#dad!Levi ackerman
perkypink19-blog · 1 year
Okay, what about Levi sending y'all's kid to the first day of school? Levi is excited for the kid but not really living through the kid even though he never really went to school. He just want to make sure his kid has everything ready to go but he makes sure they are well prepared and has all the cool stuff since he wants to give his kid the life he didn't have. We all know he triple checks the checklist. Levi is making the lunch and helping the child get into a routine. So the big day comes and Levi is hiding his tears extremely well. His heart is breaking but he puts a brave face on for his kid so he can be strong for them. He takes you and the kid to the room and meets the teacher. Also makes sure he has all the information to get in contact with the kid's teacher just in case as well as his. Once you guys drop the kid off, he is tearing up like crazy. He is a mes saying "They can't go to school. I can't protect them and keep them safe". You are a emotional mess but comforting him and you admit it's cute when he is acting like this. Levi is constantly checking his phone to see a message from the teacher on an update or emergency throughout the day. Once school is over, you guys go get them and walk home as a family. The kid riding his shoulders as the kid is rambling about school and how much fun they had. You look at Levi as he looks at you, proud of the child y'all made together and excited to watch them grow.
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abiatackerman · 4 months
Daddy's little rival
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The sun spills through the half-drawn curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. You're nestled between Levi's legs, your back against his chest, and his lips trace delicate patterns along your neck. His breath is a gentle promise against your skin, and you can't help but moan softly. A rare, unguarded sound that belongs only to moments like this.
But life has a way of barging in uninvited.
The door swings open abruptly, and your son pouts looking at you both.
"It's not fair, mommy! It's a weekend and you're playing with daddy, not me! He's not a brat! He doesn't need you to play with him."
You chuckle as you see your son's jealous eyes. He is a perfect mix of genetics. His black hair, blue-grey eyes, and pale skin are from Levi while his cute, slightly rounded features are from you.
"Your mom is mine."
As Levi speaks, he gently kisses your neck while he keeps staring at his son… Trying to get the little tyke rile up.
"Stop teasing your son."
You chuckle as you nudge Levi a little. You smile looking at your son's pouty cute face and open your arms.
"Come to mommy, dear."
Before you can even finish your sentence, your son runs towards your bed and jumps right into your lap and hugs your waist tightly.
"Are you done with your little tantrum now?"
Levi mutters playfully as he watches his baby get cuddled on by you.
Your son mutteres softly. His mood turns from angry to adorable in a second just by being cuddled by you. Like Levi, he is a momma's boy. All it takes one moment for him to start giggling and smiling if you're around. Levi can't help but smile at the sight.
"You're just like your dad. You've got his every single behaviour..."
You chuckle as you caress your son's hair. He grumbles in your chest making you laugh. He doesn't like to be compared with his dad. Not even a little.
Levi tilts his head and watches as his son squirming.
"What's wrong? Scared of being daddy's lil twin?"
He teases, which only seems to make his son even more frustrated.
Your son mutters as he lifts his head up and glares at his dad with a frown. His eyes, which are just as beautiful as Levi’s, seem to glare right into Levi’s heart.
"Hey hey hey... Your daddy is humanity's strongest soldier, don't forget that. You should be proud that you've got his strength and attitude... "
You say patting your son's head.
"That's not something you should be proud of, he's just a grumpy old man!"
Your son mutters playfully sticking his tongue at Levi.
"I think he has a bit of an attitude problem. Maybe you're spoiling him too much, he's becoming cranky…"
Levi speaks in the same playful tone as his son and flicks his son's head.
"Tch! I'm not cranky!"
There the little tyke goes again. Acting exactly like his dad. A mini Levi. His cheeks puffed out as he pouts at his dad.
"Whatever, come here brat. Your mom needs to cook. Today's weekend and we're gonna enjoy a delicious dinner cooked by mommy, right? Also it's time for your after lunch lap. Come on."
Your son grumbles in a grumpy tone, but Levi pulls him along anyway. Despite his initial reluctance, your son can't help but be drawn into Levi's arms. As he tickles jis son, your son bursts into laughter. You watch from the doorway, heart swelling with warmth, as father and son share this precious moment. You close the door behind you, leaving them to their own time together.
You know both of them will fall asleep within 30 minutes. Levi will hug his son protectively and your son will cuddle against Levi's chest while they'll sleep.
This is the regular weekend routine of your little Ackerman family.
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m-jelly · 3 months
Post War Levi as a dad
Titans never scared him. People never scared him. Getting hurt never scared him. Losing all he owned never scared him. Losing you and his daughter though? It terrified him.
So, when you said you needed to go into town for a few things, he was very scared. The two of you were joined at the hip. You helped him so much and loved him, scars and all. Ever since he got hurt in the war and was confined to a wheelchair most of the time, he thought love was never meant for him, but then you came walking into his life.
Levi felt strong before, but the war made him feel weak. When you walked into his life full of love, he felt unstoppable. After you had your daughter with Levi, he felt even stronger. His daughter adored him and always smiled at him. The scars made him think he'd be called a monster and make her cry, but she loved him with everything she had. Levi loved his daughter so much, he would kill for her and you.
While you were gone he was taking care of Kuchel, who was an adorable two years old. Both Levi and Kuchel missed you terribly, but it was only a bit of shopping you needed so you asked for the two to just stay at home, play and have some fun. You'd left a pot of tea, snacks and juice.
Levi was sitting in his wheelchair in the garden while his daughter was sitting on her blanket and playing with her toys. He smiled fondly at his daughter as she wiggled and moved her toys around.
Kuchel looked over at Levi and laughed. "Dada!"
Levi smiled brightly. "I'm right here. Daddy's here."
She stood up carefully and walked over to him. "Mama?"
"She's gone on an adventure. She'll be back soon."
She stared at him before nodding. "Mama, go."
He chuckled. "Yes, mama go." He watched her walk to her blanket and sit down. "Such a sweetheart."
He relaxed in his chair and adjusted the blanket on his lap. He gazed a moment down the path and wished you'd appear. Levi struggled to be without you. He never knew deep love could do this to a person, but he was absolutely infatuated with you.
Levi looked over at his daughter to see she had fallen over. "Kuchel?"
She sat back to show she had a cut on her cute knee. Her eyes filled with tears. "Dadaaaaa."
Levi shot out of his chair and limped over to his daughter. "I'm coming! Daddy's coming!" He scooped her up into his arms. "I've got you." He limped inside the house and sat her on the kitchen counter. "Let me look." He moved her dress as she whimpered. "It's just a tiny cut." He sighed. "You're okay."
Kuchel sniffed. "Ow."
He kissed her forehead. "I know, ow." He picked her up again and grabbed the first aid kit you and he always kept topped up. He raced back outside and sat with her on the blanket. "Let's fix you up."
Kuchel rubbed her tears. "Dada."
He cleaned her knee up. "You're so very brave."
She hummed. "Yes."
He smiled at her. "You'll have a little scare, like daddy." He pointed to one on his arm. "Like this."
She touched the scare. "Mm." She looked at her knee. "Dada." She giggled. "Like dada."
He nodded. "That's right, like dada." He put a small patch on it and then wrapped it up. "There, all patched up."
She patted it. "Dada done."
He hummed a laugh. "Yes, all done."
She stood up and walked over to him. She climbed onto him and sat on his lap. "Hug."
Levi wrapped his arms around his daughter. "I'm here."
"Well." Both Levi and Kuchel looked over at you. You smiled brightly. "What a lovely thing to return to."
Kuchel gasped. "Mama!"
You giggled. "Hello."
Levi's eyes lit up as he shouted your name. "My darling!"
You walked over. "Hello, handsome." You placed your bag down before sitting on the blanket and kissed your husband and daughter. "Everything go okay?"
