kazamastar · 2 years
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Pour Dadabe Philippe 🫶🏾
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lgbtiqrefugeesblog · 2 months
Transgender individuals in the African camps most especially in East Africa face a multitude of daunting challenges that urgently demand attention and advocacy. The oppressive environment in the camp exacerbates the struggles of transgender refugees, who encounter pervasive discrimination, hostility, and violence. Transphobia within the camp leads to widespread marginalization of transgender individuals, who are often subjected to verbal and physical abuse, social exclusion, and denial of fundamental rights, including access to healthcare, education, and employment opportunities. Additionally, the lack of legal recognition and protection for transgender people in East Africa compounds their vulnerability, leaving them in a perilous and precarious situation.
Advocacy for transgender refugees in the Kakuma camp,Gorom,Dadab,Nakivale etc is urgently needed to address these critical issues. It is imperative to advocate for the recognition and protection of the rights of transgender individuals, including their right to gender identity and expression, protection from discrimination and violence, and access to essential services. Efforts should be directed towards raising awareness, educating the public, and mobilizing support to create a safer and more inclusive environment for transgender refugees. Collaboration with local and international organizations, along with engaging with governmental and humanitarian agencies, is essential to ensure that the rights and well-being of transgender refugees are prioritized and upheld. Immediate action and sustained advocacy are crucial to improving the dire circumstances faced by transgender individuals in the Kakuma camp.
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slipguy100 · 2 months
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...on the beach...dadab ...dabbada ...
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thiery22 · 1 year
Hi everyone out there, I'm Henry from dadab refugee camp in Kenya originally from Uganda.
I'm a queer person who loves his life but it has been violated due to my orientation, and homophobia is the real cause that even I hardly move around in the camp because I've been attacked several times putting my life in danger!
We mostly lack food and safe water for a long period of time ever since I evacuated from my home country due to the horrible situation there and I was hoping it would be a safer side but only the toughest. People swim into our small shelters and loot our property forcefully and they're always backed by the law enfocers which makes it hard to bear this situation
We cry out for your concern and help us find a better place that recognises who we're! Please love is the best way to live in this confusing world.. thanks
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monitorchakas · 1 year
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Drawing vs reference
WIP of Lighter than Some (and Dadab not yet pictured)
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halobirthdays · 1 year
Someone tell 343 to give the Unggoy and Huragok characters birthdays :(
Where's the love for my baby Dadab?
And Pipit. And Yayap. And Drifts Randomly.
And Lighter Than Some!!!!
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cutecore-archives · 7 months
『port - Import / Export EP』所感
#1. Song About Me & Human Beings
#2. 札幌
徹夜明けなので朝には透き通る日差しが刺さる。革命の雰囲気に乗り切れずにフラストレーションがただ溜まっていく若者を題材にしている。1st EPで唯一の日本語詞。
#3. In Action
#4. From Camel’s Back
#5. Banana
portの前に組んでいたAmorous Mosquito最後の曲をportとしてセルフアレンジした曲。DADABE。アモラスはインディーポップやグランジやシューゲイザーをやっていたけど、ちょっとエモがやりたくなってこの曲を書いた。port版は更にパンク風のエモに仕上げた。イントロ〜Aメロの空気感のあるフレーズはお気に入り。アウトロのギターフレーズはメタルみたいでテクい。
2016年初めに、フラサンで2日間で録音し��の後数日かけてミックスマスタリングしてもらった。岩崎さんレコーディング。ギターの音には全く納得がいっていないし、時間が許せばもっと色んな音を重ねれば良かったとも思う。これは完全にバンド、ひいては僕の音作りやディレクションの問題だった。しかし2015年初頭に結成したバンドがちょうど1年後に勢いで録音した事実にこそ価値があるのかもしれないし、そんな初期衝動を自ら価値付けすることにも問題があるのかもしれない。これらの反省が2nd EPの制作に若干反映される。
2024/2/20 太田直輝
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bezesta · 1 year
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Dadabe Jean Louis sy Bebe Jackie
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bloodgulchblog · 2 years
I’m in awe. I just finished it, and Contact Harvest was an awesome book, from Mac and Sif to dadab and lighter than some, but by far the wildest part is the /end/ of the book and Johnson’s time with Al-Cygni. I was in mourning and was completely unprepared for Jo Staten to smack me upside the head like that, hooooly shit
It left me with a lot of what ifs, though - such as what Mendicant Bias would have actually done if he had been able to break loose of High Charity. Like- if the dreadnought hadn’t been stopped, it would have come close to decapitating the Covenant simply by its absence right? But what was he gonna do with it while the humans were undergoing hostile first contact? Or for that matter, what if lighter than some hadn’t been killed or had been taken with the people of Harvest as they fled? It’s nutty.
