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Unspoken Love - Jasper Jordan
Jasper Jordan x reader
From my Wattpad: inanoncriminalwayy
GIF: juhnmorphy
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
After his unfortunate encounter with the Grounders, you confess your feelings for Jasper, fearing his life is slipping away and you'll never have the chance to tell him.
Word count: 5,570
Published: June 14, 2020
TW: Blood and pain
A/N, PLEASE READ! Hey everyone! This is my first ever The 100 Imagine! I know it's long, but what else do you have to do while quarantined? I hope you like this Imagine! If you use other pronouns, just replace them with the ones I used in this Imagine. I used she/her, because that's personally what I use.
xx, El
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
"Please please PLEASE be safe."
Lack of oxygen on the Ark was a luxury compared to how much air your best friends Jasper and Monty were being deprived of as you held them both tightly in a group hug.
"(Y/N)...can't...breath." Jasper patted you quickly several times on the back, awkwardly trying to escape from your embrace.
You released them, giving an apologetic smile.
"We'll be fine. We're just gonna get food and water, and we'll be back before nightfall." Monty gently reassured you.
That was what scared you the most.
How were they so calm in a situation such like this?
Hurdled from the sky onto the ground which wasn't even 100% survivable, miles away from the fallout shelter you were supposed to be at, with 100, (now 98) teenage delinquents who had no adult supervision whatsoever.
Yeah, what could go wrong?
You took one last look at Jasper, who was adjusting his black goggles on his forehead, and gazing in awe at the green forest which surrounded you.
Without warning, you flung into his arms.
He stumbled back, off balance.
"Woah, (Y/N), chill out. We'll be fine." He laughed, hugging you once more.
"Why don't I get a hug like that?" Monty pouted, jutting his lip out, a smirk dancing on his lips.
You smiled, gifting one of your famous hugs to the boy.
Monty broke away, grinning, and turned to Clarke Griffin, who was now calling out orders to those on the ground.
"Okay, everyone, listen up! Finn, Jasper, Monty, Octavia, Wells, Bellamy and I are all going to the mountain where were originally supposed to land. We'll be grabbing everything we need for a day or so, and then we're all gonna hike there together. (Y/N) (Y/L/N) is in charge. Out of all of us, she paid the most attention in our survival classes. If you even have a prayer of getting through the night without being eaten alive, I strongly advise that you listen to her. Do I make myself clear?"
Disapproving murmurs could be heard around camp, mainly from John Murphy and his group of friends.
"Who made you Queen of the ground?" Murphy spoke up, several people agreeing with him.
Bellamy pushed his way towards the front of the crowd, causing everyone to quiet down.
"No one did. But Clarke's right. Out of all of us, (Y/L/N) is the one who knows what to do. Now you can run off by yourself, or you can pitch in and have a shot at surviving."
All eyes trailed on me, and I couldn't stop the blush that crept on my cheeks.
I never enjoyed being the center of attention. Now I had to babysit 90 rebellious teenagers?
There was no way they were ever going to listen to me. I didn't even commit a crime! I was framed. We have nothing in common except that we were all born on the Ark and flung to the ground. It was just pure luck that Monty and Jasper happened to be on the drop ship. I could trust no one but them.
The 7 teens made their way to the woods, and I felt panic surge through me.
I had liked Jasper for the longest time.
I've always been a closed book. You're lucky if you get through chapter one.
But Jasper and Monty know everything about me.
The one thing they both don't know, is my love for Jasper.
Normally, I would trust Monty, like I did with everything else.
But this was different.
The boy who defended me when I was getting bullied and pushed around by John Murphy.
The boy who helped me with my science homework.
The boy who made me laugh when a smile seemed impossible.
We had sat across each other on the drop ship, fear evident in both of our eyes.
Even then, when death could have been minutes away, I still didn't have the guts to tell him how I feel.
"Jasper!" I caught his wrist, the touch familiar to me.
He turned, eyebrow raised, waiting for a response.
I chickened out.
"Your shoes untied." Was the best I could come up with.
He smirked at our inside joke.
The day we had met was the first day of kindergarten, and I was wearing a pair of my moms old slip on shoes.
Jasper came up to me with a red crayon in his hand, and told me with a smile that my shoe was untied.
I frowned, looking down at my feet.
"But I don't have laces." I had explained, perplexed.
He laughed, explaining the joke and then introducing me to his friend, Monty.
But we were naive school kids then who had no worries other than if an asteroid was going to strike the Ark.
