#daisys and clovers are my other choices
ii3clover · 8 days
even if he did make you...you are special in your *own* right - you've outgrown the mold he made you out of and became your own person.
also idk iirc suitcase has Issues and Problems and making her a "princess" would only stress her out even more.
(for the record, i've never met suitcase before! i just heard nice things about her from folks who've competed with her. i hope she's doing alright... jake said he saw her there when he learned about this whole creation thing, so i suppose she's at least as weirded out as i am!)
i wonder what my luck was meant to be like, cuz it doesn't exactly work like you'd expect! i've thought about it for a while, and it seems like my luck sorta knows what i want (not what would be best for me) and shifts the world around to make it happen.
like, i didn't actively want box to get hurt that day, but i did want myself not to get hurt (even if i wasn't thinking about it), so my luck made him get caught in the crossfire so i wouldn't get hurt... and when i was gonna be voted out, at first my luck made the votes not work, and that's probably because at the back of my mind i still wanted to stay (i still thought it would be nice to win, i just didn't enjoy people getting hurt in the process)! so my luck kept my elimination from happening, until i made the active decision that i wanted to leave -- then my luck was like, oh! clover wants to leave! so it made that happen :D
that's an important thing to remember -- i'm automatically kinda self-centered, so my first choice will always be the thing that keeps me safe or happy or whatever, until i actively decide that something else would be better overall (though i suppose everyone's like that, at least a little).
i wonder if i was ever meant to really think about that though. was i supposed to always be oblivious to the way my luck works? blissfully ignorant, not noticing how my automatic desire for pleasure, in its constant, unconditional fulfillment, causes others pain?
...oopsy daisy, sorry for using so many big words! i read a lot of books from cabby's library recently, tee hee!
at the very least, i'm happy that now i'm really aware of my luck. if i went any longer hurting folks without even realizing... well, i don't know how i'd live with myself...
haha! sorry for being a downer! thank you for your kind words :)
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threadsun · 1 year
this question is for all the bachelors. where/do you have any tattoos/piercings and what is your opinion of tattoos/piercings ? 
Bachelor #1: I have one ear pierced and both nipples. No tattoos, but I think both look good on people!
Bachelor #2: None. I don't mind them on others, but I would rather not have any
Bachelor #3: No, no! None on me. But I've tattooed and pierced specimens in my collection before, I'm sure I could do you too if you'd like? Or maybe you'd rather do me?
Bachelor #4: I do not feel they would be a benefit to me, but if they make others happy then I believe they should have them
Bachelor #5: Two in each lobe, snakebites, an industrial in my left ear, a clit piercing, my right nipple, a snake winding down my right arm, and I want more. They look good
Bachelor #6: I got my ears pierced a long time ago. And I have a tattoo of the phases of the moon across my upper back. I think they're lovely ways to decorate bodies
Bachelor #7: I suppose I could get used to them on others if I had to, but I'm not fond of them
Bachelor #8: I don't think I could get them if I wanted to. But they look cool on humans!
Bachelor #9: Two in my right lobe and one in my left! Plus a few tattoos: a four leaf clover on my pelvis, a black outline of a heart on the left side of my chest, and a daisy on my left ankle. I think they're hot
Bachelor #10: You're not getting a needle near me! But I'd love to watch you get something...
Bachelor #11: I got some in... probably three years from now or so? A few lobes and a tragus. Haven't had the chance for a tattoo yet, but I probably will. Or have. Time is weird. Anyway, I like them
Bachelor #12: I didn't want any of mine. Cool if you choose to get them, I guess. I wish I'd had a choice
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ladywynneoutlander · 2 years
Outlander Masterlist
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The Darkest Hour - AO3 - Jamie's POV of Claire's abduction
Better or Worse - AO3 - Jamie Fraser x Claire Fraser - Claire's abduction could have gone much better or much worse.
Heart's Abundance - Tumblr, AO3 - Jamie Fraser x Claire Fraser - A surprise visitor and beautiful holiday season on the Ridge. Set after MOBY.
Outlander Bouquet - small moments and more minor characters based around flower themes
Daisy - AO3 - Mandy is almost grown and she faces some important choices. - single chapter
Clover - AO3 - Brianna, Jamie, and Claire wait to see if Roger will return to Brianna and baby Jem after he is rescued from the Mohawk. - multichapter
Single Chapter
Roger Restored - AO3
Catalogue of letters from the book series - DIRECTLY FROM THE BOOKS! NOT MY FICTION! WRITTEN BY Diana Gabaldon!
5 Oneshots to Read with a Cup of Tea - rec list
For ASOIAF and Moon Knight see here.
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momolady · 3 years
You’re Dead Special Preview
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To celebrate four years of writing my monster romances, I am sharing with all of you a special preview of the novel I have been trying to write all month! I am so nervous but excited to share this now. This is the first truly personal thing I’ve written for myself in so long, and it took me much longer than I expected to get where I have with it. I can’t wait to see your reactions! 
It was Tuesday, and that was about as far as any descriptor could go. For years now, all Tuesdays had become the same. They didn’t carry the stress of Monday, they didn’t have that feeling of achievement like Wednesday. They just existed as a day between days. Nothing special ever happened on a Tuesday.
Walking to work I rarely made note of anything around me. I paid attention to traffic flow, signs, whatever color the lights were. I didn’t want to get run over or trampled on my way in after all. My mind was already focused on work. I was going over what had to be done that day, prepping for clients I was going to see. I was already looking forward to lunch and the solitude that would bring, and that should have been a sign of my unhappiness. But whoever paid attention to that red flag?
My father owned the accounting firm where I worked. Once called Mitchell and Sons Accounting, it was changed years ago to Mitchell’s Accounting when no sons were present. Being an accountant wasn’t my first choice for a career, even if I had a head for numbers. I had other plans before I realized how big an issue money really was.
I wouldn’t go so far to say nepotism came into play at work. I was vetted through my father’s grueling hiring process like anybody in the firm. I didn’t even have an office, I had a desk behind a wall. I was also so close to the supply closet my coworkers constantly asked me to bring them things. Was it annoying? Yes. Did I have the backbone to say no? No.
When lunch arrived I was so excited to get up and leave. I had my lunch packed, but on my way in I saw one of my favorite food trucks going towards the park. I had already made up my mind about what I was going to order and where in the park I was going to sit. I was just about to touch the door when I heard my name called out behind me.
“Daisy, can you come here for a second?” My father was beckoning me into his office. My stomach dropped and I chewed on my lip. I could see what it was and wait for my lunch break, or I could talk myself out of it.
“Okay.” I followed him into his office and stood in front of his desk.
William Mitchell hadn’t always been the goal oriented person he was. Back when I was young, the goal was too far away to aim for. He worked in steps, counting each one as a success. Now the steps weren’t even noticed. If he didn’t reach goals, then it was a problem. I wondered what goal wasn’t reached and how it was my problem.
My dad sat down at his desk then waved a bill at me. “What the hell is this, Daisy?” he asked with a sigh.
“It looks like paper, Dad.” This was not the time to crack wise, but my mouth always moved faster than I could control.
My dad sighed and extended the paper out further. “I am not the bank, Daisy. Nor do I appreciate being used as some emergency penny jar. I thought you were grown up enough to know you have to rely on yourself.”
It was a credit card bill he waved before me. One that he cosigned with me long ago when I was first going to college. It was for emergencies only and a way to build up my credit. I was still paying off some major purchases from back then, which is why I kept it. I hadn’t used it in ages, or at least that’s what I thought. At And the end of the bill there was a new charge.
“Clover,” I huffed and lowered the bill. “This was a mistake.”
My dad gave me the eye, something he inherited from his Jewish grandmother. “How is this a mistake? And how is Clover involved?”
I folded up the bill in order to tuck it away, but he snatched it back. “She was supposed to use my other card.” I thought this would be a good argument.
“What did you buy?” My dad insisted.
“That’s none of your business,” I said with a shake of my head. “What iI buy with my money shouldn’t be a concern to you if I am an adult like you claim.”
Dad’s sigh was so heavy his shoulders fell. His eyes cast down and he shook his head in disappointment. “How long are you going to support her? Has she even tried to pay you back?”
“This is Clover,” I insisted.
His dark brown eyes burrowed into me. “I’ve gotten used to that. But she can’t keep playing pretend and dancing around while you foot fit the bill.” he pointed back to the bill. “What did she make you buy?”
“She didn’t make me do anything. It was something she needed.” I was chewing on my lip again. AI piece of skin came off and my lip began to bleed.
“Was it that boob job?” He scoffed.
I wanted to shrink away and fade into nothing. I wanted to climb the walls like a spider and make a home behind the filing cabinet. At least there I wouldn’t be seen unless they wanted to find me. “I want to go to lunch. Can’t I just go to lunch and we can talk about this later?”
Dad stood back up. “Why are you paying for her choices? That should be her responsibility.”
It was taking everything in my power not to roll my eyes. “You should know what this means to her. She’s been wanting this but been too scared because of what you and Aster think. I said it was okay-”
“You’re throwing your life away to take care of your sister, Daisy!” My father snapped.
“It’s mine to throw away! I’d rather do that, than Clover not feel depressed every time she looks in the mirror!” I snapped. “We’re saving what we can, but this was my decision to go ahead with it.”
He shook his head again. He removed his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I don’t even know you anymore, Daisy. You used to be so careful.”
His words were a cold slap to the face. I stiffened as he sat down, wondering what I had done to become a stranger to him. I worked with him everyday, I had dinner at his home every week. When did this happen? When did I change?
“I shouldn’t have brought this up here,” he muttered under his breath. He sat back at his desk and pushed his hair away from his face. “We can talk later.”
I walked out without saying a word, although I had a lot I wanted to express. I left the office and headed to the park. Now that I was late, there was a line at the food truck. I wouldn’t have long to enjoy my food now. Not that I could after that conversation. Once I got it, I took the one seat I could find. I didn’t take my lunch out of the bag, I sat there in silence, staring across the park at all the people. So many smiles, it was hard to believe people could be happy. It was a Tuesday after all.
A woman came and sat down beside me. I wouldn’t have paid much attention, except I noticed she was smiling at me. I forced a smile to reply then looked back down at my bag of untouched food.
“I can’t help but notice how upset you feel.” It wasn’t that the woman spoke to me, it was how she said it.
“I’m sorry?” I looked back at her with a befuddled expression.
Her smile grew as she looked at me. “My name is Mara.” Her long, elegant fingers fanned out along her chest and towards her neck. The movement was so innocuous, and yet I couldn't help but marvel at how lovely it was. I also saw she was wearing a pair of embroidery scissors around her neck upon a gold chain.
“Daisy,” I offered my name without much thought. “What do you mean I feel upset?”
“It’s like ripples in a pond,” she said so simply. “It’s radiating off of you in small waves.” She then chuckled. “That must sound so hippie. But I have always been able to pick up on these signals.” She touched the tip of the scissors around her neck. The small blades were made to look like antennas while the finger holes looked like wings. My great-grandmother had a pair that looked like a bird, but I had never seen a set that looked like a moth.
I looked back down at my lap and shook my head. “It’s nothing to worry about.”
Mara leaned closer to me. “That way you’re rippling out, I would say it is something to worry about. Just because you can’t see the effects, doesn’t mean it’s nothing. Your mood can touch others and wrap fingers around them to hold them. Such a bad mood as yours right now, well, it can have many hands.”
Her soft blue eyes were so still and focused upon me it gave me chills. “Hands?”
“That’s how I have always described it,” she said thoughtfully. “It’s how it felt to me anyways.” Her fingers touched the scissors again. “I’ve always been able to feel it. The emotions that go out into the world don’t just remain with us. Our mood and tone can affect others. Haven’t you ever been having a good day and then someone talks sour to you? Doesn’t it bleed even a little bit into you?”
She made sense, but I still wasn’t sure why she was talking to me. “Yeah. Of course.”
“Then what makes you think that you are special enough that you don’t do the same to others?” Mara’s eyes were beautiful, but something about them felt frightening. Her fingers slipped into the wings of the moth and she lifted the blades towards me. She snipped them in my face. “Cut it out.”
My bag dropped from my hands. Mara picked it up, placing it beside her. She then took off the necklace and handed me the moth scissors. “Keep these safe. You’ll never know when you will need them.” She closed my hand over the moth.
“I don’t-” I looked at my hand. “You don’t need to give me that. That’s not necessary.” I tried to offer it back, but when I looked away from my hand she was gone. I looked all around the park, noticing some people were staring at me. I rose from my seat, hoping I could see her in the crowd. I walked away to find her, but when I realized I forgot my lunch I went back. For some reason, the area had become crowded. I sighed and went away. I didn’t feel like eating anyways, and maybe someone could use that food more than I could.
I took my time getting back to the office. I didn’t feel like running into my dad.  I really didn’t want to have to explain our argument to any nosy coworkers either. While I waited at the crosswalk, an ambulance came blaring up, heading just the way I came. I felt even more assured I’d left the park at the right time. I really didn’t want to see anyone die today. That would be too much.
While I watched the crossing lights, I noticed a large amount of moths fluttering around it. It wasn’t strange that they were gathering at the light, that’s what moths do. It was the middle of the day with pique sunlight. Going further I noticed this happening at other places. Lights outside storefronts were shrouded with dark colonies of moths. Neon signs were dulled by fluttering, dusty wings. Maybe there was some sort of strange moth infestation I wasn’t aware of.
I went straight to my desk once I got back to the office. I sat down and pulled out my work. The scissors were still in my hand. I looked them over, seeing they were a bit worn around the edges, but the blade looked remarkably sharp.
“There you are.” A woman came up to my desk. “I’ve been looking for you.”
The woman was very tall and had long dark hair. Her arms looked muscular, but her face looked doll-like.
“I’m sorry,” I searched for my planner. “Did we have an appointment today?”
She shrugged. “Kind of.”
I was trying to open up my desk drawer, but for some weird reason I was having a hard time gripping it. I would take hold of the handle and pull and nothing would happen. I huffed, feeling frustrated enough already.
