#da big molly who makes all of da rules
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magpiemagica ¡ 1 month ago
PBS Kids for these trying times <3
If you are an American like me, things were rough this week and they aren't gonna let down any time soon. With so much hate being spread, it grounds me to find some joy. PBS Kids is one of those for me. It has always been a place of comfort for me and reminds me that there are still adults out there trying to make the world a better place for the kiddos of today. I'm not sure how long it will be around or what changes might be made in this coming year so I'm sharing this now. This is a master doc of some of their modern shows, all free to watch on the PBS Kids website!
Let's Go Luna! (my favorite <3): "Luna the moon guides three friends -- a wombat, a butterfly and a frog -- as they visit new places around the world with their parents' traveling performance troupe."
Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum: "Xavier Riddle, his sister, Yadina, and their friend, Brad, meet heroes from the past -- from Eleanor Roosevelt to Leonardo da Vinci."
Molly of Denali: "The daily adventures of 10-year-old Alaska native Molly Mabray, her family, her dog Suki and her friends Tooey and Trini."
Rosie's Rules: "Five-year-old Mexican American Rosie Fuentes learns how the world around her works in her suburban Texas community."
Carl the Collector: "The everyday adventures of Carl, an autistic raccoon, who loves collecting things."
Lyla in the Loop: "Seven-year-old Lyla and her close-knit family address everyday problems together in the big city."
Alma's Way: "Six-year old Alma, a Puerto Rican girl who lives with her family in the Bronx, learns to think for herself, making mistakes and finding solutions along the way."
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ceratioid ¡ 4 years ago
slips over my url covered in mysterious oils
SEND ME YOU URL.  ( no longer accepting ! )
Character in general:  which ONE. honestly there’s not really any opinions i have on these characters in general because any opinion i have is based around your portrayal! it be like that when it’s characters with barely any content though tbh 8 ( let’s...see... i guess the only one i can really talk about is velvet, who has a considerable more content than lilith or serenity or molly.
i have.........issues with velvet! i like her, she’s fun & her design is fun to play around with, but what we’ve seen of her personality is pretty disappointing imo. there’s always debates on who the leader of the vs is, and it is only ever between vox & valentino? i think it’s way more interesting if it’s velvet. i like the idea that she gives them freedom, but whatever she says goes. she doesn’t give orders, but they will both do things to plactate her.
really though, i dont THINK they have a leader, but if it came down to it, it’d be a throw up between velvet & valentino. i don’t believe vox is quite as emotional as them & that he’s closer to a lackey for valentino & velvet, if we’re considering the insta content & what little we got of their body language in the pilot (velvet sits in the middle, vox & valentino are pushed towards the sides of her. she gets up in vox’s personal space & while he pulls a face, he lets her wrangle him in for a selfie) etc etc. i just think its fun to think both vox & valentino are below her & do things to appease her because she requires like, very simple little things like following her new social account or liking a post & not leaving her on read, but the benefit of keeping her happy greatly outweighs the fallout of her being upset with either of them. she’s got strings in them!
How they play them:  i’ve mentioned before how much i love your velvet & how you can be creepy without it coming across as something forced. BUT i haven’t talked about your other girls yet idt! 
molly is a character you’ve put a LOT of effort & time into & i can tell that she’s very well-loved. it’s a weird position, because while new content would be great, it’s also not something i want bc i sincerely don’t want her reduced to a throwaway joke or merely a plot point without any personal importance & at the same time...i’d also worry about how they’d write her. i’m just very attached to your depiction of molly, is the thing, lol. i love the fact that she’s pulled away from henroin now & what that means for both her & her brothers. they’re such a tight-knit sort of family that a lot of what one of them does might have an effect on the others, if only minimal. it’s all a very interesting dynamic to write & explore & i feel very lucky to be able to interact with her on arackniss because they have such a bittersweet sort of relationship lol.
i also love that she can’t cook.
now LILITH & SERENITY........i’ve always thought of stolas’ wife as being a ridiculous air-headed rich woman & i’m SOO glad she & stolas have a good relationship because married man hating his wife is such a boring trope. she’s so entertaining & i’m glad you picked her up!
& ngl i never cared about lilith. i love a good milf as much as the next person, but when that’s almost the entirety of what i know of the character, i’m like......okay, but what else is there? i just never got the appeal!
but you have convinced me 8 / i love the struggles you’ve given her in relation to her children & for me the like, turning point was the post where you mentioned her comforting a crying baby. like ugh yes give me that tender but distant & complicated milf who is so broken by loss that the uncertainty is something she’s come to find unbearable.
The Mun:  hi dani!! you’re one of the people i wish i could talk to more if i was like, at all more socially-inclined lol but i think you’re just rly pleasant to interact with ic or ooc & i literally came into this fandom with no one knowing me & me not knowing anyone here & i WAS a little nervous about interacting with you because i was worried we wouldn’t mesh well or whatever for some reason!! i guess i just knew you were like, THE molly, you know? gjdndsjg
RP with them:  i doooo Want to RP with them:  yes!!!
Overall Opinion:  💕💖💞💖💕💘💘💗💞💘💞💖💖💞💖💕💖💞💖💞💖💕💖💘💕💖💞💕💖💕💖💕🌸💕💖💞💖💞💘💖💗💞💖💗💖💘💗
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emily-strange ¡ 5 years ago
Growing Pains...
Chapter 4! Emmy has some confessions to make…
Summary: Emmy has been with the gang since she was a little girl. Her mother moved on, leaving her to be raised by Dutch, Hosea and Susan. Arthur and John are her brothers (argue and she will fight you). Becoming a woman is hard when everyone still sees you as a child. Since the Blackwater mess she’s trying to find her feet while dealing with her new feelings for the gangs resident douchebag.
Pairing: None yet, eventual Micah x female OC.
Warnings: Swearing, One Excitable Irishman
Chapter 4
 I make my way through the trees and spot Sean sat lazily at the campfire. He sees me instantly and gives me a signal to stay where I am. I crouch down as he stands up and dramatically stretches to look around for Dutch. He makes eye contact with me and beckons me over. I put my head down and walk briskly to Sean. We give each other a small, quick low-five and I continue my walk to the horses. I grab hay from a bale and start feeding some to my horse, Jett. She’s a beautiful, white roan Nokota that Arthur helped me break when I was 13. That was my favourite birthday.
I start to brush her as Dutch comes to stand in front of me.
“Emmeline” he greets with clear annoyance in his voice. He stands with his hands on his hips and I glance to the campfire to see that Sean is watching. I glare at him and all he does is laugh.
“I was callin’ you” Dutch comments. I just continue to brush Jett while I speak and try to keep my voice light. “Oh, was you? Sorry” I reply.
“Yes. Yes, I was. Where were you?” I look at Dutch then and shrug, “Oh, around. Dozed off a bit after cleanin’”. All he does is hum and nod.
“Emmeline. I know you’re bored…” Dutch begins but I’m so tired of hearing his excuses!
“I’m not just bored Dutch. I’m useless here. You need to let me get back to what I do best.” I plead. I know to others it probably sounds like I’m whining. Like Molly does all the time. But Dutch knows me. He knows I’m not one to complain unless I feel it necessary. “I know we’re still in…dangerous terrain…but we need money to get outta it. You know I can help.”
Dutch looks to the ground and nods.
“Little miss, you’re the closest thing to a daughter I will ever have. I will protect you till the day I die. And if that means keeping you in camp while you curse ma name? Then that, miss, is what I will do.” He finishes his little speech with a kiss on my forehead. God I want to scream at him so badly but I just can’t bring myself to do it. Instead I clutch Jett’s brush tightly and when Dutch turns to walk away I throw it to the group with a thump.
I place my forehead against Jett’s but pull back when I see Bill and Lenny approach with Micah in tow. “Miss Grace” Bill greets as he and Lenny start to saddle their horses. As Micah gets closer, I can see that he’s changed into a black shirt and a waistcoat. I smile but he remains emotionless and even bumps my shoulder slightly as he passes. “Hey watch it!” Lenny shouts as he mounts his horse and gives me an apologetic smile.
