#cybertronains and ghosts
ghostlyvisage · 3 months
“Hey.” A comparatively tiny hand bonks Ghostspire’s shin. “You one’a those Go-Bot guys? Uh… The transistors. Cyber-whatsits. Your pals are down by the City wall, over there. Much as you’re free to come and go from the Hanger, the non-sentient jumpships are pre-programmed to maneuver into a docking bay an’ we’ve only got six of ‘em.”
Helm tilted to the side, golden optics peering down at the Guardian, a soft whistle-click coming from him.
"Ah, sorry," Shoved as far into the corner as he could, trying to give as much room to the ships while he made a list of what the Cybertronians needed. The only one amongst the small group who seemed to be able to get into the hangers without much issue.
It helped that he had been doing it for years, getting new lights who didn't have a ship up into the hangers so they wouldn't get swarmed.
"Jus' dropping off some new lights and grabbing some supplies. I'll be out in a moment." Pulling his legs closer under himself and shoving himself more into a corner until Sulphur could get back.
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
OK, we've seen how Soundwave takes care of other people's children.
But now I think it's time to see him as a parent. Could you write a story about a Soundwave x daughter with the opposite personality?
Another daughter to add to the list!
Will be adding her official canon name later on.
You can find it in the link at the bottom of the 'WELCOME' page.
Hope you enjoy!
Soundwave with a daughter with the opposite personality
SFW, Familial, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Since the beginning Buddy had always kept Soundwave on his pedes
The first time they met cemented that fact.
Soundwave and Megatronus were walking back to their quarters when they spotted something moving in the ruble.
They didn’t think of anything at first, maybe it was a turbofox in the trash heap.
Soundwave froze in his tracks when he heard the familiar sounds of chirping coming from one of the bins.
Soundwave went closer and froze when he saw a sparkling inside the bin playing with some wires.
Before he could do anything, the trashbot had grabbed the bin with the sparkling in it.
Soundwave: “Megatronus!”
Soundwave started climbing on the large trashbot. Megatronus: “Soundwave what are you doing?!” Soundwave trying to reach the bin: “There’s a sparkling in the bin!” Little chirps get louder. Megatronus: “By the Allspark!” Later… Orion walking to the gladiator’s quarters. Megatronus: “Orion!” Orion smiles as he turns around: “Mega—By the Pious Pool! What happened to you two!?” Megatronus and Soundwave were covered in dirty and scraps. Soundwave had a little bundle in his arms. Orion: “Is that a sparkling?” Soundwave: “Yes.” Orion: “How did all of… this happen?” Megatronus and Soundwave: “Trashbot.”
Soundwave had originally planned on taking her to the nearby orphanage the next day.
He was a gladiator for Primus sake!
He wasn’t fit to be a caretaker.
But all that changed when he was outside the doors of the orphanage.
The little chirps and buzzes from the sparkling grew louder as he drew closer.
Soundwave’s servo ghosted over the handles of the doors looking down at the sparkling.
The sparkling had gently placed both their servos on his faceplate.
Megatronus in his habsuite sharpening his blades. Soundwave enters the room. Megatronus without looking up: “I see you’ve finally return—” Soundwave: “Hold please.” Megatronus looks up and is shocked to see the sparkling from the day before being thrusted into his faceplate. He quickly holds the giggling sparkling: “I thought you were going to return her?” Soundwave: “She’s mine now.” Megatronus: “What?” Soundwave: “Mine.”
It was difficult to keep the sparkling safe within the arena and quarters.
For one, Soundwave and Megatronus had made more allies within the gladiator ranks to help keep watch of the little one, especially when inspections came around.
And two, this sparkling was highly energetic, clumsy, and accidental prone.
Thankfully if Buddy liked the babysitters, all they had to worry was the sparkling getting a new dent from touching a smooth surface.
However, if she doesn’t like them, Buddy is going to hide.
No one has been successful in finding the sparkling.
It’s only when Soundwave is at the front door is when she comes out.
When Soundwave has repairs done, it’s usually Uncle Megatronus and the minicons who watch over her.
Soundwave enters the habsuite ready to pick up Buddy. He sees Megatronus lightly tossing Buddy in the air with Lazerbeak playfully hovering nearby. CLICK! Megatronus freezes hearing the click pulling the sparkling closer to his chassis. He turns to see Soundwave with a picture him and Buddy on his visor. Megatronus: “Soundwave… delete that.” Soundwave: “I’ll delete it.” Megatronus: "Good—” Soundwave: "After I send this to myself and to Pax.” Megatronus: "Soundwave! He doesn’t need—I mean—no one needs to see that!” Soundwave: “Too late.” With Orion… Orion nearly spits out his energon cube seeing the picture. Ratchet looking at him with some concern: “You all right Pax?” Orion coughs a bit before showing him the photo. Ratchet nearly glitches seeing it.
On certain inspection days, Buddy is sent to Uncle Orion and Uncle Ratchet until the inspection is over.
Soundwave is not as close to the bots as Megatronus is, but he trusts Megatronus enough to let her go.
He still has no idea what made her love the two bots so much.
Buddy loves her little family.
But things started to change when Megatronus finally got his movement going.
The movement for change.
The movement that made Soundwave take a vow of silence.
Buddy understood to a point it was to help Uncle Megatronus… but that didn’t mean the transition was smooth.
It got easier to read Soundwave’s frame movements over time, but to say it was a pain to understand at first would be an understatement.
Soundwave pointing to the top of the shelf. Buddy: “I can get it for you!” Buddy starts piling some boxes and data pads to reach the top of the shelf. Buddy holding something: “Is this it?” Soundwave shakes his helm before pointing again. Buddy throws the object over her shoulder and grabs another object: “How about this thing?” Soundwave shakes his helm before looking at the pile shake. He starts rushing to the pile as it falls. Buddy shrieks as she falls. BAM! The two end up falling in the heap. Buddy suddenly bursts out laughing. Soundwave had a box stuck on his helm.
Buddy didn’t quite understand what had happened between Uncle Megatronus, now Megatron, and Orion, now Optimus Prime.
All she was told was that Orion was a traitor and any of his follwers were now considered the enemy.
Buddy took those words to spark.
While she could not agree with everything the Decepticon’s did, she was still a Con through and through.
Buddy wanted to join the spy division just like her father, but it was immediately denied by both him and Megatron himself.
Megatron: “Buddy, this is just getting repetive at this point. Our answer is no.” Soundwave: “No.” Buddy pouting a bit: “If I can just get a chance to prove that I can be just a good spy—” Megatron: “Buddy, you do not have the necessary skill set a spy has.” Buddy waves her servos back: “What makes you say that!” Buddy’s servo bumps into a passing drone, who in return bumps into several other drones in an almost domino effect before a bucket goes flying and lands on her helm; she yelps a bit trying to get it off only to smack face first into the wall. Megatron and Soundwave wince at the display. Soundwave walks over and carefully plucks the bucket from her helm. Buddy looks at him with a sheepish expression. Soundwave: “You have… your… answer…no… spying for… you.”
Instead, Buddy gets partnered up with Breakdown in overseeing the Vechicons.
It wasn’t a bad job really.
Most of the Vechicons were nice and she rather enjoyed working alongside Breakdown.
Breakdown doesn’t mind working with the youngest Con on the Nemeisis.
In a way it was refreshing, especially after dealing with Starscream.
Since buddy worked so close to Breakdown, it was only natural that she’d get close to Knockout.
Knockout cares for the kid, he does.
But by Primus does he nearly get strokes every time she comes into the medbay with new dents or something on her frame.
Knockout finally finishing cleaning his tools. Knockout: “Finally! Its was about time I—” KNOCK! KNOCK! Breakdown enters in with Steve and a large crate wheeled behind them. Knockout: “Did we get new equipment?” Buddy from inside the crate: “Not yet.” Knockout jumps a bit before looking inside the crate. Buddy was at the bottom of the crate in a slightly cramped position. Knockout looking at Breakdown and Steve: “And pray tell how did… this happen?” Breakdown and Steve both give each other a look. Breakdown: “Its best you don’t know.” Buddy: “If its okay with you guys, I’d really like to feel my pedes on the floor and not so close to my helm.” Knockout sighs before looking for the chainsaw: “Can’t wait to hear this story.”
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riskyraiker · 6 months
Hello!!! I hope you're doing alright! I was wondering if I can make a request for cybertronain! Prince reader? For transformer prime please!! Thank you❤️
Gosh I love this😍 I'm just not sure if Prince is a higher title than a Prime but now it is! Also readers father is alpha trion. I'm not catched up on the lore that well😭Sorry if this took so long I have other requests as well😔
TFP bots with Cybertronian! Prince Y/N
Alpha trion made you evacuate Iacon immediately the first big attack happened. Running with other bots, you saw some hurt and struggling. As a prince you should help them! Running back for the bots, the decepticons were coming closer. Hurrying with the bots they get shot right there and then, shocked and pained about the loss you still continued running. The last escape pod is still there! Jumping in you go into statis sleep, missing eons while you're at it. You didn't wake up when the pod opened, no no no! You woke up with a few bots surrounding you with a look like they've seen a ghost. Wait? Is that the one and only Optimus Prime?! You stood up without a word and all of them kneeled. "By the all spark, no need to kneel. I don't hold my title close to my spark. Please rise up!"