“I’m sorry, I’m having some...issues here.” I looked back up at her. “What are you here to discuss?”
The tall woman’s eyes were looking around the room. She then stepped aside as someone came rushing from down the hall. Back towards the entrance I could hear people talking in a hushed but urgent manner.
I stood up from my desk. “What is going on out there? Excuse me a moment. Take a seat.” I went out to see what was going on and I saw people gathered around my father’s office door. I moved through them and stood in my father’s doorway. I opened my mouth to speak but then I saw him laid over his desk.
“Dad!” I rushed towards him, thinking there was something wrong. “Dad are you okay?” I turned back. “Someone do something!” I shouted back at them, but all they did was stare. I went around his desk to his side and there I saw he was crying. “Oh god, is Aster okay?” I tried to touch him, but it felt like there was a barrier between him and me. I could almost reach him, but my hand stopped just short of his head.
“Dad!” I shouted at him.
“Daisy-” He sobbed.
I knelt down. “I’m right here. What’s going on? Talk to me.”
He raised up, covering his face with his hand. “Oh god, Daisy.” He stood up and walked right past me. The crowd dissipated as he ran from the door.
“Hey!” I shouted after him. His car keys were still on his desk. I tried to pick them up, but they somehow fell through my fingers like sand. “Wait! His keys!” Everyone was turned away from the door. As I went to grab the keys again, I saw there was a cluster of moths forcing themselves onto the computer monitor.
The tall woman came up behind me. “Come on. It’s time to go.” Her voice was gentle, but her hand squeezed hard.
“What’s going on? Who are you?” I snapped at her. I knocked her hand away from me. “Why can’t-” Behind her I saw the wall had opened up into a thick, ink like void. It warped and jiggled, droplets fell upwards from the gaping mouth. I felt sick but not in a way I had ever experienced before. It came more more came from around me than inside me.
“I know, I know. It’s a lot. Trust me, I’m still getting used to it.” The tall woman put her arm around me and faced me towards the gloopy void. “My name’s Stevie, by the way.”
“What is that?” I wanted to sound strong but my voice came out weak and broken.
“Don’t worry, it’s not the usual tunnel. You’re not going that way yet. I’ve gotta take you to meet Freddie first.” Stevie kept pushing me towards the void. I tried to fight her, but she had arms like mountain lions.
“Whose Freddie?” I chirped chripped. “What do you mean in the usual way?”
“I guess Freddie’s the boss now,” Stevie sounded unsure about that. “Now that Mara is gone?”
I knew that name. That was the woman from earlier. “Mara?”
Stevei and I stepped through the void. It sucked me in, making a plop sound as I passed through. I stepped out the other side, standing in what looked like the back of a food truck.
“I missed you in the crowd before,” she said. “My bad.”
I looked around, seeing napkins and paper bowls that were familiar. “Is this...is this the taco truck?” I asked shakily. There were too many questions floating around in my head, so I asked the first ones that came to my mind.
“It is!” Stevie patted the seat beside her at the front. “Come on up. I’ll explain things to you on the way.”
I walked through the truck, feeling like a ghost in some Victorian hallway. I sat down, and while I tried to reach the seatbelt, I had that same issue again.
“You don’t need that,” Stevie said as she buckled hers.
“I don’t?” I furrowed my brow at her. “How come?”
Stevie started the truck then smiled at me. “Sorry to say, but you’re dead.” She drove off while that sick feeling floated around me again.
Stevie gave me a smile, but it felt strained. I kept feeling things and it was starting to grate. “Don’t worry, I’m dead too. The guy we’re going to go see is also dead.” She seemed so nonchalant about this. How was that possible?
“Dead?” The word fell out of my mouth like a rotten fish.
Stevive nodded. She tucked her hair behind her ear. “Well, your body died. Your soul, or well, you, is remaining here. You’ll be undead in a day or two, depending on how fast a new corporeal form will take to manifest.”
My mouth hung open as I tried to process this. “Where’s my body?”
Stevie clicked her tongue then let out a sigh. “I would say, but now, it must be at the hospital. You left it in the park, remember?”
The park. I had left there after lunch. I had never even eaten lunch. It was my favorite lunch too and I didn’t get to eat it. That means my last meal was a stale roll from dinner and a cup of coffee. Then that piece of gum I swallowed while talking to a client. “Oh. Okay,” I nodded.
Stevie glanced over towards me. “Are you okay?”
I shook my head. “No.”
“It’s okay. I get it. I died forty years ago. Mara took care of me then, she usually does handle this part,” she sounded sad. “But Freddie is the next best thing!” I didn’t believe her when she said this, and from the way she felt neither did she.
I stared out the windshield, finding a strange solace when a bug big splattered against the glass. I leaned back in the seat and it wasn’t until then I realized I was still holding the moth scissors. I held them up before me, able to touch and move them.
“Those were Mara’s,” Stevie sighed. “Guess it’s official then. She’s gone.”
“Gone?” I muttered.
“It’s a lot to explain. Freddie will be better at it.” Stevie was trying to sound gentle, but she sounded on the verge of crying. “You’ve got a long, long, long time to get used to this.”
I tried opening the door. But like at the office, I couldn’t catch a grip. My hand didn’t exactly fade through, but it didn’t hold either. “Am I a ghost?”
Stevie’s mouth pressed into a firm line. I couldn’t exactly read it. I could tell though that she was sad, I could feel it. Just like Mara said. “No. Right now you’re just dead. Just a soul.”
I had never believed in ghosts. After Santa was revealed to be a hoax, in my mind, I just sort of stopped believing a lot of stories. Ghosts, boogeymen, tooth fairies, wrestling; I stopped believing in them all. “What’s the difference?”
“Souls are souls. Ghosts are leftover energy.” I grunted in frustration. “I’m sorry. I’m really bad at explaining all this. I’m not a teacher like Mara was. Freddie will be able to explain better.”
I wasn’t feeling this Freddie. Nor was I feeling Mara after all this. She had been weird in theint he park, but at least she seemed nice. “Who was this Mara?”
Stevie’s smile became soft and romantic while still radiating an engulfing sadness. “She was the oldest out of all of us here. So she was everyone’s mentor. She took care of everybody. Now that Mara is gone, you will be her replacement.”
I snipped the scissors before my face, the same way Mara did. “In what?”
“Being a Psychopomp.”
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95zintheirownworld · 3 years
Vmin: The Perfect Match
do yall know vmin Love matching
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matching/sharing/complementing eo when they dress up, accessorize, buy things. and they’ve done so since debut.
they’ve only got more dramatic about it now, when they even match contact lenses. which....Vmin WHy
 welcome to a not quite small compilation of vmin matching Everything. 
let’s start with the contact lenses since i really need ppl to Understand how Exasperated i am with them
they do. have done it on and off since grammys 2020, when japanese armys first noticed it.
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and then again in mots:one concert
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ok vmin.
with that out of the way, let’s talk about vmin matching normal stuff. LMAO
clothes? let’s start with clothes to take a break from the soulmatery
vmin in their married couple pjs
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vmin ice cream date in matching pink t shirts
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vmin matching denim shirt NYC museum date
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vmin at the beach in their cute matching jackets
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vmin sharing(??matching) clothes over and over since debut
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ok this last one is close to my heart bcuz vmin showed up in matching jackets at the airport and were so cuddly while being matchy matchy
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they’re So cute.
now. Back to the soulmatery.
did you know about vmin’s soulmate necklace? which tae so helpfully told us was smth they both had with the matching pendants
“i like your necklace” says tae while fully lifting up the matching necklace that he’s wearing as jimin plays with his own
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ok We get it vmin
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they wore their matching necklaces Almost constantly for a really long while
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(to note tho: jk was Also spotted wearing a similar necklace once leading ppl to wonder if it might have been a maknae line necklace? but since he was never seen wearing it again vminies called it the soulmate necklace bcuz vmin wore it All the time.)
other necklaces vmin have matched/shared over the years 
the four-leaf clover necklace which is Extremely close to my heart
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this cute silver flower necklace that they’ve worn on and off since 2019
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the matching star charm pendant necklaces that both vmin wore to mama 2019
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this heart shaped pendant that both vmin have worn on and off since 2019
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matching in blue and pink
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fetus vmin with their matching necklace
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and again!
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dynamite era vmin with their matching bead necklaces
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butter era vmin and their necklace
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and this vintage daisy necklace that they’ve both been spotted wearing on and off
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they used to also wear this one Set of chanel necklaces All The Time in 2019. all matchy matchy
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vmin have also worn a lot of matching earrings over the years
like when they split the spider hoop earrings between them for mma 2019
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their matching hoops
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matching chanel earrings 
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matching chanel earrings part 2
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their fairy earring from 2018 
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fetus vmin wearing matching earrings at the airport.
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not to get distracted here but what an Iconic vmin day at the airport in 2017, where vmin wore not only matching earrings, but also matching belts! which they wore quite often to be matchy matchy together- and also tae carried jimins bag. boyfriends wbk
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lol. back to earrings!!!
vmin were recently seen wearing matching earrings for the upcoming performance of Permission to Dance
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and vmin sharing chanel earrings in butter!
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vmin have also had matching rings over the years
this one black ring that they both wore together Very Frequently
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and another white one!
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they also had this striped ring they wore a lot
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and another one!
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and another!
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vmin were also recently seen wearing matching rings for dynamite
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vmin also did a Thing during bwl era where they wore rings that matched eo’s hair, which is insanely cute to me
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vmin have Also had a lot of matching bracelets over the years 
their distance bracelets
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this rosario bracelet that they wore for Years
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and another one
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anndd another one
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aaand another one
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a recent addition has been this link chain bracelet that both vmin have been wearing a Lot but it’s not confirmed if they’re the same
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other things that vmin have matched over the years have been their phonecases, designed by tae
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matching glasses
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matching bags
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sharing/matching caps
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and more recently, their matching teenage dreams badges 
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vmin also match quite often during photoshoot and performances, which could be personal choice or could be their stylist’s work. either way very cute to me so here are Some instances of that 
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this compilation is not complete obviously ;-; it’s impossible to find all the instances when vmin have matched over the years. what we do know is vmin are The cutest and love matching with eo. soulmates
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dzamie-oc · 3 years
A Snek Solution to a Snek Problem
Minors please DNI with this story. I don’t like y’all being near my vore. Plus, it’s rated Mature.
