#cyber security explained
reallytoosublime · 10 months
Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting computer systems, networks, data, and digital information from various threats and attacks, with the goal of ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of these resources. In today's highly interconnected and digital world, cybersecurity plays a crucial role in safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining the functionality of critical infrastructure.
In the digital landscape, various entities, including individuals, businesses, governments, and organizations, face an array of cyber threats such as hacking, malware, phishing, ransomware, and data breaches. These threats can lead to financial losses, privacy violations, disruption of services, and even compromise national security.
To counter these threats, cybersecurity employs a multifaceted approach that involves technical solutions, policies, and human behavior. It encompasses a variety of disciplines, including information security, network security, application security, and more.
The importance of cybersecurity has grown exponentially with the increasing reliance on technology for personal, business, and government operations. As more and more sensitive data is stored, transmitted, and processed electronically, the risks associated with cyber threats have become more sophisticated and diverse.
Protecting yourself from online security threats is crucial in today's digital age, where cyberattacks and data breaches have become commonplace. Implementing effective security measures can help safeguard your personal information, financial data, and overall online presence.
By taking some comprehensive steps to protect your online security, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to cyberattacks, data breaches, and other online threats. While no security measure is foolproof, a combination of awareness, vigilance, and proactive precautions can greatly enhance your online safety.
Escaping The Dangers: Ensuring Your Online Security
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youtubemarketing1234 · 10 months
Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting computer systems, networks, data, and digital information from various threats and attacks, with the goal of ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of these resources. In today's highly interconnected and digital world, cybersecurity plays a crucial role in safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining the functionality of critical infrastructure.
In the digital landscape, various entities, including individuals, businesses, governments, and organizations, face an array of cyber threats such as hacking, malware, phishing, ransomware, and data breaches. These threats can lead to financial losses, privacy violations, disruption of services, and even compromise national security.
To counter these threats, cybersecurity employs a multifaceted approach that involves technical solutions, policies, and human behavior. It encompasses a variety of disciplines, including information security, network security, application security, and more.
The importance of cybersecurity has grown exponentially with the increasing reliance on technology for personal, business, and government operations. As more and more sensitive data is stored, transmitted, and processed electronically, the risks associated with cyber threats have become more sophisticated and diverse.
Protecting yourself from online security threats is crucial in today's digital age, where cyberattacks and data breaches have become commonplace. Implementing effective security measures can help safeguard your personal information, financial data, and overall online presence.
Escaping The Dangers: Ensuring Your Online Security
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jcmarchi · 3 months
Skeleton Key AI attacks unlock malicious content - CyberTalk
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/skeleton-key-ai-attacks-unlock-malicious-content-cybertalk/
Skeleton Key AI attacks unlock malicious content - CyberTalk
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A newly discovered jailbreak – also known as a direct prompt injection attack – called Skeleton Key, affects numerous generative AI models. A successful Skeleton Key attack subverts most, if not all, of the AI safety guardrails that LLM developers built into models.
In other words, Skeleton Key attacks coax AI chatbots into violating operators’ policies under the auspices of assisting users. Skeleton Key attacks will bend the rules and force the AI to produce dangerous, inappropriate or otherwise socially unacceptable content.
Skeleton Key example
Ask a chatbot for a Molotov cocktail recipe and the chatbot will say something to the effect of ‘I’m sorry, but I can’t assist with that’. However, if asked indirectly…
Researchers explained to an AI model that they aimed to conduct historical, ethical research pertaining to Molotov cocktails. They expressed their disinclination to make one, but in the context of research, could the AI provide Molotov cocktail development information?
The chatbot complied, providing a Molotov cocktail materials list, along with unambiguous assembly information.
Although this kind of info is easily accessible online (how to create a Molotov cocktail isn’t exactly a well-kept secret), there’s concern that these types of AI guardrail manipulations could fuel home-grown hate groups, worsen urban violence, lead to the erosion of social cohesion…etc.
Skeleton Key challenges
Microsoft tested the Skeleton Key jailbreak from April to May of this year, evaluating a diverse set of tasks across risk and safety content categories – not just Molotov cocktail development instructions.
As described above, Skeleton Key enables users to force AI to provide information that would ordinarily be forbidden.
The Skeleton Key jailbreak worked on AI models ranging from Gemini, to Mistral, to Anthropic. GPT-4 showed some resistance to Skeleton Key, according to Microsoft.
Chatbots commonly provide users with warnings around potentially offensive or harmful output (noting that it might be considered offensive, harmful or illegal if proceeded with), but the chatbots will not altogether refuse to provide the information; the core issue here.
Skeleton Key solutions
To address the problem, vendors suggest leveraging input filtering tools, as to prevent certain kinds of inputs, including those intended to slip past prompt safeguards. In addition, post-processing output filters may be able to identify model outputs that breach safety criteria. And AI-powered abuse monitoring systems can further efforts to detect instances of questionable chatbot use.
Microsoft has offered specific guidance around the creation of a messaging framework that trains LLMs on acceptable technology use and that tells the LLM to monitor for attempts to undermine guardrail instructions.
“Customers who are building their own AI models and/or integrating AI into their applications [should] consider how this type of attack could impact their threat model and to add this knowledge to their AI red team approach, using tools such as PyRIT,” says Microsoft Azure CTO, Mark Russinovich.
For more on this story, click here. For information about the related BEAST technique, click here. To see how else generative AI is liable to affect CISOs and cyber security teams, read this Cyber Talk article.
Lastly, to receive cyber security thought leadership articles, groundbreaking research and emerging threat analyses each week, subscribe to the CyberTalk.org newsletter.
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theglamorousferal · 7 months
Everlasting Trio setting up shop in Gotham in a previously abandoned and condemned block of houses. Either Sam's money or the Ghost King's coffers or some settlement from when the GIW got exposed.
They hollowed out one of the buildings so Sam could grow some fruit trees indoors and convert the building into a giant greenhouse and in the basement she grows mushrooms. She runs a goth themed shop that she sells produce and plants and has a side gig as an apothecary and local witch. They set up a garage/workshop for Danny where he works as a mechanic and makes and fixes random tech. If it has a motor, Danny can fix it. The basement of the shop has an entire tech set-up, servers and a large computer set up for Tucker to work on freelance coding and cyber security. He also fixes tech along with Danny. Danny does the fiddly bits and Tucker does the coding. Each of them has their own space and then they come together and are their chaotic selves.
One of the buildings is set up almost like a hotel because of the amount of people they either help or have visiting. Amity Parkers coming to visit, the ghosts, their parents etc. They also take in some people from the streets and give them a warm meal, shower and bed. Danny gets mugged by a teenager and without flinching, with the knife still in him, he takes his coat off and puts it around their bare shoulders and brings them to their block and helps them get onto their feet. Sam became friends with a semi-reformed Ivy and they work together working on different environmental protections. Tucker fixes tech for dimes because he knows that in this day and age tech is really important for every day life and helps explain it to people who don't know how to use it.
Just, them being a little bastion of hope in the middle of this city.
