#daily motivation bulletin
maaarshieee · 2 years
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⎯⎯ ୨ Chapter 1: Unspoken Truths ୧ ⎯⎯
ੈ📜˳ Alhaitham x Gn!Reader *ೃ༄
ੈ📜˳ 4.0k words ┊ Fluff *ೃ༄
ੈ📜˳ Masterlist | ITSM Masterlist *ೃ༄
bulletin board: from the author ˚ ༘🔖 ⋆。˚
I love cherry magic! so much HDJSAD,, it has such a good plot imo,, so why not give the reader who has a hard time reading alhaitham to be able to read minds! the goddess of love saw their intense tension and alhaitham's crush and she decided to give them a push 😭😭 anyways i hope you like this series! i think im very fond of the idea,, have a great day/night!! also i hope you like the reader's personality... ty @baeshijima for the motivation, inspo and alhaitham brainrot.. oh yeah reader rlly hates alhaitham so uh, but dw relationship gets better in the few few chapters,, SORRY IF ITS BAD BUT I PROMISE THE NEXT CHAPTERS ARE BETTER,, I STRUGGLED WITH THE INTRO CHAP SO BAD, CHAP 2-5 HAS BETTER STRUCTURE
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Out of all the people, it just had to be you.
You, who was just a mere matra servicing the people of Sumeru, a student who fairly did well in your first year at the Akademiya, only for your grades to plummet and barely, barely, passing enough to graduate, known for your sarcastic personality and your tendency to have abrupt outbursts, caught the attention of the Grand Scribe. Yes, you heard it right. Alhaitham likes you. Loves you.
Pause. How would you know? Let's run it back.
It was just another day doing your job, roaming around Sumeru City and keeping track of shady researchers here and there, then doing the occasional paperwork back at your office. Truthfully, it was boring. But since you graduated on unpleasant terms, with grades holding onto a thin thread, the Matra was the only work you could only apply to. If it wasn't the Matra, then you could've been working as a simple server at a restaurant or something. You've devoted your life to the path of knowledge and research, not ringing up orders in a café.
The sun was setting by the time you reached the House of Daena, the last stop for your daily patrols. There were only a few stragglers left in the spacious library, the lights dim, but bright enough to let people see and read. Only your footsteps can be heard through the massive shelves, doing the library a favor by rearranging the books and returning them to their proper shelves by category. The library has always been one of your favorite places throughout the entirety of Sumeru. It holds ancient information from all across Teyvat, despite books being the least sought resource these days.
But if there was one thing you hate about the House of Daena, it would be a certain someone who frequents the library and spends hours just roaming around, hiding behind shelves and reading in the most secluded spots. He just ruins the beautiful visage of the library with his unwanted presence and infuriating face.
People who know of the Grand Scribe, Alhaitham, would often complain about how he's so hard to find. That they'd have to ask around, only to be hit with dead ends since not a lot of people knew he exists. Well, you think they're just not looking hard enough. You see him everywhere! And you knew how much he disliked being outside and how he favored being inside isolated places, but somehow, you'd spot him here and there wherever you went. From the Grand Bazaar, where he's buying groceries, to Puspa Café, where he's eating lunch with his roommate, Kaveh (who would suspiciously spare you many glances while you take your order)— seriously, it's eerie to see him so much.
Or perhaps your deep hatred for him was so engraved in your brain that it made it easy for you to discern him in the midst of a crowd. But you refuse that fact and chose to believe that it was the gods punishing you for whatever you've done with his mere existence.
Only a select few have heard about him, and they would only give comments about his displeasing bluntness, but then praise him for his academic prowess. And unfortunately, you were one of them, graduating in the same batch as Alhaitham's and sharing most of your classes, though only seeing him briefly since he preferred to 'self-study'. So a lot of students who wanted to squeeze a few words from Alhaitham would come to you, asking for the scribe's location. You would roll your eyes, and shake your head but comply without any complaints, for it is your job to service the citizens of Sumeru, including the growing minds of the Akademiya.
And you absolutely abhor the fact that you'd always be right where he would be at every time of the day, as well as correctly assuming what he'd be doing at that place at that time. Reading, eating, doing paperwork— what the hell were you!? You're not his significant other, how the fuck do you know these things!? It's useful sometimes, yes, there are times when your boss would require your assistance in finding him for whatever he needed with the scribe, or you wanting to avoid him at all costs so you'd keep a mental note to not even step foot near where he'd be located at, you swear you could hear students whispering behind your back about a 'secret relationship' with him.
Absolutely not! Anyone who gets caught by your wrathful watch, spreading baseless rumors would get the scolding of their lives. Unfortunately, you can't arrest people with just rumors. That's just not a big offense.
Oh how much you loathed him, your jaw tensing immediately and your brows furrowed as soon as you saw him, sitting at his usual spot, piles of books on the table. Hearing your slow approach, eyeing the multitude of books on his table, he let you take what you could into your arms and begin your trek on returning them to their respective shelves. It was routine at this point. Alhaitham knew you dislike big piles of messes in places where messes shouldn't exist, and yet here he is, carelessly placing books wherever he could. So he made a habit of separating books he's finished reading, and books he's yet to read, so you could start putting them back right before you've made your way to the House of Daena, the last stop of your patrols.
Not a single word was exchanged between you, only a few glances at one another. At times like these, you wished you knew what was going through his head. Was he making fun of you inside his mind? Thinking of your past failures? Scheming something to simply ruin your day? The possibilities were incredibly endless, and it honestly gets under your skin how he could maintain such a neutral face when he could have the worst possible thoughts ever.
That night, you made an unconscious wish to the stars above; I wish I could read minds. You thought exasperatedly, observing Alhaitham in your peripheral vision, shuddering a little when you spot a small smile on his lips when he glances at you once more. Just so I could know if he's up to no good.
The next day, you awoke with a killer headache. It was so painful that you doubled over and fell off the comfort of your bed, groaning at the aching pains whilst you tried to blink away the sleepiness that clung to your eyes. Pressing on and getting on with your morning routine, putting on your uniform, and walking outside of your house, only to be fully awoken by a myriad of voices suddenly surging into your mind, shrieking and falling to your knees at the intense volumes, catching the attention of the people passing by your home.
Well, it just so happened that you acquired a rather special (not) ability from the gods! The power of telepathy! You'd think that having telepathy can increase your capabilities to be able to arrest more criminals since now you've got the capacity to read minds. While that is true, you've suspiciously become a much better detective for the past few days and it even caught the attention of General Mahatamra, who commended you for your exemplary performance, the cons of having telepathy completely overshadowed the pros. Going outside of your own home gives you endless headaches, hearing so many voices speaking over one another inside your head; louder and louder! It's so damn painful that you just want to squeeze your eyes shut, but you couldn't really do that since being a Matra literally requires you to be alert at all times.
Though the voices were merely hushed whispers of thoughts that were supposed to be unheard by everyone, secrets kept to themselves, whenever your eyes stare into a person's face for even a mere second, you would immediately intrude into one's thoughts and know every single thing they'd think in that moment, as well as past thoughts and memories if ever the person thought about it while you were peeking. So your 'exemplary performance' quickly dropped as the days went by, trying (and failing) to adapt to your newly attained power. It was hard to do your job while hearing so many voices while you did your patrols. You even started bringing a blindfold to help soothe your headache and gain a short moment of silence.
This brings us to your sudden revelations of Alhaitham ever since you've gained telepathy.
Heaving a heavy sigh, you held a stack of books in your arms, struggling a little due to its weight. You were to return the books to the House of Daena, seeing them being left in random places around the Akademiya, and the dates on the return cards were way overdue. Seriously, whoever left these out in the open, without care nor consideration to the library they borrowed them from will never hear the end of you once you get your hands on them. Just because hardback books were now considered not much of use now due to the Akasha System, it's still filled with valuable knowledge and information; a vast sea of resources that can be used for research! Relying on such a convenient device too much would just lose the integrity of pursuing wisdom! Sadly, not a lot share your views, nor even want to respect your opinion, so they would shun you for even mentioning it.
A small groan slipped from your lips as your arms and lower back began to ache, slightly wobbling your way to the House of Daena. The headache that refused to give you any relief never left you, only dissipating for brief moments before returning once you've stepped into an area where there was a person in your sight. Yeah, you were not fond of your telepathy. For some reason, the library was bustling with students tonight, even when the sun was beginning to set. Was it exam week already? Archons, your skull was practically rattling at the hundreds of whispers as you picked up your pace, attempting to avoid the many faces ahead of you. And as if your day couldn't get any worse, you bumped into him.
