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sporksnshit · 2 years ago
List of NPCs in our headspace:
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Ricky, has one back leg, is really scraggly, super affectionate, speaks in gibberish and has bright yellow subtitles.
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Chonkers, food motivated, no braincells, obsessed with zucchini (nothing about cucumbers, just zucchini)
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Ninja, irl cat introjected, eats bugs, sleeps in the most inconvenient places.
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Skelly, he glows.
(Note: these guys are NPC-esq and cannot front, they just chill.)
First three images belong to @dailycatdrawings
New addition: Franklin the Elevator, a sentient elevator named Franklin.
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kallenart · 8 years ago
I am a huge fan of your style! It's absolutely lovely! How long have you been drawing and how did you develop your own style?
 ive been drawing my whole life! (always an odd question for me bc like…. yall stopped drawing after kindergarten? what did you do all day??)
as for developing style, my biggest piece of advice is just! keep! drawing! its been a bit hard to follow my own advice lately because my depression keeps fucking up my motivation and for the first time in my life i just dont feel like drawing, at all, ever. but if youre having similar motivational issues or if youre just starting out and you just arent feeling satisfied with your art, dont give up! the less you draw the harder it will be! i have a personal policy (that i dont actually remember to follow) where even if i dont want to, even if i hate how it looks, i have to draw at least once a day every single day. i swear it will improve your work if you do this. its hard, i know, i havent been doing it, but follow my advice not my example! (honestly im the embodiment of that quote “I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it.” by Lewis Carol)
the other piece of advise i have is honestly…… steal art. 
“gasp! but Kate,” you say, “stealing art is bad and wrong!!” you say, “i know because of all those ‘art theft is bad and wrong’ posts i reblog!”
look. thats not what im saying, im not telling any of you to try to pass anyone elses art as your own, or use other peoples art without their credit. dont to that its bad and wrong. what im saying is LOOK at other peoples art and copy what they do. copying other peoples art styles is how every artist has learned for centuries. i started out drawing myself as a powerpuff girl or as a pokemon character just like everyone else. hell, i used to straight up print out and trace drawings i found on deviant art, which is a perfectly viable way to learn styles (muscle memory) so long as you dont try to pass it off as your own work then honestly its not stealing.
for example recently i was trying to draw these cat characters i had come up with, and i could not for the life of me draw these cats they were just turning out so ugly,
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so i was like “well fuck this, i just need to find a simpler style” and by some kind of MIRACLE, while i was looking up drawings of cats i stumbled across this one blog, daily cat drawings. and it was like, holy shit this is it this is the exact style i need to draw my cats in. so first thing i did was try to follow some of their drawings exactly, not tracing but the closest you can get by sight. 
this is one of dailycatdrawing’s drawings:
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and this was my attempt to copy it:
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after i felt like i kinda had it down i drew that athena. NOT based off of any one of dailycatdrawing’s pieces, but still using the basics of their style. after that i felt confident enough using this style to draw the rest of my cats and they turned out great! naturally i had to draw hermes again because i couldnt just use such a blatant copy of another artists work, and it turned out even better than before!
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which proves my earlier advice about how every single time you draw youre improving! its also important to note that even if you try to copy an artists style exactly you will probably never have it perfectly, and thats a GOOD THING! because it means that you arent truly stealing someone elses work, youre just using it as an example of ONE WAY a drawing can be good. by paying attention to MANY artists styles you can use all of them together to make your own unique style! even trying to copy dailycatdrawing’s style to a T i still ended up using elements from other artists and my own experience to change the style just enough to make it personal. looking at hermes’ face you can tell ive unintentionally taken some inspiration from lackadaisy’s art style, another artist i really admire. 
this turned out way longer than i meant it to, sorry, i always get so caught up in explaining things when people ask for advice. hopefully this helped someone!
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sketchmocha · 8 years ago
@dailycatdrawings - this looks like one of your pieces. Has this been stolen? It popped up on my Facebook feed and thought I should give you a heads up just in case. I'm a fan of your work and would hate to see it (or any art) be stolen for ill gotten gains.
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dukeoftheblackstar · 1 year ago
@dailycatdrawings I am very flustered rn because (1) hot tingz and (2) angst. So thank you @baufraus Moss for bringing this up.
ZWEIIII. I love our girl, okay? Love her to bits. But this:
"what if for some reason they did break up???? Boba is shutting down internally, just completely closing himself off to any emotion. He's throwing himself into his work and won't see the light of day unless Fennec yanks him out of his office by his collar. He'll carry on but in black and white, without the joyful color his feisty babygirl brought to his life--no more flowers on his dining room table, no more kisses stolen before class, no more laughter snuggled under sheets."