He has high respect for you since you're a prince!
Optimus Prime
Might call you "your highness", but will not if you don't want that.
Since you're a prince he would NEVER put you in danger.
In battles you two are unstoppable! A prime and a prince? The vehicons are running away (woop! There they go!)
He would be interested how Alpha Trion was your sire and what he was truly like (if that's a sensitive subject he respects that)
You might think he would be your new sire. Oh no no no. He's your brother now😋 you're the same age!
He would tell you anything you want to know what happened when you were asleep in statis.
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He would actually be nicer to you since you're a prince!
You're hurt? Not anymore, Ratchet has it covered
He actually might show his concern for you and the team, but really rarely! He's a grumpy one☹️
Would call you "your highness", but if you don't like it he might struggle with remembering it.
He's surprised how much you know about technology as a prince. He also loves your help in experiments with synth-en or anything else.
He did expect you to be a strict royalty and make them kneel and all, but was relieved you were an innocent piece of pie😔
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He's now your nephew since Optimus is your bro😋
Will call you "your highness" when he's joking or messing with you.
Best driver buddy you could ask for!
If he's ever bored, there will be a story time demanded from you!
Is so interested how being a prince works on Cybertron or what it is like!
He would melt if you compliment his bleeps and bloops. That you're proud of him after all what he went through and all 😔❤️
He's a hugger! He would give you random hugs sometimes, if you like them ofc
He's a bot who you can talk to about ANYTHING!!!
She would be confused that you don't want them kneeling or calling you "your highness"
Grows fond of you after a few days since she never trusts anyone until they're proven good.
You're a Prince so you pass pretty easily 😧
She would question you about tour tasks and missions on Cybertron and how easy it was.
Would talk about loss to you. You both understand the feeling.
Bulkhead & Wheeljack
Won't ever call you "your highness" she's pretty much the only one who never did in the start either.
If she's in a sassy mood she would bow to you and just joke around.
You're the calm friend duo :)
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Wheeljack won't kneel! And you appreciate it, which confuses him. He though you would be like Ultra Magnus, strict and serious.
Bulkhead would be embarrassed about his skills around you until you comfort him.
You get along with the wreckers really well!
They both might use "your highness" as a joke sometimes, but only bulkhead would stop after your request.
All of you would rock on with Miko!!
You switch alot to act like a wrecker or a royalty. Depends on what mood you are or what mission is there to be done.
Have fun playing with them with the metal ball (i forgot if there was a name for the game they play😭)
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He would kneel, salute, call you "your highness" literally anything to show his respect for you.
Just give give him a talk and he'll stop being so goofy :)
You're drowning in questions from him when you have the time to talk.
He's your son! And Optimus will be his uncle from now on😋
The chaotic father and son! Well not always chaotic, but you get how he is xD
You might have to give him a peptalk sometimes since he's just a small itty bitty bot😔 im kidding he's just so stupid sometimes
If either of you got hurt, neither will leave until they can take care of themselves
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Ultra Magnus
Would not stop calling you "your highness" even if you request him to stop.
He keeps his cold and strict act close to you. Maybe even stricter to show how professional he is.
Would be flabbergasped if you would let wheeljack get away with ease after exploding a whole energon mine.
"Your highness, with all respect, are you sure he gets to go already?"
After enough time and complaining from you he starts to call you by your real name! He earns a hug he doesn't know how to return 😔🫶
Would be interested in royal training and such!
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AN: I HOPE YOU LIKED THIS😭😭😭 I APOLOGIZE FOR ANY MISTAKES IN WRITING OR CHARACTER PERSONALITIES!!! I'm so tired i'll go to sleep, have a good night, day, morning or evening<3
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tinydefector · 2 months
Enjoy some of the stuff I like writing of the transformers/ the history, mentality and personality I like writing into the characters. Let me know if you would like some other characters and I'll make another.
Characters breakdowns
Megatron, despite what continuation I enjoy as a sappy poet who loves writing. Pre-war, he was actually a very sweet and caring mech who had high hopes from changing cybertron. He wrote as a way to show people the horrors that were happening in the mines. Trying to make people feel on a personal level 'humanize' the lower class cybertronains and make people empathise and see through their eyes. During the war, Megatron makes so many mistakes because at the time, he is still young, and he doesn't know anything else outside fighting, mining, and writing because he never had the luxury of living. And when you're living in an oppressive regime, there is going to be rebellion, when the only way you can have your voice heard the only way to change things is to fight. That's what Megatron does. At first, it's noble, but over time, it wears down his morals. There is only so much death you can see before it destroys your mind and changes you. He gets into a mind set of 'it's either you or me' and self preservation will kick in and despite all his sacrifices he has done for the greater good of cybertron he still wants to live, and the only way he can do that is to make himself into a monster for his own protection, he finds it safer to become a warlord, and a usurper but as time goes on his midn finally caves and he doesn't care for the consequences anymore, becuase the war has been going on for so long. He knows the only way this war ends is with his death, and he is a selfish bot who never got to live freely. He's going to hold onto that, even if he puts others into the position he was once in, he wants to be able to live and he's going to do everything he can to have that freedom of never being under someone's rule again, yet it leads him into becoming what he sort to destroy.
Depending on what continuation I'm working with depends on how he is after the war. Mtmte IDW continuations I love that he ends up with the lost light. Not for the reason that he got his freedom. He got what he had been fighting so much for, but he isn't the one in charge anymore. He has to relearn how to live and relearn how to be civil, which is hard when everyone there is a victim of your war. Rodimus original hates the fact he's there, Megatron is the reason Rodimus became who he is, and he hates it. He hates it and blames Megatron for nyon, for him having to become a prime. But over time, he realises just how lost Megatron is on the ship. He doesn't know how to be just another mech in a group. And I love the idea of Rodimus letting him be co captain as a way to give him some semblance of control over his life again. And Megatron is an amazing captain, he loves working, he loves reports, loves checking machinery and making sure it is still functioning and it leads him to also becoming Ratchet's apprentice with medical becuase he never wants to be helpless to save someone he cares for ever again.
Earthspark continuation Megatron lives with alot of guilt and regret over so much, some days he still wonders if it was the right decision to join Ghost but each time he sees Dot with her child both human and Terran it makes him feel it is all worth it. He never got that as a young sparkling, and he would lay down his life to make sure those children never have to be in his position ever. Megatron was a warlord with a spark too big, and in the end, it got broken too much to the point that he felt safer becoming something else to protect himself. And I can't blame him, I've made decisions I never would have before because of death, it changes you breaks you and turns you into something you would hate if you saw yourself in a mirror.
I actually happen to like the idea of Megatron being younger that Optimus by half a century or so
Optimus is one that depends on continuation a lot. Becuase it's either I like writing him as this feral goblin from the Rust sea who Codexa took one look ad and went. 'This little rustlet is my son' and teaches him everything she knows, and Orion is all too happy to learn. He loves the archives, history, and preserving it. And he is very much Codexa, a little rust goblin who goes to protest and everything because he sees it unfair for so many to suffer. She is very proud of him despite fearing deeply for him because he is a young spark, and she doesn't want to lose her son to propaganda.
Or we have Orion as a law enforcer who was trained under Alpha Trion, he's a stern bot but he does care for people, taking Drift to Ratchet, caring very much about shockwave and trying to protect him as much as he can from the council. He follows the rules but will bend them when it comes to protecting people and he's a bit of a hot head, snarly and tempered.
Becoming a prime either makes him bolder or more mellow tempered, but he still caring and willing to fight for his friends and loved ones, watching cybertron fade breaks his spark so much becuase he never wanted to see this happen, he never wanted to watch Megatron become corrupted by the thing he sort to change. But war has that effect on all of them. The war wages on and each century it just makes Optimus more tired. He is actually a very depressed mech, but he puts up the wise and friendly facade. But he misses so much of his culture, and it hurts even more if he is the archivist continuation becuase he has all of these documents and he re reads them and some nights he will cry himself to sleep becuase he wishes he could have changed to path of the war. And in truth, if it came down to it, he would go back and give his life to prevent cybertron from falling. He was made into a prime he wasn't chosen to be one, and he's constantly at war with the matrix because of that. And when the matrix bonds with Rodimus, Optimus is selfish and relieved. If he had his choice, he would never touch that cursed thing ever again. To him, being a Prime isn't a gift. It's a curse.
