#dad organa loves all his space children
kitkatt0430 · 2 years
sorry for the difficult asks but: 🌀 and ☔ from thr recent ask game you reblogged, pls?
Don't worry about it, these are fun for me. :D
🌀Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet. It can be hypothetical or something you really plan on releasing...
I've mentioned this one before and of course it's taking longer to write than expected...
When the rebels discover a hidden Imperial base on Wayland, no one expected what they'd find hidden within the depths of Mount Tantiss. Droids, cloning equipment, Sith Artifacts... and the Hero with No Fear sleeping in carbonite.
I've got a decent sized chunk of the story written. But I'm a bit stuck on it right now. There's the question of whether Anakin is a clone or if Darth Vader is a clone - this gets sorted fairly early. Then, of course, there's Anakin dealing with his grief over Padme's death and Obi-Wan dealing with his own grief and a bit of self-loathing of how he left the version of Anakin he fought on Mustafar and he's been drinking pretty heavily. And there's also Bail Organa, who knows that Anakin is going to want to be part of his children's lives but that it's not really safe for that... and the clone medic Dancer, who thinks they're all being way more dramatic about everything than is necessary but no one asked her opinion. She'll give it anyway.
It's set a few years post Revenge of the Sith, ignores the Kenobi show entirely, and takes into account more Legends canon than new canon. Mostly it's angsty hurt/comfort fic. But Anakin is going to have to realize that it's not safe for him to be his children's dad right now. Especially while Vader's out there. So that'll be a big ouch. But with hope that he can be a part of their lives later on; he's not planning to just take Luke and Leia away because they do have families that love them now, but he could make himself a part of those families and bring them together so that his kids can know each other... if he can help bring down the Empire, of course.
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
So I answered this one already here, but I have more than a few that hit this category. So I'll do another one.
This is another crossover idea with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but this one would have been with NCIS. Tony would have been Buffy's cousin, so when Sunnydale collapses Buffy turns to him to look after Dawn while she heads to Europe to help Giles re-form a new version of the Watcher's Council. She's going to be on the move a lot and graduating on time will be easier on Dawn if she stays in the states.
It would have been set shortly post plague but before Kate's death, adding a few cases into that space so it's not 'Tony almost dies of the plague and then immediately gets put through the ringer'. There'd be some danger headed their way from the supernatural side of things because the Key is without the Slayer's protection now and Dawn has to figure out how to deal with the repercussions of that. Yes, Buffy or any of the other Slayers would come running if she needed them, but Dawn wants to fight her own battles. And what does it mean for Tony to be caught up in all this? Does he want to stick with NCIS, where he's not sure he's happy and his biggest reason to stay is to support Gibbs. Or does he go somewhere his experience might be better appreciated?
I tend to have mixed opinions about all the characters on NCIS, so I think that would have been reflected heavily in the fic. But much like with Bones, I kinda got bored with NCIS. So I don't know that I'd ever write this one.
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ashlynncoy-blog · 6 years
Misfire: Critical Condition Part VIII
Here is Part VIII.
I have madness this week, so I don’t know when I will get time to post again, but I have through part thirteen drafted and the next several bits are very concretely in my head. It’s just getting a minute to be in front of the computer that’s the stumbling block.
Remember that the #Misfire Verse tag will get you all previous installments. Here, have what I call PEAK angst:
Leia had suspected her decision to break things off with Isolder might not go over well with her superiors in government. She had not, however, been at all prepared for the fill weight of the New Republic’s disapproval.
She’d barely been spoken to since her return to Coruscant. Her position on the New Republic Provisional Council had been dissolved along with the others upon the founding of the permanent government. She’d been granted indefinite leave from her duties in the Ministry of State in order to make the trip to the Hapes Consortium with Isolder, and closing in on three months after her return, she’d yet to be re-called to service.
She’d kept as busy as she could. She’d made appearances on behalf of her mother and of Alderaan, and had done her best as a sounding board for her father, who had recently been seated as Chancellor. But things were beginning to get awkward. Chancellor Bail Organa and Chief of State Mon Mothma worked closely together. They were also old friends and trusted colleagues. They’d both shard work space and associated socially since the days before the Empire. There was only so much time that could pass before it became painfully aware to Leia that her father’s friend, her former boss, was avoiding her.
Luke was away most of the time. As much as she supported his quest to understand, and to possibly rebuild, the Jedi Order, Leia missed having her brother around. Winter was away, too—under such deep cover that the two women couldn’t even send messages through a handler. With Han still in a coma (and hating her) and most of her other friends still in the military and off on campaign, the loneliness and boredom had begun to get to her.
She spent what time she could working on the Force meditations and other exercises she’d been taught—keeping a promise she’d made to Luke years before to turn her attentions to the practice as soon as she could find the time. But ever since that day in the hospital with Han, she’d been afraid to fully reach out with her feelings for fear of encountering something so unsettling again. Her mastery of The Force wasn’t improving much.
She was having a hard time figuring out what to do with herself on Coruscant in the absence of any official duties, so when her father had mentioned his plan to spend the Senate’s impending two weeks recess on Alderaan, and asked if she would be interested in joining him, Leia had practically jumped at the suggestion.
Running home to her mother wasn’t entirely in character for Leia, but the idea of being someplace she felt welcome was enough to make the trip more than appealing. Since her return from Hapes, her mother had been gently pressuring her to begin taking on more of the kinds of responsibilities she’d be faced with someday as Queen, and Leia didn’t mind at all if that meant spending some time on Alderaan—and some on-the-job-training with her mother.
She’d packed her bags with an abundance of haste. Anything she forgot, she would surely be able to replace when she got where she was going. That was the advantage of traveling home over any of her other ventures over the years. She’d had her things sent ahead to the spaceport hours ahead of her father’s scheduled arrival at the embassy to retrieve her, and she was sitting on go when Bail finally arrived.
As she rode beside her father in the speeder, Leia couldn’t help but notice they didn’t seem to be heading for their usual port of embarkation.
“Where is the ship?” she asked as Bail piloted their ample two-seater through a particularly bad snarl of traffic.
“It’s right where it usually is,” he answered. “I have a stop to make first.”
Maybe it was The Force or maybe it was the tone in her father’s voice, but Leia knew precisely where they were headed. She’d thought she recognized this part of town, but so much of Coruscant resembled so much of the rest of it that she’d talked herself into thinking it was her own preoccupations making this neighborhood seem familiar. But no—she crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head as her father brought the speeder around the final corner to allow Army Hospital to come into view in the distance.
“Dad,” she said. “no.”
“I have to, Leia.”
“You have to?” she quizzed.
“We’re still listed as General Solo’s next of kin.”
“Oh.” Leia clapped her hand over her mouth. She’d forgotten that. The Alliance was still on Yavin 4 when Bail and Breha Organa had insisted on being listed as both Luke’s and Han’s family on official documents—that way they would be notified in the event of any emergency. Leia hadn’t thought about that in years. She certainly hadn’t considered what that might mean in terms of Han’s current condition.
“I need to sign some forms,” Bail said. He pulled the speeder into the lane that would take him to the hospital’s public landing bay.
“What kind of forms?” Leia asked. She knew Han didn’t want her around, but that didn’t make her any less curious. If she could get updates on his condition from her father, then she was damned sure going to.
“They want to put him back in the bacta tank,” Bail answered.
“That’s good,” Leia said, remembering what Wedge had told her about how they’d wanted to wait on bacta until Han was more stable.
“I’m afraid it’s not,” her father countered.
“It’s quite the opposite,” he told her. “He’s just not healing. There’s nothing more they can do.”
“But Wedge said they can’t resuscitate him,” Leia argued. Surely Bail had heard this. If he’d signed forms for Han’s care before now, he must have been told about that.
“I know,” Bail replied somberly. “But what good is it if they keep resuscitating him only to have him get sicker and sicker? Eventually they won’t be able to get him back at all. It’s reached a point where it’s too risky to keep him out of bacta. Maybe,” he said, “if we’re lucky, the bacta will do enough. Because that’s the only chance he has left right now.��
Leia could feel her lower lip beginning to tremble as she fisted her hands in her skirt.
Bail pulled the speeder onto the hospital platform and lowered its parking struts.
“You can wait here if you need to,” Bail said as he opened his door. “I understand this is hard for you.”
Leia sniffled as she considered his offer.
“No,” she said. She reached over and opened her own door, careful not to let her knees buckle from the fear she felt as she stepped out onto the tarmac. “I’ll wait in the hall.”
Leia walked beside her father across the landing platform and to the lift that would take them to the right floor. She couldn’t help but notice the confidence with which her father made the trip, but she dared not ask how many times he’d come to visit. It was clear that he’d been here plenty; as they traversed the labyrinthine corridors between the lift and the Critical Care wing, he didn’t have to look at a single sign.
Leia could tell something was horribly wrong as soon as they set foot onto the familiar hallway. There was a klaxon sounding. Beings and droids were scurrying into and out of the open door to one of the treatment suites. When she realized what was going on and whose room they were concerned with, Leia broke into a flat run toward it.
She was reaching out with her feelings. She needed to get some hold of Han, some grip on whatever part of him was still around. It was a risk, she knew. She was driven by fear and terror and Luke would probably say she was falling to the Dark Side, but that was a matter she’d deal with another day. Right now there was only one thing she gave a damn about.
She rounded the corner into Han’s room at full speed. There were doctors, nurses, droids, and machines on all sides of the bed. Leia could barely get a glimpse of Han where he lay. But she knew he was there. She knew it in The Force and she knew it by the readouts on the screens all over the room. He was crashing, but he wasn’t down yet.
“We’re losing him!” one of the doctors shouted, reaching for some implement being held at stand-by by a droid just behind her.
“Come to, General!” Leia yelled, “You are not dismissed!”.
Her voice was strident and Forceful, the same as if she was giving him an order to evacuate a failing ship—only this order was precisely the opposite. She could feel him then—something—some part of him responding to her call. There was only one thing she could think to say. “Yeah,” she said, “it’s me. I’m back.” She wiped her moist eyes with her sleeve and continued. “You want me to go?” she asked, “well then wake the hell up and throw me out!”
The medical team continued their work. Leia watched as numbers and lines danced and variated on screens all around as stimulators and medications were administered left and right.
She took a step closer.
“Otherwise,” she said, with a little more control of herself than before, “I get the satisfaction of knowing the last thing you knew on this mortal plane was the sound of my voice!”
“I have a pulse,” a nurse called out then.
“Heart rate is normalizing,” the emdee droid announced. “Spontaneous respirations.”
The team at Han’s bedside seemed to let out a collective sigh.
Leia was gasping. She could feel something—some tension, some spark of Han struggling to come to the surface. Maybe he was trying to wake up and throw her out. She didn’t know. All she did know was that he was alive, and that had to be enough for today.
She clapped both hands over her mouth to stifle the sobs as she backed out of the room.
Just on the other side of the door, Bail Organa caught his daughter by the shoulders and spun her around, wrapping his arms around her as she wept.
“Shhhh, Leilila,” he whispered, his own tears escaping as he spoke. He rocked her gently in his embrace, patting her hair the way he always had when she’d needed soothing as a little child.
“I know I’ve already lost him,” she said, trying her best to get just a little hold of herself, “but I just can’t lose him again, dad. I can’t.”
“I know, baby girl,” he replied. “And we’re doing everything we can.”
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mwolf0epsilon · 3 years
In Which Kix Inherits a Haunted Mansion
Another AU @lost-on-kamino and I have discussed, and that I have finally gone back to sort out properly.
It's a Modern/Paranormal/Ghost AU.
Kix wakes up one day with a letter in his shitty apartment mailbox that details his biological father, Jango Fett, has sadly passed away, and that Kix and his older brother and cousins were left things in Mr. Fett's will.
All of this is news to Kix because he lived his entire childhood in the foster system, and just assumed he didn't have any family. And then all of a sudden he has a dead dad, a brother, and an unknown number of cousins...
Kix is not only an overworked medical student who works part-time to pay off his student loans and to support himself, but also the single father of a four year old (who was the product of a highschool sweetheart type deal that didn't work out, and the mother isn't in the picture anymore).
All the big choices he makes are made with his kid, Finn, in mind.
So, even if he never knew his dad, he hopes maybe going to this will and last testament reading will maybe help their situation a bit. Plus it'd certainly be nice to get some answers as to why he was left to rot in an orphanage without ever knowing he had any family out there.
The event is... Well, pretty eventful...
Jango Fett's possessions are evenly distributed between his two sons (Boba and Kix) and nephews and niece (Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, Crosshair and Omega).
Kix doesn't have much of an opinion on these people he's just met (Boba doesn't seem to care to get to know him, and Omega is the one to extend the invitation to get to know his cousins better), and doesn't know how to feel about the fact he's apparently just inherited the Fett family mansion.
It sure would beat living in a cramped little apartment that's in disrepair... But does he really have the money to maintain a mansion that will no doubt need some repairs as well?
The decision is made for him when his landlord sells the apartment complex and basically kicks him and the rest of the tenants out.
With help from a few of his good friends (Obi-Wan Kenobi who's the adoptive father of Finn's friend Rey, the Damerons and their young son Poe, the Skywalker-Amidalas and Organa-Solos with their own children, his biker crew the Crimson Corsairs, and the Malbus-Imwes who are the lovely elderly couple from downstairs) Kix and Finn move out in no time. They are even kind enough to offer him some help getting adjusted and sorting a few things concerning any renovations.
The Mansion IS a considerable upgrade, even if he does need to do some remodelling here and there, and Finn really seems to like all the space. Little ankle-biter even wants to camp out in the backyard at some point.
There's something very strange about their new home.
Kix swears up and down that things are moving on their own. That there are strange noises in the night. That he has heard people muttering over him while he's trying to sleep... And then Finn tells him about the strange similar looking men that sometimes peek over the stairwell, or just around the corner...
The initial fear is home invaders, but then the medical student sees the strangers himself, and he recognises them.
Because those are the faces that are in the portraits on the walls.
Figures the one time Kix gets something gifted to him, it's a goddamn haunted mansion full of dead relatives... At least they don't seem malicious, even if some of them seem to be trying to get him to leave. Too bad, he doesn't have the money or time to find better living conditions, so buckle up buttercups, he and his son are staying and that's final.
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willow-lark · 3 years
my take on the anakin doesn’t fall au
Ok so in this AU Anakin does get the dreams about Padmé dying but she reassures him that he doesn’t know she actually died and childbirth is PAINFUL so it makes sense 
Basically everything in this AU is altered because everyone has just a little more common sense while at the same time being exponentially more ridiculous
He doesn’t end up seeing Palpatine at the light show thing, and also declines the position as his personal representative because the senate and the council are separate things
Obi-Wan and Yoda and whoever do their normal thing in ROTS. Yoda goes to the wookies or whatever and Obi-Wan goes to kill Grievous
Padmé checks into a hospital early that day because her water broke so she’s nice and comfy there
Anakin is still tempted by Palpatine to the dark side but reports him just as Obi-Wan gets back from killing grievous, so the Council chooses to get reinforcements and they all go to arrest him
But just then Anakin’s comlink beeps and it’s padme telling him her water just broke so he’s like “uhhhh i gotta dip” and confesses to Obi Wan his fear that Palpatine is manipulating him and that he’s “I had a vision the other night of Senator Amidala dying. Uhh idk obviously because we’re NOT married WHATSOEVER but isn’t she pregnant? I’m worried about her.” and Obi-Wan is like “ok first off calm down attachments aren’t a good thing and this is obviously something hindering you but we don’t want the Sith to manipulate you further so why don’t you go check up on her or something and calm down and process this fear HEALTHILY” because at this point he’s just exhausted
Anakin goes to Padmé’s hospital and gets in and they’re all super formal around the staff/droids but it’s like. “Yes. I am Jedi Knight Skywalker on behalf of the Jedi Council to ensure that Senator Amidala can safely have her children” and “Yes. This is my Good Friend™  Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and I Thank Him for coming on behalf of the Council to protect me” or some other bullshit and everyone’s like “mmhmm okay”
It’s nice and comfortable and the nurses are so nice and Anakin’s freaking out worse than Padmé who’s just like “calm DOWN I swear to god the last thing I need is STRESS” and he’s like “okay I love you”
They’re there for a while and meanwhile everybody else is dueling Sidious
Droid: You are aware that you’re having twins, Senator?
Anakin and Padme: wHAT
So the twins are born and they’re named Luke and Leia and Padme’s FINE and it was a relatively normal delivery and the twins weren’t even premature!! Everything is SO good. Suspiciously so. Har har har…
Anyways so Anakin’s gotta leave but Padmé and her handmaidens are gonna head back to Naboo with the newborns bc she’s taking maternity leave or whatever
Anakin goes back and Sidious is still busy fighting all the Jedi. He immediately preys on Anakin with the same bs as in canon saying he can save his loved ones from dying if he only helps this POOR OLD MAN who is being ATTACKED by the traitorous JEDI
Anakin goes in for the kill but in the end it’s pretty unclear which Jedi actually dealt the fatal blow
Obi-Wan was pretty pissed off as well
Once it’s over the Clone Wars end pretty quickly and Bail Organa (?) is instituted as Chancellor and everything seems to be ok
The Jedi resign from being military leaders
Obi-Wan sits Anakin down to have a Chat about his secret wife and ultimately after they talk it out he encourages Anakin to leave the Order and pursue what he feels is his duty now that the Clone Wars are over
Anakin does so and leaves to become Padmé’s trophy husband/stay-at-home dad
The twins grow up as Luke and Leia Skywalker-Amidala and get up to their own shenanigans in space suburbia where they are frequently visited by their many aunts, uncles, and relatives including but not limited to Padmé’s family, Padmé’s handmaidens, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, several (dozen) clones, the Organas, the Larses, and more
The end
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yelena-bellova · 4 years
Don’t Be Afraid: Poe Dameron x Solo!Reader - Chapter Fourteen
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Chapter Fourteen: Stay Alive
Series Masterlist
Plot: Poe returns from his Dreadnought attack and Y/n confronts him. Soon after, the First Order catches up to the Resistance.
Warnings: language, a steamy moment between Poe and the reader, angst
Word Count: 4.3k
A/N: Fun Fact: For someone with anxiety, writing fan fiction is nerve wracking for me. Sometimes I speed through it because of how wired I get, I worry about whether or not people will like it, it’s really hard sometimes. I’m going to try and take more time with each chapter so I can allow myself all the time I need to craft it exactly how I want it to be. Anyways, enjoy this one!! (And yes, the title is once again based on a Hamilton song)
“Want some company?”
Mom turned and gave a sad smile, “From anyone else, no. But I’ll always take time with you.”

