#cwu verse
yourdarlingness · 7 months
Natsuki (DDLC) names , pronouns , titles
✦ ... requested by @msith ... no kin tags
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 ◞◟ NAMES ✦
cutesy . sweetsy . sweet-tooth . parfaitte . maybella / maybelle . affie . saccharlie . saccharyn . sugarbelle . sugarlita . amy . sweetheart . sucy . suzy . suzette . sugaryne . nikki . natalie . sofie . sofia m sophie . sophia . nora
sh🧁 / h🧁r . sh🍰 / h🍰r . sti / stir . swe / sweet . su / sugar . yum / yums . mew / meow . pix / pixie . sweet / tooth . ri / ribbon . cwu / cwute . cup / cake . cu / cupcake . sy / syr / syrup . coo / kie . 🧁 . 🍰 . 🍨 . 🍮 . 🍪 . (name).chr / (name).chrs
 ◞◟  TITLES ✦
(name).chr . prn* who is inflicted with cuteness . the sweetheart's baked goods . prn* as sweet as (cup)cakes . prn* red ribbons . the poetess' sweetness . prn* verse full of sugar . the avid manga reader . the baker's sweet secrets . prn* heart of pastry . prn* ribbom of sugar . the poem of cuteness . the adorable poetess
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nashilena · 5 years
If you still think his name is Elan Hux and not Armitage, you're valid and I love you <3
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hollyhark · 6 years
aaah holly im finally rereading cwu (which is somehow even better the 2nd time?!) and im on chapter 3 of ceasefire and i had completely forgotten how much of that story was kylo trying to ignore his feelings about hux and even though i know how everything turns out im still so upset at him i keep saying ‘JUST SAY YOU LOVE HIM!’ to my screen... i guess what im saying is thank you but also curse you for doing this to me!
Yesssssssssssss ahhh I loved writing about Kylo being the ultimate unreliable narrator, he spent so much time trying and failing to convince himself Hux was NOTHING to him haaaa. Writing his POV in fic is so great for many reasons, including this, narrators who lie to themselves to their own detriment are my messy forever faves Location yesterday and getting all sentimental, happens at least once a week due to some song or another ;__; thank you so much for the note!!
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jeusus · 7 years
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“She felt his fingers breach her velvet entrance, the tightening of her inner walls encouraging him to go further in his exploration of her uncharted territories.” With TLJ approaching and possible doom looming at the horizon, my go-to fix it fic will always be Children, Wake up. If something bad happens I’ll just remember that somewhere, on a planet with purple skies, they are happy. And they somehow found a stash of the most awful romance novels they read in the bath before bed. 
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kimikpop · 7 years
What do you mean the Children Wake Up trilogy is not The Canon?
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omtsts · 7 years
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1. —ELAN // Attachment.
”Feet curled in sheets stirred, skin shared and boundaries erased. I cannot find the end of you or the start of me.”
2. —ELAN // Limbo.
“I tell you a secret. Something they don’t tell you in your temple. The gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we are doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.”
3. —ELAN // Loss.
“tell me i was foolish for i have given it name as if any of this was ever ours to conquer. tell me that our shards still destined to strand to the Purple Planet where our time stops in zero until the moment we grasp it into our palms and the ticks compel in all one,
i am foolish enough to long for the chimney and the forests and even the storms you’ve promised in exchange of this unchanging present
i want to be foolish enough to long for the return of warmth within your arms even when the Heavens forbid us to be any nearer than the width of this whole goddamn Galaxy.”
4. —REN // Attachment.
“if i had had words to speak such a thing, i would have. but there were none that seemed big enough for it, to hold that swelling truth. as if he had heard me, he reached for my hand. i did not need to look; his fingers were etched into my memory, slender and petal-veined, strong and quick and never wrong.”
(thank you my sister for being the model)
5. —REN // Limbo.
“what your silence worth:
- space between two shoulders - hesitant moves of your hand - ten fingers interlacing - empty promises - many lies - an inability to let go - shards of pain in speaking your name.”
6. —REN // Loss.
“If i can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; If i can ease one life the aching, Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin Unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain.”
finally finished the piece along with the poems to be written down with it(some are taken from other writers i shall write the credits after i finished rechecking it). i went to family holiday heavy with CWU!verse feelings(i’ve been rereading it for the fifth time since last year what am i doing) and im glad im able to pour it into these photographs :,)
i divided the part into three sub-concept-s throughout five chapters of Ceasefire;
the following explanation delivered in the poems below. told from two pov because i found it more interesting that way.
honestly i didnt expect to even create this haha thankfully i feel That inspired and feel like i have to make something as a form of my gratitude for her awesome contribution in this fandom. since kylux is my otp and all(and im even more Pumped with TLJ just right behind. i love my supreme leader and his rabid cur)
i hope you all enjoy it as much as i am.
© CWU Universe belongs to @hollyhark _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
as someone who has been following the series since first installment i feel guilty for not doing this sooner. thank you so much for this ship-defining series Holly! Elan truly holds a special place in my heart up until now.