Rating: Mature (it’s vore) Relationships: Trixie Lulamoon / Starlight Glimmer Characters: Trixie Lulamoon, Starlight Glimmer, (OC) Opal the lamia Summary: A magical mishap has left Trixie as a snek. Luckily, she and Starlight are going to visit somecreature who can probably help her! And just in time for lunch, too! Length: ~2500 words
>strolling through an unfamiliar section of Ponyville "Again, Trixie, I'm so sorry I couldn't help you undo the spell." >the light-blue snakepony slithering next to you smiles and pats your head >her condescension is annoying >but those cute li'l fangs of hers make up for it >"Oh please, the Great and Powerful Snixie always knows what to do when a trick goes wrong!" >shoot her a deadpan look "Snixie?" >your friend's constant smug is undiminished >"Snake plus Trixie. Years of naming Trixie's- uh, my performances has left me unparalleled when it comes to thinking of names!" "You... may want to workshop that one a bit." >to your surprise, she actually considers it >you could point her at some great spellcasters' ophidiocentric spell names, to draw inspiration from >"Of course, if Trixie is to use this in her show, she will need to add SEVERAL adjectives..." >nevermind
>finally come to a particular house >go up to knock >"Wait! Starlight, before we do this..." >Trixie's horn glows, bathing the two of you in pale blue light >nothing happens >"Just something Trixie picked up while practicing her even MORE daring Mysterious Manticore Maw Mayhem Escape!" >o-kay >knock on the door >>"Just a sec!" >it opens to reveal Opal, another blue lamia >though, unlike Trixie, Opal was apparently born that way >and she's got stripes >>"Starlight Glimmer and Trixie, yes? Do come in, I made sandwiches." >go in >Trixie slithers through the door as well >her walls are covered in photos >all of them are Opal standing - er, whatever snakes do - with somepony >most taken in her backyard, though some in the house >oddly, you don't see anypony appear in more than one >"Psst! Hey, Starlight!" >briefly wonder if Trixie can whisper in anything other than a stage-whisper >she points at a familiar-looking colt >but where did you see him... >"Isn't that the guy on those missing posters?" >oh yeah, he was on the milk cartons >>"Missing posters? Bramble's gone?" >Opal furrows her brow >>"He stopped by just a few weeks ago. Though, I'm sorry to say, no telling where he went after he left." >huh >sit down at the table >she did indeed make sandwiches >dandelion, clover, and good ol' daisy >the clover is quite tasty! >Trixie takes a bite of the daisy >her muzzle scrunches >she swallows, but puts the sandwich back down "So... how exactly does this work? Breaking Trixie's spell, I mean." >>"Family secret. For generations, we've helped ponies who didn't like their experiments with transformation spells. Ex-unicorns who put pegasus wings on wrong, broken horns, so many cases of self-inflicted gender dysphoria..." >she giggles >>"Actually, a fair number of these photos are my mom or grandma. And when I have a daughter, I hope she'll keep mine, too." >that explains the sheer quantity >>"But, if I may brag-" >mutter under your breath "don't worry, I'm used to it" >>"-We have a near hundred percent success rate at rendering ponies no longer afflicted by those transformation spells! ...or potions, we do get the occasional zebra." >"See? Trixie KNEW she was the right choice!" >Celestia, that fanged smirk is cute >try to picture yourself with one >...nah, fangs look evil on you >file that away in the "if I ever become evil again" section of your mind >being friends with Trixie really gave you an appreciation for aesthetic "If you don't mind, Opal, for the ones shy of that hundred percent, what happens? Trixie isn't going to get wor-" >pause >realize you asked a lamia if your temporarily-lamia friend will get "worse" >further worse than being a lamia >buck "Er, rather, she's in no danger of becoming something completely different, is she?" >Opal laughs, and there's a light hiss underneath it >briefly wonder if Trixie's laugh would do the same thing >>"Oh, even when it doesn't work as we expect, the pony comes away no worse for wear. Besides, the last time a transformation stuck even past the family method was when mom tried to help the Princess herself! And I'd chalk that up to alicorn magic being weird." >you and Trixie nod understandingly >finish the sandwiches >Trixie didn't have any, but she also didn't look hungry for them >follow Opal out to her backyard >she carries a camera and tripod in her tail, then sets it up >>"Would you two mind taking a photo with me?" >Trixie poses >"The Great and Powerful Trixie always has time for fan photos! An autograph'll cost you, though." >gently pat her back >her scales still feel unfamiliar "For her wall, Trixie, like all those others she helped?" >your friend lowers her upper body a bit, a sheepish grin and blush spreading on her face >"I... I knew that. Trixie was just making a joke." >Opal curls her long body around both of you >>"Okay, gotta get both of you in frame. Give each other a big hug!" "With just your forelegs, Trixie, I'm not looking to suffocate today." >she sticks her now-forked tongue out at you >but the two of you hug anyway >her scales are surprisingly warm >not as soft as fur, of course, but not as hard as you'd expected >FLASH >the camera clicks >>"One more, just in case." >FLASH >rather than blinding light, though, your vision goes dark >something soft and wet squishes around your ears >mashing your head against Trixie's >did Opal or Trixie not dry her hooves after washing? >the surrounding embrace suddenly tightens >can barely turn your head, let alone bring magic to your horn >the odd heat slips down over your shoulders and most of your forelegs >...well, at least Trixie's scales are pretty comfortable even pressed this firmly together >in case you hadn't figured out where you are, a loud -GULP- tips you off >Trixie sighs >the sheer understatement of her reaction delays your own >Opal's throat pushes you both deeper again >instinctively struggle >"Ow! Hey!" >new plan: more-strategic struggling "Sorry, Trixie, but she ATE us!" >twist and squirm, blindly pushing your hooves and forelegs against the striped lamia's insides >the saliva soaking through your fur and the throat's tight grip foil that attempt, though >and, by how much of your body feels warm and wet, she's almost got all four hooves in "Woah!" >sudden vertigo as gravity seems to shift around you >"Eep!" >Trixie's hooves wrap tightly around you >you sure miss breathing >...and there go your hooves >at least Opal's throat isn't as tight by your head anymore >maybe you can hold her at bay long enough to- >wait "Trixie! You've still got plenty of snakey length outside! See if you can pull us free!" >feel her fidget next to you >"Trixie... already tried that. Look, I may be the greatest and most powerful lamia, but, uh... this is not a trick I have practiced blindfolded. Or at all." >well buck "Then, try to push her away from my horn. Maybe I can still teleport us away, and we'll ask for help from Twili-" >"NO!!" >her heartbeat speeds up >"There's- there's no need to get HER involved in this. Besides, Trixie is already a fantastic escape artist!" >the steady, muscular ripples driving you deeper stop >the stale air around you grows a bit sharper >"In fact..." >a cascade of mercifully-dim lights illuminate your surroundings >Trixie holds Opal's stomach walls away from the two of you to cast her lightshow >what you can see is... >not encouraging >dark blue, fleshy walls shift and try to press in from all sides >dripping what's surely caustic stomach acid all around >soaking into your fur... >you shudder and light your own horn >power courses into it >and sputters away >with this much magic, you could... try to GLOW Opal to death >>"Ooh, I felt that. You're pretty strong, Starlight; I even gave you more of a dose than most unicorns." >shake your head >focus your magic >it hits where it was before >and just dissipates >>"So really, thank you for indulging in my hospitality. I could've been out a meal if you'd stopped at just one sandwich!" >a new weight visibly strains Trixie, now illuminated only by the passive glow of your horns >if you had to guess, Opal is laying on you >smugly >>"And, if I might add, you two were deli-" >"Excuse you! TRIXIE was talking!" >blink at the glaring lamia >even Opal withdraws >"Much better! Now, as Trixie was saying, Trixie is SUCH a good escape artist that she could help her assistant and best friend escape from not one, but TWO stomachs!" >furrow your brow "Trixie, what are you-" >it hits you "Oh, no. Trixie, no." >Trixie nods, wearing her usual confident smile >"Trixie, yes. C'mon, Starlight, I didn't get any sandwiches, and there's no downside!" >you're pretty sure Opal's acids are starting to burn away your fur >which is odd, because you can't feel it "What do you MEAN there's no downside?! The downside is I get EATEN!" >"Oh, please, Starlight, you're already eaten. If it works, it will be the greatest and most powerful escape act you have ever been in, and if it doesn't work, we'll die anyway, but I'll die full." >"So come on, what's one more throat? Besides, weren't you the one who okayed Fluttershy's lesson on accommodating different creatures' diets?" >the second-worst thing about being Trixie's best friend is being exposed to her unreasonable schemes and ideas >the worst thing is having to admit that some of them are actually logically sound >sigh >pull yourself up next to her >stare right in those pink-purple eyes "Alright, before I change my mind. You're a real piece of work, Trixie." >"The Great and Powerful Trixie does not disappoint with her performances." >get a nice, good look at her fangs when she opens her jaws >wider than a pony ought to be able to >before you can stare any longer, her hoof comes behind your head >at least this time, you know you're being eaten >you'd say that her being a friend means she'll be gentler than Opal >but this is Trixie >at least she won't do it on purpose >try to calm yourself as Trixie's lips rest around your neck >can't do Twilight's breathing exercise >maybe just focus on immediate sensations >and not the fact that you >literally fed yourself to two snakes in one day >what the hell happened to your survival instinct >"Mmm~" >Trixie's pleased hum around your barrel tickles >with some effort, you can fool yourself into thinking of her throat like a massage >steadily rubbing down whatever parts of your body she's fit inside >soft, yet firm >her mouth gradually sweeps your forelegs down by your sides >not the most comfortable, but certainly fine >feel your face heat up as her jaws wiggle left and right down your body >up your hips >recall that long, forked tongue she and Opal have >and how good it is at flicking up and down >your cheeks burn as her mouth stretches over your cutie marks >surely she wouldn't, right? >hear her swallow >her fangs graze gently to either side of your dock >and then past >soon to join the rest of you for the "massage" >not sure whether to feel disappointed or relieved >a few swallows later, and you're all the way inside >"Ahh..." >you're still moving, though >deeper and deeper into Trixie's snake-shaped body >and there's that sharp, acrid smell >"Thank you, Starlight. Oh, that feels so much better." >your hooves start to tingle "Uh, Trixie? When does this magic trick happen?" >she chuckles >"As soon as you go to sleep. After all, a magician never reveals her secrets!" >Opal says something, but under that extra layer of snake, you can't make it out >"Hmph! Well, if you did not want Trixie to talk, you should digest her faster!" >anger boils up >she's making it HARDER to do a trick she's never done? >with YOUR life on the line? >try to thrash around to indicate displeasure >oddly, your limbs don't respond >almost as though they're no longer th- >... >... >light filters into your eyes as you stir awake >go to stretch >somepony is holding you >yawn anyway >look down >light blue hooves are wrapped around your barrel >you're in Trixie's wagon >you're in Trixie's bed >sweet Celestia you're in Trixie's bed >she mumbles something >"Mmh... St'rl't..." >her hips push against you >that's enough of that >light your horn >teleport so you're standing by the bed >"Nnnrrr..." >she reaches out in her sleep, but finds only air "Trixie, exactly what happened?" >Trixie yawns >no fangs >still can't get that view out of your head >"Starlight? Why aren't you at-" >her eyes go wide >"When I was practicing yesterday, did you sleep on my bed?" "O-only for a second. You had been staring at an apple for five minutes." >she shakes her head >when she stops, she's blushing hard >"Trixie di- er, I didn't... DO anything, did I?" >yes "No." >and there's that showmare's smile >"Ah, of course not. After all, Trixie is a master of dream control." >shake your head as she gets out of bed and swaps her nightgown and cap for her cape and hat "So, Trixie. What, exactly, did you do to escape?" >look around "I mean, this isn't the afterlife, right? With all due respect, I like to think I did a little better than this." >"A showmare never reveals her se-" >shove your hoof in her mouth >mind drifts towards her swallowing it >immediately banish that thought to mental Tartarus >put on a slightly strained smile "That's fine and dandy for the audience, but don't you think your ASSISTANT should know, just in case something goes wrong?" >Trixie stares at you for a while >a practiced, judgemental look >purely for dramatic effect >"Trixie accepts this. But! You have to swear not to tell Twilight." >there goes her rivalry again >idly wonder how many times Trixie had buried and un-buried that hatchet >nonetheless >go through the motions of a Pinkie Promise >"Very well! When I was practicing for the Moonshot Manticore Mouth Dive, I snuck into the restricted section of Twilight's library and stole a book." >gawk at her >she walks over to a shelf >flips a lever >pushes a button >and a hidden panel slides away >Trixie levitates a magic book out >flips through pages >and shows you a particular spell >it comes with a drawing of a dragon with a pony in its belly >then an arrow to a pony in bed >how the buck did Trixie cast this >how the buck did she FIND this >"Then I just cast it on us before Opal answered the door." >your mind reels from the revelations "So... you didn't need me to save you when you performed that trick?" >Trixie gasps >"Of course I did! Waking up in bed is no way to end a performance; the audience would have been disappointed!" >"...and, also, I never actually managed to cast it successfully." "You wh-" >"But, good news! This means I can keep practicing that snake spell! Ooh, I should invite Opal to my next performance, she'll be so surprised!" >new objective: learn that restricted spell >...just in case
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ad1thi · 4 years
underrated stevetony fics rec list (P1)
i feel like a lot of really good stevetony fics get swept under the rug because this is such a big fandom and sometimes people miss out on quality content?? so this is a rec list of some of the stevetony fics i feel like everybody should have read/ be reading
Edit (31.12.2020): this got very long (i had almost 50 fics on my list, so ive decided to split this list into two parts. part 2 will be out soon!!)
Edit (20.02.2021): part 2 is out now!!
picture me in the trees: @ifmywishescametrue
Tony and Steve were childhood friends that almost became more, but Tony moved and they lost their chance. Thirteen years later, a chance meeting brings Tony back into Steve's life.
Free: @iwanttopizzamanyou
"Steve reads, and the words dance in front of his eyes, because while this used to be his dream, what he wanted, all he can think about is how this Hell will soon become his full time life."
Steve discovers fame, with fans waiting for him in the lobby and girls passing him their numbers after the shows. It used to be what he wanted, he supposes. Except his future managers keep asking more and more from him, and he's not sure his old life will survive. Tony is ready to help, and compromise, but Steve maybe isn't anymore.
making it work: @/ironarm 
“Just tell him you don’t want to see him anymore,” Clint replies, finishing the end of his burger and starting to crumple up the wrapper, “It’s not like you love him or anything.”
“Clint, if I thought I could get rid of him about a week ago, I would have. But for some fucked up reason, I can’t lie to him. It’s like, I see those baby blue eyes, and bam. Whatever barrier that I built up from childhood trauma is gone.”
Clint chokes on the last piece of his burger, almost resisting the urge to smack Tony on the side of his head.
Tony was a fucking idiot.
Boys Like Us: @naferty
The video had been a mistake. One of the biggest mistakes he had ever done in his life, and considering Tony Stark had done a bunch of shit in his younger years, and even older years, that was saying something.
It was just that none of those things were as embarrassing as that video.
He blamed Clint for everything
Stained Fingertips: @thesoundofnat
“I don’t really believe in magic,” he said, clearing his throat. “But I’m almost certain you’re a goddamn wizard, Steve Rogers.”
Steve would remember those words for the rest of his life.
(Or, Steve is maybe slightly obsessed with drawing Tony. Not that Tony minds.)
Inhale, Ex-Sail: @summerpipedream
"Rich pirates decked out in top-of-the-line black market gear,” grumbled Tony, ”why don’t I have the budget to make those again?’
Rhodey inched back so that he and Tony were back-to-back. “We’re apparently law abiding citizens now, which means having to pay taxes.”
Tony scowled. “Urg, right. Remind me why I wanted to do that again?”
Rhodey rolled his eyes. “What was it you called him last time? Your sweet tart? Your apple pie in the sky? The wind beneath your wings? Hopefully he’ll fly here fast enough so we don’t get killed. Or worse, mugged.”
Tony Stark Bingo K1 - AU: Steampunk
As Constant As A Star: @atsadi
The Swan Princess AU
As young children, Prince Anthony and Princess Natasha of neighboring Midgardian kingdoms are betrothed, and spend their summers together every year until they are wed. Tony adores his headstrong friend Nat: it’s her scowly little companion Steve he’s not thrilled about at first. But soon Steve goes from being a thorn in Tony’s side to being his dearest friend – and much, much more than that. Despite Steve feeling the same way about Tony, the pair still dance around each other for years as Steve struggles to accept his feelings for another man: especially one already betrothed to another. Not to mention that Tony is a prince, and Steve is nothing but a squire.
But before they can make peace, Tony is kidnapped and dragged into the beginnings of another conflict in the nearby magical kingdom of Asgard – he really hates magic. With his potential usefulness diminishing by the day, Tony races to escape even as Steve, Natasha, and their friends race to find him and bring him home.
And—just to make matters worse—Tony has been trapped by a powerful spell and turned into a swan, of all creatures. He really, really hates magic.
Always Yours: @hollyjollyhope
Getting kidnapped is normal for them, at this point. But there's nothing normal about this.
And suddenly, Tony has a choice to make.
Oxeye Daisy (patience): @s-horne
“You make me want things I can’t have.”
Steve startled at the voice from behind him and turned around to see Tony standing in the kitchen doorway. He stared straight at Tony for a long moment. The room was quiet, time stretching out in a thick and uncomfortable silence as neither man dare to move nor opened his mouth to speak first.
White Clover (a promise): @s-horne
“Hey, sweetheart.”
Tony lifted his head as he tried to focus on Steve’s voice. When he managed to open his eyes and blink a bit of the blurriness away, he was rewarded with a gentle smile being shone down at him.
