#dakky's art
shift-souls-writing · 5 months
[On The Horizon]
Character Design (Omitting Spoilers) : Continued
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Basic Information (Continued) :
Scarification Location(s) : Right forearm, Between shoulder blades
Height(s) : 5'9" (Human), 6'11 (Wolf), 9'3" (Beast)
Build : Mesomorph
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scribble-brain-aced · 25 days
Do you have ocs?
bad quality art, i doodled these in old notebooks from school, so it’s not very good-
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i don’t remember what I named most of these OCs, but she’s supposed to be a kind of bratty “everyone loves me” type of character, because she has this superpower where everyone is SUPPOSED to love her. it’s an aura of obsessive, enchanted love. she’s so used to being catering to and fawned over, that she’s genuinely sick of it. she craves hatred, but nobody will give it to her. pretty sure she became a criminal? and honestly, if she were ever hated, she wouldn’t know how to deal with it, and would probably just freak out.
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slightly older OC: the COMPLETE opposite of the Aphrodite i just mentioned. she’s incapable of being remembered, no matter how hard she tried. as she grew older, more and more people forgot her, including her own friends and family. she grew bitter, and like most neglected kids, comes to the conclusion that negative attention is better than none, right? she’s also a criminal.. or.. she WOULD be, if law enforcement remembered her. to everyone else, it’s a mystery who set fire to that coffee shop. she does everything she can think of to get attention. that’s also why she’s wearing neon.
…i should bring these two first OCs into a room together and see how they interact.
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and the only OC whose name i remember: Dakki!! she started out as a basic experiment because i was curious on how to draw people w/ Treacher Collins Syndrome. except most of the facial differences i noticed, my art style already looks like that so there’s not a big difference-
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it’s only obvious in the side profile. she’s a somewhat-sarcastic, but overall polite girl! in middle school, because it’s a breeding ground for insecurity, she tried making a cardboard box head to hide her face, before deciding that she’d feel more awkward wearing it, because NOBODY wears a box on their head, so she never ended up using it. (and she’s absolutely fine w/ her face now!) but she did unlock a passion for making stuff out of cardboard. she started w/ box heads because she could already do that, and eventually became involved in fandom (idk a lot about FF7 but let’s go with that) and started using it to cosplay, mostly armor and wings and stuff. she also really likes ducks, and has made a cardboard duck suit.
aaand that’s all i can remember!
do i love this OCs? with my whole heart
will i ever do anything with them? ..uh. idk. probably not, sadly.
so yeah :)
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enemyoflactose · 7 months
Woman art dump
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The Girls are
Lovely Labrynth of the Silver Castle
Dark Necrofear
Dakki the Graceful Mayakashi
High Priestess of Prophecy
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zou-labrousse · 1 year
Les artistes du dix-neuvième ZOU!
L’Atelier IMIS
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Création collective improvisée avec performances de danse, musique et vidéo, présentées au centre de l'installation par Brida Horvath et Pierre Martin et accompagnées de vidéos originales de Stéphane Pogran.
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" ...en ces temps troublés, il fallait plus qu'une douzaine de justes pour sauver le monde. Il fallait une armée…" Présentation des "Guerriers de la Sérénité" - performance - production continue - et de la fresque " Echelle Un ".
Anna Bonadé
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Arts visuels
La cendre, symbole de destruction, où la vie organique ne semble plus exister, celle que l’on devient, lorsque qu’on redevient poussière. C’est à partir de celle-ci que j’ai voulu créer une pièce à l’aspect organique, fragile à la manière d’une peau qui se reconstitue.
Compagnie Ezika
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« Trompe-feuilles »
Illusion sonore
En quête d'une nouvelle vie, un.e campeur.se a élu domicile au hameau de La Brousse, loin des perturbations de la ville...Un théâtre sonore saugrenu qui se joue de notre perception du réel De et avec Estelle Coquin et Julien Lot.
Maïa Commère
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Arts visuels
Avec les fabulettes, je cherche à vous faire voyager en miniature et fantasmer avec des micro-mondes réalistes tantôt poétiques, tantôt humoristiques, érotiques… « Un univers aussi merveilleux que minuscule ! »
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Expression d'un subtil équilibre, la série PARTICULES résulte d'une intention d'alléger la matière, favorisant une dynamique de la ligne et du mouvement dans l'espace.
