mibomin · 5 years
( ... )
“you okay?” he asks, though he knows bomin will probably say i’m fine and give him that small doesn’t-entirely-reach-his-eyes smile, maybe ruffle his hair, and that’ll be the end of it, even though jihoon knows him better than that. he just knows it’s usually pointless to press. bomin is just bomin, and bomin has always let jihoon do the talking, even for as much as jihoon wants otherwise sometimes. 
he looks him over, then spots the blood. “ah,” he observes, and then reaches their first aid kit first. they have quite the history of patching up each other’s wounds, so he says, “we have to quit meeting like this,” with a hint of a smile.
it’s not like there isn’t much to say when he’s around jihoon. it’s that bomin’s never actually found a need to say anything when he’s around the other boy. and it’s not something that he particularly dislikes; bomin’s never been a talkative guy, preferring to leave his words at a minimum when he can because speaking could turn to be too much of a hassle for him. so there’s no reason, really, for him to speak as much.
his thumb grazes over his own knuckles, it’s not bleeding terribly but it’s grazed the wall enough to peel of a layer of the skin. “i’m fine,” he says, and he gives bomin a half smile before he attempts to reach for the first aid kit, only for his friend to get there first. it seems as though bomin can’t go far, not that he’d planned to, so he lets jihoon do what he wants. 
“i think it’s charming,” he jokes as he sits down. his eyes fall onto his own knuckles and he feels a little pathetic for having let himself get as emotional as that. it’s silly, really, it’s not like bomin didn’t know what he was getting into when he signed himself up for a gang of all things. he sighs, and pulls his hand away. “you don’t have to do that,” he says to jihoon as he gestures to the first aid kit, “you can just leave that here and i’ll take care of it myself,” it’s my own fault anyway. 
usually he’d let jihoon take care of his other wounds if he’d gotten into a fight, but this time it had been his own dumb decision, his own inability to cap his emotions. so he’d rather not have jihoon tend to him; bomin was pretty good at being on his own too.
at that moment his phone rings, a notification popping up on his screen. he picks it up, takes a read and smiles; it’s a photo of his friends (the normal ones) inviting him over to have lunch with them. “ah... how should i explain this?” he mumbles, looking at his hand. 
“hey, i’ll be going out for a bit, so i’ll see you when i do,” he says, reaching out to apply some cream on his wounds.
catch you
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mibomin · 5 years
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190824 ❤ Happiest Birthday to this tall baby, Choi Bomin
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mibomin · 5 years
( ... )
it’s refreshing to wake up to the sound of someone else in her apartment and not just dead silence, so she gets up and changes quickly, opening the door to the kitchen. “how am i supposed to sleep with you moving around like that?” she laughs, elbowing him lightheartedly. “besides, i’m hungry too, and i am…” naeun reaches up into her cabinet and takes out a box of pancake mix, holding it up like a trophy in front of her with a whisk in her other hand. “the world’s best pancake maker.”
it’s not exactly a secret that bomin’s wish would be to one day leave everything behind, to move to hawaii with someone that he loves and lead a simple life. he knows that under these circumstances and with everything that he’s decided to do so far that it wouldn’t exactly be... easy. after all, he’s somehow found himself to be part of a gang, but he’d always been somewhat entranced by the idea of simplicity.
and this, being able to make breakfast and not worry about wounds, about which corporation to hack into, felt close to the simplicity he’d wanted. even if he knows it isn’t. he turns to naeun and laughs apologetically. “sorry. i kinda wanted to do something nice for you,” he says; but it’s clear that bomin isn’t as skilled in the kitchen as he is with a laptop in his hands.  
it’s nice like this, and he wonders if it’s okay to just let himself fall into how normal all of this feels. he watches as naeun grabs the pancake mix and raises a brow. “oh?” he says, a hint of a smile playing at his lips. “lucky me then. i get to have the best pancakes for breakfast,” he smiles before he steps aside to give naeun more space. “i’ll be your assistant chef for the day,” he leans to the side of the counter and looks at naeun, “what do you need me to do?”
bed & breakfast
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mibomin · 5 years
stockholm syndrome
( @magpiemi​ )
if bomin’s being honest, while he does have a few people he can call friends, personally he didn’t have many female friends that he connected well with. still, he was lucky enough to find a companion in yeji, usually comforted by her presence and enjoying her company. while their initial meeting in real life didn’t... go completely as planned by bomin (him saying that he’s glad she didn’t think he was an eighty year old), the both of them eventually clicked well in real life, just as they did online.
he walks down the street with yeji, one hand in his pocket as he looks around the stores; somehow he’d managed to talk yeji into following him to a tech store so that he could geek it up. aside from being a complete geek and well, working for a gang, there were other things that bomin had started thinking about, and he blames his friends for that.
“yeji,” he says, and he turns to her, having to tilt his head downwards so that he can see her. “you know... crushes,” he says, as though he’s talking about the weather. “how do you know when you like someone?” he asks, it’s a topic he’d always been clueless on. 
