#cyber seattle
cozylittleartblog · 2 years
im so sorry im spam reblogging your posts i just love your art style so much (saw ur post on r/deltarune 😎) and current deltarune hyperfixation
also im so sorry to my 7 human followers who have to see all the deltarune stuff on their dash
the way you draw swatch,,, 🫠🫠💞 (and spamton)
love you!!!! 🫶🫶🫶
oh darling don't you Ever apologize for spamming me with notifications, and especially never apologize for reblogging my art and putting sweet tags on it 😂 that is my life-blood twice over. this is the blogging website of Having Interests, so Have Those Interests!! Thank You !!!!!!
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it is literally so funny you say that. because stray totally stole my fucking thunder. and i'm not even mad because they did it way cooler than i was going to, AND it had a kitty kitty in it
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webdiggerxxx · 5 months
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mega-stellar · 7 days
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Tangerine Girl
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gowdasushmita · 2 years
The most methodical, comprehensive, and career-focused         education is  available in the cybersecurity field. Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. Skillogic is a leading training institute for cyber security training in Seattle .
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illicit affairs
the one where Joel calls (kind of)
Summary: A week after you're back home in Seattle you get a visitor.
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem. reader
Wordcount: 1.649
Rating: T
Warnings: accidental pregnancy, angst, fluff, some heartbreak
A/N: Pick your own ending part one feat. Joel Miller
illicit affairs master list // Pedro Masterlist
follow @toomanystoriessolittletime-fics and turn on notifications to get notified when I post new fics
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You tried to keep your expectations low. 
A week after you came back home to Seattle and many talks with your friends later you accepted that you couldn’t change the situation from here. 
Event though it was killing you inside.
Calling your mother and telling her everything on the phone was not what you wanted, even though it would be the easiest way because you wouldn’t be able to see how she reacted to the news. 
But you couldn’t talk to her before you had talked to Joel.
You could call Joel. 
You now had his number.
Your friend cyber stalked him and found the number of his company. 
You had made your peace with being a single mother before you even ran back into Joel. So while him, now that he knew, seemingly not wanting to be involved was hurtful, it wasn’t the worst. 
You had your friends. Your colleagues. And you had Sean. 
Sean had called you every single day, trying to keep you in the loop of life back in Austin. Though he hadn’t talked to your mother in two days. 
Today you had spent wearing your most comfortable sweater, eating nothing but Cheese (you would regret that later, but the craving was real) looking at new potential apartments in the area. You needed a bigger apartment, a room for your baby. 
On your next appointment you would learn the gender and you were beyond excited. 
You could do this by yourself. You would do this by yourself. 
Of course you had dreamed about having your own family growing up. You had dreamed about meeting your prince and getting married. Having babies and be happy forever. 
But you were five years old back then and seriously influenced by Disney movies. 
You had learned that Disney movies were not the real life by now, which frankly sucked. 
Absently you checked your phone, wondering where your order of cheese pizza you placed an hour ago was, when there was a knock on your door. 
„Finally,“ you cheered to yourself, grabbing the money for your pizza. You shuffled through your apartment in your cosy socks, one of your hands on your belly that had somehow popped in the last two days. 
You opened the door, expecting your pizza, but it was
„Joel,“ you gasped in surprise. 
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Joel was sitting in your living room. 
He was here, in your apartment. 
You had fled to your kitchen, making him a coffee to gather your thoughts. You fired texts off to your best friend telling you that Joel was here and to your brother asking if he had any idea how Joel got here. 
But you couldn’t stay in the kitchen forever even if you wanted to. 
Taking a deep breath you put the mug of coffee on the carton of your pizza that had been delivered in the meantime, making you way back to the kitchen. 
The first thing you noticed was that he looked nervous. 
He had taken his shoes off, standing up when you came back into the room. His hair looked wild, like he had ran his hand though it for a lot of times. 
„Coffee black, right?“ You asked. 
He gulped. 
„Yeah. Yeah, that’s right,“ he nodded, carefully taking the mug. You sat down on the love seat across from the couch, opening the pizza. You missed the small smile gave you as you hummed in delight while inhaling the scent of the pizza.
