#cyclone amphan live tracking
few-favorite-things · 4 years
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Live Updates Cyclone Amphan: Cyclone Amphan in West Bengal: তাণ্ডবের বলি ৮০, দুর্যোগের দুর্ভোগ কাটিয়ে ছন্দে ফেরার চেষ্টায় রাজ্য – Cyclone Amphan In Kolkata Howrah Hooghly West Bengal Latest News Live Updates এই সময় ডিজিটাল ডেস্ক: ঘূর্ণিঝড় উম্পুনের তাণ্ডবে রাজ্যে ৮০ জনের মৃত্যু হয়েছে। এদের মধ্যে ১৯ জন কলকাতা এবং ৬১ জন অন্য জেলার। তাণ্ডবে ক্ষয়ক্ষতি মেরামতিতে প্রাথমিক ভাবে ১ হাজার কোটির ত্রাণ-তহবিল ঘোষণা করেছেন মুখ্যমন্ত্রী। আজ মুখ্যমন্ত্রী মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়কে নিয়ে আকাশপথে উম্পুন বিধ্বস্ত রাজ্যের পরিস্থিতি সরেজমিন খতিয়ে দেখবেন প্রধানমন্ত্রী নরেন্দ্র মোদী। পর্যবেক্ষণের পর বসিরহাটে প্রশাসনের পদস্থ আধিকারিকদের সঙ্গে ক্ষয়ক্ষতি নিয়ে মূল্যায়ন-বৈঠকও করবেন মোদী-মমতা।
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unitysamachar · 4 years
अम्फान तूफान से पश्चिम बंगाल और ओडिशा में जबरदस्त नुकसान, 12 लोगों की मौत
अम्फान तूफान से पश्चिम बंगाल और ओडिशा में जबरदस्त नुकसान, 12 लोगों की मौत
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Image Source : PTI Cyclone Amphan batters West Bengal-Odisha, claims many lives
नई दिल्ली: चक्रवाती तूफान अम्फान ने ओडिशा और पश्चिम बंगाल में जबरदस्त तबाही मचाई है। इस तूफान से पश्चिम बंगाल में कम से कम 12 लोगों की मौत हो चुकी है जबकि पांच हज़ार से ज्यादा घरों को नुकसान हुआ है। पश्चिम बंगाल की ��ुख्यमंत्री ममता बनर्जी ने बताया है कि इस तूफान से…
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astound-me · 4 years
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Track Cyclone Amphan using Ventusky.com. Live weather, radar, and forecasts around the world.
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newstfionline · 4 years
As Rich Countries Reopen, COVID-19 Strikes Poor Countries (Foreign Policy) While rich countries strategize on reopening, it’s the poorer ones that are seeing the number of new cases jump: Of the top ten countries with the highest daily jump in coronavirus cases yesterday, only one high-income country—the United States—made the list. In rich countries, the poor are dying disproportionately. But it’s not just a disparity between rich nations and poor ones. The poor within rich societies are also dying disproportionately as the pandemic exposes vast inequalities. A report released by the APM Research Lab showed that race is a determining factor in coronavirus deaths in the United States—a country where a typical white family has a net worth ten times higher than a typical black family. The APM study showed that black Americans are dying at more than twice the rate as white Americans. Some developing countries, such as Vietnam, have weathered the crisis far better than wealthier ones; others, like Liberia, have provided valuable lessons in controlling outbreaks based on their past experiences with diseases such as Ebola. Still, as the number of infections rises, poorer governments will face even more daunting challenges. For some countries, simply accessing regularly running water is a challenge, especially when regular handwashing has become so important to coronavirus prevention.
Coronavirus-triggered layoffs in US hit nearly 39 million (AP) The number of Americans thrown out of work since the coronavirus crisis struck two months ago has climbed to nearly 39 million, the government said Thursday. More than 2.4 million people applied for unemployment benefits last week in the latest wave of layoffs from the outbreak that has triggered nationwide business shutdowns and brought the economy to its knees, the Labor Department reported. That brings the running total to a staggering 38.6 million. An additional 2.2 million sought aid under a new federal program for self-employed, contractor and gig workers, who are now eligible for unemployment benefits for the first time.