"Let's go!" I heard Bellamy Blake, the oldest of us all, call to Jasper who I was still holding on to.
It's now or never, (Y/N).
"Jasper, we gotta go, man!" Monty jogged back, tugging on his arm.
I let go, and he was gone.
Tears pricked my eyes and I felt stupid.
What if that was the last chance I ever had? What if he got eaten by a giant worm?
I shook my head, forcing the bad out.
Now, all I could think of was positive.
It took me a few seconds to realize that a group had gathered around me. Some looking bored, others scared.
"So, what do we do now?" A girl with her arms crossed over her chest asked me.
I blinked, reminding myself that I was now in charge.
Thanks, Clarke.
I made a mental note to give her a piece of my mind as soon as things settled down.
Back on the Ark, I was often the first choice parents had when they needed a babysitter.
Kids loved me, and I connected with them effortlessly.
Something told me a group building activity wasn't going to happen down here.
I cleared my throat, my mind racing.
Yes, I had paid the most attention in our survival classes, but now it seemed like everything I learned had been erased.
"Well? Do you know anything, or not?" John Murphy was tapping his foot impatiently.
Part of me wanted to snap back with sass, something I was particularly good at.
But this was no time for conflict.
If there's one thing I know about kids, it's that they hate being told what to do.
But these weren't just any kids.
Some of them were here for murder.
"There are 90 of us in all. We're all going to divid equally and do our share. If you don't wanna do anything, that's fine. Just note that you won't be having dinner tonight."
The few people who had secluded themselves from the group joined us.
I began counting off, making sure to keep Murphy with me as I was clearly the only one who had self control.
Anyone else would gladly tear his head off.
I had ten people working on the drop ship, cleaning up the inside.
Eighteen more were scavenging what they could and bringing it outside, as well as picking up debris on the outside.
A few feet away from where we landed were a field of flowers, several which I knew to be edible.
Twenty of us plucked primrose, thistle, dandelions, rose hip, and daisies.
I had another twenty scavenge for pine nuts along the trunk of trees, and strip the needles for tea.
Ten more were starting fires, and another ten setting snares in the forest, which I had to teach them how to do.
It was good, having something to take my mind off of Jasper.
With John Murphy by my side, I had a lot more to think about.
Why hadn't anyone killed this boy?
Could I kill him now?
Why did he talk so much?
"Am I gonna get dinner tonight? You're not letting me do anything." He grumbled as I helped a girl assemble her twitch up snare.
You'll be lucky if you aren't dead by tonight. I'll kill you myself. I thought to myself.
"You are doing something. You're my...apprentice. The only one who has enough strength to tell people what to do. There's a sense of authority in you. You've already watched me make the fires and snares and okay the plants. If anything were to happen to me, you would take my place."
That was a downright lie.
I would trust a wild pack of wolves before I put my trust in John Murphy.
But my lie seemed to appease him, and he was quiet for a few minutes.
I knew there was water somewhere, which is why I didn't send anyone for it.
Vegetation was so evident, and plants were lush and beautiful. I could hear the roar of a stream nearby.
Besides, I didn't want anyone out of my sight.
Turns out with 88 people working feverishly, the job is done fairly quick.
The drop ship was cleaned out, the bodies buried, plants picked, and nuts peeled.
Everyone collapsed on the ground, exhausted.
"Good work everyone. I'm gonna take these plants down to the stream and wash them off. Those who set snares, please set some more, or teach others how to do so."
Someone had managed to scrounge up a makeshift metal pot from inside the drop ship, and several sheets of thin fabric.
If it were up to me, I would have gone to the stream by myself. A few minutes of alone time were all I really needed.
But, it wasn't up to me.
This was life or death.
"Murphy, I need you to come with me. Bring your friends, too. I need strong people to carry back the water."
Feeding the ego of cocky boys is so easy.
Murphy and his friends agreed to go, flexing their muscles as they walked along the path of the woods with me.
"Who's watching camp while we're gone?" One of Murphys friends asked, wiping his sweaty brow with the back of his hands.
I knew I had forgotten something.
"I'm sure they can all manage for a few minutes."
I hoped so.
"You all worked really hard. I think everyone is too tired to start a fight."
I hope that was true, too.
We reached the stream which wasn't too far from camp. It wasn't big by any means, but it was enough to hydrate and clean us.
Murphy and his friends beamed from ear to ear, and I stopped them before they could continue with their plan.
"Wait until we clean and collect. THEN you can hop in."