fym the librarian isn't counted it's literally us like 🙄 anyways ship game gimme 14 18 19 27 and 48!!! RIGHT NEOW!! (also maybe add a little 50 for angst 👀)
Ship ask game
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Lmfaoooo 😂😂
It makes me so soft to know you guys wanna hear more about Professor Boba and his princess jgslkdjsklgjs anyways here we go
14. Do they enjoy PDA, or are they more private with affection?
Boba is a more private person by nature so he doesn't do overly much in the ways of public displays of affection, saving those for more private times and places while she's more comfortable with PDA but respects Boba's boundaries and doesn't force him to show more than he's willing. He does encourage to voice her wants and needs freely and trusts her to respects his comfort, so if she asks to hold hands or have a kiss in public he'll almost always give it to her
(also I must add that although it's not really PDA but Boba absolutely keeps a hand on his girl's thigh at pretty much all times when he's driving with her in the car 🥴)
18. How do they care for each other when one of them is wounded/sick?
Oh hoo boy if she's not feeling well because she's sick/on her period/having an off day it is absolute princess queen goddess treatment because he cannot stand knowing his babygirl is even the slightest bit uncomfortable (unless she wants to be 😈). If he can't be physically with her, it's phone calls and messages and making sure she has everything she needs as best he can. If he is able to be with her then he is, stopping by between his classes to bring her soup or meds and making sure she doesn't lift a finger. If she's having cramps, he's more than happy to be her personal heating pad, letting her snuggle up against him while he rubs her back.
Miss princess is just as astounded by Boba's superhuman immune system (how is the man never sick??) as she is frustrated at his tendency to put aside his own comfort to power through whatever task he's set before himself, whether that be staying up too late grading papers or not taking it easy at the gym when his knee is giving him trouble. She usually resorts to threatening him with such punishments as not sleeping until he does or putting Fennec on his case, but if she's really concerned about him she'll sit him down to talk about things.
(I have some plans to write a little something about princess taking care of her professor in Volume II of Ex Libris 🤭)
19. Do they wear each other’s clothes/jewelry?
Ok listen I am going insane over the thought of library princess making like a lil friendship bracelet type thing during like a library program or something and giving to Boba just to be cute then her realizing that he's been wearing it every day since dkgjaljggajg
Now since our beloved princess is a reader insert she doesn't have a body size so I can't say she would be able to wear any of Boba's clothes (so it's up to you my lovely readers!) but in a future Ex Libris chapter Boba is going to give her his class ring to wear on a necklace 😭
27. How do they say “I love you” non-verbally?
Answered in this ask
48. Do they talk about their future together? Why or why not?
So far, both of them have just been enjoying their relationship with no real expectations for the future (marriage, kids, etc.) but the way they're building their relationship easily leaves it open to those type of discussions.
Now when the topic of the future does come up and Boba tries to pull the old man card ("don't waste the rest of your life on an old man, princess") just know that she fucks him six ways from Sunday until he gets it through his head that she's not going anywhere without him 😌
50. Would they ever break up? If so, why? Who would handle the breakup better?
@baufraus how dare you bring up angst in a house that enjoys angst (with a happy ending sksksk)?!?!!?
With the strong foundation that the two of them have set, I don't think there's a lot that could break the two apart. Both Boba and princess value and have made communication a cornerstone of their relationship inside and outside the bedroom so if there's something that could possibly be relationship ending, they would do their best to talk about it and figure it out before it gets to that point.
NOW for the true angst: what if for some reason they did break up???? Boba is shutting down internally, just completely closing himself off to any emotion. He's throwing himself into his work and won't see the light of day unless Fennec yanks him out of his office by his collar. He'll carry on but in black and white, without the joyful color his feisty babygirl brought to his life--no more flowers on his dining room table, no more kisses stolen before class, no more laughter snuggled under sheets.
BUT that's never going to happen because library princess is never going to give her man up without the fight of a lifetime 💖
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Taglist 💖
(if you don't wanna be tagged in ask stuff just let me know!)
@agirlnamejacq @burningfieldof-clover @marierg @dukeoftheblackstar @imarvelatthestars @saradika @baufraus @historianwithaheart @andrakass2 @samspenandsword @liadamerondjarin @sleepingsun501 @sgt-morgan @rescuethewretched @rexxdjarin @ladytano420 @writingwintermoon @pheo-nixpas-calian @acatalystrising @erinthevampire @xxladysquishyxx @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @kimiheartblade @shinyshayminflower @wings-and-beskar @thirsty-boba-fett-posts @wolffegirlsunite @echocola @100lxtters
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asenzia-blog · 8 years ago
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As references i used the drawings of @dailycatdrawings as well as photos of my lovely cats for the poses. I loved this one so much, that i wanted to draw it too!
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dailycatdrawings · 8 years ago
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611: Ragdoll
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dukeoftheblackstar · 2 years ago
First of all… Language, kids!!! Mama will have a field day when she hears about this! ZIM IS TOO PRECIOUS OMG. Such confidence! Ceecee is so passionate with her facial expressions, I can't! HAHHAHAH! 😂😂😂
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^ This is everything. From 'flesh parent' to the sanctity of motherhood and relation to the Great Mother Honorofic, Dorin ♥ I'm so in love with hailing planets/home world as something supreme! I also do this for Celestia (for my OC) and yay!!!!
