#cw race biology
konphair · 2 years
~ Basics: Sentient Races ~
As it stands, here is the super bare-bones list of every sentient people living on Konphair! This list excepts individuals (such as spirits, gods, deities, etc.) and further classifications (they all have variant species separate from their genus. This is a list of genuses, separated into their families, and all sharing the same order. However, do note that this is how we would classify them, not how they would classify themselves) VERY long post so I’m gonna keep everything under the cut!
A couple important notes that I’m going to cover about races now and not touch on again: - This list only covers anatomy/bio basics and, like, maybe an additional important fun fact or two. I’m going to make a more in-depth post for each of them covering more biology, culture, origin, and the like. These descriptions are going to sound a whole lot like describing animals, but every genus here is fully intelligent. - On that note! Races in Konphair function a little different to races on Earth, considering they don’t mean the same thing, like in a d&d setting. Every race is a different animal entirely that also happens to be intelligent. Due to shared origins, needs, instincts, etc., members of the same race tend to group together to form mono-genus civilizations and cultures intrinsic to the race itself. This is not always the case (diverse cities, mixed cultures, and completely unique beliefs are all common), but it is a phenomenon that happens a lot. I.e., there exists a ‘dragon place’ and a ‘gryphon place’ and a ‘unicorn place’. - And on the note of Earth, as you can probably tell, I’ve pulled both inspiration and entire concepts from all over real-world mythos. However, only the names and appearances of these creatures have been kept. All bio and customs and suchlike are my own creation, as much as I can manage. I’ve used the name Kirin, for example, because the race it describes are scaly, horned equines. This is exclusively for ease of use referring to each race, and does not at all resemble what they are actually called in canon languages or attempt to associate any non-cosmetic details with their mythology counterparts. - In other words, this is all just for fantasy fun, and nothing is meant to represent anything or anyone on Earth. If something is accidentally really offensive and I didn’t catch it, please politely let me know or discuss with me through PMs. - Yeah they all lay eggs. Yes the 'mammals’ too. What r u gonna do about it Now, all the gunky clarification aside, here’s the people of Dynasty!
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(A scanned copy of That One Time I listed and doodled all their basic anatomy. There’s a couple typos, but I don’t currently have the paper to fix them. ‘Lindrakes’, ‘Kerwyverns’, ‘Dracofeirs’, and ‘Camares’ are made-up names that you won’t find if you look them up. ‘Hypogriff’ is an intentional misspelling of ‘Hippogriff’ to fit better with the ‘Gryphon’ name)
Piscan Family (Fishies) Leviathans - Long, massive, marine-exclusive people, possessing a variety of limbs and enormous fin structures between species, the most fish-like in nature. Amphibious, though with little reason or faculty to traverse land (contact with surface dwellers is not commonplace whatsoever), and omnivorous, prone to eating anything they can graze upon at the ocean floor and sifting through sand beds. Webbed tails, claws, and facial crowns for as effective underwater movement as possible. Although they can share any number of intimate relationships, close bonds, marriages, and the like, they do not reproduce, and instead create huge, democratic communities and civilizations around a local hydra. Hydras - Significantly larger, rarer, and longer-lived beings, characterized most notably by their multiplicity of heads. Each head possesses a different name and personality, though the collective receives a unifying title and shares a common mind. Four limbs, sometimes varying, and smaller, less used fins. Marine-exclusive, well in deep waters, likewise amphibious, but almost never leave their homes for centuries at a time. Omnivorous, consume anything gifted to them. They are responsible for independently birthing both all leviathans and new hydras, the latter through a special nourishment/heating process similar to the raising of ‘queen bee’ eggs. Ninki Nanka - Significantly smaller and more distant leviathan relative. Freshwater-exclusive and almost always land-dwelling for permanent arrangements, though they can safely reside for any amount of time in bodies of water and move much faster through currents than on foot. No fin structures, rather slick, smooth, and heavily coated in mucus for water travel. Always require moisture and some body of water to survive; this leaves them in swamps, wetlands, rainforests, etc., only travelling outside these areas for small amounts of time. Carnivorous, eating large prey whole thanks to stretching jaws and a large throat. All have identical organs and reproduce by, at a certain age, releasing or receiving airborne material. Eggs always laid in numerous clutches in bodies of water for a few to end up surviving, but there exists no cultural expectation to keep the eggs if not desired. Annelid Family (Worms) Wyrms - Beings of enormous magnitude, perceived as psuedo-gods in the same way hydras are, but with a much greater amount of importance and reverence from the world as a whole. Only a couple to a handful on the planet at one time and born with a few pre-fertilized eggs, one or two of which they lay over a lifetime. Dwell solely underground in massive tunnels and community nests, often going into hibernation for years upon years at a time. Body coated in stone-like scutes, unused eyes inlaid beneath flaring scales, mouth made up of three huge, extending jaws, and a throat filled with fire. Only consume rock and other inorganic earthy material and have no necessity for water. Can live longer than any other race, but are usually unseen by the public. Lungs (Reptilian Ancestry) - Large, long-living people who reside in cold, high-altitude regions, built with spiraling bodies that can be used for personal warmth. The only Annelid with fur or horns as well as a commonplace set of four clawed legs, closely likening them to their dragon relatives. Not nearly as rare in any way as hydras or wyrms, but still a grand and impressive sight. Don’t always find a partner or another of their own kind, but when they do, they tend to settle down monogamously and are capable of producing a few eggs. Not always entirely isolated, but almost never create lung-based civilizations, preferring to adapt into a mixed city if at all. Herbivorous, with powerful crushing jaws for eating huge swathes of fruit or vegetables at a time. Survivors of the winter. Salamanders (Distant Piscan Ancestry) - Many-legged, smaller underground annelids that spend the majority of their time deep in the earth or in moist regions. Unlike Ninki Nanka, their nearest relative, most of the water content they require can be created themselves or collected infrequently at large pools and water bodies. Nearly always coated in a mucus layer and will soften up and muddy the ground around them as they create tunnels. Infrequently form permanent bonds, instead gather in nesting groups to lay a swathe of eggs in one cavern before moving on. One of the only races to commune with wyrms, often serving as messengers between the will of the wyrms and the rest of the world. Lindwurms (Reptilian Ancestry, Close Amphiptere Relation) - Has a lindrake variant which lacks wings. Nearly the smallest race on Konphair, second only to Amphipteres; tiny, forest and woodland-based people who form huge city networks in treetops, trunks, and any organic material they can hollow out. Some of the largest metropolis-adjacent civilizations in the world, territory often spanning behemoth plots of land thanks to a distinct minority of other races who populate densely wooded areas. Gliders (and the first of this list with wings thus far, wyvern-like and serving as taloned forelimbs when down), incapable of long-term flight, but tend to do most movement climbing, running, or jumping. Can ‘puff up’ to appear larger than they are. Fruitarians and insectivores, often gathering as much food as possible at once and slowly sharing it over a certain period of time. Having children, partners, and a growing population is immensely important, and although only two are required to reproduce, they often group into large polyamorous bands that will readily accept new members and raise a family as a collective. The only race in Konphair which can mate with another genus and create another copy of itself rather than a hybrid (lindwurm & amphiptere parents will produce either a lindwurm or amphiptere). Amphipteres (Avian Ancestry, Close Lindwurm Relation) - Share diet, reproduction, biological needs, basic anatomy, and civilizations with lindwurms. Feathery, soft, and sharper-toothed than their scaled counterparts. Frequently do more of the hunting rather than gathering in smaller city systems and villages. Reptilian Family (Lizards) Dragons - Has a drake variant which lacks wings. Tall, horned, heavily scaled people that often exhibit fur around the head, neck, and keel, with occasional patches closer to a powerful, prehensile tail. Heavy but with hollow, gas-filled bones and large leathery wings that fold in at the shoulder. Four clawed legs, back more powerful for lifting off. Excellent fliers, though reside on the ground in dry climates and build up high architecture for air travel. Complete carnivores, consuming all bone and cartilage whole, as well as stone material to crush and digest these parts. All rock is, eventually, converted into methane and moved into the mouth for fire-breathing. Highly bird-like organs, including reproductive, proving to make sexing extremely difficult. Require two individuals to produce eggs and usually join in monogamous relationships, but it is exceptionally commonplace to go through many partners before settling down. Wyverns - Huge, especially long-lived, isolated beings, continuously growing over their lifespan until they are immensely larger than lungs. No horns but stronger scales than dragons. Largest wings of any race, leathery and joined to the fore ankles with talons for grasping. Capable of flight, but after passing a certain age and weight, it becomes more of a hassle than it is worthwhile. Hefty back legs, though frequently go unused, and extended, slender tail much like a whip. Live in extremely warm, arid environments in mountain ranges or rock nests, virtually never interacting with both others wyverns and other races. Will, if they so chose, briefly track down another long enough to mate, but promptly depart afterwards whether or not they bring the clutch with them. Consume exclusively meat and can digest bone matter, no rock necessary. Can brew smoke and embers from their chests and throats but lack the ability to spew real fire. Kerwyverns - Far smaller wyverns descendants with a more upright posture and lighter structure. Much closer in body type to dragons, but with the same wings, talons, tail, and lifetime growth as their parent genus. Likewise non-horned and thick-scaled. Proficient fliers, spending the most time of any reptilian or reptilian-adjacent genus in the air. Carnivorous and extremely adept in smoke, smolder, and spark production. Form independent cities but often not whole mono-genus nations, instead either staying individual or requesting to be annexed into larger collectives. Live primarily in rocky, mountainous regions with moderate temperature conditions, but can dwell anywhere from forests to plains. Usually lay eggs with their first partners, but unification and marriage ceremonies are extremely uncommon. Dracofeirs - The smallest of the reptilians, an offshoot of the dragons’ drake variant. The only of the four that are runners and