#daily bad touch
daily-memory-of-touch · 2 months
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daily-basil · 5 months
Basil finds out about sunny (bad ending)
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Oyasumi~ ^0^
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daily-tails · 1 year
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[Image ID in alt text]
starting off this blog with a bang
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boos-gh0st · 2 months
When we were doing our second playthrough of In Stars And Time, my friend and I had decided to swap a lot of the characters we voiced in the initial one
I kept the ones I had initially that he didn’t enjoy doing and vice versa
So I had siffrin, Odile, the Head housemaiden, and a couple others
He had loop, Mirabelle, Isabeau, Bonnie, the king, and a few others
By the time we finished I had gotten used to the initial reaction of a siffrin sprite appearing and reading immediately, so when we were going through the final chat with loop and siffrins sprite flashed on “STARS killing you would make me SO HAPPY.” I had started to say it, but he had also started to say it because it was loops dialogue
We thought it was actually really dope
And we redid the line saying it together
And he made his loop voice sound more like my siffrin voice (my normal speaking voice) as the game progressed so it did just genuinely sound like two siffrins
Especially cause he had voiced siffrin in our prior play though
Anyway our loops hate eachother and we joke about that a lot
My loop makes fun of his loop
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ficoandleo · 29 days
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"So there's something I've noticed when I'm walking around campus sometimes. My hearing's kinda sensitive even when I'm not using my stigma--super annoying since I hate noise. But sometimes, even if there's no one around or I can count the people around I hear someone I can't see.
"Not talking but like. Their heartbeat. Or their breathing. Or their footsteps. Or some combination. It's way more obvious when I'm using my stigma but I swear I hear it even without it, if it's quiet enough. Feels like I hear it more if I'm near that gross forest--but it can be anywhere on campus.
"Obviously you'd think it's just one of the cats or some anomaly or whatever but human heartbeats and breathing patterns are different from animals' and anomalies'. Some anomalies can imitate them yeah but this is way too consistent to be some anomaly. There's definitely someone there, especially when it's dark. Creep.
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"Thing is I don't think it's me they're after. I think we just happen to be around a lot of the same places. A lot of paths crossing wherever it's interesting, you know? Like we both wanna know what's going on but no one will tell us. So we just figure it out ourselves however we can.
". . .I don't think that Cap or that coiffed up three-eyes would like me getting involved there~ But what choice am I gonna have if they keep leaving me in the dark? Oh, pun! Didn't even catch it.
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"If they don't start letting me in on their little game I might have to see if the heartbeat in the shadows would wanna do a collab~ I don't need to hide in the dark, after all. I just need to be close enough to hear--and that really doesn't have to be all that close."
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phatcatphergus · 9 months
Sunny didn’t recognize Tubbo. The man in front of her was wearing her Pa’s face, he had the same smile lines and eye color, and he even had the same chronic bedhead as her Pa.
But this mad had a vacant stare in otherwise warm eyes. He had a tight stance that was ready to spring into action. This man carried the smell of blood and gasoline instead of oil and eath. This man was barking orders and slamming doors while telling her to keep safe.
This man was not her Pa, but she could still see him beneath the layers that this man wore. She could hear it in his voice beneath the growl of the other man’s orders and the rumble of the chainsaw. She could see the way his eyes softened when he looked at her and how his cold fingers would tighten around hers when she grabbed his hand. 
This man was not her Pa, but someone her Pa became.
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Danny's villain ark
So after danny came out to his parents as phantom, they didn't beleive him to be their son and turned him over to the GIW.
In order to save their families sam and tucker had to turn over information about danny, danny found out andnwas destroyed by this, he understood where they were coming from but that dosent stop the betrayal.
Danny is kept captive and experimented on, until one day when he overheard them talking about jazz, thay said that since shes uncovering everything they did they have to put a hit on her.
The knowledge that his sister never gave up on him and is trying to help him and that the GIW were about to kill her triggered his obssession. Being expermented on warped his morals so he has no problme whiping them off the map.
