#cyrus loguard
atxin1 · 2 years
Hewwo! Thanks for being a great friend to me, sticking with me and my ups and downs. Even now you are still there for me, looking and caring for me. Please always stay that loveable person, thanks for helping me out!
Thanks. There's isn't a lot I can do for you, but the best I can be for you is someone to talk to and be there for you. Your a great friend and I will always hope for the best for you.
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Hewwo! This goes to the lovely person behind the awesome drawings and story so far! You are my bbff! (Best blog friend forever!) I just want to tell you, because you are a awesome and lovable person. And I want everyone to know And not just me, also others would say the same! And please gib Klaus an apple for now or later or something ;3
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This was such a sweet message to wake up to, thank you!
All of you for liking and interacting with my stuff! And thank you to @cyrus-loguard who sent this, they always listen to and help flesh out my silly ideas for this blog💖
I appreciate all of you, I can't express that enough it means so much to me! I do apologize for not interacting mod-wise, I'm a bit nervous about talking to people normally and I don't really understand stuff like 'Munday' but you are always welcome to ask me questions or other dumb things!
As for Klaus here ya go, a little drawing for ya:
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he doesn't get it, shhhhhh... It's a suprise tool for later Klaus c; You'll need a little snack.
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magmalaz · 1 year
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A gift for my friends birthday :3
Firealpaca has issues making gifs hng
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cyrus-loguard · 3 years
* While chilling outside, Nick makes note of a leafeon struggling a bit. "Uh, be right back" Nick said to Aura as he got up and walked over to the Leafeon. Seeing the familiar purple scarf as he got closer, he recognized it to be Cyrus.
(Nick) Cyrus! Didn't know you were here! Nice to see you again! Uh, *looking at Cyrus' legs* did you uh, have one of those evolution moments again?
Cyrus He was struggling a bit, so he didn't noticed Nick right away. "H-Huh?!" He then looked at Nick. "Oh, it's you Nick! And yes!!! so please help me out >w,<"
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After a little help, he calms a bit down. "Thank you. Soo... you are also here, huh? Well, that nice." He smiled a bit and explained. "I am here with Atzin to have fun at the Ball. I was playing with the other kids and after some time, I needed a break... well then you saw what happend. I evoled and got rooted. I was stuck here a while now and started panicking a bit because of that..."
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thelotuslava · 3 years
Cyrus@Chrysaor: He was running around, being exited and all, that he didn't was very careful and so it happens, that he bumped into Chrysaor. Even Cyrus mask and flower fell to the ground.
"not again, I'm so sorry!!! I hope you are alright." >w<
He then looks if Chrysaor is alright, before he puts on his mask again and is looking for the flower.
"uh... Where did the flower fell... If I only had brought my glasses..." ^^"
Cyrus gently smiles at Chrysaor.
"I'm Cyrus by the way, nice to meet you."
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"It's...uh, nice to meet you too, I'm Chrysaor." The Quilava says after a moment. For some reason, their eyes remain rather glassy and it seems like they aren't all there anymore. Best not to touch them again for a bit...
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askingstickypaws · 2 years
Soo... Gaige, was it...?
*he looks at him with an slight smile*
How known is your team here...? Doesn't sound good, If everyone knows one name or face..., right?
But then...
We have to stick together, right? So if you need a partner in crime, or want to cover something up, just ask me.
*he then couths*
But don't think I'll do everything for free all the time... I'm normally not that nice, ya know..?
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"And I might just take you up on that offer, next time I'm in trouble. Maybe with your help I can even hide it from Cain haha."
[Previous / Beginning / Next]
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asktrainerzoroark · 3 years
Cyrus@Fukushu: He was still on paining the mask. "were nearly done, we just need some strings or something so the mask stays on your face." :3 After they found a string somewhere and finished the mask, he smiles at Fuku. "There, we are... done! Oh, put it on, put it on!" :3 He happily jumps around. "you look so cute with the mask! Hope you like it." :0
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eevee-and-co · 2 years
Hewwo Solv! Hows it going? I got a question for you. When someone is in a good or bad mood, does it affect the rest of the family as well? If yes, do you something together then, like enjoy the good mood, or help each other to get over the bad mood?
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[ @cyrus-loguard ]
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greedentstripes · 3 years
Curry Time
* N appears from a portal, sporting a mask that looks like a blue blazing eye aura. Yeah, yeah get your sans jokes out of the way. Five pots with stirring/serving spoons and a steel hand fan are dropped down from portals just outside the building near where Nick and Cyrus were.
(Nick) Thanks for showing up. I need a lot of fruit bunches, because the floral look will match the ball's flower theme. And as far as the berries we need for the curry, for the spice lovers, aka anyone but me, we'll need 5 petaya and 5 kee per batch. I can't guarantee the quality of it since I won't be able to taste test it myself.
(Nick) I was thinking of using some friends of mine for that, but i'll fall back on that as a plan B. For dry lovers, 10 Micle berries should do. Using the same amount for the other batches, we can use Custap for sweet tooths like myself, Jaboca for the bitter lovers, and Rowap for the sour lovers. We'll need to label every pot with a graphic that even the illiterate would be able to understand.
(Nick) Yeah! And that way if a pot runs out we know what to refill it with. And we'd better get some braille labels for Aura too.
* After filling pots with their respective berries via portals, N disappears into a portal to seek out a Brailler and some heatproof stickers.