solely ground-based, as well as, though small, bulky and horned for carrying materials. Four strong small-clawed legs for quick movement. Soft, leathery scales but bulky, tough bodies, excellent for moving quietly and unharmed. Omnivores with a carnivorous lean, lacking any trace of fire or smoke completely. Moderate climates preferred, but almost all locations can be suitable; civilizations (and partnering customs) vary wildly between environments, local culture, and community preferences. Large cities and nomadic parties, and anything in between are all fair game. Equine Family (Horsies) Unicorns - One-horned, four-hooved (though separate into claw-like toes) people who are nearly identical in size to dragons, though with a taller and length-wise shorter stature. Dense manes of hair down the back of the neck and puffing out at the end of a furred tail. No scales or chitin whatsoever, rather relying on a thick pelt and skin for protection. Obligate carnivores with some of the biggest ripping-and-tearing teeth of all Konphair’s races, second to members of the mammalian family. Long, sticky tongues for grabbing like those of a giraffe. Skilled runners with practice, but civilians in large cities don’t often use the ability. Live in moderate, verdant areas, preferring woodland, forest, and lush plains. The first in this list capable of using magic, harnessing sorcery through their horns, hooves, and mouth. This arcana is extremely significant to any unicorn society, and those who don’t have the resources to hone their skill are considered unfortunate. Possess sexual organs but cannot reproduce naturally together, instead creating eggs with magic to be fertilized. Partnership is not necessary for offspring, but it is significantly easier to create eggs through sorcery with two or more individuals. Kirin - Slightly resemblant of unicorns, but in no way related to them, instead being classified by their appearance. Shorter and more slender, possessing two horns, a thick, wintery mane which covers the entirety of the neck, and a sweeping broom of tail fur which begins at the base and grows larger all the way to the tip. Scaled along their backs, hips, and faces, though coverage can vary between individuals. Extremely secluded to kirin-based civilizations in frigid, flat environments, very rarely interacting with other races at all. Do not reproduce whatsoever, instead relying solely on their mother spirit, Awnscha (more on the spirits later), for new kirin. Made up entirely of magic from Awnscha’s hands, thereby requiring food only for energy and not survival, as well as capable of changing their bodies at will - such as into solid ice. Small permanent changes to the body are considered perfectly fine, but the form Awnscha has gifted a person is considered largely sacred. Partnerships are uncommon but not unheard of. Survivors of the winter. Qilin (Hybrid Offspring of Dragons and Kirin) - Traditionally, the two races despise each other in a way irreconcilable. However, during a brief burst of a peace attempt, many kirin and dragons joined together and, thanks to kirin magic making them compatible with any peoples if they so choose, ended up producing a new hybrid race entirely. No other kirin hybrid has exceeded a single generation but qilin went on to thrive. Huge, bulky people with a combination of kirin and draconic horns. Heavy, rectangular heads fit with sets of omnivorous teeth and a wide tongue. Massive manes that cover the chest completely, run down the back, and flare out again into the fluffiest tail of any race. Scaled down the back most frequently, but coverage varies wildly (always more than a kirin’s few patches but less than a dragon’s full skin). Muscular legs and big, snowshoe paws for travel; nomadic wanderers that often group together with either other races or more kirin and dragons, interacting occasionally with mono-genus cities but preferring to mingle among mixed civilization. Viable hybrids, meaning that either two qilin or a kirin and a dragon can produce a new qilin. Survivors of the winter. Avian Family (Birds) Gryphons - Large, muscular people covered entirely in feathers aside from a firm beak and talons on all four legs. Fanned, bird-like tails that can open or shut during flight, as well as feathered wings that fold in at the shoulder. Omnivorous, though teeth are extremely small and only for grinding up little foods and pieces. Plumage flares out around the base of the neck then gradually becomes smoother and smaller along the back. Three individuals are required to reproduce, and, even if not unified, all three tend to care for their offspring together. The best fliers of every race by a long shot. Highly magical, though in a different way than unicorns. Rather than abstract sorcery, they utilize a robust spell system more akin to wizardry. Magic is used on a day-to-day basis, but usually not new magic - gryphons use passive spells to set up systems, houses, and the like, tending to and upkeeping these spells daily. This has served to make architecture, agriculture, and other trades exceptionally fast and unique. Prefer high-altitude and sunny areas, most civilizations tending to claim land and then create enchanted cities in the clouds above it, forming a summer and winter-home system. Hypogriffs (Equine Ancestry) - The gryphons’ closest relative, stockier, slightly less feathered people with hooved back legs and equine heads lacking a beak. Omnivorous with a herbivore lean and capable of chewing through much larger, tougher food items. Though with a lot of practice they can also be skilled in the magical arts, they are exceptionally less naturally talented than their bird-like counterparts. Decent fliers, but prefer to spend more time on the ground and in fields. The same reproductive and environmental needs as grpyhons, frequently choosing to mesh with their civilizations and take up wide expanses of land that would go unused by gryphons. Cockatrice (Hybrid Offspring of Kerwyverns and Gryphons) - Being great fliers and having a tendency to mix themselves in other communities, kerwyverns repeatedly lean towards gryphon civilization, becoming strong trade partners if not adapting into gryphon nations and cities entirely. This has resulted in the cockatrice hybrid - but, strangely enough, cockatrice are not skilled fliers whatsoever and spend virtually no time in the sky. Initially were relocated closer to hyprogriffs where they could be on the ground, and, eventually, due to being viable hybrids, spread out completely independent from either parent race and formed their own culture and communities. Modern day, they are usually found in tribes and large bands on wide open plain spaces as well as, occasionally, hotter, more rocky areas. Omnivores with a carnivorous and insectivore lean. Beaks, fanned tails, and feathered wyvern-like forearms. One of only two konphair races with a unique back leg structure that allows them to stand on two legs for an extended period of time. Carried a little magic over from their gryphon parentage, but only enough for small enchantments. Mammalian Family (Cats) Manticores - Hardy, lion-like people, bearing horns, four paws, and fur all along their body with larger manes and tufts around the neck and tail. Nowhere near hydras or wyverns, but particularly large when compared to the other average-sized races. Massive wings, larger than a dragon’s but smaller than a gryphon’s, webbed and useful for short flights. Despite this, they spend most of their time on the ground, in the hottest climates that exist on Konphair. Carnivorous, as little plantlife grows in the volcanic and desert regions they thrive in. Venomous fangs fold in beside canines, a product of the unique bacteria in their stomach interacting with blood of prey, which can then be transferred to a pouch in the mouth. Much like dragons, this venom can be ignited into flame, but it is usually used in its liquid form. Very often form tight bonds with one partner and children are seen as an incredibly important step in these bonds. Camares - Quite similar to dracofeirs in build, though larger, stockier, and generally more robust. Strong legs, the front two clawed and the back two pawed, as well as huge, scooping horns for lifting and carrying. Although furred across their whole body, they have a particularly large mohawk of fur that runs from the forehead back to the base of the tail, well-maintained in order to serve as protection from the sun while working. Muscular prehensile tail and wide, bulky hips. Stronger venom but weaker capability of fire breath. Share similar dietary, environmental, etc. needs with manticores, often found in regions as close as possible to them. Partnerships are also quite strong, but often less attention is given to them comparatively to their big cat cousins. Chimeras (Hybrid Offspring of Manticores and Camares) - Manticores and camares share needs almost exactly and thereby are often required to ‘share’ land, but this has left the two in an ongoing feud most anytime their communities are close together. Although their hostility is much less violent and set in history than, say, the enmity between dragons and kirin, this likewise produced the occasional peace movement that promptly fizzled out and left behind the remnants of a hybrid. But chimeras have been appearing since manticores and camares have been anywhere in a close vicinity to one another, and the importance placed on couples and children in both cultures left the unusual parents extremely defensive of their hybrid offspring. As a result, although chimeras are not viable and cannot reproduce with each other, they are not all that uncommon of a sight near manticore or camare civilizations. Carnivorous and two-headed, each with a different personality and mind but capable of reading the other effortlessly. That’s about where the uniformity in chimeras end, though; they almost always have manes, horns, and paws, but a variety of fur placement, claws, wings, horn shape, head shape, and the like can appear. Do enjoy partnerships although rarely go out of their way to have them sanctified, and adopting children is quite common. Dinonek - The largest and longest lived of the mammalian family, carrying a substantial scaled shell on their back with dense fur along their body anywhere the scales don’t reach, especially prevalent under the chin and tail. Sizeable curved horns, rigid, scaled noses, and clawed forelimbs, all great for digging holes, burrows, and nests, as well as sturdy back legs for standing up in a posture similar to a pangolin. Venomous barbs hidden under tail fur that can be retracted or extended at will, but are omnivorous and use them mainly for self defense. Live in arid deserts and sandy areas, making anywhere from temporary nests in the ground for a span of a night to intricate underground rock and sand systems that can permanently house many. Almost always form small clans and family clusters of dingonek that sleep, build, trade, and travel together, but will often accept trusted non-dingonek members in as readily as they would their own children. Require two individuals to produce eggs but will happily partner with more people depending on personal preference. Tatzelwurm (Annelid Ancestry) - Only a few times larger than amphipteres and lindwurms, tatzelwurms are the smallest mammalians by far. Carnivores with a taste for small birds, rodents, and large insects. Long, slender bodies with pawed forelegs and no hind legs. Fluffy across their whole body with a mane that races their spine. Thin, tall horns and small sharp-toothed jaws excellent for crunching fragile bones in prey. Thrive in humid woodland areas, one of the only peoples who share territory with amphipteres and such. Burrow in shallow holes or under tree roots. Mostly individual, usually only forming small family groups with just a partner and children if at all, but this serves them well to travel outside their home territory to other civilizations.