„I would offer you some, but I didn’t expect any guests and I have been craving this the whole day,“ you say apologetic. 
„It’s okay. I’m not hungry anyway,“ he said before he sat back down. His legs were spread as he sat, his head resting on his hands, his elbows angled on his knees, his back hunched over as he looked at you. 
You took a deep breath. 
„Why are you here Joel?“ you finally asked, picking up a slice of pizza, biting into it. 
„I had a 6 am flight that Monday,“ he began and you stopped chewing. 
„I watched you sleep for at least twenty minutes, trying to decide what to do before I took the, what I thought back then, easy way out and left without saying a word,“ he confessed. 
You slowly nodded, breathing slowly. 
You would let him talk. You had been waiting a while for him to talk. 
„I don’t do shit like that. I don’t go out and fuck random women. Not that you are random. You are everything but random,“ he sighed. He set the mug of coffee down, rubbing his fingers over his forehead. 
„I knew I made a mistake as soon as I stepped out of the hotel. Which doesn’t excuse my behaviour and I want you to know that I am sorry for leaving without a word. So fucking sorry. I just… You are so much younger than me. And I got scared. I wanted to the right thing. Never thought I would catch feelings for you,“ he sighed, letting himself fall back against the couch. 
„Never thought you’d end up pregnant,“ he shook his head.
You set the slice of pizza you had just grabbed down, watching him. 
„I met your mother in the week after I came back home. I was working with her boss. And it just…. It’s not… Fuck I feel like such an asshole. I realise now that I used her to get over you. Which is not fair to either of you.“
You were pretty sure you stopped breathing. 
„You’re pregnant,“ he whispered. 
You nodded. 
„You’re pregnant and it’s mine,“ he whispered again. 
Your bottom lip trembled and you nodded again. 
He released a long sigh. 
„Okay,“ he said, his eyes on yours. 
„Okay?“ You asked. 
He nodded. 
„I want to be involved if you let me. We maybe wouldn’t be in this mess if I hadn’t made the decision to leave, so I have no… I have no fucking right to ask for anything. But you don’t have to do this alone,“ he said. 
„What,“ you cleared your throat, „What about my mom?“ You asked quietly. 
„I broke up with her,“ he said and you inhaled sharply. She must be heartbroken. You could see how much Joel meant to her. Tears sprang into your eyes and you pushed the pizza away from you, as tears begin to fall.
Joel’s hand reached out as if to touch you, before he stopped. He looked devastated. 
„I’m so sorry,“ you sobbed and he groaned confused. 
„She was so happy with you. And I ruined it. I ruined it,“ you shook your head, sobbing quietly. 
You jumped when you felt Joel’s hand taking yours, having missed him even gotten up from the couch and you looked at him as he knelt in front of you. 
„You didn’t ruin anything. I should have been honest from the beginning. To both of you. I am the reason this situation is so damn messy. It’s not your fault,“ he said. You took some moments to take deep breaths, calming yourself down. 
„Did you… Did you tell her? About us?“ You asked. 
„No. If you want her to know, we can do it together,“ he said and you released a shuddering breath. 
„If you want to be involved we have to tell her. I just don’t know…“ you shook your head. 
„We don’t have to figure that out right away,“ he said with a small smile.
„What about us?“ You asked. 
He shrugged. 
„What do you want?“ He asked softly. 
You knew the answer to his question. If was selfish of you. But you had wanted him from the first moment you met him you still wanted him. 
„I want you,“ you whispered and a small smile sneaked to his face as he looked at you. 
„Then we will make it work,“ he promised, kissing your hand. 
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„She looks so much like Joel,“ you were smiling at your mother, as she held your new born daughter in her arms. 
„Yeah. She’s like his twin,“ you said fondly. She looked at you, eyes soft. Sean was sitting next to her grinning down at his niece. 
You had moved back to Austin. 
There had been a lot of talks, a lot of tears, a lot of heartbreak.
It hasn’t been easy, going for what you wanted, but in the end everything turned out okay. 
The conversation between you, Joel and your mother must have been the hardest thing you had ever done in your life, but she understood in the end. 
