#cyanide ice cream
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cyanide-latte · 2 months ago
The celebrity Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavors being some of the best ones is like the retail equivalent of having to go to a restaurant and order a rootin tootin yeehaw cowboy burger or something
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ace-of-hearts-and-spades · 9 months ago
I hope it's a good one! Stay awesome!
Thank you!! It's been pretty good so far, and I intend to maintain that for as long as possible sdsggds. And will do my friend!! 🫡
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 6 months ago
"If you've ever had the chance to try a raw cocoa bean, you will realize that the aroma pretty much doesn't have anything to do with the conventional milk chocolate," Krug says.
That's because chocolate's aroma forms during the fermentation and roasting of the cocoa bean. Krug and her colleagues tried fermenting and roasting more than a hundred other ingredients, including apricot pits*, olive kernels, jackfruit seeds and potato peels, until they finally settled on oats and sunflower seeds.
*Apricot Pits?! I thought they had cyanide in them...
The goal for ChoViva isn't to replace chocolate entirely, says Max Marquart, who runs the business side of Planet A Foods. Instead, he hopes to replace chocolate in applications where it's merely an ingredient in a larger product. He cites candies like M&M's and Snickers bars or even cereal or ice cream with chocolate chunks.
@athelind (and anyone else allergic to chocolate): I hope this becomes a viable and widespread alternative for you.
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remus-poopin · 4 months ago
What are your top HP fics based on writing? Like things that are just beautiful to read
Wow I think I’m answering this 3 months late sorry aghh. Again, I don’t read as many fics as I would like to, but I’ve been changing that recently and these are 4 that have really stood out to me in terms of writing!
Savour the Moment by - @evesaintyves
This fic made me both sad and hungry
This is a truly beautiful portrait of Molly and her relationship with Ginny. I really love how effortlessly this weaves in the food and cooking imagery with the emotions of the characters. The descriptions are so detailed and vivid that you can practically taste the cakes and pies off of the words alone.
Grief is hanging over this fic heavy, grief from Molly with her brothers and grief yet to come from Ginny. These two very different women, who also feel things very differently, have an extremely engaging back and forth of attempted connections. Both of them want it but aren’t able to easily get there with each other, and that struggle was very compelling to me.
Really such a great fic, I always find myself coming back to it
Favorite quotes:
“Molly has always tasted her memories. Perhaps that's why she's always been a bit thick round the middle: food relishes the good times, is the physical stuff of love. Ever since she was a little girl: plum pudding was Christmas and summers were cherry ice cream and chocolate flake. The time she broke her ankle jumping down from a tree, to this day, is the chalk flavor of Skele-Gro and a limp cucumber sandwich from the St Mungo's cafeteria. Her mother is sweet milky tea and her father is cottage pie with mushrooms, his favourite, flavoured with the smoke of his pipe in the air.”
“She learned to cook at her own mother's elbow and she is full of warm, creamy, ginger-flavoured memories of it. But Ginny's never liked being in the kitchen with her mum. She wants to be out with the boys, flying on broomsticks, getting jostled and scraped and braying coarse laughter through a mouthful of blood. That's why, when she thinks about Ginny, it's not the cream tea and swiss roll flavours she expected when she learned she was finally having a girl. It's rain-drenched popcorn at the Quidditch match and the salt of a kiss on Ginny's sweaty, gritty forehead.”
Sparkling Cyanide - @saintsenara
The house elf plot-line in the hp books leaves MUCH to be desired when it comes to fully and unequivocally condemning slavery. Due to this, you might find that me and my black ass are, shockingly, not its biggest fans.
However this fic is a brilliant look into elves’ oppression and enslavement AND their culture and agency.
This fic focuses on the death of Hepzibah Smith and the conditions surrounding and leading up to it. Specifically the subjugation of Elves and how that system encourages the idea of them as docile, unintelligent, and submissive (And how this perception can be wielded against the wizards that enslave them).
What I find so striking about this fic is how language is centered as a tool to illustrate the functions of colonial mindsets. I think this does a fantastic job at subverting the trope of “improper English = stupidity” that HP uses so frequently.
This was an extremely satisfying and moving read!