Coralie Férioulaud
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Durant le festival ZOU c'est avec joie que je présenterai la technique Sgraffito en terre crue au travers de mes créations et d'ateliers.
Laurent Gasparini
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Petits mondes
La vie n'a pas de sens sacré, c'est simplement un phénomène impitoyable qui prend place et suit son cours. Parfois, elle nous frappe de sa froideur, alors on développe de la résilience. Cette force nous permet d’apprécier les moments de bonheur que l'on vit ou de s'en créer.
Hortense Gauthier
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Une action dansée longue durée entre silence et bruit, dans la lenteur de la déconnexion, pour faire trembler les ondes et les sons inaudibles des fréquences oubliées.
Hortense Gauthier & Antoine Schmitt
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Installation sonore
Le cri infini est une installation sonore qui pousse un cri infini. En une tentative de catharsis, elle nous confronte à l'expression primale de la dimension douloureuse du sentiment de vivre. Le cri infini est composé de manière générative à partir d'enregistrement de cris réels de participants de tous horizons.
Armelle Gilet
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Atelier de peinture
« De l'Ombre à la Lumière »
Je propose un atelier de peinture à l'encre de chine à la lueur de bougies. Après la lecture d'un texte sur la symbolique de la grotte, j'inviterais les personnes à laisser leur trace à l'encre de chine dans ce passage de transformation de l'ombre à la Lumière.
Michel Gayout
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Panneaux texte et images
Pour lancer une discussion sur notre « société du spectacle » actuelle, où ce que nous prenons pour notre réalité quotidienne est de plus en plus le mensonge incarné, dicté par les contraintes éthico-sociales qui nous emprisonnent l’esprit.
Sandra Guillemot
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Arts visuels
Création de toiles figuratives ou abstraites mêlant différentes techniques : peinture à l'huile, effets de matière, collages d'affiches et d'objets rouillés.
Brida Horvath
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Balade guidée « Entre chien et loup »
Une expérience où les participants sont invités à vivre l'art d'une nouvelle manière en suivant des consignes simples, et deviennent eux-mêmes les interprètes d'une performance qui n'a jamais existé. Un moment de transformation où l'ancien n'existe plus et le nouveau est en train de naître. Un rituel.
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Performance chorale
Improvisation vocale à 11 chanteurs, en résonance avec les œuvres exposées du festival.
Carey Jeffries
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“The Swedish Way” Performance, Improvisation buto contemporain cabaret
Exposition, Dessins inspirés par la danse contact et l’improvisation.
+ Atelier massage Ostéo Wuo Tai, Rolling Compression et Contact Improvisation dance (Pratiques somatiques et relationnelles) Renseignements et réservation 06 33 49 36 87. Tarif 15 € - Prévoir tapis de yoga et vêtements souples.
Philippe Laval
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« Chants cons sous la neige (carbonique) » Guitarisque bruitcoleur, pouète à ses heures, Philippe Laval chante à tort, joue à travers, écoute les murs, et enfonce le clou ! Il faut bien taper sur quelque chose... "Et au fond de l'écriture, c'est la boiterie qui fait le rythme" (Jean Vautrin)
LN Le Cheviller
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« A qui le tour ? »
62 armes nous rappellent que la guerre en Ukraine continue toujours, et nous renvoient à la violence qui nous environne et peut nous toucher à tout moment…
Lee Shar
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La Cintrologie est un cintrétisme, teinté de surcyclage et de symbologie. Les cintres perdent leur fonction première de porte-vêtements pour devenir des cintreboles... "Qui qui veut devenir ce qu'il devrait être doit laisser ce qu'il est maintenant" MaÎtre Eckhart
Trisha McCrae
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Une œuvre sculpturale et vidéo qui intègre un moment dans le temps, dans le cadre d'un voyage allant de la fragmentation à la totalité et à l'éveil de la conscience.
Kristin Noethling
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Naviguer le paysage en musique. Parcourir la tête. Cheminer. Toujours entre légèreté et agitation. Comment cela se transforme, de la main au dessin, croquis ou essai.
Sophie et Lionel Pardessus
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Un peu de rêve et de poésie dans un lieu magique. Chaque photo est accompagnée d'une poésie, le parc est idéal pour vous laisser rêver.
