#daddy edi
protect-daniel-james · 3 months
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I am so scared guys.
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papimolina · 2 years
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Oooh Edy, baby
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heythereimashley · 2 years
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all-things-fic · 1 year
Jealous Guy / A Quarantine Harry interlude
A/N: Hey everyone…. Long time, no writing. Hope you are all okay? You’ll have seen from the odd ask that I’ve mentioned this one being in my google docs getting dusty. Genuinely I feel that it’s been giving me a mental block on writing anything else, and I think it was because I really thought there should be an element of smut. Re-reading it, that isn’t the case at all.
Happy reading! Speak soon x
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He was panicked.
Trembling hands unknowing what to do.
Exhausted of any other option that he once relied upon.
Options that had previously worked. Options that were now failing him quicker than they ever had. 
This time his eight-month baby girl was having none of it. Changing a nappy and gently rocking, no longer seemed to work. She was upset and she was letting him and the entire house know it. 
“Be good for Daddy, Edie,” he hushed, a quick whisper mumbled against her temple. “‘M trying my best.”
Harry leaned his body back slightly as he turned his attention to trying to remove the lid of the baby bottle with one hand. 
Usually she was good for him. The handful of times that he had done any sort of thing - a night feed or shift here or a nappy change there - she had nuzzled into his bare chest and drifted off once more. 
The problem was those handful of times had been when she was tiny. And things changed. He hated admitting it to himself but he felt he didn’t know his daughter. The seven month old that he held so securely to him now felt worlds away from the tiny baby whose curled up legs barely reached his belly button when she was first placed to his chest. 
He hissed a ‘yes’ as the bottle lid finally gave way, popping off from the teet and allowing him to clasp the bottle. A relief flowed through him as he found confidence to shift his daughter in his arms.
“‘S coming, baby,” he opted for a gentle tone. 
Laying on your back, you stared at the ceiling of your bedroom and slowly blinked. Cries and grizzles had been non-stop for over thirty minutes now and as much as you loved a trier - and there was no bigger one than Harry - your fingers twitched to offer some form of help no longer wanting to hear the distress. 
You knew it would be a tumultuous line to cross. One that he would either be grateful for, or one that would create the faintest amount of resentment. 
Trying not to dwell on your thoughts, you pulled back the bedsheet atop your frame and exited your bedroom. 
As you rounded the doorframe, you caught Harry with his head rolled back on his neck and face looking up towards the ceiling. It was a picture you had found yourself in many times in the early stages, a level of exasperation radiating off him that could be felt by you from over the other side of the room.
Staying silent as you rested, your eyes took in the way he presented your daughter her feed. His movements were forced, but not forceful, his hand quick to pull away the item each time her tiny hands pushed and pulled at the plastic intrusion.
“We’re not playing, Edie,” Harry said, a hefty sigh rocking through his upper body and over the words.
“She isn’t,” you replied for your daughter. 
The sound of your voice had him raising his tired eyes to look at you. While his stare lingered, you noticed it seemed void of any care, almost too lost in logical thought to slow himself down rather than quickly complete the interaction with his first born like a task (of many) on a list. 
“Here, let me show you how.” 
You slowly pulled yourself away from the doorframe, movement tentative as you approached them both. Gently, you lifted your hand and placed it to the top of your daughter's head, stroking at her hair.
Harry’s body was stockstill as you lifted her tiny body and felt the soft trembles rock through her body from her subsiding distress. If your eyes hadn’t been so taken by your baby, you would have been able to see the dejected expression that laced Harry’s features as he noticed the way she began to soften when in your hold. 
Taking on a rocking motion almost immediately, you looked on as Harry loosely held the bottle of milk towards you. You easily took the item from his faint grip, feeling zero resistance. Turning the teat to your daughter, you gently let it rest at her pouty lips. 
It didn’t matter that you were mostly fading this out now for solids, not when she needed comfort. 
“You need to let her take it when she’s ready,” you softly spoke, voice barely a whisper. “She’ll know when she wants it.” 
Folding his arms across his chest, Harry made his barrier as he set his eyes on the relaxing face of his pride and joy. He took in the motions of your hand as you gently stroked the teet at her mouth and watched it drop open slightly to suckle. 
“Sometimes if you let her know it’s there, she’ll do the rest,” you kept your eyes down as you addressed Harry, waiting for her chubby hand to join yours in holding the bottle. “She does this thing if she takes my boob where she nuzzles first and finds my nipple herself.”
Soft eyes looked up at you with a pique of enquistism. 
“Yeah, you do, don’t you?” you heard the way your voice lifted as her small hand clasped against yours as you felt a smile lift at your mouth. “And when she’s grabbing, she’s not playing,” you flicked your eyes up towards Harry who stood quietly watching your exchange. You turned your eyes to Edie once more, “She holds it herself sometimes now, cause she’s clever. Aren’t you, Edie? Are you a clever girl for Mommy?”
Breathing deeply Harry found himself unable to continue taking in the two of you. 
“Shall we show Daddy how we do it?” You whispered, glancing again towards your husband. Harry took in the eagerness in your gaze but fell short of being able to match you. 
Why was he so incompetent? 
With downturned lips, he leant in to press a kiss to your bare shoulder from where your dressing gown had slightly fallen open. 
Feeling him move around you, you lifted your face to look at him. His body now slightly behind yours. 
“Stay,” you asked. 
“You’ve got it all in hand.”
Feeling his hand slip from your collar, you bowed your head as he walked away before raising it and looking at his retreating figure from over your shoulder. 
Watching her small body rise and fall with breath, you were confident enough that she was settled to slowly leave the room. Feet softly padded against the carpet, down the landing and back towards your bed.
You found yourself stilling in all movement when you saw his side of the bed still empty. With a soft frown gracing your brow, you quickly swiped up the baby monitor that sat at Harry’s bedside table and turned to walk downstairs.
You were able to make out the dull light that came from your kitchen, once you had walked through the rest of the house which was cloaked in darkness. It was there that you found your husband standing in almost pitch black, besides the light that sat in the extractor fan above your oven. 
Harry rested against the kitchen counter, presenting himself in a shape to you that had gone unnoticed due to your lack of closeness since the year prior. He would always be a kind of lanky that exuded he was partial of tripping over his own two feet, but he wore his impending Dad-bod in a way that acknowledged while he had been eating for two, he’d also been working out for two. 
You noted his nose rested against the lip of his trusty mug, most likely warm and filled with his favourite coffee. It was something he often did when in thought and you didn’t know if your presence would be welcomed once he came to.
Placing the baby monitor down to the kitchen counter caught his attention, his eyes peering at you across the barely lit room. The silence was deafening. 
“Everything okay?”
He hummed, tone flat. A short nod thrown in your direction as he took a sip of his drink and rolled his lips into his mouth to remove them of any moisture the drink had given them. 
“You should’ve gone back to bed.”
“So should you.”
You felt a wry smile lift at your lips. 
“‘M awake now. I’ll probably just go for m’run or summat,” he continued.
“It’s not even five.”
“Perfect time then, no one’ll be around to harass me.” 
He threw back the rest of his coffee, tilting his body slightly to place the mug in the empty sink behind him. 
Your eyes looked him over as he stroked at his face, heels of his palms rubbing - almost pressing - into his eyes. He was obviously frustrated.
“Like I’m doing right now, you mean.”
The sigh that left him was one filled with exasperation. “If that’s what you think,” he trailed off, right hand running over his mouth and his day or two old stubble.
You felt yourself close up at his response, the way he seemed dismissive of your comment. Your - or at least you thought - obvious concern. While you didn’t have the desire to fight, his energy was the reason you had come to the conclusion that you were nothing but an annoyance to him in the moment. 