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mibomin · 5 years
bed & breakfast
somehow, one way or another, bomin’s found himself in this situation: staying over at an apartment that isn’t his. and while bomin’s used to probably falling asleep in the library or at the columba headquarters, it’s unusual for him to stay the night at an apartment that isn’t his.
still, it’s not something he dislikes. surprisingly enough, he’d found himself able to get a good night’s sleep in naeun’s apartment, even if he didn’t get to sleep on a bed. and it’s something he welcomes with open arms. a good night’s rest is something he more than appreciated, and naeun was a great host as well –– even if bomin did come rather unannounced.
it’s early in the morning and he’s well-rested. dressed in simply his sleep clothes (a simple plain tee and track pants), he finds himself in the kitchen preparing breakfast with none other than the owner of the apartment herself.
“i told you to get more sleep,” he begins, looking over at naeun, “i could make breakfast for us myself. it’s the least i could do since you let me stay over,” he says, but he’s smiling; the company is always welcome. he stands beside her, his hair slightly disheveled as the both of them attempt to make breakfast together. “are we gonna have cereal or go for something a little more fancy like pancakes?” he asks as he smoothens down his hair.
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mibomin · 5 years
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hi! i’m back from my hiatus (i had to extend it previously) and i’d love to get back on track with bomin! he’s lacking a lot of threads and plots 😢 so if you’d like to plot please feel free to like this post and i’ll gladly jump into your ims!
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mibomin · 5 years
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This is a randomly generated sentence starter meme for everyone! You’ll be able to reblog this meme for fourteen days starting today, but feel free to continue answering memes after that if need be. Go wild with them and have a good time! Also feel free to use this for sentence starters or drabbles; the most important thing is to get everyone writing. Hopefully, it’ll spark some new plot ideas and interactions too!
Remember to reblog this if you’re interested in receiving a meme, and to send some to everyone that reblogs it, too! You’re welcome to skip over this if you’d like to; it’s by no means mandatory to reblog and participate. Most importantly, though, have fun!!
Keep reading
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mibomin · 5 years
catch you
bomin knows what he is. he knows that he isn’t your average college kid, that he’s involved in darker things, dangerous things. his mind is his asset, his weapon. yet there were still many things that bomin could never understand about his own self.
he sits on the couch of the apartment, staring at the screen of his laptop, his mind at unease. bomin knew he was a criminal, if you were involved a gang, didn’t that make you one? his eyes fall onto his hands, scratches on them when he’d attempted to get more involved on the field. he’s no stranger to bloodshed and just what consequences his actions have.
though lately, after having spent more time with people from his college, with people that weren’t involved in the scene that he was, he craved that normality. yet he knew that someone like him could never be normal, he hadn’t been given the gift of simplicity.
he takes a look around the apartment, and everything there only reminded him more of the fact that he wasn’t normal. that crime lingered at every corner. but there were just simply days when he’d want to forget. he wondered if that was possible. “shit,” he sighs, clearly unhappy. 
frustrated, he balls his fist up and slams them hard against the table. “shit,” he repeats, biting hard on his bottom lip. his hands begin to bleed, the wounds opening up once more from the intensity of his fingers against his palm. bomin sits there, staring at the blood on his hands before he stands up to head towards the first aid kit.
“oh jihoon,” he says, “sorry, i need to get something,” he doesn’t allow the frustration to seep through his lips, again he does what he’s best at and masks his emotions. he’d always been one who preferred to remain calm, uncomfortable with whatever he felt himself.
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mibomin · 5 years
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bbobbomin contemplating college (cc) #studying #kinda
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mibomin · 5 years
( ... )
not that she doubts bomin when he says that he’ll protect her, but considering he was scared too she doesn’t really know how it would all play out, though she has to admit that there’s something nice in him saying that anyways. naeun takes the nearest sharp object ( a pen, as if that would help ) and holds it like a weapon. if vampires can be repelled by garlic then maybe ghosts can be killed by pens. “i’m ready. i’ll kill the ghosts. if they don’t kill me first.”
usually he’d think of himself as cool and collected despite having to deal with very dirty issues in the gang, but this was something that bomin couldn’t have any control of, literally out of his league. still, for some reason he wants to put up a stronger, more confident front in front of naeun, and he kind of takes it upon himself to protect her from... whatever that was. they’ve dealt with gang related things before, but nothing like this. “you’re going to survive and it’ll be because of choi bomin,” he says jokingly.
he turns to her and despite the current state the both of them were in (ie; a little terrified), he found her grabbing onto a pen oddly endearing. his lips tilt upwards and he raises a brow at her. “with a pen?” he asks, but his voice isn’t judgemental at all, if anything there’s amusement laced within it and suddenly he isn’t so scared anymore. “is that your weapon of choice naeun?” though he grabs onto a metal ruler, just in case they needed something sharp to throw at this... being. 
bomin takes in a deep breath, stares at the corner the both of them had heard the loud sound from. maybe it was nothing, just a raccoon or another kind of animal that had found it’s way into the school grounds (or at least, he’d like to think that). “alright,” he says, and he stands in front of her, turning on the flashlight on his phone as they begin to walk.
instinctively, he reaches out to hold her hand, to make sure she’s there (he’s watched a lot of horror movies) and for his own comfort as well. “it’s probably... just an animal,” he says as he guides the both of them closer. 