Les Papillonnantes
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Performance sonore et visuelle
Sandolore Sykes et Anne Foucher se rejoignent pour improviser. Elles font se rencontrer la vidéo et le violon électroacoustique, créant un univers énigmatique.
Angélina Pavlova
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Dessin improvisé à partir des mains tendues que m'offre le public. Les courageux qui s'y risquent repartent avec un dessin.
Trib'Art Music Ethnic
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« ..Voyage intuitif sur instruments acoustiques... » ...De l'inspire nait l'expire, engendrant le souffle vibratoire qui s'imprime sur la toile du silence, avec Amour... Avec et par Patricio et Nagi.
Léa Wargny
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Chaque ombre représentée est un miroir et non une vérité en soi, elle devient ce que l'on voit en elle. À travers les dames en bleu, je dédiabolise des émotions considérées comme négatives par la société patriarcale. En cherchant mon moi profond j'espère créer du lien avec les personnes qui consentent à regarder le leur.
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paperboy-pb · 2 years
CLASS 8-C! ....Kind of!
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VERY old concept art / doodles of the 8th graders in PB! Well... at least, 9/12 of them. [Originally made in October, 2022]
A lot of these are going to change before you see them in the comic. I like where they're going, but I still need to decide what their conditions are, I want to actually change some so they have prosthetics or mobility aids, etc.
The names should stay, though? Their *entire* attendance list is--
Dakota ("Dakky") Beck-Mendoza
River Chavez [[IMPORTANT]]
Desmond ("Dez") Daniels
Annette Domingo
Jayda Figureoa
Solomon ("Solo") García [[IMPORTANT]]
Alfredo Gonzalez
Hattie Hao
Abdullah ("Dully") Kanaan
Sarah Kandil
Gundham Santander
William Wong
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somethingtizz · 4 years
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I forgot how much I’ve missed drawing tv heads, so here’s a glow up of Dakkie
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ajisaihora · 5 years
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Serpent by Vetisx
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Masterlist Part 2
Because I apparently hit this (little known) threshold of 100 links per post. Looks like I have posted 100 fics including separate chapters since late September 2021. Holy hell.
Masterlist Part 1 HERE <-- Please go here if this is your first time checking out my stuff!!!
Other links:
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/AlstroemeriaDSNC
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlstroemeriaDS
SFW Vynposting
A Normal Date - Finally having wrangled his tutor into admitting he is reciprocating his feelings, Marius is now bothering Vyn into doing certain things he probably missed out on, given his upbringing. Things like...having a totally normal, ordinary date.
Little Dr. Richter - Vyn discovers Rosa’s new little companion. But wait, why does it look a lot like him?
NXX: Three Men and a Little Lily - Vyn and Rosa are whisked off to the separate overseas business trips, leaving Marius, Artem, and Luke to watch over their darling little princess, five-year-old Lily.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
NXX Turns Into Cat - Each NXX duder turns into a cat. Everyone else—Rosa, mostly—deals with the mess.
Pt 01 - Meowrius | Pt 02 - Vynyaa | Pt 03 - Lukemeow | Pt 04 - Nyaartem
Vynposting (NSFW)
In the shadows, I play your song - PWP set after Electrifying Night. Slight spoilers if you're not aware of how Vyn looks in that event and card story.
Intoxicated - Heavily inspired by the Food for Thought card. Not a card rewrite nor a sequel, but takes place in the gap between Story parts 5 and 6.
Hosanna - You think you need to sin more to catch the attention of a certain demon who masquerades as a priest, but it actually takes more than that.
His beautiful flowers, blooming wildly - VynRosa x Ingrid threesome fic. Jealousy is a helluva thing.
Relief - Rosa is drugged, and her two attending doctors Richter and Yishmir are thrown in for a sexual loop
Marks - Marius is obsessed over his tutor’s beauty mark (VynMarius)
Dance in the Study - Stripper Rosa literally gives newcomer Vyn Richter a housewarming.
Lotus-eaters - Set in Secrets of the Tomb; The Scribe is beset with worries, and the High Priest lends his aid
The Lady and Her Maid - Rosa is stressed out, Vyn (with Kiki’s help) helps her deal with it the cutest/hottest way possible
Chiaroscuro: Pentimento - Sick of having to bear the brunt of their Vyn and Rosa’s mutual pining for each other, Marius takes one for the team and makes great sacrifices to bring his two favorite people together
Series (NSFW)
NXX on Valentine's Day - Situational fics where each NXX boy takes Rosa on a date on Valentine's Day. Spicy stuff happens, as usual. (COMPLETE)
Part 1 (Vyn) | Part 2 (Artem) | Part 3 (Luke) | Part 4 (Marius)
NXX and Emergency Toys - Situational fics where each NXX dude gets so worked up by Rosa that they have to grab something--anything--just to spice things up even more.