“There you are,” Steve said. “Was worried I was going to have to talk to myself.”
Though his tone was light, Tony knew what he meant. It was no secret that Tony was physically weaker and a hell of a lot more human than Steve was and was therefore struggling more with the lack of regular nourishment that came with being held hostage.
“Course not,” Tony said back, voice hoarse but plastering a smile on his face all the same. His head was pounding and his eyes couldn't stay open. “Would I ever do that to you? You’d never get a sensible answer.”
Acta non verba: @firebrands
unapologetic fluff about two idiots who can barely keep it together with how hard they're crushing on each other
tony has to help steve with math + a halloween party = a good time for everyone, eventually
you take me higher than the rest (everybody else is second best): @firebrands
tumblr fill for adi & anthonydarling, who asked for "'Prank' war, but the kind to see who can make the other blush the most in public" from this prompt list
Adjacent, Against, Upon: @firebrands
A political AU!
Steve Rogers is running as the Mayor of somewhere, America. Tony Stark, his campaign manager, deals with a candidate who isn’t interested in lying, and just wants to do good by these citizens, god damn it.
song of unrest: @omg-just-peachy
How was Steve supposed to reconcile all of this? The way he looked so different but still felt so much the same? It made Steve’s head spin. He knows he shouldn’t care so much, that he is what he is, but he just wants to know.
Paint The Town Blue: @omg-just-peachy
Ten years since he’d seen or spoken to Tony Stark, ten years since they’d broken up to go away to school. And now this email. It could be his only chance to see Tony again.
Camelot: @weethreequarter
For one shining moment, there was Camelot.
In 2019, Karen Page meets Captain Steve Rogers to conduct an exclusive interview on his late husband, President Tony Stark.
In 2007, Steve meets Senator Tony Stark and falls in love.
he thinks he’s lancelot (but he’s more of a sir lamorak): @theotherwasdeath
Tony knows firsthand that violence isn’t funny. So why oh why does he think that the scene playing out in front of him, Steve and Victor Von Doom in a knock-out, drag-down fist fight, is absolutely hilarious?
wildflowers: @tinytonysnark
“So,” Steve begins, clapping his hands together, “the city of SHIELD is in debt. The big ups have sent for financial advisors, all the way from DC! They’re gonna take a look at the city’s spending and make some cuts.”
He squints at the camera against the morning sun shining through the courtyard, “I’m not that worried. Everyone here in the parks department is an important member of the team and absolutely needed.”
The camera swings towards the office where from the large glass window, Natasha can be seen picking up the ringing phone before immediately slamming it back down onto the receiver.
[A Parks and Rec AU]
trinkets of your affection: @starklysteve
Kissed him once for every year I loved him, Steve had written.
By that count, Steve owes him five more kisses now.
Tony traces the words, hands trembling, and tips back a shot of Howard's ancient whiskey. None of it burns anymore.
One day, he'll have lived more days without Steve than there are words in the diary.
For the first time since he'd woken with shrapnel in his chest, Tony fears the future.
Or, five things Tony keeps to remember Steve by, and one thing Steve gives him to remember.
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clockwork-sparrow · 3 years
Daisy Chain
Tumblr media
24 years ago. Garlemald.
Rainer and his son, Florus, sit side by side on a log, individually preoccupied but quietly enjoying each other's company. The kid concentrates on tying daisies together while Rainer contemplates the unkempt park with a sigh. Although there's a certain charm to how rundown it is, it pales in comparison to his childhood stomping grounds. From climbable evergreens to cement canvases ripe for chalk drawings - Rainer had looked forward to breathing new life into old joys with his son. But it's an impossibility now, just one of countless things gatekept by the people he once loved...Still loves.
In a perfect world, she'd be here too. He would've introduced her to his family, which she'd find stuffy at first, so he'd make sure to keep their meeting short and sweet. Then, they would head home to his apartment and try (but fail) to make dinner. Elbow to elbow, she'd shake her head and give him that look (the one that betrayed her otherwise dry personality) while he'd bend over to plant a kiss on her cheek. They would waltz, clumsy and slow and even now, four years after it all fell apart, he's still drawn to this hopeless vision like a lovesick fool. Rainer stares down at his open palm and traces a crease with his thumb, observing how the line merges seamlessly into a scar.
His family had presented him an ultimatum that day: to quit her and the child, or to abandon the family. They had been so ready to cover for his 'mistake,' so certain that the choice was obvious when it had been everything but. "It happens," he remembers them saying, as if his decision was instead a learning experience to move on from. But despite his family's flaws, Rainer had thought their love for him would prevail over prejudice. Funny how when push comes to shove, true colors are shown.
Rainer is pulled out of his pondering by Florus. The boy wordlessly deposits one end of his daisy chain onto Rainer's palm and presses down until his fingers curl around the gift. He blinks back initial surprise, then gives the kid a warm smile.
"Who made this?"
"Well, it's very--" Rainer stiffens, just barely overhearing a group gossiping in the distance. Not this shit again. Rainer passes the daisy chain back to Florus. "--it's very, very nice. Why don't you go find some more stuff to tie onto it? I think clover would go well."
It's a sudden ask, but Florus is happy to oblige. When the kid nods and dashes off to hunt for more greenery, Rainer exhales softly. Hopefully, Florus would be too preoccupied to listen to the garbage these gossips will inevitably leave behind.
"There he is. Rainer Quo -- oh, goodness. Rainer Oen Celsus. Can you believe it? Living here, of all places?"
"Is the bastard child here too? I hear he's cute in that mangy, wild sort of way. Do you see him?"
"No. Huh, he can't be far." Someone lets out an overly theatrical sigh. "But anyway, going back to the subject at hand. If the Celsus family were to find themselves without an leader, do you think they would stoop to using dirty blood to fill the ranks?"
A gossiper laughs while Rainer faces forward, listening but singularly focused on the bushes where he last saw Florus.
"Of course not! Sooner collapse than do something so unseemly...Though in my opinion, they were far too lenient. That they allow Rainer to parade around with that whoreson, my word. Just think about poor Minerva! I would've taken care of the problem cleanly and left no room for interpretation."
"Right. Just." Someone makes an exaggerated sound, mimicking a beheading. More laughter. Rainer feels the hairs on his nape begin to rise, stiff with anger. This is far from the first time this has happened, but it never gets better. Somedays, he tries to let it slide and pretend that everything is okay. Today is not one of those days.
The gossipers flinch and turn to Rainer, who looms over them with an unreadable expression frozen on his face. They look to each other and back, shock shifting to nervousness and then to cautious snickering.
"Oh, pardon me. Were you listening in on our private conversation? How rude."
"Yes." Irritation makes Rainer curt. He exhales shallowly. "How rude indeed."
"Well, there's no helping that."
"Sure," Rainer replies with a cold smile. Something in the way he holds himself - a little too close, a little too still - betrays the volatile rage that's boiling just beneath his civility. One of the gossipers picks up on that and quickly tugs on the sleeve of the other, who doesn't notice and brazenly presses on.
"So, is that Florus?"
Rainer is already primed to shut down this conversation and firmly ask them to leave. He opens his mouth and then realizes, oh shit. Florus. The child is already bounding over with an armful of flowers. His steps slow to a halt as he approaches, caught between wanting to show Rainer his haul and wanting to stay away from strangers. Rainer turns and mouths 'wait there' to him while the bold gossiper kneels and makes a tutting sound, trying to lure the child over like one would lure a squirrel. Florus stares wide-eyed at the strangers and looks ready to bolt at the drop of a pin.
"Gosh, jumpy little thing, isn't he? Doesn't look a lick like you," the gossip sneers while their partner has gone from sleeve tugging to full-on frantic arm jostling. "Are you sure he's even yours?"
Rainer places his hand over the gossiper's wrist and squeezes. His mouth remains curled in a polite smile as his captive tries to shake themselves free of a grasp so tight that Rainer can feel their heartbeat. They’re scared. An icy fury rises to his eyes and his smile darkens.
"When I count to three, you’ll leave," he murmurs. It's unclear whether the gossiper has heard him. They're struggling like a beached fish.
Florus sends Rainer a worried look.
Rainer narrows his eyes and feels something snap.
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gay-impressionist · 4 years
Primrose, lunar mist, bird of paradise, gardenia, lion's fairytale, marmalade skies, everlasting daisy, honey perfume, night owl, creams and sky, tulip, angel's face, lunaria, tiger lily, peony, tea rose, foxglove, cosmos, clover, lotus and petunia (sorry if this is a bit too much, I just really love learning more about the people I love)😘❤
Don't worry I don't mind 😊 and you're really sweet, I love you too 💕
primrose; what book does everyone right now need to read?
answered here
lunar mist; do you like wearing other people’s shirts/jackets?
yesss. i stole several from my sister and my mother ahah. i love stealing people's clothes in general even if i don't do it often. when i have a gf, i will definitely steal half of her wardrobe
bird of paradise; what was the best thing that happened to you this month?
answered here
gardenia; what’s a promise you’ve recently made to yourself?
to cut ties with a friend i have feelings for
lion’s fairytale; would you rather be the sky, the ocean or the forests?
the ocean so i'm not stuck in a one tiny place but can also be in contact with people. idk, it's just a vibe
marmalade skies; do you plan your outfits?
answered here
everlasting daisy; what’s the last dream you remember having?
as i forget nearly all of my dreams, the last one i remember having it's because it was quite... striking. aka it's still the sex dream with Julie Gonzalo lmao
honey perfume; favorite movie ever?
answered here
night owl; how many countries have you visited?
16! in no particular order : England, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Portugal, Austria, Norway, Danemark, Croatia, Greece, the United States, Canada
creams and sky; what’s the craziest/bravest thing you’ve done?
Dancing with friends on a bar's table (which had a pole in its center), shirtless (bra on) 😂 On at least three different occasions I'd say haha
tulip; name 5 facts about yourself.
i already answered this but i guess i can find more facts
1. I learnt German for 5 years.
2. The band/artist I saw live the most is Milky Chance. I saw them 3 times, always with the same friend
3. I'm a virgin (not by choice but more by lack of the right occasion)
4. I'm such the mom friend that when we went to Lisbon last summer with some friends, they called me Mutter (mother in German) the whole week. And they still do it sometimes. I unironically love it
5. I have absolutely no exact idea of when I first realized I wasn't straight and who I came out to first.
angel’s face; what was your favorite bedtime story as a child?
answered here
lunaria; what’s your favorite fictional universe?
answered here
tiger lily; do you have any hobbies?
music, watching tv shows, reading, eating, quantifying stuff about my life on my bullet journal, tumblr
peony; share a small random book passage that means something to you.
"Aggressive et hystérique
Ça fait des siècles que j'entends ça
Indignée et déterminée voilà ce que je suis"
from the play "À nos places" by Agnès Marietta aka @laderdesders1
tea rose; what’s something you always wanted to do but were too scared?
telling my parents i'm depressed and used to be suicidal
foxglove; who is your favorite cartoon character?
i don't know about favorite but i recently discovered the cartoon Harley Quinn and I love Poison Ivy in it
cosmos; do you ever think about the galaxy?
answered here
clover; how would your friends describe you?
Well, you once described me (there was a context but still) as "kind, informed and sassy" and I loved it so much i put it in my bio lmao. Otherwise idk. But one time, one of my best friends said that he was never worried about introducing new people to our group if I was there because I was the person who best made outsiders feel welcome.
lotus; best memory as a child?
wow, way too many. but what first came to my mind rn (for some reason) was when we went to Rome with my parents when I was 12 during the winter holidays. it was snowing like crazy in France but I have this distinct memory of getting my coat off on a balcony at the top of a museum. And standing above Rome, feeling the sun on my skin, I felt so happy.
petunia; who’s story is your biggest inspiration in life? why?
answered here
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A Bit of Sunshine (Gardner Langway x Reader) (pt. 5)
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Summary: While a new arrival on the end of Gardner’s postal route starts to stir-up his schedule, he becomes a comforting constant in theirs.
Previous          Next (?)
Warnings: Cotton-candy sweet, may get a toothache.
Word Count: 3,398
A/N: Gardner is a sweetheart, and I wrote this to distract myself from the fact that I am starting my final year of college in a few days :)
Gardner stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom, staring at his reflection intently. It was like he’d never really looked at himself before. Like everything was new and different—the way his hair curled up and away from his forehead after brushing it, the crinkle between his eyebrows, the depth of color in his eyes. It was as if, before this moment, he hadn’t been concerned with how he looked, how everything about himself tied together. When he put on his postal uniform in the morning, it was an easy comfort. He knew that the sky blue of the shirt matched the grey-blue of his shorts, which––he had been told––accentuated the red tone of his hair. When he changed into civilian clothes at the end of the day there was never much worry if it looked good; he only ever hung around Cal and his friends from the post office. None of them cared if he wore a polo shirt or shorts, or if the colors matched.
But, now, Gardner suddenly found himself worrying about those things. Did the yellow of his shirt clash with the khaki color of his pants? Or did it match too closely and look funny? Were sneakers okay? Was his hair brushed enough? Did he always look so frowny when he concentrated? He suddenly wished that there was a full-length mirror somewhere in the house or the boat. Gardner had never felt so concerned about how he presented himself; but he was about to embark on a date with you and he wanted everything to be perfect.
A rapid, quirky knock sounded on the door, which then swung open without Gardner responding. The door nearly hit the contemplative postman, who had to shuffle quickly to avoid being struck. Calvin leaned into the tiny bathroom, hanging off the door frame and clinging to the door knob.
“How’s it goin’?” he drawled in a sing-songy voice. Then his nose crinkled a little upon eyeing Gardner’s shirt. “You’re going with yellow?”
“Yeah,” Gardner responded. He watched his expression morph into something less pinched and little more openly worried––eyes wide, brows both arched and pinched. He turned away from the mirror and faced Cal full-on. “Is it bad?”
Cal shrugged, holding his shoulders up by his ears; his lips puckered and pursed as he considered the yellow shirt, which was interrupted in thin, tasteful white stripes. “I mean... it’s yellow.”
“I like yellow.”
“But does she like yellow? It’s a very controversial color. You either love it, or you hate it.”