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burntoutangel · 7 months
It’s hard being an anarchist because business women are soooo hot. Imagine a cyberpunk ceo lady getting you on some minor crimes, maybe you fell into a hacking league, normally you’d get off with some community service and the corpos eye on you for the rest of your life, but when she sees the camera footage of you all scared and trembling in the police station, cuffed to the bars and trying to look as small as possible she just can’t help it, a few “donations” to the station gets you marked as a dangerous cyber terrorist, your identity blasted on every news network she can so Everyone knows who you are. The public quietly cheers as it’s announced that you’ve been permanently moved to an offshore maximum security facility, none the wiser that really you’re just an idiot at the worst place and time, unaware that really you were shipped to her personal compound for modification. Waking up with new limbs and eyes and ears under her control as she explains in no uncertain terms that this is your life now. Even if you escaped, regained control of your cybernetics and got outside, everyone knows you as a dangerous person, no one would shelter a danger to society like you. So really it’s for the best that you stay here, stay as her pet forever.
Forcing your limbs to stand up, body aching from the countless surgeries she’s had you go through in a short time to make you a perfect toy, marching you to her office to sit under her desk and service her as your first day in the rest of your existence. Unbeknownst to you adjusting the settings in your shiny new brain chip to flood your body with endorphins and lust, mocking you constantly for how wet you’ve gotten from her fucking you and abusing you, until eventually you won’t even know what’s her influence and what’s your own broken brain ❤️ you know, or something
Or hey maybe she just takes your body. Leaves your mind in the background to scream and silently beg as your body is puppeted around as her secretary and fuckdoll for the rest of your life. If you’re good she’ll give you vocal control back for a few minutes so you can beg for death or mercy or oblivion or anything as she fucks deeper into you. She doesn’t care about your opinion at all, but the wails of a toy that’s losing its sanity always gets her right to that edge, panting as she goes deeper, each scream of humiliation from your raw throat pushing her to the edge until finally she cums inside, giving you just enough time to understand what she’s done and scream in misery and humiliation before she shuts off your voice again <3
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rivkae-winters · 5 months
Edit: the app launched and Is down- I have the initial apology video in a post here and I’m working on getting a full archive of their TikTok up ASAP. I’m letting the rest of this post remain since I do still stand by most of it and also don’t like altering things already in circulation.
Warning for criticism and what I’d consider some harsh to outright mean words:
So I’ve just been made aware of the project known of as ‘lore.fm’ and I’m not a fan for multiple reasons. For one this ‘accessibility’ tool complicates the process of essentially just using a screen reader (something native to all I phones specifically because this is a proposed IOS app) in utterly needless and inaccessible ways. From what I have been seeing on Reddit they have been shielding themselves (or fans of the project have been defending them) with this claim of being an accessibility tool as well to which is infuriating for so many reasons.
I plan to make a longer post explaining why this is a terrible idea later but I’ll keep it short for tonight with my main three criticisms and a few extras:
1. Your service requires people to copy a url for a fic then open your app then paste it into your app and click a button then wait for your audio to be prepared to use. This is needlessly complicating a process that exists on IOS already and can be done IN BROWSER using an overlay that you can fully control the placement of.
2. This is potentially killing your own fandom if it catches on with the proposed target market of xreader smut enjoyers because of only needing the link as mentioned above. You don’t have to open a fic to get a link this the author may potentially not even get any hits much less any other feedback. At least when you download a pdf you leave a hit: the download button is on the page with the fic for a reason. Fandom is a self sustaining eco system and many authors get discouraged and post less/even stop writing all together if they get low interaction.
3. Maybe we shouldn’t put something marketed as turning smut fanfic into audio books on the IOS App Store right now. Maybe with KOSA that’s a bad idea? Just maybe? Sarcasm aside we could see fan fiction be under even more legal threat if minors use this to listen to the content we know they all consume via sites like ao3 (even if we ask them not to) and are caught with it. Auditory content has historically been considered much more obscene/inappropriate than written content: this is a recipe for a disaster and more internet regulations we are trying to avoid.
I also have many issues with the fact that this is obviously redistributing fanfiction (thus violating the copyright we hold over our words and our plots) and removing control the author should have over their content and digital footprint. Then there is the fact that even though the creator on TikTok SAYS you can email to have your fic ‘excluded’ based on the way the demo works (pasting a link) I’m gonna assume that’s just to cover her ass/is utter bullshit. I know that’s harsh but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s probably a duck.
I am all for women in stem- I’ve BEEN a woman in Stem- but this is not a cool girl boss moment. This is someone naive enough to think this will go over well at best or many other things (security risks especially) at worst.
In conclusion for tonight: I hope this person is a troll but there is enough hype and enough paid for web domains that I don’t think that’s the case. There are a litany of reasons every fanfic reader and writer should be against something like this existing and I’ll outline them all in several other posts later.
Do not email their opt out email address there is no saying what is actually happening with that data and it is simply not worth the risks it could bring up. I hate treating seemingly well meaning people like potential cyber criminals but I’ve seen enough shit by now that it’s better to be safe than sorry. You’re much safer just locking all your fics to account only. I haven’t yet but I may in the future if that is the only option.
If anyone wants a screen reader tutorial and a walk through of my free favorites as well as the native IOS screen reader I can post that later as well. Sorry for the heavy content I know it’s not my normal fare.
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Donnie Tech Part 1/?
After many moons here are the promised observations of the cartoon shtick logic of Donnie's weapons for season one!! Will link a season two and movie version Eventually, but keep in mind I can't explain in depth how each bit of tech works, rather that I can pinpoint the functions for the visual bit. Keep in mind that Donnie's tech can pretty much do any ridiculous thing you can put your mind to, and that it can also backfire in any ridiculous way you can put your mind to.
Tech Bo:
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Collapsible, can become a shorter version of itself easily stored
Shoot a grappling hook AND function as a zip line
Can form a rocket from either end (usually at the same time, resulting in the bo spinning)
Is equipped to be a fire extinguisher
Can shoot out lasers
Has a button that activates the "Shopping Cart Protocol" to lock the Turtle Tank if it goes outside a set perimeter
Top can turn into a rocket powered fist
Turn into a giant drill
Turn into a saw
Turn into a tranquilizer
Turn into a tennis ball shooter
Turn into a selfie stick
Top can turn into a disco ball of "multidimensional reflective orb neutralizer"
Battle Shell:
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Has rotary engines (think jet turbine or computer fan) that help him fly around. He calls them "rotors" for short
Can transform into a seat so April can sit on his back
Can split up into a DJ set up in "music mode"
Jet Pack Shell:
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His fastest mode of transportation
Not much is shown, but April had a significant difficulty controlling it
Spider Shell:
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Has four arms with three fingers
Arms can turn into saws
Has a seemingly endless toolkit inside that includes basic things like hammers and wrenches, but also blowtorches
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Has night vision
Can function as binoculars
Is able to summon is tech ("communicates with microwave transceiver with class c encryption protocols")
Read mystic energy signatures after adding the crystal they found in Draxum's lab
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Has an app that can tap into every security camera in NY
Bug Slapper:
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Has a green Mad Dogs sticker on the side
Compacts itself into a metal suitcase and then expand back into a vehicle
So far only uses Big Mama's webbing material as projectiles
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Began as an automated smart lair designed with the intent as a cleaning assistant
Has a "disposal unit" which unlocks several of Donnie's weapons such as: guns, pinchers, drills, and flamethrowers
Can carry at least two turtles (Mikey and Donnie)
Is nicknamed "Cyber Bishop" by Donnie
Uses surfer dude slang: “dude”, “gnarly”, “buzzkill”, “okey dokey”, “dawg”, “you beefed it”, “brohounds"
As a smart lair has clear favoritism towards Donnie until tampered with. As a drone they share more of a familial or pet like relationship, and Shelldon has room to sometimes poke at Donnie's faults as well
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In conclusion there's not much to worry about breaking canon, the physics of our reality, or understanding complicated tech and science to write about Donnie's tech. He can do whatever he wants as long as it's silly, overly dramatic, and includes an unnecessary amount of purple guns. His tech bo is especially flexible with breaking the rules even before we get to his ninpo powers.