Part 1 (Artem) | Part 2 (Vyn)
Fantasies - Rosa and Vyn indulge themselves and each other with their own sexual fantasies. Originally a one-shot ask that just became a series.
Fantasies (Pt 1) | Fantasies ~ ver. Vyn | In the office | In the headquarters | Over the Phone
NXX as Incubi:  Where each LI deals with work stress and/or hang up towards Rosa enough to trigger sexual dreams, where they become incubi who haunt her dreams.
Vyn ( Look at Me, Seek Me, Desire Me, Love Only Me)
Killshot: Assassin hijinks AU where Vyn is ripped out from his life in Stellis early on, due to political turmoil back in his homeland. As Duke Vilhelm de Haspran, he has to deal with assassins sent after him, including a rather inept yet persistent one named Rosa 
Part 1  | Part 2 |
Pillow Talk - Short fiction accompanying the dakki art I commissioned (here)
Heart of the Cards | Neon Jealousy
Close Friends - Rosa is plagued with a strange compulsion to do a certain act, thoroughly distracting her from work. Kiki suggest she seek the help of her closest, most special friend, Dr. Vyn Richter.
Part 1 | Part 2
Special Delivery - Vyn is very, very disappointed when Rosa bailed on their plans for his birthday, only to get something more interesting. And he plans to thoroughly enjoy her birthday surprise...
Part 1 | 
NXX on Blind Tasting - A blind tasting activity where Rosa is the taster, guessing which NXX men she is kissing as she makes out with each of them.
Part 1 | Part 2
Entrapped - series of smutty NSFW fansequels for Vyn’s cards, with their own sort of continuity
Pt 01 Layers| Pt 02 House Call | Pt 03 Invitation | Pt 04 Hot Summer | Pt 05 Straddling, Mounting, Riding | Pt 04 By the Fireplace | Pt 05 The Third Option | Pt 06 Conversations in Winter
NXX for Rent! - Sex Work AU
Luke | Vyn |
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daksart · 7 years
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Only (S9)0′s kids remember
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deejadabbles · 3 years
I saw you talking about your Yugioh Oc’s deck and thought it was super cool so I thought it would be ok if I shared mine : It’s mostly a synchro deck consisting of mayakashi (like Daiki the graceful mayakashi)which are like human forms of DM . They’re zombie types too which is cool . Also the monsters can turn into other Mayakashi like Daiki becomes Yoko the graceful mayakashi stuff like that . It also has 9 tailed fox too,etc . I don’t really know how to use the deck irl but thought I’d share !
Of course it's okay to share! I'm always game to hear from you guys <3
Oooh I've seen some of the Mayakashi cards and honestly some of them are so pretty (I want art of Dakki so much lol) I love the Yokai/Japanese demons n spirits vibes. And I applaud you for having a synchro deck, I built like, one, and almost never use it XD
Also, on your last note, SAME! like I can kick butt in duel links, but irl, with a physical deck, with a gamer bro staring me down?? Nah man, I'd forget half the things I can even do with my card effects lmao
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shift-souls-writing · 5 months
[On The Horizon]
Character Design (Omitting Spoilers) :
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Basic Information :
Name : Ira Moieniu ('She Who is Retribution')
Age : 28
Race : Werewolf/Shifter
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thegorgonist · 4 years
It is excruciatingly hard to create when you are under this constant duress.
 Now is a great time to remind the Black artists and authors in our lives how vital and brilliant they are through direct support.  Buy some books, buy some art, fall in love with them, promote and hype it, now and forever. 