Global and U.S. oil prices continue to climb (Washington Post) Global and U.S. oil prices continued to climb Thursday, indicating a potential reversal of the prolonged downturn in prices that had rattled analysts and governments. Brent crude LCOc1 for July, the international oil benchmark, stood at $36.45 a barrel as of 5:25 a.m. Eastern time on Thursday. In April, the oil benchmark had dropped to a two-decade low, falling below $16 a barrel amid a global drop in demand.
U.S. military personnel can be tracked with a beer app (Foreign Policy) The digital sleuths at Bellingcat report that the comings and goings of U.S. military personnel at bases around the world can be traced through a beer-rating mobile app, Untappd. The app logs hundreds of time-stamped data location points for its users. This allowed Bellingcat researcher to track a U.S. drone pilot, a naval officer in Guantanamo Bay, and the travel patterns of a senior U.S. intelligence officer—all gleaned from cross-referencing data in the app with other social media platforms.
Ecuador’s largest city eases quarantine as COVID-19 deaths decline (Reuters) Ecuador’s largest city allowed some businesses to reopen on Wednesday following a fall in daily deaths from the coronavirus pandemic that had for weeks required the city to remain in quarantine. Guayaquil in March and April faced a brutal outbreak of the virus that left hospitals overwhelmed and authorities struggling to collect the bodies of presumed COVID-19 victims. Guayaquil’s municipal government said in a social media video that daily death rates linked to COVID-19 in Guayaquil had dropped to around 10 per day in May from a peak of 460 in April.
Russian doctors face hostility, mistrust (AP) There are no daily public displays of gratitude for Russian doctors and nurses during the coronavirus crisis like there are in the West. Instead of applause, they face mistrust, low pay and even open hostility. Antipathy toward the medical profession is widespread in Russia, said social anthropologist Alexandra Arkhipova, who studies social media posts peddling virus conspiracy theories. More than 100 theories she studied say doctors diagnose COVID-19 cases so they can get more money; others say they help the government cover up the outbreak. “It’s a crisis of trust that the epidemic underscored,” she said. “I haven’t seen this attitude anywhere else.” Trust in government institutions has always been low in Russia, according to opinion polls, and most of its hospitals are state-run.
Sikh kitchens feed New Delhi’s masses in virus lockdown (AP) At first, the kitchen at the Bangla Sahib Gurdwara cooked 40,000 meals each day for the hungry who live on the streets of India’s capital city, or who have lost their livelihoods to the coronavirus lockdown. But the need was greater than that. So workers at the golden-domed temple in central New Delhi made 80,000 meals daily. Then 100,000. Soon, they expect to be making 300,000—all provided free to the growing ranks of the unfortunate. For centuries the faithful have flocked to the temple for its healing waters and a free meal at the community kitchen, the symbol of equality found at every Sikh temple complex and open to all visitors. Bangla Sahib has kept its kitchen open, with the help of about four dozen men who sleep at the temple’s guesthouse. To save time commuting to and from the temple and avoid the risk of infecting loved ones, they haven’t seen their families since the lockdown began March 25. In colorful turbans and cloth bandanas tied over their noses and mouths, they work in the industrial kitchen in 18-hour shifts.
Cyclone kills at least 82 in India, Bangladesh, causes widespread flooding (Reuters) The most powerful cyclone to strike eastern India and Bangladesh in over a decade killed at least 82 people, officials said, as rescue teams scoured devastated coastal villages, hampered by torn down power lines and flooding over large tracts of land. Mass evacuations organised by authorities before Cyclone Amphan made landfall undoubtedly saved countless lives, but the full extent of the casualties and damage to property would only be known once communications were restored, officials said.