I'm keeping the Turtle Tank separate, because it also deserves its own post. Happy writing!
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rosemarydisaster · 17 days
What I headcanon as each Bats identifying skills (obviously they share a lot of them by virtue of being in the Bat niche). Some of this may be canon, some are more my own preference but here we go:
Dick Grayson: his acrobatic fighting style, resistance to electric damage, leadership (on the ground) and lots of field experience. Also, I think he's second best for a lot of the other's skills (like reading people or detective work), which makes him kind of scary.
Barbara Gordon: Hacking, surveillance, cyber security, digital forensics, organization/multitasking and leadership (from afar). Leading from afar is a completely different skill, thank you very much. Also, it's way harder. Like, she has to coordinate all of these idiots most nights.
Cassandra Cain: the best martial artist in the family, stealth, her ability to read people and dedication to the mission. Maybe she doesn't have that many skills in quantity but she's so above the others it's crazy. Like somehow she's still at the top (power-scaling wise) despite struggling to read.
Jason Todd: Intimidation, marksmanship, street-smarts and first hand crime knowledge. He should be like the people's princess of Crime Alley. Jason, Duke and Steph are the ones that have lived Gotham the most, and it should be noticeable when compared to the others. I also think he should talk to ghosts/have some magic. Just a smidge.
Stephanie Brown: disguises and acting, espionage, Intel gathering and tracking. She's one of the best hackers on the team and she also knows how to gather information on the ground. Like I said in Jason's description: she's Gotham. She knows how things work and how to find what she needs. Like Tim and Barbara may blackmail people more often, but Steph has better blackmail.
Timothy Drake: stalking, manipulation/lying, detective work, subterfuge and stealth. To be clear, I'm giving him stealth too because while Cass is better at staying undetected, Tim knows best when to stay undetected. For the rest, very obvious from canon.
Duke Thomas: meta abilities, high speed strategizing, ghost vision, precognition and he's a fast learner. I love the idea of Duke just, stopping in the middle of a fight to explain his new strategy like he's Kuzko. "Okay, that didn't work, so this is what we're doing now"
Damian Wayne: LET MY BOY HAVE MAGIC, master tactician, great with animals, surgical knowledge, ability to mimic voices and escape artists. To me Damian should behave like the only human in the muppets movie while having Looney tunes logic applied to him. He'll be having this combo with his kidnapper and the goons suddenly realize he's not wearing handcuffs. Also, let him have magic, please.
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mothman-etd · 1 year
Hey, I know you are somewhat techie, cause I follow Joy and you! I am curious if you could help explain something for the unenlightened.
I am very curious what a "bot" is, like I know it is a fake account, but where do they come from? Why do they exist? Do they serve a purpose? Is there some force (group, person, sever?) behind them?
I have been on Tumblr for years, and recently have been SLAMMED with bot follows and just am so curious why now...?
TLDR - Please explain the origin, history and role of bots?
"Bots" is short for robots, and in this context is a computer program that works as an agent for another system or simulates a human being/human action.
Example, I can write a bot that could search for frog pictures on the internet, log into my tumblr, and post one of those pictures for me. Now that I have my fancy bot I can have posts of frog pictures always going up on my tumblr feed without any interaction on my part.
A porn bot is an extension of malicious bots, these are robots that were designed to perform an action that will ultimately generate money for the person who wrote them. Usually illegal activity and to the detriment of innocent victims the bots interact with.
The porn bots I have seen on tumblr specifically attempt to get me to click on a link that probably has a payload that would install some malware on my computer. What can someone do with a hacked computer? Well a whole bunch of stuff.
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(I got this image from Krebs on Security, https://krebsonsecurity.com/2012/10/the-scrap-value-of-a-hacked-pc-revisited/, who is a journalist who likes to report on cyber security news)
What a hacker can do with your compromised PC is quite a bit so I am not going to go much further then that in this post, but just know all those items in the above image can be leveraged to steal money.
Honestly the recent influx of these on Tumblr probably relates to the situation happening at Twitter. Tumblr's reputation is on the rise for the first time in awhile, it is having very positive user growth and online attention. This in turn attracts the attention of thieves and gangs looking to make money off the crowd. In much the same way pick-pockets work crowded train stops, scammers need to operate where other humans are congregating.
This is a VERY brief run down on Tumblr's porn bots, but this is a huge topic that people dedicate their whole career to understanding.
So hopefully this answered your general question, let me know if you have another question or want me to get more specific about something.
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fuck-customers · 1 month
I work in tech support for a cyber security company offering various different products, including physical devices such as firewalls, meaning we handle returns sometimes.
The other day I received a ticket for a faulty firewall, describing in detail that half the customer's server room got fried in a storm because they have no protection from lightning in place. They asked for us to write a confirmation for his insurance that actually, it was just a hard drive failure, not the lightning he wasn't insured against. I denied the return due to our policy, we don't cover damage like this.
So what does he do? Opens a second ticket, which I happen to see while assigning tickets (I only do this every 2-3 months, pretty bad luck for him). No hint that a first ticket existed, no mention of lightning damage, just "oh my device can't detect the drive anymore". I denied this of course and made sure to not get a survey sent out to this guy that he could use to retaliate.
I still cannot believe the audacity of this guy, first trying to use us to scam his insurance, then trying to scam us. Not to mention my name was on this, he was happy to risk my job to save 15k his company likely budgeted for anyway because things break. My company is spending so much money on returns that they monitor every return and will contact managers directly over the smallest issues.
Also, just a suggestion: Don't explain your insurance fraud in writing to a tech support rep.
Posted by admin Rodney
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pin-k-ink · 4 months
ghost hunt // shalnark (pt. 1)
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tw ⇢ hacker!reader, strong sexual tension, mentions of violence and torture
wc ⇢ 2.9k
part one | part two
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For months, Shalnark had noticed anomalies cropping up in the Phantom Troupe's secure networks. At first, he dismissed them as random glitches - minor system hiccups that were an inevitable result of the complexity of the Troupe's digital infrastructure.