Some suggestions, mostly indie but a few mainstream because we all have different tastes, very heavily in comics and pop culture because that's where I am:
Children's books: https://believeinwonder.weebly.com/ Brian W. Parker is the best children's book illustrator you haven't heard of yet (unless you have heard of him then you already know) https://notsosuper.pub/collections/all https://gumroad.com/backthatelfup (Tristan J Tarwater's Hen and Chick is the middle grade mother-daughter pirate adventure you need) https://sasquatchbooks.com/little-bigfoot/books/curious-encounters/ (I'm honored to have met Jessixa Bagley before she was famous-well, as famous-and she has a new book out and you should buy all of them and die from the cuteness and poignancy!) https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/624860/brown-sugar-babe-by-charlotte-watson-sherman-illustrated-by-akem/ https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/567578/julian-is-a-mermaid-by-jessica-love/ https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/585658/hair-love-by-matthew-a-cherry-illustrated-by-vashti-harrison/ Leo Dillon has left us but the work he and Diane Dillon created made me the artist I am today and all fantastical illustrators owe him a debt. https://www.harpercollins.com/9780064430975/honey-i-love-and-other-love-poems/
Comics: https://notsosuper.pub/collections/all (Jacques Nyemb does everything so he has to be everywhere <3 ) https://powerandmagicpress.com/ (Joamette Gil helms this publisher that makes intensely beautiful and important work) https://weirdenoughcomics.com/ (great kids' comics and education resource!) https://gumroad.com/backthatelfup (I love Shamsee and also Tristan writes RPGS!) https://onipress.com/products/archival-quality (library ghost!!!) https://www.princesslovepon.com/  (magical girl perfection by Shauna J Grant) https://agentsoftherealm.com/ (college-age magical girls by Mildred Louis) https://www.powells.com/book/-9781683830047 (M F K by Nilah Macgruder, stunning) https://us.macmillan.com/series/checkplease/ (Ngozi Ukazu's cute, snappy, feel-good gay hockey comic!) https://www.patreon.com/dakkycomics www.facebook.com/dakkycomics (a local who I was lucky to meet in person at a con last year--Dakky's comics are so good, and taking inspiration from fonts is just wildly cool)
Artists: https://ko-fi.com/nike_a_go_go/gallery (Nike's work is fantastic and all over my office, buy them a coffee or ten) https://kianamaiart.tumblr.com/ (amazing artist at Disney TV animation who offers resources and insight and really, really funny nerdy comics) https://shop.dominicglover.com/?fbclid=IwAR0kfjZVbe5uecz4k-gAhPH9iHxlCo4ayL48zEGHsScp1A6rUd26E6S7a9Q (one of the slickest, most pro comics people I know, if you crave superheroes you might wanna go shop) http://labillustration.etsy.com (RAT PINS, incredible work!) https://polkadotcuteshop.com/?fbclid=IwAR1xG2MpDlwpONx099JlFjVeitu47sbjcLSvqLL13MrK5p4dx5s9uqEyh7o (so cute you might die) https://cpunltd.com/?fbclid=IwAR1hLtPcdO0D29FTNFbnx0x3lFl6Ckt4cjIrjTiUTZ9keT6Y5v2Uh4RxWaI (cool laser etching and the creator runs a helpful facebook group!) https://www.etsy.com/shop/PlusHiiKawaii?fbclid=IwAR1SZraWs16QykadRDftqcnCjfNzC7AMojXSrXV1GTO3IoslsuhuGYVBv64 (if you are missing conventions and want to look cute, there is a great place to start!)
And we can just make this list longer and longer!
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hapuriainen · 4 years
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Whoops I totally forgot to post this one! This is for @space-weeb who won the precure dress tournament art raffle, and asked for So Dakki from Houshin Engi in the Chibi Magical Girls style. So here’s some of her designs! 
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Part 22: Final Thoughts
I was initially going to make a pretty long post for this last part, detailing all my theories about how to unlock other characters in the game; and possibly other content (which I just couldn’t figure out).
But then I recently found out about this playthrough on nicovideo which basically renders most of my walkthrough kind of pointless. To be honest, I’m not even mad about this, as I can finally experience the Senkaiden 2 game in full.
(final thoughts under the cut)
Though... if anyone DID find this “guide” helpful, or found some use for all the screencaps I posted, then I’ll still be happy. (As a note, you are free to take and use screencaps without my permission. Credit back to the blog would be nice, but using them without credit is also fine. I don’t own anything from this game after all.)