The first you realised he had moved was when his hand rested gently at the curve of your waist. The slight pressure against your skin before he stiffly drew you to him. Lips at your hairline, his whisper of “go back to bed” seemed almost a figment of your imagination. 
Then he was gone and suddenly it felt cold.
His feet pounded the pavement as he reached up to fix the bud of his earphone once the voice of Aaron Bruno had started to fade.
The heave of his chest and the dryness of his throat were two of the main things that kept him going. Blood pumping and fatigue weighing down his legs, he felt his frustration heavily lace his limbs before soaring away into the dark London morning.
Street lamps were still lit, leaving him running with nothing but his shadow and mind racing with bitterness.
It sounded silly, and he was ashamed to admit it but the green-eyed monster within him had openly reared its head above the parapet and Harry felt it would take a lot to push it down once more.
A run usually cured him. Allowed him time to proceed. To realise how minute he really was in the world. 
The feeling of the damp air signalled that there would rain at some point, a feeling that would’ve once soothed his soul. Heart pumping out of his chest, reminding him of how alive he was. Not today. 
He felt bile rise up the back of his throat causing the harsh stamp of his feet to slow as he approached the wooded area of the street in which he ran. 
Body bent over, hands on his knees he threw up his morning coffee, spitting to try and remove the bitter taste from his mouth. Slowly raising to full height, hands now on his hips, Harry tried to catch his breath. 
Inhaling through his nose and out his mouth, the tremble of his lower lip threw him off guard. His throat thickened, his blinks quickened. Harsh swallow. Heels of his palm pressed against his eyes as he tried to hold it. 
Hands wiped down his face with a harsh pull, he looked up at the sky which had started to get lighter. Worry racked through him as his mind raced. Why was he crying? 
It was eerily quiet when he finally made it back home with a Gail’s Bakery brown paper back swinging at his side. He tried his hardest to not draw attention to his arrival, the palm of his hand encasing his keys entirely as he laid them gently on the sideboard next to the front door.
Toing his trainers off, one by one, his Nike socks padded against the wooden floors with a stealth that he welcomed. As he walked, he slowly paused in the doorway to the lounge. His eyes found you curled up on the sofa, your favourite throw cushion nestled in the space between your neck and shoulder.
In his silent watchfulness, he thought that there was no way you were comfortable. Surely not. Then he supposed your exhaustion may have gotten the better of you. 
With the bag still in hand, Harry approached you and gently placed it onto the coffee table. His hands reached behind you for the throw that had recently become an addition to the back of he sofa, there if ever the need for a quick baby cuddle struck. 
As the blanket hit your body, he noticed you move with such a sudden jolt it caused his neck to dart to the right to look at you. Owlish eyes, round and startled, looked back at him. Your right arm had moved upwards, almost to stop his gesture of covering you. His touch somewhat foreign to your recent memory. 
“Shit,” he abruptly whispered, more so to himself. “‘M sorry, I didn’t-“
His voice trailed off. Didn’t what? He didn’t mean to wake you? Didn’t mean to be a prick? 
Two sets of eyes stared at each other in silence. 
The tautness of your body slowly seemed to fade as you came to, Harry steadily lowering himself down to sit on the edge of the coffee table opposite, abandoning trying to cover you.
“What time is it?” 
The sound of your tired rasp made his shoulders sag. You really needed the rest, and he’d broken your slumber.
“Just after seven.”
“Must’ve really needed that run.”
Your comment was innocent, though it could’ve been taken snidely. He had been gone longer than he should’ve been.
“I got us breakfast.”
His words were woven with an unspoken peace offering. He felt guilt crawl inside him, slowly starting to eat away at the jealousy within. Selfish, selfish man. 
He couldn’t look you in the eye. The ticking of his jaw as he clenched it to fight the burn of his throat once more, at his silent deprecation, which would surely be seen as unjustified. 
“Bet you could use a shower first?”
He scoffed a laugh at your suggestion, a faint smile lifting at his lips. “Smell me all the way from over there, eh darlin’?”
The term of endearment warmed you. You felt yourself sink into the cushions beneath you. He was within reaching distance, nowhere near as far as the question would lead to believe. The literal meaning was nonsense, figuratively he had hit the nail on the head.
He chanced a glance at you. “Fancy comin’ wi’me?”
You strangely blushed at his offer, but faintly nodded your head. It felt odd to blush over such a simple request. You supposed part of you felt tension between you both and you appreciated his apparent desire to try and smooth things over. 
He stayed seated as you swung your legs out from underneath you and sat so that your right knee brushed against his. Standing, you felt the terracotta silk of your pyjamas brush your skin as you reached to sweep at his hair that was damp from a mixture of morning dew and perspiration. 
“Come on then,” you smoothly whispered, hand squeezing lightly at the curve of his shoulder. 
Slowly standing, Harry’s front awkwardly bumped into your back, his hand reaching for yours as a way to steady you both. 
His touch was clammy when your fingers slotted against his. The knowledge of such a thing calming any nervous edge that fizzled within your being as you led the two of you upstairs. 
Harry lingered on the landing as you walked into the bathroom, reaching into the shower to turn it on and let it warm. His feet tread lightly, trying to avoid the lone squeaky floorboard that haunted you both on night feeds. 
When he stepped inside he caught you leant over the bath, rearranging the bath toys and trinkets that were placed in a basket to the one corner.
As his eyes dropped to take you in, they noticed the one lone rubber duck that was sitting at your feet. Silently bending, Harry retrieved it before declaring himself in the room with a, “don’t forget ducky.”
You pressed your hand to your chest, taken aback by him being so close. It amused him, his expression alight for the first time over the last few hours. 
He watched as your eyes fell to the plastic duck, hand reaching out to take it from his grip. “This thing is the bane of my existence,” you admitted.
“You love it,” his voice was as hushed as yours. “Gets her to laugh every single time, without fail.”
That was one thing he could rely on that hadn’t changed during his time away. 
You noticed the slight downturn to his lips as he spoke, before turning to place the duck on the side. “You get in first,” you nudged him. “Let me go undress-“
“Do it here,” he paused, before softly asking “please?” when his hand reached up to brush your hair behind your shoulders. The back of his hand turned to smooth down the silky fabric before dexterous fingers slowly rolled at the buttons of your pyjama top, the two sides giving way. 
He bit away his smile as he felt you press his hand to your breast bone, spoiling the fun before the fabric gave way and revealed the swell of your breasts. You saw the way his bottom lip bounced ever-so-slightly when he let it go from the bite of his teeth to say, “Gonna need my hand back to get involved.”
You let it fall.
Harry quickly made use of it and pulled at the collar of his shirt to lift it up and over his head. His socks, shorts and underpants quickly followed only for him to cup his manhood to cover himself as he turned to walk under the warm spray of water.
Next, the silk of your garments satisfying slid down your skin, trousers easy to step out of and top aimlessly forgotten too.
From behind the glass shower door, you watched Harry close his eyes and willed the subconscious frown to relax from his brow. 
You stayed silent and looked on. He needed this moment. For the water to fall onto his taut muscles, to loosen and wash away whatever concerns that were weighing him down. 
There was something lingering under his skin and while part of you was determined to get it out of him, you knew for the benefit of you both it had to be on his terms. 
Opening the shower door, you stepped inside with Harry keeping himself turned away from you, the expanse of his back was impressive as he held his hands flat to the bathroom tiles and let his head hang forward. 
You lifted yourself onto your tip toes, arm wrapping around his front to steady yourself as you pressed your lips to the skin on his back.
In reply, he squeezed your hand. 
