spexialbexngs · 5 years
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"Touch me, and the only thing you're gonna feel is a broken jaw."
And updated and better version of my Gamora cosplay! I’m so proud and the first picture got shared by Zoe Saldana herself on her Instagram story!
Instagram: @bunnythekidcosplay
Facebook: Bunny the Kid Cosplay
Twitter: @BunnyxthexKid
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spexialbexngs · 5 years
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“I go by many names, Earthian, but I'm sure the one that most know me by is Gamora, the deadliest woman in the whole galaxy.”
Facebook: Bunny the Kid Cosplay
Instagram: @bunnythekidcosplay
Twitter: @BunnyxthexKid
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spexialbexngs · 5 years
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“Alright, people. Let's start at the beginning one last time. My name is Gwen Stacy. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for the last two years, I've been the one and only Spider-Woman.”
My newest cosplay I have already done two photoshoots with last week~ hope you guys like it!
Facebook cosplay page: Bunny the Kid Cosplay
Instagram cosplay page: @bunnythekidcosplay
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spexialbexngs · 5 years
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“Keep your eyes on me now~”
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spexialbexngs · 5 years
some au ideas that have been floating around my brain:
you both grab for the last pint of ice cream at the supermarket and end up arguing over it au
i keep setting my kitchen stove on fire and you’re the long suffering firefighter on call au
my dog won’t stop barking at your cat in the waiting room at the vets au
you got stood up on a date at the coffee shop i work in here let me get you a drink on the house au
your mail keeps coming to my house even though you don’t live there anymore how the fuck do i return it to you au
we get the same train to work every morning and you always take the good seat so i glare at you until you let me sit there au
i’m scared to walk home in the dark and its really late so i called a random number and got you au
you left one of your shirts in the washer and it got mixed up with my stuff and i didn’t realise until you shouted at me from across the street au
i desperately need a birthday cake and my friend told me you could bake really well au
i hit you in the balls in a paintball match i’m so sorry oh my god au
the walls are really thin and i can hear everything you’re saying could you please shut the fuck up new neighbour au
you jog shirtless past my house every morning au
i walk in on you correcting people’s misspelled bathroom graffiti au
you write me a bad restaurant review and i force myself into your kitchen so i can cook you my food until you admit it’s good au
you live across the hall and hide in my apartment when you want to avoid your one night stands au
we’re the only single people at this wedding table lets get drunk and bitch about everyone au
someone in the dorms makes amazing cookies and you’re trying to figure it out and walk in on me baking at four in the morning au
my best friend has a popular youtube channel and drags me into their videos and people comment on how we seem like a couple isn’t that awkward au
we both get lost at disneyworld and somehow stumble across each other and decide to be lost together au
my kite got tangled in your kite at the park au
you’re sitting in my spot in the library what the fuck dude get out of my seat au
you’re gesticulating violently and accidentally hit me in the face au
we’re both desperately trying to buy something for our relatives in the airport shops because we forgot to when we were on holiday maybe we could help each other out au
you fell over in the subway car and landed in my lap au
you sit behind me and poke me every time i fall asleep during 9am lectures thank you can i buy you a coffee? au
our suitcases look the same and we accidentally picked up the wrong one at the airport au
you’re in the hospital bed next to me and we fight over what to watch on the shared tv au
we never talk but we make eye contact whenever anyone says something incredibly stupid during class au
awkward teenage seven-minutes-in-heaven au
you’re shouting in my face about your society at the freshman fair so i sign my name just to shut you up au
we’re on the same ‘travel-across-a-continent’ holiday plan why don’t we just stick together for the whole trip au
foreign exchange student au
i always see you in the library and i think you’re really cute so i leave you little post it notes on your work whenever you go and get a book just to see you blush au
you’ve-got-mail au
my mum knows your mum and they’re trying to set us up but all i can remember of you is that time you stuck gum in my hair when we were seven so i automatically don’t like you au
i accidentally open the door right before you knock and smack you in the face au
there’s a really cute new intern at your place of work and your friends bully you into talking to them au
our school is doing a secret-santa and i got you au
the-princess-diaries au
we’re the only two people left who are single in our friendship group and they all decide to try and set us up with each other au
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spexialbexngs · 6 years
📭 Reblog if you want curious anons in your inbox! 📭
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spexialbexngs · 6 years
Are Magic Anons still a thing?
