shift-souls-writing · 5 months
[On The Horizon]
Worldbuilding - Eskijan ('Wolf-Country')
Dynamic :
Packs are family-oriented groups that are typically, and traditionally, led by the parents or other senior adult(s). Their pups and other relatives make up the rest of the pack, so they're tightly-knit and a single unit.
These packs can get larger over time as individuals take on mates and eventually have pups of their own.
'Mega-packs', a term used to refer to the biggest packs throughout Eskijan, are packs that have more than one family grouping living among them. It starts with an established pack, usually one family, seeking out other family groups to band together. Over time, the pack grows exponentially with the number of families that join up, and the original family that sought them out are the primary leaders who lead them.
Packs that have not yet grown huge in numbers, but still have more than one family bloodline within the group, are typically referred to as 'Blend-packs'. Once they gain more members and grow in size, they'll be considered a mega-pack.
The packs that hold authority over the regions are mega-packs, having become so large in numbers to be able to hold substantial territory and be considered the ambassadors of their respective regions. Each pack is headed by the main family that first started their respective pack, or are descended from the family if their pack has been around for ages past.
While the original family line can run their pack for centuries upon centuries, they can also step down and hand over the rights to another family. Subsequently giving to another bloodline and ending their own family's generational leadership. This can occur for a few reasons but a few range from 'retirement' from their leadership, the need for change, inter-pack aggression towards the main family, etc.
Official Pack Types :
Largest to smallest -
• Mega-pack
• Blend-pack
• Traditional pack
Unrecognized Pack Types :
• Rogue coalitions
• Loner broods
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shift-souls-writing · 5 months
[On The Horizon]
Worldbuilding - Eskijan {'Wolf-Country'}
Note : All of these variants can be mixed and matched, as you will never see two of the exact same wolf. These variants are specifically just to show regional diversity without any mixing.
`Regions` :
Northern Variant - Thick, long-furred coats. Can appeared feathered in appearance. Rumored to occasionally have bear-like paws and long tails, but no confirmation. Packs are too afraid to venture up North to see if there are packs still ruling over the land.
Northeastern Variant - Feathered, long-furred coats built for the mountain ranges closer to the Northeastern region of Eskijan. Very few packs in this region, just recently established in the past decade, thus they are small in numbers.
Eastern Variant - Typically medium length, allowing them to handle the all-year around snow of the land but allowing them more room to breathe in warmer climates. May sometimes have manes, a trait that can occur for any long-furred wolf variants, but is particularly common with the eastern region variant.
Western Variant - Short-furred in comparison to other variants, with bushy tails and cheek ruffs.
Southern Variant - Short-furred, not dissimilar to the wolves belonging to the western variants, but no bushy tails or cheek ruffs. Have a smooth/slim appearance because of the fur.
Southern Variant (Smallest Variant)
- Smallest: 6'10" to 6'11"
- Tallest: 7'4" to 7'5"
Western Variant (Average Variant)
- Smallest: 7'5" to 7'6"
- Tallest: 7'9" to 7'10"
Eastern Variant (Average-Larger Variant)
- Smallest: 7'11" to 8'0"
- Tallest: 8'3" to 8'4"
Northeastern Variant (Larger Variant)
- Smallest: 8'1" to 8'2"
- Largest: 8'5" to 8'6"
Northern Variant (Largest Variant)
- Range: 9'0" to 9'11"~
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shift-souls-writing · 5 months
[On The Horizon]
Character Design (Omitting Spoilers) : Continued
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Basic Information (Continued) :
Scarification Location(s) : Right forearm, Between shoulder blades
Height(s) : 5'9" (Human), 6'11 (Wolf), 9'3" (Beast)
Build : Mesomorph
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shift-souls-writing · 5 months
[On The Horizon]
Character Design (Omitting Spoilers) :
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Basic Information :
Name : Ira Moieniu ('She Who is Retribution')
Age : 28
Race : Werewolf/Shifter
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shift-souls-writing · 5 months
Back again to hopefully start writing again
Fingers crossed lol
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shift-souls-writing · 2 years
{The Fallen Protector}
Character Design (Omitting Spoilers) :
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(Uses Artbreeder to get as close to how I pictured her design as possible. Will update this when I draw her.)
