jrreigns · 29 days
Mama’s Garden
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It’s your birthday and your daughter wants to celebrate. Her father can do nothing but oblige.
A/N: My submission for Levi Month Day 21; Post-War: Children. ~1.3k words of pure angst.
Credit to @cafekitsune for the dividers!
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“Papa, do you think mama would like this?”
A single pebble. A shiny one at that. Levi gave it an expressionless glance and gave a firm nod.
“Mama would like anything you give her, Eden.”
Hardened eyes met soft bright ones, ones that broke out in innocent glee, ones that made Levi Ackerman’s heart swell. There was only one other person who had this effect on him.
The little girl chucked the pebble into a worn pouch, along with other things she wanted to give you. It was your birthday today and Levi had been up early—partly by his own choice, the other because of the giddy toddler who had been preparing for this day for weeks. It had been hard to put Eden down to bed yesterday and the bags under Levi’s eyes were a testament to that.
The day was sunny and so Levi moved forward with his child’s plans, a picnic for mama. Stowed inside a basket were fruit—the ones you and Eden liked—some sandwiches she helped him make, and leftover stew from yesterday’s meal.
“Mama doesn’t like stew,” Eden huffed, wrinkling her nose.
“Mama doesn’t like it, or you don’t like it?”
Eden gave it a seemingly deep thought.
“Neither of us.”
Dinner time had been a struggle yesterday, too. She turned out to be as picky of an eater as her father.
It was less of a struggle now though, compared to a couple of years ago.
Right. Eden was almost five. How quickly the time has passed.
Time, Levi reflected with a pang, time that he wished he had more of.
“Papa,” a little girl with his features, but your eyes, called to him, “let’s pick flowers for mama.” He nodded before his thoughts could ensnare him again.
“This red one, and this blue one, and this pink one…”
It amazed Levi how much she’s grown. She used to be so small, would fit right into his hands like a dainty little package. Now, she counted to ten and back, knew colors, helped him water your garden. She already knew so many things—Levi sometimes found it hard to keep up.
“Mama, you’re going to like my bucket, I promise,” Eden whispered into one of the bell-shaped flowers, a habit she had ever since Levi had told her that you’d hear her if she spoke into them.
“It’s bouquet, Eden,” he corrected her gently and turning to head back to the house when she stopped him.
“Won’t we water the flowers today?”
Levi paused, a twinge of guilt tightening in his chest. So Eden has noticed; Levi has tried not to let the approaching date affect him, but your garden hasn’t been tended to in a week now. The weeds were beginning to creep in, some flowers were wilted and some of the bush was growing wildly in some places.
“Yeah,” he finally answers, his voice softening, “go get the watering can.”
Eden giggled with delight, small shoes pattering around the corner as Levi watched her disappear momentarily. The minutes felt long; a familiar worry settled in his bones, a worry he couldn’t quite shake when his daughter was out of sight.
Levi let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding when Eden finally reappeared. Watering can in tow, they watered the garden together. Levi’s brows were furrowed in concentration, trying not to overwater like you’ve taught him before.
I’ll tend to this later, Levi silently promised as they left the small garden and headed back into the house. He watched as Eden said her goodbyes to each and every flower, exerting patience where there once was none.
With the small basket in tow and a giggling Eden following closely behind, Levi began the familiar trek to the fields to see you.
“Papa, how come you married mama?”
Your toddler exhibited such curiosity that could drive Levi mad at times, but nonetheless he ensured to give her the information she wanted.
“I loved your mama, so I married her.”
Words like love still felt foreign in the former captain’s mouth. Yet, with time, it was getting just a little easier to speak of it—to speak of you.
“So people marry for love?”
Not always.
Very rarely.
“Of course,” he answered, voice steady.
Soon, the cobblestone paths diverted into dirt walkways. The small patch of flowers that had been growing from the cracks of the stone brick now flowed wildly in this section of the road.
Past the willow tree and into the flower fields, alone and by a motionless lake, you were there.
This is where Levi let love in—where he let you in. This is where Levi proposed.
This is where you rested.
“Mama, happy birthday!” Eden exclaimed, her voice ringing out in the quiet air. She took a seat next to the familiar gravestone, pouch already open as she emptied out its contents on the patch of grass she sat on.
Levi watched her for a moment, the weight of the day finally pressing heavily on his heart. Finally, he set the basket down, hand brushing light over the cool stone.
“Here’s this pebble I found today. You can have it, I already have one like it in my room…”
Levi could feel his throat closing up as Eden continued speaking, explaining every single gift she’s brought and what it meant. The pebble, a pink bow she’d begged Levi to buy (a bow he thought was for her), a drawing of a big house and a family of three.
A family of three, Levi wished his family of two could be a family of three. So many nights he spent hoping you were alive somewhere, not just in his mind—those quiet hours when the house felt too empty, and the silence too heavy.
Emotion was getting harder to combat with age, but Levi tried with all his might to refrain from crying. No, today his daughter deserved a moment of happiness, even if you being gone was killing him inside. Even if being here was killing him inside.
But Levi couldn’t stop the tears even if he wanted to.
“Is papa crying?”
He quickly wiped them away with his sleeve.
“No, it’s water.”
“…There was water in papa’s eyes yesterday, too.”
Eden was just like you, always so annoyingly observant. Levi could feel his heart twist at her words.
The flowers swayed peacefully in this part of the field, their soft colors blending with the golden light of the afternoon. The wind blew against Levi’s hair, tickling his face as he watched Eden run and play. A small smile etched itself on his scarred face in this fleeting moment of calm.
When Eden finally tired, she helped her papa clean up and put everything back in the basket. The gifts would stay, except the drawing. Levi had to find a way to secretly take it back home.
“Can we come back soon,” Eden asked, a hint of sadness finally making its way through.
Levi gave a firm nod. “Of course.”
There was a silent pause, a moment of deliberation for the young girl.
“Papa, how come mama can’t be with us?”
She died at childbirth.
“She’s busy,” was Levi’s gruff response, before letting out a heavy sigh. “Mama’s taking care of us…from the sky.” Levi was weary of religion, but if it meant he could spare even a shred of innocence for his daughter for the time being, he’s taking it, no questions asked.
“Mama’s an angel?”
A silent pause.
“Yeah, sure kid.”
She grinned, curiosity quelled for a short minute, before another thought burst through her tiny mind.
“Will you also be an angel one day?”
Levi could feel his heart stop. He hoped so, if it meant he could see you one day. He missed you so much—he missed your smile, your laugh, your playful kisses despite his half-hearted protests. For a brief moment, he allowed himself the comfort of an afterlife with you.
“Yeah, one day,” he finally managed to say, his voice almost breaking.
Eden smiled, her small face lighting up with an innocence that tugged at Levi’s heart.
“Papa, I love you,” Eden says so suddenly, “Mama loves you, too.”
Levi’s breath hitches, a warmth spreading through his chest. His eyes soften, he breaks into a rare, tender smile, one that hadn’t come easily for years.
“I love the both of you, too.”
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rengokussy · 6 months
Levi would for sure be the kind of guy to use his scars and injuries to mess with kids.
“How did you lose your eye?”
“I didn’t listen to my mother”
“Why are you missing fingers?”