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bunnys-kisses · 6 months
the father who stepped up
cw: age gap, step-cest, dub-con, forced impregnation, breeding, daddy kink, degradation, graves sucks as a step-father, dead dove-don't eat
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well, weren't you just a beauty? graves could understand why he simply couldn't control himself around you. it was an obsession. that was why he hated when you left for the new school year. summer was coming to an end, which meant he didn't see you for many weeks while you were out of town for school. it honestly broke his heart.
he didn't hate your mother, after all he did marry her. but he wanted a newer model. and that was where you came in. at home for the summer. it started out slow, when your mother was out of the house he'd put kisses all over you. then he groped your breasts and ass. until finally you crumbled into him.
then the true fun began. almost every night in your childhood bedroom he rammed his hard cock into you. he watched your breasts bounce with the force of his fucking. he often had to put a hand over your mouth to keep from being too loud.
you weren't even in your mid-twenties and he was having thoughts about leaving your mother and marrying you. he hoped by that point you had a sweet little belly. a sign that he was the only man who ever got to seed you. the thoughts raced in his mind often, even when he wasn't fucking you into the double mattress.
he hated that you had to leave soon, but if anything it made him want to get you pregnant faster. his voice was a low purr in your ear as he said, "you like that, sugar? you like when daddy fucks you nice and good?" then gave you a hard slap on the ass. the house was empty expect for the two of you.
he currently had you on your elbows and knees with your face buried in the pillow and your ass in the air. your tight heat was constricting his cock while made him feel hot all over. he got rougher when he was drinking, the drive to impregnate his step-daughter only became more intense after a few drinks in him.
and after all, you two were home alone so he could finish in you as many times as he wanted or needed. you were on cloud nine with the feeling of his cock stretching your more intimate area in a position that left you vulnerable to pregnancy.
"yeah, daddy wants a full house. and you got a lot of time left to give me all the kids i want. leave school and be my bride, sweetheart." he purred.
you whimpered, "I can't, it's my last year." you wiggled a little but it only enticed him more. you moaned into the covers and arched your back further as he got more aggressive with his thrusts.
he yanked your hair and pulled your head up, he leaned forward to your ear and said, "see, that's the problem. you don't get a say. you're mine, and nothing is going to stop me from breeding that sweet little cunt of yours." he said matter of factly.
you gripped onto the covers and felt butterflies in your stomach. the bed creaked with each of his movements and his heavy breathing was hot in your ear.
he chuckled and gripped your strands closer to the scalp, "you're mine, and once biology works its magic and you end up saddled with a few of my kids you'll see it my way. this is better for you than any degree." he then pushed your head back into the pillow and kept you there by your neck as he continued to ram his cock into you.
it felt like heaven, like the sweetest euphoria he could ever have. he never had it when he fucked your mother. only your sweet pussy left him yearning for more. he knew he'd still want it, even after a little wear and tear from having his big babies.
he continued to thrust in and out of you. he held you down and had his way with you. he was glad you were slowly seeing the picture. he let go of your neck, assured you were going to stay down and his hand trailed along your stomach.
he got aroused further by the idea of you being the most perfect wife for him. he'd cut up your credit card, burn all your shoes and keep that belly nice and full. you only had to rely on him. he was a traditional man and he'd take care of what was his. most times he would consider himself a gentleman, but it was hard to argue for it when he has your back arched and your pussy full. his cock bullied your cervix.
you whimpered and moaned, you clawed at the bed as it hit against the wall. such a sweet symphony. graves' cock twitched inside of you at the idea of you wearing his shirts to cover your swollen middle.
in all fairness you could be nude in your shared home, no one would see you. there wouldn't be a neighbor for miles. whatever his little wife felt comfortable in.
with a few more hard thrusts he finished inside of you, then laid his chest against your back, smothering you. he reached for your pussy and played with your clit as your hole contracted around his still hard cock.
you flailed and tried to move away but he kept you pinned down as he placed with your nub. eventually orgasm crashed down on you like rain and your felt a moan be pulled from your mouth before you felt the energy leave you.
you laid on the bed, soft and limp. but graves wasn't done. your mother would be home in an hour, he thought he could get at least two more orgasms in before he felt content with his breeding.
he slapped your ass once more and growled in your ear, "look alive, sugar, i ain't done with you."
you came back that winter break with a slight slope in your belly. all graves could do was smile by the rim of his scotch glass. he could feel the twitch in his pants, especially when your hand went to the bump. he knew, no words needed to be spoken.
he had planted his seed in his step-daughter, and soon he'll suggest that you take some time off school to raise that little baby. after all his brats weren't going to be raised without a mother.
xoxo, bunny
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anjanahalo · 2 months
Potential DPxDC Fic 6
Guess it could be just DP. I just like DPxDC. It's a Bad Fenton Parents fic, but based on me reading about various new forms of child abuse to use. CW below for childhood neglect and stuff.
Danny is born into the Fenton family after Jack and Maddie lose their beloved Jasmine to The Stystem. Taken from their home and placed in foster care for small things like forgetting to get her lunch perfectly on time (or every day after a breakthrough) or getting behind on laundry for awhile (after spending a week backing up their research in case of a ghost or EMP strike. Its not like they managed time to bathe or change clothes, either!). They wouldn't make the same mistake as they would with their lovely daughter. Instead of announcing the pregnancy, they kept quiet. Maddie stayed home so the neighbors didn't see her growing belly. When the birth came, they delivered at home (a biology degree is good enough!), and vowed to home school him so he would stay and not be taken away. The homeschooling didn't...end up with the same results as traditional school. They were both still busy closing in on their portal, after all, so lessons were usually sporadic and centered around their work. Danny definitely had the Fenton Genius (TM) from how he picked up advanced physics, calculus, mechanical engineering and mathmatics. He still wasn't great at reading regular words or writing, but his numbers are neat and his calculations flawless, so things like English and History could sit on the side. It was sad, of course, how Danny was stuck in the home for the sake of the family, the curtains permanently drawn to avoid the nosy neighbors that tore apart their family before, but instead of moping or rebellion, he worked alongside them as soon as he could. Maddie framed his first hazmat suit, gifting him a new one with each growthspurt, always white ("We'll let you pick your own Fenton OSHA Approved Hazmat Color once you grow up, Danny."), and he stood with his parents as they tried to open the portal when he turned fourteen. And it failed. Dejected, all three left and ate the planned celebratory fudge with sullen expressions, the fudge itself feeling overly tacky with their depression. Danny, however, got up in the middle of the night and snuck into the basement, his steps smooth and confident even in the darkness of the house (he could get anywhere in the house with his eyes closed). He crept into the basement, an idea striking him. There was an auxillary power button inside the portal itself, meant as a backup or last resort override. However, Danny knew his dad installed the electrical system overnight one night in a fit of manic inspiration. What if it wasn't the auxillary power button anymore? He slipped on his hazmat suit. He walked into the portal, double checked the wiring, and looked up at the button, red and obvious in the wall. If he was correct, he thought as he raised his hand to the button, all he had to do was-
Jack and Maddie raced down the stairs as the lights flickered and a faint cry rose from below. In the basement they found Danny in his hazmat suit. He stared at them with frightful shock, his hair and left hand singed, then turned toward the humming that enraptured his parents as soon as the descended. The portal was working. It worked! Jack and Maddie and Danny were all elated, but Danny began to recede from their work. Stating he wanted to journal their portal research and development into a story, he began to hide in his room more and more. He ordered and read books on biology, psychology, even philosophy, because he knew what happened to him. The portal opened on him, and he died. He awoke in the basement as a ghost, barely transforming himself into something human looking before his parents arrived. However, what he thought he felt went against everything he knew about ghosts. Ghosts weren't sentient. They were emotions strongly imprinted on ectoplasm. Enough ectoplasm or emotions and an echo of those dead feelings rose, taking on an avatar and acting purely off the instinct of the moods that made them. Considering ectoplasm usually manifested with death, and the strongest emotions of the dying are usually fear and anger, most ghosts were destructive with no care for property or life, mindless monsters who'd tear apart the mortal world if left to their own devices in a vain attempt to soothe their undying emotions. But Danny still felt like Danny. He had thoughts, emotions, physical feeling, everything like when he was...when the portal wasn't open. Research, thankfully, taught him what happened. After all, signs were there that something changed for the worse in him. He felt afraid of his parents, and he'd begun lying to them daily when he could never remember telling a fib. On top of that were the strange new powers he couldn't control and shapeshifting abilities between himself and some ghostly manifestation of himself. The portal changed him. He wasn't Danny the Human anymore, but he wasn't a typical ghost, either. Danny was a Philosophical Zombie, and he had no idea how he's gonna tell his parents.