Basic Information :
Name : Ada [Redacted]
Age : 24 - 25
'Hometown' : Middlebrooke
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shift-souls-writing · 2 years
{The Fallen Protector}
[Scene Drabble - WIP]
"We should have offspring."
The statement had Ada sputter for a minute, green eyes widening as she blinked at the.. sudden declaration. The way Lune had said it too.. so straightforward. No hesitation. It was as if he didn't need to think twice about it.
Where the hell did that come from?
"Lune.." Ada mumbled hesitantly, her hand slowly ceasing movement as her companion looked up at her, ears perked. "I uh.." She began rubbing his head again, watching his eyes close and then open again when she continued. "I don't think we can do that, buddy." A chuckle followed her words, awkwardness interlaced in it.
His brows furrowed slightly, bright eyes that seemed to glow honed in on her. "Why not?" A question out of curiosity, wanting to know the reason if there was one.
The fact he even had to ask though left her staring at him for a solid minute.
"..Because I'm human and you're.. very clearly not." She pointed out, watching Lune's tail from a distance as the extremity slowed to a stop from it's previous sway, eyes returning to his face to see him thinking.
Maybe her statement on the obvious would have the conversation end, but she also hoped that his feelings weren't hurt either.
There was silence again, Ada continuing to rub Lune's head and brush her fingers through his fur while he contemplated to himself. Honestly, she didn't think he'd say anything more.
"We can find one then."
Her hand halted completely at that, eyes snapping back to his face to see him looking at her. There was no way he was serious, was he? He had to be joking. Although, the longer she stared at him, seeing how his expression remained calm and unchanging..
He's completely serious.
"..'find one'?" She echoed the words, watching him nod.
He rested his head back on her belly, still looking up at her from his position. "Like how you said your kind used to take in offspring not of their blood. We can do that. We can find one."
Ada couldn't help her face of bewilderment, sighing as she tried to find the words to explain why that would also not work.
"No offense bud, but even if there were any kids still running around, they would not give us one to take care of." At his look of confusion, she elaborated. "They'd think you'd try to eat them."
It sounded ridiculous but with the number of times Ada had to calmly explain to someone that Lune was not going to eat them, it was very plausible. And that was only with the people she worked with. Up until Ada had discovered Lune's hideout that day in the collapsed underground, humanity had no clue of his kind's existence.
And they still don't aside from the people in her circle. She planned to keep it that way too for Lune and his species' sake of privacy and safety. No need to create a panic.
So she was sure that any survivor would rather toss a child to a Rabid than let Lune anywhere near them. Even if he very obviously was not a human eater.
Now he was thinking again, his sharp eyes flickering to the side until another thought occured to him. Which didn't take longer than a couple of seconds to come up with. "We could find a pup then."
"Lune, your kind would slaughter me before ever letting me anywhere near a pup."
They almost killed her twice already for existing, which she wasn't exactly upset about. They had their reasons.
"They couldn't stop us." He stated simply, adjusting his hold on her and tilting his head to prop his chin on her belly, frowning slightly.
The words got a small chuckle from Ada, shaking her head. "No taking any pups, Lune. You're already on poor terms with their leader for beating him in a challenge, remember?" She quirked a brow, hearing the familiar chuff of stubbornness from her friend.
"Besides, it wouldn't be a good idea to take in kids anyway.. human or not." Her voice took on a different tone, more thoughtful and serious.
With the world the way it was, society dismantled and almost all of humanity gone because of the Mania Illness.. Survival was an uphill battle and raising a child on top of that?
How was there any guarantee of making sure they survive? It made her wonder how Lune's kind kept trucking on with all the Rabids around.