@cyrus-loguard @ask-blind-eevee
(Nick) Cyrus, I'm gonna need you to handle heating. Do you think you can handle turning into a Flareon and gently starting the fires under the pots? One at a time though, please, if I'm forced to multitask it will make the curry less tasty. If you glitch up, try your hardest to calm the flames down before continuing. Aura, since you insisted on helping me ((on discord)) can you fan the flames to keep them at a decent flame size? I'll tell you "slow down" or "speed up" if your speed needs adjusting. I'll handle stirring, that's the part I'm best at.
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atxin1 · 3 years
After a couple of day's on traveling, Atzin and Cyrus made it to Dolce Island. At some point along the way, Atzin began to carry the eevee in his arms. Something the two did back when they were together.
Walking up to the building where the ball will take place. Atzin puts Cyrus back down on the ground. Opening the door, Atzin does a little flourish with hand. As if presenting something to Cyrus. "We're here Cyrus. Looks like other mon's arrived before we did. Look, they even have a food table. Let's get in there and have some fun!" Atzin walks in and enters the ball, with Cyrus following close behind.
(Atzin and Cyrus have arrived at the Flora Ball)
(Cyrus is from @cyrus-loguard)
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cyrus-loguard · 2 years
Hewwo! Today is my day, and it's my birthday! Luckily that also counts for Cyrus birthday.
Sadly I had some depressing days, and because of that I'm actually not really in the mood. That's why I didn't post much for a while and I am sorry.
But I'll try to enjoy my birthday, I promise!
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cyrus-loguard · 3 years
(@askingstickypaws) Hideaki@Cyrus: "Hi hello, fellow kid!" The little Purrloin grinned excitedly, "Do you have any plans already? Or would you wanna play tag with me? It'll be fun dodging around all these people!"
Cyrus He turned around and sees Hideaki and greats him with a warm smile. "Oh hewwo there!" ^^ He wags his tail in exitment. "Yeah, I am also a kid, thats true. Aaaaand... I was running around to look for Kids to play with, so now that I found someone, we can do something fun!" uwu He then nods, but before he starts, he introduced himself. "Oh, I'm Cyrus by the way, nice to meet you. Playing tag, while dodging around people and obstacles? That shure sounds like fun, of course I'll play with you!" :3 He then booped Hideakis nose. "So you start. Tag, you're it!" ^w^ With that he starts running., but not too fast, so Hideaki don't loose Cyrus with all these people around. He swiftly dodges the others and is heading for the second floor.
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(*drawing them was quite fun and easy. Your artstyle somehow fits my artstyle really well. And just like that, Cyrus made a new friend to play with. At least for the Flora Ball*) @emotionalsupportpuma
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cyrus-loguard · 3 years
Atzin@Cyrus: "Hey Cyrus, been a while." Behind the eevee stood a sceptile, leaning next to a tree. "Did you get bigger since the last time I saw you? I got a invitation to a floral ball in some island. Do you want to come along with me? The invitation says that your gonna need a masquerade mask, so we gotta make you one. Got any ideas?"
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Cyrus Atzin!!! OwO *he instantly jumped at him for cuddling* It felt like a eternity. Long time no see. And not really? ^^' Well I grew maybe a little... just a little >w< *he didn't thought long about it and nodded* Of course I come with you u//u *when Atzin said, that Cyrus needs a mask, he intantly started to craft one with him out of a Paperboard plate. Then a little bit of colors and voila- a simple but fitting mask for Cyrus was made :3* A Ball... Flora Ball... I don't have any other clothing, buuuut... *he takes a Flower from a nearby cherry blossom* I'll take this with me, when it's all about Flora ^w^ *he giggles a bit* I hope there are also some other kids to play with :3
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cyrus-loguard · 3 years
Atzin@Cyrus: "Hey Cyrus. Now that most of the curry is finished, do you wanna go to the dance hall? The height difference might be a bit of a problem, but I'm sure we can figure something out. Fuku can keep watch on the curry, and we can check in a while later."
After he was finished helping and eating some curry he happily nods.
"Of course Atzin!" uwu
He said exited.
"and don't worry, I can't dance anyway."
He assured him in a... Weird way.
"We can figure something out, you're right, and even if not... It's about the fun! And that we will have."
With that he jumps in Atzin arms and let him carry him to the dancefloor, where Cyrus looks at Atzin.
"maybe you can hold my two paws and dance like that. Then you swing me with it, so it feels like we're dancing together."
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cyrus-loguard · 3 years
(luckystravels) Lucky @ Cyrus: Have you considered consulting libraries to research this "Dark Matter"? Perhaps you could find some clues.
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"Hmm... That's actually a very good Idea. I already searched some libraries already and there is nothing about this Dark Matter thing." He laughes a bit. "Well exept some fantasy books and all." He then smiles.
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"But... If I don't find something about the Dark Matter, it's okay. Maybe it is better to not know anything about it, maybe the work just isn't worth it..." He thought for bit.
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cyrus-loguard · 3 years
Ask call!
Ask them anything you want!
Something about their past? Or maybe something else? Sure!
Cyrus would love to answer your questions.
Marcus probably will get nervous and react with some blushes, but also answers sincere.
Fate is a but rude though, so expect some mocking while answering. ;>
Leyla is gladly answers questions about her and her life as a medium.
The 🔒 about their past are some hints.
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