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https-alberich · 1 month
CW: Discriptions of gore. Mentions of bullying. Mentions of stalking. Reader discretion is advised.
Notes: I hate him (lie).
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My darling. A small note before we begin. I made this journal to document our whole lives together!! I really hope you don’t mind but it really is important I document everything! One day when we get married We will be getting married. You would look amazing and I would love you so much I’ll give you this book and we can reflect on our love together!! Maybe we can show our kids too? Only if you’re ok with that after all!! I wouldn’t want to force you!
That would make me a bad husband.
Friday. Sixteenth of August. Time: 10:50 AM.
Wearing: School issued uniform. Plain white socks. Black shoes.
It was maybe five minutes ago? I can't remember exactly. I’m in the Chemistry Classroom, writing this all down. My heart is pounding right out of my chest!! I can’t think straight. I was being teased again I hate those sick fucks why can’t they die I hope they die I’ll kill them I’ll kill them I’ll kill them and you came to save me!! I swear I fell in love. You were incredible, and so beautiful.
You asked me if I was okay. 
I’m sorry I didn’t respond. I just got so nervous I couldn't speak! You made me like this.
And then you touched me.
Ahh just thinking about your hand on my shoulder makes my heart race again! I’m sorry I didn’t get your name. I’ll look it up in the school files when I get home!
I hope we can see each other tomorrow.
Monday. Nineteenth of August. Time: 11:10 AM.
Wearing: School issued uniform. Plain white socks. Black shoes.
I didn’t get to see you on the weekend my dear. :( 
I’m sorry. I know you must’ve missed me a lot since I wasn’t there but I had to go to the hospital. It’s ok. I’m ok so you don’t need to worry your pretty little head my dear. I promise the break wasn’t useless though! I realised what I wanted to say to you as a thank you for helping me out on Friday!! You’re so sweet and kind and you smell so good always look so amazing. I hope we can eat lunch together! Or hang out in the library? Oh that reminds me - I found out your name! Sneaking into the school and accessing the files is super easy when you know what you’re doing!!
Did you know I can donate my blood to you? 
It’s amazing right!! I hope you’ll never need me to because that would mean you're hurt but if worst comes to worst you can have my blood! I’d give you all my blood if you wanted.
I’ll add more when I manage to thank you. 
Time: 11:23 AM.
I did it!! Did you see? Are you proud of me? I think you are. You gave me a smile that said ‘Kyle! I’m proud of you.’ Ahhh. I’m worried I stuttered too much. I’m sorry I can’t help it. You drive me insane. Just thinking of you makes me so red in the cheeks. You’re so perfect. I really do love you, did you know.
Tuesday. Twentieth of August. Time: 9:10 AM.
Wearing: School issued uniform, top button of shirt is undone. Black shoes.
We’re in the same Biology class! I’m sitting on the desk to your left. I don't think you’ve noticed me yet. That’s ok. You’re focused on your work. I’ll try not to disturb you.
Since I’m so close I noticed a few crumbs on your lips. It must be from breakfast. I really want to lick them off you. And you would smile and thank me for being such a considerate boyfriend. But unfortunately you might think it’d be a bit strange if I did that wouldn’t you? Seeing as it’s only been a few days since we’ve met. 
It’s ok.
I don’t mind waiting.
You look so focused on your work. It’s so adorable. How is it that everytime I notice something new about you I just fall harder and harder in love with you? Have you cursed me maybe? Put a spell on me?
I want to slice open your skin and crawl inside.
Wednesday. Twenty first of August. Time: 1:14 PM.
Wearing: School issued uniform. Plain black socks. Black shoes. Science lab coat. Blue gloves. 
We had Biology together again. We have it together on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. You have no idea how happy that makes me. We were doing an experiment today. A dissection. Did you know I’m really good at those? The smoothness of a scalpel is so nice. How easy it is to cut with one. It glides over the skin with such ease. You’ll never even notice the cut until it starts bleeding.
I want to taste your blood. You’d let me right? I want to lick it off your skin.
You seemed to be very concentrated on the dissection. A few of the other students were whispering about you. I think it was my fault. I’m sorry. They think I’m weird.
Not you though!
You’re good.
You’re different.
I can’t wait for us to be married.
Thursday. Twenty second of August. Time: 3:00 PM.
Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you. Where did you go.  Where were you.
Friday. Twenty third of August. Time: 12:06 PM.
Wearing: School issued uniform. Plain black socks. Black shoes.
I’m sorry for freaking out yesterday. Apparently you had a doctor's appointment. That’s ok. You should warn me next time you decide you can’t come to school. You scared me. But that’s ok.
I’m ok.
You’re ok.
So I’m ok.
Other than that. Today is our one week anniversary of being together! Except you don’t really know that do you?
That’s okay!!
I made a cake this morning. I’m not very good at cooking so I was looking on Reddit and 4chan for help. I managed to make something! I slipped it in your locker for you to enjoy when you get home!!
I love you.
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Taglist: @mono273
© Written By https-Alberich. Do not copy, steal or translate without permission.
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webshooterrr9 · 1 year
based on @nymphomatique's nerd!miguel au
CW: afab!reader, nerd!miguel, slapping, oral sex (f receiving), degrading, praise, got carried away, body worship, college students, smut under the cut!!!
"It's good enough, I guess."
Miguel just finished typing up a biology essay for you, his eyes slightly hazy from staring at a laptop for the past 2 hours. You were standing in front of your floor-length mirror, getting ready for the frat party you were planning on attending.
It took everything in his power not to stare at your body. The way the skimpy, black dress hugged your curves was a mouthwatering sight. Your freshly curled hair fell neatly over your shoulders, allowing Miguel perfect vision of your skin under your backless outfit.
His heart is racing faster than ever before as he watches you from the corner of his eyes. He places his laptop back in his backpack, before deciding that he has to say something.
He has to.
"You look... good" he manages to whisper out, half-hoping that you didn't hear it.
"Thanks." it was almost a mindless reply, like you weren't paying much attention to him. "Now get the fuck out."
"W-wait a second," Miguel suddenly gathers some courage as you brush aside his compliment. He knew you were somewhat of a mean girl, but he wanted to see this transaction through. "I... I deserve something - payment for finishing your homework for you."
You turn your head around to look at him, lifting an eyebrow.
"Yeah?" There's a bit of intrigue in your voice, but you're still harsh. He watches as you cross your arms and look at him in a demeaning fashion. It wasn't often that this nerd got the confidence to ask for any sort of reward. "And what exactly do you want? I'm not giving you money."
Miguel is a little shocked that you were willing to hear him out. "I-I'm sorry... I'm just..." He sighs cautiously.
You stare impatiently. He hesitates before forcing out his next words. "I just... I really like the way you look and-" his voice shakes when he notices the rude stare you're giving him. But he won't give up.
"Can I kiss you?"
"Just- you know, for doing your essay for you?" just as quickly as the words leave his mouth, he covers his face in shame. You laugh a bit at how dumb his request is.
"That's it?"
Miguel lowers his hands to look up at you. You can see the embarrassment painted all over his face. "You got all shy just to ask for a kiss?"
Your expression calmed and you relaxed your body language. He looked humiliated, feeling stupid for even asking that from someone as stunning and popular as you.
"Fine. C'mere." you wave him over dismissively.
He's taken by surprise, but doesn't hesitate to cross the room and approach you. His heartbeat is racing faster than ever before. Despite how he towers over you by almost a foot, he's staring down at you with doe eyes, like a lost puppy.
I can't believe I'm doing this.
You raise your hands to gently cup his cheeks, then bring his face in for a small kiss. Miguel's heart leaps into his throat when your lips make contact. It's so casual for you, but it's everything for him. A wave of euphoria washes over him, it's almost too overstimulating - to know he's finally able to kiss you.
He moans quietly and leans forward, trying to deepen the kiss. His mind races, his head spins. He's so giddy that he feels like he's going to die. All he wants now is more... so much more.
Your hands find his chest, pushing him back. His eyes shoot wide as you break the kiss.
"There. You got your reward. Happy?" Your hands rest on your hips while you speak nonchalantly.
"Y-yeah... super happy..." he chuckles nervously and runs his hands through his messy hair. It was kinda hot.
"Can I... can you do that again?"
"No, you've had enough." You return to your mirror, adjusting the little details of your outfit. "You got what you wanted. Now get the fuck out of my room."
"What?" despite how you were typically mean to him, he seemed to be surprised by that. "You can't... just be heartless like that."
That struck a nerve with you. "Heartless? You're calling me heartless?" There's a desperate look in his eyes, but you can tell that he doesn't have much courage to push the issue further. After all, he's just a nerd. But he can't shake the feeling your kiss gave his mind, his heart, his stomach, his cock...
"I did everything you wanted - I did your homework. I want something more... please." His body language shows that he's almost afraid of you and your dominatrix attitude. "Please, just one more."
"God, you're so pathetic..." you sigh, shaking your head. You can't help but laugh at his desperation - he clearly has never touched a woman in his life.
"Please..." he begs once more. "I want it more than anything..."
Something in his voice sends electricity up your spine. This is much more entertaining than that dumb party. "Mm, yeah? More than anything?"
You shove him back, causing him to stumble and fall onto your bed, his back making a thud on your mattress. "I don't think you deserve it, Miguelito... you haven't done anything for it."
His heart leaps into his throat. "I... I'll do anything. Please..."