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SCREAMING OVER KEL DORS IN BLUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! And look!!! There's so many of them here!!! So adorable!!!! @saengak
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OMG SIM ;///////////////; You stay down so Zim doesn't keep bonking you to sleep 😂😂😂
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OMG @exosorcery!!! Dor'shan pregnancy is as harsh as Dorin weather and I love this concept! It amplifies their value to children and appreciation of life!!! And these are such well-thought out headcanons too. Is it like a post-partum vibe with Mama being in the dark? Does she not get hungry, even thirsty? Will she be okay?
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I am foaming at the mouth because oh, my, god ;///////////; !!!! @saengak and I were discussing babies/eggs/pregnancy with Kel Dors and we were talking about feral moods swings and this is everything!!! Feral, feral, feral, protective for the babies! And the fact that Mama is starved for it makes her even more danger-danger!!! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!
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THEY'RE SO CHAOTIC I LOVE THEM. And they're just two years apart too!!! And confetti??!?!! Oh goodness, my heart is full!
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@exosorcery OMG THAT WAS SUCH A RIDE ;//////////////; !!!!
I'm so in love with everything you make and this is just so detailed and fun! I was genuinely laughing and screaming because it's so (1) chaotic, (2) informative, (3) wholesome and (4) fluffy as fuck!
My favorite part would be Mama being ferally protective over the babies and Papa having to tread lightly. Absolutely perfect. So damn cute! Oh, and of course, the influx of Kel Dors in a single panel ♥♥♥
I don't mind doing a taglist for you :)
Tagging the moot and everyone who may be interested :)
@saengak @veny-many @plokoonsdisapprovingeyebrows @makahitaki @bananas33 @starrrgazingbunny @amorfista @ghostperson69 @secretthegriffin @eloquentmoon @bananas33 @kimiheartblade @dailycatdrawings @the-chains-are-the-easy-part @uiro-mgmg1 @stardustbee @sithfamily @gen-has-green-vibes (because you do dathomir daily) @blueink-bluesoul @wolffegirlsunite @sinisterexaggerator @cloneloverrrrr @vodika-vibes @notthestarwar @my-head-is-an-animal
"We Are Sorry"
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So, Sim went ahead and posted that video he took on his Kay Dee website... Remember? The one where he busted in on his momma when she was in the middle of pouching her eggs, and refused to shut it down when he was told to? WELL. The entire Holonet saw it - and now a fair number of local folks - in true "Dor'in Rough Justice" fashion - want his head on a platter. Unfortunately, since she is the executive producer on the page, they want Zim's too.
This is what happened a week after the house arrest warrant went out.
A few notes:
That psychosis KD mommas get is an extreme "maternal protective" biological imperative that makes her feral for two weeks or so while the young in her pouch are most vulnerable. The closest comparison I can muster is to the CJ Cherrryh state of "Dhisais" from "Hunter of Worlds" (if you are familiar with that work).
Thanks to PloKoon'sDisapprovingEyebrows and their KD language spreadsheet - I borrowed "my little nonsense baby" although I didn't use the KD word. I need to find that spreadsheet again.
The "Vulcan Nerve Pinch" knockoff is a survival-based thing KD mommas used to do to rambunctious youngsters when they needed to settle them FAST and keep them quiet. Done in just the right spot beneath the extrasensory organs, it creates a mild brain stun - and knocks them out for twenty minutes or so. Most teens will never have it done to them. Zim does it when Sim is a jerk and he hates it - he never sees it coming. Ever.
"Shazzed" is short for Shazbat. Remember that? I'm an old lady, so I do :)
If I think of anything else I will add it later.
I wish I knew how to properly tag people here - still learning how to use this Tumblr stuff. Please nobody feel excluded! I'm working on it.
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st-marten-girl · 8 years ago
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Belated Valentine for @dailycatdrawings ~ thank you for inspiring me to draw animals more and for having stress-relieving cute drawings!
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tikilava · 8 years ago
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Quick 10min cat doodle . . . . . #art #illustration #drawing #draw #picture #artist #sketch #sketchbook #paper #pen #pencil #artsy #instaart #instagood #gallery #creative #photooftheday #instaartist #artistoninstagram #girlsinanimation #dailycatdrawings #dailydoodle #ipad #appleipadpro #applepencil #graphic #graphics #artoftheday (at Mumbai, India)
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tenkenryu · 7 years ago
Reblogging for the tumblr citation!
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Heather Nesheim  -  https://www.etsy.com/es/people/heddarsketch  -  https://twitter.com/heddarsketch
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acadstuds · 5 years ago
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psych stats and uts notes from last sem 📝🌼
my writing seems to depend on my mood for at the time because i can clearly see how stressed i was during stats 😅 (the cat drawing was inspired from a post by dailycatdrawings here!)
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carrieleblancart · 4 years ago
The study of @dailycatdrawings
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kazoomiller-blog · 8 years ago
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I am working on few designs for my Polish Overwatch site's Admin. She wants me to draw her two cats Albert (fatty) and Mercy as two cartoon cats :)
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spookyspookyspellingtongs · 8 years ago
Shoutout to @dailycatdrawings for drawing cute kitties every day. I never knew how much I needed it until today.
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moootrue · 6 years ago
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some of the cats from @dailycatdrawings
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