"You shouldn't be carrying all those by yourself."
As soon as his voice reached your ears, your eye twitched, refusing to even spare him a glimpse, and walked right past him, hoping that he'd just leave you alone for today. Of course, you'd happen to cross paths with the scribe, after all, he spends an awful lot of his time in the library, reading away. Honestly, the most you see of him is during his free time. Is he always that free? How come it seemed like he absolutely does nothing? It just makes your blood boil even further. But you could hear his footsteps trailing behind you, following you on your way to the House of Daena. Irritated, you huffed through your nose. "Leave me alone."
"You look like you could use some help," Alhaitham commented, eyeing the tall stack of thick books in your arms, a slight frown that you didn't notice tugging at his lips. You missed the way he put away the book he was reading back into his belt pouch and instead went closer to you, oblivious to the concern written all over his face. "You look like you're about to topple over."
A scoff was all you could muster as you scowled at his words, stopping in your tracks and turning to shoot him a glare, the grip on the books in your arms tightening so hard that your hands began to tremble, becoming further difficult for you to hold. Him, offering help? As if! If you didn't know better, he must've been thinking of some scheme inside his head, in the guise of trying to simply lend you a hand. You aren't weak. Not at all. Sure, the headache was unbearable, but you aren't completely helpless to it. Without further hesitation, your eyes bore into him, invading his most private thoughts.
"They look awfully tired. More than usual."
That caught you off guard so bad that shock overtook your features, and the anger that was always so prominent on your face vanished so fast that even Alhaitham was startled, only to blink and see your ever-so-furious expression back. Seeing him shake his head, he glanced back at the books, and back to your face, an unreadable look in his eyes. You... expected something else, honestly. The tone of his voice was gentle, laced with... worry? Wait, was that genuine?
"But they still look nice." A pause and you held your breath. "I guess I've grown fond of it ever since those bags under their eyes became more apparent during our days at the Akademiya. It completes their look." Then you noticed it. The subtle shift of his eyes, holding a sense of affection as he stares back at your glare, with hints of slight amusement at your temperament.
You almost dropped the stack of books you held in your arms, but Alhaitham caught them just in time, taking half of the stack with ease. Glancing at you for your reaction, you could tell that he was expecting you to shout at him, for getting mad at pitying you but you stayed quiet, weirdly staring at his face. Deep inside, you indeed did want to scream at him, growing envious at how he was carrying those heavy books like it was nothing, while you struggled to make your way to the House of Daena holding all of them. But you bit back your tongue, only giving him a curt nod of acknowledgement before turning your back on him once again, and rushing to the damn library. You realized he never had bad intentions in the first place, only approaching you due to honest consideration towards you.
Truly, you can't blame him for actually getting worried. You looked absolutely horrible, and your headaches were making it difficult to sleep through the pain. No matter how much pain reliever you take, it doesn't work. Staying at home for long periods of time would probably help, but you were not going to ask your boss for a leave without a proper reason.
Instead of insulting you, just as you suspected, he was complimenting you, reminiscing how you looked when you were both younger. Flashes of images of yourself halfway through your years studying at the Akademiya filled your head when you peered into the deep crevices of his mind, you and your silly student beret, growing bags under your eyes and messy hair.
That image left a bitter taste in your mouth as it has undesirable memories attached to it, though you were more curious as to why Alhaitham could vividly remember how you looked back then. The image even projected you holding a book you usually had with you, a book that you still had on your own shelves of books at your home.
Finally, you've found a better use for your telepathy: Figuring out Alhaitham.
For the next few days, you've been with Alhaitham a lot more than usual. At first, the thought of being with him and conversing with him made you shudder, but you convinced yourself it would be worth it if it meant finding out what really goes through the arrogant scribe's head, and using it against him to get back at him after all those miserable years.
You wore different clothing, and accessories, cut your hair, and many more, and he would notice right away. "It looks nice on them and matches their eyes.", "It fits well with their physique.", "Oh, they look stunning.", "They got their nails painted. It's their favorite color." "That necklace... I think I can buy matching earrings...", or anything along those lines. It was truly startling to hear all of those coming from his mind whilst he had a blank face, but now that you could hear his thoughts, you're suddenly hyperaware of everything he does. From his closeness, the lingering gazes, and the rather fondness of his smile when his lips curve up, watching you scold a student breaking the rules in the middle of your walk towards the House of Daena.
Alhaitham was also very confused at your sudden increase in interactions for the past few days, but he was visibly pleased with it.
His thoughts were nothing but pure. Nothing dirty, nor any stains of malice. It was either him pondering what he'd do after he's finished with his responsibilities as the scribe, admiring you, or nothing at all. He was that simple. His mind was like a minimalistic room, bare and plain, but organized. A total reflection of who Alhaitham really was. Sure, he'd have speculations in his mind here and there, his thoughts churning and ticking like gears that were all connected and functioning flawlessly whenever he's approached with a problem, but everything else was very clean.
In other words; you were completely wrong about him. Whenever he speaks to a person, and would bluntly say something about them, it was just that. The honest truth, his general views, and beliefs. Cutting to the chase because he thinks that adding unnecessary words would hinder true progress, so he speaks his truth, and his truth only.
This completely shattered your view of him. Not once he had thought anything bad about you, just undoubtedly in love with you. Of course, it was such a difficult thing for you to process. You've hated Alhaitham for as long as you could remember, after what happened that day, he was the leading cause of your downfall. Can you really let it slide now you know one of his biggest weaknesses?
Mind in shambles (and still aching with grievous pain), you had to consult with one of your closest friends.
"So, let me summarize. You wished to have the ability to read minds for the sole reason to figure out what's going through Alhaitham's head, only for it to be granted the next day, which is why you look like you haven't slept in centuries. And now you found out that Alhaitham is just some guy who acts mysterious so people would leave him alone and that he's in love with you?"
Taking a sip from your tea, you nodded. "Yup," You saw Tighnari's ears twitch at your nonchalant response, brows furrowing with concern as he leaned towards you from across the table, pressing the back of his ungloved hand on your forehead. "Are you feeling okay? You know, not enough sleep would cause you to hallucinate—" Tighnari says, and you almost choke on your tea as he continues to speak, "Did you eat any suspicious-looking mushrooms on your way here?"
The faint smell of various flora wafted into your nose, your tense shoulders relaxing. It was very comfortable inside Tighnari's office. Homey and littered with organized messes all across the room. A basket filled with flora and mushrooms was on the table, an open book of records where Tighnari was recently writing, only to be left forgotten by your absurd words.
"Tighnari," Your stern tone made the fox pause, his eyes now focused on you as you pinch the bridge of his nose, a sigh leaving your lips. "I'm telling the truth. I can read minds just by looking at people." Tighnari's skepticism was reasonable, it's not every day you hear that one of your friends suddenly gained the ability to read minds due to their deep hatred of someone, so you'll just have to prove it to him. Disregarding the incredulous look on his face, you crossed your arms with a smug smirk on your lips.
A faint ringing noise crosses your mind as you read Tighnari's thoughts. "You were going to ask me to buy you some ingredients because you wanted to cook Cyno's favorite dish for tonight's dinner but you're missing some—"
Tighanri's ears flattened as his face was quick to flush, glaring at you as he swatted at your smug expression, soliciting a chuckle from you. "Okay, okay! You can read minds!" He huffed, shaking his head and hiding his reddening cheeks from you, glancing at the small list he had already pre-written and was about to give to you before you left. "How in Celestia did you manage to get that kind of power?" He frowned, grabbing his cup of tea and taking a long lip with a contemplative look on his face. You merely shrugged your chin on your palm.
"I'm stumped, I've been reading tirelessly about mind reading, even looking into the Akasha System for any clues, but I've got nothing to explain such a bizarre phenomenon." You grunted, obviously displeased at the results of your research, but gladly accepting the cookie Tighnari has offered to you.
"It's not as good as people make it in novels," A groan left you, rubbing your forehead to ease the pain. The tea Tighnari had prepared you helped a little bit, and being in his office, you were experiencing a rare moment of serenity. "At least I know what Alhaitham's thinking now. Makes it easier to get along with him, but doesn't make him less annoying though."
