#daeron headcanons
witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐃 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
a/n: minor spoilers, everyone is over the age of 18. Their names are linked with my fancast as well xx
Warnings: kidnapping, well more so mentions of kidnapping?
Confident & Flirty (Rhaenyra) x Has Never Been Flirted With Before, Thinks They're Just Being Nice (You)
・It was her father’s idea to cease the feud and move forward. To start fresh. 
・To have the both of you ... spend time together. 
・ You to visit King’s Landing and Rhaenyra to visit your home
・Rhaenyra was adamant that she was still able to choose her partner, so this is what Viserys came up with 
・Platonic, romantic, it didn’t matter what came out of the time together, just as long as things were learnt and traditions were honoured 
・Daemon wasn’t happy with this, but Rhaenyra...well she was fine with it
・Until she realised just how sheltered you grew up, and knew you weren’t going to be as wild as she
・There was a mutual understanding about your new “friendship”, that you both played along while everyone was watching but when their backs were turned, you acted as you pleased
・Both of you thought the other was weird in some way
・But with time, you... fell into platonic love
・Protecting the other from slanderous accusations as well
・You did each other’s hair, picked clothing for one another
・Opened up about your thoughts, your feelings - not just about this situation but about ... everything. The world and all its wonders, its evils. 
・Talking about your maesters and what you’ve been taught - how you’ve been taught, what your favourite things are/your special interests
・The absolute best thing that happened was riding Syrax though
・The dragon, a gorgeous burnt orange beauty, was hesitant for the first half an hour. 
・It was well known that Syrax was a tad ... moody
・The weather had to be right for her to go out flying
・So when you sat down on the sandy, dusty ground of the dragonpit and ...spoke to her, she was rather startled
        “...had a good sleep Syrax?” 
・You said it so casually
・Rhaenyra burst into laughter, but made sure you wouldn’ be able to hear her. She wasn’t expecting this interaction. Her fearsome dragon, crouching down to look you in the eye, her tail flicking back and forth. Like some sort of interested cat.
・But you continued on, not caring about the world around you
  “To be honest, I didn’t. I’ve been a bit nervous about today. And it’s completely okay if you don’t want to take me up.”
・But Syrax was more than happy to take you flying, in fact, she flew farther and longer than usual
・It was one of the best experiences you had ever had 
・And soon Rhaenyra’s romantic love followed
Excited ALL. THE. TIME. (Harwin) X Oh God I Cannot Be Falling In Love With This Dipshit (You)
(think Jamie x Claire from Outlander)
・Harwin saw your family’s feud as kinda stupid. He isn’t the type of guy to hold grudges. 
・So when you came into court, with a scowl and a mean look in your eyes, he knew you were going to be fun
・He wouldn’t leave you alone 
・This hulk of a man, with a tinge of red on his cheeks would always find you during feasts and banquets - any reason for celebration, he would be right by your side
・You were fighting feelings inside of you every time Harwin was around
・The way he winked at you from across the hall, always asked for a dance during feasts (even when no one else was dancing), even when you were outside sitting on one of the benches; he would silently sit down beside you and bump his knee to yours 
・It was an internal fight every. single. time. 
・In the beginning you thought maybe he was just teasing you, trying to rile you up, get a rise out of you. Maybe even get you into his bed and then shame you 
・But Harwin was ... so different. To all the other men at court. Or that you’d met. Even different to your family; your brothers, your father. 
・You knew there was some sort of golden light, or ... good seed, inside him. You knew you could truly trust him
・And so you did
・You started to open up to Harwin; stopping the insults and cold exterior
・He didn’t even make fun of you for it - 
・For changing how you interacted with him. Because he knew something about you too. That you were different; like him. 