She had noticed how much you loved the father of your child before she even knew who he was. By the way you talked about him to her. And after taking some time to think about her feelings, after taking some time to heal, she was making her peace with it. 
She had told you some time ago that she wasn’t even really sure if she was in love with Joel or with the idea of being in love again.
But she definitely fell in love with Robert, her new husband to be. She already moved in with the man on his ranch just outside of Austin. And that after only two months of knowing each other. 
Not that you would ever judge her.
And Joel?
Joel had been with you whenever he could before you decided to move back to Austin. You had met his daughter and family. 
You were loved. 
You looked up when Joel walked back into the living room, his eyes meeting yours across the room, a smile sneaking to both of your faces. 
In the end, you got your Disney fairytale. 
Just…. Not in the right order. 
And without a ring on your finger. 
Not knowing that the missing ring, was already hidden in Joel’s work bench, waiting for the right moment to be put onto your finger.
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litrpgburrito · 4 months
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The Seattle Stacks
[Lore surrounding a version of Seattle where magic and technology collide]
In the shadow of the Space Needle, amidst the verdant sprawl of what was once a bustling Seattle park, lies the Seattle Stacks. A haphazard skyline of motor homes, each one a relic of a bygone era, now stacked atop one another in a defiant monument to survival. The Stacks are more than just a neighborhood; they are a sanctuary for the misfits, the mages, and the machinists of a world where the lines between technology and magic have blurred into obscurity.
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The story of the Seattle Stacks begins with the Great Convergence, an event that fused the realms of the arcane and the engineered. Magic, once thought to be the stuff of legend, flowed into the world like a tidal wave, crashing against the shores of reality. Technology, which had reached its zenith, suddenly found itself infused with this new, wild energy. The results were both wondrous and catastrophic.
In the aftermath, society reformed in unexpected ways. The Stacks emerged as a community for those who sought to blend the old with the new. Here, enchanters worked alongside engineers to fortify their homes against the elements and the creatures that roamed the wilds beyond. Poles and bars, imbued with spells of strength, held the precarious towers of homes aloft. Chains enchanted with protective wards clinked in the wind, a symphony of security for the inhabitants.
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The heart of the Stacks was its people. Each tower, a small neighborhood unto itself, thrived on the cooperation of its residents. From the cyber-witches who wove spells into neon lights, giving them a life of their own, to the gearhead sorcerers who conjured mechanical familiars from spare parts and sheer will, the community was a tapestry of innovation and tradition.
At the center of it all stood the Emerald Tower, the first and tallest stack. It was here that the leaders of the Stacks convened, a council of the wise that guided the community through the challenges of their new world. They were the keepers of lore, the architects of the Stacks' future, and the bridge between the mystical and the mechanical.
As the sun sets, casting long shadows over the Stacks, the neon lights flicker to life, painting the sky with vibrant hues. The air hums with the energy of a hundred spells, and the scent of sizzling circuits mingles with the earthy aroma of the park's ancient trees. The Seattle Stacks stand as a beacon of hope, a testament to the resilience of humanity, and a reminder that even in a world divided, there is a place for unity—in the stacks where magic and machine coexist in harmony.
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ms-demeanor · 10 months
hi okay sorry idk if it's okay to ask this or not so,,,, i am a bit hesitant.
here's the thing - i just finished my bachelor's and I'm looking for a job in cybersecurity. BUT i don't know how to get into the industry or get an entry level job and i am soooo overwhelmed. and here on tumblr some of your posts made me think it's a field you work in.. so, could you give me some tips?
again sorry if this was inappropriate i am very out of my depth rn skdhdkh
So I don't really work in cybersecurity, I'm an office admin at an MSP, I'm not even a tech, it's just that I've been hanging out with hackers for so long that I'm our default security guy because I know the *bare ass minimum* about okay security practices.
That said, I got my job because of a friend I met at a hacker meetup and I know a ton of people in the industry who got jobs in the industry exactly the same way so my advice is networking, and specifically networking with infosec nerds.