As expected the shower had been filled with awkward silences, lingering stares and fumbling feet as you moved around each other to bathe. Harry haa gotten out before you, roughly drying his body and hair before tip-toeing out to peep into Edie’s room. You only knew the last part cause you caught him slowly shutting the door when you left the bathroom underneath your own fluffy towel. 
“Fast as a rock,” his voice rumbled, confirming she was indeed still asleep. “I reckon we’ve got another two hours for us before she makes herself known.” 
You had softly smiled at his words at the time, not really knowing what to say. He gave you a small smile of his own, as he walked past you and mentioned something about flicking the kettle on as he made his way downstairs. 
The two of you were now laid out on the sofa, Harry on his back, legs accommodating you as you lay atop him. Crumbs from the pastries that you’d shared mingled with your skin and sprinkled the plates that sat on your coffee table. 
His hands were gently massaging at your shoulder blades as he sang under his breath to John Lennon’s ‘Jealous Guy’. The rumble of his chest was soothing, as you pressed your face further into his pec and inhaled the smell of his freshly washed skin.
The sound of a drowsy sigh caught your attention, your head turning on Harry’s chest to look at the baby monitor that was now directly in your eye line. 
A video of a sleeping Edie met your eyes, all content with one arm resting above her head as she remained on her back. You kept silent as you tried to zone in on the coos she was making to see if anything was out ordinary, but she continued to seem satisfied. 
“She’s happy dreaming,” you spoke more so to yourself. 
“How do you know tha’?”
“Listen to the noises she’s making,” you pointed out, well aware of how you sounded.
A silence fell over both you and Harry, but rather than one of contentment, an awkwardness lingered.
“I’m useless.”
Those two words he spoke were heavy as they broke through. “I’m so- so fuckin’ useless babe.”
You lay still, atop him, a frown forming at your brow as you listened. He wasn’t useless but it wasn’t your time to intervene while he was on his self-loathing train. Not yet.
He quite clearly had a lot to mull over, to speak out loud. 
“I have not got a fuckin’ clue what I’m doin’ wi’her. Not one single fuckin’ clue and-“ he sucked in a deep breath that racked through his chest when released. “I’m standing about like a spare part, in the way of you and the incredible job that you're doing for the both of us because-“
“Because what?”
Your voice sounded so unusual to you. So small. 
“We all have to start somewhere, sometime-“ you continue.
“No, it’s not that, I know that. It’s because- I feel like I have to when- I guess, I’m making it worse.” He paused. “Every time I come home I’m reminded of my inadequacies and earlier on during my run I actually thought about not coming back because I can’t stand it.” 
You felt yourself hold your breath as his confession, body wriggling to try and get out of his hold. His voice was getting breathier and breathier as he spoke and you knew if you pulled yourself up to get a proper look at him, you’d at least find his lips downturned. 
The heavy swallow he did next only confirmed that for you.
“I’m so fuckin’ jealous of you,” he croaked. “Of the bond you share. Of,” his voice faded. “Everything, pretty much.”
As he spoke, you lay in silence unsure of how to broach the subject. Did he need you to be supportive, or did he need some tough love? 
Before you could stop yourself you felt the bubble of laughter start, the shake of your shoulders underneath his touch.
“Okay,” he started, clearly offended, “alright, I get it. I’m being ridiculous. You can stop laughing at me.”
“Babe,” you started, lifting yourself slightly. As you did so you saw the way his vacant stare lingered on the ceiling, his stubble unnecessarily inviting to you as it peppered his cheeks, chin and underneath. “Harry,” you tried again to get his attention, “I’m not laughing at you. Am I laughing at you telling me this while Jealous Guy is playing in the background? Yes but not at you.”
Listening to your words, Harry took a deep breath and closed his eyes. In a matter of seconds he’d turned his head slightly and from this position dropped his eyes to look down the bridge of his nose at you. 
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” you admitted. “At least not the new things. I am impressed that I’ve made it look like I do.” 
From your words, you watched his features soften. “And don’t,” you reached up to hold his chin between your forefinger and thumb. “Don’t think I don’t ever need you, that we don’t need you-“
“Cause we do,” you paused. “But if I’m honest, I’m going to need you to just do it. To just get involved, to make the mistakes and to learn from them because I can’t do it all on my own.” 
“I don’t need you dwelling on the fact that she didn’t take a feed from you one time. I need you to suck it up and try again in two hours time when we- you, try her with baby porridge because quite frankly I’m sick of finding it in my hair and I think you should get the enjoyment of experiencing that at least once.”
Seeing the flicker of his lips gave you hope.
“Really nice of you tha’ is,” he started. “To give me tha’ experience.” 
“I know. I’m really a giving person in that way.”
A small silence filled your space again. It was a little light this time. Progress. 
You let your eyes run over his features once more, hands getting the better of you when the thumb on your right hand tried to work away the lines of worry etched into his forehead. 
“We need to learn together, grow together. Help each other,” you hummed, unable to look him in the eye, your own concern of how he’d admitted how he was thinking of leaving ringing far too loudly for you. “We’re stronger together.”
“Look at me,” he requested. You fought against his ask, feeling the burning of your throat appear. “Darling, I’m not going anywhere. Okay?”
You swallowed heavily, nodding your head. “So, can you please look at me?”
Two pairs of sad eyes met. 
Envy had no rest, and the trouble was you were both already so tired.
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lolahauri · 8 months
✎ Introduction ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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Requests are always open, and you can send as many as you want, as detailed as you want! I just get to them whenever i can/feel like it.
Anon's: 🌹-🕯️-🍁-❤️-
Other Accounts: @lolas-favfics @lolamultifandom @lolahaurisfw
AO3: Here
DNI: MAP, ZOO, Pro-Para, Pro-Ana, TERF, Zionist, Bigots, Minors!!!, Discourse Blogs. ❤️🖤🤍💚
Things I Won't Write:
Sex Crimes of ANY KIND, Super Violent/Xtreme Kinks, Inflation, Feederism, Abuse, Puke, Shit, DDLG, Age Play, Raceplay, Wound Fucking, Gore, Vore, Misgendering, Lesbian x Male, Gay Man x Female, Stepcest etc... no exceptions!
Fluff, Angst, Platonic. (Go to my other fanfic blog for that.)
Things I Will Write:
Genderbent Characters, Mild Yandere, Daddy/Mommy Kink, Cheating, Mild BDSM, CNC, Dubcon, Monsters, Hybrids, Sex Pollen, Legal Age Gap, Power Imbalance (Prof/Student, Boss/Employee), Feet, Armpits, Piss, Breeding, Mild Bloodplay & Knifeplay, Cock Warming, Dry Humping, Voyeur, Public Sex, Orgy, 3somes, Sex Toys, Overstim, Edging, etc... etc... :P
Trans Reader, Chubby/Tall/Short/Curvy/Fat/Buff Reader, Other Specific Characteristics.✔️
*if you aren't sure, just ask!* :)
HC's, One Shots, Multi-Chapter, Drabbles, F/O Imagines.
Canon-friendly, AU's, Canon Divergence, Out of Character.
Ch x Ch / Ch x Reader / Ch x OC / OC x Reader / Poly Ships of any kind.
F/F, M/M, F/M, GN/F, GN/M, Poly Ships of any kind.
Now that that's out of the way, here's the list of fandoms and characters i'm familiar with and will happily take requests on! (you can request other characters from these fandoms, but it might take me longer!)
Adventure Time/Fiona & Cake: PB, Marceline, Marshall Lee, Winter King, Candy Queen, Simon, Ice King, Fiona.
Attack On Titan: Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Sasha, Levi, Hanji, Annie, Historia, Reiner, Erwin, Ymir. 
