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romi--weiss · 6 months ago
location: buttermilk sky pie diner
date: september 7
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Looking back at the past year-and-a-half, it was hard to believe that Romi, who had once gone on a three-day bender and slept for almost a whole week afterwards was now getting up at the asscrack of dawn on a Saturday morning to go to a fucking NA meeting. How boring her life had become--then again, it was still probably better than being fucking dead. In retrospect, one might think that the blonde should know better. After all, how could she so easily squander her very own second chance? She'd spent plenty a night in her past eagerly doing line after line, feeling her heart throw itself against her ribcage, silently fearing that she may have a heart attack at any moment. Honestly, she'd been lucky considering the circumstances.
She was currently sitting at a table at the diner, waiting for Cyrek to come meet her. Part of her wished that he'd come to the meetings with her but he'd said no and it seemed rather final. She couldn't really blame him--why go if you don't have to? Those meetings were depressing as fuck (she did know that no one was forcing her to go, either, that she could also refuse to attend. But what would that help to achieve?). Besides, she was grateful for Cy--he seemed to be the only sponsor that she hadn't run off. She'd had two others before Cyrek had offered. Her first one quit on her and basically inferred that she was hopeless and if she were being honest, which she wasn't, she might admit that that had really hurt her fucking feelings. She wasn't actually hopeless--right? Her second sponsor had taken everything so fucking seriously and when she'd casually mentioned to them that Cy had offered to be her sponsor instead, they couldn't have ran for the hills any quicker.
Romi was convinced that people just didn't understand her sense of humor, which was quite a shame because she thought she was pretty fucking funny. When she saw her sponsor walk into the diner, she waved him over. "Good morning, sunshine," she smiled, taking a sip of her coffee. "You know, clean livin' seems to be doing wonders for my skin. If only someone had told me that before--I would've quit riding the snowbanks a lot sooner." The mafioso's daughter seemed to have quite a difficult time taking anything seriously but what was the point of experiencing all this fucked up shit if you couldn't even make light of it? Romi was not one to stew in her misery, that was for sure.
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annisa--adler · 8 months ago
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@nxnbinarydracvla @othcrside @sugcrxspice @blessedcvrsed
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alice--pallas · 1 year ago
@nxnbinarydracvla ; kingpin trailer park, cy's home
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It'd been a while since Alice had seen her older brother and she figured now was as good a time as ever to drop in. Though she usually would have texted him beforehand, it was a bit of a last minute decision--okay, it was a last minute decision when she decided to order a second coffee at the Creamery. But he was so busy these days, she figured it was easier to try to catch him on the off-chance that he was free instead of trying to plan something. Besides, who could blame him for being so busy? He and Evren had a lot of mouths to feed and it was understandable that he was so hard to get a hold of. Alice had also brought along her daughter, Rhea, in hopes that AJ was there and the two girls could entertain one another and give the siblings a moment to catch up.
With Rhea by her side wrapped in her light blue puffy snow jacket and trying to balance two coffees in her right hand, she used her left hand to knock on the door. When her brother opened the door, she smiled and said "Coffee delivery! I know I should've texted you before but I figured I'd be a little spontaneous." Letting out a chuckle, she said "Besides, Rhea wants to know if AJ will play Barbies with her. Apparently, they started a storyline last time that they desperately need to finish." Rhea nodded her head, as if to say that yes, a Barbie playdate was absolutely crucial. "So what do ya' say?"
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aurelia--johnson · 7 months ago
date: july 30
location: the milk bar
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Now that everything with the verdict and the arson and all that other shit had calmed down, Relia felt like they could finally breathe again. Sure, there were still a few loose ends they needed to tie up in their personal life but overall, they were feeling a lot more relaxed these days. So relaxed, in fact, that they'd managed to convince Cy to come out and share a celebratory drink with them (or maybe a few). They figured their pseudo-brother could use an evening to kick back and not always be so worried about fixing everyone's shit all the time.