Ratchet, in his younger days, was a big partier, but as he gets older and does more surgery, it starts to chip away at him. Watching how if a mech of a higher class was brought in, they got fast charged in front of other patients. He had to watch mech he had known and grown a bond with shut down because he was forced to work on another mech because they were of a higher class than others. So when he opens his clinic, I. The dead end asap way to help mechs of lower status he never would have thought it was what would lead him to hsi further Conjunx, at first Deadlock wasn't anything special to him, just some poor bot who had hit the lowest of lows. So when this mech keeps coming back over the centuries to check on Ratchet and make sure he's alright,it amuses the older medic over this speedster.
But when the war breaks out its Deadlock who's the first at his door, telling him he needs to leave becuase it's not safe, a large sum of money transferred to him, and a pleading look from Deadlock. That's how Ratchet ends up at Optimus' side throughout the war, he's dedicated to keeping as many bots functioning as possible, and he sticks by medic law, he will help anyone, Decepticon, autobot and unlined bots without a bat of an optic. And little does he know that He is on a list of do not harm. Deadlock pulls a lot of strings as Decepticon. Ratchet is one of the most well-known medics due to being the Autobots HMO, but also because he is on a protective list, he is a to be captured only, killing him is an automatic execution. Ratchet himself is quite the rule breaker. He meets up with Deadlock multiple times, fixing him and snarking him, calling him a stupid kid for getting himself so beat up. But over time, Ratchet becomes rather smitten with Deadlock, and all it takes is Ratchet asking him to leave the Decepticons and Deadlock does without argument.
Drift, he's one who I want to write more because I love him alot, he's a mech, which started out with nothing and is now one of the most wealthy bots to still be alive. From a junkie to one of the Decepticons' most feared assassins. Meeting Ratchet changed his life around, I like the idea when Ratchet was saving him. Deadlock literally saw Primus that day. And he doesn't know how to repay Ratchet. He tries to better himself get off the circuit boosters, but that falls in with the Decepticons and makes a name for himself as an assassin after he and Hotrod go to a rally, Hotrod took one look at Megatron and walked away, but Megatron caught Deadlocks attention. He makes a name for himself working with Mixmaster and a lot of money off it, but he refuses to go back to using, so his wealth just slowly accumulates. And when cybertron falls and the war continues, it's something he doesn't pay attention to. But Ratchet is, he makes it very clear to every con that Ratchet is off limits, and many think Deadlock has a personal vendetta against the medic. And a few bots learn what happens when they lay a hand on the medic. So Ratchet becomes the infamous medic not only because of his skill in the field but because Deadlock literally has him on a can't touch list that even Megatron respects.
When Deadlock becomes Drift he gets a full cosmetic surgery done by Ratchet, and the medic vouches for him making it very clear to everyone that Drift is off limits, that's when Drift and Hotrod finally see each other again, it's a reunion and a half. Once the war is over and cybertron is slowly being rebuild is when Drift realises the fortune he has amassed over millions of years. He's the one who funds the lost light expedition as a thank you to Rodimus for everything he has done for him. Both he and Ratchet join the lost light as a way to get away from cybertron and the names they have made. And it's only on the lost light that Ratchet actually finds out Drift is older than him by a good few million years. And it leads to quite some funny situations because no one knew Drifts age. Rodimus is shocked, and so are many other bots. But I also have this very funny little thing in my head of an interaction with Drift and Rung. Of Drift doing a therapy session with Rung, sitting there meditating when he suddenly just goes. "I know you're Primus, I don't know why, but thank you for leading me to Ratchet," and Rung is sweating coolant like. 'How does this fragger know who the fuck I am!?!"
Many of you know I love writing Rung as Primus in hiding. And I love the idea of him making himself this tiny mech who collects spaceships from over millennia, and they are his most prized possessions, he learnt many skills but became a therapist becuase he wanted to help people, it was always in his natural to help those he could. He gave up his original form, creating cybertron. He was there for the first sparklings created. He was there throughout everything. And when the war started, he evacuated a lot of young sparks, wanting to protect them, but it broke him. Watching that shuttle get shot out of the sky. Rung has been there for everything, he cringes away when people pray to him, he despises the cults made in his name, the depictions of him as this selfless warrior, he wasn't a warrior, he was a scared bot with no choice but to stop Unicron, he's a selfish bot who wanted to enjoy the life that his original form has gifted.
He enjoys being a therapist, but after the war he realises all the trauma so many bots have and he tries to ease it to help them throught it the best he can, but when he's doing a session with Drift and the mech turns to him looks him dead in the eyes and says he knows Rung is primus it spooks him. No one could know that Rung was older than this bot, so how could he know that he had never done anything that could have made Drift suspect him. And it is left as a mystery as Drift never brings it up again, never tells anyone else, but Drift is the only mech he fears more than Unicron because he knows who he truly is.
Rodimus/Hotrod was originally a mech on the streets, he had multiple run in with the law due to illegal street racing. Prowl was originally trying to recruit him as an undercover agent, he meets Deadlock by chance while bootlegging energon. They become quick friends when Deadlock gets him out of trouble quickly, they begin hanging out alot and are nearly inseparable, Hotrod helping Deadlock with his withdrawals, keeping him busy and never taking it personally when Deadlock lost his temper from the withdrawals. When they went to one of the Decepticons rallys, Hotrod was tempted to join but it was when he met Megatron it changed his mind. In truth if he had met Megatron before he had started becoming the paranoid mech, Hotrod most likely would have been friends with Megatron. But seeing the crowd of angry mech following Megatron's every word has Hotrod ready to get out of there.
He stays an unaligned bot for quite a bit. But eventually joins Optimus begrudgingly. He doesn't agree with either side of this war, but to him, the Autobots are the most moral at that time. But when the burning on Nyon happens, he hates himself, he hates both the Autobots and Decepticons, and he despises the matrix of leadership more than anything. He hates what he's been made to be. He lives with so much guilt, and he doesn't know how to deal with it, Drift can see it, and he organises the ship. Rodimus finds it easier to run away from cybertron, so he does. But when Megatron joins the crew, it throws a wrench in the works. Rodimus wants to scream at Optimus at Megatron. He doesn't want to be near the mech who shoots him through the spark. But over time he comes to realise how lost Megatron is, it takes alot of time for either of them to be comfortable near each other.
It's a day Rodimus is struggling with reports. He wants to scream t his own prosessor for not being able to focus. Megatron drops something into his servo to fidget with before sitting at the other side of the table as he works quietly on reports. And it's the first time Rodimus says thank you to Megatron,it takes both of them a moment before they settle back into quietly working.
Here's a list of oldest to youngest in my headcanons
Rung - old as fuck, he is god
Drift- this man is old, no one knows just how old tho
Ratchet - he's not as old as drift but still pretty aged
Optimus, Rodimus, Megatron - all around the same millennia, Optimus being older that Rodimus and Megatron, Rodimus only have a decade on Megatron.
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logos-primes-pr-guy · 2 years
Earthspark Skywarp is Rekindling my Appreciation for TF Fight Scenes
Yes I'm rewatching Earthspark for the 994035th time. You can't comprehend how much I love this show, but especially the sheer creativity going into the animation, and especially Skywarp's teleporting. I'm just so glad they not only remembered to bring that back, but actually added to it. The 2D effects are gorgeous, and the way she interacts in partnership with Nova Storm is just plain awesome, and it's actually exciting to look at!
I often struggle with fight scenes due to my visual processing difficulties, so my brain tends to just phase-out excessive explosions and gunfire that most TF media opts for. But I can actually watch Earthspark, and enjoy it! The TFs use their powers and bits of their kibble and actually do interesting and fun things, they fight like how Cybertronians should fight, conveying their power, their difference, their alien nature. Everyone praises the Seekers vs Megatron + Optimus fight, but it's because it's so fresh. Earthspark promised it would bring us something new, and it really has. I don't think any other show has done such a good job of showcasing exactly why humans fear Cybertronians as well as that one shot of Skywarp clashing with OP as Dot desperately tries to get her family to safety. They're giants, with technology far beyond human understanding, almost mythic. Most of the humans there have military training, including Dot, but they all just scatter as soon as the Seekers touch down. There is absolutely nothing they can do against these monsters.
We don't get to see if Nova Storm has her outlier ability (or whichever term they might use in Earthspark), but I hope she does, and I hope we'll see the other Rainmakers (and the other Seekers!) She does notably take some significant knocks, including Megatron's fusion cannon piledriving move, and yet only Skywarp comes away with the slashed wing, so I have high hopes. They were a good pair to choose for this fight, because their abilities are formidable, but not so much that they couldn't be easily defeated by OP and Megs. It *feels* like a dramatic, high-stakes fight, because we see how afraid and vulnerable the humans are. Skywarp's flashy power gives us a glimpse at the more frightening aspect of Cybertronain nature - their unpredictability. Some of them can just do things even other Cybertronians can't replicate, let alone protect against. Optimus denies that the humans fear them, but how can they not, when even the Autobots can't explain or replicate every aspect of their species' technology? It would be easier if they could just be seen as machines, but outlier abilities are nearly supernatural, they show the Transformers to be so much more than that, and therefore, not trustworthy, not reliable, not easily defined or categorised in terms of threat level and hazard assessment.