“This is what happens when you don’t eat your veggies”
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ebechnasheim · 6 months
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I can’t express how much in love I am with this art
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ralucafarcas · 2 months
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I ended up picking Levi today! He was a tough one, and might look a bit out of place vs the other ones because I had to do a different proportion to fit his chair in too. Anyway, I hope you like how he turned out!
He's waiting for Gabi and Falco, who are LATE. UGH.
Ps. Levi in a cute hat😭
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zoozvie · 2 months
My favorite Levi pics
Part 2 . Part 3 . Part 4
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nelapanela94 · 10 months
“I still think this is a terrible idea,” Levi spews in a sour grumble as you finish trimming the ends of his hair, little blades falling on the shoulders of an old t-shirt.
“I’ll clean it up.” You ruffle his hair, smiling at your work as Levi’s personal stylist. “You look handsome, Levi.”
Blushing, he mumbles thanks, folding his arms over his chest. “If you say so.” Maybe your eyes or brains were damaged during the war.
“Stop acting like a brat. It’s a beautiful day.” The window sash rattles before it yields, and the cool late summer breeze reinvigorates the room. “We can’t miss it.” You look back over your shoulder. “We can’t stay here while life is happening out there.”
Your eyes beam like a child’s, and he can’t say no. Your cajoling smile pulls at the strings of his stubbornness, sanding his rough edges.
A mightier force than himself.
Levi sighs in surrender, tilts his head and a small smile curves his lips.
“Let me fill the tub.” You make way straight to the bathroom while Levi shuffles around on the wheelchair. Doctors still harbor hope that one day he will be able to use his legs again. Scars gnarl one side of his face, the bumpy tissue harsh under his fingertips.
Water gurgles, and you reappear before him in a tank top and underwear. You bring Levi to the narrow door, loop your arms under his armpits, and heave him on his feet. “Easy.” Your muscles strain. He’s lost weight, but you’ve lost strength as well. You sit him on the stool and peel off his clothes.
“You should undress too.”
“If I do that, we won't get out of the bathtub all day.”
Levi grunts.
You place a finger under his chin and lift his face. A cloud of freckles pinpricks his nose. “You’re beautiful, Levi.” You drop a soft, slow kiss on his lips. A tear runs down the curve of his cheek, the gold band around your finger touching his skin.
The blood, the wounds, the broken bones. Two fingers down, a leg that doesn’t work.
And you chose to stay.
maybe that's the love everyone's talking about.
You are the peace, the haven he craved.
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lowkeyremi · 8 months
adding to this post!
Post-war Levi has no clue what to do when it gets too quiet. All his life he's been used to loud noises, laughing, screaming, crying, any and everything.
So when there's complete silence he gets caught up in his thoughts. You bring him over a mug of tea, and join him on the couch. "What's on your brain, Honey?"
He hesitates for a second, but he knows he can tell you anything, so he takes in a deep breath, "Sometimes I wonder what Isabel and Furlan would pursue if they had... had survived." He says quietly staring off into space. You grab his hand giving it a small squeeze. At first you were intimidated by his missing fingers but it doesn't bother you anymore.
"According to what you've told me about Isabel I think she would have been veterinarian or something of the sorts, I'm not sure about Furlan though."
Levi almost swallows the words back down but he allows them to be said, he can finally admit them, "I miss them, sometimes."
"That's completely normal, Levi. They were your family."
"You're my family now. You're also not allowed to die before me. I don't know what I'll do when I'm completely engulfed by the silence." He murmurs quietly to you.
"I can't make any promises, but as long as I live, I'll make sure the silence never takes you." You tell him and this time he squeezes your hand, his dark eye stares into yours and you see a trusting smile take over his face.
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levitrophyteacup · 2 months
You open your eyes, staring at the kitchen ceiling with your head thrown back.
A wave of warmth and pleasure washes over you, climbing your spine and spilling out your mouth in a low moan. Levi's tongue gently caresses your clit and you clutch the side of the table like a saving anchor.
Your eyes shut again, and your fingers swipe through Levi's dark fringe "You said... Ah! N-not on the table, God!" you feel his ministrations gettin more intense, his lips closing on your bundle with a barely restrained passion.
"We can still move it to the bed." You try to offer, breathlessly. He hums a denial, and the vibration make you groan.
"Your bare ass is already on the table" he states, letting his hand running along your leg and toward your core "I'll have to clean regardless, so let me finish you." Two fingers smoothly slide into you, and he concludes in a low timbre rich with desire "After that we'll move to bed."
You feel the drag of his fingers along the gummy walls of your cunt, his hot mouth returning to your clit, sucking relentlessly while massaging the spongy area inside of you.
"O-oh..." you utter, unable to form a coherent sentence. Your legs start to shake.
"Close... please..."
He lightly drags his teeth on the wet flesh, up to the engorged clitoris. Your walls pulsed suddenly, hitting you with a white hot orgasm. Your legs shake strongly, knocking a plate on the floor.
The ripples under your skin when you come is always a pleasure to watch.
You pant, looking at him. His handsome, scarred face is wet, the mouth shining. He leans back to his wheelchair, wiping his lips with an unmistakable lust. His eye is dilated, the black engulfing the blue.
"Still with me?" He asked you, and you let an airy laugh.
"Yes. Now and for the rest of the night."
You climb down, wheeling him to your bedroom.
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h0neylevi · 4 months
post-war, canonverse, semi-public sex, fingering, fem!reader, some light degradation, dry humping, MDNI
w/c: ~ 1630
Everything has been so new lately.
Moving to Marley after the war had been an easy decision, but that didn’t mean the physical act of settling into a new place wasn’t without its hurdles. Mostly, it was about adjusting—getting used to the advances in technology that wasn’t present on Paradis. Telephones, cars, radios, even electric stoves were commonplace things that Levi still marveled at.
And then, there was also you.
More specifically, the way you’d both found yourselves quite suddenly thrust into a life after war, a life without titans and the looming threat of death hanging over your heads like a dense fog. 
As former comrades, it only made sense once the smoke cleared to navigate this new world together. And Levi was more than happy to experience all manner of firsts at your side.
It’s through this different layer of companionship that Levi learns so many new things about you. How you like your eggs in the morning, how tired you get after having too much pasta, the way the hair at the back of your head always sticks up the next day if you go to sleep with it still wet. He learns how you organize your books on your shelves (by size) and how when you’re having a bad day and tell him to leave you alone, you don’t actually mean it.
He’s always known how to make you laugh, but after eight months of living together under the same roof, he learns how to make you moan. It’s a sound he’d like to bottle forever, the sight of your body arched beneath him a vision too precious to look away for even a second. Even with only one good eye, he soaks it in like you’re a dream that’ll fade if he blinks.
He learns that he likes kissing, and you do too. So, when you lean across the center console of his brand new car at Marley’s drive-in movie theater one summer night, he doesn’t think much of it. At least, not until your hands start wandering and he finds himself pulled into the backseat.
You give him very little time to recover from the surprise of being pulled from his seat before your lips are on his again. The leather of the upholstery groans as you straddle his narrow waist and on instinct, Levi reaches out, eyes still closed as he guides you onto his lap.
His palm splays over the skirt of your dress, hiking it up a little in his haste. When he feels the fabric, he pulls away slightly.