"I want you to do something for me..." you grin with lowered eyes. "Can you guess what it is?"
"I don't know... I'm nervous." he didn't know what you meant. It made you roll your eyes. I mean come on, he was laying on your bed, with you practically on top of him - how could this dweeb not get the message?
You slap him across the cheek, hard. His cock twitches when he feels the sting, causing his cheeks to burn up in embarrassment. "You want another kiss? You have to earn it."
"Make me feel good."
He lets out a pathetic whimper when you sit on his dick, still clothed by his boxers. You haven't even started moving yet and he's already turning to mush. Virgin loser.
He watches anxiously as you reach for the elastic waistband of his underwear, sexily pulling them off. Fuck. What a sight. Proportionally, his dick is a pretty average size. But there was no way that it would fit all the way in.
A mean smirk forms on your lips as you stare at his boner, palming him gently and eliciting a frustrated whine from Miguel. "Your dick is so fucking pretty..." you mumble. "I don't know why you're so shy about it."
"Wait, re-really? You think so?" no one had ever seen his dick before, let alone call it pretty. His breathing shallowed.
"Mhm." Miguel whimpers again when you begin to stroke him, coating his entire shaft with all the precum he's releasing. "Aww, you poor thing..."
"You're already so whiny and I'm barely even touching you. You're such a baby."
"Please..." he breathes out.
"Please what? Use your words, baby." you don't call him "baby" as a pet name, you're mocking him. He tries to hide his face from you, but you grab his chin and pull it towards you so that you two make direct eye contact.
"Tell me what you want."
"You want me to use you, hm? You wanna be my little sex toy?"
Yes. Yes. Yes. He'd love that.
"Yes... please..." he whispers. He desperately needs your attention, so he'll take anything he can get. He'll be your toy, your lap dog, anything you want him to be. All those nights where he laid in bed alone, jerking off to the thought of someone wanting him, was finally becoming a reality.
Miguel's eyes shoot wide when he sees you lift up your dress, letting your panties drop to the floor. The frat party was long forgotten by you, since this was so much more fun.
"You wanna kiss me, yeah?" You smirk, crawling further onto him. His hardened cock leaks with pre, making you giggle a bit.
You hover over his face. "Then kiss me here."
He eats you like a man starved, needy for attention. Your hips roll firmly against his face, his mouth closing around your clit and suckling on it.
"Fuck- Miguel... so good." the nerd groans when your nails scrape at his scalp, gripping his dark hair tightly. His tongue explores every inch of your cunt, leaving behind traces of saliva as he licks and kisses the sensitive flesh.
Miguel feels his entire body tingle with joy. He's so excited to be pleasing you, to prove how good he is for you, that he's completely ignored his own needs. Lucky for him, the sound of your sweet moans are enough to get him off.
His hands grip your hips hard, pulling your wet cunt closer to his face as he feasts. His hands were sure to leave bruises later.
"Mm, god... yes..." he mumbles, the vibrations of his voice making your pussy throb even more. You grind against his face even more feverishly.
"Mig, I'm-" you sigh, trying to contain your moans as he gets more excited with his ministrations. "... 'm so fucking close, baby."
His hands run all over your hips and thighs, worshipping you like the goddess he thinks you are. His dick twitches some more, and his tongue becomes more furious around your hole.
"Mm- fuck!" you let out an unexpected wail as you feel your orgasm wash over you, your mind clouded with white. He eagerly laps up all of your juices, drinking in all of your release.
When you pull away from his face, you notice that he came too.
Miguel snaps back to reality after a moment, his cheeks flushing in a sort of embarrassment. He looks so fuckin' pretty. His hair is all messy, glasses discarded to the side, and of course, your sweet cum coating his puffy lips.
After you've caught your breath, you flash him a wicked smirk. He looks at you in panic. "Wh-What? Why are you looking at me like that?"
You sink down on the bed, lowering your face towards his cock - which was dripping with his release. His face looks worried, he knows what you're doing.
"Since you've been so good for me," you start, letting your lips hover just above his aching cock. "I figured I'd help you out too. It's only fair..."
He was gonna be in for a long night.
Poor little thing. Such a sweet boy.
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redsummermoon · 4 days
Hands to Hold
Steven Meeks x reader
CW: female reader, use of Y/N, probably in college (up to you ig) 
[0.7k words] (short and sweet<3)
The two walked side by side down the campus path, books in hand, the afternoon sun casting soft shadows on the pavement. Meeks was practically vibrating with nervous energy, his heart pounding in his chest as he tried to keep the conversation going.
“So, how was your biology class?” Y/N asked, glancing up at him with a smile.
Meeks cleared his throat, trying not to sound as nervous as he felt. “It, uh, it was good. We’re starting genetics, which is really interesting. I mean, Mendel’s pea plants and all that… you know, basic stuff.”
Y/N laughed softly, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “Sounds fun. I think I would’ve liked biology more if I’d had you as a tutor.”
Meeks felt his face heat up. “I-I could help you with anything, really. If you ever need it.”
“Thanks,” she said, and Meeks noticed how her hand gently brushed against his as they walked.
His pulse quickened. Okay, this is your chance. Just grab her hand. It’s not that hard. You can do it, he thought to himself. But every time their hands made the briefest contact, he pulled away just slightly, afraid of messing it up.
Y/N tried again, brushing her hand against his, this time a little more deliberately. She could tell Meeks was nervous, but she found it sweet. Still, she hoped he’d finally take the hint.
“So, what are you doing later?” Meeks asked, desperately trying to distract himself from his internal hand-holding crisis.
“Oh, probably just catching up on some reading. What about you?” Y/N replied, giving her hand one more subtle nudge against his.
“I’ve got that physics homework,” Meeks mumbled, barely able to concentrate. Come on, just do it. Hold her hand! he screamed at himself internally.
He took a breath, feeling the warmth of her hand so close to his. Then, in one swift, slightly shaky motion, he reached out and grabbed her hand. He was sure she could feel how sweaty his palms were, but the moment their fingers intertwined, all his worries melted away.
Y/N looked at him, a smile spreading across her face. “There you go,” she giggled, squeezing his hand lightly.
Meeks couldn’t help but laugh, a nervous chuckle escaping him. “I—uh, I’ve been trying to do that for the past ten minutes.”
Y/N laughed softly, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. “I could tell.”
He smiled, the tension finally easing from his shoulders. “I guess I just didn’t want to mess it up.”
“You could never mess this up,” Y/N said warmly, her thumb brushing lightly over his hand. She smiled softly, “Hey, you know… we’re dating now. You don’t have to be so nervous around me.”
Meeks blinked, his blush deepening. “I-I’m not nervous,” he stammered, clearly not fooling anyone.
Y/N just giggled. “Meeks, you’ve been looking at our hands like they’re a science experiment. You know… it’s okay if you want to touch me. I like being close to you.”
That made him stop for a second. Touch her? The idea, simple as it was, made his head spin. But Y/N was right. They were dating. It was okay now. Still, the idea of initiating anything with her made his stomach flip.
Y/N squeezed his hand again, leaning slightly closer as they walked. “Is there… anything else you’d like to do with me?”
Her voice was soft, teasing, but it was also clear she was genuinely curious. Meeks’ mind raced. Anything else? His heart practically skipped a beat.
Taking a deep breath, he stopped walking and turned to face her. His cheeks were still burning, but he met her gaze and said, more confidently than he thought he could, “I’d like to kiss you.”
Y/N blinked in surprise before her face lit up with excitement. “Okay, love.”
Without overthinking it, Meeks leaned in, his heart pounding in his ears. Y/N closed the distance, meeting him halfway as their lips brushed together in a soft, sweet kiss. It wasn’t perfect, his nervousness made him a little stiff at first, but the warmth of her lips made everything else melt away.
When they pulled back, both of them were smiling.
“There,” Y/N whispered. “Just ask when you want another.”
Meeks laughed, feeling like he was on top of the world. “Can I have another?”
Y/N giggles and leaned in once more. She peppers kisses all over Meeks’ face to get his blush really going.
And finally, they continued walking in comfortable silence, hands still intertwined, both of them quietly thrilled that this small moment felt like the biggest victory.
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gothic-thoughts · 6 months
Just Five Seconds of Focus
(realized i only have one smut of this adorable man. Finna rectify that rn 😌😌)
Part 2! Joseph Joestar x Black Fem Reader Fluff
ModernAU, CollegeAU, Tutor!Reader, Strangers2lovers
CW: studying with Jojo, kisses as motivation, biology facts(nerdshit fr)
TW: Might b corny asf but I thought it was cute 😭
Word Count: 1064 (give or take)
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“Oh c’mon (Y/n)!”
Joseph Joestar, your classmate, was always a goofy, fun-loving guy. Unfortunately, that meant he hated any work that wasn’t fun, so studying with him for the upcoming biology test was torture. Eventually, you became fed up with his whining and bargaining, knowing you needed to make this study sesh into a game or something before you both failed.
“I said no. I am not failing cuz you wanna get a new high score.”
“Ugh... c’mon, I already know a lot of biology.” Joseph whined, “And we’ve been at this for hours.”
“No, you’ve been playing Mario Kart since we got back from class.”
“One more round won’t hurt!”
“It will cuz you obviously don't know how to stop.”
“I’ll stop myself after just one more round, I promise!” Joseph begged again, looking at you with puppy eyes.
“Hm, you still like me?”