They got to the bar first and while they thought about waiting to order for a moment, they figured it'd be so much more fun to give Cy a hard time when he got there. Flagging down the bar tender, they ordered their usual--Sheep Dog whiskey on the rocks--and waited. Truthfully, they weren't waiting too long at all but they still wanted to pull Cy's leg. Smirking at him, they said "Well, well, well, look who finally decided to show up." Patting the seat next to them, they said "Alright, what do ya' want? I've got the first round."
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forbiddcnsirvn · 2 years ago
what: cyren’s anniversary celebration where: their trailer @nxnbinarydracvla
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The tension in the town was a tangible specter, whispers of a missing soul weaving their phantom patterns like an eerie nocturne on the wind. Yet within the timeworn ramparts of the Fawns’ bruised trailer, Evren, an undaunted ship amid a storm, found her compass unerringly pointed towards Cyrek, captivatingly vexing, yet irresistibly compelling anchorage. The progeny of their wild union were under the vigilant eyes of another and their absence resounding in a silence rich with fervid expectation. Olfactory serenade of coconut cake, still effusing an exotic comfort, meandered through their kitchen like an aromatic balm beyond the turmoil. Evren had adorned herself in her most enchanting garment, a sheath of deep, bold crimson that echoed the passion and intensity of their entwined existences — and yes, her bunny uniform, embraced close. On the turning of their fifth calendar of love, a tribute like no other was called for - a proclamation of their undying affection amongst the clambering shadow of anxiety.
A sly smile, the intimate secret between her lips and her heart, danced at the corners of her mouth as she enwrapped herself around him from behind. Balancing the cake as if it were a sacred offering, she held it the best she could with two palms, dark eyes drawn irresistibly to him. “Look at what fate has conspired,” she purred, her voice the provocative melody to their shared dance. “Five tumultuous, exhilarating orbits around the sun, and you find yourself still ensnared in my tempest. Which of us is the fortunate captive, I wonder?”
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glaciiermonarch · 3 months ago
when: 16 november, evening with: @nxnbinarydracvla where: a specially chosen secluded corner of the ivy
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"The green one is matcha, obvs, and there's some dark chocolate icing on there for structural integrity." Taka gestured with their free hand at the petite cake decorated prettily with strawberry slices, their other hand occupied with a glass of cognac and a cigarette perched between two fingers. "Other one's ube, it's got some coconut frosting on it." Sitting back in their chair, they took a sip and set the short-stemmed glass back on the table. The locale didn't quite match Cyrek's persona nor aesthetic; but it was chosen to give the vocalist a change of pace—and a little treat (not to mention the quieter atmosphere was better for chatting with a deep baritone voice that didn't carry well—Takaharu grew tired of trying to shout over music and crowds). "I gave the input on the flavors, but they were actually Aang's idea to make. He was just happy to be back in our own kitchen, I think."
Taped to the underside of the pretty cardboard container housing the cakes, Cyrek would later find an even prettier check, penned in Taka's small handwriting. It was routine at this point, one she didn't ever bring much attention to, nor demand any thanks. "Lemme know if you want me to order for you again, nn?" He tapped the ashes on the end of his cigarette into the ashtray in the center of the table, then took another long drag. "So you been scarce these last couple days." It was an invitation, so clear as dark eyes darted all over the other's face and form, looking for something out of place. Taka usually minded their own business, allowing people to live their lives as they chose; but a bond like theirs led to uncommon prodding, so interwoven into one another's lives and well-being.
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alice--pallas · 6 months ago
@nxnbinarydracvla @pcisxnivys
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Do you know who that is, Freddy? That's my brother. And I'll do anything for him. You might wanna think about that.
HARRY GOODWINS and KAYA SCODELARIO as Jack and Susie Glass in THE GENTLEMEN (2024- ), created by Guy Richie
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nightwvlker · 20 days ago
@nxnbinarydracvla with CYREK FAWN !
