#Hideaki Himura
cyrus-loguard · 3 years
(@askingstickypaws) Hideaki@Cyrus: "Hi hello, fellow kid!" The little Purrloin grinned excitedly, "Do you have any plans already? Or would you wanna play tag with me? It'll be fun dodging around all these people!"
Cyrus He turned around and sees Hideaki and greats him with a warm smile. "Oh hewwo there!" ^^ He wags his tail in exitment. "Yeah, I am also a kid, thats true. Aaaaand... I was running around to look for Kids to play with, so now that I found someone, we can do something fun!" uwu He then nods, but before he starts, he introduced himself. "Oh, I'm Cyrus by the way, nice to meet you. Playing tag, while dodging around people and obstacles? That shure sounds like fun, of course I'll play with you!" :3 He then booped Hideakis nose. "So you start. Tag, you're it!" ^w^ With that he starts running., but not too fast, so Hideaki don't loose Cyrus with all these people around. He swiftly dodges the others and is heading for the second floor.
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(*drawing them was quite fun and easy. Your artstyle somehow fits my artstyle really well. And just like that, Cyrus made a new friend to play with. At least for the Flora Ball*) @emotionalsupportpuma
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junellamoyo · 4 years
Rorounin Kenshin or Samurai X for some.
KenshinKaoru is very similar to GinTae. Tae and Kaoru both owned a dojo. Kenshin and Gin are both rogue samurai. Their personalities are also the same. But the one that top the notch is between Be Forever Yorozuya Movie and Samurai X: Reflection OVA. If you like drama then grab your tissues and watch that OVA. Kenshin got sick and somehow Kaoru knew his condition so she begged him to let him share his burden to her so they made love that night (they're married in this part). In the end Kaoru got sick too and Kenshin died.
In BFY Gin got the plague. For some apparent reason, only Tae from within Gin's circle got the plague. For us shippers (okay we accept if you cal us delusional but here's the receipt), Otae got the plague from Gin the way Kaoru did with Kenshin. Why? Here's why...
1. There this theory that since Tae got the plague, she's not the original vessel so she might spread the virus while working that's why some ordinary citizens got it.
2. Then why her family and friends didn't get it? Here's my own theory. Gin got the plague way way before and that's from the Joui war. The virus somehow were slow to evolve inside Gin so while the process were taking place, his friends became immune to him as they spend time with him especially Otose since she's old and prone to disease. Look at those homeless people. They don't take a bath, no food but since they're exposed to dirt all the time, they became immune to germs.
3. Tae was immune too but maybe somehow before Gin left or during his 5 year absence (this is just a theory) he visited her and they recreate that Samurai X scene that night, exposing Tae to the virus closer.
4. Why we insist that something did happen? The way the dialogues were represented in the movie. Tojou teased Tae who's d*** did she got the *** virus from? And Tae said Not that kind of virus. Kyubei also said "If you ever put Tae through that again... I will never forgive you". And in Benizakura film ending credit, Sachan said it might be Tae who's heroine of the anime where Tojou protest that the hero (Gin) and Heroine (Tae) tend to have steamy *** scene.
5.Some anti shipper said that to make it more drsmatic they pucked Tae because she is Shinpachi's sister. If Sorachi wants to make it more dramatic, t's more effective if it's Otose.
6. Sepaking of Benizakura, the umbrella scene was almost the same as the ribbon lending scene in one of the episodes from Samurai X.
Food for thoughts?