But Tighnari felt that something didn't feel right about you today. There was a mischievous glint in your eyes whenever you were lost in thought, a smirk on your lips that would instantly disappear once you remember you were not alone. Tighnari trusted his instincts and his instincts told him that you were up to no good.
With a soft tone of his voice, he called out your name, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Whatever you're planning, don't try." He warns, putting up a face you're rather familiar with. A face he always has whenever he's about to scold a reckless adventurer who ended up eating a poisonous mushroom in the forest. "You'll just end up hurting yourself even more in the end."
In the depths of your heart, you knew that Tighnari was correct. After all, as one of your friends, he only wants the best for you. And after discovering that Alhaitham wasn't some prick who thrives at other's struggles, it really made you hesitate on what you were planning to do. But at the back of your head, something dark festered throughout your mind, the anger you held slowly engulfing your thoughts completely. Your hatred towards Alhaitham was truly greater than anything you've felt.
Not taking his warning seriously, you rolled your eyes. "To be fair, he ruined my life." You defended yourself, narrowing your eyes at Tighnari, who could only frown at your statement. It was a grudge you could never let go of, a sore spot that you desperately wanted gone by getting back at Alhaitham in any way possible. And now you've been given an opportunity, surely, you'll never let it go, right? "Besides, if I did end up hurting Alhaitham, it wouldn't be that bad. He can find another love after he moved on from me, he's good-looking enough to get anyone he could ever want."
Your plans were simple enough. Play with his feelings, break his heart and finally gain the satisfaction you've been starved of for years. While it was truly malicious, you couldn't care less. You wanted to rid of that stone-cold visage of his and be replaced with something else. Would he even feel heartbroken once you reveal that you truly didn't love him back? Or would he just walk it off? Nevertheless, you just wanted to have a bit of entertainment for a little while. What's the harm in that?
Tighnari, who was very troubled by your decision, couldn't help but feel like something horribly bad was bound to unfold in the near future. He knew he should've tried harder to discourage your intentions towards Alhaitham, but there was no changing your mind at that point.
He just hopes it won't crash and burn in flames.
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Taglist: @hhaithamos, @blackblossomquren, @nqctre, @hakunonn, @salvationprodigy, @gvnnhildrs, @unknown-izumi, @venuslovep, @baelloraa, @tanspostsblog, @hh0pe, @artemfication, @simpcreator, @prefesro, @radicallrileyyy, @edagawasatoru, @vvyeislazzy, @chopid, @thesmolestsage
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helloougly · 2 years
🎯 Short tutorial on how to "Set Goals"
1. Identify the areas in your life where you want to set goals. Examples: career, relationships, health, personal growth, etc.
2. Create SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For example, "I want to lose 10 pounds in the next 3 months by exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet."
3. Write down your goals and keep them somewhere visible, such as on a bulletin board or in a planner. This will help to remind you of them regularly and keep you on track.
4. Break your goals down into smaller, more manageable tasks. For example, if your goal is to lose 10 pounds in 3 months, break it down into weekly or even daily actions, such as "I will go for a 30-minute walk every day" or "I will eat a salad for lunch every day."
5. Create a timeline for achieving your goals. This can help you to stay organized and prioritize your tasks. For example, you might create a weekly or monthly schedule to track your progress.
6. Identify any potential obstacles or challenges that could prevent you from achieving your goals, and come up with a plan to overcome them. For example, if you know that you tend to get distracted easily, you might set aside a specific time each day to focus on your goals without interruptions.
7. Seek support and accountability. This can be from friends, family, a coach, or even a support group. Having someone to talk to and share your progress with can help to keep you motivated and on track.
8. Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. This will help to keep you motivated and reinforce the positive habits that are helping you to achieve your goals.
9. Review and adjust your goals regularly. As you make progress, you may find that your goals have changed or that you need to adjust your plan in order to stay on track. This is normal and can be a good opportunity to reassess and make any necessary changes.
10. Stay flexible and open to new opportunities. While it's important to have a plan and stick to it, be open to new ideas and opportunities that may come your way. These can often lead to new growth and development.
Keep trying and don't give up. Achieving goals can be challenging, and you may face setbacks along the way. But if you stay committed and persistent, you will eventually achieve your goals.
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6 notes · View notes
Furniture For Kids' Study Area
Killeen, TX, 2024: Creating a well-designed study area for kids is essential to support their focus and productivity. A dedicated space with appropriate furnishings can help children concentrate on their tasks, whether it is homework, reading, or creative projects. The key is to balance comfort and functionality, ensuring the space is inviting but not distracting. The furniture should be appropriately sized and arranged to encourage good posture and easy access to supplies.
Essential Items for a Kids’ Study Area
Comfortable Seating: Ergonomic chair and desk that fit the child's height.
Good Lighting: Adequate natural light or desk lamps to reduce eye strain.
Quiet Environment: A space free from distractions and noise.
Organized Storage: Shelves, bins, or drawers for books, supplies, and papers.
Personal Touch: Decorate with motivational posters, artwork, or favorite colors.
Supplies on Hand: Pencils, pens, paper, and other essentials within easy reach.
Tech Essentials: If needed, a computer or tablet with necessary educational apps.
Clear Workspace: A clutter-free desk to keep focus on tasks.
Whiteboard or Bulletin Board: For notes, reminders, and planning.
Comfort Items: A cozy blanket or pillow to make the space inviting.
Choosing the Right Furnishings for a Kids’ Study Area
Size and Fit: Ensure the desk and chair are appropriately sized for the child's height and comfort.
Ergonomics: Choose furniture that promotes good posture and supports long study sessions.
Durability: Opt for sturdy, high-quality materials that can withstand daily use.
Safety Features: Look for rounded edges, stable designs, and non-toxic finishes.
Adjustability: Consider adjustable furniture that can grow with the child, such as height-adjustable desks and chairs.
Storage Solutions: Incorporate desks with built-in drawers or nearby shelves for easy organization.
For more information on furnishing a study area for kids, visit Ashley HomeStore 1101 at South W S Young Drive, Killeen, TX 76543, or call 254-634-5900. You can also check out the store’s latest updates and offers on Facebook and Instagram, or browse www.killeenfurniture.com.
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rajiasacademy1 · 5 days
UPSC Coaching in Delhi: Why Raj IAS Academy is Your Best Choice
The journey to becoming an Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer is one of dedication, perseverance, and determination. Clearing the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) exam, regarded as one of the toughest competitive exams globally, requires rigorous preparation, in-depth knowledge, and the right guidance. Aspiring candidates in Delhi are fortunate to have access to numerous coaching institutes, but when it comes to selecting the best, Raj IAS Academy stands out. This blog explores why choosing UPSC coaching in Delhi at Raj IAS Academy can make all the difference in your journey to success.
Why Delhi is the Hub for UPSC Aspirants
Delhi has long been recognized as the mecca for UPSC aspirants. Every year, thousands of candidates flock to the city in pursuit of their dreams, and for good reasons:
Access to Top Institutes: The city is home to many of the country’s premier coaching centers, offering comprehensive training programs for the UPSC exams.
Diverse Peer Group: Delhi attracts students from every corner of India, giving aspirants the opportunity to learn from and compete with a highly motivated and diverse group of peers.
Proximity to Resources: From specialized libraries to study materials and seminars hosted by former bureaucrats, the city provides endless resources for candidates.
Vibrant Intellectual Culture: With institutions like Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and Delhi University (DU), the city has a culture of intellectual discussion and debate that fosters a conducive environment for UPSC preparation.
Given the competitiveness in the capital, selecting the right UPSC coaching in Delhi is crucial for success. Among the plethora of institutes, Raj IAS Academy shines as a beacon of excellence.
About Raj IAS Academy
Raj IAS Academy has garnered a reputation as one of the leading institutes for UPSC coaching in Delhi. Established with the vision of providing high-quality education, the academy has consistently produced top-rankers who have gone on to serve the nation as IAS, IPS, IFS, and IRS officers. What sets Raj IAS Academy apart from the rest is its student-centric approach, expert faculty, and innovative teaching methodologies.
Let’s delve into the reasons why Raj IAS Academy is considered the best choice for UPSC aspirants.
Expert Faculty with Years of Experience
The backbone of any successful coaching institute is its faculty, and Raj IAS Academy prides itself on having some of the finest educators in the field. The academy’s faculty comprises:
Former Civil Servants: Many of the teachers at Raj IAS Academy are ex-civil servants who have first-hand experience with the exam. Their insights and knowledge of the system are invaluable to students.