・You were thankful for that. There was something about opening up that was difficult for you. And having that grace was one of the reason’s why ... you loved Harwin
・There were times when Harwin’s father shook his head and sighed, knowing that your own father (who was the enforcer of the hatred toward the other) would explode if he found out 
・And one day he did
・But you knew exactly who you needed to go to. You knew exactly where to run
・Harwin’s arms were waiting for you, as soon as he saw your face he knew
Menace To Society (You) x Living Moral Compass (Jace)
・You Confessed Your Love When Thinking He Was Unconscious. There was a lot of history between the two of you - not family related, but friendship related
・You were set to marry someone else and Jacaerys felt like his heart had shattered well and truly
・It was your wedding night, and right before you were going to say your vows, the enemy had hit 
・They took the wedding as the weakest moment to attack
・And the pillar that had crumbled atop Jace made you scream
・Running to him, nearly tripping over the rocks on the floor, you pushed everything that was on him to the side and started to cry 
・You sobbed and sobbed, while holding his body in your hands
・The blood running down his face, you used your clothes to clean him up
     “Don’t die on me, don’t you die on me Jacaerys Targaryen. I love you too much.” 
・Magic words
・Fated words actually
・Because it was destined that the two of you were to be together. Although no one but the stars and the ancestors knew
・Your fiance was shocked by your confession; disgusted, betrayed, but they understood. To some degree, they understood. 
・After the battle had been won, thanks to Daemon and Caraxes, Rhaenyra smiled at the memory. The way you so desperately needed Jace to live. 
・It wasn’t until Jace was in recovery, conscious and healing when Rhaenyra told him what you’d confessed. He had been completely out of it when you’d said those words. 
・Before he had woke, you’d visited him everyday. Bringing flowers, momentos, things you thought he’d like
・You sat and spoke to him, read to him
・But when he awoke, you couldn’t bear to see the look on his face. To look him in the eyes. 
・Rhaenyra had to practically drag you to see him
・Yet, when you did, you ran to each other and embraced so strongly that you nearly fell over
Both Wary of Love & Don’t Think This Can Be Real
・Wary doesn’t describe how distant Alicent was with you
・She truly thought of you as an enemy. And when Alicent sees someone as such, well, the interaction is never pleasant
・Because when the two of you were together, something lit up
・It was a pull from both of you; magnetism, and it took everything not to take each other when you were alone 
・But your families had a firm disdain for each other. Which didn’t make sense for the Hightowers’ as they tried to get on with everybody
・And it wasn’t until you and Alicent kept up your interactions that your family were forced to confront their hatred
・You and Alicent continually went behind their backs because your curiosity outweighed your dislike
・Why did your families hate each other? Where did it start? Why can’t it stop?
・The usual obedient Alicent was heavily influenced by you. Who had a warriors heart - you were brave, braver than many family members who came before you
・And you built a bridge with Alicent. 
・Even if she didn’t want to, you were adamant that you could rectify the wrongs that had plagued your family for generations
・Because if you didn’t, then your family would crumble into nothing
・Alicent didn’t know this. That you had more motive than curiosity to build friendship
・And she did eventually find out the true meaning behind your interactions
・But instead of being angry, she shocked herself by being ... impressed
・You had a drive that she had seen. But that drive wasn’t to better yourself, but to keep your family alive
・She loved it. Ambition, but not for yourself. For the ones you loved. 
・And that’s why she went against her father’s wishes, and kept seeing you. 
・The two of you were practically super sleuthing as neither of your family members’ would tell the same version of events
・So digging up you went, searching for answers, interviewing family and trying not to be too suspicious
・And during this time, Alicent started to develop a crush on you. A hardcore crush on you... 
・Otto soon found out and banned you from seeing each other. 
・But one taste of rebellion and that’s all Alicent needed to go against her father’s wishes ... again
・After finding out what actually happened, you went to Alicent to show her your findings and when you explained what happened, she flung her arms around you and gave you a kiss
Complete And Utter Badass, Rather Monstrous (Daemon) x Their Ray Of Light Who Has Them Wrapped Around Their Finger (You)
・Only someone as badass as you could grab Daemon’s attention and hold it (not that you cared much for it)
・He had seen you on the battle field, a bow and arrow in hand
・Taking down enemies left and right, and when you entered the battle, every strike ran true. There wasn’t a man alive whenever you swung your sword
・There was something so invigorating about seeing your body move in such violent and graceful ways 
・Daemon knew that no matter where you came from or who you were, you were going to be his 
・So it was a shock to find that you were on the opposing side of the battle
・You hated the Targaryens, namely Daemon who had inadvertedly taken your family from you
・But Daemon saw your abilities and knew he could make you into one of the best fighters there ever was 
・So he ... kidnapped you
・Only to explain why he thought you’d be one of the best warriors Westeros has ever seen
・Under his guidance of course
・It wasn’t until the third night that you accepted. He thought it was because of the ... benefits, that you had accepted. But no, it was because you secretly wanted to slaughter him and his entire family
・However, you played along. Under the gauise of wanting to expand your prospects. You had terms, and the main was that he was never to come near you with desire 
・All was going well; he taught you a lot. Not just about combat, but about yourself, the world and challenged what you thought you knew 
・Your family history wasn’t as straightforward as you had believed. And what more, was that the Targaryens barely had anything to do with your family’s downfall. 
