Dragons den
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A blog about strong tides, green towers, gentle princesses, fearless warriors and how they clash.
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rising-hc · 3 months ago
Never let team Black stans and Targ fanboys gaslight you to believe that house Hightower is an enemy of house Targaryen:
1) Before the conquest, Aegon and Visenya visited the Oldtown and spent time at the Citadel.
2) The Hightowers did not march to the Field of Fire, and surrendered without a fight.
3) Aegon's reign officially began in Oldtown after he was anointed and crowned by the High Septon (who was a Hightower) in the Starry Sept, and was celebrated by the people of the city as he rode over the city on Balerion.
4) House Hightower was one of the few houses that helped the Targaryens in the First Dornish War.
5) Aegon agreed to betroth his son Maegor to Ceryse Hightower when Ceryse's uncle suggested that Maegor should be wed to his niece, and look what F&B has to say about Maegor and Ceryse: "Maegor boasted to having consummated the marriage a dozen times the night of the wedding, and those who had seen the bedding agreed that Maegor was a lusty husband."
6) Maegor recognized Ceryse as the official Queen of Westeros, even though he had two more wives, and gave all of her lands and titles back to her.
7) When Rhaena Targaryen fled from Maegor, he sent a rider to Oldtown commanding Lord Hightower to behead Rhaella (who was training to become a Septa) as punishment for her mother's betrayal. Lord Hightower refused, and imprisoned the messenger instead.
8) Alicent fetched old Jaehaerys' meals, helped him wash and dress, and read to him. On her deathbed, she said: "I want to see my sons again, and Helaena, my sweet girl. Oh... and King Jaehaerys. I will read to him, as i did when i was little. He used to say i had a lovely voice." She didn't mention her father or her brother, but she mentioned Jaehaerys. That shows how much she loved him.
9) Rhaena Targaryen (Daemon's daughter) married Garmund Hightower, and had six daughters by him. As one of the few remaining heirs to the iron throne and the sister of the King, she had no reason to marry a third son and have not one, not two, but six daughters by him if she didn't love him.
10) They remained loyal to the Targaryens during the Robert's Rebellion.
11) Unlike Jaime Lannister and Barristan Selmy, Gerold Hightower remained loyal to Rhaegar till his last breath. He refused several opportunities to leave unharmed, and eventually died while he was defending Rhaegar's son.
12) Daenaerys thinks house Hightower is among the houses that will help her take back the iron throne. She assumes correctly because the Hightowers believe in a prophecy that says Oldtown would burn and its monuments would be cast down if they opposed the "Blood of the Dragon." That's why they gave full support to neither side during the First Blackfyre Rebellion, keeping a foot in both Targaryen and Blackfyre camps.
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rising-hc · 7 months ago
“a targaryen alone in the world is a terrible thing”
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rising-hc · 7 months ago
Gwayne spent like a week at most in the red keep and then thought “this place is toxic as fuck I think I’m going to go back to battle and possibly die for the sake of my mental health”
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rising-hc · 9 months ago
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To say that the court was surprised when Rhaenyra birthed three genuinely Velaryon baby girls in the sort span of three years of her marriage to sir Laenor Velaryon was an understatement.
The first daughter was named Visenya, a girl knowledgeable in the language of the sword that granted her the nickname "Warrior Delight"
Her past time was helping her mother with charities, she was the most loved by the small folk.
She rode an green and red ill tempered dragon named Vermax and since the cradle was betrothed to her uncle Aegon.
The second daughter was named Aemma (it's said that queen Alicent foamed like a rabid animal upon hearing the princess's name), like her namesake Aemma was sweet, gentle and honored.
She loved to sail and often could be seen by the shore talking to the sailors and fishermans, her grandfather Corlys gave her the nickname "Pearl of Driftmark" and the small folk sang her praise as well.
She was the rider of Arrax an Pearly dragon with golden horns and an passive temperament, she was betrothed to her uncle the dragonless prince Aemond.
The third daughter was named Alyssa and as her great grandma and namesake Alyssa was wild and free as a bird.
She captivated her cousin Jayne Arryn who asked to take her as heir, Rhaenyra allowed, happy to secure an inheritance to her youngest baby.