“Thanks Lenny” I say trying to keep the hurt I’m feeling out of my voice, “You going to the homestead?” I ask and as Lenny starts to detail the plan, I chance a look behind him at Micah who’s saddling Baylock. Once he’s done, he gives him a treat from his saddlebag and places his forehead against his for a moment. Just like I do with Jett. The act is so, gentle.
I zone back in for the end of Lenny’s explanation and wish him luck. Telling him and Bill to be careful.
“Always am!” he replies happily and I watch them trot out of camp, followed closely by Micah who doesn’t even look back. I shake my head and will the tears I feel to just go away.
“Don’t be so stupid” I mumble to myself and close my eyes. I tilt my head up to the sky and do as Bessie taught me. I take a deep breath and start to count to 10. I make it to 7 before an overly excitable Irishman claps me on the shoulder and shakes.
“And how’t it go with Dutch ‘little miss’?” Sean laughs. I give a humourless scoff and just whisper “perfect” while I look at the ground. I can’t bring myself to explain how frustrated and upset I now am.
Sean seems to consider me and the camp for a few short moments before holding out his hand.
“Walk wid me?” he asks and after a moment I smack my hand into his. He tugs me through the camp towards the water and then along the shoreline. So that if anyone really wanted to, they could see where I am but still giving us privacy.
We walk for a good 5 minutes or so, talking about nothing in particular, until we reach a dry area far enough away from nosey ears. Sean plonks himself down on the ground and gets out his pipe. I sit next to him and lean back on my hands, enjoying the sun and quiet. For a few seconds.
“So. Super-secret circle. Talk.” he mumbles while fiddling with the pipe. I’ve been telling him for years that a circle definitely needs more than 2 people. I love how much he cares though and like Arthur, I won’t get away with pretending I’m fine.
“Okay. But super-secret. Swear on your da.” I say sternly. He holds up his hand, clutching the pipe to his heart. “I swear on me da and any other MacGuire folk out there.” he says.
We’ve been doing this forever. Finding a quiet place and swearing our oaths. It’d always be his da and for me, whichever brother I liked more at the time. It changed daily. I don’t even remember how it all started, just that since I met Sean, I felt like I had a real friend. He never judged me. Not that he really has a leg to stand on if he tried! But he’s never tried.
I’ve told Sean my deepest, darkest secrets and he’s told me his. Like when I was pouring medicine from different bottles into the fire one night as a child, just to see what would happen, and I caused a mini forest fire….not my finest moment. No one but Sean knows it was me and no matter how drunk that boy gets, he’s never told anyone.
“I don’t really know where to start,” I say “I feel like I want to scream at Dutch. He…”
“Nah nah, not Dutch” Sean interrupts and I quickly snap my gaze to his. He can’t mean? “I saw the way you lookt just then by da horses. Positively….forlorn” he teases, “that ain’t about old Dutch.”
I take a moment to breathe. I can feel my face heating up and I actually think I might be sick. When Sean sees my obvious distress, he softens and squeezes my knee reassuringly. “You can tell me Em.” He says quietly.
I nod. Of course I can tell him. He’s Sean. This is our circle. Or whatever a group of two is. A pair? Yeah, a pair. A secret pair. That sounds dumb.
“Em?” Sean’s voice breaks me from my inner monologue.
“Okay” I say quietly and close my eyes. Maybe this would be easier if I wasn’t looking at him. “I think I might…like someone.” After a couple seconds of silence, I open my eyes. Sean looks…relieved? He begins to chuckle.
“Is dat it? Jesus Christ Em, I thought you were pregnant or summit” he laughs. I find myself feeling quite alarmed at his admission. “What? Why!?” I ask while glancing down at my stomach and feeling it, “Do I look pregnant?!” Surely I can’t look pregnant, we hardly ate in Colter and since then its hardly been a banquet every night!
Sean’s laugher subsides and he shakes his head. “No no, course not. But I’ve never seen you look so…so upset and…and confused?” he explains with some difficulty. It’s almost as if his thoughts are as jumbled as mine are. “You like someone though dats good. Right? Oooh is it our young Lenny? He’s a fine chap.”
I smile at his excitement. “No, unfortunately it’s not Lenny. It’d be nice if it were actually. You’re right, he’s lovely.” I admit.
“It um, it ain’t Bill?” Sean asks tentatively. I can already see where his mind is going. He must have been watching me when they were getting ready to ride out. “No” I laugh “It’s not Bill Williamson”.
Sean dramatically performs the sign of the cross. Wrongly I should mention. And thanks God. I brace myself for the next question. If he thought it was Lenny and then we’ve ruled out Bill, I know where he’ll go next…
“Okay” he regains his composure, “So, Javier?”
For a moment all I can do is blink at him. Javier? Where did Javier come from?
“Um…no. Not Javier.” I say slowly. Almost like I’m confused by my own words.
“Why not? He’s a sexy man!” Sean shouts and I burst out laughing. I also feel the need to look around as knowing our luck Javier would be standing nearby and he’d be very confused. But also, probably very flattered. That man likes to know he’s fanciable.
“Yes, yes he is. Shush!” I giggle and Sean takes a big puff of his pipe. He blows out the smoke and pokes the top of it while scrunching his forehead like he’s in deep thought.
“Okay, so not Lenny or sexy Javier. Or Bill, phew by the way….hold up, I will fookin’ end him if it’s that O’Driscoll sod!” he shouts equally as loud. “Hey!” I shout back “1 he is NOT an O’Driscoll and 2 NO it’s not him”. I smack Sean on the arm for being so mean about Kieran, poor guy.
“Well then I am fookin’ stumped.” he mumbles, throwing his arms in the air theatrically while holding his pipe in his mouth. He then seems to have a moment of clarity and I feel myself wanting to vomit again. He takes the pipe out of his mouth slowly and quietens down. “It” he clears his throat “It isn’t…me?” and this time it’s my turn to laugh.
“Alright!” he says mock defensively and I will myself to calm down. “No” I say through the deep breaths, “It’s not you Sean. I love you but….no” I finish with a kiss on his cheek. He smiles “Well thank goodness for dat. We’d make a great baby though if we were dat way inclined!” he states and we both laugh.
“Can you imagine? My brains, your hair! The kid would be unstoppable!” I wheeze and we take a moment to calm ourselves down.
Sean coughs and empties his pipe.
“Alright I’m done with the guessing game. Em, who do you like? But just know if you say Arthur or John, yes you are sick and yes I will dump you in the middle of nowhere to be eaten alive by wolves.” He smirks and at his statement I want to vomit but for a very different reason.
“Ew Sean, why?” I cringe before taking a deep breath.
“It’s um, it’s….Micah.” I whisper and look out at the water. I can’t imagine Sean’s face right now and I don’t want to look. His silence says everything.
“Right. Okay.” He says slowly and all of a sudden, he gets up and throws me over his shoulder.
“What the fuck Sean!!!” I shout as loudly as my position allows. He starts to walk further down the shoreline, away from camp.
“Well you’re clearly beyond hope so I’m gonna find some wolves.” Sean replies and I can only groan and hit him on the back. “Oh put me down you prick!” and with that he plonks me unceremoniously onto my feet. My hair is everywhere and I take a moment to pull my skirt down. Once I’ve gathered myself and the bloods rushed back to my brain, I see he’s laughing and I punch him in the arm as hard as I can.
“Ow! Violent little ting aren’t ya? Dat why Micah likes ya?” he laughs and I feel like I’ve been hit in the gut. All the wind has been completely knocked from my lungs and my eyes go blurry with tears.
It’s in that moment I realise, I like someone for the very first time.
And they don’t like me back.
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stonecoldhedwig ¡ 6 years ago
Gryffindor Types
Gryffindors get a bit of short shrift; we’re always just made out to be overzealous jocks. But, the diversity among Gryffindors is quite remarkable.  
Incredibly forgiving. Like good LORD look at all the people he gave grace to despite them being utterly horrid to him. Not just the big ones like Dumbledore and Snape, but people like Seamus in 5th year, or Ron during the Triwizard.
Stubborn as hell. Like, so irritatingly stubborn that I want to throw the book across the room.
