#cyberpunk 2077 Headcanon
cybervesna · 4 months
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And the shark, which has tears And they run across the face But the shark lives in water So no one can see the tears
Hi, I'm back expect new stuff soon as I slowly get back to my grind
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maddies-writings · 1 year
Goro Takemura x Fem!V
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Author’s Note: This is pretty general, no specific background or fighting style for V, just the random Goro Headcanons I have. I’ll share my many ideas with my own personal V’s at a later date but for now, just wanna get my love for this guy out in the open. By the way, we need more gifs of this guy. People who know how to do that, get on it.
So this will all be taking place during the game. Our man is on the run and wearing that wonderful leather coat. V is one of the few things keeping him sane during his time in Night City. His hatred for this city plus the stress of everything going on may have possibly taken him down if not for the thief he pulled out of a landfill.
Speaking of, whenever he thinks back to that moment, V weakly calling for his aid only for him to viscously backhand her, he feels a deep pan of regret. If it ever gets brought up he will definitely apologize for it.
Goro is a very traditional guy and I feel like that would also extend to a romance with him. For example, it is customary to give a lady flowers, but seeing as how those are hella expensive and super difficult to get, I imagine Goro leaving V with little origami flowers.
He’d definitely be willing to teach V how to do origami. Showing her exactly how to fold a simple piece of paper in order to create beautiful figurines.
Goro would actually be willing to teach V a lot of things if she asked. He did mentor Oda and I feel like he enjoys teaching. He’d teach V how to cook (she definitely says she’s not letting him go back to Arasaka, she’s keeping him for the food alone) and some fighting moves.
All lessons are filled with varying degrees of sexual tension.
Goro is not used to being cared for. He was trained to be someone else’s protector and he did that for several years. So having someone provide for and protect him is a definite change. Not a bad one, though I could definitely see him as being easy to confuse or even overwhelm with kind gestures. He’s just not used to this.
Seriously though, he needs a hug. Several hugs.
An ideal date with him would probably be a night in where he cooks a meal he can share with V that ends with snuggling on the couch while a good movie plays. Whether V is laying on his chest as he runs his fingers through or hair or he lays on her chest as she runs her fingers through his hair, he is happy.
If Goro laying his head on V’s chest, listening to her heartbeat. He finds it the most soothing sound in the world. He just slowly sinks deeper and deeper into her embrace. If she starts stroking his hair and rubbing his back his eyes almost roll back into his skull. He’s also out like a light. He hasn’t slept that good in a long time, even before Saburo was murdered.
I could see V stealing his shirts in the morning. Once a thief, always a thief. Goro believes she looks better in his shirts than he does.
Goro snores. He firmly denies it but he does. It’s a fairly quite but deep rumble. It only happens when he’s in a deep sleep, not when he’s still alert incase the enemy comes knocking. V loves it because that noise means that he’s actually resting.
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elvenbeard · 1 year
You know, it just occurred to me, the location of Kerry's villa... I noticed while walking around the upstairs living room the other day, but you can only just see the top of Arasaka tower from there. And the Arasaka Estate, although the main entrance being a lot further up the road, is immediately adjacent too.
Now imagine, whatever V decides to do at the end, you cannot tell me Kerry won't notice something is up either way. He'll see hell breaking loose at city centre if he looks out the window, or he'll notice everyone buzzing about the estate like crazy either way, probably already on the days leading up to the finale after Play it Safe.
You cannot tell me he wouldn't jump into his car not long after V's weird last phone call (especially if he tries to call him back but V doesn't pick up) and go absolutely feral looking for him and making sure he's safe. Considering everything that's happened, and considering that V has Johnny in his head and the last time Johnny wanted to mess with Arasaka and how that went down... yeah.
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therealmofamorus · 2 years
NSFW RWBY/Edgerunners Headcanon
Put Neo and Rebecca in the same room with Jaune and there’ll be a lot of damage in the room…and utterly exhausted Jaune Arc and smugly satisfied Neo and Rebecca.
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neon-prison · 1 year
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Vee getting ready to head to Hansen's party. Del is very appropriately worried about it.
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neon-junkie · 1 year
Dating Johnny silverhand Headcanons?
Gender-neutral reader!
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Alive Johnny
I don't think I need to start these headcanons off by stating that Johnny puts on a 'tough guy' act, but here's a reminder.
He puts on a tough guy act.
I mean, Johnny is the type of guy to start on a man just for gawking at you. "Keep your eyes to yourself!" he'll bark before throwing a punch, which always leads to him getting his ass kicked, and you having to apologise to everyone as you (literally) drag him away.
But after the battle, Johnny will milk his injuries, and takes pleasure in lounging in your lap as you tend to his bruising eye.
"Did you see how hard I hit him, babe? Poor sucker hit the ground so hard!" blahblahblah, all whilst he's cooped up in your lap, one hand resting on his chest, whilst the other swirls his whiskey around in its tumbler.