I'm glad you had so much fun with it, anon! I thought that bit at the end was kind of awkward but I can forgive it because it's such a rock-solid Halo book. I think it helps that Staten was straight up the head writer on Halo, he has that self-assuredness that comes from playing in your own sandbox instead of being an outside writer trying to follow a lore bible.
I wrote off Contact Harvest because my friends in high school told me it wasn't any good, so I hadn't read it before this year. (It just goes to show you that you should never trust mid-2000s gamer boys.)
Now I'm just full of Halo thoughts because of it. There are so many ideas for AUs and questions in there like that.
Also: Keep in mind at this point in the lore Bungie was still heavily implying that the Forerunners were ancient humans. (Which is in and of itself a whole realm of AUs!)
Anyway my favorite thing about CH is probably the front end showing Avery Johnson and the terrible horrible no good very bad couple of months, I love suffering.
My other favorite thing about CH is the ending with Mack and Sif because, as stated above...
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mariabarbara44 · 4 years
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Wilson #barbone #barbonenero #barbonepuppy #milanese #asilopercani #dadaB #canedashopping #5mesi https://www.instagram.com/p/CEeLut0qGhIeoUemi_HVUhbka4Y4bynd-w9MX40/?igshid=19273twlwnqxu
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nanuka · 4 years
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The accounts of space and time, 'Untitled 5/6' -interier, 52 x 70.5 in, 2020, NT - - - - - - - #nanatchitchoua#studio#studioscenes#dadabiti#losangeles#pandemic#nanukatchitchoua https://www.instagram.com/p/CAWXeaTh3Tk/?igshid=17pcrfaatt27x
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kazamastar · 5 years
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jjumbamartin · 8 years
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Lula Abdulkhadir Modhar has a dream. A dream to one day leave Kakuma Refugee Camp, a place that has never felt like a permanent settlement, even after staying there for over 16 years. Although the refugees living in Kakuma receive assistance from aid organizations and are safer from being sent back to their countries of origin, they are trapped in the camp. They are not able to move freely outside the camp and cannot easily obtain education or employment outside the camp. This lack of freedom can cause refugees to feel undignified and unable to control their lives. Lula was born in 1998, first child of her parents. She says all her life memories have been drawn in the camp, but remains hopeful that one day, her family will be resettled to another country. (Preferably Canada) To learn more about Kakuma Girls, visit |www.kakumagirls.org| Jjumba Martin Photography 2015 | #kakuma #kenya #refugee #dadab #ugandanphotographer #africa #blue #islam #girls #kakumagirls #kakumarefugeecamp (at Kakuma Refugee Camp, Northwest Kenya)
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mellz117 · 5 years
I wanna discuss the naming conventions of the Unggoy. Just a bit. I see names like ““Yayap” and Dadab”. A consonant, followed by a vowel, followed by another consonant, usually two syllables.