That seemed to be agreeable enough, after I explained that we would be swallowing their sweat if they got in now.
I took the greens, and bundled them together in a sheet of cloth, and bunched the material together, then dunked them, giving it a shake.
As the boys frolicked in the water, my mind wandered back to Jasper.
How long had they been gone?
An hour? Two?
What if they never came back? What if I was now the mother of these criminals?
"That's enough playing. We gotta get back." I stood from the flat rock I was sitting on, and ignored the grumbled complaints from the soaked boys.
It was a relief that I had asked several people to come along. There was no way I could carry that giant vessel full of water on my own.
Thankfully, things were more or less the same when we arrived back at camp.
Some people fanned themselves with sheets of metal found in the drop ship.
Others dozed on the grass, occasionally swatting away a bug.
But the best thing was my group of snarers holding up several fat rabbits that must have stumbled into their traps.
Everyone cheered, engrossed by the sight of fresh meat.
I smiled, setting the plants by my feet.
"Excellent! We'll have a lovely stew tonight!" I announced, examining the prey.
Water was boiling, greens were being sorted, and rabbit was being skinned.
"They're back!" I heard someone call.
I set down the rabbit I was currently breaking the legs of, and I hopped up.
My eyes searched for Jasper, more than excited to present to him the lovely meal we were able to have tonight.
I wondered what they had brought back with them.
But I didn't see Jasper.
Six of our people sprinted into camp, faces red and sweat drenched clothes.
"Everyone in the drop ship! Move, move!" I heard Bellamy scream.
Jasper? Where was Jasper?
"Where's Jasper?" I ran to Monty, who looked like he was about to pass out.
He shook slightly, and extended his trembling hand to me.
Clutched tightly in between his fingers, were Jaspers goggles.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Confused and frightened glances were exchanged as we all stumbled into the drop ship, abandoning the food, and the boiling water over the fire.
Panic surged through me once more as I struggled to make sense of our new reality.
"What happened?"
"Is he dead?"
"Did you make it to the mountain?"
Questions were being thrown like dodgeballs in gym class.
I blinked, adjusting my eyes to the dimly lit space in the drop ship.
Bellamy had closed the door.
Claustrophobia crept over me and I felt sick.
The only thing keeping me steady was Monty's arm, which I was clutching like a lifeline.
"Everyone shut up!" Bellamy's booming voice echoed throughout the small space, and we all covered our ears as the sound bounced back to us.
All fell silent.
"Where's the one with the goggles?" A girl with a big mouth asked.
Bellamy clenched his jaw, and looked at the ground, frustration radiating off of him.
"I need you all to remain calm." He said in a voice that wasn't calm whatsoever.
Murphy scoffed.
"Calm? You run through the woods like Bigfoot is chasing you and you want us to remain calm?"
No one argued with this.
"We're not alone here on the ground." Clarke began.
A blanket of fear rested upon all of us.
"What do you mean, not alone?" A girl by the name of Harper spoke up.
"I mean what I just said. We were attacked on our way to the mountain and whatever it was took Jasper with them." Clarke struggled to remain composed.
I felt my breath catch in my throat, and a strangled sob escaped my chapped lips.
Everyone was in an uproar now, screaming and wailing.
I sunk to my knees, holding the goggles to my chest.
Hot tears streamed down my face and I let out a strangled cry.
Why didn't I tell him?
I let my insecurities get in the way and I couldn't tell him that I loved him?
And now he was as good as dead.
My shoulders shook, and Monty knelt down next to me, tears trailing down his cheeks as well.
"We'll find him. I swear to you, we will find him, (Y/N)."
He sounded like he needed some reassurance himself.
Someone was wailing. The kind of cry that made you want to cover your ears and hide away forever.
It took a moment to come to the realization that I was the one making the sound.
The only sound now was my sobs and ragged breath. My fellow inmates backed away, allowing Bellamy a clear path to where Monty and I were situated.
I felt an unfamiliar touch on my shoulder.
It was Bellamy, and he looked at me with determination.
"We will find him. But right now we need to lay low." He spoke softly.
Anger welled inside me.
"If it were Octavia, you would have a search party out right now! What makes Jaspers life any less important?" I hissed, venom coating every word.
Bellamy held his tongue.
No one argued against me, but no one exactly agreed with me either.
"We leave at first light. Those who want to volunteer, come see me." He announced, walking away.
Monty and I held each other, sobs wracking our bodies.
I spent a good portion of the night bawling my eyes out.