Then again, being bitten by a Rabid did nothing to them.. And they have indefinite lifespans as well so that maaay have something to do with it. All they had to worry about was humans and their own kind posing a threat to them.
"We could protect them." Lune replied, yet again sounding so certain. Ada couldn't really understand how or why he was so sure, was he really that confident in the both of them? In her?
"You don't know that, Lune. We've never taken care of anything else but ourselves. Well.. maybe you have before in your past and just don't remember with your amnesia.." She paused to think until she shook the thought away. "But I certainly have never taken care of anything before. I've only ever had to worry about myself, so how would I know how to take care for a child?"
The question was meant to be rhetorical, not meant to be answered since there didn't need to be one. She didn't think she could ever take care of a child. How could she? She had no experience with them whatsoever.
A frown etched into Lune's features, ears lowering in a way that made Ada think he was upset, tail stilling again from its sway. Had she hurt his feelings somehow? Before she could make a move to comfort him, he spoke.
"I think you'd be a great mother." He mumbled, a small smile replacing his frown as his tail began to sway again. "You have a kind heart. And you're very understanding. You'd be able to protect them and care for them with everything you have. I believe you could do it."
Ada felt her face grow warm, staring at the creature as she processed his words.
There were many things about her companion that she'd grown used to with how much time had passed. Sometimes he was unpredictable, reacting spontaneously in some situations. But when he did things like that? It was something she could never adjust to, always flustering her. Every. Time.
She had to clear her throat to bring herself to speak again, embarrassed but also.. flattered from his thoughts on her being a maternal role.
"..maybe someday then. We could adopt a kid or two. Alright?" Seeing his smile grow wider suggested he was satisfied with that reply, moving to lay his head back on her stomach fully with a happy hum, eyes closing after.
Her own smile appeared, bringing her hand back to rub his head again to lull him to sleep. She felt him begin to purr, the sound quiet as if he was trying to hide it despite the fact she could feel the vibrations from his chest. He held her tighter when she brushed her fingers down his neck, feeling the line of feathers that started there and ran down his back.
Wouldn't be long before he was out like a light.
After a minute passed, her smile slowly fell, leaning her head back on her pillow to stare up at the ceiling. That.. was certainly a conversation she never thought she'd have with Lune. At all. What even spurred that on?
Did it.. did it have to do with this.. bond thing that Tavelin mentioned? Maybe that would explain Lune's recent behavior.. and his sudden question about children.
She frowned to herself, a feeling of anxiousness beginning to swell in her chest. Was there really a bond forming between the two of them? Ada had thought that was a exclusive to his kind only. So how was a bond able to form between her and Lune? She was human.
Then again.. maybe it had to do with how Lune seemed to be.. different compared to his kind. He was the only one able to do the healing thing after all, that had to mean something.
God, I'm getting myself worked up for no reason.
She internally groaned at the thought, taking a deep breath and exhaling before closing her eyes. These thoughts were a clear sign she needed to sleep, hoping that weariness would find her as easily as it did Lune.
Eventually it did, mind drifting off into a peaceful slumber.
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shift-souls-writing · 2 years
[Rules / Guidelines] :
18+ only. While a majority of my works only contain gore and graphic depictions of violence, some contain NSFW content and content of darker nature. So I'd rather keep minors away from here. Anyone under 18 following/interacting with my posts will be blocked.
Triggers will be tagged as #Trigger Name TW if there are any present in my works. If something needs to be tagged that I missed, feel free to let me know and I'll tag it accordingly!
Feel free to ask questions if you have any! I'm more than happy to answer.
[Basic Information] :
This is a wip blog for me to write/draw for my many stories spawned from dreams.
Other stories of mine (still in early drafts) may pop up hear and there such as 'Shifted Souls', 'Forgotten End', and so on.
Other snippets of writing that're outtakes from TFP may also appear as well.
As I'm recovering from a two year burnout, my activity may be inconsistent.
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