Levi adjusted Kuchel. "She had a tiny fall, but she's all patched up and she was so brave."
You cupped her face and kissed her nose. "My good sweet little girl." You sighed before kissing Levi. "You must have been so worried."
"I was panicked. I missed you. I wanted you. But, I acted fast and she's all better."
You cuddled up to Levi. "Such a wonderful dad and husband."
He puffed out his chest a little. "Thank you. I love you so much. I love you both."
You kissed his cheek. "Love you too."
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a
@youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn
@bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @emilyyyy-08 @levistealeaf @pelicanpizza
@hideandgopeep @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird @searriously
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leviraaaaaa · 10 months
Levi startles, looking up. The little girl stood before him, all wide eyes and beaming at him.
“Yes? Shouldn’t you be at school?”
She shrugs, then thrusts out a hair brush and a set of scrunchies. “Do my hair today!” She grins.
Levi is taken aback slightly, not at all expecting such a request. It’s not that he had a bad relationship with his daughter really, if anything Levi spends every second that he can spare with her. But even so, it was so sudden and specific, not to mention she has never asked him to do it before. It was you who helped her get ready.
“Doesn’t mommy usually do that?” He asks slowly. “Is she busy?”
She shakes her head quickly. “I just want you to do it today.” She smiles, holding the brush out to him, waiting for him to take it.
Levi glances at it then looks back up. How could he say no to that?
So, without a word, he motions her to turn around which she follows happily, pulling a stool nearby to sit between Levi’s legs. Levi takes the brush, though slightly hard to hold without his missing fingers, he manages, combing through the black silky strands.
Like his.
Though, his own hair was stranded with gray now, a sign of the long years he had lived. Even Ackermans don’t stay young forever.
But it’s still so strange to him, having her here, right in front of him. He still freezes a little when she smiles at him, watching her with awe. She looked almost exactly identical to him, starting from the shape of her face to the color of her eyes, just the exact shade of the silvery blue that his own eyes hold. But there was a brightness in those eyes that Levi doesn't think he ever had. She was like this little ball of sunshine, always so bright.
And her smile, that came from you.
She was his. Yours. Theirs.
A part of him and a part of you. A whole other human being. A child. A blessing.
It was the hardest at thr beginning. For him to get used to it. Despite the 9 months of pregnancy, it was when he first held her that the realization finally hit him. That she was his daughter. His.
And the moment his eyes locked with the newborn, he knew he was doomed.
That there was nothing he wouldn’t do for this small, small, absolutely tiny person that came to earth no more than half an hour ago. That he had just met.
It was crazy how it only took him only a moment for him to swear his life for her, to become so protective. It was actually ridiculous, how he felt anxious even when it was the nurses holding her, he’d been so rigid, so poised. Even when handing her over to someone else’s arms, he had his hand outstretched because just in case. It took a shit load of convincing from you for him to let Jean and Connie hold her.
It was crazier watching her grow up. Never had he felt this ridiculous amount of pure joy and excitement ever. Only to hear her first words, to watch her take her first steps, holding his hand. He swears it was only yesterday.
His chain of thought was cut off as she started to happily chatter about things. Unlike Levi, she talks. A lot. Levi doesn’t mind, he listens quietly. Every once in a while, inserting a comment.
“I’ve read about you. In the history books. Our teacher taught us.”
“Yeah?” He mumbles, brushing softly. “What’d you learn?”
“They called you humanity’s strongest.” She stumbles on the word a little, which was a bit heavy for her usual vocabulary. She turns around to look at him with awe and wonder, wide eyes asking for confirmation. “That’s so cool!”
He only lets out a small hum in response.
"Will I be as strong as you one day?"
"Sure. You already are." He hopes she never needs to be.
“I saw your picture too. And mommy’s. Also, Uncle Connie used to be bald back then.” She finishes with a giggle, the idea of Connie’s lack of hair amusing her. “You were like a superhero, weren’t you daddy?”
“I wouldn’t shoot that far.” He answers with a small smile.
Back then, Levi had never imagined the idea of having a family. There, caged between the walls, surrounded by those tremendous monsters. When there was no guarantee that you’d come back alive once you’re out there. How could he even think of bringing a child to the world, if he couldn’t even do the least that is to promise their safety?
But now, here she runs and plays outside, without a worry in the world, tirelessly. She doesn’t have to starve like Levi had to, she grows up with only all the good the world has to offer. She doesn’t know the worst of how things could be and Levi hopes she never does. She doesn’t yet understand the role Levi and you had played in creating this world, but she does understand the value of it. She asks questions sometimes, about the wheelchair and the eye and the hand. About your scars and why somedays you can't get yourself from bed. He doesn’t answer. He doesn’t know how to answer. And Levi knows, one day, he’ll have to tell her all of it, life back then and the life he had. But for now, he prays, let her grow up with only love and pureness. Let her see the world in her rose colored glasses. Something he never got to do.
She taps Levi’s leg as he bunches the hair to tie a ponytail. “Do braids.” She says.
“Braids? Don’t you always wear a ponytail?” Levi asks.
“Yes, but,” She tries to explain, stumbling for words. “Tash always pulls by it.”
Tash was one of her classmates, Levi knew from her frustrated rants about him. From what he could gather, neither liked each other much. “Next time he bothers you, you do the thing that I taught you.” He tells her.
“The thing with my hands?” She asked brightly, balling her hands to show him.
“Hey, no beating up kids at school. Levi!” You appear in the doorway, only catching the last bit of the conversation. “Don’t give her ideas. And you,” You look at your daughter who was smiling smugly. “I’ve been looking for you–wait, is Levi doing your hair?” You say, finally noticing and very surprised.
‘Yes!” She replies excitedly, “He’s doing braids! He’s very slow though.”
Levi playfully pats her head. “It’s because you keep moving.” He sighs. “Must you need braids? I’m not sure if I can–”
Levi was about to say something else until she turned around, giving him the most adorable pout ever, eyes all round and needy, her brows pinched together. “Please?” She asks sweetly.
Well damn.
Levi tries, he really tries. But the word no somehow managed to disappear from his vocabulary, along with all of its synonyms. So he sighs, nodding.
“Levi, I can–” You start.
“It’s okay.” He puts up a hand, stopping you. He doesn’t know much about the process, but he’s spent enough time watching you do her hair. So he thinks he can manage it. “I can do it. Probably.” He says uncertainty.
It was slightly difficult to manage multiple sections of hair when you’re missing two fingers, but even surprising himself, he does manage it, after a few attempts. A little uneven, but works.
"Happy?" He asks her, patting her head.
It was good enough for the girl, who jumped up right after it was finished and cheered happily as an answer to Levi. She jumps to his arms, pulling him by the neck to plant a big smooch in his cheek.
“You're the best.” She beams at him, then running off to grab her bag which was by the door.
“Wow, mommy’s nonexistent now?” You fold your arms in mock offense.
She doesn’t answer, only picks up her bag and runs to hug you full speed, wrapping herself around your knees. “I love you.” She calls out, then turns to Levi. “And I love you too! I'm leaving now!”
Then she was out the door before you could say I love you back.
“Don’t run, you’ll fall.” Levi calls out to her, who was already far out of hearing range.
You closed the door. Then leaned against it, staring at Levi.
Levi looked away, cheeks heating up slightly, noticing the strange way you were staring at him, already knowing what comes after.
“So.” You said.
“So, what?” He said, glancing at you.
“Where'd you learn how to do braids?"
He huffs. "From you. I watched you do it.''
"Really?' It was so cute you could melt.
“Stop looking at me like that.” He grunts. “She’s my girl. I can do her hair sometimes, it’s not that big of a deal.”