Subject Matter Experts: Whether it's history, geography, polity, or economics, the academy boasts a team of experts who specialize in their respective fields.
Motivational Mentors: Beyond academics, Raj IAS Academy’s faculty serve as mentors who guide students through the ups and downs of preparation, keeping them motivated and focused.
The experience and teaching styles of the faculty ensure that students not only grasp the concepts but also understand the application of knowledge in real-world scenarios.
Comprehensive and Updated Study Material
In the competitive world of UPSC, having access to relevant and updated study material can give aspirants a significant edge. Raj IAS Academy offers:
Tailored Study Notes: The academy provides exclusive, well-researched study materials that are tailored to the UPSC syllabus. These notes cover the vast syllabus in a concise and digestible manner.
Current Affairs Updates: Staying updated with current events is critical for UPSC aspirants. Raj IAS Academy ensures that students are constantly updated with daily current affairs through bulletins, magazines, and dedicated sessions.
Test Series: Regular tests, including mock exams for both prelims and mains, are integral to the UPSC preparation. The academy's test series are designed to mimic the actual UPSC exam, helping students familiarize themselves with the exam pattern and time management.
Personalized Attention and Guidance
One of the standout features of Raj IAS Academy’s UPSC coaching in Delhi is its focus on personalized attention. Unlike many coaching centers that have crowded classrooms, Raj IAS Academy believes in:
Small Batch Sizes: By maintaining small batch sizes, the academy ensures that every student receives individual attention. This allows the faculty to understand each student’s strengths and weaknesses and offer tailored solutions.
One-on-One Mentoring: Raj IAS Academy provides a mentorship program where students are paired with mentors who guide them throughout their preparation journey. Whether it’s clearing doubts, structuring study plans, or providing moral support, the mentors are always available.
Interactive Classes: The academy promotes interactive learning, encouraging students to ask questions and engage in discussions, which fosters better understanding and retention of concepts.
Focus on Answer Writing and Interview Preparation
Clearing the UPSC exam isn't just about rote learning. The ability to present your thoughts clearly and concisely in the mains and perform confidently in the interview is just as important. Raj IAS Academy provides extensive training in:
Answer Writing Practice: The academy emphasizes the importance of regular answer writing practice for the mains exam. Students are taught how to structure their answers, highlight key points, and manage time effectively.
Mock Interviews: Raj IAS Academy conducts mock interviews with panels consisting of former UPSC interviewers and civil servants. These sessions help students gain confidence, refine their communication skills, and prepare for the real interview.
Focus on Holistic Development
UPSC preparation is not just about mastering the syllabus; it’s about developing a well-rounded personality. Raj IAS Academy places a strong emphasis on the holistic development of students by:
Ethics and Integrity Classes: The UPSC exams place significant weight on ethics and integrity. The academy offers dedicated classes to help students internalize these values and incorporate them into their answers and daily lives.
Personality Development Workshops: Raj IAS Academy conducts workshops on public speaking, communication skills, and leadership, which not only help students in the interview stage but also shape them into future leaders of the country.
Alumni Success Stories
A significant measure of any coaching institute’s success is the performance of its alumni. Over the years, Raj IAS Academy has produced numerous toppers who have secured top ranks in the UPSC exam. These success stories inspire new aspirants and serve as a testament to the quality of education and guidance provided by the academy.
Many of the academy’s alumni attribute their success to the focused guidance, rigorous training, and motivational support they received during their time at Raj IAS Academy. The academy’s alumni network is also a valuable resource for current students, offering mentorship and advice from those who have successfully navigated the UPSC exam.
When it comes to UPSC coaching in Delhi, Raj IAS Academy stands out as a premier institution that combines expert guidance, comprehensive resources, and a student-first approach. With a focus on holistic development, personalized attention, and consistent results, the academy continues to be a top choice for UPSC aspirants. If you're serious about your UPSC journey and want to ensure that you have the best possible support, Raj IAS Academy is the place to be.
Embark on your path to success with Raj IAS Academy, where your aspirations are nurtured, and your dreams are turned into reality.
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owldiet · 29 days
Discovering the Omaha Diet Near You: A Comprehensive Guide
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Are you looking to revamp your eating habits and find a diet plan that’s both effective and convenient? The Omaha Diet might just be the answer you’re seeking. This popular dietary approach is gaining traction for its practical, results-driven strategy. If you're wondering about "Omaha Diet near me," you've come to the right place. Let’s explore what the Omaha Diet is, how to find it locally, and why it might be the perfect fit for your lifestyle.
What is the Omaha Diet?
The Omaha Diet is a structured weight loss and health improvement plan that emphasizes balanced eating and lifestyle changes. It typically focuses on:
Whole Foods: Emphasizing fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
Portion Control: Managing portion sizes to help regulate calorie intake.
Meal Timing: Encouraging regular meal times to stabilize metabolism and reduce overeating.
This diet is designed to be both practical and sustainable, making it easier for individuals to integrate it into their daily lives.
Benefits of the Omaha Diet
Simplicity: With clear guidelines and a focus on whole foods, the Omaha Diet is straightforward and easy to follow.
Flexibility: It can be adapted to various dietary preferences and restrictions, whether you're vegetarian, vegan, or have food allergies.
Long-Term Results: By promoting healthy eating habits rather than restrictive measures, it aims for long-lasting lifestyle changes.
Finding the Omaha Diet Near You
If you’re interested in starting the Omaha Diet, here’s how you can find resources and support in your area:
1. Local Nutritionists and Dietitians
Many registered dietitians and nutritionists are familiar with the Omaha Diet. They can provide personalized advice, meal planning, and support. To find a local expert:
Search Online: Use terms like “nutritionist near me” or “dietitian Omaha Diet” in your preferred search engine.
Ask for Referrals: Speak with your primary care physician or friends who have successfully followed the Omaha Diet.
2. Health and Wellness Centers
Look for wellness centers or gyms in your area that offer dietary counseling. These centers often have programs or partnerships with nutrition experts who can help you get started with the Omaha Diet.
3. Community Groups and Online Forums
Joining local community groups or online forums can be a great way to connect with others following the Omaha Diet. These platforms can offer support, share experiences, and provide practical advice on where to find local resources.
4. Local Health Food Stores
Health food stores sometimes host workshops or have bulletin boards with information about diet plans and local health professionals. Check out these stores for any upcoming events or resources related to the Omaha Diet.
Tips for Success on the Omaha Diet
Stay Consistent: Consistency is key to seeing results. Stick to the plan and make it a part of your daily routine.
Plan Ahead: Prepare your meals in advance to avoid last-minute unhealthy choices.
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to support overall health and digestion.
Seek Support: Engage with a community or professional for motivation and guidance.
The Omaha Diet offers a practical and balanced approach to healthy eating, and finding it near you can be both straightforward and rewarding. By connecting with local nutrition experts, health centers, and community groups, you can easily access the resources you need to embark on this dietary journey. Embrace the Omaha Diet with confidence and enjoy the path to a healthier, more fulfilling lifestyle.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to local professionals or share your experiences in the comments below. Here’s to your health and well-being!
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scamornoreviews · 1 month
GON GLOW Review: Does GON GLOW Program Really Work?
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GON GLOW Review: Introduction
In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can feel like an uphill battle. Many individuals find themselves caught in a cycle of trying fad diets, extreme workouts, and unsustainable habits that often lead to burnout. Fortunately, the GON GLOW Program by Maria Gracia offers a refreshing alternative. This comprehensive 12-month weight loss and fitness program isn’t just another diet—it’s a lifestyle transformation designed to help you achieve long-lasting health and vitality.
In this review, we’ll delve into what makes the GON GLOW Program by Maria Gracia stand out, explore its unique features, and assess how it can help you meet your health goals. Whether you’re tired of restrictive diets or just looking for a sustainable way to improve your well-being, this program promises to be a game-changer.
What Is the GON GLOW Program?
The GON GLOW Program by Maria Gracia is a year-long journey toward better health and fitness. Unlike traditional diets that often focus on quick fixes, this program emphasizes gradual, sustainable changes that lead to permanent results. With Maria Gracia’s expert guidance, participants receive ongoing support, motivation, and resources that make healthy living both achievable and enjoyable.
Key Features of the GON GLOW Program
12-Month Duration: This isn’t a quick-fix solution. The program is designed to guide participants through a full year of transformation, ensuring that healthy habits are deeply ingrained.