The summer of discontent (NYT) Intent on preventing a reprise of anti-government protests that drew millions to the streets here last summer, Beijing is moving to block Hong Kong’s avenues for dissent—and its capacity to resist full absorption into China. With pro-democracy protests reemerging as fears of the novel coronavirus ease, the coming weeks will probably reveal whether China’s approach can work, or if shutting off peaceful means of resistance will drive more people to the streets and to more extreme tactics. Authorities in recent days have tightened their grip on Hong Kong’s legislature, curtailed the city’s constitutional right to freedom of assembly and a free media, and cracked down on high-profile activists who have campaigned for full democracy for the former British colony. In the quest to neutralize opposition, Beijing’s allies in Hong Kong’s legislature forcibly seized control Monday of a committee that determines what bills are brought before lawmakers. That move clears their path to push through laws sought by Beijing, starting with a bill that would make it a criminal offense to disrespect China’s national anthem. Western officials are growing increasingly alarmed at the rapid deterioration of the financial center’s political freedoms, which China pledged to preserve until 2047.
Quarantine and a monitoring bracelet for Hong Kong returnees (AP) It sits on your wrist, just as a wristwatch would. And in a moment when the world fears infections more than almost anything, it knows exactly where you are. Since late March, residents returning to Hong Kong have been required to undergo a two-week quarantine at home, in a hotel or at a government facility as part of stepped-up efforts to curb the spread of the coronavirus. To ensure people don’t flout quarantine, the semi-autonomous Chinese city issued mandatory wristbands to all arrivals, to be worn for the entirety of the two-week period. Those required to go through the two-week quarantine are unable to leave their homes and must rely on food or grocery delivery for meals. Government officers also conduct random checks on their homes to make sure they have not broken quarantine.
New Zealand opens bars as more curbs eased, four-day work week idea floated (Reuters) Bars and pubs opened in New Zealand for the first time in months on Thursday, as restrictions to limit the spread of the coronavirus were eased further and the government looked to revive economic activity. The hospitality and tourism sectors were worst hit by the pandemic, as New Zealand enforced some of the tightest social restrictions in the world to stop the spread of the coronavirus. With international travel still banned, Ardern has encouraged businesses to consider allowing a four-day work week so New Zealanders can travel around the country to help the battered tourism industry.
Vatican reiterates two-state solution as Israeli-Palestinian relations escalate (RNS) Once again, the Vatican issued a statement reinforcing its support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, after the recently installed government of Israel announced plans to vote for the annexation of the West Bank territory. “The Holy See reiterates that respect for international law and the relevant United Nations resolutions, is an indispensable element for the two peoples to live side by side in two States, within the borders internationally recognized before 1967,” read the Vatican statement, sent to journalists on Wednesday (May 20).
China’s Expands Spy Ambitions in Africa (Foreign Policy) In 2018, the African Union accused China of infiltrating the computer network in its glitzy new headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to steal sensitive data—a task made easier by the fact that China itself built the headquarters. But it likely didn’t stop there. In recent years, China has quietly embarked on government building projects across Africa that add up to a counterintelligence nightmare for the United States and its partners on the continent, according to new research from the Heritage Foundation. China has constructed or renovated nearly 200 government buildings, gifted batches of computers to African governments, and built “secure” telecommunications networks that give Beijing the opportunity for unprecedented surveillance on the continent. The report analyzes how China’s construction projects are a trojan horse for spying on African governments, based on China’s long-standing pattern of using its foreign infrastructure projects for political advantage and industrial espionage.
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axis24x7 · 4 years
PM leaves for West Bengal to assess Cyclone Amphan’s impact
PM leaves for West Bengal to assess Cyclone Amphan’s impact
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday morning left for West Bengal to take stock of the situation in the wake of cyclone Amphan He would later in the day visit Odisha.
Modi will conduct aerial surveys and take part in review meetings in the two states, where aspects of relief and rehabilitation will be discussed.