He gently squeezes your thigh, watching the cloth bunch a little in his grasp. The sound of your breath hitching in your throat makes him look up. “What’s got you so worked up, hm?”
Above him, forming words feels borderline impossible. Not while his thumb is drawing circles on the inside of your thigh and he’s looking up at you through those delightfully full lashes. It strikes you that this facet of your relationship is still relatively new, so the warmth on your cheeks doesn’t feel out of place when you swallow around your meekness and say, “You.”
“Me?” Levi’s brows raise, but he thinks he gets it. The moment you’d walked out of your room in this little number, his mind had gone straight to the gutter.
Like he’s revisiting the memory, his hands begin to slowly trail every part of you his eyes drift over—thumbs tracing the tantalizing curve of your breasts, down the silky material over your waist before resting his palms on your hips. When he gives you another subtle squeeze, you roll against him, feeling the hardening outline of his cock through his trousers against your core.
“Can’t help it,” you breathe out slowly, like you're making every effort to remain composed, but the strain in your voice betrays the neediness beneath. 
Your palms drift over the soft fabric of his shirt, moving over firm muscle. They’re not as defined as they once were, but you relish in his solid warmth all the same. Enamored by him, always.
He lets you explore unimpeded. You’ve always been handsy—checking him for signs of injury or illness when he inevitably pushed himself too far during expeditions. Now he’s grown used to the way that protective tendency has turned into an act of appreciation and fondness. It makes something light and airy form in his chest when you lean down again to kiss him.
“These windows aren’t tinted,” he says a moment later. The warning is half-hearted and murmured mostly against your lips, in conflict with the way his hands keep you anchored where you are.
His feeble hesitation makes you laugh.
You settle further into his lap, nearly chest to chest now. You can feel the way his breathing has grown labored against you. “No one’s looking at us, Levi.”
It is dark, at least. He has enough sense still to acknowledge that the large screen up front will be capturing most peoples’ attention, even though it’s currently in an intermission right now. There are only fifteen minutes between the double features tonight. A shame, he thinks. When it comes to you especially, he always likes to take his time.
You move your attention to the curve of his jaw, peppering hot, pillowy kisses down the expanse of his neck before suckling the sensitive flesh of his clavicle, and every thought not focused on the present stops. 
He closes his eyes, caught between the feeling of your lips on his neck and your warm cunt gliding over his cockhead. Even through several layers of clothes, pleasure rushes through him with each rut of your hips. You’re so warm and pretty that it’s dizzying.
In retaliation, a thumb swipes over your clothed clit, and Levi smirks when your movements almost completely stop. Behind you, the large screen lights up and Levi watches in the soft blue light as you lean back slightly, mouth slightly agape in a silent gasp.
“Never took you for an exhibitionist,” he says, the reflection of the movie behind you mirrored in his unclouded iris.
Before you can say anything, he hooks two fingers around your panties and pulls them to the side, sliding the digits through the arousal that’s already beginning to soak into the cotton.
“I-I’m not,” you attempt to defend, but the protest comes out weak and shaky with his movements.
“Is that right?” Levi asks, his tone mildly condescending. “Well, the fact that you’re grinding on top of me right now says otherwise.”
The pressure of his fingers on your cunt makes it difficult to think. If you were in your right mind, you might be embarrassed about the way the windows have started to fog, but you can only be grateful for the extra coverage.
The air is thick and your body feels like it’s on fire. Every brush of Levi’s fingers on your skin sends you aflame. His injured hand anchors you in place, thumb rubbing soothing circles into the flesh of your hip while his other hand continues to pick you apart, making your knees quiver.
Your voice is a strained gasp against the shell of his ear. “Like you’re not hard already just from kissing.”
“I never said I wasn’t.”
The hand on your hip lowers, and for a moment you think he’s gesturing for you to get up, but the new position allows his other hand to slide down. Two fingers quickly bottom out inside your cunt.
Your features pinch with the effort it takes to keep yourself quiet.
“There you go,” Levi coos, smug as your fingers struggle for purchase on his shoulders. “Is that what you wanted?”
His cock, his fingers, his mouth. All three. You want to tell him that you’d gladly take anything he’d give you, but all you can do is pant uselessly into his neck and try to hold on.
“Couldn’t wait until we got home, hm?” Levi continues, his fingers pumping and curling in such a way to make you see stars in your vision. “Needy thing.”
You clench around him, spurred on by his words. “Levi.”
He keeps talking, undeterred. A glow appears in his eyes as you rock into his palm, meeting his movements. “Dirty girl, fucking my fingers like this in the open.”
Pleasure coils in your belly. You grasp helplessly against his sturdy neck, cheeks burning and nails dragging over the soft fuzz of his undercut as it continues to build and build. The pressure of his thumb on your clit pulls all of your muscles taut.
When your moans become wispy and delicate gasps of air, he knows you’re right on the edge.
“Let go, sweetheart,” Levi murmurs. “You can come.”
Your orgasm hits you like a train. With a single gasp of his name, you come undone. Levi holds you through it as you shudder and spasm, his free arm now wrapped around your waist.
When you pull back, your eyes are bleary and content. Every muscle in your body seems to relax against him.
Levi pulls his hand from between your legs. “Satisfied?”
“Mmm,” is all you can manage. The aftershocks still continue to wash over you, making you feel boneless and tired.
When they subside, you give him a quick peck and slide off of his lap, climbing back into the front passenger seat.
Levi follows with a grunt. When he settles back into the driver’s seat, he buckles his seatbelt and starts the car.
You turn, confused. “What are you doing? The movie isn’t over.”
Slowly, he eases out of the parking spot toward the exit. Just before he turns onto the road, he gives you an incredulous look.
“You think I can focus on anything else after that?” From the streetlight above, you can finally see the deep shade of pink tinting his neck and face. “I’m taking you home so I can really make you scream.”
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caffeinateddino · 4 days
Post Rumbling! Levi Ackerman x reader [18+]
title: caught
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♡ warnings: sexual content, masturbation, masturbation interruptus, no actual sex
summary: You, a former squad leader in the survey corps luckily survived the rumbling and now you're staying with Levi in Marley, attending him and keeping him company
though there might more than basic comradery between you because you catch him mastrubating to the thoughts of you.
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"Peppers... cucumbers... milk... bread..." You checked the basket once more as you made your way toward the house where you were staying with Levi. "All done," you whispered, satisfied that the grocery shopping was finally complete. The day had been long, but at last, it was over.
You were a former squad leader in the Survey Corps, now staying with Levi in Marley to assist and attend to him following the rumbling. Your role had shifted from field leader to just someone who's living a domestic life with Levi, balancing your days between supporting Levi and working as a nurse at the local hospital. The adjustment had been significant, and you only saw him in the evenings.
Lately, you’d noticed some changes in him. His once sharp, hardened demeanor had softened—not that it was a bad thing. Perhaps he was just being kinder to you, the last person remaining from the original squad leaders. His habits had shifted too. Levi was sleeping better now, getting at least six or seven hours of rest, and even taking naps during the day.
It was a relief to see him taking care of himself after all the years of sleepless nights.
As you unlocked the door and quietly stepped inside, careful not to make any noise, just in case if Levi's asleep. You placed the straw basket down gently. After locking the door behind you, you slipped off your jacket and shoes, smoothing your hair in the mirror before walking further into the house.
