU vs. NYC $ 10.9 7 Darwin Quintero MIN vs. MTL $ 10.0 8 Kei Kamara VAN vs. NE $ 8.7 9 Diego Rossi LAFC vs. DC $ 11.0 10 Clint Dempsey SEA vs. RSL $ 7.0 11 Nemanja Nikolic CHI at ORL $ 7.9 12 Romell Quioto HOU vs. NYC $ 8.5 13 Maxi Urruti DAL at TOR $ 8.6 14 Khiry Shelton SKC vs. CLB $ 4.8 15 Latif Blessing LAFC vs. DC $ 6.6 16 Mauro Manotas HOU vs. NYC $ 8.4 17 Christian Ramirez MIN vs. MTL $ 8.4 18 Dominique Badji COL vs. POR $ 8.4 19 Gyasi Zardes CLB at SKC $ 8.8 20 Cristian Penilla NE at VAN $ 9.6
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MLSsoccer.com News
Fantasy: Week 13 positional rankings was originally published on 365 Football
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