“So, I’m not your girl?” You pout, exactly the same expression your daughter made just moments ago. “How come I don't I get braids?”
“I–” Levi starts, then huffing frustratedly. He can’t even say no to his daughter, who was he to say no to the mother? He tries nevertheless.
“I’m not doing it. Stop looking at me like that.”
You did not look away, pouting out your lips more.
“I won’t.”
You blinked, turning your expression sadder.
Levi gives up.
“C’mere.” He sighs.
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moo-blogging · 3 months
Sometimes when you watched Levi playing gently with your kid and thought about how an hour ago he was fucking you senseless in the guest bedroom while your kid was napping in your bedroom. You had to bite into the spare sheets that smelt like moth balls while Levi fucked you from behind.
You tried your best to keep it down, and Levi had to stop every few seconds to listen if your kid had woken up. He flipped you around, pulled your milk stained t shirt up to reveal your breasts, and pounded you hard to watch your boobs shake. He grabbed one of your boobs and cummed so hard he spasmed and groaned involuntarily.
You were exhausted and high with pleasure after multiple orgasms you were breathing hard through your mouth. It was challenging to make baby #2 when you had a clingy child who followed either one of you like a baby duck.
It caught you by surprise when your kid suddenly asked you after your little adventure in the spare room, "why is mommy always washing the sheets in the evening?" You looked at Levi and your guilty and horified look was mirrored on his face.
"Mommy peed herself while she naps just now," Levi betrayed you.
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leviackermansjewess · 3 months
Postwar! Levi is so incredibly excited when you’re pregnant, it overwhelms him. It makes his heart hurt. It makes his stomach turn every time he thinks of it.
He’s had strong emotions before of course, he’s had his stomach turn with an anxiety, he’s had his heart hurt with sadness, he’s anticipated things good and bad, but he’s never felt excitement, let alone to this extent.
Seeing the round of your stomach slowly grow over the months makes tears well in his eyes. They well in his eyes at the fact that he finally created life instead of destroying.
But he still can’t help but feel a little proud when he feels your guys child kicking in your stomach, knowing that his child will be strong, that they will inherit a least a little bit of their father’s strength.
But he is so excited when he is setting up the nursery with room, even if building the crib irritates his leg. He loves placing his hand on the small of your back as you paint some small birds on the nursery walls. He loves organizing and cleaning everything so perfectly that it has an unnatural shine.
He is so excited that it makes him nervous during his final day of your pregnancy. He loves seeing how big your stomach has gotten, he loves packing the hospital bag with you, he loves the final moments of his child moving inside of you.
(Though he isn’t excited about the actual labor, he’s quite nervous actually.)
But when his little baby girl is placed in his arms, all that excitement melts away into realization.
He’s a father. He helped bring life into this world. He now has someone that depends on him. He has a little baby that loves him unconditionally. He has someone that sees him as completely clean and pure.
He has a child.
“Hello little Kuchel.” He says softly to the sleeping child, the excitement creeping back into his gut.
Tags: @lucysarah-c @humanitys-strongest-bamf @levi-ackerman-ds @shayewrites + any other mutuals
Join my taglist.
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liiittlehand · 1 year
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I just really love those hand jokes.
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dilfsfordinner · 1 year
Thinking about watching as your husband Levi rocks your newborn in his arms, the little bundle quietly cooing as your lover’s voice softly fills the nursery.
“You’re a little shit you know that? Waking your mum up every night just to get a full belly,” Levi mumbled, his tone clearly teasing, mouth struggling to fight off a smile. He was standing diagonally in front of the open window, rays of moonlight highlighting his figure, as well as your son’s.
He was almost identical to Levi, the little tufts of hair atop his head akin to onyx, his skin so soft it almost felt like porcelain, and he had an attitude. At 3 weeks old he’d begun to fuss like no other, the only difference between the two of them being that Levi showed his sassiness in ways other than screaming and crying.
You’d awoken to the sound of his wails, his need for milk so routine it’d become almost a robotic nightly response. But before you’d even stepped into the nursery, there he was, your husband, cradling your babbling child in his arms, a bottle already in his greedy mouth.
Through the slightly opened door you could just make out Levi’s face, his expression so soft you thought you’d crumble right then and there. His eyes were gentle as they watched your little boy, his long fingers delicately stroking the soft blue cotton of your baby’s ‘jammies.
“Mama loves you so much you know,” he whispered, his voice apparently very comforting as your son eyed him carefully, almost as if he was matching the voice he’d heard in the womb to a face. “Daddy loves you too, tantrums and all.”
Your baby’s eyelids started to flutter, his blinking becoming like that of a frog, slow patterns indicating he was about to drift off, his father’s voice soothing enough to convince him to ease off the bottle’s nozzle. Levi’s arms never ceased their gentle rocking, his chest a firm pillow for your baby’s head. Leaning down, he left a kiss to the sleeping child’s forehead, his little fingers now wrapped around Levi’s index.
His words had not only lulled the little bundle to sleep, but they had taken their toll on you too, the soft inflections he delivered sending waves of drowsiness through you. Quietly padding away from the door, Levi’s last words rang between your ears, his vulnerability weaving strings of love even tighter around your heart. Your husband, humanity’s strongest soldier, a softie in reality.
“I love you, my baby boy..”
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the-traveling-poet · 5 months
what abt Levi with his wife and them just adore their newborn son?? Like maybe it’s been two weeks after the child was born and it’s Levi’s day off and he’s just with both of them 😘🙏
Ofc lovely! Pls we need more dadvi! content and I had so much fun writing this~
I felt like this was fit to be a cute little drabble, but kinda got carried away with it lol. I apologize for the time it took to get it out!
Taglist: @21aurora @deepzombieyouth @braunsbabe @pelicanpizza @humanitys-strongest-brat @raginginferno267
She’s fine…She’s been through hell and back, I know she can handle this. She’s fine.
Levi shook the thought from his mind with a tired sigh as he returned to the bedroom he shared with his wife with two cups of steaming tea in his rough hands.
He’d been reluctant to leave her side the last nine months as it was, but even just a second spent away from her presence these past two weeks, even just to make tea, was too much now.
Nudging open the bedroom door with his foot, he peaked in to check on her.
His wife was sat just where’d he’d left her; in the center of the bed propped up on pillows leaned against the headboard, cradling their newborn child to her chest as he slept soundly. She looked tired; exhausted, more like.
How two weeks had passed since their beautiful child’s birth, Levi wasn’t sure. They’d waited nine long months for this moment, and now it was going by seemingly so quickly….It was something so bittersweet to the both of the new parents.
Y/N lifted her tired eyes up to meet Levi’s, a loving smile perched on her lips as she accepted the offered cup of tea with her free hand and motioned for him to sit by her.
Without so much as a single though Levi sat, scooting closer to her hip with his eyes trained on the top of his son’s head.
“Little brat finally fell asleep, huh?” He murmured, gently brushing his fingers along the newborn’s fuzzy dark hair as the boy slept soundly against his mother’s chest. Y/N hummed, loosing an exasperated sigh.
“It’s five in the evening, love. He’s gonna be up all night again now,” She murmured back as she leaned her head against his shoulder.
“Mmh…I’ll stay up with him.”
Levi set aside his tea and reached out slowly to scoop the boy into his own arms, letting Y/N slump against him fully with a tired groan and snuggle into his side.
“Go figure; both my boys are insomniacs. Did he get anything from me? I mean, he’s got your eyes and hair already.” She chuckled, looking up to see an amused smirk adorning Levi’s face as he stared down at this child lovingly.
“He got your attitude, I think. He slapped at my hand this morning after a diaper change.” He mused, which earned him a light slap to the shoulder from his loving wife.