But not before sending all the information to jazz. And i mean ALL. The unethical experiments, the atempted assasination, the tax froud, everything!
After escaping the GIW danny just wanted to leave but he couldn't without saying goodbye to jazz.
When he showed up on her doorstep looking like hell, jazz didnt even blink, this was her brother he still looks like hes 15 and has gone through the 7 rings of hell he's her brother and she hugged him like her life depended on it.
After all the tears, danny explained what happened, gave her all the evidence he acquired from that GIW lab, which is more than enough to take down the GIW and their parents.
After their talk danny hesitatingly tells her that while he did miss her and loved her more than anything, being their changed him and that he didnt want to stay.
Jazz while saddened understands her brother, and won't stop him from leaving.
He gives her a phone he modified so that they can talk, communicate and give insights to each other.
Jazz while happy questions where he learned to make something like this, all he tells her is that he picked up a few new skills.
After staying with jazz for a month, danny is ready to take off, he makes sure their phones are working and that he has everything he could possibly need, he says goodbye to jazz promising to call and text every day
Danny starts to explore the infinite realms, he also gains a reputation of not being someone you wanna fuck with.
And jazz works to help all the people who are like danny, different fron the rest and tortured because of it, and if in getting them that help she distroys the GIW and her parents, making sure no one not even the janitors get away without a prision sentence, well thats between her and her brother.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 10 months
been thinking about kubosai with saiki meeting kuboyasus dogs again...
the dogs TEASING KUSUO for having an obvious crush on aren and they all think the two of them are either in a situationship, since theyre CLEARLY in love but dont really look like theyre dating, OR that theyre straight up dating but are hiding it cuz they havent told arens mom yet
"does he know you love him? have you told him?"
"i dont love him..."
"ಠ_ಠ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
"i regret showing you that i can talk to you."
this from aren and his mom's perspectives is just kusuo having a staring contest with a dog and looking very annoyed for some reason lmao
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taylortruther · 1 year
The irony? Are they back with a new blog?
no, someone just knows who they are and won't spill and that's their choice, which i understand because i don't want anyone to be doxxed. i don't fully agree with the choice, i think the person or people targeted specifically deserve to know, but that's not my call nor would i be involved in that.
what i will say is that i don't think you should have an easy time returning to a fandom space if you intentionally tried to create a culture of shaming/humiliation and then never apologize to the people you targeted.
~it's just a hobby~ and i get that but i see this behavior happen all the time (here, but irl and in other communities) and it is the source of a lot of negativity here. someone will target a person or a few specific people, they bond with others over shared interests (taylor) in order to gain allies, and then they have the safety to harass more openly because their allies are unlikely to challenge them--after all, they don't want "drama" or to lose their friends. then when they finally get called-out for sowing discord, these malicious actors just skip off because there are no consequences. in fact, on the internet, you can just rename or make a whole new url and reingratiate yourself so you can do it again. and then you can say you yourself were harassed and thus your past actions shouldn't matter anymore.
i've seen it happen on swiftie tumblr multiple times, in other online communities, irl in friend groups... hell, we all see it happen at large scale irl. it's just gross. it's gross behavior.
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starglossie · 10 months
whatever we are, it's enough pairing: shiguang rating: teen word count: 1.7k+ - handholding is a love language - touch is what we are, what we always will be - we don't need a word for this when i know being by your side feels right ao3 link.
Cheng Xiaoshi pulls shivers as a blustery wind hits him from behind, creating pinpricks of cold that blossoms around his neck, and the tip of his ears, and the palms of his fingers. “Aye!” He exclaims, bunching his shoulders. The cold wind is relentless. Despite his best attempts at closing in on himself for warmth.
“It’s too cold!” Cheng Xiaoshi whines. He bops back and forth on the balls of his feet. He can see his breath every time he exhales. God. He peered over the bodies in front of him, all standing in line to get a seat at the noodle restaurant. “Lu Guang,” Cheng Xiaoshi looks at his partner with a pout on his lips. “I’m freezing.”