Favorite quotes:
“Come quickly and stop faffing,’ Mes Ebhsebbá says to Eokhí. She is clicking her fingers at Eokhí, like there is magic in her fingers. There is magic in Eokhí’s fingers. She is able to make the whole house fall to the ground if she is wanting to.”
“They is not knowing that we is knowing how to take the lives we is wanting from them. And that is why they is not thinking about how many weapons they is putting in kitchens.”
The Seven names of Mrs Zabini - @artemisia-black
And if I said that she did nothing wrong then what?
I’ve mentioned this fic several times before but I don’t think I’ll ever be over it. The way this is written is actually masterful; the attention to details, the poetic language, the characterization. I’m going to scream.
There is just something about this fic that entrances me. This is actually my favorite genre of story, the “good for her!” category, and whenever I read/watch these I go temporarily insane.
Because this is in first person we’re really getting into Mrs. Zabini’s mindset and the traumas that inform it, and this is extremely effective/convincing in making you stay on her side even while she is committing cold blooded murder.
Another thing I love about this is how the actual murders are so casually placed in the story, in comparison with how rich the rest of the imagery that Mrs. Zabini is describing. It’s almost like an afterthought. It makes her sound so much colder and more calculating than if there was a long depiction of each individual killing, so I thought that was a really brilliant writing choice.
If you love Gone Girl definitely give this a read!
Favorite quotes:
“There is a reason that Venus herself emerges from her half shell as a fully formed woman, blinking naively into existence. This is what men actually desire, a goddess who knows nothing of the world and so is more easily amused by the trinkets he throws at her. A divine being who is blissfully unaware of her own divinity. A being who had no thought but him and who cannot function outside of him.”
“I had gone to my wedding bed expecting a transformative experience where his penis would alchemise me from a girl into a woman. An expectation I had imbibed from a society that exalts the wonder of the male member. Instead, as I lay there shivering with his rotten seed running down my leg, I felt used and disgusted at the man I had been condemned to spend the rest of my life servicing”
“And as I rattled around our isolated country house, I believed him. Hiding myself from mirrors, starving my body in order to obtain the concave stomach and taut thighs that he so desired. But when I corrected one perceived flaw, he would find another. Peppering his insults with crumbs of tenderness that lured and trapped me in reality of his making.”
The Secret in the Heart of the Forest by @myrskytuuli
This one has it all: accidental cannibalism, ancient rituals, Snape sass, feral Lily, elf politics, generational trauma, fairy induced psychosis, and most importantly the Marauders + Sev and Lily + Regulus and Narcissa all teamed up. Oh yeah I’m eating this up
This one is longer than the others so I’m really going to try to make this as brief as I can but this fic is actually insane because it’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a hp fic and I think I could talk about it forever.
I was genuinely so giddy reading this. There were so many twists and turns and it remained gripping the whole time. This is a psychedelic fever dream, introspective character study, horror adventure and a beautiful tale of friendship all wrapped in one. I absolutely loved everyone’s characterization here, they’re all so beautifully flawed and you can really understand where they are coming from on a personal level but also on a sociological level, I think the author did a MASTERFUL job at this.
The worldbuilding is INSANELY good (the interlude chapters revolving around each of their mothers made me cry repeatedly. And Elieens chapter is just incredible, I have no words). And the pacing is just excellent, I never felt like any of the growth was forced or unearned.
This storytelling is also amazing, whenever there was a theme or reference brought up before in the story that got tied back in again, my mouth would physically drop because it was so seamless yet so meaningful and impactful.
(Sorry but I just need to talk about characterization for a brief minute because this has some of my favorite characterizations that I’ve ever read of some of these characters:
This is my absolute favorite Lily. Like ever. She feels so real here with her anger and flaws and quirks. She is neither villainized nor deified but a full fleshed out character. I just love her!
This is also my favorite James! James is usually a tough character for me to stay engaged with but this fic does an excellent job at balancing his strengths and flaws while keeping him compelling.
This Snape is PERFECT!!! I actually don’t think I can describe how much I love this depiction, all I can say is if you’re a Snape lover who enjoys him being a lil shit you should read this.
Also Peter is just incredible here, too often is he forgotten but this fic really does him justice.
Ok I’ll stop but just know that I could go on and on about all of these characters)
And seeing these characters who would normally hate each other come together to build meaningful bonds while they grow with their own issues is actually cathartic.
