#cya layouts
gemwolfz · 1 year
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redraw of that fucking post from last night + yeah
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lightblue-stories · 1 year
Arcane Order Living With Douxie Layout:
I am putting this here as i'm starting write Arcane Order fanfics again sooooo i thought it would be best to tell all you guys how the apartment I base my stories in looks and stuff. Right here we go.
Starting with the view when you walk in the front door: When you look forward we'll see the window leading to the balcony on the other side of the room. The window also acts as a sliding door to access the balcony. All the of the apartment is also carpeted by the way. Other than that, turn to your right once entering the door and walk about 10 feet and you'll find the bathroom door.
Now go back to the main door and walk 15-20 feet and theres a door to your left. This door leads to the demigod's room. Inside against the right wall is 2 sets of bunkbeds. The far one is Nari and Skrael's, Nari is on the lower bed whilst Skrael is on the top (and yes he fought for that spot). Bellroc just stays on the other lower bed leaving the top bed unused. Wall paper is grey fading into black the higher it goes. Carpet is a dark grey. There is a window in the middle of the two bunkbeds showing the street outside and another window near the far bunkbed. Back to the door and walk 20 feet and then turn left and there is a closet built into the wall, mainly filled with ice weapons and random god things. Also there is a desk 2 feet away from the window next to the far bunkbed.
Right back to the main room. From the main door keep going forward and then your met with the main living space. TV on the left side and sofa on the right, with a red,blue and green rug connecting the two. Behind the sofa there is a small kitchen section that goes long and stops 5 feet before Douxie's room.
Douxie's room is left from when you walk through the main door and further than the bathroom. In Douxie's room there is a black carpet and dark mixed with light blue walls. In the middle of the room there is a double bed with night stands on either side. There is also windows on both sides of the bed. There is a Archie sized cat bed on the right side of the bed. All clothes are put in a closet to the left side of the room. Exit the room and walk 4 feet turn left and you are again met with the bathroom door. Turn right after that and boom you are back at the door you came in by.
Yeah I know i missed minor details buuuut this was a simple layout of the apartment i made for Douxie and the Order a while ago. Right now you know the overall placement of everything any and all fanfics from the point should make sence.
Alllll Right! Cya whenever.
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trappedtowers · 5 months
Trapped Towers Dev History ~ How We Got Here (Part 1)
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(Middle art piece done by @/evilredyoshis)
Hey everybody !!
Today I'm going to be introducing another type of post I can end up doing - development history/update posts! These will likely be rarer than other types of posts (after this 3 parter anyway), purely because development on this project is just pretty slow due to my lack of ✨ focus ✨ and all that. However, there is definitely some old development stuff I can talk about! Plus, for those of you who are new - you get to learn more about this project that has been ongoing since early 2018!
So lets get into this, shall we? It's going to be a lengthy read.
February 2018 - August 2020 ~ The Beginning/Undertale AU Era:
February 2018 was a time, by this point I'd spent almost a year making music for my friends and very small audience in the Undertale community. One day, I was simply bored and had no ideas - so my sister told me "hey make an Alton Towers megalo"... how I hadn't done it yet shocked me, I'd been going since 2014 and loved the place dearly. However, with a laugh I agreed and got to work.
A few days into creation, I began theory crafting the basics for an Undertale AU. The first ever concept for what would eventually become Trapped Towers - explains a lot about the name and premise though huh. I eventually uploaded a song or two for the AU, including the megalo I did finish - "Ministry Of Death".
One person found and covered the megalo. Then another. And another. And soon enough the whole thing spiralled - I would consider it to this day my biggest impact on the Undertale Community, even if it was still relatively small and not long lived. Either way, it got me to take the project a little more seriously... but quickly it spiralled into development hell. I was only 14 after all, if you asked me what a leadership style was I probably would have no idea what you were on about or given a dumb answer.
Reboot after reboot was attempted. New server after new server. Eventually though, one server was made and kept. However, the project had already fallen into more obscurity and my motivation was low, so I moved to new things. Every so often a new Trapped Towers post would occur, mainly new Smiler content as that's what really brought in people. Things would stay like that for a bit unfortunately though...