The young princess was an natural talented archer, like her sisters her hands were calloused but her heart was pure and soft, Jayne gave her the nickname "Little Falcon" the small folk sang praise to their princess whom they called "Birdie"
Alyssa was the princess whom the palace staff loved most which earned her a good parcel of their love.
Her dragon was wild as her, black and golden was named Tyraxes.
She was betrothed to her uncle Daeron who was seemingly adoring of her the same way his dragon Tessarion was enamored by the princess dragon.
What none in the court knew was that the three sisters once were brothers in a universe where the dragons danced and were thirsty for revenge and would use their uncles as weapons for it.
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rising-hc · 11 months ago
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The Velaryon Princes
Artwork by @lycheesodas (twt/ig)
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rising-hc · 11 months ago
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The Broken King and His Queen
Aegon III and Jaehaera Targaryen
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rising-hc · 11 months ago
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Aegon III Targaryen and Jaehaera Targaryen
The match was a political match, so both bloodlines could be seen to hold the thrones, in the hope of uniting the realm and the factions who fought for each side.
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rising-hc · 11 months ago
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The Broken King and His Queen
King Aegon III Targaryen and Queen Jaehaera Targaryen
Aegon III Targaryen was married to his cousin Jaehaera Targaryen at the end of the Dance of the Dragons. Jaehaera was the only surviving child of the late Aegon II Targaryen, the match was a political match, so both bloodlines could be seen to hold the thrones, in the hope of uniting the realm and the factions who fought for each side.
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rising-hc · 11 months ago
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Aegon III Targaryen was married to his cousin Jaehaera Targaryen at the end of the Dance of the Dragons. Jaehaera was the only surviving child of the late Aegon II Targaryen, the match was a political match, so both bloodlines could be seen to hold the thrones, in the hope of uniting the realm and the factions who fought for each side.
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rising-hc · 11 months ago
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Underrated Targaryen monarchs: Aegon III
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rising-hc · 11 months ago
Imagine Luke and Aemond announcing their plans to marry after years of hiding their relationship and while everyone else is in shock (except Daemon cause he knows everything) Corlys runs away to gather an entire fleet of young attractive noble men to marry his precious grandson instead of the one eyed mama’s boy.
Rhaenys: He’s happy with the lad!
Corlys: And I understand that my dear but Lucerys is still young, he should weigh his options before settling down so quickly.
Rhaenys: *sigh* What do you even know about these men?
Corlys: They aren’t Aemond.
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rising-hc · 11 months ago
I may hate Viserys but the man made some fine ass children so I'll give him that
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rising-hc · 11 months ago
"my uncle is a challenge i welcome, if he dares face me" that's exactly what a delusional man who has his nephew locked somewhere in harrenhal would say while he thinks hears his voice in his head
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rising-hc · 1 year ago
Nobody can convince me Viserys loved Aemma. I don't care what nobody says. I'm not listening. I don't wanna hear it.
And I know Aemma probably in the Seven Heavens fuming- cause imagine your husband murdered you for a son and then later on he gets three sons and neglected them.
Viserys deserved the slow death that he got. Infact, it wasn't slow or painful enough.
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rising-hc · 1 year ago
Ok, now listen:
Before Vizzy T. goes to hell Joffrey and Daeron got laid it was just a drunk quicky.
At least for Joff it was.
For Daeron was the most transcendental love making, he's in love, he knows Joffrey is the one, he's ready to pack his shit and move to Dragonstone, fuck the greens, fuck it all that omega is his soulmate your honor.
Funny enough the same thing happened to his brothers and sister.
Aemond's muttering under his breath that he and Lucerys are courting each other since Driftmark, no one shall touch his lord of the tides or he'll burn them with Vhagar.
Aegon is ready to be Jace's trophy himbo and he will use Sunfyre if he has to, he'll be a pretty good consort and hell will rain upon those who try to crown him as regent.
Helaena being the smartest of them all gathers her father's crown and sword and prays for that to be enough dowry to marry her beloved Baela.
Rhaenyra received her crown, her siblings and a great mess, Visenya makes it, Rhaenyra is happy with a new daughter, but now half of her children are pregnant and her siblings are begging for marriages to be made.
I would love to see it as a fic if some talented soul wants, do it.
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rising-hc · 1 year ago
RIP Lamina, you would’ve loved Johanna Mason.
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rising-hc · 1 year ago
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