Harry really struggles with something I think a lot of Gryffindors do, which is that there isn’t necessarily an intrinsic balance to the universe. We believe in the right thing, and justice, and therefore find it hard to tackle the fact that sometimes there’s no cosmic consequence to evil.
Basically just a sweet lil cinnamon roll? Like the poor kid can’t cut a break, but he soldiers on regardless.
Really, really loved Ginny, and was also willing to hurt himself in order to protect her. Starting from CoS where he thought he was dying of the Basilisk bite, right up to the final battle where he runs toward Bellatrix - Harry knows where his heart lies.
Bravery: walked into the face of death in order to save other people. Never once had a problem with sacrificing himself for other people. The spirit of his mother lived in him.
Loyal to a fault - stands up for his friends and family, in a sort of Hufflepuff way. Unafraid of mockery when he believes he’s doing the right thing.  
Of the three of them, Ron is the one who has absolutely no qualms about apologising for his failings. Ron is honourable.
Can be brash, and tactless, and thoughtless, but also possesses a lot of common sense and a really good heart. He’s more Molly’s son than he realises.
Struggles with the impact of 5 brothers and only 1 sister; at times can be unintentionally misogynistic, to not just Ginny but also to people like Hermione.
Ron essentially acts as the foil to Peter Pettigrew. Ron could have been just like him - always the butt of the joke, “Harry Potter’s stupid friend”, etc. Ron chose to be different, chose not to fall back on the fact he was a pureblood, who could have easily been courted by the Death Eaters by making him feel important like they did to Peter.
Bravery: you’ve got to be courageous to step outside of both the shadow of your family, and the insecurities you have about it. Ron encapsulates the idea of “try, try, try again.”
Incredibly, ridiculously smart. Has many Ravenclaw qualities (like McGonagall), but also learns when to put down the books.
Passionately fights for those she sees as oppressed. Goblins, House Elves, you name it - she might not like them, but she sees them as her equals.
Knows that a Gryffindor who uses their head is just as important as a Gryffindor who uses their fists.
Prideful, and can be patronising, particularly at the beginning. Learns how to see the world through other people’s eyes, even if she doesn’t really understand them (e.g. the changing way she treats Luna, or Ron, etc.).
I see a lot of Lily Potter in Hermione. Brilliant Muggleborn, who fell for a man she didn’t expect to love, and who had the fate of the wizarding world essentially thrust upon her. Took it in her stride. Was a badass.
Bravery: Understood that there were things that were worth fighting for, and was willing to do it. But always, always tried to ensure that innocent people weren’t hurt: obliviated her parents to protect them, cared for the House elves, stood up for the kids Fred and George were testing WWW on, etc. Even insisted on putting Muggle money in the till at the supermarket during DH, even though they had the cloak and could just steal.
Fierce. If you don’t want to be Ginny Weasley when you grow up, reevaluate.
Loved Harry for just being Harry, not because he was The Boy Who Lived, or because he was wealthy, or because he was famous. Rather like James loved Lily, she just loved him from the moment she saw him.
Feminist AF. Knew she loved Harry, but also knew that she didn’t have to mope about waiting on him. Dated other people, had a good time doing it. Didn’t take Ron’s shit about it, either.
Stood up for people. She often resorted to a stereotypically “Gryffindor” way of doing it (her famed Bat Bogey Hex, for example).
Definitely had Slytherin qualities, too (Ginny is like Fred/George, or Percy, while Ron is much more like Bill and Charlie). She could be shrewd and cunning, and even a little unkind at times. She struggled to find her place in the world, and that made her angry and hurt, which the Horcrux took advantage of.
She was sixteen in DH. Let that sink in. Sixteen. All the things she’d achieved by that point already, all the things she’d been through.
Bravery: Ginny is true to her own integrity in everything, whether it’s vanquishing Dark wizards, standing up to her brothers, loving Harry etc. She does what she thinks is right, thank you very much.
quiet, shy, often demonstrates a lot of Hufflepuff qualities.
Sword. Of. Gryffindor.
If there are Gryffindors who use their fists, and Gryffindors who use their heads, then Neville is a  Gryffindor who uses his heart. He’s thoughtful and kind, but passionate about the right thing. He also has intense loyalty to his parents, even though he struggles with both their legacy and their insanity.
Bravery: like Dumbledore said, it takes a hell of a lot to stand up to your friends. Neville did it often (not just in PS, but also in cases like OotP when he asks Harry if the DA was just a game, or whether it meant something).
Fred & George
Hilarious and mischievous.
Certainly had a spiteful streak, but their courage was in trying to temper it for good. Their ire was almost always targeted at the right people (e.g. Umbridge), but their sense of humour made everyone fair game. A touch Slytherin, in this regard.
At times they put people in danger, for good and bad reasons.
Bravery: it takes guts to laugh in the face of danger. It takes even more to make sure you’re making other people laugh while you do it.
Percy Weasley
Ambitious, smart.
More like Fred and George than he realises, in the sense that they are two sides of a coin. F&G are what happens when you combine courage/chivalry with anarchy; Percy is what happens when you combine it with dogmatism.
Struggled, in many ways, with the burden of being a Weasley and a Gryffindor. He followed Bill and Charlie (aka a Head Boy and a Prefect; Charlie was Quidditch Captain and a star Seeker), and therefore tried to make a mark of his own. Confused being loyal-to-the-rules with being right.
When he admitted he was wrong, it was not half-hearted. Saw the error in his pridefulness.
Bravery: it’s hard to admit you were wrong. Courage is more than knowing that you screwed up, it’s being willing to own up to it.
Lavender Brown
Scatty, almost a bit like Luna
Willing to understand that wisdom and learning can come from unexpected or unusual sources (e.g. her enthusiasm for Divination)
Could be a stereotypical teenage girl - obsessed with her first boyfriend, spiteful to Hermione at times, etc.
Bravery: gave her life at the Battle of Hogwarts, dying in a truly horrid way at the hands of Fenrir Greyback.
Bill Weasley
Knew how to combine responsibility with fun (Head Boy, but also a Cursebreaker with a dragon-fang earring).
Was unashamed to love a girl everyone thought was wrong for him… and in doing so, proved exactly why Fleur was his perfect match.
Bravery: Lived with the consequences of his attack with good grace. Didn’t let it make him bitter. Trusted Harry, even when he didn’t understand him.
Charlie Weasley
Trained dragons.
No, read that again: trained. dragons.
Could have played Quidditch for England but went off to do what he was really passionate about, which is training dragons.
Bravery: I point you once again to the dragon training.
Lily Potter
Wasn’t ashamed to admit that she had got James all wrong. Learned how to love him.
Believed in the right thing, ardently. She saw the way that power and greed and ambition can turn a good person into a bad one, and utterly refused to play that game.
Lily is where Harry gets his sweet-cinnamon-roll-ness from. Under all her fire, there’s a sweet baby angel, and I will not be convinced otherwise.
Cut off her oldest friend at Hogwarts, Snape, because of doing the right thing: “you’ve chosen your way, I’ve chosen mine.”
Bravery: without Lily’s sacrifice, Voldemort could never have been defeated. Her dying protected her son in order for him to fulfil the prophecy.
James Potter
Brash and arrogant, but a real heart of gold.
Loved one girl, and one girl only, ardently from the day they met to the day they died. Was unequivocal about it.
The similarity between Snape and James is that both of them were essentially little shits. A lot of people are when they’re teenagers. James thought he was the bees knees because he was an all-round golden boy; Snape thought he was superior to everyone because of his cleverness and ambition. The difference between Snape and James is that James saw the error of his ways. He learned to turn his arrogance into something powerful and good. Even when Snape turned on Voldemort, he never actually gave up his belief that he was fundamentally better than other people - look at the way he treated Harry, Hermione, Neville, Ron etc.
Bravery: it’s hard to change. Like, really hard. It’s hard to become better. James did that, and then some, willingly sacrificing himself and telling Lily to take Harry and run, in the hope that his wife and child might survive.
Endured 12 years in Azkaban for a crime he didn’t commit, and his only priority was making sure Harry was safe.
Risked life and limb on multiple occasions for Harry, because he knew that was the way to honour James and Lily’s memory. Died the same way they did - protecting their son.
Could be petty, even mean, at times.