“Only proving my point, darling.” He murmured. “Though, he did turn out adorable; just like you. You’re both so precious.” He continued on in a near whisper of awe.
Y/N hummed softly, seeming contented with this addition. “Well, if you’ve got him…I’m exhausted,” Y/N suddenly yawned, stretching out a little to curl against Levi’s side.
With one arm cradling their newborn, and his other hand now brushing through her hair, Levi leaned down to place a soft kiss on both of their cheeks.
“Get some rest darling…you’ve more than earned it,” he whispered against her hair, feeling the tension slowly leaving her body with a sleepy sigh.
She fell asleep quickly; not to his surprise. He watched her a moment, adoring in wonder for the nth time now just how someone like her had found it in her to not only love someone like him, but to also bring forth a new life for their little family. He knew in that moment that he would never overcome his gratitude for her…
Gradually, their son began to wake up in a quiet fuss in his arms, and his attention was stolen away from his sleeping wife back to his cranky son.
“Oh? Chose to wake up again, huh?” He cooed softly, bringing him to rest further up onto his chest. Now on his belly, the infant boy seemed to quiet down.
“See? Your okay; daddy’s got you,” Levi murmured with a soft smile, cradling his arms securely around his boy and leaning back on the bed to hold onto his wife more securely as his own eyes began to flutter shut.
Up until this moment, he couldn’t recall a time he felt so at peace with his life. His lover on his right, his child on his chest, the light steam that rose from his mostly untouched teacup on the nightstand twirling through the still air…
This was happiness.
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lucysarah-c · 3 months
Mother's smile
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Summary: Raging war, it turns boys into men. Author note: Since the Marley world seemed to be around the 30s-40s, I’ll set this idea in a world that looks like the mid-50s. This is POST WAR. I've no idea what is this... the idea just came into my mind. Warnings: None...Angst? Perhaps? Word count: 3.8k Pairing: Dad! Levi x Mom! Reader
The muscles of his body twitched as he ran up and down, changing the train’s platform to return home. His hair flowed in the air, almost freezing from the bitter cold. He could feel the icy air biting at his undercut and chilling everything in its path. Exhaustion escaped with every puff of his reddened lips, the air condensing in front of his face. Yet, he kept running, desperate to connect one train to another.
If he didn’t time it perfectly, his family might begin to suspect he wasn't going to practice. He had quickly changed back into his regular school uniform in one of the train station's public bathrooms.
From the corner of his eye, he noticed a couple of girls. They couldn't be older than him, mumbling and locking eyes. He had no time to dwell on it, but he couldn't ignore it either. It was becoming a regular occurrence. People were starting to recognize him in the crowded streets of the capital.
"Why?" he wondered, even though he knew the answer. But he reasoned, "There are TV stars and movie actresses who take the train… I'm nobody."
He knew. Ever since someone took unauthorized pictures of him during practice, fully suited up, and they were posted first in the Paradise newspaper and then spread worldwide.
"Oh my- Sorry!" He almost tripped over someone. He quickly dodged a mother carrying two kids. "I’m SO sorry," he insisted.
"Please, something for my kids," she pleaded.
Levi's intuition told him something had been off lately.
"I’m so sorry… I have nothing," he replied, feeling a deep pang in his heart. The hunger and misery on the streets had only worsened since the war restarted.
"Could you set the table, love? Dinner is almost ready," Y/N said, breaking his deep thoughts as she handed him a pile of dishes. "It's just that the pot is old, and if I stop stirring it-"
"Sure," Levi quickly replied, not needing any further explanation. He stood up, grabbed the dishes, and wobbled a bit on his way to the dining room. "Tch," he clicked his tongue as he checked the clock. This was usually his son's duty.
Speak of the devil, the front door swung open. "I’M HOME!" Adrien shouted as he entered. 'Finally,' Levi thought. It was winter, and it got dark outside rather quickly.
"Welcome home, dear," Y/N said, peeking over from the kitchen to see her son taking off his shoes and coat in the hall. He quickly moved to give her a kiss on the cheek. "I was starting to wonder."
"I'm fine, I'm fine, mom," Adrien said, hurriedly.
"Dinner is ready," Y/N announced.
Adrien rushed into the dining room and almost bumped into his father.
"Where the hell have you been?" Levi demanded, almost pushing the dishware into his son’s arms.
"Sorry, I'll do it-" Adrien began, but as soon as he got closer, Levi grimaced in disgust.
"Shower, now. You stink," Levi commanded, holding onto the dishes.
Adrien took a quick sniff and seemed puzzled by his father's reaction. Groaning, he quickly moved upstairs. Levi frowned and continued setting the table. "The hormones are certainly working," he muttered.
Adrien had been arriving slightly late recently, not enough to raise concern but enough to annoy Levi. "The train services are delayed by the power outages…" Y/N tried to explain. These issues had become common since the war resumed and was edging closer to home as Paradise's forces, led by a queen Levi once helped put on the throne, continued their campaign.
Unauthorized pictures of his son had made it to the front page. His baby boy, photographed by spies. 'They fucking did not.' HIS baby boy, mocked by Paradise's news.
Initially, Levi thought it was a fluke. He went to grab the morning's newspaper at the front door and noticed the front page was missing. 'Maybe the boy tore it without realizing,' he thought. The delivery was usually smooth, so he dismissed it. He figured he could grab another edition on his way to his meeting. But when he saw it, his blood boiled.
Levi was furious. He broke every personal vow he had made to himself, that whatever war Paradise and the Jaegerists wanted to get into after almost 15 years post-Rumbling was none of his business. But taking pictures of HIS son and making fun of him? He made calls to people he hadn’t spoken to in years and simply stated, "Keep my son’s name out of your fucking mouth."
Adrien had been offered personal 3DMG training by the government from a very young age. Levi and Y/N were not naive. They knew since Adrien was a little kid why the government wanted him. He was Levi’s only child. The only available Ackerman after Levi and Mikasa stopped the Rumbling.
Levi had decided to break ties with the Paradise government because they continued to support the Jaegerists. He moved to another country, seeking peace for his family. That country was one of the few places the Rumbling hadn't devastated. He, Onkopop, Falco, Gabi, his wife, and his kids lived a peaceful life for many years.
Falco and Gabi eventually moved out as they grew older, though they visited frequently. Levi wanted to give his kid the childhood he never had. But he couldn't protect him forever. Adrien had insisted on practicing with 3DMG after being offered the chance as a kid. Levi stood firm on his decision. No. It was a firm no for months. Adrien was going to have a normal childhood, playing sports with his classmates and eating lunches packed by his mother. Levi had moved across the globe for his family to live without war, his family by blood and the one he made along the way.
The door slammed, surprising him. The family dog rushed to bark at the sound.
"Addy? You okay, kiddo?" Gabi asked, as they were still living with them. Hearing his son's name, Levi got up and walked as fast as his injuries allowed. It was too early for Adrien to be back from school. Also, Levi was the one who usually picked him up.
Wobbling, he reached the bedroom door, which was unusually closed. Even before he reached it, his heart began to ache as he could hear his 7-year-old boy's muffled cries. Adrien's chubby legs dangled from the edge of his bed, his face buried in the pillow.
"Oi, oi, oi," Levi said softly as he reached the bed and tried to gently push Adrien’s shoulder to the side to see his face. Adrien resisted. "Kid, what happened? Why are you back from school?"
Levi's mind raced, searching for injuries, any sign of hurt. Trying to come up with reasons, his brain was haunted by his baby’s endless tears.
"They kicked me off the team," Adrien finally managed to say between sobs. "The mothers complained that it’s not fair that I play."
Levi's heart sank. It had been hard for Adrien to make friends as a kid from another country, and he was obsessed with baseball since being allowed to join the team. He loved having a group of friends.