If you are a Marauder and Snape fan this is required reading, I really can’t recommend this enough!
Favorite quotes (there were way too many omg):
“Sirius had been angry for a long time now. Sometimes Sirius wondered if he had been born angry, if his first cry had never truly ended”
“Remus had said nothing after that. He was becoming a champion of saying nothing.”
“‘I’m sorry,’ he said.
‘I won’t forgive what you did to me.’ Severus said back with conviction.
‘Good.’ Sirius said with equal conviction.”
“At this point, Lily had arrived like the loyal shadow she tended to be around Snape, spitting out an angry ‘What the fuck?’”
“Sometimes he burned with the need to yank himself free of Lily and the blade of love hanging between them. To hurt her when she stepped over Severus' abused body like an avenging angel that looked down at him and made him look small, dirty, used and worthless. A worm crawling in the mud.”
Ok that’s all for now! I definitely think you should give all these a read!!
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Okay, so basically, I don't talk to people on here. At all. Ever. I just float around watching other people have friends and relationships. But, I'm also to socially awkward to actually try to have friends online(or irl tbh); so instead. I decided to make a one time use sideblog to tag a bunch of people who are mutuals or who I follow that mean a lot to me, interact with my posts a lot(or you used to), or I just appreciate seeing on my dash. Yall are fucking amazing and you make the world a better place. I would love to be friends with all if you, but honestly for some reason I'm overthinking it way too much 🙃. You guys make me happy, you make me smile, you make me laugh, and you improve my day every day. You are handpicked from my followed blogs as my favorites 😅. I want you to know that you're appreciated greatly. Keep yourselves safe and healthy and happy. Don't try to find out who I am, just take the message. Keep spreading happiness in the world 🥰. I love yall❤(also I'm really nervous I forgot some people, so if you happen to see this at all, you can take this message and pass it on too)
@nightgoodomens @chronic-pessimist @frenchfryqueen69 @paintedp0rtraitgirl @bassguitarinablackt-shirt @theshyqueergirl @anne-is-okay @weirdly-specific-but-ok @fuckingayassbitch @ineffablebookgirl @proudlyunicorn @gleerant @smartsxylacyy @alexthescaredenby @meerealsssss @stars-over-ice-cream @a-wondering-thought @i-will-sing-no-requiem @theres-an-endless-starry-sky @pessimistic-gh0st @moonysfavoritetoast @dyeinggoosenoises @fourwingedsnake @in-the-sweet-november-rain @demonicsymphony @halucynator @s0lit4ir3 @dumbass-lesbian @mx-typewriter @professional-termite @fuckyeahgoodomens @indecisivebitch3000 @thediamondarcher @5ducksinatrenchcoat @ava-taylors-version @rissipluto @sparksssflytv @cyanide-sodapop @lunabelova1122 @trolliworms @radioxlast @accio-atticus @loaf-of-soup @neck-thats-made-for-bruising @sandwichfilledwithbees @person4924 @occasionally-wise-boy @starchaser-lily @blunt-force-therapy @my-castles-crumbling
It's not letting my tag the rest of yall so I'll reblog w/ the rest. Give me a minute (sorry)
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trancylovecraft · 2 years ago
Is it ok for you to write platonic yandere with nurse bendy (she will always have a special place in my heart<3)
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• Nurse Bendy, Probably one of the better ones in Moralton. Though I suppose that doesn’t mean much.
• Protective, Little bit Obsessive, Delusional and Loving.
• Protective in the way she just wants to shield you from the horrors of the world, The horrors she had to go through. She doesn't ever want that to happen to you, Even the thought makes her anxious.
• A little obsessive in the way how she just loves you like the child she never had (Or have met yet)
• Loving in the way she just adores showering you in affection, She likes giving you hugs or kisses on the forehead. She likes holding your hand as she walks you to school, Carefully making sure you don't trip over any rocks or stumble over any little dip in the ground.
• Delusional? We’ll get onto that later.
• There’s really only one way I see this going while platonic and that is a Maternal relationship with her.
• She sees herself as your mother, And this is where we get onto the delusional part.
• If she didn’t give birth to you it doesn't really matter, She completely believes you are her child no matter what evidence you give. She's also delusional in the way she believes you’re always going to be her child, No matter how old you get you just aren’t ready to leave the nest yet according to her.
