#daaaaamn look how cool she is!!!
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noellevargas97 · 1 year ago
How to character design
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commission requests - portfolio - twitter - ig - bluesky
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otakween · 1 year ago
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Digimon Tamers - Episode 34
What the fuuuuuuck? Whelp, I got the darkness I've been waiting for and I didn't really care for it to be honest. Don't get me wrong, I'm still excited for this show to get edgy, but this episode just felt jarring and the animation was kinda questionable.
Btw you've all been very courteous in the replies not spoiling anything, so thank you for that. Please continue to not spoil things haha :) I feel a little bad sharing this photoset because even the episode's title is spoilerific, but I'll make sure to tag it properly so at least the people that blacklist spoilers don't see it. (Then again, maybe I'm the only one in 2023 who still hasn't seen this show lol).
Because I made the mistake of googling Culumon's gender a few episodes back, I did get spoiled that they're not really a digimon. Still, this raises many questions. What are they? Where did they get the name Culumon? What was their original form and how did they get their current form? etc. etc. I guess them not being a digimon lines up with them being partner-less and having a weird digivolution enhancing power.
This episode felt weird because it was basically (other than a brief, relaxed bit) one loooong battle scene filled with misery and rage. It sort of felt like one of those really abrupt surprise horror things like Doki Doki Literature Club because the tone shift was so jarring. Normally I like that sort of thing, but I don't know that it was executed well here.
I think the main flaw that this episode had for me is that the focus was on Leomon dying and Juri breaking down over his death. I do not care enough about those characters for that to have an impact on me. I don't feel like there was enough time spent developing their tamer-partner relationship. Even in this very episode when Leomon is questioned as to why he became Juri's tamer he's just like "fate I guess" which is a pretty lukewarm response. Also, Leomon dying is like a meme in Digimon lore, so that was another blow against this moment.
It felt a little off to me that Kyubimon got so beaten up but Ruki just panicked on the sidelines instead of running to comfort her. I get that that was probably a self-preservation response, but it seemed a little cold.
First Juri's digivice (arc, whatever) blue screens and then Takato's shatters!? Now that's intriguing...
I was hype to get a new "bad" digivolution since that hasn't happened since SkullGreymon (unless you count abominations like Chimeramon). It was a little upsetting to see Takato flip out. I wonder if his mixed emotions about Guilmon "just being data" played into his accidental abuse. The evil digivolution is cool looking but maybe has too many colors going on
Daaaaamn, poor Shiuchon just GOT here and now she's going through all this trauma. Not fair...
That was quite the cliffhanger ending, I feel like the follow-up to the chaos will be more interesting than the chaos itself...
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amoodysim · 5 months ago
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*panting and deep breaths*
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Davonte: Hey! Wait up!
Ali: Oh, hey Davonte, you looking for your sister? I think Amiyah is inside cleaning up or something.
Davonte: Nah, I needed to talk to you bout the match.
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Amiyah: *thinking to herself* Ugghh, what's he doing here at this hour? I hope he's not in trouble again... I can't keep bailing him out.
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Ali: So... what's up?
Davonte: You tell me, haven't seen you at the gym. You still gonna fight Whitney? You know she's been doing this longer than you have... and she's been winning all her matches...
Ali: You saying I can't take her or something?
Davonte: Nah, nah... I'm just saying... If you need a little something extra, I got you.
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Amiyah: *thinking to herself* Ok, keep it cool... don't butt in...
Ali: Oh... I mean... I've never... I mean, what will it... is it-
Amiyah: *clears throat loudly* Hey, Davonte, leave her alone... Come sit over here, I need to talk to you about something... privately...
Ali: I'm gonna make myself something to eat.
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Amiyah: What are you doing here?
Davonte: What? I can't come over and check in on my lil sis?
Amiyah: You're always playin, be serious! What are you doing here? Are you still dealing?
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Davonte: Daaaaamn, Amiyah... Don't worry bout that.
Amiyah: I have to worry about that! Mom is always going on about you and your bullshit -- how she wants you out of her house, how you're still-
Davonte: *laughs* Pshh, she's living with you now, so I don't gotta worry about shit. I'm my own man, I'm handling my own business-
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Grandma Kay: You're doing what in MY house?
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Amiyah: Good luck with that...
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spgothkidsheadcanons · 2 years ago
I was reading your Firkle headcanons with the part where he is a real life JD from heathers. But I thought, an AU where Michael is the real life JD (musical version). The reason? Similar trench coat, Yandere tendencies, similar haircut, trauma, daddy issues, hates society, would kill for his s/o (at least in me and my friend’s headcanon). And the reader is Michael’s Veronica.
Oh, no? Oh well, that’s what you’re getting.
It’s not necessarily to the point where he’s k/lling for his s/o yet, but with patience and more Heathers based fics, we’ll get to that point really soon ;)
I LOVE any opportunity I get to write Heathers related fics, so enjoy this song fic, using “Fight for Me” from the Heathers Musical
I hope you like it.
Warnings: fighting, random pauses, song lyrics
You had just come to the lunchroom, your bookbag still resting on your back, a small grumble on your face. You were just in the middle of a very important test when the shrill bell sounded, signaling it was time for lunch. As you scanned the lunch room, your eyes settled on your table, except, it was occupied by a single student. A student you had only caught glimpses of, who had just transferred schools. You couldn't quite remember his name, only that it started with a M, and picked your brain trying to figure it out. 'Mason? Matthew? Mitchell?' The names ran through your mind.
While you stood in your thoughts, you felt a small bump to your back, looking over your shoulder to see (B/F/N). She smiled at you, looking to where your glance previously was. "Michael's a cutie, huh? He's got that whole goth/bad boy thing going on, he's so hot." she gushed, causing you to roll your eyes. 'Michael...' You thought as you looked over the him again, biting your lip. You hadn't even noticed that the school's bully, Token, was making his way to the boy. He had a smug smirk on his face, reaching infront of Michael and smacking the book he was writing in out of his hands. The new kid looked up, and annoyed look on his face. You wanted to step in, but then you caught sight of Token's friend, Clyde, who was coming to the other side of Michael. Few words were exchanged, and it ended with Clyde grabbing hold of Michael's wrists in order to give Token an easy hit. Except, the transfer student broke free, easily throwing a punch to Token and turning in time to kick Clyde where the sun didn't shine.
You pouted, but everyone around you rose up, running to the scene. And like in some cheesy romantic/psycho musical, the students all sang a charming 'HOLY SHIT' as the world seemed to slow around you. You sighed, crossing your arms and striding to the 3 boys, who were stuck in fighting stances. Michael was swinging a sharp left hook at Clyde, who was in the process of bending over, and Token was about to hit the ground, but the scene stayed perfectly frozen in time, like someone hit pause on real life. Looking to Michael, your heart fluttered before you opened your mouth to start singing.
"Why when you see boys fight
Does it look so horrible
Yet... feel so right?"
I shouldn't watch this crap
That’s not who I am
You stepped closer to the flesh statues, looking closer into the face of Michael. His thick, black brows were furrowed with anger, but something about it stirred something inside of you. You looked dreamily to him.
But with this kid…
You walked behind his back, studying his form. Beautiful features, hair that looked soft to the touch. You reached up, carding your fingers carefully through his thick, raven curls and rubbing your fingers down his cheek. They looked as if they were sculpted by Michaelangelo himself. You sang to his still face, the corners of your lips turning up.
Hey, mister no-name kid
So who might you be?
And could you fight for me
Hey, could you face the crowd
Could you be seen with me and still act proud
You couldn't help but think to how he isolated himself, acting as if he was too cool to be with anyone. You ran your fingers from his cheek, down his arm, to his slightly open palm. Pressing your fingers between his, feeling the cool metal of his ring, it sparked something deep inside of you. An unfamiliar want, something you've never experienced before.
Hey, could you hold my hand
And could you carry me through no man's land
It's fine if you don't agree
But I would fight for you
If you would fight for me
You wished you could keep the want away, and you reluctantly pulled your hand from his. You knew you'd get so much shit just for having a crush on him. He was new, different. Not like the football players and preppy kids that you hung out with. Regardless, a part of you screamed that you didn't care. You could care less about what happened, you just wanted to quench this new obsession with him.
Let them drive us underground
I don't care how far
You can set my broken bones and I know CPR
Suddenly, the world resumed, but in extreme slow motion. Michael's fist collided with Clyde's jaw, sending the boy back a couple of feet. Token began standing behind him, charging at him. The new kid turned to him, moving out of the way, causing Token to miss. Before the bully could get to far, Michael grabbed his arm, drawing him back. The world paused once more, and you got excited for once during this scuffle. Nobody had ever been able to take out Token or Clyde by themselves, but he was doing it so easily on the first try.