Bravery: Walked away from a life that would have been easy - money, status, privilege, the Black family name - to one that was difficult, painful and heart-wrenching. Lost everyone, everything, and still came back to fight for the Order. Sirius’ bravery was not about who he was, but who he chose to be.
shrewd, thoughtful, and kind. Essentially a blend of all the Hogwarts houses.
Suffers a little from the same thing Percy does (and to an extent, Harry): he cares so deeply about the right thing, but he often struggles with how to express that (e.g. running away from Tonks and the baby until Harry calls him a coward).
Incredibly talented in DADA, naturally inclining him to Gryffindor.
Bravery: he’s a goddamn werewolf, guys. He still manages to believe in the good side and doing the right thing.
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digressfromreality ¡ 8 years ago
Time Reveals All Secrets
Synopsis: George now anticipating the birth of his first child, a son. He begins traipsing through old albums and items abandoned long ago in the attic of the burrow. Trying to find something else to remember Fred by, but he had something new to mull over. A sister. A sad tale of first female Weasley, before Ginny.  
“What are you doing up here? George?” The redhead turned towards his father, trying to hear what he was saying out of his good ear.
“Wotcha say da,” he pointed to where his ear used to be, “I’ve been earring people wrong all day.” He joked despite the way he was currently feeling.
Arthur could see the unshed tears glistening in his son’s eyes. He could see the cause of his son’s pain spread across the attic of the burrow, he missed his twin. He frowned, everyone in his family missed Fred immensely, probably George the most. Several boxes had been torn open and unceremoniously gone through. Arthur leaned forward, careful to avoid the jutting beams from the vaulted ceiling, he gripped his son’s shoulder.
“We miss him too.” He smiled at his son. “What have you been doing besides making a mess?” He joked lightheartedly. George raised the photo album he currently looking in. The tattered book had had seen better days, the spine was slowly falling apart while the previously gold inscription on the front had faded significantly. The title read 1979. Fred and George were just babies then.
“Just trying to look over some stuff, maybe see something that I don’t remember about us.” George admitted while flipping through the pages. “It looks like mum started greying the day we were born.” Arthur chuckled lightly, taking a seat on a box next to his son.
“You two were quite the handful, always. But don’t let your mother hear that.”
“Dad, can I ask you a question?” George asked unsure.
“What is it?” Arthur asked, genuinely interested.
“We spend all this time reminiscing about Fred and slowly we’ve been packing some of his old things away-” Arthur interrupted.
“Just because we’ve been putting his things in storage doesn’t mean we have forgotten about him. We can pull any of his stuff out at any time. We will never forget your brother.” George smiled uncertain again.
“Are you sure? What about Andy dad?” Arthur looked shocked, stunned to say the least. “Who was Andrea?” Arthur was at a loss for words, he hadn’t heard that name in a long time. George turned the book around pointing to a redheaded girl who looked about Charlie’s age, well maybe a bit younger. Her eyes were like most of the Weasleys a brilliant blue but her hair was more auburn brown than the bright red that rest were known for. Besides the different in hair color, she had rather dark beauty mark just above her lips, which stood out different from the rest of her freckles. George hadn’t remember meeting anyone quite like that when he was little. Who was she? His father turned away, removing his cap, wrinkling it between his hands while his lips quivered.
“I, I haven’t thought about her in a long time. Honestly, I think, well, your mother wouldn’t want us talking about her.” Arthur caressed the picture of Andy, he hadn’t looked at her picture in years. He had almost forgotten her dimpled smile. She and Charlie had been thick as thieves, just as the twins had been. Born almost a year apart to the day, both December babies. No presents needed for Molly or him those years.
“Who is she?” George insisted a little harder this time. Tears released from Arthur’s weary eyes, he felt much older in that moment. George witnessed the tormented look from his father.
“She was,” Arthur gulped, the words were getting caught in his parched throat, “Andrea was, your older sister.”
“What?” George was flabbergasted at the revelation. “What happened to her?” Arthur vigorously shook his head, tears gushing down his face. It was George’s turn to comfort his father.
“You…you remember the stories I used to tell you when you boys were younger?” He asked through a ragged sob.
“You’ll have to be more specific. You told us lots of stories.” George stated.
“About unforgivables.” George’s eyes snapped directly towards his father’s.
“Yes, you had never explained to us why you hate the imperius curse the most.”
“Because Andrea died because of that curse. And there wasn’t a bloody thing I could do to stop it.”
Arthur muttered lowly, summoning a small stack of parchment he crumpled it back and forth between his hands. His son stared at him curiously, hesitantly he handed George it. It was old Prophets, all dated for summer of 1979.
HEADLINE: Town of Hope set ablaze - causalities in the hundreds. Ministry working with muggle authorities to apprehend culprit HEADLINE: Some magical remains identified - Of the first of eleven to be positively identified is Andrea Weasley age 5. “I’ve never heard of this.” Arthur couldn’t meet his son’s eyes.
“Keep going.” His father encouraged. HEADLINE: Arthur Weasley brought in for questioning - besides the looming Deatheater mark, Mr. Weasley was last seen with daughter. Had he abandoned little daughter, in order to save his own skin? HEADLINE: Arthur Weasley charged with the death of his daughter and the purging of Hope George ignored the brief description instead choosing to stare at his father in disbelief. Tears were dusting down Arthur’s face, he was miserable. These were dark times in his life, he let his daughter die. He failed everyone, the public, his wife and most importantly Andy. He was too weak to fight them. He screamed and begged inside his mind, but his actions were emotionless and cold, and not wholly his own. He watched the love of his life, his only daughter’s life, slip right through his fingers, and by his own wand. —- “Papa, do we have to go back so soon? I want to study the muggles a little longer.”
“Yes, yes. Your mother is going to have kittens if we stay out any longer.” Arthur chuckled, his daughter certainly had similar interests to his own. Muggles were absolutely fascinating in his opinion, always coming up with new technologies to make up for the lack of magic. Truly fascinating. He ruffled her hair while holding her hand guiding her through the street. Andy had wanted a day to herself, she wanted the devoted attention of her uncles Fabian, and Gideon and that of her father’s. None of her brothers to be around. She could be a selfish little girl, but she was Arthur’s only little girl. They decided to meet in a muggle village south of London. It would be the safest option for them, especially with both her uncles being a part of the Order. They were walking towards the west side of town opposite of Fabian and Gideon. Arthur heard loud pops in the not too far distance. He scooped his young daughter into his arms.
“Papa I know how to walk, I’m a big girl.”
“Shh..” He tried to silence his daughter.
“Papa you know that’s rude.” He quickly looked around whipping his wand out.
“Shh… Andrea Roxanne Weasley this is not the time.” The little girl’s eyes went wide from hearing her full name. Her daddy was mad at her. Arthur kept walking he didn’t want to disapparate with an upset child in front of a crowd of muggles. The ministry would haul him in, and their secret meeting place would be out in the open. But he would chance it if his suspicions were right. He looked around trying to see if someone in black robes were following them.
“Imperio.” Arthur stiffened his posture, nearly dropping his daughter. He turned towards the nearest alley way.
“Papa.” Her father didn’t answer her. He was acting weird and she was getting scared. “Papa I just wanna go home. Papa I’m scared.” A horrible cackle could be heard in the distance, Andy thought it sounded like a monster. She hide her face in her father’s chest.
“Take the whelp and leave it in the pub.”  He obeyed the voice. Arthur kicked open the nearest door, dropping his daughter unceremoniously on the floor before sealing the door back shut. Andy pounded her little fists on the door screaming.
“PAPA! PAPA! PLEASE!” She screamed with all her might. Arthur stood still listening to his daughter scream in fear.
“Itty bitty baby doesn’t want to play.” She cackled, listening to the little girl’s hysterics.
“Bella this isn’t the time.” A distinct male voice discouraged the other Deatheater.
“Fine.” She snarled circling the frozen Weasley. “Now, Weasel, why are you here of all places tonight?”
“Meeting Fabian and Gideon Prewett. It’s too dangerous to be seen with them in public.” Arthur answered with little hesitation. His heart was thudding hard in his chest despite his unwanted compliance.