Anyway my final thoughts:
I am not sure if this game is 100% canon to the HE universe--though most likely not. A very small number of characters that weren’t houshined at all are inexplicably brought back to life, and I feel like Dakki acts pretty out of character in this game. WHY is she a bad guy again? I thought she was pretty satisfied being the “Great Mother”? The plot of this game really feels like an excuse to have you fight through the enemies that were already houshined in the manga; and they made Dakki the “ultimate big bad” again just because they couldn’t think of anyone better. Even so, I appreciate that the story focuses on an older Tensho, who was a fairly minor character in the original series. And even if this game is not entirely canon, I do feel like this is a fitting “sequel” of sorts to the Houshin Engi manga. Pretty much everyone gets a happy ending here (minus most of the baddies).
Weird plot stuff (and Dakki’s ooc-ness) aside, this game appears pretty obviously aimed at Houshin Engi fans. There is A LOT of “fanservice” here. You can recruit many of the popular major (and minor!) characters into your party so they can fight alongside you; and there’s all these nice little events and extra snippets of dialogue between characters that reference established in-series relationships. Although games based on manga/anime series usually tend to be either average or “not so great,” I feel like there was a lot of heart put into the Senkaiden 2 game. All the character art looks like it was drawn by Fujiryu and then translated into game graphics. The BGM and overall sprite work is also pretty good quality for its time. Plus this game is pretty darn accurate to the plot of the Houshin Engi manga series.
Of course, Senkaiden 2 is not a perfect game--the game is not that long for an rpg. Furthermore, it also gets padded out with TONS of intentionally tedious dungeon designs and forces you to level grind quite a bit. But just being able to see all the old characters again, and to see Tensho actually grow up, makes all the minor annoyances a moot point. Even though I obviously missed a lot of extra game content, and barely knew what was going on due to my lack of Japanese knowledge, I still greatly enjoyed playing through this game. I’m glad I was able to revisit and revise this walkthrough.
Thanks for visiting this blog, and for reading this post to the end.
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somethingtizz · 4 years
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Some more oc stuff
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Pillow Talk - Part 2 - Neon Jealousy
Short fiction accompanying the dakki art I commissioned here
Slight NSFW
Vyn–or Vilhelm, for tonight–hands you both ends of the loose black ribbon coiled around his neck.
“Take both ends of my choker, pet.” His voice comes breathy and seductive, trickling down your ears like spiced honey. “Then loop them around your fingers.” 
You stare at the man sitting beside you on your bed, sniffling a little.
Vilhelm returns your look with his indecipherable grin, observing you as your trembling fingers obey his bidding: you wrap the black leather strips around your index and middle fingers.
And, seeing the deed done, his alluring lips slowly break into a smile quite unhinged.
A shot of thrill runs down your spine as those same lips move and with his breathy voice he praises you, 
“Good girl. You are doing well so far.”
At this very moment you almost forget why the both of you have ended up in your bedroom, sitting on your bed; the heavy, suffocating sexual tension almost pushing out unpleasant memories that took place a couple of hours ago:
A few hours ago, in an underground club.
As soon as Louis’s band finished their set list it didn’t take more than a few seconds for the band’s mysterious, immensely attractive touring keyboardist, ‘Vilhelm’, to be swamped by girls. You could only look on as his lithe silhouette–too far apart from you, enough for you to lose all hope in fending off the girls away from him this time, much less reach him–is swallowed up by the overly excited crowd. 
One of the girls who vied for his attention caught your eye: a popular actress who starred in no less than three current, ongoing television series. 
A sinking feeling plummeted down the hollow pit of your stomach as you realized how little and almost insignificant you felt compared to the drop-dead gorgeous actress who seemed ready to do everything to get him for herself.
Compared to her, I’m just a nobody, really, you thought as you looked on while this actress grabbed his hand, shaking it.
Ah, well. You supposed that he would benefit from the attention anyway, what with all of the effort he paid into composing and practicing in preparation for this gig. 
And so you quietly decided to leave the venue alone, coming home to your apartment instead of going on a planned late night dinner with him.
Yet the moment you closed your apartment door behind you, finally finding yourself in the quiet refuge of your home your tears came unbidden, a torrent washing over the raging black hole culminating from your sheer jealousy at seeing Vyn lavished with such adoration. You tried to fight away the jealousy with words of sobering logic, but feelings, you quickly learn, could never be explained away.
Tear-stricken, your insides torn apart with jealousy and insecurity that you never knew you had–this was how Vyn came upon you as he suddenly stepped through your door, and into your arms.
Back to the present.