Chief ministers Mamata Banerjee and Naveen Patnaik would join the prime minister…
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arko006-blog · 4 years
Cyclone Amphan makes landfall: Scientists say tropical cyclones have become more destructive due to global warming, climate change- Technology News, Firstpost
Cyclone Amphan makes landfall: Scientists say tropical cyclones have become more destructive due to global warming, climate change- Technology News, Firstpost
FP TrendingMay 21, 2020 09:41:14 IST
Cyclone Amphan has made landfall in eastern India. The West Bengal and Odisha government have had to evacuate over six lakh people from vulnerable areas due the cyclone.
Experts are now saying that occurrence of such intense cyclones is due to global warming and warm sea surface temperatures. Tropical cyclones in the past four decades have brought…
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vignaniasacademy · 4 years
19-05-2020 Current affairs & Daily News Analysis
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Union Finance Minister announced several initiatives to boost Education Sector These are: A comprehensive initiative called PM e-VIDYA will be launched which unifies all efforts related to digital/online/on-air education. This will enable multi-mode access to education, and includes:DIKSHA (one nation-one digital platform) which will now become the nation’s digital infrastructure for providing quality e-content in school education for all the states/UTs; TV (one class-one channel) where one dedicated channel per grade for each of the classes 1 to 12 will provide access to quality educational material; SWAYAM online courses in MOOCS format for school and higher education; IITPAL for IITJEE/NEET preparation; and study material for the differently abled developed on Digitally Accessible Information System (DAISY) and in sign language on NIOS website/ YouTube. The Manodarpan initiative is being launched to provide psychosocial support to students, teachers and families for mental health and emotional wellbeing through a website, a toll-free helpline, national directory of counselors, interactive chat platform, etc. Government is expanding e-learning in higher education. Top 100 universities will start online courses. Also, online component in conventional Universities and ODL programmes will also be raised from present 20% to 40%. It has been decided to prepare a new National Curriculum and Pedagogical Framework for school education, teacher education and early childhood stage to prepare students and future teachers as per global benchmarks. A National Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Mission will be launched, for ensuring that every child in the country necessarily attains foundational literacy and numeracy. This mission will cover the learning needs of nearly 4 crore children in the age group of 3 to 11 years.  Source : PIB ( Education ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy A rare palm endemic to the South Andaman Island is finding a second home at Thiruvananthapuram-based Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute (JNTBGRI). About: JNTBGRI scientists termed the Pinanga andamanensis “a critically endangered species and one of the least known among the endemic palms of the Andaman Islands”. Its entire population of some 600 specimens naturally occurs only in a tiny, evergreen forest pocket in South Andaman’s Mount Harriet National Park. By conserving the germplasm on the Indian mainland, JNTBGRI can ensure its continued survival in the event of its minuscule original home getting wiped out by a natural calamity. This elegant palm holds promise as an avenue tree for gardens, pavements and homesteads. The name is derived from ‘Penang’, the modern-day Malaysian state. Penang itself has its origins in ‘Pulau Pinang’, which means ‘Island of the Areca Nut Palm.  Source : The Hindu ( Environment ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy J&K GRANT OF DOMICILE CERTIFICATE PROCEDURE RULES, 2020 The J&K administration notified the J&K Grant of Domicile Certificate Procedure Rules, 2020 and set a fast-track process in motion to issue the certificates within a stipulated time of 15 days. About: Under the amended rules, eligible non-locals can also apply for the certificate. These rules provide a simple time-bound and transparent procedure for issuance of domicile certificates. There is a timeline of 15 days for issuance of certificates. Domicile certificates have now been made a basic eligibility condition for appointment to any post under the Union Territory of J&K following the amendments in the previous Act. To make the process transparent and time-bound, any officer not able to issue the certificate would be penalised ₹50,000. The amount would be recovered from his salary. All Permanent Resident Certificate holders and their children living outside J&K can apply for the certificates. Kashmiri migrants living in or outside J&K can get domicile certificates by simply producing their Permanent Residence Certificate (PRC), ration card copy, voter card or any other valid document. Bonafide migrants can apply with the Relief and Rehabilitation department by providing documents like electoral rolls of 1988, proof of registration as a migrant in any State in the country or any other valid document.  