•  She’s extremely doting towards you, She always checks up on your health and brings you little snacks throughout the day.
• If you weren't her biological child then there’s a few ways I can see this going
• One: You could be a kid at the school who goes in for a Check-up, Bendy gets attached. Two: You’re a little bit older (Teenage years) and get a part time job at the hospital and again, She gets attached.
• We’ll go with option 2
• So when you come into the reception and talk to her so politely with full respect she takes a great liking to you as she directs you to your destination.
• Over the next few days the cycle continues, And her care for you just grows more and more.
• She begins to fret about your health. She asks if you’ve been eating well, If you dare say you’ve forgotten your lunch she’ll be coming in with a homemade packed lunch the next day. She often checks up on you to make sure you're alright, She cares you know
• Eventually her pretend bear family back home gets neglected. She doesn't need them anymore, You're here now. You settle the familial craving inside her.
• Soon enough she starts seeing herself as your mother, Then enough she believes it. Memories suddenly form inside her head: The day you were born, your first steps, The time you fell off your bike and she took you out to get ice-cream. All the way up to how she helped you get the job at the hospital she worked at.
• Of course, All these memories are completely fake and never happened. But Bendy doesn't know, Or at least pushes the thought out her mind.
• If any love interests or other parental figures arise then Bendy wont kill them. Not Outright.
• Bendy may be delusional. But that does not by any means make her stupid.
• She’s an opportunistic killer, She wont seek them out to kill them specifically (Despite how much she may have wanted to) But will wait until they might catch a bug or a cold. And maybe then she would switch out their cough medicine for cyanide and just let tragedy strike her sword.
• Bendy would also find a way to rid of your parents and other family members if they're around, Either by opportunity or a little manipulation it doesn't matter.
• She views your family as a threat to your safety and just cannot handle that. Besides, why are you staying with them when your dear mother is right here?
• If your parents and family do get out of the picture she will be there to pick you up and sign the adoption papers, Which after how long you’d known her and saw her as a mentor you took no issue to.
• The domestic life of Bendy as your mother is extremely sweet.
• She makes your lunches and helps you out with your homework once you finally move into her newly renovated apartment.
• She buys you little snacks and often comes along to make sure you're okay.
• If you ever do meet joe, Bendy fully expects you two to become quick siblings
• However, The con is her Protective tendencies are now at max.
• She doesn't let you go out with friends often, and on the off chance that she does every thirty minutes she sends a text to ask if you're okay. If you don't answer within ten minutes of the text she will file a missing child report.
• She wants to keep your innocence and wants to completely avoid any conversation about adult topics.
• If you ever do find out about what she may have done to your family you would be completely unable to do anything about it, There is no evidence, Bendy made sure to destroy it, If it ever existed in the first place that is.
• You can run and leave home, She wont stop you. But it won't stop the constant figure in the corner of your eye from appearing. It won't stop the random care packages appearing on your front door, Nor will it stop the little letters appearing on your dining room table describing how much your mother misses you and how bad the real world is, Begging for you to come home.
• Overall, A caring parent yet extremely paranoid
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phoenixremix69 · 5 months ago
Just watched the new Joker and I have Thoughts(tm)
So, this is less of a problem i have with the movie itself and more of a problem I have with how the character has been written in the last couple of years, movies and comics included. And it's that he's not funny.
and I know that's a bit of a dumb thing to say, he's the joker, he's not supposed to be funny, he's supposed to be a scary murder clown that's the embodiment of chaos or a grim reflection of batman with a philosophy major
and i gotta rebuke both statements right there. With the chaos philosopher schtick, i don't see that as Joker. most of those are an attempt to cash in on Dark Knight, which, frankly, I don't think is a very good joker either. That Joker, i feel, could've been replaced with Riddler easy, and not only would it have not changed anything, it would've stayed more true to the character. a big complicated plot involving choices and consequences and a big Rube Goldberg esque plot? that's Riddler's MO to a T. Joker should be dressing up as an ice cream man giving out cyanide popsicles to kids. They just used Joker because he's more recognizable and gets people in the seats
And that leads me to my other point, that he's not funny anymore. And some of you might think "Oh Phoenix, he's never been funny, he's a deranged psycopath" and yeah, he's not funny to us, but he is supposed to be funny to him. Remember Mark Hamill's joker, mostly agreed on to be the best portrayal of him period? Remember that episode about him genetically altering fish all so he could copyright the look? that was never meant to be funny to us, that was meant to be funny to him. and that's the entire point. they never use him for fun stuff anymore. he's depressed or philosophizing or doing edgy teen emo shit like cutting off his face. That's not funny to anybody, the whole point of the character should be that he is both the comedian and the audience. No matter what crazy thing he does, no matter how bad things get, the Joker's only priority should be to enjoy the joke
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willtheweaver · 3 months ago
Thanks for the tag @whatwewrotepodcast
Write a sentence or short paragraph starting with each letter of the alphabet
A- “Almonds…it could be one of two things. Orgeat syrup, or cyanide.”