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franco-ikari · 3 years
A  história e a importância dos Live Actions: mangás e animes famosos ganham versões interpretadas por atores e atrizes famosos
O Live Action é um termo usado pra classificar adaptações de mangá ou anime com atores reais.Na verdade existem obras que seguem até um estilo Tokusatsu mas classificamos geralmente como Live Action.A idéia de adaptar mangá e anime em Live Action é antiga e começou de certa forma nos anos 60 quando tivemos o mangá Giant Robo de Mitsuteru Yokoyama e Magma Taishi de Osamu Tezuka pela P. Productions em 66/67. existe uma certa controvérsia pois muitos denominam estes como sendo Tokusatsu tendo o mesmo tipo de produção de séries do estilo porém eles continuam sendo produtos derivados de uma obra impressa.Existem ainda inúmeras outras séries assim como Baron-1 e Ninja Akakage. Porém a criação do Ultraman e do Kamen Rider fez com que as produtoras quisessem menos adaptar mangás e criar suas próprias séries sem ter que gastar em royalities então ficou assim durante muito tempo.Um Livew Action que fez muito sucesso adaptando um mangá famoso foi Sukeban Deka em 1985 que trazia uma colegial delinquente que vira uma detetive lutando com um iôiô de aço.Tendo 3 temporadas cada um com uma protagonista diferente(as atrizes são idols populares na época) mas ambas carregando o Codenome Saki Asamiya está série foi produzida pela Toei num formato de novela japonesa(os dramas) com 24 min cada. Essa inclusive foi a série mas popular que ouvi falar.Mais tarde foi feita uma versão de Video Girl Ai na década de 90.Mas a explosão do Live Action surgiu a partir dos anos 2000 com Battle Royale,adaptado da novel de Koshun Takami que ficou popular mesmo no mangá pela dupla Takani e Masayuki Taguchi e aí veio o Live Action depois fazendo boa bilheteria e muito sucesso de público e critica,sendo que ali os produtores viam que era uma ótima idéia adaptar mangá e anime famosos pra filmes e séries Live Action
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Podemos então dizer que assim como o anime visa vender mais material original e popularizar a obra pra além do leitor de mangá o Live Action visa expandir ainda mais o público,afinal anime e mangá ainda é visto com certas ressalvas pelo público geral fora do nicho Otaku então trazer uma obra com atores populares bem famosos é uma forma de levar esse público ao cinema ou assistir na TV.Uma chuva de produções deste tipo começo a surgir a partir dos anos 2000 tendo como carros-chefe a versão de série de Sailor Moon feito pela Toei Company e tendo diretores e roteiristas de Tokusatsu como Yasuko Kobayashi e atrizes escolhidas pela própria autora que inclusive escreveu as letras das músicas da série.Com o desenvolvimento de personagens que o anime fazia muito bem unido ao drama do mangá,o Live Action fez muita gente se encantar.Na versão Live Action os personagens geralmente são feitos de modo a parecerem mais com pessoas reais não tendo aqueles padrões coloridos de cabelos.Em Sailor Moon as personagens só assumem aquela aparência do anime quando se transformam e foi bem legal este toque.Outra que veio em live Action foi a Cutie Honey de Go Nagai num filme dirigido pelo Hideaki Anno,o criador de Evangelion que capturou perfeitamente a essência da personagem usando bizarrices até mesmo nos efeitos especiais.Em 2007 ela ganhou uma série sem relação com a versão cinema estrelada pela atriz Miki Hara(Benikiba de Space Squad) e Ayame Misaki(Escape de Go-Busters). O pouular Death Note também ganhou um ótimo Live Action dirigido por Shunsuke Kaneko que inclusive foi importado pro ocidente pela Warner Bros devido a imensa popularidade do anime e como Death Note é muito parecido com nosso mundo a adaptação foi bem mais fácil de fazer e a fidelidade é absurda porém ele só cobre o primeiro arco do anime mas trás um final fechado similar a do mangá.Obras de romance como Kimi ni Todoke,Nana,Orange tiveram sua versão Live action e são as favoritas dos fãs enquanto outras como Mushishi e Attack on Titan deixaram a desejar.Mas sem dúvida o mais popular Live action foi o de Rurouni Kenshin em 2012.Com uma produção impecável e uma fotografia espetacular o longa enche os olhos com direito a um atuação esplêndida de Takeru Sato(o Ryoutaro/Kamen Rider Den-O) como Kenshin Himura o longa é considerado a melhor adaptação,ganhou uma sequncia em 2014 e recentemente ele ganhou mais dois filmes contando o passado e a história final de Kenshin nunca adaptada pra série em anime na TV.