Source : The Hindu ( Polity & Governance ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy LESS INVASIVE SURFACTANT ADMINISTRATION (LISA) A recent medical technique, known as Less invasive surfactant administration (LISA), has been started at J.K. Lon Government Children’s Hospital in Jaipur for treatment of lung disease or respiratory distress syndrome among premature babies. About: LISA has been developed as a lung protective strategy for respiratory management and ventilation in view of the mechanical ventilation causing damage to the preterm lungs of newborns. Infants considered suitable for LISA are those being managed with primary continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or high flow with the evidence of increasing respiratory distress and with a rising oxygen requirement. The procedure, started initially for newborn children with the birth weight of less than 1,500 grams, has yielded encouraging results. The regular application of LISA would turn out to be very useful and help save the lives of premature babies.  Source : The Hindu ( Health ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy Government has accepted and implemented three important recommendations of Committee of Experts (CoE) under the Chairmanship of Lt General D B Shekatkar (Retd) relating to border Infrastructure. About: Government has implemented recommendation of CoE to outsource road construction work beyond optimal capacity of Border Roads Organisation (BRO). It has been made mandatory to adopt Engineering Procurement Contract (EPC) mode for execution of all works costing more than Rs 100 crore. The other recommendation relating to introduction of modern construction plants, equipment and machinery has been implemented by delegating enhanced procurement powers from Rs 7.5 crore to Rs 100 crore to BRO, for domestic and foreign procurements. Border Roads has recently inducted Hot-Mix Plant 20/30 TPH for speedier laying of roads, remote operated hydraulic Rock Drills DC-400 R for hard rock cutting, a range of F-90 series of self-propelled snow-cutters/blowers for speedier snow clearance. The land acquisition and all statutory clearances like forest and environmental clearance are also made part of approval of Detailed Project Report (DPR). It is mandatory to award work only when 90 per cent of the statutory clearances have been obtained.  Source : PIB ( Defence & Security ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM DAY (IMD) International Museum Day 2020 was celebrated on May 18 under theme of "Museums for Equality: Diversity and Inclusion" About: International Museum Day (IMD) is an international day held annually on 18 May to create awareness about the cultural importance of museums. It is coordinated by the International Council of Museums (ICOM). It is being celebrated since the year 1977.   Important Info : The International Council of Museums (ICOM)? Status: A non-governmental organisation maintaining formal relations with UNESCO and having a consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council.Created in: 1946. Location: Paris, France.  Source : PIB ( Culture ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy The Extremely Severe Cyclonic Storm ‘AMPHAN’ (pronounced as UM-PUN) intensified into Super Cyclonic Storm on 18th May, 2020. About: Extremely severe cyclone Amphan (pronounced as Um-Pun) over the central parts of the South Bay and adjoining Central Bay of Bengal has spun into a class-topping super cyclone after howling winds around its core broke the threshold speeds. Amphan is only the third pre-monsoon super cyclone to form in the Bay after 1990, after the Andhra Pradesh super cyclone (May 4-9, 1990, no name) and the Bangladesh super cyclone (April 24-May 2, 1991, Gorky).  Important Info : According to IMD’s classification of storms based on intensity, super cyclone is an intense low-pressure system represented on a synoptic chart by more than four closed isobars (concentric circles) and in which the wind speed at surface level is 222 km/hr (category 4 or 5 as per Saffir-Simpson scale storm intensity).  Source : The Hindu ( Geography ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has relaxed the 25 per cent Minimum Public Shareholding (MPS) norm. About: The rules have been relaxed for listed entities for whom the deadline to comply with MPS requirements falls between the period from March 1, 2020 to August 31, 2020. Under SEBI norms, listed entities are required to have at least 25 per cent public shareholding. SEBI has advised stock exchanges not to take penal action till August 2020 in case of non-compliance. The SEBI move is aimed at easing such compliance rules amid the disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic.  