Avatar: Jake, Neytiri.
Batman Begins Triology: Batman, Catwoman, Bane, Joker, Scarecrow.
Bee & Puppycat: Bee, Deckard, Cass, Toast.
BigBang Theory: Raj, Leonard, Penny, Amy.
Black Dynamite: Honeybee, Black Dynamite.
BNA: Michiru, Shirou.
Bob’s Burgers: Bob, Linda.
Breaking Bad: Jesse, Skylar.
Call of Duty: Konig, Ghost, Mace, Keegan, Krueger, Valeria, Farah.
Creepypasta: Jeff, Jane, Ben, Toby, EJ, LJ, Slenderman, Splendorman, Clockwork, Kate, Masky, Hoodie,
Desperate Housewives: Bree, Gabi, Edie, Lynette, Carlos, John.
Dirty Dancing: Johnny, Baby.
Earth Girls Are Easy: Mac, Zeebo, Wiploc, Valerie.
Elemental: Wade, Ember.
Encanto: Isabela, Bruno, Dolores, Julieta.
FNAF Movie: Vanessa, Mike, William/Steve.
Frozen: Elsa, Anna, Kristoff.
Futurama: Leela, Fry, Amy, Bender.
Gravity Falls: Ford, Stan, Soos, Melody, Giffany, Bill.
Jane The Virgin: Jane, Michael, Petra, Luisa, Rose, Rogelio, Xiomara.
Jurassic Park (1993): Ian Malcolm, Ellie Sattler.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo, Choso, Nanami, Sukuna.
King of the Hill: Hank, Peggy, Luane, Nancy, Dale, Khan, Min, John Redcorn.
Lisa Frankenstein: Lisa, Creature, Taffy.
Little Mermaid (2022): Ariel, Eric.
MHA: Dabi, Hawks, Aizawa.
Moon Knight: Moon System, Layla, Khonshu.
National Treasure: Benjamin, Riley.
Nintendo: Link, Zelda, Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Luigi, Bowser, Waluigi.
Norbit: Rasputia, Norbit.
Princess & The Frog: Tiana, Lottie, Naveen, Shadow Man.
Ratatouille: Colette, Linguini. 
Regular Show: Mordecai, Margret, Eileen, CJ, Benson.
Resident Evil: Karl Heisenberg, Carlos Oiliveria, Lady Dimitrescu.
Rick and Morty: Rick, Jerry, Beth, Doofus Rick.
Riverdale: FP Jones, Hiram.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: Kim, Ramona, Gideon, Wallace.
Serial Mom: Chip, Beverly.
Silverado: Slick, Rae, Mal, Paden.
Shallow Hal: Rosemary, Hal.
Shameless: Lip, Fiona, Kev, V.
SheRa (2018): All Adults.
Sherlock (2010): Sherlock, John Watson.
Slashers & DBD: Brahms, Ghostface, Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, Pyramid Head, The Spirit, Huntress, Trapper, Wraith, Trickster, Pearl, Jennifer Check, Stu Matcher, Billy Loomis, Tiffany Valentine, Patrick Batmeman, Thomas Hewitt, Vincent Sinclair, Eric Draven, The Artist, Amanda Young.
Spiderverse: Miguel, Jessica Drew.
Spongebob: Dennis, Man Ray.
Squid Games: Gi-Hun, Sae-Byeok, Ali, Sang Woo.
Steven Universe: Garnet, Amethyst, Peridot, Lapis, Jasper, Blue Diamond, Rose, Greg.
Stranger Things: Robin, Billy Eddie, Chrissy, Hopper.
Supernatural: Sam, Dean, Castiel.
Super Store: Amy, Jonah, Dina, Garrett, Cheyenne.
Tangled: Flynn, Rapunzel, Mother Gothell.
The Batman (2022): Batman, Riddler.
The Breakfast Club: John Bender, Allison Reynolds.
The Nanny: C.C, Fran, Maxwell.
Total Drama Island: S1 Contestants, Chris, Chef, Blainley.
Triple Frontier: Frankie, Santiago.
Turning Red: Ming Lee, Jin Lee.
Twilight: Edward, Carlisle, Alice, Charlie.
WWE: Rhea Ripley, Roman Reigns.
YOU: Beck, Joe, Peach, Love.
Young Sheldon: Mary, Connie.
Abel Morales (A Most Violent Year)
Astarion (Baulder’s Gate 3)
Babbo Natale (Violent Night)
Barbie (Barbie 2023)
Basil Stitt (Lightning Face)
Beverly Goldberg (The Goldbergs)
Bruce (Beyond Therapy)
Charles Ingalls (Little House on the Praire)
Charlie Dompler (Smiling Friends)
Chel (Road to El Dorado)
Dale Kobble (Longlegs)
Dan Conner (Rosanne)
David Levinson (Independence Day)
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Doug Remer (Baseketball)
Duke Leto Atreides (Dune)
Fezzik (Princess Bride)
Francine (American Dad)
Fujimoto (Ponyo)
Georgia Miller (Ginny & Georgia)
Jack Harrison (Translyvania 6-5000)
Jackson Rippner (Red Eye)
Jon Arbuckle (Garfield 2024)
John Doe (John Doe Game)
Jonathan Levy (Scenes from a Marriage)
John Wick (John Wick 4)
King Baldwin (Kingdom of Heaven)
Kitten (Breakfast on Pluto)
Laurent LeClaire (In Secret)
Linda Gunderson (Rio)
Llewyn Davis (Inside Lleywn Davis)
Master Chief (Halo)
Mike (5lbs of Pressure)
Moe Doodle (Doodle Bops)
Nani Palekai (Lilo & Stitch)
Nathan Bateman (Ex Machina)
Outcome-3 (The Bourne Legacy)
Orestes (Agora)
Paul Blart (Paul Blart: Mall Cop)
Paul Cable (Last Stand at Saber River)
Peggy Bundy (Married With Children)
Peter Mitchell (3 Men & A Baby)
Poe Dameron (Star Wars)
Prince John (Robin Hood 2010)
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd (Top Gun: Maverick)
Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Shiv (Pu-239)
Stanley Ipkiss (The Mask)
Star-Lord (Gaurdians of the Galaxy)
Tate Langdon (AHS: Murder House)
The Janitor (Willy’s Wonderland)
Thomas Magnum (Magnum, P.I 1980)
William Tell (The Card Counter)
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lemotmo · 4 months
Ooof that finale was…..not it. Like my first issue was they for some reason let Kristen write it. I honestly thought we were free of her with the move to abc but alas apparently not. And she very much made her presence known with how off the finale felt in terms of pacing and just how ooc some of them felt at times. Not to mention the continuing saga of her former reign in making Buck an over sexualized character by turning his dad trauma into a way for Tommy to make jr into a daddy kink joke which was just…. No thanks. Otherwise it just was such a….lackluster finale? And I found myself bored at moments.
And then the season over all I’m left wondering what was the point of half of it ? Like Bathena didn’t get to enjoy their honeymoon. They have no house now. The Amir plot which while I loved the character, ultimately led to nothing? The cartel storyline didn’t need to happen and bringing them back was boring. Bobby being dead for 14 minutes and coming into the station at the end perfectly fine was such a wtf moment even for tv standards.
Henren didn’t get to adopt their baby. They got a foster daughter instead only to then….lose her ? And have her be given to Madney instead for them to visit like truly this was just drama for drama sake and ultimately pointless pain for them.
Madneys wedding got rushed and ultimately turned into a 2 minute hospital room scene. We didn’t even get to see ant build up to the wedding.