In all the conversations that Gardner had with you, he had never thought to ask about a favorite color. That’s what people did, didn’t they? Ask about favorite colors and food and animals? He presumed you liked yellow. You had enough yellow flowers in your garden, and enough yellow clothing and accessories to make him believe that you at least liked the color. But maybe you were indifferent. Maybe you had no opinion on it. Regardless, he associated the color with you; he’d never really thought yellow to be a particularly inviting color until you’d handed him that pansy. It made him happy, now, made him feel warm. Even the most garish shade felt like the warmth of the sun on his skin.
“It reminds me of her,” Gardner admitted, panicked expression softening.
Calvin, still hanging through the doorway, staring at Gardner contemplatively. Then, slowly, he started to nod. The hand that had been gripping the doorknob lifted and pointed.
“That’s good. Chicks like to hear stuff like that. Keep the yellow. You look confident,” Cal praised with a nod. Gardner wondered if he meant that wearing the color was a bold choice, or if he actually looked more confident. Then Calvin made a face, one that scrunched up in friendly concern. “I’d change the pants though.”
“Too similar?” Gardner pinched the hem of his shirt, bringing attention to the color again.
Cal nodded sagely, as though he had the best wealth of information on the subject of getting ready for a date. “Too similar.” Then his brows perked up and he held up a finger. “And!” Calvin darted down the hall––to his room, presumably––and dashed back into view. He held a bottle of cologne in his hand, which he then proffered to his friend. “Chicks go crazy over this stuff.” Gardner frowned down at the bottle and the amber liquid inside. There was a buzz from the kitchen. With a delighted sound, Calvin gave a little jump. “The zucchini loaf!” Calvin bolted towards the kitchen, running on his toes excitedly.
Gardner popped the cap of the cologne off and lifted it to his nose; a sniff revealed its scent. It was over-powering and tickled the back of his throat in an unpleasant manner. With his nose crinkling, Gardner placed the cologne on the sink counter, untouched and unused. Best to go without it. He looked back up into the mirror and pursed his lips. Tentatively, he reached up and ran his fingers through the front of his hair, which gave it a bit of a messier look, and made him look less of a kid on picture day. With an exhale that puffed his cheeks out, Gardner nodded to himself in the mirror.
It was now or never.
You wished that you had a picnic basket.
It would have been a lot cuter than the reusable shopping tote that you’d taken out of your closet. But the tote had to do, and it was large enough to carry everything you needed. Instead of going out to a restaurant or a movie, you’d suggested a picnic. Gardner had agreed to the idea after admitting sheepishly that, despite asking you to go out on a date with him, hadn’t thought up where to go. He’d just wanted to go out. The park was an agreeable spot; you both liked the outdoors. The park was nice in the evenings, and it was rarely crowded, which would give you both some semblance of privacy.
The spot you chosen was situated in the ever-growing shade of a large oak tree. The blanket you’d taken from home was an old quilt and, like your tote bag, not the cutest thing in the world. But it was well-loved and comfortable, and that was all that mattered. Gardner was sat crisscrossed to one side of the blanket, hands primly folded in his lap. He watched as you started to take things out of the tote bag, and reached out to take them from you.
“You’ll have to thank Calvin for the zucchini bread,” you said, laughing lightly. You were holding the mentioned loaf, which was wrapped in tinfoil and a checkered dishtowel in hopes of keeping it warm. Gardner smiled, took the carefully wrapped loaf, and set it down gingerly.
“He wants to know if you like it. Fair warning, if you do and I tell him, you’ll be getting them once a week,” Gardner forewarned with a smile.
You laughed and pulled out two cling-wrap covered sandwiches. “I’m a bread lover, I think I could handle it.” Then you held up the sandwiches. “Though, if I knew that this was going to become a bread-heavy meal, I would’ve made something a little more... inspiring than sandwiches.”
Gardner shrugged with a sweet smile. “I don’t mind. I like sandwiches.”
When you’d been getting ready for the date, you’d panicked about what to actually bring for a picnic. You were fairly sure the last one you’d ever been on was when you were twelve, and you probably had been more interested in making daisy chains than eating whatever had been packed. Bringing cheese and crackers seemed a bit inconvenient, and while it seemed romantic, you’d have had to tote around different cheese knives and probably plates. Sandwiches were easy. You could hold them in your hand, they weren’t terribly messy, and they were filling. Sandwiches had been a gamble––not everyone liked them––but they were simple. And, thankfully, you’d made the right choice.
“Good, ‘cause otherwise I’ve just got potato chips in this bag,” you laughed, extracting the mentioned snack. You made a bit of a face and set the tote aside; the look that you flashed the man on the other side of the blanket was apologetic. “It’s not a lot. Sorry.”
Gardner shook his head and picked up one of the sandwiches, smiling just as sweetly as he had been since you picked him up outside Calvin’s house. He had been standing at the foot of the driveway with the towel wrapped loaf of bread in hand, rocking on his feet. When you’d appeared in your car, he had smiled; it was a soft look, a heart-melting look. And he’d been dutifully wearing it ever since he opened the door of your car.
“It’s perfect,” he assured. You beamed and started to unwrap the other sandwich, the cling wrap making a sticky sound as you pulled at it. Then you watched as Gardner surveyed the food laid out on the blanket. His eyebrows furrowed, then, and your smile waned a little. “There’s something missing.”
You, too, looked at what you’d brought––the bag of chips, the zucchini bread, the sandwiches, the two plastic cups and the water bottle beside it filled with lemonade. It wasn’t the most substantial early dinner, but you thought it would probably be enough. You wracked your brain nervously, trying to recall if Gardner had mentioned wanting something in particular.
With a nod, Gardner rose to his feet and walked away from your little picnic area. You watched, bewildered, as he padded in an aimless direction, no further explanation given. He stopped suddenly and dropped into a crouch. After a moment, he turned back around and revealed he was pinching something in his fingers. Upon returning, you saw that it was a very tiny bouquet of clovers and sunny dandelions. When Gardner plopped back down, he placed the small pile of flowers in the middle of the blanket proudly.
“There,” he said with an equally proud smile. He leaned back on his hands, sitting more casually than before. “Perfect.”
You grinned at him, your heart jauntily skipping a little beat. Gardner was beaming. Perfect teeth on display, eyes twinkling and crinkling in delight at the corners. It was the most relaxed you’d ever seen him, slouching back on his hands, shirt a little rumpled, hair a little mussed. You wondered if it would be weird to take a picture of him, because you wanted to capture and keep that image of him forever.
“Yeah,” you agreed gently. “Perfect.”
Gardner’s smile relaxed into one that was close-lipped, but still lovely. His head lolled to the side a little so his cheek rested on his shoulder. For a comfortably quiet moment you both just gazed at one another. You basked in being in the other’s presence without the pressures of anything––no jobs to finish, no dinner plans to get to, no friends peering through curtains curiously. You could talk leisurely and enjoy the oncoming evening. But you would just be equally as happy sitting side-by-side quietly, not talking at all, just enjoying being with Gardner. And the way he was watching you, with the gentlest of expressions, made you think that he’d be okay with doing that, too.
“I’ll, uh, try the zucchini bread first,” you decided, setting aside your half-unwrapped sandwich. You picked up the loaf and started to unwrap the dishtowel with a chuckle. “Calvin seems to be very intent that all his food be eaten warm. He mentioned something about an eggplant parmesan congealing when I stopped in to get my car fixed.”
Gardner shrugged as much as he could with his arms in the position they were in. “It’s his favorite dish, he’s a little protective of it.”
You peeled open the tinfoil and tore a chunk of the bread off, and you regretted not having brought a knife of any sort. You smirked over at Gardner. “He seemed very upset that you let it cool off.”
Gardner arched his eyebrows. “It was you who kept me out late,” he pointed out. You scoffed teasingly and Gardner jutted his head forward as though to wordlessly further his point.
“Oh, so it’s my fault?” you laughed brightly. “You chose to say, so I think that we’re mutually responsible for causing the parmesan to congeal." With that you popped the bread into your mouth and started to chew. Your brows furrowed briefly before you let out a hum of content; you slapped a hand down over your heart. “Oh, that’s good." You said it with your mouth full, but held a hand over it to block any unfavorable sights. Once you swallowed you pointed at Gardner. “You tell Calvin you’ll never be late for eggplant parmesan again, because I will drive you home and join you if it’s as good as this bread.”
With a laugh as warm as the fading sunlight, Gardner shook his head and pushed off his hands. He started to unwrap his sandwich carefully, a smile still split across his face.
“If you praise his food enough he won’t ever let you leave,” he warned with a small laugh. You playfully rolled your eyes skyward in contemplation. The corner of your mouth rose into a smirk.
“I dunno, living with someone who makes great food and lives next to you sounds like a pretty good deal to me,” you hummed with a coy shrug. Your eyes fell to Gardner, your smirk growing into a smile. The smile he returned was quickly hidden in his sandwich, head ducked as he took a bite. He looked sheepish, almost, and it made your heart flutter.
The two of you chatted amiably as you ate. Gardner told you about some rare stamps he had that his friends from the post office coveted, so much so that each week one of them tried to see what they could trade to get them off him. You told him about how you were planning on starting a vegetable garden in the back yard, something that you’d tried before, but had never succeeded in doing. This led to you complaining about a sudden influx of beetles in your garden, and Gardner mentioned he’d seen a couple in the gardens of neighboring houses. The conversation was easy, and though there were lulls, one of you always eagerly brought a new topic up when it came to mind.
By the time the sandwiches were gone, the zucchini bread was picked at, and the lemonade half drunk, both of you were reclined on the well-loved quilt. Gardner had his hands folded atop his stomach, a position that you had mimicked when every other way to lie down felt uncomfortable. Your elbows were touching, though you wished you felt confident enough to turn on your side and wrap your arms around him. You turned your head to look over at Gardner, who was observing the purple hue of the sky with a gentle look. With a smile quirking at the corners of your mouth, you gently nudged your elbow against his. When he shifted his gaze over to you, you smiled a little wider.
“We swapped,” you said. Much to his confusion, apparently, because his brows furrowed. With a little laugh, you gestured to his shirt. “You’re wearing yellow.” You then pointed to the comfortable sundress you’d opted for. “I’m wearing blue.”
The furrow between Gardner’s brows smoothed out, and a smile pulled across his face. “Are you gonna deliver the mail, now?”
“Absolutely,” you laughed. Your dress was postal-uniform blue. “You gonna make the wedding bouquet arrangements for the end of the week?”
Gardner’s reply was a silent nod, though his smile was genuine and sweet.
You rolled a little so you were laying on your side, arms tucked under your head. For a quiet moment, you admired him in much the same way he had been admiring the sky. It hadn’t been long ago that the two of you were complete strangers. You had never thought, when you’d given him that flower, that you would end up where you were––and you were okay with that. Because where you were was really quite nice, and you wouldn’t exchange it for anything in the world.
After a moment, Gardner also shifted onto his side, which left the two of you closer than you had been before. The smile had drifted off his face, but his expression was still gentle. Still as admiring as it had been when it was directed up towards the sky, which was starting to darken in color. You watched as he reached down and grabbed something from between the two of you; his hand rose to show one of the dandelions from the tiny bouquet he’d picked. Quietly, he pressed the bloom to his nose, twirled it a little, and then held it there. Gardner then reached out to place it behind your ear, pulling at the stem so it sat snugly and securely. The action prompted a fond little giggle from your throat.
Once the dandelion was secure, Gardner’s fingers slowly danced along your jaw. The touch was light, ticklish almost. The kind of gentleness he used in touching your skin, was the same as the kind he used when examining his beloved stamps. When his fingers reached your chin, they paused. They slowly splayed out to cradle the expanse of jaw he’d just touched, and his thumb gently swept over the corner of your mouth. When Gardner repeated the action with his thumb, your lips parted a little. His eyes had become singularly focused on your mouth, and his own had opened somewhat. He shifted a little, wiggling slightly closer and bunching up the quilt in the process. You could just barely feel his breath against your skin. Everything about the moment was intimate, so sweetly intimate that you nearly felt hypnotized.
“Can I kiss you?” Gardner asked, voice barely above a murmur.
You bobbed your head a little in a nod, his hand still gently cradling your cheek. “Yes.”
He closed the distance between the two of you and pressed his lips against yours. The kisses that you’d shared with Gardner had always been gentle and sweet; he seemed to be incapable of being anything but. He had started to kiss your cheek after delivering your mail, just before he sauntered up the street with his hands in his pockets and a grin on his face. Those kisses were always quick, nothing more than a peck, but they left you giddy and giggly.
These kisses, though, the ones where your lips actually met, left you feeling breathless. He’d first kissed you on Wednesday, and it was Sunday, now. There had only been one other instance where he’d asked to kiss you, and that was on Thursday, when he’d asked about going on a date. That kiss, just like the others, was something completely special. They may have been gentle and slow, but they conveyed a world of emotion he didn’t seem to know how to communicate yet.
You threaded your fingers through Gardner’s hair at the nape of his neck. He hummed in response and drew away, only to kiss you for a second time. A giggle that you couldn’t fight off bubbled in your throat and you smiled into the kiss. When the second kiss broke, Gardner continued to lavish your face with attention. A kiss was pressed to the corner of your mouth, your cheek, and your forehead. In response, you shuffled a little closer and kissed the tip of his nose, which spurred a blissful smile to split across Gardner’s face. You then cuddled yourself into his chest, comfortably nuzzling your head underneath his chin.
The sky was turning dusky and the air smelled sweet. The quilt beneath you was cushioned by the grass underneath, and the warmth of Gardner’s arms as they wrapped around you was immensely comfortable. The moment was perfect. And, like so many others you’d shared with Gardner, you wished that it could last forever. But since you knew that, once it was dark enough, you would have to leave, you contented yourself to be happy in the moment. So you smiled gently into his chest; and you could feel Gardner press a smiling kiss to the top of your head.
