peachducy · 1 year
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outfits to travel the world in
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i-write-boop-spoops · 8 months
Professor Sycamore Proposal and Wedding Headcanons
so.... instead of festive headcanons, yall get this!! frick, when did it become february?
features: gn! reader, fluff, mentions of alcohol and cigarettes and very minor reference to sex
not proofread lol
owo what’s this? a classic boopy headcanon??
Sycamore is DIVORCED
So he has a lot of anxiety about marriage
When his last one crumbled, he felt like a failure, even though it was a mutual decision
After that, he wasn’t even sure if he wanted to get marrid again
Like, could he really find someone to spend his life with? Was that even possible?
But then he met you
And suddenly, he liked the sound of wedding bells again
You’re together for about two or three years when he feels his ring finger starting to itch
Needing the cool metal of a wedding band to soothe it
Being with you, living with you… it was like the puzzle piece his life was missing
He wants to see that smile of yours for the rest of his life
The proposal HAS to be special
Because you’re special
And you make him feel special
You two have so many special memories together
Luckily, he’s a romantic, so he has an incredible idea
He’s going to take you on a walk down memory lane
To places that mean the world to the both of you
It starts at your shared apartment of course
You come home from work, to find your beloved wearing a chic suit (the top shirt buttons undone, of course)
He tells you he has a surprise, and that you should put on a nice (but easy to wander in) outfit
It’s not the first time he’s done something like this, so you’re not suspicious of anything just yet
And off you go on your grand adventure!
Having dinner at the restaurant you spent your first anniversary at
Getting dessert at your favourite little café
Laughing about the time you both dropped your ice cream while you stroll through the park
And all sorts of other memories
He’s nervous the whole time, but the excitement wins out
You just look so beautiful, his heart skips a beat every time he glances over at you
He wants to marry you SO BAD!
The walk culminates at the bridge you shared your first kiss at
At this point, you’ve kinda sussed out what his plan is
And boy!
You’ve never been more giddy with excitement
Honestly, if you found out he wasn’t proposing, you’d be disappointed
He takes your hand as you look across the river, the city lights dancing in the water
The speech he gives you is equal parts romantic and heartfelt
Just poetry
You’re trembling the entire time
He gets on one knee
His bones click but ignore that
And presents you with a velvet box
A gorgeous, classic ring inside
He doesn’t even have a chance to finish asking the big question before your arms are around him and you’re shouting “Yes! Yes!”
He’s in disbelief by your reaction
I mean, he knew you’d say yes… but he didn’t expect you to be this enthusiastic
You really do love him, and that makes him feel so happy and blessed
Wedding planning is a bit hectic, since Augustine is very involved BUT also very busy and tired with work
Do you get into silly fights over dumb things like what canapes to serve? Probably
But do you make up like two seconds after? Yes
Your invites are so elegant (art deco perhaps?), and they are rose scented!
In terms of the wedding, it’s gonna be a small but classy affair
Not super traditional, but definitely romantic and stylish
Depending on what point of the timeline it is, he might not even have a best man
Because he’d want it to be Lysandre eek
The ceremony itself would be held in one of the many beautiful, historic buildings in Lumiose
Somewhere full of art and culture and beauty and life
Maybe somewhere like the art gallery? The theatre? The botanical gardens?
Wherever it is, you KNOW Sycamore’s vows will be the most romantic prose
The heartfelt, genuine words that fall from his lips are the stuff of fairytales
It would make the most jilted, stone-hearted person  believe in love again
The whole time, he’s trembling with emotion
His hands are holding yours, his eyes gazing at you with such fondness and admiration
There will be tears
From you, from him, from everyone
Speaking of…
The guest list is STACKED
Despite it only being a few dozen people
It’s like a Pokémon conference crashed into your nupitals
Diantha, Steven Stone, Wallace, Cynthia… a whole host of professors
Your now-husband is well-connected that’s for sure
Expect AMAZING wedding presents
The dress-code is cocktail
Perfect for the cocktail hour
I wouldn’t be surprised if the two of you chose to wear cocktail attire for your ceremony as well as the reception
But you could also stick to more formal/traditional options for the whole event, or switch to your more casual looks after pictures
no matter what option, he WILL find a way to show off a little chest
The reception could be held in a myriad of places
A rooftop in the city, a grand manor in Laverre City, a ballroom in Hotel Richissime
Wherever it’s held, there will be a very Kalosian sounding band playing the whole time
The Champagne will be flowing and plentiful
And there will be SO many flowers
You get those really aesthetic black and white photos taken ah! i love those!
Just saying… your first dance will be so beautiful
Graceful and romantic, you two gliding together as one
It’s Kalos, so you KNOW the meal will be delicious and rich and indulgent
I can totally see the two of you ditching the cake for a round of delicious pastries for everyone
Ones filled with berry curd or cream or chocolate ganache or frangipane
Just exquisite little pockets of joy
At some point, yourself and Augustine slip away to somewhere quiet
A balcony perhaps?
