#cyber thinks
cyberglitch2 · 26 days
Here's the cybermatsu post.
Just going to talk a bit about how I see what's going on between them.
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I'll start by noting that Choromatsu doesn't have a very good opinion of the brothers. He genuinely thinks he's better than everyone else, and based on the series, Osomatsu and Jyushimatsu irritate him, he has a neutral-negative attitude towards Karamatsu, and with Ichimatsu it's like they're not related. He probably has a claim against Todomatsu as well, but it feels like he has a more loyal attitude towards him.
I think it started from adolescence (or maybe even childhood, I just poser haven't watched Osomatsu-kun). The period where Totty is dependent on his brothers, and Choro cares for him more than the others. I think we can distinguish 2 main reasons why:
1. He considers himself the most responsible and proper brother, and since the two older ones don't have the time to coddle Todomatsu, for various reasons, the role of babysitter is taken over by the third.
I think Osomatsu is too carefree most of the time. And Karamatsu is too focused on himself and his growth as a person until graduation, he still loves his brothers but misses some things.
2. He likes to take care of Totty. By "babysitter" I don't mean that literally, but he really lets Todomatsu do too much, not realizing that it makes them both look like freaks. Speaking of reason... Choro has an obvious type for cute girls, which by the time he's 18 has probably already started to form, but that love probably extends to everything else as well. Simply put, he likes cute things. (He could be a brony, come to think of it). Todomatsu can be called cute, to a certain extent. Even if he's more of a cringe, it's obvious why he chose the strategy of making himself look like a kid. And Choro is the one it works on.
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Now comes the fun part.
Brothers grow up. Totty no longer needs overprotaction (well, almost), he has made conclusions from his experience and changed for the better (for himself). Choromatsu has essentially stayed the same. Now the younger one has realized that his brother is a jerk and a blabbermouth. Todo pisses off all the brothers from time to time, but Choromatsu especially throws wood on the fire. Meanwhile, Choromatsu still sympathizes with the younger one more than the others. First, for old memories, and second, they both often act as "voices of reason". Choro dislikes his "dumb" brothers, considering himself a genius himself.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 5 months
It is estimated those with ADHD receive 20,000 corrective or negative messages by age 10
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thisischeri · 6 months
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instagram: cheri.png
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spookberry · 1 year
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savant par
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lightningstar1389 · 6 months
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Sonic Frontiers DLC art because I think it's been long enough imo
I'm just really excited to see new forms again :> so here's a doodle of the dude™
Trying to slowly upload my backlog of art onto here, so expect a bunch of art the next few days :)
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kray-zay · 7 months
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designs for a Transformers horror AU thing I was working on but shelved for the time being to work on my other main tf au project.
Thought I just shared these freaks without context. rest of the art and writing for this project prob not gonna be posted until/if I start working on it again.
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Bonus little dude, he a part of a diagram explaining some lore but it doesn't make a ton of sense without knowing other lore from this AU I haven't shared.
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meowfountain · 8 months
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kris convincing noelle the maus is cute (she is not convinced)
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buwheal · 23 days
Why does the orange Addison's mannequin kinda resemble you?
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spenglerstwinkie · 4 months
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30 days to train aka 30 days for kars to cyber bully joseph
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reality-detective · 2 months
The same company Hillary Clinton and the DNC hired to burry the Wikileaks dump and frame Trump to seed the fake Russia Collusion narrative for 10 years, is now global news for the largest cyber blackout across the planet affecting banks, news stations, airports, 911 services, hospitals etc…
Nothing to see here 🤔
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cyberglitch2 · 2 months
I don't know about you, but my friends and I often joke that Osomatsu is a slut.
But I mean, look at Todomatsu. The way he acts and everything. He's such a slut, but he tries really hard to hide it.
Just look at Akuma Rider. He's literally Asmodeus, the personification of lust. Fucking freak, I love him.
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Benimatsu was like 2 sides of a coin again, I like thinking about it so much.
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8um8le · 3 months
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Don’t tag Fnaf dca for this lmao
anyways here’s kinda the jist of what I have so far, this is only their combat clothing not their casual :PP
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thisischeri · 6 months
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Windows XP iconography, 2001
instagram: cheri.png
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midnightcrows · 3 months
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"I won't fool myself thinkin' our paths'll cross again... but if they do, let's hope I ain't pushin' up daisies."
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the-meme-monarch · 1 year
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i love extrapolating on implied interactions to the point where it is thoroughly made up
if you ship scc go away please 👍
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 9 months
What was I thinking?
"Who's your daddy?" Who says things like that?
I need to get it together and focus on my investments.
The BUSSY controls my every waking thought.
And I have lost my path.
Forgive me, Lord.
And allow me passage back to The Grindset.
End Transcription
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