I entered the empty room, almost afraid to disrupt the quiet atmosphere. I handed her the cup of tea I’d made for her which she accepted it gratefully, her expression shifting to false confidence for me.
I settled into the seat next to her, “Mom, you don’t need to put on a brave face for me. I was there…”

There were tears waiting in her eyes, it wasn’t just the loss of our bomb squad bothering her.
“Both times,” I finished, wrapping my arms around myself as a sad attempt at comforting myself.
Mom placed her head in her ring-clad hand, “For once in my life, I feel overwhelmed. I’ve lived through a war, the rebuild of the galaxy, raising two children, leading the Resistance and yet this,” she gestured to the space around us, “This is my tipping point…”
A tear slipped down her cheek, she didn’t bother to swipe it away. I knew that type of surrendering to grief well, why bother wiping one tear away when more would inevitably come?
“I haven’t even had time to grieve for him yet,” she stated softly, like saying it would make the loss real, “We may have been apart for the past few years but I loved your father, that never changed. Having him back for even just a little while was a gift, I was so looking forward to having both of you come home.”

Sadness rose in my chest, threatening to spill out in choked sobs and pained moans. I had to compartmentalize right now or else I would fall to the ground and not get back up. I needed to be there for Mom plus we’d have to go be General Organa and Commander Solo momentarily.
“And now knowing what you’ve gone through,” she continued after a sip of tea, “I only feel more confused about Luke’s vision. Not a day has gone by since we’ve had you that I haven’t wondered about it. Between the war and you discovering your power, I need Luke here more than ever.”
That was true. I was flying blind and my power seemed to have increased exponentially in the past couple of days. My uncle could provide guidance in ways no one else could, something I was in desperate need of. I had in no way committed to becoming a Jedi, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t still help me learn the basics of the Force. We hadn’t heard anything from Rey yet, but if something had happened to her, I knew I would have felt it. I hoped she was getting help from Luke as well, she was even more confused than I was.
“I wanted Dad to come home too,” I agreed wistfully, “I’d wished to have our family back for so long and it was in my grasp. I guess that makes it hurt even worse,” I kept my eyes focused on the stars that whizzed by us in hyperspace in an effort to not fall apart, “I’m just thankful I got one last moment just the three of us.”

I saw Mom smile warmly as she stared down into her cup, I could tell she was reliving the happy memory too.
“I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do with my powers,” I continued with a half shrug, “One of the last conversations I had with Dad was talking to him about why I was so afraid to tell you about them. Everything he said to me encouraged me to embrace them, to use them for good. But it’s not like I know what the next steps are. I could use a Jedi Master right about now.”
“We all could,” Mom agreed, “Have you told Poe yet?”

I groaned and rubbed at my face, “No, I haven’t figured out how to yet. I’m beyond frustrated with him so I don’t think now is the right time.”
“Better to tell him sooner rather than later.”

I nodded in acknowledgement, still dreading what his reaction could be.

“Mom…I did have a question about my powers,” I began awkwardly, “I’ve always wondered how I may have gotten them and I was thinking about it this morning. Do you think there’s any chance that I could have inherited them from someone? Like…my birth parents?”

She held her cup to her lips, “It’s entirely possible. The Force can flow through generations, I’m living proof.”
I hadn’t stopped asking myself the question since I’d thought of it. Thinking about my birth parents had started again with hearing Rey’s story. The thought that I could have come from a family of Force users was daunting, but a possibility. I’d have to let it go soon though, there was no way of finding out who they were. There was no sense in dwelling on a theory I could never prove. 

“It’s okay to think about them, you know,” Mom said, “You don’t have to feel guilty.”
“I know,” I replied, “I can’t help it sometimes because it feels like I’m betraying you and Dad. But they’re a part of me, I suppose I’ll never stop wondering,” I reached over and took her hand, “But you will always be my mother.”
She genuinely smiled and squeezed my hand, “And you will always be my daughter. My brave, beautiful, stubborn daughter.”

I laughed just as Lieutenant Connix appeared in the doorway,
“General, Commander, I’m sorry to interrupt.”

“You’re fine, what is it?” I inquired.
“Commander Dameron’s on the bridge, you told me to alert you when he returned.”

Both our moods shifted with the news, all the stress I’d erased from Mom’s face returning at the mention of Poe’s name. Then again he had that effect on most people.
“Thank you, Lieutenant. We’ll be there shortly,’ Mom addressed Connix. Once Kaydel had left the room, she turned to me, “You should’ve brought me something stronger than tea.”

“Sorry,” I responded as we stood up and headed out of the room, “I kept that drink for myself.”

Once we made it to the bridge, Poe’s orange flight suit was the first thing to catch my eye. He was standing with his back to us talking to…FINN?
“Commander Dameron,” Mom called in a falsely calm tone of voice “A word, please?”

Poe turned around to us, he looked ecstatic to see me but his grin faded once he saw my expression. The anger and frustration swirled inside me, even though I wanted nothing more than to be in his arms right then. Contradicting feelings like that came with being close to Poe Dameron, he could make you want to kill him and kiss him at the same time.
“Yes, General,” he answered, taking one last look at me before silently following Mom to a corner.
Finn and I finally made eye contact and we hurriedly crossed the room to each other. I took extra caution with his back as we embraced,
“No one told me you were up, how are you feeling?” I asked, pulling back to examine his face for any signs of pain. The last time I’d seen him, apart from in the med bay, I hadn’t known whether or not he was going to live. To see him standing in front of me was a much needed pick me up.
“I kinda discharged myself,” he chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, “I’m sure Poe will tell you the story but I feel fine.”
I released a breath I didn’t know I’d been holding before throwing my arms around him again, “I’m so glad, it looked like touch and go for a while back on the Falcon.”
Finn was drawing a breath when the sound of a slap made us turn. Poe’s head was tilted to the side as my mother withdrew her hand.
“Everything alright?” Finn asked slowly, his eyes still on the scene.
“Believe me, that’s light considering what he did…”
“Okay,” he replied and turned back to our conversation “Poe told me about Rey, have you heard anything from her?”
“Not yet,” I said, “But it’s only been a day since she left. I’m not worried yet.”
Finn nodded but I could tell my answer didn’t ease his concerns at all. As much as I didn’t want him to be anxious, I was happy he was back to his usual protective self. We were about to continue talking when I felt a hand press lightly against the small of my back. I didn’t need to turn to know who it belonged to…
“Can we talk?” 

I scoffed, “Sure, let’s talk,” I smiled towards Finn, “We’ll be back.”

Leaving an extremely confused Finn in our trails, I led Poe off of the bridge. There weren’t a lot of nearby places to have this private of a conversation and we couldn’t venture off very far. I spotted a storage closet and opened the door, not ideal but it would do. We entered the room filled with a couple crates of supplies and I locked the door behind us.
Poe put his hands on his hips, “I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you’re angry with me,”
“Oh,” I spun around to face him, “So you are capable of using your brain.”

He sighed and ducked his gaze to the ground, “Y/n-“

“What the hell were you thinking, Poe?” I exclaimed, causing his head to snap back up, “You and your squad go up against a ship that big and you decide that’s the perfect time to disobey an order? Meanwhile our entire fleet is sitting there waiting for you?”
“I had an opportunity, I took it,” he gestured towards the door, “Didn’t you see what we did? We took down a Dreadnought!”
“No!” I snapped, “I didn’t see what you did because I was too busy watching the entire bombing squadron drop off the radar. I was calling out for you on the comms that you decided to turn off. Or how about freaking out internally because I thought I was going to lose you?”

Whatever response he had had ready to go, he decided against saying it in that moment. Tears were welling in my eyes as I relived the anxiety and terror I had felt in that moment,
“I just lost my dad, I almost lost Finn and Rey, and then you go and pull something like that. I know how you work, Poe, but do you realize what would happen if I lost you?” I cried, my chest aching at the memory of thinking I’d never see him again, “I had to spend half a day thinking you were dead and it was the worst feeling in the galaxy.”

I swiped at my eyes, the backs of my hands shining with tears. Poe’s jaw was slack and he’d dropped his hands at his sides, I’d stunned him into silence.
“You told me the other night you’d always come back to me,” I whispered, my tight throat with emotion, “I need that to be more than a sentiment. I can’t lose you.”
Poe’s eyes glistened as I finished my speech, “Oh, baby, I’m so sorry.”
He surged forward and captured me in his arms, I clutched to his flight suit for dear life, I could tell I’d gotten my message across. I hadn’t meant to hurt him, I just needed him to know one fraction of how I’d felt. We were in the middle of a war, no day was ever guaranteed. But Poe and his recklessness had cost us and put me through emotional hell unnecessarily. He had to know when to call it a day, his actions no longer just affected him.
“I’m so sorry I did that to you,” Poe’s voice strained, “You’ve been through too much and I’m sorry I added to it.”
I sniffled into his shoulder, “As mad as I am, I’m just happy you’re here. I was so scared.”

He kissed the side of my head and pulled back to look at me, “I will always come back to you, sweetheart.”

“I know you will, you ginormous idiot.”
Poe laughed as he nuzzled his nose against mine sweetly, “You love me anyway.”

“That I do, Commander,” I leaned in to kiss him, but he tilted his head so I missed my target.


“Leia demoted me,” Poe went on, ashamed and hanging his head, “Captain Dameron.”

I sighed heavily and pulled him closer to me, sliding my hands up his back. Had he deserved it? Probably. But I could see how hard it was hitting him and my heart hurt for him. His title reflected the hard work he’d put in during his years here and he loved being Commander Dameron.
“I’m sure you’ll work your way back up in no time,” I assured, “You’re nothing if not determined.”

He gave me a half smile, “I know, it still feels like a slap in the face though.”

“Mmm, I’m pretty sure that was the actual slap in the face you got.”

“Ha ha ha,” he said sarcastically, “My face still hurts, your mom packs a punch.”

“Wait, was there a punch?” I jested and gestured to his cheek, “Did I miss a punch?”

Poe cocked his head unimpressed, “I may be an idiot, but you’re a jerk.”

I raised an eyebrow and moved my hands to press against his chest, “Is that any way to speak to your Commander?”
Poe smirked suggestively and leaned down to mold his lips to mine. My hands slid over his cheeks and lightly stroked the red skin, soothing the sting. He kept one arm tightened around my waist and tangled his hand in my hair, cradling my head. He pressed our bodies together till there was no space left and we were breathing each other’s air. Adrenaline fueled us, I’d almost lost Poe and he was still wired from flying.
“We should probably be working,” I mumbled against his lips.
“Yeah, we should,” he replied, before sliding his hands down to my ass and lifting me up, “But this is more fun.”

I wrapped my legs around his hips as he carried me till my back hit a wall. Poe begged for entrance into my mouth, restraining himself as he swiped across my bottom lip. I parted for him and his tongue delved in, causing me to moan at the intimate contact. This was the closeness I’d been craving with him, though the location wasn’t what I’d imagined. I couldn’t bring myself to care, Poe’s touch took hold of every thought in my mind that wasn’t about him and silenced them. My hands moved up into the back of his curls, lightly tugging to elicit a delicious groan from him. I wanted to commit every beautiful sound he made to memory.
Poe moved his lips to press heated kisses across my cheeks, my jaw and ending at my neck. I whimpered softly as he nipped at the skin before soothing it over with his tongue. I tightened my legs around his middle to get as close as humanly possible to him. His lips began exploring my skin, pressing soft kisses trying to map out my most sensitive spots. When he hit the juncture between my neck and shoulder and I sucked in a breath, the vibration of his self-satisfied chuckle run through me. He started sucking relentlessly, causing a breathless moan to escape me as I gripped his arms tightly. Poe and his mouth were going to be the death of me, I knew it. Oh, but what a way to go...
Just as I was about to raise a middle finger to our responsibilities and take Poe back to my room, the alarm on the bridge blared. We pulled away gasping for air,
“That’s not good,” Poe breathed, he lowered me to the ground hurriedly. I unlocked the closet door and we made a beeline for the bridge. Luckily, we could blame our breathlessness on account of our running.
“Proximity alert!” Admiral Ackbar shouted just as we entered, Poe and I ran to stand behind him.
“They found us!” a soldier announced.
“That’s impossible,” I said. We didn’t have to wait long to see what was coming for us. The First Order’s fleet jumped out of hyperspace, head-on in front of us. Gasps and voices erupted around us as each person got a look.
“That’s Snoke’s ship,” Poe’s voice low in disbelief, “You’ve gotta be kidding me,” he strutted to the console table with me close behind, “Can we jump to lightspeed?”
“We have enough fuel for just one jump,” Connix reported.
“Well then do it, we gotta get out of here,” Poe ordered, I came to stand between him and Finn.
“Wait,” Mom held up a hand, her face carried a realization that hadn’t hit us yet, “They’ve tracked us through lightspeed.”