Well, whoa, you can punch real good
You've lasted longer than I thought you would
So hey, mister no-name kid
You made your way back to your friend's side, her body poised in a cheering position. You just started fondly at the scene as it began to play again, starting in slow motion and speeding to real time slowly.
If some night you're free
Wanna fight for me?
If you're still alive
I would fight for you
If you would fight for me
Michael grabbed Token by the head, rearing his own head back and headbutting him, causing the boy to fall back. The crowds' slow, distorted voices quickly pitched back to normal, chants of that one phrase repeating, raising in crescendo until they abruptly stopped.
Holy shit
Holy shit
Holy shit
Holy SHIT!
The boy fixed himself, grabbing his book from the floor and walking away from the two boys who layed injured and groaning on the ground. He came to your direction, his eyes catching yours and holding their gaze for what seemed like an eternity, before he squeezed past you, his hand brushing lightly against yours. You turned to stare at him as he left, bringing the hand he touched to your chest. You knew the only way to satisfy this want was to get him, and getting him is exactly what you're going to do.
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year ago
Cure Sky is a hero. With our final battle mere moments away, what terrible scheme has Skearhead brought forth? How will our dear Cures fare? Will the Empress have her heart mended?
Spoilers, I guess...
-Skearhead, that sunnova bitch.
-Oh she mad
-Prism, I don't think a paint palette's gonna patch impalement.
-Jesus Christ man, you
-"Maybe if she weren't such a weakling, she wouldn't be dying horribly."
-"Die like your father, you pinheaded son of an ice cream maker."
-holy shit a royal assassin
-The Emperor...
-Is that a heart tattoo on his arm? That's super adorable.
-"I traumatized you, yes."
-This is beyond fucked up, man, what the hell
-Okay, he quite literally personifies the villainy that the Underg preached.
-That's uh... quite interesting, actually.
-Skearhead shut the fuck up, you did like 30% of that.
-"Come, daughter of Sky Land."
-Daaaaaaamn, okay Wing! Good initiative.
-Aaaaand the party's been split.
-Imma be real, these guys have been jobbing lately, Butterfly probably could beat them all on her own if she moved fast.
-"Princess's orders~!"
-That's a big boy.
-You can do that too, eh, Majesty?
-All on her own...
-The Big Princess...
-We left our baby.
-"Do you know why I made you my vessel?"
-I see, Darkhead goes for the Zamasu approach.
-"Cure Sky, she's perfect."
-Daaaaamn, okay Sora.
-For the Empress!
-"Darkhead, your villainy ends today!"
-"Power is nothing without someone to use it. ...which is why power can use instead."
-Like canaries in a coal mine.
-"This mist is nothing! I've inhaled grosser and more dangerous things on jogs!"
-"Exactly what I've been looking for."
-Sky no-
-That is not right, that is not correct, that is not cool Toei.
-Okay, no it is, this IS SO SICK
-Aesthetically Underg Energy Sky pops the fuck off.
-This is the only time we've seen this asshole happy. How fitting.
-Oh nooooooo
"Dulling hop! Suffocating step! Dark Jump~! Eternally falling black sky! Cure Darkhead~!"
-Goin' for the Warlock Punch!
-Hot damn, Prism's not even flinching
-"Are you shitting me?! I lost...? I lost control of Cure Sky's body because her GIRLFRIEND-!?"
-The Empress's heart has been made whole again.
-"You're just like us, Empress Underg :)"
-"I'm no hero. Not yet at least. But with Prism, Majesty... Wing and Butterfly too... all of Sky Land and the people of Earth... and I guess now even you, Empress... I truly feel like I'm-"
-Friendship confirmed, I repeat, friendship confirmed!
-Dang, you guys had fun, huh?
-"Listen pal, you really should go to bed."
-It's Hero Time~! Once more~!
-What a season this has been.
-Every time I thought it was getting a little stale, or that perhaps I wasn't taking things super seriously, it just pops back up to surprise me again.
-Excelsior, Cure Sky. You'd have done the legends behind so many of the world's best superheroes proud.
-One last Hirogaru Change for the road! Soaring to Infinity! Our World!
-Then after that...
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gerudospiriit · 2 years ago
[catch me liveblogging the final battle and shit under the cut tho aljdf]
[I wish I were livestreaming this fight rn but this is the best I got alsjkdfkjaf:
oh boo i have to fight dehydrated Gan--nevermind. how you doing, Gan? 😏 have a nice rest? you probably really should have rehydrated sooner to get used to having you know...a not corpse body by lets gooooooooooo.
plan of attack: wail on him and try to figure out his moveset. so far, it's kind of working 🤣
oh fuck he can do the witch time thing too fuck. but it's good you can dodge out of it.
it's really cool that he's a master of all three types of weapons like link. that's neat and terrifying.
you can't flip out of the flurry rush liek me that means im better than you lol
now it's demise's turn i see
now you brought in reinforcements. BUT MINE ARE BACK TOO ASSHOLE HAAAAAA
glad you're enjoying this as much as me man. this fight is pretty legit fun.
wow those were my pals how dare you. and don't taunt/beckon me like that unless you plan on a different kind of battle somewhere more comfortable ok
wow man was not just glooming my hearts but also stealing my hearts wow. that was pretty tough
oh is he gonna eat it. is this what got spoiled. oh shiiiit
oh is he just gonna look like calamity ganon ish? laaaame
oh i got eated. shit.
is zelda dragon gonna come save me?
ah nabs is hurting again good. great. her feels.
oh there we go. now we got dragon ganondorf
yeah theres zelda dragon gonna boop his nose. or catch me. preesh
imagine if they all just ate their stones. what a battle man
zelda. zelda plz. catch meeeeee. :'D in all seriousness tho this is a neato fight too like daaaaamn. jumping off dragons and shit? fuck yeh.
so does this mean zelda didn't lose herself? called that one. She's always special girl haha
okay but i really feel like ganondorf is just making the same mistake as jafar here, like esp in kingdom hearts since video game comparison. so far, this fight is so much easier, and part of that is because he can't really touch me.
skyward sword prepared me for these midair fights and sky diving.
oh that blood moon is a nice touch wow
where am i going? his head? jump straight in his mouth, got it. (jk i see the glowing weak point lmao)
rip ganondorf again
another head stab nice
catche meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. thnks
this is how you do a final battle fuck. botw was so lackluster in comparison. THIS is memorable holy shit
is link gonna go the way of goku at the end of gt? fly away on zelda's back?
rauru???? wait my clothes? where tf
oh we returning zelda back? oh rauru and sonia? wow
idk im gonna miss dragon zelda man. but she's baaaack. i knew it would happen but yaaaay
ey links arm is normal. and aw that's sweet. rauru and sonia leave together
gotta catch zelda now oh shiiit
im glad you understand cuz i don't. so did rauru and sonia like...keep her from losing herself? the warm loving embrace thing? or was that just want brought her back. the three of them together? their love and all that?
aklsjdf athat was honestly so good. liek im so glad they did amillion times better with totk than botw. *chef's kiss* im still confused af on a lot of things and might makes some more comprehensive posts about shit later, but this was a solid game outside of causing confusion lore 😭😭
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100hearteyes · 2 years ago
Okay, now I'm not accidentally watching 1x01 instead of 2x01. Let's go, live watch reaction of Season 2 of The Sexy Lives of College Girls:
Kim's parents continue to be funny weird lol
Wow that's a lot of skin, Bela. And the poor lesbian of the group is having trouble focusing 😂
Oh I was no longer used to the sitcom way of filming this series employs in their dorm
Bela is the funniest 😂❤️
Oh Bela 😂
Bela is right to be indignant, clementines are the better fruit of the orange trio
That guy was so ripped even Leighton was shocked 😆
The gay pride balloons 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Kimberly looks the right mix of funny and adorable
Ohhhh Whitney has some stuff to figure out
Ohhhhh that's the girl from Critical Role!
As a lesbian, "put your clothes off" is very relatable
The comedy dude is actually cool. Remember when he was framed as the turd so we would trust the Nice Guy who then turned out to be a sex offender? That was a good twist and a realistic portrayal of how tricky the Nice Guy logo can be
Poor Whitney 🫢
Whitney and Canaan are such a cute couple
Bela isso funny 😂
Oh, Leighton 😔
Daaaaamn Kimberly well done
Oof. Wrong move, Canaan
Oh fuck 😆
Everyone's reactions were so wonderful 🥹❤️
Get itttt Bela 🤘
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bardly-working · 3 years ago
quickreacts to CritRole c3ep14
yeah wow I watched this one REAL late. Started watching it live and had to stop, didn’t finish until today. it’s been a rough week y’all
Spoilers below the non-spoiler pic!