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spexialbexngs · 6 years
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Shooting Star D.Va Cosplay
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spexialbexngs · 6 years
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Commission are open!
I really want to make my big dream come true (help a girl out please), so I hope people will help me out! I make ‘realistic’ digital art of photos. Want your own? Please send me a message or ask on @the-untraditional-muses / @swellviewsuperhero !
Payments are with PayPal!
Please Reblog and/or Like so more people will see it!
(Some examples below) 
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spexialbexngs · 6 years
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//Friday I received my D.Va cosplay! It’s my first time cosplaying an Overwatch character! I hope you guys like it ♡ These pictures are taken by my younger sister You can find me on Instagram as bunnyxthexkid and on Twitter as @RiekeFurukawa
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spexialbexngs · 6 years
Jaehyun. You are absolutely amazing. I miss you and love you a lot.
“Sorry baby, you know I love you a lot too. I’ll be back as soon as I can and then we will go to Japan together,” Jaehyun smiled.
0 notes
spexialbexngs · 6 years
Random Angst Starters
Trigger warnings apply! (abuse, cheating, illness, dying/death, hurt, angst, anger, verbal abuse, mental abuse, abandonment, yelling, and possessive behaviors)
“You’re such a piece of shit!”
“Like hell I’m mad!”
“Of course I’m pissed!”
“Did you really think I wasn’t going to find out?”
“Shut up. I don’t want to hear another word from your mouth.”
“I liked you better when you kept your mouth shut.”
“Be a good boy/girl and shut the fuck up.”
“I wish you were never born.”
“Get out!”
“Go away!”
“Do me a favor and go away!”
“I never want to see you again!”
“You have to the count of three to get away from me.”
“Don’t make me hurt you.”
“Who did this?!”
“Why did you do this?”
“Do you know what you’ve done?”
“Well you’ve really fucked up now.”
“I hate you!”
“I wish you’d just die already!”
“I hope you choke!”
“Don’t touch me!”
“Get away from me!”
“Who is she/he?”
“I know you’re cheated on me so don’t lie to my face.”
“Why did you cheat on me?!”
“How could you?!”
“I hope I never see you again!”
“You stole my girlfriend/boyfriend!”
“Are you hitting on her/him?”
“Will you stop staring at her/his ass.”
“What am I not good enough for you?!”
“I don’t love you anymore! Get that through your thick skull!”
“I’ve never loved you.”
“I only date you out of pity.”
“Yes I cheated. So what?”
“I think we should break up.”
“I want a divorce.”
“You were the worst thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“I should have married your best friend when I had the chance.”
“I guess you don’t love me anymore.”
“My (insert relative here) died.”
“I thought he/she loved me.”
“I thought you loved me.”
“I thought we were going to get married.”
“I can’t believe he/she left me….”
“I thought forever meant something.”
“When did you stop loving me?”
“Why can’t I get over this?”
“No one’s ever going to love me like they did.”
“I wish I was dead.”
“I don’t want to be in pain anymore.”
“This pain is becoming unbearable.”
“I feel like I can’t breathe.”
“I feel numb.”
“You promised me you wouldn’t do this.”
“You promised me that you wouldn’t break my heart.”
“I guess you couldn’t keep your promise.”
“You never loved me did you?”
“I miss you.”
“It’s been a long time…”
“Hey….have you missed me?”
“I guess you’re happier without me.”
“Don’t lie to me. I know you don’t care about me.”
“You’re going to leave me?”
“You’re leaving me?”
“You want a divorce….but I thought we were happy?”
“How long have you been unhappy?”
“Did I really make you that miserable?”
“I can’t believe he/she is finally gone.”
“I can’t believe he/she is dead.”
“Why do you let him/her hurt you?”
“Why did you hurt me?”
“He/She loves me. I promise it’s okay.”
“They’re hurting you. You need to leave them.”