“Order members. Interesting.” The male paused, seeing Bellatrix smile from beneath her mask. “Is there something else you seek?”
She twirled her wand, smiling dastardly. “Just a little fun.”
“Burn everything to the ground!” The voice commanded. Arthur raised his wand towards the building his daughter was screaming from.
“Incendio!” Igniting the building. The Deatheaters and Arthur listened to the choking cries of his daughter. She had managed to crawl onto a bench, slapping the tinted window.
“Papa! Pap-“ she coughed hard, the building was quickly filling with smoke, “I can’t breathe Papa!”
“Now the rest of the village.” The voice commanded once again. The last image little Andy had before succumbing to the fire, was her father walking away from her. —-
HEADLINE: Weasley claims Deatheaters forced him!
-While trying to flee, Arthur Weasley claims he was cursed with an Unforgiveable. Ministry to test his claims.
George gulped staring at the last of the stack. It was a picture of father and mother weeping at a gravesite.
HEADLINE: Devastation for the young family.
-Upon his release, Arthur and his wife Molly mourn over their broken family. The Ministry formally ruled yesterday that Arthur Weasley had been speaking the truth, and acquitted him of all charges. No other arrests have been made. A town wiped cleaned from memory and a family torn apart.
“I never knew.” He admitted dropping the paper.
“We were never going to tell you, it was easier that way. Bill and Charlie had a hard time adjusting to life without her. Your mother and I were absolutely heartbroken. Your poor mother hardly could get out of bed when Ron came around. He was born too soon for your mother’s hurting. But having another baby around did lighten the mood for a while. But she felt out numbered. She was the only girl once again, in a sea of Weasley men. She wanted her little girl.”
“The reason for Ginny-“ Arthur waved his hands.
“No, no, no. Ginny was a miracle on her own. Having her healed your mother. It filled a void that only a daughter could do. You’re all special, but Ginny is her baby girl.” He confessed, which George understood but, he still didn’t understand completely.
“But why do we hide Andy? Why don’t we talk about her? I’ve never heard about her before.” George was getting a bit angry, how were they going to honor Fred’s memory when they have covered another? How could his family do this? George quickly stood, not uttering another word towards his father. He scooped up the tattered album and bounded for the stairs.
“George?” His son disappeared down the steps from his sight. “George!” George walked down the steps with ease, ignoring anyone that greeted him on his way down. He reached the kitchen, his mother and brother were talking. George threw the album down onto the tabletop with slam, interrupting their conversation with a frightening pause.
“George, what is the meanin-“ Molly shrieked, turning around holding onto the counter for support. She could hardly breathe, just seeing her smile took her breath away. Bill stared at the table frowning. He gazed at George, sadly nodding his head in disappointment.
“Mum.” Molly recoiled from her oldest son, she didn’t want to be touched. “Mum, stop.” He wrapped his long arms around his struggling mother. “It’s okay Mum. It will be okay.” The others came running into the kitchen trying to investigate the scream they heard. They were greeted with the sight of their disgruntled brother, while their eldest brother held their weeping mother. Out of all the Weasley’s, George’s pregnant wife, Angelina, approached him.
“What’s going on George? Why is your mother crying?” George glared at his mother, Bill shook his head again. His brother didn’t understand what he was asking of their parents.
“I’m not the one that needs to explain.” Ron pushed pass Angelina and him and stared straight down at the album on the table. He was confused.
“Who is this?” Ron asked. Arthur had finally made it to the kitchen, but the damage had already been done.
“You’re older sister, Ron.” Everyone’s attention focused on the patriarch. He sighed, this wasn’t going to be easy for his wife or him. “Her name was Andrea, and she,” he paused, his voice cracked at the thought, “was taken from us.“
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thelastspeecher ¡ 8 years ago
⚡️big sis au
⚡️ - demigod
So, in the sort of superhero version of the Big Sis AU, Angie’s a superhero and Stan finds out after Emily manifests powers.  I flipped the situation here a bit, and now the non-powered parent has to deal with two superpowered children, rather than one.  Also, I sort of drew upon the show, with its whole ‘love god’ thing, by having a god be basically just like a normal supernatural thing with powers, only amped up.  If…that sentence makes sense.  I think it does.  Anyways, here, have two demigod children and a hapless human parent.
Send me an emoji and I’ll write you a ficlet!
               “Come on, honey-bun, let me takeyer temperature,” Angie wheedled.  Mollyshook her head, keeping her mouth closed. Angie sighed and pinched Molly’s nose shut.  After a few seconds, Molly’s mouth poppedopen.  Angie stuck the thermometer inimmediately.  Molly pouted.  “Sweetling, I ain’t ever seen ya get sick ‘fore. I need to keep track of ya,” Angie said soothingly.  
               “But the baby-” Molly started.
               “Emory’s ‘bout six monthsold.  We don’t need to be usin’ quarantinemethods no more,” Angie replied.  Shepulled Molly’s blanket up and tucked it in snugly around her stepdaughter.  “The only reason I ain’t back to work yet is ‘causeI had the baby blues, and yer dad is bein’ stubborn ‘bout me takin’ a couplemore weeks off.”  Angie took thethermometer out of Molly’s mouth.  “Hmm.  Yep, hon, you’ve got a fever.”  She kissed Molly’s forehead.  “I’ll go make some soup fer ya, okay?  If ya need me, just holler.”  
               “Mmkay,” Molly mumbled.  Angie exited the room, leaving the door openhalfway so that she could hear if Molly called. She walked into the living room, where Emory was in the playpen.  
               “Hey there, handsome man,” Angiecooed, picking him up.  She nuzzled Emory’snose.  “How’s my champion crawler, huh?”  Emory giggled.  Still holding her son, Angie moved theplaypen so that it would be visible from the kitchen.  She was about to set Emory down in theplaypen again when she heard a loud crash.
               That sounded like it came from Molly’s room.  Angie nestled Emory snuggly against her chestand set off.  Molly’s so sick she can barely get out of bed.  What could have made that noise?  She walked into Molly’s room.  Her stepdaughter was sitting up, rubbing hernose.
               “Sorry, Mom,” Mollymumbled.  “I sneeze loud.”
               “Snee- that was a sneeze?” Angiesaid.  Molly nodded.  Angie looked around.  “It sounded like something broke or-”  She froze. There was a hole in the drywall, directly across from the head of Molly’sbed.  “That wasn’t there before.”  She looked at Molly.  “Molly, what happened?”
               “I told you.  I sneezed.”
               “You sneezed, and there’ssuddenly a hole in the wall?” Angiedemanded.  Emory chortled and grabbed ahandful of Angie’s hair.
               “…Don’t know what to tell you,”Molly said after a moment.  “Uh, exceptthat you’re floating.”
               “I’m what?”  Angie looked down.  Sure enough, her feet were hovering a fewinches above the floor.  Angiepaled.  “Goodness.  What in the world is goin��� on?”
               “Em, cut it out,” Molly saidblearily.  Angie frowned.
               “It ain’t yer hair he’s pullin’.  I can handle him.”
               “He’s doing the floating thing though,I think.”
               “Yer baby brother is makin’ mefloat,” Angie said flatly.  Mollyshrugged.
               “Probably.  I did that to Dad when I was little.”
               “You- sweetie, are ya feelin’all right?”
               “I’m sick.”
               “True.”  Angie looked at her stepdaughter,concerned.  “I s’pose fevers can makefolks delirious, but if yer gettin’ that bad I might have to take ya to thehospital.”
               “I’m not delirious,” Mollyprotested.  She coughed.  “Just sick.” The front door opened.
               “Hey, thought I’d come home for mylunch break and check in with you guys!” Stan called.  Emory let go of Angie’s hair.
               “Da!” Emory screeched.  Stan chuckled.  A few moments later, he appeared in thedoorway to Molly’s room.  He squinted atAngie.
               “You’re…taller than usual.”
               “Da!” Emory shouted again.  With a yelp, Angie abruptly stopped floating,her feet landing firmly on the floor. Stan blinked.
               “Em made Mom float,” Mollymumbled.  
               “I really doubt that, hon,”Angie said.  “He’s just a baby.  I think it’s more likely there’s some weirdsupernatural thing we’ll have to ask Ford to check out.”  Stan rubbed the back of his neck.