Buck: He came out as bi which yesssss 🎉🎉🎉 only to then immediately be forced back into his hamster wheel, stuck in yet another relationship with someone who doesn’t seem to even like him, and is rude to him. And then turned into essentially a background character the rest of the season. I truly feel bad for Oliver because he was so so so excited for bi buck, and so happy and hopeful they would do it right and with respect and not over sexualize it and this is what he gets. A boring rude generic LI making daddy kink jokes and no real development into this part of himself. It’s truly no surprise he did nothing to promote that relationship or this finale.
Eddie and Chris. We hardly saw Chris. And then the way they rushed him leaving at the very end was so… not it. Not to mention so out of sorts for him? Like we have seen when he’s mad at Eddie he always goes to Buck. But this time he calls his grandparents at 2 am and asks them to come rake him to Texas indefinitely? Then the Buck Chris talk. I love their scenes together but even it felt off? And then they systematically undid any progress with Eddie’s parents with Helena often coming off filled with glee over it, and Ramon taking his own guilt in Eddie to make him accept it. Then we have Eddie himself. What was the point of Marisol? There doesn’t seem to be one. And why we had to suffer Edy all season remains a mystery since Tim said she came back because he didn’t want two off screen breakups. Only to then do two off screen breakups. What was the point of Kim? I had hopes they would actually use her to move Eddie along and then they just…didn’t? Even Ryan said he thinks all she did was make it worse.
I will give the show credit because they did stick to the try for buddie scene in every episode. And they had some good scenes. Ryan and Oliver knocked their scenes out in the finale especially but once again we are at the finale and it’s left in a…. Now what ? No real movement forward. Once again all of us going oh next season for sure! And no real clear path toward it. and based on Ryan’s interviews tonight, where it once again sounds like they have no idea what to do with Eddie next season due to the vast amount of directions they seem to want to take him, including apparently Ryan saying in one of them that Tim seems to want to lean more into the Bobby Eddie similarities next season and have Eddie focus a lot more on religion, but Ryan does say he doesn’t think Eddie will become a priest. But still it’s just like… what are we doing. It’s given more we don’t wanna say yes to Buddie and follow the clear narrative direction butttttttt we want the views sooooo let’s make it open ended enough to draw them in. Again.
They said at the start they were going to give, or try to give the fans what they wanted this season and truly, I’m utterly baffled how anyone thought any of this is what we wanted. Like we wanted Henren to get their baby. Madney to have the best wedding. Bathena to thrive and get their honeymoon and have some adventures. Buddie to become buddie and enjoy the Buckley Diaz family in an official capacity. And instead we got circles upon circles with lazy choices taken where they could and next to no real character growth or movement. I’m so sorry for how long this got 😅😅😅
Oh Nonny, how I agree with everything you said here. You get me.
I just posted my episode review and most of the things I talked about are the same things you highlighted.
It was written by Kristen? Ah, that explains a lot actually.
I didn't mind the Diaz parents though. I really do think they were trying to help out in their own way. But all the rest of this post? YEEEES!!!!
I can still see the Buddie of it. I'm still hanging in there. There were too many strange choices made in season 7 to make me believe that Buddie isn't going to happen in season 8. Not to mention the amazing chemistry between Buddie compared to whatever it is they are trying to show us with BT. However, they are on thin ice here. I agree. Things need to start moving along. If not... after season 8 I will retreat to my little nook of Tumblr living off good Buddie fan fiction.
I didn't read any of the Ryan interviews yet. Him leaning into religion and the parallel with Bobby I did see coming. The prayer book was too obvious. I wonder why they had 6 interviews lined up with Ryan over this episode? I get that his storyline is important, but it doesn't warrant 6 interviews, not even the religious aspect of it. I'm going to read some of them today to try and get a clearer image.
I just feel like all of my beloved 911 characters don't have any clear direction at this point. I was surely hoping for some more insight, but all we got was superficial storytelling and no real breakthroughs for anyone.
I don't understand what all those journalists that screened this episode were talking about when they said they saw clear directions for season 8. For me it is the opposite at this point. Where are they taking all of this???
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xxs-jxx · 3 months
daddy makes me so ne edy 🥹🥹🧚🏻
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Your Match-Ups!
Because I am a complete mess of a person, I forgot to put a few on my original list, so good news for the person who suggested Wizard from Stardew Valley a bit late: Because of my stupidity, he is now on the bracket!
We have a total of 104 contestants! This will be a standard single-elimination tournament. Match-ups were completely randomized, although for the first round I did not allow match-ups between two characters from the same franchise.
Voting will begin tomorrow morning at 9am PST. I will post one poll every ten or so minutes. I will do 26 tomorrow and 26 on Tuesday. Be sure to follow so you don't miss out on a vote for your favorite!
Without further ado: Your Most Datable Undatable Character Round 1 Match-Ups!
Day One
Kai (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)/Hytham (AC: Valhalla)
Aphrodite (Stray Gods)/Robin (Stardew Valley)
Cole (Dragon Age: Inquisition)/Dame Aylin (Baldur’s Gate 3)
Sten (Dragon Age: Origins)/Helena Blake (Mass Effect)
Kent Connolly (Fallout 4)/Asterius (Hades)
Serana (Skyrim)/Bo Calloway (Scarlet Hollow)
Perry (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)/Cliff Holden (Our Life: Beginning & Always)
EDI (Mass Effect 2 and 3)/Soma Jarlskona (Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla)
Kasumi Goto (Mass Effect 2)/Shandra Jerro (Neverwinter Nights 2)
Mel (Fallout 4)/Neeshka (Neverwinter Nights 2)
Vivienne de Fer (Dragon Age: Inquisition)/Pasqal Haneumann (Rogue Trader)
Carlos (Rune Factory 4)/Hypnos (Hades)
Scout Lace Harding (Dragon Age: Inquisition)/Bishop (Neverwinter Nights 2)
Deacon (Fallout 4)/Theseus (Hades)
Virgil (Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura)/Avitus Rix (Mass Effect: Andromeda)
Nathaniel Howe (Dragon Age: Awakening/Dragon Age 2)/Wynert (Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate)
Quinn (Dream Daddy)/Karliah (Skyrim)
Nick Valentine (Fallout 4)/Nakmor Drack (Mass Effect: Andromeda)
Dagna (Dragon Age: Inquisition)/Terry (Rune Factory 5)
Rolan (Baldur’s Gate 3)/Talos Drellik (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
Shiala (Mass Effect)/Jodi (Stardew Valley)
Tiran Kandros (Mass Effect: Andromeda)/Trickster (Hooked on You)
Arthur Maxson (Fallout 4)/Brassidas (Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey)
Brynjolf (Skyrim)/Briala (Dragon Age: Inquisition)
Mary Christiansen (Dream Daddy)/Chaos (Hades)
Olgierd von Everestu (The Witcher 3)/Wizard (Stardew Valley)
Day Two
Frea (Skyrim)/Rose of Sharon Cassidy (Fallout: New Vegas)
Legion (Mass Effect 2 and 3)/Yuthura Ban (Knights of the Old Republic)
Qyzen Fess (Knights of the Old Republic)/Dammon (Baldur’s Gate 3)
Isobel Thorm (Baldur’s Gate 3)/Athena (Stray Gods)
Sandy (Stardew Valley)/Vincent Valentine (Final Fantasy VII)
Kaelyn the Dove (Neverwinter Nights 2)/Medusa (Stray Gods)
Bao Dur (Knights of the Old Republic)/Evfra (Mass Effect: Andromeda)
Arcade Gannon (Fallout: New Vegas)/Jeremus (Mount and Blade: Warband)
Nyreen Kandros (Mass Effect)/Shale (Dragon Age: Origins)
Urdnot Wrex (Mass Effect Series)/Marnie (Stardew Valley)
Talvas Fathryon (Skyrim)/Nihlus Kryik (Mass Effect)
Cremisius “Krem” Aclassi (Dragon Age: Inquisition)/Gatekeeper (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Keldorn (Baldur’s Gate 2)/Lin Fa (Rune Factory 4)
Johnny Silverhand (Cyberpunk 2077)/Veronica Santangelo (Fallout: New Vegas)
Tarquin Victus (Mass Effect 3)/Aveline (Dragon Age 2)
Judith (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)/Varric Tethras (Dragon Age 2/Dragon Age: Inquisition)
Evelyn (Rune Factory 3)/Sagacious Zu (Jade Empire)
Jarun Tann (Mass Effect: Andromeda)/J’Zargo (Skyrim)
Joker (Mass Effect Series)/Vault Tec Rep (Fallout 4)
Eder (Pillars of Eternity 2)/Iorveth (The Witcher 2)
Atris (Knights of the Old Republic 2)/Vernon Roche (The Witcher 2)
Kharjo (Skyrim)/Lambert (The Witcher 3)
Mordin Solus (Mass Effect 2 and 3)/Eskiel (The Witcher 3)
Raphael (Baldur’s Gate 3)/Takemura (Cyberpunk 2077)
Craig Boone (Fallout: New Vegas)/Canderous Ordo (Knights of the Old Republic)
Mira (Knights of the Old Republic 2)/Wistful Deviless (Sunless Sea)
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protect-daniel-james · 3 months
Today is the day that football can be saved.