DATE     ›     3-4 months after their encounter at the winery(?)
LOCATION     ›     the scaredy cat club ft. siren’s call bar.
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unannounced and quiet as a leopard on a hunt, heejin made an appearance at the club to speak to her nephew. no, she wasn’t wearing heels but combat boots, and she knew he would be side-eyeing her as if it was going to be the end of the world ... or something urgent. it probably was, but with her handler duties, she could not promise anything—communication would have sufficed, to say the least. an earful was about to come her way, and honestly, heejin couldn’t care less unless the offer was still open. knocking at cyrek’s office door, and without speaking a word, the pink-haired woman opened it and welcomed herself inside, took a seat in front of his desk, and sighed.
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romi--weiss · 6 days ago
date: december 30, 2024
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The end of the year had come with quite a few surprises--the biggest one being the heart-to-heart she was able to have with her dear sister after randomly running into her at a party. It was simply the right time and the right place--or perhaps it was more like a perfect storm. Either way, she'd had an opportunity to be honest after putting on a fucking act for who knows how long. While she hadn't been able to get into specifics about who exactly she was working for, she'd been able to tell her about what their father had done to her and how she'd ended up in Anchorage in the first place. She'd even been able to tell Lili about the Bastards gang and how she'd been recruited to spy on them--but like most things, it was more complicated than that. Later, when they were hopefully able to continue their conversation, she'd go on and talk about how she only did what the Cardinal Serpent said because she had no other choice. She'd go on to say that she hadn't actually planned on telling the Cardinal Serpent shit because she trusted Cy and he'd been such an amazing sponsor for her. The tearful, brutally honest conversation was to be continued but Lili had had to step away and she'd figured it was the perfect time for a smoke.
Cigarette already in her mouth, unlit, she was digging through her bag to find her lighter when she came around the corner to see none other than Cyrek Fawn, the leader of the Bastards, himself. And from the look on his face, she didn't even have to question whether or not he'd overheard the sisters' conversation. FUCK. Taking the cigarette out of her mouth, it took everything in her power not to fall apart right then and there and go into straight panic mode--still, she felt her blood run cold. "Shit. Cy, whatever you heard, you don't know the whole story--"
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tenderloviingcare · 11 months ago
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Upon realizing he'd caused a bit of a commotion, Leo suppressed a self-aggrandizing sigh; he'd been hoping to clear the situation without being noticed, but alas, there were now several pairs of eyes observing him. Several children, too. At least he'd defaulted to swearing in a language that they probably didn't know—profanity rarely fell from between Leo's often-pursed lips, especially in the company of other human beings, so hopefully he would escape this interaction without having been a poor influence in that regard.
Carefully sliding out of his seat with a wince, Leo carefully approached Joelle the same way he always did with his patients, and bent at the knees slightly to take the spoon from her gingerly. "Thank you for picking this up, Miss Joelle," he told her with the best small smile he could manage. Had this been in his home, the physician would have felt comfortable simply continuing to use the spoon; however, the floor of a restaurant was home to god only knew how many contaminants, even if the floor was regularly cleaned. He couldn't also deal with something like salmonella poisoning; so, for safety's sake, he exchanged the spoon with a freshly washed one and returned to his seat.
"Thank you for asking," he replied softly to Cyrek, not chopping his words as much thanks to a layer of familiarity as liaised by opportunities to care for the Fawn children—Fawn fawns, a little voice in the back of Leonardo's head mused. "There were some moose on the road, and I was in the middle of a c-car pileup. My—my airbag went off, which can cause burns; and I g-got some whiplash, so I can't really m-move my neck much." He scraped the edge of his spoon over the top of his ice cream. "My boss made me t-take some time off, because I don't have f-full range of motion." Were he feeling a little better, he would have turned it into an educational moment for the kids about how you should always wear your seat belt; but he just didn't have it in him.