               “Uh, I mean, you could.  But I already know what the weirdsupernatural thing is,” Stan said.
               “You do?” Angie asked.
               “Yeah.  It’s me.” Stan shrugged.  “The floatingstuff, that happens with children of minor weather gods.”  Angie stared at him.
               “He said minor weather gods,”Molly grumbled.  “Can you leave,please?  I wanna sleep.”
               “Oh, okay, darlin’.  Sure,” Angie said.  She walked out of Molly’s room.  Stan closed the door and took Emory fromAngie.  Emory promptly grabbed a chunk ofStan’s hair.
               “You all right, babe?” Stanasked quietly.  Angie shook herhead.  “Yeah, I probably shoulda told yousooner, but, uh, I dunno, it never really came up.”
               “I’m a bit concerned, darlin’.  I don’t- I don’t think I believe you,” Angiesaid softly.
               “You might change your mind thefirst time Emory floods the nursery,” Stan said.  Angie’s head drooped.  
               “Floods…the nursery.”
               “Yeah.  But if we install some warding spells, we canprobably keep the damage to a minimum,” Stan said.  He put an arm around Angie’s shoulders andbegan to guide her into the living room. She took a seat on the couch, her face expressionless and numb.  “Uh…do you- do you want a drink or-”  Angie shook her head.
               “No, I’m still breastfeedin’.  And I don’t want to deal with havin’ todispose of tainted breastmilk.”  She puther head in her hands.  “Stanley, yer a…a‘minor weather god’?”
               “Yeah.  Nothing big. Can’t even mess with the weather in a large area.  I max out at about the size of a state,” Stansaid.  Angie groaned.  “Seriously, it’s nothing to be worried aboutor whatever.  I don’t even have aformally assigned job.  Aside from thegeneral rule of not messing with mortals. Or siring children with mortals. But no one follows that anyways.” Angie groaned again.  “Look, it’snot like the kids are that destructive. They can do some air and water manipulation, and Molly’s made tinytornadoes before, but it’s not really that bad.”
               “Good Lord,” Angie muttered.  She squeezed her eyes shut.  “This ain’t- Stanley, my entire view of theworld has been shaken.  My fiancé is a god. I- I’m a good Catholic woman. This don’t make sense to me.”
               “Yeah,” Stan said, taking a seatnext to her.  “I’m a god.  Not the big one, witha capital G and everything.  I mean, ‘god’is a strong word, anyways.  More like a…super-powerfulnature spirit.”  Angie nodded slowly.
               “I can handle a nature spirit.”
               “Good,” Stan said.  Emory babbled happily.  “I wasgonna tell you.  But then I knocked youup, and I didn’t wanna stress you.  Andthen you got postpartum and I didn’t wanna make things worse.”
               “The not makin’ things worseship has sailed, darlin’,” Angie said, smiling weakly at Stan.
               “I’m goin’ to need some time tocope with the realization that my children are half-god.”
               “The proper term is-”
               “-demigod, I know,” Angiesupplied.  She raised an eyebrow.  “Is ‘half-god’ not the polite term?”
               “Uh, no, not really.  It’s pretty much a derogatory word.”
               “I’ll be sure to avoid sayin’that, then.”  Angie grabbed one of Emory’sfeet and wiggled it.  “I’d hate to berude ‘bout my own kidlets.”  There was aloud crash.  “Sounds like yer daughtersneezed again.”
               “…After work I’ll stop by thestore and get stuff to fix the wall,” Stan said.  Angie held out her arms.
               “I’ll take my lil demigod babyback now,” Angie said.  Stan handed Emoryover.  Angie snuggled her son.  “I s’pose it makes sense though.”
               “What makes sense?”
               “Well, traditionally, gods ‘reknown fer sowin’ their wild oats.”  Angiegrinned at Stan.  “That’s what ya didwith me, ain’t it?”
               “Nah.  More like…I settled down to farm the wild oats,”Stan said slowly.  Angie shook her head,hiding a smile.  “I just killed themetaphor, didn’t I?”
               “Ya most certainly did.  Leave the farmin’ metaphors to the folks whoknow ‘bout farmin’.”
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thedramafilesblog-blog ¡ 7 years ago
Appearing before The Dramacourt: Suits (Korea) Episodes 1 and 2
***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
***Disclaimer***: This analysis based on Canadian law. This is also NOT LEGAL ADVICE for anyone and this drama is FICTIONAL.
Whether the portrayal of Kang Seok and CEO Ha Yeon managing client expectations is accurate.
Whether interviewing for jobs at law firms are as shown.
Whether corporate lawyers can practice criminal law.
Whether you can get potential clients to sign retainer agreements while they are high out of their minds.
Whether you can blackmail your client into dropping his lawsuit against you.
Whether the bromance is legit.
Are Ji Na and Geon Woo the new Mike and Rachel?
The Rule(s):
Yes. Minus the whole lying to the client part.
It depends…
Hell No!
Ehhh….We’re not really feeling it
Not really….
RedRosette J: Hi guys! Sorry we’ve been AWOL for a while. We had to do some life things like finish Law School! (YAY!) And just as we graduate we get the opportunity to review Suits (Korea)! (*Cheer*) I have to start off by saying that I was a HUGE fan of the US original and I absolutely LOVED it at first. Then I went to Law School and all I could see was how badly written the law stuff was and I had to stop watching it for awhile (occupational hazard LOL). When I heard there was going to be a Kdrama version starring HYUNGSIK I was beyond sold on it! I am all about Hyungsik and his puppyness!
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RedRosette J: What really surprised me was how similar to the US version the first two episodes were. They were almost exactly alike but with a little bit of Kdrama jazz added to it. The cinematography, the script, the OST (right down to that quirky toast food truck) was very similar (out of curiosity I went and re-watched the US version pilot episode to compare). I wasn’t sure if I was going to be a fan of the remake because remakes usually faceplant and don’t end well, but I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised!
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Breaking the law like
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Dat sandwich tho
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Client meetings on the street like?
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This is what drowning in work looks like
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When your boss is weird af but you have to act normal and keep a straight face
RedRosette J: I am a huge Hyunsik fan and I think that he makes a good “Mike Ross” (Geon Woo) character. When Hyungsik is up with Jang Dong Gun though his acting can be a little underwhelming but I mean it’s not the end of the world. Hyungsik does manage to give us his sad puppy eyes which made my heart melt for poor Geon Woo.  Jang Dong Gun on the other hand is a pretty good Harvey Specter in his character Choi Kang Seok and I’m buying whatever he’s selling.
RedRosette J: I wish CEO Ha Yeon (Jessica Pearson in this alternate reality) had had more screen time because she seems to be written as a composed bad ass just like her US counterpart. From what little we saw, the actress is doing a good job living up to the role so far. I’m slightly disappointed in the Louis Litt character played by Choi Gwi Hwa because a little bit of Louis’s zany-ness is missing from the character Chae Geun Sik. Sure, he is still married to his dictaphone and talks to his pet goldfish but I wish it would have been a bit funnier. I also wish the remake stuck to the running joke about how Louis hates his ancient secretary Norma (LMAO!). I am also not that ecstatic about the Donna character equivalent Hong Da Ham because while the friendship with Kang Seok exists, its not on the same playful level as between Donna and Harvey. I also accept that certain things can get swept away or underplayed in remakes and that character relationships can change when cultural norms are imported into the new version.
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Her fashion is on point
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Harvey-Donna vibes
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In every alternate reality Louis tries to poach Donna!
RedRosette J: As of now, I’m not a fan of the Rachel character Kim Ji Na. She came off too bitchy and mean and I feel like Go Sung Hee doesn’t have electric chemistry with Hyungsik which makes their banter fall a bit flat for me. The drama needs to work on the two of them. The drama however did stay true to the annoying Trevor and Jenny characters in Cheol Soon and Se Hee which I liked and I can’t wait too watch Geon Woo free himself of those toxic friendships.
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Kim Ji Na you need to redeem yourself like asap
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Oh look its the Trevor guy who ruins Geon Woo’s life
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Please do not make this a thing like in the US version
RedRosette J: This remake had big shoes to fill and for the most part I think it delivered.