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mibomin · 5 years
why did you join a gang?
bomin knows. he knows that at first glance, he doesn’t seem like the kind of guy that’d get himself involved in these things. in a gang of all things. he’s righteous in his own way, tries his best to help others where he can even if it’s twisted. he’s well aware that his methods are twisted. “it’s all business,” he explains, “i do for them what they need me too and in return i get some sort of stability.” it’s all business. anywhere else and bomin isn’t too sure if he’d get this sort of stability, even if it didn’t quite add up to the average person.
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mibomin · 5 years
it’s getting late, but bomin knows that no one’s really going to care. his parents have long decided that they’d rather hold no regard to his well-being and bomin’s just never really surrounded himself enough with a crowd of people that would well... care. so by all means, he’s fine with walking through the streets this late at night
he decides to take a seat, he prefers the night air anyway. something about it soothes him, makes him calm. and he’s not too sure what it is, but he lets himself fall into the breeze as it carries him. 
it’s a rough neighbourhood, kind of. at least bomin knows how rough it can really get (after all, he is part of a gang), yet he still momentarily closes his eyes, lets himself relax for a moment. and then he feels it, an odd shuffling, like someone’s around, attempting to take something.
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mibomin · 5 years
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bomin in 9-TEEN (A-TEEN2 Part.2)
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mibomin · 5 years
if your name is bomin, and you're really handsome, come on raise your hand 💖
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he raises his brow, a little surprised. but despite it all, he can’t help the smile that escapes his lips. “i mean...” he begins, before he sheepishly raises his hand. “if i must,” he laughs, slightly embarrassed.
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mibomin · 5 years
why did you become a hacker?
“because i felt like it gave me meaning,” his words are genuine. his parents are dirty lawyers, would defend those that he felt didn’t deserve defending. anything as long as they’d earn enough money to fill their pockets. bomin wasn’t blind to what his parents had done, and how their actions would affect those around them. and for some reason, he felt guilty by extension. but hacking had given him some sort of power to change things, to maybe right their wrongs. it gave him meaning. “it made me feel like i could fix something.” 
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mibomin · 5 years
who is your prettiest friend?
“that’s not really fair, all my friends are pretty good looking,” he says, but there’s a smile playing on his lips and a girl that already immediately pops up into his mind. “i’d say that naeun is,” he smiles, he’s never been shy about finding her attractive, and the more he gets to know her, the more things he finds pretty about her. “she’s my prettiest friend, inside and out.”
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mibomin · 5 years
every day seems like it’s filled with work to do, and between classes and certain extracurricular activities there’s no time to rest. when every minute is dedicated to doing something, to rushing around the city and trying to get everything done in time, even taking a few hours to study suddenly seems like a break.
it seems counterintuitive, but it’s a small bit of time when things aren’t structured, and she can do things her own way. plus, it’s nice to be around bomin, and he makes schoolwork a little more bearable.
as with most things, naeun takes studying seriously, making sure to mark down the pages and take notes during lectures so that she can make a study plan and do everything correctly. she’s always been superstitious, and when things don’t go the way she plans she gets anxious, so she always sticks to what she knows. she’s highlighting her notes with a pastel pink color when she hears the thump, freezing in her tracks and looking up from her book.
“oh my gosh…what was that.” when she sees him looking back at her she knows that it wasn’t just in her head, and maybe she’s been watching too many horror movies but she swears her heart stopped in that moment. “do you think it’s a ghost? i heard some girls from my class talking about how they think some parts of the school are haunted.”
bomin doesn’t think of himself as a superstitious guy. if anything, he thinks he’s someone who’s more laid back, with better well, judgement in things. still, it’s not like he’s unaware of the supernatural. he’s watched enough horror movies and has read enough books, to have at least a sort of inkling of interest in ghosts. 
“ghosts...” he says, and bomin doesn’t want to look like a coward in front of naeun. it’s not that bomin believes in ghosts, but he doesn’t find any reason not to. and it’d be a lie to say that the thought of a ghost in the school building at this time doesn’t scare him. “yeah, i heard about that too. i think... they were saying that that part of the school is haunted,” he points to the area where they’d just heard the loud noise.
and then he hears again. a loud bang of sorts. “should we,” he says, turning to naeun, “do you want to go and check that out?” he asks. he’s seen things before, he’s in a gang, after all. but this; this is kind of different. and maybe he’s just trying to find an excuse to stop studying for a bit, and to do something a little more spontaneous and college-kid-like. as odd as this might seem, it might be a little fun.
“it’s probably nothing,” he adds after a moment, “if there really is something there, i’ll protect you,” and bomin’s not sure as to how he’d be able to protect naeun from a ghost (if it was actually there), but he’d think of some way, even if the thought it being haunted gives him the chills.
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