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papimolina · 2 years
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Edy's shirts, Edy's hair, just Edy 😚
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heythereimashley · 2 years
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mournin-glory · 1 month
lotf genderbend/country au dump (on personality)
raleigh/ralph- she's from very deep in the south, so much so that the other girls (despite the fact that they're all from the same state) have trouble understanding her. a little more opinionated and short tempered than her male counterpart. she still gets voted to be chief due to the conch, but she has a lot of problems with the hunters and the way they treat their animals. she was raised with hunters, and hunted for her own food in the past, but she was taught always to respect the animals and kill them as quickly as possible. shes 100 percent her daddy's little princess. at first, she looks up to the hunters (pageant girls) because she thinks they're pretty and she likes how fancy they are, but later she realizes how mean spirited they really are.
jolene/jack- the head of the pageant girls, she's obsessed with winning and being in charge. she wins pageants all the time, but despite that she's extremely insecure about her looks and will do anything to bring the other girls down. (the pageant girls have a very toxic friendship, they all view each other as competition) she was raised in a very religious household, and all her life she was taught that she needed men to protect her and she was useless as a woman. so, when she gets her first chance to live outside of that, she goes wild. when she hunts, she kills just to kill and does it in a violent way. she wants to hurt. and yes, she's named after the song.
susannah/simon- she's one of the pageant girls, but she's extremely shy and quiet and almost never wins. the other girls make fun of her because she passes out and has seizures frequently and call her suzie sundown behind her back.(sundown as in the sun goes down in her brain and she falls asleep) she doesn't understand why they don't like her, but she also doesn't make an effort to become close with them. she likes raleigh a lot because she's the first person to really acknowledge susannah and reach out to her. besides her fainting/seizures, she has a lot of mental problems. the pageant girls know this, and when she has a breakdown from the stress of the island, they make it worse for her. she eventually goes near completely insane, and raleigh makes it their responsibility to take care of her. (they don't do a good job)
peggy/piggy- a lot more insecure about her looks, especially because its constantly commented on at home. pretty much everyone hates her, except for raleigh. raleigh makes fun of her, but its more lighthearted, and if anyone else tries to insult peggy, she's defensive. especially because peggy is very smart. they understand that she's smarter than them and that she could help to get them off the island, but that doesn't stop anyone. they're very quick to insult her, especially ruby. (more on that later) they call her piggy because it sounds very close to her name, and they like to taunt her with the idea that they might kill her like a pig. her prized possession is a pair of earrings that her mother gave her before she died.
ruby/roger- she's an extremely jealous person. before they met peggy, ruby was very excluded within the pageant girls. they make fun of her looks, her family, and her race. she hates doing pageants and she doesn't ever win, but she's forced into it by her mother, who desperately wants her to be the perfect american daughter. the only reason that the pageant girls accepted her is because she's very naturally mean and quick with insults. she pretends not to know about her own culture around the other girls. the reason she targets peggy is not only because she thinks she's ugly, but because she became friends with raleigh. (raleigh is, to her, the perfect american girl). she loves hunting, but she tends to take it way too far. she also finds animals to take her anger out on. also, she wants peggy's earrings. a lot.
sally and edie/ sam and eric- very similar to their male counterparts, only differences are that they love gossip to an extreme amount and are always talking about someone, and that they get into petty fights with each other very often. the fights aren't bad and they don't last long, but they love to argue. they also like to braid their hair together, which means they're never not touching. the other girls refer to them together as 'sadie'
priscilla/percival- the sorriest little girl anyone's ever seen. she's very dramatic and cries very often, and it's over nearly everything. she's shocked when the other girls on the island don't entertain her meltdowns. most times, they just ignore her and she stops. susannah tries to comfort her, but that has a reverse effect and it just makes her cry harder.
side characters: the other pageant girls, are mary grace (maurice), harper (harold), betty (bill), starla (stanley), wilma (wilfred), wren (walter), rosemary (robert), and hope (henry). the little kids are julsie (johnny, no one could get her full name), pearl (phil), and the little girl with the montana shaped birthmark (they call her montana, except for hope)
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dragonflight203 · 3 months
Mass Effect 3 replay, part four of Leviathan:
Dr. Bryson’s Lab
-Why is Ann permitted to be on her own when they know she’s indoctrinated?
Leviathan could take control of her and force her to destroy the entire lab! Or herself!
Yes, so far it’s only occurred when an artifact is present, but they don’t know an artifact's required. It may just take more effort without one.
-Ann is yet another character with daddy issues. Does anyone in this series have a good relationship with their father?
-How did the Reapers validate years of Dr. Bryson’s work? Did he have a reason to suspect they existed?
-I still think having a piece of a Reaper in the middle of the Citadel is a very bad idea. It’s too dangerous for such a public location.
And I still want to know how they know the shielding works.
Saren had an entire lab devoted to studying indoctrination in an attempt to protect himself, but Dr. Bryson found a method in just a few years?
And if it works for the piece of the Reaper, why can’t it be expanded to protect organics? Why can’t it be used to safely research the destroyed Reapers on Tuchanka and Rannoch?
-Hmm. I suppose if Garneau knew how the shielding around the piece of the Reaper worked he could have developed something similar for the artifact. That justifies why he could develop shielding for it so quickly.
It also explains why Ann was so confident that the artifacts could be shielded.
-On a similar note, why is the husk head out in the open? And why isn’t it shielded?
The base game emphasizes that any contact with Reapers results in indoctrination. Alive, dead, their technology…
Leviathan is far more casual about it.
-Why are Shepard and James near the artifact when the shield is dropped?
It risks them becoming indoctrinated.
It’d be far safer to have Edi turn the shield on/off.
-The subtitles switch to Leviathan again when they speak through Ann.
-James can be ruthless when necessary, but he’s more paragon aligned. He’s pretty angry at Shepard for the danger they put Ann in if they go renegade.
-If you go paragon, Shepard and Ann both refer to Leviathan as “it”.
I think that time Shepard used “he” must have been an exception.
-I suppose we can assume the crashed ships are recentish, since the M-55 Argus 1 you can find on the ship is a current weapon.