This is actually easier than it might sound because infosec nerds are fucking terrible at networking AND socializing so they've set up several easy ways to be in contact with one another regularly (though this does require seeing real human beings in person).
I'd say to start looking for hackerspaces that are local to you, nearby infosec conferences, and local infosec meetups. DC (Defcon) Groups are pretty widespread groups of people who do security stuff in geographical areas that you can find based on area code, for instance I used to go to DC 213 and I know a bunch of the people in DC 949. Check to see if there's a DC group in your area and when they have open meetups and see about getting involved with them. 2600 meetups are monthly infosec meetups that happen in large-ish cities. Search the largest nearby metro area + 2600 to see if there's a meetup that happens near you (so for instance Seattle 2600, Las Vegas 2600, Little Rock 2600).
Like. How to be "in cybersecurity" can cover a lot of ground, but one of the better ways to get into it is to go find people who work in the field. And if you're not up for a meeting at this point, find the socials of these local groups and see what they're doing and what they're talking about.
If you're looking for just any "foot in the door" basic experience in cybersecurity job, the one that is ubiquitous and kind of annoying but hey it'll get you in a building and building experience is Compliance as a Service - a lot of CaaS stuff is about the basics of incident response, access policies, and setting up secure environments. If you get started doing compliance it's a pretty easy jump to doing stuff like pentesting and that opens up more opportunities depending on where you want to go with it. But. Yeah. "cybersecurity" is so broad that I'm not sure whether you're looking to find work doing serious cryptographic math stuff or if you're interested in being a contractor for an insurance company handling cyber liability stuff. The latter is a lot easier to get into, and if you're brushing up on skills by doing the latter and going to infosec meetups and cons and stuff you're going to run into people doing the former who are going to be happy to point you at stuff you're looking for.
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supersonicart · 2 years
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Neon Saltwater's "Mystery Cruise 1990."
Up-and-coming digital artist and designer Abigail Dougherty, better known as Neon Saltwater traveled from Seattle to Downtown Las Vegas, invited by curator group Justkids, to freshen up a 1930’s gas station located on Fremont Street in the heart of the city.
The artist breathed new life into the vintage architecture by transforming the building into a beautiful retro landscape rendered in dreamy colors bouncing off of bright fluorescent neon lights. Notorious for her rooms and spaces renderings, Neon Saltwater’s digital images come forward in an 'unvirtual' 3D dreamscape titled "Mystery Cruise 1990," and provide the viewer with a real environment created by an artist whose work is mainly known on a screen.
“In an era where many artists go from the physical to the digital space, we thought it would be interesting to actually export Neon Saltwater’s cyber wonders into a non-virtual art experience, not just on a screen, but in a tangible public art form. Physically manifesting Mystery Cruise 1990, an exclusive digital rendering space with dreamy colors, neon lights, and spooky ‘90s vibes into an immersive piece outside of a social media platform, is almost like a paranormal experience and so satisfying for the Neon Saltwater’s fans like myself” said Justkids Curator and Director, Charlotte Dutoit.
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cyberpunkonline · 11 months
Urban Magic in Video Games: Merging Grit with Wonder
In an era where hyper-realistic graphics and in-depth storytelling captivate the gaming audience, developers have concocted the perfect blend of two seemingly opposing worlds: the gritty urban landscapes and the ethereal touch of magic. From neon-soaked alleys to clandestine spells cast beneath city skyscrapers, this blend promises gamers a one-of-a-kind experience. Dive into the world of urban magic with these iconic video games.
Deus Ex Series Despite being fundamentally a cyberpunk saga, the Deus Ex series has always maintained an underlying tone of mysticism. The world of augmented humans, shady governments, and dark alleys is also a place where ancient cults and arcane rituals dictate the flow of power. The game is a testament to how tech and magic can blend seamlessly.
The Wolf Among Us Telltale's episodic interactive fantasy mystery is an adaption of Bill Willingham's Fables comic book series. It showcases characters from folktales and fairy tales living incognito in the heart of New York City. Protagonist Bigby Wolf, the erstwhile Big Bad Wolf, navigates the city's grime and glamour, ensuring that the magical community's secrets stay hidden from human eyes.