“That’s impossible,” Finn commented.
“Yes,” she nodded before turning to stare out at the menacing fleet, “And they’ve done it.”

“How could they have developed that tech?” I asked, knowing no one had answers.
“So if we jump to lightspeed...they'll just find us again, and we'll be out of fuel,” Finn processed before looking to me, “They've got us.”

“Not yet, they don’t,” Poe remarked confidently, he walked over to my mom, “Permission to jump in an X-wing and blow something up?”

“Permission granted,” she replied before ordering Admiral Ackbar to turn the ship around.
Poe quickly stopped to peck my cheek before he dashed out of the room, BB-8 on his heels. Just like that, I was back in the familiar position of fearing he wouldn’t come back alive. But he was right to jump into action, we all needed to.
I was about to say something to Finn when the room went silent, at least it did for me. My breath caught, my stomach lurched, every cell in my body was suddenly on high alert.
Ren was here.
My feet carried me off the bridge automatically, ignoring every call of my title as I ran off. There was no chance of me staying put if he was here. The hanger was my destination, there had to be one ship available in the hanger for me to fly. If I knew he was here, he definitely knew I was too. I wanted the satisfaction of meeting him on a battlefield where I was undoubtably more skilled than him.
“Y/n, where are you going?” Finn yelled after me, he’d caught up surprisingly fast.
“Ren’s here,” I replied, “I’ve gotta do something, you need to stay safe.”

“If you and Poe are going, so am I!” he replied, his loyalty to us was touching. But I couldn’t drag him into another squabble between me and Kylo, he’d almost died last time.
Just as we were approaching the hanger, an explosion rocked the ship and threw me and Finn forward, landing awkwardly against each other. He scrambled to his feet and extended an arm to me, I pulled myself up with a groan. I looked at our surroundings to find Poe laid out on the floor just outside the hanger entrance, his skin covered in soot and his flight suit singed. Bee was reattaching himself as his head had separated from his body.

“Poe!” I yelled, running to him and dropping to my knees with Finn to support Poe’s torso.
“Are you okay?” Finn asked.
“We need to get out of range of those Star Destroyers,” he groaned. We hoisted him to his feet, I braced him for a few steps till he found his footing again.
We hadn’t gotten far when I froze in my tracks, a feeling washing over me different than the one I’d felt during Poe’s attack but just as intense. This one was fragile, broken, yet warm. The only image I could compare it to was of a somebody trying desperately to stitch a torn piece of fabric back together. I could distantly hear Poe and Finn call my name, but I waved them off and stumbled a couple feet away from them. I sensed my mother, her pain and longing. I sensed Kylo, his surprise and conflict and…that couldn’t be longing I sensed from him as well. It was barely there, but it was strong enough for me to feel his pain. I reached out to Mom and she reached back out, it was like she had a hand stretched out towards both of us. It was a surreal feeling, I didn’t want to break it because it felt like…home.
That’s when the second explosion hit and my mother, and countless other’s presences vanished.
I cried out, gasping as I braced myself against the wall. Poe and Finn were at my side in an instant, holding onto me and attempting to calm me down. BB-8 beeped wildly with concern.
“Y/n, baby, what’s wrong?” Poe pleaded, I clung to his arm as I struggled to catch my breath. Something terrible had just happened.

“Commander Solo,” the comm in my pants pocket called, “Commander Solo, come in.”

I hesitantly let go of my boyfriend and grabbed the device with a shaky hand, “Connix, what just happened?”

“The bridge has been destroyed.”

My head shot up to look to Poe and Finn, the three of us bolted down the hall, ignoring the concern of passersby. Once we arrived outside the sealed doors to find Kaydel waiting, I could see the damage. The faces I’d seen just moments ago all gone, the lights burnt out, debris floating in and out of it. It was awful.
“Where’s the General?” I asked with a faltering voice, not turning to make eye contact. There was a deafening silence that served as my answer. Rage and devastation swirled inside me as shock took hold of my body. My fists curled at my side as tears blurred my vision, I mechanically moved my legs and left our party to walk down the long hallway. I eventually landed at a large window, looking out of it to see pieces of the ship swirling around us. Somewhere nearby, my mother’s lifeless body was there too.
This was not happening.
I had not lost my entire family in the span of two days.
Tears silently dripped down my cheeks and chin as I stared out at the destruction. My heart wasn’t ready to feel what these events would force me to feel.
Then I saw something unbelievable. A sight that if I told someone who didn’t know my mother, they’d be convinced I was insane.
“Guys!” I shouted, Finn, Poe and Connix ran to my side and we watched my mother steer herself through space. I didn’t know the intricacies of the Force and everything you could do through it, but this was the single greatest display of it’s power I’d ever witnessed. I sobbed happily as she headed towards the remnants of the bridge.
“We need a medic at the bridge now!” Poe shouted as the four of us ran back down the hall to her destination. We made it to the door just as it slid open, Poe and I caught her before she hit the floor. The effort her daring act had taken had caused her to fall unconscious. We carried her away from the door as Connix and Finn continued yelling for medical. Poe lowered her to the ground as I knelt down and laid her head in my lap,
“Mom, please if you can hear me,” I whispered, pressing my forehead to hers, “Please, please, stay alive. I’m not ready to do this without you.”
The medics could be heard rushing down the hall, once they arrived I was forced to let go of her. I kissed her ice cold cheek and let them take over, going to stand at the stretcher with Poe. The medics lifted her up onto it and placed an oxygen mask over her mouth.
“Clear a path, everybody out of the way!” I ordered as we began wheeling her down the hall.
“Move! Outta the way, everybody! Make way! Make room!” Poe echoed across from me.
“Her vital signs are weak, but she’s fighting,” a medic told us, I clung to my mother’s hand at the news.
“C’mon, Mom,” I urged, “Fight.”