At least that explains why Shepard can read the datapads.
-The datapads tell a rather harrowing story.
Notably, the skeletons are in the various tents.
The Leviathans caused them to just lie down and wait for death… Terrifying.
At least the Leviathans made them not feel hungry.
-According to the datapads, there aren’t any fish.
So what are the Leviathans eating?
-Why does a deep diving mech have the same weapons capabilities as as a Cerberus Atlas?
I think this is gameplay convenience. In game, it probably has tools that can be used as weapons if needed.
-Well, Shepard’s undeniably indoctrinated in the Leviathan DLC. By the Leviathan, but still indoctrinated.
Maybe that prevents or Reaper indoctrination?
-Why is it still treated as a given that the Leviathans are the ones that killed the Leviathan of Dis?
When was this proven?
I suppose we’re supposed to assume Dr. Bryson proved it offscreen and that’s what led him to the artifacts.
I had assumed he stumbled over the artifacts in his search, but that the two were not directly related. Or that researchers indoctrinated by the Leviathans created the weapon that took the Reaper out.
I still feel Shepard is making a leap here.
-Do the Leviathans remind anyone else of the turians?
“Lesser races”, thrall races = client species, the lesser races are cared for…
-Leviathan: “Tribute does not flow from a dead race.”
I think we all know the Leviathans real concern with the “lesser species” being exterminated by their machines.
-How did the star child destroy the Leviathans, anyway?
The first Reaper was created from the Leviathans, so it’s not like it was superior firepower and more advanced technology like it would in future cycles.
Yes, it built pawns to perform the research it needed to perform the task the Leviathans gave it. But how did these pawns have enough strength to take out the Leviathans?
I will assume the star-child somehow also seized control of the Leviathan’s existing infrastructure and turned it against them.
-Even billions of years later, the Leviathans can’t own that they fucked up.
The star-child wasn’t a mistake. It’s still serving its purpose!
So the part where it turned against the Leviathans and destroyed them is what, a minor flaw?
-If I understand correctly, in the early cycles the Leviathans took thralls. When the Reapers came they used the thralls to destroy any evidence the Leviathans existed.
So the paintings may come from that period.
Later they switched to using the artifacts to observe and direct without leaving their safe places.
-They refer to the artifacts as fragments.
Fragments of what?
-We all agree that the Leviathans exist on other worlds, right?
They’re just not telling Shepard that for security.
-Shepard should have the bends from returning to the surface so fast.
Let’s attribute their lack the Leviathans.
-Leviathan: “Today, they pay their tribute in blood”.
A very badass line.
-The Leviathans can override Reaper indoctrination. Still no evidence if the vice versa is true or not.
-Ironically, the star-child turning organics into Reapers might have helped lead to their downfall.
The Leviathans presumably could not take control of whatever machines the star-child used to wipe them out.
They can take control of Reapers.
-After meeting Leviathan, Shepard still refers to Leviathan as “it”.
-Ann’s indoctrinated. Isn’t having her work on the Crucible risky? It gives the Leviathan a direct line to it.
-The Reapers know the Leviathans are on Despoina. Why don’t they just chuck an asteroid at it to eliminate them? They could do that without getting into indoctrination range.
The Leviathans would not be able to indoctrinate a chunk of rock. Even if they have defense systems in place, if the Reapers threw enough asteroids at once I doubt the Leviathans could stop them all.
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neftiigaz · 1 year
HEY!!! my wonderful @edikovryakov and I have been thinking about erigamtav for a very long time, just a couple of months ago. and so they came,,,, what if they had children
you ask who from whom and so on. I explain. eritav has a daughter, and gamtav has a son. tavros is a common parent for children. unfortunately or fortunately, we did not create a third, so erigam child, or erigam are too complex in relation to them and it makes sense to have a larva for them, well, sorry, there is no way
Edi the daughter of eritav was engaged in the creation and development as a person, and I was engaged with my son gamtav
Edi has already shown Tosya in his blog, and I will immediately tell you about him - the gamtav larva (by the way the fact is Tamzik and Tosya are sister and brother and similarly Gamzee for Tosya/Eridan is an uncle for Tamzik)
link to this post about Tosya:
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homestuck style old reference;
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his name is Tamzik Makara (or Nitram-Makara) and a simplified version of the name Tamz, Tamzee (he looks like a capybara what the hell is so funny and cool-)
by the way, on the t-shirt to the right of our point of view there is a drawing with ":0)" and then it is not visible eheh
the first design that was created back in April:
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(bitch what a faggot he is-)
by the way, initially he should be a mutant with such a burgundy color
and sigh (perhaps it can be considered as relevant)
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unfortunately, I didn't have enough strength to draw like Edi from whom did the genes, facial features, etc., I chose the text after all. it is difficult, or my native language is not English at all, but the main thing is that I am not burned out to drawing
well, let's continue. of course, logically, the genes and similar facial features got more from Gamzee, or he is a higher-blood.
Tamzik got from Gamzee from the genes:
★ hair (moreover, in adulthood, the troll will clearly have hairiness all over his body)
★ the shape of the horns (at the tip of the horns slightly flattens the wavy shape like a gamzee)
★ mouth and teeth
★ ears
from Tavros:
★ tail (or it looks slightly bullish)
★ eyes and eyebrows
★ the shape of the horns (massive and growing from the visical part of the head)
by nature, Tamz is active, playful, optimistic, maybe even a little rude. he is silly dog (just like his daddy makara)
and I even thought about the emo phase in his maturing (i.e. teenage) age,,,yeah
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probably that's all, thanks for reading the under-article
reblog is allowed!!!
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plottingdaisies · 2 months
Flash Fiction Prompt Fill for the Shrimps (hi guys love you!). It's about the moon guys! I'm still very much in the "figuring out how my own world works" phase of all of this, so this is rough and also very likely subject to change! CW: Suggestions of an abusive home life, but not explicit.
Half In, Full Moon
More than the werewolves curse the full moon.
"Tennessee Jean Puck-Phillips, if you don't come out of there this instant, your daddy's gonna have you scrubbing the bathroom floors with a toothbrush for a week," Edie shouted through the thick door as she hammered on it with the side of her fist. "If we're late to the rotary club potluck, he isn't going to be happy!"
Tenny petulantly kicked the wall from inside their bedroom closet where they hid. "I'm not going!" they shouted and crossed their arms, even though mama couldn't see it. "Dad only goes because it makes people think he cares about shit other than-"
"Language, Tenny!"
Tenny kicked the wall again, accidentally threw their balance off and bit their lip with a too sharp incisor during their rapid descent against the wall. Even their blood tasted wrong, like a fruit gone a little too soft instead of pennies. "Damn it, mama. Ain't you looked at the almanac lately? Or you know, the sky?"
Tenny had seen it, sitting up there the night before, taunting them as the skin at the edge or their hairline began to hurt.
The This-Side almanac called it a "Buck Moon". For Tenny, it was just a plain old problem.
That's what they got for being born half This-Side and half the Other. Everyone who knew anything knew that the Other-Side got stronger, more apparent in places it wasn't ever meant to when the moon was full and big in the sky.
Their mother's incessant knocking paused. "Oh no, Tenny-Jean. Is it bad?"
"What do you think, mama? I'm hiding in a closet instead of going to the place where Mrs. Robbins is going to bring her pecan pie! You know I'd put up with all of daddy's schemin' for her cooking." Tenny rubbed their face in their hands, pretending they didn't feel the little bumps just about their temples.
"Let me in so I can see. I can help you hide it like last time," Edie Puck begged softly.
