#cw purple guy
charlidrawz · 1 month
oh your purple guy allegations you are not beating
they are so tiny and i feel like you are also tiny
Not the first
My online name is Charli (Charlie Emily)
Fnaf may be a special interest
& my real name is Mike (Michael Afton)
My favorite/comfort animals are sea turtles, but second to them are bears. Any kind.
Bear in the Big Blue House, Care Bears, Winnie the Pooh, etc...
My main special interests are mlp (kids cartoons) & theme parks & vacationing (family entertainment & attractions)
I grew up going to Disney, Universal, & Chuck e' Cheese a lot then after moving I went to this one multi-story arcade a LOT.
I'm an eldest sibling/older brother too, & for the fnaf movie premiere I made a Fozy mask for myself & FazWatch for my younger brother & let him hold my FredBear plush.
My favorite shirt is a purple fnaf Hawaiian shirt from the Pizza the Action Stupendium music video
I am surrounded
by s o many plushies as we speak- including fnaf.
I have entire playlists of show tunes, cartoon songs, & 80s music
The list goes on & on, man
I can proudly say though- I have never uh.
K1ll3d kids. 💜
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pillowspace · 5 months
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Charlie: Bye Uncle Will, I'm going to the side entrance! // William: Not like that you aren't, young lady! // Puppet: ... // William: yas I slayed!
I've been wanting to draw this for ages. I should probably also take this as an opportunity to thank everyone for 16k+ followers, so thank you for that <3
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aziidaa · 8 months
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da man behind slaughter
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crabfungi · 8 months
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fuhnaf day yay 🎉
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north-noire · 11 days
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I trusted you, Uncle Will.
Color palette from this post (Don't you trust me?). This artwork has been stuck in WIP hell for a while, finally got it out thanks to the color palette challenge post.
Inspiration for this artpiece
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toxifoxx · 3 months
*chanting* fat springtrap!! fat springtrap!!
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as you wish! (^_−)☆
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rongrii · 7 months
I saw this meme again and wanted to do this so much (warning: video is loud)
here u go
I like how it turned out hehehehe
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cherrirui-official · 5 months
Awe yeah Hitman JD art (+ semi-unrelated doodle bc I wanted to put something over the cut)
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!! Blood warning for the art under the cut !!
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@lemony-and-zesty HI I stumbled upon your Hitman John Dory au while looking at trolls fanart and I'm SO NORMAL abt him!!!! I just had to draw him I hope that's okay
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whateveryousaycappy · 7 months
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“And Michael you would fall, and turn the white snow red as strawberries in the summertime” - white winter hymnal
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heres the second ref. mostly for artfight purposes ^_^
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bunnie-bunners · 2 months
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Pim Pimling stimboard! New season coming out tonight!! :D
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rowananimus · 8 months
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* Silly gang...
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0-rai · 4 months
Henry offed himself...
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funkyposs · 4 months
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Mod Springtrap back here once again
Erm, do you think I could probably get a William themed moodboard or stimboard with the themes of probably purple, yellow, rabbits, maybe some of William's other... Hobbies?
ty in advance ^^
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William Afton Stimboard!
For Mod Springtrap ^^
MOD NOTE - Enjoy springyyyy <33
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omori-headspace · 24 days
small blood warning
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six mornings at freyas or some shit
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