So you two can share a moment together, just the two of you, as pouses
And so he can have a quick ciggy
As the evening goes on (and your hubby gets tipsier)
You’re on the dance floor again, but much less gracefully this time
It really devolves from a classy affair to a bunch of drunk friends having a good time
Which honestly? Was exactly how it should end
Well that, and your magical first night together as newlyweds ;)
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I'm firmly convinced that everyone needs a Raymond in their lives 💕
However this is my part for the art trade with the incredible ✨@mirza-majoris✨
She’s such a talented artist and lovely person so please if you’re into pl stuff and gorgeous art check her out! >:3 
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blobbei-art · 2 years
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Anyone else thought that must’ve just been kind of mean from Descole’s POV
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flwrcrxwnlyon · 4 months
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hehe, today is Sycamore Sunday? more like It's Sycamore summer
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justkillingthyme · 5 months
Desmond was not fond of cats. They were little bastards that went out of their way to make his life hell.
Thus, he was incredibly displeased when Layton’s assistant brought one of them aboard. Not only did she not inform him until they were nearly departing, but no one else seemed to take issue with the feline. Unfortunately, it seems the owner, whoever they were, had simply abandoned it with Emmy, and seeing as they’d be abroad for quite some time, there was little to be done but let the feline stay.
Or: Desmond Sycamore hates cats until he’s forced to live with one
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demon-iku · 1 month
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“Smile for the camera you two!”
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jfkisonthemoon · 1 year
happy father's day sycamore sunday! :)
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he's spending a day out (hours and hours of arguing and sword fighting) at the park (azran ruins) with his old man (he's never thought about patricide more in his life)
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sage-nebula · 10 months
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Local dad professor doesn't know how to use a phone camera, local teens bully him about it.
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They say it's just his hair, but we know the truth: this man did NOT dress himself 😤
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popcorndispenser · 5 months
So like. What was Bronev gonna do if Des just like fucking killed himself after Leon (presumably) ordered the death of his wife and child. Or like, if his goons shot Des (if you believe Leon /knows/ Descole = Desmond.)
Dude was pretty comfortable threatening Layton's adoptive parents who are literally all he has left. If the Azran Legacy did end up being amazing fantastic humanity-benefiting technology... does he just keep pretending to not know his kids? Does he live with the fact that he ruined both of their lives and go 'lol worth' ???
Does Leon even give an ATOM of a shit about his kids? What the hell, dude 😭
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jils-things · 9 months
okay. im in a good mood today so who wants to hear about my cool pokemas rolls
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pokeficdaily · 2 years
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mirza-majoris · 23 days
Chapter 5 : O Flower of Scotland !
When they arrived to Dingwall, Desmond hopped from the train and looked around, yawning a bit. This train trip had been rather long considering how far they now were from London and from England. They had taken a small train to go to Victoria Station before taking another very long one to go to Edinburgh, and he had been taking some time to sleep since his night had been pretty rough until now. It was also during that time that his father and Raymond had been discussing the idea of renting a house together and find a job to ease their expenditures. Desmond vaguely remembered something about Ray's mother and how he had explained the whole story to them.
His mother owned a small cottage near Cullicudden, a quarter of hour long trip in car was necessary to go there from Dingwall but it was always closer than anything considering trains couldn't go where there was no railroads. Also, there was another reason Ray wanted to stop to Dingwall. His mother was being employed as a domestic by a very rich family living in Dingwall and her cottage was not inhabited most of the time, that was why she had asked his son to come back to Scotland someday, to help her with the house since she was living in the same mansion as her masters. "The cottage is away from any big city, very few neighbours and good air indeed", that was how Raymond had described it and, somehow, after a good hour of thinking about it, Leon was rather opened to such an idea. And he knew that life could be expansive when you were raising a little boy as a father, and alone. Just thinking about Rachel and how she would've wanted her boys safe and sound, living a normal life, had been enough to convince him to give it a try.
Once in Edinburgh, they had to take another train to Iverness, but before doing so they stopped to buy some coats considering the weather was being less clement than in London, and Leon and Desmond hadn't brought one since they had to leave in a hurry. It wasn't winter yet, so they had some time to buy everything they needed. Only Raymond seemed unbothered by the very wet air coming from his homeland, and in fact he was almost happy to come back home. Desmond had been very interested in the landscape and even though it wasn't his first time traveling somewhere –his parents once travelled to Nazca, in Peru, when he and Theodore were younger– he was a bit nervous since this time they had some evil guys trying to look for them in order to take them away to a very bad place. Scotland was very much different from what he thought it would be, and hearing everyone's accent was enough to trouble him a bit at first. But he had been more than excited when they saw the Loch Ness when changing train again in Iverness. He even had the time to see the castle a bit and eat an ice cream !