・It had been your own kin who had slain one another
・Brother had turned on brother, and it left you with nothing but a fable 
・Daemon had given you this information because he knew you weren’t training just for the sake of glory. You had something planned and he needed you to know the truth before you took action
・It was difficult to deny your feelings growing for Daemon, whose personality seemed to mesh with yours so well, that even Viserys saw a difference in him
・It was astonishing to see what a focused Daemon could do, and the worries that Viserys had were gone, when he saw how far you’d come
・You became a beacon for Daemon; someone he could go to not to talk, but to train. To let off steam, to go on adventures with (under the pretense off “teaching” you something)
・Caraxes became very familiar with you, and would actively seek you out as well, as he was so disliked amongst the other dragons, that companionship was sparse
・The bond between both beings meant that you often forgot your hatred, which had lessened with each day 
・You soon saw Daemon as a companion, a friend; someone who saw all of you and didn’t shy away. He saw all your darkness, your rage, your violence, chaos, confusion. Everything. He saw everything. 
・And he didn’t shy away
・What brought you together was that you reciprocated this
・You saw Daemon’s violence and didn’t blink an eye (NEVER towards you though)
Always Bringing Them Rocks They Think They Would Like x Keeps The Rocks
・Your grandfather had a long lasting hatred for the Targaryens. It was personal, but it kept your family at a distance 
・But your fascination with the Targaryens was always prevalent throughout your childhood
・And whenever you brought them up, your family would shush you. Telling you that you aren’t supposed to ask anything about them
・But it wasn’t until after your grandfather’s death that your family was invited to court by Viserys
・As it turns out, Viserys had been sending invitations for years but your grandfather was declining every single one
・And when your family finally accepted, Viserys ordered there to be a huge feast awaiting for your arrival
・You weren’t expecting this, but your eager eyes were looking for something in particular. 
・But you didn’t expect that certain thing to be kept chained in a pit 
・When you were in the throne room, being introduced to Viserys’ children, the news about the dragons was disappointing
・And a young Targaryen woman shared that same disappointment 
・Around the same age as you, the two of you would have quickly been pushed together. To get to know each other, but both your families knew how ... peculiar you both were, and were adamant that the two of you should be left apart. Since they were scared their offspring would say or do the wrong thing 
・But somehow you bumped into each other in the castle halls, and in the garden, and somehow ... in the dragonpit 
・Soon you came to know Heleana. Both her physical and emotional quirks
・ And gods, Heleana was one of the sweetest people you have ever met. She wasn’t like the rest of the people you had come across. 
・She understood how your brain worked and you understood hers
・The white-haired woman’s love for you came about because you actually listened to her. You always wanted to know what she thought, what she felt. 
・You actively asked her about her visions, and you believed her. 
(𝒔𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒍𝒚 𝒏𝒔𝒇𝒘)
Tough on the Outside, Soft on the Inside (Aemond) x The Top (You)
・Aemond was never the type of person to go against his family’s wishes - especially his mother’s. 
・So when he found you underneath his bed, waiting to attack, he found it quite amusing. 
    “Your name, what is it?” He had snarled, still in his night clothes. 
“My name is of no importance to a dead man.”
   “I see no dead men here.”