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Goddammit Matthew Mercer why do you keep giving these aggressive, violent, scary enemy NPCs so much sexual energy, holy shit
c’mon, Matt, you’re doing this on purpose
Okay, no weapons, okay.  This guys probably a goddamn werewolf blood hunter, but okay…
“You throw the first punch”  ITS A TRAP THATS ALWAYS A TRAP
Marisha: “I just want ‘em to kiss so bad”  I’d like to thank the CR ladies for saying what we’re ALL thinking in this fight
Fuck.  Our boy’s gonna die 😅 ...oh thank Aeor for FCG!
Can confirm: staying in accent when you’re surrounded by different accents is real difficult
Oh my god Travis is just... the glory hole jokes I cannot I love this
Matt/Eshteross: “I think we should just keep our ears open” Ashley/Fearne: <flips her low deer ears up and I’m in love>
Lorelai de Rolo what the FUCK Marisha
Can I just say that I fucking love everything about Marisha’s incredible Norma Desmond schtick as Laudna, I adore her
Like, goddamn, is she not just the most 🥰
fuck fuck fuck fuck Ashton’s getting interrogated JUST DENY IT
You have like 2 different possible connections to fey shit (both Fearne and whatever “weird fucking fey chaos magic” Milo used on you) you can use as an excuse for having, say, some knowledge of a creepy Archfey dude.  Or even just, y’know, a nightmare of him!!!
Dude, you DIDN’T destroy the tower!  Don’t act like you did! NOOO ugh
Sam/FCG: “Were you lying?” Ashley/Fearne: “Well I was gonna take a little bit of a detour“ I love Ashley so fucking much.  And I love that she ans Ashton are both such bad liars.
Dorian you are so fucking awkward, I ador[ian]e you.
dude this is the worst game of telephone ever I fucking love it
Robbie: “As we’re walking to the potty-” Travis: “The potty...” Robbie: “I have children!!” I love Travis and Robbie’s banter so much.
FUCK wait welp they got the guards killed
This is what we get for calling the guards, I guess
Eyyyy combat here we go, Dugger 2.0: Fashion Edition!
DAAAAAMN ROBBIE!  Yknow I never thought College of Swords was anything decent, saw it as an inferior version of College of Valor, but damn, Blade Flourish is legit!
Wow, so Laura said “so you’re gonna stick it in her, pull it out, stick it in her, pull it out, and then stick it in the other guy?” without even smiling?! (Bonus points to Travis for “well yeah, I mean, he is a bard.”)
Ashley: Natural 20. <hoooowwwwwls!> (she is so cute I cannot) Laura: HOWDY DURRDY DURR! HOWDY DURR DURR DE!! (it wasn’t a HDYWDT but it was adorable)
Oh my god the way Liam describes combat is always so fantastic.
Travis and Robbie both just being huge fans of Liam/Orym, and they BOTH just start doing those quick little imaginary dagger moves, it’s adorable.
“she’ll help me” WHO? WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHOMST
FUCK she got away... hooo.... they’re going to get blamed for this--OH SHIT THAT OTHER GUARD’S ALIVE HE’S GONNA VOUCH FOR THEM THANK GOODNESS
Dorian and Laudna’s friendship is just... perfection. I love it. Laudna: How do we look? How do we look? Dorian: You look amazing as always. Laudna: <wiping his sleeve> You’ve got some, like, goop here. Dorian: Yeah, okay. Game face, game face, everything’s normal, go down and up and then-- Both: <look down, look up> And... ‘Ah!’ <Pose!> Me: <wild applause, tears, bravo>
Fuuuuuck Cyrus what the fuck have you gotten yourself into.
Dorian and Imogen’s friendship is just... a disaster.  I love it. Robbie/Dorian: I’m gonna break for the door. Laura/Imogen: Are you telling anyone that you’re leaving or are you just... R/D: No. L/I: Cool. Cool. We’re the worst group.
oh no oh god oh no oh god oh cyrus you motherfuck oh no oh
Marisha/Laudna: “ughafhamnhunl DARKNESS! <looks at Matt> Wait, what were you about to say, first? “ 😂Relatable moment.
oh no the gnome noticed oh no the gnome is gonna--
No Laudna, fucking do not draw attention to yourself right now, Vali saw YOU as a ghost at the tower, he’s gonna remember you more than anyone...
Wow they are suddenly making up for all their shit rolls earlier...
All Guards Are Bastards Except One
Sam/FCG: “I’ve got a mask on! No one will remember me!” (I love this lil robit)
Taliesin/Ashton: “Closest [guard] on the way out, I make eye contact: ‘Great party,’ and I tip a gold coin.” (bless this punk rock)
oh no... Eshteross is mad 🥺 OwlBearDad plz don’t be mad
Dorian: “So your bounty... was for falsely stealing from a Mahaan house... and you thought the best way to pay it off was to... actually steal from another Mahaan house.” Me: You TELL ‘im, Dorian!
Oh FUCK me, the Green Seekers thought he blew up the tower... which this crew did not do, but was involved in... fuck.  Someone must have remembered seeing Dorian.  Blue guy in fancy ass clothes is fairly memorable.
Cyrus: “[I was] the new kid without any sort of known rap, really... aside from the bounty... actually, no, I’m real bad at this, I’m so sorry.” Me: ...Oh Cyrus, you’re too dumb and cute for me to stay mad. <3
House Wyvernwind: We’re Real Bad At This, We’re So Sorry.
oh no it’s happening, oh no
I already got spoiled for this but Fearne’s immediate “wait wait wait wait,” and Orym’s “No, wait, I don’t know that that’s necessary” just.. <lip quiver>
I... oh FCG kicking the floor with his lil legs😭
Dorian spent so much time trying to get away from who he was and get away from his family, even though he’s said he loves his family.  Maybe... maybe he needs this time to reconcile who he really is with where he comes from.  Integrate these two parts of himself so he can just honestly say that he’s Dorian Storm without it feeling like a fake name.
Imogen: [about the name> I mean we are a bunch of hellions! Chetney: We raise hell! Laudna: And we killed Bertrand! <big smile> This fucking ending has me sad laughing and happy crying, I swear.
Ashton: “Here’s to Dorian, who’s leaving us for his stupid brother. what the fuck is up with that?!”  Love him.
I love how much the whole cast ships both Dorym and ExU Trio.
Robbie: "I'm gonna try to sing a little song for these guys" Laura: "...are you gonna sing it?!" Robbie: "NO!" XD
Yeah, as someone with Huge Bard Energy, that is such a mood.
“I would never forget you.” 🥺 oh Fearne
Halfling hug and forehead kiss <3
Bravo, Robbie Daymond It’s only been 14 episodes (okay sort of 22) how am I so emotional about this!?!?!
Dorian spent so much time trying to get away from who he was and get away from his family, even though he’s said he loves his family.   Maybe... maybe he needs this time to reconcile who he really is with where he comes from?  Integrate these two parts of himself so he can just honestly say that he’s Dorian Storm without it feeling like a fake name.  He has his brother’s acceptance and support, but having his brother by his side for a while might... I dunno.  Make it all feel less like a dirty secret.
Maybe this’ll be good for him.
What a performance from all of them.  Hot damn, the CR cast and crew, tho.
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randomshitwhenimhigh · 3 years ago
My God
I love the art cover, does it have anything to do with this
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Blondes ain't my type. What the fuck is this witchcraft.
King looks so fucking cool, then again Katakuri does too, I need the silly trait. I didn't knew I missed Ben and Rayleigh until I saw them, but what a random character selection. Or... Not. *X files theme*
Law thinks he's sneaky. Big Mom is just abother kind of strong, she's an abusive mom, the supreme pain.
Fuck she's so strong, the soul eating thing is super handy. DAAAAAMN, power up she got bigger 😂😂😂 Bigger Mom. She's taking them seriously now. I just realized what Law's new goal is, the same as Robin's basically, Kid just wants to tear shit up. What a battle.
Yamato is one of my fave Wano characters, so fucking strong. YES, BUGGY SAMA HEARD MY PRAYERS, Brook is having a good fight.
No 😭 Sanji ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽ shut up Sanji ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀)
I think Queen just came from seeing the can. YES SANJI, they'll never take your soul. All women will sleep better at night. Wait, did his brothers knew about this when they gave him the suit? Those absolute pieces of shit.
Sanji is such a drama queen, and calls Zoro out off everyone, how friendly of him, one would say they're best friends or something. I'm sure, I bet my ass, that there's a fuck ton of Zoro X Sanji content being produced on the last days and will continue to come.
Ok, I kinda get it, they're very passively aggressive sharing their feelings. I'll remake it:
S: Zoro, if I lose myself I'll need you to end me, I can only trust you to do this, my equal, my best friend
Z: Sanji, i don't understand there is no context at all, but I will only if you promise you won't die, because I'll be the one to do it, comrade
S: thanks and know that I, I've always cared about you, no homo but I really enjoyed our fights, I'm afraid I might lose that forever
Z: I still have no context, but me too Sanji, I have to confess I'm, I'm fight sexual and I like fighting with you the most
S: Oh Zoro
Z: Sanji, come back alive!
