#cycling a tank
zooophagous · 1 year
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This is the ugliest betta I've ever seen. He looks like a penis with dirt spots. I'm obsessed with him. He's going in the tank.
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galacticxangel · 10 months
@theshitpostcalligrapher I promise to do a proper Etsy review when the occupants GET to their tank but I must show you how audacious the frame I got for you art is (my wife agreed to let us put it above the shrimp tank in the bedroom, which makes me indescribably happy)
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moodymisty · 1 month
me waiting to get paid so I can get into aquarium keeping again without feeling bad
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I haven't had fish since my pufferfish and i've wanted to do it again so bad, and I'm finally gonna get back into it. Gonna get my tank and I already know my design setup eeeeee
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shrimp-propaganda · 1 year
"change your filter cartridge every 3 months" is a lie made up by Big Filter to sell more filters. i haven't changed mine in ten years and whatever's living in there is like my family now
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kazbiter · 2 years
thinking of her (that deleted scene where gansey just goes on and on about how good ronan looks next to the pool table for like an extreme amount of time)
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mod2amaryllis · 1 year
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betta tank updates while everybody's looking so nice after heavy maintenance this weekend. and flaring exercises!
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bthebettababe · 3 months
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Got a new lid and light for the 5.5 gallon. The natural light coming through the top looks gorgeous and I'm so mad that my camera can't do it justice.
No fish yet, but the cycle is doing well. We had 0.50 ppm ammonia, 0.25 ppm nitrite, and 20 ppm nitrate this morning when I tested! So hopefully soon!
~💛 B 07/06/24
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nanojungle · 1 year
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Week 3
So after a bit of research and with some help from the lovely people at the local fish shop, my lil underwater garden is looking luscious and healthy!
I’ve chosen plants which are nitrate hungry. The LFS guy said that plants that are bought off online stores sometimes arrive so beat up that they usually can’t muster the energy to root. It might have been a pitch to sell me some plants but I found that he was right. All the plants I bought managed to take root within the week and are looking bushy and happy.
The Monte Carlo is now completely cleaned out and the Rotala also got trashed too. Instead we have water weed, water wisteria and hornwort as the background plants (all nitrate hungry fast growers) and we have Anubias on the rocks and Java fern by the filter. As the Hornwart grows, I chop the new shoots up into little bouquets held by lead weights. They function as new plants so I can keep filling in the background.
The best news of all; the tank is cycled! I’ll give it a week to see if it’s stable and then we can get some wet pets in there!!
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mrsthunderkin · 7 months
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A teensie shading practice with Bart post workout/class
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gijoe-forever · 3 months
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randybutternubber · 6 months
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He’s watching tv
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luxsea · 1 year
the way tank grunt is mischaracterized as an idiot himbo (esp from what i know abt the psp version) when its obvious he's a huge gay nerd knowledge sim if he's given space to be himself. also ppl forget that unlike his dad, tanks not even grouchy and HES SHY. like why did they give most of the teens popularity especially the shy ones 🙄
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m-s-justice · 1 year
Warning for Unpopular Opinion:
I kinda hate Primis Richtofen
As a character, he's fantastic. But if I were to ever cross paths with him, he would be on the receiving end of at least 28 stab wounds.
Strap in for another Long Fucking Textpost.
I have three main gripes with the guy.
1. How he treats Victis/The Rest of Primis
Richtofen manipulates Victis into doing his dirty work, actively putting their lives in danger by siccing Undead Ultimis Richtofen on them, and then puts them on ice in a parallel to his Ultimis self doing the same thing to his teammates. Not to mention Victis is frozen in a HELL POCKET DIMENSION. And EVEN THEN, he’s not even the one to wake them up; it’s Ultimis Richtofen, likely prompted by Primis Nikolai. 
As for how he treats his team, holy shit. He deceives them the entire cycle. Sure, he didn’t technically lie to them, but omission of information is just as bad. The other three had no idea what they were walking into. They didn’t expect to have to kill themselves. And that’s the fucking thing. They didn’t sign up for this. Richtofen clearly never asked if the other three wanted to live in Agartha with him. Richtofen never considered that they have lives of their own, outside of the cycle. Richtofen considered his own goals above the lives of his team. In ZnS one of his opening lines is “Do you trust me, [whichever of the three he is talking to]?”, to which both Dempsey and Takeo respond that they feel like they have no choice but to and Nikolai who basically says no. And yet, RIchtofen keeps charging ahead, doing “what he has to”. Sure, he ensured that they didn’t get wiped from existence, nevermind the fact that they wouldn’t have even been in danger of that without Richtofen leading them there. Instead, Richtofen leads them in a fucking circle. They’re going to do the same song and dance, forever. Now, no matter how much personal beef I have with BO4’s writing, it’s implied that the only way peace could ever be achieved is through the Motherfuckers’ deaths. Accepting his own death is something Richtofen could never do, we even see it happen. When he dies in Blood, it’s not graceful. Rather than subject himself to death, he instead has everyone go through something arguably worse, a never-ending loop of suicide by proxy. What the actual fuck.