Tenny groaned and slowly trudged their way out of the closet, across the hardwood floors, being sure to leave as many scuff marks as they could manage with the soles of their shoes. They huffed as they reached out to unlock the door and turn the heavy and all too expensive bronze doorknob. "Face powder and those dark lenses aren't gonna do it this time, mama," they whined as they opened the door.
Edie Puck, wife of an Other-Side creature of impressive notoriety and power, placed her hand over her mouth to try to suppress the surprised gasp. She was unsuccessful.
Tennessee Jean Puck-Phillips stood before her in all their awkward teenage glory. Gangly arms and legs protruded from a rumpled linen shirt that was like to drown them, no doubt pilfered from one of the boys who worked in the stables as Tenny was prone to doing (and in their defense, they really hated the clothes in their own closet), and pants that were too short. All of this was to be expected, of course. A rapidly growing teenager never fit their clothes quite right. Besides, Tenny never wore clothes that fit right or fit expectations.
No, the bit of Tenny's appearance that startled their mother so was a little northward and had little to nothing to do with their frustrating free-spirit and wrinkled clothes.
Two hard little nubs protruded from the top of Tenny's head like a young buck's brand new, baby antlers. Their eyes were entirely green with a dark, narrow vertical slit for  pupils, reptilian in appearance. And where one might expect the red marks that so helpfully announced that puberty had a child in its unforgiving grasp, sat opalescent scales on their cheeks and forehead that shimmered in the light.
"Mama, please!" Tenny cried out in despair, unable to hold back the distressed tears they'd been so feistily holding back like it was a matter of life and death that they not cry. "Everybody already thinks I'm weird! I can't go out in public like this!"
Edie pulled Tenny into a hug, cradling their face against her shoulder. "Oh baby, we can get you a nice hat, or a bandana. Your glasses will hide your eyes, and the face powder will cover the rest."
"Mama, look at my teeth, and my ears. I look like a monster! And everything smells weird right now. And what if Charlie sees me like this? He'll never want to talk to me again. And the whole school will find out. And what if there's iron there? Last time I went out on a full moon, I got an iron burn on my hands that took two weeks to go away!" Tenny babbled rapid fire. "It'll ruin my life! Just tell everyone I'm sick. It's close enough to the truth! I'm cursed! I hate this!"
"Tenny-Jean, you are not cursed," Edie chastised gently.
"Yes, I am," Tenny argued, words muffled by Edie's clothes. "You're cursed too, don't act like you ain't."
"Tenny, I asked you not to talk like that."
Tenny pulled back from their mother's embrace. "Mama, can you just be honest with me, just this once?" Tenny asked with their pleading, unnatural eyes turned up at their mom, who would only be taller than them for a little while longer. "Every full moon, I turn into a freak. I can see everything other people can't, and it ain't pretty! You literally can't leave the house unless daddy says so. I've seen you tryin', mama. People don't just start smoking all over just cause they crossed a threshold they weren't supposed to. He's cursed you for falling for him and cursed me by my being born."
Edie grimaced, her lip trembled and for just a moment, a precious little second that Tenny grasped and held onto like it was a life preserver, they thought their mother was going to open up. Be the mother they needed so badly. But then Edie breathed in deep, exhaled and dodged the matter entirely by saying, "He can teach you to hide it, if you'd ask."
Tenny turned their back on her and sat down on their bed, cradling their head in their hands. "Nothing daddy does is help. And nothing you get from him his free. Wish you'd stop lying to yourself."
Tenny looked up at Edie. Edie, their human mother, who was trapped and scared and broken down, and all Tenny could see was a coward. Someone who'd given up. "I ain't like you, mama. I'm not gonna let him win just because he's my daddy." Tenny spat bitterly, hoping their words hurt a little bit. "And I ain't like him neither, just because I look like his true face sometimes. I got my own tricks. I'll get out of here, and I'll take you with me."
Edie rolled her eyes, buttoning up the hurt welling in them. She'd gotten so good at pretending, Tenny wasn't sure she knew she even was anymore. "Every teenager thinks they know more than they do. Don't go causing trouble just cause the moon reminds you of him." Then she added, softly but with begging urgency, "Please."
Tenny huffed, and refused to meet their mother's eyes.
Half on This-Side, half on the Other. Tenny knew there was a trick to their "inheritance", they just needed to do a little more digging. "Whatever. Just ... just be sure to bring me a slice of Mrs. Robbins's pie. I'm going to bed."
Well, that was a lie. Tenny was going to pretend to go to bed. Then they were going to trick the door to Tennessee's study into letting them in. Doors to the Other-Side loved a good trick, and it would be a shame to let a full moon pass them by without getting into a little trouble.
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yaminobean · 5 months
CPC X Hazbin Hotel: My Dad, the Devil.
A universe where Leland decides to go for shittest dad of the year and sacrifice his youngest son, Frederick to the devil for power to show up Jack of the Pastel Kingdom. Lucifer immediately senses the daddy issues in Frederick and adopts them. I haven't written this in but Lucifer does grant Leland his wish but he doesn't get to live to enjoy it. Leland dies in the enchanted forest, having slipped and plunged off the cliff around the Pastel Kingdom. His power immediately goes to his wife. I like to think that when he died and arrived in Hell, Lucifer sent him to the deepest pits to be tortured for eternity. The main change that happens with Lucifer is that he makes an effort in dealing with his depression when he takes in Edie. He's let his depression separate him from his family before and he refuses to let it happen again.
Eden "Edie" Morningstar facts
- When Edie first came to Hell, she was a little hesitant around Lucifer and mainly refered to him as Mr. Morningstar or Mr. Scratch.
- It took Edie 6 months before she called Lucifer Dad regularly. She did once when she caught the flu and had a fever. She began to see Lucifer as her parent when the fallen angel stayed with her while she was sick. Edie hated being sick because when she was Frederick, her father rarely visited her and forbade anyone from doing so. When he did, he'd always complain about how often she got sick and how inconvenient it was. Leland also expressed disgust at touching her body and often abstain from touching her when she was sick. So when Lucifer put on light puppet shows to cheer her up and held her as they waited for the medicine to take away her headache, the word just slips out. Luci, of course, almost cries and waited with bated breath for it to happen again.
- Edie's style is heavenly inspired by a more colorful version of Charlie's emo phase.
- Asmodeus helped Edie discover her gender identity when she turned 13. When she came out to Lucifer, the king was more shocked by her name choice than her gender reveal. Memories of the garden still brings in complicated feelings but he's still supported her choice.
- Bee tries to convince Lucifer to enroll Edie in one of hell's academies, more so to give the young ward a chance to make friends. But Lucifer opted for homeschooling instead.
- Edie still likes to read and still likes a good fairytale to curl up with at night. Though when she got older, her interest branched out to true crime and some forensic studies. Her serial killer knowledge often concerns her Dad.
- She calls Beelzebub, Titi Bee and Asmodeus Uncle Ozzy. The only sins she doesn't get along with is Mammon and Paimon. Paimon makes caustic comments and Mammon is a crass and vulgar creep that tries to hug her way too long for comfort and loudly declares himself her uncle. He mainly uses that to extend some form of power over her.
- Satan has never spoken to her and she's honestly terrified of him.
- Edie's health issues actually got better while staying in Hell. When Lucifer learned about her asthma and immune issues, he and the family physician worked to help Edie manage these conditions with potions and magic asthma spray. This actually gives her a sense of control and she does feel less at the mercy of her body. She also has some potions that help her transition.
- Edie is the reason Adam doesn't personally show up to meetings in Hell. This event is know as The Fudge Butt incident.
That's all I got so far. I'll update later with some other aspects that I may or may not write as a fic.
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