Lu Guang raises his head and as he does, the small cat ears on his white beanie flutter a bit. As if they were real and not cute decorations added to his beanie. He looks unimpressed by Cheng Xiaoshi’s whining. “Wasn’t it your idea to try this place out?” He is the voice of rationality that Cheng Xiaoshi sometimes loves but right now, cannot stand.
“Can’t a guy have regrets?!” He snaps back but his words lack their bite. The cold is vicious and seeps into the spaces of his words. So his retort is more shaky, shivering, bouncing at the ends. He wishes desperately to be back at their studio. Warm and secured in their house. We have noodles at home! He thinks but Lu Guang had a point.
There was a new restaurant that opened about two weeks ago called Dan Dan Noodles. The restaurant has been a success since their debut. Dan Dan’s reviews so far were all 4 stars or 5 stars. People were raving about the thick quality of the noodles, the fresh taste of the veggies, the mouthwatering juiciness of the meat that melted right in their mouths—but the real winner of the magical bowl was their broth. Something about the broth made people think of home. Made people immediately find comfort. Made people starve for more.
Hence, the ridiculously long line outside the small restaurant.
Cheng Xiaoshi wanted to give the hype of Dan Dan at least two weeks to cool down before attempting to snag a bowl. But it looked like his efforts were in vain. Now he’s been in line with Lu Guang for the past twenty minutes turning into a human icicle. The line was moving, albeit slowly. A small miracle in and of itself. But the cold…
“Cheng Xiaoshi.”
God. Cheng Xiaoshi is drunk off the sound of his name coming from Lu Guang. Lu Guang’s words are a string that pulls Cheng Xiaoshi out of his thoughts. He looks up and finds Lu Guang staring at him in the way he does—as if he’s holding the world in the palm of his hands and he’s seeing everything, all of life, all at once. Cheng Xiaoshi shivers. This time, not because of the cold.
“What?” He blinks. Lu Guang is an interesting guy. Cheng Xiaoshi likes to think he knows Lu Guang very well, considering how long they’ve known each other. But Lu Guang remains a mystery at times… “Do you have to use the bathroom?”
Lu Guang’s face twists up in mild annoyance and disgust from the suggestion. Cheng Xiaoshi thought it was a rather common deduction to make considering how cold it was and how long they’d been standing in line before.
Lu Guang rolls his eyes. Cheng Xiaoshi has half a mind to tease him about his coyness until he feels fingers brush along his wrist. Shooting out like a rocket, tickling his skin like a feather. Scared, hesitant, and then all at once his hand is being yanked into Lu Guang’s right pocket. Cheng Xiaoshi’s brain short circuits shortly afterwards. There’s a warmth touching his palm, tickling his fingers, a soft fabric filled with some sort of ball like texture. A hand heater! Or something of that nature. Cheng Xiaoshi isn’t sure on the actual term but he knows what they are at least.
He looks down at their joined hands hidden away in Lu Guang’s pocket. Safe. Tucked into a gentle, warm fold that no one else could enter.
Their hands were a constant source of connection for them. Touching hands was the catalyst of their powers.
And here, in a line with thirty other people, held tightly by the crisp, November air, they hold hands. As if daring the universe to sever their connection.
Cheng Xiaoshi’s neck flushes a crimson red. He whips his head over to Lu Guang who’s looking off towards the direction of the front entrance of the restaurant. But Cheng Xiaoshi sees the redness on the tips of his ears. The wildfire blush scars the back of his neck. Cheng Xiaoshi wants to bite the redness and know its taste. Leave his own redness on Lu Guang’s skin—bites and kisses and all sorts of fingerprints.
He squeezes Lu Guang’s hand tightly. And in return, he is graced with a gentle squeeze back from Lu Guang.
“I’m not so cold anymore,” Cheng Xiaoshi rasps. His voice is low and reverent. As if speaking any louder would blow out the tiny spark of fire brewing between them. He’d never want to do that.