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Muitas obras famosas como Bleach,Bakuman,Shigatsu Kimi no Uso,Gintama e até Ranma 1/2 ganharam versões em Live action e com um faturamento que vai na casa dos bilhões de ienes essa idéia dos Live Actions vai seguir colhendo ótimos frutos.O mesmo não pode ser dito das versões ocidentais que deixam e muito a desejar com adaptações tão ridículas que dão desgosto como o Death Note da Netflix,o Dragon Ball Evolution e outros ainda querem tentar e muito emplacar versões holywoodianas dos animes famosos,já tem um de Cowboy Bebop em produção e até Saint Seiya e One Piece entraram na brincadeira ms enquanto os engravatados americanos pensarem só no bolso e não souberem captar a essência dos originais vão continuar fracassando miseravelmente
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Eu gosto muito dos Live action japoneses.Tem quem reclame de muitos por tentar emular a atuação dos anime e tal mas não me incomoda.Os japoneses tem seu próprio jeito de atuar então a idéia é a esma que eu sempre digo:temos que nos adaptar.Uma outra coisa que ficou muito popular são as Peças de Teatro os famosos Stage Plays e os Musicais como o popular Sera Myu de Sailor Moon onde os atores são caracterizados fielmente os personagens originais até mesmo na cor dos cabelos parecendo cosplays de luxo mas tem sido bem feitos e muito populares também por ter conceitos similares ao Live Action. Kimetsu no Yaiba,Yu Yu Hakusho e tantos outros já ganharam sua própria Peça de Teatro e outros mais virão por aí como o recente Tokyo Revengers.E com isso grandes obras do anime e mangá ganham mais espaço no grande público
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arturkabuterimon · 7 years
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i made another oc too aha~
her bio is under the cut~
Name: Natsumi Ueno Gender: Female Age: 15 Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Occupation: Student Height: 5ft 6in Weight: ??? Hair Color: Navy Hair Type: Dead straight, pulled into two pigtails that reach her shoulders Eye Color: Gold Skin Color: Fair Nationality: Japanese School: U.A. Year: 1st Year, Heroics Distinguishing Features: 9 bushy tails Personality: - Sweet but rarely shows emotion. - Calm in tense situations, she’s very calculating - Selectively mute since she doesn’t like taking off her mask. She will talk to those she’s very close to though.  ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Hero/Villain Profile Hero/villain Name: Shrine Hero: Kyu Costume: A sleeveless pink dress that fades into red. The kanji for “9″ is stitched into it. She has two long sleeves with red ribbon threaded through it. She wears a pink choker with a bell attached to it. The skirt also has two bells attached to it with red ribbon. Grey tights and pink shoes with red ribbon tied to them. Quirk: Nine-Tails Weapons: Clones, hand to hand combat, tails if uncloned.  Gadgets/Tech: N/A ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Extra Likes: - The colour blue - Soft, cute things (plushies, animals etc) - Iced Tea
Dislikes: - Rain, it makes her tails heavy - Crowds - Overzealous people Habits: - Her tails will wiggle if she’s happy. They also sway on their own Fears: - Being lost, losing a tail ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Family: - Reika Ueno - (Mother, 44) A housewife, her quirk is “Duplicate” and she can duplicate any item she’s holding.  - Hideaki Ueno (Father, 44) - A banker, his quirk is “Fox” and he has the appearance of a fox
Romantic Interests: ??? Allies: U.A, Hitomi, Alice, Himura, Nejire Rivals: ??? Enemies: ??? Physical Weaknesses: - Tails can be heavy sometimes and make it difficult to move Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: - She’s very stubborn ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Quirk Name of your quirk: Nine-Tails Description: - Mutant type quirk which allows the user to duplicate themselves for every tail they have.  Strength: - Clones act on their own and can do multiple tasks at once
Weaknesses: - Can distinguish between the real person and the clones by their masks - Pain from clones is sent back to the user when they merge back What age did you obtain it: - Born with it. How did you obtain it (what was happening at the time): N/A
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FictionalxLifexReality’s Wish List for the Kagome Xover Exchange @MizukixTsukiyomi
Here’s my wish list of animes/tv shows/movies/games and characters for the Kagome Xover Exchange! I’m open to any genres out there, although, I’m not too keen on anything that’s too dark or angsty.
