luckykittenpirate · 2 years
Kamen Rider Saber Trio Of Deep Sin @takkynoko
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Rintaro: chefs kiss? do… do they really?
Oogami: the bird flu? yea they tend to do that
Ren: you’re telling me a shrimp fried this rice?
Touma: “what’s upstairs?” they can’t talk.
Reika: “based”? based on what?
Kento: apartment “complex”? I find it quite simple
Daishinji: road works ahead? yea I sure hope it does
Yuri: wood fired pizza? how’s pizza gonna get a job now?
Desast: you’re telling me a ginger bred this man?
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mirai-e-jump · 1 year
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 year
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make me choose
ryo ogami or tetsuo daishinji → ryo ogami
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animinarts · 4 months
Fall of the Swordsmen
TW: Blood🩸
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jiwasaissappy · 2 years
Old arts
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kawaiilizzie · 8 months
Finding My True Strength
I wanted touch upon Shion's inner feelings during her training to become a swordswoman in Unsheathe the Inner Thunder for a while and recently found the motivation to write this following Noel Hayase's recent illness which she has since recovered from. So have some Shion angst with some KaeShi fluff at the end.
Warnings: Spoilers for Saber up to episode 26, angst, and self-doubt issues.
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"That's not right."
Daishinji grabbed Shion's arm and adjusted her position again. "From one." He said.
Shion swallowed hard, feeling the pressure starting to build. She swung the wooden blade forward for what felt like the hundredth time that day. "One."
The swordsmith didn't say anything. She swung again. "Two." And again. "Three."
Daishinji-san hasn't stopped me yet. I must be doing better. I could do this… She thought to herself before she swung again. "Four."
"No." Daishinji knocked her blade with his own. "You didn't swing far enough. Start again from one."
Tears welded up in Shion's eyes and she blinked them away. She was exhausted, it felt like every movement she made was criticized. Daishinji had taken forever just forcing her to hold a good stance, reprimanding her every time she fidgeted or adjusted which even Naoto thought was a little harsh.
Now the goal was to get to ten basic strikes without a mistake. Shion got back into position and steeled herself.
She did four successful swings like before. Her hands shook, but Daishinji didn't say anything. Naoto noticed and gave Shion a soft smile of encouragement.
The room they were in was cold. There was a small window and Shion could see the snow blowing around outside.
"Don't shift your grip." Daishinji said as he grabbed her wrist. He adjusted her fingers until he was satisfied. "From the beginning."
Naoto could tell Shion wanted a break. She wasn't even moving around that much, but she felt physically drained.
"Don't you think you're being a little hard on her, Tetsuo?" She asked her chosen warrior. "Why don't we switch to another exercise?"
"I know, but this is what all new swordsmen go through." He sighed. "We'll move on as soon as she finishes this. Every lesson builds on the last. The next move is a variation on this. If she doesn't have the base down, she'll only get worse not better."
"I can still hear you two you know." Shion said through gritted teeth as she swung. She needed to focus. Don't let my grip slip. Keep my feet planted firm. Eyes forward. Look at the target.
She had gotten in six successful swings when the clock in the corner chimed loudly. She turned to look at it and Daishinji's sword bounced off her forehead lightly.
"Don't let yourself get distracted." He said.
"What time is it?" Shion asked as she squinted at the clock while rubbing her forehead. "How long have we've been training for?"
"It's eight. We've been training for an hour."
"Only an hour? It felt like it was longer that." Shion checked her watch, its hands on eight and twelve. "I'm starting to get why only one in hundred who can hear the swords make through training."
Daishinji decided to give her a break from the technical training by letting her read some important manuals that can help her with the training. It wasn't going to be fun, but it would be a nice break from repeating the same move over and over again.
Despite knowing that the books she had to read weren't going to be as engaging as the romantic stories she's read, Shion found herself stuck on the first chapter. The point was processing the information, but she'd lost her place on the page she was on. She scanned down the page again finding where she'd left off.
The farther she read, the more obvious it became that Daishinji had been quoting the book. But she quickly realized that she can't afford to skip over anything even as she flipped back to the previous page to figure out something about stance.
"How many chapters did you get through?"
She jumped as Daishinji appeared behind her without warning. She wished she could lie, but he was already leaning over to check for himself.