Issue 1: Whether the portrayal of Kang Seok and CEO Ha Yeon managing client expectations is accurate.
RedRosette J: You do need to manage your client’s expectations just so that they don’t think that you can get them the sun and moon when they retain your services. While I do think that Ha Yeon and Kang Seok needed to talk to their (obnoxious) client so that he was clear about what their services entailed and what he could expect from them, I don’t think it was appropriate (AT ALL) for Kang Seok to lie to him about getting paid already and that the client should just do what they tell him to do. That’s not really how it works. Lying to the client is a big No-No and breaks like a zillion lawyer ethics and rules. To the drama’s credit though, this was addressed constantly throughout both episodes so kudos to that!
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When your client is an ass but you gotta be professional
Issue 2: Whether interviewing for jobs at law firms are as shown.
RedRosette J: I can’t really speak for what interviewing as an associate is like because I am technically still a student but for the most part that is what it is like. Everyone gets crowded into a big hall (typically at some shitty banquet hall or convention center) and there’s a lady at the desk who takes your name and then you wait to be called in and the waiting room is a giant stressball of candidates memorizing their perfectly crafted answers. It’s actually quite terrifying. Unfortunately, in real life, it’s nowhere near as nice as the fancy shmancy hotel the Kang & Ham interviews were held at LOL!
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Can you feel the stress? Because I can
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Who interviews people like this?
Issue 3: Whether corporate lawyers can practice criminal law.
RedRosette J: There’s a common misconception that having the title “Lawyer” means the person knows everything about “the law” and can practice in any type of law whenever they want. FALSE. Most lawyers work in highly specialized parts of the law and it is not recommended that you retain a lawyer who primarily works in one type of law to represent you in a case that is about a totally different type of law. Case in point: corporate lawyers are not experts in criminal law, so don’t get a corporate lawyer to defend you on a criminal case. It’s not that they can’t, it’s just that your interests will be better served by someone who has specialized knowledge in that area. That’s why there are criminal defense lawyers! I think it’s a bit silly that shows do this.
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Specialize in one thing peeps
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The worst that could happen is you could go to jail bro. It’s all good.
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Getting handed your first case like
Issue 4: Whether you can get potential clients to sign retainer agreements while they are high out of their minds.
RedRosette J: Ummm….NO!!!! This is so beyond unethical I can’t even. You cannot get a client to sign a retainer agreement (an agreement stating that they allow you to be their legal representative) while they are high out of their minds! A person entering into any agreement must have the mental capacity and be of sound mind to make a rational and well thought out decision as to whether to enter into the agreement or not. Someone who is as high as a kite on Molly or whatever Lee Yi Kyung’s character was taking was definitely not of sound mind and he was definitely not able to enter into the agreement rationally. On top of that, he was also coerced by the arrival of the cops and Kang Seok threatening him! Nope. No. No can do.
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Issue 5: Whether you can blackmail your client into dropping his lawsuit against you.
RedRosette J: Yo no you cannot! Absolutely not. This violates a whole bunch of lawyer ethics, not to mention it is also breaking the law. So no. No matter how much of a pig your client is, you cannot blackmail them into dropping their lawsuit against you. You’d go to jail or be disbarred or both.
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Definitely not ok.
Issue 6: Whether the bromance is legit.
RedRosette J: Unfortunately……(don’t hate me) it fell a bit flat for me. I was expecting a fast talking, movie line quoting bromance like the original, but this one just didn’t quite get there for me. While both actors have merit, there’s just something missing between them that just doesn’t quite make the bromance super awesome and one that you want to root for. As of right now, the only relationship on the show I care about is the one of Geon Woo and his Grandma.
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This version of Harvey is a baseball fan!
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Sorry not feeling it
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Still nothing
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Awww my poor heart can’t take it
Issue 7: Are Ji Na and Geon Woo the new Mike and Rachel?
RedRosette J: Again, this fell a bit flat to me because a) their first (real) meeting didn’t have the psazz like Mike and Rachel’s had, b) there was no indication of Geon Woo being totally smitten by Ji Na when they first meet (unlike Mike Ross who is instantly in total awe of Rachel) and c) they shouldn’t have tried to kdrama trope-fy the first meeting. Also idk whether it has to do with the whole kdrama love-hate trope but Ji Na carried that grudge about the rainwater splashing on her for far too long. Girl. Get over it. That shirt wasn’t even that nice. Also she was a bit too mean to him but what I did like about her was that when she realized that she had been wrong about him, she apologized without hesitation so she redeemed herself in my eyes a bit. The two also need more screen time for us to really get a sense of whether or not they are the new “Mike and Rachel”. But there is potential there and I’m not totally dismissing them at this point.
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This first meeting kind of didn’t work for me
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What is this weird vibe?
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At least she apologized
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Friends now?
Conclusion: Appeal Allowed.
Rating: 4 = I’ll Give You A Cookie (Mostly because they stuck very close to the original)
File No: Suits (Korea)-EPS-01-and-02 Appearing before The Dramacourt: Suits (Korea) Episodes 1 and 2 ***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read…
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cryptobully-blog ¡ 7 years ago
'Ripple' in Cherryhurst: Project transforms bungalow into swirling wonderland
'Ripple' in Cherryhurst: Project transforms bungalow into swirling wonderland
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Artists Dan Havel, left, and Dean Ruck have created “Ripple,” their latest monumental sculpture installation.
Artists Dan Havel, left, and Dean Ruck have created “Ripple,” their latest monumental sculpture installation.
Photo: Molly Glentzer
The exterior of “Ripple,” Havel Ruck Projects’ latest immersive sculpture.
The exterior of “Ripple,” Havel Ruck Projects’ latest immersive sculpture.
Photo: Molly Glentzer
“Ripple,” Havel Ruck Project’s latest monumental sculpture, was inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings of water. Artists Dan Havel and Dean Ruck “draw” with saws, transforming buildings.
“Ripple,” Havel Ruck Project’s latest monumental sculpture, was inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings of water. Artists Dan Havel and Dean Ruck “draw” with saws, transforming buildings.
Photo: Molly Glentzer
“Ripple,” Havel Ruck Project’s latest monumental sculpture, was inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings of water. Artists Dan Havel and Dean Ruck “draw” with saws, transforming buildings.
“Ripple,” Havel Ruck Project’s latest monumental sculpture, was inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings of water. Artists Dan Havel and Dean Ruck “draw” with saws, transforming buildings.
Photo: Molly Glentzer
“Ripple,” Havel Ruck Project’s latest monumental sculpture, was inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings of water. Artists Dan Havel and Dean Ruck “draw” with saws, transforming buildings.
“Ripple,” Havel Ruck Project’s latest monumental sculpture, was inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings of water. Artists Dan Havel and Dean Ruck “draw” with saws, transforming buildings.
Photo: Molly Glentzer
“Ripple,” Havel Ruck Project’s latest monumental sculpture, was inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings of water. Artists Dan Havel and Dean Ruck “draw” with saws, transforming buildings.
“Ripple,” Havel Ruck Project’s latest monumental sculpture, was inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings of water. Artists Dan Havel and Dean Ruck “draw” with saws, transforming buildings.
Photo: Molly Glentzer
“Ripple,” Havel Ruck Project’s latest monumental sculpture, was inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings of water. Artists Dan Havel and Dean Ruck “draw” with saws, transforming buildings.
“Ripple,” Havel Ruck Project’s latest monumental sculpture, was inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings of water. Artists Dan Havel and Dean Ruck “draw” with saws, transforming buildings.
Photo: Molly Glentzer
“Ripple,” Havel Ruck Project’s latest monumental sculpture, was inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings of water. Artists Dan Havel and Dean Ruck “draw” with saws, transforming buildings.
“Ripple,” Havel Ruck Project’s latest monumental sculpture, was inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings of water. Artists Dan Havel and Dean Ruck “draw” with saws, transforming buildings.
Photo: Molly Glentzer
‘Ripple’ in Cherryhurst: Project transforms bungalow into swirling wonderland
Dan Havel and Dean Ruck admired Leonardo da Vinci’s deluge drawings long before Hurricane Harvey hit.