“It’s okay, I promise I’ll always be there for you.”
“Who needs them anyways they were a jerk.”
“I promise you can do better.”
“You can do so much better than them.”
“They just missed out on an amazing person.”
“I told you they’d break your heart.”
“I told you I didn’t trust them.”
“I know you miss them but it’s time to move on.”
“I’m sorry for your loss.”
“You were way out of their league anyways.”
“It’s their loss.”
“I wish you would have listened to me.”
“You’re always getting yourself into trouble.”
“I’m not going to be your hero forever.”
“You need to grow up.”
“You need to let them go.”
“I’m moving to another country.”
“I don’t think we should be together. Long distance is going to be too hard for us.”
“You’re breaking up with me because you’re moving? Why can’t we make this work?”
“My parents have set me to marry someone else….I’m sorry but we can’t be together anymore.”
“My parents are making me marry some random person. Please you have to help me!”
“They’re never going to let us be together.”
“You need to leave them I’m tired of being your dirty secret.”
“Now just isn’t the right time to leave them. I promise we’ll be together soon.”
“Why didn’t you tell me that you were married?”
“I can’t marry you….i’m already married.”
“I didn’t tell you I was married because I didn’t think that it mattered.”
“You won’t be my mistress/mister forever it’s only for a little while until the divorce is final.”
“I promise we’ll be together once my divorce is final.”
“I know you’re married but I still love you.”
“Leave him/her for me. I promise we’ll be happy.”
“How long are you going to hide me from everyone?”
“I know you want us to be official but I’m not ready to tell everyone we’re dating yet.”
“Are you okay?”
“You look really hurt.”
“I don’t think your arms supposed to bend that way.”
“We need to get you to the hospital!”
“Why didn’t you tell me that you were sick?”
“Why didn’t you tell me that you were dying?”
“I’m still in love with you.”
“I know you still love him/her.”
“I know you’re unhappy.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant?”
“Why didn’t you tell me we had a kid together?”
“How could you keep the fact that I had a child hidden from me?”
“You weren’t ready to be a parent that’s why I never told you about our child.”
“I did tell you. You decided not to be apart of our lives.”
“I tried to tell you.”
“You wouldn’t answer my calls.”
“Why haven’t you been answering my calls?”
“Is she/he mine?”
“Are you pregnant?”
“I want you to get rid of it.”
“What do you mean there’s a possibility I couldn’t be the father?”
“I could be raising a kid that’s not mine?”
“Please don’t cry I didn’t mean it.”
“I promise it will never happen again.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were allergic to cats?!”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were allergic?!”
“Please don’t die!”
“Please, you’re not allowed to leave me.”
“I can’t live without you!”
“Someone please help!”
“It was an accident I swear!”
“I was drunk! I didn’t mean to cheat on you!”
“I’m so sorry….things got out of hand and I cheated…Please forgive me.”
“I don’t expect you to forgive me.”
“I will never forgive you.”
“Why won’t you listen to me!?”
“I swear this isn’t what it looks like!”
“Okay so this is exactly what it looks like.”
“I never wanted to hurt you.”
“He/She made me do it. I had no choice.”
“You’ve made your choice!”
“I want the ring back.”
“I’ve come to get my stuff. Please don’t make this harder than it has to be.”
“I did love you…but there’s just nothing there anymore.”
“You only wanted me for sex didn’t you?”
“I can’t believe you used me like that!”
“I can’t believe I let them use me…”
“You sure you don’t want to break up? You seemed awful flirtatious with her/him.”
“You’re mine and no one else’s. Do you understand that?” 
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spexialbexngs · 6 years
//would someone like to see some D.Va cosplay pictures of me?
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spexialbexngs · 6 years
reblog this if you want a LONG (or short) anonymous message saying what they think of you.
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spexialbexngs · 6 years
Feel like rp’ing with Mark~
Please like or message me
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spexialbexngs · 6 years
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Finger Kungfu Master Lucas
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spexialbexngs · 6 years
tumblr has basically stopped notifying me about anything at this point so please don’t think I’m ignoring you if you tag me in something, I just haven’t been receiving notifications!
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