I felt kind of bad. Monty held me, as calm as he could be in this situation, telling me stories and reciting my favorite poems.
When we all had settled down for the night, some of us asleep, I heard Murphy a few feet away from us talking in a hushed voice.
"Now we're all hungry because that one chick didn't bring any of the food in here. It's all outside probably being eaten by whatever the hell took Jasper."
If I had the energy, I would have ripped Murphy's throat out right then and there.
But my chest was tight from all of the crying, and dehydration was setting in.
"Come on, man. The girl just lost her boyfriend. We can go a night without dinner." One of Murphy's cronies stood up for me.
Did people really think we were a couple?
Maybe it falls on me and how I reacted.
I had been awake, counting my breaths.
How many did Jasper have left?
"You're in love with him." Monty spoke, disrupting the quiet.
"What?" I attempted to play it dumb.
He scoffed, sitting up.
"I see the way you look at him, (Y/N). It's like...all the stars in the galaxy can't even compare."
I bit my lip, unsure of what to say or do in this situation.
"I do love him, Monty. I really do."
A fresh set of tears welled up in my eyes and began to spill.
"And I never even got to tell him." I cried.
Monty shushed me, rubbing my back soothingly.
"We'll get him back. I know we will. But for right now, we can't dwell on the past. Try and get some sleep." He smiled down kindly at me.
I didn't sleep at all that night.
Go figure.
I pretended to, though. For Montys sake.
He must have been up for two hours before he finally succumbed to sleep himself.
Maybe it would have been best if I had slept that night.
There were no windows on the drop ship, so there was no way to tell when it was morning. So I listened carefully for the sounds of the crickets to subside and the chirps of the birds to arrive.
I jumped to my feet, accidentally stepping on Murphy's hand.
"Ow! What the hell?!" He shouted, still half asleep.
"It's daylight. We have to go find Jasper." I shook Monty awake, my eyes on a frantic search for a sleeping Bellamy.
I found him by the door, near Octavia.
"Bellamy-Bellamy wake up." I shoved him several times, and he awoke with a "Snork?"
"We have to go find Jasper. Get up." I bent over to re-lace my shoes, but was stopped in my tracks.
"(Y/N), (Y/N), slow down." He sprung up, and placed both of his hands on my shoulders.
I wondered if he had even slept at all. Deep purple bags hung low over his eyes.
"No, I'm not going to slow down. We have to go. Who are the volunteers?"
I pivoted around to Monty, but Bellamy twirled me to face him.
"(Y/N), you're not going. You have to stay here at camp." Bellamy spoke the words slowly.
I did a double take.
That had to be some sort of sick joke.
"Like hell I am. Jasper's my-."
"I know. I know. But you have to stay here. You did so good leading the camp yesterday. I need you to stay here."
Several emotions registered on my face at once.
Confusion, anger, betrayal...
"If it was Octavia out there and someone tried to stop you-."
"Stop bringing Octavia into this. Besides you're dead on your feet. If anything happened I doubt you would be able to escape in time." He interrupted once again.
His words weighed heavy.
He was right. I was exhausted. Staying up all night getting over the potential death of my long time crush/best friend tore me to pieces.
"Maybe Jasper is literally dead on his feet. What would be the irony of that?" Murphy's snide comment earned a few chuckles from those around him.
I shoved past Bellamy, and charged towards Murphy, who's smirk turned into shock.
"Do you think this is a fucking joke Murphy?!" I screamed as he avoided a harsh slap to the face.
"Woah, woah!" Bellamy held me back as I screamed obscenities at Murphy who backed away, sneering at me as if I were the insane one who was making disgusting jokes.
I struggled for a bit, and collapsed against Bellamy's chest, sobbing.
I was so angry.
Angry at myself for being so weak.
Angry at Murphy who couldn't be serious for five minutes.
Angry at Bellamy and Clarke and everyone else who didn't keep Jasper safe.
"I love him! I love him, Bellamy. Please, bring him back. Bring him back alive." I gasped, collapsing to the ground, Bellamy falling with me.
"We will. I will. I promise." Bellamy forced me look at him, and he turned to Clarke.
He told Clarke that she needed to stay here and start building a wall around the camp. I was clearly in no state to do much of anything.
That made me angry, too. If I had just gotten some shut eye last night I could have gone with the search party.
Monty was suddenly in front of me, his eyes blood shot, voice clear.
"(Y/N), listen to me. Are you listening to me?" He shook my shoulders harshly, and I nodded my head.