I don’t mind receiving NFSW material, but if you ask me to do one, I can’t really say I can do it. I’ll do my best, but I don’t really know how to write one, let alone draw one, without messing up too horribly. 
These are all the animes/mangas I’ve watched and read, movies and TV shows I’ve enjoyed watching and games my brothers and I, well mostly my brothers, have played over the years, that I think would be interesting for a xover with Kagome.
07-Ghost: Teito Klein, Frau (Zehel)
Acchi Kocchi: Otonashi Io
Akagami no Shirayukihime: Zen Wistaria, Izana Wistaria, Obi
Amatsuki: Rikugō Tokidoki, Shinonome Kon, Kuchiha
Aoharu x Kikanjuu: Yukimura Tōru, Matsuoka Masamune
Black Blood Brothers: Mochizuki Jiro
Black Cat: Train Heartnet
Blood+: Haji, Solomon Goldsmith
Barakamon: Handa Seishū, Kotoishi Naru
Brave 10: Kirigakure Saizō, Sarutobi Sasuke
Bungou Stray Dogs: Dazai Osamu, Kunikida Doppo, Nakajima Atsushi
Cardcaptor Sakura: Kinomoto Tōya, Tsukishiro Yukito (Yue)
Clamp School Detectives: Imonoyama Nokoru, Ijyuin Akira, Takamura Suoh
Code:Breaker: Ōgami Rei
Cooking Master Boy/Chuuka Ichiban!: Liu Mao Xing, Lan Fei Hong
D.N.Angel: Niwa Daisuke, Dark Mousy, Hiwatari Satoshi, Krad Hikari
D.Gray-Man: Allen Walker, Kanda Yū, Lavi, Lenalee Lee
Dantalian no Shoka: Huey Anthony Disward, Dalian
Death Note: L, Yagami Raito
Durarara!!!: Heiwajima Shizuo, Orihara Izaya
Eyeshield 21: Hiruma Yōichi, Kobayakawa Sena, Shin Seijūrō
Fairy Tail: Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster
Free!: Nanase Haruka, Tachibana Rin, Matsuoka Rin
Fruits Basket: Sohma Yuki, Sohma Hatsuharu
Fushigi Yuugi: Hotohori, Tamahome, Nuriko, Mitsukake
Gakuen Alice: Hyūga Natsume
Gakuen Heaven: Itō Keita, Endō Kazuki, Niwa Tetsuya, Nakajima Hideaki, Shinomiya Kōji
Gakuen Mokushiroku/Highschool of the Dead: Komuro Takashi
GetBackers: Mido Ban, Amano Ginij, Fuyuki Shido, Fūchōin Kazuki, Kakei Jūbei, Akabane Kuro'udō
Ghost Hunt: Shibuya Kazuya (Naru, Oliver Davis)
Gosick: Kūjo Kazuya, Victorique de Blois
Gravitation: Sakuma Ryuichi, Shindou Shuichi, Eiri Yuki
Hagane no Renkinjutsushi/Fullmetal Alchemist: Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric, Roy Mustang
Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun: Inuzuka Shino, Inukawa Sōsuke, Satomi Riō, Inukai Genpachi, Inusaka Keno, Inumura Daikaku
Hakuouki: Hijikata Toshizō, Okita Souji, Hajime Saitou
Hamatora: Nice, Murasaki, Hajime, Art
Hatenkō Yugi: Alzeid, Rahzel Anadis (Rahzenshia Rose), Baroqueheat Anadis
Hayate no Gotoku: Ayasaki Hayate
Hetalia: North Italy (Italia Veneziano, Feliciano Vargas), Germany (Ludwig), Japan (Honda Kiku), China (Wáng Yào), America (Alfred F. Jones), England (Arthur Kirkland), France (Francis Bonnefoy), Russia (Ivan Braginsky), South Italy (Romano, Lovino Vargas), Spain (Antonio Fernández Carriedo)
Hikaru no Go: Shindō Hikaru, Fujiwarano Sai, Tōya Akira
Hyouka: Oreki Hōutarō
Junjō Romantica: Takahashi Misaki, Akihiko Usami
Kamisama Hajimemashita: Tomoe, Mizuki