Poe and I went as far as we could with her until we reached the med bay and were told we couldn’t go any further. Someone reassured me that as soon as there was news, I’d be the first to know. We waited outside the doors, the only way either of us were leaving was at my mother’s side. I was nervously pacing as Poe sat, elbows on his knees and his laced fingers holding his chin up. His eyes were watery, Mom meant so much to him, I was surprised he’d kept it together this long.
After what had to be my fiftieth lap in the waiting room, I came to sit next to him. At my closeness, Poe leaned back in his chair and I slipped my hand into his in an attempt to comfort both of us. Both of us stared at the pristine white wall silently, probably similar thoughts and worst case scenarios running through both our heads. It was pointless to ask questions, neither of us could give any guarantee she’d live. I rested my head against his shoulder and he sandwiched it between his, squeezing my hand. We were communicating to each other ‘I’m here for you, let me help you shoulder this burden’ and ‘I need you more than anything else in the galaxy right now, please don’t leave me.’
The only noise that could be heard was chatter past the doors we were unauthorized to go through and faint beeping from machines. Would they have to perform surgery on her? Would she be hooked up to a ventilator because her lungs had been damaged? Poe and I relaxed into each other, we were willing to wait as long as we had to.
A/N: Like we all wouldn’t love to jump Poe fresh from a flight still in his suit 😏 This one was a fun chapter to write because there were interactions with almost everyone. Also *cough cough* whoarey/nsparents *cough cough* Let me know if you’d like to be added to either taglist! 🖤
Taglist: @m1rkw00dpr1ncess @springfox04 @constantdisgrace @holybatflapexpert @seninjakitey @tammythompson-singslikea-muppet @leilei-draws @eternal-fandoms @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @imaginecrushes @eternallyvenus @thescarletknight2014 @simplybarnes @captain-america5 @breyasficletblog @caseymcflurry @stumbleonmywords @april-14-blog @i-ievu @ultrunning @desperatelytryingtosavemyself @caswinchester2000 @meraki-loki @lovinnholland @wishing4wishes​ @fruitloopzzz​
Star Wars Permanent Taglist: @paintballkid711
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ad-hdremix · 4 years
SWTCW- Fix it AU
I recently re-wrote an old AU of mine, one where Ahsoka is adopted by Padme and Anakin, and eventually finds out that she is a big sister. You can read it here.
@captainadwen reblogged it, and added this comment in the tags:
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Fix it AU? You got it.
Ahsoka is adopted by Anakin and Padme. Ahsoka and Anakin practically clear out their entire living space at the Temple so they can move in with Padme. Ahsoka gets her own room; the walls are soon covered in notes and drawings and photos. Regardless of how awful the day was, the three of them get to go home and make dinner together, laugh together.
On one such night, after a horrible mission that kept them apart for weeks, Anakin has an epiphany. He's sitting on the couch, arm wrapped around Padme's shoulders. She's leaning into him, resting her head on his chest, reading from the book on her lap. Ahsoka is on his other side. She fell asleep some time ago. Thanks to faulty intel and a split second distraction, there's a bandage covering most of her back and right lekku. She shakes a little, mumbles something, but a gentle pulse along their training bond is enough to quell the nightmares. The dinner dishes are stacked in the sink, there's three mugs of tea sitting on the table in front of them. And he realizes, in this moment, this is what he wants. All he wants. Forever.
The next morning, Anakin tells Ahsoka he's planning to leave the Order, as soon as the war is over. There's an argument, Ahsoka doesn't want to leave Barriss, Obi-Wan, Plo-Koon. The Order is all she's ever known. Anakin tells her that he's insanely proud of her, but she wasn't raised to be a Jedi. She was raised to be a soldier. Ahsoka shuts down, stunned. She doesn't want to believe it.
Anakin leaves her alone with her thoughts. After a while, she goes and hugs Anakin, apologizes for yelling. He apologizes too, tells her that she'll be a great Jedi, that he'll stay until she's Knighted. Padme says she doesn't want to be a Senator forever, but that Ahsoka will always have a home with them, that they'll support her no matter what she wants.
Ultimately, it's Ahsoka who leaves the Order first. She spends time in the Underworld of Corusant, learning from Rafa and Trace. She learns more about what it means to really be a Jedi. She's reunited with Anakin shortly before the Siege of Mandalore, and ends up going with him to rescue the Chancellor.
Upon their return to Corusant, Padme tells Anakin she's pregnant. Anakin is so excited and terrified at the same time. He doesn't tell Ahsoka right away, only that he has to leave the Order, has to go to Naboo and he'll be back as soon as he can. She wants to know what's going on, but Anakin asks her to trust him. And she does.
So Anakin resigns from the Order and leaves with Padme for Naboo. Ahsoka asks the Council if she can return to the Order, and they eagerly accept, still reeling from Anakin's departure. But she has two conditions: that she be promoted to Knight Intiate, a long forgotten rank marking the transition from Padawan-hood to Jedi Knight. She also asks to be assigned to finish her training under Obi-Wan Kenobi. Their relationship is still healing following her trial, but she knows that Anakin would want someone looking after him.
Obi-Wan accepts, believing this whole thing to be another one of Anakin's wild schemes. The Dark Side makes him feel heavy and clouded. The path forward is uncertain, and he is struggling to find a direction.
Anakin is now far away from the influence of the Chancellor. So Palpatine's attention turns to what he believes to be the next best thing- his renegade student, already suspected of treason, thinking it'd be easy to turn her raw power into a tool to be used by the Sith. If he gains her trust, he can easily get Anakin back under his control.
Or so he thinks. Ahsoka is no longer a youngling, worried about being expelled from the Order if she steps out of line. She does digging of her own. With Rex's help and Echo's information, she's able to uncover Order 66. Using her contacts in the Underworld, Ahsoka has an assassin take out the Chancellor. Bail Organa is temporarily put in power, and the Empire is destroyed before it's even begun.
Ahsoka becomes a full Knight within a year. She is Knighted at sunset, the reds and golds of Corusant's sky making the entire chamber glow. As she kneels before him, Anakin removes her Padawan braid, the one he's carried with him since that awful day the Jedi abandonded her, the one she wears to take her Trials. She rises as Ahsoka Tano-Skywalker, Jedi Knight of the New Republic. Obi-Wan and Yoda are teary-eyed, seeing their child born of innocence and raised in war come through strong and smiling. Padme is there too, so is Plo Koon. He's holding Leia, while she holds Luke. And a dozen or more members of the 501st, the 212th, and the Wolfpack that crowded in cheer her on. Their vod'ika finally achieving her dream.
With the Council's blessing (not that she gave them much choice), Ahsoka leaves for Naboo and establishes the New Dawn Jedi Temple. She takes in Force-sensitives that want to develop their abilities but not formally join the Jedi, and Jedi that don't subscribe to the traditionalist values of the Code. Jedi are welcome to marry, have children, leave and resume their service as they wish. Obi-Wan is eventually coerced into joining them, taking the role of Grand Master. Qui-Gon appears to him often, and never leaves without telling Obi-Wan he's proud of him.
Padme and Anakin are allowed to rest, without the pressures of being Queen or a Jedi General or a Senator. Anakin enjoys being a husband, a father, helping others as a volunteer mechanic. He stops having nightmares so much. Luke and Leia grow up learning from their big sister, from all of their "Uncles" in the GAR that move to Naboo or find their own paths across the galaxy.
Five years after Ahsoka's trial, she returns to Corusant to visit old friends. She stops by the Senate, the New Republic is the definition of transparent. The farthest reaches of the Outer Rim no longer feel ignored. While there, she formally petitions for Barriss Offee's release. The new judicial committee are hesitant, naturally, but Ahsoka insists that she will assume complete responsibility for her actions.
Luminara, battle-weary and uncertain, agrees to help Ahsoka. They take Barriss to Naboo, under strict supervision, and Barriss gets the help she needs, learning of what Ahsoka has done and how the Jedi were manipulated into needless destruction. Ahsoka and Barriss repair their relationship, slowly, taking tiny steps. Barriss dedicates herself to healing, and raising the younglings that are brought to the Dawn Temple.
Padme wakes up one morning, finding Anakin's side of the bed empty. She wanders out to the backyard. Sitting there, she finds her husband holding the twins (now 6) in his lap. They're still squirmy, trying to meditate like their Dad. Ahsoka sits next to them, holding one of his hands. Their bond fully open, they begin each day like this, immersed in the Force, in the love that has held their family together. Padme goes back inside to start breakfast. The sun continues to rise, a new day begins. Trouble still remains, as it always will in the galaxy, but for the first time in a long time- there is a new hope that stands uncorrupted.
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amidalashandmaidens · 3 years
SW Sequels AU
Disclaimer: I’m using information I’ve picked up since I was six and watched TPM for the first time, that and I think the actors did wonderfully. (Additionally, this AU was absolutely inspired by some of @bohemskt’s sw art) 
So I’m going to go splurge all over the timeline with this 
Just Post-ROTJ timeline
Empire’s defeated right? No not all of it. Yes, a bunch of personnel was killed on Endor and the surrounding battle for the destruction of Death Star 2.0 but just because our Mastermind Wrinklesmith is dead along with his (redeemed by the power of his son’s love) Robobug does not mean space fascism ends there. We know there are plenty of people who benefited from Palpafiend’s grand wet dream who have resources and would like it to stay that way. 
So of course our favourite trio and Rebellion intelligence have to keep fighting the space Civil War (although with the added pressure of strengthening their PR and reliability to civilians) while also relocating misplaced space people to safe spaces 
Let’s say that during this time there is some slave-freeing, accidental discovery of force users, and heavy duty destruction (or claiming) of Imp resources so the Empire can’t get a solid grip hold on the galaxy again. 
(Luke low-key starts his Little Force Users Day Care Camp ((no babies separated from the parents (((unless parents are dead and even then, a Good Space Foster System perhaps))))) ) 
10 Post-Empire (PE for short) 
Little Ben Organa is born, things are more settled politically, the Senate is operational although the system has to be different (there is a reason our original Republic was so easy to manipulate, it’s inactivity, there has to be more independence within systems) 
Leia is probably the Chancellor for this time (or the equivalent)
During this time, I can almost be certain what will become the First Order (although not by the hands of Resuscitated Fiend) starts its formation underground. They’re stealing babies and children to become their stormtroopers but in very vulnerable areas as they are wont to do. 
Luke’s Day Camp is still in it’s very small beta stage, he probably does some home visit teachings here and there (finding Jedi and Sith Artifacts alike)
This includes Hedala Fardi (3 years older than him and from the Ahsoka novel) being trained  
16-17 PE 
I’m assuming this is when the events of The Mandalorian occur, Grogu now joins as a part of the (more established) Force Sensitive Day Camp! Which now consists of Ben, Grogu and other little dudes. 
In this AU Leia does not get her vision of killing her own son, so she’s low-key training too! 
20 PE
This is about the time that Finn and Rey are born! Unfortunately Finn is kidnapped by FO and when Rey is about four her parent(s) abandon her on Jakku. Both kids are force sensitive! 
In between Luke’s teaching semesters he hunts for artifacts and encounters Mara Jade, a force sensitive assassin trained by the late Fiend. 
She’s following Palpatine’s last order - to kill Luke. They duel on multiple occasions while Luke is doing his little Pawn Star act, during which:
Luke finds out who trained her and is like “okay so I know my dad killed your dad” and Mara loses her shit at the incredulity of the statement 
Mara maims Luke’s prosthetic and there is some Comedy 
Eventually through this and shenanigans they cause by their fights’ collateral damage forcing them to work together - they respect each other. She joins the New Republic (with her various skills and otherwise). Luke, Leia and Hedala all train together with Mara 
I’m gonna continue this later, but I’m kinda pooped. Lemme know what you think. (I guess this is a retcon??? I’m taking what I like and making an AU out of it I guess). 
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legobiwan · 5 years
Okay is Ben Solo (aka Kylo Ren) named after Ben Kenobi???? Because if so I only just not figured that out because I’m an idiot!! (Side note: I’ve apparently typed gEnErAl KeNoBi so much that my phone autocorrected to that when I was just trying to write Kenobi)
Yes, the general consensus is that Ben Solo is that Ben, our favorite semi-miscreant Jedi and sometimes-desert hermit, Ben (Obi-wan) Kenobi. Now, as to why Han and Leia thought to name their son after a man who a) likely lied about having all those credits to give to Han as payment for their passage off Tatooine (and who was definitely going to call up his old buddy Bail Organa to front him the money) and b) Leia had only heard about in stories from the aforementioned old buddy who may have been Obi-wan’s personal Banking Clan at more than one point and who also rescued him off that crazy Sith planet Zigoola (Wild Space is a damn trip)…
I mean, I actually find it really curious that they did name their kid after Obi-wan, and not only Obi-wan, but the variation of himself who was considered a crazy desert hermit who had gone into hiding after failing to kill Leia’s Dark-Side Dad who became the Big-Bad-Guy’s Galactic Executor.
I feel like Luke had to have had a hand in this. It was because of Obi-wan that Luke was trained, that Leia was rescued, that she and Han met, that Anakin finally got his act together at the very last moment possible. So yeah, from that standpoint, sure, but I wonder how much Luke interfered there. 
And yeah, Obi-wan was an amazing badass and we all should name our children and/or fur-children after him but really, it does seem a bit odd. Plus, Force Ghost!Obi-wan would not have been pleased to watch his namesake make a million stupid-ass decisions. Poor Obes. Between that and having to put up with Anakin and Qui-gon’s Force Ghosts, he was probably hitting up the metaphysical Force juice for strength, even in the afterlife. 
(Also, I love your SpongeBob meme General Kenobi autocorrect, please write that all the time.)
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mysteryspot-duhh · 5 years
TRoS - what could have been.
I know for a fact that a lot of people hated TLJ with all their hearts and said that Rian Johnson butchered everything. Luke's character, Snoke didn't mean anything, etc and left no room for the next director to expand on the story. But, but, but- let me say this,
Ugh, I have no hate for TRoS. I've written my review here. So, I won't say the same thing again.
Okay, now. Not saying that I could do a better movie, it's just that I want to write what TRoS could have been with what I, a mere fan with only one (1) braincell, imagine. As I am a Bendemptionist and Ben Solo is my boi, so Bendemption is the theme of this story.
So, basically a fanfiction but i'm too lazy to write a whole ass story. It's gonna be loong, as it includes my commentary and I'm on mobile, so there's no cut to read more. I'm sorry.
Boy, it's gonna be messy.
Imagine this,
The story starts with the crawl
-General Leia sends Finn and Poe to investigate why the allies weren't responding to the call on Crait and check on them.
-Rey continues her training by using the books she took from Ach-To
- Supreme Leader Kylo Ren although has the command of the whole First Order decides to do nothing (burning the galaxy to the ground or something) as to Hux's and Phasma's confusion and anger. (YES! PHASMA IS ALIVE AND WELL AFTER THE FALL IN TLJ). Hux, Phasma and the Knight of Ren plan to usurp Kylo Ren.
Now, let's start the movie!
- We have the scene with finn and poe on the ice planet thing but instead they are meeting with an ally, who said that the FO has cut all resistance communication. They were not aware of the call on Crait, until some of them find out about the legend of Luke Skywalker (the TLJ end scene). The FO watches their every move, so discreet meetings are held to give them- and the ally hands Finn and Poe, money- 'for the resistance' he said. 'there are many of us, you see'
- and then they are chased by the FO. Just like in the movie. Lightspeed skipping is nice, so, leave it be.
- Next, we see Rey meditating, but feeling frustrated. She fells something bad is going to happen. She hears the commotion in the resistance base as Finn and Poe arrive with the news. SHE THEN RUN THROUGH THE JUNGLE WITH HER YELLOW LIGHT SABER.
- The three of them meet, Rey gets mad at Poe because of the falcon. Poe gets mad cause she wasn't there. Finn is a dad, telling his children to behave. 'You know what Rey, either you be with us, or be somewhere else!' Poe says and leaves to find Leia. Rey looks hurt. 'You know he didn't mean that, right?' Finn says. They look at each other and nod. Bitter smile on Rey's face.
- They circle around Leia,
Poe: We found out the reason nobody came to our aid in Crait-
Rose (YEAH, ROSE IS IN MY MOVIE, BITCHES. Rose is basically working side by side with Connix): General Organa, we received a transmission from Kajimi (i just love the name), it's from an old rebel station.
Poe: Are you kidding?! Kajimi is obviously one of the First Order stronghold
Finn: We should go there, ...find out who is giving the signal.
Leia nods solemnly and says 'We need every ally we can get' .
Rose: What if it is a trap?