Finally, after a whole travelling day, they were finally done and getting out of the station. The evening was near and they had not eaten much, merely two sadnwiches and an ice cream for the boy. But with a smile Raymond told them not to worry, that his mother would be more than happy to take them to diner tonight.
–Still, Leon had said, I don't want to impose my presence and Desmond's to her... and if she's kind enough to allow us to stay in her cottage, I might at least be the one offering her a diner.
–Oh, trust me, sassenach, try to offer to pay and ye'll be facin' a beast ! She'll never accept it. Trust me, A've tried twice. And she scolded me in the middle of the restaurant as if A was still a toddler !
Desmond chuckled a bit and was already picturing a little woman scolding that biker as if he was but a child. Leon smiled when he saw him being a bit more joyful than usual. This was enough to make his heart lighter for a few moment. Ray let them for a short moment, going to take back his motorbike which had traveled with them, in a wagon dedicated to these heavy things. Leon rolled his eyes when he saw that Scottish lad being almost in live this his engine.
–Come on, it's just a vehicle ! It's not some kind of wonder.
Raymond gasped and exaggerated his reaction just to make the boy smile again, boy who was really intrigued by such a mechanical prowess.
–It's not "just a vehicle" sassenach ! It's a Norton Model 40 International 350cc 1 cylinder from 1938 ! A've restored it ! T'was me dad's.
–How does it work ?
Desmond had sparkles in his eyes and he was hopping around the vehicle trying to figure out how it was possible for such a thing to be driven by someone on the road. Leon sighed, not knowing how to react to Desmond's enthusiasm since he didn't like mechanical stuff much. He was a more... traditional man regarding technology and mechanics. And he was barely capable to use a television so he wasn't an expert regarding the topic.
–Well, maybe he can explain it to you once we've seen his mother. How do we do that ? We wait for the end of her service or what ?
Raymond took a peek at his watch and thought about it for a minute.
–OK, well... I'll take her at her job, it's almost October's holidays for her, they always give her Samhain.
–Sowhat ?
The Scottish man sighed again and rolled his eyes, pulling his motorbike to follow as they were walking together.
-It's pronounced "Soween", and it's... well, 31st of October. The All Hallows eve, if ye prefer. Go on, have some nice walk time or go to the park, A'll join ye here with me mom. Sounds good ? There's also a few shops. To get yerself a Scots dictionary. Because ye'll need it.
He chuckled and winked to Desmond, promising him a nice ride later, and he made the motor roar before flying away to a very big mansion, away from the city center, and the more he was getting closer and the more his smile was fading. What he hadn't said Leon about all this was that he wasn't exactly in good touch with his mother and he wanted to go there forst to try to talk to her. Last time he had seen her, it was another glorious argument they had, about family mostly, and he has had very harsh words to her, before leaving like a thief, without even saying goodbye. By now he has had enough time to think about it and he regretted a good portion of what he said six years ago. That large amount of time was also the reason he hasn't told Leon about his relationship with his mother. Because at this point he didn't even know if she was willing to talk to him anymore.
He had written him letters 2 years ago, if you can call that writing a letter considering he's done nothing but traces a few line on the paper, for Christmas, All Hallows Eve, New Year's Eve, Easter, her birthday, etc. Just a few lines, and she had never responded to any of them for the simple reason he's been avoiding to leave any address to reply. His life wasn't the most glorious one and by now he was really regretting it, trying to make up for things he's been too stubborn to apologise for.
Without him realising it, his motorbike had almost ridden itself alone, bringing him right to main gates of the big mansion where his mom was working. He sighed and entered the property, leaving his engine near the portal gates, and proceeded to go up the alley to reach for the doors and knock on them, disdainful enough not to ring the bell. He wasn't used to ring bells anyway, he preferred the simple knocking, bells were some fancy way to summon someone and he didn't like it.
A young woman came soon after, looking at him with red cheeks and a shy smile across her face.
–Good evening sir... Who may I announce ?
–Hi, huh... well, A'm not here to see Lord McGregor, A'm lookin' fer me mother, Maighread, is she workin' or does she have... ye know, a few minutes ?
The young lady though seemed a bit troubled by his accent, for sure she was probably not used to Scots and Scottish accent either since the master of this old creaky mansion was trying to speak as "normally" as possible.
–I deeply apologise but... May-who ?
–Maighread, me mom. Ye know her surely, a li''le woman, heavy brown hair, she's the one in charge of the whole domestics here A think.
This time the lady figured it out and her eyes seemed to lighten up.
–Oh, I see ! You're looking for Mà Bannag ! Everyone calls her like that, she always bakes the most wonderful pies !
Ray sighed, a bit nostalgic, and thought that this nickname was truly fitting his mother. He nodded and offered the maid his most charming smile.