Shadowrun Series Set in a future where cyber enhancements and ancient magic coexist, Shadowrun offers a distinctive blend of tech and mysticism. As you navigate through the game's cyberpunk version of Seattle, magic is as commonplace as hacking, and mythical creatures like dragons play a pivotal role in corporate politics.
Shenmue Series The vast majority of Shenmue is rooted in realism, with its meticulously detailed environments and life simulation mechanics. However, as players near the climax, especially in the latter part of Shenmue III, they are met with a startling twist of mysticism. The final sequence pulls away from the game's realistic confines, introducing a world where magic becomes a reality. It's a startling departure from the game's overarching tone, emphasizing the unpredictability and wonder of urban magic.
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines Los Angeles might seem like an odd place to find vampires, but this RPG plunges players deep into its underworld, where blood-sucking creatures lurk in the shadows of the City of Angels. With powerful disciplines (vampiric powers) at your disposal, the game is a stellar example of urban fantasy where supernatural entities navigate the complexities of modern city life.
Dishonored Series The steampunk city of Dunwall is plagued by corruption and plague. Amidst its grimy streets and dark waters, the protagonist, Corvo, is armed with otherworldly powers granted by a mysterious figure known as the Outsider. From teleportation to summoning swarms of rats, the blend of magic and industrial-age tech makes Dishonored a noteworthy mention in the realm of urban magical games.
The appeal of these games lies in their ability to juxtapose the roughness of city life with the enchantment of magical elements. It's a testament to the boundless realms of creativity, where developers envision worlds that, despite their stark contrasts, blend together in harmony, creating adventures that remain etched in players' memories.
- Raz
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riversidewings · 11 months
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Since some of you are only meeting them anew, in the comics, here's an Understand My Ship meme I filled out for Isawa Kasu and River M59A1, the pairing at the center of both the Confluence: A Person-Shaped Story novel as well as the comics. (h/t to @yamujiburo and the pinned post that gave me the inspiration to make this!)
Kasu and River met, initially dated, and got married in Seattle, and only several years later did they move to Japan. River's cyberization-- and the couple's service dynamic-- happened after that. I'm not pinning down an exact timeframe for the events of the comics, because I haven't written the other 4 books in the series yet, but you can assume they've been together for decades, given that they've got a daughter who's coming up on 18.
Kasu is practiced at projecting an air of command and poise, out in public, but in private, especially with River, she's a little awkward and anxious. Meanwhile, River is at her happiest when she's able to make Kasu's life a little better and kinder, and if that means taking charge, then she will take charge.
Like the lords and retainers of old, they are 一心同体-- one heart together.
(River, Kasu, and their daughter Emi are all transfem, and all use she/her in English and 彼女 in Japanese.)
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clairehadenough · 7 months
And PLEASE as if they don't post personal info of innocent fans on their bullshit blogs?
God damn the build up to Seattle has them all scared as fuck. It's going to be glorious.
I heard the cat himself filed a complaint against me to the FBI. The reasons he cited for the complaint were the following:
“meow meow FUCKING MEOW, immeowgration.”
The cat, who was clearly having a meltdown also added: “BUA coming anytime meow.”
I better call my lawyer, it seems serious.
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johnzybourne · 1 year
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Shadowrun for the Sega Genesis is the best cyberpunk video game ever made to date. It's far from perfect but it really captures that late-80's to early 90's slumming it in the neon city vibe better than anything else I've played.
It's an open world 2-D RPG, with a razor thin plot; something about a Japanese megacorp trying to raise a demon to help manipulate stock shares. It's something along those lines. Not much there, but it's everything else that makes the game stand out. The non storyline side quests, with procedural generation decades before Todd Howard, the side characters and companions, the little bits of lore, running in cyberspace and rustling up data to fence for a profit. All this stuff adds up and you can get lost in what is now called emergent gameplay.
Plus the dissonance between cyber town Seattle and the Cascades is really neat too, with the cramped streets, bars and alleys giving way to forested paths, elven cities and Native American reservations.
A great game if you like cyberpunk and don't mind using a little imagination to fill in the blanks.