Rey (looking at all of them emphasize at Poe): I will be there, with you.
- Cut to the FO having a meeting. Kylo Ren is overlooking the hangar.
Hux: We need to assert our dominance over the galaxy! They need to know the power of the First Order!
Phasma: Supreme Leader, General Hux is right. The Resistance is still out there. We need to wipe them out!
Hux, with his scrunchy face: ..and General Organa, YOUR MOTHER, is still alive.
Kylo Ren turns his back, fire in his eyes, looking right at Hux.
Hux, with loathing towards the 'supreme leader': She survived the attack, and you know, but you didn't tell us. ... Well, we found out.
Kylo Ren force choking Hux: Do not do anything WITHOUT MY COMMAND.
And left the room. Hux and Phasma look at each other.
- Kylo Ren in his quarters. He is in his Good Boi sweater. He's trying to sleep but hears voices. Snoke's voice 'Burn them, burn them all' Rey's 'you will be turn, i'll help you' Some rando 'a monster, a monster who doesn't deserves anything.'
The voices get louder. (GUYS, I JUST LIKE ANGST, OKAY)
'Having trouble sleeping?' Force ghost Luke is there. Watching him, being sarcastic to him. Kylo ignores Luke. 'Peace. That's what you thought you'd get...after you killed Snoke,...killed me.' Luke eyes soften. 'Your heart is conflicted, your mind will never be at peace.'
Kylo Ren gets up, approaches Luke. He's angry. 'I am not conflicted anymore. I am one with the Dark Side. Just like Grandfather was'
Luke looks at his nephew with compassion. 'You are not one with the Dark Side. You never were.'
Luke disappears.
- cuts to Rey in the resistance base. She is packing the jedi texts in her backpack and notices Luke.
Rey smiles, 'Master Skywalker.' Luke smiles too, 'Rey'. He looks at the books. 'Having fun with them?' Rey tries to hide the books and fumbling ' I, I.. 'm sorry. I took the book without your permission.' 'Ahh, don't worry about it. Yoda was right, they were never a page-turner' Rey is visibly confused. Should she really knows who Yoda is? (NO GUYS, REALLY, CANONICALLY SHOULD SHE KNOW WHO YODA WAS?)
'...but,' Luke continues, '...the force dyad. You should look into that.' Rey, turns the page of one of the books. She feels like she has read it before. 'A dyad in the force,' Rey reads, '..two force sensitive individuals but are one in the eye of the Force. A rare power that is unseen for generations.' (IF THE WAYFINDER CAN BE FOUND IN THE BOOKS, WHO IS TO SAY THIS INFORMATION ISN'T, RIGHT? EXPOSITION GUYS, WE NEED IT. I DON'T WANT PEOPLE TO LOOK FOR INFORMATION AFTER MY MOVIE ENDS)
Rey stops and stares at the book. She is thinking. 'Ever wonder why it is easy for you and him to connect across time and space? Why are you able to catch up with the lesson so fast? Why you two aren't capable of killing each other? This is the balance Rey.'
- A loud crash is heard at the hangar. Kylo who is sleeping wakes up as he hears screaming. 'it's the resistance! The are too many of them. The scavenger is here! Argh!'
Kylo gets out of the room in his pyjama with only his lightsaber and goes to the hangar. There's lots of smoke and he's at the edge of the hangar. When the smoke disappears, he finds that he is surrounded by stormtroopers and two of the Knights of Ren. He's confused. He looks up. Hux is looking at him with Phasma and the other Knights by his side. Smirking. Kylo knows he's in trouble.
'We don't need a child as the Supreme Leader. Spineless... afraid to do anything on behalf of the First Order. Do you want a leader so weak like him!' Hux's voice echoes throughout the hangar. 'You won't do it!' Kylo says to the Knights. 'You are The Knights of Ren. YOU SERVE ME!' He shouted.
'We will not answer the one with a conflicted heart'. The answer given by one of the Knights is simple. 'Let the child die,' Hux's voice echoes again '..afraid and alone.' With that command, the two knights wield their weapons and they fight. Kylo fights with all his strength but he knows he can never fight this many stormtroopers after defeating the Knights. His torso is bleeding and his face feels numb. Hux notices the Knights are losing. 'Shoot him!' He orders the stormtroopers to fire.
At the corner of his eye, Kylo Ren notices Rey standing there. Horrified. They look at each other for a second and seem to understand what they should do during the moment. Using the force, Rey stops the fire from the blasters while Kylo Ren take down a beam above the hangar, stopping anybody from following him as he hijacks one of the TIE-fighters and leaves the star destroyer.
-End of first act-
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swan2swan · 5 years
It’s just hilarious how badly the whole Star Wars writing crew has had to go out of their way to make Han an absentee dad.
“He would have disappointed you”, Kylo Ren says, and suddenly, Han Solo is the disappointment. Not Leia (we’d need to give complexity and flaws to her then, despite the fact that she’s one of the most powerful Force wielders in the galaxy and just doesn’t ever use it), who already has a job that she’s married to and been married to this whole time and so would be an absentee...but Han.
Just...Han Solo is supposed to be the Dad Who Neglected His Son. Because, um...um...judging space-racers! And training them! This is a thing he does! Because Han Solo the legendary smuggler who was always trying to dig his way out of debt Needs a Job! Like a normal working man! 
No normalizing stay-at-home-dads here, nope, Han Solo just runs away from people. And he’s definitely still married to that military rank. You promote him to General, and now he’s in this business for life. No time for his son, that’s what nanny droids are for. Because what would Han “You’re All Clear Kid Now Let’s Blow This Thing and Go Home” Solo know about taking care of children? Especially once those children get into their late teens/early twenties. What, you think when someone important to him is lost at night, he’s going to race outside to find that someone instead of staying all bundled up and safe with the rest of the soldiers in that military that’s so important to him? When would Han Solo ever do that?
And it’s not like he has someone to help him raise the kid. Someone who he would not only entrust his own life to, but the lives of everyone around him. Just in case. It’s really a terrible thing that he doesn’t have someone he trusts enough to say “You have to take care of her” about the woman he loves when he’s about to meet his end. I mean, you might think that’s Chewbacca, but all Chewbacca does is eat things and freak out over small critters. He’s not a good caretaker or guardian. 
And of course Han would just pass his troubled son off to someone else and never check up on him because “there’s too much Vader in him”. I mean, if Han’s best friend was trapped in a pit, do you think Han would have Chewbacca lower him into the pit himself so that he could save his friend? Does Han Solo seem like the kind of guy who would refuse to let someone important to him die, whatever the risk?
I guess that’s why he was never there for his son. He was just too involved with his Best Friends. Or maybe they just never saw each other. We may never know.
What we do know is that Han Solo decided to keep the name that a random Imperial officer gave him, and that he gave that name to his son instead of the Organa family name, so that the name of Alderaan’s last shining rulers would forever fade, because Leia wasn’t actually their daughter so she didn’t deserve the name, and neither did her son, so we had to give him the name that one Imperial officer gave him. Because they’re progressive and not corrupted by the patriarchy at all.
Such a well-written saga.
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spearcast · 5 years
SO  i finally finished the Roz Rundown as i’ve been calling it, the general correct timeline and story lines of Roz as to where i’ve gotten here. i’m putting it under the cut. she LONG so if ya’ll read this i apologize
Born alongside her twin sister on Tatooine to mother Yvait Pabura. Roz is born with yellow eyes like her father. Both twins have their mother’s brown hair. Lyn, however, has regular brown eyes. Both have sharp canines.
THE DEFINING INCIDENT;  at the age of four, Roz kills a Zygerrian slaver with the Force in defense of her and her sister, and Force-chokes another in defense of her new adopted togruta mother, Roxxa Vela. Her birth mother killed the Zygerrian slaver with her slugthrower rifle and buried both of them in the sandy yard away from the farm.
When Roz turned eight, four years after said defining incident, Luke Skywalker showed up on their doorstep. Well- in reality, he had been showing up on the Pabura farm’s doorstep and talking with Yvait, and visiting the children. It was just that at eight, Yvait gave both Roz and Lyn the option to go with Luke and train at his Jedi temple on Dantooine. Lyn was unsure, and hesitant; ultimately, the “elder” twin declined and wished to stay with her mothers all year round. Roz, however, at the pushing of her best friend Jhoren and the encouragement from Luke himself, jumped at the chance to train with the legendary Skywalker.
Roz trains with Luke and the other padawans until she’s 12. Through these years she returns to Tatooine every other season so she can still keep close with her family. She’s transported by friends of the Harsh family (Yvait’s mother’s family), the Taaks- Nesota, T’seri, and their hybrid daughter Tabiit. This creates a bond between the Taaks and Roz, especially as Tabiit becomes sort of an older sister to the girl.
The year that Roz is 12 is the year Ben goes fucking crazy. “Canon” says he didn’t kill anyone, but in actuality he did. The transformation from Ben Organa-Solo into Kylo Ren is a bloody one, and Roz stumbles out of her hut to be greeted by the dead bodies of her fellow students, everything in flames, the Knights of Ren, the three or so remaining padawans at Ben’s side, and Ben- with his hands bloody and his lightsaber reddening, extending those bloody hands to her. He asks her to trust him and come with her, where she’ll be safe. And she almost takes his hand but after feeling the rush of cold come off of him and the others she turns and jumps into the ocean despite not knowing how to swim. She manages to survive despite being hurled against the rocks at the bottom of the cliff; she gets herself into an eroded alcove and only after she feels the lot of them leave, begins climbing the steep steps that lead her back up. Luke is distraught, sobbing, screaming at the bodies of all of the fallen- when he senses Roz, and goes to her, and the two embrace and cry and mourn and he promises her he’s going to get her to safety. He’s going to get her home. In his hidden escape ship he calls Leia and Han, he calls Yvait, he calls Nesota for back up just in case those who did this to his temple return.
They’re just leaving Dantooine’s atmosphere when his ship is attacked by Alrai Kal’eeb, Roz’s biological father, and his crew of pirates and slavers. The Order is offering big money to anyone who can find any force sensitive kids and bring them to Snoke (and his new pet). Luke will always define this as his final great failing- after failing all of the padawans at his temple, he feels he failed Roz by not saving her from her father’s clutches.
Alrai Kal’eeb being a stupid, ugly man doesn’t realize as he and his buds are jetting away from Luke’s damaged ship that the Amazon and the Taaks family are there to kick ass and take names. In the skirmish while the ships are connected, Tabiit finds Roz and rescues her and carries her back to the Amazon where they disconnect with Nesota and T’seri and flee to safety. (T’seri goes back for Luke in their personal ship and takes Luke to where Leia and Han are.) Roz, after going back to Tatooine to her family who is crying and so, so happy she’s safe, decides to fly with the Taaks for a little while and offer her service to them for saving her life. They agree, also because staying in one location would draw too much attention and they don’t want the Order to track her down. At fourteen, two years later, they return to Tatooine so Roz can go back to her family.
This is a mistake though! If only because that’s when Roz stumbles upon her farm under siege by the Order. Ren and Hux and Phasma are at the helm for the first times in their lives in the Order and they’ve got Roxxa and Yvait tied up and on their knees before Ren and Hux. Lyn is nowhere to be found. Hux ends up shooting both Roxxa and Yvait and Roz does the smart, terribly scarred thing to do and runs back to the Taaks.
Roz transforms. She is no longer Roz Nuun Pabura. She is now Roz Sunborne. The Taaks take care of her and Roz stays with Tabiit when she pairs up with an old friend, Corellian and Mandalorian bounty hunter and space pirate, Rhys Th’on. The trio bond and help each other. It’s within the next two years that Roz also is gifted the Taaks’ family heirloom connected to the Force- the lava crystal lightsaber belonging to their great grandmother Aremna Taaks, who was a Jedi but left the Order bc she wanted a FAMBILY. (Aremna Taaks may or may not be a technical sister or cousin of Ahsoka Tano.) The lightsaber calls to her and Roz /loves/ it. This is in addition to the one she built at Luke’s temple (the one with the krayt dragon pearl as the crystal which is a silvery-yellow color).
Roz needs a teacher! So she, Tabiit, and Rhys search out the vibes Roz is getting and they meet up with Ahsoka Tano, Sabine Wren, and Ezra Bridger. Roz has THREE teachers. Well, two technically, but Sabine loves her and teaches her what she can because fuck it. Fuck it. Roz gets to be trained by the coolest motherfuckers. Die mad about it if you’re mad about it. This info will most likely shift a little when the Ahsoka & Sabine Hunt Down Ezra show eventually comes out.
Roz is 17 when she starts hunting down Kylo. She’s still 17 when she decides to join the Order for a bit after dabbling with the Resistance also. She is technically a double agent via Leia’s orders but she still is doing it for selfish reasons.
It’s a stint of a year and a half with the Order before she gets hit with reality and accidentally kills Kosmik’s aunt and is only praised for it by Kylo. This disturbs her greatly! So deeply! It’s after this that the Siege of Quarzite happens and while at first Roz is like !!!! FUCK YEA it’s then revealed the Order wanted to essentially kidnap the Kage people because of their prowess as warriors and turn them into enslaved soldiers. Roz is like oh wow I fucked up!! In this time she starts getting really strong with the Force and almost rips some of the Knights of Ren apart during training the last time before she yeets out of the Order. Kylo is like… she’s just fucking mad it’s whatever. OG Ren Ren (aka original Ren?? I’ve only read a little about him but he seems interesting and weird I like him) is like… nah man she’s Different. (This would be the spot in the story where it’s starting to hint at Roz being the descendant of Revan.)
She kills her dad somewhere in that year and a half also. That story is really good and it’s when she’s found by Tabiit and Rhys before Kylo finds her and it’s. It’s good. Roz’s patricide is actually meaningful and not horrible and it’s a moving on point. It’s one of the reasons she starts becoming herself rather than living in Kylo’s shadow still. Baby’s growing up.
Roz leaves the Order! She’s so fucking lost! There’s a funny story in here somewhere where Hux actually assists in her escape because he a) hates her fucking guts and b) wants to see Ren suffer and c) is almost completely sure she has none of the Order’s information which is……. Wrong. But. She doesn’t have enough info to stop what happens in TLJ I guess. Might rewrite some stuff. But this is also where her story starts pulling away from the main line. Roz really doesn’t want to associate with Kylo ever again, she hates him a lot more than she could ever love him, and she just gets ANGRIER but she gets angrier with a PASSION and a FIRE and an UNDERSTANDING of how she feels. No more vague feelings and no more wanting to save him.
She’s like 19-20 when she gets a vision of her Aunt Cora (her dad’s sister, Kage warrior mama) and also of a woman who may or may not be Shmi Skywalker reminding her that Jhoren is on Tatooine and that he needs help breaking the slave trade once and for all. She calls in anyone she’s met within the past years- which, again, somewhere in there the Amazon gets her crew and is joined by Khorde Khell and his ships (the Tuskat Retribution, the Revenant Concordia, and the Zakkeg Bolide) as well as gathers the Teal Squadron and the like; somewhere in there she meets and loves up on Miss Badass Senator of Coruscant Lenore Baccre Moorheart and also somewhere in there dearest Lenore becomes a FORCE to be RECKONED WITH (Padme would be proud mama ILU so much).
The Crew Stage A Slave Revolt On Tatooine. They Kill A Lot Of Slavers. They Kill A Lot Of Hutts. Goodbye Hutts. Tatooine Belongs To The Sand People Now. And The Criminals. And The Slaves Most Of All Because They Are Not Slaves Anymore. Fuck You Star Wars Tatooine Has No More Slaves. There Was No Bargain Bitches!!!!!!
Uhhhh also Roz gets really fucked up when Luke dies. She feels it in her bones. She gets kinda confused when Kylo dies tho. She’s like…. Yay? But Also??? Screaming??
When Luke dies Roz has a meeting with his force ghost on Tatooine during a binary sunset because I’m emo. That’s Her Dad. Like Her Real Dad. Fuck that other guy. But also Roz is like wait have you blue hallucinations always been force ghosts??? And Luke is like ALWAYS?? Turns out Roz’s special connection to the Force is being able to talk really easily with the Force ghosts!! Fuck those 5 minutes Rey had with all of them- Roz even talks to ANAKIN even though she doesn’t realize who it is. She talks to him a lot, actually. (They’re very similar okay??? OKAY??? I know it’s super OP but let me live, she’s Special alright, she’s my Special Little Baby Who Talks To Ghosts And Kills Things)
So like… she helps the Resistance return the Kage to Quarzite where they create their own happy peaceful empire, she reunites with Lyn because Lyn doesn’t die in this one!! Haha retcon. We still kill their moms tho sadly. But like!! Yay the Galaxy is at Peace!! Oh ALSO Roz is the descendant of Ancient Sith Lord Darth Revan and Badass Bitch Bastila Shan. Roz is like IDK who those people are but cool cool I guess.
Then she returns to the Temple on Dantooine and discovers the ruins of the Jedi Enclave and finds a MASK and turns out Roz is haunted cause she gets fucked up by all of the Force Ghosts who tell her some SHIT is coming but she’s like ???? Why?????? Everything is PEACEFUL why can’t it STAY peaceful???