Tag List: @honimello, @someone-get-a-medic, @dearestdeaky, @bohemiandeakyy, @sleepyblossom, @gardnerlangway, @ramibaby
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meryton-etc · 4 years
from "Second time in a year they’ve seen each other." to "His mind jabs back triumphantly with the same sentence as Thomas carefully checks where his collar covers, before judiciously applying his teeth." in You're Knee Deep In Clover please
“Second time in a year they’ve seen each other. Richard would rather have spread that out but he doesn’t have a choice.”
So like, before this (for context and spoilers, I guess) we see Daisy getting married and Mosely proposing – obviously big life events. And I wanted to equate Richard and Thomas making the herculean effort to get enough time off to see each other twice in one year to those more traditional declarations. There’s this tension in-built into the relationship between them even aside from the ~vibe they had going on in the film. Like, purely based on distance there’s a barrier between them, and then there’s the privacy issue with the letters, the fact that Richard works in Buckingham Palace, which is ridiculous when you think about it, Thomas’ trust issues… which are expounded upon later in the fic.
“When he thinks about it, it’s not… fantastic, that he can’t go to York for a day or two more than once every two years. This is why he does not think about it, and why he has managed his time very carefully, that his parents will not feel cheated out of a longer visit…”
For me a huge part of Richard’s character is how out-of-control he is of his day to day life, which then leads to inconsistent timekeeping abilities when he’s not on duty. This fic is not in any defined series but it does kind of (kind of, don’t look too hard) line up with the two of them described in You, Singing Through the Wire….
“And he will get to spend most of the afternoon and some of the evening with Thomas Barrow, letter-writer extraordinaire.”
Letter-writer extraordinaire, yes! Thomas, here, is a paranoid person who also enjoys making people work for what he gives them (in a mostly good way, by this stage of his life) and so his letters are like a poem in that they communicate before they are understood. And they are understood only by constant rereading and looking for clues in the capitalisation.
“Thomas is in a bit of a mopey humour at first, his hair sad and dishevelled, but he soon perks up.”
I like to make fun of Thomas a bit in some of my fics at appropriate moments, because he takes himself so seriously. Is his hair sad and dishevelled here because he’s sad, or is it just very hot outside and Richard takes hair too seriously? That’s a matter of interpretation.
“The clothes on his back take no time in ending up on the floor, and the curtains are drawn, and God, the man does know how to kiss.”
I drew on memories of a very good Wednesday night out at the George to write this bit.
“Richard holds on for dear life at a couple of junctures, and for some reason he is hearing his mother’s voice say it’s not decent!! His mind jabs back triumphantly with the same sentence…”
Does anyone else get the kind of weird sound memories of things people say? Is that just me? Anyway. Richard here, though he loves his mother enough to give up precious time with the TBarr, is having an excellent time ignoring her. The things you learn from your parents have such a big impact on your life, and when you start to question the basic assumptions underpinning their beliefs, it can feel like somebody’s pulled a dust sheet off a room full of furniture. There are choices and attitudes there that you don’t have to subscribe to, and societal ideas about what’s acceptable or not are a part of that. You don’t actually have to take their word for things! Here Richard is thinking, no it’s not “decent”, but I don’t actually have to be decent, and he’s finding a lot of joy in that realisation. So that’s where Richard is at, in this scene – he’s kind of having, as Kylie Jenner would put it, a day of realisations.
“…as Thomas carefully checks where his collar covers, before judiciously applying his teeth.”
Thomas here is planning a joke about circumspection, that sadly will never get told, because shortly after this he hears something good about himself and freaks the fuck out ☹
Anyway, sin é! This is so much fun, please anyone else out there who wants me to do this send me something!!
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peggysousfan · 5 years
Agent Carter An Au Series
Here is chapter 17! A lot of it recaps the show but there are some pieces that put the Au and show together. And some Peggy and Daniel at the end ;) Enjoy!!
Peggy's POV:
Since Dooley sent me home for the day, I got to the Automat for some supper and wait for Mr. Jarvis. I know Daniel will be working late today. what with the break in the Stark case, so we won't be able to eat together one last time. And since Mr. Jarvis hasn't arrived yet, I don't have Stephanie with me. I asked him to keep her at his home until our nightly adventure was over with; I don't want Steph anywhere near Howard and the drama he has created with his deadly inventions. Once I finish dinner I go outside and wait.
"Come on, Mr. Jarvis. A penguin could get here faster..." I've been waiting for at least ten minutes. And Angise has not given up on trying to get me to live at this Griffith Hotel For Women. She bangs on the window to get my attention.
"I found one." She says, but I know which one it is. And I can't live there.
"I'm late for my appointment." I says, not looking towards her.
"It has its own bathroom!"
"I-I have no idea what you're saying."
"Don't make me come out there," She threatens. Oh bloody hell!
"Angie I really must-
"Woman only. A family community for modern female professionals. Apartment for rent. 550 square ft, furnished, full bath, high floors, quiet building. Security assured." She reads the advertisement from the paper. "Close proximity to the Lexington Avenue local isle. Breakfast upon request. Paradise or what.
"That sounds perfect but-
"The only thing that could possibly make it better is if you lived next to me, Oh wait, you would! 3C if you need a cup of sugar." God I wish I could, I really really do. The apartment sounds incredible and Angie is a very nice person, but I don't want her to be in the crossfire if anything were to go wrong; I already have to worry about Stephanie and Daniel. I lie to he and say I wouldn't make a very good neighbor because she thinks shes the problem; but shes not. And above all, I can't leave my daughter behind. I look out the window, and finally, Jarvis has arrived. I say goodbye to Angie and tell her I will see her later, but I know shes upset. However, there's simply no easy option here...
"Ms. Carter."
"Mr. Jarvis." He starts driving, and for a few moments everything is silent. "How was Stephanie doing today?"
"Oh she was quite... well." Oh no. Hes hesitating.
"What happened?" I asked, worry creeping in at the edge of my voice.
"Oh no, nothings happened. Shes perfectly fine, Ms. Carter. Its just..." He takes a short pause as if thinking of what to say. "Well shes just been, how you...fussy. And unbelievably so. We've done everything we could possibly think of, but-"
"Nothing seems to calm her down?" He nods. "Yes, she does that sometimes. Mostly its because she wants a specific person to hold her and give her attention. You've done nothing wrong, Mr. Jarvis. Steph is just...stubborn."
"Well it seems you will have eventful years when she is of age..."
"Oh please no. Let me enjoy the little things first!" I say, "Besides, she'll go back and give her mother that headache, not me."
"Is that not you, Ms. Carter?" He asks hesitantly.
"What?! Mr. Jarvis, Stephanie is my niece not my-"
"I beg to differ, respectfully of course." I whip my head to look at him. But he speaks before I can. "She has your fighting spirit, attitude, and intelligence. However...I fear she has her father's strength."
"And you know who that is?"
"I may have an idea as to whom he may be. But that is not any of my concern why you wish to keep her true parents identity a secret." I start to relax and look away. "I will never tell another soul, Ms. Carter. Your secret is safe with me."
"Thank you, Mr. Jarvis." For the rest of the ride to Mr. McFee's house, the car is filled with silence. That is until the 'Captain America Adventure Program' starts. I let it play for a few moments, and the cut it off. "Who writes this rubbish?" Jarvis says he enjoys it, but is rather impressed by the real thing. Its a shame they don't actually use it. "Are you trying to butter me up Mr. Jarvis?" He says hes not.
"I'm only pleased to receive your call." I tell him he is faster than a train and compliment the new car. He said he did dispose of the other, but that it was a waste. We didn't have much of a choice to keep it, it was used at the site of a crime scene. I ask him to hurry along because Thompson is very persuasive in the interrogation room; especially with ninnies like Van Ert.
Daniel's POV:
Its been about 2 hours since Peggy left, and already Thompson broke him, and our stick. So all the information we have is Van Ert was working with a Leet Branis to make the molecular nitramene bombs, with Howard Stark's formula. The used a guy who worked at the Daisy Clover Milk company to transport their products. So now we have to find Branis and McFee, which will hopefully lead us to Stark...Although I kind of don't want to find him. I know he and Peggy are friends,and that he was a major contributor to helping the Allies win. It doesn't make sense for him to go off and sell weapons to the enemies.
As I sit in my chair and write all the information down, Dooley starts talking. Apparently Immigration has no record of this guy Branis, and Krisminksi says it could be an alias. But Thompson and his two sense says that if it is, Van Ert doesn't know it. Great, this feels like an insane dramatic puzzle. He turns to me and ask about Daisy Clovers pay roll
"I'm on hold with Daisy Clover payroll."I say
"Well its not like he was the brains of the operation anyway." Thompson says
"More like the Krisminski of the operation." I jab. Krisminski's a dumb ass.
"Jokes on you, peg-leg, I don't even know how to drive a truck." What? That not even what I was saying. Idiot. Chief is going hard on pinning this on Stark. Even though Van Ert never met him, Dooley says he can have go betweens in between go betweens. Like hes some sort of snake; which he probably is. I finally get off hold and get McFee's address. Now we're getting somewhere. We all head out and go after McFee.
Peggy's POV:
When we arrive at McFees house, I send Jarvis away and tell him I don't need his help and that I have my own ride home. I sneak into the yard and towards the truck; and all the bombs are there. I make my way to the front of the house and walk in. Carefully I step in and look for McFee and Branis; but unfortunately the old floor boards give me away. McFee grabs his gun and charges towards me, but I kick it away and fight him. And of course, with my luck, that damn radio show is one; which only infuriates me more. He pins me against the wall and I break a glass over his head. We struggle more and I elbow his inner arm and throw his into a table. And of course, he passes out.
"Hello? Mr. McFee?" But still no response. "Why does this keep happening?" I ask myself. I drag his body into a chair and handcuff him to it, but while I was distracted, Branis slipped outside and tried to start the truck. I pull out my gun and aim it at his head. "Get out!" I order and he does. I slam him into the truck and keep the gun to his temple. "Car trouble?" I ask, and Mr. Jarvis answers
"Nothing that can't be fixed."
"What the HELL are you doing here?" He explains that hes here to help, as any good butler would, without being asked. He sabotaged the vehicle and I tell him to fix it. The sooner its fixed, the sooner I can turn this in and get home to see my little girl. "Where are Stark's inventions?" I pull out his voice communicator and hold it to his throat.
"I want protection."
"The SSR will take you in, provided you say something interesting. Right Bloody now." He say nothing, instead Jarvis chimes in and asks bout Leviathan. Branis says its a who, not a what. Lovely, because thats not vague at all. They use to be his employers and he double crossed them. Apparently Leviathan only wanted one thing from Howard, and Branis saw it as an opportunity to make a profit from the rest.
"I. Want. Protection."
"Then start talking."
We get into the truck once its fixed and drive on the road. Jarvis is in the back, Branis is driving, and I'm holding my gun on Branis. Unfortunate McFee got away, but for right now our focus is transporting the bombs. I tell Branis to stop fidgiting and that nothings going to happen; but of course it does. The same man that killed Colleen has jumped on the roof and started to shoot down at us. We fight on the roof and he shots again, hitting the strap and Branis. We continue to fight and I hear a crash. One of the bombs has dropped and cracked. He punches me in the face and I fall down and them look over the roof I see a lake; perfect. I tell Jarvis to grab Branis and jump. I fight off Colleen's killer and stab his hand through the roof.
"This is where I get off." I grab Jarvis and Branis and toss them out of the truck, and then I roll over and jump as well. The truck lands in the lake and BOOM! A bright light flashes and pushes me back; the entire lake is gone. I limp over to Jarvis and notice Branis, dying. His communication device is broken and can't speak. I ask him where Howard's inventions are and ask him to help me beat Leviathan. He draws a heart in the dirt with a string through it. Dammit.
"Wheres the car?" I ask.
"I believe its that way. I think we should go retrieve it immediately." Ugh can this day get any worse?
Daniel's POV:
We're almost at Mr. McFees house, when we stop the car and notice him walking on the road...with a chair handcuffed to him. Great, another mystery. We get him out of the cuffs and starts driving again, that is until theres an enormously bright light blinding our eyes. Thompson, whos driving in front of me, goes faster, and so do I. When we reach the sourse of the light, the lake is completely dried up; not a drop left. And not only that, but we find Branis's dead body at the scene. While the others go investigate that, I notice something shiny in the road.
"Sousa! What the hell are you doing?" CHief asks. I walk over to them and show the key I found. "Good find. Lets go check it out."
Peggy's POV:
When we reach the car I sigh in relief. Jarvis notices my leg and says he can patch me up. I tell him to wait, I need to see my daughter. When we enter the house, I limp to my room and Jarvis hands her over.
"Oh poppet!" She starts to fuss but then stops and snuggles against me, gurgling her baby talk."You have to say mummy. Can you do that?" She looks at me with those bright blue eyes and smiles. "Say mummy." She moves her lips and the words are inaudible, if they count as words at all,and she starts to laugh... and so do I. I love my little girl so much, my heart can't take it.
"Here you are Ms. Carter" He hands over her pacifier and he takes it gladly. I look at him and he bends down to stitch the gash on my leg.
"You're quite good at that."
"Yes. Mr. Stark's zippers are under a considerable strain." He ties it off and cuts the thread. "You're very fortunate you know."
"I missed the bone by three inches."
"Thats not what I meant."
"Then look me in the eye and say what you meant." Steph wiggles around in my arms and starts to grab at my hair.
"You're very fortunate that I ignored your instructions"
"Oh you're so right." I say as I pull her hands from my hair. "How I managed to stay alive before I meant you I have no idea." He goes in to give a speech about how my line of work requires support, but I tell him I can't be surrounded by those I love if I'm only putting them in danger. Thats why I'm trying to find a permanent home, I don't want Daniel or the Jarvis's to get hurt. Thats why I can't live near or with either of them. Then that leaves the question with Stephanie. He has a point though, I can't exactly distance myself from the world I wish to protect; but its so hard. I have to make the world right, if not for myself then for Steph. He says I can't be as successful in my goal if I don't open up to others and allow them to help me...and maybe hes right. When he finishes my stitches, I take Steph and head to Daniel's apartment. This is our last night there...