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mega-stellar · 7 days
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All my cells are made from stars 내 모든 세포 별로부터 만들어져
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This day in history
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I'm on tour with my new novel The Bezzle! Catch me TONIGHT in SAN DIEGO (Feb 22, Mysterious Galaxy). After that, it's LA (Saturday night, with Adam Conover), Seattle (Monday, with Neal Stephenson), then Portland, Phoenix and more!
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#15yrsago Tonga Room, San Francisco’s magnificent tiki bar: doomed? https://laughingsquid.com/will-the-tonga-room-be-a-casualty-of-the-fairmont-condo-plans/
#15yrsago New Zealand’s terrible copyright law suspended, may be dead https://web.archive.org/web/20090317045724/http://computerworld.co.nz/news.nsf/news/86D681292534A2CCCC25756600143FD1
#10yrsago Ukrainian president Yanukovuych flees Kiev as opposition seize the palace https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/feb/22/ukraine-crisis-uncertainty-after-yanukovych-signs-deal-live-updates
#10yrsago Cossacks horsewhip Pussy Riot at Sochi https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26265230
#10yrsago Pussy Riot use footage of cossack horsewhipping in new music video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjI0KYl9gWs
#10yrsago Austin cops violently crack down on scourge of anonymous jaywalking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6ugqW7fFmk
#5yrsago Whatsapp abused the DMCA to censor related projects from Github https://memex.craphound.com/2014/02/22/whatsapp-abused-the-dmca-to-censor-related-projects-from-github/
#5yrsago Blockbuster Gizmodo investigation reveals probable masterminds of the massive anti-Net Neutrality identity theft/astroturf campaign https://gizmodo.com/how-an-investigation-of-fake-fcc-comments-snared-a-prom-1832788658
#5yrsago This is bad: the UAE’s favorite sleazeball cybermercenaries have applied for permission to break Mozilla’s web encryption https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/02/cyber-mercenary-groups-shouldnt-be-trusted-your-browser-or-anywhere-else
#5yrsago Google ends forced arbitration contracts for workers after googler uprising https://www.wired.com/story/google-ends-forced-arbitration-after-employee-protest/
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gashface · 1 year
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Name: Mandy
Location: Futuristic San Myshuno
Age: 21
Pronouns: She/They
Story: So Mandy is a heavily cyber-augmented girl studying Robotics at the University in a cyberpunk reimagine of the Sims world. In the world she lives in, cyber modification is really common for everyone. She has glowing eyes and while she's usually depicted with a human skin tone she is entirely blue metal underneath. Her fave color is blue so she always has blue on her in some regard. She has albinism. She has a really wacky fashion style that usually consists of oddly matched silhouettes. She's really smart, hence robotics, but has the tenancy to speak without thinking. She LOVES singing and is working on a side music career as she studies, but is struggling to balance her newfound music popularity with her studies.
Created by: @skaterboisims
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Name: Parker Winston
Location: Seattle
Age: 25
Pronouns: He/They
Story: My sim is Parker. He's genderfluid but prefers he/him and sometimes they/them. He grew up in a small, very religious town where being queer and loud weren't acceptable things. Being both, he decided to head for Seattle when he was old enough. He's an artist and has dabbled in anything creative he can get his hands on, from drag to tattooing to graffiti, he's done it all. Self-expression is the most important thing in the world to him and he shows that in his style, his art, and his hair dye. And though he likes to cling to his heavy grunge and emo styles, he's never met a color he didn't like or a pattern he wasn't willing to serve with all his heart.
"If I had to describe myself, it would be if like Barbie was in The Crow instead of Brandon Lee." - Parker
Created by: @morgynemberisagenderfluiddaddy
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Name: Dillion Carter
Location: Houston, TX
Age: 25
Pronouns: No specific pronouns but they refer to themselves as They/Them, She/Her and He/Him, occasionally.