"I hate it, I hate it!" Adrien's soul-breaking cries echoed as his young mind couldn't comprehend the reasons. "Why can't I be normal?"
Levi forced himself out of his shock, slightly shaking his head to clear his mind. "Don’t say that. You’re normal. I'll talk to your teachers-"
Talking had never been his strength. He wished his wife was home.
“No, I’m not! All my friends look at me weirdly! Nobody wants to play with me anymore!” Adrien screamed at the top of his lungs. The frustration of his father not understanding only added salt to the wound. “I hate it!”
“No, Adrien—I'll talk—”
“I hate being an Ackerman!”
Levi felt as if he had been stabbed in the heart. White noise filled his head, merging with the sound of his son’s cries. Levi argued with himself that it shouldn’t have hurt as deeply as it did. “He’s just a kid who wants to play with the others,” he thought, remembering all the arguments he’d had with sports teams.
“It’s just not fair to the other kids, Mr. Ackerman.”
‘Next time, just point to my head,’ he thought bitterly. Watching his son sit on the benches with doe-like red eyes, trying to hold back tears at school, haunted Levi. He had come to pick him up and was forced to stay behind while the rest of the team practiced.
Falco and Gabi tried to play with him when they had free time, but they had their own responsibilities. Levi himself tried to play with Adrien as much as his injured leg allowed, but how fun could a one-on-one game be?
For many months, Levi refused to let Adrien take special training offered by the government. He knew they only saw his son as a potential new weapon.
“Daddy, did you see me? Did you see me?” Adrien’s face lit up with a smile that seemed too big for it, brimming with excitement after mastering a new 3DMG trick.
“Mm-hmm,” Levi hummed in approval, watching his son with a mix of pride and concern.
“He’s a prodigy, sir,” the female soldier standing next to him remarked. “You must be such a proud father.”
Levi’s death stare could hardly be disguised as he clenched his teeth. ‘This is wrong,’ he thought, but his hand, missing two fingers, reached for the Polaroid camera and took a picture. ‘It can’t be that wrong… if he’s smiling like this.’
“And then I twist! And then I jump! And then I—” Adrien rambled on excitedly at the dinner table.
“Addy, don’t talk with your mouth full,” Y/N gently reprimanded him, but he continued to beam, bright and cheerful, happy.
If teaching his boy everything he knew about 3DMG made him smile again, then perhaps it was worth it. He did it for his baby, only for his baby.
Adrien had grown into a moody teenager who now stole his car and rarely talked to Levi without an attitude. Levi wasn’t usually the melancholic type, but he missed the days when he was greeted at home with tight hugs and dreamy eyes.
Now, the war was getting closer to home. Paradise, untouched during the Rumbling, was growing increasingly tense. The Jaegerists wanted to finish what Eren had started, and the new regime wasn’t open to negotiation. They demanded blood; they demanded fire.
Admiring his reflection in the mirror, Levi noted how tired he looked. Time was unforgiving. He spotted several grey hairs among what used to be pristine raven locks. History seemed to be repeating itself, and sometimes he felt like he had fought for nothing. Small towns that were slowly rebuilding after the Rumbling were falling under the power of an island he had once defended with his blood and sweat.
The tie felt tight around his neck as he adjusted the bow tie. He had been asked—almost forced—to attend a charity event to raise funds for displaced refugees and military forces. They had declared war only a few months ago, and he felt strangely hopeless. “I’m just old,” he whispered to himself.
Levi turned to his left to see his 16-year-old son leaning against the door frame with folded arms.
“Hey,” Levi greeted back cautiously. “I’ve no money,” he added quickly, the interaction feeling odd since Adrien rarely came into the couple’s bedroom, much less to talk to him.
Adrien rolled his eyes so dramatically Levi thought he might tear a muscle. “I wasn’t going to ask for anything!”
The teenager walked in and sat down on the bed, petting the cat. His long face and distant, translucent eyes were hard to ignore. Levi watched him for a while before turning back to the mirror to continue getting ready. The silence was so heavy it felt like breathing steam from the Colossal Titan.
After several minutes, Adrien's voice broke the silence, trembling with emotion. “You… you know I love you, Dad, right?”
Levi turned around, frowning deeply. “… What did you do?” he asked instinctively.
“Nothing!” Adrien's defensive tone only made him more suspicious.
“You got a chick knocked up?” Levi guessed quietly.
“W-what?!” Adrien’s face turned beet red with embarrassment. “NO!”
“NOTHING! I did nothing!” Adrien protested, jumping up from the bed and heading for the door. “I’m never saying it again, you old man!”
The door slammed, and Levi clenched his teeth. The mood swings were something he wasn’t used to, no matter how hard he tried. Levi clicked his tongue. ‘What’s gotten into him lately?’
That was the issue; everything had been slightly off. Not enough to raise serious concerns, but as Levi walked downstairs to leave for the event, his mind kept replaying the scene in their bedroom. ‘Something smells off.’
‘I may be getting fucking old, but I’m not crazy.’
“He’s trying to grow up. Let’s show him that we trust him. Let’s give him some freedom, as long as he respects the curfew,” Y/N had tried to explain that shutting their son off wasn’t going to help.
Adrien’s insistence on coming home on his own… Levi had always driven him to and from school, especially since the school was quite far away by public transport. After the photo incident, Levi didn’t feel it was safe for his kid to walk back alone.
The front page of the newspaper had been missing the day his boy’s picture and the Paradise headline appeared:
“The Ackerman’s Cub: As Harmless as a Pussycat.”
Levi cursed at the memory, yanking his coat from the hanger by the door. Arms in—
It was too big.
He looked down at the sleeves, which hung past his hands. A part of his ego cracked a little—it was his son’s coat. His baby boy was growing non-stop, now 193 cm tall.
“Soon, he won’t fit through the damn door,” Levi muttered, half offended, half endeared. He wondered if he would have grown that tall if he hadn’t suffered so much as a child. “He truly inherited Kenny’s height,” his wife would say as their kid grew taller and taller.
Putting on his own coat—it was freezing outside—Levi sat in his car, but his mind kept circling back to it.
Adrien arriving late by only 10-15 minutes. His recent attitude wasn’t just typical teenage sulkiness; it was different. Adrien was distant but not moody.
Already at the party, Onyankopon, Falco, Gabi, and Y/N were talking around him, but Levi wasn’t there, at least not mentally. Call it the universe, call it signs, call it his Ackerman instincts. Call it what you want. But Levi knew something wasn’t right.
Suddenly, fragments of memories from the past month flashed through his mind. They hadn’t seemed suspicious at the time, just slightly unusual. Like that moment when he picked up something from Y/N’s boudoir table and got pricked by a needle.
“Ow,” he muttered, though it didn’t really hurt.
“Oh, I left a needle out? I thought I put it away,” she said innocently, placing it back in the sewing box.
Or when he was walking down the upper floor’s hall and noticed the string hanging from the attic hatch swaying. “Y/N, did you go to the attic?”
“No, why?”
“Nothing…” He meant to ask Adrien about it but got distracted by the teen blasting his record player.
Levi opened the door without knocking. He had warned Adrien to keep the door open multiple times. The teenager quickly turned down the rock music. “Hey!” Adrien complained, but Levi didn’t care.
“How many times do I have to tell you to keep the volume down? I’m half-blind; don’t make me deaf too,” Levi ordered. Before leaving, he added, “And get your shoes off the bed.”
Levi’s leg tapped against the floor uneasily. Something was not right. The silence of his brain seeking a logical explanation was becoming deafening. His wife squeezed his arm, drawing his attention.