Jojo went completely silent for a long moment as if he was trying to process your words.
“Now you’re shy? You was pretty shameless when you announced it last week.”
“Yeah, but this feels like a trick of some kind...”
“Just answer.”
"Maybe, what if I do?"
“Then how about for every question you get right I give you a kiss?”
Before you knew it, his Nintendo Switch was tossed up onto his bed and he was sitting right next to you, legs criss-crossed with the biggest smile on his face. 
"What are we waiting for?!”
“All I did was blink...”
“First question!”
“You bein’ serious?”
"Yep! If each good answer equals one kiss, I'm gonna be the best damn student in the entire school! We’ll ace this test for sure!"
You blink at his sudden enthusiasm before picking up your textbook, quickly flipping through to the questions and randomly picking one. 
“Ight, first one: what’s an animal cell?”
Joseph went silent, looking up to his right side before smiling. "That would be the one without the cell wall since it’s not a plant."
You look at the question again and shrug. “Works for me.”
Jojo smirked smugly, leaning over and presenting his cheek to you. Those pretty eyes shut as he waited, making you scoff and laugh in disbelief.
“I didn’t promise anything!”
“Come on, you know you want to~”
Rolling your eyes, you sigh before gently pecking his cheek, close enough to his lips to tease him a little, leaving a glossy kiss mark behind. He pouts a little, giving you a playful, knowing ‘look’.
"Aww, come on, a real kiss."
“Just a quick one~!”
You laugh at him and place a soft kiss on his plump lips, making him chuckle. 
"Next question~"
“Hm, where is the radius ulna located?”
"Easy," Jojo scoffed, "It’s your forearm. It’s the bone on the outer side of the forearm."
You lean over and give him another kiss on the lips, holding it for a little longer just to make the poor boy’s heart race. You quickly pull away and pick up the textbook again, flipping through it to find another question while he pouts about it.
“Okay... Why do blood cells need oxygen to survive?”
"Oxygen is also needed to make hemoglobin, the protein that helps carry oxygen. They need oxygen to move through the body and release energy.”
“See? This ain’t even that bad.”
"Ahem, aren't you forgetting something?"
“I'm not giving you a kiss for that, that was an easy one!”
“Tch, you’re the one that said every question.”
Once you place a soft kiss on his lips, he sighs in relief and smiles again, sass completely gone.
“Ight, only a couple more; I don't wanna get lip gloss all over you.”
"Hey, you can get lip gloss all over me any time~" Joseph winks.
“Oh shush~” You whisper, “Now, how do you determine the age of an individual using their skull?”
"Hm, I see you're going for harder questions now. It's... it’s based on the degree of development of the top of the skull and the features of the bone itself. By studying the features and measurements, you can determine the estimated age of a person."
“Good.” Another kiss.
"Alright, hit me with another one!" He said between breathless giggles.
“One more.”
"Alright, but I want a long one this time."
You furrow your eyebrows. “A long one?”
"Mhm, a long, passionate one~"
Your eyebrows raise in realization. “I feel like my lips are gonna be dry at this rate.”
“I could keep them moist if you run out of lip gloss.”
“There’s that shamelessness from last week.”
"I’m just saying... as much as I love these little kisses, I wouldn't mind getting a more intense one soon."
“How intense are you thinking?”
“Whatever you’re comfortable with, Miss Teacher.”
“Hm... that means I'm gonna give you a good question. Why do eyes become red in camera flashes?”
Jojo thinks a second, tapping his chin before suddenly he snapped his fingers.
"It’s the...uh... it’s the red-eye effect.”
“Well, duh. I said why.” 
“Cuz... of... the...”
“Guess no kiss--”
“Wait, no! It’s cuz of the way that the light bounces inside the eye. Yeah, that’s it; the flash causes reflections inside the retina-- which is red.”
“You’re shameless.”
“And eager.” He smiles widely, “So reward now... please?”
You lean in slowly just to watch him squirm in anticipation before you finally press your plump lips to his. He sighs softly as holding your face in his hands, making sure you can’t pull away like all the other times. He’s been wanting to taste you, to take that glossy lip sheen off, and feel your tongue like he’s been wanting for weeks. 
He hums as he slides his tongue into your mouth, getting so carried away that he picks you up from your spot on the floor and sits you on his lap, keeping your hips close to his torso. His eagerness almost drives you to his point of aggressiveness and you fist the front of his crop top in a tight grip, pulling him impossibly closer. Joseph moaned loudly and placed one hand on the back of your neck while he wrapped the other around your waist. You suddenly became fully aware of the lack of air in your lungs and pulled back, panting lightly.
“Damn Jojo...”
“Oops.” He smiles.
“I might like you back at this rate.”
“You might? As if you don’t already~”
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leggerefiore · 2 years
Imagine being a simple little human reader and chilling in your best hybrid friends house, your bored and decided to make a pillow fort as a joke and your hybrid finding it like 'i-is that a nest? Has reader made a nest in my house?! Are they saying we're mates now?!?!' Reactions from whoever you want (the submas twins would totally phone eachother for help those (or tell the other to get his ass there or else the other might miss out))
cw: pokehybrid au, fluff, Volcarona Twins
pairings: Ingo/Reader, Emmet/Reader
You coming over to spend the day with the poor Volcarona hybrid was not unexpected, admittedly. Once he had told you that he often found himself quite lonely when Emmet's schedule was full of work while his was not. He was forced to take some time off from work due to concerns of him overworking himself once more and nearly passing out at his desk the other day. He argued it was more of the fact he was a nocturnal creature by biology yet was up in the middle of the day, but you and Emmet were not having it.
So, today, he was off from work, and you had come to visit him. It was nothing special; nothing for him to take note of. He had offered to prepare some food for you both and had left you in the living room while he was doing so. Nothing was out of the ordinary. He quickly prepared a light meal from assorted things in his cabinets and refrigerator. Ingo was always eager to help make sure that you ate properly, just out of his nurturing nature. He re-entered the living room with the meal on a tray. Then, he nearly dropped it.
You had made a nest in the middle of his living room! He felt his body run even hotter than it normally did, nearly melting the tray in his hands. Casually, you laid in the middle of your mess of pillows and blankets, giving a playful grin to the moth hybrid who stood stiffly observing the scene. You motioned him in, but he could barely react. Thoughts rushed through his head of both relief and uncertainty. Ingo had been interested in inviting you to be his mate, yes, but he had not expected you to take such a brazen approach. His poor heart raced at everything. He left the food near you and stepped back into the kitchen to pull out his phone.
“Em-Emmet!” he cried into the receiver after his brother answered, “Our friend has built a nest in our living room!” A gasp came from the other end of the line as quick footsteps echoed audibly.
“Really?” Emmet cooed, “Oh, is it for you or me? We both live there.” Ingo did feel a bit horrified at the realisation the nest may have been intended for sharing with his brother over him, but he also shook his head. That simply could not be. You had motioned him in! It simply was an action you would not do for a nest's unwanted person.
“I was motioned in,” he told his brother proudly, “I do believe it is time for me to move on to the next step in my life.” Ingo would admit he felt bad for leaving his brother behind, but some things you simply had to do without your twin. Emmet would forgive him in time, he knew. A hum came from the line.
“I will be there in fifteen minutes,” came the reply of his brother, “Do not do anything until then!” The call was then hung up. Ingo rushed into the living room, choosing entirely to ignore his brother's wishes. You cocked a brow at him as he took careful steps toward your impromptu structure. It would almost appear as if he were nervous about entering it. You laughed at his behaviour.
“Ingo, are you not joining me in here?” you asked, “It's pretty warm.” You shifted under your blanket with a hum. He finally joined you with a deep blush across his cheeks. It was a strange sight, but you knew he also acted pretty strangely with physical touch, unlike his twin. You were pretty close in the small space, his wings nearly making it difficult for him to fit. His antennae twitched as he moved a hand slowly to grab your own. You tilted your head at his actions. Before you could open your mouth to ask why, however, the apartment door was flung open, and the younger twin entered hastily.
A gasp came from him when he spied you both in the pillow fort on the floor, Ingo's hand holding yours. Your hard work was soon destroyed as Emmet attempted to squirm his way in with a deep pout. He pulled you against him and glared at his brother, who mimicked his expression perfectly. Had it not been for their different clothing, they truly would have been impossible to tell apart. “I told you to wait,” Emmet cried, “I have liked them longer than you have!” You felt your cheeks go warm from his sudden confession. Ingo stood stiffly as he shot a harsh look to his brother.
“I was the one invited into their nest,” he argued, “Which you have now destroyed!” Your what? You felt completely lost by his words. The twins stood opposed from each other in the stalemate until you finally shook yourself free from Emmet. Standing away from them both, you cocked an eyebrow at each of them.
“… That was a pillow fort,” you corrected their confused thoughts, “It was for fun because Ingo looked a bit sad.” They both were immediately stricken by your words. Ingo was now mortified you had not truly confessed to him in such a blunt way, and Emmet excited that your heart was not set on his twin. The younger one bounded toward you with a sweet grin and big eyes, clearly wanting to say something, but the older twin stopped him.
“I love you dearly,” Ingo said with a frightening ease, “Please, allow us to become mates… Nothing would make me happier in this world.” Emmet gasped at his brother's words. Then he shoved him off and rushed toward you, pulling you into a warm hug.