I took some artistic liberties, but really they're just subtext. The soundtrack to this was have you ever really loved a woman by Bryan Adams.
FUCKING LOVE IT, he has a super strong attack called Hell Memories, I died.
I just realized the cover is of first mates, but like Sabo is Dragon's first mate? Or like commander, I don't remember. So King is the first mate, did he and Kaido met at a S&M convention? Actually, a bar is more likely. And then Queen came up to sing karaoke and decided they were friends now, Kaido was drunk so he was like bros for life, King was left wondering his life choices.
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sevenkittensinatrenchcoat · 4 years ago
Bombalurina’s Dance Segment: As Comedically Interpreted By Me, a Person With Good Ideas
I’m bored and I decided to try being funny. Here’s some pictures of Bombalurina’s dance at the Jellicle Ball with stupid lines for the characters and the occasional lazy addition of !s ?s and emoticons with my minimal photo editing skills.
NOTE: This will include quit a bit of sexual humor, including jokes about incest (though no incest is occurring and this blog does NOT approve of incest), and about underage characters being horny, though only to the extent that most teenagers are. (Once again, nothing actually happens and this blog does NOT approve of pairing underage characters with adult characters). Joking about something isn’t the same as approving of it, kay?
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Bomba: Alright, boys! I’ma show you what real dancing is!
Tugger: *senses that shit’s about to get horny*
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Misto: Bitch, you trying to show me up? I’m one of the most featured dancers in this show and if anyone’s gonna be front and center during the big dance number, it’s gonna be me!
Bomba: I can’t hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.
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Misto: Oh! Well, I never!
Bomba: Quoting your own number won’t save you.
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Tugger: Is my boyfriend jealous of my girlfriend again?
Bomba: One of his Three Words is “competitive”. Of course he’d be the jealous type.
Etcetera: omg Bomba’s so cool! I’m totally gonna join this sexy dance!
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Etcetera: Lol that can’t stop me because I can’t read!
Tugger: Hey, Jenny? I was wondering if Mungojerrie might want to join me and the boys in-
Jenny: No way in hell.
Tugger and Jerrie: Damn it!
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Tugger: Are you sure?
Jenny: Very.
Pouncival: I’m not standing at an angle where I should be able to see dat ass but daaaaamn...
Misto: Pouncival no. You people disgust me!
Jemima: Munkustrap, what’s everyone yelling about?
Munkustrap: Please don’t ask.
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Misto: Hmph! I’ll be back for the next section and then I’ll show you! Bye bitch!
Bomba: I really don’t care.
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Jenny: Etcetera?!
Bomba: I’m not taking responsibility for this.
Tugger: Alright, boys, I made the mistake of trying to get Jerrie in on this when his mom was around so we’re down one. 
Teazer: omfg Tugger <3
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Demeter: Are we doing the Sexy Big Girl Dance? I love that one! Why’d you start without me?
Bomba: This was completely spontaneous. 
Cassandra: I can kick almost as high as Bomba can!
Etcetera: I can kick myself in the head! And yet, I feel no pain...
Tugger: Alright, George. I know it’s your first time on the field, but I’m gonna help you through it.
George: Thank god! I have no idea what I’m doing!
Teazer: I have got to see this!
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Jerrie: Wait. What’s going on? 
Teazer: I wish you bastards wouldn’t stand right in front of me and block my view...
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Jerrie: You know, if you let me out there, I could drag Etcetera back.
Munkustrap: The rest of you kittens had better not act like Etcetera, okay?
Electra: Damn...I think I might be bi.
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Teazer: I’m definitely bi!
Jemima: Hi, Jenny! Why do you look like you’re gonna have a stroke?
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Tugger: Alright, boys! Let’s do this!
George: I still don’t know what I’m doing.
Skimble: JENNY!!! GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!!! We’ve got a situation.
Jenny: And you think I haven’t already noticed?
Jemima: Hi, Skimble :)
Jerrie: I’m so sick of familial drama...
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Skimble: This is all Tugger’s fault!
Jenny: Where the hell is Jellylorum?! Etcetera’s her kitten and she usually doesn’t like this sort of insanity happen.
Jerrie: I’m trying to escape, just in case anyone cares.
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Tugger: My eyes are mostly closed but damn!
Bomba: And that, ladies, is how you get what you want.
Alonzo: My eyes are mostly closed but also damn!
Cassandra: Oh Alonzo...
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Alonzo: Sorry, Cass, I’ve gotta babysit the kitten. George, you go with her.
George: I have even less idea of what I’m doing than I did before.
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Etcetera: This is the best day of my life!
Alonzo: I already regret this decision.
George: I still don’t know what I’m doing but I might as well make a :D face, because that’s what I always do.
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Coricopat: This the sexy dance and I got stuck with my sister?! What the fuck?!
Tantomile: At least you’re not stuck with the kitten.
Coricopat: This whole scene is so wrong.
Jerrie: You know, if you’d let me out there, I could’ve danced with Tantomile and there wouldn’t be any incestuous undertones to this scene.
Jenny: Jerrie, I say no.
Jemima: Skimbledad, what’s going on?
Skimble: Never you mind. Just stay right here where I can see you. I refuse to lose more kittens to The Depravity.
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Bomba: You know, this sexy dance has a lot more queens touching themselves than toms touching queens. Maybe only the first bit was meant to be suggestive.
George: How did I get into this situation?
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Jemima: I still don’t know what’s going on, but now I’m in the Leg Tent.
Jenny and Skimble: *incoherent screaming*
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Coricopat: This whole thing has honestly been a bit embarrassing.
Plato: Check out how great I am at lifting people!
Victoria, Somewhere: <3
Bomba: All the blood is going to my head...
Tugger: But I’ve got a great view from here.
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Demeter: Hi, Munkustrap!
Munkustrap: Hi, Demeter!
Teazer: We love you, Demeter!
Electra: Also I think my dad likes you!
Bomba: I’m not even the center of attention anymore...
Skimble: Alright, Alonzo. Bring her right back here.
Jemima: No one has explained any of this to me.
George: Am I doing this right?
Misto: Alright, Tumble! Let’s show them what real dancing is!
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Etcetera: You guys suck!
Skimble: You’re lucky that I’m not telling your mother about that stunt you pulled. Now, see those boys? Those are the sorts of boys you should be dancing with. That’s good, wholesome, age-appropriate dancing!
Victoria: Ballet! That’s totally my thing!
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Bomba: Ballet is totally not my thing...
Tugger: I’m probably going to start ignoring you in a second. Ballet is actually kinda hot!
Misto: Who’s jealous now, Bomba!
Tumblebrutus: Not me, surprisingly. Since my actor is playing Mistoffelees in London at the time of filming, I basically am you! It’s kinda weird that we’re filming in London and the London Misto is right there, but they call in the Broadway one instead.
Misto: But both our actors are way too chill to care about that. You’re a good me! It’s great to not have behind-the-scenes drama!
Jemima: Yay! A dance I can join! Bye, Jenny, I’ma go play with the ballet boys!
Electra: Ballet boys! I’m totally gonna pair up with one of them during Nap Time!
Jemima: Me, too!
Victoria: Whenever Plato isn’t my love interest, it’s usually one of those two, so this is slightly awkward. Oh well. Ballet time :)
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Seen ✓ - 2
Pairing: Sam x Fem!Reader Warnings: light anxiety Word Count: 2.2k Series Summary: On her way home, Y/n finds an abandoned, cracked phone on the sidewalk. Anxious about the well-being of its owner, she picks it up and texts the first contact she finds; Sam. A/N: Chapter 2! Our pals are kicking it off already. Can you smell the chemistry? The rOMANCE? LESSGO
Pictures used in this chapter were found on google images :)
Beta: no one.
Catch up! : Part 1 Masterlist
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Chapter 2: overthinker.
From: y/n_andrews85 To: D_impala67 Subject: I have your phone. That sounds creepy. I don’t think there’s a non-creepy way of writing this. Whatever.
Dear Dean, is it?
I just wanted to let you know I found your phone at the bus stop the other night. I wasn’t planning on holding on to it, really, but I got worried that you may have been in trouble, and then you never really looked for it either so, I don’t know, I figured better than someone who’ll snatch it and leave, you know?
Anyways, that’s why I’m emailing. I snooped through it a little, sorry, hopefully you’ll understand it was kinda necessary? Maybe we can arrange something so I can get it back to you. This girl, Jamie, keeps sending me (well you technically) topless photos of her. It’s not really what lights my candle. I’m assuming you’d like it back too.
I hope you’re safe. Looking forward to hearing back from you!