And then BAM Sith Lord Hyaljenasha “Yaljen” sith pureblood who has been frozen for thousands of years (was around when Revan was around, just not powerful then) and when he awakes he’s like….. That’s a Revanchist force signature singing if I’ve ever FELT one! And he’s like…. Obsessed with Roz a little but he wants to train her
He’s got novitiates which are like his apprentices but he’s so technically old (even tho physically he’s closer to Roz’s age, so like between 22 and 27) that he doesn’t believe in the rule of two lmfao. He’s got Nevtay Strake who’s an Umbaran force sensitive, she’s a snooty bitch who wants everything to burn. He’s got Johaale Garnak who’s Chiss and unfortunately not force sensitive, but they’re a boss ass motherfucker who knows how to fight with weapons especially a lightsaber. They’re cool. Like. Chaotic neutral. Not even evil wtf. He’s also got Carnhea Wellew, a twi’lek woman who is supposed to be a juxtaposition to Roz- they’re very similar, Carnhea has been through some shit and is angry because of it and she needed direction with her immense force abilities. Yaljen is that direction for all three of them! They Love Him a lot and are Way Too Attached to him and while he cares about them also he kinda becomes one-track-minded when Roz Revandescendant comes into play cause he’s like…. Whew…. Wipe me off the face of the GALAXY please. Lemme teach you. Please.
The reason they’ve gone undetected since Yaljen’s awakening is bc he was like…… WOW the force is fucked up now. It wasn’t this fucked up when I went under. We gotta lay low. Gotta literally keep the Force close to the chest here. So they fly under the radar! Amazingly enough!
This is where I’ve gotten. Roz and the crew are like….. HM….. Yaljen is very kinda scary and he has a hold on a lot of strings that we don’t know about but we can’t kill him outright bc he’s so powerful and has powerful darkside followers and also fuckin Johaale who’s a batshit talented motherfucker…
Roz is like. Teach? Him teach? I learn his secrets and destroy him? And everyone at first is like you just didn’t get to do that to Kylo so you want to do that to Yaljen but then they realize it’s probably for the best to wait it out until they can get like. HELP.
Roz has training stints with Yaljen. Yaljen sexy! Roz is like Hm. Yaljen adores Roz and is very patient with her and is very kind and reassuring and Roz is like HM.
Poe and Finn are also gay I’m making canon now. I say this because they appear sometimes! As the heads of the Resistance as it stands they interact quite a bit with all of the squad. Sometimes there are double dates with FinnPoe and Jhorhys (Rhys and Jhoren), sometimes triple dates including ChorZeebs. It’s cute!
IDK where to go from here so I’m just gonna…… leave this all here for now
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After the Blazing Fire Dies: the 2019 Reylo Fanfiction Anthology Treats Master Post
The After the Blazing Fire Dies Collection on AO3 | Gift Fic Masterpost Part One | Gift Fic Masterpost Part Two
sun and moon by Anonymous for aionimica
“You look pale.”“I always look pale,” he says without thinking, and then flushes.Rey of Jakku laughs. “Pale as the moon, my lord.”“And you are as bright as the sun.”
In the Worshyr Grove by Anonymous for apisa_b
Canonverse, meeting unexpectedly.
graft my soul to yours by Anonymous for bitterbones
Kylo Ren didn't know he made a mistake until the pain started.
Breakout by Anonymous for bittersnake
In which Rey, Finn, and Ben break Ransolm Casterfo out of prison... for reasons.
Rammahgon by Anonymous for bittersnake
Rey didn’t know how to begin to be a Jedi, repair a lightsaber, or how to stop the First Order.
the question by Anonymous for crossingwinter
In which Ben proposes to Rey.
Twelfth Night by Anonymous for crossingwinter
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have our King!" He announced grandly, gesturing wildly at Rey, who was still as frozen as a deer before the hunt. Cheers came from all quarters, nobles and servants alike. "Do we have a Queen?"
I was glad by Anonymous for crossingwinter
Princess Rey of Austria is to become the future English queen.
What Are You Doing Christmas Eve? by Anonymous for Dalzo
Ben wants to ask Rey a really important question.
Dinner With Friends by Anonymous for flypaper_brain
Rey and Ben are preparing for dinner with Rose's new friend and her husband. Rey just needs a bit of reassurance.
The Kitchen by Anonymous for flypaper_brain
Rey and Ben, hunting for their first house.
By Your Light by Anonymous for hipgrab
It’s cold outside, so Rey and Ben must figure out how to stay warm.
Force Annihilation by Anonymous for incognitajones
A Resistance team crash-lands on an uncharted planet, with unfortunate results.
Edelwiess by Anonymous for jeeno2
Captain Kylo Ren hires Rey, a postulant from the local abbey to be a governess for his adoptive children. As time goes on, music grows in the Ren household and the Captain and Rey must choose: love or duty?
Founding Day by Anonymous for jeeno2
Senator Ben Organa is upset in the weeks leading up to the Alderaanian Founding Day celebration, so his bodyguard has a plan for a gift that just might make him happy. She would very much like to make him happy.
The Stairwell by Anonymous for jeeno2
Ben Solo has worked with Rey Johnson for the past two years. And he's been in love with her the whole time. He just needs to work up the courage to tell her... unless she beats him to it.
Lavender Midnights by Anonymous for kuresoto
She knew her familiar wasn’t a normal cat. A curse broken in the night changed everything.
Hijacked Holiday by Anonymous for MeadowHayle
Rey and Ben have been dating for eight months. They’re taking things slow, but when Ben borrows his Uncle Luke’s cabin in the mountains and conveniently plans a romantic holiday getaway in order to avoid his family at Christmas, nothing goes quite as planned.
Investiture by Anonymous for MissCoppelia
In which Ben goes to daven for his father’s yahrtzeit and manages to prove to himself once again that he is both a terrible person and a terrible Jew. Oh and he sort of falls in love.
Trying Something New by Anonymous for MissCoppelia
“I can do this, I can do this, I can do this,” Rey thought to herself as she tugged her bag over her shoulder. She wanted to do this. She’d pored over holonet sites in preparation. The mere idea of Ben’s request made her wet. And terrified. Just a little terrified.
Don't Complicate It by Anonymous for monsterleadmehome
Rey, an Omega, in order to get a job as a chalet hostess, poses as a Beta. On getting the job, she's assigned to the chalet owned by the Organa-Solo family, with Rose Tico as her co-hostess. Rey knows it'll be a breeze; all she has to do for a season is cook, clean and serve drinks to society bigwigs. What could happen?Ben Solo, of course. Ben Solo, big old Alpha, who Rey finds herself in need of when her plan to pose as a Beta goes suddenly awry...
The Hunters by Anonymous for OccasionallyCreative
Rey and Kylo meet as they hunt vampires in Victorian England.
Tickle Monster by Anonymous for okaypianist
Ben finds love, comfort, and a few kicks to the ribs when he tickles Rey.
the librarian (or, where ben solo can't talk to a pretty girl) by Anonymous for perperuna
Dr. Ben Solo often goes to a certain library that he does not need to go to.
First Night by Anonymous for persimonne
Kylo Ren won't let his wife see him naked, and then she finds out why.
iron and steel by Anonymous for politicalmamaduck
The Resistance is waiting for them, waiting for one brother of the Night’s Watch and one wildling to open the gates of King’s Landing and let the army conquer the city--and with it, the Seven Kingdoms.
Babel by Anonymous for redbells
They understood each other when they were young. Now, in the face of arranged marriage, Rey couldn't be sure
linger by Anonymous for rissanox
myosotis by Anonymous for rissanox
Ben picked the flowers for their wedding.
Some Vast Unnameable Fear by Anonymous for roamingbadger
After Kylo Ren's relationship with Rey is discovered by the Resistance, the Supreme Leader hurries to save her and bring her back to the First Order. If he makes it in time.
Something From Nothing by Anonymous for sciosophia
It was Rey, the fostered neighbor kid that had run loose all over Luke’s land once upon a time; the one that had pestered him to play or go swimming back when he’d spent his summers out here in the sticks. Once again memory pulled Ben under: chasing her into the pond, splash, cool green all around him, her legs flitting by as she swam away. Rey, her lip cut. Rey, spitting watermelon seeds with his dad- every summer, Rey. She’d grown up well. The years that had kicked Ben from one side of the world to the other had been a hell of a lot kinder to Rey. She was in scuffed boots and jeans that had been washed soft and broken in to cradle her legs (when had they gotten so long?) gently. She was in a worn t-shirt, and the once-shoulder length hair she’d sported as a teen had grown out into a braid that was resting over one shoulder. “Oh, she said, casually as anything, as if she hadn’t just angrily barged into private property. “Hey, Ben.”
Whitlatch's Guide to the Fauna of the Naboo System by Anonymous for six4au
Rey and Finn go birdwatching. It doesn't go as expected. It's better.
and after us, the flood by Anonymous for spookykingdomstarlight
Ben is here, she reminds herself for what feels like the thousandth time since they fled the war together. He is all you have.But the bond is gone, and he will barely look at her, and it doesn’t seem fair that she could escape Jakku and find people who actually cared for her and still, somehow, end up alone again.
crimson red, juliet by Anonymous for spookykingdomstarlight
He lets her, though. Lets her nails rake bloody slashes down his cheeks, lets her pull his head down so her tongue can dip into the thorn-filled hollow where his eyes should have been. Used to be. [Angsty plant-based body horror for angsty magic space babes ]
A New Generation by Anonymous for thewayofthetrashcompactor
Ben glances at Rey and quietly asks, “Do you want to spend the rest of your life with a twice-fallen former warlord who doesn’t know what place he has in this galaxy except as a porg-mother?”
baby you can drive my car by Anonymous for tigbit
They call them “soulmates.” Probably because it leaves less of a sting in their mouths.
The Maiden and the Horned One by Anonymous for TourmalineGreen
Village girl Rey decides to take an offering to appease the forest god in hopes that a late frost won’t kill the first grape buds in the village vineyards. The ancient ritual entails a maiden who who has just reached womanhood to bring the Horned One an offering of honey. However, when Rey reaches the temple, she realizes that there is much more to the ritual and the true offering is her virginity.
Wintertide by Anonymous for TourmalineGreen
It was important work, gathering fuel for the Burning of the Ren, though only an outcast like the Scavenger could do it. The ceremony marked the turning of one year into the next, and ensured the light would come again to drive back winter’s darkness.The good Queen had tried to change the ancient rite, to mark the year without the loss of one more soul from their war-torn land. But in the ten years since her decree, the disasters sweeping over them had only multiplied. Famine, flood, unearthly winds and the summer’s fires had torn at people’s goodness, and the refugees that sought the Queen’s peace had only taxed it more. When a Wizard suggested that only human sacrifice would appease the angry spirits, the people listened, and demanded a real Ren for the fire.
alone with a heart meant for you by Anonymous for walkingsaladshooter
Ben orders Grubhub; Rey's car breaks down.
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disaster-bi-shan · 5 years
assorted oc thoughts
im bored and sick so here
Pannatt loves yoghurt, especially yoghurt pots. She'd happily eat them all day, which Doc doesn't approve of because she'll get malnourished so he convinces her to try more high protein versions too.
(In a really off the wall bodyswap fic idea where thanks to valkorion hijinks ry and pannatt swap consciousnesses, Theron can tell something's off when he finds what looks like ry with a tray of snap pot blue milk yoghurt in hand. Meanwhile "Pannatt's" made a bee line for the kitchen and repeatedly crosses her arms infront of her trying very hard not to dig her nails into them and scratch her arms up. Also knocking her head and montrals on doorframes and open cupboard doors while she pulls out ingredients for baking something.)
Salvurr's a demi-girl! so all the dvuhmi grandmas are at least gnc if not all trans (ruha is a butch lesbian and uses she/her and he/him pronouns. also makes it easier for their kids to differentiate between them when talking about one of them, because three mothers mean lots of confusion about who they're referring to.)
Sometimes Salvurr's former husband drops in to visit with his husband :D
ry's favourite animals are kath hounds and brith from dantooine. thrantas are a close second, but mostly because they remind him of the brith.
silanu loves flowy clothing, both robes and casual wear. makes them look like they don't have a form at all which is great for androgyny :D. Also very dramatique when their long cardigan billows out from behind them as they walk.
the Dvuhmi siblings used to make pillowforts in their shared bedroom and sleep in a cuddlepile there when one of them was upset. They stopped when ry disappeared.
Eebie's thought to be a runt because while he grows normally for a while from a baby hatchling into the in-game mini pet size keet, his growth is stunted for a bit so he ends up being a shoulder bird with nashka for a little bit up until her late teens when he suddenly has a massive growth spurt and can barely fit through the doorway. He's at least at the size ce'nashka can ride by that point.
If Ry laughs hard enough he snorts and immediately gets embarrassed and self conscious because he "sounds like a grophet" and he got shamed by some of the kids in his hometown/village on Dantooine for it, so he tries VERY hard not to laugh too much.
Pannatt had a short relationship with Leeha Narezz. maybe even part of a polyship with Jomar, though she's a lesbian so it would only be with Leeha. She also pined a lot for Kira. And they're both knights in my canon, bc the Padawan thing is silly.
Turaa and Elara go cheer eachother on when they go to conventions to deliver talks on engineering and medicine respectively.
Ry has two missing fingernails/claws on his non dominant hand, his right. It was a punishment for not throwing the fight to one of the cage beasts. The progress on the second finger was botched because he managed to overcome the force restraints and push the person doing it into the wall. They stopped after that and only put him on more sedatives while out of the ring. He's still got like, phantom pain from them even though eventually he gets an inconspicuous cybernetic replacement for the joints that were ruined in question.
He's also got neural implants to help with the aftermath of being shocked a lot being hard on his nervous system. Those get overloaded when Valkorion possessed him and he has to get pretty extensive implants or else his arms shake too much to do anything with them.
Ce'nashka learnt to crochet from Jaesa from her old days making lace as a handmaid to Giselle Organa!
(she also has a baby crush on her.)
(ce'nashka idolises vette too.)
teffhan is a neurotic little kid and is anxious about a lot of stuff, so he needs a lot of reassuring (and hugs). if his dads aren't around or able to give him hugs at the time, ce'nashka holds his hand.
On that note, while he takes a while to warm up to people, if baby teffhan likes you he will Not Let Go and possibly fall asleep on you. Jaesa and Vette had this happen to them a lot.
teffhan and ce'nashka held eachother in their sleep as babies and into toddlerhood.
Sometimes if Ry falls asleep cuddling the twins while Theron's still up, he likes to take a holo with his implants of them and rewatch it later when he's away.
Ry gets a dad tum because he can't maintain that body type with two kids. also because it's cute.
An oldie - Ce'nashka used to be very grabby as a baby so Ry had to nearly always keep his hair tied up, and later when she's got a bit more motor control he lets her practice braiding it and leaves her handiwork in, even on semi-official business and holocalls bc he's got No Embarrassment whatsoever bc he's too proud of Nashka to care.
She tells Theron to grow his out so she can braid his too, but then she reconsiders when he shows her a picture with his teen mullet. "I don't like it." Theron was crushed.
Jakarro and C2-D4 have sometimes babysat the twins (under vigilance of someone else)
Teffhan first met Teff'ith as a baby and though initially she didn't know how to hold a baby at all when Theron asked if she'd like to hold him, she grew to have a soft spot for the kid named after her.
Mezkai sketches candids of the crew while they're doing things, and they know he's there, they don't mind.
He's probably done loads of akaavi while she's training. Big emphasis on her back and arm muscles lmfao. Maybe even a couple of coloured in portraits of her from memory.
Kai had a Talk with Corso about when he was presenting femininely wrt the whole chivalry thing. It was weird and a little uncomfortable at first but ultimately they got closer as friends.
at some point silanu and felix adopt a little non force sensitive sith pureblood who'd been orphaned during the kotfe timeskip.
Mezkai and Silanu have a living parent, a human sith dad (both their parents were slaves but the dad was force sensitive so he was shipped off to train before they got to know him enough to remember him). He only knew them both as boys and different names, so he doesn't know they're alive or that the Barsen'thor or the illustrious Republic privateer that keep interfering with Imperial operations are his children until he finds himself in a confrontation with both of them seeing how alike they look like their late mother and him.
Kai was nearly made into a /full/ Child of the Emperor, the Emperor's Hand originally thought Kai would be the strong force sensitive one because Silanu was a late bloomer and they sensed nothing from Sil at the time. They clearly fucked up on that count. But that does mean at one point Sil has to fight Kai and snap him out of it.
Penndi's plants and constructs are sentient, and she can tap into them to increase the range of her senses, as she's a Sith alchemist specialising in phytokinesis, botany and necromancy. She likes to call herself a necrobotanist.
Silanu and Kai don't remember much of when they were kids on Ziost, they were put on a transport at four to neutral space by their mother and a Green Jedi, probably one of Pannatt's dads, intercepted the carrier, taking them to Corellia.
