indiedanyai · 6 years
What's the plan for summer? It's coming up soon. That can be for all muses btw
“Definitely some travel. Like one short trip somewhere so I can save up more money to travel with but also so I can move out of my parent’s place. Um, more time with Juniper and dancing.”
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“For me, definitely trying new things and hustling to stack up money.”
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“No plans. I go with the flow because I hate when plans get canceled. So yeah, no plans. Just maybe trying spontaneity.”
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“Ooh, pop up concerts for sure since we released an album recently. And being with the people I like. I’ll probably work on a couple singles as well in between.”
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“More art, that’s what. Maybe a fling or two but nothing serious, as usual. Who knows? Kieran might get what he wants this time around.”
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“I hadn’t thought it over yet, but I definitely wanna take a trip to see my family. I may do some volunteer stuff even. No plan just yet but I’ll let you know.”
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“Food experimentation. And a lot of time with a specific boy.”
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“Building more muscle mass so Aksel doesn’t catch up. But also getting back in that ocean and soaking up the sun. Luckily clients straggle during the summer.”
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madam-et-monsieur · 7 years
Follow up question! Rodger, how big are you? -Chris
“Nine I think?” Rodger looked up, thinking, “I don’t really measure my cock, but you’re welcome to, Bun.” 
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gxldhearts · 7 years
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“Well now you know.” He chuckled. “It’s cute.” He grinned, fingering the soft fabric that hung on the boys frame.”At least on you. I think this patchy robins egg blue isn’t something I can pull off. I’m not that young.” Jack kissed his cheek. “I love you too, baby.” He turned his head to kiss his lips sweetly. “How was your day?” Jack had been at work for most of it, just glad to have Chris in his arms now.
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spexialbexngs · 7 years
24 (Yuta and Adam for the fluff/smut drabbles)
twenty four
Yuta sat down next to Adam and let out a soft sigh as he saw him sitting there with a sad expression. He put his hand on his and caressed the soft skin with his thumb. “What’s up?” he asked softly, feeling that something was obviously off. He hoped he wasn’t being too pushy, wanting to be comforting after all.
When Adam didn’t seem to want to talk about it, Yuta scooted closer and kissed his cheek before wrapping his arms around the other.
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master-nikoli · 7 years
found (Chris + Nikoli)
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Nikoli glanced up at the sound of a twig snapping, pulling his jacket a little bit tighter as he turned towards the direction of the sound
“What are you doing here?”
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dxngcrouslxve · 7 years
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“Have I told you how much I love you today?”
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caydenhathaway-blog · 7 years
found (Jack + Cayden)
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Cayden shuddered slightly, endlessly “impressed” with how cold it could get even on summer nights, he rubbed a hand down his arm, jerking suddenly when he heard footsteps in the distance
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I have transferred this whole blog safely over to a new home at 2mblr.com/daddyslittleangelsrp
You can view all my past posts and Follow me there!
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0ffbrcnd3d-archive · 7 years
App Submission
Mun Name/Age/blog: Zaria/ 26/ daddyslittleangelsrp/mommyslittlevixensrp Muse Name/fc/age: Hazel Baxter / Jesy Nelson / 92 (appears 23) Species: mermaid (vixen works if we ran out of mermaid spots. I can always switch up the story) Sexuality: bisexual Position at club: bartender
Short bio: Hazel is a very strong-headed princess, learning how to rule the Indian Ocean. Her people strive for survival. Especially in their kingdom located deep in the center of Australian and African waters. She’s a strategist, the best in her kingdom in fact, and takes pride in that. Though she’s strong-willed, she isn’t afraid to try new things, which is how she ended up where she is today. One of the best ways to survive is to diversify. Highly family-oriented, she spends her off days with her family, mostly monitoring her kingdom until it’s time for her to take over the crown and find a suitor that is worthy in her eyes.
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indiedanyai · 6 years
I know today's supposed to be about Rosalie, but I wanna know what Juniper had in that V-Day basket for Kyler. It's been on my mind since I read that.
“Of course you wanna know. Everyone wants the information that hasn’t been revealed to them. Eh, I guess I can tell you since the holiday passed months ago. A basket of inside jokes and treats basically. A heart-shaped cookie from Smith’s bakery, a miniature Snoopy plush toy thing, the cookies I make that he’s convinced are made from scratch, a deck of cards, various Valentines-themed candies (the good ones), and a nice card. That’s it.”
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madam-et-monsieur · 7 years
♝: Watching your muse touch themselves without your muse knowing (Chris to Rodger)
Chris didn’t know that Rodger had come home while he was in the shower. Now his Daddy was smirking and watching him through the curtain touching himself without permission. He let it go till he was sure Chris was about to cum before clearing his throat, “What’cha doing in there Bun?”
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gxldhearts · 7 years
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Jack kissed the boy sweetly, smiling gently at the response he got. “I can give you a massage no problem.” He gently finished the boys bath. “There you are, cleaner than ever.” he stole another kiss from those sweet lips before standing up and grabbing a towel. “Come on then, love. Lets get you in bed so you can have you massage.”
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master-nikoli · 7 years
❥ (Nik and Ethan)
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Master and Servant - BDSM sex
Nikoli hadn't felt this free in ages, wich was, admittedly, rather ironic given the circumstances, but he found that he truly enjoyed living this way, serving his master was simple but fullfilling and he was always eager to hear an order from Ethan, today was no different, he had been about half-way through making some tea when his master called for him, hurrying to see what it was Ethan desired
"Yes Sir?"
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caydenhathaway-blog · 7 years
❥ (Cay and Jack)
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Complete strangers - Public sex
Cayden never did this sort of thing, he never hooked up with complete strangers and he ABSOLUTELY never did it in a public place- hell he was rarely at clubs anymore to begin with- and yet... here he was, pressed against the wall making out with someone who's name he barely knew as he struggled to keep himself quiet enough that people wouldn't hear him over the music
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0ffbrcnd3d-archive · 7 years
App Submission
Mun Name/Age/blog: Zaria/26/daddyslittleangelsrp/mommyslittlevixensrp Muse Name/fc/age: Chris Leighton |||/ Austin Butler/ 121 Species: elf Sexuality: bisexual Position at club: regular customer
Short bio: Chris came from a pretty good background if you look at it on the outside. He has both parents still in his life, he went to some of the best schools an elf can go to and he appears to get along with all five of his sisters. More like he tolerates them. He constantly gets teased by all except the youngest sister, Maribelle. She and Chris were close in age - less than a year apart in age actually. The constant teasing, blackmailing, and ridicule from his other sisters got to him and as he grew older his character hardened and he became more distant. The only people breaking through that hard shell being his parents and closest sister Maribelle. When he finally turned 118 he left home. Since his other sisters wouldn’t leave it was him that left instead, only keeping in contact with his three favorite people and living his life carefree.
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indiedanyai · 6 years
Out of all the other muses Anjel has, who got you the best and worst gifts?
“I’m not at liberty to discuss that topic. I didn’t receive a ‘worst’ gift. No one can go wrong with gift cards, quality time, or food.”
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