Daniels POV:
After I give Dooley the key I found I head home. I am so tired right now its ridiculous. Not only is it late, but i know Peggy is already asleep by now, and its her last night there; now I won't even get to say a proper goodbye. I open the apartment door and hear the shower going, and theres food on the table from the Automat.
"Peggy?" I call out. I hear Steph start crying and go into the bedroom. "Peg?" Still no answer. She must be in the shower. I pick up the baby and head to the table to eat. Shes so adorable its ridiculous. She squirms around all over the place and plays with the little doll I juts gave her, and she loves it.I hear a groan and turn around. "Peggy? You okay?" She comes out, dressed in her night gown, and walks over to me and Steph; or limps?
"I'm fine." She says. She leans over my shoulder and steals a bite of my cake.
"Hey! Thats mine!" She shrugs her shoulders and sits down on the couch. "Peggy, are you sure you're okay? You look like you're limping." and shes more quiet than normal.
"Mhm." Okay, now I know somethings wrong.
"Peg. Why are you still up? Its 1:30 in the morning."
"I know, I just...wanted to see you." I pick up the baby and sit next to her on the couch, with one brow raised. She sighs and shakes her head."I-" I sit, patiently, waiting for an answer, and grab her hand. "I uhm, was just given some advice recently, and I think I should listen to it."
"I have a request, and I'm afraid to ask it. I need help and you're the only person I trust, Daniel." I nod my head and encourage her to keep talking. "I-I, uh, was-" Before she finishes her sentence, the power goes out. Damn New York.
"Here, hold Steph, I'll get us some light." I walk to the kitchen and grab some candles and light them. "There, that should work for now." I place one on the table and two on the coffee table by the couch."Peg?" Shes gone. "Peggy." She comes back and sits on the couch. "Wheres Steph?"
"I put her to sleep. Shes had quite the day. As have we all." I hum in agreement. "Daniel...I can't stay with my friends forever, and I can't stay here... But I can't take Steph with me anywhere else I go. At least for now."
"Peg. What are you saying...?" She looks away from me and I can see the tears rolling down her cheek. "Hey.." I wipe them away and hold her face in my hands. "Whats going on? Whats got you so upset?"
"Can she stay with you?" She sniffles. "When you aren't at work. Can- Can Stephanie live here with you..." I back away, slightly, in complete shock, and shake my head.
"Peggy.. you can't-Peg."
"I-I don't have any other choice. I can't stay there with my friends, and I can't sty here because-" She looks away and takes another deep breath. Shes hiding something. "Because I don't want to put you in danger. Or Stephanie. Shes just a baby, Daniel. She can hardly speak and walk, let alone defend herself or cry for help if someone-"
"Okay okay okay, just breathe. Look at me. Take a deep breath. And breath." She was starting to hyperventilate. "Think about this, Peg. Really think about it." She shakes her head and more tears fall.
"I have. I'm taking the advice and allowing people to help me and...and be involved more in my life. And this is how I do that; at least for now." I place my hand on her shoulder and give it a squeeze. "I'll pick her up from her sitters, and come here, with you, or stay until you come home and then you will have her for the rest of the night. And in the mornings I will come by to see you both and take her back so you and I can go to work."
"Peggy, thats a lot of work to do. How long do you think you can keep that up?"
"I don't know. I just...I need this to work until its over."
"Till whats over?" At first she hesitates, then answers.
"Till this case with Howard is solved. Then...I'll figure the rest out when I get there." I pull her in for a hug and she hold on tightly. When she lets go I kiss her on the forehead, and she smiles. I take her to my room and she lays down. "Daniel? Can you stay with us? Just until I fall asleep?"
"Yeah, sure." I sit on the edge of the bed and she curls up to me on my chest, just like she did before, and I don't move away. She lays close, as if afraid of something, and closes her eyes to fall asleep. I don't know what it is thats bothering her so much, but whatever it is needs to stop being such a pain in the ass. I hate seeing her in pain and fear. Maybe she'll open up more and tell me, but right now I'm content on her sleeping it off.
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sjecblogarchive · 4 years
>>HUGS…..  Who knew that the mandatory absence of hugs could leave us feeling so achingly incomplete?!?  Friends and family members who don’t live with us are encouraged to keep their distance.  I know it’s a safety issue, but I really do miss the freedom to warmly embrace the folks who are near and dear to my heart.
>>ICED COFFEE…..  After  months of adjusting the ratio of coffee to milk and the right amount of sugar, my tall cool refreshing beverage is dependably coming together over crushed ice every morning.  YAY!!  No longer running off to various activities, Ed and I have the leisure time to read parts of the Washington Post together most days.  Coffee is our A.M. drink of choice.  He still likes his black & steaming.
>>BIG BREAKFASTS…..  Several  mornings each week we enjoy cheesy scrambled eggs, fresh tomatoes with mayo, summer fruit (watermelon is our FAV), and pan-fried cinnamon toast.  This fare is heartier than the bagel or yogurt with granola or banana that generally suffices for short-cut breakfasts otherwise.   We eat at the dining room table – an experience that is normally reserved for company or family gatherings.  It’s fun!
>>NATURAL BACKYARD BEAUTY…..   During this restricted season of “unusual sameness,” backyard natural wonders have lifted my spirits  repeatedly.  I am attempting to establish a habitat for bees and butterflies along the side fence in our back field.  This summer I concentrated on removing more of the invasive vines and uninvited “volunteers” that persist in trying to take up residence there.  This is a daunting task that I began several years ago.  The encouraging news is that blooms from bee balm, wild asters, black eyed Susans, phlox, cone flowers, Queen Anne’s lace, wild daisies, goldenrod, red clover and others have alternately brightened the landscape for many weeks.  A few plants have even produced a second round of blooms.  
>>ED’S VOICE FROM THE BACK DECK…..  On those days when I have been too intent on my “habitat mission” to notice that the cloud cover has lifted or the sun is getting really high in the sky, my family nickname billows across the yard, “Brut!  Brut!”  The person I would choose to spend any pandemic with is looking out toward the field.  Grateful that Ed Jones “has my back,” I eventually head for shade and my folding chair in the garage.
>>EXHAUSTION WITH A SATISFIED PURPOSE…..  During my climb up the hill to the house, I feel thirsty, sweaty, and bone-tired.  The over-flowing wheelbarrow loads of unwanted roots, weeds, and seed heads, convince me that my exhaustion has not been in vain.
>>WARM SHOWERS…..  Always rejuvenating!!  
>>NAPS…..  I’m blaming my unpredictable energy level on the emotional toll that COVID has exacted.  Afternoon siestas are no longer rare.  They often seem wonderfully invigorating.
>>DANCING SOLO IN MY LIVING ROOM…..  An Episcopal priest in Georgia created a spoof on the “You’ll Be Back” lyrics from HAMILTON.  I feel so happy and alive when I’m moving to the beat of his contagious spirit.
>>ELYSE’S GIGGLES…..  The video of our granddaughter giggling as the family dog Cajun eagerly licks her face melts my heart every time I listen.
>>ZOOM & FACETIME CONNECTIONS WITH FRIENDS & FAMILY…..  I miss being present with those I love.  Though not a satisfactory substitute, technology helps in some ways to fill the void.
>>CLEAN SHEETS ON THE BED…..  Refreshing!!  Calming!!  Comforting!!
I am intensely grateful for these – plus many other – simple pleasures in addition to random acts of kindness from both neighbors and friends.
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oddsnendsfanfics · 7 years
Santa’s Helper
Genre: Fan Fiction Pairing: Marco Ilsø/Reader Warnings: N/A Rating: G Length: One Shot Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.  
A/N: Okay, so the Secret Santa idea didn’t come out as grand as I had wanted, three parts condensed itself into one and here we have it. 
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There it was, again this morning, staring at you the second you opened your apartment door. The small perfectly wrapped present. A shiny blue paper and silver bow stared you down from the spot on the floor.
Present #23
Every morning, some how, since December 1st the boxes began arriving. Why had to be the biggest mystery, outside of who?
Each tag read the same, addressed to you, from: Santa.
Whichever one of your friends were leaving the presents needed their arse kicked. This had been cute the first three days, but now it was becoming a little concerning and even a little awkward.
Fumbling the package around in your hand, you sigh, wondering what was in today's package. The gifts had been great, no doubt - especially the homemade cookies and the fresh Danishes, but now it was getting to be too much. You really didn't deserve it.
"Morning," A shy voice jolts you back to the hallway. Standing in the door of your apartment, you blush not having noticed the neighbour from two doors down approaching.
"Good morning, Marco." You greet him with a sheepish smile. "Off to work?"
"Not today, I'm off to pick my mom up at the airport." He smiles proudly. His cheeks round and his eyes bright. "She's coming here for Christmas this year," He shares, not that it matters to you.
"That will be nice. I hope you two have a good holiday." You can't help but notice how good he always looks.
You knew Marco like any other neighbour, he was in Dublin for work, he was shy, friendly, and always willing to help if he could. He was fairly quiet, despite his rowdy friends, and was never a cause to complain.
Once or twice the two of you had hung out, if you could call waiting for cabs in the lobby or a casual social gathering hanging out?
"You, too." Marco offers with another shy glance. "So, do you like that present?"
Lifting the present, you shrug and allow him to take it in his hands. "Since I don't know what's in it, not yet." You reply. "Someone keeps leaving them by my door." You offer the other information.
"A secret Santa." Marco nods in understanding. "I hope they're good gifts."
"They're not bad, I almost feel guilty for opening them, though." You admit, not wanting him to think you are some sort of selfish gift grubber.
"They're addressed to you," Marco carefully hands the box back, his eyes on your hands. "They're meant to be enjoyed."
His words make sense. When your best friend had said something along the same lines, you had been appalled that she would even suggest enjoying them.
"I guess," You bite your bottom lip. "I don't suppose you've been getting them, too?"
It was a long shot.
Marco shook his head, "Nope."
"Thanks." You offer a small smile, slowly taking a step back into your apartment, suddenly aware of your pjs. "Well, I should let you go get your mom."
"Yeah, her flight will be in soon. I can't have her waiting too long." He agrees, rubbing his hand against the back of his neck. "I um...if you're not busy tomorrow would you like to join us for dinner?"
Christmas eve with the cute neighbour and his mother sounded a tad awkward, but it would beat sitting home alone. Having your family all over the place this Christmas had meant you were staying in Dublin, why bother traveling home if nobody would be there?
"Are you sure?" You lift your brow. Marco cautiously nods. "Would it be appropriate?"
He lifts his shoulders in a shrug. It was Christmas, what was so wrong about offering someone some company? Not wanting to be pushy, Marco would leave it for you to decide. "If you're around, feel free to come by, dinner is at 7."
24 hours after your conversation with Marco had brought present #24.
This present had come without wrapping or a box, the bouquet of Marguerite daisies mixed with a sweet red clover, stood beside your front door in a very festive green vase. The tag, the same as the last twenty four presents that had arrived. Standing happily outside, waiting for you, the flowers were an interesting choice.
Nobody had ever gifted you flowers before and now you had no idea who had left them, it seemed very unfair.
32 hours after your conversation with Marco had lead you to his door, standing outside of Suite 332, you clutched a bottle of wine. The wine had been present # 5 or 6.
Courage gathered, you knocked on the door, these apartments were big enough that you had expected some time delay before the door swung open. It surprised you that it had taken less than five seconds for an answer - were they just sitting by the door waiting?
The original copy of Marco's bright smile met you, cheerfully inviting you in. He certainly gained his mother's smile and eyes, you decided yesterday when you'd met her in the hall.
"You came." Marco greeted you, his hands working to pull his damp hair back into the bun it never appeared to leave.
"Være rart!" He mother rolled her eyes before winking at you. Your Danish was non-existent but it didn't take a translator to know she has scolded her son.
"Jeg er altid." Marco replied swiftly, smirking. His scruffy cheeks were clean shaven and he looked brighter and less tired than he normally did.
"Excuse his manners," His mother smiled, accepting the bottle of wine. "We're happy to have you. Oh, don't you look lovely! Marco, doesn't she look lovely?"
"She does." Marco nodded, his hands at his side. "You do," He smiled shyly.
"Thank you?" You hadn't made it to sound that way. To be honest, you had spent most of the morning trying to decide what to wear. Marco hadn't given you many details other than a time and place. Not wanting to under or over dress, you decided on a casual red dress that had hung in your closet forever.
Marco's gray dress shirt and jeans had made you feel better about the casual, yet formal, attire that you had picked.
"Goodness," His mother shook her head, sighing at the scene before her. "Marco, manners, are you going to let her stand here all day or ask her to sit? Here," She handed him the bottle of wine that you'd brought. "Open this, I am going to go get ready for dinner."
Alone, until his mother made her return to the living room, you sat on the edge of an arm chair with a glass of wine in hand. Marco had a fairly modest dwelling, some how you had expected his apartment to be more lavish.
"Dinner smells good." You commented, not really having much else to say.
"Thanks, but I won't take any credit, I just peeled potatoes and checked temperatures." Marco's chuckle was light. "I am glad you came over, though."
"Thanks for inviting me, you really didn't have to. But, I'm glad you did." You reply taking a sip of wine as a crutch. "I really wasn't looking forward to cheesy movies and take out."
You winced hoping that didn't come out as sounding ungrateful or snotty.
"Nobody should be alone on Christmas eve," Marco followed suit, taking sip from his own wine. How long was his mother going to take? She had to change her clothes, not make them. Sneaky lady. "Besides, who wants take out, when there is a perfectly good meal waiting?"
"Exactly! So," You sit straighter, "Is there anything I can do? Does your mom need help with anything or maybe..."
Marco held up a hand to stop you. "Everything is under control, but thank you for offering. You're just here to eat, drink a little too much, and have fun."
"Oh boy," You laugh. "You may regret that statement."
Marco smiled shyly, perched on the arm of the sofa, he sat his wine glass down on a small end table. Rubbing his hands against his jeans. Licking his lips, he furrowed his brow, his eyes sweeping around the room.
"Can I tell you something?"
"Uh, sure? Yeah, I guess?" You lean forward in the chair.