Comprehensive Support: Every month, participants receive new materials, including action bulletins, exercise videos, recipes, and motivational content. This ongoing support helps keep you on track and motivated.
Balanced Approach: The program avoids extreme diets and intense workouts. Instead, it focuses on a balanced, holistic approach to health that includes moderate exercise, nutritious eating, and mental well-being.
Who Is Maria Gracia?
Maria Gracia is a well-known fitness expert with years of experience in helping individuals achieve their health and fitness goals. Her approach is rooted in the belief that sustainable change comes from consistency and support, rather than short-term efforts. Through the GON GLOW Program, Maria shares her knowledge, strategies, and motivational techniques to help participants transform their lives.
Getting Started with the GON GLOW Program
Initial Setup
Starting the GON GLOW Program by Maria Gracia is straightforward. Upon enrollment, participants receive a welcome package that includes the GON GLOW Food and Fitness Plan, a Weigh-In Log Sheet, and a welcome letter from Maria herself. This initial setup provides all the tools you need to begin your journey.
Monthly Action Bulletins
Each month, participants receive action bulletins filled with practical advice, new recipes, and fitness tips. These bulletins are designed to keep you engaged and motivated, ensuring that you never feel lost or overwhelmed.
Exercise and Fitness Videos
Exercise is a key component of the GON GLOW Program, but it’s not about pushing yourself to the brink of exhaustion. The program includes monthly exercise videos that cater to all fitness levels. Whether you’re a beginner or have been working out for years, you’ll find routines that challenge you without being too intense.
Affirmations and Motivation
Staying motivated is often the hardest part of any fitness journey. That’s why the GON GLOW Program by Maria Gracia includes daily affirmations and motivational content to help you stay focused and positive. These resources serve as daily reminders of why you started this journey and how far you’ve come.
What Sets the GON GLOW Program Apart?
Holistic Health Focus
The GON GLOW Program by Maria Gracia is not just about losing weight—it’s about improving your overall health. The program covers a wide range of topics, including nutrition, mental well-being, and fitness. This holistic approach ensures that participants are not just shedding pounds but also enhancing their quality of life...
Full GON GLOW Review here! at https://scamorno.com/GON-GLOW-Review-Program/?id=tumblr
No Food Restrictions
One of the most appealing aspects of the program is its lack of strict food restrictions. Maria Gracia believes that healthy eating should be enjoyable, not punishing. The GON GLOW Food and Fitness Plan includes a variety of delicious recipes that are both nutritious and satisfying. You won’t feel deprived or restricted, which makes it easier to stick with the program long-term.
Community Support
Embarking on a health journey alone can be daunting. That’s why the GON GLOW Program by Maria Gracia includes access to a private community of like-minded individuals. This support network allows participants to share their experiences, ask questions, and offer encouragement to one another. The sense of camaraderie within the community is a powerful motivator and a key factor in the program’s success.
Benefits of the GON GLOW Program
Sustainable Weight Loss
Many diets promise quick results, but the GON GLOW Program by Maria Gracia is focused on sustainability. By adopting healthy habits over a 12-month period, participants are more likely to maintain their weight loss and continue leading a healthy lifestyle long after the program ends.
Improved Fitness
The program’s balanced approach to exercise ensures that participants gradually improve their fitness levels without risking injury or burnout. The monthly exercise videos are designed to be accessible to everyone, making it easier to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine.
Enhanced Well-Being
In addition to physical benefits, the GON GLOW Program by Maria Gracia also emphasizes mental well-being. The daily affirmations and motivational content help participants cultivate a positive mindset, which is crucial for long-term success.
FAQs About the GON GLOW Program
1. Is the GON GLOW Program suitable for beginners?
Yes, the GON GLOW Program by Maria Gracia is designed to be accessible to individuals of all fitness levels, including beginners. The program provides clear instructions and gradual progression to ensure that everyone can participate and benefit.
2. Do I need any special equipment for the exercises?
Most of the exercises in the program can be done with minimal equipment. However, some videos may suggest using basic items like dumbbells or resistance bands. Maria provides alternatives for those who don’t have access to equipment.
3. What if I miss a month?
Life happens, and the program is flexible enough to accommodate it. If you miss a month, you can easily catch up at your own pace. The materials remain accessible, allowing you to revisit them whenever you’re ready.
4. Is there a diet plan to follow?
The GON GLOW Program by Maria Gracia includes a Food and Fitness Plan, but it’s not a strict diet. Instead, it offers guidelines and recipes that encourage balanced, nutritious eating without harsh restrictions.
5. How does the community support work?
Upon joining the program, you gain access to a private online community where you can connect with other participants. This platform allows you to share your journey, ask questions, and receive encouragement from both Maria and fellow members...
Full GON GLOW Review here! at https://scamorno.com/GON-GLOW-Review-Program/?id=tumblr
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sonag · 3 months
Conquering Chaos: A Student's Guide to a Smooth Back-to- School Transition
The carefree days of summer are drawing to a close, and the whispers of "back to school" can send shivers down even the most enthusiastic student's spine. The transition from lazy mornings and beach trips to early wake-up calls and packed schedules can feel overwhelming. But fear not, fellow scholars! With a little planning and some helpful tips, you can transform back-to-school from a dreaded event into a smooth and successful transition.
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Banish the Back-to-School Blues: Embracing a Positive Mindset
Let's face it, the anticipation of a new school year can be accompanied by a case of the back-to-school blues. Missing the freedom of summer and the looming pressure of academics can create anxiety and negativity. However, a positive mindset is key to conquering the chaos.
Focus on the Fun: Remember, school is not just about textbooks and tests. It's a place to learn new things, make friends, and explore your interests. Look forward to reconnecting with classmates, participating in extracurricular activities, and the excitement of a new academic year.
Set Goals: Having goals for the school year can boost motivation and give you a sense of purpose. These goals could be academic, like mastering a particular subject, or personal, like developing a new skill or joining a club.
Visualize Success: Take a few minutes each day to visualize yourself succeeding in school. Imagine yourself acing that math test, delivering a stellar presentation, or making a new friend. Positive visualization can help program your brain for success.
By adopting a positive and growth-oriented mindset, you'll approach the school year with a sense of excitement and readiness to learn.
Gear Up for Success: Essential Supplies and Organization Hacks
Preparation is key to a smooth back-to-school transition. Here's how to ensure you're organized and equipped for the academic year:
Gather Your Supplies: Review your school supply list and make a shopping trip to stock up on notebooks, pens, pencils, binders, and other essentials. Getting organized with colorful folders and highlighters can make learning more fun and visually engaging.
Organize Your Backpack: Avoid the black hole effect! Invest in backpack organizers or compartments to separate notebooks, folders, and loose papers. This will save you precious time searching for that missing worksheet during class.
Create a Study Space: Designate a specific area in your room as your study space. This area should be clutter-free, well-lit, and conducive to focused work. Consider adding a comfortable chair, a desk organizer, and a bulletin board to keep important information within easy reach.
Essential oils, like lavender for promoting calmness or peppermint for boosting focus, can be diffused in your study space to create a refreshing and stimulating environment. Don’t forget to check How Do Essential Oils Aid in Maintaining Focus and Calm for Students?
By being organized and prepared, you'll feel confident and ready to tackle any academic challenge.
Revive Your Routine: Sleep, Schedules, and Healthy Habits
After a summer of relaxed schedules, adjusting back to a structured school routine can be challenging. Here are some tips to help you smoothly transition:
Establish a Sleep Schedule: A consistent sleep schedule is crucial for optimal brain function, focus, and memory. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night, and try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on weekends. You can try Essential Oils - Perfect Solution for Good Sleep
Create a Daily Schedule: Develop a daily schedule that incorporates school time, homework periods, extracurricular activities, mealtimes, and relaxation time. This will help you manage your time effectively and avoid procrastination. 
Embrace Healthy Habits: Fuel your brain and body with nutritious food. Pack healthy lunches filled with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Stay hydrated throughout the day by carrying a reusable water bottle and sipping on water regularly.
Getting adequate sleep, maintaining a consistent schedule, and prioritizing healthy habits will set you up for success in the classroom and beyond.
Prepare for the Plunge: Academic Refreshers and Getting Ahead
The start of a new school year often involves revisiting concepts from the previous year. Here are some ways to ease back into the academic grind:
Review Key Concepts: Spend some time reviewing key concepts from the previous year's courses. Textbooks, class notes, and online resources can be helpful for refreshing your memory.