“And you just drank the whole thing.”
B- Build a bridge, they said. They continently forgot to mention that it was over a gorge inhabited by two feuding dragons.
C- “Cover our faces with big hoods…the stupidest disguise in the world.”
“Well it was good enough to fool the guards.”
D- “Do you know what is more annoying than one unskippable ad?”
“Three of them, one after the other.”
E- Euros, krona, yen, pesos, dollars…who needed to keep this much physical money, and in so many different denominations?
F- “First a drizzle, then a shower, and now a fully fledged hurricane?”
“I told you that rain spell was beyond your skill level!”
G- “Giving me, a newly promoted Ensign command of the King’s new man-of-war is a terrible idea. But since the last battle wiped out all the senior officers, I have no choice but to go out and disappoint the entire navy.”
H- He liked the desert. There was a stark beauty to the red rocks silhouetted against the sky, to the sand dunes and the rare oasis.
I- “I guess I got the order of applying the cream and jam on the scone wrong?”
“What do you think?”
“I think if I ever step in Cornwall again, the locals will be displaying my head on a spike.”
J-“Jerk chicken?”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“This is an Indonesian restaurant.”
K- “Kelpies, redcaps, banshees…is there anything here that won’t spell my doom?”
L- Last customer just went on a rant after I said we cannot make a steaming iced decaf coffee with three shots of espresso and ‘extra creamy’ whipped cream. I’d quit, but I have rent and student loans to pay.
M- “Mari Lwyd is outside the door.”
N- Nine of Swords, The Chariot reversed…and the third card was blank.
O-“Oak? He always used mesquite.”
P- Plutonium. More than enough to blow the city sky high.
Q- “Queen to D6, you said? Well, you just made a big blunder. King to C8. Stalemate.”
R- Right on cue, a column of thick black smoke appeared over the hedgerow.
S- “Seduction? Really?”
“You should have put all your points into charisma.”
T- “To my eye, it looks like a black hole.”
“And you’re taking the ship right into it!”
U- Under the floorboards, behind the bookshelf, inside the fireplace…the priest hole was somewhere nearby.
V- Velvet curtains. Smooth to the touch, and wet with the Baron’s blood.
W- “Why must I pay more money for a game I paid in full two days ago!!??”
X- “Xavier…I think there’s a reason most bards don’t play kazoo.”
Y- You’re telling me the battle of Hastings, the destruction of Pompeii, and the fall of the Round Table were all your fault?”
“They were all accidents! Well, I had no choice with Pompeii, and I could not change history and let Arthur have a happy ending. And don’t get me started about that meddling monk!”
Z- Zero hundred hours. Time to get to work.