"No matter what happens, if we find Jasper or not, you need to stay strong. It's what he would want."
How could he say that?
IF we find Jasper?
We will find him!
Even if it meant I had to search the entire planet and beyond.
Clarke was suddenly down next to me, turning my head towards her, staring intently into my bloodshot eyes.
"She's definitely exhausted. Dehydrated, too. Monty, I think it's best if you stay here with her. I'll get her some water."
I could tell Monty was upset that he couldn't go either, but, we both needed each other right now.
He took a seat next to me, and draped an arm around my shoulder.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
The remainder of the day was a blur.
I vaguely recall a cup of pine needle tea being pushed to my lips, and someone trying to persuade a few pine nuts in me.
I drank the tea, but was too nauseated to eat anything.
Clarke and the rest of those who stayed behind worked on a wall/fence. I caught glimpses of it outside the drop ship door. It consisted of scraps from the ship, and large planks of tree bark.
I dozed in and out occasionally, but awoke to the slightest of sounds.
Monty was always there to calm me down.
It must have been noon, when there was a series of shouts that awoke me from my twelfth nap of the day.
Clarke rushed in, shoving scraps aside and making room on a flat surface that served as a makeshift table.
I bolted upright, a nasty case of vertigo settling into my brain which was still fuzzy from lack of sleep.
My heart stopped.
Either they had found him, or there was a new causality.
Bellamy, Finn, and Wells were carrying a half conscious Jasper, whose face was green and beaded with sweat.
"Get him on the table!" Clarke demanded as she searched frantically for something.
He was shirtless, a large scab like wound smack dab in the middle of his chest, blood and pus oozing from it.
Monty gagged, and ran out of the ship.
I could hear him vomiting violently.
I didn't blame him.
Jaspers eyes shot open, and he let out a mangled groan, flailing his arms around.
"Keep him still!" Clarke's voice sounded far away.
I rushed to his aid, and took one of his hands which was dirty and covered in covered in grime.
"Jasper, Jasper can you hear me?" I squeezed his hand.
He groaned again in response, tears running into his ears.
I wiped them away.
"You're gonna be okay. You're safe now. You're back at the drop ship. Clarke is going to make you better." My words were thick and it was hard to talk.
Clarke shooed everyone else away, only a few acceptations allowed to stay.
"Finn, go get me a wet rag." Clarke's voice trembled.
That wasn't a good sign.
The doctor was supposed to be calm.
"Can you save him?" I asked, hardly wanting to know the answer.
She grew silent.
"I'll do my best." She spoke.
Jasper was still screaming, and he weakly squeezed my hand.
"Make it stop, please, make it stop." He begged through the wails of agony.
My heart broke.
What could I do?
I would take the pain in a second.
I would do anything.
"Jasper, just focus on my words, yeah?"
What was I supposed to even talk about?
The Ark? The ground?
Both subjects were painful.
He let out a cry as Clarke ever so gently prodded his collarbone with her fingers.
"What the hell?" She frowned, examining the gash more intently.
"What is it?" Bellamy took to her side, intrigued.
Clarke was quiet for a moment, her brows furrowed, confused.
"Whoever, or, whatever did this to him cauterized the wound. He would have bled out by now."
That made zero sense.
Why would you kidnap someone, stab them, and then heal them?
Jasper cried again.
"Don't you have anything for the pain?" I practically begged, already knowing the answer.
"We would probably have something if we were at the mountain. But the only thing we have now is time."
How much time did he have left?
Jaspers hand went limp, and my blood went cold.
Clarke placed her hand on his forehead.
"He's burning up. I need wet cloth, and lots of it."
She turned to Bellamy, who left in a second.
"He's still breathing, but barely. It looks like an infection. I'm gonna have to reopen the wound, clean it, and recauterize it."
I felt acidic bile rise in my throat.
For Jaspers sake, I prayed he would stay unconscious.
I think Wells was telling me what happened, and how they found him, but it's like everything went static.
Bits and pieces of his sentences wormed their way into my shattered mind as I gripped the metal table and Jaspers hand.
Jasper screamed, his back arching, blood spewing all over his chest and my face.
"(Y/N), I need you to keep him still. I'm almost finished cleaning it. Someone get me a hot knife!"
Jaspers eyes found mine, his wild and frantic.
"(Y/N), please make it stop. It hurts so bad! Make it stop!" He sobbed.
Tears of my own fell onto his pale skin.
I struggled to find my voice.
"Jasper, I know it's hard, but you need to stay still so Clarke can help you, okay? You're almost done. The worst is over."