And the fact is - Skywarp isn't even the worst of the Seekers, let alone Cybertronians overall. She looks like a top-tier threat, able to warp in close to Optimus and hack at him before he can stop her, to jump around faster than he can fire a blaster, making twists and air manoeuvres no human made jet would ever manage, but he so easily knocks her aside, he's more surprised she and Nova Storm are even trying to attack in the first place. Imagine how much devastation someone like Sunstorm could have wrought? The humans would have likely been killed immediately by one of their radiation bursts. Or, if Skullcruncher is here, imagine the horror of Mindwipe's ability? Overlord?
GHOST are established as throwing around their power over Megatron and the Autobots, but the moment a couple of beaten-down Seekers show up, who don't even have the benefit of working with their original trinemates, they're totally out of their depth, relying on Prime and Megatron to fight. The mystery deepens as to just how they're managing to hold any kind of sway over Megatron at all, and what happened to Skywarp and Nova's trines. We know Starscream is captured, but what of the others?
And why are the Decepticons in such bad shape in the first place?
I need the rest of Season 1 beamed into my brain now. I love Skywarp and Nova Storm's friendship so much, they're such an unlikely duo for mixing up trines, and yet it works so well.
I'm for sure gonna make more posts with some specific analysis of mythology and folklore in Earthspark and also Nova Storm and Skywarp's relationship because I have a LOT of thoughts but for now, watch Earthspark. Please, if you haven't already, support the show. It's so good, the writing is fun, it's visually stunning, please watch it.
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edgymegatronus · 4 years
Vehicons on the Nemesis
I had some Headcannons and such about Vehicon life ( they are so cute and so much more could’ve been done with them ) in Transformers Prime, so heres a disjointed drabble about it - 
The cold and vacant halls of the Nemesis were inhabited by many hot, Cybertronain bodies. The majority of the populous being Decepticon cannon fodder in the form of Vehicons. Treated as one body by their uppers, save for a couple more lenient Decepticon elites. Though each one has their own story and background and personality. Things they love and hate and believe in. Those whom they relish and those who they despise – all amongst their ranks. Each Vehicon’s has a numerical designation, but these are scarcely used amongst themselves. Instead, meaningful nicknames are given. Based on personality traits, things they like, or the memories they’ve shared. None of these self-given titles were especially intricate and they had to be careful not to use them in front of their uppers.
One of the most popular Vehicons, who often delivered information back to his brothers-in-arms from Breakdown was given the nickname Kingston and was well respected. Another, a clumsy mech who had been shot so many times in the field but had somehow never been killed had taken the name ‘Respawn’. These were just a couple in a sea names given by friends and lovers. Flippers, Specks, Jon, Hot Wheels, Afty, Bonkers, Legs, Tosser – All mechs with separate identities and sparks that had been transplanted into identical bodies. During the war, there were two main routes to becoming a Vehicon. The more digestible one being the origin of ‘Runners’ on Cybertron as the war progressed. As the planet began to fall into dormancy, or die – only a few ‘Hot Spots’ were left. These patches of heat on the planets’ surface brought forth some of the last life Primus ever birthed. Sparks would appear in these vast areas, and it was a race. Decepticon and Autobot runners alike would race across the miles to be the first to collect the spark and bring it back to their respective base, where it would be crafted into whatever they wanted.
Which was at most times, for a regular spark, a Vehicon mode. One could say that the Vehicons weren’t the most agile, or best at aiming – because they were more than literally in the wrong bodies. But it suited the Decepticon cause just fine, and that was all they ever knew, so they carried on. The other method was much more uncomfortable.
The majority of Vehicons got along well. They had to, living and working in such close proximity to each other. The separate groups mostly stuck to themselves, divided by alt modes or job descriptions. Flyers or ‘Eradicons’ were the most prestigious in the hierarchy, as flight superiority was valued the most – a ghost of prospect from a dead culture of Cybertron. This ran all the way down to the servant-class mining mechs, who drilled for energon beneath the crust of the earth. They seemed mostly contented to stay out of the way, glad that they didn’t come in contact with the likes of Starscream and Megatron all too often, much to the laughability of those who lived aboard the Nemesis.
Life aboard the floating husk of dormant metal was unforgiving. Although many Decepticons had first supported Megatron of Tarn because of his words and great speeches of equality and revolution, the eons had given way to sickening irony. It was glaringly obvious that not all aboard the Nemesis were equal, or even valued. Vehicons that perished to the light of Autobot cannons were mourned only between their subsections of soldiers. Never again to be mentioned by their leaders. The promise of a perfect Cybertron had been strayed so far from it was a common belief between them that it would never occur. Deceived by their own cause. Now they clung to a lifeless ultimatum of war because it was all they knew, and harboured their life’s service. Besides, if any committed treason in a trifling attempt to leave the Cause or abandon their post, the immediate punishment was the death penalty. It made sense, of course. One couldn’t just leave. They could be captured by Autobots and leak sensitive information or turn on the cause, later on, causing a multitude of issues. No, it was far more efficient that they perish. It was loyalty to the ghost of a great movement or an early meeting with the Allspark. Discontent was an ill-fitting word, but the Vehicons filled the holes with self-made methods.
Deep in mining wells, or in forgotten rooms aboard the warship, over commlinks they met. They met and they complained and they schemed and they wished. More importantly, they humoured each other and reminded one another that they were not alone. They held moments of silence for their lost comrades. They spoke about the direction of the cause, and gossip between who was in and out of Megatron’s favour at the precise moment, and predicted who would be in the future. Starscream was always mentioned. Together they shared smuggled high-grade and energon snacks and assured each other that soon, they could remove their visors.
However, the most thrilling meeting came once a week, at the permission of Megatron. The Nemesis was equipped with more than one towering hall, the smallest of which had been converted into something similar to what many troops may have known on Cybertron. It shared many commonalities with drinking bars and taverns that were littered across the less esteemed parts of most Cybertronain cities. As a joke, the tavern-like hall had been dubbed ‘The Prime’s Head’. It was open once an earth week and supplied the majority of the motivation the troops needed to keep going. Megatron was also acutely aware that it kept his armies placid, having one outlet was enough to stop short of an uprising. Though it was rumoured to him that during his time in space, Starscream allowed two of these openings a week, a ploy to win favour obviously – but an effective one.
The system was simple enough. Each Vehicon has two high-grade tokens. This restricted any drunkenness or hooliganism that might occur had they been overcharged. They can spend these at the bar, which was run by five Vehicons according to a rota. There was a small selection of different drinks. All mixed expertly by mechs that perhaps would’ve done the same back on Cybertron. The lights in the tavern where dimmed, but it was alight with chatter. Reminiscing about old times, idle gossip, the passing of secret information. Occasionally there was music, but never too much or too loud. It was a humble gathering that kept sparks alight from week to week, and the Vehicons ravished every opportunity for the life they got aboard that dead metal ship. For it was almost assured that some of them would not be present at the next tavern opening.
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What are 2 or 3 things IDW Windblade did that you don't like? (Personally, I'm not a big fan of IDW Chromia, cause she's racist against cybertronains and she also set off a bomb that killed innocents and it almost killed Windblade aka the person she is assgined to protect. And the reason she made that bomb was so she could try to scare Windblade off of Cybertron... honestly she is totally a canon yandere!)
I wouldn’t do the cold construct thing, instead I would do grounders belittling and degrading Starscream because he is a seeker. 
I would have WIndblade be able to see ghost bee. I think a city speaker should be able to see the dead and try to help them to the pit or all spark.
On that note, Starscream should be a city speaker. He just tries to hide it.
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chrome-mind · 5 years
Idw/mtmte Prowl finding out his s/o was a decepticon
When the war ended and cybertronians began returning home, Prowl had only expected to experience the stress of conflict reigniting between factions, perhaps facing a few ghosts of the past. He didn’t expect the phrase to be quite as literal as it happened to be. When he catches a glimpse of a familiar paint job exiting one of the returning ships his spark jolts; soon his view is no longer blocked by the swarm of other bots and he can easily recognize his former friend. Their paint is exactly as if was, impossibly exact to when he had last seen them. As he got closer, perhaps shoving people more than necessary, he could see minor changes their frame had gone through over the years. They see him too now and wave ecstatically at him approaching form “Prowl! Prowl is that you?” They’ve started rushing towards him as well and meet him in the middle of the wandering crowd. They picked him up with strength he didn’t remember them having and embraced him, he vaguely registers returning the gesture and the murmurs of surprise coming from the cybertronains passing by them.