But then, something made you stop—a soft whimper. You frowned, pausing to listen. Was Levi hurt? Did something happen? The sound was faint but unmistakable, coming from his room. The door was slightly ajar, and your heart raced as you cautiously peeked inside.
You stood frozen at the door, your hand flying to your mouth in shock. What you initially thought was pain turned out to be something entirely different.
Levi's slender figure lay on his bed, the blanket covering his thighs but not concealing the rest of him. He was slowly stroking himself, one arm shielding his eyes as soft whimpers escaped him with each stroke. Beads of pre-cum trailed down his tip to his fingers, and the usually stoic expression on his face was replaced with an expression of quiet need.
What startled you even more was the way his lips parted, and a breathless, almost inaudible whisper of your name escaped them. It was barely more than a murmur, but it was unmistakably.. your name.
Your heart raced as he whimpered your name again, this time with a strained groan. His hand's pace quickened, and despite his attempts to keep quiet, you could hear every muffled breath, every whisper of your name. The room felt suffocating, and your own breath grew heavy as you watched him.
What were you supposed to do? Say something? Give him privacy? Seeing him so vulnerable and needy made you feel both selfish and compelled to act. Levi, who had endured so much and carried the weight of the world, was here, letting go in the privacy of his while.. thinking of you. The realization struck you deeply. It was both shocking and disarming.
He looked beautiful. you felt a desperate need to reach out to him, to replace his hand with your own and share this moment of vulnerability with him.
You watched as his jaw tightened, his body arching slightly off the bed as he climaxed, thick drops of cum seeping through his fingers. He moved his arm away from his eyes and rubbed his face with his clean hand, a sigh of frustration and.. guilt escaping him.
your breath caught in your throat, and you couldn’t help but gasp softly in surprise. The sound was almost imperceptible, but Levi’s sharp instincts immediately picked up on it. His body tensed, and his eyes flew open, searching the room with a mixture of shock and embarrassment.
In an instant, he turned his head toward the door, his expression shifting from blissful vulnerability to one of acute awareness. His face uncharacteristically flushed, and he quickly pulled the blanket over himself, his movements a mix of hurried and deliberate.
Levi’s gaze locked onto yours, and a heavy silence filled the room. His usually stoic demeanor cracked, revealing an uncharacteristic blend of shame and vulnerability. He took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling as he struggled to regain his composure.
“Why... why are you here?” His voice was a low, strained whisper, a stark contrast to the softness it had held moments before. His eyes flickered with a mix of defensiveness and pleading, as though searching for a way to explain or make amends. You could see him grappling with the sudden shift from pleasure to exposure, his mind racing to process the intrusion. His hand trembled slightly as he tried to cover himself more securely, but his eyes never left yours.
“I'm sorry,” you finally managed to say, your voice trembling slightly. “I didn’t see anything.” you quickly turned yiur face away. "didn’t mean to intrude,” you said, your voice steady despite the turmoil inside. “I just… I must have hit my toe on something.. I didn’t actually see or hear anything.” You lied.
Levi raised a brow, a mixture of relief and lingering embarrassment flickering across his face. He nodded slowly, clearly still processing the situation.
“Right,” he said, his voice a little more controlled now. “I see.” You took a deep breath, determined to maintain a sense of normalcy. “I’ll be in the kitchen if you need anything,” you said, forcing a calm smile. “I’ll make some tea. Just let me know if you want to join.” Levi gave a slight nod, his expression still guarded but appreciative of your attempt to give him space. “Thanks,” he murmured.
As you walked away, your mind raced with the revelation of what you had unintentionally stumbled upon. The image of Levi, so vulnerable and whispering your name, lingered in your thoughts. It was a striking contrast to the composed and stoic persona he usually presented.
In the quiet of the kitchen, as you prepared the tea, you couldn’t shake the feeling of being caught between an overwhelming sense of intimacy and the need to respect Levi’s privacy. The knowledge that he had been thinking of you in such an intimate moment was.. disarming..
No but, shit.. like..???
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cassiefromhell · 11 months
Post-War: Levi Ackerman x Reader
wc: 4.3k
warnings: SPOILERS. im so serious guys. SPOILERS. if you havent watched/read to the FINALE, do not progress. you've been warned. also theres a little tiny bit of gore.
a/n: this is self-defense writing to protect my sanity after the last ep. im so not okay with it being over. also requests are open, i'll write anything! also, this is written in flashbacks. but never fear, the flashbacks are separated from the present by dividers, so you'll know when it switches.
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“You two are like a fairytale couple,” a young girl giggles, hugging a pink-covered book to her chest. “Like a damsel and her prince.” 
You smile, pulling a lollipop out of your box — and then another, handing them to her. “Take two for sweet-talking me. But remember that true love isn’t perfect by any means.”
She grins, nods, and takes her candy, sprinting off into an old woman’s arms. You sigh softly, looking up to see that the line of children coming to receive candy from Paridian heroes is momentarily empty.
“Not perfect, huh?” Levi asks from beside you, shifting in his chair.
You roll your eyes, gently flicking the side of his head. You crouch down to be on his level. “You’re saying that we had a fairytale romance? That you swept me off my feet and carried me away from danger?”
“Yes. I would. Now get your ass up, I don’t need you to get down for me,” he scowls, his eyes flicking over your kneeling form.
“I would get down on my knees for you anyti—”
You grin, but listen to him and stand up, picking up your box once more. “Fairytale, huh? So what are you, the savior?”
“I’d say it’s even. Although, I remember saving your ass much more often than you saved mine.”
You scoff, putting your hands on your hips. “Name a time!”
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“Get your ass up, scout!”
You groan, shoving yourself up onto your elbows. “Just a sec,” you manage between heavy breaths, coughing and coughing.
Hoofbeats approach and you whimper, knowing that if that’s the captain you think it is, you’re about to get the beating of a lifetime.
“Why, exactly, are you laying in the dust?” Captain Levi Ackerman asks, tone cold and voice sharp as a knife. “You’re a transfer, not a cadet. From the MP’s, even. I expected better.”
“I’m recovering from an injury, Captain,” you wheeze out, pressing a hand to your side and shoving yourself up onto your knees. “I’m sorry for the inconvenience.”
“You’d better be. Now, up. On your feet, or be left behind.”
You pull one foot under you, then the other, and nearly collapse. His arm shoots out to grab your bicep, effectively keeping you up as your side screams in protest, ribs aching and tears springing to your eyes.
“What kind of an injury?” he asks, his grip tightening. “Why on earth would you switch to the Survey Corps while injured?”
“Ribs,” you hiss, gripping your side. The doctors have said that nearly all your ribs on your right side are either bruised, fractured, or completely broken. “And I had no choice. I had to leave.”
He narrows his eyes, but slowly releases you, making sure you’re not going to fall over the second he lets go. “You’re in no condition to be training, and I don’t need you getting worse. I have no interest in crippled soldiers. Go inside and get yourself assigned to kitchen duty for the next two weeks, on Ackerman’s orders.”
Your eyes slowly shift up from the ground to him, and you get your first good look at him.
And holy shit, the rumors of Humanity’s Strongest did not mention how mouth-wateringly attractive he is.