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Most wouldn't look at a sullen punk and see voluntary acts of kindness, but many would be surprised to learn it was actually in some unwritten handbook of the whole socially progressive movement, or whatever. Cyrek wouldn't call himself much, would sooner trample over himself with derogatory insults as half-baked punchlines and go on miniature rants about the capitalist cog. Nonetheless, it was a nearly subconscious endeavor to instill the selflessness of doing something without expectation in return unto his own children — at the penance that it was an ideology yet embraced by his own partner.
He didn't think anything of it when Joelle picked up the spoon and announced with her whole chest to a waitress across the room that 'the spoon was too dirty to be recycled!!' ( For once, he was confident in his grasp on English to hedge bets it wasn't the word she originally intended. Her brain moved about a mile-a-minute with intelligence to match, and Adonai knew he wasn't the sharpest tool to ever come out of the shed in brains as opposed to brawn. If that was Evren's doing by way of surrogacy, props to her. )
Preoccupied with settling a fussy toddler with a freshly changed diaper in the cocoon of the stroller, the incomprehensible gibberish ( he was no linguist ) meeting his good ear warranted a cock of the head. "You good, or you more fucked up now than the moose pileup?" Pausing, mismatched eyes did another once-over, decidedly adding on account of his own legion of scarring, "Bear fight. Whatever happened, mate, don't add to it." His lukewarm commentary should go unrequited, and reluctant to tear his eyes away but satisfied with the frumpy fixing of the infant triplets' blankets and rattles, he swept his tattooed arm, urging Joelle back to his side.
Cyrek promised them ice cream on shitty night bar tips, anyway. Nodding his head in Leonardo's direction, he wrinkled his nose. "Take it slower, eh?"
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aeipathys · 2 years ago
hyunwoo / kill, betray, have on their zombie apocalypse team: mireu, nikolai, cyrek
"Kill Cyrek, only because it would be a challenge. And I'd rather kill him than betray him. He swears too much to be on my zombie apocalypse team. Betray Nikolai — work buddy loyalty only extends so far. And have Mireu on my team, except I don't know him and would probably end up killing him, too. Survival of the fittest." ( ft. @nxnbinarydracvla, @smckesprite, @smileflowcrs )
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alice--pallas · 8 months ago
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viclinstrings · 1 year ago
where : each at home when : january 13th @nxnbinarydracvla
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SAMANTHA'S MANICURED FINGERS TWIRLED around the curls of the telephone's cord as the rings of her calls played out through the speaker, not nervous about the reasoning behind it, but rather questioning if she was even close enough with Cyrek to ask for such favors. She had kept a distance from majority of everyone who had some sort of relation to the family her father had built, save maybe for Haerin and Anka. Even with them, she had always tried to keep them an arm's distance away, considering that safer from the destruction that she was sure she had inherited from her father. The blonde could already recognize too many aspects of herself that were mirrored within him; it wouldn't be surprising to learn that the inevitable ability to cause pain would be added to that list. When the click of her call being answered could be heard, she cleared her throat, professional voice that came too naturally lacing her words. "Hey, Cyrek? It's Sam." An awkward pause came next. "Alcott." She wasn't sure if that clarification needed to be made, considering she hadn't been the most amiable to him during past run-ins. "I was wondering if we could get together, as I just have a few questions...that I would rather not get into over the phone."
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forbiddcnsirvn · 1 year ago
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Once, the squalor and disorder of the junkyard would have provoked disgust. Back then contamination stood as an affront for the former Mirroir, tantamount to negligence or indifference. Yet the relentless tide of time had wrought transformation — in seasons and in her persona. Now she found herself plunging precipitously into these cadavers with her beloved at her flank. It was an escapade precariously perched on extracting allure from the jaws of decay; rekindling a flame she often fanned when hidden from watchful eyes. An eternity seemed to have eclipsed since last her digits waltzed over anything outside their horde’s motorcycles— a confession hung in quiet admission: she sorely yearned for it. An oppressive pall loomed increasingly portentous these days — melancholy striving its utmost to seep into their marrow and gnaw at their vitality. Nonetheless Cyrek —fucking bless his heart — remained steadfast by her side, seeking to stave off the impending maelstrom. His gestures might be graceless at times, endeavors haphazard yet sincerity was an immutable constant within him — against such unremitting earnestness even the raven-tressed stoic could muster scant resistance.