Story: Dillion's story starts with a graffiti-riddled alleyway. Being abandoned by well-known junkies, a screaming baby was found by the police and then placed into foster care. It was not easy for the first decade of their life. A lot of blood, betrayals, and fistfights were not lost. Eight homes returning her that used to be intrigued. No one had really wanted a child that would barely talk, but also not know when to give up and back down. Until one day, the Carter Family had taken them in as a preteen and had not returned them. It's been history ever since. The adopted family was black and Dillion was as pale as could be, but the whispers did not deter them from growing even closer and loving each other. Dillion's quiet yet useful, bold, and confident demeanour has landed them two jobs: a mechanic and underground boxer by day, and recommended by their sisters in the fashion industry— a model by night. It is those same sisters that had shown them the "Shine" modelling competition and convinced them that it was good exposure. That Dillion was worth so much more than what they had. Dillion responded with a smirk, a shrug, and a "Why not?" They'll just let their body speak for itself.
Created by: @mewo-ita
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Name: Rin Miura
Location: Born in Mt. Komorebi but currently living in San Myshuno
Age: 19
Pronouns: She / Her
Story: rin's a college student, an aspiring fashion designer, but most importantly - a loser!! <3 She dreams of creating fashionable pieces for everyone in the world, but gets too caught up in the details, and gets way too carried away .. so she mostly just makes (insane-looking) clothes for herself. she thoroughly documents the entire creation process online; her other hobbies include doll collecting drawing pet training making music cooking baking building furniture and honestly just whatever the hell comes to her mind!!! shes very very happy-go-lucky, sweet but a bit airheaded and also VERY loud :3
Created by: @glittermutt
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Name: Eli Sims
Location: Willow Creek
Age: 24
Pronouns: She/her
Story: Elizabeth Gil is the daughter of a famous fashion designer and a famous model, so she's known everything about the industry since she was very little. She always wanted to be a model like her mom and she would watch her during photoshoots and fashion shows. When her parents noticed her interest in the industry to started preparing her for her debut in it. Her first runway gig was at 15 years old for her father's spring couture show. She kept working under him for the next 3 years, barely catching a break, until she turned 18 and immediately left home and her career with her father's brand. She lost contact with her parents and nothing's been heard from her since then. In other news, the latest high-end model Eli Sims, known for her outstanding white hair, is opening the Chanel show at New York fashion week this evening, we wish her the best of luck!
A/N: yeah so basically my sim is a nepo baby that left her family,, changed her appearance and got back in the game all on her own. Her parents don't know she's modelling again, and every time her father has tried to get her on one of his shows she's declined, she does not wanna see them again bc of the awful way they treated her
Created by: @simsinfinitylt
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Name: Ember Arendse
Location: San Myshuno
Age: 23
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs
Story: Growing up in San Myshuno with a very artistically inclined and supportive family, Ember has always taken to all things creative. Lead singer and guitarist of ‘The Gutter Rats’, they always found comfort in expressing themselves in front of an audience, so though their area of expertise lies in freelance photography; They have been curious as to what it would be like to be in front of the camera.
Created by: @wolfrynn313
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Name: Charline Morel
Location: Brindleton Bay
Age: 21
Pronouns: She/Her
Story: Charline "Charlie" Morel was born as the first of two daughters to an overly strict wealthy family. The Morels were a family of musicians, and every child born to the family was expected to be a musician, and those in the direct line were expected to inherit the family instrument manufacturing business (or whatever it was, Charlie really couldn't care less). Unfortunately, Charlie did not inherit her family's ear for music - she knew she wanted to be a creative soul, but honestly, she wasn't very good at any of it. Her parents forced her to take singing lessons because it was the only thing musical she was any good at, but she always wanted to do something else. She didn't know what that was until she graduated from high school - she wanted to model. She had tried taking pictures once, but quickly she realized she preferred being in front of the camera instead. So she packed up her belongings and moved out - not terribly far away, but out of her parents' clutches. Charlie is a stubborn, self-assured girl who is determined to prove herself and make a name in something other than music. Once she gets an idea in her head, she is determined to see it through to its finish - or crash and burn trying. (Even if her inner perfectionist cries out in terror at the prospect.)
