promiscuous-maryam · 8 years
Porrim rubbed her eyes as she meandered throughout her current bubble. In all honesty, Kankri could get on her nerves sometimes. Yes, she loved him, but if she didn’t she wouldn’t have a second thought about punching him in the face sometimes. His tirades never seemed to end- the only moments of solace being when he was truly startled or if she was away from him. It didn’t take long for her thoughts to take over and let her body go into autopilot, the surroundings simply becoming background. 
Not soon after, she let out a squeak as she felt a pair of arms wrap around her and hoist her up, one quickly moving underneath her legs to carry her bridal-style. She smacked the chest of this intruder, finally to her senses as she looked up to see the one and only- older Kankri. She still scowled, though she did seem to relax a bit more in his arms.
“I tho+ught I to+ld yo+u to+ give me warning the next time yo+u decided to+ po+p up and grab me. No+t that I particularly mind yo+u grabbing me, but it wo+uld be nice to+ kno+w when it happens.”
With her last sentence, she quirked a smile.
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burden2 · 8 years
@daddysign For a while, Sollux waited in his apartment, wondering if his guest would come soon. He hadn't had the opportunity to explain his powers and he was very eager to explain it to someone who would listen, though he didn't expect it to be an old friend. He was right next to the front door, listening in so he could greet Signless with a hug.
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@daddysign answered: [ask link]
>>It was late and he was about to go down for the day. He set his phone down and rolled over away from it when he heard it vibrate. He let out a sigh… Because he knew exactly who had sent him that message. It was the troll that he had been avoiding for a week now. The troll that he had gotten into an argument with and stormed off on. The troll whose face he couldn’t get out of his head.
>>He rolled back over and looked at the message. He didn’t send a response. He simply got up from the bed. Got dressed in his usual attire and walked out the door, before his mother could even bring a question to bear.
>>20 moments later he arrived at her home coming to the front with his hands in his pockets. He looked at her with his head down a bit and spoke In a less than charichtaristicly quiet voice “Hey I just…I figured showing up would uh.:.. Mean more than a text…I would love to…”
You hadn’t intended for him to ever get your text. But that’s what you get for having your palmhusk close when you’re half asleep, isn’t it?
You had left it in the typing box and almost pressed send many times. You’d written it and rewritten it and nothing felt right. Lost days of fitful sleep, however, helped none by your guilty thoughts, demanded your attention. Soon enough, you fell victim to sleep, and you thumb rolled over the “send” button without your choice in the matter.
The doorbell leaves you blinking blearily in the morning sunlight… and when you realize it’s him, you feel something in you melt.
You reach out to him, but you’re hesitant to touch him without his permission. Not knowing if he would want you to, at all. Not knowing where you stand. Then you think better of it, withdrawing your hand and holding open the door.
“Come in, please, it’s bright out. I… didn’t expect to see you.”
It’s a start.
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aquaticcaliginous · 8 years
Come here, quick!
The sudden pull by the wrist had surprised her a bit, but she knew the two of them had to hide away for a brief moment. Brief enough for her friend to kiss her. She wasn’t sure if that was all part of the plan of hiding away or because their feelings for each other.
Regardless, Custoa kissed back, adding a bit of passion to it so as to maybe discourage the offender from looking.
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ardentguilt · 9 years
@daddysign Well helloooooooo there. Who's this good looking man you've come across? "Hey, you there. Can I help you?"
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mutapride-blog · 9 years
One Word: Alternate
Send me one word you associate with my blog!
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alphadd-blog · 9 years
☠:how my muse would choose to die, if it were up to them
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“If it were up to me, I wouldn’t.”
((  Actually, he’d probably prefer to go out as part of some complicated scheme that hinges on his death to be successful.  It would have to be a scheme he came up with too.  Since he can’t avoid death forever DD would prefer to have as much control over the circumstances (and usefulness) of his death as possible.  ))
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or8weaver · 9 years
@daddysign started following you
@blxckmxgics started following you
I’m Captain Spinneret Mindfang of the pir8 ship Relentless. 