Old Content:
How about some art and concepts from the time though huh? For an Undertale AU it was... something. Tom wasn't called Tom and was literally just called Frisk. The world layout was just Undertale and I just made stuff fit - The Beornen were almost located in X-Sector because of Wickerman being the Grillby replacement. Th13teen wouldn't have really even been in the story as she was Gaster. Half the characters didn't even have designs! People loved Smiler and Enterprise, and any serious work focused on the Ruins portion with Terra. They were still trapped because Nemesis was too dangerous to be let free, however Nemesis was also in a permenant sleep - only prophisised to reawaken. It wasn't an active threat.
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(I don't entirely remember who made what here, so I'm sorry for no credits)
Trapped Towers V1 Soundtrack
Trapped Towers V2 Soundtrack
It's all quite funny to look back on. There's so many bits that clearly influenced the project as it is today. Many old designs haven't had drastic overhauls either, which is quite funny to think about... maybe I should get on some...
Anyway, with that brings the conclusion of part 1 of this 3 part blog series. The next two parts will come out day after day, with tomorrow being "August 2020 - June 2021" and Friday being "June 2021 - Present Day". Figured it'd be much easier for reading if I split them into a couple parts !! Also gives me a few extra days to consider what else I want to post haha.
Until then, cya ! - JustDaniel
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kmixer · 1 year
Kim's rules
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General rules!
°•☆ my rule book will most likely be long, bc i just want to have strong boundaries that won't be suppressed
°•☆ if ur under 15 I really would not recommend reading my fanfics when they're tagged like #smut because these are just not for ur age yet!
°•☆ personal please: do not interact when ur homophobic, racist, antishifter, and a Karen. There is something called scrolling or blocking, so please don't waste ur energy hating because I would just laugh my ass of at ur useless comments *>*
°•☆ I'll always try to post but I have school and I'll have to deal with that to, so please be patient with Me and posting! <3
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°•☆ request are always open unless my bio says they're not, and please don't ask me when they're closed bc it can maybe contain a sensitive subject of who knows what and also a bit of respect please.
°•☆ if you want a fanfic writen then I need character name and a scenario, pics or a song so I can base it on that!
°•☆ Reminder I only make fanfics abt Mha, demon slayer, Haikyuu, Spiderman across the spider verse, Jujutsu Kaisen Attack On titan, One Piece Life Action and the blue eye samurai at the moment but maybe in the future I'll add some more!
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Will write!
°•☆ Female reader
°•☆ neutral gender reader
°•☆ POC reader
°•☆ NSFW (only with aged up or timeskipped characters)
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Won't write!
°•☆ Gore, Yandere, or other possessive things, I feel very uncomfortable writing and reading them, so sorry, no
°•☆ any NSFW minors, I will not write NSFW with 16 /17 or younger year old in it only if they're aged up
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Please Do's!
°•☆ giving me feedback on my writings! I am not really known to writing fanfics but I really want begin doing it so I would love some nice feedback, but please stay nice though!
°•☆ being patient with me! I have a lot of write blocks which mean I won't write for some time but I'll always try to write!
°•☆ giving me tips on my word spelling English isn't my first language so I would really appreciate it when u would help with it!
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Please don'ts
°•☆ please don't spam me with questions of when I will post again or when I will do your request, I will most likely ignore you when you do that so no use spamming
°•☆ stealing my own ideas. I don't have much creativity, and I would find it absolutely rude when you steal my ideas without giving credits. I would report and block you. Also, if u see someone who did this, please tell me I would highly appreciate it!
°•☆ telling me I stole someone's idea when I obviously tagged them, I would also always ask if its okay if I use they're idea so please don't do this because this is just rude.
°•☆ request things I obviously won't do and continue to ask to do them. It just wastes your and my time and I would also most likely ignore you
°•☆ hate on my choices like shifting, my sexuality etc. Karen it's not bc ur boyfriend left u that I need to deal with the aftermath of ur breakdown and now tantrum just shut up scroll or block me if u don't like my content/ life choices
°•☆ threatening me with things when I don't do ur request. Threatening won't make anything better because making me uncomfortable will most likely end up with you blocked or reported so yea
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I will most likely add some things in the future but this is it for now! Sorry @anikaluv for not asking you to use ur layout, I will in the future!