When he feels his feet touch the ground he pulls back, not withdrawing his arms, to look at their face. He gaze freezes over the purple insignia plastered in front of him. “Prowl? Are you… alright?” They seem to have followed his line of sight because they trail off suddenly. His friend releases him fully and takes a step back. “I… Look, it was early in the war… The Decepticons had it right at first-” “Do you realize what I’ve been doing the entirety of the war?” Prowl said monotonously, still staring at the offending badge. His friend opened their mouth, but he was already answering. “Finding the most efficient ways to kill Decepticons. I had the war down to a formula, numbers for every dead soldier.” For the first time Prowl doubted his methods. “One of those numbers could have been you and I wouldn’t have known.” He wouldn’t have, he’d already thought they had fallen with the last of Cybertron’s cities in the beginning of the war. “They weren’t Prowl, look. I’m right in front of you.” Finally he looked away from the Decepticon badge and up at his friends face. “Honestly, I think it’s lucky you found out like this, can you imagine seeing me on the battlefield? At least now no one is expecting us to tear each other apart.” The laugh they made seemed genuine. They began walking past Prowl, causing him to follow. “Can you imagine my panic when I found out you were the Autobot’s lead tactician? It’s like accidentally joining the wrong club at school.” Prowl scowled at them angrily as he took larger steps to keep up with them, “It has not been nearly enough time to make jokes about that.” “I got a few laughs on board the ship so I beg to differ.” “I’ll have you banished from Cybertron.” “Will you come visit me?” “Of course not.” “Of course.”
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cyberghost-scout · 4 years
Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
NAME: GW-57-0120 (before she had her Designation) Ghostwire (current and offical) NICKNAME(S): Ghosty, Ghost, Blinky (Despises it!), Drone (Hates that one too) Little Lady. AGE: 3 million stellar cycles (or mid twenties) SPECIES: Cybertronian (cold construct). ALIGNMENT: Decepticon/nuetral. INTERESTS: Reading, video games, racing, (romance and horror) Movies and the beach PROFESSION: Scout and informal assassin. Torturer for one day. 
OPTIC COLOR: Red with a small oval white pupils FACECLAIM: https://cyberghost-scout.tumblr.com/post/189064696373/told-i-would-do-it
HEIGHT: 17 feet tall. 5.1816 meters for the rest of the world VOICE: Soft, lullable, but strong. Not something one can forget easily. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Muiltiship blog sooo (Elina from @elluq) (Duke from @bravepolicehq.) (Rosanna from @cyber-pop-star) (Firefly from @drawingdaydreamsuniverse) ENEMIES: Autobots. (Especially Sentinal and a bot is dead[?] Stardust) Zonders... (yeah) And maybe more that I can’t think of right now COLORS.   White, grey, black, red and pruple. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: Energex (and more precise. whatever is the cybertronain equivalents of the Jack Rose, The Zombie and whatever the heck this drink is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CRzLWSGxWo cause it looks so freaking cool to be not a cybertronain drink) SMOKES: No. DRUGS: Nope (but she should for the depression of hers) DRIVERS LICENSE: None, cause she’s a car... FAMOUS FOR: She smile, her loyalty. Her patients. INFAMOUS: Temper; the nightmare fuel that’s her ability to kill bots without outer damages. WANTS: To take back her rights as a cybertronain... Justice for her sister’s death. NEEDS: Therapy! She wants closure about what happen with her life. And wanted a happy ending where she can be home with a family not hop around the place avoiding getting captured Tagged by: @askburningpassion Tagging: @bravepolicehq, @bytesnbolts, @dear-fellow-travelers  @the-bounty-hunters-base and @kaonacademyishere
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🌼🐥 (correcting Jet’s previous ask)
( @lost-on-the-jetstream )
Organic life was springing up all over Cybertron; rather Cybertronains liked it or not. The plants from Earth and the colonies began to dot the local markets Skyfall shopped. She was buying a little air plant for her window; when the Minicon nearly dropped the glass babble on her walk to the cash out. She was still getting used to the extra weight of her frame when she stumbled into a taller femme’s leg.
“Oh!” She stammered, fiddling for the orb so she wouldn’t drop it. Skyfall then took a step back to apologize, “I am so...”
However, the words died in her mouth as Skyfall stared up at the familiar black and teal of the Insecticon before her. Optics wide with disbelief as a ghost from her past came to haunt her.
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braveggg-hq · 5 years
I'm just the witness to this! I'm just as confused as you are! *shrinks away* I mean she's like you guys... Not cybertronain anymore. She's fine- but man. Her memory is warped to believe she's been a Brave her whole existence. May stay like this for a week.
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“Mhm...My...Ghost...” Duke sounded ashamed. He had jumped to such a conclusion. It made him sick, or his A.I start to ache. Either way, he felt sick. Could he help her even? Maybe he should contact her. Maybe Swan or the other new A.I’s could help him.
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in1-nutshell · 6 months
More thoughts so how about Predacon buddy going back to the earth spark universe and just more interaction's with the others specifically Megatron I sort of feel like old predacon buddy would most likely try burning ghost to the ground and mandroid because no one messes with the sparklings on old Predacon buddy's watch I can just see product on buddies just saying don't you dare mess with my grandkids while just beating mandroid up and possibly suplexing him
Had a lot of request for Old Predacon Buddy coming back to Earthspark so here it is!
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the Old Predacon finding out about Mandriod's bots
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Another day, another random dimension drop off.
Buddy landed on top of a haystack next to some apple trees.
They groaned as they felt something lick the side of their face.
They opened their optics to find a familiar looking calf.
Floppy ears.
This was the dimension with the Terrans!
And their home was right there!
Buddy quickly got up and started walking over to the home with the calf mooing happily behind them.
Buddy peaks into the kitchen spotting Alex cooking something on the stove.
“Hello there Mr. Malto.”--Buddy
Alex shrieks a bit holding the spatula in his hand as a weapon.
He looks closer at the optics of the Predacon before recognizing them.
“Buddy? Buddy, it’s been so long! Hold on one moment.”--Alex
Alex turns off the stove and runs outside to meet Buddy.
Alex hugs their pede as Buddy gently rubs his back.
He lets go.
“What are you doing back? Not that it’s a problem, but—”--Alex
“No, I get it Alex. And to answer your question, it was another portal.”--Buddy
“Yeesh! How many times does that happen to you?”--Alex
“…Way more than you might realize. Anyways where’s Dot and the kids? How are they?”--Buddy
“They should just be getting back from work right now.”—Alex
Buddy tilts their helm.
“From G.H.O.S.T.”--Alex
“The creepy organization Megatron mentioned last time?”--Buddy
“That’s the one.”--Alex
“Something doesn’t settle with me about that organization…”--Buddy
“I feel you Buddy. How about I get Dot or one of the kids on the phone so you can talk to them?”--Alex
“That would be great Alex.”--Buddy
Buddy loafs on the ground as Alex begins to call Hashtag.
Buddy immediately gets up.
“They are Mandriod’s bots. Sweety where are you all right now? Where’s Mom?”--Alex
Buddy leans down to Alex’s height.
Their optics holding steely determination.
“Climb on.”—Buddy
Buddy gains altitude as fast, while being mindful of Alex sitting without any protection on their back.
Buddy right now didn’t care that they would get seen.
They were worried about the kids.
Whoever this Mandriod was going to be a pile of burning ash when they were done with him if any of the kids were hurt.
Soon enough they found some bots.
Optimus, Megatron and Elita were struggling against the pink spider webs.
Buddy descending from above.
“Buddy?”—Elita, Megatron, and Optimus
Buddy leans down to let Alex come down.
They look at the restrains on Elita’s frame and dig their dentas into the webs and with one swift pull yanked most of them free from her frame.
“Where are the kids?”--Buddy
They heard screams.
Buddy mad dashes through the vegetation to the sound.
They spot a dozen robotic spiders start to corral Nightshade, Thrash and Mo.
Buddy lunged from the trees taking out most of the spiders.
Some managed to attach themselves onto their back, but Buddy quickly got rid of them before any permanent damage could be done.
They spewed fire at the remaining, reducing them to melted metal.
The three ran to them and hugged their friend tightly.
Buddy wrapped their wings around them in relief before remembering the other.
“Where are the others?”--Buddy
They heard more yelling.
“Nightshade, Thrash, Mo follow my path and head back to Megatron and your father.”--Buddy
“What about you!”--Nightshade
Buddy had already started running before they heard the rest.
Thankfully, the others weren’t too far either.
Twitch, Hashtag, Jawbreaker, Dot, and Robbie were all being suspended by one of the webs as the spiders closed in.
Buddy leaped on top of them shaking the earth bellow as they swiped the other spiders with their tail.