turaa's been shortlisted for the bao-dur science prize twice (dang oggurobb) :D
sil and ry would've been really good childhood friends had they met when they were younger because people were scared of their powers and both autie with not very good people skills. probably pannatt too? they're all good friends as adults by the end of kotfe though! they originally form a mini coalition to take down Malgus on Ilum with the rest of my ocs, and then that comes to include the SoR gang and eventually that becomes the alliance.
(slightly unrealistic but hillarious) Vette comes to learn Ry and Theron don't know what a dad joke is, or at least why they're so terrible (Ry has three lesbian mothers, Theron was raised by master zho) when they tell Vette they're going to be dads. And she's fucking astounded.
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mnemehoshiko · 7 years
(with bonus citing of external canon sources mainly the visual dictionary leaks)
Long version:
I enjoyed TFA. But it was very much a safe remake movie because JJ can literally only do remakes and monster movies. I’m also still bitter over Into Darkness BUT THAT’S NOT WHAT YOU’RE HERE FOR SO I’M GONNA MOVE ON.
I really enjoyed Rogue One. It broke new ground etc etc but it had the freedom to do that because it wasn’t dependent on anything ultra important.
TLJ had the awkward positioning of figuring out how to move the main story forward in new and interesting ways AND not remake ESB. And I’m going to be super honest, I was 20% certain they were going to go Rey Skywalker??? Mainly because fanboys are amazingly uncreative but also because it would be a very safe way to go. Ohhhhh, of course Rey has the force. It’s because she’s of the Skywalker bloodline. ALL MAKES SENSE IN THE WORLD AGAIN.
As soon as Luke tossed that saber off the cliff, I knew that all my expectations were going to be subverted. AND IT WAS AMAZING!!!!
AND ON THE TOPIC OF LUKE, there seems to be two camps the
so like did you watch the Original Trilogy my dudes?
No really did you watch the “OMG SHE’S PRETTY WE TOTALLY NEED TO RESCUE HER!!”
like Luke Skywalker lives on impulse 
much like his father
like according to the visual dictionary, Leia was supposed to be his first student and she like said no due to like politics and family stuff
but lbr she probably looked at Luke YOLO Skywalker and was like....yeah no my dude you are a messssss
never be the first grad student
also like IF REYSKY was a thing
you’re basically saying 
which like my dude, he’s from Tatooine and if he’s saying Jakku is nowhere. then like that place is like purgatory
like I STRONGLY BELIEVE if like Rey was his kid he AT LEAST would have dropped her 
somewhere with reliable foster parents
and like water
ANYWAY like I can totally believe with like Luke seeing the #darkness + probably Snoke’s influence in his head his immediate response was OMG WE GOTTA KILL IT and then went...oh wait this....is not a chill idea maybe we should talk shit out first/meditate etc
honestly this is like textbook Male Skywalker bullshit 101
I HAVE DONE A THING!!!  i regret everything now
also i’m 99% certain Luke didn’t teach it her that trick so like my homegirl literally DID THAT
i just love leia so fukcing much and yes okay the cgi was kind of wonky BUT I DON’T GIVE A FUCK BECAUSE MY GENEARAL/PRINCESS JUST USED THE FORCE LIKE A BOSS THAT SHE IS
Also i just love Leia so much in this
like That Shot on Crait with her eyes over the collar is like 
no really someone hook a girl up and give me that shot as a lock screen
Also that scene post mutiny showing up in a 3000-thread count couture bathrobe, a matching cane, and blaster? #AESTHETIC
also personal opinion but Billie Lourd in that scene wasn’t acting as much as oh god i’m in trouble face that all children go through
*steps on step stool*
*climbs off soapbox* Poe in this film GAINED SOME DEPTH, sadly it seems to be very polarizing and I think that’s in part due to the fact that it’s pulling on backstory from the EU, primarily Shattered Empire and the Poe Dameron Comics. Shattered Empire doesn’t directly include Poe but it involves his parents, Shara Bey and Kes Dameron. His mom, Shara, went on a mission with Leia and some others for some reason I can’t remember BUT ANYWAY SHE’S A BOSS. A HERO OF THE REBELLION. Poe literally grew up around heroes. One of his squad mates in Poe Dameron is another hero from the rebellion. He has a very wide-eyed view on the concept of heroism? For him it’s daring deeds and important war-changing missions, he’s very much a soldier and not at a leader. At least not yet. You get this immediately from the fight scene with First Order and the bombing run and the aftermath of it. 
Poe sees what’s in front of him which is a destroyed Star Destroyer (?), Leia sees the whole picture which is a single ship destroyed at the cost of a significant part of their fleet. Yes, there were heroes but a resistance can’t survive on dead heroes.
You see this again in his willingness to go after the high-risk plan to somehow hack the main ship to get them to stop tracking them. He’s thinking YES THIS IS THE BOLD PLAN MISSION OF MY DREAMS!!! Except it fails, and yes I completely understand that this could have been avoid with like communication but to embark on communication? You need to let go of your ego. Ego is not a BAD THING, but sometimes it can prevent us from being our best self. The best leader we can be. And Poe does learn this as you can see with Leia passing the baton of leadership to Poe on Crait. As Poe realizes that a dramatic last stand isn’t worth the loss. It’s better to run to let the rebellion live than to die in a burst of glory. Those are the hard choices a leader has to make.
I LOVE MY SON AND HIS TRANSITION FROM BEING A MERE FIRST ORDER DEFECTOR TO A MEMBER OF THE REBELLION !!!!!!! First I loved the fact that his characterization followed naturally from TFA which TO RECAP consisted of:
 realizing that the First Order is a horrible idea; 
getting the fuck out via some convenient pilot dude who (supposedly) dies; 
meeting a girl who STRAIGHT UP ATTACKS HIM under the hearsay of a droid
realizing she’s the BEST THING SINCE TROOPER RATIONS and attempting to flirt because running away from a organization is best done in at least a pair
getting caught up in Resistance nonsense you are 1000% Not Here for because YOU KNOW THE FIRST ORDER and you know losing odds
aforementioned Girl is taken by the First Order and you’re like WELP GUESS I GOTTA TEMPORARILY JOIN this horrible idea to save girl
Tries to save girl but gets knocked out
TLJ PICKS UP immediately after this in which his first and only thought is FIND REY AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS NONSENSE. THIS IS NOT WORTH DYING FOR Y’ALL ARE CRAZY. Which lets be real, you’re dealing with an organization.....that can destroy an entire space system that you have personal experience with. You’ve just been attacked by the First Order, the Resistance is worse off than they were BEFORE YOU WENT TO (attempt) SAVE REY. Finn’s main priority is WELP THIS IS A LOSING CAUSE GONNA GET MY FRIEND AND BOUNCE BECAUSE I DON’T WANT HER TO DIE.
Then it hit’s him like a shock. Figuratively and literally because Rose shows up.
BEFORE I TALK ABOUT ROSE I HAVE TO TALK ABOUT PAIGE ALSO KNOWN AS i was pretty sure she was gonna die but it felt natural-ish and I also know need to buy Cobalt Squadron for like TICO SISTER FEELS. But during that bombing run you immediately got the sense of
what she was doing was already extremely risky
and that her last moments were of someone incredibly important to her
and like eventually TO ALL OF US AND MEEEE
I’m going to be honest and say that this plot was probably the weakest for the audience and for me. I understood what they were trying to cover but I feel some sections got cut for the final version.
had to deal with the struggle of moving past Rey as his sole guiding focus of his story?
and i’m like my dudes
he’s never been outside of the pod of stormtroopers like EVER
Finn: OMG THIS PLACE IS AWESOME Rose: this place is trash and I’m gonna fight it
Also can I give a shout out to that section where he’s explaining the plan to Poe and like Rose is like AHEM I’M HAPPY TO HAVE A FELLOW NERD BUT ALSO I CAN TALK!!!!
Poe on the otherhand is like....ah yes...cute nerds are talking....OH WE CAN BLOW SOMETHING UP FOR FREEDOM!!! YES SOUNDS GREAT!!!
Also his interactions with DJ are essentially him seeing a potential future for himself
and like trash meta moment, unlike Kylo “I Make Poor Life Choices” Ren, he makes the decision to reject that future for himself.
Like Finn’s arc in this movie I would argue is to stop being a passive observer in the narrative and to start CLAIMING his space in the narrative that is Star Wars
like FANON!Finn is very much the Resistance automatically accepting him and him become The Dude in The Resistance
this movie ACTUALLY DID THE CHARACTER WORK for him to become a leader in the Resistance
Look I really love Finn and he finally got the character development he deservessssss
Okay, first off. I will like forever and ever be thankful to Rian for casting Kelly Marie Tran SO JOT THAT SHIT DOWN
finish that sentence and i will unhinge my maw to consume your filthy soul
AHEM, I mean you’re entitled to your opinions
which are wrong
SERIOUSLY THO, every time someone goes “Rose straight-up shocked a black boy till he passed out!!!!!” I’m like
okay one, he’s canonically 23 years  old
like as a black woman and one with a little brother I’m very cognizant of the impact of black violence in media and the constant view of black boys as adults
but also HE’S 23
two, Rey straight up clobbered him under the hearsay of BB-8 saying that “oh that dude has my dad’s jacket” compared to Rose catching him escaping via escape pods after catching 2/3 people doing the same thing earlier that day + losing her only living family
like if this is the hill you want to die on!?!?!?!?
I just she’s so quick and smart but  get put into the ANTI-SOCIAL ASSHOLE BOX???
like yes she’s very good and detailed at her job
She also wants to fight everyone
like if i wrote an academia au (but Mneme you do---) she would be like the HELLO CLASS THIS IS OUR EXAM ALSO BONUS POINTS IF YOU GO ON A FIELD TRIP WITH ME ^_^
Student: Dr. Tico, that field is a protest.
I just really loved her arc on Canto Bight and her care for the little people and also the emphasis it’s not the wide dramatic actions that make the resistance but the people that make it thrive.
“We win by saving what we love.”
Mneme that kiss was sexless--
She’s be more than down to climb him like a tree later.
but also *UGLY SOBBING*
so like yes I understand that this probably could have been solved via OPEN COMMUNICATION but
Poe has literally just been demoted for flyboy antics
Poe initial interaction with Admiral Holdo consists of “soooo do you understand the situation” in front of a bunch of upper level brass
like maybe if he was like HEY HOW CAN I HELP it would have been better but he literally goes
cue Oscar Isaac’s prettiness
so like I understand but also I DISAGREE
also when Amilyn talks to Leia when Poe is like being carted onto the transport saying “I like him!” I’m 99% certain it was implied that she was also down to bang
actually knowing what I know from Leia, Princess of Alderaan
*looks around* okay they’re gone?
Tumblr media
It also follows from what Maz said in TFA, “you know they aren’t coming back.” This movie is Rey coming to terms with the failure that her parents inflicted on her, abandonment, and realizing that she doesn’t need some grand legacy to save the galaxy. Being herself is enough, and that’s so so beautiful to meeeeeeeeeeeeee. *weeps*
Them: KYLE RON WAS TOTALLY DOWN TO KILL HAN AND UNREMORSEFUL. Me: ???? did we watch the same movie??
did you like look at the lighting in that scene???
the facial expressions??
Kylo himself in TLJ: i didn’t hate him
pre-TLJ: Renperor is such a horrible trope because Kylo Ren is a disaster human being who has no business and no interest (see Bloodline) in ruling??? LIKE YOU ARE ASSIGNING COMPETENCE TO MY SON WHERE THERE IS NONE
post-TLJ: alright, I can Work With This and I’m 99% certain he is going to be ousted because the FO is like who is this human disaster with the political savvy of a blunt post 
like any credibility was lost as soon as he decided to have force tantrum when Luke showed up
and the SHOOT THAT SHIP OUT OF THE SKY!!!! moment
like my son leads wears his trash heart on his sleeve and EVERYONE KNOWS IT
honestly the fact that he managed to lie about killing Snoke is a miracle
but this CANON!renperor 
this Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, which i am like laugh my ass of over, is not some triumphant Dark Fuck Prince??
He’s broken man who has thrown so so much into rejecting the light, becoming the monster that his uncle he feared he would become and realized that he done fucked up. 
He tells Rey, Let the past die, kill it if you have to.
does copy his namesakes dramatic robe dropping so like there’s that
Also pre-TLJ: meh there’s a 50/50 chance he’s a virgin but lol it will never but touched on in canon
Post-TLJ: oh god he’s a virgin i will fight you on thissss
oh did i mention FORCE BOND!?!?!?!?!
Snoke is dead bitches
what is it
it’s the Force
it was so good to meee
Honestly that face was peak “I’m disappointed but not surprised, I left all your shit on the porch. *SLAMS DOOR IN FACE*”
and like the evolution and like ASDFDSFSDAFDS
this was so good to me y’all
so good
no really i like never rec meta but like this *kisses fingers* http://corseque.tumblr.com/post/168629533017 good shit 
so good
so awful
congrats Kylo, you’ve surpassed your granddad in poor wooing skills
Like literally I can see Anakin standing next to him Force Ghost!Stylez and is just like appalled
so appalled
okay i’m done I’m going to think about star wars and start throwing all my money at the EU YET AGAIN
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rina-san28 · 7 years
Dear Carrie Fisher,
I feel a little bit stupid doing this, but I'm gonna do it anyway because I feel like this needs to be down on paper. 
 Well...you know what I mean. 
 I've been watching the live streams of panels that have been coming out of Star Wars Celebration, while crying that I couldn't be there of course, and one in particular that stuck out to me was the tribute panel. Your tribute panel. 
 Your passing was so unexpected. There are days where I forget that you aren't here anymore and then I'll see something about you and remember that this is our reality now. There will be no more books, no more jokes, no more emoji-ridden tweets. We won't see the Legacy Group standing together anymore, smiling away as you make some smart remark. You're just...gone. 
 But, as the oft-repeated cliché tells us, the one we love never truly leave us. They leave a mark, a footprint, on our hearts that wasn't there before. They add a special something to what makes us really US, and with that addition we have been changed, hopefully, for the better. 
 Let's roll back the clock a bit. 
 When I was 7 or 8 years old, my parents decided to show me Star Wars. That lasted for all of five minutes. I was, like most young children, enthralled by Outer Space and spaceships, especially considering that I was among the first groups of children, especially girls, that schools really began to groom as scientists (Admittedly they failed miserably with me, but that's a story for another time), but shrieked in terror the moment R2-D2 rolled on screen. 
 Sorry, buddy. 
 When I was 10, all the way back in 2007-08 (*gasp*) one of my friends got a miraculous little device called a PlayStation 2 and invited me and my little sister over to play LEGO Star Wars with her. After that, everything changed. I was older, for one thing. Also, the funny side of Star Wars eased me into the harder stuff. I begged my parents to let me see all of the movies, and they happily obliged. 
 We watched the movies in the traditional 4-5-6-1-2-3 order. Lilia and I laughed when Leia told off Han, Luke, and the "walking carpet" in the Death Star, hid behind the sofa in terror and grief when Han was frozen in carbonite mere moments after Those Three Words, and danced around the room in joy when the Emperor and the Death Star were finally gone for good and peace spread throughout the galaxy. I watched Episode III with my dad and the friend who started it all while my mom and sister were at the store (Lilia was a bit too young for III yet, my parents explained) in the spring of 2009, four years after its release. I was thrilled, yet devastated. I would never be able to see Star Wars in theaters the way my parents had. It would never be as real for me as it had been for them. 
 It's important for me to note here, Carrie, that I did not latch onto Princess Leia. My sister did. I, on the other hand, chose Padmé, and I felt I had very good reason to. I was quieter, more book-oriented, and a definite teachers' pet, as opposed to Lilia's fiery temper and outgoing, unstoppable personality. While Leia's approach was "rush in, guns blazing," Padmé's was more subtle. I could do subtle. I didn't think I was bold or brash enough to be Princess Leia, but I could definitely be Senator Amidala. Plus, I figured, if Padmé could make a Leia, then I could, too. Leia wasn't what I wanted for myself. She was what I wanted for my children. 
 Those are big thoughts for an eleven-year-old. 
Star Wars became my guiding light. Everything I did came back to Star Wars. I doubt I will ever have as many books, action figures, and other merch for any other fandom than I did (and still do!) for Star Wars. 
 Then things began to change. When I was thirteen, I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I was embarrassed. I was ashamed. My mental illness was holding me back from doing things I desperately wanted to do, such as sleepovers and school trips. I began to think that I was worthless, and if I couldn't do a simple sleepover then I could never succeed as an adult. Maybe I should just stop it now. That would be fine, right? I wouldn't truly be missed. 
 One day almost a year later while we were driving home from another counseling appointment, my mom suddenly said to me, "You know, Carrie Fisher has a mental illness." 
 "What?" I said. "No way." I was thinking of Princess Leia, of course. How could someone that strong be broken the way I was? Surely my mother was joking or lying to make me feel better. 
 "Yep," she said. "She's bipolar." 
 "Oh." And I looked it up that night and she was telling the truth. For the first time ever, I felt a spark. Just a spark. It could, and eventually would, grow into a fire, but at that point a spark was enough. 
 I survived. I grew. I left counseling, and then I went back. I blossomed into someone new, and the spark became a candle flame. 