A fanfic will come in tomorrow bc now my mind is blank
Cya guys then
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Tagglist: @anikaluv @joliety
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selazuma · 10 months
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17– I’ll be at LA comic Con with Tim Baksh (penciler/layout artist for these—I brought it to completion with my inks) I’m pumped and ready to have some fun! Our booth is K40! Cya there!
#masseffect #metalgearsolid
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dalxewanabee · 2 years
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Hello everyone and welcome back to the Octo Blog! Not a lot of news today but lets dive in!
First lets go over new weapons! The lab has shown off 2 new weapons the Neo Splash-o-matic and Custom Jet Squelcher. The Neo comes with Suction Bombs and Triple Inkstrike. The Squelcher comes with Poison Mist and Ink Storm.
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The lab has also revealed a returning map with a good layout! The map is Manta Maria. Manta Marie is a boat docked in a Marina and I believe the wahoo world farris wheel in the background.
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Sorry for the short one today, but I hope you will tune into tomorrows post!
Cya later👋🦑
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okaysource · 1 year
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Vine Days Update Log 1: (Disclaimer: Everything in the logs may change over time and does not represent the finished product)
The website is very much still in development With the following being half/fully done: The home page, the layout, and the rules+guidelines. The server layout is also done and will probably only receive minor tweaks.
Staff will be open soonish as well once I'm done setting up socials. This is a short update but there will be more soon, cya later!
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dokkabaiii · 2 years
Deactivating (hiatus?)
I genuinely don’t think anyone is going to see this since pretty much all of my followers are just ghost followers/deactivated and my reach is hella bad rn but just in case I get lucky enough to actually get some new comers to find this dead blog I’ll leave this here as an explanation to why I’m not gonna post anymore.
First off I’ll let you know that there may be a chance that I’ll come back to this blog but idk when that’ll actually happen and if it’ll actually happen. Now the reason why I’m deactivating is because my reach is genuinely so bad on tumblr it’s worse than my twitter (maybe not bc they’re kinda the same) and when I do get some reach it’s mostly just bots or people liking my older posts and stuff that’s not art related instead of my newer ones which just makes me feel upset to see something I spent like 10 seconds on getting more attention than something I spent 5 hours on.
Another reason why I’m deactivating is bc I just don’t like the layout of tumblr anymore.. I’ve always found it confusing but it just started to change sm that it got even more confusing on how to work some things and lastly I just didn’t really have the most pleasant memories on this platform I will admit that it was kinda my mistake to join here while I was still pretty young but still I feel like deleting this app from my phone will kinda free me from reminding myself of those stuff whenever I open it again (and also stop it from giving me over 60 notifications for everyone to see on my screen in public which is another reason why I want to delete it lol)
So yeah. That’s pretty much it sorry for the long post. There’s still a chance I’ll come back here but who knows when that’ll be. Go check out my instagram, twitter, and tiktok since I’ll be posting there from now on if you want to see my content and yeah ig I’ll cya guys there.
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hydralisk98 · 2 years
Hay... so about my TS2+SC4 process
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I will try my hand at it fairly soon to better study and emulate this workflow, making a few tutorials & gameplay content along the way. But let me clear the wider goal of this endeavor is:
I want to make a FLOSS software toy system like such for creative worldbuilding, cozy play and overall manifesting purposes. The biggest limit over such that I am facing right now is pretty much how to make it visually & creatively more appealing.
It is related to my constructed world project and technological efforts over the matter. And hopefully this full workflow stays free libre and open source.
I definitely feel a fairly strong need to automate much in this workflow to support my visualization efforts, especially as I like sapient-style agents doing things on their own and emulating several timelines at once. But those two sides can wait to a grand degree.
So ya, I am not so surprised to be overwhelmed over the matter despite having access to tools to help over such matters ('Love/Hate' system from 'Pixel Crushers' being one such tool) but any help is welcome. I still feel quite lost and unmotivated tbh. Take care of yourselves and cya soon.