・And then somehow he had you pinned on the floor, knife at your throat and white hair like a curtain. All you could see was Aemond’s face; pink tight-lips, pale face, his one good blue eye and his other eye socket was empty, his sapphire orb lay on his bedside table. 
・Your body reacted in a way you did not wish it to 
・You blushed
    “Big bad assassin,” Aemond whispered, the cold blade still pressed against your throat. You could feel his weight and as you started to whisper back, you used it to your advantage. 
・Moving your legs so they were around his waist, you stunned him with a kiss and in one fluid moment, you flipped him over and pinned his arms above his head
    “Remember,” you panted, “I’m always on top.” 
・It was then that Aemond realised he was in trouble
・Because your blade didn’t slice, nor did it cut. It clattered to the side as you got up and left 
・The next day your House was introduced to court and Aemond did everything he could not to react
・You were the direct heir to your House, and when you spotted Aemond in the Throne room, all you could do was smirk. He had no idea. No idea that you were now going to live in King’s Landing - in the castle itself
・Those months were excruciating for Aemond, not just because he thought you were going to kill him at any moment, but because you acted as if he was nothing at all. Nothing more than a Prince. 
・You bowed when you walked passed him, stood when he entered a room
・It became a common occurence for Aemond to look under the bed. To see if his little nightmare was real
・And all the while, you watched from afar, a delighted smile on your face
・It took 6 months of Aemond to make his move. It had to be well thought out of course
・He couldn’t just try anything. No. It needed to be the perfect plan, one that would both out and villainise you
・But again, unbeknownst to the One Eyed Prince, you were three steps ahead
・He hated you; he loved this game even though he tried to hide it and in turn ... he ... loved ... you
・It was a horrible realisation. One that Aegon, of all people, pointed out to him
・And Aemond avoided you (yes, like the plague)
・It took two weeks, that’s all he could bare - of not looking at you, not hearing your voice, your laugh 
・And when he went to leave his chambers to seek you out, you were already at his door...
Arranged Marriage
・He had been sent to Oldtown and had no idea that you would be there too
・Otto had arranged your marriage; your father agreeing to it only under the circumstances of equal opportunity
・You were emblazed with anger
・And on your wedding day, you had screamed and cried and fought until it was time to walk down the aisle 
・Your father explained how important this marriage was. This alliance would bring safety to your House, and it was in that moment that you knew what you had to do
・You had never seen Daeron before, but heard of the story of how he got his name, “The Daring.”
・And the fact that it was nationally know that he was the most likeable out of the Targaryen brothers... 
・You knew your father had bargained for him rather than Aemond, who was harsh and unforgiving 
・Daeron stood at the end of the aisle, a charming smile on his boyish face. 
・ I can do this, you thought triumphantly, I can, I will. 
・When the ceremony was over and the reception was done, you were escorted to your marriage bed with Daeron, who had made every effort to make you feel comfortable 
・While alone together, in your shared room, with the fire blazing, Daeron’s kind smile did not change. There was no flip of personality or loss of kindness. 
・You soon realised that what you saw in Daeron is what is truly there 
・And you felt safe with him
・Which made it even harder to hate him. 
・With each insult you slung his way, he seemed to side step it
・And when you realised that the Prince wasn’t going to hurt you, or take you away from your family or traditions...things started to change for you. You saw him as he is. Golden hearted. 
・Life with Daeron is full of sunshine, blue skies and love
・Meeting Tessarion was a big experience and one that you will never forget. 
・Through the bond she knew your relationship with Daeron, and was apprehensive about you but allowed you to clamber onto her anyway. 
・Considering she was one of the younger dragons, she had incredible speed and stamina. 
・That ride bonded all three of you. Making you feel closer to Daeron, wanting him...the seed of desire had started to grow
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prideprejudce · 2 months
I am truly hoping that daeron is the spitting image of alicent. not only will it make complete sense for him to be shipped away from kings landing after his birth because his very appearance goes against otto's usurping propaganda that alicent's kids are "true targaryens" while rhaenyra's are "half breed strong boys" but alicent having to look in the face of the only normal child in the family surrounded by monsters for brothers and an already half gone sister and seeing his face of disgust and fright and it's her face. it's her face staring right back at her
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kjwaikiki · 2 months
After so much heartbreak and angst on House of the Dragon (with much more to come). I just want some head canons that make me smile.