Was it?
He screamed again, squeezing my hand. Quick breaths escaped from his cracked and bleeding lips.
"I...I never thought I would see you again." He admitted, sighing as someone draped a dripping cloth across his forehead.
Neither did I.
"I knew they would find you." I lied.
He blinked in response.
"I'm gonna cauterize it now, okay? Jasper, this is gonna hurt."
Clarke pressed the blazing metal to the gash.
A burnt flesh smell filled the drop ship as Jasper screamed.
Clarke dropped the knife, breathing for the first time in minutes.
"Done, it's over. We just need to get his temperature down." She began to lay more wet cloth on various parts of his body.
Easier said than done.
For the next few hours, Jaspers temperature ranged from blistering hot to the touch, to cold with sweat.
Sweat poured from his entire body, leaving the table slick with moisture.
He was delirious, reaching his hand out for something, and calling for his mother.
Invisible shadows made him scream.
At last, he settled down, his hand still in mine.
"I'll take it from here, (Y/N). You deserve a break." Monty appeared by my side, extending a cup of water to me.
He was right. I needed to get away. I needed to find a desolate spot and just curl up in a ball, close my eyes, and deem this all as a crazy dream.
Smiling kindly, I gently let go of Jaspers hand.
But Jasper used whatever strength he had left in him to hold fast to me.
"(Y/N)...stay." He slurred.
I pushed back disheveled black bangs away from his sweaty forehead.
"I'm not going anywhere." I whispered.
A ghost of a smile danced on his lips.
"I...I love you." He murmured.
I blinked, unsure of what to say or how to react.
"I love you too, Jasper." I whispered, my voice hardly audible.
His lips curled up once more, and sleep overcame him.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Three weeks later, Clarke said Jasper was okay to go on short walks for brief periods of time, as long as he had someone with him.
More often than not, it was Monty or me.
The fence had been built, and several stations set up around camp.
Animal skinning, water purification, and food storage were the most busy.
I was praised for my wilderness expertise, and held classes for those who had absolutely no idea what they were doing.
At the end of a class where I was teaching how to tell healthy rabbits apart from rabbits who had rabbit fever, Jasper appeared by my side.
"Gosh! You scared me." I laughed.
He had lost a significant amount of weight, but his smile remained the same.
"You're not supposed to be out of bed without someone." I scolded him.
"I'm not alone. I'm with you. Take a walk with me?" He extended his arm, and we walked with ours interlinked.
It was a slow process, but I loved seeing the look on his face when a bird flew by or the wind rustled the leaves on a tree.
Pure joy.
I felt myself falling more in love with him each and every day.
I had erased the day he had been carried back after serving as a dartboard.
Wiped the words that were exchanged.
He didn't remember them, so why should I?
He probably didn't even mean them in the way I did.
Friends tell friends all the time that they love them.
It was like a twelve pound weight had been lifted off my chest, after telling Jasper how I felt.
It didn't matter if he remembered it or not. I said it, and it was done and over with. No need to bring up the nightmare he had gone through.
"I remember, you know." Jaspers feet slowed down even more, if that were possible.
I turned my head to face him, confused.
"Remember what?"
He grinned, a blush creeping its way to his cheeks.
We were stopped at the back of the drop ship, where the fewest people were, but with the most weapons.
He took a deep breath.
"The night I was found. I-."
"No, let me say it."
Great, now I was gonna get friend zoned in a place I couldn't even leave.
Not that it mattered much, anyway. Jasper was alive, and that's all that I cared about.
"I love you, (Y/N). I have for the longest time and...and I thought I was going to die. I had to say it. At least once. And I know you said it back but you were probably just saying it to be nice and I-."
I stood poised on my tiptoes, crushing his lips with mine.
He shut up, kissing me back.
I was careful of his chest. Careful to keep my distance from it.
But he pulled me close, his hands gentle on my waist, mine on his neck.
We pulled apart, breathless.
"I've been wanting to do that for the longest time." He smiled, tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear.
I blushed, leaning in for another kiss.
"Finally!" I heard a familiar voice behind us.
Monty stood there, grinning with two thumbs up.
Jasper gave him a death glare that screamed get the hell out of here or so help me I will break both of your thumbs.
"Finally! Took you two long enough! I was worried I had to go to plan B and use the power of forged love letters," Monty crossed over, patting Jasper on the back, which earned a few winces.
"I guess all it took was a near death experience. Nothing too extreme."