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I do not know about you but it feels like a great opportunity to make a vector sector (BUILD2 vibes!) community building game with some QGIS and LibreOffice bindings. Thinking much about Vim, ZealOS, Common Lisp, Qodot and Micropolis in there as well because I really want much in my Servitor data processing architecture without any of the usual proprietary blobs I see on mainstream Linux distros.
But ya, I am still learning my way forward to a test playthrough in SimCity 4 + The Sims 2 to see how I can emulate such and get it back onto the drawing board. (pun intended too)
If anybody wants to guide or help me some, that would be really appreciated as there is so much content to be tinkered and analyzed so to start this social simulator. (Mostly tinkering around far far away future cozy AI agents within a cylinder map layout that is a planetary simplification and NOT a spaceship. I like to think of it using swappable/addressable vector fontmap assets and easing the simulation of relatively large groups of sapients over quite long periods of time as to simulate linguistic & wider historical patterns.)
This software toy suite's name would be either "Maynard" or "Maskoch". And it would indeed be a alternative to my current FreeCiv+QGIS+SC4+TS2 imagination workflow with a couple of thematic tweaks and 12-bit level retro custom programming (or somewhat Lambda Calculus-style Lisp tree structure) level optimizations / constraints even if it costs all graphics & sound all together.
What counts is that it generates lively simulations that can easily be tinkered in open source software like LibreOffice, plain text documentation systems with macros like Vim or custom development environments like ZealOS'. So like a step further in abstraction than TS2 rotational play spreadsheets by going into Turing Tarpit territory. I am getting there with my Servitor instruction set but ya I would appreciate some feedback over that whole thread direction.
Aka, would you mind it as a retro demake (Servitor has a 12-bit CPU and I would prefer 48KW-4MW in total runtime size) of this game-y workflow? Otherwise it may be done directly with rich media format documents and simply be compiled together as a animated series of worldly instances. (It is one way for me to handle multiple timelines at once by connecting dots and interpolating between various timely "snapshots", and not always linearly either. Like save files, 7ZIP files or GRP files but history tracking done outside, in a version control software like Git or something similar?)
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funnelbuilt · 2 years
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This was a tough project... It took time. Money. Hard work. But in the end, it all paid off! What am I talking about? Well, we recently renovated a funnel for Shah (a business coach from the UK) who helps entrepreneurs grow their businesses. Now before I get to the juicy results. Let's look at this funnel before we stepped in to help... Yes. This funnel definitely had a long way to go. Not only with the design, but also with the copy. We helped Shah rebuild this funnel to a high-ticket funnel he can truly be proud of! But most importantly, one that brings in real results. So what is the finished result? (New funnel: on left. Old funnel: on right) What did we change? 1. The blueprint 2. The overall layouts of different pages 3. Spiced up the copy 4. Created a more eye-pleasing user experience 5. Integrated Shah's booking link 6. Created an email sequence (follow-up funnel) to reengage leads who exit 7. And a whole lot more! But don't take it from me... Check out what Shah himself had to say about his new funnel (video on last slide) Now, the reason I'm sharing this with you is not to try and sell you something, but I truly love sharing success because it gives others hope. Today, I want to help you. Completely free. With my free eBook: 10 funnel blueprints (Value: $97+) Click the link in my bio now to check it out! 😎 I'll cya on the other side, Alex | Your funnel builder P.S. This is eBook is strictly for online coaches & consultants. https://www.instagram.com/p/CnIgiVsB5-k/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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arsonistfriday · 2 years
chat im gonna update my blog’s layout and stuff
cya on the other side or something o7
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vvyooo · 3 years
~Cya & Kanghyun Layouts!!
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cratcake · 3 years
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ⃞̷ ۪ ࣪ dongmyeong, cya and kanghyun layouts  ۪ ࣪ <𝟹
like or reblog if you save!
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4hl0ve · 3 years
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— cya - onewe !
꩜ like/reblog if used or saved.
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users-kpop · 3 years
like/reblog if u save
reqs r open
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springwe · 3 years
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﹫ onewe bday special ⋆ dongsel | hamsgiuk
𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 and 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐞, if you use, please, give the credits for @mafushii (twt and inst) for arts ⌕
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