Based on that, could a grunt be named Jarjar? I want a grunt named Jarjar
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monitorchakas · 1 year
I want to reread contact harvest
I miss dadab and lighter than some
I love unngoy stories so much
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reseau-actu · 6 years
Après le Louvre Abu Dhabi, la France récidive en Arabie saoudite
Le prince héritier d'Arabie saoudite, Mohammed ben Salmane, surnommé « MBS »,  arrivé dimanche à Paris , devrait signer mardi un accord à l'Elysée pour le développement touristique et culturel de la région d'Al-Ula, un site classé par l'Unesco riche en vestiges archéologiques. Cet accord, d'une durée de dix ans, prévoit la création d'une agence dédiée sur le modèle de l'agence France Museum, qui a piloté le  Louvre Abu Dhabi . L'agence, dont Gérard Mestrallet, à la tête du conseil d'administration d'Engie, prendra la présidence, sera financée par des capitaux saoudiens, et comme pour le Louvre Abu Dhabi, un  fonds de dotation pour la protection du patrimoine français abondé par Riyad, sera constitué.
C'est d'ailleurs le succès de l'inauguration du musée en novembre qui a convaincu le prince de se tourner vers la France. A 1.100 km de la capitale de Riyad, la région concernée par cet accord est grande comme la Belgique, avec une superficie de 22.000 km2. A l'instar du site de Petra en Jordanie, elle comprend des ensembles exceptionnels, comme l'ancienne cité nabatéenne d'Hegra (Madain Salih) ou celle de Dadab (Al-Khuraybah).
Pour Gérard Mestrallet, cet accord est « sans précédent », par l'ampleur des domaines qu'il couvre : archéologie, offre culturelle et artistique mais aussi infrastructures, énergie, transports, formation et « tout ce que la France peut offrir en termes de valorisation du patrimoine ». Le chiffre de 50 à 100 milliards de dollars de fonds publics et privés investis dans ces opérations a été évoqué.
Deux à trois fois le Louvre Abu Dhabi
La France va contribuer à la rédaction d'un schéma directeur global et des conventions seront également signées avec des institutions comme l'Opéra de Paris pour la création d'un orchestre symphonique et d'infrastructures musicales, le Palais de Tokyo et l'Institut du monde Arabe pour des expositions, l'Institut national d'histoire de l'art, l'école de cinéma La Femis, le CNRS impliqué déjà dans des fouilles, Campus France, qui espère signer une convention portant sur 150 millions d'euros pour nos universités.
L'accord prévoit l'ouverture d'un musée régional sur les cultures préislamiques qui ont occupé le site, mais aussi la construction d'un musée de stature internationale, deux à trois fois plus grand que le Louvre Abu Dhabi, consacré à l'histoire et au patrimoine de la péninsule arabe, de l'Antiquité à nos jours, ainsi que la création d'un centre de recherche jumelé avec les grandes institutions françaises. A travers ses départements archéologiques et des arts de l'Islam, le Louvre sera le premier contributeur de ce musée, mais une vingtaine d'autres institutions comme Guimet ou l'Inrap (recherches archéologiques) seront impliqués. Comme pour le Louvre Abu Dhabi, des sujets sensibles tels que l'égalité hommes-femmes ou la liberté de parole dans la recherche scientifique seront actés dans l'accord.
Premiers touristes d'ici 3 à 5 ans
Cent cinquante étudiants et étudiantes à parité vont aussi être formés aux métiers du tourisme et de la culture. Les premiers touristes pourraient être accueillis dans la région « d'ici 3 à 5 ans », selon Amr Al Madani, directeur général de la Commission royale pour Al-Ula, une entité indépendante chargée du développement du site qui pourrait devenir également une zone franche. Une fois mieux équipée, la région, qui dispose déjà d'un aéroport, pourrait recevoir entre 1,5 et 2,5 millions de visiteurs par an, dans le respect de l'environnement, assure le responsable saoudien.
Martine Robert
Article complet: lesechos.fr — https://www.lesechos.fr/industrie-services/services-conseils/0301538727958-apres-le-louvre-abu-dhabi-la-france-recidive-en-arabie-saoudite-2167590.php
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