"I don't want you to think that I am some sort of weirdo or anything, but I...um...I uh those presents." Marco cleared his throat. Rubbing his hand across the back of his neck.
He couldn't keep it in any longer, the original plan was to tell you on Christmas morning. Marco had it all planned, he would wait until just before lunch time and show up at your door. This time, he would be there with the gift, when you found it. He'd explain everything and the two of you would laugh about it.
The alternate situation was that you rejected the final present, threw the others at him, and never spoke to him again for being creepy.  
"What about them?" Your curiosity is buzzing. "Did you get one?"
Marco shook his head, "No, I left them."
"You're Santa?" the laugh was condescending
"Surprise!" He waved his hands in the air.
"I don't...But...You..." You continued to laugh. "I would have never guessed. You're good."
Marco Ilsø had been the last person you'd suspect. Out of all the people you had considered and questioned, your mind never once went to Marco.
"Really, how did you not know?" Marco smirked with a sense of pride. "I left clues. The Danish cookies, the flowers of Denmark, the wine," He lifted the glass of wine which you'd brought, "Is made in Denmark. I even bought you Danishes!" He began to laugh.
How foolish did you feel right now?
"But why?" Your head was swimming.
"Why not?" Marco challenged. "I don't know," He shrugged. "I guess, when I heard you were going to be alone on Christmas, I wanted to do something nice."
The night you'd found out your holiday fate, you had been furious, loudly complaining to your best friend while on the elevator. When your mind went back to that evening, there had been the two of you and...Marco had scooted onto the elevator at the last second.
If this had been anyone else, you would have somehow turned this into a pity gifting. Marco's eyes were holding a sort of innocence that implied he only wanted to make you happy. There had been no pity to his actions.
"When mom said my brothers were both busy and she didn't want to stay home, it was the perfect storm." Marco babbled on about his choice in actions. "You were alone, we were here, and..."
"Thank you," You can't help the smile breaking onto your face, interrupting whatever he was about to say. "It really is the sweetest thing, anyone has ever done."
"Are you sure? I was beginning to think it was creeping you out." Marco teased taking a drink of his wine.
"Okay, it was a little creepy, for a minute or two." You agree, staring into your glass of wine, "But truly, it is very sweet."
"Good, I'm glad you liked the gifts." Marco licked the wine from his lips. "And now that you know who Santa is, does this mean I can give you the last gift in person?"
"Yes, but!" You hold up your hand to add caution. "You have to let me give you a gift, in return."
"Won't be necessary." Marco shook his head, his bun bobbing with his head shake.
"We'll discuss that tomorrow, trust me. I think you'll like what I have for you." You wink and finish the wine in your glass.
@pathybo , @imgoldielikehawn , @sparklemichele , @titty-teetee , @kirah32  , @kduran04  , @badassbaker , @sweetvengeancee , @capitanostella , @ateliefloresdaprimavera , @branflakes82 , @lordavanti , @violetsonthelam , @fuckyeahalexhoghandersen, @float-autumn-leave , @jar-of-love , @tinymoonshine , @angelswannawearmyredshooz , @kawennote09 , @helavalkyira 
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142 tattoos on the ankles from 2019
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Unlike other areas of the body such as the back or neck, the ankle has been a very recurring area for many years to tattoo various designs. That's because it's an invisible, intimate zone, but we can show if we wear shorts, a skirt, or a swimsuit ...The main disadvantage of this area of ​​the body is the space. Unlike other areas of the body such as chest and shoulder, large ankles can not be adapted to the ankle for space reasons. However, it allows for smaller designs that do not produce a worse result.Although it is a very sexy area, one can emphasize the fact that there are more women opting for this area of ​​the body, as it can be a very sexy area in certain female designs and can add a distinctive touch to the design.The stars, the branches, the flowers, the butterflies, the footprints and any design that can be made in the shape of a border can be a very good choice for this area of ​​the body, creating the feeling that the design covers the entire area covers. Other designs that are used, even if they do not serve as frames, which does not mean that they can not have an original result, are: crosses, letters, several small insects and other small motifs. A design that is very present in this area of ​​the body and is one of the most commonly tattooed on the ankle is the rosary. Many women, even some men, tattoo a rosary in this area of ​​the body, usually with the cross on the instep. It may be a beautiful design, but we already know that it has religious connotations.In order to tattoo something on the ankle, we first need to know what we want, ie for other areas we can first think about the body area and what design, but this does not happen with the ankle, unless we have Clear that it will be a small design. As we have said on other occasions, the tattoo, which is presented in small dimensions, does not mean it loses meaning or achieves a worse result. It is necessary to work very well on the details, and the meaning can be the same or stronger than in a tattoo that is realized in large dimensions.
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The ankle is an area of ​​the body that many women and men have chosen to get tattooed. Together with the wrist, it is the favorite place for women and girls. This girl is wearing the word "Believe" (believe) tattooed with a butterfly.
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Tattoos that simulate bracelets or anklets that surround and adorn this body part are very typical.
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A tattoo with many big and small stars on the leg. The tattoo was made on the ankle, foot and part of the leg.
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Which animal is that? The union of an insect with the head of a rabbit?
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Small cross at the ankle. Fantastic tattoo for a girl.
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Various designs on leg, foot and ankle. Among other notes, flowers and a sol key.
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Flowers, a fish, a marine tattoo and other different motifs on the ankle and instep of a woman. Asian designs.
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This girl has tattooed different letters of the Greek alphabet.
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Another photo with different tattooed stars, some of which are completely black and others are tattooed only with the contour.
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This girl tattooed a reptile on the instep.
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A crown over a heart.
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Of the strange symbols of black ink.
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Other spectacular and small designs on the girls' ankles. This seems to be the form of a state. What do you think it is? Maybe it is Texas?
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Climbing plant in browns and greens with small thorns around the ankle.
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Very easy this tattoo. A simple flash that was tattooed on the foot.
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Motorcyclist with his bike on the knuckle of a man. This type of tattoo is chosen more by men.
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A tree that starts at the ankle and ends at the calf.
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The sun and the moon, engraved like details. One of the most positive elements of this type of design is the contrast between warm and cold colors.
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Another drawing of an anklet that ends in a heart.
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Tattoo of a red lion. The idea is very good, but not so well done, because the proportions were not taken into account.
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Beautiful picture in which we can distinguish a dandelion and a colorful frame with greens.
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Girl with a colored pencil and a star at the ankle.
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Little daisies. The smallest tattoo of all these designs.
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A Canadian patriot who has tattooed the flag.
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A big flower at the ankle. The photo is perfect because it shows the real flower and the tattooed one. The similarity is fantastic.
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Old School Style Swallow Tattoo.
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In this case, the anklet is a rosary selected as a tattoo for that body part.
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Simple flowers. The disadvantage is that the color of these flowers is very little alive, they seem to be faded.
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Beautiful design for the ankle. I am fascinated by the tattoo of this picture.
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Various winged animals surround the knuckle of this girl.
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Photo of a sunflower. Personally, I do not like it. The blue background may be a good contrast, but in this case it was not a good idea.
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The little animal footprints of this girl around her ankle.
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It seems to be beautiful cherry tree flowers that are tattooed at the foot to the ankle.
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This design is a dolphin, though the choice of colors and the way it was made is difficult to properly assess the design.
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The pairing of sun and moon, which is tattooed at the ankle, is often repeated.
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Tattoo of a bracelet with tattooed letters on the ankle.
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Tattoo of a frog that seems to rest on black branches. We could have given the branches some color because they look like completely different designs.
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Another drawing of a bracelet on the ankle. A major drawback was that the old design was not redesigned because it created a separation and inconsistency between the different elements.
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Strange elements that are used here because they are not very common in tattoos, even if they are used every day. They are kitchen appliances.
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A rosary around the ankle that ends at the instep.
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Original drawing of a bracelet that seems to have various symbols or images that, even if they are small, are full of details.
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Tattoo of a musical instrument or rather its grip. An original design with an elegant result.
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Silhouette of a girl trying to reach the sun, a drawing that is in harmony with optimistic people or dreamers.
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Another tattoo of a colorful and pretty flower.
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Climbing plant with hardened forms, thin and sketched, which give a very realistic result.
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Rosaries are a very recurring element in this area of ​​the body, for my taste a design that has lost its meaning and originality because it repeats itself very much.
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Very small tattoo on the knuckle of a girl who loves butterflies.
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Drawing of a tribal element in purple and black tones.
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Romantic and lovely tattoo on the ankle of a woman or a man.
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Large number of designs on both ankles. This girl loves tattoos.
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Arabic letters on the ankle.
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We do not understand very well what we wanted to portray in this picture, we dare to say that it is an abstracted rose bush, but we do not know exactly.
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It seems that this drawing is still incomplete, at least I would add some color or black ink.
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Very elegant tattoo on the ankle. If you are a girl you like this photo.
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A loose branch engraved on the instep would, in my opinion, have a more agreeable result if, for example, it had been accompanied by a flower or a butterfly.
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This girl has tattooed both legs. On one leg we see the ankle wearing different kinds of tattooed flowers and on the other leg a little clover and the number five.
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More photos and pictures showing ankle tattoos. In this case, there are several appointments.
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Again, the word "believe" is used for a tattoo.
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Large flowers with vivid colors, combined with branches with very aesthetic shapes.
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Different stars in different sizes and colors.
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Drawing at the ankle with an unknown symbol.
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Green clover with a letter M.
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Letters with pink, green and red stars. There are some big and some smaller stars.
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A new design of a rosary that revolves around the ankle and hangs on the instep.
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Stars and braided suns.
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Beautiful tattoo with blue-green wings.
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Pink slippers flanked by turquoise flowers.
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Simple drawing of a blue curved line and points of a darker shadow.
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Original drawing connecting the links between Sweden and the United States.
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A tattoo artist working on a drawing that looks like a flower surrounded by leaves.
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Tattoo on the ankle with dedication.
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A flower of red and black color.
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Tattoo the Converse logo on both ankles.
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A swallow at the ankle of a girl.
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Skull with red ribbons on the calf.
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Indian feathers with pendant. Green, red and blue colors.
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A red and yellow tribal with Arabic letters.
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Flower at the ankle. It is undoubtedly a Hawaiian-style flower.
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A small tattoo honoring Kenya with the outline of Africa.
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Greek letters on the knuckle of a girl.
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Tattoo depicting a rosary at the foot.
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This person has tattooed small Chinese characters, the same theme is repeated in the tattoo below, but with larger dimensions.
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Oriental letters.
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Some colorful floral patterns on the top of the foot are very fashionable among girls.
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Pink and purple braided flowers around the ankle.
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Fine flower climbing plant, perfect as a tattoo in this area of ​​the body.
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Small tattoo of a butterfly in the green water.
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Black-white stars emanating from the calf and reaching to the ankle.
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We've seen this design before.
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Romantic design with the shapes of a heart and a rose, simple and named.
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A green rosary in honor of his father.
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Big tree without big leaves. It starts at the ankle and reaches to the calf.
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A star between the ankle and heel of a girl.
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A flower with a wide range of vivid colors, combined with a rather original result.
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Flowers, birds, trees and other natural motifs are common among girl tattoos.
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Tattoos with different imprints of humans and animals.
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Bracelet like an anklet on the leg of a boy.
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Mortal is what this man engraved like a bracelet in his ankle.
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Several tattoos on leg, ankle and foot.
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Tribal design with a flower in blue and pink tones in the middle.
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Skull with a bow on the leg.
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The moon and the tattooed stars match the sneakers in this photo.
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The character of Lilo and Stitch, with a funny expression and rich colors.
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Om symbol between ankle and heel.
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Peacock-like feathers on the ankle.
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A rose with rich colors and black features.
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Tattoos with flowers on the foot and calf.
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Skull with flakes on the calves.
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Original tattoo with rock paintings around the knuckle of a boy.
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Crossbones with an imprint of a dog in the middle and a shaded orange and yellow. Everything together with the name Xero.
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An original design with a mixture of letters of different styles and sizes.
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As you can see, the bracelets on the legs are also very much needed.
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A Hawaiian flower of black color, as if its silhouette had just been impressed.
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In ankle tattoos is also room for declarations of love.
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Flowers woven around the knuckle of a girl.
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A little sun.
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A cross on which a fabric and a somewhat strange background hang seems to be the backdrop of an apocalyptic film.
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Blue-toned salamander with small spots.
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Oriental letters.
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A cross with a scroll, but it seems to be empty.
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An insect crawling between a row of flowers.
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A large flower with black lines giving it brilliance and being accompanied by other smaller flowers.
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A flower without filling and color, even if it does not give a bad result.
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Silhouette of a star of black color.
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In a ladybird with little selected tones, the saturation does not seem to be correct.
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Inverted symbol. Tattoo on the leg only with black ink.
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Very successful pirate at the knuckle of a girl.
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Tree without leaves near the knuckle of a man.
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Curious image of a blue diamond engraved with tribal lines.
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We see again flowers turning around the ankle.
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The sun and the moon look good on every part of the body.
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It looks like Alice in Wonderland's cat, surrounded by a beautiful round frame.
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A swallow above the ankle. Read the full article
0 notes
catbreon-draws · 7 years
Pepsi’s personality isn’t quite as good as I’d hoped. He’s quite skittish. He’ll get in your hand if you move very slowly but he is a bit of a nervous wreck otherwise. But he’s the only boy from Daisy’s litter left, and I would really like to salvage Clover’s genes (he is Clover’s son, and sadly Clover passed away a month or two ago) since Clementine didn’t become pregnant by him. Dusty is my only other eligible bachelor, but I’m not sure if I’m going to be keeping him as a stud as he has a major barbering issue. Both Bianca and Clementine sustained major hair loss after being housed with him, and that’s definitely not something I want to be passed on. So my choices are: breed to Pepsi and hope that a better temperament boy will be born, breed to Dusty and risk more barbering, wait for Bianca’s babies to grow up and breed to one of them (undesirable, as the males are all albino except for coffee), or wait until I get a new male from a breeder… and I don’t know how long that will take. *huff*
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