Here is one I have been holding on to for a while:
Daemon is an incredibly overprotective father but not for any of his blood kids. He is not worried about Rhaena or Baela, they are Laena’s daughters it is more likely that they choose their love interest and they will most likely call all the shots.
In contrast Daemon is incredibly worried about Jace, Luke, and even Joff. They are all so pretty and charming. They take after Rhaenyra so much, and while he loves Rhaenyra he knows what she got up to when she was young. He also knows that what happened between him and Rhaenyra when she was young is not something he would want happening to his boys. He absolutely doesn’t want some roguish man coming in and kissing his boys in brothels offering to take them as their spouse.
Daemon has never felt more stressed when his family meets Viserys’ Hightower brats and he sees the way they look at his boys. He has multiple heart attacks when he sees the one eyed brat (Aemond) and the drunk lecher (Aegon) make eyes at his sweet stepsons. He very much wants to take Aemond’s other eye for the way he is looking at Luke and punch Aegon in the mouth for the way he is smirking at Jace. He can’t deal with this he is going to lock his stepsons up on Dragonstone until they are 50 or until the Hightower brats die whichever comes first.
Daemon has never felt like such a hypocrite. He swears that Viserys has somehow orchestrated all of this to get back at him for the brothel incident ….. and possibly the wedding incident too. At least Daeron is away in Old Town away from Joffrey……… Until Viserys brings him back to the Red Keel to torture his brother. King Viserys has so few amusements and seeing Daemon slowly go bald from seeing these roguish princes of the realm try to seduce his children is the best gift he has ever received. He can die happy now knowing Daemon’s karma has come at last.
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thesummerestsolstice · 8 months
Fic Concept: Erestor is Maglor, Lindir is Daeron, and Gildor is Finrod. They all live in Rivendell in the Third Age. They're all using elf magic to try and hide their identities, so they don't recognize each other.
Lindir has heard Galadriel call Gildor kin but assumes that Gildor is like, Finrod's son or something because Finrod would absolutely name a child "Gildor Inglorion."
Erestor has heard Lindir sing some very familiar old Sindarin lays but assumes that he must just know them because of how popuar Daeron's compositions were. Nevermind that many of them are lost to history by the Third Age.
Gildor knows Erestor is Feanorian because he's not as subtle as he thinks but he doesn't really sing around people anymore– because singing the Noldolante for thousands of years straight has made his voice extremely dangerous– so Gildor assumes he's just another old Feanorian follower.
Elrond and Gandalf are making bets about when they'll realize. Elrond bet it would happen before the Fourth Age. It's not looking good for them.
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pumpkinfyre · 14 days
The Realms Pearl
note: just a ramble on how I think the yandere! hotd cast would be with a darling who is daeron's twin sister ♡
warnings: yandere content, platonic and romantic relationships, darling is religious like her mommy, incest mentioned, aegon and helaena have the hots for their sister, lol, this is based on my oc daenys but is a reader insert for inclusiveness, spoilers for s2
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Viserys and Alicent are very similar in the way they treat her. In the books, we know that Viserys was very close with both of his daughters. He was a girl dad! He adores his youngest daughter, and she often reminds him of how Rhaenyra was when she was a child. He spends long hours in (Name)'s company, letting her read to him as he fiddles with his duplicate of Old Valyria. Once he gets much sicker, close to his death, she'll remain by her father's bedside, speaking of old stories.
Alicent, on the other hand, is fiercely protective of her youngest daughter. She adores both Helaena and (Name), so she keeps them both close to her. Daeron is sent away to Oldtown at a very young age, but Alicent chooses to keep her daughter in Kings Landing. Having her sweet girl sent away would destroy Alicent. As the youngest of her children, (Name) is kept safely away and rarely makes public appearances in court. It's her parents' way of making sure that she isn't corrupted by the politics of Kings Landing.