Y/n Andrews
Do you believe me now?
oh god
you didn’t
Sure did
wow. just wow.
you just handed his ass back to him holy shit!
last time he called, he said he dropped his phone while walking back to his motel, so
he’s okay.
That’s good, I’m glad he’s safe.
I was planning on including something along the lines of “This would’ve been easier if you were an active member of the 21st century and used social media”
But I figured the Jamie thing was motive enough?
yeah. topless Jamie? that’s something else.
Don’t be getting any ideas, dude, I don’t do nudes lmao.
oh god, no i didn’t think that
you did not just type lmao though. how old are you again?
oh god, you’re not 14 or something right? i don’t know what that would make me.
Don’t worry about it, I turned 16 last week.
are you serious?
Lmao, no, I’m kidding. I’m twenty-two.
But I think the word you’re looking for is a creep. Oh, and an ageist.
Haha, I’m joking.
Lighten up, what are you, ninety?
hi pot meet kettle.
Shit I walked right into that one.
also i’d like to think i don’t text like a ninety-year-old man. could be wrong though
to answer your question i’m twenty-four.                                
Twenty-four huh? I assume you’re done with college, no?
Or- wait, I guess not everyone goes to college.
Yes, this is me fishing for information.
well… i kinda dropped out.
decided to go on a road trip with my brother.
things went a little south I ended up continuing the family business.
Damn, college drop-out ey? Where from?
Also, Family business? What do you do?
Is this too interview-y? I’m sorry, I don’t mean to snoop.
you’re good.
stanford. pre-law.
and my brother and i are private investigators. that’s why he’s not in Kansas with me. he’s working a case.
Daaaaamn. Stanford AND a lawyer? And now working as a PI? You���re pretty smart, then.
an ageist and a generalist? i didn’t take you for such y/n.
Fuck, okay, you sound like a lawyer too.
so what about you?
What about me?
are you in college?
Oh yeah! Film school. My dream has always been to be a director. It’s rare to find someone who loves movies more than I do.
that’s really cool.
hey i’ve been meaning to ask.
Thinking of me, Sam?
Do tell.
how come you were walking home through a park in the middle of the night the other day?
Ooh, I was coming back from work.
I’m a bartender and I had a late shift on Friday.
oh I see. That makes sense yeah.
I’m sorry to cut this conversation short, but I’m legitimately three seconds away from falling asleep. I’m gonna hit the hay.
See you later, Sam :)
See you, y/n :)
A smile creeps on Y/n’s features at the thought of more conversations with Sam. He has given her something to look forward to, something to make her a little more excited during her boring every-day life. As she tucks herself in under her covers, eyelids heavy enough to droop involuntarily, the last thing she thinks of is him, the clever, sassy, twenty-four year old college dropout on the other side of the cracked phone screen. The overwhelming urge to get to know him overtakes her as she succumbs to sleep
Do you believe in ghosts?
that’s… random.
May be
why do you ask?
Idk, just wanna get to know you better.
that’s what you ask people you want to get to know better?
Are you avoiding the question?
i do. believe in ghosts.
So do i.
Well, sorta. I guess I believe in souls more than anything.
Well… I guess I hope (more than believe) that we are more than our corporeal selves.
In the sense that, it’s comforting to me that when we die, and our bodies stop working, we don’t evaporate.
I guess.
yeah I understand.
i don’t know. i guess i wanna believe in science more than anything but i know better.
How do you mean?
call it a hunch.
Oh c’mon, it’s gotta be more than that.
Y/n huffs out a breath, gnawing at her lip. She hopes her anxiety isn’t right, that Sam isn’t sick of her silly questions and existential dread, and is actually doing something. Perhaps his battery ran out.
She was doing something too, before she decided to text him. Eyes falling on all her books and notes, spread around her like ugly, depressing, anxiety-inducing flower petals. There’s a blanket over her legs, chilly fall weather seeping through her bones, and there’s a half empty pizza box in front of her. She’s full and the left overs are kept for her sister, Emily, who’s currently locked up in her room.
Damn it. Y/n is stressed and tired, and now her distraction is refusing to reply. This sucks. She hates the crawling, awful, gooey feeling of cold anxiety gripping every beat of her heart and stupidly convincing her he’s purposefully ghosting her, because he doesn’t like her.
Not knowing what to occupy herself with, she heads to take a shower. In the back of her head, she knows that she’ll probably not study any longer, so she takes it upon herself to sink under the hot water and wash thoroughly, trying to get her mind off Dean’s phone. When her feet step out of the shower and she has towel-dried herself as best as she can, she tosses her wet hair in a haphazard bun, and gets dressed.
Books stack under the rickety, stained coffee table, and she grabs her sketchbook, her favorite pencil, as well as her and Dean’s phone. She shoots Connor a text, arranging a hang out of some kind, and opens her little booklet, when a text vibrates Dean’s phone.
hey i’m sorry i got caught up in something.
It’s alright.
She doesn’t press the ghost subject, because he doesn’t seem into it and she really doesn’t wanna make him dislike her any more than he possibly already does.
The empty page of her sketchbook daunts her. With a tight grip on her mechanical pencil, she urges her creativity pumps to use some gasoline, but they seem limp and dead, and once more unwilling to help her. As her eyes fall on Dean’s phone, like a light bulb out of a cartoon, she gets an idea.
Hey, this might sound creepy, but what do you look like?
She stares at the phone. This feels like a risky question. God, if he wasn’t done with her before, he certainly must be now. But then, he surprises her.
why do you wanna know?
I’m in the mood to sketch some, and my creativity has officially left the building.
Care to help a girl out? Maybe your literary descriptions will spark something in me lmao.
i didn’t know you sketched.
Yeah, sometimes. Nothing great though, I promise. I’m certainly no Picasso.
i mean you don’t have to be picasso to sketch well. and you don’t have to sketch well to sketch at all.
Yeah, may be.
I don’t wanna pressure you into anything, you really don’t have to humor me.
If you do feel like it though, don’t send me a picture. Kinda wanna spark some life into my brain cells.
haha i will. only if you show me the finished product tho.
You’ve got yourself a deal :)
She simply cannot believe he has just agreed to this. Her breath is caught in her throat.
what do you want me to start with?
Just whatever. Idk, tell me about your face.
i have brown curly-ish hair that reaches my ears. uh, my eyes are hazel.
Okay, that’s a start.
What’s your nose like?
it’s a bit pointy. thin i think?
sharp? i guess?
this is by far the weirdest thing i’ve done.
Lmao, yeah, this is pretty weird.
Exciting though.
She shouldn’t have said that. Fuck, that is definitely overeager.
yeah it is.
Her stomach feels floaty at his response.
How do you classify “normal” eyebrows, exactly?
i don’t know? they’re simple i guess.
Are you implying complicated eyebrows exist out there?
Elaborate, Sam. Are you shy? Do you not have eyebrows? Are they bushy? Or too thin? Or pointy?
i’m telling you they’re average.
You officially suck at this.
oh fuck off how would you describe yours?
Y/n proceeds to write a cohesive sentence that includes adjectives apart from “normal” and “average”. Words like bushy, thin, arched and curvy.
well shit yeah i guess i do suck at this.
i think it’s not a skill i mind not having.
That… is a confusing sentence.
just… draw them however. what difference can eyebrows make?
Oh you have no idea.
Okay, last thing.
Do you have a fringe?
yeah but not for long. i’ll probably let it grow out.
Okay, I can do something with that. Thanks :)
no problem
Her creativity is finally servicing her according to her commands, and Y/n puts pen to paper and scribbles messily. Line after line, they curl and sit on the page, forming a smile with thin lips, a sharp jaw, a pointy nose. She has to guess the eyebrows a bit, and the eyes are more cartoonish and generic than she likes. In the end, she gets anxious at the prospect of having to show him, and gives him a hood, so she won’t fuck up the hair.
Okay, I’m done.
that was quick, actually.
Well I didn’t have much to go on.
Sam doesn’t reply. She worries he might have misinterpreted her teasing tone.
Gimme a sec, I’ll send it over.
Ugh, Dean’s camera is such shit. Do you mind if I send it from my phone?
no go ahead.
[Y/n has sent a picture]
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As you said, it didn’t take long. It’s really not the best.
is actually not too far from the truth
it kind of looks like me from two years ago
wow, really?
and it’s honestly a pretty good sketch. good job.
Thank you :)
Sam doesn’t say anything after this, and she huffs. Her head falls back on the couch, and she stares at the ceiling. She should go to bed soon, it’s getting late.
isn’t this strange?
Oh shit. Oh shit, oh shit oh shit, she thinks. He’s regretting this. He doesn’t like her. He’ll stop talking to her and that’ll be it.
Why does she care so much? It’s a thought that passes through her mind. It hasn’t been long since they started talking and, after the near-kidnapping encounter, they’ve been having nearly daily conversations, but that still doesn’t mean much. She knows barely anything about him.