We all laughed, well, Monty and I did. Jasper just kind of smiled and tried to refrain from laughing.
"I guess this means we're a couple?" Jasper looked at me hopefully.
I gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"I thought you would never ask."
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season 2 john murphy owns my heart❤️
#john murphy#johnmurphy#the100#cw the 100#cwthe100#the 100#richard harmon icons#richard harmon#richardharmon#bellamy blake#bob morley#clarke griffin#finn collins#octavia blake#raven reyes#lincoln#monty green#murphyamy#murphy and bellamy#murphy and emori#memori
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#seriously tho#we're all wondering#gimme bellarke#pretty please#the100#the 100#the100s7#the 100 s7#the 100 season 7#cw the 100#cwthe100#bellamy blake#clarke griffin#clarke#bellamy#help#please someone help#my emotions#i need some blake rn
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that finale feels like a fever dream, the evil has been defeated and we got closure on lexa with confirmed actual soulmates AND engame as clexa in 2020? what reality is this
#closure#alycia debnam carey#commander level talks#clexa#fever dream#soulmates#endgame#clarke griffin#cw100#t100#cwthe100#the 100#the100#the hundred#thehundred
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About Bardo and the Second Dawn
Someone else has probably already posted this, but in the unlikely case it wasn’t, I’m just leaving this here:
I noticed (when watching 7x04) that the SECOND DAWN Logo is a part of the BARDO SYMBOL. The wings of the phoenix are the Second Dawn Logo upside down.
Bardo Symbol:
Second Dawn:

Second Dawn Upside Down/ side-by-side:
So for me, there is absolutely no doubt left that the Disciples are either descendants of OR are the actual Second Dawn Members. I just wanna know how they got onto Eligius III. We know Cadogan was on Earth when Becca came down, years after Eligius III departed Earth. So why is the symbol of HIS cult incorporated in the Bardo Symbol? Did the Second Dawn infiltrate the Eligius Mission? But why? Or, are we only supposed to think that the disciples are Eligius III members or descendants when they are not in reality? There is still the sixth anomaly planet symbol in the opening which is speculated to be Earth. If that’s the case, did the Second Dawn use the Anomaly AFTER they killed Becca? But that would mean Cadogan would have had access to the Eligius III Mission files AND know about the anomaly. We don’t even know IF Eligius knew about the anomaly though it’s very likely they DID know since all planets Eligius III was sent to had one.
I think it would be really cool if there is also an anomaly on Earth. The show could go full circle in the end. Remember, on Earth, over 100 years have already passed and maybe now something regenerated. If the show ended with, say, 100 people returning to a renewed Earth via the Anomaly, that would be really awesome in my opinion.
Question is, if there IS an anomaly on Earth, where is it? Why was it never seen? I think that if the planets of the Eligius III mission were chosen because of the anomaly then maybe Becca was somehow involved also in studying the anomaly. Maybe the anomaly on Earth was hidden somehow? Area 51 style. Still it probably needs to be somewhere in the vicinity of Polis, Becca’s Lab or Eden if we assume the Second Dawn used the Anomaly to travel to Bardo or one of the other planets. They couldn’t have made it very far in hazmat suits. My guess is, when Becca came down the survivors split into 2 groups over time. Those using Beccas Nightblood Serum to survive and Cadogan’s more fanatic followers who refused the Serum. I assume they refused it based on Becca’s death scene where she says, that she can save them with the Serum. This would make Becca a martyr in the eyes of those that survived thanks to her serum - hence her later being worshipped as Becca Pramheda - the first Commander. Her burning at the stake always struck me as a typical martyr death and martyrs are often worshipped as saints later on.
Meanwhile, Cadogan’s group cannot survive on Earth because of the radiation and their refusal to take the serum. If they somehow knew about the anomaly the may have used it to get away. Since the anomaly is shown as a kind of green fire storm I think that also ties in nicely with the whole phoenix “from the ashes we will rise” theme. A fanatical cult might actually think of a huge green fire storm as some kind of divine signal or something and rather run right into said green fire storm than get a shot of nightblood serum. Maybe the escaped Second Dawn met up with the original Eligius III crew on whatever planet they landed on. The knowledge of the anomaly being a bridge could come from the Second Dawn themselves! Gabriel had been studying the anomaly for centuries yet I don’t think he came to the conclusion that the anomaly acts like a bridge. It was just something people vanished in until Octavia returned. So, if Gabriel couldn’t find out the anomaly was a bridge even though he studied it for centuries maybe the Disciples only know it (and subsequently developed tech for it) because they had first hand experiences from the Second Dawn when they met Eligius III. The The Second Dawn would have told Eligius III what had happened on Earth and then started building a new society. We know from Mission team Alpha that the Eligius Teams were not overly big so depending on the number of people Cadogan would have had with him, it may have been easy to take control. Or it was easy anyway because if I remember correctly Cadogan was described as being very persuasive.