“Captain Ackerman,” a man approached them, bowing slightly out of respect. Levi’s days as a captain were long gone, but he never lost the title in the eyes of some. “It’s an honor…”
The man’s hands fidgeted nervously as a timid smile appeared on his face. He pressed his lips together, wet them, and then opened them as if trying to find the right words. “It must fill your heart with pride that you and your family stood up in such a difficult situation and did the right thing. As a representative of the Eldian community outside Paradise, we don’t stand with the Jaegerist decisions—”
Levi dismissed him quickly. “No need to praise me,” he cut in, anticipating the man’s gratitude for his role in the fight against Eren during the Rumbling. “I fought for what I believed was right.”
The man’s face twisted in confusion. “No—I…” he stammered, his previous uneasiness turning to confusion. “I wanted to thank you and acknowledge your family’s altruistic action.”
“No need—”
“I mean, it must be an honor but also extremely hard for you as a father to allow your son to volunteer for the front lines.”
It hit Levi like a thunder spear, just as the one he had once used against Zeke. As if the explosion had gone off right next to him, and he could only hear the ringing in his ears. Y/N’s grip on his arm loosened in shock before her nails dug in as the realization sank in.
Despite his Ackerman powers, Levi felt control over his body slip away as his legs shook. It felt impossible to breathe as he drove back home as fast as he could, but it surely felt as if his lungs caught no oxygen.
He slammed the door open, his injured leg giving way as he rushed upstairs to his son’s bedroom. Pain fading into nothing as it once did during the war. The white noise in his brain was shattered by Y/N’s piercing scream when they found the bedroom empty, except for a single paper note on the made bed. Falco held Y/N as she broke down in tears.
Levi’s face remained expressionless, but it felt as if his heart had been ripped from his chest. Holding the note in his hands, he sank onto the mattress. The bed where he had once read Mother Goose stories.
“I’m sorry… I just couldn’t sit back and do nothing.
P.S. Sorry for the coat.”
His baby, his baby boy. The mere thought of Adrien witnessing even half of what he had as a soldier brought tears to Levi’s eyes, a knot forming in his throat. His child, stolen from his arms, dragged into the chaos like pigs to a slaughterhouse. Everything Levi had fought for, everything he had done…
If only he hadn’t used that thunder spear, he would be as good as new. He would have fought a thousand wars and led a thousand more just to keep his baby safe at home. To wake up to Y/N making his favorite waffles on a lazy Sunday morning.
It should have been him. He should have been in better shape. If only—
After a few days, Levi understood what Adrien meant about the coat in the note. His lost eyes fixed on the piece of clothing that had been cut. His old scout’s jacket, stored in the attic, had been altered. Adrien must have cut and sewn the Wings of Freedom patch onto something else. The house had become a cemetery since the day Adrien left. Y/N hadn’t been able to sleep soundly as she usually did, waking at the slightest sound.
“I thought I heard the front door,” she said, as Levi tried to calm her down in the middle of the night.
Levi hated rock music; he found it too noisy. But one afternoon, he felt compelled to put on one of Adrien’s records. Each second felt like it was squeezing the life out of him.
As the days passed, the missing front page of the newspaper became a sign enough. The news arrived loudly at their home.
“Undaunted. As the higher-ranks abandoned the zone, giving up the strategic petrol supply, Adrien Ackerman held the front lines and won.
A kid worth an entire army, honoring his name.”
Levi’s eyes scanned the paragraphs without emotion. “While all wore the same uniform, Ackerman decided to stick a striking patch to his. ‘They called me powerless, so I made myself an easy target. If they want to come for me, let them come, and I’ll put up a fight,’” the article quoted Adrien.
A scoff escaped Levi’s lips; he had surely inherited his temper.
“I cut and stuck the article to my locker to remind myself who I have to show their place,” Adrien replied when asked about the Paradise press’s coverage.
“LEVI!” Y/N’s voice echoed through the house. He rushed to her side with worry, only to find her smiling softly and sobbing as she watched the black-and-white TV.
The screen showed his baby boy, his comrades ruffling his hair, beer bottles flying in celebration, and citizens offering him drinks. They hadn’t won the war, but it was clear this victory was much needed to lift their spirits. People looked at Adrien with starry eyes, much like they had looked at Levi after their first wins against the Titans.
Levi’s lips trembled as he bit the inside of his cheeks, trying to hold his composure.
“He’s alright,” Y/N whispered, slightly relieved. “God, he got your knack for giving me a heart attack.”
She tried to joke, but noticing her husband’s silence, she turned around. “Oh… Lev…” she sighed, quickly moving to hug him tightly.
Tears streamed down Levi’s cheeks as he watched his baby on the screen, basking in the attention and hope he gave to others. They hadn’t won the war, but for now, it was enough.
“We knew deep down we couldn’t shelter him forever,” Y/N said, caressing him. She understood the weight now on Adrien’s shoulders, responsibilities that had haunted Levi for many years. She sighed, making peace with herself. A part of her had known from the moment she gave birth to an Ackerman that this day would come.
However, through watery eyes, Levi saw something different. Watching the young man on the screen, Levi whispered with a broken voice the same words he had said when Adrien was born.
“He got your smile.”
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out. Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @angelofthor @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @levistealeaf @an-ever-angry-bi @youre-ackermine @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @flxrartsstuff @katharinasdiaryy @levisecretgfblog @searriously @blackdxggr @ackermanswifee @abiatackerman @braunsbabe @moonchild-angel @storiesofsung @galactict3a @lemonsupernova @r3becca_0 @heyitsd1yaa @sydneyyuu @hyuckwon-my-husbands @love-for-faeries-go-burrrr @mandaax Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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jrreigns · 1 month
Mama’s Garden
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It’s your birthday and your daughter wants to celebrate. Her father can do nothing but oblige.
A/N: My submission for Levi Month Day 21; Post-War: Children. ~1.3k words of pure angst.
Credit to @cafekitsune for the dividers!
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“Papa, do you think mama would like this?”
A single pebble. A shiny one at that. Levi gave it an expressionless glance and gave a firm nod.
“Mama would like anything you give her, Eden.”
Hardened eyes met soft bright ones, ones that broke out in innocent glee, ones that made Levi Ackerman’s heart swell. There was only one other person who had this effect on him.
The little girl chucked the pebble into a worn pouch, along with other things she wanted to give you. It was your birthday today and Levi had been up early—partly by his own choice, the other because of the giddy toddler who had been preparing for this day for weeks. It had been hard to put Eden down to bed yesterday and the bags under Levi’s eyes were a testament to that.
The day was sunny and so Levi moved forward with his child’s plans, a picnic for mama. Stowed inside a basket were fruit—the ones you and Eden liked—some sandwiches she helped him make, and leftover stew from yesterday’s meal.
“Mama doesn’t like stew,” Eden huffed, wrinkling her nose.
“Mama doesn’t like it, or you don’t like it?”
Eden gave it a seemingly deep thought.
“Neither of us.”
Dinner time had been a struggle yesterday, too. She turned out to be as picky of an eater as her father.
It was less of a struggle now though, compared to a couple of years ago.
Right. Eden was almost five. How quickly the time has passed.
Time, Levi reflected with a pang, time that he wished he had more of.
“Papa,” a little girl with his features, but your eyes, called to him, “let’s pick flowers for mama.” He nodded before his thoughts could ensnare him again.
“This red one, and this blue one, and this pink one…”
It amazed Levi how much she’s grown. She used to be so small, would fit right into his hands like a dainty little package. Now, she counted to ten and back, knew colors, helped him water your garden. She already knew so many things—Levi sometimes found it hard to keep up.
“Mama, you’re going to like my bucket, I promise,” Eden whispered into one of the bell-shaped flowers, a habit she had ever since Levi had told her that you’d hear her if she spoke into them.
“It’s bouquet, Eden,” he corrected her gently and turning to head back to the house when she stopped him.