Karneval: Gareki, Nai Muhinyi, Yogi, Tsukumo, Hirato, Akari, Karoku Arumerita
Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn!: Sawada Tsunayoshi, Reborn, Hibari Kyoya, Rokudō Mukuro
Kini’iro no Corda/La Corda D’Oro: 
Primo Passo: Lili, Tsukimori Len, Yunoki Azuma, Hihara Kazuki, Shimizu Keiichi, Ousaki Shinobu, Kanazawa Hiroto
Secondo Passo: Kaji Aoi, Etō Kiriya, Kira Akihiko
Blue♪Sky: Kisaragi Ritsu, Kisaragi Kyoya
Kyoukai no Kanata: Kanbara Akihito, Nase Hiroomi
Kyou Kara Maoh!: Shibuya Yuuri, Wolfram von Bielefelt, Gwendal von Voltaire, Conrart Weller
La storia della Arcana Famiglia/Arcana Famiglia: Libertà, Nova, Luca, Jolly, Pace, Ash
Love Stage!!: Sena Izumi, Ichijou Ryōma, Sena Shougo, Sagara Rei
Loveless: Agatsuma Soubi, Aoyagi Ritsuka, Aoyagi Seimei
Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist: William Twining, Dantalion, Sytry, Camio
Mamotte! Lollipop: Zero, Ichî
Matantei Loki Ragnarok: Loki, Heimdall (Higashiyama Kazumi)
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell
Mushishi: Ginko
Nabari no Ou: Rokujō Miharu, Yoite
Natsume Yuujinchou: Natsume Takashi, Nyanko-sensei (Madara), Tanuma Kaname, Natori Shuuichi, Matoba Seiji
Nightwalker: The Midnight Detective: Tatsuhiko Shido
No. 6: Shion, Nezumi
Noblesse: The Awakaning: Rai (Cadis Etrama Di Raizel), Frankenstein
Noragami: Yato, Yukine
Nurarihyon no Mago: Nura Rikuo
Ōkiku Furikabutte/Big Windup!: Mihashi Ren, Abe Takaya
Pandora Hearts: Oz Vessalius, Gilbert Nightray, Xerxes Break
Pet Shop of Horrors: Count D, Leon Orcot
Prince of Stride: Alternative: Yagami Riku, Fujiwara Takeru, Kuga Kyōsuke, Hasekura Heath
Ranma 1/2: Saotome Ranma
Rave Master: Haru Glory, Hamrio Musica
Recca no Honoo: Hanabishi Recca, Mikagami Tokiya
Rokka no Yuusha: Adlet Maia, Goldof Auora
Rurouni Kenshin: Himura Kenshin, Shinomori Aoshi
Saiunkoku Monogatari: Shi Seiran, Shi Ryuuki
Saiyuki:  Genjō Sanzō, Son Gokū, Cho Hakkai, Sha Gojō
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso: Arima Kousei, Miyazono Kaori
Shinrei Tantei Yakumo: Saitou Yakumo
Shokugeki no Soma: Yukihira Soma, Hayama Akira, Takumi Aldini, Kurokiba Ryō
Shounen Onmyouji: Abe no Masahiro, Guren/Touda
Shugo Chara!: Tsukiyomi Ikuto, Fujisaki Nagihiko
Skip Beat!: Tsuruga Ren
Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii: Livius Orvinus Ifrikia
S · A: Special A: Takishima Kei
Sakamoto desu ga?/Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto: Sakamoto, Hayabusa Shou
Sword Art Online: Kirito (Kirigaya Kazuto)
Tactics: Kantarō, Haruka
Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge: Tanaka, Oota
Tegami Bachi/Letter Bee: Lag Seeing, Gauche Suede, Sylvette Suede
Tennis no Ouji-sama/Prince of Tennis: Echizen Ryōma, Tezuka Kunimitsu, Fuji Shūsuke, Yukimura Seiichi, Sanada Genichirō, Shiraishi Kuranosuke, Echizen Ryoga
Touken Ranbu: Izuminokami Kanesada, Kogitsunemaru, Nakigitsune, Munechika Mikazuki
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle: Fai D. Flowright, Kurogane
Tsuritama: Sanada Yuki, Usami Natsuki, Haru, Akira Agarkar Yamada