She guesses, she wants to get to know him better. He seems like the type of guy she’d enjoy hanging out with and she has so far. Stopping any kind of conversation would surely feel like a loss. She’d have to go back to her boring routine. This is the most exciting thing she has allowed herself to do in years.
A part of her feels rather lame for finding such a thrill at something so trivial. She’s talking to a stranger, and that’s all it is, but the prospect that he could be anyone at all, and she’s never even seen his face… well… It feels refreshing, new. Scary in an adrenaline-rush kind of way.
What is?
us. texting.
isn’t it a little odd?
I guess it is a bit.
I mean we’ve only known each other for, what, a week? And a half?
should we stop?
I don’t know
Do you want to?
The extra moment his reply takes to arrive makes her want to vomit.
Then there’s your answer.
okay then
can I save you in my contacts?
Sure, go ahead.
I just did too.
Okay :)
I’m sorry, I have to go.
I guess I’ll text you later, Sam.
Go be whoever Sam Something is.
it’s winchester.
Like the shotgun?
That’s BADASS. Can you even get more badass than this? Pre-law, now a PI, and you’re named after a shotgun? Damn dude.
Well, it’s nice to meet you Sam. I’m Y/n Andrews.
Haha thanks.
nice to meet you, too
goodnight Y/n Andrews.
Night Sam Winchester :)
--- Part 3
A/N: Thoughts? How are you liking the newer version of this? right after I post it, I’m gonna delete the other one.
Old Can You See The Stars taglist:��@shutupiminlooove @sammysgirl1997 @kymberlytorres @bambi95-blog @demonic-meatball @thekarliwinchester @littlekay15 @li-m-ii  @thinspo-isuppose @carryonmywaywarddemigodwitch @ellen-reincarnated1967 @moonlitskinwalker @marichromatic @illuminatus42 @lazy-author @mirandaaustin93 @hauntedsiriel @pilaxia @devilgirlsarah @nobodys-baby-now @captiveties @calamitychaos @midiocris @wordswillscream​
Sam taglist @kymberlytorres @theboykingsam @depressed-moose-78 @andi-mendes-barnes @captainmarvelcorps @nerd-in-a-galaxy-far-away @nellachain
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melanoradrood · 4 years ago
7ish? You're like one of the cool kids at school that everyone wants to be friends with because your writing is DAAAAAMN, I'm gonna need fifteen cold showers to recover but when you also post stuff and it's so down to earth. So I'm just here like if I actually dealt with my social anxieties and had the guts to message off anon, we could actually obsess over saphne together
On a scale of 1 to 10, how intimidating am I?
+bonus if you explain why.
Listen. Like, listen.
I am literally taking my adhd meds in the morning right now with a diet Pepsi and a prayer. So when I say I barely have my shit together, as a mom, as a human being, as a writer, I legit mean it.
So like if you’ve ever looked at a writer and you’re like SHIT FUCK I DONT WANNA BOTHER THEM.
that’s me. That’s me right now wanting to awkwardly message one of my favorite writers, right now.
And she doesn’t know I exist. She has NO IDEA I exist as a person.
So I’m with you, man.
But I’m going to tell you what I wish she would tell me, if she had any idea who I was -
I want to know who you are. Come at me. Come chit chat with me. My DMs are open. Or come hang out with me in one of the bridgerton discord. We can be friends. We can scream about things.
you’ll probably regret it later when you get a 3am dm from me screaming about something fucking absurd, but come on. Let’s be friends.
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destieldisaster · 4 years ago
10x11 - There's No Place Like Home
MotW: dark charlie, wizard of oz
Any Cas? Nope
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He hasn't had a drink in a week 😳
Oh man, the healthy eating isn't helping, he's still shaking at holding a knife and threatening people
Dean, they would have thought you were fucked up at that age because you WERE fucked up at that age
ROCKET AND GROOT. Even with this darkness, she's still making nerdy references
Daaaaamn, Charlie kicking Dean's ass
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Awwww, she's a little too good for her own tastes :')
She's even too good to hack into a bank account, poor girl
God, the way they're paralleling moc and alcoholism.. only to later have him go back to drinking himself to death and pretending that's fine
"Blah, blah, blah, repressed feelings. Blah, blah, blah, passive agression." yeah, that's spot on
Well yeah, of course she's not just gonna walk away. She's literally only darkness. Honestly, this one's on Dean for not going into that room with her.
"You lied to yourself. That's kind of your move." again, she really knows him
How did they decide to have Dean go after dark Charlie? That was clearly a bad idea.
Oh Dean, please don't 🥺
That's a pretty cool Wizard of Oz origin story, we all know he's evil
"You hit like a girl who never learned how to hit"
RIP wizard of Oz..
God, Dean, please stop hurting her 😭
Oh man, that's some powerful stuff. And this looks cool
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She forgives him. He can't forgive himself. 🥺
"Does that sound like either of me?"
Until next time, nerdy badass 💛
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No, Sam, he's not 'good.' Come on now.
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tsuki-sennin · 3 years ago
Kamen Rider Jeanne! And Kamen Rider Aguilera! With Girls! Remix! Part 2!
I wanted to do the first one a while ago, but Tumblr very rudely wound up canning it and I spiraled into insanity. Anyways, here's part 2 like nothing happened~!
Spoilers, I guess...
-Ah yes, Yuriko Natsuki. Not to be confused with Yuriko Misaki or Yuriko Edogawa or Yuriko Yamamoto or Yuriko Yamaguchi or Yuriko from... a number of adult VNs, holy crap.
-Yeah fuck Black Satan! ...though to be fair, I did rather like your brother, Miss Titan, he was cool.
-Oh shit, Kanon! Hell yeah!
-Wow, why do you live in like... a villa?
-Jesus Christ, Akaishi kidnapped a goddamn baby to become a bridal sacrifice to a demon god. ...I uh, think we kinda glossed over that.
-That being said, I do not appreciate Hana's selfie cam, that'd give a terribly blurry angle.
-Oh shit, Hana mom.
-Hello, Sakura! Your wife is gone!
-Ah, yep! Electro Wave!
-I have to wonder, how did Black Satan's hierarchy shake up after the death of the Great Leader? General Shadow of course went on to lead Delza, but I can't imagine anybody
-"Ahhhhh, ok..."
-Hell yeah, we love to see it! Queens supporting queens!
-Thank you Akiko, that made my evening.
-Well gee Yuriko, you're creepy.
-Ah, yep! Miss Titan!
-Ohhhhh, in the creepy inner demon void.
-"I am thou, thou art I go with the creepy lady do it do it do it do it"
-Hana, homegirl.
-Izu found them.
-Poppy and Izu have a wonderful dynamic.
-Poppy Pipopapo has entered your computer and you can do nothing about it. Pray for mercy.
-Daaaaamn, unsuited action!
-Theeeeere they goes!
-Oh crap, Akiko's been got again.
-I see Black Satan doesn't have many women in its ranks.
-...come to think of it, I wonder if they considered Geddon to be the villain organization to bring back? I realize Tackle's a lot more important to the Female Rider archetype, but think about it. A mystic cult of demonic beastmen created and headed by an evil red demon guy with strong ties to mystic forces originating from South America. The Red Followers even outrank the Beastmen, it's pretty easy pickings!
-Hello, Izu!
-Ooooooh, didn't even raise a hand!
-"Pffft... not a Kamen Rider... I ride Ryuu-kun all the time!"
-Thank you, Chief, your services are deeply appreciated.
-Ohhhhhh, Sawa-san!
-I knew you were in this, but I didn't know you were kicking ass too!
-...Akiko, how the fuck do you know Takigawa by name?
-She was in an alternate world by the time most of the Riders who even met Sento and could've told Philip and Shotaro about it.
-I realize Build's ending was a reset button and that Sawa's both a famous journalist and close friends with somebody in Japan's government, I know that, but what the fuck?
-Sawa, how the fuck do you know Black Satan?
-Like, I'm not doubting your abilities at all, far be it from somebody whose only experience with infiltrating conspiracies was as Solid Snake, Sam Fischer and Garret to have a full opinion on that, but like
-How? You were one of my favorite characters in Build as a refreshing take on female sidekicks from earlier in the Heisei era, and now I just desperately wanna see an Ultra Q-style series chronicling your misadventures exposing evil organizations and kicking ass.
-Do I sound like I'm angry, because I swear I'm not, I'm just very impressed.
-Oh yeah, Kanon's here too! Hello!
-Damn, Sawa, what else are you hiding from us?! Are you a Gate? An Agito?
-Aki, do you know Dr. Sayo Oharu? Cause that's a mood.
-"I am the EEEEEEVIL Hana! Y'know your eboy brother Kagerou? Yeah, I'm kinda like that."