Her two older brothers, Aegon and Aemond, are tasked with keeping an eye on her when Alicent has things to attend to. Aegon is the more fun brother, always helping his little sister to sneak in the kitchens to steal a piece of cake. He's especially funny, never failing to make (Name) laugh. As they all grow older and mature, Aegon becomes very dependent on his sister. His relationship with their mother is strained, and after being married to Helaena, he feels isolated and odd. Aegon turns to his youngest sister for comfort and companionship. His feelings for her perhaps go deeper than a sibling bond, but it never goes farther than that. Aemond is similar, but he's more of a stick-in-the-mud. He's less inclined to give in to games, like his elder brother. He absolutely adores his baby sister, of course, but he focuses more on her protection than her happiness. Once the Dance begins, she's locked in the Keep and not allowed to mount her dragon, Grey Ghost. Aemond takes on the role as her protector, and in doing so, he is less kind.
Helaena is the closest with her sister. Helaena is the second oldest of Alicent’s children, and as such, (Name) often goes to her older sister for advice. Once the twins are born, (Name) spends even more time with Helaena, as she absolutely adores her niece and nephew. Jaehaerys and Jaehaera are always with her if they're not with their mother. Helaena loves her sister. I think her feelings would be similar to those of Daemon and how he felt about Viserys. Helaena sometimes wishes that she were born a man, so their mother would allow she and (Name) to marry each other. Helaena daydreams about living a quiet and peaceful life with (Name), and even after the death of Jaehaerys, she keeps her sister very close, fearing that someone will kill her darling.
(Name)'s twin brother, Daeron, sends her letters from Oldtown on a constant basis. While they were separated when they were very young, she sometimes travels to Oldtown on Grey Ghost to visit her brother and uncle Gwayne. The letters often consist of how Tessarion is growing and how he wishes they could be together. Gwayne tries to convince Alicent to let his niece stay in Oldtown for the benefit of Daeron. Gwayne and Daeron plan to move (Name) to their home once the war is over.
Kings Landing obviously isn't safe!
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this is such a ramble, but my mind is reeling from s2
( :゚皿゚)
who else is super excited for daeron and tessarion ♡♡♡
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franzkafkagf · 2 months
daeron being so unlike his brothers and alicent feeling responsible for it. has daeron grown up to be kind because he was spared her influence? is her youngest so delightfully normal because he was raised hundreds of miles away from the red keep or from her?
aegon and aemond have been marred by shadows—one a ruler who was crushed beneath the weight of a crown he never wanted, the other a kinslayer who seems to escape from her grasp more and more. how has she, their own mother, failed them so profoundly?
how might aegon and aemond have been, had circumstances—had she—been different. was she the very thing that has doomed her two eldest sons? is she the poison?
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jelloholic · 27 days
Team green characters at the beach
Wearing a beach robe while judging other women for their immodesty
Made sure everyone had everything they needed, all fav snacks, drinks, and sand toys packed
Reads in the shade and enjoys the breeze
Indulges the young ones and Halaena in their conversation of choice
Barbecued super well, the hotdogs were so good Jaehaerys asked to have some everyday for the next week
Acting like a simp towards Alicent, bc she's slaying in her swimsuit, much to everyone's annoyance and/or amusement
Reminding his nephews and his niece to reapply sunscreen regularly, bc he knows Targs burn easily in the sun (reapplied it himself on the twins)
Went to get everyone some milkashes and smoothies at a boardwalk cafe bc he wanted some, and no one else would get up to do it
Flirting with the beach babes
Went to every tourist trap and found a gag gift for each person (he insists it's for a joke, but he wanted to give them lil gifts)
Walked along the beach to spot bugs in the sand
Taking lots of pictures of everyone and everything to remember the day fondly
Wears a baseball cap, stays in the shade and keeps reapplying sunscreen on his face to avoid getting a sunburn in the shape of his eyepatch
Fav beach snacks are Alicent's homemade sandwiches paired with sweet fruit juice
Spending a good chunk of the day in the water with his sister and her children, helping her teach them how to swim
Joined Gwayne on his errand run to take a break from the fam for a bit
Stayed by her momma on her walks and collected sea glass, shells, and pretty rocks
Rambled on about what shapes she thinks the clouds are to Otto
He's that kid that digs a huge hole in the sand and shows it off to his family
Joined other kids at the beach in a game of tag and got whiny when he was 'it'
(Requested by @mrs-starkgaryen )
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lullaebies · 1 year
headcanon: aegon ii has mocking-affectionate nicknames for all of his family. the tradition started with aemond "twat" targaryen, helaena "idiot" targaryen, and daeron "squirt" targaryen, and continued to his sons with jaehaerys adequately named "twerp" and maelor being "brat". only jaehaera gets a pass because his daughter is a sweetie and also the only person that doesn't bully him lmao
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rising-hc · 1 year
The green princes are obsessed with their nephews long, dark, thick, curly and gorgeous hair.