Uta no☆Prince-sama♪:
Maji Love 1000%: Ittoki Otoya, Ichinose Tokiya, Jingujin Ren, Hijirikawa Masato
Maji Love 2000%: Kurosaki Ranmaru, Camus
Vampire Knight: Kiryū Zero, Kuran Kaname
Wolf's Rain: Kiba
X/1999: Shirō Kamui
xxxHolic: Watanuki Kimihiro, Dōmeki Shizuka, Ichihara Yuuko
Yami no Matsuei: Tsuzuki Asato, Kurosaki Hisoka, Muraki Kazutaka
Yu Yu Hakusho: Minamino Shūichi (Yōko Kurama), Hiei
Yu-Gi-Oh: Mutou Yugi, Yami Yugi (Atem), Kaiba Seto
Yumeiro Patissiere: Kashino Makoto, Andou Sennousuke, Hanabusa Satsuki
Yuri!!! On Ice: Katsuki Yuri, Viktor Nikiforov, Yuri Plisetsky
Zombie-Loan: Akatsuki Chika, Tachibana Shito, Kita Michiru
TV Shows:
Pokémon series (pick your favorite series!)
Avatar: Last Airbender 
BBC Sherlock: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson
BBC Merlin: Merlin, Arthur Pendragon, Guinevere
Supernatural: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
The Walking Dead
Hayao Miyazaki’s Films
Laputa: Castle in the Sky: Pazu, Sheeta (Princess Lusheeta Toel Ur Laputa)
Princess Mononoke: Ashitaka
Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi/Spirited Away: Haku (Nigihayami Kohaku Nushi)
Howl’s Moving Castle: Howl Jenkins Pendragon
Tales of Earthsea: Arren, Teru
Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea: Sōsuke, Ponyo, Lisa
The Secret World of Arrietty: Arrietty Clock, Shō
Battle Royale: Nanahara Shuya, Kiriyama Kazuo
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Percy Jackson
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
The Chronicles of Narnia: Peter Pevensie
Harry Potter
The Lord of the Rings: Legolas, Aragorn
The Hobbit: Bilbo Baggins
The Legend of Tarzan (2016)
The Jungle Book (2016): Mowgli, Baloo, Bagheera
Cinderella (2015)
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Rise of the Guardians: Jack Frost
Frozen: Elsa
The Little Mermaid: Ariel
How to Train Your Dragon: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Toothless
Tales of the Abyss: Jade Curtiss
Joker/Clover/Heart no Kuni no Alice: Peter White, Ace, Blood Dupre, Tweedle Dee and Dum, Julius Monrey, Boris, Airay, Joker, Gray Ringmarc, Nightmare Gottschalk
Devil May Cry: Dante, Vergil
Persona series
The Last Story: Zael (Elza), Yurick (Yuris), Therius (Tasha)
Kingdom Hearts: Sora, Riku, Roxas
Legend of Zelda: Link
Final Fantasy: Chocobos! Moogles!
VII: Zack Fair, Sepiroth, Aerith Gainsborough, Cloud Strife, Vincent Valentine
VIII: Squall Leonheart
X: Tidus, Yuna
XIII: Lightning, Noel, Caius, Yeul
XV: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto, Ignis, Gladiolus
Folklore: Ellen, Keats
Assassin’s Creed
Resident Evil (the movie franchise or the animated films or the game, your pick!): Alice (movie exclusive character), Leon S. Kennedy, Claire Redfield, Chris Redfield 
Silent Hill (the movies or the games, your pick!): 
1: Alessa Gillespie (also in the Silent Hill films)
2: James Sunderland
3: Heather Mason (aka Sharon Da Silva in the Silent Hill films)
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