Johnny's love language is a mix between quality time, and physical touch.
He's a little physically needy, but not always in public. His hand will almost always be around your waist, chest puffed out, scowling at any guy who considers laying an eye on you, but the second that you're behind closed doors, Johnny will want to snuggle up to you.
Play with his hair, coo and soothe him, hold him close in your arms; that man is touch starved.
Everything you give to him will be returned tenfold, only he has to keep the cold-hearted, tough guy image up for others. But don't worry! You're his angel, and he'd never do anything to hurt you.
Engram Johnny
Johnny can't exactly touch you, so words of affirmation and quality time are his love languages.
It's not rare to see you sitting alone in a shabby diner, but in your head, Johnny is with you, and you two are having the time of your lives.
Johnny is essentially your conscience, and he's not shy when it comes to adding his two cents.
In some ways, you're thankful that he's always there. He does his best at keeping you safe, pointing out sketchy guys, reminding you how many bullets you have left, doing anything and everything to keep you moving forward.
However, Johnny will also say the most inappropriate things to you at the worst times possible.
Out on a mission? Here's Johnny listing off all the things that he'd do to you, if he could.
And no amount of ignoring him will work. He's going to continue riling you up, and when you finally bite, he'll vanish.
Johnny likes to try and always be in your line of sight, such as lounging about on your desk chair whilst you clean all your weapons, or lying beside you whenever you get into bed.
He will do anything and everything to be by your side, and remind you of how thankful he is that he ended up in your head.
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laughingh7ena · 7 months
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danaduchy · 11 days
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breezypunk · 9 months
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happy first takemura tuesday of 2024! ♥︎
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Stumbled upon a Reddit thread (don't ask) where people still whine and bitch about having to pick the "Nah, fucked that up too," dialogue option at the Oil fields to have a good relationship with Johnny. Saying that it needs to get fixed, calling it 'antagonizing' him, further proving that they don't understand him or his friendship with V at all. Sorry, but what's still not clicking? Holding him accountable for what he did and being honest with him is the only way you can have a good relationship with him for a reason.
It's not scolding him, it's not being mean, it's just V telling him 'No, what you did hurt me and I can't trust you anymore.' And he needs that, he needs someone who won't let him get away with the shit he does, he needs someone who is honest with him and won't just agree with everything he says so that he can grow and change. He knows he royally messed up, but he needs to hear that from V too. How do you expect V to have a true friendship with him if they just let him walk all over them and act like he did nothing wrong and everything's fine?
And it makes sense that the devs chose this as the secret ending unlocker because you can't have them storm Arasaka Tower together in full synergy when some parts of them are still at odds with each other.
Listen, I love Johnny as much as we all do here, but he needs to be called out when he messes up, and that's that.
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sakasamurai707 · 1 year
Oh boy I can’t sleep so here’s some Cyberpunk Relationship Headcanons!
Kerry x Male!V
-Kerry genuinely sung the ‘I love you, bitch. I’ll never stop loving you, bitch’ song to V on their three month anniversary, complete with the guitar. V had no idea what to say, and didn’t understand the reference.
-Kerry sleeps starfish style and with his mouth open. V has had to close his mouth because he drools in the night.
-Kerry swore he would never have an animal in his mansion before Nibbles came to be. After he met nibbles, Kerry bought him a throne style cat bed.
-Kerry doesn’t understand that not every kiss has to be with tongue. V has genuinely bitten his tongue because he just wanted a quick smooch before a gig.
Panam x Male! V
-Panam is allergic to pollen, but due to being in the badlands, she never knew until V brought her organic flowers. She sneezed for a week straight before realizing.
-V and Panam like racing, but V is terrible at driving. He once accidentally crashed her car into a pile of cacti.
-V and Saul sometimes have family dinner together, and Saul asks really personal questions about the relationship every time. (Example: ‘sooo…have you two screwed yet?’)
-when V can’t sleep, Panam takes him out to look at the stars. The first time she did, he cried, since he’d never seen them before due to the city lights.
….”if we don’t fix this chip thing, V, I’ll be looking up at those. You’ll be the prettiest star out there.”
Judy x Fem! V
-Judy loves telling V about her ocean and fish hyperfixation. Sometimes, she wishes she could afford to go to a real aquarium. V swears if she gets the money, she’ll take her on a date there.
-Judy and V have made braindances before, all to be kept in Judy’s “private folder.”
-V doesn’t understand why Judy is so emotional sometimes, but she’ll awkwardly hug her or kiss her when she starts crying.
-Judy’s favorite movie to watch with V is Ponyo. Judy knows the song by heart and sings it during the credits.
River x Fem! V
-Both River and V really want the other to quit their jobs, so sometimes they jokingly leave resignation papers on each other’s desks. V doesn’t really have a ‘boss,’ so River just leaves a sticky note that says “quit.”
-River really likes iguanas, so when V hatched hers, he cuddled with it more than her for a week straight. V had to deal with it being in between them in bed.