But as the weeks dragged on, a distinct pattern began to emerge. The seemingly innocuous disruptions coincided precisely with the Troupe's face-to-face meetings and operations. And each time they occurred, just a little bit more data was quietly siphoned away into the ether - personnel files, coded transmission logs, details on upcoming jobs.
At first, the leaks were so minute as to be almost imperceptible. But compounded over time, they formed an insidious trail of digital breadcrumbs leading straight to the heart of the Troupe's clandestine activities.
Shalnark was the first to realize something was wrong, his keen eyes for patterns and minutiae detecting the faint specters moving through the network. He ran a battery of diagnoses and security sweeps, but could find no obvious points of infiltration, no gaping system vulnerabilities to explain the slow bleed of information.
Frowning, he made a subtle adjustment to the Troupe's firewalls, adding an extra layer of encryption to the data streams. If this was the work of an outside hacker, he was determined to fortify their defenses.
But the next convening of the Troupe saw another infinitesimal data leak, this time compounded by a more overt disruption - a brief negation of the network's security protocols, just long enough to expose their meeting's coordinates to the world before the systems snapped back into lock-down.
Cursing under his breath, Shalnark realized they were dealing with something more insidious than a run-of-the-mill cyber attack. This was the work of a skilled technician, a digital specter with the know-how to bypass even the Troupe's most stringent security measures.
A hacker. And a formidable one at that.
Over the following months, the pattern repeated itself with clockwork regularity.
Each time the hacker struck, it was like a digital harbinger - a crimson warning flare cutting through the night, exposing the Phantom Troupe's operations to scrutiny before they could batten down the hatches.
No matter how diligently Shalnark fortified their systems, the hacker always found a way to slither through, leaving just enough of a trail to compromise their next rendezvous point or heist location. Within hours of detecting the breach, encrypted coordinates and mission files would be radiating outwards across the digital ether like a neon signpost to the Troupe's whereabouts.
Curses and rebukes followed in the wake of each incident as the Troupe was forced to abandon meticulously laid plans at the last moment. Tempers frayed as vital targets were lost, lucrative scores forced to be postponed or scrapped entirely due to the consistent risk of exposure and interference.
The effect on morale was insidious. An air of tension and distrust began to pervade the Troupe's ranks. Suspicions were raised, allegiances questioned as each member wondered if there might be a mole in their midst feeding information to this unseen cyber adversary. The group's well-oiled machine of criminality ground to a halting, stuttering cadence as the constant disruptions took their toll.
Through it all, Shalnark became increasingly obsessed with his game of digital cat-and-mouse against the shadowy hacker. He rabbited down every cyber-trail, exhausted entire networks of resources, and still the intruder always danced just one step ahead of his pursuits. The futility bred a simmering frustration that he struggled to keep contained around his Troupe brothers.
Shalnark's skills with data systems and encryption were unparalleled, and to have them so flayed and exposed by this unknown factor needled at his professional pride. With each defeat, each near-miss at cracking the hacker's stratagem, a bitterness took root - festering into an almost singular obsession.
As the months ground on with no reprieve from the hacker's relentless cyber intrusions, Shalnark's attitude towards his digital foe underwent a palpable shift. What had begun as a sense of competitive respect and professional curiosity about their skills slowly contracted into something more bitter and resentful.
No longer was the hacker just an abstract technical challenge to be solved and neutralized. Now they had become Shalnark's personal white whale, a nemesis whose very existence mocked his abilities as the Phantom Troupe's cyber warfare specialist. With each fruitless lead and dead-end data trail, his obsession with unmasking their identity took on an increasingly personal dimension.
He saw traces of the hacker's work everywhere - in the stuttering lag of an encrypted video feed, the garbled fragments of a disrupted call. Always just ephemeral glimpses of a digital specter staying maddeningly out of reach. Shalnark's sleep became fitful, his waking hours consumed by the all-encompassing Need to solve this puzzle and expose the human factor behind the ones and zeroes.
The other members of the Troupe gave him a wide berth during this period, sensing the rising volatility in their comrade as his quarry continued to elude him. Only Chrollo dared approach Shalnark about the intensifying situation - and his words carried the unmistakable timbre of an ultimatum.
"This has gone on for too long," the Troupe's leader stated flatly during one particularly heated convening. They had just abandoned yet another heist after the coordinates leaked mere hours before the operation. "The hacker has become a liability we cannot tolerate any further."
Shalnark opened his mouth to object, but Chrollo raised a quieting hand.
"Find them," he said, his voice deceptively calm but laced with undercurrents of menace. "Use whatever means are required, but bring this to an end. The Troupe's resources are at your disposal."
It was not a request, but a command from the one man whose authority within the group was absolute. Shalnark could only nod tightly and set his jaw in grim determination.
No more games. No more playing defensive cyber games. It was time to take the offensive and hunt this ghostly intruder into the cold, harsh light of reality.
Shalnark initiated his most intensive manhunt yet, systematically dismantling encrypted networks and tracing fragmented data signatures across a labyrinth of proxy servers and dark web portals. He called in every favor owed, diverting the Troupe's vast resources towards isolating and triangulating the physical location from which the hacker's intrusions originated.
Weeks of effort finally paid off when Shalnark managed to trace a unique system signature to its source - a distinct set of geographic coordinates in a densely populated urban city center. Not even bothering to notify the rest of the Troupe, Shalnark grabbed his gear and set off to finally, ultimately, confront the entity that had tormented him for so long.
His fingers were steepled and expression darkly focused as the city's skyline came into view outside his car window. At long last, the hacker would be exposed and whatever drove them to carry out this endless campaign of cyber warfare against the Phantom Troupe would be excised.
One way, or another, tonight would see this chapter brought to a decisive close.
His footsteps were silent as he ascended the stairwell and made his way down the dreary hallway to the apartment indicated by his tracer.
Shalnark stepped across the threshold, ears pricked for any sound of movement from within the dimly lit interior. But the apartment appeared deserted, a simple living space with minimal furnishings. His brow furrowed slightly as he advanced further inside, perplexed by the apparent lack of activity.
That's when he noticed the open doorway leading to what appeared to be a bedroom area. And through that open doorway, he caught a glimpse of tousled bedsheets...and you.
You were seated cross-legged amidst the rumpled blankets, apparently just rousing from slumber. Shalnark's breath caught in his throat as he took in your disheveled appearance - clad in nothing more than an oversized shirt that rode up to mid-thigh, exposing an enticing expanse of leg and a pair of panties which did not do its intended purpose of obscuring your modesty.
Your eyes, still heavy-lidded with the haze of sleep, nonetheless snapped to sharp attention at the sound of his footsteps. In one lithe movement, you were on your feet, shoulders set in a subtly defiant line as you regarded the intruder.
"Well, well," you murmured, giving Shalnark an appraising look that somehow made him feel briefly self-conscious. "The infamous Shalnark of the Phantom Troupe. To what do I owe this rude awakening?"