You give the dumbest nod you’ve ever given and turn on your heel. You hobble your way inside, and then immediately lean against a cold, stone wall, repeating to yourself in your head over and over again:
We are not falling for a captain.
We are not falling for a captain.
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You open and close your mouth, then shrug. “Okay, but of course you were going to save my ass a lot while I was training. I’m sure it got better once I was a captain.”
“Did it, though?”
You elbow him, scowling. A smirk dances on his lips.
A woman grinning ear-to-ear starts your way, and you narrow your eyes. “She’s too old for candy.”
“Reporter,” Levi grumbles, looking down into his box, as if not making eye contact will stop her from approaching.
“Hi!” She shouts, giving a big wave. “I was hoping to ask you two a quick few questions, while you’re not too busy.”
“We’re quite busy,” Levi drones.
“Ah! I had heard about that grumpy attitude!” The reporter laughs, then looks at you. “And you must be his sunshine!”
You scratch the back of your neck, shrugging. “Something like that.”
The reporter whips out a pen and paper. “Now, all sources say that tog two have been married for quite some time, but nothing ever tells me when you two met, or how! Do tell.”
“We met in the service,” you start, rubbing your chin. “I had just transferred to the military police, so I was starting fresh in the Survey Corps.”
She quirks a brow. “Why did you transfer?”
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The air simply won’t come to your lungs. You can’t breathe. The night sky doesn’t help, the fresh cool air is only suffocating you more.
You drop to the grass in the courtyard, one hand on your healing side and the other around your throat. Tears pour down your face, and you cough, and cough, and cough, and gasp.
It was just a nightmare, you tell yourself, but it doesn’t help. You can still remember what really happened, his hand around your neck, boot in your side, the bruises along each ridge of your spine from being tossed into a wall.
Your ribs may have been almost fully healed now, after two months being a Scout, but you still can feel each kick he gave you just for telling him no.
You sputter, looking up to see Captain Levi kneeling in front of you. He grips your jaw, tilting your head up to look at him.
“Breathe, come on. Take a deep breath.”
You try, you really do, but you only end up sobbing harder. Your hands clench the grass.
He sighs heavily, scooting over to your side and awkwardly patting your back. “Breathe.”
You manage to slow your breathing, and take a few good deep breaths. Then you immediately stumble to your feet. “…Sorry. I’ll head back now.”
His hand is around your wrist before you can even register that he’s gotten up. “Why are you out here so late, crying in the damn courtyard?”
“It’s nothing. Just a bad dream, you murmur, tugging your hand away from him and heading back inside.
You feel assessing eyes on your back as you walk, and you can’t help but look down at your hand, that hand that you wore a ring on for a year and a half.
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You’ve fallen silent, chewing your lip and looking off to the side. The reporter tilts her head, raising a brow. 
“She just needed a fresh start,” Levi answers for you, placing a hand on your hip for reassurance. “And that’s what she got.”
She accepts that answer, writing down the words. “Now, how did you two end up together? Was it live at first sight?”
Levi scoffs. “Far from it.”
You glare at him. “Well, I liked you.”
“No, you hated me. You just wanted to fuck.”
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“Thank you, Hange,” you grin, folding up the card again and tucking it back into the envelope, which reads ‘Congrats, new Captain!’. “I really appreciate it.”
A year in the Survey Corps flew by fast, and you had shown immense skill in the craft, therefore earning the title of Captain of your very own squad.
But your skills weren’t the only thing that had developed. You and Levi tolerated each other now, even if he thought you were loud and chaotic and you thought he was grumpy and sad, like a lonely old man.
And yet, you were drawn to him. He was handsome, and every once in a while you’d say something that would make his mouth tilt up, and… that mouth. It would be the death of you.
Hange heads out, leaving you alone in your room for the first time in hours. Everybody had been in and out, offering congratulations and words of advice.
You sink back onto your bed, yawning. It’s been a long day, and now you just want to sleep—
But a knocking comes on your door, and in walks Levi.
“I could have been naked,” you grin as he strides over, dumping a pile of paperwork on your desk.
“Captains have more paperwork than everybody else. I’ve been assigned to show you how to fill it out.”
“I bet you were hoping I was naked” you tease, but get up anyway, running a hand down your face as you stand next to him.
“You’re insufferable.”
“You’re boring.”
“Boring? Really?”
There is a short silence, with Levi sorting through the papers. And suddenly, you are very aware of the fact that you are in your bedroom, alone, with Levi Ackerman.
And apparently he’s aware of it too, because he gives you a look.
And then you jump on him.
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The reporter laughs and scratches a few things down on her pad of paper, her eyes crinkling around the edges. “And what year was this?”
“We met in 846, and then started seeing each other romantically in 847,” you explain. You open a lollipop and stick it in your mouth.
The reporter only stares at you, a brow lifted and eyes narrowed.
“Eleven years ago,” Levi says, and then she nods and writes it down.
“Different years,” Levi murmurs, shaking his head. “They’re in the damn 1900’s, remember.”
You flush, blood rushing to your ears and cheeks. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been with the rest of the world, you always forget that years are different and you can take a plane somewhere and getting a papercut doesn’t mean you might die of sepsis.
For you, it’s still 858.
“Did you two personally know Eren Jaeger?”
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You crouch by the bars, tilting your head as you examine him. Just a child. Skinny. He couldn’t hurt a fly.
“This is the titan child?” You ask, squinting. “He’s, what, fifteen?”
“Yes. Please step back,” Levi says. “You don’t need to be that close.”
“He’s like a fleck of dirt in a crop field. I need to be this close to see him. Are you sure he really—“
The chains on his arms rattle, and you skitter back, slamming into the wall beside Levi.
“Careful,” he scowls, brushing dirt off of your shoulder.
“What… happened?” The boy asks, rubbing his eyes.
Erwin launches into a full explanation, and by the time he’s done the boy looks completely lost.
“You’re… the commander of the Survey Corps,” he looks at Erwin, “…And Captain Levi, and Captain {Y/N}… where am I?”
“A dungeon—”
Erwin keeps speaking, but a thump near the staircase catches your attention. You stride off, past the MP guards, and peek around the corner.
There, struggling against a guard, is the young girl that you’ve been told is Mikasa.
You scowl, shutting the door behind yourself and storming up to her.
“Calm down,” you whisper, taking both her wrists in one hand and pushing her up against a wall. “Do you realize what you’re risking here?” 
“You don’t understand, I need to see him—”
“Shut up. You’re risking his freedom by coming this close. Go back upstairs.”
She glares at you, damn near baring her teeth. But you hold firm, and she slowly nods.
“Good, now go.”
You release her, and with one final glance over her shoulder, she trudges up the stairs.
You run a hand through your hair,  thinking to yourself: these new scouts are going to be an issue, aren’t they?
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“Yes,” you say, nodding. “We knew all of the kids.”
“All of them?” she asks, furiously scratching down your words.
“We were both captains when Eren’s year entered the corps — we trained them. Of course we knew them all.”
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“On my squad,” you read off of your paper, speaking to the large crowd in front of you — all the scouts that will be on the next expedition. “…I am pulling in an extra scout. Mikasa Ackerman will join me in the center ranks.”
Whispers run through the crowd, and you step off of the stage, taking your spot next to Levi in the captains line. Erwin picks up a speech, talking about the squad formations.