Buddy stood in front of them wings spread in full display and roared before spewing the robots with fire.
Once they were done, they turned back worried at the children.
“Are you all okay?”--Buddy
Buddy nipped the webs and caught them as they fell.
They ran to give Buddy a hug as Buddy finally sighed in relief.
The danger was over.
The others soon appeared from the rather large opening in the forest their frame caused.
Everyone looked relief to see everyone safe and sound.
The group decided to return home.
As soon as they convinced Buddy to stop looking for Mandriod himself.
Optimus and Megatron trying to stop Buddy from going any further in the forest.
“You two need to let me go right now. That monster needs to be found and—”--Buddy
“So what? So, you can light him on fire?”--Elita
“The offer is on the table.”--Buddy
Dot gets in front of Buddy.
“Buddy… lets just go home. It’s been a rough day for all of us. Anyways there is no way of tracking down Mandriod. Not even G.H.O.S.T. can find him.”--Dot
Buddy huffs in frustration.
Mo comes over to Buddy’s pede and gently grabs it.
Buddy sighs in defeat and soften their optics at the child.
“All right. Let’s not make my visit all about revenge. I want to hear everything that I missed.”--Buddy
Buddy gently opens their wings and herds the group out of the forest.
Elita looks at Optimus and Megatron.
“…They aren’t going to let this go.”--Elita
“Nope.”—Optimus and Megatron
A few more days passed with Buddy staying at the Maltos home filled with activities and more reunions before the portal came back.
There were more tearful goodbyes and promises to return whenever the portal came back for them.
Buddy exiting the portal, slightly stumbling on the ground.
Ratchet spots Buddy shaking their helm.
“Ratchet. How’s the work coming along?”--Buddy
“Good, but are you okay?”--Ratchet
Buddy huffs a bit.
“I’m fine Ratchet.”--Buddy
“… I have a little bit of a dent on my side. Would you…”--Buddy
Ratchet pats the med slab next to him.
“You know the drill.”--Ratchet
Buddy smiles a bit.
“Whatever you say Doctor.”--Buddy
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evilsciencebros · 7 years
Agathrights: This local bug literally lives in a box and Megatron lets it crawl around inside of him to do repairs, News At 10.
evilsciencebros: You made him 10x awesome in ways I never would have expected! I love your fountain of imagination. LMAO *snuggles up inside the warrior poet*
agatharights: I kinda had the vague idea of making him either a true minicon or an uplift a while ago so it was fun to finally flesh that out!Who doesn't want to crawl around inside of megatron. it'd be cozy
evilsciencebros: *huggles the swiss army knife* He's perfect *squishes down into pancake mode*
agatharights: He just squish down.The only problem with being an uplift is that -actual- scraplets will probably follow him if given the chance, because this scraplet is bigger and smarter so clearly it has more food!And i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that a nonsapient swarm of dumb, hungry metallovores makes for poor company, unless you're in an autobot base in which case HEY NEW FRIENDS EAT EVERYTHING
evilsciencebros: The perfect drone army. They're not allowed in the Decepticon base
agatharightsyeah: probably a good idea to not bring those homeThey can't tell the difference between autobots and Decepticons and while Oil Slick is pretty unpalateable to everything (both Junkions and Unicronians refuse to eat him, which is impressive) everybody else...
evilsciencebros: Bless. He probably has a little hidey hole for them, so they don't go wondering off. Either that, or just kills/eats them, like Movie Scalpel did with that creepy worm thing that crawled through Sam's head. LOL. Everything keeps trying to eat Oil Slick and fails miserably XD
agatharights: I'd imagine so. Scalpel can probably eat virtually anything, if given enough time for his teensy tiny mouth, since he's still got a scraplet digestive system.
evilsciencebrosI: eat with his butt
agatharights: They had to remove most of the scraplet mouth/jaws though to make room for an actual brain.
evilsciencebros: Tiny brain. An Archive worth of knowledge. That's an impressive memory chip he's got
agatharights: Excellent quantum linkage with his spark for memory storage. Whatever company made him probably priced him pretty high- he would've been top-tier medical equipment at the time
evilsciencebros: ^w^ He is one of a kind
agatharights: "He is one of a kind" "Because everything else in his production line was disposed of when they became obsolete or were deemed too high-risk." you can even ask Optimus but like "What was Cybertron like?" "It was beautiful, and terrible."
evilsciencebros: it was beautiful...but at the same time, on fire
agatharights: Well, to be fair, on fire was more after Megatron finally started calming down and realized he maaaay have literally killed Primus and was like "Mm. Okay. I'll admit, I got a little out of hand.""Lets...lets just go find a new planet."
evilsciencebros: *sweeps the old planet under the rug.* Don't worry, we can still fix this
agatharights: And then he left Cybertron, a post-apocalyptic wasteland, and somehow by the time he got back Shockwave had made it worse and he was like how did you do this? When I left this was a heap of scrap that was on fire and full of electrical storms? WHY IS IT FULL OF ZOMBIES AND PREDACONS NOW? And Shockwave was like "i thought you were never coming back ever so I panicked"
agatharights: Shockwave is the master of "picked up necromancy as a hobby, made some mistakes"
evilsciencebros: This is what happens when you don't return people's phone calls. they join cults
agatharights: And if there's no cults to join, they make their own, and when you finally show back up they're like heyyyyyy...the good news is, Cybertron's not dead, the bad news is, neither are the Insecticons and now there's so many of them.
evilsciencebros: On the bright side there's a cool spider lady who keeps them in check...when she doesn't wanna eat you herself
agatharights: I dunno about that. Season Three of TF: Matrix is basically slotted to be "Blackarachnia is pissed Megatron ditched her on Cybertron, has been selectively breeding an army of insecticons and predacons to take it out on him" Megatron, and who can blame him, was like "Alright, we need to get everyone we can off the planet before the spacebridges go dark...but do i want to be stuck in a tube floating in space with a bunch of self-replicating cannibals? Do i really?"And then effectively gave the Insecticons/predacons the wrong time/place and took off without them and they've been salty about it for a few centuries
evilsciencebros: Megatron. Can't break up with someone to save his life. Instead changes his phone number and address, and pretends to be shocked when they finally run into each other years later.
agatharights: ...god I'm terrible because the first thing that pops into my head is "Clearly, he learned that from Orion"
agatharights: Since Orion basically ditched Megatron as soon as the Decepticons started getting too hot for him to handle and then Megatron didn't see him again until he was working with Sentinel Prime centuries later.And he was like  " :) This is fine" And promptly murdered them both.
evilsciencebros: Cybertron. Died because of poor communication
agatharights: Pretty much.Which, to be fair, this problem didn't start with Megatron and Orion, this problem probably started the moment Prima was like "Guys, I know the thirteen of us are pretty happy, but what if we made a few billion more people?"
agatharights sent a GIF
evilsciencebros: I don't see any downsides to this.
agatharights: Downsides: Quintessons were like hey, uhhhh looks like you have...a lot of people there. Can we...borrow some??????"no piss off Quintessons"
agatharights: And then Unicron was like HEYYYYY LOOKS LIKE YOU HAVE A LOT OF PEOPLE THERE...CAN I DEVOUR EVERYTHING??? "NO PISS OFF UNICRON" (and then Nova Prime was like "Hey, what if institutionalized racism?" and instead of going "no piss off Nova" people were like "yeah okay" and that's Cybertronian history) The ghost of Solus Prime shaking her head like come on you guys I did not make all this shit that can literally cause miracles just so you could immediately start conquering and murdering things but she was dead so nobody listened to her
evilsciencebros: immortals need hobbies too. The only ones allowed to traumatise their OCs are them.
agatharights: "these are my OCs the entire Cybertronain race. original idea, do not steal." (and then the Quintessons, who created Primus and Unicron, were like WHOA PLAGARISM) Also oh no I realized the saddest thing that could happen to Scalpel
evilsciencebros: !!!!!
agatharights: Scalpel would've been an actual Scraplet, if very briefly (probably plucked right from a natural forge) before he was modified into a, well, a person, rather than a parasite. Which is all well and good, uplifts weren't uncommon for a long time, though they're very rare post-war
agatharights: But if he attacked Buster and Buster panicked there'd be a chance Buster's matrix abilities- including the ability to "repair" virtually anything Cybertronian given enough energy, would kick in- and Scalpel could be reverted into a Scraplet. It briefly happens to Ravage, but Ravage shares a spark with Soundwave- so Soundwave is able to re-activate his uplift status by restoring his spark (and Buster is very sorry like yeah okay the Decepticons have regularly tried to kidnap him as a power source but he didn't mean to hurt anyone!)But Scalpel being turned back into a Scraplet, even if it were temporary, sounds like a nightmare for him. Turned into a literally brainless creature (scraplets have no processors- their actions are directly connected to their spark rather than utilizing a processor)
evilsciencebros: ;-; poor baby
agatharights: He keeps biting Oil Slick and then being surprised and angry when Oil Slick tastes bad but he has no memory at the time. So he keeps trying bc Oil Slick carries him off to try and fix him ;-;
evilsciencebros: <3
agatharights: awwgh that's so sad i'm putting that in the "horrible things to potentially do to characters" folder
evilsciencebros: My boys. Looking out for each other ;3;
evilsciencebrosYou should feel bad! Poor Scalpel, reduced to something less than an animals, and poor Oil Slick trying to care for his little buddy.