During the last few years of his life in the early 16th century, the Italian master made 11 lushly layered pencil sketches that captured the force of a flood so intense it uprooted trees and collapsed mountains and buildings.
Havel and Ruck especially liked the mechanics of upheaval da Vinci illustrated – the idea that “sound, water, air, anything can kind of reverberate and have cause and effect, creating other ripples around it, the chain-reaction effect of the action,” Ruck said.
That was the genesis of Havel Ruck Projects’ new immersive sculpture, “Ripple.”
A provocative fun house, “Ripple” circulates in swirly patterns that have been sliced through virtually every inch of a 1,400-square-foot bungalow at Cherryhurst House, the Montrose contemporary art compound founded by Dallas McNamara in 2012. Havel and Ruck have cut so thoroughly into the walls, ceilings and floors that visitors must be careful where they step – curvaceous slivers of floor rise up or drop away, revealing the soil underneath.
More Information
Havel Ruck Projects: ‘Ripple’
When: Noon-5 p.m. Sunday and April 15; 11 a.m.-5 p.m. March 24 and April 7; check website for future open dates
Where: 1603 Cherryhurst
Details: Free; cherryhursthouse.com
Next cut-up: ‘Open House’
Havel and Ruck are already planning their next project, and this time, it’s truly on sacred ground. The Downtown District and the Heritage Society have commissioned them to create a space at Sam Houston Park, hoping to draw more visitors to the historical buildings there. Not to worry: They aren’t tearing into one of those, and they’ve met with the Parks Department to ensure that they won’t damage trees, either.
They’ve bought a 16-by-24-foot home from Cherry Demolition’s storage lot that will be moved onto a prominent hill in the park in mid-April. They’ll fence it off while they’re working and plan to have it open by sometime in June.
“Open House,” as that one will be called, will be on view for nine months.
Havel expects it to resemble Swiss cheese, with a historical twist. He and Ruck plan to paper the walls with prints of old photographs of Houston and holes through the images to create a kind of puzzle – so viewers might view the skyline outside by looking through an image of a historical face, for example.
He imagines that at night, like “Ripple,” the “Open House” place will glow from inside. “The house will kind of disappear. I hope. Because it’s all an experiment.”
Until last July, the frame bungalow housed Cherryhurst’s artists-in-residence program. But Havel and Ruck are not typical artists in residence. During more than 20 years, they have made an art of transforming doomed buildings into traffic-stopping but ephemeral monumental sculptures.
Their history ranges from 2005’s “Inversion,” for Art League Houston, which created a vortex of wood scraps inside a pair of frame houses on Montrose Boulevard, to last year’s minimalistic “Sharp,” for which they cut an opening clear through the center of a mid-century home in Sharpstown and painted it in a gleaming, reflective copper.
Typically, bulldozers arrive a few weeks or months after Havel and Ruck unveil their work, and the show is over.
Cherryhurst curator Barbara Levine said she and McNamara wanted to challenge Havel and Ruck by inviting them into a building that was not scheduled for demolition and would be on view for at least a year.
“We try to find projects that will resonate in a domestic environment. ‘Sharp’ made a big impression,” Levine said. “We started thinking about that scale and the impact of thinking about home in a different way.”
The artists had a plan. But there was a “pause” at the beginning, after McNamara invited them to alter the Cherryhurst home, Havel said. “One final email, where we said, do you understand what we do?”
McNamara gave them just one rule: They could not penetrate the roof.
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Havel and Ruck started on “Ripple” last July, working nights and weekends since they both maintain full-time jobs. (Ruck is a project manager for capital construction projects at the University of Houston. Havel teaches art, architecture and history at St. John’s School.)
They wanted to riff on da Vinci’s idea, although they never really know until they bring out the saws where a project might lead.
“This was just a pretty wild possibility; seven months of thinking about a project, and every day it’s a new puzzle,” Havel said.
He and Ruck had long wanted to create a progressive, cut piece. “Then it became more about how we circumnavigate the architecture with this system of ripples,” he explained.
The home’s nice oak floors gave them a Eureka moment. “Part of it was the wood grain and just the beauty of the wood,” Havel said. The ripples they cut would be inspired by wood grain.
His models and drawings gave them a starting point, but before they lit into any surfaces with chain saws, Ruck “drew” the lines they would cut with painter’s tape. They debated, redrew. Discarded tape piled up on the floors as they improvised.
“All of our projects explore something different for ourselves in terms of process and approach,” Ruck said. “So there’s learning as you go – just the style of cut, and how to make the cuts you want, with design elements.”
Havel said he and Ruck don’t really think alike, describing his artistic partner as a formalist who sees what he wants, then finds it by doing, physically sculpting. Havel is more of a draftsman who prefers to work out ideas first on paper or with models.
“So a lot of our projects, he’ll describe something to me, and I’ll go home and draw it out,” Havel said. “Or I’ll get my sketchbook out and go, ‘Is this what you’re saying?’ ”
While they cut with the same visual language, when wood chips and dust were flying and saws were screaming, they worked in separate rooms but also fed off of each other’s discoveries about ways to work with shiplap, say, or pile debris into closets. And they often switched places, extending each other’s lines like a couple finishing each others’ sentences.
“The design challenge is to get it to blend and make sense,” Ruck said.
Working from the center of the house outward, they made their first cut in the floor because it was so tempting.
“Not a good idea, cutting the floor that you need to work on for the next six or eight months,” Ruck said, grinning. “So we stopped that. Did the walls, and the floors came last.”
They hadn’t yet poked through the exterior walls when Harvey blasted Houston in late August. The house didn’t sustain storm damage, but really, what would it have mattered?
In some ways, the hurricane made “Ripple” seem even more relevant: It doesn’t take much imagination now for a Houstonian to visualize the effects of a deluge.
And the sculpture doesn’t have to be taken literally; social, political and personal chaos upend lives in so many ways.
Somewhat amazingly, Havel and Ruck didn’t lose the home’s air conditioning until fairly late in the process, when the weather was cooler. But they inadvertently sawed through a few other electrical lines – enough that Havel started calling himself “Sparky.”
Before “Ripple” opened to the public, they rewired the entire structure, adding lights underneath, so that at night the house glows like a lantern.
Levine hung a small show of Havel and Ruck’s lesser-known, individual works in Cherryhurst’s main house, so visitors might gain a sense of how their aesthetics combine in their collaborations.
Havel’s complex drawings throb with chaotic energy while his more raw-looking assemblages reveal his deft hand with smaller-scale sculpture. Ruck shows himself as more of a carver: His sculptural pieces, built with layers of plywood that have been burnished and pocked, look organically decayed – like rubble from a fire.
Some preservationists are not happy about “Ripple.” The quiet enclave of Cherryhurst, built around a small park in the first half of the 20th century, is succumbing to redevelopment pressure; two new, contemporary homes are under construction within a block of the art space.
Havel understands, to a point.
“When we first saw it, we thought, ‘This is too nice of a house. I could live here,’ ” he said. But he also saw the maze of old wiring in the home’s attic, which had multiple owners over many years. He could see it had other problems as well.
Levine notes that McNamara lives next door in the main house, a restored, circa 1922 brick bungalow that she saved from demolition. She won a Good Brick Award from the group Preservation Houston for that effort in 2016.
“From our point of view, this is improving the cultural life of the neighborhood,” said Levine, who lived in the frame house as a resident for two years.
“I think the house looks a lot better now,” she said. “It was an unremarkable house that they have now turned into something remarkable and inspiring. … It’s challenging; it’s confrontational. … You ask all of these questions that alter your view about what can be done, what can be recycled, what happens when you give an artist a challenge? It challenges everything we think about home and houses. That’s what art is for.”
McNamara has not decided what she will do next with the sliced-up structure. Conceivably, it could be rebuilt, although that doesn’t look practical at this point, with holes through the exterior walls.
“Our intention is to leave it up for a year, to see how nature interacts with it, how people interact with it,” Levine said. “Whatever Dean and Dan want to do with it, if they want to bring other artists in, sound or dance, it’s a springboard for inspiration, for conversation about the relationship between domesticity and nature; how vulnerable we are to the elements.”
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