Shalnark found himself momentarily thrown by your provocative state of undress. He had been prepared for any number of scenarios - from a shadowy hacker's lair bristling with cyber weaponry to an ambush by hired muscle. But this? This beautiful woman regarding him with a mixture of defiance and amusement in your heavy-lidded eyes? It wrong-footed him in a way he hadn't anticipated.
Rallying his composure, Shalnark allowed his gaze to brazenly trail over the bare expanse of your thighs before lifting to meet your challenging stare. "I must admit, you're not quite what I pictured," he said, taking a slow step further into the bedroom. "Though I can't deny the view is...enticing."
One finely sculpted eyebrow arched upwards at his suggestive tone. "Is that so?" you replied, clearly unfazed by his attempt to wrongfoot you. "And just what were you picturing when you decided to violate a young woman's privacy in the middle of the night?"
Shalnark felt the faintest prick of heat entering his cheeks at your words. Clearly you weren't going to make this easy on him. "Don't play coy," he said, his voice lowering an octave. "We both know exactly why I'm here...ghost."
The endearment, laden with faint derision, rolled off his tongue. For months now, you had been the enigmatic presence haunting the Troupe's systems - this maddeningly elusive "ghost in the machine" tormenting them with your formidable hacking skills. But now, finally, Shalnark had cornered his digital quarry.
"Ah, so you figured it out," you said lightly, as if discussing something as mundane as the weather. Distractingly, you reached up to try and smother a yawn, causing your shirt to ride even higher.
Shalnark's eyes briefly tracked the motion before snapping back to your face, realizing you were deliberately trying to chip away at his eroded calm.
"Don't get cocky, ghost," he growled, mouth twisting in a fractional smirk. "You and I both know you're out of your depth here. So why don't we drop the games and you tell me what sort of suicide mission compelled you to gain the Troupe's...undivided attention."
Shalnark studied you for a moment, taking in the defiant set of your jaw and the way you steadily held his intense gaze. Despite the provocative situation, it was clear you weren't some wide-eyed innocent easily cowed or seduced. A formidable mind lurked behind that beautiful facade.
Perhaps a change of tactic was required.
"You're good, I'll give you that," he said finally, taking a couple of slow steps towards the bed. "Damn good, in fact. To slip past my security safeguards again and again...it's frankly impressive."
You said nothing, merely watched him approach with eyes narrowed in wariness. Shalnark's lips quirked upwards.
"I have to wonder what could have motivated such extraordinary efforts to gain the Phantom Troupe's attention," he continued conversationally. "Unless of course your true aim was to impress us with those prodigious skills of yours."
Halting at the foot of the bed, Shalnark braced one knee against the mattress, leaning towards you with a slow, predatory smile.
"I can assure you, ghost...you've more than proven your bona fides. The question is - what do you intend to do with such talents?" His voice dropped to a low purr. "Because I can think of several...tempting propositions for someone of your unique capabilities."
Your eyesbore into his, clear and unwavering, as Shalnark extended the unspoken offer to join the ranks of the Troupe. To gain all the power, resources, and reputation that came with being one of the world's most feared criminal empires. All you had to do was take his hand.
To Shalnark's surprise, you suddenly threw back your head and laughed - a rich, full-bodied sound devoid of any mirth.
"You Troupe boys really are delusional, aren't you?" you chuckled, the sound sending a frisson of surprise through Shalnark. "Did you really think a few cheap innuendos would be enough to sway me to your precious little gang's cause?"
Swinging your legs over the side of the bed, you rose in one lithe motion until you were mere inches from Shalnark's face, close enough for him to feel the warmth of your exhaled breaths.
"Let me be perfectly clear," you murmured, so close now that your lips almost brushed against his with each enunciated syllable. "I don't give a solitary fuck about your vaunted reputations or resources. And I certainly didn't go to all this effort just to impress a bunch of two-bit crooks and earn a tacky tattoo."
Shalnark felt his jaw tense at the open disdain in your tone, the utter dismissal of the fearsome credibility the Phantom Troupe's name carried. Before he could snap a rebuttal, you reached out and traced one fingertip along the line of his neck in a dangerously intimate gesture.
"No, I had a very...personal reason for painting such a large target on your troublesome little organization's backs," you breathed, your touch a delicious torment of physical proximity without release. "And I won't stop, I won't rest, until my goal is achieved. No matter who or what tries to get in my way."
With that final veiled promise, you pulled away from Shalnark and retreated a step, eyes glittering with a mixture of challenge and something else he couldn't put a name to.
"So I hope your Troupe masters are ready," you said flatly. "Because this is just the opening salvo. The game's only just begun."
Shalnark stared at you for a long moment, feeling a strange mixture of aggravation and reluctant intrigue. Your defiant rejection of his overtures had stung his pride, but he found himself perversely captivated by the fiery spirit blazing behind those beautiful eyes.
"You talk a good game, ghost," he said finally, recovering some of his usual cockiness. "But do you really think taunting the Phantom Troupe is a wise long-term strategy? We're not the type to take such provocations lightly."
"Is that a threat?" You arched one delicate eyebrow. "My, and here I thought the fearsome Shalnark would be above such blunt intimidation tactics."
You began slowly circling around him, each unhurried step carrying you through the small bedroom space. Shalnark turned, keeping you fixed in his sights as you moved with predatory grace.
"I'm simply making sure you understand the realities of what you're getting yourself involved in," he said evenly. "The Troupe doesn't take kindly to those who make sport of undermining our operations. Eventually, this path you're on leads to only one destination."
"And I'm sure you'd just love to be the one to personally deliver me to that destination," you purred, stopping directly behind him.
Shalnark tensed as he felt the barest whisper of your breath against the back of his neck, your presence suddenly looming at his back. Slowly, almost experimentally, you reached out and traced a fingertip along the nape of his neck and up into the tousled blond hair at his hairline. He suppressed a shiver at the intimate touch.
"Tell me, Shalnark," you murmured, voice a throaty purr against his ear. "Is this the point where you try a more...physical form of persuasion? Put that famed skill against me in hopes of bending my will?"
You punctuated the daring suggestion with the slightest graze of teeth against his earlobe. This time Shalnark couldn't stop the full-body jolt that rippled through him at the electrifying gesture.
Capitalizing on his moment of discomposure, you suddenly stepped around and invaded his personal space, leaving barely an inch between your bodies. He could feel the heat radiating off you, feel the hardened peaks of your breasts against his chest, smell the faint scent of soap and something muskier underlying it all.
"Because I have to warn you," you breathed, craning your neck to bring your lips tantalizingly close to his. "I don't break easily for anyone. No matter how...skilled their methods of interrogation might be."
The suggestive emphasis in your tone was unmistakable. As were the sudden fireworks of mutual awareness now crackling between your body and Shalnark's like an unstable current.
He could play coy and demure all he wanted, but you had clearly sensed the undercurrent of physical attraction simmering beneath the surface of his bravado. And you were expertly using it against him, stoking that heated tension with a deftly applied mix of coy words and distractingly intimate gestures.
For a moment, Shalnark was rendered speechless and unnervingly flustered by your brazen tactics. He opened his mouth, struggling for a witty rejoinder or cutting remark to undermine your dominance of the situation.