Your eyes trace Vyn’s rather sexy figure, a clear departure from his usual prim-and-proper elegance: an all-black ensemble of sleeveless shirt and cargo pants, topped off with a cornflower-blue shirt unbuttoned halfway with sleeves slid down his shoulders to allow a peek of his biceps.
His hair, pulled back and tied into a tiny twig of a ponytail, accentuates his jawline. 
His neck, bound with the choker whose ends you grip with your fingers, like a leash.
Again, a strange smile spreads on his lips. 
He then instructs you, once again with a voice as sweet as dripping honey: “Tug at the ribbon slowly.” The amber in his eyes darken to caramel in the lowlights of your dimmed bedroom. “Go ahead.”
You are about to voice your objection–you do not want to hurt him–but you decide to trust Vyn, like you always do.
You gently pull at the ribbon; nothing happens.
“Harder. You have to mean it,” he tells you, eyes brimming with a darker emotion. “And look at me. Look at me when you do it.”
After taking a deep breath to calm your nerves, apprehensive with what you are about to do, your wrist flicks and the leather ribbon snaps taut; Vyn is pulled towards you as you tug at his ribbon choker, hard.
“Hhnkh!” He winces, yet the expression of discomfort is quickly blotted out and replaced by a warm, cat-like satisfaction. “Haahh…” He moans, his face now dangerously close to yours. “Good.” His heated breath fans your lips, betraying how excited he is at the moment.
Your eyes are transfixed to his face; his expression blissed out. 
It perplexes you, you have never seen him quite like this, and you wonder if he had too much to drink. 
“Well? Do you see who owns me, Rosa? Who is holding my leash? Who has me at her beck and call, completely at her disposal?” The tip of his pink tongue runs across his lower lip, and your eyes cannot help but look at it hungrily.
You are suddenly keenly aware of how you are still holding–pulling–at his ribbon choker; your fingers are about to let go, yet Vyn’s own hand grabs yours to keep it from relinquishing hold of the leather strip.
“Earlier you were crying about feeling inadequate, that you do not deserve me–oh, Rosa,” Vyn leans forward even more, the leather strip now slack upon your hands as he brings his face even closer to yours. 
His voice gains a faint edge as he continues, “Do not speak of such impertinent words.”
“W-what do you mean?” you ask as you unconsciously move back ever so slightly, the immensely close proximity now overbearing.
Yet you forget about his leash that you are holding, and so he is pulled along with you.
A small gasp escapes his lips.
“What I mean is,” he says as soon as he gathers himself, “Only I shall determine who is deserving of me.” he whispers. “Do not take away that agency from me. Do not dare.”
The words almost sound like a threat.
“Well? Who is holding my leash? Who has me on her bed, right now?”
You gulp nervously. He is trying to make a point, you think. “Me,” you finally answer.
Vyn then shifts to all fours, moving so close towards you that his lips are almost kissing your ear. “Yes. You, Rosa. My beloved. That famous actress, whose name I did not bother knowing nor did I listen to her inane, forced introduction, is not the woman whose bed I will warm tonight.”
You gasp at the outright innuendo in his words.
Yet he continues. “It is your bed, Rosa, which I will warm with my body.” A dark chuckle tickles your ear, prompting gooseflesh to bloom on your skin. 
“I am yours to command and play with, if you wish.”
A rush of heat flows throughout your body at his words, and you are now suddenly acutely aware of the blazing hot blush coloring your skin.
A small kiss on your earlobe. “I shall not see you cry over a horrible, unsightly misunderstanding,” he finally whispers. “I have always been yours, do you still refuse to acknowledge this?”
“R-really?” is all you can manage to voice out after everything that has been thrown towards you. Vyn wants me. He wants me. He wants me only. Me. Numerous thoughts rush through your brain as you look at him wordlessly.
Vyn laughs softly, the smile on his face morphing into something more flirtatious in nature. “Silly girl,” he murmurs as he takes upon himself to lie down on your bed, his head propped up with one of your pillows. “I suppose I should show you what you have, that the girls you saw earlier can only dream of having.”
Vyn then reaches out to you, his hands grabbing both your wrists. “Come. Come to me, and  enjoy who you have in your sole possession.”
He places your hands on his abdomen, your palms flat against the soft fabric of his cornflower blue shirt. “Let us start with you touching me, pet,” he whispers in a voice so breathy and erotic that it sends your nape shivering in delight. 