“Won’t we water the flowers today?”
Levi paused, a twinge of guilt tightening in his chest. So Eden has noticed; Levi has tried not to let the approaching date affect him, but your garden hasn’t been tended to in a week now. The weeds were beginning to creep in, some flowers were wilted and some of the bush was growing wildly in some places.
“Yeah,” he finally answers, his voice softening, “go get the watering can.”
Eden giggled with delight, small shoes pattering around the corner as Levi watched her disappear momentarily. The minutes felt long; a familiar worry settled in his bones, a worry he couldn’t quite shake when his daughter was out of sight.
Levi let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding when Eden finally reappeared. Watering can in tow, they watered the garden together. Levi’s brows were furrowed in concentration, trying not to overwater like you’ve taught him before.
I’ll tend to this later, Levi silently promised as they left the small garden and headed back into the house. He watched as Eden said her goodbyes to each and every flower, exerting patience where there once was none.
With the small basket in tow and a giggling Eden following closely behind, Levi began the familiar trek to the fields to see you.
“Papa, how come you married mama?”
Your toddler exhibited such curiosity that could drive Levi mad at times, but nonetheless he ensured to give her the information she wanted.
“I loved your mama, so I married her.”
Words like love still felt foreign in the former captain’s mouth. Yet, with time, it was getting just a little easier to speak of it—to speak of you.
“So people marry for love?”
Not always.
Very rarely.
“Of course,” he answered, voice steady.
Soon, the cobblestone paths diverted into dirt walkways. The small patch of flowers that had been growing from the cracks of the stone brick now flowed wildly in this section of the road.
Past the willow tree and into the flower fields, alone and by a motionless lake, you were there.
This is where Levi let love in—where he let you in. This is where Levi proposed.
This is where you rested.
“Mama, happy birthday!” Eden exclaimed, her voice ringing out in the quiet air. She took a seat next to the familiar gravestone, pouch already open as she emptied out its contents on the patch of grass she sat on.
Levi watched her for a moment, the weight of the day finally pressing heavily on his heart. Finally, he set the basket down, hand brushing light over the cool stone.
“Here’s this pebble I found today. You can have it, I already have one like it in my room…”
Levi could feel his throat closing up as Eden continued speaking, explaining every single gift she’s brought and what it meant. The pebble, a pink bow she’d begged Levi to buy (a bow he thought was for her), a drawing of a big house and a family of three.
A family of three, Levi wished his family of two could be a family of three. So many nights he spent hoping you were alive somewhere, not just in his mind—those quiet hours when the house felt too empty, and the silence too heavy.
Emotion was getting harder to combat with age, but Levi tried with all his might to refrain from crying. No, today his daughter deserved a moment of happiness, even if you being gone was killing him inside. Even if being here was killing him inside.
But Levi couldn’t stop the tears even if he wanted to.
“Is papa crying?”
He quickly wiped them away with his sleeve.
“No, it’s water.”
“…There was water in papa’s eyes yesterday, too.”
Eden was just like you, always so annoyingly observant. Levi could feel his heart twist at her words.
The flowers swayed peacefully in this part of the field, their soft colors blending with the golden light of the afternoon. The wind blew against Levi’s hair, tickling his face as he watched Eden run and play. A small smile etched itself on his scarred face in this fleeting moment of calm.
When Eden finally tired, she helped her papa clean up and put everything back in the basket. The gifts would stay, except the drawing. Levi had to find a way to secretly take it back home.
“Can we come back soon,” Eden asked, a hint of sadness finally making its way through.
Levi gave a firm nod. “Of course.”
There was a silent pause, a moment of deliberation for the young girl.
“Papa, how come mama can’t be with us?”
She died at childbirth.
“She’s busy,” was Levi’s gruff response, before letting out a heavy sigh. “Mama’s taking care of us…from the sky.” Levi was weary of religion, but if it meant he could spare even a shred of innocence for his daughter for the time being, he’s taking it, no questions asked.
“Mama’s an angel?”
A silent pause.
“Yeah, sure kid.”
She grinned, curiosity quelled for a short minute, before another thought burst through her tiny mind.
“Will you also be an angel one day?”
Levi could feel his heart stop. He hoped so, if it meant he could see you one day. He missed you so much—he missed your smile, your laugh, your playful kisses despite his half-hearted protests. For a brief moment, he allowed himself the comfort of an afterlife with you.
“Yeah, one day,” he finally managed to say, his voice almost breaking.
Eden smiled, her small face lighting up with an innocence that tugged at Levi’s heart.
“Papa, I love you,” Eden says so suddenly, “Mama loves you, too.”
Levi’s breath hitches, a warmth spreading through his chest. His eyes soften, he breaks into a rare, tender smile, one that hadn’t come easily for years.
“I love the both of you, too.”
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m-jelly · 5 months
Levi loves it when it's bath time with his son. Before he became a father, bath time was a way he relaxed and spent a romantic moment with you. After his son was born, he took care of bath time so you could relax. He encouraged you to relax because you always did so much for him and your darling son.
So, tonight was bath time and he was going to share the bath with his darling son, Evan, while you were making the last snacks of the night before bed. The tub was a perfect heat with Evan's usual toys in.
Levi sat behind his son as he washed his hair and talked about the smallest things. Each chat and story was fun and made Evan giggle. Evan adored both of you so much and he was always full of happiness and joy.
Once Evan was cleaned up, Levi cleaned himself quickly. He lifted his son up and out of the bath before joining him. It was clear Evan was full of energy, so Levi needed to act fast to dry his son off and change him. He wrapped a towel around his hips first and then grabbed Evan's fun towel with little rabbits all over.
As soon as Levi turned around he saw his son's back and little butt disappear out of view. Evan raced out of the bathroom giggling away. It took Levi a few beats to register what had happened, but then he kicked into action and sprinted after his son.
You hummed a little song to yourself as you checked your freshly baked chocolate-filled croissants. You were happy they were cooled down enough for your husband and son to enjoy. A little giggling getting closer caught your attention because it was getting louder and closer.
When the giggles grew very close, you turned around to see your three-year-old son running butt naked through the living room as he laughed. You gasped when your husband soon followed with a towel wrapped around his hips, his muscles shining with the last bits of bath water on him. Every muscle was divine in your eyes and his wet hair hung in his eyes a little.
You gripped your chest as a mix of emotions filled you. You were excited at seeing your husband almost naked running around, but at the same time, it was incredibly funny and sweet that your son was making a break for it.
You started laughing at the sight. "My goodness."
Levi scooped up his son making Evan squeal with laughter. "We've got an escaped convict! A criminal known as Evan Ackerman ran away from the scene of the crime!" He held Evan upside down. "Criminal has now been apprehended!"
Evan laughed hard. "Daddyyyy"
You walked over to the pair. "What's his crime?"
Levi hugged Evan close. "Being too cute."
Evan giggled. "Hi, mama!"
You waved at him. "Hi, my little bunny. So, you're a little criminal, huh?"
Levi hummed. "He learned his powerful cuteness ability from the greatest cute criminal in the world."
You smirked. "Oh yeah."
He walked up to you and kissed you. "You. I've got my eye on you, Mrs Ackerman."
Evan patted your cheek. "Pretty mama."
You kissed his cheek. "Thank you."
Levi put Evan over his shoulder causing him to laugh. "I'm going to take this criminal away. If you're good, Evan, you can get a tasty reward."
You hummed a laugh. "He's right, I made chocolate croissants."
Evan cheered. "Thank you, mama!"
Levi pointed at you. "I'll give you your tasty reward later tonight when this criminal is in his cell for the night." He winked at you. "Prepare yourself."
You felt a shiver run through. "Y-Yes!"