“I love you more!” Emmet cried, “Brother is boring! Choose me.” He attempted to rub his cheek against yours but was foiled by his antennae.
You took a deep breath and choose…
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fourmula1 · 1 year
I know you said you accepted prompts but made no promises which is of course fine and your prerogative… but if you have room for omega max in the summer of cum (🤭) or just in general… I will love him! 🩷🩷
summer of cum day 19: coming dry
anxious baby omega max. 423 words. cw: self-loathing and sadness.
Max was no stranger to jerking off. He was young and full of hormones, and his omega presentation only recently had him feeling all sort of out of wack.
That was before heat.
He’d never had a heat before and his doctor said he had to do at least once before he could go on blockers.
Too awkward, too anxious, too distressed by his new developing biology Max had locked himself away in his apartment for the worst of it. Hunkered down with supplies and not known what to expect. He’d felt mostly hot all over for the first little bit, felt an anxious pit gnawing at his belly, and a distant sort of feeling of longing emptiness tugging at his heart when a new wave was coming.
He’d been too stubborn, too embarrassed, to listen too closely to what his doctor had told him to expect and prepare for and now he was regretting it. Alone in his apartment, never quite able to take the edge off no matter how much he jerked off.
He felt that deep yearning inside himself asking for more, wanting more, but he didn’t know how to satisfy it for himself. His mind was foggy with it, the knowledge that his body wanted more, something else. Something he was scared to even try to give.
He was an omega, now, and that meant that alphas were looking at him in a different light now, thinking about him in ways he didn’t like. He was good for so much more than knotting and breeding and popping out babies.
He hated that he knew his body was yearning to be filled, to be knotted. He knew enough about omega biology to know that much and he hated every second of it. If he gave in and… and used his fingers… what if everything he’d been told would be true? What if he’d become pathetic and desperate for an alpha, lose focus on racing and want to be mated and knot-drunk and used up before he ever got his career off the ground?
He wanted to be World Champion.
Max told himself again and again that he had a goal, something to work for, and has he pitifully bucked his dick up into his own hand and came – dry, nothing left – he agonized over the feeling that still, still, still, this wasn’t enough to settle his body.
Messy, sweaty, exhausted, Max curled into his pillow and choked on a sob, desperate not to be an omega. Not to be this.
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changingplumbob · 2 months
Woods Household: Chapter 2, Part 11
Guys being good roommates
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CW: Low level sim spice. Content Warning Guide
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Two of the papers Reece was doing required him to give a presentation. He would do them out in the snow if he could but Samir had pointed out melting snow could damage them. So here he was in the spare room. Trying to make two presentations with similar themes that weren’t identical… Being the genius that he is they ended up excellent.
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Samir wants to help Reece but he’s not big on biology. But one thing he can do is cook. Raw meat is his favourite but he does like all food, he’s a glutton after all. He makes beef wellington, that way he can snack on some off-cuts as he works.
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Shifting into his wolf form he heads outside and fixes one of the wind turbines that has broken. The dew collector seems to be holding up well in the snow but the turbines are having trouble. When that’s done he goes for a quick run, letting the voice in his head comment on the scenery rather than urging it to be quiet. It seems happier with being ignored less.
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Reece gets home tired from his presentations and Samir happily tells him he has dinner done.
Samir: How was it
Reece: It was fun! I just did a bunch of reading off the boards and then answered some questions. Nothing too tricky
Samir: I wouldn’t have been able to present, believe me you did good
Reece: You don’t have to play to an audience. I can earn some money and mum always wants to give us some
Samir: I don’t think the voice in my head is cut out for the capitalist rat race
Reece: You have other talents
Samir: Good answer *blows kiss*
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Samir: So tell me more about this glamorous proposal you’re expecting
Reece: What about it
Samir: Do you want your family there
Reece: I- hmm. I don’t know
Samir: Do you want me to ask for your parents blessing first
Reece: You have my blessing
Samir: I know that, I’m just trying to figure out how traditional you want it
Reece: Lover, we’re both men. You won’t even be starting from a traditional base
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After dinner the pair go to cuddle on the couch for a bit.
Reece: Can we tell Deanna?
Samir: About being fated mates?
Reece: No! That and being engaged to be engaged is between us. I meant about you being a werewolf since mum knows
Samir: She’s your best friend. If you want to tell her, tell her. I don’t mind
Reece: Really?
Samir: Tell you what? Why don’t you invite your friends over for dinner and we can tell them all at once
Reece: Who are you and what have you done with my loner lover
Samir chuckles and pulls Reece in for a kiss.
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After another shower woohoo session Reece and Samir forget to put their clothes back on so I guess it’s good we got that thermostat.
Reece: That was good
Samir: Yeah… When you’re finished the writing we should study for your exam. Did you do the cue cards
Reece: They should be up to date minus todays lecture. Remember, you gotta give me time to answer the question
Samir: I think 5 seconds is enough time to answer or forfeit the spank, we need to keep you a genius
Reece: You’re such a-
Samir: *growls* Yes?
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Reece: *blushes* You know what you are. Just don’t hold back
Samir: Excuse me? I’m going to spank you as hard as I think you deserve and not more
Reece: But what if I get like five wrong in a row? Can’t I just get like a pity-
Samir: No. Don’t get five in a row wrong
Reece: Okay, okay. I’ll try. Thanks for helping me study
Samir: You’re welcome blondie
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In the morning we discover that the dust bunnies have taken over. While Reece harvests the garden Samir vacuums the rooms and whistles to himself. When Reece comes in he takes his time getting his coursework together.
Samir: I can tell what you’re doing
Reece: No you can’t
Samir: You’re staring at my butt
Reece: Okay maybe you can tell what I’m doing
Samir: I’m going to shower
Reece: *pouts* But I don’t have time to-
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Samir: I know you don’t. I just thought I’d let you know I’m going to be naked and wet on the other side of that wall in case it inspires you to write faster *winks*
Reece chuckles to himself as Samir closes the bathroom door. He has found that if part of his brain is occupied with music or family or thoughts of Samir the rest of his brain does better at focussing on coursework. When Samir comes out he’s in his running gear but instead of heading out the door he goes to Reece’s meditation spot. Reece isn’t sure if Samir is trying to practice the fated mates hearing thing but he’s definitely feeling waves of affection from the werewolf in the corner.
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walkonthewater · 1 year
Please read before following
about me
you can call me Mide and you can also catch me over at my main blog: @midethefangirl
I am 20 and a university student majoring in psychology while taking biology as a minor
I am not an avid TV watcher but I do enjoy watching telenovelas and a few Indian serials
I enjoy listening to music especially afropop, post-grunge, alternative metal and contemporary christian music
I am also a huge MCU fan
I occasionally write fictional stories of my own and rarely finish them 🥲
that being said, I hope you guys stick around.
this blog is about a series that draws inspiration from the Bible so Christianity would be the focus here. that being said, all are welcome regardless of religious and denominational affiliation
that also being said, there would be zero tolerance for any form of hate and bigotry against anyone based on race, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation etc. hate comments would be deleted and the individual would be blocked.
if you want to repost any of my original posts, please, credit me when you do so.
I might decide to write fanfiction about The Chosen but I would not be taking requests, unfortunately as I am not currently in the state of mind to take requests.
this blog is relatively sfw, and if I do decide to take requests, I would like to keep it that way
also, this blog is strictly for everything The Chosen.
I will keep in mind certain triggers (miscarriage, suicidal thoughts etc) and spoilers and tag them so that you can filter them when reblogging and posting, if I skip any, please inform me. below is a list of tags specifically for trigger warnings.
again, all are welcome. be respectful, be kind and most of all, be blessed 🙏🏾. God bless.
blank blogs, porn blogs and spam bots would be blocked, no negotiation. unfortunately, Tumblr has been plagued by the blogs mentioned and for peace of mind, I’ve had to go on a blocking spree.
tags for triggers and spoilers
TW: trigger warning
CW: content warning
cw: spoilers - tag for any post that contains spoilers
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milqueskin · 2 years
Dr. Mort my beloved
CW: medical stuff, dismemberment (of dolls), blood
Full name: Mortimer Doulaire (Doulaire sounds like “douleur,” which means “pain” in French)
From a race of doll-people. I’ll make a separate post about them later, but basically, they’re made of stuffing and cloth. They don’t feel pain and are relatively hard to kill, compared to humans.
Weighs like 20 pounds since he is just a human-sized doll (easy to fling around).
Old. He was like 100 when he died (doll-people can't die from old age). He was able to study and practice medicine for a really long time, making him more skilled than any human doctor could be.
French accent (but I don't know if the T in his name is silent or not).
Chose to study human medicine because he’s fascinated by human biology. But in a weird way. He wanted a job that allowed him to dissect people for fun without it being illegal.
He mentored Dr. Heartfelt, and he helped shape his beliefs by being the kind of doctor Heartfelt absolutely DID NOT want to become.
Well-known for his terrible bedside manner. He’s unsympathetic, un-reassuring, non-communicative, and borderline dehumanizing.
People (sort of) tolerate him despite this because he’s a doll-person and he doesn’t fully understand things like pain or what it’s like to be sick. (There’s some truth in this, but he’s smart enough to know better.)
Also because they sometimes don’t have a choice. There’s a shortage of doctors in Candle Cove.
Doesn't care about medical ethics. As long as something sounds exciting and relatively safe, he'll do it. Experimentation is the foundation of science!