Tagging @mxxnlightwriting @theaistired @mysticstarlightduck @revenantlore @mundanemoongirl
@fantasy-things-and-such @theeccentricraven @drchenquill @diabolical-blue @honeybewrites and open tag
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altosys · 11 months ago
random tpc headcanons
-spheer has a treenut allergy. idk, they just look like they would lol -ajaceare has a love-hate relationship with the harry potter franchise. like you bet your ass she'd know every single fact about it. -pentellow is pansexual. pantellow. -circubit cut his hair in his corrupted form. -iris is convinced via pentellow's cooking that al dente pasta is undercooked -pyrare would own a van if he had any type of vehicle -cubic would blast eminem in their headspace. just to piss cube off. -once circubit unmasks (if he even does mask at all) he becomes the most autistic motherfucker you'll ever meet. like once you accidentally bring up his spinterest there's no going back -circubit has chromesthesia (i once brought this up to brittany - the tpc creator brittany, not my headmate brittany - she probably saw it as a request so it might not end up as canon. oh well) -pentellow would abso-fucking-lutely be voiced by athena karkanis. ok maybe its because her nickname is a baking item, or because of her general personality, but yeah. (ok maybe she reminds me of sheree, so what) -ajaceare owns a bunch of potted plants. not just any potted plants, though. the specific gay ones. like the ones that lesbian witch cat-owners have. so in other words ajaceare is the epitome of lesbian. -dub has never tried tiger tiger ice cream (the orange and licorice one) and refuses to try it solely because "what kind of ice cream is orange" -cyanide has probably spent at least $150 from dub's bank account on claire's stuff. and 85% of it is pusheen merch. -iris grew up with watching salad fingers and jacksepticeye. -purpex is an esfp. -cintagon is autistic. idk they just dont seem allistic to me -pentellow's favourite total drama island character would be lindsay. -circubit's favourite total drama island character is chris mclean; he probably said "alright campers, todays challenge is..." every 3 seconds in his tdi phase. -cyanide enjoys murder drones -dub has tried to use corruption to make his hair fluffier -cube and cubic are literally just yin-yang from inanimate insanity. (aight brittany, where's the episode where the two find a vending machine and cubic wants dr fizz but cube wants water-) -circubit listens to lostwave -pyrare once caught barracuda and dub trying to make meth in his kitchen (it failed miserably, if pyrare wasnt there the house would've burned down) -circusic hates eminem; circubit knows all the lyrics to the real slim shady, without me, stan, lose yourself, and a shit ton of other classics. -if the tpc universe had plurality as a known concept, "corruption-genic" would be one of the most researched pages on their pluralpedia. -dub dies a little inside every time someone makes a mitosis joke about his eyes -you could easily lose ajaceare in a hot topic. like next thing you know she's on the top rack of the goth dress-shirts looking down like a fucking bat -circubit has spent an hour in spencer's just browsing, wondering "would i actually look good in this or do i think it just looks good on its own". he has also been to the back just for shits n' giggles. -ajaceare would only go to spencer's for the lava lamps and mystic stuff -iris' favourite lego ninjago character is kai -cube has never seen inanimate insanity, for some fucking reason -cyanide can play river flows in you on piano -cyanide's singing range is mezzo-soprano to soprano; her voice would be similar to vocaloid sonika -pyrare's favourite vocaloids are kaito and yowane haku -cubic recommended that cube should listen to otone peke, saying they were "the best vocaloid fr fr" -pentellow watches ouran highschool host club
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nyxvamps · 1 year ago
Children of Thanatos HC
They are immune to many things that would usually kill a mortal person just because their father is like, nope, not gonna happen. So they can pull an Addams Family and put cyanide in their drink and sprinkle wolfsbane on their ice cream. Get their skull dented in and be fine after a good sleep and walk away from a totaled car.
Like a cat with way more than 9 lives and they act like its completely normal and everyone else is clawing at the walls at how nonchalant they are with their own lives.
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princess-of-the-corner · 1 year ago
At "frame André", I thought of Glacier instead of Bourgeois. So, what? Put cyanide in her ice cream? Bash her with an ice cream scoop? Knock her into the Siene with the ice cream cart?
Options to frame both Andres. Probably an 'either or' but you could kill two birds with one stone.
Okay but honestly ice cream andre doesn't have any licensing so the food safety is questionable it'd be so easy to frame him for a poisoning especially if done with an allergen.
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robustcornhusk · 8 months ago
20. What's in your freezer right now? (Bonus: any other with an interesting answer that no one's asked yet)
bonus question first, because i take any opportunity to talk about food at length
41 - What's the oldest thing you own?
huh. i was going to say "my grandfather's sword", because that's the cool answer, but i guess it's actually my house, which is both a boring and ship of theseus answer. large portions of this place have been ripped out and put back over its 105 years of existing.
but as for objects that i can carry around, probably the sword, from the 40s.