Important Info : Background: Many public sector companies are yet to fulfill the 25 per cent minimum public shareholding norms, and have been seeking deadline extensions.In July 2019, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in her maiden Budget speech urged SEBI to consider increasing the minimum public holding in listed firms to 35 per cent from 25 per cent. However, SEBI board is yet to take a view on this proposal. Source : Indian Express ( Economy ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy Daily Current affairs and News Analysis Best IAS Coaching institutes in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy Contact Vignan IAS Academy Enroll For IAS Foundation Course from Best IFS Academy in Bangalore Read the full article
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few-favorite-things · 4 years
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West bengal Cyclone Amphan Live: Cyclone Amphan Latest Update: দক্ষিণে তাণ্ডবের পর আজ উত্তরে উম্পুন! – West Bengal Weather Forecast On Cyclone Amphan Kolkata Howrah Hooghly Live Updates হাইলাইটস কলকাতায় সকাল সাড়ে ৯টা অবধি ৩৭৮টি গাছ পড়ার খবর এসেছে। বাড়ি ভেঙেছে ৯টি। শহর স্বাভাবিক হতে সময় লাগবে। জানালেন ফিরহাদ হাকিম।
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redappletech · 4 years
Cyclone Amphan: Benefits of Mobile App Development For Disaster Management
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The cyclone Amphan has turned into a super cyclone and is set to hit the coastal areas of West Bengal and Orissa. Other disasters like these cyclones, like, Earthquake, Tsunami, Thunderstorm, etc, is very apparent to affect numerous lives. Besides, it has an adverse effect on different realms of nature as well. 
Now, natural disasters are something which we can’t stop, but what we can do is, be prepared for it. The advancement of technology in today’s time has made many things effortless for us. One such gift of technology growth is mobile app development. 
Mobile applications have been nothing but a helping hand during these disasters. Even during the cyclone Amphan, you can take help from these applications to stay safe from the quandary.
Let’s know some of the features of these mobile applications for its benefits in disaster management.
This can be a useful feature for the recent cyclone Amphan that originated over the Bay of Bengal and is likely to affect Bangladesh and some parts of India. We all know that the cyclonic storm is going to hit us, but for more details about its whereabouts we can simply use this tracking feature. This will help you gain information about the storm and track its route the whole time. Keep in mind that some disasters are unpredictable and tracking features are only helpful for the ones that can be foretold. This includes cyclones and volcanic eruptions. 
Emergency Alert:
One of the greatest benefits of mobile app development for disaster management is that it will send you an alert, once the crisis progresses. This can further be efficient for saving lives as people will be aware of the danger before it strikes them. Once you get the notification, you can stuff up with all the essentials as a precautionary measure to be on the safer side. Besides, it will also render you full detail about the disaster and its intensity to get a clear idea of the threat. 
One of the many struggles of managing these disasters is the evacuation of people who are likely to be affected the most. However, disaster management applications have the solution to this problem as well. Once they alert you about the situation, they can further help you in the evacuation process by letting know the places that are safe. The app gets connected with the map itself and informs you about the nearby shelters that are reliable for a stay. In fact, it is also useful for people who are outside in the quandary. They can use the feature to know the safe parts of the city and save themselves from the adverse effects of this disaster. 
Safety Message and Notifications:
Some disasters are likely to come suddenly without any prior notice. This might worry you about your loved ones who reside in the affected area. However, the safety message and notification features of these applications can let you know about them and their situation. One such example is the Facebook disaster notification, where people can mark themselves or others safe from the disaster. This would let their closed ones know that they are doing fine, and clear their suspicions regarding the same.
Lastly, you can also acquire some tips from the application itself. This would help you to know what one should do during such situations. It can further assist you with the precautionary measures you can take to stay safe from any intricacy. A mobile app development company certainly constitutes all the factors to keep people safe from such calamities. The developers keep every detail in mind while creating them. Thus, you can find all the necessary tips within a mobile application for practical disaster management.