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lameunknown · 7 years
you know what? as iconic as cwu already is, i truly feel like it’s not gushed about enough, so here goes. i’ll be thoroughly embarassed about this in the morning, i’m sure, but fuck it. it’s 4:25 am and i’m feeling all the feelings. 
i honestly believe that the time period over which @hollyhark was writing and publishing cwu defined the golden age of the kylux fandom. you may try to deny it, but deep down you know it’s true. very few experiences in my life come close to the emotional intensity of anxiously waiting for a new chapter, then finally getting to read it, then having your soul shattered into hundreds of pieces time and time again in all kinds of ways and knowing thousands of people are going through it right by your side. i’ve read many a great fic, some of them as they were being updated as well, but the impact cwu had on me both while reading it and after finishing as a whole is for some reason the strongest. i feel like it really brought this fandom together in a way that can’t be described with words if you haven’t experienced it yourself. you had to be there. 
the art. as if cwu on its own isn’t one of the best things that ever happened to me already, it inspired the best of the best artists of our fandom ( @tiniestbutt and @kyleauxwren immediately come to mind) to create some of the best art that we have, and i’m immensely grateful to have witnessed the amazing exchange of inspiration between one of my fav authors and some of my fav artists like that. again, indescribably beautiful feeling. 
the nostalgia i get when looking at any cwu fanart or quotes or remembering it otherwise is so intense i’m sometimes moved to actual tears, and like all nostalgia it is bittersweet, because i’d give anything to be able to return to the good old times and relive it all. of course it’s dope that we’re getting more and more canon info, but the lack of it and the creative freedom & opportunities holly had as a result was one of the things that made cwu so great. i don’t know if my soul will ever be able to handle rereading it all even though eventually i plan to, or how rereading it while knowing all the canon info that came after will even feel, but i just want everyone to know, for the 432536th time, how enormous of a place cwu occupies in my heart. 
thank you for helping shape this fandom in such a huge & wonderful way, holly. thank you for sharing your talent so generously, and thank you to everyone who lived and died and lived all over again while reading this alongside me, bc y’all are a huge part of what made it so special. whatever happens in canon can’t touch us. on a planet with purple skies, they’re happy. 
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sleepless-obsidian · 7 years
can’t wait for the children wake up verse to be replaced by actual canon post-force awakens plot actually you know what i can!! i can wait!!!!!!
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no-hux-given · 7 years
my kylux granny aesthetic is eating chocolate cake while sobbing over a reread of children wake up. that shit done did got me again
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kallie-ren · 7 years
@hollyhark Gothic
You know who Holly is. Everyone knows who Holly is. Everyone loves her. Everyone is subscribed to her.
You get an email to alert you she’s written something new. Everyone simultaneously gets the email because everyone is subscribed to her.
You go to ao3 to see the newest work. It is 40 thousand words. You don’t know how she does it. No one knows how.
You look at the clock and see it’s midnight. You tell yourself to go to sleep and read it tomorrow. You accidentally look at the first sentence and start to read. You look at the clock again. It is 2 am, and yet, time has ceased to exist.
You tell yourself that you won’t cry when you read this fic. You are one paragraph in and already sobbing heavy tears
It takes you longer to read than usually because it’s difficult to see the words when the tears fill your eyes.
You finish the fic. You don’t remember who you were before you read it. You don’t know who you are now that you have read it. You don’t know what comes next in your life because Holly is still writing it.
You think she must be a god, but then you shake your head. She cannot be a god. She is so much more.
As soon as you finish the latest story, you realize you are dehydrated. Why are you dehydrated? Because you used most of the water in your body crying hot, ugly tears.
Are the tears you cry from sorrow or the beauty of the writing? You don’t know. It’s probably both.
You tally up the words she has written and published in the last year. It is nearing one million. You think you must be the luckiest person alive.
You don’t know how she does it. No one does. There is no explanation.
You think you’re ready to reread one of her works. You won’t cry this time, you tell yourself. You are two paragraphs in and you’ve already been crying for an hour.
Holly is everywhere. Holly is nowhere. Holly is a figment of your imagination. Holly has always been here. Holly will continue to be here.
God is dead. God has been replaced by Holly, and already she has made the position more powerful than anyone has ever conceived.
You get an email. Everyone receives the email. You open it up. It’s Holly. She’s here to escort you to heaven. On your way you pass through hell. You realize there is no such thing as heaven. There is no such thing as hell. There is only Holly Hark.
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satan-in-purple · 7 years
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@hollyhark children wake up is a masterpiece.
this quote is the perfect addition to my phoenix tattoo.
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runlolaren · 7 years
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Embossed one of my favorite quotes from @hollyhark 's Children, Wake Up. This line really stuck with me 💕
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hollyhark · 6 years
Hey Holly! So I do Kylux RPs over omegle, and the other day someone included Kylo having told Hux that he liked his lines, and I stared at the line wondering why it was so familiar for so long the other person felt the need to send me another message to prompt me into responding. I had the faint notion of it being from your fic but my mind went to Pioneers for some reason, searched through the fic and left confused. Just realized it's from Life Sentence. x3 But I was right about it being you!
Awwww that makes me happy, thank you for telling me!! It’s funny how certain lines from that story just like leapt really strongly into my mind as I was thinking about these earliest scenes, there are certain bits that I have a really vivid memory of writing and that’s one of them
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harlanhardway · 8 years
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Crack summary: Part I of @hollyhark 's Children, Wake Up.
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darthlenaplant · 6 years
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(That post was about 'cloacas being sewn shut to ensure purity'. Do you people even know what exactly a cloaca IS ? How the hell would that person take a shit? Just say vag1na ffs. (Also. That tag: "#things that still are happening to women in the 21st century" ... like ... and it is oh so radical to make these things happen to male characters that are getting predominantely feminized because they are not adhering to the ideals of toxic masculinity?)
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mirrirr · 6 years
Can anyone rec me good Kylux fic? Stuff that was published in the last year or so? I was distracted by other fandoms, so the last time I really read Kylux was when Holly’s CWU-verse was still a WIP. I’d like to get back on the horse again. :)
No angst or ABO-like stuff please. Other than that anything goes - any rating, canon/AU, either can top etc.
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