Practice Makes Perfect: For subjects like math or foreign languages, it's beneficial to complete practice problems or review basic grammar rules. This will help you solidify your foundation and avoid feeling overwhelmed when new material is introduced.
Start Early (Optional): If you're feeling particularly ambitious, you could even preview upcoming coursework by skimming textbooks or researching topics online. This can give you a head start and make the transition to new material smoother.
Remember, the goal isn't to become an expert before school even starts; it's simply to jog your memory and boost your confidence.
Connect and Conquer: Building Strong Relationships with Teachers and Peers
A strong support system is essential for a successful school year. Here's how to cultivate positive relationships with teachers and classmates:
Introduce Yourself: If you have new teachers, take a moment to introduce yourself during the first few days of class. Make eye contact, smile, and express your interest in learning the subject matter.
Participate Actively: Engage in class discussions, ask questions, and actively participate in classroom activities. This demonstrates your interest and helps you connect with the material and your teacher.
Be a Good Teammate: Respect your classmates, collaborate effectively on group projects, and offer help when needed. Building positive relationships with your peers can create a supportive learning environment.
Seek Help When Needed: Don't be afraid to ask for help from teachers or classmates if you're struggling with a concept. Most teachers are happy to provide extra support during office hours or after school.
By establishing positive relationships with teachers and peers, you'll create a network of support that can enhance your academic performance and make school a more enjoyable experience.
A Final Word: Embrace the Journey
Back-to- school season can be a whirlwind of activity and adjustment. But remember, it's also a time for growth, learning, and new experiences. Embrace the journey, stay organized, prioritize your well-being, and don't be afraid to ask for help. With the right mindset and a few helpful tips, you can transform back-to-school from a source of stress into an exciting launchpad for a successful and fulfilling academic year.
Bonus Tip: Consider surprising your classmates with small back-to-school gifts to foster friendship and spread some cheer. These gifts could be fun and functional, like personalized notebooks, cute pencil cases, or stress balls.
So, grab your backpack, gather your supplies, and get ready to conquer the new school year!
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wvgsvf · 3 months
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Human behavior, particularly social behavior, plays a pivotal role in shaping the dynamics of a classroom. Positive social behaviors, often referred to as pro-social behaviors, encompass actions that are intended to benefit others and foster a harmonious community environment. This article delves into the significance of positive social behavior in educational settings and provides practical strategies for educators to cultivate and promote such behaviors among students.
The Importance of Positive Social Behavior
Fostering Empathy and Kindness
Empathy Development: Positive social behaviors, such as empathetic actions where students demonstrate understanding and compassion towards their peers, cultivate empathy. For example, comforting a classmate who is upset not only shows empathy but also nurtures a supportive classroom atmosphere.
Creating a Caring Environment: Acts of kindness, like assisting a fellow student in need, contribute to a caring classroom environment where students feel valued and supported.
Enhancing Academic Performance
Reducing Distractions: A positive social environment minimizes disruptions and conflicts, allowing students to concentrate more effectively on their studies.
Improving Engagement: When students feel respected and encouraged by their peers and teachers, they are more likely to actively participate in classroom activities and demonstrate improved academic performance.
Building Strong Relationships
Forming Friendships: Positive social interactions facilitate the development of meaningful friendships among students.
Sense of Belonging: Strong relationships with classmates and teachers foster a sense of belonging, motivating students to attend school regularly and engage enthusiastically in their learning.
Encouraging Positive Reinforcement
Recognizing Positive Actions: Acknowledging and praising instances of positive social behavior reinforces these actions and encourages other students to emulate them.
Motivating Others: Publicly recognizing a student for their helpfulness can inspire peers to engage in similar acts of kindness.
Ways to Promote Positive Social Behavior
Encouraging Acts of Kindness
Early Education: Educate students about kindness and consideration through structured activities that emphasize sharing, cooperation, and mutual support.
Group Projects: Organize collaborative projects that require teamwork and mutual assistance, encouraging students to practice and appreciate positive social behaviors from a young age.
Practicing Gratitude
Expressing Appreciation: Encourage students to express gratitude towards their peers, teachers, and the school community.
Gratitude Tools: Implement tools like gratitude journals or bulletin boards where students can publicly acknowledge and thank others for their acts of kindness and support.
Creating Visual Reminders of Empathy
Visual Displays: Display visual reminders, such as photographs and stories, that highlight instances of empathetic actions taken by students.
Storytelling: Encourage students to write about their experiences of helping others, reflecting on how these actions promote positive social behaviors within the classroom community.
Building One-on-One Connections
Personal Engagement: Develop personal connections with students by demonstrating genuine interest and understanding of their individual needs and concerns.
Daily Check-ins: Start each day with a brief personal check-in with students, asking about their well-being and providing opportunities for them to share any concerns they may have.
Using Empathetic Language
Modeling Empathy: Model the use of empathetic language during classroom interactions to demonstrate understanding and support.
Encouraging Expression: Encourage students to articulate their feelings and perspectives while respecting those of others, fostering a classroom environment where empathy is valued and practiced.
Teaching Self-Empathy
Self-Compassion Development: Help students cultivate self-compassion by teaching them strategies for self-care and positive self-talk.
Mindfulness Practices: Integrate mindfulness activities into daily routines to encourage students to reflect on their emotions and thoughts, promoting emotional resilience and self-awareness.
Promoting positive social behavior in the classroom is essential for creating a nurturing and effective learning environment. By fostering empathy, kindness, gratitude, and self-compassion, educators equip students with the social skills necessary for both academic success and personal development. Recognizing and reinforcing positive behaviors ensures that students feel valued and motivated to contribute positively to the classroom culture, thereby fostering a supportive community where every student can thrive.
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dsenvs3000w24 · 7 months
How Nature Inspires Me
I think that the coolest thing about nature is that it improves our mental health and ability. Spending time in nature can improve memory, attention, concentration, impulse inhibition, and mood (Bratman et al., 2012). In children and teenagers specifically, nature can improve self-esteem, stress, resilience, depression, and quality of life too (Tillmann et al., 2018). I find that this idea of nature improving mental health translates really frequently to my own life. Any time I am outside, especially when the weather is nice, I almost instantly feel way better and more energized. I have recently started taking a bit of a longer route on my way to the bus stop in the morning because I get to walk through the park along a river instead of next to a busy street and plaza. I find that just this small amount of time in nature at the start of my day has an overwhelmingly positive effect on my mood and motivation for the rest of the day. I think it is incredibly cool that a 5-minute walk through a park once a day, as part of my normal commute, can have such positive effects for me.
One of my favourite aspects of how nature can boost my mental health is by providing me with a sense of inspiration. Whenever I feel like I am out of ideas for creating art or music, I look for the first opportunity I have to get outside and go for a walk through a local trail. During the spring, I love getting excited over seeing all the leaves starting to emerge, and the first signs of green grass or warmer weather. The spring tends to instil me with a sense of anticipation that makes me feel excited for the upcoming summer and inspires me to start thinking of what types of music I want to write once the semester ends, or what sorts of art I want to draw once it gets warm enough to sit and draw outside. Once the summer and warm weather hits, I generally spend the most amount of time out in nature. Everything in the summer seems so vibrant and alive, and it encourages me to go for long walks or sit in the sun and enjoy the weather and the sense of wellbeing I feel from nature in the summer. This feeling inspires me to want to create as much as I can and fills me with the energy to do that. I find that the summer is generally my most creatively productive time, and most of that is directly fueled by having the opportunity to be in and appreciate nature.
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A tree frog enjoying the vibrancy of summer with me.
Once autumn starts, I generally begin slowing down, but I usually get more of a sense of urgency from seeing the weather start to change and the natural landscape start to morph into winter. I still love heading outside during autumn because the new colours of the trees, the abundance of cool mushrooms to find, and the general feeling of nature are really cozy and calming, despite the urgent feeling of constantly needing to be outdoors. Autumn tends to inspire some of my weirder but more relaxed music, and some of my coolest nature-inspired art. While I don’t get outside as much in the winter, I find that when I do, I always feel really fulfilled afterwards and my motivation for the rest of the week is significantly improved. The cold and darkness of winter can be brightened by the stark white snow and incredible views of winter hikes, and the positive feelings imbued by nature can shine even when the sun is barely out.
Works Cited
Bratman, G. N., Hamilton, J. P., & Daily, G. C. (2012). The impacts of nature experience on human cognitive function and mental health. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1249(1), 118-136.