A tap on your shoulder makes you turn, and your eyes widen as you’re met with your favorite chaos trio: Jean, Sasha, and Connie.
“Get into your formation,” you hiss.
“But, here’s the thing,” Jean whispers. “I’ve been really great during training. What do I have to do to get on your squad?”
“Jean!” you narrow your eyes. “You are not getting on my squad.”
“I would bring you food every day,” Sasha pleads, putting her hands out in a prayer position. “Please! We’d be the best squad ever.”
You actually pause to consider that for the food, but Levi stomps on your foot. “Ow— Uhm, no. Now return to formation or I’ll bump you down a squad.”
They skitter off, moving through the crowd. You just hope that they’ll go to the right place this time.
You sigh, facing forward again. You’ve already heard everything that Erwin has to say, so this is all repeat to you.
You brush your hand against Levi’s, and his pinky touches yours. You lock them together, resisting the urge to just lean into his warmth.
Pinkies locked, you wait out the rest of the assembly.
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“Would you say you were close with any of them?”
Levi shrugs. “They respected me. They loved her.”
“Oh, they loved you too,” you grin, patting his shoulder. “Loved you enough for Historia to smack you the second she was legally allowed to.”
“Have there been any hardships?” The reporter cuts in.
You pause. Levi pauses.
“Of course,” he murmurs, voice softer now. He brushes his fingertips against your thigh.
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As soon as you make it in through the gate, Levi is at your side, pulling his horse up next to yours.
“Let me look,” he murmurs, beckoning with his hand. 
You shake your head, cradling your messily bandaged hand to your chest. “No.”
“{Y/N}. Let me look,” his voice is more stern now.
You know the damage. You found a cloaked figure up high in the trees, you went for the attack, and they were faster than you. It was a clean cut. Your index and middle fingers are gone, as well as a chunk of your thumb.
Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
“I can’t take it off ‘till I reach the medics,” you whisper back, turning away from him. “I’ll see you later, okay?”
But he doesn’t leave. He stays by your side, silently. He rides with you all the way to the scout headquarters, silently. He walks with you to the medics, without a single word.
The medics take one look at you, and, having heard that you were coming in, usher you into a private room.
There are three medics with you, which means they consider your injury a serious one. 
The lead medic closes the door, and then turns to you with a pitiful smile. “Let’s take a look, alright captain?”
You cradle your hand closer to your chest. You feel like a child, not wanting to accept what’s happened. But it’s… your hand… this is forever. 
Levi gently touches your arm. “You don’t have to look.”
You can’t remember the last time Levi was so soft with you. You’ve been with him for years by now, but he’s just not a soft person.
Nevertheless, he pulls your face against his shoulder, stroking your hair. He carefully pulls your wrapped hand away from you, holding it out for the medics. 
You feel it immediately when they start pulling the bandages off, and you bury your face into Levi’s shirt, whimpering.
“You’re alright. They’ve almost got it off,” he murmurs, holding your face against his chest.
The wrapping falls away, and there’s a soft gasp from one of the medics, followed by Levi stiffening.
“Is it bad?” you moan, crying out as someone prods something painful.
“Do you want me to lie?”
“It’s not good. But it’s a clean cut, so they’re going to clean it and stitch it up for you. You’ll be fine.”
You fist his shirt. “…Please don’t go.”
He pulls you a little closer. “I won’t. I won’t leave your side.”
The next thing you know, they’ve stuck your hand in alcohol, and you’re screaming.
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You tuck your half-hand into your pocket, out of the reporter’s watchful gaze.
“But you two are married, correct?”
Levi nods. “Yes.”
“When were you married?”
You look to Levi, smiling softly. “Well, twice. Once in Paradis, and they don’t acknowledge Paridian marriage licenses here, so we did it all over again a couple years ago.”
“When was the first time?”
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Your hand has become a focus for you.
Just as you lay in bed now, holding your two and a half fingers above your head. The stitches have been taken out, leaving you with pinky and ring fingers, two little nubs cut below the first knuckle, and half of a thumb. It’s still healing, but this is pretty much what your hand will look like. Forever. Till the day you finally croak.
The door swings open, and you immediately feel Levi’s cold, calculating gaze. “Are you picking at it again?”
“No,” you roll your eyes. “Just looking. Y’know, at least I still have a ring finger.”
“Why does that matter?” He asks. He takes off his jacket and hangs it up, then sits on the bed beside you and starts on his boots.
“So one day I could wear a wedding ring.”
He pauses. You pause, realizing what just came out of your mouth.
He turns to face you, leaving one boot on and the other half off. “You’re interested in marriage.”
Suddenly your face feels hot. “…Yeah.”
“To me?”
“That’s really what you want?”
You nod, chewing your lip.
“Then marry me.” His face stays completely blank.
You sit up slowly, eyes wide. “You— you wanna marry me?”
“You already know that I love you. If you want marriage, it’s only logical that—”
You cut him off by tackling him, sending the both of you tumbling off the bed. Levi twists so that he’ll hit the ground and you’re just land on him, but you have no time to ask if he’s okay between all the kisses you’re showering across his face.
He scoffs. “Enough, woman.”
“You wanna be stuck with me!? Really?!” You grin, sitting up to be straddling his waist. 
“I guess so.”
You throw your arms over your head, starting to sing to yourself. “You looooove me, you wanna maaaarry me, I’m gettin’ maaaarried,” you snap to your own little beat, dancing on his waist.
You look down at him, beaming, just to find him watching you with soft gray eyes.
“I love you,” he whispers.
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The reporter smiles and nods, then looks over her notes. “Well, I just have one more question, and then I’ll leave you two be.”
Levi looks quite ready to be done, so you speak up. “Just make it quick.”
She nods, looking up at you one last time. “Did everyone else know you two were together?”
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You sigh, reaching behind you and pulling your hair out of its ponytail. It’s been a long day, and all you want is to refill your ODM fuel for tomorrow and go to bed.
You approach the supply closet, but pause when you hear voices. You peer in, eyes widening at the sight.
Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Connie, Sasha, Reiner, and Bertholdt all crowd around a table, coins in piles. But there are no cards. No game.
“Listen,” Connie says, throwing up his hands. “It’s just gotta be someone in the Survey Corps. There’s no way it’s not!”
“But wouldn’t we know if it was?” Jean adds, rubbing his chin. “There aren’t too many options.”
“Miche?” Mikasa proposes, spinning a coin in her fingers.
“What? No,” Eren scoffs. “Absolutely not. Armin, what do you think?”
Armin lets out a low whistle, shaking his head. “I already lost my money on the bet that Captain {Y/N} would stay single. I thought she was the type to not want or need a man.”
Ah. So they’re betting… on my love life!?
“Well, she’s wearing a ring, that’s for sure…” Sasha rubs her chin. “What if it’s Levi?”
There’s a beat of silence.
Everyone in the room erupts into laughter. 
“Ha! Her and Levi? When pigs fly!” Eren laughs, banging his fist on the table.
“You’re such an idiot,” Connie grins, shoving Sasha. “I’d say she’s a lesbian before that!”
You smirk and roll your eyes, walking away from the room. You just know that they’re gonna be knocked off their feet when they find out.
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“No, no, it took them quite a while to find out,” you laugh, shaking your head. “They couldn’t have guessed it if they’d put all their little brains together — and believe me, they did.”