Levi carried his son back and changed him quickly into his favourite PJs. As soon as Evan was dressed, Levi handed him his favourite cuddly bunny. Levi cleaned the bath with Evan following him around. Once everything was cleaned, Levi pulled on his PJs and carried his son back to you in the living room.
You snuggled up to your husband on the sofa and began kissing his neck. "You're such a wonderful father to him."
Levi massaged the inside of your thigh. "Thank you. I just try and have fun with him." He gazed at you. "You're an incredible mother."
You felt yourself flush. "Thank you." You kissed him and hummed. You smiled when you heard Evan giggling. "Levi, I think the criminal is watching."
Levi looked over at Evan standing there with his croissant in his little hands. "You're right. The criminal is back!"
Evan squealed with laughter and ran away. "Can't catch me!"
Levi ran after him. "I will!"
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violet-fluff · 7 months
Cats that remind me of ✨Levi✨
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moo-blogging · 3 months
Just thinking about postwar Levi feeding your little toddler fruits.
You folded and gently dropped the last piece of baby clothes into the woven basket. The sky was painted with soft yellows and purplish clouds. Birds sang as they headed home. You carried the basket and walked carefully down the stairs from the rooftop into your house.
You heard your toddler squealing happily and banging her little fists on the coffee table. Your toddler was now at that age where she got really excited about the mundane things. A cat walking by the roof? Happy screams. A bicycle rang somewhere down the streets? Curious big eyes looking around for the sound.
You placed the clean laundry in your master bedroom and headed downstairs to the living room where you left Levi with the baby. You watched in the shadows. You had this new habit of observing your husband and baby in silence.
Levi sat at the edge of the sofa, hunched by the coffee table as he cut red grapes in halves. His delicate fingers held his pocket knife, carefully removing the seeds before he gave one half to the impatient toddler. The halves grapes looked so small in Levi's palm but looked so big in your toddler's little fists. She took both halves into each palm. Her eyes were sprakling with delight as she pushed one half of the grapes into her mouth. Grape juice leaked from her opened mouth as she grinned. Levi mirrored her grin too. His eyes had softened so much, there's wrinkles by his eyes as he grinned at his little toddler.
You smiled to yourself. You loved watching Levi living a normal life as he should have years ago. But it was never too late for love and happiness. You descended the stairs. Upon hearing your footsteps, both father and toddler duo lifted their head in unison and turned toward you. You were greeted by the same glistening bluish grey eyes. Your baby wuggled her hands, sticky grape juice flying around the living room.
You took a handkerchief from your pocket and kneeled by your baby, wiping her mouth, slimy with saliva and sweet grape juice as you cooed, "are you enjoying the grapes? You like the grapes daddy cut for you?"
Levi quietly pushed a bowl of cut grapes toward you, all seeds removed. "We got the wrong grapes," he said, "these have seeds." You got the grapes. And you overlooked if they were with seed or seedless, but Levi never blamed you. He used "we" when you or baby made a mistake. That was his gentle love.
You tugged the handkerchief onto baby's shirt collar and Levi gave baby another half grapes. Baby was smiling as she ate the grapes. You sat next to Levi and took one half of grapes from the bowl. You gave it to Levi, trying to feed it to him but he nudged at you. "I had them as I cut," he nodded toward you. "You eat." And so you ate. And the grape was sweet and juicy.
You leaned against him, watching your toddler as she took halves of grapes from the bowl. Four eyes on two as your baby watched you back, grinning as she ate the grapes. Love griipped your heart and happiness filled up your chest so fast, you had to unload it. You turned and immediately welcomed with Levi's lips on yours.
You could taste the grapes on his lips. As you pulled away, you leaned your head on his shoulder. You took a seedless half grape from the bowl and ate it.
"Thank you, Levi." You leaned into him closer. "Thank you for this life."
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all i absolutely know is that if you have a child with levi, he will always make sure you and your kid are his main priority, always and forever. it doesn't matter if you two aren't dating anymore, he will make sure to always check on you and the toddler, even if he's seeing someone else.
casual sex was never really his thing, but he's been so stressed lately he gave it a shot. levi was making out with a random woman from the survey corps, just to ease the tension of the last mission. he lets his phone in late night mode, with no sounds. no sounds, except for YOUR number.
his phone rings. “yeah? y/n? is everything okay?” — he asks.
“hey, hm... he still has a fever, i don't know what else to do.” — your voice is clearly broken, you're about to cry.
“levi...?” — the woman asked.
“sorry, are you with someone else? i didn't-” — you say.
“shut up, i'm coming over. is the brat still breathing? did you bathe him with warm water?” — levi asks through the phone, wearing some pants and sliding a shirt on.
“yeah, i checked his temperature and gave him the baby proteins. but he refuses to breastfeed. i'm worried.” — your voice breaks down.
“i'll be there in ten.” — he turns off the phone.
levi grabs his keys and opens the door, “hey? what about me? are you leaving us for that woman?” — the girl asks.
“there's no us, get out of my bed, get dressed and leave.” — levi closed the door.
you're cooing with the little one who's been sneezing and whining. you've been humming a sweet melody to him, kissing his hands and caressing him when you hear the door opening. you and levi have the key of each other's places in case the baby needs both of you.
“hey, how's the little brat?” — levi's gaze softened as he walked towards you both.
“i calmed him down a little but the fever is not gone.” — you sniff.
levi extended his arms gently and grabbed the baby, holding him close to his chest.
“you've been pestering mom, hm? she's gonna get tired.” — levi cooed gently, rocking the crying baby.
levi started shushing the baby, his lips on his head as he rocked him gently. after two hours, it was 4 am and you guys finally gave him the baby proteins and medicines, and his temperature was slowly going back to normal. the baby was now falling asleep peacefully in levi's embrace.
“sorry for calling you so out of the blue.” — you whisper.
“don't apologize.” — levi chuckled.
“weren't you with someone else?” — you ask.
“yeah, but i don't give a damn about anything else when you guys need me.” — levi states.
you stare up at him, but his eyes are on the sleeping baby.
“i know what you're thinking. you didn't bother me, you never will. you are the mother of my child, i will always put you and him first, no matter what. you guys are my priority since the day you told me you were pregnant and will always be.” — levi whispered.
you feel your eyes start getting watery. you sigh.
“it's been so... lonely. i have him but at the same time i don't have anyone. and i called you in the middle of the night because i didn't know what to do with my own son. i-” — your tears roll down.
levi slowly opens one of his arms to pull you into his chest, and kisses your forehead.
“he's also mine. we're both wrapped around him forever, right? you can and shall always count on me. i will always come for you. even if we're not together, we are a family, okay? we always will be. you're an amazing mother. i see what you're doing, how hard you're trying and giving all of you. if anything, i owe you an apology for getting you pregnant.” — levi whispers, holding you close.
“thanks for never leaving me.” — you cry against his chest.
“i could never.”
“but what about that girl? i didn't mean to-”
“fuck her. i don't care. as long as i'm with you guys, i don't need anyone else. we might not be together anymore, y/n, but you will always be the woman of my life.” — levi kisses your forehead.
“you know i love you, right?” — you whisper.
“i love you more.” — he whispers.
the baby slowly shifts, his little hands wrapping around a strand of your hair and levi's shirt, as he squeaked while sleeping.
you smile and look down at the baby, then look up back at levi, who smiles at both of you.
“but i love the little one even more, much more.” — levi chuckles.
“he's my everything.” — you smile.
you guys spent a few more minutes cuddling as levi finally places the baby in his crib. you suggest for him to stay over. the next morning the baby is so much better, you guys play with him, take care of him and spend the day together, the day that turned into a week that turned into a month and suddenly, you're carrying levi's second child.
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thena0315 · 9 months
Someone Has To Watch The Kids
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