Created by: @cyazurai
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Name: Nicky Soufan
Location: San-Myshuno
Age: 19
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Since childhood, Nicky dreamed of becoming a model. The parents were not happy about this, because they thought that she would become a doctor like them, but they could not interfere with their daughter's desire and tried to help her in any way they could. At the age of 13, they sent her to a modelling school, where the girl stayed for 4 years. Not having received the proper result, the parents took Nicky out of there. She was in despair and did not know what to do now, because the modeling school took away from her all the desire to go to her dream. One day, Nika's friend, a photographer, invited her to his shooting to work on his hand. After this photo shoot, the girl again had a burning desire to become a model.
Created by: @rosamadchen
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Name: Willow Young
Location: Willow Creek
Age: 30
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Willow is a new coming Simstuber. She is a mother of one & married to Irving Young. She loves to make art and travel and make woodwork. Willow is a very cheerful woman and she also loves taking photos. As friendly as she seems, she doesn't trust others easily. Willow hopes to become popular and rich. Willow always had an interest in modelling since she read magazines as a child.
Created by: @ohgeezhaddie
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Name: Dawn Pepper
Location: StrangerVille
Age: 23
Pronouns: She/They
Story: Dawn is you typical 23 trying to branch out of her comfort zone. Her bold looks usually come from her bold and bizarre surroundings where she grew up. However as he daily part-time job in retail has completely bored her she finally wants to leave her comfort zone, meet new people, and explore new places!
Created by: @bigppton-jpeg
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Name: Babylon Fleur Beppu.
Location: Glimmerbrook but was raised in Windenburg.
Age: 18
Pronouns: She/They
Story: Babylon is currently eighteen years old and was born on June 28, making her a Cancerian. Although she isn't aware, she is a fairy born of two ordinary townies. In my Sims Au, fairies are extinct and have been so for many years. She was born in Glimmberbrook but was raised in Windenburg.
Created by: @everythingaestheticlly
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Name: Genie Fiorelli
Pronouns: She/Her
Created by: @plumbobcrumble
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Name: Su-Yen
Location: Korea
Age: 19
Pronouns: She/Her
Story: Su-yen is the youngest in a family full of models and actors. But Su-yen decided she wanted something else and tried to be a dancer. But now that she is a bit older she decided to follow in her mother's and older siblings' footsteps and do some modelling. The problem? Su-yen is reckless to the extreme. She is constantly injured from skating on trying to do stunts. She is often sporting bandages.
Created by: @dododoesstuffs
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shadowron · 9 months
The Dwarf Gang Member, a better Dwarf Archetype for Shadowrun (1st Edition)
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Art generously provided by @skullchicken
The Seattle Sourcebook provides a list of Seattle Metroplex gangs:
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Note the lone dwarf gang, the Red Hot Nukes, of the Hollywood neighborhood of the Redmond Barrens. I suspected that their name referenced their vicinity to the melted-down nuke plant in Glow City, but that’s in a different part of the Barrens.
Why haven’t I done this build before? A clear cyberpunk twist on the Dwarven Warrior trope – a Thorin Cybershield if you will.
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The issue? How to make her distinct enough from the Dwarf Street Samurai and Dwarf Mercenary, the two other dwarven combat archetypes. The merc is lightly cybered, long-range focused (Firearms 6, Gunnery 5, Thrown Weapons 4) while the sam is heavily cybered, short- and long-range combat capable (both Armed and Unarmed Combat 6, though doesn’t start with a melee weapon). So, the niche to be filled is a moderately cybered, melee combat specialist.
With Demolitions.
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“They excel in explosives and use self-constructed bombs as a tool for extortion of protection money or for destroying buildings in order to help locals to commit insurance fraud.”
Body 7 Quickness 3 Strength 7 Charisma 2 Intelligence 3 Willpower 5 Essence 5.2 Reaction 3
Demolitions: 6 Etiquette (Street): 4 Firearms: 4 Unarmed Combat: 6
Retractable Spur Smartgun Link
Armor Jacket 10 kg Compound 12 Plastic Explosive 5 timers 2 radio detonators Uzi III w/smartgun adapter 80 explosive SMG rounds (5 clips)
Gang Leader Fixer
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