20 - oh boy! i just cleaned out the freezer two weeks, and it is still 100% full! it's very wide, tall, and shallow; it's got a deep drawer, a very shallow shelf, and one reasonable drawer.
deep drawer:
10 bagels (from the last two weeks)
8 tahini rolls (last night, recipe handed to me by @adiantum-sporophyte)
1 spare bagel, shichimi togarashi (last fucking december)
8 dinner rolls (in the last month; i like them with The Beans)
500g of sourdough bread (in the last month)
bags of corn, peas, raspberries, blueberries, and 6tbsp or so tomato paste
a few ounces of frozen french fries
1 bag of vegan nuggets that i haven't tried yet
1 bag of not-chicken strips
2 bags of breaded not-chicken filets, like for sandwiches
2 bags of not-burgers
the bagels come from partner's favorite bagelry (?). we eat bagels for breakfast 4-5 days a week, so we get 12 bageldays of bagels every 2-3 weeks.
i love fake meat so much. people are out there jerking off, "i feel we should celebrate vegetables for what they are, and not try to make them into what they aren't". poppycock! burger is good. nugget is good. vegetable qua vegetable is also good. they're both good! eat both! one needs micronutrients and big hunks of protein!
the tahini rolls are basically extra flavorful dinner rolls. the flavor is a little hard to pair with, though. i have some stews in mind to try them with.
the sourdough is the leftovers of a huuuuuuuge miche i bought at nearby bakery because i went right at close and it was all they had left. i fucked up and froze it in 3 chunks, instead of slicing before freezing; when i tried to slice up one of the chunks, it was a huge mess. i might turn the rest into ribollita, now that i think about it.
partner had the idea that we'd 3d print some dividers, so that the bagels wouldn't collapse into the frozen vegetables, and the faux meats wouldn't collapse, so we got a profiling tool... and we haven't made the dividers yet. eventually!
shallow shelf:
6 frozen mulberry scones on a quarter-sheet pan
1 basket of frozen mulberries
mashed mulberry to use in lemonade (as suggested by @tinyyellowflowers-blog), occupying one of my eighth-sheet pans
frozen blackberries, occupying another quarter-sheet pan
a deli container completely full of apricot pits
the mulberry scones smelled really weird when i cooked the first two... but they tasted fine. mild; not a fantastic use of mulberry imo. the frozen ones are like ice cream. i'm supposed to bake with the blackberries, and i have been -- made these peanut butter bars, and then merged it with some jam bars; the second one was like the best pb&j i've ever eaten.
the apricot pit bucket is for infusing into alcohol. slaw, a doctor, was over last night, and i casually asked how much cyanide is okay to eat. she made a frowny face at me. then i said it was apricot pits and she was like "that's fine".
i really really need to either reclaim those baking sheets or get more; i use them more for organization than for baking, though.
reasonable drawer:
1 box of "plant based breakfast patties"
1 box of folded fake eggs
1 box of fake poached eggs
3 boxes of tofu skins (help)
8 dinner rolls (in the last month)
1 miniloaf of baharat banana bread (march?)
4oz of pepita dukkah (december)
8oz of flaxseeds (ancient)
6 little containers of apple butter (from a year ago)
1/3 pint of ice cream (a month or two)
2 little containers of a very condensed tomato-shallot sauce (possibly 2 years old)
1 jar of yeast (18 months)
uhhhh, ice
the dinner rolls are parker house rolls, but i don't actually like the parker house shape (too much hassle); i just do them as miniboules. they freeze and reheat perfectly. if i get another 9x13 i could do double batches, and maybe i will.
every now and then we eat bagel sands for breakfast, with bagels (real), egg (fake), sausage (fake), cheese (fake), and i love it. they're so good.
no idea what to do with the tofu skins; i've never used yuba before, and i haven't had hot pot either.
the ice is impossible to get out of the ice bucket, due to how shallowly the freezer drawer extends. for fashion reasons, there's no in-door ice or water dispenser.
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loftwingsuarus · 2 years ago
"Do you know what Citra's favorite ice cream flavor is?" Rowan asked Cirrus.
"Do you need to know it?"
"You learned over five hundred methods to kill, the names and origins of over a hundred weapons, and the lethal dosages and chemical compositions of a hundred poisons in the matter of a year. I am certain that this crucial piece of information resides somewhere within reach."
"Are you going to help me or not?"
"In time."
There was a long pause.