He’s known for this. If people want strange and illegal procedures done and are accepting of the risks, they see him.
Seems careless and risky, but he does take the safety of his patients seriously. If a patient dies, that means he’s failed, and he’s too prideful for that.
After he finished medical school, he moved to Candle Cove and opened a clinic.
Because of his extensive experience, he was regarded as the best doctor in the region. Sometimes the other doctors had to refer their patients to him, and they hated it (i.e. needing to condemn their patients to him and his inhumane treatment whenever they had problems too complex for them to fix themselves).
Inevitably got into legal trouble for malpractice. He joined the Tarantula Crew to evade law enforcement.
The rest of the crew didn't know this. I mean, they suspected it, but never asked about it.
Red Mary killed him first, dismembered him, and used his remains (stuffing) as kindling when she burned down the ship.
He’s affable and even kind outside his work. He asks people to call him by his first name. People who’ve never had to see him think he’s a good man.
He’s also fairly polite to his patients, but in a superficial way. Like, he says please and thank you, but it’s like, “PLEASE don’t scream so loudly while I saw off your leg without anesthesia.”
Somewhat prideful. He works for the satisfaction of it and thinks he can do anything (but is he wrong?).
Fears death. He was groveling and everything during the attack (to Mary’s amusement).
His hands and forearms are stained with blood (this is subtle enough to look like it’s just his natural skin color).
Uses his left shoulder as a pincushion for sewing needles. (Dr. Heartfelt does this, too.) (I headcanon him to be a doll-person as well, btw)
Skin-Taker has his button eyes sewn onto his cape somewhere.
Or, alternatively, Red Mary made earrings out of them.
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stagnantspaces · 2 months
CW: Vampirism, and too many Pov changes
For a Centauri, indulgence comes as easily as breathing—as just a way of life.
For a race that embraces hedonism, very rarely can one overindulge—but that's not to say it is not unheard of. And of course, one's consequences are never fun to deal with in the aftermath. But you live and learn.
Unless you happen to be a certain Centauri ambassador. Then the lessons never quite stick.
And currently the latter finds himself collapsed within the settee, making himself as comfortable as he can in his current condition. Fat and filled to bursting with rich, thick blood; oh so lovingly donated by his human partner. And how fortunate for L/ondo, that human just happens to be a Chalice too.
Chalices; beings of a mysterious nature whose physical biology is still being studied today. All is known is that their bodies create more blood than is needed, and must be drained regularly to maintain healthy levels within the body.
L/ondo groans at the memory suddenly coming back to him, and he has the feeling that the universe is having fun at his expense once again.
L/ondo hiccups, and then hisses when the movement jostles his overly stuffed stomach, painfully heavy with warm syrupy blood.
You had caught him when he had just finished his meal—so generously provided here on Babylon 5 for him and others—practically sprinting into his arms to paw at him in your feverish state. You begged for relief, for him to feed from you with a whine, and how could he say no. You had begged so prettily, and his hearts ached for you to see you in pain.
L/ondo whisked you away to his quarter to do the deed, public feedings were frowned upon here on Babylon 5, and he would rather save you and himself a lecture from the staff due to both of your eagerness and haste. In the privacy of his quarters, he had made sure you were comfortable and sitting before drinking deeply from you.
A swipe of a tongue at your throat had your pulse racing in anticipation. You had hissed in pain at the initial bite at your neck before sighing in relief as he sucked. The sweet sanguine on his tongue had him moaning, and you pressed yourself impossibly closer into his front, urging him on.
And L/ondo needed no further invitation, hugging you close like you would slip from his very grasp. Though you would never conceive the very thought to do so.
He downs your blood slowly in great big gulps, heat slowly crawls inside your veins and spreads warmth all across, racking your body with shivers at the strange pleasure of it all. You shakily moan as you cling to him, like a lifeline, through it all.
Only once the blood haze passes does L/ondo realize his mistake.
L/ondo lets out a belch that turns to groans. He leans back heavily into the softness of the couch. Small mercies, he thinks. L/ondo's drank as much as he could stomach, and even then some. He feels bloated, his gut—because that's exactly what it is, who is he fooling—feeling tight and cramping, and sloshing with rich, filling blood, courtesy of you.
He's having some regrets, but as you curl yourself around him while making with those cute little noises that you do. Happy and content, no more pain in your features. Well, maybe he could deal with a little stomach ache.
Especially when you bring a hand to his belly to rub at his aches and pains. Gentle but firm in massaging circles into the swell of his belly, somehow knowing just where to rub to ease the dull achiness of his stomach. And drawing out small but continuous burps from him that bring him more relief.
Oh Great Maker, have mercy on him.
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ahmiin · 2 years
angry thoughts on the newest Master in doctor who
can i just SCREAM about how unapologetically racist and awful the spy!master Newest Master shit is CW Race Hygiene mentions
the fact that they arranged it somehow to go out of their way to make an entire story where the Doctor is actually White This Time while portraying the Doctor as the absolute ultimate pinnacle of biology that a bunch of people based their biology on, having the Master be a POC and having him discover that ALL of his life and his creation is specifically at the hands of a Super Magical Perfect White Person He Should Be Thankful To and then specifically fucking. the fact that delgado was POC (half-spanish) and this was never supposed to be a prominent or even relevant part of the Master's character but the new plot very much makes it feel like "oh, him being granted Regenerations bc of the timeless child's perfect biology magically made him white because thats perfect biology"
as well as portraying it as "oh well he regenerated into a very visibly POC person this time, and that makes him an aggressive evil mass murderer that wants to kill everyone" whoever is writing New Who currently is dead to me
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norsesuggestions · 6 years
about the swedish states oppression of the saami people during the 19th/20th century. Excerpts from: Sami policy in the shadow of racism + Policies based on racial biology
Sami policy in the shadow of racism
by Lennart Lundmark written for Sami Parliament in sweden. link to original: http://www.samer.se/2137
An “inferior race”
Sweden’s Sami policy in the last decades of the 19th century was influenced by racial biology. It was alleged that the Sami were born with certain “racial characteristics” that made them inferior to the rest of the population. Therefore they could not live like “civilized” people in proper houses since they would become lazy and neglect their reindeer. All the Sami would become beggars as a result, since herding reindeer was the only thing they could do.
In 1928 Parliament decided that Sami who did not pursue reindeer husbandry were not entitled to Sami rights. They no longer had the right to hunt and fish in areas where their ancestors had lived, for example. The government thus drew a sharp line between reindeer-herding Sami and those in other occupations. This racist outlook was also applied to education. Under the Nomad Schools Act of 1913 teachers moved from place to place in the mountain areas during the summer.
The youngest children were taught in the family’s tent (lávvu) for a few weeks each year for the first three school years. They were then taught for three months each winter in permanent school premises for three more years. Few subjects were taught,and the educational level was to be such as to ensure that the children were not “civilized”. The children of nomadic Sami were denied admission to public elementary schools. Children who stayed away from nomad school were to be fetched by the police. The Sami protested against this system and sometimes organized schoolstrikes.
Many Sami had to give up reindeer husbandry in the 1920s and 30s. According to several studies they lived in dire poverty. At the same time the government spent substantial sums on settling crofters on Crown land in inland Norrland, but hardly any of this aid was paid to the Sami. Although many Sami had already successfully established smallholdings the authorities did not consider the Sami capable offarming. As late as 1941 the Board of Agriculture declared that they were not suited to farming for “reasons of racial biology”
Policies based on racial biology
by Lennart Lundmark written for the Sami Parliament in sweden. link to original: http://www.samer.se/2137
In the early 20th century many people believed in the value of studying the characteristics of various “races”. Some scientists proposed establishing a Swedish Institute of Racial Biology.
Parliament unanimously adopted a resolution to set up such an institute, which opened in 1922. Herman Lundborg, a Doctor of Medicine, was appointed director of the Institute, whose object was to seek to safeguard the “high quality of the Swedish race”.
The Institute published long books in English and German, as well as Swedish Race Theory, a less theoretical work that sold 11,000 copies in 1927. Herman Lundborg was convinced that it was a bad thing for people of different “races” to have children together.He aimed to prove this by studying miscegenation between “Swedes”, Sami and Finns in the north of Sweden.
After a few years all the Institute’s resources were used to study the Sami, mainly by measuring their skulls.These studies did not produce anything of scientific value.
Scientists and politicians started protesting against Lundborg’s fixation with the Sami and interracial mixing. The Institute’s budget was reduced, but Lundborg remained its director until his retirement in 1935. His successor was strongly opposed to all forms of race research. The Institute subsequently concentrated on studying hereditary diseases, but its name was not changed until 1958, when it was merged with the Department of Medical Genetics at Uppsala University.
The Sami – an Indigenous People in Sweden. published by the Sami Parliament 2005. link: http://www.samer.se/2137
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pandoratelenor · 7 years
In this year, 2017, some old academic dudes just said:
"It might be shooking, but the folkhem in the swedish 1920-1970s used eugenics"
Hello old swedish dudes? You are 70 years late with this realisation. We know this is sweden. "The state institut for race biology" in uppsala sweden?
The non-stop eugenics talk in "lort-sverige" a radio show, used as a starting point of folkhemmet.
All the forced race biological research on sami people? were these people subjected to this are STILL ALIVE?
Because it happened in the 1920-1970s ?
WE KNOW THIS. You did not just discover this! Swedish dude, you are lying to yourself and us when you say it is "a new surprising claim"
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