“So, how did they find out?”
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“Alrighty, Armin,” you sigh, running a hand over your head. “Let’s get this transformation done. The area is cleared for miles, so just give me a few minutes to get out of dodge, and you’ll get the smoke signal to go ahead.”
He nods, chewing his lip. 
“Hey,” you pat his shoulder. “You’ve got this.”
With that done, you turn, shooting your grappling hooks into a tree and soaring off into the forest.
After a few minutes, you’re damn near in the safe zone.
And then the sky lights up like a Christmas tree.
As expected, a massive explosion sounds behind you, and your ears immediately start to ring. More concerning, however, is the shrapnel made of trees and dirt and rocks flying your way.
You shriek, turning forward once more and zipping your way through the trees. Except, you have to hold your left sword in a weird way because of your hand, and then a gush of wind hits you and—
The branch you’re swinging from snaps, and you’re sent tumbling to the ground, unable to right yourself. 
The grass gets nearer and nearer, and you fumble with your swords. But you won’t make it. You squeeze your eyes shut tight, and accept your fate—
Until you collide with Levi’s chest, and his arms are around you, and you’re zipping towards the safe zone.
“Holy shit,” you wheeze, coughing on stirred up dust. You grip his shoulders, shaking from all of the adrenaline rushing through you.
You’re back in the group with the others in no time, and Levi immediately puts you on the ground. But you don’t get a hug and a ‘thank god you’re alive.’ No, Levi puts his hands on your shoulders and shakes you.
“Are you crazy?” He hisses, gripping your jaw with one hand. “I’ve told you to hold your swords upside down like I do, so this wouldn’t happen. You almost died, and all because of your idiocy—”
“No, I don’t want to hear it. You cannot go dying on me, you hear me? I will not lose you.”
You bite your lip, putting a hand on his chest. “Levi…”
“You are such a fucking idiot. I cannot believe I married someone who would risk her own life like that. You need to value yourself, damn it! You cannot leave me here alone—”
You shut him up with a kiss, rooting your hand in his hair. He kisses you back without hesitation, his hands flying to your waist.
“You’re not going to lose me,” you murmur, pulling away. “You saved me. You caught me. And I’m confident that you always will.”
His jaw clenches, a muscle feathering, and he opens his mouth, but a voice from the right interrupts whatever he had planned to say.
“Did I, uh… miss a chapter?” Jean asks.
You look over to find almost all of Eren’s friend group standing there, dumbfounded. Hange sits up in a tree, grinning ear to ear, but they’ve known about you two for years.
You grin, shaking your head. “The money goes to Sasha.”
“AND YOU ALL CALLED ME STUPID!” Sasha shrieks, throwing her hands up in the air.
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“That’s all I need,” the reporter nods, and closes her notebook, tucking away her pen. “Nice meeting you two, heroes.”
She leaves with a wink, and just in time, because a little refugee boy has approached, hands behind his back.
You give him a soft smile, kneeling to be on his level. “Would you like a lollipop?”
The boy nods, giving a shy smile. 
Levi reaches into his box, holding out a blue lollipop. He gives the child his softest smile, and in that smile you see it all.
You see the man that saved your ass more times than you can count. The man who presses a kiss to your temple when he thinks you’ve fallen asleep. The man who blushes when you run your hands down his chest. The man who doesn’t give anyone that soft smile of his, except for on very rare occasions.
Your man.
The center of your universe.
The boy takes his lollipop, bows at the waist, and then skitters off with a  mumbled ‘thank you.’
You watch him go, and then you turn back, met with Levi, holding out a lollipop to you.
You press a kiss to his scarred knuckles and take it, giving him your own soft smile. “I love you.”
“Yeah, you too, brat,” he chuckles, turning back to the box of candy.
And you remember the nights you spent eating sweets he brought back for you from town.
You remember every night with him.
Because Levi is your world. Your one and only.
And he always will be, from now until the end of time.
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@jeannineee be proud of me bitch <3
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levispersonalslave · 24 days
He clicks his tongue, swatting your hand away, “Don’t touch me. I can do it myself.”
“No, you can’t, Mr. Ackerman. Please, just let me help you . . .” You plead with a huff as he resists your aid once again. You rush to his side as he stumbles again. His pride and mulishness keeps him from accepting your help, despite your insistence that he can’t reach the bed on his own.
He grumbles as you place a hand on his shoulder, “I told you not to touch me, didn’t I?”
Despite his words, he doesn’t push you away. In fact, he doesn’t even try to resist. He lets out an annoyed sigh.
“Why can’t you just listen, Mr. Ackerman? You’ll fall and hurt yourself even more if you try to stand up!” You continue to try and reason with him, all the while you gently push him down onto his wheelchair. A scowl crosses his scarred yet handsome features as you wheel him to his bed and help him onto it. He stays silent as you do so, and he begrudgingly allows you to drape the sheets over his legs.
“You’re treating me like some damn child,” He retorts.
You speak to him softly, “You need to be taken care of, sir, you’ll kill yourself if you continue like this.”
With that, you place his favorite book on the nightstand next to him and leave only the dim lamp on. You stop in the doorway to smile at him, “Goodnight, Mr. Ackerman. Don’t stay up too late.”
He only grunts quietly in response, and his scowl softens into a light frown as you leave, the door clicking shut behind you.
{ 279 words, 1459 characters }
{ Taglist : @the-traveling-poet, @pinkberryfox }
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ralucafarcas · 1 month
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My dudes, today I’m cookin’. Especially proud of these two. They are so cute😭
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moo-blogging · 4 months
Being inspired by Levi's backstory in Bad Boy:
Levi said it so naturally about why he held cups at its brim with his fingers. Gabi and Falco were apologetic for asking such a sensitive question. Levi shrugged and sipped on his tea. You studies his face carefully, but finding no sadness or remorse in his face, just peacefulness.
It had been 2yrs since the war ended. You stayed in Marley with Levi, rebuilding the country together. Levi once told you that he found peace in rebuilding than destructing like he used to in the army. It was true that everything turned red when Levi swung by with his blades. And now his hands grew new life and hope.
You might have asked Levi why he held his cups the way he did when you were on Paradis Island, but you couldn't recall. Levi stared at you from the back of his palm, and you blushed. You felt as if there was more to Levi than you had uncovered, and you were embarrassed that you knew almost nothing about him. But the soft look that he gave you showed that he was ready to unveil himself to you.
That night he unloaded more about his life in the Underground to you than he ever did. You cried with heartache and Levi was comforting you. There were tears in his eyes as he spoke, but he felt lighter. You kissed him again and again, holding you in his arms. Levi stroke your hair lovingly, assuring you that he was alright now.
A couple of weeks later, you took a stroll with Levi down the new street in the evening. New shops showcasing attractive products on the window. Your fingers interlaced with Levi's as you walked, taking in what you had rebuilt together.
And you came to a pottery shop with a Closed sign on and signalled Levi to enter the shop. Puzzled, Levi pulled you gently, "Y/n, my love, it's closed. We can come back tomorrow morning."
You smiled at him and shook your head, "it's opened for us, Levi. Let's go." You led him onto the steps and into the shop. There was a dim light at the end of the shop and a young storekeeper greeted you. He shook your hands and thanked you for helping him rebuild his father's business after the war had ruined their lives. And he was thrilled to have these private tea set making sessions with you.