–Would ye be kind enough to allow me to see her ? The day's almost done, and A need to talk to her...
Being put in front of such a charming man, the woman blushed again and chuckled like an adorable chick before allowing him to enter and asking him to wait in the hall while she was going to bring Maighread in.
Ray looked around, not that impressed by such a decorum displayed through this hall. Big wooden interior, sculptures, old architecture, dark wooden stairs and ceilings, some tapestries which colours were slowly being less and less shiny considering they were older than everyone in this mansion, some carpets, everything making this house wealthy was only the furniture while the house itself was creaking each time there was a windy day. The man had lived there, with his mother and father, in the domestic aisle, most of his life, before leaving when he was a teen. He knew this corridors like no one else and he also remembered some nice little pranks he did to his parents when he was hidden in the library secret passage. A bit cliche but always worked. The thought was enough to bring a smile on his face but it quickly vanished when he heard the voice of an old man coming from up the stairs.
–It's been a while since last time you came here...
Raymond barely looked up, he wasn't much impressed by the old lord and his grey hair, grey moustache, grey tuxedo and severe figure. In fact, all that was filling his eyes right now was animosity.
–A'm not here to talk to ye. A'm here for me mà.
The old lord seemed to feel some heavy pressure on his shoulder and he looked away. Even his voice seemed less full of assurance.
–She should be here soon, I saw Maggie, the maid who introduced you in, rushed to the domestic aisle... ... you know, if I can do something, I-
But Raymond shook hisbhead and interrupted him right away.
–A want nothin' comin' from ye. And don't ye dare bring Maighread into this. Ye've done enough already, don't ye think ?
The old man sighed but replied nothing. Instead, he only nodded and went away, coming back to his room, just a moment before a shaky voice came to Ray's ears. He turned with a small smile hanging on his lips and waited anxiously for the little woman to come closer, uncertain how to react.
In front of his, his mother was looking at him, her hazel eyes wide opened. Her dark wair was tied into a severe bun but her cheeks and wrinkles at the corner of her eyes were indicating a very joyful woman. She was a bit skinnier than last time Ray had seen her and she had aged indeed. Her hands were shaking because of how unreal the moment seemed to be to her and her uniform, her apron indeed, was covered in flour. The man sighed and messed with his own hair, embarrassed and not knowing what to say. Suddenly his mind had gone blank.
–Hey.... huh... well... hi mà...
The old woman didn't let him say anything else and rushed to hug him tight, happy like she had rarely been. Since she was littler, he had to lean a bit but he didn't complain and hugged her back.
–Mo mac ! Balach beag, A've been so worried, me boy !
If anyone wondered where that young man got his accent from, then the answer was his mother, because she was the one always using this soft voice and little words to speak with her son. Even Ray's father had less of an accent than her !
–Ye are insufferable, young man ! Do ye know how very few informations ye put in yer letters ? A didn't even know if ye were doin' fine or not !
–A'm fine, mà... A just... well... A just had... rough days back then... A'm sorry...
A mother would always be a mother and this one knew her som very well. She backed away a bit, softly put her hands on both his cheeks and look him in the eyes with a worried frowned wrinkling her forehead.
–Yer eyes tell a lot, mo mac... Ye'll explain to me later ?
Raymond sighed and looked away. Maighread sighed too and kissed his forehead before smiling.
–I know ye're not here without a reason... do ye mind helping me grab me things ? Then ye'll tell me all about it, sounds fair ?
For how much Raymond wanted to be serious and for how much guilty he was feeling for the past few years, he cracked a smile and followed his mother. This little reunion had been going rather well but the main topic wasn't even brought on the table yet, they would need a long conversation, preferably with a cherry or a good whiskey.
–Yeah... let's go... Care fer a ride on me motorbike ?
–A thought ye'd never ask !
-> First chapter
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-> Next chapter
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I'm currently replaying Pokemon Violet for the second dlc coming up and I'm just over here going "Yea..... the Area Zero gang are a polycule and I'm roleplaying that." Arven is the first acquired in the polycule. Nemona will be second and then Penny? she just joins randomly like "yea I like these people." and then she goes "Oh shit. I *LIKE* Like these people."
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101flavoursofweird · 3 months
One last preview for Project Loosha:
Closing the door firmly behind her, Dr. Trench scowled at them. “Professor Sycamore… I’m not sure how you arrived here so quickly—“
“Golems are super fast!” Tony chipped in.
“—But I was under the impression that you had cut all contact with my lab, and you were no longer interested in contributing to the project.” Dr. Trench crossed her arms. “Now, at the eleventh hour, you show up— during my meeting to secure investments for the project’s future… What do you have to say for yourself?”
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flwrcrxwnlyon · 5 months
Thinking abt him™️ pre-tragedy again and I'm sobbing
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