They may try to deny, Aemond especially, but they practically drool over them.
Aegon think that is very sexy of Jacaerys braid his long hair perfectly and use a silver circlet in court.
Aegon fantasies about Jace using the conqueror's crown since then, and if the fantasy involved Jacaerys fucking him with the crown on, that's is with him.
Aemond would choose death over admitting that he adores when Lucerys braids pearls on his hair, but he almost fainted when Lucerys used a circlet with a sapphire.
If Aemond was enraptured by the way that the blue of the sapphire brings out the baby blue of Lucerys eyes that was on him.
The seven are against all the odd things that Joffrey evokes on Daeron when he struts around the Keep with his hair loosely braided with a few strands falling upon his unfairly handsome face, he loves it anyway.
If Daeron had impure dreams with Joffrey since he saw him with his hair cascading down his back, flushed and sweaty after a training session that was totally on him.
Rhaenyra and Helaena are competing for the title of most unamused sister, both agree that their brothers are dumbasses.
The twins are having a great time watching the idiocy of their kinsman's.
Alicent and Daemon are having a horrible time, but who cares? I surely don't.
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justasmallbean · 1 month
────── ❀•°❀°•❀ ──────
Rhaenyra and Alicent’s kids literally grew up together in the same home from birth! Yes they entered teenage years not living together but you cannot convince me that when Lucerys died at least Helaena , Aegon, or even Daeron were hurt or even grieved for Luc, he was the baby of the bunch. They would have gone to class together every day, trained together, went to the dragon pit together. And perhaps if Helaena knew that she could have been married to Jacerys it made her wedding day all the more devastating, because not only was Jace a better match for her it was obvious becasue Jace was not a stranger she knew knew him since babies. Knowing what you could have had hurts more when you cannot have it.
I love when fic writers explore the relationships between all the siblings more closely but I wish there was more people diving into the dynamic between all the kids. Yes Aemond was shown in the show to have been bullied by them but I cannot believe that they all hated each other 24/7, or that Helaena had no interaction with the other boys. These are the birth years of HOTD series characters (not book)
Lucerys : 118 ac
Jacerys: 116 ac
Daeron: 116 ac
Aemond: 115-116 ac (omg get off her Viserys)
Helaena: 115 ac
Aegon: 113 ac
Helaena and Jace are born only a year apart, 7 kids all close in age. They didn’t get to meet other kids and make friends with anyone else their age. I also feel that Aegon being more than a year older than the others who are born super close to one another set him apart from them to some extent. He was facing adolescence alone without another teenager to socialise with , so in some ways he stayed childish longer but matured physically and sexually before the rest. All the more reason he and Helaena were such a bad match. She would have been on the same level of maturity with Jace or even Aemond.
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henri-de-cait · 14 days
so you're telling me show!daeron dies without knowing what his brothers and sister(s) look like in adulthood, but for perhaps through portraits. show!daeron dies without memory of his king's face, only the fleeting reminiscence of a brother who smelt of wine, whose joy was the sun. show!daeron dies without seeing his family, with only the knowledge that he had--has--a home and now he must protect it/return to it/die for it.
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iminye · 2 months
Considering the high number of twins in Lúthien's line what if it didn't just start with Eluréd and Elurín. What if Thingol and his brother Olwe were twins, and if not them then what about Elmo and Olwe or Elmo and Thingol? And also if we go with the version where Daeron is Lúthien's brother, they could be twins too!
Idk I just want more twins for that line!