2. Dimensional collapse
Richtofen lets Dimension 63 (Morg City [SoE]) get eaten by Apothicons. To give him some credit, there’s probably not a lot he could’ve done by himself. Apothicons are known for gobbling down dimensions like rednecks at a pie eating contest. But also. There was Keeper intervention. Maybe let the Keeper use the Incredibly Powerful, yet Loosely Defined MacGuffin #52 to save the dimension before swooping in, stealing the Key, and then dipping? I don’t know man, the general lack of remorse in his actions, the whole “I have a universe to set right” line before dooming the entire place just rubs me the wrong way.
3. General Assholery
Richtofen is a bit of an arrogant prick. The apparent reason the others can’t peek at the Big Book of Plot Convenience is because they’re too stupid. He also refuses to answer any of their questions. No wonder the other three don’t trust him, what with his complete and utter lack of transparency and his compulsive need to beat around every goddamn bush in the Forest of Equivocation.
On a slightly different note, there’s one quote of his that stood out to me. It’s a start of session conversation with Takeo.
Takeo: “I fear that denying Dempsey the chance to better understand himself may have… consequences.”
Richtofen: “Even had he been conscious before his death, I do not believe that Dempsey had any… great knowledge to impart.”
What the hell. My Brother in CoD, you made him that way. An alternate you literally experimented on and tortured him and then froze him taking away all autonomy from him. Not only that, you selected that dimension. You chose that specific Dempsey. If you wanted a "smart” Dempsey, then literally go anywhere else and murder him instead. Holy fucking shit. And Primis Dempsey is also there. Mourning himself. And you’re out here insulting a dead man that you murdered behind his back. Richtofen did murder him; Dempsey was coerced into doing it. Even fucking worse, is that Dempsey confesses to Nikolai that he’s starting to trust Richtofen. The one thing Richtofen wants most and he doesn’t deserve it.
However, the actual worst part is that nothing comes from Dempsey not being able to properly meet with his other self. Dempsey pulls himself together by himself, which is very admirable, but does have the unfortunate outcome of confirming Richtofen’s position. There were no ramifications. That Dempsey was simply an idiot who had nothing of worth to contribute, other than his death.
Ok now to preface this I’m not attacking anybody who interprets Primis Richtofen differently.  He's a fictional character and other people viewing art in a different way than me will not cramp my style.
I do think that he genuinely loved his friends and wanted the best for all of them. The way he goes about it is just one of the worst ways possible. Comedically terrible, falling on his face, fucking Looney Tunes-ing it up. 
Simultaneously, however, I think at his core, Richtofen is a selfish character. And that’s shown in both version’s actions. Ultimis is pretty blatant in his egoistic pursuits. I spent the entire post pretty much draggin Primis in the mud, so I’m not going to repeat myself.
To end this: I hate him so much I want to rip him to pieces. But I also really like him as a character, so I would sitch him back together. And then his insufferable face would send me into an irrepressible rage and I’d shred him again. Rinse and repeat.
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gwensy · 6 months
sorry for reblogging fugly trends from 2012 it's for my enrichment
#have i ever told u guys about my early 2010s fashion and pop culture fixation#i got a gen you ine aeropostle skirt recently ive never been happier#also gonna try and get my hands on some freshtops tanks#eventually#also their shorts though ive only found one secondhand listing in my size#i need the naked1 pallet or i'll die#its funny to me because like#yes within fashionblogging and lifestyle teen youtube girls from that era#consummerism was a massive thing (it still is but its so obvious when you look at blog archives and videos from that era)#youtubers with non disclosed sponsorships#bethany mota and amanda steele vaguely saying “this brand sent me this product to give to you guys!”#it was really just watching the birth of what we know as influencers today and its really interesting to me#theres a lack of cuts theres a lack of scripting theres long tangents#people were only just then realizing you can make money via haul videos and makeup tutorials#bethany mota had a fashion line at aeropostle purely because of her status as a youtuber#there was a big rise at the time of people being against flaunting overpriced designer during that time because of the recession#but there was still a hugggeee hold with consumerism and classism#hauls with brandy and f21 and ae like i cant afford that im sure you cant afford $600 at american eagle on a weekly basis#i have lots of thoughts idk#anyways backtracked#i think its funny because here i am talking about how horribly i need b&bw and vs pink#but like its all secondhand shit for $15 online now#nobody wants this stuff!!!!!! cycles!!! capitalism!!!! i dont know you get what i mean!!!!!!!!!!!#skyler posting
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dreamsb0u · 1 year
me when i see some random person advertise correct fishkeeping tips
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spricket-central · 1 year
bagel got his upgraded home interior last night! (sorry its dark; I'll take a brighter pic later)
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moving him was made easy with my newest invention: the Jr. Tube™️!
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this special transport tube is designed to let the passenger stay in the tube as they wait to return home, as well as leave it themselves when they get there, all without leaving the tank lid open!
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bagel chose to come out and explore gay baby jail as he waited.
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he was very chill in there, actually! after a quick inspection of the premises, he settled down in a shadow and waited patiently for me to finish redecorating his home. he even let me take a very handsome portrait of him!
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what gorgeous markings hes developing! the ones on both sides of his eye are very interesting. im excited to see how they look as he grows.
hes absolutely the size crouton was when i first found her, which brings back happy memories! it also means that, based on croutons growth, little bagel likely has about 3 more months until hes fully mature.
anyway, once i finished redecorating, it was time to board the tube once more!
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more pictures in the next post; i hit the 10 pic (mobile) limit for this one!
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