agatharights: Someone on the team suggests that they should put Scalpel out of his misery, that they don't want to risk him eating someone and producing more scraplets, and Oil Slick gets so angry about it he has to leave for a lil bit, just to clear his head before he does something stupid like drop a white phosphorous grenade on them)He'd have to get fixed, eventually, but until then Oil Slick can keep him in a box and feed him scraps
evilsciencebros: OMG I hope he gets better one day! Poor Oil Slick trying, and failing, to bring Scalpel back, but unwilling to snuff out his little spark.He will murder that human boy >:/
agatharights: jskdlfaj if he confronted Buster the poor kid would be like ???!!! Because he'd have no idea what he'd done, and once he knew he'd freak out and start bawling because he didn't mean to! He's so sorry! He can fix it- he can, he can try, at least? "I don't want to hurt anyone! Please, just lemme try to fix it..."
evilsciencebros: He is very fortunate that Oil Slick is desperate and revenge can wait.Now stop pouring lubricant out of your optics and do your work weird god magic shit.
agatharights: akfdljsaf poor babies. At least Buster can probably undo it. Might take a bit, though, and a lot of energy. he'd konk right out afterwards, and Scalpel just re-grew an entire brain so he's very tired too.
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in1-nutshell · 8 months
I’m not sure if you’re accepting requests or not right now or not so if you’re busy or requests are closed you can ignore this sorry for the trouble.
But if you are accepting requests I have a fun lil idea with a bot buddy with a chihuahua alt mode, or is a Predacon that’s like a chihuahua, and this could be in the Transformers Prime universe or the Transformers Animated universe, or whichever of the Transformers universes you think will suit lil chihuahua buddy, all up to you! I hope you have a nice week and things are going well with you! 👁️〰️👁️👍✨
Ooooooh! Never seen a chihuahua bot yet, so let do this!
I randomly picked the continuity for this one along with its characters.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy with an alt mode of a Chihuahua with Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and Thrash
SFW, Platonic, Cybertroanian reader
Buddy knew their alt mode wasn’t the most common.
They meant to scan an electric scooter, but they accidentally scanned the small dog that walked in front of it.
Sure, it took some getting used but Buddy made it work. Buddy mainly hung out in the GHOST bases since they could exactly go out on patrol in more populated places.
Being the teams medic and having fiery outbursts from time to time is quite a combination to have.
Optimus Prime
Buddy was one of Prime’s longest team members.
They greatly supported him in building new relations with the humans once Megatron surrendered.
As acting medic for now (where is Ratchet) Buddy had their servos occupied with Prime and the rest of the Cybertronains living on Earth.
Buddy wielding Optimus new patch job.
“I swear Prime… You must be more careful! What were you thinking when you decided to go up against Soundwave and the mini’s, at once!”--Buddy
“All is fine—”--Optimus
“Oh no, you don’t get to give me that speech again! What do you think Ratchet would do if he heard about this?”--Buddy
“… The wrenches?”--Optimus
“The wrenches. Now hold still.”--Buddy
When Optimus brings Buddy out for patrol, Buddy is in his trailer waiting till it’s okay to come out.
Being a smaller bot, Buddy helps the Prime when things are a bit too small for him to grasp.
If Buddy’s temper gets a bit out of hand, the Prime will simply pick them up and tuck them in his arms.
“Prime! Let me go!”--Buddy
“Not now.”--Optimus
“Let me go!”--Buddy
“Would you prefer to have Megatron handle you?”--Optimus
“I feel like I should feel offended.”—Megatron
He just hopes now that Buddy doesn’t find out about Bumblebee or the Terrans yet. They have a reputation of coming off as overprotective, especially of younger bots.
Buddy going through Teletran -1’s data base trying to look for more of Ratchet’s doctor notes.
Finds file named Terrans.
“What’s a Terran?”--Buddy
Buddy looks and finds out about the Terrans, the Maltos home, and Bumblebee.
“What! When did he come out of hiding! When did we get sparklings!”--Buddy
Buddy ran out the base to go see the sparklings themselves.
Meanwhile with Optimus…
“Something just happened.”--Optimus
“What do you mean Prime.”--Megatron
“I feel as if I made a mistake. A terrible mistake…”--Optimus
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Older sibling and little sibling relationship.
Guess who the oldest.
Buddy was one of the last bots he saw before he went into hiding.
Due to strict communication lines, Buddy and Bee couldn’t talk the entire time.
When Buddy caught wind that Bumblebee was in the area, teaching these ‘Terrans’ and had the audacity to not say hello?
Buddy was already out the door.
“Have you seen Buddy? They are usually in the console room, but they aren’t there.”--Optimus
“Strange. Lets check the CCT footage.”--Megatron
Video showing Buddy in their alt mode running out of one of the bases entrances and out into the woods.
“…”—Megatron and Optimus
Transforming noises intensifies.
Bee was outside with Thrash and Mo that morning. He wanted to do a one-on-one training lesson with them seeing as they were having trouble keeping up with the others.
Meanwhile in the Maltos house.
“Today we are going to learn about how to dodge.”--Bumblebee
“Umm. I think the word your looking for is ‘dodge’.--Mo
“No ‘dog’!”--Thrash
Buddy jumping on Bumblebee’s helm making him yelp and fall down.
“Is that a chihuahua?”--Mo
“Robo chihuahua!”--Thrash
Buddy looks at Terrans and kids then smacks Bee in the horns.
Through the yelling and all Bumblebee managed to pry Buddy off his face plate to give them a proper hug.
Buddy, while they were still miffed about the whole situation, couldn’t deny their friend a hug.
It truly had been such a long time without communication and they both just missed each other.
“Aww! Bumblebee has a dog!”--Mo
“Excuse me?”--Buddy
“Thrash, Mo this is Buddy. No they are not my pet, they are a good friend of mine.”--Bumblebee
“A friend that you forgot to message when you’d be back.”--Buddy
“Listen I was busy!”--Bumblebee
“You didn’t tell me about the sparklings! Put me down I want to take a look!”--Buddy
“Don’t pull a Prime on me Bumblebee!”--Buddy
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Thrash was so excited to see Buddy.
Buddy is smaller than Twitch!
Buddy is going into nurse mode trying to check if Thrash and Mo are okay.
Some things are said that make Buddy consider contacting Ratchet for help.
“All right everything seems goo—By the heights of Vos!”--Buddy
“Where’s your energon levels? How are you even standing?!”--Buddy
“Buddy! There don’t run on energon!”--Bumblebee
“Yeah, we drink cave water.”--Thrash
“… cave water”--Buddy
“Its kind of a long story.”--Mo
“And I will hear about this in a bit. Now, Thrash make sure you stretch those joints a bit more often. Mo—”--Buddy
“You scanned Mo?”--Thrash
“You scanned me?”--Mo
“Yes, we’ve been partnering up with humans for a while now, thought it would be beneficial to study a bit about them. Anyways, Mo you might want to start eating more greens.”--Buddy
“Hahaha! Guess your going to have to eat Robbie’s greens to make up for it.”--Thrash
Bumblebee mouthing ‘No’ to Thrash.
“Yeah! He’s my brother! He is with our other sibling in the dug out right now.”--Mo
“More humans?”--Buddy
“Mom, Dad and Robbie are humans. Twitch, Hashtag, Jawbreaker, and Nightshade are Terrans like me!”--Thrash
“Umm, Buddy?”--Thrash
Buddy faints.
After nearly having a spark attack, Buddy decides to talk to them for a bit after Bumblebee suddenly had to step aside for a second to pick up his comms.
Talking to the two was a breath of fresh air for Buddy. Instead of focusing on logistical things and worrying about supplies, Buddy just got to answer simpler questions with the kids.
Buddy has already made a silent vow to protect these two and the other kids they have yet to meet.
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in1-nutshell · 6 months
Hello! I remember one of your writings, transformers bots & cons react to a pod full of sparkling beans. Can you do the same but with TF earthspark, Malto family and/or Terrans?
Haven't seen the beans in a while, it was nice to revisit them again!
Hope you enjoy!
Robbie, Mo, Thrash, Twitch, and Bumblebee finding a pod of sparklings
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Team that immediately wants to hold the beans
This team doesn’t really care at first what they are. They make sounds and are small to hold, and by Primus they are going to hold the beans! When they find out they are sparklings, it’s naming time. There is a bit of an argument on what to name the beans but they solve it with a game of rock-paper-scissors.