"I got to page ten." She said quietly. The first chapter was twenty pages. She knew because she'd checked several times as she slogged through the first couple pages.
"I'd hoped you'd have gotten farther." Daishinji sighed. "I don't see much purpose in moving forward if you haven't gotten to chapter two yet. There's a lot of important information there."
Shion looked down as tears built in her eyes again. I can't do anything right, can I? She thought to herself. I'd expected the training to be physically difficult, but I can't even get to the strenuous part. Maybe everyone was right, and I should give up…
"I'm heading home, I'll prove myself by tomorrow." She said, trying to keep her voice from shaking. "I have to go to work too."
"That's fine." Daishinji assured. "Juggling your regular obligations with training is important. Take the book and get through the first three chapters before tomorrow morning. Ryo will do his trials then."
She looked up at him. "So, you do want me to come back?"
"If you're willing to put in the work, you can continue." The swordsmith responded before turning and exiting the room.
Shion stood and reached for the heavy tome, but Naoto picked it up for her. "Don't worry, I'll help you carry this."
"Thanks, Naoto." Shion sighed in relief.
Later at her and Kaede's apartment that night, Shion focused on reading the book, clearing up the confusion she had earlier and carefully reading the first chapter. As she began reading the second chapter, she noticed Kaede turning on the music box that was on the nightstand by her bed. The soft music it played touched her heart.
"Do you think I can become a swordswoman?" She asked.
Kaede turned to look at her. "Of course I do. You have the potential, I know it."
Shion looked down at the floor, feeling her tears begin to fall. "But no one else seems to think I can. Even Daishinji-san has doubts since I couldn't live up to his expectations during training today."
She sobbed softly as her tears plopped onto her hands. Kaede looked at her with a sympathetic smile as she walked up to her and sat down next to her on the couch. She held her roommate's hand gently, brushing tears off of it as she did.
"I believe in you though, Shion-chan." She said with a soft tone. "As long as you keep a strong wish in your heart, you can do it."
Shion gazed into her soft brown eyes. "Even if I can't transform like you did?"
"Aw, don't say that… I'm sure you'll be able to one day." Kaede gently brushed her hand across her face, wiping away her tears. "Then we can fight together, wouldn't that be amazing?"
Shion nodded as she smiled. "Yeah, it would. You're right about all of this, Kae-chan. I shouldn't be doubting myself like this."
Her roommate simply returned the smile before the two of them embraced each other in a soft, warm hug. Outside the window of their apartment, a shooting star soared by. Shion watched it from her spot on the couch, her smile growing brighter.
"I wish I can always be by your side forever." She whispered.
Kaede hugged her tighter yet gently. "Me too. We'll make that wish come true together."
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asknarashikari · 10 months
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Ryo looks more like the chef in a ramen restaurant than a sweets cafe lmao
Also reminds me of swordboys being Mei's malewives (but ofc all the sweets they make are exclusively for her)
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ranbuescalation · 2 years
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Daishinji  🤘
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pulaasul · 2 years
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When push comes to shove, they unite for a common cause.
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meltorights · 1 year
gd that episode was a fucking blast.
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The Sword of Logos exploring Touma’s Wonder World
Ren: Ugh… so… hot… can’t… go on…
Kento, supporting Ren: Keep it together, Ren! I’ll drag you along if I have to!
Rintaro: I mean, I get that it is hot here, but that much?
Oogami: Whether we’re talking food or extreme weather, Ren has had a weaker constitution compared to the rest of us.
Daishinji: Not that the heat really bothered you, though.
Oogami: Yeah! I’m made of sterner stuff!
Reika, fanning herself: Honestly, though, I’m feeling a bit worn out from all this activity. A spot to rest would be welcome, would it not, brother?
Ryoga: … I spy an oasis.
Kento, following Ryoga’s eyes: It is! Ren, there’s an oasis!
Ren: Wa… water?
The oasis sparkles in the sun
Ren, perking up: WATER!! *takes off running*
Kento: Wait up! *chases after him*
Reika: …Overreacting a bit, aren’t we?
Daishinji: Well, we should be grateful they’re in high spirits. Touma did not make the path to his residence easy.
Rintaro: Let us hope it isn’t a mirage…
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cephalopistol · 2 years
doodles from saber
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 year
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make me choose
tetsuo daishinji or neon kurama → tetsuo daishinji
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heartvisor · 1 year
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