 When I was a junior in high school, they announced that they were making more Star Wars movies, and that the characters from the original trilogy would be in them! I was ecstatic. I watched all of the interviews, all of the press conferences, and I kept coming back to you. 
 You hadn't had an easy life. I learned this as I watched more and more clips of you. You had your own struggles, your own demons to conquer. I became attached then, still not to Leia, not fully, but to Carrie. To you. 
My senior year of high school, my family went to see Star Wars together on New Year’s Eve. It was a little rough that holiday season - Lilia was having trouble in school, I had just come out to my parents (my dad took it in stride while my mom struggled for a while), my mother was in the midst of a series of surgeries to fix a botched one from two years before, and my father was finally getting his groove back after a year back at work following a year of unemployment and uncertainty. I cried during the opening crawl, I cried when Han and Chewie walked into the Millennium Falcon, I cried when Ham fell off the bridge, and I cried during the end credits. But the thing I loved most was General Organa. 
General Organa was older, scarred, and hardened. She had fought on the front lines as a young adult and now she stood behind the console orchestrating every move of the Resistance, the unseen but universally known leader. Most f all, General Organa was subtle. 
 I could do subtle. 
 There's a reason that out of all nine of the Bi Pride Leias in the icon set @frogyell made, I chose General Organa. The General is, to me, synonymous with the You that I discovered. She represents what I can become. If I fight my fight, then I can grow into the General. 
 When you passed, I couldn't believe it. My mom and I went out to lunch and she told me that the Smithsonian had put the hood of Leia's dress up while it was on display to acknowledge that you were gone, and then she and I cried unashamedly in the middle of Wendy's. My mother, who saw Princess Leia onscreen when she was sixteen, had aspired to raise her daughters to be like that. I like to think that she succeeded. 
 This is very long, and very sappy. It's nearly one in the morning. But I'd like to close this with one final thought. 
 You were beyond a character to me. You as a person, not as Leia, were a goal. You took life by the horns and wrestled it until you got your way. I want to do the same. 
 I saw Rogue One three days after your death. I cried through about a third of the movie, but when Leia came on, I bawled. 
Then she spoke.
 "What have they given us?" the soldier asked.
 A pause. A smile. 
 And the flame burst into a raging fire. 
 Thank you Princess. 
 Thank you General. 
 Thank you Carrie.
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hansoloscharizard · 8 years
Poison Rain - Chapter One
Heyho, welcome to my new, big Fanfiction-project! 
Poison Rain will be a multi-chapter- AU about Padmè surviving Mustafar and disguising for seven years until Vader finds her. 
This is the first chapter (you can also find it on AO3, if you wish: http://archiveofourown.org/works/9608513/chapters/21708230
I hope you enjoy!
Chapter 1
Padmè Amidala Naberrie leaned on the railing and looked down to the busy city below the palace of Alderaan. The sky shimmered in a deep orange and the clouds seemed to glow. She loved the peace of the sunset behind the mountains.
“Lysa? Lysa!” The voice of the young princess of Alderaan echoed through the wide corridor and Padmè turned to her.
“My princess?”
Leia Organa wrapped her arms around her belly and Padmès heart felt heavy for a moment. “Father says, I am done. I managed the whole day with the council and I didn’t complain even once.”
Padmè fondled Leia’s hair which was dark brown and curly. Just like mine. Even with blonde colored hair and the blue contacts her daughter looked so similar to herself, that Padmè sometimes wondered how anyone could overlook the truth. “I am so proud of you, my princess”, she said lovingly. “I know one day you’ll be a queen as good as your mother is.”
“First I’ll be senator as my dad”, Leia answered back. “Actually I think this is a position with much more power.” For her young age –she was nearly seven years old- she had a very good understanding of diplomacy and politics. She never ought to know who her real parents where, but Padmè couldn’t help to see herself in every word the little girl said. Except her strong temperament. I was a calm child, and she is always loud and demanding. She knew too well where that trait came from.
Leia dragged Padmè with her, still chatting about her day with the government. “And then that guy from Tatooine came again to ask dad to speak for him … You know, the anti-hutt-movement …” The mention of the desert planet felt like a stitch. She didn’t talk to Obi-Wan for too long but the Jedi was careful and rarely searched contact with her. “It’s too dangerous”, he said. “What has an Alderaanian employee to do with an old eremite from a forsaken planet like Tatooine?”
After she gave birth to her son Luke she had only seen him twice, the last time two years ago. Obi-Wan wouldn’t allow her to come and his reports where more than imprecise. He is a Jedi, not a father, and he lives far away from Luke. Anakin’s step-brother didn’t like Jedi and especially not one that could bring doom over his entire family.
Leia led Padmè to her playroom. It was big and colorful and full of toys and stuffed animals.
“What do you want to show me, your highness?”, she asked, still a little absent.
“You know, Master Morum told me about the Jedi and the old republic …”, the girl explained.
Master Morum was Leias teacher. “What did he teach you?”, Padmè asked concerned. In the official version all Jedi where traitors and the republic was a weak institution, helpless against threats from outside. Wrong, wrong, wrong.
“I know they say, they where evil, but they protected the galaxy for thousands of years, didn’t they?” Leia didn’t wait for an answer. “So I made this!”
She knelt down next to a little scenery of figures which where set up around the tiny model of a star destroyer. “I don’t think the empire is better than a republic. They do things, which are unfair and the senate can do nothing about it! So the Jedi fight. They will return and protect us, look!”
Padmè closed her eyes. Oh no, Bail, what did you think? Her old friend would better have taught her daughter conformity. She is too wise for her age. This will do her no good. In earlier days Padmè would have wished for a daughter that could think herself and fight for what she believed in. But the time changed and so did I.
   Darth Vader looked upon the skeleton of the unfinished death star. He had his hands crossed behind his back and observed, how it got bigger and bigger while the star destroyer came closer. He would supervise the construction for the next weeks, until the gravitation problem was solved. The completion of the space station was delayed for months again because the isolation- material for the core reactor behaved unexpected towards the attraction of the nearby moon.
“Lord Vader? We are close enough now”, one captain reported with a salute.
Vader nodded. “Give me seven TIE-Fighters. I will fly a Lambda-Fairy.”
“Shall I inform Grand Moff Tarkin on your arrival?”
“No.” It will make a better impact if it is unexpected.
The man saluted again, rushed towards the bridge and shouted a few orders while Vader left the bridge and walked down the corridor that let to the hangar.
He had to send the hand of the emperor, who by now sojourned in the basement on the moon to Alderaan to keep an eye on Bail Organa – Vader didn’t trust the senator’s loyalty towards the empire.
A low-rank- commander awaited him already. “We manned the TIE-Fighters and the fairy, my Lord.” He licked his lip nervously.
“That’s what I expected”, Vader commented dryly and the commander winced. “Yeah, of course, Sir, I am sorry.” He licked his lip again and Vader grimaced disdainfully under his mask. Cowards where everywhere around him and men who allowed fear to control their behavior had already lost.
 He greeted Tarkin and Director Krennic down on the moon basement. Tarkin was polite but Vader felt his bad mood- he was a man who rather worked on his own. Both had a lot of excuses for the problems which where only the newest in a long series of delays and unexpectancies. When the work started, Tarkin had estimated the construction time on five years, but now, six years later, they where still far away from even getting close to the finish. “Now that I have recruited Galen Erso, it will be much faster. He already worked on the original plans”, Krennic assured him. An ambitious man. He could be useful in the future.
“I hope you will work a little bit faster in the future, Director”, Vader replied harshly. “I have no time to deal with every single step you take.”
Grand Moff Tarkin saluted. “Of course, Lord Vader.”
“Director, am I right that Francine Vanli still lives here?”
“Yes, my Lord.”
“I want to see her. After that I will return to the Executor to report back to the emperor.”
  It made Padmè sad to watch her daughter entering the dining room without her. Bail had offered her a higher rank, which would allow her to take part in all those formalities, but Padmè didn’t want to risk that. She was sure that the Organas where under observation.
And if Vader found out that I am still alive … She shivered. The look in his cold blue eyes still followed her into her nightmares.
She was so sentimental today, but tomorrow would be the seventh day of the empire, the seventh birthday of her children. They came more than one month too early, probably because of the internal injuries …
No. Stop thinking about that, she admonished herself. You won’t cange the past, no matter how often you think about it.
That night, she was back on Polis Massa. Far away from Anakin, but she could still feel the pressure on her throat. Every breath felt like she was inhaling fire and her skin was covered in cold sweat.
“From a medical point of view she is well”, she heard the droid tell Obi-Wan. And also: “For reasons we can’t explain … We are losing her.”
No, she wanted to scream. No it hurts so bad it feels like fire I am not well I can’t breath, please, make it stop … The droid told Obi-Wan, that she was about to give birth to twins. Twins? Oh no … She never dared to go to a healer, afraid that queen Camilla could release her out of service before the war was over. Then: It is too early, more than one and a half month, my babies will die and I will die too …
Then the scenery changed and she found herself in a mass of people, her face veiled while she attended her own funeral. She floated in the air and looked down into the hearse, saw her very own face so pale, so dead … It’s just a wax figure, something deep inside her flustered. A pregnant wax figure, hands crossed over the swollen stomach.
She awoke in a sea of sweat, the moon still shining trough the high window. Just a dream, she thought. It was just a dream. But it was not. It happened, only seven years ago. Leia doesn’t even know, that it is her birthday, she thought sadly and her hand wandered to her belly. Bail and Breha had made her a few months older to avoid questions.
My little girl. And my boy. She had to celebrate the birthday of her children alone.
  “She is on her way to Alderaan, my apprentice?”, the Emperor asked.
“Yes, Master.” Vaders voice sounded deep and synthetic in comparison to Palpatine’s croaking. He knelt on the floor of the empty conference room, one arm shored on his leg, his head lowered. The Emperor could feel challenged by even the slightest sign of disrespect.
“Very well.” Palpatine nodded. “When do you think will the new station be operational?”
“Grand Moff Tarkin estimated five more years.”
“That is not what you think.” Palpatine eyed him.
“No, my Master”, Vader admitted. “This mistake won’t be the last. Many things can just be done by try and error, we have no records about an equally ambitious project in the last two thousand years.”
“What is your estimation?”
“It will be at least a decade.”
The emperor nodded again. A dark hood covered his face. A pity. Vader served him six years and he knew nearly nothing about Darth Sidious. Even though I once thought I did. The cynical smile hurt in his burnt face, but Vader was used to the pain.
“I allow you to leave”, decided his Master. “I await your report on the building progress.”
“Yes, my Master.” The hologram disappeared and Vader got up. His time would come.
  “I am glad to meet you, Miss Aevan”, Padmè welcomed the new women friendly. She flicked through the application and smiled. “Oh, you where born in Theed?”
“Yes, Mylady.” The new was around Padmès Age, her hair was auburn red and she had dark blue eyes.
“Lysa, please. I am of Nabooian decent myself”, she told her – she and Breha had decided that more truth would make the lie more believable years ago.
“So call me Francine, please.” The women smiled shyly. “Where in Naboo do you come from?”
“Kaadara. Did you ever visit it? It is beautiful, so near the coast …” They chatted on. Padmè decided, that she liked Francine. She spoke basic with the melodic dialect that was characteristic to most Naboo- Native-speakers and she knew even a few words Gungan.
Padmè introduced the young women to her new job as servant in the royal chambers - due to the information in the application she was well trained and experienced in that field and one of the old servants had just left because of his age. She tried to hurry up now because she had an appointment with Obi-Wan who two days ago finally agreed to talk to her again.
They met Leia in her playroom – thankfully she had removed the Jedi-scenery days ago – and Padmè greeted her happily. Due to the day of the empire a week ago the princess was very busy with all the ambassadors and parades and she followed Bail to every single appointment, so she had rarely seen her.
“Your highness.” Francine sunk in a formal curtsy.
“My Princess, this is Francine, the new servant. You know, because Lucan left us.”
“Oh yes.” Leia grinned. “Hi, Francine.” She could be very engaging, if she wanted to.
Padmè left the young women with the elder servant Cary to introduce her further into her work and hurried to her own room. Puh, just in time.
She had an own holoprojector, which she now turned on. Only a few minutes later Obi-Wan appeared in the typical blue, flickering way.
He wore an old robe and she was shocked to see that light strings shimmered in his dark hair. The Jedi had always been a serious man – except for the never ending supply of one-line-jokes – but the deep wrinkles on his face let him look ten years older than he was. Padmè realized that it was nearly a year since she had seen him the last time. And with every year he ages a decade.
“Lysa”, he greeted her with a tired voice.
“Ben”, she answered with his assumed name. “How is Luke?”
“Oh, he is good. Blond hair, shiny blue eyes and always loud. I feel like I was a twenty-five year old padawan again.” He smiled sadly.
Padmè thought back to the Naboo-crisis and the time they spent on Tatooine. “Are you an angel?” where the first words Anakin ever said to her, a wild but so warm-hearted child. Maybe those words are what made me fall in love with him then years later, she thought cynically. These very words made her overlook the angry, young man in his twenties all those years ago. I could only see his smile, not the anger in his eyes.
“Owen tries to protect him”, Obi-Wan went on. “But if he is a little bit like his father this will never be enough to him.”
Padmé sighed. “What about … you know what?”, she barely dared to ask, but she had to know.
“It grows stronger.” Die Jedi shook his head. “I think he already uses it unconsciously. He needs somebody to train him, but Owen won’t allow me to get even near the boy.”
“I can understand him”, Padmè said absently. He is strong with the Force. Of course he is. How could he not?
“What about Leia?”, he asked gently.
“I don’t know. Not in an obvious way at least.” She frowned. “Or maybe she is just better in control of herself. Please, can you tell me more?” Her heart was hungry for every word.
“I saw him fly his uncles speeder a few weeks ago. Another little pilot I guess.” Padmè couldn`t help herself but smile. “Maybe he can be the little boy Anakin was meant to be.”
A shadow sank over Obi-Wans face. “Yes. Maybe.”
   “Why did you have to restart this phase?”, Vader asked coldly. The officer in front of him looked as if he was near a breakdown.
“It is like … I fear, the plans contained a mistake, Mylord …” Captain Rook had to supervise the casing of the station, but something went wrong and the removal and reapplication of a thousand tons of material would cost the empire months and many credits.
“A few … cable chutes and ventilation shafts where planned to small …”, he babbled on.
The man whipped his forehead. “Mylord?”
“What did you do to correct this?”
“The plans have been rewritten and we … We’re gonna catch up to the timetable. I will take care that we do.”
“Who planned the casing?”
“I’m sorry, I’m not sure, Sir.”
“You’re lying. You remember, and so do I.” He lifted his hand and Rook sank down, hand at his throat. “You where responsible from the beginning”, he told the corpse. “A lie, and a bad one.” He turned around to the men at the bridge who had observed the scene.
“Lieutenant Veers!”
The man saluted. “Yes, Mylord?”
“You where involved in the work of this man, right?” “Right, Sir.”
“Your troops await you. I want the C-sector to be renewed by the end of the year, Commander.”
“Thank you, Mylord.”
Vader nodded shortly, then he left the bridge and rushed to his own rooms. He had to report to the Emperor.
  “Luke? Luke! Where are you going again?” The voice of uncle Owen echoed over the field.
The blond boy winced. “I am coming!”, he shouted back.
He stuffed the speeder he was building under the plans and ran to the house. “I am sorry, uncle”, he apologized, gasping for air.
Owen stroked his hair. “It’s fine, Luke. Come on, your aunt made dinner.”
Luke jumped down the stairs into the wide manhole, which contained the entrances to the different rooms and sheds as well as all the machines and droids the farm required. He rushed into the kitchen and shouted: “Aunt Beru!”
She turned around and threatened him jokingly with the wooden spoon. “Where have you been again, boy?”
“We fought the empire”, the seven-years old explained proudly. “Me and Biggs, you know.”
His aunt laughed. “So, that makes hungry for sure. I made stew.”
“Oh, not again.” Luke grimaced.
“Soldiers eat that every day”, she told him. “You have to get used to that if you want to fight the empire.”
“Oh, please Beru, don’t strengthen him anymore”, Owen sighed, entering the kitchen.
“I will be a great worrier!”, Luke claimed and Beru smiled lovingly. “Let him dream, Owen. Reality will come soon enough.”
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