Cox, D. T., Shanahan, D. F., Hudson, H. L., Plummer, K. E., Siriwardena, G. M., Fuller, R. A., ... & Gaston, K. J. (2017). Doses of neighborhood nature: the benefits for mental health of living with nature. AIBS Bulletin, 67(2), 147-155.
Tillmann, S., Tobin, D., Avison, W., & Gilliland, J. (2018). Mental health benefits of interactions with nature in children and teenagers: A systematic review. J Epidemiol Community Health, 72(10), 958-966.
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pashterlengkap · 7 months
Hate influencer Chaya Raichik rages at Disney & Kleenex for celebrating Pride eight months ago
Right-wing extremist Chaya Raichik is outraged that Disney and Kleenex partnered to celebrate Thailand’s Pride. Only she’s a little slow on the uptake this time. Thailand Pride took place back in June 2023, a full eight months before Raichik decided to share her disdain on her Libs of Tik Tok social media account. Earlier this month, Raichik posted photos of the rainbow Disney logo emblazoned on Kleenex packages and complained, “You can’t even blow your nose without having LGBTQ propaganda shoved in your face.” Related: “Ripley’s Believe It or Not!” trolls Ron DeSantis by offering free banned books to Floridians “Looking for a good book? Try one some Florida students aren’t allowed to read.” “Imagine being so oppressed and marginalized that you get your own special tissues dedicated to you!” Raichik ranted. Stay connected to your community Connect with the issues and events that impact your community at home and beyond by subscribing to our daily newsletter. Disney partnered with Kleenex to go all in on LGBTQ propaganda. @Kleenex designed special LGBTQ pride tissue packaging with @Disney themed designs. You can’t even blow your nose without having LGBTQ propaganda shoved in your face. Imagine being so oppressed and marginalized… pic.twitter.com/FHOOhMOxqf— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) February 4, 2024 A few weeks later, another conservative outlet expressed their anger at the long-finished partnership. The conservative Independent Journal Bulletin used Raichik’s post as a launching pad to express its own anger over the Pride tissues. “Satan wants evil to be normalized, and this agenda is evil,” the article declared. It also blasted Disney for seeming “to constantly believe it needs to be involved with the LGBT crowd.” Raichik’s anger is far from limited to massive corporations. She regularly makes untrue and inflammatory claims against the LGBTQ+ community, and her posts have been linked to bomb threats at schools and hospitals across the country. A recent NBC News piece identified 21 instances since November 2020 in which schools or other institutions called out by Libs of TikTok for pushing “woke” ideology subsequently endured bomb threats. An additional 12 institutions targeted by Raichik experienced other forms of what Ingram refers to as “violent intimidation.” Other reports have found an even greater number of connections between the places Raichik posts about and the threats that follow. Media Matters documented 33 instances of threats and harassment directed at 25 different institutions after Libs of TikTok targeted them between February 2022 and October 2023.  Raichik has claimed that she is merely sharing information and can’t control how her social media followers respond to her posts. However, her account regularly echoes right-wing claims of LGBTQ+ people and allies “indoctrinating,” ”grooming,” and “sexualizing” kids — rhetoric that leads to violence against queer people and their allies. Her bio on X once proudly touted her being labeled as a “stochastic terrorist,” a person who uses mass media to provoke random acts of ideologically motivated violence. http://dlvr.it/T3DZgg
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synkdup · 8 months
Office Valentine's Day Ideas for Your Tea
As Cupid's arrow draws near, it's time to infuse the workplace with a dash of love and appreciation for your coworkers. Valentine's Day isn't just reserved for romantic gestures; it's a perfect occasion to celebrate the camaraderie and teamwork that make your office a vibrant place to work. From heartfelt gestures to creative activities, here are some office Valentine's Day ideas to make February 14th memorable for your team.
1. Happy Valentine's Day Team: 
Start the day by spreading love and cheer with a simple but heartfelt message. A "Happy Valentine's Day Team" email or a handwritten note on each colleague's desk can set the tone for a day filled with positivity and appreciation.
2. Valentine's for Coworkers: 
Encourage everyone to participate in a Valentine's Day card exchange. Provide materials like colored paper, markers, stickers, and glitter so that each person can craft a personalized card for their coworkers. These simple tokens of affection can go a long way in boosting morale and fostering connections among team members.
3. Office Valentine's Day Bulletin Board: 
Transform a bulletin board into a festive display of Valentine's Day cheer and motivational quotes for the workplace. Invite employees to contribute by decorating heart-shaped cards with messages of gratitude or by sharing their favorite workplace memories alongside inspiring quotes. This interactive board serves as a visual reminder of the bonds that tie your team together and the motivation that drives them to succeed.
4. Valentine's Day Games: 
Spice up the workday with some fun Valentine's Day-themed games. Organize a trivia contest with questions about famous couples or romantic movies. Alternatively, host a scavenger hunt where clues lead participants to hidden Valentine's Day treats scattered around the office. These activities promote teamwork and provide a welcome break from the daily grind.
5. Office Valentine's Day Gifts: 
Show appreciation for your coworkers with small tokens of affection. Consider gifting each team member a personalized item such as a coffee mug with their name or a motivational quote. Alternatively, organize a Secret Cupid gift exchange where colleagues can anonymously exchange presents tailored to their recipient's interests.
6. Valentine's Day Potluck: 
Gather your team for a festive potluck lunch filled with heart-shaped treats and savory delights. This event not only celebrates Valentine's Day but also provides a perfect setting to announce the "Employee of the Month." Encourage everyone to bring a dish to share, whether it's homemade cookies, heart-shaped sandwiches, or themed desserts. Sharing a meal together fosters a sense of community and provides an opportunity for colleagues to bond outside of work tasks. It's also a great time to recognize the hard work and dedication of the outstanding employee who has earned the title of "Employee of the Month."
7. Random Acts of Kindness: 
Encourage acts of kindness and generosity throughout the day to foster employee connections in the workplace. Whether it's offering to help a colleague with their workload, complimenting someone on their hard work, or simply saying "thank you" for a job well done, these small gestures can make a big difference in creating a positive work environment and strengthening the bonds between coworkers.
8. Valentine's Day Decor: 
Deck out the office in festive Valentine's Day decor to set the mood for celebration. Hang heart-shaped garlands, scatter rose petals on communal areas, and place vases of fresh flowers on desks. These decorative touches create a warm and inviting atmosphere that boosts morale and enhances employee engagement.
In conclusion, Valentine's Day presents a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the spirit of love and appreciation in the workplace. By implementing these office Valentine's Day ideas, you can foster a sense of camaraderie, boost morale, and create lasting memories with your coworkers. So, spread the love and make this Valentine's Day a day to remember for your entire team!
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marliaismyangel · 9 months
Unleashing the Power Within: A Guide to Finding and Sustaining Motivation
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Motivation is the driving force that propels us toward our goals and aspirations. Whether it's tackling a challenging project, adopting a healthier lifestyle, or pursuing personal growth, motivation is the key ingredient that fuels our journey. However, finding and sustaining motivation can be a complex process, and many individuals struggle with it. In this blog, we'll explore practical strategies and tips to help you unlock and maintain your inner motivation.
1. Set Clear Goals
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Define your objectives clearly. Ambiguous goals can lead to confusion and a lack of motivation. Break down larger goals into smaller, achievable tasks, creating a roadmap that guides you toward success. This not only makes the process more manageable but also provides a sense of accomplishment with each small milestone.
2. Find Your Why
Understanding the underlying reasons behind your goals is crucial for sustained motivation. Reflect on the deeper meaning and personal significance of your objectives. Connecting with your purpose reinforces your commitment and provides a powerful source of inspiration during challenging times.
3. Create a Vision Board
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Visualizing your goals can be a potent motivator. Consider creating a vision board with images, quotes, and representations of your aspirations. Place it somewhere visible, serving as a daily reminder of what you're working towards. Visualization can strengthen your commitment and make your goals feel more attainable.
You can create a vision board by printing out photos or pictures and pinning them to a cork board like the one linked below.
4. Develop a Routine
Establishing a daily routine provides structure and helps create positive habits. Consistency is key when it comes to motivation. By incorporating your tasks into a regular schedule, they become ingrained in your daily life, reducing the likelihood of procrastination.
5. Break Tasks into Manageable Steps
Large tasks can be overwhelming, leading to procrastination. Break them down into smaller, more manageable steps. Focusing on one step at a time not only makes the process less daunting but also allows you to celebrate achievements along the way.