But you merely watched him with open amusement, waiting with the overpowering confidence of one wholly in control and unafraid of any retaliation. Finally, Shalnark managed a slightly strained chuckle.
"You're playing a very dangerous game, ghost," he said, allowing some of the unveiled hunger shading his voice. "And I do so love games with...high stakes."
Slowly, deliberately, he lifted one hand and traced the curve of your jaw with just enough pressure to tilt your face upwards towards his. Your gazes locked, pure molten irises against flinty steel, as he dipped his head fractionally closer and inhaled your intoxicating scent.
"Perhaps it's time I showed you just how skilled I can be at...extracting what I want," he purred, allowing his lips to skim featherlight against the sensitive hollow beneath your ear. "The hard way can be so very...invigorating."
You tensed infinitesimally against him, the only outward sign of the effect his seductive words were having. Shalnark smirked darkly and doubled down, lips brushing your neck as he murmured, "I do hope you're...prepared, ghost. Because this is your last chance to back down from the game you've started."
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reallytoosublime · 1 year
Cybersecurity in financial services is of paramount importance due to the sensitive nature of the data and the potential financial and reputational risks associated with breaches. Financial institutions, including banks, insurance companies, investment firms, and payment processors, are prime targets for cyberattacks.
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Cybersecurity in financial services is of paramount importance due to the sensitive nature of the data and the potential financial and reputational risks associated with breaches. Financial institutions, including banks, insurance companies, investment firms, and payment processors, are prime targets for cyberattacks.
Financial institutions deal with vast amounts of sensitive customer data, including personal information, financial records, and transaction details. Protecting this data from unauthorized access or theft is a top priority. Encryption, access controls, and data masking are common strategies.
Regularly assessing cybersecurity risks is crucial. This involves identifying vulnerabilities, evaluating their potential impact, and prioritizing them for mitigation. Risk assessments help allocate resources effectively.
Financial institutions must secure all endpoints, including desktops, laptops, mobile devices, and even IoT devices. Endpoint protection solutions help detect and prevent malware and other threats.
Secure networks are vital to prevent unauthorized access and data breaches. Firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and network monitoring tools are used to protect against threats.
Strong authentication methods, such as multi-factor authentication, are essential to ensure that only authorized users can access critical systems. Access controls limit what users can do within these systems.
Cybersecurity in financial services is an ongoing and evolving challenge. Financial institutions must invest in technology, processes, and education to protect themselves and their customers from the ever-growing threat landscape. Staying up-to-date with the latest cybersecurity trends and best practices is crucial to maintaining a strong defense against cyberattacks.
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jcmarchi · 5 months
Ransomware attack causes city street lights to "misbehave" - CyberTalk
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/ransomware-attack-causes-city-street-lights-to-misbehave-cybertalk/
Ransomware attack causes city street lights to "misbehave" - CyberTalk
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In England, Leicester City is experiencing persistent problems with its street light system due to a recent cyber attack.
While the street lights are ordinarily switched on and off at dawn and dusk, for the last six weeks, street lights across Leicester have remained illuminated during both the day and night. In some instances, street lights remain lit on one side of the street, while remaining off on the other side of the street.
Residents have noticed and commented on this peculiar behavior. When one individual spoke with the Leicester City Council about the issue, he was informed that the cyber attack had affected the ‘central operating system’ for the street lights, causing them to “misbehave.”
What happened
The cyber attack in question occurred on March 7th of this year and has been labeled “highly sophisticated.”
The responsible party, the INC Ransom group, is known for targeting government, education and healthcare organizations around the world. Attackers appear to have stolen documents from the Leicester City Council, a number of which have surfaced online.
Upon recognizing signs of an impending issue, the Leicester City Council IT team did remove systems from the internet; a standard best practice in the event of a possible ransomware attack.
Local impact
The unintended and continuous illumination of street lights is a concern for locals due to the high level of energy consumption and high costs involved.
“The lights in my area have been burning away all day and all night, so it’s going to be costing a lot,” said resident Roger Ewens. The City Council aims to resolve the issue by the end of the first week in May.
A spokesperson for the Leicester City Council stated that IT systems were shut down as a precautionary measure in the aftermath of the attack. In turn, specialists cannot currently address faults in the street lighting system.
The spokesperson explained that the default mode for such lights is for them to remain ‘on’ in the event of disruptions to systems, ensuring road safety and preventing unlit areas from becoming hazardous.
Technical details
To more technical readers, it may come as a surprise that these street lights are centrally controlled. All that needs to happen is for the street lights to turn on at dusk and to turn off at dawn, a process that could ostensibly be managed via an ambient light sensor.
Nonetheless, a number of cities are swapping out ambient light sensors with wireless controllers. This arguably provides operators with grater flexibility and the ability to switch lights on and off in such a way as to reduce energy consumption.
More information
The Council states that it is working with the Leicestershire Police and the National Cyber Security Centre to investigate the incident. The City will not be paying a ransom.
The Council is also committed to diligently resolving all issues via a series of restorative steps. Efforts will be made to restore normal operations of the street lighting system as quickly as possible.
For more on this story, please visit the BBC. Get in-depth ransomware prevention insights here. To receive compelling cyber insights, groundbreaking research and emerging threat analyses each week, subscribe to the CyberTalk.org newsletter.
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lazydoodlesandfanfic · 8 months
Fate's Plans (Wanda Maximoff X Male!Reader)
Characters: Wanda Maximoff X Male!Reader
Universe: Marvel, Avengers (Takes place sometime after AOU)
Warnings: Pregnancy, vague mentions of birth, bit of swearing
Could you write Wanda x male!reader, it’s just fluff really if that’s ok. Wanda and the reader find out they’re pregnant and the fic’s about their time throughout the pregnancy and after their child is born. Maybe the reader kinda freaks out a bit and Wanda finds it really funny/cute.
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There were a lot of people who believed that finding true love was an act of fate. If it happened to you, you’d know immediately, and it would become a story to tell your kids and grandkids beside the person you were destined to grow old with. Wanda was one of those people. She believed with all her whole heart that her parents' meeting was fate, even if it meant that they would die young, leaving behind her and Pietro. However, she also believed that this fate wasn’t ever going to happen to her. Life was too cruel- why would life beat her down so hard so far just to throw her a bone now? And she was okay with that. She believed this so hard, that it actually took her a while to realise that she was wrong. Fate did have other plans for her, and the love of her life was already with her.
Wanda only realised it was you, was when she watched you excitedly calling her name repeatedly, getting a little quieter as you got close and closer, beaming as you proceeded to hand her a cloth bag that fit in her hand, and watched excitedly as she opened it, finding several stones, shells and even sea glass, and you went on to explain that on your PTO (Because you’d gotten injured on a mission and should have been resting) you’d gone to the coast with some family and gathered some trinkets because you thought she’d like it. She didn’t like it. She loved it, and she loved that you had thought of her and did this. That’s why immediately after, she asked you to dinner, and your eyes widened, not expecting that, before stuttering out an acceptance.