Lu Guang looks at him and a star blooms inside of Cheng Xiaoshi’s chest. A solar flare swallows him whole. Lu Guang looks at him, eyes wandering, as if he’s taking a photograph of Cheng Xiaoshi to preserve this moment. He’s not sure what sort of face he’s making right now (probably a dumb one).
“I’m glad,” Lu Guang says in the same careful, quiet tone. As if he’s not trying to scare away the thing between them neither of them knew what to call.
He’s not sure how to categorize their relationship anymore. They’re friends. And then they are something more than that, but not quite lovers. Nothing has been defined. No labels have been placed to name what it is that makes Cheng Xiaoshi’s heart nearly explode whenever his mind shifts back into focus on the fact that they’re holding hands in line, surrounded by a crowd of people all waiting to get into Dan Dan.
The line moves and they are within the next three people to go inside.
“We’re close!” Cheng Xiaoshi is falling apart at the seams over something as simple as hand holding—Get it together, Cheng Xiaoshi! You’re not the first two people to ever hold hands. Surely you won’t be the last—while also flying to the moon with anticipation. Finally, their hard work of standing in line and braving the crispy, blustery November air would be worth it.
“About time. I’m starving.”
When it’s finally their turn, they get a table tucked away in the back. Dan Dan smells of cooking meat, warm seasoning, and mouthwatering broth. The lighting inside is dim, soft oranges and muted reds—an intimate space. The waiters navigate the tables with ease. Taking everyone’s drink and dinner orders. The kitchen is exposed in the back so all the chefs can be seen as they prepare different dishes.
Cheng Xiaoshi notices that their hands don’t separate even as they sit down at the table across from one another. Secured. Underneath the table like a well kept secret.
A large smile devours Cheng Xiaoshi’s face. “This feels like a date, now.” He blurts out. The words run together and are tied in a bow of expectation—of wanting.
Lu Guang’s cheeks color red. He’d probably blame it on the cold if Cheng Xiaoshi pushed. “We can consider it one.” He says slowly, carefully, with the same cautiousness he always carried when talking about them.
“Yeah? Ok. Ok. Done. Consider it done. Considered. We’re on a date. You and me. Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi. Cheng Xiaoshi and-Ow!” Cheng Xiaoshi flinches as Lu Guang’s foot connects with his shin. “What was that for?”
“You were rambling. I was afraid you wouldn’t stop.”
“And you felt like kicking me was the best option!”
Lu Guang smiles, a sneaky sort of thing. A smile that makes Cheng Xiaoshi’s heart twist and the pain settle in his shin. Overtaken by the immense wanting once again. “It was effective.”
Their waiter comes to take their orders. They both place an order for beer and noodles. With appetizers to tide them over. The appetizers and drinks come out first. Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang went through three beers each in-between bites of their dumplings, chicken wings, and vegetables.
A comfortable buzz settled between the two. Cheng Xiaoshi’s cheeks were blooming tomatoes. Everything Lu Guang did was funny, endearing—cute. His soft laughter. His quiet smile. His mischievous gaze seemed to get more and more open as the drinks came, as the heat settled, as their bowls of noodles were set and they both dug into their meal.
While their hands were no longer connected, their touching was constant. Their feet touched under the table. Their fingers brushed against one another’s at times to pass each other things like more water, another napkin, anything. Any excuse big or small they could make to touch each other. It didn’t matter.
Once dinner was done—bowls empty, bellies full—they paid for their meals and left the restaurant. Immediately upon exiting, Cheng Xiaoshi is hit with another blustery gust of November air. Shivers race down his spine. He curls into himself, yelling out into the night, “It’s too cold!”
But this time, he turns to Lu Guang who’s looking at him with a sort of warmth and flickering expectancy of something that makes Cheng Xiaoshi swallow thickly. He takes Lu Guang’s hand because he can. Because he’s allowed to. Because it doesn’t matter if they don’t know what they are—they have this. Touch. Touch has always centered them. Touch has always been how the two of them communicated; operated.