6. Surround Yourself with Positivity
Negative influences can drain your motivation. Surround yourself with positive people, inspirational content, and environments that foster growth. Engage in conversations that uplift and encourage you. A positive support system can significantly impact your motivation levels.
7. Celebrate Progress
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Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Recognizing progress boosts confidence and reinforces your commitment to your goals. Consider keeping a journal to track your accomplishments and reflect on the positive changes you've made.
8. Stay Flexible
Life is unpredictable, and obstacles are inevitable. Stay flexible and adapt to changing circumstances. Instead of viewing challenges as setbacks, see them as opportunities for growth and learning. This mindset shift can help you navigate difficulties with resilience and maintain your motivation.
9. Reward Yourself
Incorporate rewards into your journey. Treat yourself when you reach milestones or complete challenging tasks. Rewards can be powerful motivators, reinforcing positive behavior and making the process more enjoyable.
10. Seek Inspiration
Read books, listen to podcasts, or watch videos that align with your goals. Learning from the experiences of others can provide valuable insights and reignite your motivation. Consider joining communities or groups that share similar interests for additional support and inspiration.
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Motivation is a dynamic force that requires cultivation and nourishment. By implementing these strategies into your daily life, you can unlock your inner motivation and embark on a journey of growth and achievement. Remember that motivation is a personal and evolving process, so be patient with yourself and enjoy the transformative power it brings to your life.
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trexova · 9 months
Choosing Your Yoga Path: Online Courses, In-person Instruction, and Accessible Yoga
Embarking on a yoga journey can be a transformative experience, but with the myriad of options available, it's essential to navigate wisely. Whether you're searching for yoga classes near me, considering an online yoga class, or simply exploring yoga near me,this comprehensive guide will help you make informed decisions to enhance your yoga practice.
Local Yoga Classes:
Benefits of Local Classes: Embracing the community spirit, attending local yoga classes provides a unique experience. The physical presence of an instructor ensures personalized guidance, corrections, and immediate feedback, fostering a deeper connection with your practice.
How to Find Local Classes: Explore community centers, yoga studios, and fitness clubs in your vicinity. Utilize online platforms, such as Google Maps, Yelp, or specialized yoga directories, to discover hidden gems. Word of mouth and local bulletin boards can also be valuable resources.
Class Types and Levels: Local classes cater to various yoga styles and proficiency levels. Whether you're a beginner, intermediate, or advanced practitioner, understanding the class types and levels ensures a seamless integration into a community that aligns with your goals.
Schedules and Flexibility: Assess the schedules of nearby classes to find one that fits your daily routine. Some studios offer flexible timings or multiple class options, accommodating diverse schedules and preferences.
Online Yoga Classes:
Advantages of Online Yoga Classes: In the digital age, online yoga class provide unparalleled convenience. With the flexibility to practice at any time, these virtual sessions break geographical barriers, allowing access to expert instructors and diverse yoga styles from the comfort of your home.
Platforms and Apps: Numerous platforms and apps offer online yoga classes, each with its unique features. Popular options include YogaGlo, Alo Moves, and YouTube channels from renowned instructors. Explore these platforms to find a style that resonates with you.
Tips for a Successful Online Yoga Experience: Creating a dedicated space, investing in quality equipment, and ensuring a reliable internet connection are crucial for a successful online yoga practice. Additionally, staying consistent and treating online classes with the same commitment as in-person sessions enhances the overall experience. 
Community Engagement in Virtual Spaces: Online yoga communities foster connections through forums, social media, and live chats during classes. Engaging with these communities can provide motivation, support, and a sense of belonging, transforming the solitary nature of virtual classes into a shared experience. 
Finding Yoga Nearby:
Utilizing Online Search: When searching for yoga near me, leverage online search engines to discover nearby studios, instructors, or events. Local business listings and directories often provide comprehensive information, including reviews and ratings.
Social Media and Local Groups: Joining local yoga groups on social media platforms can be a goldmine for information. Members often share recommendations for classes, events, and instructors, creating a sense of camaraderie among like-minded individuals.
Event Participation: Attend yoga events, workshops, or festivals in your area. These gatherings not only introduce you to local instructors and studios but also provide an opportunity to explore various yoga styles and techniques.
Collaborations with Wellness Spaces: Explore collaborations between yoga studios and wellness spaces like spas, holistic health centers, or even parks. These unconventional settings may offer unique yoga experiences while promoting overall well-being.
Navigating your yoga journey involves a thoughtful blend of local classes and online options. Whether you prefer the sense of community in a nearby studio or the flexibility of virtual classes, finding the right balance is key to a fulfilling practice. By exploring both avenues and engaging with local resources, you can embark on a yoga journey that aligns seamlessly with your goals and preferences. Remember, the path to wellness is as unique as you are, so take the time to discover what resonates most with you on your yoga journey.
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soonparisblog · 10 months
The Art of Gifting: Secret Santa Gifts That Strengthen Work Relationships and Team Bonding
The holiday season is more than just about festive decorations and delectable foods; it's about spreading cheer and showing appreciation, especially to those we work with daily. The tradition of exchanging Secret Santa gifts is a festive favorite that packs in excitement, surprise, and much camaraderie. But did you know, the carefully chosen presents can also strengthen work relationships and team bonding? Here are some Secret Santa gift ideas that not only bring holiday cheer but also help strengthen connections within your team.
Personalized Desk Items
Personalized items like mouse pads, coasters, or mugs with the recipient's name, initials, or a warm message can make your colleague feel special. It's a nice way to show you recognize and value them as individuals.
A Book by Their Favorite Author
Gifting a book from an author or genre they admire sends a strong signal - you pay attention to their interests which, in turn, helps deepen the relationship.
Mini Whiteboard or Bulletin Board
A mini whiteboard or bulletin board they can place on or near their desk is useful and promotes communication. Your colleague can use it to jot down ideas, messages or as a reminder board.
DIY Recipe Jar
For the colleagues who love cooking or baking, a DIY Recipe Jar filled with the dry ingredients of a unique recipe along with the recipe card can be a delightful surprise. It signals thoughtfulness and shared interests.
Lunch Box Recipe Book
Eating together is a bonding activity. A recipe book for quick and easy lunchbox meals can offer opportunities for shared lunch breaks, food discussions, and increases team interaction.
Teamwork Puzzle
A jigsaw puzzle with an image representing teamwork or a motivational quote about collaboration can serve as a gentle reminder of the importance of working together, facilitating a feeling of camarity.
Stress Relief Toys
Work pressure can build up stress. Stress relief toys or fidget gadgets can help relieve tension and stress, showing your concern for your colleagues' well-being.
The art of gifting lies in knowing your recipient and choosing something that resonates with them. More than the material value, it's the thought, the intent and the care that counts. By focusing on these aspects while purchasing or crafting your Secret Santa gifts, you can spread festive joy and also strengthen your working relationships. After all, a closely-knit team is the strongest asset a workplace can boast of!
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3 x Girl Power Printables
This empowering "Girl Power" quote printables is the perfect addition to any space that celebrates the strength, resilience, and determination of women. Featuring a bold and inspiring quote, this printable serves as a reminder of the limitless potential and capabilities that girls and women possess. With its eye-catching design and empowering message, this printable can be displayed on walls, desks, or bulletin boards, serving as a daily source of motivation and empowerment. Whether you're creating a gallery wall, setting up a home office, or looking for a thoughtful gift, this "Girl Power" quote printable is sure to inspire and uplift, reminding everyone of the incredible power that lies within each and every girl and woman. Embrace your strength, embrace your voice, and let this printable be a symbol of empowerment in your space.
This is just a digital download, you need to print it yourself.
Details: ♡ 3 Posters - in PDF - in jpg (20.3 x 25.4 cm)
Leave a comment if you would like to see a specific printable.
You can get these printables on my Etsy store!
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andronetalks · 1 year
NYPD is monitoring Telegram amid concerns racially motivated extremists are plotting to use new hacking device called Flipper Zero to attack energy grids
Daily Mail UK News By NEIRIN GRAY DESAI FOR DAILYMAIL.COM PUBLISHED: 20:20 EDT, 2 August 2023 | UPDATED: 02:48 EDT, 3 August 2023 The NYPD and other law enforcement agencies across the country fear that a consumer hacking tool will be used by radical extremist groups to attack electrical substations, internal documents reveal. A bulletin published by a law enforcement task force in South…
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