-Noooooooo, Hana-san! :(
-Slayin' with Queen Bee! ...evil edition.
-Aguilera Dark's a really nice recolor, love how the black stands against the white and silver.
-Turtle Bazooka!
-Oh, we're naked.
-Yeah Hana!
-Oooogh, right in the chest.
-Ah, we win.
-"Don't leave me again"
-Congrats women, you win!
-Kuroi Yuriko, gotcha.
-Miss Titan!
-Oh yeah, Riot in Bloom fucks.
-I uh... don't mean to put too fine a point on it, but this is an absolute banger and Yui Asakura should be proud.
-Ah, so... Miss Titan is extremely creepy, gotcha.
-That denim vest is absolutely working for you, girl.
-Anyways, can't wait for Part 3, I really want Toei to keep going with these awesome female Riders the way they do with their Sentai heroines.
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trensu · 5 years ago
Episode 20: The One where WangXiantics becomes W(angst)Xiantics
So we start the episode on a high note by watching wc and jj suffer a mental breakdown
We won’t go into detail bc we don’t actually care about them
We are, however, gonna take the time to admire the cut of wwx’s silhouette as he stands on the rooftop playing his demon flute
For real tho, he’s killin it here (on a rooftop! did i mention that? bc all great scenes happen on rooftops)
Enshrouded in shadow with wisps of resentful energy flowing around his flute as he plays
And the only light on him frames just his eyes, emphasizing his cold focus as he rains terror on the two who hurt his family and destroyed his home
Chills...this is not a guy you want to cross
Okay Plot Stuff happens and wwx is gone by the time JC and LWJ show up at the scene of the crime
More plot stuff
Plot plot, wen qing and jc have a moment and there’s a comb, plot plot
Jc and lwj are hunting down wc and wen zhuliu 
Plot plot plot
They finally find them holed up somewhere, idk where, it doesn’t matter
Jc is about to rush in but lwj, being sensible, stops him and tells him they should observe first
So they sneak onto the roof and watch shit go down through a missing tile
Wc and wzl are there doing stuff that doesn’t matter
But then an ominous breeze picks up and we see black boots slowly start climbing a staircase leading to where wc and wzl are
This kind of echoes lwj’s scene in the last episode, which is GREAT
The steps are not hurried in any way. There’s no rush bc wc and wzl are right where he wants them to be
The “he’ here is revealed to be WWX!!! 
(tbh, all of our boys are looking pretty dashing)
(@theuntamednarrator​ and i decided that lwj and jc were probs trying to one up each other in the fashion department bc they wanted to look ESPECIALLY handsome and heroic when they finally find wwx. And no, you cannot change our minds. This is definitely what happened.)
There’s some banter between wzl and wwx that doesn’t really matter except for this gem of a line that is just SO GREAT i can’t NOT include it
Wen zhuliu says something about repaying his debts to wen ruohan
Wwx: why do other people have to pay for your gratitude?
WWX whips out his flute and starts to play
Lwj sees all the resentful energy wwx is summoning and his eyes widen (by like, a lot) in shock
A pause here to mention that the lady in red that wwx summons is by far the COOLEST THING EVER (the special effects here are actually special for once lol)
i am very upset we didn’t get to see more of her. 
What the heck wwx, she’s so effective and awesome?? 
And she matches your color scheme perfectly???
And you choose never to summon her again????
What is the matter with you
Do it for the aesthetic if nothing else!
So lwj and jc are just chillin on the roof watching all this go down but then suddenly wen zhuliu attacks wwx and is about to land a hit on him
ofc that’s when lwj chooses to intervene
Our boy straight up punches through the roof so that he and jc land between wzl and wwx
We get to watch jc choke out wen zhuliu with his zidian which is pretty cool
And jc goes in and has a brotherly reunion with wwx and it’s all sentimental
(Why didn't you return the hug properly wwx why)
The look on LWJ’s face at their reunion is so full of yearning!! 
Ofc that doesn’t happen, and actually after a moment, lwj looks away from the scene as if he realizes he’s intruding on an emotional moment
And here we get some fun Q&A time with wwx!! (and by fun, i mean frustrating and emotionally trying)
Jc: were you really thrown into the burial mounds??
Wwx: if i had been thrown in there, would i be here now? Nobody survives that place
Jc: where did they take you? How’d you escape? Why do you look different??
Wwx: *pointedly does not answer the first two questions* have i really changed??
And then, to further distract from the other questions that he totally ignored...
Wwx: if i told you that i found a special book in a secret cave written by a genius recluse, and then studied it to become super powerful, would you believe me?
Ofc jc just rolls his eyes and starts scolding him which makes wwx grin
Wwx: see, you won’t believe me even if i told you. I’ll tell you more later when we get home
Jc looks at lwj here, who up until now had been silently watching them talk, and then turns his attention back to wwx
Jc: fine, we’ll talk later
And here’s where it starts to get super heartbreaking bc this is when lan wangji decides to chime in
Lwj: Wei Ying
Wwx: Lan er-gongzi, or should i say Hanguang-jun
LWJ: were you the one that hunted all those wens?
Wwx: so what if i was?
Lwj: why did you give up the sword? Answer me.
Wwx: what if i refuse to answer?
Lwj reaches out to grab him in response but wwx completely sidesteps him and even places his demon flute between them!!! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING
WWX: lan zhan (oh so NOW you want to call him by his name), we just reunited after so long and you’re interrogating me? That’s not very nice.
Wwx: it’s been months since the Murder Turtle cave...even if you didn’t cherish our relationship as classmates, you shouldn’t be so mean
Lwj does not rise to the bait: Answer me.
Wwx: I did already and you didn’t believe me! I can’t explain so much in so few words
Lwj: Then come to Gusu with me and explain it there.
Wwx: Gusu? With the 3000 rules? No, i refuse! I prefer yunmeng
Like, wwx is all pouty when he says this? And before it would’ve been all teasing and cute but instead it’s all cold and mocking aND IT HURTS
Lwj: wei ying, don’t joke around
And he angrily steps towards wwx but jc blocks him with his sheathed sword
With jc between them, wwx asks him, “lan zhan, what do you really want?
But lwj is bad with words so instead of saying ANY of that he goes
Lwj: wei ying, there will be a price for learning wicked tricks; there’s been no exception in all of history. They will harm your body and mind.
Wwx: i didn’t snatch any souls for my tricks so they’re not wicked. I use talismans and play music, how is that wicked?
Wwx: and even if they were wicked tricks, i know myself and my limits
Wwx: as for my temperament...i’m in charge of my own mind and i know what i’m doing
Lwj: there are some things you can’t decide on your own!
Lwj is so so worried, he’s snapping at wwx here. It comes off as angry but it’s not anger, he’s scared for wei ying, he’s distressed!!
Now wwx finally walks back to lwj and faces him head on
Oh man, the way they shoot this scene is intense
They only let you see half of wwx’s face bc the other half is obscured by lwj
Wwx: how do others know my temperament? And why should it be their concern?
Just...those words paired with how we can’t see wwx straight on...it hits you in the gut
bc what he really means is “what do you know about me, outsider?”
Lwj: Wei Wuxian (he snaps at him!!)
Wwx: Lan Wangji (he replies coolly)
Wwx: why do you oppose me now? Who do you think you are? What does the lan clan think they are? That you believed i wouldn’t protest?
And here wen chao regains consciousness (oh yeah, wen zhuliu is def dead but wc was just knocked out until now…)
Oh shit wwx just kicked wc as he starts begging for his life
That was cold. I mean, wc definitely deserved it but wwx is not normally this cruel
Wwx: this is a domestic affair of the jiang clan of yunmeng. Please leave it to us
Lwj looks at him for just a moment before lowering his gaze and walking out solemnly
Oh god, and the expression on wwx’s face after lwj’s gone??
Like it was taking every ounce of effort to maintain that cold distance from lwj this whole time
And to make it MORE heartbreaking--
When the camera zooms in on wwx’s face as he watches lwj leave (again with that empty, defeated expression) we hear wc in the background begging “forgive me, forgive me”
That begging superimposed over wwx’s expression??
Idk if the showrunners did that on purpose BUT OW, MY HEART, MY HEART, IT HURTS
LWJ is at the gates of wherever it is they found wc, and he stops in his tracks when he hears wc scream
Then he’s just remembering the words wwx said to him
Lan wangji why are you at odds with me now
Who do you think you are
What do you lan clan think you are?
Then we cut to lotus pier and watch wwx and jc pay their respects to jfm and m-yu
Wwx: you asked me to take good care of jc and jyl, and i did. Rest in peace now.
that’s all the wangxiantics for this episode so only one question remains:
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This fic is for @katie-my-lady​ (imma send this to her since tumblr is trash and won’t let me tag her)
A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS!  Here’s your special WonderTrev Secret Santa fic!  I hope you enjoy feel free to ask if you want me to DM it to you or invite you to the GoogleDoc! Also i really love your blog, I’m so glad I was matched with you and I hope we can become friends!