Levi's eyes widen and you nodded to assure him he could make his mother's tea set from scratch. The young storekeeper asked for a design. You looked at Levi expectedly. Instead, Levi signed and smiled gently. He said, "I think we'll make a new tea set for ourselves." He turned to look at you, "Y/n, I know you are trying to have me connect to my mother. I love you for that, but I would like to make this tea set for us. A new one with a new design." Tears were gleaming in his eyes as he looked into yours. You nodded and you pulled him in for a hug.
You spent the evening designing your very own tea set, adding yours and Lev's personal touches to it. For the next few days, you came back to the shop after it closed to work on the tea set. Your hands were cold with wet mud as you shaped the tea cups. Levi worked on the saucers. The young storekeeper guiding you here and there and helping to fix any defects.
A few weeks later, a box of beautifully glazed tea set were sent to your house. Gabi and Falco had come to swe the tea set you had been working on. They bought some new tea leaves from other countries. Levi brewed the tea in the tea pot and hot tea were shared.
You sat next to Levi, sipping on some foreign tea, listening to Gabi and Falco quarrelling about something you could hardly understand. You turned to watch Levi, and he was staring at the new tea pot. He noticed you staring and he stared back at you. Mirroring each other's soft smiles, you lean in for a kiss. Happiness filled your chest. You could feel the warmth radiating from your skin. What a beautiful you had started with Levi.
"How do you kiss like that?" Gabi asked loudly. You both turned toward her at the same time. Levi had one eyebrow raised. Gabi clarified, "I mean, how do you know when to kiss? Like you didn't even ask but you just moved your head together and MUAH you kissed!"
"Gabi, that's inappropriate to ask!" Falco tried to shut her up. You shared a look at Levi, you grinned as Levi smiled, and you leaned in for a kiss again.
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abiatackerman · 1 month
The days we've waited for
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Event: @levievent "Levi Month 24"
🤍Day 19: Post-war: Marriage🤍
Canon universe! Postwar Levi Ackerman X Reader! Slight Angst! Fluff! Cozy wedding! Sweet Romance! 1K Words!
People say "Good days always come after the bad ones" but Levi never believed it. From his birth until the "War of Heaven and Earth", his life was mostly bad.... No, "bad" is not the right word to express the days. He should use "traumatising, painful, terrifying" because they sound more appropriate. All he experienced was cruelty, all he saw was his comrades friends and family dying.....
But it seems like people were right after all....
He sighs looking at the mirror in front of him. He's wearing nothing but a casual black suit with a casual shirt. Casual shoes, pants and as usual his cravat. You insisted on it.... You didn't want Levi to wear anything which would make him feel uncomfortable.
Right.... It's you after all who's probably the only person in this world who cares about his "comforts".
And today is the day he's getting married to you....
To the woman he only loved, to the woman who supported him throughout his whole cruel life.
He sighs and rolls the wheel of his chair to move it where he kept "The" box. "The" box where he gathered all of his comrades (as much as he could) badges. He rumbles through the box trying to find out the badges written Erwin and Hange's names behind them.
He still remembers how annoyed he was with Erwin for putting you in his squad, how pissed he used to get whenever Hange would ship you two.
But now, he wishes he could thank them properly. He wishes he could see Erwin's gentle chuckle and hear Hange's loud yapping....
They would have felt so happy if they could have attended this marriage. Hange probably would have cheered so loudly that all the guests would have felt annoyed by her screaming.
He caresses the badges and puts them in his pocket. He smiles a little.
He will now feel that Hange and Erwin are just with him. Along with Furlan and Isabel. Also his mother since his cravat is made of her clothes.....
He moves his wheelchair towards the door and sees Armin opening it.
"Oh captain, you're ready? Everyone's waiting."
He says gently as he starts to guide Levi's wheelchair to the aisle. He's gonna be Levi's main man at this ceremony. You suggested it, knowing he sees Erwin in Armin, and he will never deny it.
Armin stops and places Levi's chair on the stage where the priest is waiting. He smiles gently at Levi and Levi nods. He looks around and his face softens noticing the whole arrangement. Everything is white, decorated with flowers only. Simple and gentle like it's nothing special but still there's a vibe which can calm everyone's nerves down.
The brats worked hard.
He was about to thank Armin but stops as one of your friends starts to play violin. Just like Levi you wanted this marriage to be cozy and simple. Not too many people, just you and him, and both of your loved ones. But that's not what Levi is thinking about.
His mind goes blank as he sees you in the white dress. In your wedding dress. Nothing too gorgeous but you're looking like an angel in it. The flower crown on your head just makes you look prettier. As soon as you see him you smile widely like a kid and Levi can't help but chuckles too.
He thought you would leave him. No, he wanted you to leave him. You are beautiful, physically capable and a woman who deserves someone better than him. He kinda feared you're gonna leave him but to his surprise you yourself proposed to him, saying you want to spend your whole life annoying him, spending time with him.
He takes a deep breath as you release your dad's hand and walk towards Levi. Gabi hands you Levi's ring and Falco hands Levi yours. As the priest asks if he's willing to take you as his wife he vulnerably answers yes but your response was so fast and immediate like you couldn't wait anymore. Everyone laughed.
As the priest addressed you both husband and wife and you two change your rings. You immediately sit on Levi's lap, cup his face and kiss him as gently as possible. Finally losing your emotions you start to cry like a baby and Levi's eyes start to tear up too.
"Shut up, doll. You're making it look like I've forced you to do this. You're making me look like a bad person."
He says in a soft voice and pats your back as you sob.
"I'm just so happy! Can you imagine? No more fighting, no more sacrifices, no more deaths, no more life risks. Everything from now on is me and you! Us! I can't believe it!!!!!"
You hug him still sitting on his lap and buries his face in your hair. Sighing contently he speaks softly.
"Shouldn't we cut the cake? Everyone's waiting. And it's already weird that the bridegroom is in a wheelchair, don't make it weirder by keep crying and sitting on this damn wheelchair during your whole marriage day."
Levi says teasingly and you smile slyly and lean towards him more to whisper in his ears.
"We will make love in this damn chair tonight! And no, I won't hear any excuses. I'm your wife form now on so you'll have to listen to me."
You say smugly and stand up as everyone starts to calp with soft smiles on their faces.
"Who's gonna clean up the messes?"
He asks, squeezing your hand and looking at the crowd.
"Me. Don't worry I'll treat you like a princess from now on just like you used to treat me. I'll make you happy just like you will make me happy too."
Seriously, life can't get any better.....
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popcaki · 2 months
Can you draw a postwar Levi? Like he's sitting on a wheelchair in front of Marleyan kids and telling them stories? You don't have to draw the kids properly, just shadow is enough. The main thing is, the drawing should make people understand that Levi is telling stories to kids.
Advance thanks for the art! Your arts are amazing!🩷
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changed technique from the last art prompt, as I felt it to be too clean and took too much time, and ended up with a more sketchy vibe, setting a mood better while keeping quick to make. I also focused on the face (as usual) more as I find that the most fun to draw. But yeah have some Post war Levi telling stories to kids! Thank you for the art prompt/request! Bonus:
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