-Joss and V talk a lot, to the point where V will show up at his house just to completely ignore him and talk to his sister. River just ends up standing behind them awkwardly.
-River does the ‘broke boyfriend stance’ every time they’re in a store. Johnny makes fun of him for it.
-River and V are really cuddly, to the point River can’t fall asleep correctly without her beside them.
Bonus!!!! Johnny x GN! V
-Johnny has tried to convince V to kiss the mirror to see if it feels like an actual kiss. (It doesn’t.)
-V has a habit of telling Johnny ‘I love you’ out loud. They said it in front of Hanako right before the relic malfunction, and Hanako looked at them and said
-V eventually figures out how to get Johnny a new body and repair the chip. (In my heart I’m delusional.) Once they did, they didn’t let go of each other for weeks. They had the worst honeymoon phase.
-Johnny excessively jokes about soul killer. V does not find it amusing.
Bonus Bonus!!!! Takemura x GN! V
-Takemura cooks most of their meals after V revealed they mainly eat frozen tv dinners instead of real food. He’s Also really insistent that they drink water and shower.
-Takemura once brutally cried after seeing the full effects of the Relic Malfunctions, comparing it to when his Arasaka implants got revoked.
-Takemura didn’t know how to hug someone, so he accidentally nearly choked V.
-he also didn’t know how to kiss, so he just…opened his mouth.
-Takemura doesn’t understand sarcasm, so he takes whatever V says to its fullest meaning.
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cybervesna · 7 months
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Time traveler: *moves a chair* The timeline: Wiosna takes over Barghest instead of Bennett or Jago and renames it Baddieghest
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bumble-v · 10 months
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The fact that River is an ex cop and banging V, a legitimate criminal (despite her denial), has got to give him a most delicious high. It's taboo, it's wrong, and goes against his "holier than thou" super cop persona. He hates how it makes him feel inside sometimes, but his love for her runs deeper than he can put into words.
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elvenbeard · 2 years
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Out of curiosity, what does the bullet necklace mean to your V personally, if anything at all? Do they keep it, do they get rid of it, do they do something else with it (independent of what is depicted in the actual endings)? Would love to hear some headcanons!
My V treated it kind of how I believe Misty originally said as “a lucky charm”, even if a grim one at first. But it also served him as reminder that sometimes there is a way out of even the darkest situations, to learn to embrace the unexpected, and to take all the chances he can get.
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zevrra · 24 days
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synopsis: just some random headcanons i have for the cyberpunk men! :3
tags: 18(+) only, suggestive content, mention of explicit content, cyberpunk 2077, the reader is ‘v’, includes hc’s for vik, river, goro, & johnny.
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viktor vektor—
a man who loves with his entire heart
he gets soooo excited when he talks about boxing
def accidentally falls asleep during movies
cares more about you than he does himself
is so so obedient
the second you ask for something he immediately says yes ma’am/sir
is 100% a fan of cute nicknames
the type to question why you would ever like an old man like him, especially when the two of you are intimate
is far stronger than you would’ve expected from an “old man”
noisy asf when it comes down to it
could care less about his own pleasure, he focuses everything on making you feel good
would let you ride his face for hours
switches between being a service top to a power bottom depending on the day
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river ward—
leaves you a sweet/heartfelt message every morning for you to wake up too
his love language is soooo physical touch
but also buys you flowers every few weeks to replace the old ones
would hug/cuddle with you 24/7 if he could
you fell first, he fell harder
wants to have a giant family one day
loves cooking for you
is stressed constantly from work but the moment he’s with you it all melts away
100% has a breeding kink
constantly praises you for taking him so well
also a very, very talkative man
he talks you through every second of it
a soft dom
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goro takemura—
hopeless romantic
wants to live a life of freedom but knows he will always be chained to his corpo master
doesn’t stop him from trying to live his life to the fullest and it’s all because of you
will never admit it but he loves getting gifts from you
keeps every gift you’ve ever given him
dislikes PDA as he has a very traditional outlook on life
would 100% save himself for marriage
is vanilla as vanilla can get
wouldn’t say no to trying new things inside of the bedroom, as long as they’re not too extreme, but almost always defaults right back to mr. vanilla
“i read a book on it once”
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johnny silverhand—
quality time is his love language
wants to teach you how to play guitar but explains the cords like “so you do this with this finger and flip it over here and yeah for this you do that”
finally has you in his grasp and he’s never letting go
loves teasing you every chance he gets
would never say it out loud but you are his soulmate
gets a matching “johnny x v” tattoo
knows kerry is the better songwriter between the two of them so he asked him once to write some lyrics for a song for you
def sang it to you on your bday or anniversary
oh he so wanted to fuck you the second he returned to his body
a top without a doubt
loves watching you ride his thigh when you’re really needy
shotguns smoke into your mouth when you make out
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bishicat · 1 year
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more sketches of our favourite tapeworm
top left reference heehee
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