Anyway, all of the above is just my speculation which I think would be really cool, but I doubt it tbqh. I have a bad track record with speculations like this. XD
BUT I’m convinced that the Second Dawn and Bardo are somehow connected. I’m excited to find out how exactly. Also, I tagged this bellarke because I know there’s a lot of speculation going on in the Bellarke fam about a lot of stuff and also about the Second Dawn/Bardo connection which is why I wanted you guys specifically to see this.
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Original poster for Season 1 of The 100
#the100#the100edit#the100fanart#cwthe100#clarkegriffin#bellamyblake#octaviablake#ravenreyes#marcuskane#abbygriffin#montygreene#johnmurphy#jasperjordan#finncollins#elizataylor#bobmorely#marie avgeropoulos#henryiancusick#paigeturco#lindseymorgan#myedits
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it kept me s a n e
#clarke griffin#clarke#bellarke#bellarkedit#bellarkeedit#bellamy x clarke#bellamy blake#madi griffin#the 100#the 100 edit#the100edit#tv show#eliza taylor#bob morley#spoilers#cwthe100#cwthe100edit#clarkeedit#griffin#gifs#mine#edits#katnissevrdeens
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@RichardSHarmon of @cw_the100 shot in Los Angeles, CA by @bradley206 for #DreamLoudOfficial Catch an All New episode of The 100 Tonight and every Wednesday night at 8/7c on @thecw ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Jacket & Coat by @AllSaints AllSaints.com @olivertrevena / Photographed By @Bradley206 #BradEverettYoung DreamLoudOfficial.com / #DreamLoud / Lighting by @Fovitec Fovitec.com / #RichardHarmon #The100 #CWThe100 #TheCW #VanHelsing #BatesMotel #Smallville #TomWelling #DCcomics #Superman / Photos taken with the @sonyalpha @sony #SonyA7R #SonyAlpha / Camera lens used @tamronusa #Tamron2875Mirrorless #WithMyTamron / #HappyToBeYear https://www.instagram.com/p/CAtcU15AXaU/?igshid=1q42b5yjsobtr
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hear me OUT
take Bob Morley!! put him on the big screens and make him some hotshot detective or some bombass lawyer. PLEASE, give him a storyline where is loved and appreciated in all his glory. GIVE HIM A STORYLINE WHERE THE ANTAGONIST DESPISE HIM, GIVE HIM SOMETHING PLEASE!!!!!!!!!
after the 100, I expect his greatness to continue, whether it be in front of the camera or behind it, hear me OUT!!!!
#bob#bobmorley#the100#please#attention#cwthe100#bellamy#bellamyblake#bellamy blake#help#hearmeout#listen
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Day 1: Favorite Female Character ;; Raven Reyes <3
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there’s more hurt in his eyes then love😞💔
#john murphy#johnmurphy#the100#the 100#richard harmon#richardharmon#the 100 season one#the 100 spacekru#cwthe100
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⚠️ Controversial Opinion ⚠️
Raven getting a taste of what it feels like to be in an impossible situation after giving Clarke so much shit and attitude for the numerous choices she made to save her people was honestly both upsetting and refreshing.
#i love raven but come on#she was super mean to clarke#i mean ofc i understand why but still#clarke deserves better#the100#the100season7#the100needsmorehype#the100s7#the 100#cwthe100#cw the 100#cw#raven reyes#raven#clarke griffin#clarke#bellarke should be endgame#just statin the facts
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the fact that b*ll*rkes got baited and lost makes me feel like a pheonix
#suffer with your karma#thcw#the hundred#the100#the 100#cw100#cwthe100#pheonis#arise#rising#rejoice#karma
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2.07 🌜 The Dropship. You need to come back with me right now. ✨🍁🍂
—————— Good morning 22. #birthday
#the100#cw#the100cw#cwthe100#Bob Morley#bellamy blake#eliza taylor#clarke griffin#Thomas Mcdonell#Finn Collins#the100season2#the100scene#the100series#bellarke#bellamy and clarke#clarke and bellamy
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Bob Morley > in every The 100 season title sequence
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