Who might you 8e?
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aquaticcaliginous · 9 years
Custoa stands at about 188 cm, or six feet and two inches, without measuring her horns (which add about eight inches to her height). Her limbs are well toned, though she has a soft curve in the chest and rump, her hips give her body a slight pear shape. She has several various scars and marks all over her, and is on the slightly heavier side of a normal weight for someone of her proportion.
Her legs are long and built for swimming, dotted with freckles and marked with a few different scars. She has firm calves but her thighs are much softer and riddled with stretch marks from her adolescence, through which she experienced painful growth spurts. She walks normally, though swings her hips a bit when she does.
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daddysign started following you
are... are you lost?
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ask-crabby-vantas · 9 years
✮ - sleeping habits
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((Karkat has a lot of trouble falling and staying asleep. He has very poor time management so he will usually stay up really late and then wake up early no matter how tired he is physically. This also is affected by his insomnia and PTSD, which really don’t help at all between his inability to sleep and having nightmares. The only time he can sleep at least an average of eight hours or more is when he sleeps with someone or feels a type of security.)) 
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vantiisms · 9 years
[build] : are they skinny and petite or do they resemble a body builder, are they tall or short or average height, are they lean and wiry, are they overweight, are all of their features proportionate, etc.
Karkat is a pretty skinny person. But not so much that he’s just bones. He does have some muscle to him, but very little. So he’s a bit on the small side.
However, despite this, he’s a pretty average height for his family, about 5′5′’?? Give or take an inch or two. And for the most part, he’s pretty proportional, and his body type is kind of like a rectangle??
Like, there’s not really any curves to him, he’s just one solid shape from his shoulders, down.
Kankri on the other hand, is a bit taller than Karkat by a few inches, and his body is much curvier. (much to his dislike.)
Kankri isn’t very big either, as far as weight goes, but he does have just a bit more padding to him than Karkat. This comes from him being more active, and also eating bigger meals than Karkat does. (He’s italian, the boy’s gotta eat.)
And Kankri’s body shape resembles a skinny hour-glass almost. Like, there’s shape there, but it isn’t hugely noticeable at first-glance. You’d have to be close to him for a while before you notice anything, because he likes to hide his curves behind big clothes.
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here’2 another greeter agaiin2t my better judgment becau2e ii need two take my miind off of thiing2 now.
@daddysign @thxnderbird @pester-gallowscalibrator
ii’m 2ollux and agaiin iif you followed me fiir2t you 2hould know that already. tell me your name2 and 2ay 2omethiing iintere2tiing enough that we could actually make a conver2atiion out of iit.
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raccoon-arts · 9 years
Dave- dave’s favorite dead thing he ever collected was a bird’s skull. 
David (Alpha bro)- unlike most movies the movies David directs have no point to them at all. 
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p1x1est1x · 9 years
♫ - An entry about old memory from my muse’s past.
(Translated from southern alternian)
Dear D1ary,
NOte tO self: DOn’t play 1n the east Of the wOOds any lOnger. 1t’s... 1t’s nOt gOOd. 1 saw an ent1re m1l1tary reg1ment get flattened by One guy.WhO m1ght have seen me. 1 dOn’t knOw, 1 dOn’t knOw. 1 hOpe nOt, because he’ll k1ll me tOO. R1p Off the we1rd w1nglets On my back and prObably turn me 1ntO dust like thOse sOld1ers.1 knew that pass was bad news.
He lOOked really cOOl, thOugh...Maybe 1f 1′m n1ce, we cOuld be fr1ends...? 1′m gOOd w1th peOple and stuff...
E1ther way, the n1ce general man cOmmanded thOse trOOps. He prObably d1ed...
) :
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anontrolls · 9 years
✍long posts or short posts
Medium-length posts! I love para-RP, but writing like 500 words a reply kills my reply speed, and sometimes I just really wanna get things moving, y’know? I like doing replies in the range of 200-300 words best! Easy to pump out, and plenty of room to elaborate on the things I like to elaborate on.
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