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kjwaikiki · 2 months
Headcanon idea:
Rhaenyra doesn’t like any of her kids significant others except for Jace’s.
Aemond and Luke’s relationship is not healthy and she is always worried that Aemond will hurt Luke.
Daeron is not good enough for Joffrey. Granted Daemon has a harder time with this one because he hates the Hightowers more than Rhaenyra ever could but she still isn’t keen on Daeron dating Joffrey either mainly because she knows that Daeron is probably gonna whisk Joff away somewhere.
Hilariously Rhaenyra adores Cregan. Significantly older, single dad, lives all the way in the North Cregan. Rhaenyra tried not to like him but the way he looked at her son, the way they are so intense with each other, and the way Jace lights up around him.
Jace was always her serious boy. So worried about everything around him, doing everything right, and making her proud. Rhaenyra can see that with Cregan Jace is free in a way that he just isn’t with anyone else. So she supports them.
It also doesn’t hurt that Cregan is a Lord Paramount while her brothers only have their dragons as an inheritance.
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thesummerestsolstice · 6 months
There were quite a few people who absolutely refused to believe Elrond and Elros were who they claimed to be when they first came to Gil-Galad's camp. This led to the rise of several extremely questionable theories on who they really were, from the more mundane– they're just two half-elves the Feanorians found somewhere– to the more... esoteric, like that Maglor had "sung them into existence" to fool the armies of Valinor into letting them steal the Silmarils.
The most popular theory was that Elrond and Elros were actually the children of Maglor and Daeron of Doriath, and that they'd been kept secret for... some reason– look I never said the conspiracy theories made sense. E&E look a lot like Luthien (Luthien and Daeron are siblings with pretty similar features) and a bit like Fingolfin (who looks like Feanor who looks like Maglor), so it's not totally implausible. It would also explain how E&E had Maia powers without being Elwing's kids. And that was just enough information for it to become a completely unkillable rumor. Most of it dies down after E&E show some clearly human traits, like getting sick, but there are still die-hard believers out there. Some genealogies from the early Third Age list Elrond as Daeron and Maglor's child.
Elrond, who's been confronted about his "real parents" several times, is very over it. Gil-Galad thinks it's extremely funny.
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velvet4510 · 4 months
Tbh, I used to think Maglor had a wife, but after many observant people (to which I’m quite grateful) pointed out that it is only said that he “was wedded,” a new headcanon was born:
He was unmarried until the dawn of the Second Age. He decided to make the effort to survive the sinking of Beleriand, wanting to punish himself for his actions with eternal loneliness. He then one day met another lonely and depressed minstrel named Daeron, who also sought self-punishment in exile. Across many centuries, they fell in love and wedded, finding a happiness that neither of them thought they would ever find.
Elrond eventually learned of this, and thus scribbled a vague note in his history books that his foster father was wedded at some point, but intentionally did not elaborate.
Eventually, in the Fourth Age, Elladan and Elrohir convinced Maglor and Daeron to accompany them on the Last Ship to Valinor.
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carmisse · 4 months
Of Fëanorians and their colors.
When Maedhros ceded the crown to Fingolfin, the Noldor organized a celebration in the name of the new king, with this Maitamo established/ordered that they would not wear the red color of the house of Fëanor and instead they would wear other tones.
Maedhros wore both blue and silver belonging to the house of Fingolfin.
Maglor on the other hand wore a soft lavender accompanied by a luminous light blue.
Celegorm wore greens and browns from the hunt of Oromë, the only other lord he answered to after his father.
Caranthir surprisingly wore white with gold embroidery, using the colors of Miriel.
Amrod and Amras wore grays and olive, as they saw them in Nerdanel, deciding to adopt them as their colors.
However, in the middle of the king's speech, Curufin entered the hall wearing his father's red and black, with a golden crown decorated by the eight-pointed star in his hair, accompanied by a cloak of the same color as his tunic. The Fëanorian factions stood up to receive Curufin as well as Celegorm who supported his younger brother.
Meanwhile on the other side of the hall Daeron approached Mablung and asked if he knew what color the Fëanorians wore when they called their standard bearers to war to which the captain smilingly replied "red".
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