"You think this is funny, don't you?" Rowan said in exasperation.
"I will refrain from comment," Cirrus stated.
"I know you know!"
"It's cookie dough ice cream."
"Finally, thank-" Rowan stopped when he realized that it was not Cirrus who answered. He turned around and saw Citra leaning against the wall, looking very amused. "How long were you standing there?"
"I will refrain from comment," Citra stated.
Citra was chopping mirepoix when she suddenly stopped. Rowan noticed in an instant. She held the knife in midair, pausing the steady beat she had picked up, and stared blankly out the window.
"You okay?" Rowan asked.
"What's the antidote to cyanide?"
Citra snapped her fingers.
"Yes! That's it. I can't believe I forgot." She leaned down and gave him a kiss. "You're the best." She had a fond smile when she pulled away. Rowan would swear there were hearts spinning around his head like he was in a cartoon. Damn. He wanted to marry her so bad.
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dzmoot · 1 year ago
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All Monster Cereal icons hail from Hallow End. While a certain chocolaty vampire, strawberry monster and blue ghost have certainly become the most famous, there are plenty of other ghouls and ghastly beasts who have become famous cereal mascots in their own right.
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Grapezilla- A sweet purply grape flavored cereal with hints of lavender. Tastes a bit like Grape Kool Aid.
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Creature of the Black Lime-Goonies- Key lime pie flavored ghosts with cream flavored marshmallows.
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Nosferapple (or Count McInterror)- Ghosts that taste like fresh fall apples and spice.
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Peanut Butter Witch- Cereal that tastes like, what else, peanut butter. Combined with Grapezilla, you have PB&J in cereal form!
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Delectaghosts- The most famous cereal in Hallow End. A good source of cyanide, witch hazel, chloroform and other unnatural ingredients!
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Orange Fantam- Orange pop flavored cereal that sizzles and crackles in milk. Turns milk into actual soda!
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Bananakong- Banana pudding and graham flavored cereal with wonderful whipped cream flavored mallows. It's a ROAR!
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Apple Spider- Similar to Nosferapple but with a more pronounced cinnamon flavor. Tastes like apple pie when heated up.
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Mintyluna Mutant- Chocolate chip mint cereal and marshmallows that tastes like the actual ice cream.
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Of course, the great Saul Wen has his own breakfast cereal as well. His is flavored like candy corn calamari!
Happy Fall!
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fierykitten2 · 2 years ago
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You know what I said half an hour ago about being unable to catch a second shiny in SV without a meal power? Well I think I accidentally boosted Electric spawn rates with an ice cream that I was using to boost Fire Humoungo power so I could catch a massive Charcadet (Char and Cyanide, my Ceruledge, are both smaller than average so I guess it makes sense)
But this is definitely a Pokémon that could do with a shiny fix. Well, it’s not that bad but yellow shinies aren’t that nice *looks at Lucario*
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xhlactics · 2 years ago
Food Grade Sodium Lactate CAS NO. 867-56-1 Wholesale
The CAS number of sodium lactate is 867-56-1, also known as sodium lactate and sodium lactate salts. It is a liquid with a food grade sodium lactate color of<150, a light yellow color, tasteless, and slightly salty. It is a natural product extracted from lactic acid and a key ingredient in the food industry, used as a preservative, emulsifier, and stabilizer. It is also used in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries as an antioxidant and preservative.
Specification of Food Grade Sodium Lactate CAS NO. 867-56-1
Of sodium salt and lactate
Color fresh
Colorless to light yellow
No irriation,no odor
Stereochemical purity (L-isomer)
Color fresh
PH(lmo/L solution
Citric,oxalic,phosphoric and tartaric acid
Passes test
Reducing sugar
Passes test
Heavy metal(calculated as Pb)
Food Grade Sodium Lactate Application
1. Food Grade Sodium Lactate is used as a preservative and flavoring agent in food.
2. It can be used as an emulsion stabilizer in emulsions and as an acidity regulator, flavor enhancer and preservative in sauces, dressings, canned food, and jams.
3. It is also used as a humectant in bakery products, ice cream, and other dairy products.
4. Food Grade Sodium Lactate is used to increase the shelf life of food products.5. It can also be used as a buffering agent, thickening agent and flavoring agent in beverages.
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