“Vyn? Are you suggesting I undress you?” you dare ask, your breath hitching in your throat. Your fingers unconsciously caress his shirt as you await his reply.
“How else can my words be understood?” 
“Are you sure?” you ask him, a gentle verbal prod to make sure you understand his intent correctly.
Vyn sighs, yet a faint shadow of a smile plays on his lips. “Do not second guess me, Rosa,” he says. Then, in a soft voice that almost goes unheard, “I want you to.”
That quiet admittance, the short four-word sentence finally breaks your apprehension, and you accept your place in his life–and his in yours–at least for tonight.
And so, with your unsteady fingers you undo the buttons of his blue shirt, parting them as soon as you are done.
Now in the way between your fingers and his bare skin are the layers of his black and gray sleeveless shirts. Once again you place your hands on his upper body, as you look to him for guidance. 
Yet guidance is not to be found on the man laying down on your bed, underneath your hands. “Why hesitate, Rosa? Do you not want to continue?” Vyn’s question almost comes across as needy. “Do you not want to touch me?” 
“Vyn, I–” 
Gold eyes hazy with need–and something else that is magnitudes darker–meet your unsure olive gaze.
“Touch me,” comes his command.
“Oh, damn it,” you mutter finally, hands slipping underneath the hem of his layers, pushing his shirts upward until a good part of his stomach is laid bare. The pads of your fingertips run across his skin, relishing his warmth and how smooth he feels underneath your touch.
And those soft moans calling for you, oh does he sing your name, telling you to touch him more, and more. “Yes, that is it. Stake your claim on me. I am yours, nobody–ahh–” His voice trails off, losing himself to your shy, yet determined ministrations.
You bend over to plant kisses down his chest–slightly damp with sweat–breathe in the arousing scent of his cologne mixed with musk. Intoxicating, is the word that comes into your mind. Unconsciously you breathe in even more of him, willing yourself to drown in his scent. 
“Mmm, Vyn,” this time, it is your own voice shuddering. “I do want you. I…”
Yes. I may not be as beautiful, or as famous, or as prestigious, your thoughts are now laced with a sliver of pride as your tongue runs a wet trail along his collarbone, while your hands slide down his abdomen…
…and your fingers start to unbuckle his belt, unzipping his cargo pants.
But I’m the one Vyn wants, comes your determined realization as soon as your hand finds the irrefutable evidence of his hunger for you. Your hand gently kneads the bulge contained in his underwear, eliciting a long, drawn out sigh from the beautiful man underneath you.
“Haaahh–haha, I am glad you are starting to give in to your desires,” Vyn says in between moans. “But, before we go any further, pet…”
Gently–regretfully–he prises away both your hands by the wrists, and his fingers slide up your chin, making you look him in the eyes.
“I did say I am yours, and that you can do whatever you want with me,” Vyn whispers, a cryptic smile on his face. “But this is not to say that my gift is…free.”
You blink at him, sex haze not fully shaken out of you yet. “What do you mean, I–”
His cryptic smile morphs into a voluptuous, dangerous invitation. “I expect something of equivalent value in exchange, Rosa. Do you understand what I am trying to tell you?”
You look at him in silence, willing him to explain himself. 
“I will not control you, nor fetter you, my beloved. But,” he touches your cheek with a fingertip, tracing the outline of your lips then bringing the same finger to his mouth, kissing its tip. 
“I need reassurance. That despite you spending time with your best friend, Luke; the incessant flirting from Marius, the insistence of control by Artem, you will,” he sighs, of longing this time, as he caresses your cheek, “...come back to me. That it is me you will come home to. That you are, ultimately, mine.”
Stunned speechless at such a show of vulnerability, coming from Vyn especially, leaves you gaping at him until you gather your wits to manage a nod. 
“Yeah,” you murmur. “I’m all yours, Vyn, if you’ll have me. Even if I’m not…I’m not as beautiful, or–”
“Ssh, not a word about your insecurities. I will dispel them, as much as I can tonight. And tomorrow. And Sunday, after tomorrow.” his lips curl into a tender smile as he winks at you. “Let us share our little secrets with each other this entire weekend.”
And as the both of you eagerly undress each other; as urgent moans, sighs mixed in with soft declarations of love fill your loft bedroom you slowly, gradually forget the jealousy that plagued you earlier tonight.
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