Conclusion: These were some of the benefits of mobile applications in disaster management. From alerting you about the disaster to providing tips, a mobile application for managing any disaster is remarkably useful for obvious reasons. Organizations are rendering dynamic mobile app development services to create applications that are conjugated with fascinating and prominent features. One can surely opt for these applications to keep themselves safe from any immediate or forthcoming natural catastrophes. 
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lovemarvellous · 4 years
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Live Cyclone Amphan Map: Tracking the Storm’s Path https://ift.tt/3bNuAWy
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abbymories · 4 years
Live Cyclone Amphan Map: Tracking the Storm’s Path
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By BY MATTHEW BLOCH from NYT World https://ift.tt/2WLO8X1 via Blogger https://ift.tt/2LFauDc
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axis24x7 · 4 years
As Amphan begins landfall, here’s how to track the super cyclone in 3 simple steps
As Amphan begins landfall, here’s how to track the super cyclone in 3 simple steps
Super Cyclone Amphan began making landfall near the Sunderbans in West Bengal on Wednesday afternoon. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) had said that Amphan’s landfall process will begin in the afternoon hours of Wednesday and is expected to continue till the evening.
With wind speed of 155 to 165 kmph gusting to 185 kmph, Amphan will cross the West Bengal-Bangladesh coast between…
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arko006-blog · 4 years
Cyclone Amphan makes landfall: Scientists say tropical cyclones have become more destructive due to global warming, climate change- Technology News, Firstpost
Cyclone Amphan makes landfall: Scientists say tropical cyclones have become more destructive due to global warming, climate change- Technology News, Firstpost
FP TrendingMay 20, 2020 19:56:50 IST
Cyclone Amphan has made landfall in eastern India. The West Bengal and Odisha government have had to evacuate over six lakh people from vulnerable areas due the cyclone.
Experts are now saying that occurrence of such intense cyclones is due to global warming and warm sea surface temperatures. Tropical cyclones in the past four decades have brought…
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amazingvideosposts · 4 years
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Live Cyclone Amphan Map: Tracking the Storm’s Path https://ift.tt/3bI8xAp
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kcmartpackersmovers · 4 years
Cyclone Amphan Live Tracking: ताकतवर हो रहा अम्फान चक्रवात, केंद्र में 200 KMPH पहुंची रफ्तार, हाई अलर्ट
#Cyclone #Amphan #disaster #india
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few-favorite-things · 4 years
আপনিও নিজের মবাইলেই দেখে নিতে পারেন এই মুহূর্তে কোথায় রয়েছে ঘূর্ণিঝড় আমফান, জেনে নিন কীভাবে | Cyclone Amphan: How to track the super cyclone LIVE, know common apps and websites | technology
আপনিও নিজের মবাইলেই দেখে নিতে পারেন এই মুহূর্তে কোথায় রয়েছে ঘূর্ণিঝড় আমফান, জেনে নিন কীভাবে | Cyclone Amphan: How to track the super cyclone LIVE, know common apps and websites | technology
জেনে নিন কোন কোন অ্যাপের মাধ্যমে আপনি জানতে পাড়বেন আমফানের গতিপথ Bangla Editor | News18 Bangla | May 20, 2020, 2:30 PM IST
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সুপার সাইক্লোনের ফণা ঘাড়ে নিঃশ্বাস ফেলছে ৷ এদিক ওদিকের কোনও সম্ভবনা না রেখে বাংলার বুকেই আমফানের ঝাঁপিয়ে পড়া কার্যত সময়ের অপেক্ষা৷ ইতিমধ্যেই শুরু হয়ে গিয়েছে বৃষ্টি৷ সঙ্গে চলছে ঝোড়ো হাওয়া৷ দিঘা থেকে মাত্র ১৫০ কিমি দূরে রয়েছে…
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