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Team that is a bit cautious around the pod before diving to the beans
They are a bit cautious about finding the pod. They’ve seen scary space movies, and they know that it isn’t a smart idea to go to an unmarked pod. But seeing the mini robo babies makes them weak to the knees. They are struggling to hold more than one at a time. They leave it up to the others to name the kiddos, they just want to hold the beans.
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Team that is having a mini crisis while the beans are crawling all over them
He holds this category by himself for the sheer amount of stress he has with the sparklings. He was assigned to the Terrans, not literal sparkling! He doesn’t even want to know what’s going to happen when Optimus or worse GHOST finds out there are little adorable robo babes on Earth.
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in1-nutshell · 10 months
TFP Request Masterlist
Cons reacting to finding a pod filled with sparklings
Autobots and Decepticons reaction to seeing a furby
Autobots reacting to Bot Buddy with the personality of Wednesday Addams
Autobots reacting to finding a pod full of sparklings
Autobots and Decpticons reaction to Spider Buddy
Autobots reaction to Neutral Bot Buddy having a vendetta against humanity
Autobots and Decepticons reaction to clumsy Human Buddy agent
Autobots and Decepticons react to Miko's older sister
Human Buddy the archivist and studies Cybertronian culture with Optimus Prime
Megatron's older brother who's a softy and trigger happy
Soundwave reaction to Human Buddy who swears a lot
Optimus, Ratchet, Jazz, and the Jettwins reaction to single parent Human Buddy
Ratchet, Bulkhead, Smokescreen, Shockwave, and Predaking react to Bot Buddy taming some Scraplets
Smokescreen, Arcee, and Bulkhead react to Human Buddy getting a broken bone
Ratchet, Wheeljack, and Ultra Magnus react to Bot Buddy's fascination with poison
Optimus with an extroverted daughter who's altmode is a monster truck
Autobot's react to Techno Organic Buddy being the daughter of Predaking
Neutral teen Bot Buddy who's edgy and skilled in combat with Shockwave, Vechicon's, Arcee, and Smokescreen
Bot Buddy with the personality of Death from "Puss in Boots the Last Wish" with Megatron, Starscream, and Predaking
Bot Buddy who has the personality of Jack Horner from "Puss in Boots The Last Wish" with Bulkhead, Optimus Prime, Breakdown, and Shockwave
Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee being attacked by Decepticon with Vampire like abilities
Arcee and childhood Bot Buddy getting into an argument with Jack, Miko, and Raf
Bot Buddy the kid Seeker who's idol is Starscream with Arcee and Bumblebee
Bot Buddy the kid Seeker who's idol is Starscream with Wheeljack, Bulkhead, and Optimus Prime
Human Buddy who's Hispanic and likes to curse in her mother tongue with Ratchet, Bumblebee, and Smokescreen
Bot Buddy the Ex-con who is sickly ill with Ratchet, Bumblebee and Bulkhead
Bot Buddy with the personality of Jack Horner from "Puss in Boots The Last Wish" with Arcee, Bumblebee, and Smokescreen
Bot Buddy Kid Seeker and Arcee vs Arachnid
Bot Buddy the old Predacon archivist with Megatron, Soundwave, Knockout, Shockwave
Bot Buddy Night fury Predacon with Bumblebee, Smokescreen, Predaking, and Soundwave
Ratchet having a daughter who has an opposite personality of his own
Bot Buddy being Bumblebee's twin who got brainwashed into becoming a Con
Human Buddy turned Cybertronain, adjusting to their new body with Optimus Prime, Arcee, and Ratchet
Human Buddy who loves myths and storytelling with Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Predaking, and Soundwave
Bot Buddy the old Predacon archivist helping Team Prime fighting with Smokescreen, Ultra Magnus, and Wheeljack
Bot Buddy with the personality of SG! Arachnid with Megatron, Arachnid, Predaking, and the Vechicons
Bot Buddy Kid Seeker taking Miko out on a joy ride with Optimus Prime, Ratchet, and Bulkhead
Megatron with a daughter who has the opposite personality of his own
Bot Buddy being Unicrons spawn with a friendly personality with Wheeljack, Bulkhead, Breakdown, and Megatron
Bot Buddy with the personality of Pinky Pie with Optimus Prime, Wheeljack, Knockout, and Soundwave
Human Buddy being a ghost with Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and Ratchet
Bot Buddy being Bumblebee's twin who was brainwashed being reunited with him
Bot Buddy the Old Predacon archivist finally snaps
Human Buddy and their Twin with a giant Jaeger reactions from Cliffjumper, Wheeljack, Starscream, and Megatron
Human Buddy and Miko having a conversation about 'Magnus Batman' with Bulkhead, Wheeljack, Optimus Prime, and Bumblebee
Human Buddy protecting the kids from bullies with Bulkhead, Ultra Magnus, and Bumblebee
Optimus Prime, Ratchet, and Megatron's daughters meeting for the first time
Megatron's daughter with the opposite personality: Soundwave's Plan
Human Buddy and the Kids helping turned humans Ratchet, Optimus Prime, Arcee, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead
Megatron's daughter with the opposite personality: Soundwave's Plan part 2
Human Buddy Clumsy Agent going into the TFP SG! universe
Bot Buddy with the personality of Death from "Puss in Boots The last Wish" with Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Ratchet, and Arachnid
Bot Buddy the Old Predacon slice of life
Bot Buddy the Old Predacon meets the Maximals
Megatron's daughter meeting SG! Megatron
Bot Buddy the Old Predacon fights BW Megatron
Bot Buddy the Old Predacon's fight video gets seen by Optimus Prime, Wheeljack, Bulkhead, and Ultra Magnus
Bot Buddy the Con who pities the Autobots with Predaking, Knockout, Megatron, and Shockwave
Bot Buddy with the personality of SG! Arachnid with Knockout, Shockwave, Breakdown, and Starscream
Bot Buddy the Autobot with a sonic scream who's Conjunx is Soundwave
Bot Buddy the edgy neutral assassin meeting with Smokescreen again
Bot Buddy who has the personality of Perrito from "Puss in Boots The Last Wish" with Ratchet, Arcee, Bulkhead, Predaking, and Breakdown
Ratchet's daughter with the opposite personality slice of life
Bot Buddy the neutral with a drone alt mode with Optimus Prime, Arcee, Ratchet, and Smokescreen
Ultra Magnus daughter with the opposite personality
Megatron's daughter with the opposite personality meeting MTMTE Megatron
Megatron's daughter and Optimus's daughter with the opposite personality, What if they lived in the same universe?
Bot Buddy the Old Predacon turning back to his prime youth with Wheeljack, Smokescreen, Bulkhead, Ratchet, and Optimus Prime
Bot Buddy the Old Predacon turns to their younger self fights the Con's
Megatron's daughter with the opposite personality gets kidnapped and MTMTE Megatron finds out
Ratchet's daughter and Ultra Magnus's daughter if they lived in the same universe
Bot Buddy the Con who pities the Autobots with Vechicons, Breakdown, Arachnid, and Soundwave
Bot Buddy the Old Predacon with Predaking, Skylynx, and Darksteel
Bot Buddy the Old Predacon gets turned human
Smokescreen's twin being brainwashed by the Con's
What if... Optimus's daughter and Ultra Magnus's daughter lived in the same universe.
Bot Buddy the single parent with Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Bumblebee, and Ultra Magnus
Bot Buddy the single parent with Megatron, Starscream, Knockout and Breakdown
Wheeljack's younger sibling with the opposite personality
Human Buddy the MECH Scientist helping Breakdown escape
Human Buddy turn bot with a twist
Bot Buddy with sonic scream with Megatron and Soundwave finding out they are alive
Bot Buddy with the personality of SG! Arachnid meting the kids
Bot Buddy with shadow manipulation and being Ultra Magnus's Amica Endura
Bot Buddy's the Bot and Con waking up from stasis after being in WWI
Soundwave's Conjunx with the Sonic Scream reuniting with Soundwave
Red Cross and Deadloop reuniting
Wheeljack and Breakdown's reaction to finding out Iron Bolt is still online
Fearless Buddy witnessing Megs get beaten by his counter part
Maxima, Lithia, Rapidfire, and Ophelia's dad's/guardian's react to their partners
Maxima taking on the Matrix of Leadership
Iron bolt and Fowler get kidnapped by the Cons
Steel Mauler first meeting with Ratchet
Ophelia gets Dark Energon
Mutant Buddy with Magneto powers meeting Arcee and Bulkhead
Red Cross and Deadloop confessing?
Soundwave with a daughter with the opposite personality
Maxima turns into a Con
Human Buddy from the real world meeting Team Prime
Old British Bot Buddy with a Predacon sparkling
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