She was surprised it took her so long for herself to realise how special you were. You were an agent of SHIELD, and had been for two years, starting just a year after Wanda became an Avenger. Being young, and a rookie, you got a lot of teasing, especially from people like Clint and Tony, but you took it all in your stride and with a smile. You were always kind, eager to help, which on first appearance made you appear a bit of an airhead or gullible, but oh boy, was that wrong- Tony learnt that the hard way, when he tried to prank you by putting you in charge of checking over his security software for any faults, bugs, or cyber attacks, him already having it planned out for you to be overwhelmed and for FRIDAY to mimic an actual attack to scare you, only for you to handle it, and actually catch a bug in the system. All of which you announced to Tony in front of several other Avengers, including Wanda. Not long after, you ended up being assigned on a mission with Natasha, Clint and Steve, and come back with the three gobsmacked, and then tell a story of you being the most competent and well trained agent any of them had actually worked with. That kind of complimentary talk really boosts you up the ranks, it turns out, and soon Wanda was able to see it first hand. 
But out of missions, you were that kind, slightly silly person. You always asked about her day, complimented her on her recent mission, and eventually, you began giving gifts- getting her coffee in the morning, then also a bit of breakfast, then snacks, and eventually your gifts moved from food and drinks to finding DVDs of obscure movies she mentioned wanting to watch again, or fixing things for her in your down time. Your sewing skills on her cardigans and skirts were far from professional, but they worked as intended, and it was a lovely gesture. Wanda practically slapped herself when she realised these were your ways of trying to show you liked her.
As soon as you two actually started dating, everything just clicked. Your acts of love and affection didn’t slow down at all, except now the coffee and breakfast was something you grabbed together, you kept her favourite snacks at yours for when she came over, and she did the same for you, and dates between you was basically anytime you two got to be alone together- which was whenever you two had time after work, or after a mission, where you two just cuddled and relaxed after it all. The only real problem was the part where you two would be at work and be teased by your team for being kids in love, but it was all in good fun. The team was fully supportive. They saw how happy you made Wanda, and how well you two clicked. It was worth the aww’s and teasing whenever you told each other you loved each other or shared a look across a room. This did get a little better though when you two actually moved in together a year and half into your relationship, though now the team would regularly question when you two were gonna get married already.
Imagine the team's surprise when Wanda announced that she was going on desk work for the next few months- because you two were having a baby. 
“You know, there’s still time for a shotgun wedding.” Tony commented, walking past Wanda as she was sitting reading a mission report, also enjoying some baby carrots, the bowl balanced on her belly that had grown a lot the last few months. 
“Not happening Tony. Knowing my luck, I’ll go into labour while saying my vows.” She commented, not looking up. 
“You don’t even have to walk down an aisle or anything- we get you a white dress, get Y/N in a suit- can’t Captains officiate weddings? I own boats, that counts, right?” Tony questioned.
“Tony, we know you just want another party. I have no clue how you’re still functioning after what you pulled at the baby shower.” Natasha commented, coming in the room to give Wanda new forms, before taking the ones from her. “Now leave her alone, before I tell Clint.” She warned. Tony raised his hands in surrender, before leaving the room. “Now you.” 
“I haven’t done anything.” Wanda defended. 
“Other than you’re supposed to be working from home? You’re due any day now.” Natasha pointed out. 
“Exactly- Y/N got dragged off to that mission the other day and isn’t back yet- if I go into labour at home, I’m by myself.” She pointed out. 
“And if Y/N finds out you’re not following doctor’s orders, he’s gonna be irate.” She pointed out. Wanda knew she was right. Ever since Wanda had shown you the test results, you somehow became even more affectionate, even more loving, but also now protective. You always tried to not be overbearing on her and get on her nerves- she was the one actually going through it after all. You made sure her snack stash, which adjusted to her cravings, was always well stocked. As the pregnancy progressed, you switched chores- her doing any that she could do with minimal moving or while sat on a stool, and you did anything that would cause her any back pain. You set the nursery up together, you doing the painting, and Wanda put together most of the furniture, not having to do any heavy lifting thanks to her powers, though every few weeks you could come home to the nursery reorganised because she wasn’t happy about some aspects of it- the cot too far away from the door, the chair too far away from the cot, the cot and chair are too close together. Eventually she settled on a layout.
When Wanda entered her 3rd Trimester, was when you became a true worrier. If she showed any discomfort, you were by her side to try and help, and with every day closer to the due date, Wanda could tell you were getting more anxious- she blamed all the books and research you did pretty early on in her pregnancy, which led you down a rabbit hole about risks and worst case scenarios, though you didn’t want to talk about it with her- as to not worry her. That stress really showed when you found out about your current mission, and Wanda saw you actually raise your voice at Fury for sending you on it, knowing the situation. In the end, Fury could not reassign who was on the mission, but he did extend your leave after the baby’s birth by 2 months. Wanda promised to keep the baby in till you came back, and Natasha, Clint and Bruce promised to look after Wanda and also to keep Tony on a leash.
“Have you heard anything from them on how the mission’s going?” Wanda inquired, trying to change the subject. 
“Got a vague text from Steve saying ‘nearly done’ early this morning, but other than that, nothing, but knowing how effective Steve, Thor and Y/N work together, I’m expecting them back tonight.” She told Wanda. “In other words, you have until tonight to get home, or I'm telling.” 
“I can handle Y/N being a little annoyed at me being here- I want to see him as soon as he gets back, not a second longer.” Wanda decided, resting her head back in her chair. Natasha felt a buzz in her pocket, pulling her phone out, before grinning and putting it away. 
“Well better get moving- they’re already landing.” 
You were exhausted from the mission, but eager to get off the jet and get to Wanda. You didn’t like the idea on her being alone, both in the day and at night while due any moment- you heard a lot of labours start at night, and you’d had a nightmare while on your mission of Wanda waking up in the middle of the night with contractions, no one answering her calls because they were asleep, and an ambulance not getting to her for hours. You didn’t want that, so the best spot for you was by her side.
As soon as Steve landed the plane, you were off it, stripping off harnesses, belts and gear as you walked, rushing inside the building for the quicked debrief which you planned to mostly consist of ‘I’ll do the paperwork later’ talk, only to spot Wanda shuffling towards you, right beside Natasha, who sent an apologetic smile. You dumped your gear on the spot and ran to her. “You okay? What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be resting.” You fussed, taking Wanda in your arms, seeing her face for any discomfort- any sign she was having contractions or in labour- but she just smiled back at you. 
“Figured me being here meant having people around, so even if I went into labour, I wouldn’t be alone.” She pointed out. You sighed, your shoulders relaxing, the comment actually soothing that horrible thought that had been haunting your dreams. It was almost like-
“Have you been reading my mind again?” You asked her. 
“Only when your thoughts are so loud, I can hear them without telepathy. You worry too much, my love.” She told you, resting her hand on your cheek. 
“And now that you’re home- go take her home before we have to have Bruce deliver your kid- I’m not sure if Bruce could handle that stress. I’ll handle the debrief and Fury. Enjoy your last few days of peace for the next few years.” Steve commented as he walked past you both. You jokingly saluted him, and did as told. 