Slender fingers traced over remnants strewn about—the forgotten detritus jarring against her delicate touch—a smirk playing at the corners of her lips like a secret. “You know,” She started casually—as though discussing weather instead of salvageable vehicles—“There are quite a few old bangers here that could afford us—a breather if we ever tire ourselves out.” Her laughter echoed around them. She glided over to him, stretched her toes and gently brushed their lips together. “Your call, baby. Where do we begin?”
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wiithstars · 1 year ago
where : bathroom next to a guest room when : shortly after 11:30 pm who : cyrek fawn & freya chen
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IT WAS VERY CONVENIENT TO FIND OUT that someone you already knew by employing as a handyman also had exactly what you were looking for in that moment. Annaki believed actually getting the drugs would be the hardest part of their plan to broaden their horizons and possibly show they were more than just a happy-go-lucky receptionist. They were entirely capable of being cool, of hanging with those who were seen as being from a rougher crowd. There was absolutely no one asking them to prove such a fact, but they still felt it was necessary to show. Besides, wasn't it time she did something on the riskier side? Of all the things she could think of, the rowdiest thing she did was have a couple too many glasses of red wine or get in trouble for bringing a mini pig to a prison--and that wasn't even intentionally causing trouble! The small dime bag was held up in front of her grey eyes for a moment, as if Annaki had any way of telling exactly what she was inspecting the substance for. It looked right from her minimal knowledge, not that that said much. For once, she didn't annoy Benny with too many of her incessant questions, even if that had now left her a little bit in the dark on how to proceed. Pour the contents out on the counter of the fancy bathroom, they weren't entirely sure what exactly could be considered the correct serving size, taking a guess as she formed a line with the white powder. Pinching one side of her nose closed, they deeply inhaled, coughing instinctively from the strange feeling of breathing in the drugs. How long it would take or exactly what they were expecting next wasn't completely known, but they didn't anticipate the sudden dizziness they felt, woozy and their back falling against the wall in an attempt at steadiness. Her skin felt cold and yet she was sweating, suddenly beginning to second guess that she was entirely in control of what she decided to do. The concern didn't last long, though, as she collapsed to the cold, tiled floor, vision going out only moments before her consciousness did as well. // @nxnbinarydracvla
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sickbxysoldier · 1 year ago
@nxnbinarydracvla; halloween party, before 11:30 pm
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rather than walking a few more feet to find an actual place to rest, damiar opted for a spot near the top of the great staircase, sitting comfortably against the wall, unaccommodating when people, in understandable annoyance, told him to get out of the way. stubborn as a mule, they rather liked this chosen spot – it provided a good view of the parlour; the heart of the party. if anyone was to be on the lookout for the masked killer in disguise, it would be the middle adler child. overhearing uncivil words from an approaching drunk man, they fake yawned, stretching out their limbs, subsequentially, extending their cane forward, conveniently placed right below the guy's feet. the stranger tripped, landing hard on his ass, the marble flooring sure to leave a bruise as a gift for the next morning. “ you don't have killer instincts. bad news for when the killer comes, ” with squinted eyes, he pointed a finger and drew his cane back in towards him, head craning upwards at the emergence of a shadow. met with none other than his older brother, he smiled, ignoring the curses spewing from the lips of the other man who was holding his throbbing backside. “ fancy seeing you here, bunnicula. i found the perfect spot to watch for the killer. ”
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