Steve Trevor x Diana Prince
Word count: 1687
Summary: Steve and Diana show their love in many various ways, some more unconventional than others.
Warnings: This jumps around a timeline and is a little of an AU?  Like, Steve and Diana live happily ever after and nothing bad ever happened to them.
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Diana thanked the vendor as she grabbed her sundae and Steve’s milkshake from the counter and walking to their little table by the window. “Strawberry, with two Oreos on top, just how you like it,” she grinned, setting the glass cup in front of him.
Steve gave her a quizzical look. “I’ve never had an Oreo before,” he said, ripping the paper wrapping off his thick straw, “how could that be ‘just how I like it’?”.
A little smirk of pride crept onto Diana’s lips. “Try it…” she said, nodding her head at the little cookie. She knew what she was doing.
He tilted his head, chuckling. This was ridiculous, but he trusted her. He took the cookie in between his fingers, licking the bit of whipped cream off of it before shoving the whole thing in his mouth. His eyes went wide as the sweet flavor touched his taste buds. “Holy shit…” he mumbled through his full mouth.
“I know, right?” she giggled, watching his reaction as she took a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth.
“You’re always right,” he nodded, taking the other cookie, also eating it on one bite.
“Do you want me to get you more?” she laughed, wiping some stray crumbs off his lip with the pad of her thumb.
“Yes please,” he nodded, mouth still food.
Steve smiled as Diana rested her head on his shoulder, wrapping his arm around her broad shoulders. “What’s that one?” he asked, pointing to a particularly bright spot in the night sky.
“That one is actually Mars, named after the Roman god of war,” Diana answered, staring at the little dot, “you can tell it’s not a star because it doesn’t sparkle, like the other ones,”. She loved little moments like this; cool summer nights, exploring the skies with the love of her life.
“I know who Mars is… he almost killed me,” Steve chuckled, still in disbelief that he survived that whole debacle. He lifted his gaze back up to the stars, amazed as he watched a comet fly across the atmosphere. “Diana! Look! Make a wish!” he beamed, squeezing her closer in excitement.
She watched it disappear into the darkness very confused. “What?” she asked, “wish? Why? It’s a star…”.
His face fell into an expression of slight disappointment. “It’s a shooting star, you don’t see those every day…” he explained, pointing up to where the star blazed its path, “when you see one, you close your eyes and make a wish,”.
“Oh,” she hummed, liking the whimsical concept. Diana looked back up at the sky, closing her eyes gently. her eyelashes grazed her cheeks as she made her wish. She opened them again, the moonlight highlighting her brown eyes. “It didn’t work,” she frowned, looking at Steve for an explanation.
“Well what did you wish for?” he asked, giggling as he kissed her nose playfully.
A smile broke out on Diana’s illuminated face. She settled back into her comfortable position, tucked into his side. “Nevermind, it worked,” she sighed.
“What? What did you wish?” Steve asked, a bit confused, but mostly curious.
“You kissed me,”
Things were very different in this time. Fashion, politics… but the one thing Steve was glad hadn’t changed was art. Sure, style and medium had changed, but he was glad art was still important to people. Steve sat on the bench in front of the Mona Lisa, simply staring at it. Even though it was almost closing time, there were still a handful of people in the museum adoring the piece and taking pictures. But, to be honest, Steve didn’t even notice they were there.
Almost every day Steve would come into the Louvre an hour before closing. At first it was so he could walk home with Diana after she was done with work, but after a few weeks, he’d come early just to look at the art. He’d wander around for hours, lost in the peace and quiet of his thoughts. He loved all the art, but his favorite, of course, was Lisa. It was such a surreal feeling to think he was in the physical presence of a piece of history.
“Visiting your friend again?” Diana asked, startling Steve out of his trance.
“Oh! Hi… uh… y-yeah…” he nodded, giving her an adorable half-smile as his cheeks turned red. He grabbed his wallet off the bench and shoved it in his pocket as he stood up, “I swear I’ve seen her twenty million times, but I never get tired of her,” he said, turning back to get one last look at the canvas.
“I should let you see my office sometime,” Diana hummed, holding his hand as she took in the mastery of the painting, “you’d be amazed by everything I have on display in there,”.
Steve gave a little chuckle, slipping on his jacket. “I’m afraid I’d get distracted by one masterpiece, as I usually do,” he said, looking into her eyes with that special look.
Diana caught his drift, shaking her head at the dumb pick-up line. “You’re awful,” she chuckled, walking towards the exit.
“Who said I was referring to you?” Steve said sarcastically, unable to keep from laughing.
With a dramatic eye roll, Diana playfully shoved his shoulder, “let’s go home, you dork,”.
The sun beamed down on the shores of Themyscira, the crystal blue waves crashing gently on the shore. Steve laid on the sand, wearing nothing but a cotton tunic, letting the warmth soak into his skin. The cool water touched his toes, making him stir from his catnap.
“Feels nice, doesn’t it?” Diana grinned, kissing his head as she returned with a tray of fruit and wine.
“I never want to move,” he grinned, flipping onto his back, “I just want to stay here with you forever,”.
She grinned, kissing his head and brushing the stray hairs out of his face. “Well you’ll have to come inside eventually, even if I have to carry you inside,” she said, sitting beside him, shifting her white dress around her legs.
“Ooh! Will you?” he grinned, sitting up. Steve liked to think of himself as very masculine, but his one weakness was being carried by and piggyback rides from Diana.
Diana laughed as he kissed her knuckles, making her blush a little bit. “Yes, I can do that,” she promised, “as long as you actually go to bed tonight! You’re not keeping me up ‘til sunrise again,”.
“Oh, like you didn’t like it,” he winked, seductively placing a hand on her strong thigh, leaning closer to kiss her lips.
“Oh don’t start again, I need sleep!” she giggled, playfully pushing him away, “I’m part of the royal family, I have a lot of responsibilities, responsibilities that require SLEEP,”.
He rolled his eyes sarcastically, kissing her cheek before grabbing a fresh peach. “Sure, sure,” nodded, smiling and lying back down on the sand, “but after you’re done with your ‘responsibilities’, you can come to me for… ‘stress relief’,”.
Diana just flicked a grape at his head, making him laugh.
“Say ‘cheese!’” Steve grinned, focusing the camera on Diana as she stood in front of the Eiffel tower. She gave a professional smile, sitting up straight. “Aw, c’mon Diana, give me a big smile!” he teased, adjusting the film to get ready to take another.
“I don’t have to listen to you,” she joked, grinning as she tried to smile bigger, the wind blowing her hair into her face, the locks getting stuck in her lipstick.
Steve thought for a moment, getting an idea. “Hey Diana!” he called.
“Hm?” she answered, pulling her hair back, confused about what he was doing. 
“Are you France? Because Eiffel for you!” he grinned, hoping that’d make her laugh.
She just rolled her eyes. “That was terrible,” she giggled, hissing through her teeth like a silly snake.
“Are you a thief? Because you’ve stolen my heart!” he called, his smile getting wider as his brain kept coming up with terrible puns.
“Steve,” she called, not sure if she could handle such bad humor, “honey, I love you, but you’re not that funny,”.
“One more, one more! I know I can make you laugh!” he called, getting ready to snap a picture of her reaction. This had to be a good one. “Are you a beaver? Because DAAAAAMN!” he said, holding his breath as he waited for her to react.
Diana stood there, her lips set in a straight line. Steve had thought he had failed until he heard her chortle. She showed off her pretty smile, laughing out loud at the horrendous pick-up line.
Steve quickly snapped a picture before going up to her. “Am I funny now?” he asked, pecking her lips.
“No, but that was so bad I had to laugh,” she sniffed, catching her breath.
It was quiet. It was dark. All you could hear was the calming sounds of rain and thunder as the moonlit up the small London apartment. Steve laid on his stomach beside Diana, the light coming through the window highlighting his face.
Diana was sleeping beside him, a hand laid on his bare back as she shifted closer. Neither of them was awake, but they felt each other’s presence; they were drawn to it. They could each sense their warmth and hear their soft breathing.
They could feel when the other was having a nightmare and hold them closer, they could feet when the other was cold and cuddle up to them, it was like their brain waves were connected.
Steve shuffled closer to his wife, resting his head on her chest, listening to her heartbeat. That always soothed him, it was like music, a song of her life.
Diana shifted, wrapping her arms around him, kissing his head in her sleep before settling back into slumber.
Each of their souls reached out to one another, intertwining in an ethereal “I love you,”. Truly, they were made for each other, crafted by the gods to fit each other perfectly. Little did they know, their love was eternal, written in the stars
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