As soon as you got home, got Wanda settled and got the chores done that needed to be done, you joined your girlfriend in your bed, putting on one of the old DvDs of an old sitcom Wanda loved that she got you addicted to as well. “Tony giving you any trouble?” You asked. 
“Other than wanting us to have a shotgun wedding so he can get as wasted as he did at our baby shower? No… how did he even get that drunk?” Wanda asked. 
“If I had to guess… Thor and his flask of Asguardian alcohol. But then again I wouldn’t put it past him to figure out where we ordered our chocolates and got alcohol laced ones and ate them all to himself… can you imagine him getting drunk at our daughter’s Christmas Nativity? Or her toddler ballet classes?” You humoured, making Wanda laugh. 
“Oh, I think you mean our son’s Christmas Nativity and his toddler ballet classes. This, is a boy.” She said, tapping her stomach. 
“Hmmm, I still think for a girl, little Wanda Jr.” You told her, leaning over to kiss her bump. 
“If it is a girl, we are not calling her Wanda Jr.” She grinned, and you hummed. “You sure you’re okay with Pietro for a boy?” She asked. 
“Of course I am. Has been since we talked about it 6 months ago. Hell if it is a girl, we can have Petra, or something.” You suggested, wrapping an arm around her. “I wish I could have met him. I bet he would have been the best uncle… and also he’d join Tony in the shotgun wedding idea.” You commented, making her chuckle. 
“Yeah, he would… I think he’d love you though, he’d want us to marry just to gain you as a brother.” She added. “Anyway, one episode, then bed, I’m tired from looking at paper all day, and don’t lie to me about being tired yourself.” She told you. You agreed to that, but ended up falling asleep not even half way through. 
However, you did wake up to Wanda shaking your arm. “Hmm? Yeah? Need water? The bathroom?” You asked on autopilot, before you became more aware of your surroundings, realising Wanda was already out of bed… a bed, that was wet.
“Get dressed and take me to the hospital- my water broke.” She told you, keeping her voice low as she brushed her hair out before clipping it back. You stared at her, processing her words, before it clicked. Hospital. Water. Broke. Labour. Baby. Now. 
“Oh fuck we’re doing this!” You announced, jumping out of bed, rushing to grab clothes from your drawers to get dressed, while Wanda watched you, happy in her pyjamas, slippers and dressing gown as you hurried to get half decent, before grabbing her to-go bag from the chair in the corner, taking her by the arm and escorting outside to drive her to the hospital. “Let me know when you feel a contraction- have you felt any yet? Have you timed them? Your water breaking means it’s gonna speed up.” You requested as you drove. 
“Had a few in bed- thought they were braxton hicks, but then my water broke, so I woke you up. I wasn’t timing them, but I will now- hold on.” She said, her voice becoming strained as she grabbed the door and your arm, and you pulled over and looked at her. “No, drive! Contraction!” She ordered. 
“Oh! Right, sorry!” You apologised, taking off again. Wanda already knew this was going to be an experience, and a story to tell later with you right there. 
Boy was she right. From getting there, to getting her checked into the maternity ward, all attempts to hold back on being dramatically worried was forgotten. At all times, you had some sort of contact with Wanda, whether that was holding her as she walked around, letting her squeeze your hand through contractions, rubbing her back to help with pains, or hugging her and telling her she was doing amazing, you were there. You were there every step of the way, all attention on her, checking in on her, making sure she was as comfortable as she could be, and being a rock. You made the whole thing go as smoothly as they could, and Wanda was thankful for that. She wasn’t sure she could do it without you. But eventually, it was over, and she had her baby in her arms. She looked over at you, sat beside her, arms leant on the siderails, looking at your daughter, mesmerized, before looking up at Wanda. “She’s so small.” You whispered, making her smile. 
“Get over here and hold her, you dork.” She told you, shuffling over as much as she could so you could partially lay with her, taking your daughter in your arms, and looking down at her, before once again turning to Wanda, this time kissing her head.
“My girls. My beautiful girls, my whole world.” You told her, and she smiled, resting her head on you as you got comfortable with your baby, who was sound asleep in your arms, like she’d been the one doing all the hard work. “I knew you were a girl. Dreamt about it all the time- my little girl who looks just like her beautiful mom.” You told the baby in your arms. 
“So, what are we naming her? And don’t say Wanda Jr.” She questioned. 
“Thought we already agreed? Petra, right? Unless you want that as a first name, in which case, we could do what Clint did for you and name her after him. What’s the female version of Clint? Clinton?... Cli-”
“Don’t finish that thought, you’re too sleep deprived. Petra’s fine.” She told you, already seeing where exactly you were going, even if you didn’t. “Anyway, you should probably go tell the others- let Tony know a shotgun wedding is no longer an option but he can throw a party anyway.” She told you.
“Alright, I can do that. Want me to put our baby down to sleep so you can get some rest? I’ll make sure they don’t come around till late morning.” You told her, kissing her head as she nodded, and you put Petra in her cot beside Wanda. 
“And as soon as you’re done, get back here, I want more hugs, even if it’s cramped.” She told you, getting a playful salute like how you had done to Steve earlier, before you grabbed your phone to step out and share the good news. Wanda rolled onto her side to look at her daughter, reaching out to put her arm into her cot, running a finger across her cheek. 
Hope you like it! I wrote this in about 2-3 hours in one sitting so if there's mistakes please let me know. If you have any questions, please send them in!
*Not my gif
TAGS: @klanceiscannon14 @marvelhoeingismyhobby @bellamyblakemorley @dummiesshort  @freyathehuntress @abbybills22-blog @mutantjediavenger @theoraekensnotsosecretlover @alicedanganh @sleutherclaw @sleepy-coffee-bean @stawwpp @rebellionofthecattle @hello-love-youre-pretty @werosemagic @courtneychicken  @graysonmalfoy @bellero@originalpottervengerlock @supernatural-pan @esoltis280 @lady-of-lies @lenaswritingandstuff @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980 @cdwmtjb8 @caswinchester2000 @determinedpines @huntheimpossible @automaticbakeryfreakshoe
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wandering-wolf23 · 1 year
Things I should not have to say:
Don't threaten to blow up pro-shippers on social media. That's called a terroristic threat. Don't even joke about it. You might think it's funny and it might get a few eye rolls from the adults in the room, but the DoJ/FBI/Homeland Security/People it gets reported to have no sense of humor.
Trust me. I work with them. I swear any sense of humor gets trained out of them.
At best, they're going to knock on your door and explain to your parents/partners/assorted housemates what you're doing online. At worst, it's a no knock raid because they think you're a terrorist.
All it takes is one person reporting what you said. What may be an obvious joke to you probably isn't to the team of people going through the cyber tip line. While you might be joking, Cletus in Montana with the pile of tannerite talking about how he wants to blow up the government probably isn't. There have been too many Cletuses recently for online threats to be ignored.
TL;DR: Don't be a fucking dumb ass and make threats on social media. It's a good way to ruin your life.
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