He didn’t need a word for this.
Lu Guang was enough.
“Let’s go home,” Cheng Xiaoshi squeezes their hands together and puts Lu Guang’s hand right in his pocket. Safe and secure. Tucked away. Their own little secret again. “Get warmed. Maybe… cuddle.” He suggests with a playful wiggling of his eyebrows.
Lu Guang snorts, “Needy fellow…” but the corners of his lips quirk with amusement. He likes the idea just as much as Cheng Xiaoshi. Stubborn guy.
Cheng Xiaoshi only grins in return, laughing. Giddy with desire and drunk off proximity.
They walk home, hand in hand.
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dockaspbrak · 3 months
thinking your opinion is the correct and only one and you're better than other people because you know best is the mind killer. Even about dumb shit. Even about big things. People have different lives than you!!!!!!!! Have some open minded empathy!!!!
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daily-memory-of-touch · 4 months
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Day 3: SIFFRIN IS NOT A MAN ‼️‼️‼️‼️
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fersrsbizniz · 2 years
What I love: seeing the story of Dracula unfold in a different light and making it fresh again for us rereaders
What I am amused by: seeing expectations and theories that either will or won’t come to pass
What I don’t love: seeing people post blatant spoilers in the tag for first time readers
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arcaneyouth · 6 months
i'm starting to think living with 5 other people may simply be a problem
#vent post#negative#i've come to the conclusion i'm not getting enough sugar in my daily meals#(which is. ironic in a lot of ways. but i don't know what else the problem would be)#and that's great that's cool that i've come to this conclusion. i don't think i can solve this one#we don't buy that much sugary or junk food stuff anymore#my dad's got diabetes that makes sense that's understandable#so a lot of our family meals are like rice and meat and a salad#but yknow i'm not really gonna ask my parents to change that! it's been like that for a long time now it's fine it's alright#but i don't think i can actually solve the problem#i. already have a lot of foods that the rest of my family isn't allowed to touch. because i am So Picky#and when they were eating my foods more often i was Starving#i don't. think. i can ask for more. and you know what that's fine! that's fine that's ok i like my meals they're tasty as hell#what about snacks then? can we get snacks for the whole family? well no#we stopped buying more junk foodish snacks because it was All my siblings were eating#and it was bad! it was bad they shouldn't have been doing that. but now i don't think my parents trust us to be responsible with snack food#so our snack foods are. protein bar. fruit snacks (i had to request these specifically). popcorn#that's. that's fine. that's fine maybe i should be focused on fruit instead! fruit is good sugar!#well we don't store fruit i like the way i like it (don't put it in the fridge) so i never eat any of it anymore#but everybody else seems fine with it so really i'm not going to win this argument cause everybody else actually eats it more when it's out#(i don't think this is true. but i think it's true for My Dad and My Mom specifically.)#and i just. it really got me thinking about how much i don't have foods that i like in the house or meals that i love because Somebody Else#likes it done differently and not the way i like it#and that takes priority#to the point where i don't know what the fuck kind of foods i like because we just don't. have. any#i prefer white rice. mom prefers brown so we get brown. i prefer crunchier potatoes. mom prefers them soft so we make them soft#i like my fruits cold. my parents prefer to be able to See the fruits so they stay on the counter. i only eat chicken breast not any other#part of the chicken. my parents prefer thigh meat so we get thigh meat (which i don't eat)#oh huh. this post was a lot longer but tumblr deleted half the tags. yeah that's fair
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alternis · 7 months
"how long have you been playing gbf"
ˢᶦˣ ʸᵉᵃʳˢ
"and when did you beat the free quest to unlock the belial raid"
...ᶠᶦᵛᵉ ᵐᶦⁿᵘᵗᵉˢ ᵃᵍᵒ
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cathalbravecog · 11 months
please know anytime i get an ask like this im EATING IT UP even if my thoughts are messy and all over the place. would take some while to make up something fully cohesive and of quality so yknow i hope even my on the spot ideas are interesting to you all :D
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